The main components of strategic management and their characteristics. Stages of strategic management

Garden technique 21.09.2019
Garden technique

Components of strategic management.

Strategic management includes five main components that form the following chain of prospective target solutions (Fig. 2):

1. Vision is the image of the possible and desired future state of the enterprise.

2. Business scope - type of activity related to a specific economic unit, program, etc. The definition of the business involves an assessment of its prospects and clarifying its specific place and opportunities in it.

3. The mission, or socially significant role, the company is a qualitatively pronounced set of major business goals.

4. Strategy - an integrated model of action intended to achieve the goals of the enterprise. The content of the strategy is a set of decision-making rules used to determine the basic, activities.

5. Programs and plans are a system of measures to implement the strategy adopted by the enterprise, designed to address the tasks of the allocation of resources, powers and liability among divisions (employees) involved in the implementation of the Strategy; Development of operational plans and programs.

Figure 2 - chain of prospective target solutions in managing the development of the enterprise.

Strategic management stages.

The main stages of strategic management are (Fig. 3):

1. Environmental analysis;

2. Definition of the mission and objectives of the organization;

3. Formation and choice of strategy;

4. Implementation of the strategy;

5. Evaluation and control of the implementation of the strategy.

Figure 3 - Strategic Management Stages

Consider the proposed steps in more detail.

The analysis of the medium is the source process in strategic management, as it creates a base for determining the mission and the objectives of the organization, developing a strategy for its development. The internal environment of the organization is analyzed in the following areas: marketing, finance and accounting, production, personnel, management organization. When analyzing the external environment, economic, political, social, international factors, as well as competition factors are being investigated. At the same time, the outer environment is divided into two components: the immediate environment (direct impact) and the macroculation (indirect environment). The purpose of strategic analysis is the identification of threats and capabilities of the external environment, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the organization (this is the so-called SWOT analysis).

The process of determining the mission and goals consists of three subprocesses:

* formulating the organization's mission, which in a specific form expresses the meaning of its existence;

* definition of long-term goals;

* Definition of medium-term purposes.

Formulation and choice of strategy involve the formation of alternative directions for the development of the organization, their assessment and the choice of the best strategic alternative for implementation. This uses a special toolkit, which includes quantitative methods of prediction, the development of future development scenarios, portfolio analysis.

The implementation of the strategy is a critical process, since it is in the case of successful implementation that leads an enterprise to achieve his goals. The implementation of the Strategy is carried out through the development of programs, budgets and procedures that can be viewed as medium-term and short-term strategy implementation plans. The main components of the successful implementation of the strategy:

* The objectives of the strategy and plans are brought to employees in order to achieve an understanding of what the organization seeks, and involve the strategy in the implementation process;

* Guidelines ensures in a timely manner ensuring all the resources necessary for the implementation of the strategy, forms a plan to implement a strategy in the form of target plants;

* In the process of implementing the strategy, each level of management solves its tasks and implements functions attached to it.

The results of the implementation of the Strategy are estimated, and with the help of the feedback system, the organization's activities are monitored, during which the previous steps can be adjusted.

IN present There are different views (approaches) to the sequence of stages of the strategic management process.

The first approach is based on what must be carried out first The analysis of the medium, and then establish the mission and objectives of the organization, justifying this by the fact that, without having the idea of \u200b\u200bthe environment of the enterprise, it is difficult and impossible to establish a mission and real goals.

Another approach, on the contrary, is that you must first determine the mission and the goals of the company and only then move to the analysis of the medium, because Knowing the mission and goals can be determined by the required information for analysis, i.e. Treat the range of analysis and reduce the time and means spent on its conduct.

The method of resolving this conflict of views was the search for compromises: strategic vision. In strategic management, the concept of management was distributed on the basis of the vision of the goals, which provides for the desire of people to work for the achievement of certain ideals. Strategic vision is a business condition that can be achieved in a distant future under the most favorable conditions. This is the least clear landmark of the enterprise. Therefore, the strategic management process can be represented as follows (Fig. 4).

Figure 4 - Strategic management process.

strategy Management Competitive

Strategic management is a management process aimed at achieving the objectives of the organization, based on the selected funds.

In other words, strategic management is the process of developing and implementing the strategy. Under the strategy you need to understand the direction of development of the company.

Strategic management stages:

1 Analysis of the external and internal environment;

2 mission formulation;

3 Establishing goals;

4 Formation of strategic alternatives;

5 Evaluation and selection of strategic alternatives;

6 implementation of the strategy;

7 Control and adjustment.

1) Analysis of the external and internal environment (Wednesday - a set of factors, the cat. Influence the activities of the organization; external - (macro factors, cat. Do not manage to manage the company's management, establishes laws on the cat. Functions Micro Wednesday, has an indirect impact: NTP , social, economic, political and legal; natural-climatic; - (micro factors, cat. have direct contact, affect the company directly): existing competitors, competitors beginners, competitors producing substitutes, buyers, suppliers, intermediaries; internal (aggregate Internal environment factors, cat. Fully under the leadership of the company): material (fixed assets, human, financial and production resources); intangible (factors that do not have a real form: image, brand, trademark); 2) mission formulation (organization mission - the expression of its philosophy and the meaning of existence, reflects the status of the organization, the principles of its work, intentions Manuals, it is directed to the future and should not depend on the current state of the organization, factors are taken into account, the cat. The organization will differ from the main competitors); 3) setting goals (targets, those key results, to the cat. Striving the organization in its activities are formed strategic goals, are established for the long term, cover the activities of the whole organization, the highest management is responsible for the installation, are related to functioning in the external environment, are common and wide, the formation comes from the assessment of the potential opportunities of the company and the provision of its relevant resources); 4) the formation of strategic alternatives (there are several alternatives to strategies; strategy - the definition of long-term goals and course of action to achieve these goals, as well as the distribution of available resources. Page basic (corporate): growth of concentric and conglomerate, growth of external and internal, stabilization, Reducing; Competitive: focusing, differentiation, synergism, low costs, pioneers; p. Ansoff: penetration, market expansion, commodity expansion, diversification; strategic porter alternatives: cost leadership, wide differentiation, focusing costs; p. diversification: Vertical associated, horizontal related, diversification Direct and inverse integration, not related diversification.) 5) Evaluation and selection of strategic alternatives (4 types of strategist alternatives: 1. Fireless growth is the establishment of goals from the achieved adjusted inflation, applied in mature Industries naturality with static technology, when the organization as a whole is satisfied with its position; 2.List - carried out by annual significant increase in the level of short-term and long-term goals above the level of indicators of the previous year; 3. Reception - the level of persecuted goals is established below the achieved in the past: liquidation - complete sale of material reserves and assets of the organization; Clearing the extra - firms consider it profitable to separate some of the units or activities; Reduction and reorientation - reducing part of its activities in an attempt to increase profits, apply with an economic downturn or easy to save the organization; 4.Comotive - adhere to large firms actively operating in several industries); 6) implementation of the strategy (implementation of 3 factors: the resource support of the strategy (after choosing the strategy, the attention of the management is drawn to the assessment of the resource provision of this strategy, the degree of change depends on the degree of change, the cat. Offers this strategy: strategies, cat. Require minor changes in the resource database; Strategies requiring an increase in the resource base to stimulate the growth program; strategies requiring a reduction in the resource base, this category is used to overcome the recession stage. When evaluating resources, resource audit is used to be inspected for compliance, for the presence); change of organizational culture, organizational structure Under the chosen strategy (4 types, in factory, from how they relate to strategies: Cultures Defenders - SUT. In the Organizations of Deet-X in mature markets, the task: improvement of positions in existing markets, stability; k. Scouts - constantly looking for Opportunities for new goods and markets; k. Analysts - able to combine stability with instability; c. Reactive - often there is no clearly sforming stratora-goal, do not conduct innovation and seek to intercept the achievements of their competitors; Org-Р - RA: Height: Height (number of levels of essence inside the org. Str-ry); width (depends on the degree of centralization and decentr-II of decision-making); complexity of stroke (degree of hierarchical subordination). 7) strategic control, assessment and change (K - the process ensuring the achievement of the objectives of the organization, the final stage of the Pages, aimed at identifying deviations from the specified course, provides feedback: preliminary - implemented in the form of a certain policy, procedures and rules; tech Great - wept. in the form of controlling the subordinate to his immediate boss; Final - wept. After the work is finished or expired allocated time. Stages: Setting standards (i.e. specific objectives that have time limits having temporary boundaries; For the UPR-I needed standards in the form of performance indicators of the control object); Comparison of functioning indicators with specified standards (def. The scale of permissible deviations and on the principle of exclusion, only significant deviations are subject to adjustment); Measurement of results (Compare results with specified standards, the need to adjust actions (change of some kind of internal systems, changes in the standards themselves, non-interference in the system operation)).


Three main objectives of the strategy

Of course, specific goals for each organization will be individual. But they must include at least three main goals:

Increased profit today and in the future. After all, profit is the main goal of any commercial organization. And without increasing profits, it is impossible to develop. For non-commercial organizations, the goal may be an increase in the number of students, patients, the audience, the volume of services provided, etc.) today and in the future.

Satisfaction of partners, customers and societies in general today and in the future.

Satisfying your own employees today and in the future.

What other information should be contained in the strategy?

The strategy should contain detailed information so that any employee of the company can easily understand that it should personally do to fulfill the general goals of the company.

Each employee should easily find an answer to the question why his personal result is necessary to achieve a common goal. The employee must understand not only what exactly he should do, but why should he do it. Without this there is no involvement of employees and their commitment to the company.

The strategy should contain a full detailed plan with the partitions to the steps - what needs to be done to achieve intermediate results and the general goals of the company. When people see a complete list of tasks that need to be performed to achieve the goal, they often find missed steps in it. It can significantly speed up the introduction and dispose of annoying errors.

Strategies, Men-T can be considered as a combination of 5 managerial processes, which flows one of the other:

  1. Analysis of the environment - source process, because Provides bases for determining both the mission and goals of the company and to develop strategic behavior. He involves learning 3 main parts of the environment:


Competitive environment

Interior environment

Definitionmissions and goals are determined by the meaning of the company's existence, its purpose, long-term and short-term goals, in order to make it clear what to strive for the firm and on the basis of this to choose a strategy of behavior.

Choosing a strategy. Strategy.This stage is critical, because In the event of a successful implementation of the strategy, the company leads to the achievement of the goals and vice versa. Evaluation and control of executionclarification of the reasons for deviation is the correction of the preceding stages.

B-14. Organizational culture, types of organizational culture.

Under organizational culturethe system of collectively divided by them, symbols, beliefs, behavior samples, withstring the test of time, will be reduced in the process of everyday cooperation. The organizational culture has an impact of social and business environment, national-state and ethnic factors.

The culture permeates the control process from beginning to end. It facilitates communication, dictates the logic of thinking, perception and interpretation (giving an individual sense of observation and establishing the relationship between them) verbal and especially non-verbal information.

The culture of the organization is multifaceted and consists in the first of the subcultures of individual units or social groups (they can specify it and develop, to peacefully exist along with it, or contradict). Secondly, organizational culture includes subcultures of certain directions and parties to the prevention, management business communication, internal relationships.

At the place of organization and the degree of influence there are several types of cultures:

1. The indisputable culture is characterized by a small number of basic values \u200b\u200band norms and non-quantity orientation on them. It does not allow uncontrolled influence on its foundations both from outside and from the inside, being thus closed.

2. Weak culture practically does not contain common values \u200b\u200band norms: each element of the organization is their own, and often contradictory others and the values \u200b\u200bof weak culture easily change under the inner and external influence.

3. Strong culture is openly influenced both from the inside and outside (openness suggests free exchange of views between all participants in organizations and unauthorized persons).

In relation to the organization, the culture performs a number of functions:

1. A security feature is to create a fight against unwanted external influences.

2. The integrating unites people in their daily activities, forms a common psychology for all, a sense of belonging to an organization, pride for it, causes the desire of unauthorized persons to be included in it.

3. The regulatory supports the necessary rules and norms of the behavior of the members of the organization, their relationship.

4. Adaptive facilitates the mutual adaptation of people to each other and to the organization

5. The orientative directs the activities of the organization and the participants in the necessary direction.

6. Motivational creates the necessary incentives for this.

7. The function of the formation of the image of the organization, that is, its image in the eyes of others, which is the result of involuntary synthesis by people of individual elements of the organization's culture in a certain elusive integer, which is nevertheless a huge impact on both emotional and rational attitude towards it.

Based on the orientation of culture on people, or the creation of organizational conditions of activity allocate the following types:

1.Bureaucratic culture is characterized by the regulation of all sides company activities Based on documents, clear rules, procedures; assessment and promotion of personnel on formal criteria. The source of power here is property or high position. Such a culture guarantees people stability, security, eliminates conflicts.

2. Hospital culture is peculiar to organizations where the key role is played by innovation and creative personnel activity. Culture guarantees the satisfaction of the needs of people in development and improvement.

Depending on the methods of profit:

1 Investment culture It is characteristic of large firms and banks. She supports business with a high risk associated with major capital investments on long term In conditions of uncertainty, when a quick return is impossible.

