Summer water pipe in the country from polypropylene pipes. Water pipe in the country with your own hands: water supply scheme and independent connection process

Encyclopedia plants 28.05.2019
Encyclopedia plants

In urban environments, when convenience at hand, people think little about their values. But getting to the country and facing the lack of water where it is vital, almost all daches are resolved for the country's water supply. And if it used to be enough, today and the country house can be as comfortable as the city apartment. Wear water in buckets from now on, do not have to. Get water from any depth allows the pump, and the pipe system will deliver the lively moisture to the house and in bed. It remains only to make a plumbing in the country with your own hands.

Device of dacha water pipes

The dacha water supply system that allows the gift book to use all the benefits of modern civilization, consists of the following equipment:

  • pipeline with a set of fittings and cranes;
  • equipment for pressure control in the system;
  • protected electrical system;
  • filters for cleaning coming from the water source;
  • water heater.

The complexity of the water supply system in the country and the composition of the equipment included in it are not only affected by the wishes and needs of the site owner, but also the features of the relief, an existing or planned source of water and many other factors.

Centralized water supply

If near the site there is a centralized plumbing network with sufficient pressure, then the construction of the water supply in the country will not be difficult. The dacket will have to hold an external and internal wiring of the pipeline and connect it to the highway. If the pressure is insufficient, the purchase of additional pumps or the search for another source of water will be required.

Mine Well on the Dacha

If the depth of water occurs on the site does not exceed 10 meters, the well can be used as a source.

  • The advantages of the design is the simplicity and relative cheapness of the source, the ability to serve it independently.
  • Lack of well - limited volumes of water consumption.

Before conducting a water supply on the cottage from the well, you need to definitely find out whether the amount of water is given to them.

If the volume is sufficient, then with depth to 8, you can install a relatively cheap and easy-to-carry surface pump.

Source - Water Well

In areas where groundwater is below 10 meters, the owner is better to think about the drilling of the well. For the cottage water supply, the supply of which goes from the well is purchased submersible pump or a more powerful complex pumping station. And although this option is somewhat more expensive, but the decision will pay off many times, and the well will be uninterrupted to supply a family for many years at any time of the year.

Depending on the depth of the source, the water delivery is carried out using the following equipment:

  • Surface pump used at a depth of less than 8 meters;
  • Submersible pump supporting pressure at a depth of 20 meters;
  • Modern pumping station.

Seasonal water supply in the country with their own hands

It is easier to make a summer water supply, which without unnecessary labor and problems can be used in the midst of the garden season. This design can be collapsible or stationary.

In this case, laying of pipes or hoses can be performed in two ways:

  1. The plumbing is on the surface of the soil. Undoubted advantage This solution can be considered fast mounting And the subsequent dismantling at the end of the season. Minus Systems - the risk of colling with frequent breakdowns.
    When laying the pipeline, take into account the opportunity to get water in all points of the site, without experiencing problems with moving. The main purpose of such a country water supply is watering plants, so it is often performed from watering hoses, connecting them with steel or plastic adapters. At the end of the season, the water is drained, the water supply is dismantled, and the pump is retrieved.
  2. Pipes are laid in the ground at a small depth, only cranes are displayed on the surface. Such a cottage water pipe is more reliable, it does not interfere with the use of the country, and if necessary, it can be quickly repaired or dismantled. In order for the water supply on the country to serve for a long time, with the onset of cold weather from the pipes, water is definculated.
    For this, when installing, it is necessary to provide a small bias. At the bottom point, the valve is envisaged so that water does not break the pipeline during freezing. For underground gasket, hoses do not use. Pipes made of plastic will be appropriate here. Trenches for summer water pipe Depth may not exceed 1 meter.

Features of living water supply in the summer

If the water supply is assumed to use not only in summer, but in the cold season, then it will take much more seriously to its arrangement. Such a water supply in the country has a capital, workable for the entire year the scheme and requires mandatory insulation from the source and almost to the boiler.

What is better to make water pipe?

Today there are two decent options:

  1. Polypropylene pipes. They cost quite expensive, for their installation will require a special soldering iron. But in this case, you can save on the accessories. The jokes are reliable and will not be submitted in any operating conditions.
  2. Polyethylene pipes. At the lower value of the material itself, you will have to spend when buying fittings for system assembly. The jokes can give to flow when the temperature drops.

Metal pipelines today are quite rare due to low corrosion resistance.

Video Tips O. proper choice Pipes:

In order for the water supply in the summer in the winter in the winter, due to the freezing, it is insulation, for example, with the help of foamed polyethylene.

If the water supply is used in the country to be in winter, then it is not only a pipeline, but also a water source.

The well for the winter is insulating and, if possible, thrown into the falling snow. When installing the surface pump, you must equip the warmed veil to install the pumping equipment. To use B. winter conditions It is insulated not only the water supply, but also the system where the drain is connected.

Scheme of cottage water pipes

It is better if the gasket of the water supply is taken into account already at the design stage. But if this did not happen, you should not neglect all the necessary procedures. First carry out areas of terrain, place the passage of future communications, clarify the need for water and perform a drawing of the layout of pipes and mechanisms. Based on this, you can count the need for equipment and produce it. It is preferable here a durable water supply pipe made of polypropylene pipes, which simply secure to all surfaces and even without concerning stroking walls.

The diagram of the country water supply must certainly take into account the necessary sludge to the well or the well.

In areas where winter ground is significantly modeled, the pipeline laying is made at least 20 cm below this level.

Installation of dacha water pipes

First spend all earthworks, breaking the trench from the source before entering the pipe to the house. The submersible pump is lowered into a well or well, surface or mounted in the immediate vicinity of the source into insulated recess, or, like the pumping station, is mounted in a residential building or another heated room.

To power the pumping equipment and battery, it is better to pave a secure cable. When installing both the summer and winter cottage water supply, the safety of the electrical network is required, so do not do without sealed connectors and moisture-proof grounded sockets.

