Water cooler appointment. Choosing a quality, reliable water cooler

Landscaping and planning 04.03.2020
Landscaping and planning

Coolers are actually very different, and they differ in color, size and power. Each of the parameters, except for the color, is extremely important, because not every cooler size will be included in specific computer. For example, a cooler with a size of 5 to 9 cm is used to cool the central processor, and coolers of 10-12 cm are used for cooling. But this is not a rule, because everything also depends on the model and brand of the computer, on the manufacturer of the cooler and other factors. Today's computer coolers can be easily divided into two broad categories - coolers for modding and standard components.


Standard component coolers come immediately with the computer, that is, with the case. If there is a desire and opportunity, you can add a few more coolers inside the case to facilitate the cooling process and make it more productive. Standard coolers can be found in specialized computer stores. They are distinguished by low power, so they are not particularly popular.

Coolers for modding

Modding is the same tuning, only in a computer environment. This classification of coolers has a higher power, and, which is also nice, stylish appearance. In modern coolers, you can see the backlight, thanks to which you can make the computer itself more colorful. But still, the main parameter, due to which coolers for modding have become popular, is power.

Endurance and power of coolers

The power of any cooler is measured in revolutions per second, as well as the voltage. Ordinary, standard coolers also have some current absorption power, ranging from 8 to 24 volts. Modding coolers have an absorption power of up to 64 volts. In other words, modding coolers are more powerful.

Few facts. In order to start work, the video card must heat up to 65 degrees, and this heating occurs in 15-20 seconds, that is, while the computer starts up. While the user is not playing, the temperature stays the same, but after starting some heavy game, the video card warms up to 75 degrees, and this is also. But during the game, the temperature will rise, so there are coolers that lower it. An ordinary cooler, cooling the video card, gives off all the power and starts to heat up itself. What cooling are we talking about here? Modding coolers cope with this task adequately, without interruptions in operation.

As a result, if you need a really high-quality cooler, you should purchase a modding model, which will be not only beautiful, but also useful. And if you need a simpler model, and for the office, and not gaming activity, you can purchase a standard, ordinary cooler, it will be enough.

We could start this article with a spatial discussion about the benefits of water for the body. But do you need to spend your time rereading the obvious? Let's get right to the point - you want to choose a really good water cooler and don't know where to start.

Many mistakenly believe that this species equipment is intended exclusively for offices. Recently, however, coolers are increasingly bought for home use. Agree, drinking from a tap is dangerous for your health, and storing settled water in ordinary plastic bottles is not convenient. And the child will not be able to pour water from a heavy container. That is why every housewife, wife and mother must think about purchasing special equipment.

We bring to your attention 8 criteria designed to make your choice easier.

1. Choosing a cooler by installation method

There are two types of coolers: desktop and floor. The former are much smaller in size and are ideal for small apartments or offices with limited area. They are installed on special stands, countertops or ordinary kitchen tables. If desired, the equipment can be independently moved to a new location.

The water temperature in such devices is often controlled by electronic system cooling. Due to the absence of noisy parts, desktop coolers are incredibly quiet. They will not disturb even the sensitive sleep of the baby. It is worth noting that this technique is suitable for low consumption, that is, for small families and small teams.

Are you worried about the health of your loved ones? mineral water"Dear Muscovites". It contains 16 useful salts and will benefit your family.

If guests are not uncommon for you, and your house looks more like a noisy booth than a quiet haven, then you better pay attention to floor coolers. They take a little large area and are compact cabinets. Bulky constructions with impartially protruding tubes have sunk into summer. Now all desktop coolers are designed with the involvement of professional industrial designers. You can choose equipment for any interior. Some models of coolers are supplemented with a separate shelf for storing dishes.

With a large flow, it is important to stock up on water. So that you do not have problems with storing bottles, we recommend using a stacker - a stand for containers.

The third type of equipment is represented by the so-called purifiers. These are devices for those who do not want to mess with containers. Purifiers recycle tap water for drinking. They have a multi-stage filtration system. The advantage is obvious - you do not need to change containers. Disadvantages - high cost, the need to monitor the filters, the inability to independently assess the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of water.

If you are concerned about the aesthetic side of storing bottles, then in addition to the cooler, purchase. Convenient fixture accentuate the style of any room.

Some users complain about the lack of microbiological safety of bottled water. However, it all depends on the integrity of the supplier. good water its composition is close to mineral springs. But the filters of purifiers (especially in the first days of operation) can repurify the water and literally turn it into poison. So it's better to take finished products in bottles. Artesian water “Aqua Areal” undergoes gentle filtration before packaging. With crystal purity, only useful components are preserved in it.

