Forms of business communication. Business language

Engineering systems 21.09.2019
Engineering systems

Saint Petersburg State

University of Culture and Arts

Faculty of Cultural Studies and Arts


Department of Social and Cultural Activities


on the culture of speech

"Culture of business communication: levels and rules".

Completed by a student of group 177

Polushkina P.A.


Kaminskaya N.D.

St. Petersburg


I. Culture of business communication

1.3 Types of business communication………………………………………… 10

II. Business conversation as a set of levels and rules

2.3 The role of business communication in the life of people………17

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………… 18

List of used literature…………………………………………..19

Attachment 1


"We can't predict

How our word will respond,

And sympathy is given to us,

How do we get grace?

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

Most mass view communication of people in society - business communication. Almost all things are started, carried out and completed with the help of speech interactions between people. One cannot do without them in the sphere of economic, legal, diplomatic, commercial, and administrative relations. In the life of any organization or enterprise, these types of business communication occupy an important place. The exchange of information, the promotion and development of working ideas, control, coordination of the activities of employees, summarizing and evaluating what has been achieved are just some of the aspects of the organization's activities that are associated with business communication. The ability to successfully conduct business negotiations, competently and correctly draw up a business paper, and much more has now become an integral part of professional culture business person: manager, employee and leader of all levels. To achieve high performance in any form commercial activities it is necessary to possess a certain set of information, knowledge, ideas about the rules, levels and principles of business communication.

Business communication is the most important type of relationship with other people. One of the main regulators of these relations is ethical norms, which express our ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, the rightness and wrongness of people's actions. Communicating in business cooperation with his subordinates, boss or colleagues, everyone, consciously or spontaneously, relies on these ideas. Depending on how a person understands moral norms, what content he invests in them, to what extent he takes them into account in communication, he can both facilitate business communication for himself, make it more efficient, help in solving tasks and achieving goals, and make communication difficult or even impossible.

At present, it is especially important for the head of any enterprise to ensure the success of some business, to create conditions for the cooperation of people in order to achieve significant goals for them, to promote the establishment and development of relations of cooperation and partnership between work colleagues, partners, rivals and competitors. It is the knowledge of the culture and peculiarities of business communication that contributes to the good implementation of these plans of the manager and greatly facilitates the solution of many professional issues. The effectiveness of negotiations, the moral and psychological climate in the organization depends on how well communication is built. All business problems are in one way or another connected with the culture of business communication - the process of transferring ideas, thoughts, feelings, bringing them to understanding by other people. Managers spend an average of 80% of their time on various types of communication.

In this work, I will try to reveal such basic concepts as: the culture of business communication, features, types of business communication and its role in the life of a modern person, as well as consider the leading rules and levels of communication between people in a business environment.

II. Culture of business communication

Communication culture - essential condition its effectiveness. The culture of speech is the most important component of the culture of speech communication. The modern understanding of the culture of communication includes in this concept the observance of not only linguistic, but also ethical norms, the delimitation of norms for the use of language in spheres and forms. With a man high speech culture speak easily and pleasantly. If this business man, he succeeds in various contacts and negotiations, he manages to convince people that he is right and influence his interlocutors, he can compose or edit a document himself, write an acknowledgment or a presentation speech. And these are the most important components of the professional image of a business person.

The correctness of speech is the basis of the culture of business communication. It is very important to know the rules literary language a person whose daily practice is business communication. A person with a low level of speech culture, who cannot clearly express his thoughts, makes mistakes in speech, is doomed to communicative failures. Literacy in the broad sense of the word is an indispensable condition for success in business communication. It is especially important for a manager, leader, municipal employee to imagine the normative aspect of the language of documents and features oral speech. The high culture of business communication of a manager, leader is manifested in respect for the interlocutor, no matter what social position he occupies, in the desire to help him, in the mood for cooperation. It is also important for a specialist manager to choose from the richest arsenal speech means business writing is necessary for compiling a text, conducting a business conversation and convincing oneself of being right.

If a person first of all knows how to listen to his interlocutor in the process of communication, while correctly expressing his thoughts in good level language, without slang, you can say about such a person that he fully owns the culture of communication. One of the important parts of the culture of communication is speech. It is clear that every person would be pleased to hear expressions that evoke only positive emotions. But due to the economy of time and the desire of the language also for economy, we confine ourselves to short greetings, mean compliments. Exists a large number of books and articles that give us the opportunity to learn about the rules of good manners, about our behavior in public places. The totality of all these rules of behavior and verbal treatment during Everyday life and forms what is called a culture of communication, which includes not only verbal forms of expression of politeness and sympathy. All words and actions must not conflict with appearance person, his clothes, general appearance. The culture of communication between people will not be fully observed if, with all the correctness and courtesy of their behavior, these rules are not observed. That is, it is necessary that the external appearance of those communicating with each other be adequate to the situation. “They meet by clothes, but see off by mind,” says Russian folk wisdom. Moreover, the word “mind” means the ability to communicate, get along with people. In time and to the place, the words spoken were called “golden” among the people.

Thus, the culture of communication is the use of the means and possibilities of the language, adequate to the content, setting and purpose of the statement, while observing the language norms. It contributes to the establishment and development of relations of cooperation and partnership between colleagues, managers and subordinates, largely determining their effectiveness: whether these relations will be successfully implemented in the interests of partners or become of little substance, or even completely stop if the partners do not find mutual understanding.

One of the central components of the activity of a human manager is business communication. A conversation between employees of the same organization discussing a business issue, or a conversation between a leader and a subordinate, is fundamentally different from conversations between the same people outside the official framework.

Business communication is the interaction of people, which is subordinated to specific task(industrial, scientific, commercial), that is, the purpose of business interaction lies outside the communication process (in contrast to personality-oriented communication, the subject of which is precisely the nature of the relationship between its participants). Mutual understanding, coordination of actions and clarity of priorities that arise among subjects engaged in a common cause depend on the quality of business communication.

Business relations are entered into by enterprises of all forms of ownership, as well as individuals. Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in any business: science, art, production, trade. As for managers, entrepreneurs, production organizers, people employed in the field of management, the communicative competence for representatives of these professions is the most important part of their professional activity. Business communication usually refers to the process of verbal interaction between two or more persons, in which there is an exchange of activities, information and experience, involving the achievement of a certain result or the solution of a specific problem. This definition is quite broad, as it covers activities such as learning (common goals and achieving a certain result), labor Relations(colleague-colleague), interview, public speaking, exam, consultation. Recently, in connection with the development of information technologies and the expansion of the boundaries of the communicative space, as well as the growing role of business in the public life of any country, business style constantly and willingly expands the scope of its functioning. A conversation between employees of the same organization serving a business issue, or a conversation between a leader and a subordinate, is fundamentally different from conversations between these people outside the official framework.

The specific features of business communication in an organization are:

Sufficiently strict regulation of the goals and motives of communication, ways of making contacts between employees, which is explained by the fact that each employee in the organization is normatively assigned a standard of behavior in the form of a stable structure of formal rights and obligations that he must follow. Therefore, psychologically, business communication turns out to be largely formalized, detached, “cold”. The exchange of information between employees is not of a personal nature, but is subordinated primarily to the joint solution of an official task.