Before entering the plumbing pipe to the house, an emergency stopping device is set. When the functioning of the country's water supply is verified, the trenches are buried and go to the arrangement of the pipeline inside the house.

Interior device of water pipes

In order for the use of the water supply to be as comfortable as possible, do not do without ensuring hot water supply. You can provide this with the help of electrical or gas flow or accumulative gas instruments. In the country conditions, it is reasonable to use the electric cumulative water heater, while having previously calculated the need of the family and choosing a suitable tank of the tank.

Polypropylene pipes plumbing, due to the high operational properties of this material, will not soon require repair. Pipes are easily mounted, resistant to temperature drops, and joints do not lose hermetic and frosty days.

If the boiler installation is scheduled in the country water supply system, the installation is more correct to start with expansion tank and water heating equipment.

When organizing a country water supply, it is necessary to take care of the purity and safety of water. To do this, the sample from the source must be rented for analysis, based on the results of which establish a multi-stage filtration system.

How do water supply in the country (video)

Here both in the famous proverb - you need to measure all seven times, that is, it is necessary to calculate how much the amount of water you need for a normal stay at the dacha of the whole family, and it is even with a small margin.

Calculation should be made taking into account all points of waterproof and water treatment, taking into account the number of permanent use by all family members. The most waterway objects should be taken into account - the sauna, the bath, the area of \u200b\u200bthe site allotted under the cultivation of vegetables, the fruit garden that in some regions without watering is now growing hard.

With each water consideration of water, a liter of water should become abundant and an estimated future source of water supply.

When the source is located, be sure to consider the fact that every ten meters of the pipeline will reduce the pump pressure per meter. It is necessary that water can be delivered to the most remote corners of the site.

With a small flow of water - for example, if you use the house only as summer housing and recreation sites, you can make a shaft well. It is simple in the construction, relatively inexpensive, and all the work on his device is easy to make it yourself. Powered by water he due to groundwater, whose running depth ranges from 4 to 15 meters.

The mining well device is the simplest: above the ground head, under the ground Iron concrete rings Or log house wooden bar Thick, as a rule, 25 cm.

The mine of such a country well should be deepeble in aquifer of 3, and even better four meters. At the bottom of the shaft well alternately flooded layers of sand, gravel, rubble, each of which should be a thickness of 20-25 centimeters, subsequently they will perform the role of a natural filter for cleaning the incoming water. Many additionally to the bottom enrollment of water also do holes in concrete rings so that it goes from the sides. After that, it is installed on the bottom.

The amount of water that can provide a mine-type well is impossible to calculate in advance. It will be possible to do this after it is built - for this, the initial volume of water received into it, after which it is pumped off with the pump and measure the time through which it will again be filled to the previous level.

In principle, for the normal water supply of the cottage, it always grabs it, they also dry it extremely rarely, in my practice "Shabashnik" this happened only a few times, and even after pumping water and cleaning, disinfecting the well water began to flow again.

If the groundwater is deep

If a suitable aquifer is at a depth of more than 15 meters and deeper, then the option with the well disappears, in which case it will have to drill well. Burn them "on the sand" and "on limestone".

Let us explain:

The drilling of the well on the sand is much faster, much cheaper, and is so simpler that if one to lend someone to the tool, even an inexperienced person to cope with this work.

For the well well on the sand, there will be only a pump, a filter mesh, and a casing steel pipe, a diameter of 125-133 millimeters.

The drilling of the well "in the sand" takes no more than two days. Such a well will provide you with a volume of water equal to Cuba per hour. This is a bit, but quite enough for most owners of the household site.

Among the minuses of drilling a well "On the sand", it can be noted that the water from it is not very clean, but, therefore, the well with the time "will also". As a rule, even with its not very intense use, the life of the well "on the sand" is 4-5 years.

Artesian well or well "On Limestone" stands expensive, it is done for a long time, 90% of the summer houses will not be able to drill it, but ... it serves for a long time, from 30 to 75 years (depends on the number and concentration of weighing) and can give "to the mountain" From 5 to 100 cubes of water per hour (with depth of 30 meters).

Drilling of artesian wells or wells "on limestone"

The most frequently used method is to bookmark casing to limestone layer through clay layers. The next step is the "opening" layer of limestone, which is a so-called "open barrel", to the aquiferous layer itself.

In order to avoid damage to the rock, through which the surface waters can penetrate deep into, apply the tamponage, which lies in the pouring of a small volume cement-sandy solution Through a special steel tube upon reaching a limestone layer. There is such a peculiar sealing of cracks through which the polluted surface water could get into the "Artesian".

By the way, the water contained in limestone (from 30 m and deeper) is no longer primary, but artesian water. To get it, you need to get the permission of the authorities. Works can only be a specialized licensed company.

This type of wells is even prescribed to obtain a special "well passport".

Using the so-called, European well drilling technology (the so-called because the same technology has been used for a long time in some regions of the USSR) the well, the wellbore is two-pipe.

The first pipe with a large diameter becomes the limestone itself, after which it is a bore with a final, working diameter. In order to avoid pollution of the Artesian Well surface waters Between the two types of pipes used, a sealing plug made of compactonite clay is made.

Such a well rate will be more expensive than an ordinary one-tube by more than 50%. As a rule, they are brought by several neighbors in the folding, but it is still expensive. Their very existence is due to the very high quality of water.

Water rise from well or well

So, we got to lifting water from the well or well. To establish water supply from a not very deep mine well The overwhelming majority of dacms use surface pumps.

The main condition for their application is the distance from the water source to the house: in most of the designs of such pumps it cannot be more than 50 meters (or rather to be it may not be a sense).

If the well is deep, or a filter well is used to produce water - this is the same surface pumps, but already ejector. We use submersible well pumps, which, with ease, "wipe" a distance of 40 meters (depth).

Well, if you are a happy owner of the artesian well, then you will have to use submersible borehole pumpwhich is completely on the shoulder water lift from a depth of 100 meters.

If there is a desire to automate this whole thing, you will have to resort to the purchase of Sav (autonomous water supply system), which consists directly from the pump itself, the hydroaccumulator and the pressure transmission relay. The thing is excellent, but for many expensive.