The process of water carbonation is close to the industrial one. The cylinder contains carbon dioxide of high purity, which saturates the water. It is completely harmless, safe and approved for use by children from 3 years old.

Teach your child to be kind by drinking Make the World Kinder water.

It is necessary to dwell on ozonation in more detail. Ozone gas occurs in nature after a thunderstorm. He is extremely strong oxidizing agent. In small quantities, ozone is used for disinfection and deodorization (elimination of bad smell). It destroys harmful organic matter. Did you feel the freshness of the air after the pouring rain?

In modern coolers, a special device is installed - an ozonator. An electric arc is generated inside the insulated housing. The air passes through the discharge (miniature lightning) and part of the oxygen goes into ozone. The latter is bubbled into the water, purifying it from pathogenic microflora and impurities.

6. How to choose a reliable cooler

In order to determine the quality of the assembly of the cooler, you do not need to be highly qualified in the field of mechanics. It is enough to scrupulously inspect the body from all sides. In the conscientiously made device there are no cracks, cracks. All parts fit snugly together. The faucets turn smoothly, and the buttons do not sink.

Plastic should not have a specific smell. Don't be shy and be sure to smell the cooler. Wires, tubes for reliable equipment do not stick out of the case. When turned on, the device does not make loud noises, at most - it can buzz slightly.

7. How to choose an economical cooler

The key indicators of cooler efficiency will be: heating power, cooling power, as well as energy efficiency class. On the one hand, the more powerful the equipment, the better and faster it copes with the functions assigned to it. But on the other hand, with the growth of this characteristic, utility costs for light grow in direct proportion.

The energy efficiency class depends on the built-in parts and the optimization of the device. Cars of different classes with the same power consume different amounts of energy. However, economical models are more expensive. If the cooler will be used frequently by a large group of people, then it is more rational to purchase a device with high power and a high energy efficiency class.

8. How to choose a safe cooler

Since the device works with a conductive liquid and is powered by the mains, the condition of the insulation should not be neglected. Another important safety criterion is the presence of a safety latch on the hot water tap (“protection from children”).

Choose wisely and it will last you for years to come. Do not forget that your health depends on the quality of coolers and the water used in them.

Coolers are devices for dosing, cooling and heating drinking water. Some models have additional functions and can carbonate, disinfect and even ozonize water. The cooler can be a good alternative to an electric kettle, boiler or water refrigerator. With this unit, you can get at any time right amount water from large store gallons or tap water. It is very convenient for use in public places and apartments. In hot weather, you can always get drunk from the cooler cold water. And for tea lovers, it always has hot water.

Types of coolers

Today there are many different models of coolers - evaluate the range at https://elitcoolers.ru. Depending on the manufacturer, these units have different functions, design and price.

Coolers have different ways connections and are divided into flow and bottled.

They are desktop and floor, for installation on a table or on the floor.

Flow coolers

Such units purify tap water (up to 180 liters per day). They cool it down to 4 degrees or heat it up to 98 degrees. This is convenient for large offices or industrial premises.

Bottled coolers

These devices are not connected to the water mains. The water in them comes from large bottles that are sold in supermarkets. They can be used in any conditions, they are easy to transport and install. These coolers also cool and heat water.

Floor coolers

The devices are installed directly on the floor, their height is from 1 meter or more.

Attached are:

  • coasters;
  • cupboard for storing cups, sugar, tea, etc.;
  • ozonizer cabinet for ozonizing products;
  • fridge;
  • carbonator (a device for carbonating water);
  • electronic scoreboard (for control).

Compared to a desktop cooler, such a cooler is more expensive, but it has more functions and is more convenient to use.

Desktop coolers

They are produced up to 0.5 meters high, without a bottle of water installed on top. They allow you to save space in the room, although they need a stand. These devices are cheaper and simpler than outdoor ones. They heat and cool water.


Coolers have electronic or compressor cooling.

With electronic cooling, a Patelier element (tablet) is used. It works more slowly than compressor, but attracts with its simplicity and cheapness. Such units are not recommended for installation in hot or dusty places. They can become clogged or overheat and fail.

Compressor cooling, works on the principle of a refrigerator. These coolers are more expensive, but they are reliable and efficient. They can even be used as mini-fridges.

Cooler selection

The range of these products on the Russian market is quite large, but not all manufacturers produce high quality coolers. The most reliable can be considered: coolers AEL, Ecotronic, Vatten, HotFrost.