· Hierarchy of building an organization: relations of subordination, dependence, inequality are fixed between departments and employees. The consequence of this principle for verbal communication is, firstly, the active use of verbal socio-symbolic means of demonstrating social status by participants in business communication, and secondly, the problems of transmitting information along the links of the hierarchical pyramid and, accordingly, the effectiveness of feedback. The effectiveness of horizontal communication (between departments, divisions or employees of the same level) is very high. People working at the same level understand each other "perfectly", they do not need a detailed and detailed explanation of the essence of the task. The effectiveness of vertical communication (up and down the hierarchical levels) is much lower. Only 20-25% of the information coming from the top management reaches directly to specific performers and is correctly understood by them. On the way of passing information from the speaker to the addressee, in any hierarchically organized management there are intermediary links. Intermediaries can be line managers, secretaries, assistants. Oral messages during transmission from one level to another can be shortened, edited, distorted before they reach the recipient. Another reason for the low efficiency of vertical communication is related to the belief of managers that subordinates do not need to know about the state of affairs, they must perform the tasks assigned to them, perform decisions taken and don't ask too many questions. But, as established by psychology, a person will act meaningfully if he knows not only the operation he is performing, but also sees the wider context in which it is inscribed. If specific performers are deprived of information of this kind, they begin to look for answers on their own, while distorting the available information. The desire to take into account these features of business communication is manifested in the requirement for a written fixation of orders, decisions, orders, in the recognition of business communication as the most important means of increasing the effectiveness of feedback in the organization.

· The need for special efforts to stimulate labor, which is explained by the objective inconsistency of the behavior and self-awareness of a person in an organization. Human nature is incompatible with a cruel hierarchical structure and formalization of organizational processes, therefore, managerial actions are needed to meet the psychological and emotional needs of workers. Maintaining their interest in the work performed, creating an effect.

1.3. The main types of business communication

According to the method of information exchange, oral and written business communication are distinguished. Oral types of business communication, in turn, are divided into monologic and dialogic.

Monologue types include: Welcome speech; Trade speech (advertising); Information speech; Report (at a meeting, meeting).

To dialogic types: Business conversation - short-term contact, mainly on one topic; Business conversation - a long exchange of information, points of view, often accompanied by decision-making; Negotiations - discussion with the aim of concluding an agreement on any issue; Interview - a conversation with a journalist, intended for print, radio, television; Discussion; Meeting (meeting); Press conference; Contact business conversation- direct, "live" dialogue; Telephone conversation (distant), excluding non-verbal communication.

In direct contact and face-to-face conversation, verbal and non-verbal communication is of the greatest importance. Conversation or messaging over the telephone is the most common form of communication.

distinguishes direct contact and a wide variety of ways of communication, which allows you to easily combine the business (formal) and personal (informal) parts of any message (see Appendix 1).

Written types of business communication are numerous official documents: business letter, protocol, report, certificate, memorandum and explanatory note, act, statement, contract, charter, regulation, instruction, decision, order, instruction, order, power of attorney.

Motivational (exchange of motives, goals, interests, motives, needs); - Activity (exchange of actions, operations, skills, skills);

According to the means of communication, it is possible to divide into the following four types: Direct - carried out with the help of natural organs given to a living being: hands, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.; Indirect - associated with the use of special means and tools;

Direct - involves personal contacts and direct perception of each other by communicating people in the very act of communication;

Indirect - carried out through intermediaries, which may be other people.

Today, the scope of business communication is expanding. Advertising and secular communication become an integral part of business communication. The success of an enterprise and business today largely depends on the ability to present one's positions in the most favorable light, to interest a potential partner, and to create a favorable impression. Therefore, in addition to the "readable" monologue speech, prepared but "unreadable" monologue speech (presentation speech, solemn speech, opening speech at various meetings), congratulatory letters, etiquette toasts are increasingly included in the practice of business communication.

Proficiency in all of the listed genres and types of business communication is included in professional competence modern leader and manager.

II. Business communication as a set of levels and rules

2.1 Rules of business communication

The culture of business communication is based on the rules, levels and norms of behavior of partners that contribute to the development of cooperation and strengthen the essential basis of business relations. The meaning of these rules and levels is to strengthen mutual trust, constantly inform the partner about their intentions and actions, exclude deception and disorientation of the partner.

In the process of business communication, its participants exchange information, which is transmitted in the form management decisions, plans, ideas, reports, reports, messages. Equally important is the exchange of interests, moods, feelings. In this case, business communication appears as a communicative process, that is, as an exchange of information that is significant for the participants in communication. All these features of business communication largely explain the nature of the rules for verbal communication in a business environment, which are formulated:

1. Be clear about the purpose of your message

2. Make the message clear and understandable different groups workers: find specific illustrations general concepts, develop the general idea using vivid examples.

3. Keep messages as short and concise as possible, discard unnecessary information, draw the attention of employees only to those problems that concern them specifically.

4. When talking to employees, follow the rules of active listening, show them signals of your understanding and readiness for joint action.

The ability to communicate and correctly express one's thoughts is one of the basic principles of success in any business of a modern person. This can be safely attributed to different areas life.

There are several rules of business communication that help a person in his professional activities as a manager.

1- Never start a conversation with business proposals. Try to first make friends with a person, talk and find out his interests, inclinations. Only after you get to know the person more deeply, after he shares his problems, start a conversation about how your offer, product or service can help him solve these problems.

2.- Avoid giving direct advice. It is advisable to avoid giving your ready-made solutions to other people's problems in a direct form. Very few people are ready to learn from the mistakes of others and are able to openly perceive someone else's life experience. Express your point of view gently and unobtrusively, constantly emphasizing that this is just your vision of the topic and your personal experience. Show your knowledge and competence in the topic under discussion and make the person ask you for help and advice.

3.- Use the style of indirect questions. Such questions can put a person in an awkward position and often, one such question can stop the whole conversation, making a person not a friend, but an enemy. Any direct question is an attempt to forcefully pull out all the ins and outs of a person. The interlocutor must be brought to this point gradually so that he himself decides to discuss his problems or difficulties.

4. - Encourage independent reflection on the problem. This rule helps to stimulate the activity of the conversation. There is no need to issue ready-made solutions on a particular topic. It is necessary to let a person think, so that he himself thinks and comes to some conclusion, and then expresses this thought. You can use speech turns: "What do you think?"; "What do you think about it?"; "How do you see this question?" It is important not to forget about your unobtrusiveness and the role of a friend. If the thought expressed seems stupid, do not rush to tell the person about it and show your superiority over him.

5. - An important rule that helps in successful business communication. It is necessary to allow the interlocutor to independently determine the direction in which he would like to move. The main task of a manager in business communication is to do everything so that his interlocutor independently, during the conversation, shows his problems and accepts your offer as the most profitable one.

6. - It is necessary to use verbal locks, that is, if the person - the interlocutor is ready to perceive information about a business, product or service, then it is worth bringing down a stream of sentences on him gently and smoothly, using reinforcing verbal locks like: "Is it so?"; "Am I right?"; "It's true?". Thus, you can actively manage the process of good understanding and memorization of information.

7. - You should add a little humor and wit to the conversation! If there is some tension in the conversation, it is worth telling some anecdote on the topic or turning the problem into a joke!

2.2. Business Communication Levels

Business communication can take place at various levels. These include:

· Manipulative - the level, which consists in the fact that one of the interlocutors, through a certain social role, tries to arouse sympathy, pity for the partner.

· Primitive - the level when one of the partners suppresses the other (one is a permanent communicator, and the other is a permanent recipient).

· The highest is the social level when, regardless of social role, status, partners treat each other as an equal person.

According to the degree of compliance with formal regulatory requirements in the Russian tradition of business communication, there are three levels of officiality:

1. Formal communication - involves strict observance all requirements established by the regulations and etiquette standards of communication;

It includes all genres of protocol collegiate communication meetings, meetings, boards of directors. Business negotiations as a universal genre of intersubjective relations most clearly represent the zone of official communication, as they proceed within the framework of these requirements.

2. Semi-official communication - regulatory requirements are reduced, but not canceled;

It includes communication in the work team - small social group. This is a conversation of long-known people who communicate constantly. Such communication cannot but be personally oriented, friendly, moving from the zone of You-communication to the zone of You-communication.