2 Administrative cultureinherent in the largest firms, as well as government agencies. She puts at the head of the corner not so much on profits, or a loud success, how much minimization of risk, stability. It is distinguished by a bureaucratic, a formal approach, non-detention of decisions, orientation for titles and positions.

3 Culture of profitable dealsinfected by organizations like stock.

4 Trade culture It is primarily characteristic of organizations aimed at rapidly obtaining stable results and a small risk.

B-15 Self-compliance manager.

Certificate is the self-development of the manager as a person and organizing his personal activity, representing a failed and consistent use of tested working methods in everyday practice in specific conditions for the prevalence of self-organization

The main objectives of the self-compliance:

Maximum use of the time manager and its capabilities.

Conscious Management of Life

Overcoming external circumstances both at work and in personal life.

The allocation and special consideration by many professionals in the field of management of the organization of activities, the manager is due to the important value of this problem, namely, as follows:

The organization of the work of the manager largely determines the effectiveness, the effectiveness of its activities

The work of the manager has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the activities of subordinate leaders, specialists and other workers

The activity of the manager largely determines the results of the functioning of the organization or division

The remuneration of the manager, as a rule, significantly exceeds the labor of other employees, which requires the effective use of this work.

Application of self-management contributes to the rational organization of the manager's activities

With a daily solution of different types of tasks, the manager performs various functions. This process can be represented as a circle of self-based, clearly demonstrating links between individual functions.

In the external circle, 5 functions are indicated:

1. Suitable goals

2. Planning

3. Determination of preservation for upcoming cases

4. Suitable labor day and organization labor process

5.SameControl and adjustment of goals.

The first function setting goals.Each managerial employee must put a goal in front of him, which means a look into the future, the orientation and concentration of forces and activity on what should be achieved. In fact, the goal forms the end result, the process of setting the goals covers three phrases: "What would I like? "," What I really can "," "What will I come to the realization of what I will come?"

The following symology function planning personal service manager. When planning is planned, the rational use of the most valuable wealth is the time6 or existing time to use for fruitful activities (maximum criterion), or to achieve goals with less time consumption (minimum criterion). Planning means preparations for the implementation of goals and structuring time.

The rational organization of labor of the head in the conditions of chronic time deficit involves definition of priorities In doing business.

Important for effectiveness management activities It is rational in terms of spending time organization of the employment process Manager. This requires the conditional division of his working day into three parts.

The latest function of self-control is control over the results or self-control, thanks to which it is determined whether planned cases were performed, and the necessary adjustments are made.

B-16. External and internal environmental environment.

The functioning and development of each organization is carried out in a medium (internal and external). Any action of the organization is possible only if the environment allows its implementation. The state and activity of the organization at any time is the result of the action of its internal factors and the effects of the external environment.

Internal environment (this is a combination of properties inherent in it, specific characteristics and combinations that give it a certain person.)organizations is a source of its vitality. It enters into itself the potential that gives the opportunity to function, and therefore exist and survive at a certain period of time. But the internal environment can also be the source of problems and even the death of the organization in the event that it does not provide the necessary functioning of the organization.

When moving to a market economy, the internal environment of the organization should occur, adapting it to the market.

The internal environment of the organization is a combination, a combination of the following main components:


Inspecganization processes


Organizational culture

The inner life of the organization consists of large number Different actions, subprocesses and processes. Depending on the type of organization, its size and type of activity, some processes and actions may occupy the leading place in it, others might either be absent or carried out in a small amount.

External environment(This is a combination of publicized factors outside the organization and affect its activities) It is a source that feeds the organization of resources necessary to maintain its livelihoods, internal potential at the proper level. At the same time, the organization in turn, as compensation for this, should give the results of its activities into the external environment. Thus, the organization is in a state of constant interaction with the external environment. As soon as there is a connection with her, the organization dies. The interaction of the Organization with an external environment provides the possibility of existence, the vital activity of the organization, the internal potential at the proper level, as well as the stability, expectance of constructing emerging reassembly and achieve the objectives of the outrageous impacts.

The organization should receive the necessary optimal amount of quality information from the external environment. The desire does not spend a lot of strength and funds for the collection and processing of information pays the danger of incomplete accounting of important indicators of development, and Zhto, in turn, limits the possibility of timely solution of the organization's policies. The excessive amount of information causes an increase in the cost of obtaining information, creates difficulties in its processing.

All external environment factors can be divided into two groups. The first is made factors of the General External Environment (Macrocredes) of organizations, on the elements of which the organization cannot affect. The influence of these factors is more or less identical for many organizations. Main factors:

State of the economy of the state

Socio-cultural factors

Naturally geographical conditions

Legislative system

Credit Financial Policy

Level of development and technologies

World market

The second group includes the factors of the direct (business) environment of organizations (microsudes with the elements of which the organization interacts and can affect them). It:

Created consumers



Business partners

Systems of state systems. Regulation

Sources of power pressure on Org


B-17 Essence of Business - Planning and Business Plan Functions

Business planas a forecast of own business.

Business planas a document for investment investment (investment project).

The need for BP arises in the following cases:

1) opening a new case

2) republication of an existing firm

3) the choice of new activities

4) Preparation of applications for a loan.

Business planning - The process of developing actions to achieve the goal of the company. The main form of BP-Ia.

Bp - a business development plan based on strategic analysis and arising from strategic decision-making.

Basic target -determine the strategy and the necessary resources to achieve the goals. Other possible goals:

  1. obtaining a loan
  2. attracting investments
  3. definition of strategic and tactical landmarks
  4. calculating the degree of reality to achieve concrete results
  5. doc in a certain circle of persons need to publish a new or recharged existing company
  6. achievement of employees in the reality of achieving goals

Business Plan Functions:

B-18. Structure and content of the main sections of the business plan

The structure of the business plan for the technique of the unit:

- Investment size

- the ratio of own and borrowed funds

- The essence of the project

- goals, tasks

- Attractive sides

- Financial results of the project:

a) revenue (sales from sales)

b) net profit

c) the amount of paid taxes

- Integration Resources

a) Playback of the project

b) profitability index

c) net reduced income

d) internal rate of profitability

- Financial indicators

a) Liquidity

b) enterprise solvency

c) Business

d) profitability

2. Description or the essence of the project (2 - 3 sheets)

- Starting: You

- Developing: JUR. Face or IP without the formation of JUR. Persons

4. Product Product Description (Good Business Plan 1 - 2 Product)

5. Market analysis

Ø Market description

Ø Capacity market

Ø Price dynamics for similar products for the past few years

Ø Forecast market development forecasts

Ø plans to take an enterprise

Ø Buyers products \\ services

Ø Analysis of competitors

6. Production Plan - a description of the production process from which it follows that the company is able to produce the amount of products it planned i.e. May organize production and has resources for this:

1. Distribution of production areas (property; Rent)

2.The care in the equipment, its suppliers, prices, delivery times

3. Followable investments

4.Plan sales

5. Planned costs

7. Personnel plan or organizational plan:

ü Personnel Requirements

ü Details on the average number and s \\ .p

ü Working conditions

ü Structure and part of the divisions

ü Personnel training

ü job descriptions

9. Marketing Plan:

Ø Product distribution scheme

Ø Sales stimulation methods

Ø stocks, benefits, discounts

Ø Organization after-sales customer service (warranty, service)

10. Financial plan

1. Economic environment of the project

2. Discount rate and rationale

3. Required investments and their structure

4. Home financial results

11. Analysis of project risks

Prefers all risks and measures of their prevention. Using the identification table - high-quality risk analysis method (risk; threat; prevention measures)

12. Project Sensitivity Analysis

19. Typical errors arising from the development of a business plan

Typical errors:

  1. low quality project work
  2. unsystemant presentation of material
  3. incorrect outline material
  4. incorrect settlements
  5. surface analysis
  6. insufficiently reasonable forecast and project costs
  7. weak Product Sales Plan
  8. incorrect accounting of the tax burden
  9. unbend inflationary processes
  10. low Marketing Research
  11. insufficient Study Project Management Scheme
  12. lack of alternative project solutions
  13. no project sensitivity analysis
  14. the need for a multi-billion approach in Russian conditions

15. weak analysis Project risks

B-21 Features of small business planning.

Planning - this is important element Any business activities. First of all, planning is aimed at an increase in the efficiency of the company and profit growth.

Small business planning

Both for large businesses and for small compilation Plans Helps take the right decision in specific market conditions. And since small businesses are not such ample opportunities for maneuvers, then a lot depends on the quality of planning.

Small business planningOf course, it should be based on accounting reports, since only these documents can be obtained reliable data on the effectiveness of commercial activities.

small business planning - This is not a simple process, but for the development of the enterprise it is key. Do not necessarily compose full business planEspecially if it is intended only for the manual. It is enough to make several basic plans in which the answers will be answered to exciting questions, as well as the paths (possibilities) of increasing financial indicators, such as sales, production or profits.

For small businesses, the most relevant: a sales plan, financial plan and production plan.

Necessary decide strong and weak parties, explore the peculiarities of the activities of the enterprise (sales, costs, personnel management and financial flows). Indicators must be determined as accurate as possible and more details, as they will then form the basis of your business plan.

It is important to explore the indicators of the past and current turnover. According to individual products, in terms of sales and sales prices. Costs are calculated by the type of costs (raw materials, operating expenses, production costs, constant overhead, etc.).

Also when implementing planning is important analyze the available assets and obligations.This includes a list of long-term assets for relevance and importance for the enterprise. It is necessary to calculate the level of working capital available in the presence.

Sales program

Based on data on trade, sales of existing goods, demand level, can be determined at the expense of what groups of goods can increase profits and sales. Also in this regard should be provided ways to attract new buyers.

Here must be analyzed by the available and potential sales channels. Determine the strengths and weak aspects of each of the sales channels available to you, the more sales channels, the greater the potential sales volume.

Strategic management process - This is a combination of consecutive actions aimed at achieving the objectives of the organization, which makes it possible to optimally use the existing potential and respond flexibly to the conditions of a dynamic, indefinite external environment.

Currently, five main stages of strategic management are allocated:

1. Determination of the scope of activity and formulating the mission of the organization.

2. Setting the long-term and short-term goals of the organization based on the mission.

3. Development of a strategy to achieve the objectives of the organization.

4. Implementation of the organization's strategy.

5. Control over the implementation of the strategy, evaluating its effectiveness on the results of the organization's activities and the introduction of corrective impacts.

The relationship of strategic management stages is depicted in Fig. 4.1.

Fig. 4.1. Strategic management process

The strategic management process begins with determining the scope of the organization and the formulation of its mission. Next, the strategic goals are made on management levels in the organization.

The strategy development stage consists of three sub-attacks:

- the first sub-step - analysis of the external environment;

- the second sub-step - analysis of the internal environment;

- The third sub-step - the formation of strategic alternatives and the choice of the most acceptable option.

The implementation of the Strategy is five stages:

- comparison of the selected strategy and environment of the organization;

- determining the level of changes required to implement the strategy;

- Adaptation of the organization's environment to strategy;

- the choice of approach to implement the strategy;

- Implementation of strategy events.

The implementation of the Strategy Implementation is estimated at the control stage, and if necessary, changes are made to previous steps.

Since conditions modern business They are extremely dynamic, the specified process is continuous and is a constantly renewable cycle with intense feedbacks, which are depicted in Fig. 4.1 dotted lines.

Strategic solutions are never final and subject to constant adaptation to what is happening. But this does not mean that the strategy almost should be revised daily. Such a situation would be a faithful sign of low quality management and, moreover, it is not safe, as it will inevitably cause organizational mess, disorientation of personnel and other negative factors.

but strategy stability relative: The managers are not entitled to ignore unforeseen events, new opportunities, unexpected threats, other fundamental changes. In addition, the managers are not entitled to avoid the urgent adjustments, as well as to limit the adoption of strategic decisions by the formal planning regulations.

When considering the strategic management process, it is necessary to consider that boundaries between the stages are sufficiently conditional And the most significant non-separation of the stages and the formal sequence, but their integration and interrelations.

For example, the setting of specific strategic tasks is definitely wins from the definiteness of business prospects. On the other hand, goaling and choosing a strategy in turn stimulate further development Conceptual ideas about the place of organization in business, the main directions of its activities, fundamental installations, behavior standards, etc. The practical experience of implementing the strategic plan can radically change all components of the plan (and the overall concept, and the targets, and the selected strategies).

It should be noted that the relative significance of the stages varies depending on the specific organizational situation: creating a business or its stable development. For example, an organization that is still looking for or seriously updating its strategy, an intensive repeating repetition of the first three phases may be required to obtain an acceptable result, while the established strategic plan for organizing the "drifting in line", the search for rational techniques for its implementation is more relevant Current adjustments.

The above features of the stages of the strategic management process led to the fact that various points of view arose in the literature on the maintenance of the stages, each of which has the right to exist, but it should be remembered that in order for the strategic management to be effective, it is necessary not only to know the essence of each of its Stage, but also remember about their close relationship and interdependence.

So, at the first stage of strategic management, first of all, it is necessary to determine the scope of the organization's activities.

This implies:

- determination of a satisfied need;

- identification of consumers;

- determining how to meet the needs of specific consumers.

In other words, in order to determine the scope of activities, it is necessary to answer the questions: What? For whom? How do we produce?