When choosing a cooler, it is necessary to determine in which room it will stand and how many people it will serve. For a small room and a small team or family, a desktop cooler with electronic cooling is chosen. It is cheaper and more compact.

If the cooler will be installed in a large office, it is advisable to choose a floor-standing unit with a compressor type of cooling. It is more productive and has more functions. In addition, it can be connected to the water supply.

In any case, the cooler makes people's lives more comfortable. This device is used at home, in offices, shopping centers and children's institutions. Wherever you need hot and cold water for drinking, it is advisable to install a cooler. The functions of cleaning, disinfection, and ozonation of water and products make this unit even more useful and attractive.

Faced with the need to install additional coolers(fans) on the computer case, users often wonder how to determine the size of the cooler for the case. The problem is that usually there is no indication on the computer case of what size cooler you need to install. There is only seat under the cooler and determining which cooler is suitable for it is not so easy.

If you know the name of your model, then you can find out the size of the coolers on the manufacturer's website. For example, let's take such a popular case as FRACTAL DESIGN Core 2500.

If you enter its name in any search engine, then you can easily find the official website of the manufacturer.

And already on the manufacturer's website you can find detailed information about all the seats for case coolers, as well as their size and location.

But, unfortunately, in most cases this method does not work. Most often, the case was bought a long time ago and there is no information about it on the Internet, or it is impossible to determine the manufacturer and model of the case. In such situations, you need to independently measure the seat for the cooler and determine the appropriate model. The easiest way to measure the seat is between the centers of the mounting holes.

Below are the distances between the centers of mounting holes for case coolers of popular sizes.

Distance between fixing holes Cooler size
32 mm 40×40 mm
50 mm 60×60 mm
71.5 mm 80×80 mm
82.5 mm 92×92 mm
105 mm 120×120 mm
125 mm 140×140 mm
154 mm 200×200 mm
Information about the dimensions of the coolers is taken from the sites noctua.at and arctic.ac.

Using this table, you can easily determine the size of the cooler that you need for your case.

How to choose a case cooler

Once you've determined which cooler size is right for your case, you'll need to select a specific cooler model. At this stage, you need to pay attention mainly to the noise level that the cooler produces. The noise level is usually stated in decibels and the lower the better.

Also important is the type of bearing used in the design of the cooler. The simplest option is plain bearings, it is quiet in operation, but short term services. A slightly better option is a ball bearing or a rolling bearing, it works a little louder, but its service life is much longer. A ball bearing cooler can work up to 15,000 hours. Most modern version- this is a hydrodynamic bearing, it is distinguished by quiet operation and a long service life, but coolers using it are noticeably more expensive.

Another important point- this is a way to connect the cooler. Read the instructions for your motherboard, in order to find out which connector for connecting case coolers it uses (3 or 4 pin) and, accordingly, consider this when choosing a cooler.

Despite the fact that coolers with a 3 pin connector can be connected to a 4 pin connector, it is advisable to choose models with 4 pin. Such models allow you to easily control the rotation speed and receive information about the current fan speed (rpm).

The statement that a person is 70% water, that you should drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day to ensure the normal functioning of the body, is known to many. However, every year there is less and less clean water.

Long gone are the days when you could drink water from a tap or from a soda machine. A large number of chlorine, microbes, bacteria and harmful impurities make it unsuitable for drinking in its raw form.

The task of providing people drinking water coolers have been successfully solving for a long time.

What is a water cooler

The cooler is a unit for distributing chilled bottled water in public places and at home. It is also called a dispenser (dispenser).


pump bottle- the simplest and most primitive version of equipment for bottling H 2 O. It is still used in small offices, apartments, and country houses. This device has the advantages of being compact and easy to use.

The “disadvantage” for us, spoiled by civilization, is the lack of the function of heating and cooling the liquid.

Cooler or dispenser- the most common device for pouring H 2 O. It is widely used in offices, child care facilities, gyms, medical organizations, shopping centers, as well as in houses and apartments.

The cooler is a plastic case with a special hole that matches the diameter of the bottle neck. On the front panel there are taps for supplying liquid and indicators for heating and cooling. The device is powered from the mains (220 V), equipped with special sensors. When the water is brought to a predetermined temperature, the sensors put the unit into "sleep" mode, which significantly saves energy.

The liquid in the dispenser does not come to a boil. When it is heated to a temperature of 95-98 ° C, the sensors turn off the device, when cooled to 85-86 ° C, they turn it on. This allows you to save useful natural properties water.

Cooling of the liquid in the dispenser is carried out in the prescribed temperature regime+5 ° C to +15 ° C, depending on the method of cooling (thermoelectric, compressor).