3. Informal communication - presented in the form of restrictions,

providing only the basic communicative prohibitions of social communication. This communication takes place in an informal setting (restaurant, club, banquet hall). It takes place at informal events (presentation, anniversary, corporate party, field trips). Informal communication is equated in compliance with etiquette requirements and characteristics of communication with secular communication. There are a number of characteristics of such communication:

personal orientation,

Free choice of topics and the order of their discussion within the framework of ordinary secular communication,

Minimization of the professional orientation of speech, expressed in the discussion of technical and procedural issues,

· Possibility, with the consent of the interlocutor, to move into the zone of You-communication.

Informal communication does not solve the pragmatic tasks of business communication, but is the most important tool in creating and maintaining business contacts, developing personal connections that can hardly be overestimated in the modern activity of a human manager.

2.3 The role of business communication in the life of people

The role of business communication in our life is extremely great. In communication and through it, the assimilation of the structure and organization of society is accomplished by a person, social norms behavior, accepted forms of communication, language, culture. All these are components of human socialization. By means of communication, society in all forms reproduces and organizes itself. Development of norms of interaction, rules governing labor activity, social roles that are realized in family communication - all this is the result of business communication and forms of social interaction.

Business communication contributes to the establishment and development of relations of cooperation and partnership between colleagues, managers and subordinates, partners, rivals and competitors. It involves such ways of achieving common goals that not only do not exclude, but, on the contrary, also imply the achievement of personally significant goals, the satisfaction of personal interests.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that mastering the skills of business communication is necessary for future business people: managers, economists and others. It's not as easy as it seems, but it's not difficult either. These skills can play an important role in the future when closing a deal or signing a contract. Therefore, I believe that we all still have a lot to learn in order not to get lost in our professional activities in the future.


In the process of writing this test, I read quite a lot of literature on the culture of speech and business communication. I realized that the culture of business communication is one of the main forces of a person's self-identification in modern society. To be a Russian person is not only to speak Russian, but also to speak Russian correctly, always remembering the existing norms and rules of communication. The Russian culture of business communication is one of the components of the national culture, which takes on the brunt of the preservation of the Russian ethnic group and statehood. Both the revival and the legislative consolidation of the norms and rules of business communication should become a priority task of the state and society in modern times when a significant part of the population is increasingly involved in economic activity and needs to increase its business potential and the culture of communication in general. Business relations develop mainly in a small group, a member of which is a particular individual. The people around him play a huge role in shaping the values ​​of any person, and knowledge of the socio-psychological laws of life, groups, the ability to analyze them is the most important part of a person's life. When writing this test, I paid attention to the existing levels and rules that are directly related to the practice of business communication between people and play a huge role in building effective business relations between people in modern society. They help a person not only to better understand himself, his inner world: social attitudes, stereotypes, communication style, the ability to listen effectively, control your emotions, adequately understand other people, but also allow you to better understand your interlocutor, create a situation of business communication with him that would most fruitfully contribute to his cultural and business development.

List of used sources.

L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashaeva - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix",

2. Goykhman O.Ya., Nadeina T.I., Speech communication: Textbook / ed.

prof. O.Ya. Goykhman. - M.: INFRA-I, 2001.

4. Koltunova M.V. Business communication: Norms, rhetoric, etiquette: Proc.

Benefit. – Ed. second, add. – M.: Logos, 2005.

5. Koltunova M.V. Language and business communication: norms, rhetoric, etiquette. M.:

"Economic Literature", 2002.

6. Lavrinenko V.N. - Psychology and ethics of business communication - Unity. -

7. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook / ed. Prof. IN AND. Maksimov.

2nd ed., stereotypical. - M.: Gardariki, 2004.

8. Rytchenko T.A., Tatarkova N.V. - Psychology of business relations -

MGUESI, M., 2001.

9. Sidorova M.Yu., Saveliev V.S., Russian language and culture of speech. Well

lectures for students of non-philological universities. M.: Project, 2002.

10. Formanovskaya N.I. Speech etiquette and culture of communication. - M., 1989.

Business conversation. Course of lectures Munin Alexander Nikolaevich


The object of this discipline is the ideal psychic reality. We are talking primarily about the intellectual, emotional and volitional manifestations of people's consciousness, as well as about the subconscious reactions of their psyche. The subject of the discipline "Business Communication" is the psychological and moral aspects of the activity and communication of people, as well as mental processes, properties and conditions of various kinds of workers, business groups.

Because business communication component complex of psychological sciences, then it is based on the main categories and principles developed by general psychology. Such basic categories of general psychology are those that reflect mental processes (cognition, emotions, will), properties of the human psyche (ability, character, temperament), as well as manifestations of his consciousness (doubt, uncertainty, conviction, focus on certain actions, etc.). d.).

Business is understood as communication that ensures the success of some common cause, creating conditions for people to cooperate in order to achieve goals that are significant to them. Business communication contributes to the establishment and development of relations of cooperation and partnership between colleagues, managers and subordinates, partners, rivals and competitors. It involves such ways of achieving common goals that not only do not exclude, but, on the contrary, also imply the achievement of personally significant goals, the satisfaction of personal interests. And we are talking about the interests of individuals and legal entities.

Therefore, the main category of this academic discipline, as well as general psychology, is “personal psychology”, which includes knowledge about the sources of its mental and other activity, individual mental processes, properties and states, their manifestations in business communication. Without this fundamental psychological category, it is impossible to master modern methods human resource management.

It is the knowledge of personality psychology that will help an entrepreneur, a businessman to quite clearly imagine the degree of reliability of a partner, his ability to agree, compromise, as well as his level of readiness for group work, etc. In other words, this knowledge will determine how effective business relations can be with a specific person.

But the main processes, states and properties of a person are manifested in interpersonal communication, which occurs according to the formulas "I - You", "I - We", "We - They". If, according to philosophers, communication is one of the most important prerequisites for the formation of a person, then, according to modern management theorists, a high level of business communication is a decisive condition for successful entrepreneurship.

However, to ensure a high level of business communication, the manager must be able to use communication technologies based on psychological knowledge. So, it must be taken into account that in the process of communication between partners, colleagues, tension can arise and even conflict situation, let's say, because of disrespect for the individual. Or, for example, the inept use of a word can lead to significant information losses, and consequently, to failures in the performance of official duties. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to use special technologies communication, group work. Psychological science has a whole arsenal of specific recommendations for providing various forms of communication, such as business conversation, conversation, discussion, dispute, negotiations, bargaining, etc. Some of these recommendations will be given below. Thus, another important category of the considered academic discipline is the psychology of communication.

In addition, both an individual and a group can act as subjects of communication. If we consider what and why people communicate, and highlight all possible functional situations, it turns out that there can be four such situations:

The purpose of communication is outside the interaction of subjects;

The purpose of communication lies in itself;

The purpose of communication is to familiarize the partner with the experience and values ​​of the initiator of communication;

The purpose of communication is to familiarize the initiator himself with the values ​​of the partner.

An important category of business communication is the psychology of a working group, team or labor collective. After all, business activity is impossible without cooperation, combining the efforts of several or even many people. In turn, successful cooperation is possible only if certain rules of conduct are adopted that are common to all participants in the labor process. Therefore, in the course of the formation and life of any group, such realities as group goals, needs, interests, group norms, group consciousness, moral and psychological climate, corporate morality, the so-called we-feelings etc. Modern manager not only must take into account these psychological phenomena, but also actively participate in their formation, because group activity proceeds efficiently enough only when certain ethical rules and norms are taken into account, which take on the character of unwritten laws.

The moral side of business communication is very great importance. In the practice of business life, people strive to achieve not only common, but also some significant personal goals. Hence, it is important not to allow the golden rule of morality to be forgotten in business relations: do not do to another what you do not want to yourself. Business relations should be built on a kind of moral regulators, with internal control constantly on, preventing boundless selfishness in partnerships, which can not only damage, but also destroy them.

The ethics of business communication is based on such rules and norms of behavior of partners that ultimately contribute to the development of cooperation, i.e., strengthen the essential basis of business relations. The meaning of these rules and norms is to strengthen mutual trust, to constantly inform the partner about their intentions and actions, to exclude deception and disorientation of the partner. In the practice of business communication, many codes of honor for an entrepreneur, professional codes for a banker, etc. have been developed.

