Create a mailbox on yandex. How to make an email? The most detailed instruction

landscaping 21.10.2019

How to create an account

To access Yandex.Mail, you need a Yandex account. If you don't have it, follow these steps:

    Enter your first and last name.

    Come up with or choose from the options provided a unique identifier (login) that you will use to log in to Mail and other Yandex services.

    Attention. After registration, you will not be able to change your login.

    Create and remember a password to access your account. The password must be strong so that intruders cannot access your personal data.

    Enter your mobile phone number. By this number you can recover your password and receive notifications, and you can also use it as an additional login. If you want to add a phone number later, you can do so on the Phone Numbers page. If you do not want to provide a phone number, click the link I do not have a phone and select a security question and provide an answer to it. This information is required to recover your password.

    Enter the characters from the picture (this is protection against automatic registration).

    Note. If the characters in the picture are hard to make out, click on the Other code link.

    Make sure that the item that you accept the terms of the User Agreement and consent to the processing of personal data is checked.

    Click the button Register.

After registration, you will receive an email address that consists of your username, the @ sign, and the domain name (or one of its domain aliases). For example, [email protected]. Domain alias is determined automatically during registration.

You can change your personal information at any time, ask a different security question, provide alternative email addresses to contact you, or edit your list of phone numbers.

How to change login

You cannot change the login you created when registering on Yandex, but you can register a new one. To do this, click the link Sign out of Yandex services in the account menu in the upper right corner of the page, and then on the page that opens, the link Create mail.

Attention. If you have registered a new mailbox and want to have access to your old emails, you need to set up a mail collector from the old mailbox. If you want to send emails from both addresses, you can add the old one as an additional address.

How to come up with a strong password

A good password is one that is difficult to guess or guess.

Never share your password with anyone to access your account. The more people who know your password, the more likely it is that an attacker will find it out.

To create a complex password, use:

    both uppercase and lowercase Latin letters;

  • punctuation marks:

    • allowed ` ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * () - _ = + ( ) ; : \" | , .< > / ?


      only ~ and " are not allowed.

What passwords are weak?

What should not be used as a password:

    Passwords you already use on other websites or apps. If someone knows, for example, your password to a social network, with this password they will try to enter not only Yandex, but also other social networks, postal services, online banks.

    Regular words ( margarita , begemot ) as well as predictable letter combinations ( qwerty , 123456)

    Personal data that you could indicate somewhere on the Internet: name, birthday, passport number, etc. Even the mother's maiden name, which no one seems to know, should not be used.

Special postal address

If you do not want to indicate your real email address when registering in online stores, forums or other resources, add a + sign to your login and any word by which you can recognize this site. You should end up with an address like this: [email protected]. An email sent to this address will go to the Spam folder of your real mailbox.

A special postal address on Yandex will also be useful to re-register on the site. For example, if you forgot your account password on this site and cannot recover it.

Phone number instead of username

The phone number linked to the account can be used as an additional login. To do this, on the Phone numbers page, enable the option use phone number as login.

Each phone number can become an additional login for only one account. At the same time, only one additional login can be connected for each account - only the main phone number can become such a login.

Let's say you made the number +7 987 123-45-67 an additional login. Now you can:

    Enter a phone number (numbers only, for example 79871234567 ) wherever you need to specify a Yandex login.

Features of mail with an additional login

To send a letter to such an address, the number can be specified in any format (without spaces) - the Mail will recognize and [email protected] website, and [email protected] website .

Emails sent to this address will be sent to your Yandex.Mail inbox. The address will stop working if you disable the additional login or unlink the number from the account.

If the phone number passes to another person, and the new owner connects it as an additional login, the email address will also pass to him. How to avoid it:

    If you have lost your SIM card, restore it in the salon of a mobile operator.

    If you have changed your number, unlink the old number and link the new one on the page

Yandex.Mail today is not just a service for receiving and sending letters, it is also an account with which you, as a user, get access to most of Yandex's services. For example, without registration, you will not be able to use such useful services as, for example, Direct or Wordstat.

