What to make plumbing in the country. What are the summer water supply schemes

Engineering systems 14.06.2019
Engineering systems

Here, as in the well-known proverb, you need to measure everything seven times, that is, calculate in advance how much water you will need for normal living at the dacha of the whole family, and do this even with a small margin.

The calculation should be made taking into account all points of water consumption and water intake, taking into account the amount of their constant use by all family members. The most water-consuming objects should also be taken into account - a sauna, a bathhouse, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site allotted for growing vegetables, orchard which in some regions is now difficult to grow without irrigation.

With each liter of water counted in water consumption, the proposed future source of water supply should also become more abundant.

When locating a water supply source, be sure to take into account the fact that every ten meters of the pipeline will reduce the pump head by 1 meter. This is necessary so that water can be delivered to the most remote corners of the site.

With a small flow of water - for example, if you use the house only as a summer home and a place to relax, you can make a shaft well. It is easy to build, relatively inexpensive, and all the work on its device is easy to do with your own hands. It is fed with water by ground water, the depth of which ranges from 4 to 15 meters.

The device of a mine well is the simplest: a cap above the ground, underground reinforced concrete rings or a frame made of wooden beam thick, usually 25 cm.

The shaft of such a country well should be deepened into the aquifer by 3, and even better by four meters. Layers of sand, gravel, crushed stone are alternately covered at the bottom of the mine well, each of which should be 20-25 centimeters thick, subsequently they will act as a natural filter for purifying incoming water. Many, in addition to the bottom flow of water, also make holes in the concrete rings so that it comes from the sides. Then set to the bottom.

The amount of water that a shaft-type well can provide cannot, of course, be calculated in advance. This can be done after its construction - for this, the initial volume of water that has entered it by gravity is calculated, after which it is pumped out by a pump and the time is measured after which it will be filled again to the previous level.

In principle, there is always enough of it for a normal water supply of a summer house, they also dry up extremely rarely, in my practice of a “shabashnik” this happened only a few times, and even then after pumping out the water and cleaning, disinfecting the well, the water began to flow again.

If groundwater is deep

If a suitable aquifer is located at a depth of more than 15 meters and deeper, then the option with a well is eliminated, in which case a well will have to be drilled. They are drilled "on sand" and "on limestone".

Let's explain:

Drilling a well in sand is much faster, much cheaper, and so much easier that if you borrow a tool from someone, even an inexperienced person can handle this job.

To construct a well in sand, only a pump, a filter mesh, and a casing steel pipe with a diameter of 125-133 mm will be needed.

Drilling a well "on the sand" takes no more than two days. Such a well will provide you with a volume of water equal to a cube per hour. This is not much, but it is enough for most owners personal plot.

Among the disadvantages of drilling a well “on sand”, it can be noted that the water from it is not very clean, and, therefore, the well will “silt up” over time. As a rule, even with its not very intensive use, the life of the well "on sand" is 4-5 years.

An artesian well or a “limestone” well is expensive, takes a long time, 90% of summer residents will not be able to drill it on their own, but ... It lasts a long time, from 30 to 75 years (depending on the amount and concentration of suspensions) and can give out “to the mountain” from 5 to 100 cubic meters of water per hour (at a depth of 30 meters).

Drilling artesian wells or wells "on limestone"

The most commonly used method is to run the casing to the limestone layer through the clay layers. The next stage is the “opening” of the limestone layer, which is drilled with the so-called “open hole”, to the very aquifer.

In order to avoid damage to the rock, through which surface water can penetrate deep into the depths, grouting is used, which consists in pouring a small volume cement-sand mortar through a special steel pipe upon reaching the limestone layer. There is such a peculiar filling of cracks through which contaminated surface water could get into the "artesian".

By the way, the water contained in limestone (from 30 m and deeper) is no longer groundwater, but artesian water. To get it, you need to get permission from the authorities. Work can only be carried out by a specialized licensed company.

This type of wells is even required to obtain a special "well passport".

Using the so-called European well drilling technology (so-called because the same technology was used a long time ago in some regions of the USSR), the well device is of a two-pipe nature.

The first pipe with a large diameter stands on the limestone itself, after which a well is drilled with a final, working diameter. In order to avoid contamination of the artesian well with surface water, a compactonite clay sealing plug is made between the two types of used pipes.

Such a well will cost more than an ordinary one-pipe well by more than 50%. As a rule, several neighbors drill them together, but even that comes out all the same expensive. Their very existence at such a cost is explained by the very high quality of water.

Lifting water from a well or well

So, we got to the rise of water from a well or well. To establish the supply of water from a not very deep mine well, the vast majority of summer residents use surface pumps.

The main condition for their use is the distance from the water source to the house: in most designs of such pumps, it cannot be more than 50 meters (or rather, it can - there will be no sense).

If the well is deep, or a filter well is used to extract water, these are the same surface pumps, but already ejector ones. More often, submersible well pumps are used, which can easily “master” a distance of 40 meters (depth).

Well, if you are a happy owner of an artesian well, then you will have to use a submersible borehole pump, which is quite capable of lifting water from a depth of 100 meters.

If there is a desire to automate the whole thing, then you will have to resort to buying a CAB (autonomous water supply system), which consists directly of the pump itself, a hydraulic accumulator and a control pressure switch. The thing is excellent, but for many expensive.

Pros and cons of different methods of extracting water

  1. Mine well Labor-intensive work. Despite the fact that much of its construction can be done with your own hands, you will have to call equipment and assistants, at least at the stage of digging, excavating the earth from the well space and lowering it there concrete rings.The advantages of the shaft well design are obvious: the possibility of self-repair, cleaning and disinfection as the need arises (it may not occur for decades - it all depends on the place). It is recommended to resort to a shaft structure in dachas and areas with a close level of groundwater.
  2. What is a driving, or in other words, an Abyssinian well This is a design in which a steel pipe is driven into the ground until it reaches the underground water table. On its lower link there is a filter and a head with holes made in it, through which water will actually get inside this very steel pipe, and be pumped out from there by a pump.
  3. What is a well chamber The option that people move to the dacha for permanent residence is not uncommon now - therefore, water is constantly needed. In this case, a well chamber is built to protect electrical devices from the effects of precipitation. The chamber is easy to build with your own hands from the same concrete rings or blocks with maximum waterproofing. Cover required.
  4. What is a drill well This is such a water supply device when a well is drilled to the groundwater table. Then, to a depth of 7-8 meters, an ordinary sewer pipe (115 millimeters in diameter) is mounted in it, after which, using a filter segment (such blue polyethylene pipes), water enters the pipe and climbs up.