The modern organization, on the one hand, has freedom in the choice of areas of its economic activity and their ratio. On the other hand, certain restrictions are possible. One of the most obvious patterns in choosing the directions of its economic activity, for example, for large companies is a broad diversification of activities.

Initially, the industrial enterprise had a simple and very clear profile: Metallurgical companies refer to metallurgy, automotive - to the automotive industry, etc. Already in the second half of the twentieth century, most of the largest corporations of the world were multi-sectoral companies. Russian companies also have similar trends today.

An important step in determining the direction of the organization's activities is the formulation of its social purpose or mission.

Organization mission -this expressed verbally basic socially significant functional purpose Organizations in the long term (in addition to profiting).

Literally, this term means "responsible task, role", that is, business philosophy.

1) satisfied needs;

2) product characteristics;

3) main consumers;

4) markets;

5) the scale of activity

6) technology;

7) the culture of the organization;

8) competitive advantages;

9) business growth prospects.

At the same time, the mission focuses on the consumer, and not on the product, since the mission (philosophy) of the business is most often determined taking into account the consumer interests, needs and requests that are satisfied with the business. Consequently, the mission's definition is closely related to marketing and implies an answer to the question: "What kind of benefits can bring consumers while achieving greater success in the market?"

When formulating the mission, it is necessary to keep in mind that it has a wide and narrow content.

Wide interpretation of the mission Allows you to reveal all the advantages of the organization, however it is too long and hard perceived.

In a narrow understanding mission It is considered as a formulated approval as to what the organization exists. IN this case The formulation of the mission should be bright, laconic, dynamic design, convenient for perception (often it happens the slogan).

Analysis of Russian reality shows that the leaders of many enterprises also seek to determine the mission of their business.

For example, the Chelyabinsk Bakery "Mary" has the following mission: "Bread for the people at any time of the year"; known to all the slogan mission of one of the cellular telecom operators: "Tele2 is always cheaper"; Inkombank's mission: "We save your time and money."

ONEXIMBANK: "The elements is not dissolved"; The Aviation Complex "Dry": "We strive to produce competitive and high-quality military and civil aircraft, allowing you to meet the modern needs of the global market and the requests of the domestic state order."

We give examples of the wording of the mission of foreign firms:

The Xerox Mission is perfectly demonstrating business growth prospects: "From copying technology to the future office."

In the mid-70s, Polaroid has identified its mission as follows: "Development and promotion of fast photography to meet the needs of wealthy families in love, friendship, good memoirs and humor."

McDonald`s made it as follows: "Providing hot delicious food in a clean restaurant for an acceptable fee."

When analyzing and discussing the development prospects for the organization and its strategy, discussions on the mission are of great importance, as they help managers and other employees to get a wider panorama of the business, allow you to look at the organization of the organization "From the height of a bird'sman", without which long-term competition is unthinkable.

The business mission is of great importance for communication within the enterprise and outside it (Fig. 4.2).

On the one hand, the mission allows employees of the firm to better understand its activities, managers - have long-term reference points.

Fig. 4.2. The role of the mission in the communications process

For the mission to become acceptable to the organization's staff and motivated its activities, it is necessary to comply with the following conditions:

1. Create continuity between the former value settings and new.

2. Think over the system of change in learning programs, the stages of the dissemination of new instructions.

3. Make a change in individual settings of the members of the team. Moreover, it is very important who will be the first to change the settings. These should be people, socially significant for this collective - not necessarily formal leaders. "Parripments" should have a strong internal energy (charisma), which can take care of at least some of the least inert employees.

4. From the change in individual installations, it is necessary to follow the change in the individual behavior and behavior of groups. There can be no observers in the new game, only participants can be.

5. Explan to the team the need for innovations.

On the other hand, the mission helps bring the information to shareholders, consumers and suppliers, that is, the nearest environment of the company.

This manifests the mission twofold. Choice
A narrow mission, taking into account only the prospects for the production and sales of goods, may limit the horizon of the organization's development, lead to the fact that business opportunities will be missed.

So, the mission can be effective only when performing the following conditions:

- The implementation of the mission will indeed help the organization become better;

- It concentrates the true vision of the future organization;

- It is divided by most employees of the organization.

Cases are managed by their goals;
It is called the Great, who has a great goal.

A. P. Chekhov

If the mission sets general landmarks, the direction of the organization, expressing the meaning of its existence, then the specific end states to which the organization seeks is fixed in the form of its goals.

purpose - This is a pronounced quantitative or qualitatively desired state of the strategic management object.

Objectives are the starting point of planning, underlie the construction organizational relations. For purposes, the motivation system used in the organization is based. Finally, goals are the point of reference in the process of monitoring and evaluating the results of the labor of individual workers, divisions and organizations as a whole.

The correct setting of the goal in the conditions of tightening competition is becoming a key importance, since in the case of the formulation of a false purpose (without the necessary justifications), the loss at the stage of its implementation can be hundreds or even thousands of times more savings obtained earlier.

The process of setting goals In various organizations, has its own characteristics. In some organizations, the establishment of goals is fully centrally, in others the decentralized scheme for establishing goals is valid. There is a compromise option for establishing goals, which is intermediate between full centralization and decentralization. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, its own features in the implementation.

When full centralization When establishing goals, all of them are determined by the upper level of the organization's management. With this approach, all objectives are subject to a single orientation. This is a certain advantage. A significant disadvantage of this option - at the lower levels of the organization, the rejection of the established goals and even resistance to them may occur.

When decentralization In the process of establishing goals, along with the top level and lower levels of the organization. There are two schemes for decentralized target setting. In the first scheme, the process of establishing goals goes from top to bottom. Decomposition of goals is as follows: Each of the lower levels in the organization determines its goals based on what goals are installed for a higher level. The second scheme assumes that the process of establishing goals goes upwards. In this case, the lower links establish goals that serve as the basis for establishing the goals of the subsequent, higher level.

As we see, there are significant differences for different approaches to the establishment of goals. However, the general requirement to establish goals is that it is necessary to find effective method Mutual linking goals. An effective mechanism for solving this problem is to build a so-called target tree (Fig. 4.3).

Fig. 4.3. Tree goals

Tree goals - This is a graphical representation of the relationships and coodes of the objectives and tasks of one or several systems.

At the same time, complex and complex long-term goals are dismembered in accordance with the selected criteria for a number of less complex short-term, which are also divided into simple goals (s) and tasks. The Tree Tree allows you to estimate the likelihood of achieving both the lowest and higher goals in accordance with the available resources, as well as to establish the priority of the goals.

A tree of goals should meet two basic requirements: completeness and consistency. The description of each goal should fully completely disclose its content and be unambiguous, i.e. not to allow different interpretations. Each goal should disclose the content of only one higher level target. There should be no cycles on the purpose of the goals, the presence of which means the inconsistency of the goals in the cycle.

1. The tree of goals is built from top to bottom, with the formulation of the main social goal Organizations are mission.

2. Objectives of one level should not enter each other, and can only partially intersect. The partition of intersecting goals at the lowest levels, as a rule, leads to the allocation in their branches almost the same smaller goals.

3. Objectives of one level for its significance should be quite homogeneous, i.e. playing almost equal roles in achieving the goals of higher levels.

4. The top-level objectives broken into smaller for lower levels should be recoded into the language of the corresponding unit with the transformation of the concepts and their iconic designations.

5. The number of levels of splitting the mission is determined by the required accuracy of solving problems. However, it is possible to crush the goals of management only as long as they remain within public and economic categories. The objectives of the enterprise, as a rule, have four levels of partition.

6. The lower levels of goals must be familiar with all their branch and mission.

The tree of goals is mainly designed to associate goals with the means of achieving them (the lowest level actually reveals a set of means of achieving a general goal), identify the relationships that exist between the drowshes and smaller goals of various branches of the tree at each level. When setting the objectives of the mandatory is to assess their achievability, i.e., developing a strategy for achieving these goals.

All objectives of the organization can be divided into common long-term (3-5 years or more) and specific short-term (1-2 years).

The term "total long-term goals" It means wide on the scale and time of the target, which, as a rule, do not have clearly pronounced quantitative characteristics.

Examples of long-term goals:

- Transport company: "Becoming the biggest and best transport company in the world";

- GENERAL ELECTRIC: "To become the most competitive company in the world and take the first and second places in all areas of the business, where the company works."

Short-term goals are more specific and suggest operational actions in short time (1-2 years), aimed in aggregate to achieve a long-term goal.

Short-term goals describe in detail the results that need to be achieved in the near future. They are defined as the pace of development of the company and the level of performance indicators that is scheduled for the near future.

Short-term goals may coincide with the long-term when the company has already operates at the level of indicators planned for the long-term perspective. For example, if the company has set itself the goal of a continuous annual increase in profits by 15% and at the moment fulfilled this task, long-term and short-term tasks of the company coincide.

The situation is more important when short-term tasks differ from long-term. This arises in the event that managers are trying to increase the company's performance and can not only achieve the indicators planned for the long-term perspective. Here, short-term goals serve steps on the way to achieve the ultimate goal.

In the wording of the objectives of any level, it is necessary to remember that they must have a number of characteristics that are combined Smart characteristic.

SMART is the abbreviation of the following five words and concepts:

Specific - concreteness so that there is no place for their improper or multiple interpretation.

Measurable - Measurement, that is, everything should be quantified, and even first of all, subjective expectations, with fixing how the result may be if the goal is achieved.

Achievable - achievability. Goals should be flexible and to have space for their adjustment due to unforeseen changes in the external environment and internal capabilities of the enterprise. This ensures the realizability of goals.

Related - correlation: with the strategy, economic goals of the organization, the interests of the Contractor, i.e., actions and decisions aimed at achieving one goal should not contradict the achievement of another.

Time-Bound - limited time to achieve.

Stand out eightkey areas, in which each organization defines its goals:

1. Position on the market. Market objectives may be the conquest of leadership in a specific market segment or an increase in the market share.

2. Innovation. Target installations in this area are associated with the definition of new ways of doing business: the organization of the production of new products, the development of new markets, the use of new technologies or methods of organizing production.

3. Performance. More efficiently enterprise that spends on the production of a certain amount of products less economic Resources. Indicators of labor productivity, resource saving is important for any enterprise.

4. Resources. The need for all types of resources is determined. Compared in cash with the necessary, and goals relative to the expansion or reduction of the resource base, ensuring its stability.

5. Profitability. This group of goals can be quantified. For example, achieve a certain level of profit or profitability.

6. Management aspects. It is possible to ensure profit in the long term, it is possible only by organizing effective management, the absence of which, according to many specialists, restrains the development of Russian enterprises.

7. Staff. Objectives regarding personnel may be related to the preservation of jobs, ensuring an acceptable level of wage, improving the conditions and motivation of labor, advanced training and so on.

8. Social responsibility. Includes the development of measures for the formation of a favorable image of the company, care for not damage to the environment, ensuring good conditions Labor employees organization.

Multipleness of the objectives is explained by the fact that any enterprise, any economic system is multipurpose. And the complexity is to determine priorities.

The importance of determining targets Related to the fact that they are:

- are the foundation for the management process as a whole;

- underlie the adoption of any management solution;

- are the initial point of planning;

- underlie the construction of organizational relations;

- determine the system of motivation used in the organization;

- allow you to control and evaluate the results of the labor of individual workers, divisions and organizations in general;

- determine ways to improve the efficiency of the organization.

The right setting of goals allows to solve the following management tasks:

- to convert a mission to feasible goals;

- select criteria to establish a method for performing goals;

- establish actually executable goals requiring certain time;

- Make the company more initiative and targeted.

However, when achieving goals, self-confidence, passivity, disorder and formalism should be watched.

Thus, L. Zavert claimed: "Without a goal, all the result of labor is equally faithful and incorrect." Therefore, the choice of activities, the definition of the mission of the organization and setting goals is priority in the process of strategic management. The next step will be the development of a strategy that represents the way to achieve the goals.

1. Word the definition of the concept of "Strategic Management Process".

2. Why does strategic management appear in the form of a process? Describe its stages.

3. What is the relationship of stages of strategic management?

4. How often should the management should revise the selected strategy?

5. Why are there different points of view in the literature on the maintenance of strategic management stages?

6. What is the essence of the concept of "organization mission"?

7. Give examples of diversified foreign and Russian companies. What are their missions?

8. Describe the objectives of the organization, what are the requirements for their wording? What are the difference between short-term goals from long-term?

9. What is the essence of the method of building a "Tree Tree"? Name the basic rules for its construction.

Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"St. Petersburg State University

Cinema and Television »

Department of Economic and Social Proceeds Department


By discipline: Management

On the topic: The process of strategic management and its main stages. Basic classes of strategic alternatives.

Performed: Art. 4 courses

F-TA control

Maiphet N.V.

Checked: Candidate EC. science

Redkin TM

St. Petersburg

Introduction 4.