If we talk about the mail service itself, it appeared at the beginning of the 2000s of the last century and almost immediately began to be popular. Now it is a powerful project with excellent protection against spam, malicious links or programs. It is also important that hacking e-mail is extremely difficult, especially with the right password.

How to register mail on Yandex?

The first thing to do is go to the start page of the search engine at On the right side of the screen there is a window like this:

Since you have not yet created an e-mail, then you need to click on the "Create a mailbox" link. After that, a form will appear for filling in the data in which you must enter:

  • Surname
  • Login
  • Password
  • Security question and answer
  • Mobile phone
  • captcha

With the name and surname, I think everything is clear anyway - they can be both real and fictional. However, I would advise you to enter real information about yourself, as this can positively affect the recovery of the mailbox in case it is stolen, for example.

In the login field, you must enter a nickname of your choice. Only Latin letters and numbers are used, special characters are prohibited. As is the case with many other mail systems, the most popular words are taken, so if you enter, say, the nickname ogurez, the system will offer you other available options that already include the word ogurez.

Let's move on to the password. Remember, the last one cannot completely match the login! At the same time, you can use part of it, but it is highly not recommended to do this in order to avoid opening the e-mail. About that, I already wrote. It makes no sense to repeat, but let me remind you that the password must consist of at least 10-12 characters, including letters of different case, special characters and numbers. Here is a simple example: htF7$dgSAp0kf. The only negative is that this set of characters is very difficult to remember, so it is advisable to write it down in a notebook that you will keep at home somewhere away from prying eyes.

Let's move on to the control question. Nothing complicated - you just need to choose a question and answer it. This will restore the mailbox as well as it if desired. This information must be remembered, but only 99% of users forget about it. I recommend writing down the data in a notepad.

It is up to you to decide whether to indicate your mobile phone number. I advise you to do so. First, it's free. Secondly, information about the number is stored in the memory of Yandex servers and is not distributed. Thirdly, using the phone, you can instantly restore access to mail. By the way, one number can be linked to no more than three Yandex e-mails. What is the reason for this limitation, I do not know.

Finally, you need to enter the captcha. At the time of this writing, it consisted of Latin letters, but now Yandex is translating all its captchas into the Russian layout, so when you register, you will most likely see native Russian letters.

Actually, that's all, it remains only to click on the "Register" button.


Finally, I will tell you about some of the most interesting mailbox settings.

  • Surely you will be interested in the possibility of adding your own portrait, which is displayed in your letters (section "Settings" - "Personal data"). Here you can also add a permanent signature to the letter or change your name (the login remains the same).
  • In the "Security" section, you can get acquainted with the log of e-mail visits, which displays the time of visiting the mailbox and IP address. This feature is very useful, especially in cases where you suspect that someone else is using your mail.
  • In the "Rules for processing letters" section, you will probably be interested in the so-called "Black List". As you might have guessed, you can enter various e-mails into it, as a result of which letters from these addresses will be ignored and not sent to the mail. This is an excellent protection, for example, against obsessive subscription.
  • I also advise you to pay attention to the possibility of changing the design of the box. At your service a large number of themes for every taste. If they do not suit you or just seem too bright, then you can simply change the color of the design.

For any questions, please contact through the comments.

To access Yandex.Mail, you need a Yandex account. If you don't have it, follow these steps:

    Enter your first and last name.

    Come up with or choose from the options provided a unique identifier (login) that you will use to log in to Mail and other Yandex services.

    Attention. After registration, you will not be able to change your login.

    Create and remember a password to access your account. The password must be strong so that intruders cannot access your personal data.

    Enter your mobile phone number. By this number you can recover your password and receive notifications, and you can also use it as an additional login. If you want to add a phone number later, you can do so on the Phone Numbers page. If you do not want to provide a phone number, click the link I do not have a phone and select a security question and provide an answer to it. This information is required to recover your password.

    Enter the characters from the picture (this is protection against automatic registration).