Water supply from a well - both cold and hot: how to do it?

If the dacha already has a well (maybe made by hand, or maybe left over from the previous owners), then at a relatively low cost, it is possible to organize not only cold, but also hot water supply at home. In our case, an inexpensive submersible pump "Aquarius" was used to lift the water. The pipe exit from the well is waterproofed with silicone and cement. The distance from the well to the house is 5-6 m. So that there is no stagnation of water in the system, a valve is placed at the lowest level of the network.

We conduct water with our own hands - step by step

  1. Using a cable, the pump was lowered into the well, preventing tension on the power cable and supply hose. Fixed the cable to the surface. A cap for water intake was installed on the supply hose.
  2. We supply water to the house polyethylene pipe, stretched along the bottom of a trench 50 cm deep. In parallel, a second pipe was laid, inside which an electric cable was passed.
  3. The supply pipe was connected to - the further part of the water supply using check valve to prevent water from flowing back into the well. A mechanical (coarse) filter was installed.
  4. They brought the supply hose into the house. A pressure switch, a pressure gauge and a fine filter were installed on the inlet dispensing unit. Connected everything to the mains.
  5. After being cleaned and filtered, the water enters the accumulator, which supports the right pressure in a pressurized water supply system, saving the time to turn on the pump.
  6. From the distributing unit, wiring was carried out along the walls of polypropylene pipes. The bathroom has a shower, sink and water heater.

Every summer resident who is puzzled by the question of its construction should know the requirements for the “correct” well.

Often, in a suburban area that is not connected to a centralized water supply, cottage owners have to drill a well or dig a well. The task is not easy. But even in the event of a power outage, the well will provide continuous water supply.

With a relatively small depth of groundwater in the area (up to 40 m), shaft wells are constructed, water enters them through the bottom of the well (90%) and partially through loose wall joints (10%). The usual depth of such a well is 10-15 meters.

Summer plumbing

First, consider the plumbing device in the country, which will be operated only in summer period time. Such a water supply system is used for watering plants in the country, connecting and current household needs. In winter, its operation is not provided. Summer plumbing in the country can be both permanent and collapsible.

The most common is the water supply, the pipes (hoses) of which lie directly on the ground. They make such a water supply system from simple rubber or silicone hoses connected to each other by adapters.

Connecting adapters are commercially available, they are made of galvanized steel or plastic. On sale there are also special latches on the one hand, which have "ruffs" where the hose is put on, and on the other hand there is a convenient spring-loaded connector. These latches can be connected and disconnected in one motion. They are quite capable of providing a reliable joint.

Note that when buying hoses, you need to take rubber ones with thick walls, which are reinforced with nylon fibers. Of course, plastic plumbing in the country will cost less, but such hoses will last longer - at least 15 years.

For a permanent summer water supply, pipes must be laid in the ground, and water taps should be brought to the surface. In this case, it is enough to just cover the pipes with earth a little so as not to stumble over them and to protect them from theft.

The main disadvantage of a permanent summer water supply is the need to observe a slope to the connection point - to the main highway. At this lowest point of the water supply, a drain valve is placed in order to drain water for the winter. Otherwise, the water may freeze and break the pipes.

Now let's talk about more solid and capital schemes. Let's start with a description of the winter plumbing. Winter does not mean that it can only be used in winter, this name simply implies that the water supply is carried out according to a permanent scheme and it can be operated at any time of the year, even winter.

To supply water from a well, it is better to use a submersible pump. Its power is chosen depending on the depth from which water will be supplied. For a well up to ten meters deep, a rather small “brook” or “aquarius” is quite small. If water is supplied from a well, then you will have to buy a more powerful pump, which will cost much more.

Due to the fact that when installing a winter water supply, the pump must be connected to a voltage source, it is permissible to combine cable laying and water supply in a single casing made of plastic sewer pipes. It will protect well from freezing and mechanical damage.


For laying water pipes, you can use plastic pipes with soldered joints or on special plastic fittings. For soldered joints, a special electric soldering iron is used. It is not very expensive, besides, in specialized stores, such soldering irons are often offered for rent. To install the pipeline, you will need a soldering iron for no more than a day. Connections on fittings are made with “bare hands” without a soldering iron. For a regular dacha, pipes with a diameter of 20 or 25 millimeters are quite suitable.

When laying a water pipe, pipes must be placed below the freezing level of the soil. The value of this value for each specific climate zone can be found in special reference books. But often, in order not to dig too deep a trench, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Fill the pipe laid at a depth of 60 centimeters with a 20-30 cm layer of insulation made of foam chips, furnace slag, expanded clay, etc. The main condition is that the insulation does not absorb moisture well and is strong enough.
  • Insulate the pipeline with an insulation system consisting of special thermal insulation and a casing made of corrugated polyethylene. With the help of such a system, the depth of the trench can be made much smaller (about 30 centimeters).
  • Lay a heating cable that allows you to lay pipes on the surface at all. But you have to pay a lot for electricity.

It should be noted that the trench should approach the house at a right angle, because it will be necessary to dig the foundation, which is fraught with its settlement and the formation of cracks in the wall.

To connect the pump to the water supply next to the well, it is necessary to arrange a pit, one meter deep and 70x70 centimeters in size. The walls of the pit are laid out with bricks, or they are strengthened in another way, for example, boards impregnated with an antiseptic. It would be more correct to fill the bottom of the pit with concrete or, in extreme cases, fill it with rubble and tamp it down.

