The general concept of management, its main categories. Basic concepts of control theory

Engineering systems 26.09.2019
Engineering systems

Process and control functions.

Management is a system of management methods in market conditions or market economy, which involve the orientation of the company on the demand and needs of the market, the constant desire to improve production efficiency at the lowest cost, in order to obtain optimal results.
Control- this is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling, necessary in order to formulate and achieve the goals of the organization (Meskon M. Kh .). The essence of management is optimal use resources (land, labor, capital) to achieve the goals.
Management is the implementation of several interrelated functions:
planning, organization, employee motivation and control.

1.Planning. With the help of this function, the goals of the organization's activities, means and most effective methods to achieve these goals. An important element this function are forecasts of possible directions of development and strategic plans. At this stage, the firm must determine what real results it can achieve, assess its strengths and weak sides, as well as the state external environment(economic conditions in a given country, government regulations, trade union positions, actions of competing organizations, consumer preferences, public opinion, technology development).

2.Organization. This management function forms the structure of the organization and provides it with everything necessary (personnel, means of production, cash, materials, etc.). That is, at this stage, conditions are created to achieve the goals of the organization. good organization work of the staff allows to achieve more effective results.

3.Motivation It is the process of encouraging other people to act in order to achieve the goals of the organization. Performing this function, the manager provides material and moral incentives for employees, and creates the most favorable conditions for the manifestation of their abilities and professional "growth". With good motivation, the personnel of an organization perform their duties in accordance with the goals of this organization and its plans. The process of motivation involves creating opportunities for employees to meet their needs, subject to the proper performance of their duties. Before motivating staff for more efficient work, the manager must find out the real needs of his employees.

4.Control. This management function involves evaluating and analyzing the effectiveness of the organization's performance. With the help of control, an assessment is made of the degree to which the organization has achieved its goals, and the necessary adjustment of the planned actions. The control process includes: setting standards, measuring the results achieved, comparing these results with the planned ones and, if necessary, revising the original goals. Control links together all the management functions, it allows you to maintain the desired direction of the organization's activities and correct wrong decisions in a timely manner.

The theory of management (management) is usually considered as a complex science or scientific direction, based on many theoretical and applied knowledge. This is due to the limited nature of the control problem and the multidimensional nature of management activities based on the conscious use of economic, natural-technical organizational, socio-psychological laws and patterns inherent in the control object . Control theory should be focused on solving practical problems.

Any scientific theory explores a certain subject area, which is usually understood as the set of all objects, the properties of which and the relations between which are considered in this theory. The subject area of ​​the theory of decay by production as a complex science can be defined by considering management as a general type of human activity in all spheres of society and as a specific productive labor that arose along with the cooperation of labor and is part of this collective labor.

The elements of control as a general type of human activity are the goal of management and the way to achieve it, and the object and subject of management interacting in a particular environment.

The subject area of ​​management theory in a broad aspect covers socio-economic, socio-psychological and organizational-technical categories that reflect the properties of the subject and object of management and the relationship between them. The system of relations is concretized in the form of a vertical hierarchy and a horizontal network. These categories are the subject of research in many scientific disciplines; the task of management theory as a complex science is the integration of knowledge related to management in order to develop scientific principles and methods of effective management.

The subject of consideration of management theory is managerial (organizational-management, organizational-economic) relations, which are realized as information links in the organization of production and its management. Organizational-economic (and part of them - managerial) relations reflect the unity of the objective and subjective. And since management is productive labor, these relations are related to production. Thus, management relations are studied both in the economy (as production) and in social psychology(as a manifestation of human consciousness).

The management process includes collection, processing and transfer; information (the subject of managerial work) used to make decisions (the product of managerial work). Means of labor in management activities - methods and means; processing and analyzing information and making specific decisions on this basis.

Practically valuable in the approach to management as a process (cybernetic approach) is that it can be managed even with incomplete knowledge of the object of management, it is possible to formalize the management process, and therefore automate it, taking into account socio-economic expediency. However, cybernetics studies the general patterns of the control process mainly from the quantitative side, regardless of the qualitative essence and content of control. It should also be noted that only a small part managerial functions can be completely transferred to the computer. In this case, not only the final decision, but also the combination of individual automated elements into this topic for adoption management decision remains with the person. Decision making is an important part of both management theory and practical management work.

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The general theory of management, the provisions of which are also used in administrative law, introduces the following basic terms.

A system is a set of elements ordered in a certain way, interconnected and forming some integral unity. The integrity of the system means that the complex of objects considered as a system has common properties, function and behavior, and the properties of the system are not reducible to the sum of the properties of its elements.