Pros and disadvantages of various ways of water production

  1. Mine well-consuming work well. Despite the fact that much on its device can be made with their own hands, the technique and assistants will have to be called, at least at the stage of the coppe, the removal of the earth from the pyrodyne space and lowering the concrete rings there. The constructs of the mine well are obvious: the possibility independent repair, cleaning and disinfection as such a necessity occurs (may not appear and dozens of years - it all depends on the place). It is recommended to resort to the shaft construction on the cottages and a plot with a close level of groundwater.
  2. What is a scoring, or in a different Abyssinian wellThis is such a design in which the steel pipe is clogged into the ground until it reaches an underground groundwater mirror. On its lower link there is a filter and a head with holes done in it, through which the water itself actually will fall inside this steel pipe, and turn out from there with a pump.
  3. What is a well cameraAn option that people move to the cottage for permanent accommodation are not uncommon now - hence the water is constantly needed. In this case, they build a well chamber to protect electrical devices From the effects of precipitation. The camera is easy to build with their own hands from the same concrete rings or blocks with maximum waterproofing. Requires a lid.
  4. What is a drilling wellThis is a water supply device when the well is drill up to the mirror underground water. Then, to a depth of 7-8 meters, an ordinary sewer pipe (115 millimeters in diameter) is mounted in it, after which, with the help of a filter segment (such blue pipes from polyethylene), water enters the pipe and is closed to the top.

Water supply from the well - and cold and hot: how to do?

If there is already a well at the cottage (it can be done with your own hands, and maybe the remaining former owners), then at relatively low costs you can organize not only cold, but also hot water supply at home. In our case, an inexpensive submersible pump "Aquarius" is used to lift water. The yield of the pipe from the well is hydroizing with silicone and cement. The distance from the well to the house is 5-6 m. In order for water in the system, there is no water stagnation, the valve is installed at the lowest level.

We carry out water with your own hands - step by step

  1. Using the cable, the pump is lowered into the well, preventing the tension of the power cable and the feed hose. Passed the cable on the surface. At the feed hose installed the headband for the fence of water.
  2. Water into the house is supplied according to a plastic pipe stretched along the bottom of the trench with a depth of 50 cm. In parallel, the second pipe was parallel, the electric cable was missed.
  3. The feed pipe was connected to the further part of the water supply using the reverse valve to prevent the drain of the water back to the well. Put the filter mechanical (coarse) cleaning.
  4. Brought the feeding hose to the house. At the input distribution unit installed pressure switch, pressure gauge and fine cleaning filter. Connected all to the power supply.
  5. Passing and filtering water enters the hydroaccumulator supporting superior pressure In the pressure water supply system, saving the time of the pump.
  6. From the handout unit, layered along the walls of polypropylene pipes. In the bathroom installed a shower cabin, sink and water heater.

The requirements for the "correct" well should know each dachank, who was puzzled by its construction.

Often on country plotnot connected to centralized water supply owners of cottages has to drill a well or dig a well. The task is not from the lungs. But even in the case of a power interruption, the well will ensure continuous water supply.

With a relatively small depth of groundwater in the area (up to 40 m), mine wells are built, water enters them through the bottom of the well (90%) and partly through loose wall connections (10%). The usual depth of such a well is 10-15 meters.

Summer water pipe

First consider the water supply device in the country, to operate which will be only in summer period time. This water supply is used for watering at the cottage of plants, connecting and current household needs. In winter, its operation is not provided. Summer water supply in the country can be both constant and collapsible.

The most common plumbing, pipes (hoses) of which are lying directly on Earth. Make such a plumbing from simple rubber or silicone hoses connected to each other by adapters.

The connecting adapters are on sale, they are made of galvanized steel or plastics. There are also special latches on the one hand, which have "Yershi" where the hose is put on, and on the other hand, a convenient spring-loaded connector. These latches can be connected and disconnected into one movement. They are quite capable of providing a reliable junction.

It should be noted that when buying hoses you need to take rubber with thick walls that are reinforced by kapron fibers. Of course, the plastic water supply line will cost cheaper at the cottage, but such hoses will serve longer - 15 years, at least.

For permanent summer water supply pipes, it is necessary to lay in the ground, and to remove watershed cranes on the surface. In this case, it is enough just to fall asleep the ground pipes in order not to stumble about them and for preservation of theft.

The main lack of a permanent summer water supply is the need to comply with the connection to the connection site - to the main highway. In this lowest point of the water supply, placed a drain valve in order to merge water for the winter. Otherwise, water can freeze and break pipes.

Now let's talk about more solid and capital schemes. Let's start with the description of the winter water supply. Winter does not mean that it can only be used in winter, simply in this title is meant that the water supply is carried out according to a permanent diagram and can be operated at any time of the year, even winter.

For water supply from the well, it is better to use a submersible pump. Its power is chosen depending on the depth of which water will be supplied. For a well depth to ten meters quite a small "stream" or "Aquarius". If the water will be supplied from the well, then you will have to buy a more powerful pump that will cost much more expensive.

Due to the fact that when installing the winter water supply, the pump must be connected to a voltage source, permissible to combine the cable laying and water supply in a single casing of plastic sewer pipe. It will protect well from freezing and mechanical damage.

Laying water pipe

To lay the water supply, you can use plastic pipes with soldering connections or on special plastic fittings. For compounds on a soldering, a special electrical machine is used. It is not very expensive, besides, in specialized stores, such soldering stores are often offered. For mounting the pipeline, the soldering iron will need no more than a day. Compounds on fittings are performed by "bare hands" without a soldering iron. For the usual cottage, it is quite suitable for pipes with a diameter of 20 or 25 millimeters.