Life gradually convinces that business on a moral basis ultimately turns out to be more profitable than an immoral, immoral business that destroys business and partnership relations.

Based on the analysis of the psychology of the personality of the working group, the norms of ethics, business communication solves two main interrelated tasks:

Mastering Methods psychological diagnostics, methods of describing the psychological states of the subjects of industrial activity, individual workers, managers, working groups;

Development of skills and abilities to change the psychological states of a subject through the use of special psychological technologies.

On this basis, it is ensured, for example, that the sustainability and stability of organizations and working groups are maintained, the methods of selection and use of personnel are improved, intra- and intergroup conflicts are resolved, ways of optimizing the moral and psychological climate in teams are developed, methods of stimulating work are determined, methods of psychological protection against stressful situations etc.

Discipline. "Business communication" is closely related to such sciences as philosophy, sociology, history, social psychology, management, but has its own specifics. Thus, Western textbooks on management and business communication published in Russia give a lot of useful tips how the entrepreneur should behave in this or that case, but bypass the question of why he should behave this way. Textbooks on social psychology, on the contrary, try to do this, but for obvious reasons they ignore the cultural and historical context, the features social environment where real business communication takes place.

The problem of the culture of business communication cannot be studied without connection with the philosophical problem of values. The moral position deserves attention, according to which a business that ignores the principles of humanism and patriotism is immoral, ineffective and short-lived in the future.

There are the following forms of communication.

1. Subordination. This is communication between managers and subordinates, which is based on administrative and legal norms.

2. Service and comradeship. This is communication between colleagues, which is based on administrative and moral norms.

3. Friendly. This is communication between leaders, between leaders and subordinates, it is based on moral and psychological norms of interaction.

Depending on the level of management, its vertical and horizontal "sections", production and social conditions, individual psychological qualities of people, the leader chooses one or another form of managerial communication. For example, vertical model communication is most appropriate at the level of enterprise management, workshop, while at the team level it is ineffective.

The most important principles that guide general psychology, including the discipline "Business communication", include:

The principle of causality, determinism, i.e., recognition of the interconnection, interdependence of some mental phenomena by others, as well as their connection with material phenomena;

The principle of consistency, i.e., the interpretation of individual mental phenomena as elements of an integral mental organization;

The principle of development, the recognition of transformation, changes in mental processes, their dynamics, the transition from one level to another.

In business communication, you have to interact with people you see for the first time, and with people who are already quite familiar. Psychological research showed that different psychological mechanisms underlie the perception of previously unfamiliar people and people with whom they already have some experience of communication. In the first case, perception is carried out on the basis of the psychological mechanisms of intergroup communication, in the second - the mechanisms of interpersonal communication.

The psychological mechanisms of perception in intergroup communication include the process of social stereotyping, the essence of which lies in the fact that the image of another person is built on the basis of certain typical schemes. A social stereotype is usually understood as a stable idea about some phenomena or people, characteristic of representatives of a particular social group.

It is very important for a correct understanding of the role of a stereotype in perception that any social stereotype is the product and belonging of a group of people, and individuals use it only if they consider themselves to be in this group. Different social groups, interacting with each other, develop certain social stereotypes. The most famous are ethnic or national stereotypes - representations of members of some national groups from the point of view of others. For example, stereotypical ideas about the politeness of the British, the frivolity of the French, or the mysterious Slavic soul.

The formation of the image of another person is also carried out by stereotyping. The question of how accurate a first impression is is far from simple. On the one hand, almost every adult person who has communication experience is able to accurately determine many of his socio-psychological characteristics: psychological traits, age, social stratum, exemplary profession based on the appearance of a person, his clothes, manner of speaking and behavior. But this accuracy happens only in neutral situations. In other situations, one or another percentage of errors is almost always present. And the less neutral the relationship, the more people are interested in each other, the greater the likelihood of errors.

The study of the course of business communication is designed to provide specialists, managers economic organizations the latest psychological technologies, methods of their use. Our country has embarked on the path of becoming market economy, democratic reforms. The movement towards these goals is a long and difficult process: it will constitute a whole historical epoch. The success of the initiated reforms will largely depend on how each of us is capable of self-development, everyday self-realization as a creative person.

business communication as training course aims at patient and difficult work on oneself, at trying to become kinder, cleaner and, therefore, more professional. This discipline of the humanitarian cycle will help to see the world as if in a different dimension, to better understand ourselves and others, to make our life and work more fruitful and prosperous.

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Categories and principles of psychology So far I have refrained from using these two words: category and principles. But you can't finish the book without them. A modern psychologist must understand them. The psychological category is the most general and essential concepts, through each

From the book Business Communication. Lecture course author Munin Alexander Nikolaevich

From the Oxford Manual of Psychiatry author Gelder Michael

From the book Psychology of Communication and interpersonal relationships author Ilyin Evgeny Pavlovich

CHAPTER 16 Business communication Business communication is a somewhat conventional concept. It means official, that is, official contacts with feedback between superiors and subordinates, as well as between subordinates. Through communication, the leader organizes joint activities

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16.3. Business communication by phone There is an opinion that telephone conversations save time. However, calculations show that managers telephone conversations during the working day they take from 3 to 4.5 hours, and for employees - 2–2.5 hours. Identified shortcomings of telephone

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The program of the discipline (psychological and pedagogical workshop) "Observation and observation" The purpose of the discipline (workshop) is the development of a professionally important quality for a specialist in the field of "human-human" quality - observation. The objectives of the discipline: 1) to provide knowledge about

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§ 1. The main categories of social psychology Man is a social being. The division of general and social psychology is conditional. Social psychology studies the psychology of a person in the conditions of his social interaction. The main system-forming categories

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Section 3 The main categories and concepts of the psychology of communication Attraction (Latin attrahere - to attract, attract) is a concept that denotes the appearance, when a person is perceived by a person, of the attractiveness of one of them for another. Attachment formation occurs in

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Section 7 Business and managerial communication Defining business communication as officially regulated interaction within the framework of professional activity or solving a business problem, we consider its specificity as a special form of communication aimed at

Business communication is the most important component of the moral behavior of an entrepreneur in the professional sphere. Business etiquette is the result of a long selection of various forms and rules of appropriate behavior that contribute to successful business relationships. In business communication, a culture of behavior is unthinkable without verbal (verbal) speech etiquette associated with manners and forms of speech, vocabulary, that is, with the style of speech that is adopted in the communication of a certain circle of business people.

Specific features of business communication

Business communication is multifaceted, difficult process development in the official sphere of contacts between people. Its members have official statuses. They are focused on achieving specific goals and objectives. A specific feature of this process is its regulation (in other words, submission to established restrictions). These restrictions are determined by cultural and national traditions, as well as ethical principles in force in the professional field.

Business Etiquette

The psychology of business communication involves the use of business etiquette. It includes the following two groups of rules:

Instructions that determine the nature of the contact between the subordinate and the leader (vertical);

Norms that operate in the field of communication between members of the same team, equal in status (horizontal).

A helpful and friendly attitude towards all partners, work colleagues, regardless of personal feelings, is considered a general requirement.

Also, the regulation of interaction in the business sphere is expressed in attention to speech. Speech etiquette must be observed. It is necessary to follow the norms of linguistic behavior developed by society, use standard ready-made "formulas" that allow you to organize situations of gratitude, requests, greetings, etc. (for example, "be kind", "hello", "nice to meet you"). Such sustainable structures should be chosen taking into account psychological, age and social characteristics. It is necessary to take into account other features of business communication, which we will talk below.

Communication from the point of view of interaction assumes that people exchange information to build joint activities, establish contact with each other, and cooperate.

Stages of interaction in business communication

In order for communication to occur smoothly, it must include the following steps.