A water pipe with a “ruff” is brought out and fixed into the pit for attaching the hose that comes from the pump, as well as the electrical wire. The function of the pit is that, if necessary, you can easily disconnect and remove the pump. The pit is insulated to prevent freezing of water in the pump hose.

To connect the pump, install a waterproof outlet or use a hermetic contact connector, better known as "father-mother". The main condition is that the pump can be safely connected and disconnected, even if the cable is energized.

Water folding devices

With how to make plumbing in the country, we decided. Now let's take a closer look at water-folding devices. For outdoor use, bronze or cast-iron gate valves, as well as ordinary taps with crane bushings, are quite suitable. Ball valves have an attractive appearance, but it is undesirable to use them: when the tap is in the open position for a long time or vice versa - closed, as well as with strong vibrations temperature and exposure to precipitation - such cranes can quickly fail.

The most complex water supply unit is a water-folding unit, which is located outdoors, or in an unheated room. Special requirements are imposed on him, because he will have to work at low temperatures. Usually use water columns. The disadvantage of the column is the complexity of installation and high cost.

A well for water in the country is the main condition for the normal life of the site, housekeeping and the comfort of vacationers. We devoted this article to a story about how to establish water supply in a country house from a well with our own hands.

Water supply of the suburban area

System Composition

To forge quality water supply country house and garden plot, it is necessary to solve a set of problems. First of all, you should consider the configuration of the system and determine what elements it will include.

We want to present a standard system for today, which consists of several main nodes. The following table lists these nodes with a description:

Knot Compound Purpose and requirements
Water source Well, open spring or well The source must provide the volume of water of satisfactory quality necessary for farming
Water lifting equipment Submersible or surface pump, pumping station The pump must be powerful enough to lift water from the depth and deliver it to the end user, while providing the necessary pressure and performance.
External pipeline Water supply pipe to the house, water supply system for irrigation and technical needs Must ensure reliable passage of the calculated amount of water without leakage and pollution from the well to the house, as well as deliver water to the irrigation system
Storage capacity and automation Pressure tank, pressure switch with switch and pump start switch Ensuring the necessary pressure, protection of pumping equipment from frequent starts
Filtration system Coarse filter, fine filter Filtration of water to ensure the normal operation of equipment and plumbing, purification of water for drinking
Internal piping Collector or serial piping from the gyroaccumulator to each point of water consumption, fittings and plumbing equipment Distribution of water between points of consumption within the house
heating system electric boiler, geyser, boiler Heating water for hygiene needs, washing dishes and laundry, as well as for the needs of the heating system (optional)

When designing a water supply system, you must immediately take into account and calculate the drainage and treatment system.
Sewerage in summer cottages most often consists of discharge pipes and a septic tank system, sometimes they get by with a storage collector, which periodically cleans the sewer.

Previously, dacha cooperatives sometimes made an amelioration water supply system for plots, in which there was a pumping station and a surface pipeline that supplies water from a source to consumers. As a rule, a reservoir served as a source, and it was impossible to drink such water. In addition, the design assumed only summer use.

The water supply scheme we have considered at the dacha from the well assumes year-round uninterrupted water supply drinking quality not only for irrigation and household needs, but also to ensure the normal life of the whole house for the city. It will allow you to use a bathroom, a bathroom, a kitchen sink, a washing machine and other amenities.


The most important and significant node is the source of water supply.

There may be several options here:

  • Well . The most common and traditional source outside the city, it is distinguished by convenience, independence from electricity supply and sufficiently high-quality water, however, it has a limited margin of productivity;
  • Spring. If you are a happy owner of a spring on or near the site, then you can power the supply system from it. Differs in water of high quality and degree of purification, as well as good performance and an almost inexhaustible supply;
  • Well on the sand. A shallow well or Abyssinian needle. It is similar in characteristics to a well, but less convenient and depends on the availability of electricity if there is no mechanical pump;
  • Artesian well. The highest quality source of water, the purity of which is unrivaled. Distinctive features are the high price of works and equipment, a good resource and high quality of raw materials, the need for permits and legal responsibility for the condition of the facility.

If you got a well from the previous owners of the site, you can use it. Find out from your neighbors what the quality of the water in their wells is, whether it is constantly available or disappears depending on the season and weather conditions, and after that feel free to proceed with the installation of the remaining nodes.

The well is convenient in that you can always get water with a simple bucket on a rope, regardless of pipeline or pumping equipment breakdowns, power outages and other circumstances.

A spring on the site is such a rare success that we will not consider this option. We consider that we were unlucky, and there is no spring nearby.

A sand well is the most acceptable type of well, as it does not require a too deep shaft and can be made by hand. As a rule, the bottomhole depth of such a well is from 10 to 35 meters, sometimes it is necessary to go down to 50 meters.

If the groundwater level in your area is high, then you can make an Abyssinian source - a pipe with a needle and which is driven into the ground to the water level.

An artesian well costs a lot of money. In addition, you will need to formalize it, having previously obtained permission from Rospotrebnadzor and the territorial Center for State Monitoring of the Subsoil Condition, since artesian water belongs to strategic reserves and is protected by the state.

For the same reason, you will be responsible for the misuse of the well and the contamination of the aquifer.

If your site is less than 60x60 m, then you can get permission only as an exception, and if it is less than 30x30 meters, then you will not see an artesian well.

Pump equipment

You will need a pump to lift water from the depth and supply it to the storage tank.

There are two types of well pumps:

  1. Submersible or deep. They are located at a depth under the water column and are able to provide its rise to a height of up to 150 meters, depending on the power;
  2. Surface. They are located on the surface and are able to raise water by a maximum of 8 meters, with an external ejector - up to 45 meters.

Deep units are considered more reliable and of high quality, however, they are more expensive. In addition, they are absolutely silent for the residents of the house, as they are located under water. The disadvantage is difficult maintenance and repair, the need for power supply to the well.