When laying a water supply, pipes should be located below the level of primerization of the soil. The value of this value for each specific climatic belt You can find out in special reference books. But often, not to dig too deeply trench you can use one of the following methods:

  • Purchase laid on a depth of 60 centimeters pipe 20-30 centimeter layer of insulation from foam crumb, furnace slag, claying, and the like. The main condition is that the insulation is poorly absorbed moisture and was strong enough.
  • Isolate the pipeline with insulation system consisting of special thermal insulation and corrugated polyethylene casing. Using such a system, the depth of the trench can be done significantly less (about 30 centimeters).
  • Pour the heating cable, allowing and easy to lay pipes on the surface. But you have to pay a lot for electricity.

It should be noted that the trench should approach the house at a right angle, because it will be necessary to pour the foundation that is fraught with the sediment and the formation of cracks in the wall.

To connect the pump to the water supply near the well, it is necessary to arrange a veil, one meter depth, and sizes of 70x70 centimeters. The veil walls are laying off with brick, or strengthen in another way, such as impregnated with antiseptic boards. The bottom of the pit it would be more correct to pour concrete or fall asleep with rubble and tamper.

In the pit, it is removed and fixed the water pipe with the "ERS" for fastening the hose, which goes from the pump, as well as the electrical wire. The pulp function is that, if necessary, you can easily disconnect and remove the pump. Picks insulate to prevent the freezing of water in the pump hose.

To connect the pump, a waterproof rosette is installed or an apparent contact connector is used, better known as "dad-mom". The main condition is that the pump can be safely connected and disable, even if the cable is under the current.

Water disposal

With how to make a plumbing in the country, we decided. Now let's stop in more detail on watershed devices. For use in the conditions of the street, bronze or cast iron valves are quite suitable, as well as conventional cranes with a tap by letters. Attractive ball valves appearanceBut to use them is undesirable: when the crane for a long time is in the open position or vice versa - closed, as well as with strong temperature fluctuations and the effects of atmospheric precipitation - such cranes can quickly fail.

The most complex assembly of the water pipe is a water treatment unit, which is located outside the room, or in an unheated room. Special requirements are presented to him, because it has to work at negative temperatures. Usually use water treatment columns. The deficiency of the column is the complexity of installation and high cost.

It is unlikely that today someone will be satisfied with work or recreation in the country where there is no water. Neither your hands to wash nor yourself, nor the garden to pour normally, but to ensure maximum comfort of living: the sink in the kitchen, shower and bath in the house, toilet, washing machine and other charms of civilization, and it is meaningless. Therefore, the first thing is about every dacket, autonomous water supply cottages. What is the water supply system scheme, how to choose the right pump or a pumping station, how to mount them and connect, as well as the gasket of the external and internal water pipeline - that's just sample plan Exquisites and actions, and this is our article.

Water supply of cottages includes several elements that provide water fence from the source, delivery to room, accumulation and cleaning, heating and delivery to each consumer. Consider the approximate scheme of the water supply system of the cottage:

  1. Source of water intake (well, well or water).
  2. The pipeline leading from the water source into a noose or house. It must be equipped with a crane for the reverse drain of water from the system, in case of breakdown or departure during the cold season, so that water in the pipes and devices does not freeze.
  3. Pump or pumping station for water intake from the source.
  4. Coarse filter and check valve Before pumping station.
  5. Armature providing normal system operation. it ball crane, pressure gauge, pressure relay, etc.
  6. Hydroaccumulator - water tank with which you can control the system, including and disconnecting the pump. In addition, the water supply of water is always located in the hydroaccumulator in case of turning off the electricity.
  7. Fine cleaning filters. Equipment for water treatment and water treatment. The filter complex is selected after the study of the chemical composition of water from the source. You can do it in SanEpidemstation. By the way, the filters can be installed to the hydroaccumulator so that only clean water is already in it. Water for watering the garden, car washing and other technical needs does not need cleaning, so you can use the discreet pipe, bypassing the equipment of the water purification.
  8. Water heaters or boilers for receiving hot water.
  9. Wiring of water inside the country house. It can be performed in various ways: sequentially or using a collector when a separate pipe goes to each consumer.

This is just an approximate water supply scheme for giving. It can be complemented, remove some elements. For example, the hydroaccumulator is quite expensive, so many decide not to use it. The sequence of elements in the scheme can also be slightly different depending on the type of pump and the source of water intake.

What is the source of water supply for the cottage to choose

The water supply system in the country always starts with a source. Well, if you purchased a cottage with a ready-made well or well good quality. If there is no source of water on your site, you will first have to think about how to do it.

Before making a decision, to build: well or well, and what depth, talk to the neighbors. Assess that they are satisfied with whether they are enough water and what quality it is. Sometimes it is better not to be wondering too much, but take advantage of the experience of others. You can also take water sample neighbors for analysis to make sure of its quality.

Well - The most ancient artificial source of providing water. If the aquifer with high-quality water, suitable in a sufficient amount (for a family of 4 people) is within 4 - 15th of the depths, it makes sense to equip the well. It will cost cheaper well, as it will have to pay only for the materials, the rest can be made independently. It is also a durable well (service life of up to 50 years). And one more indisputable advantage is that in the absence of electricity, water can be mounted in a regular bucket. There is one lack of wells: the ridder can fall into it, reducing water quality. But this can be avoided by correctly performing the waterproofing of the jacks between the rings and the pipe input to the well.

In some regions, it is customary exclusively to beat the well. Do it in different reasons: That Lie good water Closely located (underground river or source), or on the contrary - groundwater is too low (more than 15 m).

Well "On the sand" Touching the upper layers of the sandy horizon. This is the very first extensive aquifer underground layer. It is located after a dense loam, which filters ground, melting and rainwater. Due to the fact that different regions This layer is at different depths, the depth of the well "in the sand" can be from 10 m to 50 m. The supply of water in such a well 500 liters. Service life of about 5 years, as the filters are clogged with sand and sludge. But this is very individual, because depending on the area at a depth, even 15 m, you can get to the underground river, and the source is inexhaustible, and the filters are not clogged. The service life can reach 20 years or more. It is best to beat the well "on the sand" manually, and the place to seek the Deadov methods. As practice has shown, so more likely to find aquifer with high-quality water. If you use machine drilling, such a layer can simply "slip".