Elements are relatively indivisible parts of the whole, objects or operations that together form a system. Any object can be represented as consisting of elements and must be considered in three aspects: as something whole (system), as part of a larger common system and as a set of smaller parts (subsystems).

Structure is a regular stable relationship between the elements of the system, reflecting the spatial and temporal about e arrangement of elements and the nature of their interaction. It is the structure that makes the system a certain qualitatively defined whole, since the structure involves various interactions of elements with each other, highlighting certain properties of the elements. The structure is the most important characteristic of the system, since with the same composition of elements, but with different interaction between them, both the purpose of the system and its capabilities change.

The function is outward manifestation properties of an object (system or its element) in a given system of relations, a certain way of interaction of an object with the environment. Most often, functions appear in the form of actions and reflect the capabilities of the system.

Management is a function organized systems different nature(biological, technical, social), ensuring the achievement of their goals, maintaining or changing their structure, the mode of their activity.

Control is real when there is a known subordination of the object to the subject of control, of the controlled element of the system to its control element. Consequently, the control (ordering) impact is the prerogative of the subject of control.

According to the theory of management, the essence of management is the purposeful influence of the subject of management on the object of management, the result of which is the ordering of the system, ensuring its functioning in full accordance with the laws of its existence and development. This is a purposeful ordering influence, implemented in the relations between the subject and the object and carried out directly by the subject of control. It should be noted that the object is also a subject in the legal sense of the word. Thus, the same subject of administrative law can be both the subject and the object of management in different managerial relations.

Between the subject of management (managing subject) and the object of management (managed subject) for the implementation of management, there must be direct and feedback links (the impact of the subject of management on the object is a direct connection, and vice versa - reverse). Management involves not only the internal interaction of the elements that make up the system, but also interaction with the environment external to the system. We can talk about a multitude of interacting systems of various levels, which implies the implementation of management functions of both an intra-system and inter-system nature. In the latter case, a higher-order system acts as a subject of control in relation to a lower-order system, which is an object of control within the framework of interaction between them.

The management process is the activity of the subject of management, aimed at achieving the goals of management by implementing certain management functions using management methods. As a rule, management processes are very diverse, multidimensional and have a complex structure (consist of a large number stages and steps). General Functions management are combined into cycles (contours) of management, consisting of goal-setting, forecasting, activity planning, practical implementation of plans, which is accompanied by regulation (coordination, administrative activities), accounting and control, with information and methodological support.

Management functions are an external manifestation of the subject of management, and they can be divided into subject and instrumental. Subject - this is the answer to the question: what do we control? (example: health care management), and instrumental - how are we managed? (example: planning, control). The control function is an element of the control process (the result of its decomposition), which has its own goal (the result of the decomposition of the overall goal of the system).

The management functions are understood as the most typical, homogeneous and clearly defined types (directions) of the activity of the managing subject, corresponding to the content and serving the interests of achieving the main goals of the control action. These, as a rule, include: forecasting, planning, organization (the formation of a management system and ensuring its normal operation); coordination (ensuring coordinated actions of various participants in relations in the managed sphere); regulation (establishment of the mode of interaction between the subject and the object of management); management (imperious solution of specific issues arising in the managed sphere); control (observation of the functioning of the managed sphere).

Signs of a control system are the presence of:

- the goal to be achieved in the management process;

- the subject of management;

– control object;

– criteria for evaluating management effectiveness;

- mechanisms of interaction between subjects and objects of management;

- reactions to the external environment (the external environment is understood as a higher organization, legislation, management system top level, economic circumstances, market, government declaration, energy tariffs, etc.).

Like any interaction, management can be in the very general view presented as a combination of two components - direct and feedback, the impact of the controlling side on the controlled side and the response of the controlled side. Direct influence is provided by power, the opposite is control, or feedback. There cannot be a third term. All other functions are derivatives and can be obtained from these two by the method of sequential decomposition, by dividing into subfunctions.

Functional analysis is a research process based on the decomposition of the control system with the subsequent determination of the static and dynamic characteristics of the constituent elements, considered in conjunction with other elements of the system and the external environment, which includes:

- definition and description of the control process implemented by the system under study;

- decomposition overall process management for a number of private functions performed by elements of the management system;

– determination of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the studied processes and management functions;

- formation of criteria and evaluation of the effectiveness of the functioning of the management system;

– making a decision on the need to improve the functional characteristics of the control system.

Negative feedback is such a feedback effect on the control subsystem that corrects the behavior of the latter in the direction of weakening the mismatch factors.

Positive feedback is such a feedback effect on the control subsystem that corrects the behavior of the latter in the direction of strengthening destabilization factors. Negative feedback ensures the preservation of the system parameters within the specified limits, positive - imbalance, destabilization.