1. Acquaintance (establishment of contact). It involves presenting yourself to another person, understanding the other.

2. Orientation in a specific communication situation, pause, understanding what is happening. The psychology of business communication is inconceivable without this requirement.

3. Discussion of the problem of interest.

4. Her decision.

5. Exit the contact (end it).

It should be noted that official contacts should be built on a partnership basis. They must proceed from mutual needs and requests, from the interests of the cause. Such cooperation undoubtedly increases creative and labor activity. The culture of business communication is an important factor contributing to the production process and successful business.

business conversation

As a rule, it consists of the following steps:

Familiarization with the issue to be resolved, statement of facts;

Clarification of the factors influencing the choice of solution;

Choice of solution;

Its acceptance and bringing to the interlocutor.

Goodwill, tact, competence of the participants is the key to the success of a business conversation.

An important element of both secular and business conversation is the ability to listen to the interlocutor. In order to communicate, we must not only express our feelings, thoughts and ideas, but also allow those with whom we are talking to do so.

Questions are the regulators of the conversation. It is advisable in order to understand the problem, ask open type questions: "What?", "Why?", "How?", "When?" and others. They cannot be answered "no" or "yes", a detailed answer is needed, which sets out all the necessary details. If you need to narrow the topic of discussion, concretize the conversation, the culture of business communication involves the use of questions closed type: "Will it?", "Is there?", "Was it?" etc. They suggest a monosyllabic answer.

Basic rules of conversation

There are certain general rules that it is advisable to adhere to when conducting conversations both in an informal and business setting. It is possible to single out among them the most important principles of business communication.

You should speak in such a way that any participant in the conversation can easily express their opinion and join the conversation. Attacking someone else's point of view with impatience and vehemence is unacceptable. Expressing your opinion, you cannot defend it by raising your voice and getting excited: firmness and calmness in intonations act, as a rule, more convincingly.

Styles of business communication suggest that through conciseness, accuracy and clarity of the expressed considerations and arguments, elegance in conversation is achieved. It is necessary to maintain benevolence during the conversation, good location spirit and self-control. Serious controversy negatively affects business relationships and mutually beneficial contacts, even when you are sure that you are right. It must be remembered that a quarrel follows a dispute, and enmity follows it. And enmity leads to the loss of both sides.

Under no circumstances should you interrupt the speaker. And business communication is not the only kind of communication between people to which this applies. The speaker must always be treated with respect. It is possible only in extreme cases to make a remark to him, using forms of politeness. Having interrupted the conversation when a new visitor entered the room, a well-mannered person will not continue the conversation until he briefly acquaints the visitor with what was said before his arrival. In conversations, it is unacceptable to slander, as well as to support slander directed at those who are absent. It is also not necessary to enter into a discussion of those issues about which there is no sufficiently clear idea. When mentioning third parties in a conversation, you need to call them not by their last names, but by their first and middle names. The culture of speech and business communication also suggest that a woman should never call men by their last names.

Care must be taken not to allow tactless statements in your speech (for example, criticism of national characteristics, religious beliefs, etc.). It is impolite to force your interlocutor to repeat what he said, under the pretext that you did not hear some details. If another person speaks at the same time as you, let them speak first. A well-bred and educated person is recognized by modesty. With his knowledge, as well as acquaintances with people occupying a high position, he avoids boasting. All these principles of business communication should be adopted and actively used.

Classification of meetings and meetings

In addition to dialogue communication, there are other various forms office (business) discussions in the group. The most common are meetings and conferences. In management theory, there is the following general classification according to which these forms of business communication are divided.

1. Informative interview. During it, each participant briefly reports to the boss on the state of affairs. This avoids written reports and provides an opportunity for all participants to get a general idea of ​​the state of affairs in the institution.

2. A meeting whose purpose is to make a decision. It is characterized by the coordination of the opinions of the participants, who represent various divisions, departments of the organization for the adoption of a specific decision on a specific problem.

3. Creative meeting. During it, new ideas are used, areas of activity are being developed that may turn out to be promising.

meeting requirements

There are ethical rules for business communication that apply to meetings. They regulate the relationship between its participants, as well as between subordinates and superiors. For example, on the part of the boss, it would be ethically justified to invite its participants to a meeting at which an important issue is supposed to be resolved not through the secretary by phone, but in personal communication or in writing. Respect for the audience is also manifested in the creation of some, at least minimal comfort. The room, as the rules of business communication say, should be selected in accordance with the number of participants, ensure its ventilation, necessary lighting, the ability to record important information, etc.

The main element of a meeting or meeting is a discussion on some issues, the main purpose of which is the search for truth. Only if the discussion is effective if it is carried out in compliance with ethically oriented norms of behavior in the process of business communication. The etiquette of business communication implies the need to respect the opinions of others, even if it seems absurd at first glance. In order to understand him, you need to be patient, listen to him, mobilizing attention. Business communication etiquette also advises sticking to the subject of the dispute.

You can't turn a discussion into a conflict. It is necessary to look for points of convergence of judgments and opinions in the dispute, to strive to find common solutions. This does not mean that you need to give up your opinion if you are sure that you are right. Nevertheless, it is useful to question the correctness of one's position. It is impossible to use in any, even the most acute discussion, categorical statements (for example, "talk nonsense", "this is nonsense", "this is not true") and swear words. The language of business communication should exclude all this. Sarcasm and irony are allowed, but they should be used without humiliating or insulting opponents. Facts, as well as their conscientious interpretation, are the main weapon in the discussion.

You need to be able to admit your own wrong. Business communication is an area in which nobility should also be shown. If the opponents are defeated in the discussion, they should be given the opportunity to salvage their reputation. There is no point in gloating about their defeat.

Business conversation and negotiations

Such forms of business communication as business conversation and negotiations are often interconnected. A business conversation involves the exchange of information and opinions. It does not provide for the development of binding decisions, the conclusion of contracts. A business conversation can be independent of negotiations, precede them or be an integral part of them.

Elements of preparation for negotiations and their course

The negotiations are characterized by a more concrete, more formal character. They usually provide for the signing of various documents (contracts, agreements, etc.) that define the mutual obligations of their participants. The elements of preparing for a successful negotiation are:

Definition of the subject of negotiations, problems;

Search for their solution partners;

Clarification of own interests, as well as the interests of partners;

Development of the program and plan of negotiations;

Selection of specialists for the delegation;

Solving various organizational issues;

Decor the right materials- diagrams, tables, drawings, product samples, etc.

AT the following diagram the course of negotiations should fit: the beginning of the conversation, then the exchange of information, after which - argumentation and counterargumentation, the development and adoption of decisions, and, finally, the completion of negotiations.

Circumstances Favoring Successful Negotiations

Features of business communication involve the creation of certain circumstances for it. We have already mentioned many of them. Let's add some others that should also be taken into account when preparing negotiations. The most favorable days for negotiations are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The best time of the day for this purpose is in the afternoon (after about half an hour or an hour), when thoughts about food do not distract from solving business issues. An environment conducive to negotiation, depending on the circumstances, can be created in the representative office of a partner, in your office or in neutral territory (restaurant hall, hotel room, conference room, etc.). In many ways, the success of negotiations is determined by the ability to ask interlocutors questions, as well as to receive exhaustive answers to them. Questions are necessary to guide the course of the dialogue, as well as to find out the point of view of the opponent. The conversation should not be abstract. It should be specific, include the necessary details, figures and facts, supported by documents and diagrams.

A negative outcome of a negotiation or business conversation is not a reason for coldness or harshness at the end of the process. Styles of business communication do not imply their manifestation. It is necessary to say goodbye in such a way as to preserve, in the future, business ties and contacts.

The culture of business communication should be understood as a high level of ability to communicate in the business world.