    Note. If the characters in the picture are hard to make out, click on the Other code link.

    Make sure that the item that you accept the terms of the User Agreement and consent to the processing of personal data is checked.

    Click the button Register.

After registration, you will receive an email address that consists of your username, the @ sign, and the domain name (or one of its domain aliases). For example, [email protected]. Domain alias is determined automatically during registration.

You can change your personal information at any time, ask a different security question, provide alternative email addresses to contact you, or edit your list of phone numbers.

How to change login

You cannot change the login you created when registering on Yandex, but you can register a new one. To do this, click the link Sign out of Yandex services in the account menu in the upper right corner of the page, and then on the page that opens, the link Create mail.

Attention. If you have registered a new mailbox and want to have access to your old emails, you need to set up a mail collector from the old mailbox. If you want to send emails from both addresses, you can add the old one as an additional address.

How to come up with a strong password

A good password is one that is difficult to guess or guess.

Never share your password with anyone to access your account. The more people who know your password, the more likely it is that an attacker will find it out.

To create a complex password, use:

    both uppercase and lowercase Latin letters;

  • punctuation marks:

    • allowed ` ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * () - _ = + ( ) ; : \" | , .< > / ?


      only ~ and " are not allowed.

What passwords are weak?

What should not be used as a password:

    Passwords you already use on other websites or apps. If someone knows, for example, your password to a social network, with this password they will try to enter not only Yandex, but also other social networks, postal services, online banks.

    Regular words ( margarita , begemot ) as well as predictable letter combinations ( qwerty , 123456)

    Personal data that you could indicate somewhere on the Internet: name, birthday, passport number, etc. Even the mother's maiden name, which no one seems to know, should not be used.

Special postal address

If you do not want to indicate your real email address when registering in online stores, forums or other resources, add a + sign to your login and any word by which you can recognize this site. You should end up with an address like this: [email protected]. An email sent to this address will go to the Spam folder of your real mailbox.

A special postal address on Yandex will also be useful to re-register on the site. For example, if you forgot your account password on this site and cannot recover it.

Phone number instead of username

The phone number linked to the account can be used as an additional login. To do this, on the Phone numbers page, enable the option use phone number as login.

Each phone number can become an additional login for only one account. At the same time, only one additional login can be connected for each account - only the main phone number can become such a login.

Let's say you made the number +7 987 123-45-67 an additional login. Now you can:

    Enter a phone number (numbers only, for example 79871234567 ) wherever you need to specify a Yandex login.

Features of mail with an additional login

To send a letter to such an address, the number can be specified in any format (without spaces) - the Mail will recognize and [email protected] website, and [email protected] website .

Emails sent to this address will be sent to your Yandex.Mail inbox. The address will stop working if you disable the additional login or unlink the number from the account.

If the phone number passes to another person, and the new owner connects it as an additional login, the email address will also pass to him. How to avoid it:

    If you have lost your SIM card, restore it in the salon of a mobile operator.

    If you have changed your number, unlink the old number and link the new one on the page

If your website and business are focused on Runet, then a mailbox and a Yandex account are just as necessary as they are. Let's figure out how to quickly and easily create Yandex mail.

What is Yandex Mail for?

  • Preparing to create a new site starts with . Service has been and remains the main tool in this difficult task. To work with it, you need an account in Yandex, since the service requires you to log in;
  • If you are not a fan of sitting in Wordstat for hours and picking keys manually, you can use either KeyCollector. But even for these programs, you need to specify Yandex accounts in the settings through which they will parse Wordstat;
  • To control the indexing of projects, you will need access to tools and Yandex.Metrics (read,);
  • To work with advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct. Here, too, you can't do without an account.

How to create Yandex mail

If you are more comfortable watching a video than reading instructions, watch a video demonstrating the registration procedure:

To register mail in Yandex, follow the link and click on the “ Registration“:

A form will open in front of us:

If you are creating a personal account, please provide valid information. You may want to get a certificate in Yandex.Direct and Yandex.Metrica. The data for these certificates is taken from your Yandex account, so the name on the certificate will be exactly the name that you enter in the “ Name" and " Surname“. Everything is exactly the same as with Google Analytics.