Chapter 1 Concept and Essence of Strategic Management 6

1.1. Defining strategic management 6

1.2. Concept of strategy 10.

1.3. Competitive advantages 11.

Conclusions of 1 chapter: 14

Chapter 2 Analysis of the Strategic Management Process 16

2.1. General scheme of the strategic management process and characteristics of its stages 16

2.2. Mission and objectives of the organization 19

2.3. Factors defining the strategic choice of company 21

2.3.1. External factors 23.

2.3.2. Internal factors 25.

2.4. Development and selection of strategic alternatives 27

2.4.1. Strategic alternatives 28.

2.4.2. Selection of strategy 30.

2.5. Implementation and control of implementation of the Strategy 31

2.5.1.Processing Strategy 31

2.5.2. Strategic control 34.

Chapter 3 Strategic Management Development Trends 38

3.1. Strategic Management Trends in Modern Economics 38

Chapter 4 Factors competitive advantage 42

LLC "Temp" 42

4.1. Analysis of the activity of LLC "Temp" 42

Conclusion 49.

List of used literature 50


Relevance of the research topic

The concept of "management" is widely known not only to specialists in the field of management. In the general sense, management means professionalism or even art in effectively managing the organization. In this case, effective management may designate different concepts. For example, steady and consistent promotion in the direction of established purposes, or results indicating the growth of profits or reducing the number of customer complaints. Under this can imply successes in improving the quality of service, expanding the network of branches or the introduction of new production technologies. A number of examples of this kind showing the breadth of understanding of management can be continued. Management is an effective management, the criteria for assessing the quality of which vary depending on the type of organization, the industry in which it functions, its social significance and many other parameters.

Thus, management is a wide concept with uncertain borders. Uncertainty increases, if concentrate on the aspect of the art of management. Art is always the presence of something subjective, irrational, intuitive, emerging beyond the rational schemes and rules. Especially significant management of management in cases where the main problems of the organization are associated with the behavior and relationship between people are the most complex problems of organizational life. Intuition, will, tact, leadership - in these and similar concepts there is a good management towards people and their groups both within the organization and outside it, but with which the organization is connected in their activities.

In the past, many firms could successfully function, paying attention mainly to daily work, internal problems associated with improving the efficiency of resource use in current activities.

No country and no company can afford to ignore the need for competition. They must try to understand and master the art of a competitive struggle.

The structure, and the development of the economy, and the methods that companies achieve a competitive advantage are the essence of the theory of competition. A clear understanding of them serves as the basis for which the company's competitive strategy is based.

The purpose and objectives of the study.

The purpose of this work is to study the theoretical and methodological foundations and the development of recommendations for improving the strategic management process in enterprises.

To achieve the designated goal, the following tasks were delivered:

    summarize the theoretical economic and legal framework for strategic planning in the enterprise;

    analyze the most actual questions strategic management through the prism of the established international Experience and domestic practice;

    to identify and summarize the current trends in the development of strategic management, identify the main problems of the formation and development of strategic management at enterprises, as well as try to find the most reasonable ways to solve them.

Object researchis the process of strategic management of the enterprise in the conditions of market transformation of the Russian economy.

Subject of researcheconomic relations are acting in the process of strategic management, theoretical foundations and mechanisms for the formation of a viable model of strategic management.

Methodological and theoretical basis Works are the economic theory, complex, systemic and software (project) approaches, a mathematical description of economic processes.

Chapter 1 Concept and Essence of Strategic Management

1.1. Defining strategic management

Term "Strategic Management" It was introduced into the use of the 60-70-k. In order to designate the difference between the current management at the production level and the supervisory management. The formation of strategic management as an independent field of research has passed four stages: starting from budgeting and controlwhich evolved in long-term planning; Changes in the conditions of the economy led to the appearance strategic planningwhich served as the basis for the appearance strategic Managementlike self-independent science.

In general, strategic management - the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of the Organization's top management, the main responsibility of which is to determine the preferred directions and trajectories of the development of the organization, setting goals, the allocation of resources and everything that gives the organization a competitive advantage.

Strategic management comes from the following prerequisites:

    availability of ideas that the organization wants achieve in the future;

    the main source of problems is in out of organizations;

    the organization must have the opportunity timely recognition problems and mechanisms for their decision;

    management response to dangers and threats should follow not after how they were already implemented;

    the center of gravity management should shift towards action by them avoiding and minimizing lossesif it is impossible to avoid them;

    the potential of the organization must be "adjusted" under opening Features and strategic tasks so that based on the development of goals and timely adjustment to ensure the necessary positions on ryne;

    there is current management continued specifying strategic management and should be carried out within the framework of the current strategy.

Nevertheless, the analysis of foreign and domestic literature shows that the unified definition of the concept of strategic management is still absent.

The definition of strategic management includes:

    strategic management is, the view, the scope of management activities consisting in the implementation of the selected future goals through the implementation of changes in the organization;

    strategic management is a process by which interaction with its environment is carried out;

    strategic management is a field of scientific knowledge, studying techniques and tools, decision-making methodology and methods of practical implementation of these knowledge.

In scientific and methodical literature, a sufficient number of definitions of strategic management are presented, which focus on certain aspects of this complex management process.

So you can allocate three main approaches to the definition of strategic management. Approach that can be called "Surround Analysis" (A. Rove, D. Shente, K. Khatten), suggests the following definition: "Strategic management is a decision-making process, which unites internal organizational capabilities with threats and favorable opportunities provided by the external environment"; or "The process of determining and establishing a connection of the organization with its environment, consisting in the implementation of the selected goals and in attempts to achieve the desired state of relationships with this environment through the allocation of resources, which makes it possible to effectively and efficiently operate organizations and its divisions."

W. Glob and L. Jauha presented a definition that strategic management is "a direction in the theory of decision-making, which is aimed at developing an effective strategy (or strategies) to assist in achieving corporate goals"; and identified for us another approach - "Goals and funds".

"Activity Approach" The focusing on the sequence of actions for the implementation of strategic management and therefore combines two preceding. For example, G. Johnson and K. Skulz allocate the following sequence of strategic management actions:

    analysis of the current position of the organization in a competitive environment;

    the choice, which involves the development and evaluation of the alternatives to the strategic direction of the organization's activities;

    implementation is the implementation process, the implementation of the selected strategy.

The next stage of study is an attempt to construct the definition of strategic management based on comparison His with operational management. This approach can be seen in the works of A. Tuba, O.S. Vikhansky, I. Ansoff and others.

Such a comparison, according to A.T. The tooth can be carried out according to the following parameters:

    organizational level of development and decision-making;

    continuity of the planning and implementation process;

    the predominance of "hard" or "soft" problems and solutions;

    the number of alternative solutions under consideration;

    the volume and type of managerial information required;

    time intervals of planning, implementation and control of management actions;

    priority solutions;

    development details;

    used human management resources;

    accuracy of control and evaluation;

    the prevailing interests of the participants in the decision-making process;

    attitude towards risk, the degree of risk and the consequences of the implementation of risky decisions.

O.S. Vikhansky conducts a comparison of strategic and operational management conducts the following primary criteria:

Table 1.1.

Comparison of operational and strategic management


Operational management

Strategic Management

Mission, purpose

Production of goods and services in order to receive income from their implementation.

Survival of the organization in the long term by establishing a dynamic balance with a surroundings, allowing to solve problems interested in the activities of the organization.

Object concentration of management

A look inside the organization, search for more efficient use of resources.

Looking around the organization, the search for new opportunities in competition, tracking and adaptation to changes in the environment.

Accounting of the timing

Orientation for the short and mid-term perspective.

Orientation for the long-term perspective.

The basis for building a management system

Functions and organizational structures, procedures, machinery and technology.

People, information support systems, market.

Personnel Management Approach

A look at the employees as an organization's resource, both on performers of individual works and functions.

A look at the employees as the basis of the organization, its main value and source of its well-being.

Criteria for management efficiency

Profitability and rationality The use of production potential.

Timely and accuracy of the organization's reaction to new market requests and changes depending on the change in the environment.

So, O. S. Vikhansky, in its definition, unites the second and third approaches, emphasizing the importance of human resources in strategic management: "Strategic management is such a management of an organization that relies on human potential as a basis for the organization, orients industrial activities for consumer requests, flexibly Reacts and conducts timely changes to the organization that answer the call from the environment and allowing to achieve competitive advantages, which in the aggregate makes it possible to survive in the long run, achieving its goals. "

I. Ansoff so determined the content of the concept: "Strategic management activities are related to the setting of goals and objectives of the organization and with maintaining a number of relationships between the organization and the environment, which allow it to achieve its goals, comply with its internal capabilities and allow you to remain receptive to external requirements."

Strategic management is designed to provide a survival company in the long run. However, strategic and long-term management should also distinguish. Long-term management is based on the assumption that modern trends in the development of the surrounding business environment can be extrapolated to the future. In this case, it seems uncomplicated to determine the basic parameters of the long-term plan, first of all, perform budgeting and calculate others based on the budget, sections of the long-term plan. Thus formed a long-term plan can be divided into shorter intervals. Long-term management is effective in conditions of stability of organizational ambient However, at present organizations acting in such conditions, not so much. Therefore, in a modern situation, when the organizational environment is characterized by high complexity and dynamism, more acceptable philosophy of strategic management, which is based on the assumption of the impossibility with a sufficient degree of accuracy to predict long-term development trends. Therefore, strategic management focuses on the methods of forming long-term competitive advantages in the conditions of uncertainty and complexity of the medium.

1.2. Concept of strategy

By their essence The strategy is a set of rules for making decisions that the organization is guided in its activities.. There are four different groups:

    The rules used in assessing the results of the company's activities in the present and in perspective. Qualitative side of the evaluation criteria is usually called orientation, and quantitative content - task.

    The rules for which the attitudes of the company with its external environment are developing, which determine which types of products and technology, it will develop where and whom to sell its products how to seek superiority over competitors. This set of rules is called a product-market strategy or business strategy.

    Rules for which relations and procedures are established within the organization. They are often called organizational concept.

    Rules for which the company leads its daily activities, called the main operational techniques.

Strategies have several distinctive features:

    The process of developing a strategy is not completed by any immediate action. It usually ends with the establishment of general directions, the promotion of which will ensure growth and strengthening the position of the company.

    The formulated strategy should be used. To develop strategic projects by searching. The role of the strategy in the search is to, firstly, help focus on certain areas and capabilities; Secondly, discard all other opportunities as incompatible with the strategy.

    The need for a strategy disappears as soon as the real course of development will lead the organization to the desired events.

    In the course of formulation, the strategy cannot be foreseen all the possibilities that will discover in the preparation of a draft specific activities. Therefore, you have to use highly generalized, incomplete and inaccurate information about various alternatives.

    As soon as there are specific alternatives in the search process, more accurate information appears. However, it may cast doubt on the validity of the initial strategic choice. Therefore, the successful use of the strategy is impossible without feedback.

    Since the project selection is applied both strategies and guidelines, it may seem that this is the same. But these are different things. The landmark is a goal that seeks to achieve a company, and the strategy is a means to achieve the goal. Landmarks are a higher level of decision-making. The strategy justified with one set of landmarks will not be such if the landmarks of the organization will change.

    Finally, strategy and benchmarks are interchangeable both in certain moments and at various levels of the organization. Some parameters of efficiency (for example, market share) at one point will serve as benchmarks, and to another - will become its strategy. Further, since the guidelines and strategies are produced within the organization, a typical hierarchy occurs that at the upper control levels is elements of the strategy, on the lower, turns into benchmarks.

In short, the strategy is a concept of difficult and somewhat abstract. Its development usually does not bring any direct benefit to the company. In addition, it is expensive both in cash expenditures and on the cost of manageing time.

1.3. Competitive advantages

Strategic management is designed to provide a survival company in the long run. Of course, when it comes to survival in a market competitive environment, it is not worthwhile about the fact that the firm may have a miserable existence. It is very important to understand that as soon as someone from those who are connected with the firm, this connection is not a joy, he departs from the company, and she dies after a while. Therefore, survival in the long run automatically means that the firm is quite successfully copes with its tasks, bringing its activities to meet those who are in the sphere of its business interaction. First of all, this concerns buyers, employees of the company and its owners.

To ensure their existence in the long term, the organization should produce a product that will stably find buyers. This means that the product must be, firstly, is interesting to the buyer so much that he is ready to give money for him, and, secondly, it is interesting to the buyer more than a similar or similar to consumer qualities produced by other firms. If the product has these two properties, they say that the product has competitive advantages.

There are three strategies for creating competitive advantages. The first strategy is leadership in price. With this strategy, the firm's firm's attention is costs for the development and production of the product.

The main sources of creating price advantages are:

    rational work on the basis of accumulated experience;

    savings on the scale by reducing costs per unit of products with growth in production;

    savings on diversity as a result of reduced costs due to the synergistic effect arising from the production of various products;

    optimization of intra-ammunition bonds that contributes to a decrease in sociocher costs;

    integration of distribution networks and supply systems;

    optimization of the activity of the company in time;

    geographical accommodation of the company, which makes it possible to achieve cost reduction through the use of local peculiarities.

Differentiation It is a second strategy for creating competitive advantages. Under this strategy, the company tries to give the product something distinctive, unusual, which can like the buyer and for which the buyer is ready to pay. The differentiation strategy is aimed at making a product not as competitors make it. To achieve this, the firm has to go beyond the functional properties of the product.