From the above definition of communication, it follows that the culture of business communication involves:

  • 1. A high communicative culture, that is, the art of speaking (including in public) and listening.
  • 2. The ability to objectively perceive and correctly understand a partner.
  • 3. The ability to build relationships with any partner, to achieve effective interaction based on mutual interests.

The most massive form of communication between people in society (society) is business communication. It is indispensable in the sphere of economic, legal, diplomatic, commercial, administrative relations. The ability to successfully conduct business negotiations, competently and correctly draw up a business paper, and much more has now become an integral part of the professional culture of a person: a manager, a leader at all levels, a referent, an employee. To achieve high performance in almost any type of commercial activity, it is necessary to possess a certain set of information, knowledge, ideas about the rules, forms and methods of doing business, about the principles of business communication.

The culture of business communication contributes to the establishment and development of relations of cooperation and partnership between colleagues, managers and subordinates, partners and competitors, largely determining their (relationship) effectiveness: whether these relations will be successfully implemented in the interests of partners or whether they will become of little content, ineffective, or even completely stop if the partners do not find mutual understanding.

"Business is the ability to communicate with people", "the only way to set people up for vigorous activity is communication with them," believe true leaders and entrepreneurs. In this regard, a modern person must master the science of business relations, be able to establish and maintain civilized relations with people, overcome contradictions, resolve conflicts, take on the role of an intermediary if necessary, must be able to direct their activities for the benefit of other people, as well as their own work, your business.

A specific feature of business communication is its regulation, i.e. subordination established rules and restrictions.

These rules are determined by the type of business communication, the form, the degree of officiality, the specific goals and objectives facing those communicating, as well as national-cultural traditions and social norms of behavior.

The sides of business communication are interconnected: the ability to correctly perceive and accept a partner or an audience helps to find the necessary arguments, and possession of oratory helps to present them. All this is necessary for a successful business contact, during which the ability to interact with a partner is manifested: to overcome barriers in communication, to take the right psychological position, to reach the appropriate level of communication, etc. Ideally, a business person should equally own all aspects of communication in the business world.

The culture of business communication is based on the rules, levels and norms of behavior of partners that contribute to the development of cooperation and strengthen the essential basis of business relations. The meaning of these rules and levels is to strengthen mutual trust, constantly inform the partner about their intentions and actions, exclude deception and disorientation of the partner.

In the process of business communication, its participants exchange information, which is transmitted in the form of management decisions, ideas, ideas, reports, reports, messages. Equally important is the exchange of interests, moods, feelings. In this case, business communication appears as a communicative process, that is, as an exchange of information that is significant for the participants in communication. All these features of business communication largely explain the nature of the rules for verbal communication in a business environment, which are formulated:

  • - Clearly define the purpose of your message.
  • - Make the message understandable and accessible to different groups of employees: find specific illustrations of common concepts, develop the general idea using vivid examples.
  • - Keep messages as short and concise as possible, refrain from unnecessary information, draw the attention of employees only to those problems that concern them specifically.
  • - When talking with employees, follow the rules of active listening, show them signals of your understanding and readiness for joint action.

The ability to communicate and correctly express one's thoughts is one of the basic principles of success in any business of a modern person. This can be safely attributed to different areas of life.

There are several business communication rules that help a person in his professional activities as a manager.

  • 1. Never start a conversation with business proposals. Try to first make friends with a person, talk and find out his interests, inclinations. Only after you get to know the person more deeply, after he shares his problems, start a conversation about how your offer, product or service can help him solve these problems.
  • 2. Avoid giving direct advice. It is advisable to avoid giving your ready-made solutions to other people's problems in a direct form. Very few people are ready to learn from the mistakes of others and are able to openly perceive someone else's life experience. Express your point of view gently and unobtrusively, constantly emphasizing that this is just your vision of the topic and your personal experience. Show your knowledge and competence in the topic under discussion and make the person ask you for help and advice.
  • 3. Use the style of indirect questions. Such questions can put a person in an awkward position and often, one such question can stop the whole conversation, making a person not a friend, but an enemy. Any direct question is an attempt to forcefully pull out all the ins and outs of a person. The interlocutor must be brought to this point gradually so that he himself decides to discuss his problems or difficulties. business communication contact
  • 4. Encourage independent reflection on the problem. This rule helps to stimulate the activity of the conversation. There is no need to issue ready-made solutions on a particular topic. It is necessary to let a person think, so that he himself thinks and comes to some conclusion, and then expresses this thought. You can use speech turns: "What do you think?"; "What do you think about it?"; "How do you see this question?" It is important not to forget about your unobtrusiveness and the role of a friend. If the thought expressed seems stupid, do not rush to tell the person about it and show your superiority over him.
  • 5. An important rule that helps in successful business communication. It is necessary to allow the interlocutor to independently determine the direction in which he would like to move. The main task of a manager in business communication is to do everything so that his interlocutor independently, during the conversation, shows his problems and accepts your offer as the most profitable one.
  • 6. It is necessary to use verbal locks, that is, if the person - the interlocutor is ready to perceive information about a business, product or service, then it is worth bringing down a stream of sentences on him gently and smoothly, using reinforcing verbal locks like: "Is it so?"; "Am I right?"; "It's true?". Thus, you can actively manage the process of good understanding and memorization of information.
  • 7. Add some humor and wit to the conversation! If there is some tension in the conversation, it is worth telling some anecdote on the topic or turning the problem into a joke!

"We can't predict
How our word will respond,
And sympathy is given to us,
How do we get grace?
Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

The most massive form of communication between people in society is business communication. Almost all things are started, carried out and completed with the help of speech interactions between people. One cannot do without them in the sphere of economic, legal, diplomatic, commercial, and administrative relations. In the life of any organization or enterprise, these types of business communication occupy an important place. The exchange of information, the promotion and development of working ideas, control, coordination of the activities of employees, summarizing and evaluating what has been achieved are just some of the aspects of the organization's activities that are associated with business communication. The ability to successfully conduct business negotiations, competently and correctly draw up a business paper, and much more has now become an integral part of the professional culture of a business person: a manager, an employee and a leader at all levels. To achieve high performance in any type of commercial activity, it is necessary to possess a certain set of information, knowledge, ideas about the rules, levels and principles of business communication.
Business communication is the most important type of relationship with other people. One of the main regulators of these relations is ethical norms, which express our ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, the rightness and wrongness of people's actions. Communicating in business cooperation with his subordinates, boss or colleagues, everyone, consciously or spontaneously, relies on these ideas. Depending on how a person understands moral norms, what content he invests in them, to what extent he takes them into account in communication, he can both facilitate business communication for himself, make it more efficient, help in solving tasks and achieving goals, and make communication difficult or even impossible.
At present, it is especially important for the head of any enterprise to ensure the success of some business, to create conditions for the cooperation of people in order to achieve significant goals for them, to promote the establishment and development of relations of cooperation and partnership between work colleagues, partners, rivals and competitors. It is the knowledge of the culture and peculiarities of business communication that contributes to the good implementation of these plans of the manager and greatly facilitates the solution of many professional issues. The effectiveness of negotiations, the moral and psychological climate in the organization depends on how well communication is built. All business problems are in one way or another connected with the culture of business communication - the process of transferring ideas, thoughts, feelings, bringing them to understanding by other people. Managers spend an average of 80% of their time on various types of communication.
In this work, I will try to reveal such basic concepts as: the culture of business communication, features, types of business communication and its role in the life of a modern person, as well as consider the leading rules and levels of communication between people in a business environment.