Surface pumps are relevant for shallow wells and wells located near the house. Now the most popular pumping stations are equipped with a hydraulic accumulator and automatic start / shutdown of the pump, depending on the pressure in the system. They are characterized by lower performance and noise problem, especially when installed inside the house.

System installation

It will take a lot of time and effort to independently establish water supply to the dacha from the well.

Our instructions will help you not to make mistakes and build the work correctly:

  1. First, you need to carry out earthworks and dig a trench at least 1.5 meters deep from the house to the water source. An insulated caisson should be equipped around the head of the well so that water does not rise above the freezing level;

  1. Then you should install the pump and adjust its operation, make a test run and pump the well;

  1. After installing the deep pump, the vertical pipe is led into the caisson, if the pump is surface, its outlet pipe is simply left untouched. In a trench on a sand cushion, a water supply pipe is laid, which is connected to a vertical pipe or pump outlet through an elbow or fitting;

  1. In the basement of the house, a hydraulic accumulator is installed for 60 - 200 liters, which is connected to a water supply pipe. A starter is also assembled nearby, which feeds the pump with electricity, the starter is powered through a pressure switch that controls the pressure in the accumulator tank using a pressure gauge. The hydraulic accumulator is connected to the collector internal system water supply;

  1. From the collector, pipes are routed to a water-heating boiler, bathtub, kitchen sink, toilet bowl, washstands and draw a conclusion for irrigation. From the boiler, pipes for supplying hot water to the bath, sink and washstand are carried out;

  1. They start the pump and fill it, check the operation of the automatic start-up and shutdown system, the integrity and tightness of the pipes, the operation of the plumbing and the performance of the system. With all open taps, there should be normal pressure;

  1. If the test was successful, the trench is buried, having previously sealed the place where the pipe enters the well and the house.
  2. Excellent article 0

Inveterate summer residents and adherents of summer country life are well aware of the problems associated with the lack of water supply. But water is constantly needed by plants for irrigation, animals, owners for hygienic and culinary purposes. How you want to just open the tap and get it in the required volume, even in country conditions. Do you agree?

We offer a thorough analysis of the methods, valuable advice on the choice of source, laying of ground and underground pipelines. The basis for the information provided is normative documents and expert advice. The information is supported by selections of photos and videos.

Dacha system irrigation in practice turns out to be a vague and indefinite concept. For some, this is a pair of galvanized buckets and several hours a day spent on difficult "walks" to the well and back, for others - a long flexible hose, constantly clinging and bending, for others - a complex system pipes leading from a well or pond to all corners garden plot.

We will consider the most optimal options that exclude heavy physical exertion during irrigation and reduce financial expenses during their construction to a minimum.

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Of course, a seasonal water supply system can have additional functions, for example, to supply water to the garage to wash the car, or to provide an outdoor shower. However, they are possible only when a competent project has been drawn up and there are no complaints about laying a summer water supply, otherwise, instead of convenient functionality, you will get many reasons for repairs.

Do not forget that the summer modification differs from the winter one in some aspects of installation and maintenance:

  • deep trenches are not needed for laying pipes, but grooves up to 0.7-0.8 m deep are enough;
  • during the warm period there is no need to insulate the pipeline;
  • for permanent systems, it is necessary to think over a drain system (for collapsible communications, drain occurs spontaneously during dismantling);
  • temporary collapsible pipelines are connected in series, more serious, stationary - using a manifold.

The difference also applies to the choice of pumping equipment. For example, a submersible or surface pump is enough to supply water to the garden from a well throughout the summer period. For a permanent system that operates year-round, a powerful pumping station is required, equipped with a water heater and a storage tank.

The main purpose of the external branch of the summer water supply is to water lawns, flower beds, beds, shrubs and trees; it functions temporarily and is used exclusively during the summer period (for some regions from early spring to late autumn)

The choice of irrigation system largely depends on the duration of the warm period. Suppose, for the harsh north, where summer lasts 3 or even 2 months, a collapsible scheme is quite enough.

And for the southern regions, where planting begins already in early spring, it is better to build a solid, strong, reliable stationary water supply.

One of the options for supplying water to a garden plot is the Al-ko Jet 3000 surface pump (capacity - 3100 l / h, power - 650 W). Suitable for pumping clean water from a well or well

Choice of water source

The performance, length of the structure and other operational capabilities of the irrigation system largely depend on the water source to which it will be connected.

Here is the list options for watering:

  • (relevant both for new, newly developed sites, and for old, perennial properties);
  • a natural body of water (for example, a pond originally located on the territory of a garden plot);
  • centralized highway (necessary for water supply of modern cottage settlements).

An excellent addition to the formation of the stock will be a storage tank for, the filling of which depends on the vagaries of the weather, and a VOC storage well, in which purified wastewater separated from insoluble sediment is accumulated.

Most often, in addition to the main source, there is a backup, for example, a large plastic tank located at a height of 1-1.5 m. If the power is suddenly turned off and the pump stops, watering is carried out from the tank.

The old metal barrels have been replaced by convenient plastic containers designed to collect rainwater from the roof. Built-in faucet and connected pump make watering more comfortable

Storage containers are different: metal and plastic, large and small, purchased and home-made. If the area is small, and the tank is voluminous, there is enough liquid for several waterings.

A pipeline operating in the summer can be connected to any of the listed sources, but with a few reservations. Suppose to work with plastic container a collapsible design is suitable, and to connect to a well, it is better to build a permanent system.

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Types of water pipes for irrigation

Before drafting a summer water supply for irrigation, you should find out which scheme is more suitable: collapsible or stationary. These two systems have the same purpose, but differ in the nuances of installation / dismantling (collapsible) and design features.

Collapsible scheme: pros and cons

The main distinguishing feature of a collapsible design is the need for annual installation and dismantling. In the spring, the parts must be assembled, in the fall they must be disassembled, then all pipes, tubes, hoses and fittings should be cleaned, washed, dried and put in a dry room.

The assembly is made from plastic pipes, connected by fittings, flexible hoses and tips for easy watering; Pressure adjustment is done with taps.