Artesian wellit uses water from a limestone layer, which can be located at different depths, from 35 to 1000 or more than meters. In limestone rocks, water is high-quality, its minimum stock is 1500 liters, and the maximum is practically unlimited. Most often for personal needs, such wells are rarely equipped with a maximum of 135 m deep. First, it is necessary to obtain permission to the artesian well and register it, since this aquifer is considered the property of the state. Secondly, its arrangement is much more expensive than the well "in the sand" and lasts from several days to a month. The artesian well excluded the possibility of rigoring and groundwater, and its service life is close to the well, i.e. 50 years. The artesian well makes sense to beaten with one neighbors.

If you decide to equip the well at the cottage, not the well, be sure to complete the calculations of its debit. This is necessary in order to properly select a pump or pumping station.

Pumps and pumping stations for water supply - how to choose

The right choice of pump for country water supply is one of the most important tasks.

Pumps are there submersible and surface. Submersible pumps are still deep, they can swing water from a depth of 10 to 150 m. They have them in deep wells or wells. Surface pumps are installed in a house or a noose, they swing from a depth of 9 m.

To arrange water supply in the country, it makes sense to purchase a pumping station, which already includes a pump, a hydroaccumulator, a pressure switch and a liner hose. Often this station can be purchased everywhere.

The most common is pumping station with centrifugal self-priming pump with built-in ejector. Such a pump can suck water from a depth of 9 m and serve it up to 40 m. Run the pump to work is very simple: open the cover of the fuel hole, pour water into it to raise through the edge, close and turn on the pump. At first it will pump the air, and then give water into the system. The advantage of such a station is low air sensitivity in the system, just open the crane / valve on the pump to express it. Such an unit is suitable for water intake from a well or a well of a small depth. It can be installed in a pit or caisson directly above the water source and supply water to 40 m, and can be installed in the house if the well or well is very close.

Pumping stations with a centrifugal self-priming pump with an external ejector Use for pumping water from deep wells or wells (up to 45m), or located far from home. The stations themselves are installed in a house or a noose, two pipes lead from it, at the end of which an ejector is attached, and lowered to the water source. On one pipe, water is served in an ejector to create suction, and on the second - water is supplied to the house. The disadvantage of such a station is the sensitivity to air in the system. And the advantage of the fact that the station can be placed inside the house, and the ejector in the source of water intake at a distance of 20 - 40 meters from the house.

When choosing a pump, pay attention to an extremely important characteristic - height suction. Some indicated the height of 8 m, and on the other 20 - 45 m. Note that the height of the pump absorption is 8 meters does not mean that it cannot be used for a well depth of 15 m. The fact is that water even in a deep well is significantly higher, At a depth of 2 - 6 m. This is due to the fact that the depth of groundwater is higher than the depth of the well, and according to the rule of the communicative vessels, water in the well rises upwards.

Before making water supply at the cottage and buy a pumping station, calculate the performance of your water source, check the level of the mirror, pressure in the system and the volume of water consumption. For uninterrupted maintenance of the house with water pumping Station Performanceit must be lower than the productivity of the water source (well or well), but more possible consumption / consumption of water. For the miscalculation of water consumption, you can use the data from the table, simply at losing water consumption in several consumers that can work simultaneously. Next, it is necessary to calculate the pressure loss depending on the length and diameter of the pipeline.

Important! Learn the performance of the well or well can be experienced by turning out of it with a motor-pump and an ordinary surface pump water and measuring its number. The water mirror can be found by lowering the water source on the rope, and then measuring the length.

After receiving the necessary data, you can proceed to the selection of the pumping station, all parameters will be indicated in the passport. Pay attention to the presence of the check valve and the input filter.

Water supply of cottages with their own hands

The arrangement of the water supply of the cottage with their own hands is not such a difficult task as it may seem. Let us take it that we already have a water source, whether it got from the previous owners, whether you yourself dug the well or dried a well. It will only be left to perform all the work on the installation of the pump, pipeline and other equipment.

Installation of outdoor water pipeline in the country

For well. First of all, it is necessary to proceed the trench from the foundation of the house to the well, preferably without bends. Since in the winter, the pipeline can be wrapped, it must be placed at a depth of 1.5 - 2 m (the depth of the primer of the soil in the Russian Federation). It is possible to lay the pipe and above, but then it should be carefully insulated, for example, wrap the electric heating cable.

In the second ring, the well make a hole for the pipe. By the way, plastic pipes, PVC, polyethylene, polypropylene, steel and others can be used. It is advisable to choose those that do not crack from the frost. Connect pipes with a diameter of 32 mm among yourself. On the bottom of the trench, we embarrass the layer of sand 15 cm.

Important! Installation of water supply in the country implies that it is necessary to make a bias of the pipeline toward the water source. If winter cottages are not used, then all the water from the system must be merged. To do this, on the rotation of the pipe in the well, the drain crane should be installed.

We start the pipe in the hole in the ring, bend the pipe and lower down to the surface of the water. Inside the pipe insert a mesh filter. The pipe is located at an altitude of 30 - 40 cm from the bottom of the well. To secure the pipe, all the water from the well pump out the pump, drive it into the bottom of the pin and screw the pipe to it.

Then it is necessary to thoroughly hydroize the hole in the ring so that the ridder does not fall through it. We fall asleep the pipes in the trench of 15 cm layer of sand, then the ground, and around the well at a distance of 1.5 m in a depth of 40 cm we perform a clay castle.

For well. All works on the chicken trenches and laying pipes are no different. That's just over the well itself, it is necessary to equip either a pit, or caisson so that the pipes and pump are not impaired, if it is supposed to install it directly above the well.

Consider the installation of the caisson. The well pipe is dripped by 2.5 m deep and width 2 times larger than the diameter of the caisson. The bottom of the pit is sealing and fill with the concrete layer of 20 cm, it will keep the severity of the caisson. We establish in the pit of the caisson. Cut the well pipe at an altitude of 50 cm above the bottom of the caisson. At the same depth, we perform a hole in the caisson for laying the pipeline. Next, you need to connect the pumping station.