The third strategy that the company can use to create in its product competitive advantages is concentration of attention to the interests of specific consumers. In this case, the firm creates its product specifically for specific buyers. The concentrated creation of the product is due to the fact that any unusual need for a certain group of people is satisfied (in this case, the company's product is very specialized), or a specific product access system is being created (product sale and product delivery system). Conducting a strategy of concentrated creation of competitive advantages, the firm can use both the price engagement of buyers and differentiation.

As can be seen, all three strategies for creating competitive advantages have significant distinctive features, which make it possible to conclude that the firm should be clear enough to determine what strategy it is going to implement, and in no case mix these strategies. At the same time, it should be noted that there is a certain connection between these strategies, and this should also take into account the firms when creating competitive advantages.

The formation of competitive advantages begins with identifying:


      • actual;


        • location of buyers;

          ways to purchase goods;

          ways of exposure to customers;

          true product purchased by consumers;

          consumer values \u200b\u200bof goods;

          tastes and preferences.

When identifying competitive advantages, an analysis is used:

    market potential;

    market trends;

    development prospects in the assumption of the immutability of technology and market structure;

    factors affecting development;

    predicted transformations of the market structure due to:

    • economic development;

      changes in flavors and preferences;

      competitors' actions;

    expected innovation that

          • tastes and preferences;

            ways to meet the needs;

            performances on consumer qualities:

        create new consumer qualities;

    needs not satisfied with the full goods and services offered.

Competitive advantages are formed for the sake of expansion and consolidate their share in the market. The potential of the market shows the degree of its attractiveness, which helps to determine those tools that reasonably spend the sake of its capture and retention.

Conclusions on chapter 1:

1. After analyzing various options for determining strategic management, which arose during its formation as science, we found out that the genesis of this concept can be submitted to the following sequence:

Budgeting long-term strategic strategic

And control planning planning management

2. The unified definition of the concept of strategic management is still missing. In this chapter, we reviewed three main approaches to this definition ("Analysis of the environment", "goals and means" and a method of comparing strategic management with operational). After analyzing all the well-known options for determining the concept, we agreed with O.S. Vikhansky and consider the most complete definition of strategic management:

"Strategic management is such a management of an organization that relies on human potential as a basis for the organization, orients industrial activities to consumers' requests, flexibly responds and conducts timely changes to the organization that meets the environment from the environment and allowing to achieve competitive advantages, which in the aggregate makes it possible Organizations to survive in the long run, achieving their goals. "

3. Having considered the definition of such concepts as strategic management, strategy, competitive advantages, the following features of strategic management can be distinguished:

    Strategic management at any given moment fixes that the organization should do in the present in order to achieve the goals in the future, based on the fact that the environment will change and the living conditions of the organization will change too.

    With strategic management, as it were, the view is carried out from the future, the organization is determined and the actions of the organization are currently determined, providing it with a certain future, and does not produce a plan or a description of what the organization will have to do in the future.

First, strategic management does not give, and cannot give an accurate and detailed picture of the future. The description of the desired future organization designed in strategic management is not a detailed description of its internal state and position in the external environment, but rather a combination of quality wishes to the fact that the organization should be in the future, which position it should occupy in the market and in business, What kind of organizational culture, in which business groups to enter, etc.

Secondly, strategic management cannot be reduced to the routine rules, procedures and schemes. He has no theory that prescribes what and how to do when solving certain tasks or in certain situations. Strategic management is rather a certain philosophy or ideology of business and management. In general, in practice, strategic management is:

Symbiosis of the intuition and art of the senior management to conduct an organization to strategic goals;

High professionalism and creativity of employees, providing the organization of the Organization with the environment, updating the organization and its products, as well as the implementation of current plans;

The active inclusion of all employees in the implementation of the organization's tasks, in the search for the best ways to achieve its goals.

Thirdly, tremendous efforts and large costs time and resources so that the organization began to implement the strategic management process. The introduction and implementation of strategic planning is required, which is fundamentally different from the development of long-term plans, mandatory for execution in any conditions.

Fourth, the negative effects of strategic foresight errors are sharply strengthened. Under conditions, when completely new products are created in a short time, the directions of investments are radically changing, when new opportunities emerging unexpectedly and opportunities that existed for many years, the price of paying for the wrong foresight occur and, according to the strategic choice, becomes often fatal for the organization. .

Fifth, when implementing strategic management, it is often the main emphasis on strategic planning. However, this is absolutely not enough, since the strategic plan does not ensure its mandatory successful implementation. In fact, the most important component of strategic management is the implementation of the strategic plan. And this implies primarily the creation of an organizational culture that allows you to implement the strategy, the creation of motivation systems and the organization of labor, the creation of certain flexibility in the organization, etc.

Chapter 2 Analysis of the Strategic Management Process

2.1. General scheme of the strategic management process and the characteristics of its stages

The strategic management process is a type of process of developing and making management decisions and contains the following stages in general: diagnosing and structuring problems, the formation of a solution, the implementation of the decision, monitoring the implementation and evaluation of the solution.

A feature of the strategic management process is:

    the complexity of the description of the objects of analysis, which can be produced in verbal, structural and logical and mathematical languages;

    the impossibility of a complete description of the analysis objects, as a result of which low-resisturized and unstructured tasks prevail;

    a big degree of uncertainty of obtaining results when implementing solutions (strategies);

    the presence of a significant number of partially managed and unmanaged variables;

    the criteria for solving problems are not clearly installed in advance and refineed by management as they are solved;

    great time consuming and process duration requiring significant costs and use of highly qualified specialists.

The strategic management process is presented in Fig. 1. This model is a generalization of the complex and multilateral strategic management process.

Defining a mission and goals.

The definition of the mission and objectives of the Organization, considered as one of the processes of strategic management, consists of three subprocesses, each of which requires a large and exclusively responsible work. The first subprocess is to form a firm's mission, which in concentrated form expresses the meaning of the existence of the company, its purpose. The mission attaches the organization originality, fills the work of people with a special meaning. Next, there is a subprocess definition of long-term goals. And this part of the strategic management of the subprocessing of the establishment of short-term goals is completed. The formation of the mission and the establishment of the objectives of the company lead to what it becomes clear for which the company is functions and what it seeks.

Environmental analysis.

The analysis of the environment is usually considered the source process of strategic management, as it provides both the base for determining the mission and objectives of the company and to develop a behavior strategy that allows the firm to make its mission and achieve its goals.

One of the key roles of any control is to maintain balance in the interaction of the organization with the environment. Each organization is involved in three processes:

    obtaining resources from the external environment (input);

    transformation of resources into the product (transformation);

    product transfer to an external environment (output).

Management is designed to provide the input and output balance. As soon as this balance is violated in the organization, it rises on the path of dying. The modern market sharply strengthened the value of the output process in maintaining this balance. This is exactly the reflection in the fact that in the structure of strategic management, the first block is the medium analysis unit.

The analysis of the medium involves the study of its three components:


    direct environment;

    interior environment of the organization.

Determination of strategic alternatives.

This stage occupies a central place in the process of strategic management. At this stage, a generalized assessment of the action of all factors of the external and internal environment is given, the position of the enterprise on the market is determined, situations and strategic tasks are detected, possible (alternative) solutions.

Choosing a strategy.

From a number of identified alternatives, a selection of a strategy for certain criteria is made, in the establishment of which a decisive role belongs to the topmost leaders of the organization. Currently, a toolkit has been developed to produce this choice.

Implementation of the strategy.

The peculiarity of the process of implementing the strategy is that it is not the process of its implementation, but only creates a base for the implementation of the strategy and achieving the goal. Cases are very often observed when firms are not able to implement the selected strategy. This happens that either the analysis was incorrectly carried out and incorrect conclusions were made, or because there were unforeseen changes in the external environment. However, often the strategy is not carried out and because management cannot properly attract the company available to the company to implement the strategy. In particular, this refers to the use of human potential.

The main task of the implementation strategy is to create the necessary prerequisites for the successful implementation of the strategy. Thus, the implementation of the strategy is to conduct strategic changes in the organization that translated it into such a state in which the organization will be ready for a strategy for life.

Control and assessment of the strategy.

Evaluation and control of the implementation of the strategy are a logically final process carried out in strategic management. This process provides a steady feedback between the process of achieving the goals and the objectives facing the organization.

The main tasks of any control are as follows:

    determination of what and for what indicators to check;

    assessment of the state of the controlled object in accordance with the adopted standards, standards or other reference indicators;

    clarification of the causes of deviations, if so, are revealed as a result of the assessment;

    implementation of adjustment if it is necessary and possible.

In case of monitoring the implementation of strategies, these tasks acquire quite a certain specificity due to the fact that strategic control is aimed at finding out to which the implementation of the strategy leads to achieving the objectives of the company. This fundamentally distinguishes strategic control from managerial or operational control, as it is not interested in the correctness of the implementation of the strategy or the correctness of the implementation of individual works, functions and operations. Strategic control focuses on finding out whether it is possible to further implement the accepted strategy and whether its implementation will lead to the achievement of the goals. Adjustment based on the results of strategic control may concern both the strategy being implemented and the objectives of the company.

2.2. Mission and objectives of the organization

No organization can successfully survive in a competitive environment if it does not have clearly defined landmarks, directions that they ask what she seeks what she wants to achieve their activities. Old wisdom that does not have a passing wind for the ship, whose team does not know where it floats, figuratively illustrates this position. But the target start in the activities of the Organization, not only because she needs to have landmarks not to perish in a changing environment.

Defining what the organization is created and exists, the mission gives the actions of people, meaninglessness and focus, allowing them to better see and realize not just what they should do, but for what they carry out their actions. There is a wide and narrow understanding of the mission.

In a wide understanding mission- This is a philosophy and purpose, meaning of the organization's existence.

The philosophy of the organization defines the values, beliefs and principles, in accordance with which the organization intends to carry out its activities. The purpose determines the actions that the organization intends to exercise, and what type of organization it intends to be. The philosophy of the organization is rarely changing. As for the second part of the mission, it may vary depending on the depth of possible changes in the organization and on the environment of its functioning.

In a narrow understanding mission - This is a formulated approval as to what or for what reason there is an organization, i.e. The mission is understood as an assertion that reveals the meaning of the organization's existence, in which the difference between this organization from it is manifested.

Correctly defined mission, although it always has a common philosophical meaning, nevertheless necessarily carries something that makes it a unique one of its kind, characterizing exactly the organization in which it has been developed. Further speech will go About the mission in a narrow understanding.

Fig. 2 The ratio between the strategic installation, goals and objectives of the organization

If the mission sets general landmarks, directions to the functioning of the organization, expressing the meaning of its existence, then the specific end state, to which the organization seeks to seek, is fixed in the form of its goals. In other words, the goals are the specific state of the individual characteristics of the organization, the achievement of which is desirable for it and to achieve its activities.

To make a true contribution to the success of the organization, goals should have a number of features:

    Specific and measurable goals. Expressing its goals in specific measurable forms, the manual creates a clear reference database for subsequent solutions and evaluating the course of work. Middle executives will have a landmark for a decision, whether more efforts should be sent for training and education of employees. It will also be easier to determine how well the organization works in the direction of its goals. As we will find out later, it becomes important when performing control functions.

    Orientation of time goals. The specific prediction horizon is another characteristic of effective purposes. It should be accurately determined not only that the organization wants to implement, but also in general, when the result must be achieved. Goals are usually installed for long or short time intervals.

    Reachable goals. The establishment of a goal that exceeds the possibilities of the organization or due to the lack of resources, or due to external factors, can lead to disastrous consequences. If the goals are not achievable, the desire of employees to success will be blocked and their motivation will weaken. Since in everyday life it is customary to associate remuneration and promotion with the achievement of objectives, unattainable objectives can make funds used in the organization to motivate employees less efficient.

    Mutually supporting goals. That is, the actions and solutions necessary to achieve one goal should not interfere with the achievement of other purposes.

Objectives will be a significant part of the strategic management process only if the highest leadership will correctly formulate them, then they effectively institute them, informs them and stimulates their implementation throughout the organization. The strategic management process will be successful to the extent to which top management participates in the formulation of goals and to what extent these goals reflect the values \u200b\u200bof the leadership and realities of the company.

2.3. Factors defining the strategic choice of firm

Developing a strategy of activities of any organization - commercial, public, municipal - begins with an analysis of the external environment. From how correctly it is conducted, the success of all other actions on strategic planning and implementation of the strategy depends.

The first step to analyze the factors of the external environment is to collect information on social, economic, political and technological trends in changes in the environment of organizations. For this, individual employees are often appointed in the organization or invite external consultants, which are made by a special task to monitor various sources of information, such as professional magazines, books and newspapers, information systems, Internet, libraries, scientific research, which are conducted in universities and research institutes, Suppliers , distributors, buyers, competitors, etc. These experts represent periodic review reports to the leadership (top managers) responsible for organizing research of environmental factors. In large organizations, such work is carried out constantly.

Managers rate the external environment for three parameters:

    Estimate the changes that affect different aspects of the current strategy.

    Determine which factors pose a threat to the current strategy of the company. Control operation of competitors allows management to be prepared for potential threats.

    It is possible to determine which factors represent more opportunities to achieve soci-smile targets by adjusting the plan.