A temporary collapsible water supply system is assembled and disassembled according to the principle of a children's designer: it is necessary to take parts that are suitable in size and combine them into a structure that ensures the movement of water from the source to the place of irrigation.

Ease of installation and budgetary cost made the system popular: many ready-made offers from various manufacturers appeared in supermarkets.

Elements of the irrigation system are most often sold separately, but the sales assistant can select the necessary parts according to the finished project - from pipes and fittings to the pump. There are also complete kits for drip irrigation, the technology is quite new, but already has regular fans.

The device of the drip irrigation system in the greenhouse: the source of water is a storage metal container (barrel) installed at a height of 1 m, as needed, flexible hoses are connected by means of a tap

Drip irrigation occurs through regulated water supply through flexible hoses with small holes located near the root system of plants. The advantage is the metered supply and water savings, in which the plants receive required amount moisture.

The advantages of any collapsible type are:

  • quick assembly and dismantling;
  • assembly that does not require special knowledge;
  • prompt repair;
  • budget cost.

There is also a drawback - the need for assembly / disassembly. Many people do not like the presence of hoses on the surface. They interfere with movement and spoil the appearance of the site, but if you think about a neat, camouflaged placement of flexible hoses (along paths, along the edges of lawns or beds), the problem will be solved.

A photo selection will acquaint you with the specifics of assembling an independent system from HDPE pipes:

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Arrangement of a permanent system

For the construction of a permanent summer water supply, trenches are dug, by which it resembles communications that operate throughout the year.

Unlike the winter system, the pipes of the summer modification are not tied to the level of freezing and therefore are located at a shallow depth - about half a meter, a maximum of 0.8 m. lie.

Structural elements consist of plastic, metal-plastic, rubber or silicone; regardless of the material, the walls of pipes and fittings must be thick and strong enough to withstand the pressure of water and soil

An obligatory detail is a drain valve, which is necessary for the procedure for draining water at the end of the season. It is installed at a convenient point in a sloped pipeline so that water can flow out on its own. The procedure is carried out before the onset of cold weather, without waiting negative temperature otherwise the water will freeze right in the pipes and damage them.

In addition to the pipeline located underground, water taps are needed, brought out. They are mounted at points located in close proximity to irrigation zones - in the garden, in the garden, near flower beds and lawns, as well as at the garage.

Flexible hoses with convenient spray nozzles are attached to the taps for more efficient irrigation or spraying of plants.

Installation of a water tap on a vertically located plastic pipe embedded in an underground highway - a design suitable for both plantings on open ground and for a greenhouse

Advantages of permanent plumbing:

  • communications do not interfere with the movement of people and vehicles;
  • pipes are protected by a layer of soil from damage associated with external influences;
  • in the spring it is not necessary to carry out installation, and at the end of the season - dismantling;
  • preparation for conservation is simple - draining water from pipes.

The disadvantages are the higher cost and additional excavation work. If a depressurization occurs, it is impossible to quickly determine the emergency area.

In assembling a system from rigid polymer pipes its features:

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Brief overview of materials and required devices

The summer water supply system consists of the following elements:

  • pipes;
  • cranes;
  • fitting;
  • pump equipment;
  • filters.

For comparison, during the construction of a winter building, pressure control devices (, pressure gauge,), automatic protection, and a water heater are needed.

There are many options for automated systems that allow you to regulate and control drip or greenhouse irrigation.

Temporary plumbing assembly instructions

For the device of a seasonal "temporary hut" you will need a set of pipes and fittings that are suitable in diameter, and a pump for forced water supply. To correctly calculate the amount Supplies, draw up a drawing in the form of a sketch, on which you need to indicate the length of all highways and the junction.

Scheme of drip irrigation, which provides irrigation of the greenhouse, beds in the open field and garden plants. The object for the water supply is a storage tank installed on props, so the use of a pump is possible, but not necessary

To equip drip irrigation, it is enough to purchase a ready-made kit, equipped with instructions.

To assemble according to your own scheme, proceed according to the following plan:

  • lay out the pipes according to the drawing, determine the locations of the water points;
  • if there are enough elements, connect them with fittings;
  • attach additional parts (watering nozzles);
  • connect the system to installed pump;
  • test the plumbing.

With the pump turned on, check the force of pressure at all points and the tightness of communications. To prevent hoses and pipes from getting under your feet, try to think over the scheme so that they do not cross places of active traffic and the road for vehicular traffic.

If you use surface water regularly, use various ideas for ease of installation. For example, during construction garden path lay under its base in several places transverse pipes with a diameter of 50-100 mm. For the winter they can be closed with plugs, and in the summer they will serve as a kind of tunnels for installing water pipes and hoses.

And you can read more about choosing flexible hoses for irrigation.

Installation of a stationary system with a pump

The main part of the permanent irrigation water supply system is placed in the ground, so the selection of parts and installation must be carried out with great care. We offer a universal scheme for laying highways, suitable for simple and branched networks.

#one. Drawing up a project taking into account the features of the landscape

Planning, taking into account all the nuances of the subsequent assembly, is half the battle, so even before buying the necessary materials, draw up a diagram with the designation of important objects (water source, irrigation points, all buildings, paths, beds and plantings).

An approximate diagram of a summer water supply system: 1 - storage tanks for rainwater; 2 - storage tank in the garden; 3 - raised tank for drip irrigation in the greenhouse; I - II - tie-in nodes in the main line

Think about how best to position the trenches relative to paths, buildings, watering zones. Count on a shallow depth - 0.3-0.4 m, but for potentially dangerous places it needs to be increased to 0.7-0.8 m.

Do not forget about the tie-in drain tap - it is traditionally mounted next to the water intake, respectively, the slope of the pipes should also occur towards the source.

The more taps, the less often you have to move the flexible hose. Mentally divide the garden (flower garden, lawn, garden) into small areas and plan the installation of hydrants with a device for attaching a hose or sprinkler.