The effectiveness of system management is considered as a measure of the degree of achievement of the goal of functioning. Effective solution is selected from a set of solutions using a rule called the control efficiency criterion (indicator).

Indicators (here) - indicators used for:

– assessment of the real socio-economic situation Russian Federation, its subjects, municipalities, cities, districts, industries, activities, enterprises;

- tasks of the level of social well-being (threshold values ​​of indicators); planning actions to achieve thresholds; monitoring the achievement of planned results; adoption of regulatory actions; evaluation of the activities of public administration bodies.

The system of indicative economic management is a mechanism of state regulation of the economy, which is based on a set of management goals, criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of management, mechanisms for interaction between subjects and objects of management.

Responsibility Center - the only body or official responsible for the performance of a particular function.

Now we have to draw very important conclusions that reflect all our subsequent reasoning, their logic, content. In these conclusions is the structure of the entire course of management. We need to define the key categories of the management concept, on which its entire structure is built. A common understanding of management is just the first step.

If management is a specific type of human activity, then there are methodology and management organization, for methodology characterizes all human activity in the same way as its organization. There can be no unorganized activity. Activity is always expedient and implies well-defined approaches and methods for its implementation, a conscious logic for using these methods. This is the methodology of activity, the methodology of management.

If management is a specific type of human activity, then there is socio-economic and organizational and technical aspects this activity. Man is a social being and lives in an environment of interaction of economic interests and relations, and they cannot but manifest themselves, not exist in any kind of his activity. But depending on what kind of activity it is, social and economic relations people manifest themselves in different ways. The organizational and technical aspect of activity characterizes the capabilities of the organization and its specific types. The specifics of management activity determines the specifics of the organization of management.

No activity can be carried out without the necessary resources. What are the management resources, to what extent and how do they reflect the socio-economic and organizational and technical aspects of management? This is a very important question in understanding management.

Finally, if management is a type of human activity, then certain functions, reflecting its content, resource structure, socio-economic and organizational and technical aspects.

an object and subject management. In other words, any controlled system can be represented as a subject and an object of control, a control and a controlled system (Scheme 1.5).

If control is action, then there are system, mechanism and process management.

The concept of "management system" characterizes the statics of management, its static basis, the necessary connections through which and thanks to which it is possible to exercise influence.

The concept of "management process" reflects the dynamics of management, its temporal characteristics, technological features.

The concept of "management mechanism" reflects the levers or means of influence, which are the interests and values ​​of a person, expectations and fears, needs and goals, and all these concepts can be economic, socio-psychological, organizational. Thanks to them, the impact leads to a change in situations, the potential of management, as it were, turns into the activities of people, into production processes, into the development of the organization (Scheme 1.6).

Scheme 1.5.

Scheme 1.6.

? Polemical judgment

Why is the concept of a mechanism put on a par with the concepts of a system and a control process? Perhaps the mechanism includes all the elements of both the system and the management process?

! reciprocal judgment

The mechanism helps to resolve contradictions between the system and the management process. It includes not functional and authoritative links, like a system, and not operations, like a process, but the means by which the impact is carried out. If the interests and values ​​of the performers are deformed, the impact will be impossible if there are links in the management system and the operations that they perform. You can plan development as much as you like, provide resources, etc., but if the staff has no interest in this, plans will not be implemented. The art of management involves seeing interests and values ​​and shaping them. This is the problem of the control mechanism.

The need for professional management

Today, management is becoming more and more professional management. BUT professional management starts with deep knowledge. That is why today, in order to manage successfully, one must learn management, master the skills of professional management, and develop those abilities that determine the success of managerial activity.