Among the primary factors that determine the company's strategic choice are distinguished:

    external factors:

    • social, political, social conditions and legislation;

      attractiveness of the industry, competitive conditions;

      opportunities and dangers for the company and others.

    internal factors:

    • the strengths and weaknesses of the company, competitive market position;

      personal ambitions, business philosophy, ethical principles;

      the cost of shares and culture of the company, etc.

The interaction of factors is usually integrated and has specific differences for the industry and the company.

As a rule, the strategy does not succeed if the border has not been carried out between the internal and foreign situation, the acquisition of significant competitive advantages is not ensured and the company's activities are not improved.

Fig.3. Factors defining the company's strategic choice

External and internal factors should be taken into account and essentially define the strategy: allow analyzing the importance of individual factors and their impact on the strategy, evaluate strategic initiatives, identify strategies that correspond to the situation. As a rule, the strategy does not succeed if the border has not been carried out between the internal and foreign situation, the acquisition of significant competitive advantages is not ensured and the company's activities are not improved.

2.3.1. External factors

Classification of environmental factors. The main factors of the external environment affecting the behavior of the organization can be divided into four large groups:

    political and legal;


    social and cultural;


They represent parts of the integrated environmental analysis, and consider consistently each of them.

Political and legal factors. Various legislative and government factors may influence the level of existing opportunities and threats in the organization's activities. There are many such factors, even more of their various combinations.

Some of these factors affect all commercial organizations, such as changes in tax legislation. Others - only on a small number of firms operating in the market, for example, antitrust law. Third are significant, first of all, for political organizations, for example, alignment of political forces or election results in the State Duma. However, in one way or another, directly or indirectly, political and legal factors affect all organizations. For example, the toy manufacturer will influence the safety standards, changes in the rules of import and export of raw materials, equipment, technologies and finished products, changes in the state tax policy, etc.

Economic forces. There are many economic factors that can affect the organization. For example, such as how much a loan is available to what impact is the exchange rates of currency exchange, how many taxes will have to pay, and many others. The ability of the organization to remain profitable direct impact has the overall health and well-being of the economy, the stage of development of the economic cycle.

When analyzing the external environment, a number of economic indicators are required for some specific organization:

Percentage rate(The interest rate level) in the economy has a significant impact on consumer demand.

Currency exchange ratesdetermine the cost of the ruble in relation to the cost of monetary units of other countries. Changes in currency exchange courses directly affect the competitiveness of the organization's products if it exports goods to the global market.

The pace of economic growthaffects the possibilities and threats, for the organization. When growth in the economy occurs, consumer spending increases, which causes competitive pressure on the organization due to the rapid growth of the number of enterprises in an attractive area. Reduced the pace of economic growth and. Consumer spending reduction also lead to an increase in competitive pressure caused by the desire of enterprises, to remain in the industry in the cultivation of the crisis.

Inflation.The governments of most countries of the world make significant efforts to reduce inflation. Usually, the consequence of these efforts is to reduce the interest rate and, thus, the emergence of signs of economic growth.

In addition to those listed, there are other economic factors: the structure of consumption and its dynamics; Economic conditions in foreign countries; trade rates; change in demand; monetary and financial policy; trends in the securities market; the level of labor productivity in the industry and the rates of its growth; Dynamics of GNP; Tax rates.

Social and cultural factors form the style of our life, work, consumption and have a significant impact on almost all organizations. New trends create a consumer type and, accordingly, cause the need for other goods and services by defining new organization strategies.

It is possible to list the main socio-cultural factors with which the organizations face most often: fertility; mortality; Intensity coefficients of immigration and emigration; The coefficient of average life expectancy; disposable income; life style; educational standards; purchasing habits; Relationship to work; attitude to rest; attitude to the quality of goods and services; Requirement of environmental pollution; Energy savings; attitude to the government; problems of inter-ethnic relations; Social responsibility; Social welfare.

Technological factors. Their influence on the organization is often so obvious that they are considered the main engine manufacturing - and wider - social progress. Revolutionary technological changes and opening recent decades, such as production with robots, penetration into the daily life of a person of computers, new relations, transport, weapons and much more, represent great opportunities and serious threats, the impact of which managers must be aware and evaluated.

2.3.2. Internal factors

The difference between the analysis of the internal environment from the analysis of competitors consists in the possibility of obtaining such and so much information, which and how much it is necessary to justify the conclusions and the adoption of effective solutions.

The analysis should include:

    evaluating existing strategies;

    analysis of the use of the potential of the organization;

    comparative analysis of competitive advantages;

    identifying strengths and weaknesses;

    defining strategic problems (tasks).

The greatest interest is the identification of strengths and weaknesses. Under the strong parties of the organization understand everything that ensures benefits over competitors.

Strengths: High Competence, Sufficient Financial Resources, Perfect Technology, Good Management, High Labor Ethics, Qualified Management Team, Good System for Product Quality Management and Processes, etc.

The weaknesses of the organization are that it does not allow it to achieve advantages over competitors.

Weaknesses: outdated equipment, high production costs, lack of clear development strategies, lack of financial or other resources, an outdated organizational structure, a weak idea of \u200b\u200bthe market, etc.

An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses characterizes the study of the internal environment of the organization. The internal environment has several components, each of which includes a set of key processes and elements of the organization (species business), the state of which in the aggregate determines that the potential and the possibilities that the organization has. The internal environment includes marketing, financial, manufacturing and personnel organizational components, each of which has its own structure.

In addition, the inner medium is completely permeated by the organizational culture, which, as well as the individual components of the inner medium, should be subjected to a serious study in the process of analyzing the internal environment of the organization. Since the organizational culture does not have a clear manifestation, then its analysis on a formal basis is very difficult. Although, of course, you can try expertly on the form to assess such factors such as the presence of a mission that combines the activities of employees; the presence of some common values; pride for their organization; Motivation system, clearly linked to the results of employees; Psychological climate in the team, etc.

Trace the possible combinations of the characteristics of the market situation with the strong and weak parties to the enterprise usingSWOT.- Analysis.

Situational or "SWOT.- Analysis "(the first letters of English words:S. trengths. - strengths;W. eakneses. - weak sides;O. pportUnities. - capabilities;T. hreats. - dangers, threats) can be carried out both for the organization as a whole and for individual types of business. Its results are subsequently used in the development of strategic plans and marketing plans.

The SWOT-analysis methodology implies first identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities, and further - the establishment of chains of links between them, which can be used to formulate the organization's strategies.

The technology of carrying out and provides for the compilation of the matrix, the type of which is shown in Fig. four.


1. Enter new markets

2 Extension of production

3. et.


1. The emergence of new competitors

2. Slow market growth

3. et.


1. There is a portfolio of projects

Strength and opportunity

Power and threat

2. Perfect technology

3. etc.

Weak sides

Weakness and opportunity

Weakness and threats

1. Lack of working capital

2. care from the enterprise qualified personnel

3. etc.

Fig. 4. MatrixSWOT.

The first field includes strategies that use the strengths of the organization to implement its capabilities that appeared on the market.

II field - strategies using strengths to eliminate threats.

III - strategies minimizing the weakness of the organization, using the capabilities of the situation.

IV - strategies, minimizing the weaknesses of the organization and threats that appeared in the external environment.

The task of SWOT analysis is to provide a specialist with all the necessary information to determine the possible strategies and combinations thereof.

Further actions should consist of compression of the amount of information, allocation of it with the help of existing factors and problems

2.4. Development and selection of strategic alternatives

After the management compares external threats and opportunities with internal forces and weaknesses, it can define a strategy that will follow.

2.4.1. Strategic alternatives

One of the main problems of strategic management is the degree of validity of choosing one or another direction of development. Despite the limited number of goals, which, as a rule, pursues the company, in choosing ways to achieve these goals there is always alternatives. The overwhelming majority of well-known solutions in this area comes down to a format convenient for reflection and discussion: all sorts of matrices, charts. The strategic management process suggests that alternatives will be selected on each period of time, allowing to achieve goals with a maximum effect.

The strategic choice includes the development of a series of strategic alternatives based on the company's goals, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as external opportunities and threats. Each strategic alternative can represent possible directions of action. At this stage, the next main question appears: what directions of strategic development seem to be the most acceptable? When developing strategies, it is important to consider the greatest possible number of options, as there is a tendency to take into account only the most obviously acceptable options and already in the early stages of the alternative to discard the rest. However, such an assessment is always subjective. Obvious options are not necessarily the best. And this circumstance can deprive the options that, with more detailed elaboration at the stage of assessing options, would be found their advantages.

In the process of strategic analysis, various variants of the Corporation Strategy should be appreciated. In order to choose one or another, strategy developers compare them among themselves, given the extent to which each of them is able to achieve the objectives of the organization. The optimal version of the strategy should ensure the best relationship between the strengths and weak parties of the organization, the possibilities and threats of the external environment.

There are four main strategic alternatives before the organization. Although there are many options for each of these alternatives, we will focus our attention on choosing a common strategy.

Let's consider each of these alternatives, the reasons why companies use one strategy, not another, and the point in which a specific strategy is likely to be successful. This four alternatives include limited growth, growth, reduction, and a combination of these three strategies.

Limited growth. A strategic alternative to which most organizations adheres to is limited. For limited growth strategy, it is characterized by establishing goals from achieved adjusted for inflation. Limited growth strategy is used in mature industries with static technology, when the organization is mainly satisfied with its position. Organizations choose this alternative because it is the easiest, most convenient and least risky method of action.

HeightSustragianosta is carried out by annual significant increase in the level of short-term and long-term goals above the level of indicators of the previous year. Growth strategy is the second most frequently chosen alternative. It is used in dynamically developing industries with rapidly changing technologies. It may adhere to managers seeking to diversify their firms to leave the markets in stagnation. In an unstable industry, no growth may mean bankruptcy. In the static industry, the lack of growth or failure of diversification can lead to market atrophy and lack of profits.

Growth may be inner or external. Internal growth strategies are the development of the market or product development of either the other, simultaneously or consistently, by using the organization's resources. Table 2 presents four internal strategies.

table 2

Combination of strategies "Product - Market"




Penetration into the market or concentration.

Support on the only product in the single market.

Orientation to a significant increase in market share.

Modifying, development or product update.

The offer of new products in existing markets.

Expansion or extension of the product life cycle.

Market development.

Supply of existing goods in new areas.

Use existing advantages, skills and abilities.

Internally related diversification in technology and markets.

Unrelated diversification when products are not related to existing products or markets

External growth may be in adjacent industries in the form of vertical or horizontal growth. Growth can lead to conglomerates, that is, unification of firms in no bound industry. Today, the most obvious and recognized form of growth is the merger of corporations.

Reduction. An alternative to the less frequently chosen leaders and which is often called the strategy of the last fund, is a reduction strategy. The level of persecuted goals is set below the achieved in the past. In fact, for many firms, the abbreviation may mean a common way to rationalization and reorienting operations.

As part of the contraction alternative, there may be several options:

    Liquidation. The most radical embodiment is the full sale of material reserves and assets of the organization.

    Cutting off extra. Often firms consider it profitable to separate some units or activities from themselves.

    Reduction and reorientation. With a stagnant economy, many firms consider it necessary to reduce part of their activities in an attempt to increase profits.

The abbreviation strategies are resorted most often when the company's performance indicators continue to deteriorate, with an economic downturn or simply to save the organization.

Combination. The combination strategies of all alternatives will most likely adhere to large firms actively operating in several industries. The combination strategy is an association of any of the three mentioned strategies - limited growth, growth and reduction.

2.4.2. Choosing a strategy

After the management consider existing strategic alternatives, it then refers to a specific strategy. The goal is to choose a strategic alternative, which will maximize the long-term efficiency of the organization. Although the choice of a common strategy is both the right and the obligation of the highest leadership, the final choice has a profound impact on the entire organization. To make an effective strategic choice, the top managers must have a clear, divided by all the concept of the company and its future. The strategic choice must be defined and unambiguous. The commitment to any particular choice is often limited to the future strategy, so the decision should be subject to careful study and evaluation.

The choice of strategy limit the external and internal conditions and depends on the resources of the company and the risk to which the executives of the enterprise are ready to go.

Therefore, when choosing a strategy, it is advisable to draw up a table in which the assessment of the factors that affect the choice of strategy. An example of such a table is below.

Table 3.

The composition of the factors taken into account when choosing a strategy

Influence of factor

The degree of risk should not exceed 25%

2. The magnitude of funds

The disposable financial resources of no more than 25 million rubles.

3. The attitude of the staff of the enterprise to possible changes

Resistance is not expected from the staff, because The current situation leads to the deterioration of the economic situation of the enterprise

4. Estimated performance results after the implementation of the Strategy

Increased profit by 10% per year. Strengthening competitive positions in the market of goods ...

Analysis of factors will reduce the number of possible strategies to a minimum and evaluate the possibilities of providing the selected strategies with the necessary volume of labor, financial, intellectual and other resources. The choice of strategy can also be carried out on the basis of the establishment of criteria, the execution of which is mandatory.

The strategic choice carried out by the managers is influenced by a variety of factors. Here is some of them:

    Risk.What level of risk management considers acceptable? The risk is the fact of the company's life, but the high degree of risk can destroy the company.

    Knowing past strategies. Often consciously or unconsciously management is under the influence of past strategic alternatives chosen by the firm.