An approximate list of materials and tools that will be required to assemble the irrigation system:

  • pipes with a set of tees, elbows and fittings;
  • flexible hoses;
  • cutter and soldering iron for plastic pipes (hacksaw for metal - for metal);
  • ball valve ½;
  • pump for installation in a well.

The availability of various parts and their quantity depends on the requirements of a particular project.

#2. Earthworks - trenching

To dig a shallow trench, the only tool you need is a shovel. Buckets or a wheelbarrow for the removal of soil are not needed, as it is necessary for backfilling.

The complexity of the event depends entirely on the quality and composition of the soil and vegetation layer. Soil with a high content of sand, even with numerous plant roots, is easy to dig, removing PRS with the inclusion of clay components is much more difficult.

Earthworks at their summer cottage: preparation of trenches for the installation of water pipes. Each turn of the trench - plus one compression elbow for connecting pipe segments

On the way of laying communications, there may be buildings that will have to be bypassed along the perimeter (for example, a barn or a pool). Small country objects can be overcome by slightly deepening the trench. Suppose communications laid under a flower bed at a depth of 0.7 m will not interfere with digging and caring for plants.

It should be remembered that each turn of the pipeline will reduce the efficiency of the system and increase the load on the pumping equipment. Therefore, when developing a scheme for laying a pipeline system, it is necessary, if possible, to choose paths with a minimum number of turns, and preferably with their complete absence.

#3. Piping Assembly Options

Previously, when metal pipes were used, it was necessary to deal with steel parts, the cutting and assembly of which was more laborious. Now they use plastic pipes, which are interconnected in two ways - by welding or fittings.

The first technology is a little more complicated, but the result is more reliable. Prepare before welding polypropylene pipes- cut into pieces of the required length. For the central line, a pipe with a diameter of 20-25 mm is suitable, for branches - 10-20 mm, so cutting can be done with scissors or a roller cutter.

For welding, you need a special welding machine - and a compact control unit. As a result of heating, the pipes are soldered with fittings, forming a monolithic hermetic structure.

The process of connecting a polypropylene pipe and a connecting corner by welding. For reliability, it is necessary to withstand all stages: heating up to desired temperature, fixation and cooling

Before the beginning welding work carefully read the instructions and remember the rules of use welding machine. For example, pipes cannot be cooled cold water or compressed air.

Having assembled the pipe structure, it is not necessary to backfill - first, the connection to the pumping equipment is made and the operation is checked.

#4. Pump connection and testing

As a rule, at the time of construction of the irrigation system, the pump is already installed. If not, then you must select a model suitable for a particular source (for example, a well) and install it according to the instructions.

The submersible pump is lowered into the water and fixed at some distance from the bottom, the surface pump is installed next to the well, covering it with a protective casing.

Watering "directly": a flexible hose with a watering can is connected to a submersible pump that pumps water from a well. The scheme is also relevant for a pond or storage tank

Responsible moment - testing. After connecting all the elements into a single system, turn on the pump and check the tightness of the water supply. Pay attention to the quality of watering - is there enough pressure at the most remote points. If everything suits you, you can backfill, lightly tamping the soil, and start using the summer system.

Maintenance concerns mainly the operation of the pump. The pipeline only needs preparation for winter storage. To do this, open the tap and drain the water.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To understand what a summer irrigation system looks like and learn more about how to install it, check out these helpful and informative videos.

Option for arranging a country water supply with a connection to a well:

The importance of a full-fledged water supply in the country can hardly be overestimated. Without a constant water supply, maintaining the site becomes an extremely time-consuming task, and normal wash dishes turns into a real test, not to mention the use of modern household appliances that require a connection to the water supply and.

That is why almost every owner suburban area wants to equip a full-fledged plumbing. It is quite possible to cope with the solution of this problem with your own hands. This is, firstly, an invaluable experience, and secondly, a great opportunity to save money by refusing the services of third-party masters.

It is better if the planning of the water supply will be carried out even at the stage of drafting the project of the summer cottage and the house. A full-fledged project includes a number of drawings and documents, including:

For you need to allocate a small room on the ground floor of the house. A room of 3-4 m 2 will be enough. It is more convenient when the water inlet unit and the necessary technical devices are located in the same room - this gives the owner the opportunity to fully control the process of water supply.

A typical private water supply system includes the following equipment:

  • pipeline. Products made of polypropylene, metal-plastic and metal are suitable;
  • set of taps and fittings;

  • pump;

  • manometer;

  • expansion tank;

  • pressure switch;

  • electrical support with full automatic protection;
  • purification filters to eliminate suspended particles and various kinds of contaminants from the composition of water;

  • Installed as needed. In most cases, the accumulative model is more convenient.

Choice of source of water supply

In the process of designing a country water supply, you need to choose the optimal source of water. Check out the available options and choose the one that best suits your case.

The most simple and convenient option. It is important that the pressure in the system is sufficient to deliver water to the building. Otherwise, you will need to additionally buy a pump or consider other methods of water supply.

Water will be supplied to the building through a system of pipes and fittings.

In this case, for the installation of a water pipe, you usually do not need to buy any additional devices - you just need to dig a trench, lay the elements of the water pipe and crash into the central highway.

If there is no access to the central highway, consider the following options.

The method is suitable for areas with a depth of an underground aquifer of at least 8-10 m.

A shaft for a well is equipped with the efforts of 2-3 people - alone it is too long and difficult.

The main advantage of this option lies in the extreme simplicity of the system - it will be possible to care for and repair it on your own. The maintenance of such a well in a normal state does not require tangible costs.

The main disadvantage is the severely limited water supply. Not every individual well will be able to provide as much water as is necessary to meet all the needs of the family.

Before giving preference to this option, calculate the amount of water you need and establish how much water the well can produce.

The arrangement of a water supply system based on a mine well requires the use of a surface pump. The equipment is relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain.

Surface pump for country water supply from the well


If the underground aquifer lies deeper than 8-10 m, a well will have to be drilled. Pleasure is not cheap - drillers charge quite substantial money for their work.

But, having spent money once on arranging a well, you will provide your dacha with clean water in the required volumes. If you want to save money, you can try to negotiate with your neighbors and make one well for several houses.