Culture of business communication

1.1 Culture of communication and correctness of speech.

The culture of communication is the most important condition for its effectiveness. The culture of speech is the most important component of the culture of speech communication. The modern understanding of the culture of communication includes in this concept the observance of not only linguistic, but also ethical norms, the delimitation of norms for the use of language in spheres and forms. It is easy and pleasant to speak with a person of high speech culture. If this is a business person, he succeeds in various contacts and negotiations, he manages to convince people that he is right and influence his interlocutors, he can write or edit a document himself, write an acknowledgment or a presentation speech. And these are the most important components of the professional image of a business person.
The correctness of speech is the basis of the culture of business communication. It is very important to know the norms of the literary language for a person whose daily practice is business communication. A person with a low level of speech culture, who cannot clearly express his thoughts, makes mistakes in speech, is doomed to communicative failures. Literacy in the broad sense of the word is an indispensable condition for success in business communication. It is especially important for a manager, leader, municipal employee to imagine the normative aspect of the language of documents and the features of oral speech. The high culture of business communication of a manager, leader is manifested in respect for the interlocutor, no matter what social position he occupies, in the desire to help him, in the mood for cooperation. It is also important for a specialist manager to choose from the richest arsenal of speech means of business writing necessary for compiling a text, conduct a business conversation and convince oneself that one is right.
If a person first of all knows how to listen to his interlocutor in the process of communication, while correctly expressing his thoughts at a good level of language, without slang, we can say about such a person that he fully owns the culture of communication. One of the important parts of the culture of communication is speech. It is clear that every person would be pleased to hear expressions that evoke only positive emotions. But due to the economy of time and the desire of the language also for economy, we confine ourselves to short greetings, mean compliments. There are a large number of books and articles that give us the opportunity to learn about the rules of good manners, about our behavior in public places. The totality of all these rules of behavior and verbal treatment during everyday life forms what is called a culture of communication, which includes not only verbal forms of expressing politeness and sympathy. All words and actions should not conflict with the appearance of a person, his clothes, general appearance. The culture of communication between people will not be fully observed if, with all the correctness and courtesy of their behavior, these rules are not observed. That is, it is necessary that the external appearance of those communicating with each other be adequate to the situation. “They meet by clothes, but see off by mind,” says Russian folk wisdom. Moreover, the word “mind” means the ability to communicate, get along with people. In time and to the place, the words spoken were called “golden” among the people.
Thus, the culture of communication is the use of the means and possibilities of the language, adequate to the content, setting and purpose of the statement, while observing the language norms. It contributes to the establishment and development of relations of cooperation and partnership between colleagues, managers and subordinates, largely determining their effectiveness: whether these relations will be successfully implemented in the interests of partners or become of little substance, or even completely stop if the partners do not find mutual understanding.

1.2 Business communication. Features of business communication

One of the central components of the activity of a human manager is business communication. A conversation between employees of the same organization discussing a business issue, or a conversation between a leader and a subordinate, is fundamentally different from conversations between the same people outside the official framework.
Business communication is such an interaction of people that is subject to a specific task (industrial, scientific, commercial), that is, the purpose of business interaction lies outside the communication process (in contrast to personality-oriented communication, the subject of which is precisely the nature of the relationship between its participants). Mutual understanding, coordination of actions and clarity of priorities that arise among subjects engaged in a common cause depend on the quality of business communication.
Business relations are entered into by enterprises of all forms of ownership, as well as individuals. Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in any business: science, art, production, trade. As for managers, entrepreneurs, production organizers, people employed in the field of management, communicative competence for representatives of these professions is the most important part of their professional activity. Business communication usually refers to the process of verbal interaction between two or more persons, in which there is an exchange of activities, information and experience, involving the achievement of a certain result or the solution of a specific problem. This definition is quite broad, since it includes such activities as training (common goals and achievement of a certain result), labor relations (colleague-colleague), interviews, public speaking, examination, consultation. Recently, in connection with the development of information technologies and the expansion of the boundaries of the communicative space, as well as the growing role of business in the public life of any country, the business style is constantly and willingly expanding the scope of its functioning. A conversation between employees of the same organization serving a business issue, or a conversation between a leader and a subordinate, is fundamentally different from conversations between these people outside the official framework.
The specific features of business communication in an organization are:
Sufficiently strict regulation of the goals and motives of communication, ways of making contacts between employees, which is explained by the fact that each employee in the organization is normatively assigned a standard of behavior in the form of a stable structure of formal rights and obligations that he must follow. Therefore, psychologically, business communication turns out to be largely formalized, detached, “cold”. The exchange of information between employees is not of a personal nature, but is subordinated primarily to the joint solution of an official task.
Hierarchy of building an organization: relationships of subordination, dependence, and inequality are fixed between departments and employees. The consequence of this principle for verbal communication is, firstly, the active use of verbal socio-symbolic means of demonstrating social status by participants in business communication, and secondly, the problems of transmitting information along the links of the hierarchical pyramid and, accordingly, the effectiveness of feedback. The effectiveness of horizontal communication (between departments, divisions or employees of the same level) is very high. People working at the same level understand each other "perfectly", they do not need a detailed and detailed explanation of the essence of the task. The effectiveness of vertical communication (up and down the hierarchical levels) is much lower. Only 20-25% of the information coming from the top management reaches directly to specific performers and is correctly understood by them. On the way of passing information from the speaker to the addressee, in any hierarchically organized management there are intermediary links. Intermediaries can be line managers, secretaries, assistants. Oral messages during transmission from one level to another can be shortened, edited, distorted before they reach the recipient. Another reason for the low efficiency of vertical communication is related to the belief of managers that subordinates do not need to know about the state of affairs, they must carry out the tasks assigned to them, implement the decisions made and not ask unnecessary questions. But, as established by psychology, a person will act meaningfully if he knows not only the operation he is performing, but also sees the wider context in which it is inscribed. If specific performers are deprived of information of this kind, they begin to look for answers on their own, while distorting the available information. The desire to take into account these features of business communication is manifested in the requirement for a written fixation of orders, decisions, orders, in the recognition of business communication as the most important means of increasing the effectiveness of feedback in the organization.
The need for special efforts to stimulate labor, which is explained by the objective inconsistency of the behavior and self-awareness of a person in an organization. Human nature is incompatible with a cruel hierarchical structure and formalization of organizational processes, therefore, managerial actions are needed to meet the psychological and emotional needs of workers. Maintaining their interest in the work performed, creating an effect.

1.3. The main types of business communication

According to the method of information exchange, oral and written business communication are distinguished. Oral types of business communication, in turn, are divided into monologic and dialogic.
Monologue types include: Welcome speech; Trade speech (advertising); Information speech; Report (at a meeting, meeting).
To dialogic types: Business conversation - short-term contact, mainly on one topic; Business conversation - a long exchange of information, points of view, often accompanied by decision-making; Negotiations - discussion with the aim of concluding an agreement on any issue; Interview - a conversation with a journalist, intended for print, radio, television; Discussion; Meeting (meeting); Press conference; Contact business conversation - direct, "live" dialogue; Telephone conversation (distant), excluding non-verbal communication.
In direct contact and face-to-face conversation, verbal and non-verbal communication is of the greatest importance. Conversation or messaging by telephone is the most common form of communication, they are distinguished by direct contact and a wide variety of communication methods, which makes it easy to combine the business (formal) and personal (informal) parts of any message (see Appendix 1).
Written types of business communication are numerous official documents: business letter, protocol, report, certificate, memorandum and explanatory note, act, statement, contract, charter, regulation, instruction, decision, order, instruction, order, power of attorney.
According to the content, communication can be divided into: - Material (exchange of objects and products of activity); - Cognitive (knowledge sharing);
- Motivational (exchange of motives, goals, interests, motives, needs); - Activity (exchange of actions, operations, skills, skills);
According to the means of communication, it is possible to divide into the following four types: Direct - carried out with the help of natural organs given to a living being: hands, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.; Indirect - associated with the use of special means and tools;
Direct - involves personal contacts and direct perception of each other by communicating people in the very act of communication;

Indirect - carried out through intermediaries, which may be other people.
Today, the scope of business communication is expanding. Advertising and secular communication become an integral part of business communication. The success of an enterprise and business today largely depends on the ability to present one's positions in the most favorable light, to interest a potential partner, and to create a favorable impression. Therefore, in addition to the "readable" monologue speech, prepared but "unreadable" monologue speech (presentation speech, solemn speech, opening speech at various meetings), congratulatory letters, etiquette toasts are increasingly included in the practice of business communication.
Possession of all the listed genres and types of business communication is included in the professional competence of a modern leader and manager.