From early childhood, a person is familiar with the concept of "management". First he sees the car being driven; then learns that it is possible to control equipment, the growth and development of plants and animals, as well as the behavior of other people. Thus, he learns that government is diverse and exists in the most various types. It could be technical management various kinds of natural and technological processes- the movement of trains and aircraft, the processing of parts on machine tools. It could be public administration socio-economic life of society through various institutions - the legal system, ministries, departments, local authorities. This may be ideological management, which consists in introducing into the consciousness of members of society the concepts of its development, formed by various political parties and groupings. This may be non-state and non-political management of social processes, for example, a movement in defense of peace or environment. This may be, finally, the economic management of production and economic activity commercial and non-profit organizations operating within the framework of market relations. If we comprehend all of the above, we can conclude that management is a conscious purposeful activity of a person, with the help of which he orders and subordinates to his interests the elements of the external environment - society, living and inanimate nature, technology. The elements to which this activity is directed form the object of management. Usually it has spatial boundaries and a certain existence in time. The director of management activity is called the subject of management, which can be an individual person or a group of people. If management is of an official nature, then its subject is organizationally and legally formalized in the form of a position or a set of positions that form a management unit. It is necessary to distinguish the subject of management activity from the subject of management. The latter can only be individual, a living person. It is through the subjects of management activity, belonging to both the subject and the object of management, that management relations are realized. For example, as a subject of control in joint stock company you can consider the board of directors, headquarters, and as an object - production units. At the same time, managers of various ranks and performers will act as subjects of management activity. Management activity is a specific type labor process, and therefore is characterized by all the elements inherent in it - the object of labor, the means of labor and the labor itself, as well as its result. The subject and product of labor in management is information. As a result of management activity, a decision is created on its basis, that is, information based on which the management object can take specific actions. The means of managerial work is, therefore, everything that will contribute to the implementation of operations with information - from computers, telephones, pens and paper to the organs of the human body. Managerial work belongs to the category of mental work carried out by a person in the form of neuropsychic efforts. In addition to managerial work, other types of managerial work can take place in an organization - engineering, design, research, etc. Managerial work exists in three main forms: heuristic, administrative and operator.

Heuristic work is reduced to a set of actions to analyze and study certain problems facing the organization, and develop on the basis of this various options their decisions, mainly of a strategic nature - managerial, economic, technical.

Administrative work is the lot, basically. managers and involves the current coordination and evaluation of the activities of subordinates. This work takes several forms. Firstly, orders, secondly, control over the work of subordinates, thirdly, the organization of the exchange of information that occurs in the process of holding meetings and meetings, receiving visitors, conducting business negotiations, answering letters and phone calls, crawl jobs.

Operator work is aimed at technical support of production and management processes necessary information. It covers such activities as documentation (registration, reproduction, sorting and storage of various kinds of documents); primary accounting and accounting (collection of statistical, accounting and other information about production, economic, social and other processes occurring within the organization.

Management is the efficient use and coordination of resources such as capital, buildings, materials and labor to achieve given goals with maximum efficiency. This definition is given in the International Handbook of Management. management and management in the special management literature are considered from the same positions. Management has become an independent field of human knowledge, a science, only in late XIX centuries. Management, as a science, has its own subject of study, its own specific problems and approaches to their solution. scientific basis This discipline is the entire sum of knowledge about management, accumulated over thousands and hundreds of years of practice and presented in the form of concepts, theories, principles, methods and forms of management. For more than centuries of history the science of management develops its own theory, the content of which is the laws and regularities, principles, functions and methods of purposeful activity of people in the process of management. Thus, management is viewed as dynamically changing in time and space management functions, the purpose of which is to solve the problems and tasks of the organization.

Essence and main categories of management

Management is a conscious purposeful activity of a person, with the help of which he organizes and subordinates to his interests the elements of the external environment - society, living and inanimate nature, technology.

Subject of management is a set of controls that is intended to have a control effect on objects and their actions. This is what governs, i.e. apparatus for managing an industry, enterprise, division, etc. It can be an individual or a group of people.

The elements to which this activity is directed form the object of management. Control object- everything to which the control action is directed; it is what is managed, i.e. branch, enterprise, division. In management theory, a group of people is usually considered as an object of management, whose activities are coordinated and directed to achieve certain goals.

There are direct and feedback links between the subject and the object of management. Direct connection is a command coming from the subject to the control object. Feedback is information coming from the object to the subject of control, about the execution of commands and the state of the control object.

The subject and object of control, together with a system of direct and feedback links, form control system. In the control system, the control object is often called the controlled subsystem, the subject - the control one.

Thus, control- this is a purposeful impact on teams of people, ensuring the consistency of their actions to achieve the intended results of activities.

These results of activity is the purpose of management.

Management Goal is the expected desired state of the control object in the future period. The management process is aimed at achieving the goals facing the organization. Management process- this is a successive change of stages of the managerial influence of the subject on the object of management. The management process characterizes the dynamics of management activity, in contrast to its statics, which is reflected in the concept of “management system”. The formation of the management goal is the initial, and its achievement is the final point of the management process.

Management is a process aimed at achieving the goals of the organization. This process consists in a sequence of management actions to solve a number of specific tasks. These actions are called managerial functions. The word “function” is of Latin origin and means performance, activity, duty. Control functions can be defined as relatively isolated, independent plots management activities.

Management principles- these are the basic rules that must be followed in the implementation of management.

control mechanism is a set of control relations, which are based on the targeted impact of the control object on the controlled one.

Management methods are ways to achieve management goals.

Organizational structure management- this is a category of management science, reflecting the organizational side of management relations and constituting the unity of levels and links of management in their interconnection and subordination.

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