To equip the water supply system in this case, you will need a special borehole or. Such equipment is much more expensive than its surface counterparts, but in terms of the efficiency of providing clean water, it has no equal.

Summer and winter plumbing

Previously, you most likely heard such definitions as summer and winter plumbing systems. Explore basic properties of these options, it is quite possible that even the simplest summer option will be able to satisfy your requests. Otherwise, you can immediately proceed to the study of the following sections of the manual on the arrangement of a full-fledged water supply.

Summer option

The features of such a water supply system are clear from its name - the operation of such a system is possible only in the warm period. There are stationary and collapsible modifications of the system.

Collapsible summer plumbing has a very simple design: it is enough to connect the hoses to a suitable pump and lay them on the soil surface so that they do not interfere with normal movement around the summer cottage.

Silicone and rubber hoses are suitable for arranging the system. The connection is made using special adapters. Also in specialized stores are available more modern products for connecting hoses - latches. One side of such a latch is equipped with a spring-loaded connector, and on the other side there is a “ruff”. With the help of such latches, hoses are connected quickly, reliably and simply.

Most often, such a collapsible system is used for irrigation. It is pointless to organize on its basis a full-fledged water supply to solve domestic needs.

The laying of a stationary summer water supply is carried out underground. Flexible hoses are not suitable for the arrangement of such a system. The best way- plastic pipes.

Pipes of stationary seasonal water supply are laid at a meter depth. After the end of the season, water must be pumped out of the pipes, otherwise, with the advent of cold weather, it will freeze and ruin the pipeline.

In view of this, the pipes must be laid with a slope towards the drain valve. Directly the valve is mounted near the water source.

Winter option

Such water supply can be used throughout the year.

Pipes made of polyethylene and polypropylene are suitable for arranging the system. The former are sold at a lower price and are mounted without the use of special tools. The latter are somewhat more expensive and require the use of a pipe soldering iron during installation. However, in the end, you will spend more money on additional parts for mounting pipes based on polyethylene than on additional products used in the installation of polypropylene pipes.

Water pipes are laid with a slight slope towards the source of water supply. The pipeline should run 200-250 mm below the freezing point of the soil.

There is also an option with pipe laying at a depth of 300 mm. In this case, additional insulation of the pipeline is mandatory. Foamed polyethylene perfectly copes with the functions of thermal insulation. There are special products of a cylindrical shape. It is enough to simply put such rounded polypropylene on the pipe and as a result the product will be reliably protected from cold and other adverse effects.

Not only winter water pipes, but also a source of water need additional insulation.

For example, a well is insulated for the winter and covered with snow. These measures will be enough to ensure the protection of the structure from the cold.

Surface pumping equipment, if used, is equipped with a caisson. The caisson is a pit with additional insulation, equipped next to a water supply source equipped with a pump.

Setting automatic pumping stations can only be performed indoors, the air temperature in which does not drop to negative levels even in the most severe frosts.

The sewer system also needs to be insulated. In the absence of it, the drains will freeze and disrupt the operation of the drainage system.

Drafting a project

Start by designing the system. First of all, decide on the equipment. Specify the location of water intake points, calculate the required number of fittings, select optimum material manufacture and type of water pipes.

Plastic pipes are used most often. These are durable and reliable products that fully cope with all the tasks assigned to them. At the same time, plastic pipes do not rust, which allows them to be sewn into walls, unlike metal counterparts.

Make a detailed diagram of the future plumbing. Indicate all dimensions on the drawing. So you can calculate the optimal footage and determine right amount accessories. At the same time, it is recommended to buy components with a 10-15 percent margin.

You also have to decide whether you will independently choose and buy all the necessary equipment, or immediately buy a ready-made water intake station. At this point, be guided by your personal preferences.

Installation of plumbing system components

First step

Dig a trench from the water source to the point where the pipe enters the building.

Second step

Deep-type equipment is lowered into the water supply source. Surface pumps are mounted next to the well or well. The pump is installed in a heated room or in a caisson.

Third step

Connect the water pipe to the installed pump. Attach the free end of the connected pipe to the five-pin fitting.

Fourth step

Connect the storage tank, pressure gauge, and pressure switch to the free outlets of the fitting. The volume of the storage tank can reach 400-500 liters and even more. Thanks to this device, optimal will be provided. In addition, in storage tank you can store water in case of unforeseen situations.

Fifth step

Connect the pipe to the remaining free fitting outlet, and then run the line along the previously leveled bottom of the dug trench straight into the house. Also, along the bottom of the pit, you need to lay a protected cable to connect the pump and accumulator.

It is important that the socket intended for switching on the units mentioned above is properly grounded.

sixth step

Install a shut-off valve in front of the pipe entry point into the building. It will allow you to shut off the water supply if necessary.

seventh step

After making sure that the external pipeline is working correctly, fill in the hole and proceed with the installation of the internal wiring.

Regardless of the selected source of water supply, it is strongly recommended that the water supply system be equipped with cleaning devices.

Perform internal wiring in accordance with the previously prepared diagram. At this point, focus on your preferences. Do everything so that in the future it is convenient for you to use the connected water supply.

In conclusion, you will have to equip the water intake points by connecting faucets, appliances, etc.

Providing hot water

If you need to provide hot water, you can complete your plumbing system with a water heater. There are accumulative and flowing varieties of such equipment. In summer cottages, it is most convenient to use storage tanks.

The installation of the water heater is carried out according to the standard scheme for such equipment.

Now you know in what order the installation of the plumbing system is carried out and what needs to be taken into account for the successful implementation of all related activities. Do everything in accordance with the provisions of the above guide, and your plumbing will work properly for many years.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself plumbing in a country house

The problem of water supply to a summer cottage worries many summer residents, because without watering you can not even dream of any crop. Carrying water from the nearest pond or from a well is simply physically impossible. The most effective way out of this situation is to equip a summer water supply system in the country from polypropylene pipes. Of course, this will require some capital investment and physical effort, but the result is the ability to water the site in a very short time.