Mobile is optional. You can click on the button I do not have a phone” and instead specify a secret question and answer to it. Of course, the answer to such a question should be known only to you. Do not use options like "Mother's Maiden Name", this information can be easily obtained by ill-wishers who decide to hack your site.

The second way to register is to go to the Yandex home page and click on the “ Start mail” in the upper right corner of the page:

As you can see, creating a Yandex mail is as easy as creating a Google mail.


So, your mailbox in Yandex Mail has been created. So far, it is empty, with only a couple of promotional emails in the inbox. If you plan to use Yandex mail for or parsing, you can skip the setting. If the box is personal, you can dig a little in it.

To access the settings, you need to click on the gear icon in the upper right part of the mail interface. A menu will pop up with settings sections:

Click on " Personal details, signature, portrait” and go to the section “ Sender Information“:

Here you can change the first and last name (the mail address itself cannot be changed at the same time) and set an avatar. This is the information that the recipients of your emails will see.

Below you can set a signature that will be automatically displayed under all letters you send:

You can get creative with the design of the signature, add pictures, emoticons, quotes. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Import and collect mail

If you already have a mailbox in another service and you want letters addressed to it to come to your new Yandex Mail, set up mail collection.

To do this, click on the gear again and select “ Collection of mail from other mailboxes“:

If you want not to collect, but rather export mail to another mailbox from Yandex Mail, look at the settings in the importer box.


If you want to replace the default theme with something more fun, click on the icon next to the gear:

Here you can choose a theme of your choice. Let's say if you are into tanks, you can style the theme in the appropriate style:

In this case, in addition to the topic itself, a block of news about World of Tanks will be added to the mail interface. The fans will appreciate it.

Yandex Post and Ukraine

The Ukrainian government has imposed sanctions against a number of Russian IT companies, including Yandex. So, Ukrainian providers were ordered to block access to Yandex services. This created a ton of inconvenience for webmasters, marketers and entrepreneurs, because they had to look for ways to bypass blocking.

If you are in Ukraine and you need to create a Yandex. You can use the following options:

  • Install Yandex Browser or the latest Opera, they contain a built-in VPN;
  • Install the VPN extension for Firefox or Chrome. There are many such add-ons, you can try ZenMate or any other;
  • The best option is to connect the service

I continue the topic of articles about Internet mailboxes. Surely almost everyone today has mail on the Internet, but not everyone has Yandex email.

If you want to register in Yandex mail and create your own soap there, then read this article to the end and you will succeed. If something remains unclear, then watch the video tutorial on how to register in Yandex, which is located at the end of the article.

History of Yandex

Yandex was born in the late 80s in the Arcadia company, which was engaged in the development of search technologies. Subsequently, "Arcadia" entered Comp Tec. The company's developers invented a couple of search programs that were classified according to the search for the Bible and took into account the peculiarities of the morphology of the Russian language. In the future, this technology was decided to be called "Yandex".

The very word "Yandex" was coined by two people in 1993: Ilya Segalevich, the director of Yandex, and Arkady Volozh, the general director of this project.

September 27, 1997 is considered the official birthday of the search engine. It was presented at the Softcool exhibition, which was held in Moscow.

In order to start the registration process, you must have a computer turned on and access to the Internet, where we will carry out all our actions.

If you want to register in other mail systems, you can use this information:

Let's start the registration process in the mail from Yandex.

We go to any Internet browser, I prefer google chrome, you can use any other.

In the search box, we type - this is the official website of Yandex, you can follow the link below.

We get to "Uncle Yasha", where in the upper right corner we need to click on the small link "Enter the mail".

We are transferred to, here we will register our new electronic mailbox on Yandex.

If you are not there, but you want to create a mailbox without linking other social networks, you can click on the big green Start mail button.

We are asked: Do we really want to start a new mailbox? Click Create new mailbox.