The caisson is flooded with a concrete with a layer of 30 - 40 cm, then fall asleep with sand and cement mixture, and the remaining 50 cm soil.

Connecting the pump station to the well

If the pump is remote, it can be installed directly in the caisson. If the water is close, the well, too, can be installed a pumping station in the house, and in the caisson or impressions to have only the supply pipe and connect it in the well tube. Here you should provide a crane for draining the system down.

As an example in the caisson, we install the pump, connect it to the well pipe, connect the pipe leading to the house to the pump itself. But the rest of the equipment: hydroaccumulator, control relays, filters are installed in a house or hospostroy.

Connecting a pumping station to the well

For wells located close to home and with high levels Water, you can use a pumping station with a suction height of up to 9 m. It is possible to install it in the house itself, in a severity or in the well itself. But for deep or distant wells you can use the pump with remote ejector, then the station itself can be installed in the house, and the ejector is omitted into the well.

The room where the pump station will be standing for the well, should be insulated or heated, the temperature should be not lower than +2 ° C.

Before entering the pump, we set a crane for draining water, a coarse filter and a check valve. Then there is a pump, after it is a fine cleaning filter with shut-off cranes on both sides. This is necessary to replace the cartridge in the filter. Then the hydroaccumulator, and after it you can install the water treatment system and water treatment.

After all the elements of the pumping station, water purification, etc. The pipe is 32 mm lead to a cold water collector. In the collector are set ball Valves and connect 25 mm pipes, leading to consumers or consumer groups (as an internal water supply scheme involves).

For internal wiring you can use steel tubes, metalplastic, polypropylene and corrugated stainless steel. The last most expensive, but also extremely easy to install. The optimal price and quality will be water pipes from polypropylene pipes. They are connected to each other and with fittings with the help of an electrician, which is very easy to work, and it can be rented.

Important! The complexity of the installation of water pipeline in the country is that in winterWhen the room does not heal, it is necessary to merge water from the system. For this, the entire pipeline must be mounted with a slope.

Hot water supply in the country can be provided with a boiler or boiler. If the main gas is supplied, it makes sense to install a gas water heater. If not, you can use electric boiler. By the way, for the uninterrupted supply of hot water in the proper volume, subject to the use of the gas boiler, it is also necessary to purchase an indirect heating boiler. For a family of 4 people, the boiler should be from 100 to 200 liters.

On the reverse side of the Cold Water Collector we take the pipe to the water heater. Connect here. Pipe S. hot waterThe emerging from the water heater leading to the hot water collector, where you also install ball valves and a tap for draining water.

In this article, we looked at the option of stationary water pipeline in the country, which can be used both in summer and in winter. That's just if the house does not heated in the winter, and its heating is turned on only when someone arrives, for example, once a week, before the onset of frosts and before each departure in winter it is necessary to merge water not only from the system, but also from each consumer. Even from the toilet tank, washing machine etc. For the summer water supply, such difficulties are not needed. It can be performed from garden hoses interconnected and laid out on the surface of the Earth. After the end of the season from the hoses, water merges, they are twisted and removed into a noose until the next season.

Many attracts the idea to make water pipes in the country with their own hands. Advantages of such an option to solve the problem of water supply is many - from economic benefits to the possibility of not depend on the water supply schedule, reduce the pressure characteristics in the peak clock. In addition, it is possible to calculate and build a system, fully appropriate layout of the site and counting the quantity and location of consumption points.

Solving the issue "How to carry out a water pipe in the country with your own hands" begins with the definition of the type of source. That is, it is necessary to decide where water will be taken from. The easiest option is to build a line from a centralized highway, equipping it with a pressure capacity for uninterrupted feed and stability of pressure, but such a solution may not always - the total line may be absent at all. Own source allows you to create a fully autonomous system.


Traditional option, a member of many countrysidesuitable for use in dacha arrays.

The choice of the well speak its advantages:

  • For construction and operation does not require registration permissive documentation, registration and conduct of any other events related to additional troubles.
  • Water from the well can be obtained both with the patching unit and manually, which is important for those sites where power supply is often disconnected. In addition, such an opportunity increases safety - when fire on the site, you can get water and put off the hearth, even if the wiring is damaged.
  • The construction of the well is not too difficult, it can be done on its own, not even having special skills. It is enough to carefully examine the recommendations of specialists.
  • If the ready-made heavy building blocks are not used (for example, concrete rings), you can do without attracting special equipment.
  • Even using the services of specialists for construction, the work price will be lower compared to the drilling of other water sources.

Disadvantages of the well:

  • The high probability of entering organic pollution into water (it is possible to reduce it by supplying the well a tightly closing lid),
  • The need to periodically clean and rehanging the mine (during seasonal use it will have to be more often, because in the non-exploit well water is stored),
  • Possible water fence from upper layerswhere the soil surface can be contaminated (toxic enterprise waste, chemical fertilizers, technogenic dust, etc.).
  • Relatively small performance (about 200 liters per hour).

It should also be noted that the well device is only possible in the case of a bombing layer at a depth of less than 15 m.

Well in the sand

Solving how to make a water pipe in the country using a well in the sand, there is also no need to worry about the design of documents. The advantages of the well on sand are similar to the peculiarities of the construction and operation of the traditional well.

  • For you can use the services of a specialized company or try to perform work yourself. With a shallow occurrence of the aquifer, you can do without complicated equipment.
  • In the water from the sandy aquifer, the high content of insoluble impurities - sand or clay, so for the water supply system, a reliable filter system will be required.

Distinctive features:

  • little (compared to a conventional well) The likelihood of the fields in water (mainly the water fence is carried out at a depth of 15-30 meters),
  • a short service life (about 8 years),
  • depending on the geological features Sometimes it is more expedient to put a new well without much effort (or transfer equipment) than to clean the source
  • a well on sand is capable of giving an average of 1.5 cubic meters of water per hour.