    Reaction to owners. Very often, the owners of the shares limit the flexibility of the manual when choosing a specific strategic alternative.

    Time factor. The time factor when deciding can contribute to the success or failure of the organization. Implementing even a good idea in a bad moment can lead to the collapse of the organization.

2.5. Implementation and control of implementation of the strategy

The choice of strategy is a difficult task, but even more difficult is the task of the selection of appropriate tools for monitoring the strategy and evaluation of its results. The choice of adequate means of strategic control allows to reduce the costs of implementing the strategy and reduce the time of restructuring of the corporation.

2.5.1. The implementation of the implementation of the strategy

In general, the process of implementing the strategy can be submitted to the form of a scheme (Fig. 5)

Fig. 5 Strategy implementation process

Of particular significant activities in the implementation of the strategy are the following:

    Development of an action option for unforeseen circumstances.This option applies if necessary to respond to important changes in the organizational environment, which can actually occur. For an effective reaction to changes in the environment, it is necessary to systematically monitor the actual changes and correlate with the planned, for which it is also necessary to determine the cyclicity of control. Usually such options are revised every year.

    Development of the organizational structure.For the success of the introduction of the adopted strategy, the organization should have a specific structure that ensures maximum opportunities for its implementation. The development of the structure includes the distribution of responsibility for the tasks and the rights to making decisions in the organization. It is also necessary to decide which structure should be the organization: horizontal or vertical (centralized or decentralized decision-making), to what extent it should be divided into relatively independent working groups, etc.

    Choosing an organization management system.It is personnel that determine the successful implementation of the strategy. It may also be necessary to adapt different systems used to manage the organization.

    Organization policy.She plays a key role in strategic process Control. Political activity The organizations are a real fact, since various groups have their own goals and programs and is quite likely to conflict between them. The most important results of such conflicts are the struggle and creation of coalitions that play an important role in the strategic management process, especially since the strategic change creates a tendency towards the nomination of this struggle for the forefront.

    The implementation of the strategy includes the choice of organizational association and control systems.It requires joint actions and coordination between different divisions. The organization must decide how to better analyze the indicators of the units and manage their actions.

Successful implementation of the strategy requires compliance with the structure, culture and levers of the organization's management. Different strategies and setting options may require the organization of various structural changes, other cultural values \u200b\u200band control systems. It is also necessary to formulate plans for resources and various functional areas.

In the process of implementing the strategy, each level of management solves its specific tasks and implements functions for it. The decisive role belongs to the Highest Management. Its activities at the strategy implementation stage can be presented in the form of five consecutive stages.

First stage - In-depth study of the state of the environment, goals and developed strategies. At this stage, the following main tasks are solved:

    the final understanding of the essence of certain goals developed by strategies, their correctness and compliance with each other, as well as the state of the medium. Through this, as it should be the final "good" to implement strategies. At the same time, adjustments are possible if changes occurred in the environment, as well as if there were deficiencies in the previous analysis and development of goals and strategies;

    the wider budget of the ideas of strategies and the meaning of goals to employees of the company in order to prepare the soil for in-depth employees involving the strategy process.

Second phase It is that top management should make decisions on the efficient use of resources available from the firm. At this stage, resource assessment is carried out, decisions are made to distribute them, as well as on the creation of facilities for interested employees in the process of implementing strategies. An important task solved at this stage is to bring resources in line with implemented strategies.

On the third stage Higher guide makes decisions about the organizational structure. It turns out the compliance of the existing organizational structure taken to implement strategies and, if necessary, appropriate changes are made to the organizational structure of the company.

Fourth stage It is to carry out the necessary changes in the firm, without which it is impossible to start implementing the strategy. Changes cannot be carried out without taking into account objective factors asking the conditions and capabilities of such changes. Often it takes several years in order to conduct a serious change on the company.

Fifth stage The participation of senior management in the implementation of the strategy is that it conducts a revision of the implementation plan in the event that it urgently requires new circumstances. The strategic plan is not a dogma, and, of course, it can and should undergo modification under certain circumstances. However, it is also important to avoid changes in the plan whenever new circumstances appear. A new plan can be accepted when it promises noticeably great opportunities to gain benefits than an existing plan.

2.5.2. Strategic control

The development of the strategy allows the Organization to determine the direction and method of its movement to goals, the implementation of the Strategy creates the conditions for the organization to implement its strategy. It may seem that if the strategy was chosen correctly and the necessary conditions were created for its implementation, then there should be no serious difficulties and problems at the stage of its implementation. Perhaps it would be so if the outer and internal environment of the organization were unchanged or completely predictable. In fact, the business proceeds in a very volatile medium. Therefore, before the control, it is a very serious task of monitoring how the organization is moving towards its goals, as well as determining whether it will be able to achieve them, and if not, what it should change in their behavior.

Strategic control is not aimed at finding out that the strategy is correctly or incorrectly implemented. His task is to clarify whether the implementation of the strategy will lead to the achievement of the goals. This task determines how the strategic control system is built.

Requirements for information.In order for the strategic control system to be effective, it must satisfy a number of requirements. The most significant requirements for the incoming information control system are the following:

    information should come in a timely manner to make the necessary decisions to adjust the strategy;

    information should contain the correct data adequately reflecting the state of controlled processes;

    the accurate time of its receipt should be on the information and the exact time to which it applies.

Setting indicators.Usually these indicators are directly related to the strategy that the organization is implemented. It is believed that there are several well-defined groups of indicators, according to which the state of the organization is recorded. Such groups of indicators are:

    performance indicators;

    indicators of the use of human resources;

    indicators characterizing the state of the external environment;

    indicators characterizing intorganization processes.

The choice of indicators for strategic control is in itself the task of strategic importance, since this will depend on the evaluation of the success of the implementation of the strategy.

Measurement system and tracking parameters.This is a very difficult task, since in many cases it is not so easy to measure them. There are four possible approaches to the construction of measurement and tracking systems:

    The control system based on market indicators of the company's functioning. Here prices for the products of the company, prices for firm shares and income on investment capital can be measured. Measurement is carried out in the market comparison of these parameters.

    Measurement and tracking of the state of the release of various divisions of the organization. In this case, individual units (structural units) of the organization are established purposes, and after that, as far as they perform the tasks to them are estimated.

    Bureaucratic approach to control. In the case of this approach, it is thoroughly described how to work which to perform actions, etc. That is, detailed procedures and rules of behavior and action are established. With this approach, it is monitored and not controlled by what is obtained, but how correctly the established procedures and rules are performed. The basis of the bureaucratic approach is standardization.

    Establishing the norms of relationships and system of values \u200b\u200bin the organization. In this case, the control turns into a self-control. Not someone controls the results of the activities of others, and the participants themselves themselves in the process of its implementation control their work and their results from the standpoint of the interests of the organization.

Comparison and evaluation of the result.When conducting this comparison, managers may encounter three situations: the actual state is higher (better) desired, the real state corresponds to the desired and, finally, the actual state is worse than desired.

If the real state matches the desired, the decision is usually made that it is not necessary to change anything. In the case when the actual status of the control parameter is better desired, you can increase the desired value of the control parameter, but only if it does not contradict the objectives of the organization. When the actual status of the control parameter below its desired state, it is necessary to identify the cause of this deviation and, if necessary, to adjust the behavior of the organization. This adjustment may concern both the means to achieve the goals and the goals themselves.

Conducting adjustment

Conducting the adjustment passes according to the following scheme. First of all, a revision of control parameters is carried out. For this, it seems how the selected control parameters and the desired state defined for them correspond to the established objectives of the organization and the selected strategy. If a contradiction is detected, then the parameters are adjusted. If the control parameters do not contradict goals and strategies, then the revision begins goals. For this, management compares the selected goals with the current state of the environment in which the organization has to function. It may happen that changing the conditions makes it impossible to achieve the goals. In this case, they must be adjusted. But if the environment allows the organization and then go to the goals set, then the process of adjustment should be transferred to the level of the company's strategy.

Revision strategy It imposes an understanding whether changes in the environment have not led to the fact that the implementation of the selected strategy in the future becomes difficult or the strategy can no longer lead the organization to the goals. If so, the strategies should be reviewed. If not, the reasons for the unsatisfactory work of the organization should be sought in her structure or in the system information supportor in functional systemsensuring the activities of the organization. It may turn out that everything is fine in these areas. Then the reason for the unsuccessful work of the organization should be sought at the level of individual operations and processes. In this case, the adjustment should concern how the staff perform their work, and be aimed at improving the systems of motivation, improve the skills of employees, improvement of the organization of labor and intra-corporate relations, etc.

Chapter 3 Development Trends Strategic Management

3.1. Strategic Management Trends in the Modern Economics

In the modern world, increasing importance is beginning to acquire consulting services.

Time is money. The main resource that now has players in the market is time. The one who now will not miss the moment and, competently prepared, will attract funding, sells its large-scale investment project - He will take a leading position in this market. Of course, it is possible to do everything yourself, but the role of the consultant is precisely in order to provide exactly the knowledge that is necessary to solve this particular issue. Just In Time Knowledge - This term used to be used in the production logistics, but today he acquired a deeper meaning. This is exactly what they bring consultants to management and investment for companies interested in strengthening their competitive position and attract funding to implement large-scale investment projects. In the process of training and interaction with investors, there are a lot of subtleties and pitfalls. Unfortunately, the second chance of the company, as a rule, does not happen.

Today, no one is in doubt that there are not separate products on the market, but the corporations representing these products compete. Failures in one strategic field of business should be compensated by success in others and do not lead to the destruction of the corporation as a whole. It should also be taken into account that companies are forced to compete in the market with international corporations, with comprehensive business systems that ensure the fulfillment of all, without exception, business functions necessary for leadership in competitive struggle. The role of qualified consultants as advisers in management issues and attracting investments in these conditions is difficult to overestimate.

Currently, when applying strategic management at the company, the main phenomenon and the threat of further existence of the enterprise becomes the so-called strategic break.

The strategic gap is a situation that is familiar to many companies: they have a certain distant and not very clear goal on one side, and on the other hand - very detailed budgets: they know how much money and what they spend. And between these budgets and strategy there is a gap. A similar gap exists between the company's strategy, the fact that she wants to do, and the ability to implement it.

There are several approaches to the fight against strategic breaks. The mains are "American" and "English" approaches.

The United Kingdom adopted a law that binds the management of large corporations in advance to hand over the strategic plan of its organization for a year ahead. Work on this law was carried out twenty years in a row, this is not a reaction to some recent events. The meaning of the law is to assist the owners of the companies to appreciate, directors of companies work in their interests. 20 years ago, the only information about which managers had to openly report are financial results that did not say anything about what actually happens in the company. Therefore, this law was invented to solve the problem.

At the same time, it is noticeable that English and American approaches to solving the problem are different in their essence. The American approach is to formulate the necessary actions in detail. It leads to big number Rules, laws and registered acts, which, meanwhile, is fairly easy to circumvent. The British approach is to create a certain principle that sets the direction. This principle is not always understood, but at least it acts. And if the director does not work in the right direction if their work contradicts his spirit itself, then it turns out that they violate the law. It seems to me that this is a much more correct approach.

On the way to "correct", effective management is found in many difficulties.

The biggest problem is culture. Managers are usually not ready to create measured plans, show what effects their work affects the final goals. Most of them are considering budgeting as a kind of game where they play the role of a hero or scounding: either they put in the budget or not. And even if you convince the manager that you can create the right budget, or forced it to do it, still a culture will not allow him to do it, because he is afraid that he will not be in the budget and for it "bite." And this is the biggest problem.

Over the past years, the leaders of successful companies solved two key managerial tasks. The first task is to create an effective operational management system - the establishment of sales channels, the creation of an internal motivation system, the implementation of regular management procedures, the separation of the manager and owner functions, etc. - Most successful companies are mostly solved. As for the second task - definitions of a long-term strategy and growth model, then it is different.

We believe that we successfully keep leadership in the national market in the long term is possible only if our companies will do something better than global companies. On the other hand, if the company learn how to do something better here, then, most likely, she will be able to compete with them on their territory - outside the Russian market.

From here it follows that the question "What can we do better in the world?" It is quite legitimate for Russian corporations that they want to become great. Moreover, in our opinion, this question is not only possible, but also need to be asked, because the main competitive advantage of our companies is a low price - quickly disappears and time to make the choice remains less and less.

The setting of the task "learn to make the best of all in the world" can significantly change the understanding and interpretation of "harsh facts". Large corporations in Russia are strongly and unbound diversified. To make at least one of the business globally competitive, enormous investment and management resources are needed, comparable to the resources of transnational companies. But Russian corporations are ten times less than their competitors. Therefore, they also have ten times less investment resources. At the same time, catastrophically missing investment resources are distributed between 3-4, and sometimes ten unrelated businesses. It follows that the greatest prospects in global competition in the most focused corporations adhere to "niche" strategies.

Trying to build the logic of business development, the leaders of Russian companies reflect on the fact that in their consulting practice we call the company's business model. The term business model is quite often used lately and has many interpretations. In our understanding, the business model is a combination of a number of parameters describing the principal scheme for building a business company. The main parameters describing the business model are the objectives of the company, the products and market portfolio, the management system, the scheme of interaction with counterparties and the principles of the organization of production. A fundamentally important thing in business models are not so many parameters by itself as their mutual linkage. It is the rigid interconnectedness of the component with each other who sets a fairly clear logic to the entire company's business.