And since there is water in the well or in the well that is quite suitable for drinking, in addition, you will provide for yourself and drinking water. Consequently, summer water supply in the country can significantly make life easier for the owners of the site, create conditions for a more rational use of land, and even for comfortable living in the country.

Before you build a summer water supply in the country with your own hands, you need to decide on its location. The water conduit can be collapsible, laid on the surface of the soil, or permanent, located underground.


The advantage of the summer collapsible option is that it:

  • very quickly laid and easily connected to various water sources;
  • all its leaks become immediately noticeable;
  • maintenance is reduced to a minimum.

However, such a design it is recommended to disassemble and carry away from the site before the onset of cold weather. If this is not done, there is a high probability of theft of water pipes in the winter season. This forces all connections to be collapsible. Also, pipes located near the beds will be constantly at risk of damage.

Note: For collapsible surface plumbing, rubber or silicone hoses are often used.


Such a system is laid forever. You can use the laid water supply both in summer and in winter. But, if you plan to use it in the winter, you will have to bury the pipes to a sufficiently large depth, below the freezing level of the soil, or carry out additional insulation if their laying depth is insufficient for any reason. Since we are talking about how to make summer water supply in the country with our own hands, we will consider just such a possibility of permanent water supply.

The system is laid shallow in places of lawns, between trees. A depth of 25-30 cm will be enough. Where the pipe will pass under the beds, it should be laid much deeper to avoid damage during digging. To do this, the pipes are buried by 40-45 cm or even more. Do not worry that the pipes will break in winter. In autumn, when there is no need for irrigation, the water is drained from the pipes (for this they are laid with a slight slope or blown by a compressor). In this state, pipelines are not afraid of frost.

The photo shows an example of the location of plastic water pipes in shallow trenches.

Benefits of a permanent pipeline:

  • closed summer water supply in the country from polypropylene pipes does not need to be disassembled and reassembled;
  • can be used in winter at the appropriate bookmark depth;
  • pipes will not be stolen.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the need to drain water from pipes in the fall. To do this, you need to install a drain valve located at the lowest point of the system. Labor costs for earthworks will also increase. And in case of damage, a considerable amount of earthwork will have to be performed to eliminate the defect.

Types of pipes for irrigation

Depending on which version of the conduit you decide to make, the material of the pipelines is selected.

For laying an outdoor summer water supply, you can use the following types of pipes:

  • metal-plastic;
  • polypropylene;
  • flexible hoses.

All of the listed materials, with the exception of polypropylene pipelines, are easily joined into a single structure, and then just as easily disassembled and transferred to storage. Connections are made by means of either special adapters made of plastic or galvanized steel.

Tip: If you decide to lay a surface conduit made of polypropylene pipes in the country, then try to disguise it for the winter, since it will be impossible to disassemble such a pipeline.

What to make summer water supply at a summer cottage of a permanent type:

  • Metal. Despite their reliability and strength, such pipes are gradually losing their relevance. This is due to the fact that the walls of the pipes gradually corrode, the quality of the water decreases, and the pipes leak after 5-7 years in the ground;
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Rigid pipes, which must be connected to each other for irrigation using special glue. Of the minuses, it is worth noting their intolerance to low temperatures, which requires compliance certain rules when laying them;
  • Polyethylene pipes. They are relatively inexpensive and quite durable;
  • . The material is extremely durable, does not rot in the soil and does not corrode. For its installation, a soldering iron is used, which allows you to make very reliable connections. Polypropylene is relatively cheap, as is working with it.

It is polypropylene pipes that are the most preferred option when making do-it-yourself water supply for irrigation in the country closed type. For irrigation, pipes with a diameter of 20-25 mm are usually used, although a larger diameter can be used. The larger diameter of the pipe is especially relevant in the presence of a centralized water line, where there may be low pressure.

Organization of irrigation on the site

It is very important to determine the source of water on the site. It is good if a central water supply line is stretched along the street. You can simply connect to it after obtaining the appropriate permission. If there is no water conduit, then there are only two options left:

1. Summer. To do this, you will need to dig a well on the site, strengthen it and provide filling with water. A submersible or surface pump is used to supply water to the pipes. By the same principle, water is supplied from the well. The disadvantage of this supply is the low water temperature, which plants do not like.

2. Water supply for irrigation from the tank. Water is collected in a tank located on the site, where it reaches a temperature suitable for irrigation, and from there it is already supplied to the mounted polypropylene water supply.

Installation of polypropylene water supply

Before starting work on laying pipelines, a summer water supply scheme is drawn up in the country. It should take into account the location of shrubs, trees, beds, flower beds. This is especially important to do when conducting a permanent water supply, since changing the location of the pipes will then be very problematic. The diagram should indicate all the outlet points of the taps and the location of the lowest point with a drain valve.

Installation of summer water supply in a collapsible type cottage

Laying a surface pipeline is easy. Pipes are laid out directly on the ground, in those places where it is necessary to supply water. Pipelines are interconnected.

The device of the summer water supply in the country house underground

If a universal polypropylene pipeline is being laid, which will also be used in winter, then deep enough trenches are dug. In them, the pipes will not freeze in winter. If we are talking only about the summer operation of the water supply system, then the depth of the pipes can be much less. Enough 10-30 cm for the normal functioning of the conduit.

All trenches must be sloped to allow gravity flow of water through the pipes. This will make it easier to bleed water through the drain valve at the end of the irrigation season. Pipes passing under flower beds and beds are laid deeper. In this case, the lowest point of the system should be even lower than this level.

Polypropylene pipes are joined together by means of fittings and a special soldering iron. To bring the pipe to the surface, tees with shut-off valves or valves are used.

Tip: Before filling the trenches with earth, it is recommended to check the tightness of the water supply by running water through the pipes.

The trenches are dug in with earth, after which the water supply can be operated.

There is nothing complicated in the manufacture of summer country water supply. If everything is done carefully, such a water supply system will regularly serve its owners for decades.

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