The coolers use bottles of various capacities - 5L (with a special adapter), 8L, 12L, 13L, 19L, 22L. The most common capacity is 19 liters.

The number of taps in the dispenser is one, two or three. Water dispensers without heating have one tap. Units that carry out cooling and heating are equipped with two taps. Some devices, in addition to chilled / heated water, dispense liquid at room temperature and have three taps.

Ways to open taps:

  • pressing with a glass or cup;
  • pressing a button;
  • opening manually.

Some models of dispensers are equipped with a "child protection" function - a special blocking of the tap with boiling water.

The main plus of the cooler is the ability to get chilled or hot water any time. At the same time, it retains its useful properties.

Disadvantages of dispensers:

  • high probability of microorganisms getting inside when replacing an empty container with a full one;
  • dependence on the quality of the supplied water;
  • dependence on compliance with hygiene standards by users of the device;
  • sufficiently large dimensions of the unit;
  • the need for constant replacement of containers;
  • the need for a special room for storing empty and unused bottles;
  • electricity consumption + constant purchase of water = low efficiency.

Purifier– flow filtration cooler. This device is an alternative to water dispensers that use bottled water. The purifier performs three functions at once. In addition to cooling and heating, it cleans and filters running water reverse osmosis or ultrafiltration. The liquid passes through a series of filters and enters the storage tank, from which it is distributed to the cold and hot water tanks.

Benefits of an in-line filtration cooler:

  • sparing filtration that preserves the structure and composition of water microelements (harmful impurities, chlorine, foreign odors and pathogenic microflora are released);
  • small dimensions, neat appearance;
  • no connection to suppliers;
  • there is no need to store containers and constantly replace empty containers with full ones;
  • low cost, as there is no need to overpay for water and its delivery.

Cooler Features

Modern industry produces a large assortment coolers that differ from each other technical features and characteristics.

According to the installation method, dispensers are divided into:

  • floor (installed on a smooth and even floor surface);
  • desktop (installed on any support, for example, a table, window sill, stool).

By type of liquid supply, both desktop and floor dispensers are:

  • top loading;
  • bottom loading.

Bottom loading models are more convenient and functional, require less effort when changing the tank.

The liquid in the cooler is heated by an electric heater - a heating element. According to the type of cooling dispensers are divided into:

  • compression (cooling occurs due to the refrigerant - refrigerant);
  • electronic (cooling occurs using a Peltier element).

Dispensers can be equipped with additional options and functionality:

  • holder for disposable cups;
  • installation for carbonation;
  • ice maker;
  • ozonator;
  • fridge;
  • mini bar;
  • locker;
  • coffee maker.

Modern coolers are small in size and modern design which allows them to fit into any interior.

Information about harm and benefit

No one doubts that cooler water is much healthier and safer than tap water. The benefits include:

  • purification of H 2 O from bacteria, viruses and harmful impurities;
  • it can be drunk without boiling;
  • cleaning provides a mild and pleasant taste;
  • there is no need to use a kettle when brewing tea or coffee;
  • the cooler allows you to drink a glass of chilled water in the heat, regardless of the presence of a refrigerator;
  • You can quench your thirst anywhere (office, mall, medical facility, gym).

Drinking from a cooler can be harmful in the following cases:

  • an unscrupulous supplier delivers products that do not meet sanitary standards (water contains harmful impurities, microorganisms and bacteria);
  • too thorough cleaning, sometimes with the use of antibiotics, as a result of which both harmful and beneficial substances are removed;
  • use of poor quality plastic containers(water acquires a taste of plastic, due to the ingress of bisphenol, styrene, antimony and other harmful components into it);
  • non-compliance with the rules for replacing bottles, dirty hands of an employee - this can lead to dirt and pathogenic microflora entering the tank, which will worsen the quality of water and can cause intestinal infections;
  • non-compliance with the rules for servicing the device (disinfection is carried out every six months);
  • non-compliance with the rules for using the dispenser by the consumers themselves (improper operation, non-compliance with hygiene standards).


The quality and quantity of water consumed important condition human life. A cooler is a useful and convenient invention that helps to solve the problem of filling the body with life-giving moisture.

In order for the dispenser to be useful and to please with a glass of cold water in the heat and a cup of fragrant hot tea in the cold, it is necessary to be very careful in choosing both the equipment itself and the company that will provide service and supply of full containers.

IMPORTANT! Do not buy the cheapest water! You should cooperate only with a trusted supplier that has been operating in this market for more than a year.

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