Artesian well

In this case, it is possible to carry out a water supply on the cottage from the well only after the completion of the drillers. Drilling is allowed only by professionals from specialized companies that have permission to activities of this kind. After drilling, flushing and starting to operate the source, the company will issue a package of documents to the artesian well, and before drilling it is necessary to obtain permission.


  • water fence from deep aquifers, where contamination from the surface do not fall (more than 50 meters),
  • high performance (sometimes economically advocated installation of one artesian well into several sections).


  • the need for serious material investments,
  • high salt salt in water.

The photo shows the scheme of the occurrence of aquifer and options for water intake

Important: Installing the filtering system will be required when you select any type of source. Performance and completeness of filters are selected based on the composition of the water, which must be determined in a specialized laboratory. The impact on the choice of filters also has how water will be used - sometimes besides cleaning on a shared line to protect pipes, plumbing and household units set additional filters on the kitchen line.

Pump equipment

Installation of water supply in the country, with your own hands, implies the choice and installation of pumping equipment. At this stage, it is important to take into account the nuances of different types of systems.

  • For wells are suitable as submersible, so surface pumps. Choosing, it is important to remember that they are able to have a destructive effect on the walls of the structure and contribute to the "clutching" of water (oscillations raise the silt from the bottom, separate it from the walls of the mines). In order to reduce such a risk, it is important to accurately follow the recommendations of the installation manufacturer. In particular, the minimum distance from the lower point of the unit to the bottom is usually limited.
  • Artesian wells are very deep, therefore, they will need a special depth pump to accommodate them.
  • For wells, submersible pumps are also used for sand wells, although the use of surfaces may also be used in certain cases.

Aggregates for lifting and transporting water are selected not only by design, but also by technical characteristics. The pressure and performance are taken into account. When calculating the required value, not only the depth of the source is taken into account, but also its remoteness from the house, the height difference (with a complex area relief or when installing the water consulting point on the second floor of the house).

Designing water pipes in the country, consider that in some cases more effective than single pumping machines. They are a whole range of equipment: In addition to the surface pumping unit, it includes control devices, pressure switch and hydroaccumulator, optimizing the operation of the pump and ensuring stability (consistency of supply and normal pressure) of water supply.

At the same time, the pumping station creates more noise than, for example, the submersible pump. It requires accommodation in the caisson, basement or in a separate heated room to avoid freezing. In addition, there are no limitations to install such equipment - the distance from the pump to the water mirror should not be more than 8 m.

Types of pipes

As industry offers a large selection water pipes, It should be understood in the features of each kind to make the right choice.
Often difficulties and confusion cause characteristics plastic pipes. This is due to insufficient formulation accuracy. Plastic can be called any products made of polymers, but the possibilities and features of operation of different species significantly different.

  • Polypropylene very popular for inner wiring, has low price And it is able to withstand high pressure and temperature. Installation of pipes from this material is performed by soldering using a special soldering iron, which creates reliable unintellular connections.
  • W. polyethylene maritime values Pressure I. maximum temperature lower than polypropylene. But the temperature characteristics are not so important when using pipes for cold water supply, and the ability to withstand pressure plays a role when installing extensive systems, including water supply lines to fountains, sinks and other consumers requiring a large pressure. The advantage of polyethylene is resistance to negative temperatures And the ease of installation by means of fittings. Therefore, it is the PND pipes that are most often used to flow water from the source to the house.
  • Stitched polyethylene According to specifications, it is almost identical to the polypropylene. Its feature is the impossibility of connecting elements using welding. How to make a water supply in the dacha from a well or well in this case? For this, special compression fittings are applied.
  • Metalplastic It looks like cross-linked polyethylene and has a similar layered structure, however, among its layers there is a reinforcing aluminum foil design. Metal-plastic pipes are also not welded, and their advantage is the flexibility that allows you to curb the pipes, thereby reducing the number of joints, stability when exposed to high temperature and pressure. They are suitable for the HBW, DHW and even for heating.

The advantages of all plastic pipes:

  • not big weight,
  • long service life
  • smooth surface (salts are not postponed),
  • corrosion resistance
  • immunity to chemical influences.

Metal pipes are used for mounting pipelines in less often, but they are recommended to be used if the line has to be laid under the road (for example, under the automotive entry). The main disadvantages of metal pipes are high weight, lack of corrosion resistance and complex installation.

Wiring in the house

At several points of water intake in the house there is a question about choosing a wiring scheme.

Water pipeline scheme at the cottage from the well, well or central highway may be consistent or collector.

Montage sequence

To organize a water supply device at the cottage from the well or well, according to the preliminary sketch make the laying of gaskets of communications on the ground. After that, act as follows.

Features of the winter pipeline

It is usually believed that the summer water supply system differs from the winter depth of pipe laying. At the same time, seasonally used communications should be able to drainage before the onset of cold weather. In small areas, it is often resorted to ground gasket using hoses and portable pumps. In the event of the whole water supply system with the end of the summer, it is easy and quickly dismantled and removed for storage.

Winter water pipes in the country to organize on its own more difficult, but it is quite possible to eliminate the likelihood of system freezing (communications and pumping equipment). Winter water pipe in the country from central water pipes or autonomous water sources - it pipe laying depth (Below is the level of primerousness of the soil) or their reliable thermal insulation. For reliability, you can combine these precautions.

For autonomous Systems It will also be required provide pumping equipment protection. Submersible models are not at risk of freezing - they protect them with water layer. Surface units are installed in the pit or caissons, as well as in special small heated rooms.

When installing winter systems, you can use various methods Truck insulation:

  • foam crumb, pumped in a trench,
  • crushed slag
  • ceramzit,
  • pointed polyethylene,
  • sheet insulation with an additional corrugated pipe casing.

Can be spent winter water pipe At the cottage from the well or well with a heating cable is the most efficient, but requiring the cost of electricity solutions.

In the photo diagram of the water supply device from the well, which can be operated both in the summer and in winter

Water heating

Water heating is carried out using electric heaters and gas boilers. The second is cheaper in operation, but require gas, documentation design and professional mount. Electrical models are easier and more compact. They can be easily installed independently. According to the principle of operation, heaters are. The type of unit and its performance is chosen based on the volume of water consumption.