Business communication as a set of levels and rules

2.1 Rules of business communication

The culture of business communication is based on the rules, levels and norms of behavior of partners that contribute to the development of cooperation and strengthen the essential basis of business relations. The meaning of these rules and levels is to strengthen mutual trust, constantly inform the partner about their intentions and actions, exclude deception and disorientation of the partner.
In the process of business communication, its participants exchange information, which is transmitted in the form of management decisions, ideas, ideas, reports, reports, messages. Equally important is the exchange of interests, moods, feelings. In this case, business communication appears as a communicative process, that is, as an exchange of information that is significant for the participants in communication. All these features of business communication largely explain the nature of the rules for verbal communication in a business environment, which are formulated:

1. Be clear about the purpose of your message
2. Make the message understandable and accessible to different groups of employees: find specific illustrations of common concepts, develop the general idea using vivid examples.
3. Keep messages as short and concise as possible, discard unnecessary information, draw the attention of employees only to those problems that concern them specifically.
4. When talking to employees, follow the rules of active listening, show them signals of your understanding and readiness for joint action.
The ability to communicate and correctly express one's thoughts is one of the basic principles of success in any business of a modern person. This can be safely attributed to different areas of life.
There are several rules of business communication that help a person in his professional activities as a manager.
1 - Never start a conversation with business proposals. Try to first make friends with a person, talk and find out his interests, inclinations. Only after you get to know the person more deeply, after he shares his problems, start a conversation about how your offer, product or service can help him solve these problems.
2. - Avoid giving direct advice. It is advisable to avoid giving your ready-made solutions to other people's problems in a direct form. Very few people are ready to learn from the mistakes of others and are able to openly perceive someone else's life experience. Express your point of view gently and unobtrusively, constantly emphasizing that this is just your vision of the topic and your personal experience. Show your knowledge and competence in the topic under discussion and make the person ask you for help and advice.
3. - Use the style of indirect questions. Such questions can put a person in an awkward position and often, one such question can stop the whole conversation, making a person not a friend, but an enemy. Any direct question is an attempt to forcefully pull out all the ins and outs of a person. The interlocutor must be brought to this point gradually so that he himself decides to discuss his problems or difficulties.
4. - Encourage independent reflection on the problem. This rule helps to stimulate the activity of the conversation. There is no need to issue ready-made solutions on a particular topic. It is necessary to let a person think, so that he himself thinks and comes to some conclusion, and then expresses this thought. You can use speech turns: "What do you think?"; "What do you think about it?"; "How do you see this question?" It is important not to forget about your unobtrusiveness and the role of a friend. If the thought expressed seems stupid, do not rush to tell the person about it and show your superiority over him.
5. - An important rule that helps in successful business communication. It is necessary to allow the interlocutor to independently determine the direction in which he would like to move. The main task of a manager in business communication is to do everything so that his interlocutor independently, during the conversation, shows his problems and accepts your offer as the most profitable one.
6. - It is necessary to use verbal locks, that is, if the person - the interlocutor is ready to perceive information about a business, product or service, then it is worth bringing down a stream of sentences on him gently and smoothly, using reinforcing verbal locks like: "Is it so?"; "Am I right?"; "It's true?". Thus, you can actively manage the process of good understanding and memorization of information.
7. - You should add a little humor and wit to the conversation! If there is some tension in the conversation, it is worth telling some anecdote on the topic or turning the problem into a joke!

2.2 Levels of business communication

Business communication can take place at various levels. These include:
Manipulative - the level, which consists in the fact that one of the interlocutors, through a certain social role, is trying to arouse sympathy, pity for a partner.
Primitive - the level when one of the partners suppresses the other (one is a permanent communicator, and the other is a permanent recipient).
The highest is the social level when, regardless of social role, status, partners treat each other as an equal person.
According to the degree of compliance with formal regulatory requirements in the Russian tradition of business communication, there are three levels of officiality:
Official communication - involves strict observance of all the requirements established by the regulations and etiquette standards of communication;
It includes all genres of protocol collegiate communication meetings, meetings, boards of directors. Business negotiations as a universal genre of intersubjective relations most clearly represent the zone of official communication, as they proceed within the framework of these requirements.
Semi-official communication - regulatory requirements are reduced, but not canceled;
It includes communication in the work collective - a small social group. This is a conversation of long-known people who communicate constantly. Such communication cannot but be personally oriented, friendly, moving from the zone of You-communication to the zone of You-communication.
Informal communication - presented in the form of restrictions, providing only the main communicative prohibitions of social communication. This communication takes place in an informal setting (restaurant, club, banquet hall). It takes place at informal events (presentation, anniversary, corporate party, field trips). Informal communication is equated in compliance with etiquette requirements and characteristics of communication with secular communication. There are a number of characteristics of such communication:
personal orientation,
Free choice of topics and the order of their discussion within the framework of ordinary secular communication,
Minimization of the professional orientation of speech, expressed in the discussion of technical and procedural issues,
The possibility, with the consent of the interlocutor, to go to the zone of You-communication.
Informal communication does not solve the pragmatic tasks of business communication, but is the most important tool in creating and maintaining business contacts, developing personal connections that can hardly be overestimated in the modern activity of a human manager.

2.3 The role of business communication in the life of people

The role of business communication in our life is extremely great. In communication and through it, a person masters the structure and organization of society, social norms of behavior, accepted forms of communication, language, culture. All these are components of human socialization. By means of communication, society in all forms reproduces and organizes itself. The development of interaction norms, rules governing labor activity, social roles that are realized in family communication - all this is the result of business communication and forms of social interaction.
Business communication contributes to the establishment and development of relations of cooperation and partnership between colleagues, managers and subordinates, partners, rivals and competitors. It involves such ways of achieving common goals that not only do not exclude, but, on the contrary, also imply the achievement of personally significant goals, the satisfaction of personal interests.
Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that mastering the skills of business communication is necessary for future business people: managers, economists and others. It's not as easy as it seems, but it's not difficult either. These skills can play an important role in the future when closing a deal or signing a contract. Therefore, I believe that we all still have a lot to learn in order not to get lost in our professional activities in the future.


In the process of writing this test, I read quite a lot of literature on the culture of speech and business communication. I realized that the culture of business communication is one of the main forces of a person's self-identification in modern society. To be a Russian person is not only to speak Russian, but also to speak Russian correctly, always remembering the existing norms and rules of communication. The Russian culture of business communication is one of the components of the national culture, which takes on the brunt of the preservation of the Russian ethnic group and statehood. Both the revival and the legislative consolidation of the norms and rules of business communication should become a priority task of the state and society in modern times, when a significant part of the population is increasingly involved in economic activity and needs to increase its business potential and the culture of communication in general. Business relations develop mainly in a small group, a member of which is a particular individual. The people around him play a huge role in shaping the values ​​of any person, and knowledge of the socio-psychological laws of life, groups, the ability to analyze them is the most important part of the life of an individual. When writing this test, I paid attention to the existing levels and rules that are directly related to the practice of business communication between people and play a huge role in building effective business relations between people in modern society. They help a person not only better understand himself, his inner world: social attitudes, stereotypes, communication style, the ability to listen effectively, control his emotions, adequately understand other people, but also allow you to better understand your interlocutor, create such a situation of business communication with him, which would most fruitfully contribute to its cultural and business development.

1. Vvedenskaya L.A. Russian language and culture of speech: Proc. Manual for universities / L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashaeva - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2001
2. Goykhman O.Ya., Nadeina T.I., Speech communication: Textbook / ed. prof. O.Ya. Goykhman. - M.: INFRA-I, 2001.

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