The challenge of global competition significantly changes not only the product-market strategy, but also all other elements of the business model. We dare to assume that the majority of large industrial corporations will have a tough technological restructuring, which - in spite of the established tradition to talk about restructuring - in fact, has not yet started. Focus a sufficient amount of resources on the development of key skills will be able to only be indigenous to modernize the production and optimization of its structure, primarily auxiliary and procurement workshops.

3.2. Directions of improving the mechanism for implementing the strategy

The nature of measures to improve the mechanism of implementation of strategies will be determined by the characteristics of the economic situation and the processes occurring in the enterprise.

As studies have shown, the main directions of its improvement are:

    Functional structural restructuring;

    Revision of investment policy;

    Strengthening labor motivation.

The functional structural restructuring of the mechanism at enterprises is currently being carried out: marketing departments are created, they are redistributed in connection with these functions of units, their organizational structure changes. However, due to the lack of qualified specialists, the lack of a good methodical base, the lack of executives interest, this work is not carried out at the proper level. Due to the orientation of activities on solving current tasks, the company's development remains often remains.

IN modern conditions To reduce the loss of resources, the improvement of the mechanism should include the creation, where it is justified, problem-oriented units, to be issued in the form of programs and become an important concern for the management of the enterprise. The ultimate goal of this unit should be the creation of a slim system for developing and implementing the strategy of the enterprise.

This service should be fully exempted from bringing it to solving operational management and production issues, allocating its work in an independent type of management activity. The following basic tasks are assigned to it:

    Achieving the overall balance of financial and economic and production indicators;

    Clarification of the nomenclature and volumes of products;

    Improving the structure of capital investments and financing technical re-equipment of production;

    Creating a mobile organizational structure of enterprise management.

At how effective the work of the company's promising development of the enterprise will depend on these tasks, the adaptability of the system and in general the ability of the enterprise to create competitive advantages.

Chapter 4 Factors of Competitive Advisions

LLC "Temp"

4.1. Analysis of the activity of LLC "Temp"

The study of suppliers, intermediaries, competitors and surrounding conditions allows you to determine that the company can do to achieve its marketing purposes. Analysis of production, finance, equipment, personnel and other resources allows you to determine what kind of possibilities it has, what resources are available, and which are necessary, which you can purchase and for what price; Will the production be able to ensure proper quantity and quality of goods.

The study of the enterprise's capabilities is aimed at disclosing its potential, strengths and weaknesses.

Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise involves the definition of areas of activity and functions in which the company has achieved success, and those market indicators that need improvement. It is these areas and functions that should be an object of close study and a reserve of enterprise growth. Essentially, the study of the possibilities of the enterprise is reduced to a comparative analysis of its potential by existing and promising market needs.

LLC "Temp" was established in 1998 on the basis of Law No. 14-FZ "On Limited Liability Societies". In accordance with it, the authorized capital of the Company is divided into shares of certain constituent documents. The company is owned by 3 depositor, which are managed by the organization's activities. The firm is an independent education, without having the status of a subsidiary or dependent enterprise of other organizations. Also, the company itself does not have subsidiaries or dependent organizations, branches.

Full name of the company:

Limited Liability Company "Temp"

Legal address of the company:

SPB, Moscow Ave., d. 130

The Company is a commercial organization, the main goal of its activities is to receive profits. In accordance with the Charter, the Company performs the following activities:

    cargo transportation.

Also, the Temp LLC has the right to engage in trade and procurement, construction and other commercial activities that do not require special licenses and its relevant organizational and legal form. However, at this stage, the activities of the company are limited only by cargo transportation

As already mentioned, general management is carried out by co-owners of the company engaged in posts by the Director-General, financial director and technical director.

Accounting and collecting information on the activities of LLC is engaged in accounting, consisting of 4 people led by the chief accountant.

The firm does not provide for a special department (service) of economic analysis. Analytical work is carried out by the financial director in conjunction with the accounting department, it also makes decisions on the use of the analysis results in the work practice.

The accounting policy of the firm is issued by the appropriate order "On Accounting Policy" of November 17, 1998, which includes the following sections:

    Methodical principles of accounting;

    Technical organization of accounting;

    Organization of accounting service.

Accounting at the enterprise is conducted in accordance with this order for the magazine-rational system in the following order:

    Accounting of production reserves - in terms of average cost;

    Accounting for the repair of fixed assets - by incorporating the actual costs in the cost of production as the repair is made;

    The method of determining revenue from sales - for shipment (for tax purposes - by payment);

    Depreciation method - linear.

Responsibility for organizing accounting in LLC carries chief Accountant. Direct performers are involved in the registration of primary documents (forwarders, etc. drivers). The company compiled a document schedule. It lists all primary documents, their purpose is indicated, the number of copies, who and what time frames is.

Accounting workers handle data entering them according to distributed official duties. Official instructions are drawn up on accounting workers.

Documents in the accounting department come according to the schedule of document management. The received accountant information is processed, check the correctness of the filing of documents, enter information to the computer and produce a machine to their accounting volume. The company uses an automated form of accounting of the "1C" system. Primary documents are stored in folders, fired in wiring.

The company regularly submits to the relevant authorities, accounting and statistical reporting, in accordance with the general rules for Ltd..

The audits for the analysis covered period was not. Tax audits for this period of significant violations in accounting did not reveal.

The organizational structure of LLC "Temp" has the following form (Fig. 6).

As already noted, the main activity of the enterprise is cargo transportation, or road transport activities, under which the complex of works and services related to the preparation, organization and the implementation of road transport, including transportation and expeditionary work, the technical operation of motor vehicles and so on.

Consider the organizational structure of LLC "Temp" in terms of carrying out logistics functions.

Functional Supply Functions The Temp LLC is entrusted to the Technical Director, which carries out the purchase of motor vehicles for the enterprise's activities.

Sales function Performs financial director and accountable departments of intracity and long-distance transportation.

Financial and informational support The activities of the enterprise is located in the Office of the Director General with the support of accounting.

Transport, as well as service (In this case, the packaging, loading / unloading) of the "Official" functions are distributed among the technical director and the financial director. However, almost these functions are assigned directory directors directory drivers.

Noteworthy in the work of this enterprise is the absence of a warehouse in its assets, and, consequently, the lack of storage services (albeit not long) transported goods; What clearly leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the company.

By analyzing the organizational structure from the point of view of the implementation of logistics functions, it can be concluded that the unsatisfactory organizational structure.

4.2. Methodical and practical recommendations for optimizing the management process LLC "Temp"

The organizational structure of the enterprise should be adequate to the structure of the enterprise itself and must comply with the scope and functional purpose of managed objects.

Usually crisis situations in the enterprise are caused by excessive number of employees management personnel.

However, the "Temp" LLC emerged a diametrically opposite problem - the absence of the necessary number of qualified employees of the management apparatus.

In this situation, the selection of the following strategies for improving personnel management is useful for LLC:

    Reorganization of the organizational structure of the enterprise. This choice is justified by the fact that a diversification strategy was elected as a marketing strategy, the implementation of which will require an additional set of qualified personnel, the creation of departments and services;

    Development and implementation of an effective logistics management system of the enterprise;

    Improved enterprise management system. It is necessary to strengthen the management of the enterprise, making emphasis on control over the external environment, organizational structure, increasing the responsibility of employees for the work performed.

First priorities:

    Certification of the existing management personnel of Temp LLC for the professional suitability and compliance of the position. This certification will allow you to identify the potential of the Pattern LLC "Temp". At the same time, it should be appreciated by the preparation of employees on the necessary specialties and the necessary qualifications.

    Based on the analysis of the organizational structure of Ltd., to develop proposals for the reorganization of the structural divisions of the Ltd. and the implementation of such management schemes that allow you to more effectively solve strategic and current tasks within the framework of the established cost estimates.

Events to restore solvency:

    Events for formation personnel composition LLC "Temp". As part of the developed optimal organizational structure of Ltd., it is necessary to attract highly specialized employees with "Parties", especially in the field of marketing

    Events on the implementation of an effective management scheme LLC. It is necessary to make focus on strengthening the responsibility of newly emergence of managers for the work performed, an increase in the organizing role of leading managers and specialists, the creation of a system of personnel motivation.

    In the framework of the current legislation, tighten the measures of disciplinary and material impact to personnel for violation of production discipline.

    It is necessary to create an information database for conducting planning personnel planning, including a reserve of nomination to key positions leading managers and specialists.

The weak parties of the enterprise are the following facts:

    some fundamental functions are assigned to several functional units at once;

    almost there is almost no control of transport and service functions;

    large responsibility is entrusted to ordinary employees: forwarders drivers (in the development of the optimal route for the carriage of goods), dispatchers (as part of attracting clients);

    fully lack of warehouse services and so on.

Based on the analysis of the organization's organizational structure of Ltd., proposals were developed for the reorganization of LLC structural divisions and the implementation of such management schemes that allow you to more effectively solve strategic and current tasks within the framework of the established cost estimates.

As part of the proposed reorganization, it is necessary to create the following departments that perform certain functions:

    the main change is the creation department of Logisticsto which will be naked transport functions (development of optimal routes and transport volumes), service functions, as well as warehouse functions (optimization of the work of the warehouse due to diversification);

    insofar as the financial analysis The activities of the enterprise showed the possibility of bankruptcy of the enterprise, the general director adopted a strategy for diversification of production. In connection with this strategy, it was decided to lease with subsequent redemption warehousepremises for implementing, if necessary, intermediate storage of goods. For the implementation of the warehouse management, the appropriate department was created, the accounting department of the logistics;

    It is also necessary to introduce posts in the staff lawyer;

    If earlier functions of financial and information support Mounted on the general director, now it is planned to be introduced into staff financial analyst;

    Technical Director, retains the previous mTS functionsHowever, it is supposed to be active cooperation with the Logistics Department and financial analyst.

As part of the developed optimal organizational structure of Ltd., it is necessary to attract highly specialized employees with "Parties", especially in the field of marketing and logistics.

It is necessary to make focus on strengthening the responsibility of newly emergence of managers for the work performed, an increase in the organizing role of leading managers and specialists, the creation of a system of personnel motivation.

It is also necessary to create an information database for conducting planned personnel rates, including a reserve for the key positions of leading managers and specialists.

Among the systemic restrictions affecting the application of the designed organizational structure of LLC "Temp" can be allocated:

    The authorized capital of the Company is formed by equal shares of three participants holding the posts of general, financial and technical directors. In this case, the main role is played by the human factor - each of the founders strive to play the dominant role of the management of the company.

    This company has the status of a small enterprise, in connection with which there is a restriction on the number of employees (no more than 100 people).

    At the moment, LLC "Temp" is on the verge of bankruptcy, so the main task is now financial rehabilitation of the enterprise before applying bankruptcy procedures that cause well-known restrictions on the enterprise's activities.


The high efficiency of production in leading capitalist countries is not caused by a factor in the property, but above all the high qualifications of managers and a filigreely spent management system aimed at obtaining the highest possible income.

In terms of market relations, the company strive with the help of flexible management methods to ensure a continuous increase in production and sales of products and on this basis guarantee its prosperity. To achieve such goals, a long-term target program of rapid response is required, which is related to the market and competition, the capabilities of changes in the characteristics of products in accordance with demand. The essence of strategic management and is to solve such tasks.

Strategic management is a continuous process. After the strategies are implemented, they must be monitored and produced in certain periods to assess their implementation. A modern understanding of the strategy is determined by the need to maintain the maximum flexibility of the enterprise.

The assessment of the selected strategy is mainly carried out in the form of an analysis of the correctness and adequacy of accounting when choosing a strategy of the main factors that determine the ability to implement the strategy.

To real increase the efficiency of production of one interest in investing in the extended reproduction of fixed capital, it is not enough, as not enough to just acquire equipment to produce a final product. To do this, you need to still organize the process of implementing and using production equipment, and the level and dynamics of production will depend on the quality of intra-profit planning, from the system and structures of the management, forms of organization and stimulation of labor. The development and improvement of intra-profit planning, in turn, is depending on which type of strategy is dominant; From how well developed strategic management at the enterprise.

List of used literature

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    Bukchkov M. Intercompanic planning: Tutorial. M., 1999.

    Vinokurov V.A. Organization of strategic management at the enterprise. - M.: Center for Economics and Marketing, 1996

    Vikhansky O.S. Sustragegic management: Tutorial. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Gardaria, 1998.

    Tooth A.T. Strategic Management: Theory and Practice: Tutorial for universities. - M.: Aspect Press, 2002

    Mescon M, Albert M., Hedwori F. Fundamentals of Management. - M.: Publishing House "Case", 1997

    Ovanesov A., Idrisov A. Article "Strategic management will help seize leadership in competition" on the site

    Pecherski A.S. Article: "Management growth in large Russian corporations: Are the" great "companies are created in Russia?" Online

    Strategic planning and management. Tutorial. - SPb.: 1997.

    Economy of the enterprise (firms): a textbook / edited by prof. O.I. Volkova and Doc. O.V. Devyatkina. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Infra-M, 2006

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