For permanent accommodation, you can consider the possibility of installing a two-door gas boiler that provides at the same time home heating and hot water supply.


On the peculiarities of laying the outer part of the water pipes are told in the video.

Probably, no one will argue that one of the main factors providing good pastime at the cottage, mining work and a rich harvest, it is the wealth of clean water, which can be used when watering the beds, flower, and fruit plants. Of course, if all cultural vegetation on your site is limited to a small flowerumba area of \u200b\u200btwo square metersOr, if there are at least one or twice a week in the region in the region, it does not have to break the heads over the plants and so will grow perfectly.

But if rains take place much less often, and in the summer the heat in the shade reaches +30 degrees and higher, then you will have to think seriously about how to facilitate watering. After all, carry water from the well buckets to pour three - four hundred potatoes, weaving cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage, and even a fruit garden, too tedious. It is hardly possible to cope with such a task for a whole day of reliable, continuous labor.

therefore best way Solve this problem is the summer water supply in the country. Yes, the installation will have to spend not one day, as well as a certain amount. But as a result you get easy way Half your whole garden for half an hour, and watering itself turns into solid pleasure. In addition, you can forget about the need to carry water into the house manually, if there is no working water supply in the area of \u200b\u200byour cottage.

One of the most important issues to be solved before buying materials is the choice of suitable pipes. After all, it is the pipes that are one of the main components of the water supply. AND modern market offers quite a large selection suitable materials. Of course, they possess both certain advantages and disadvantages.

You need to know about them to make an objective choice, and do not regret it in the future. So, water pipes you can make from several types of pipes.

Metal pipes

Time proven, not too expensive and reliable. Metal pipes without the slightest harm will survive blows, strong compression, fall and any other mechanical exposure. For proper care Metal plumbing will easily serve you dozens of years. Alas, metal pipes have a number of flaws. First of all, they are quite severe, which complicates the process of transportation and installation. In addition, the metal is subject to corrosion.

Yes, this problem can be solved for 3-5 years if covering pipes high quality paint For metal. But if you decide to establish a permanent pipeline (putting pipes under the ground) hardly wants to dig pipes every few years to paint them.

And finally, in a few years, even with closest care, the inner wall will be covered with rust. This will significantly worsen drinking quality Waters - it is possible that she will even stop being drinking. Additional complexity - connection of pipes into the plumbing. It is necessary to use gas welding, which increases the cost of installation, as in most cases it makes inviting specialists.

Metal plastic pipes

Metal-plastic pipes are a rather complicated design. The first layer is plastic. On top of it goes the glue layer. Next - aluminum, which carries the main load. Aluminum is covered with another adhesive layer, which, in turn, is protected by a plastic layer. This is really a good option. Pipes are lightweight, durable, non-corrosive and can withstand a rather strong pressure without harm to themselves.

Scheme of aluminum tap pipe

But the complexity of manufacturing and the high cost of aluminum leads to the fact that the price of them is fixed quite high. Many people who are willing to spend tens of thousand rubles to equip the summer water pipe in the country.

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Lawns for dacha

Polypropylene pipes

IN last years Polypropylene pipes are becoming increasingly popular. They are easy, they are not afraid of corrosion, rather cheap and easy to install. Thermal welding costs much cheaper than gas welding. You can just buy a special building iron - in stores they are usually sold at a price of 2 to 4 thousand rubles. Yes, pipes may be damaged when strong shuffles or squeezing. But if you bury them into the ground, then they are guaranteed nothing can harm. They do not rust, which means, after 10 years of them will flow the same clean water as at the time of installation.

As you can see, you can use a variety of pipes for the summer water pipeline. What of them to give preference? Decide yourself!

Permanent or collapsible water supply

When you decided on the material, it's time to think about which water supply will be better to meet your requirements - collapsible or permanent? As is clear from the name, the first one can be assembled in the spring, at the beginning of the summer season, and disassembled in the fall so that in winter it is not to become easy prey for thieves.

Permanent is mounted once and for all. What advantages and disadvantages have both of these options?

Collapsible plumbing

Let's start with the collapsible water pipeline.

Its advantages can be attributed to the simplicity and speed of installation - it is not necessary to bury pipes into the ground, conducting a considerable amount of land.

If some pipe or seam will be damaged, the leakage will be immediately noticeable and the elimination of it will not give you extra hassle.

The main minus is the need for every spring to collect and customize the plumbing, and in the fall - to disassemble and disappear into the city.

In addition, all summer pipes will lie near the beds. They can easily stumble or just step on them, making serious damage. Well, of course, if you leave the cottage for a week, another, the plumbing can be completely abducted.

Permanent water supply

- This is a completely different business.

You will have to spend much more time on the laying of this water supply, but only once. Do not have to spend twice in the season, collapsible works. Pipes are buried to a depth of 30 to 50 centimeters, and do not interfere with you to walk in beds. The whole consists in the usual drain of water from the system so that it does not freeze and damaged the pipes. The thieves will certainly do not dig in the ground, conducting a huge amount of work to kidnap several dozen pipe meters.

The minuses of this option is relatively few.

Water supply scheme in the country

For example, if the pipeline is damaged, it will be quite difficult to find it and eliminate it - you have to pull the entire trench. Also more important is proper laying Pipes - throughout they must go under the slope, so that water remains in the system in the system. And the longer the pipe, the deeper you will have to dig a trench.

Options for watering plants

It is equally important to choose the principle of watering. You can use two options - watering beds with water fence directly from the well or well or water the beds from the tank filled from the main source of water.

Straight watering

The first option is characterized by simplicity. You can just open the necessary valves in the pipeline and run the pump. Passing in beds, you will close one valves and open others, as we watering individual sites.

This system is simple and convenient. Alas, there is a serious minus, which you need to know. Experienced daches do not recommend watering a bed icewaterwhich is usually served from wells and wells. It can slow down the growth rates or even lead to their death.

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