We get to the registration page, where you need to enter a minimum of information about yourself. If you are registering from a mobile device, then you should open a page compatible with your device, otherwise you can go to the very bottom of the registration page and click on the green link Mobile version in the lower left corner.

First of all, you need to come up with a login for yourself, with the help of it, people will be able to write you emails to your mailbox. Also, when you register on different forums or programs, for example, where you must indicate your email. Here you just enter your login, that is, the name of your e-mail box.

When filling out the login, you must use only Latin letters, you can also use numbers. The use of Russian letters when filling out a login is impossible and the Yandex system, like any mail system, will notify you of this.

After you have entered your login, you need to write it in the column Create a login and wait a bit while the verification is in progress. Most likely, the system will write that the login for registration is not available and will offer its own options for free e-mail boxes.

Therefore, you need to come up with a new login, and if it is free, then a corresponding message from Yandex will appear opposite it. This process of selecting the desired login (nickname) may take some time, so be patient and select combinations that suit you.

After you have chosen the desired login and the system said that it is free, you can proceed to filling in the following columns of the first and last names.

Then you need to come up with a password. You can use two hints How to choose a password and Show password text.

As you type in your password, a strip of red, yellow, and green colors will appear below it. What do these colors mean, you ask me? Let's talk about each in more detail.

Red is too short a password.

Yellow color is a simple and not complicated password.

Green color - means that the password is complex and strong.

Then you need to repeat your password so as not to make a mistake. In this column, you need to type the same password as you just wrote above.

I recommend using both letters and numbers when compiling any passwords, thereby reducing the risk of hacking your mailbox, but it still remains - you can hack anything. And also write down your login and password on a separate piece of paper, in a diary, or create a text document and enter your data there. If you forget or lose them, you can look where you recorded them.

In one of my previous articles, my computer repair blog, I mentioned that my email inbox located on was hacked.

If you are interested to know what I did to restore it and how much time I spent on it, then you can look here -.

The next step is to move on to the security question and the answer to it. Here you can choose a question from the suggested ones or ask your own, the choice is yours.

The question was chosen, now we write the answer to it. I think everything is simple here.

There is an opportunity to specify your mobile phone, an example is written just below. This field is not required to be filled out.

What is it for, you ask me? If you forget, lose, or your password becomes known to intruders, you can use the password recovery function by phone number.

In the near future, instructions will be sent to your mobile phone with further steps to recover or a new password. This option is probably present in all normal electronic mail services.

At the final stage of registering Yandex e-mail, we are asked to type the characters shown in the picture. This is necessary so that the mail system where you register understands that you are not a bot, but an ordinary reasonable person.

If the text is not visible to you or is hard to read, you can click on the link to show another picture.

Mandatory need to accept the terms of the user agreement and tick the box that you agree. For a detailed study or familiarization of the agreement and privacy policy, you can follow these two links in the text.

Well, we have filled everything in, now you can click on the Start mail button.

If you filled out something incorrectly or incorrectly, then opposite or under this item, filling out the questionnaire, a corresponding message will appear, marked in red.

At this stage, registration in Yandex e-mail is completed.

Yandex quick email setup

After we clicked Start mail, our new mailbox opened in front of us, with one incoming letter. Then a welcome window appears - Welcome to Yandex mail! and some additional settings. If everything suits you, you can click later.

Here you can set some quick settings for yourself, consisting of five steps.

Sender information: name, time zone, photo, and more.

We choose the design of the mail that we like the most.

Congratulations, your mail is set up, now you can get to work.

At this point, quick mail setup is complete. Everything is clear and you should not have any difficulties with this.

And now I propose to watch a short video tutorial on how to create a mailbox - Yandex.

Registration in Yandex email


Today we have gone all the way to register or how to create a mailbox - Yandex. I hope you succeeded the first time, if not, then re-read these instructions or watch the video tutorial.

Perhaps you have questions related to creating email in Yandex. You can ask them below in the comments to this article, as well as use the form with me.

Thank you for reading me

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