How to overclock the cooling on a laptop. Increase the speed of the cooler on the processor

Gardening 03.07.2020

Temperature directly affects the quality and duration of the computer elements. That is why it is important to control the literacy of the cooling system. It should not accumulate dust, all computer fans are required to operate in normal mode, if necessary, raising turns during serious loads.

Most of the users work at the computer in standard mode, without loading components in productive games and applications. At the same time, the coolers on the computer may not be configured, and in such a situation they will work on the maximum or close to maximum revolutions. To reduce noise when working with a computer, you need to adjust the work of the coolers, reducing the speed of rotation of their fans.

How can I adjust the speed of computer coolers

The speed of rotation of the computer cooling fans is initially set at the motherboard level. It is defined in the BIOS, and quite frequently displayed automatically settings are incorrect. In most cases, the speed of rotation of the coolers is set to the maximum, which is why the computer is very noise in the process of work, but it does not need much cooling.

You can select 3 basic ways to adjust the speed of rotation of the computer coolers:

Within the framework of this article, it will be considered exactly the third version of the software adjustment of the rotation of the computer coolers.

How to adjust the speed of rotation of the cooler of the computer

There are hundreds of applications that allow you to adjust the speed of rotation of the computer coolers. At the same time, some programs are allowed to adjust only fan turns of only certain components.

From the most convenient and simple programs for setting the speed of rotation of the computer coolers, Speedfan can be highlighted. The application is free, and it can be downloaded from the site of developers or from other proven sources on the Internet. After loading the program it will be necessary to install, and then run. When you first start the Speedfan program, an information message may appear that it will be necessary to close.

Checking the speed of rotation of the coolers

Next, a block is followed from the speed of rotation speed of the coolers (measured in RPM - the number of revolutions per minute) and the temperature of the computer components. We will deal with what it means each of the indicators:

It is worth noting that all the above designations are conditional, and they may vary. Not every motherboard gives information about what name is the name of a particular connector for connecting a cooler on it. For example, on some motherboards in Speedfan, you can see the picture as in the image below, that is, all the coolers will be connected to the FAN1 - FAN5 connectors, without accurately determine the purpose of each of them.

It is also important to note that the SpeedFan program allows you to control only the coolers that are connected to the motherboard. The fact is that the 3-PIN connector from the fan can be powered from the motherboard or from the power supply directly. If it is powered from the power supply, then it will not be possible to adjust its rotational speed. It is recommended to connect all coolers to the motherboard.

To the right of the designations of the speed of rotation of the coolers is a block with information about the temperature of the computer components. It is worth noting that Speedfan is not the most accurate diagnostic tool in this plan, and it determines the temperature it is not always accurate. If there are doubts about one or several indicators, it is recommended to download more professional in terms of monitoring temperature by, for example, AIDA64 or HWMONITOR.

Setting the speed of rotation of coolers

As you can understand, in the top window of the Speedfan program there are blocks with information information on the work of the coolers. Below are the fan rotation intensity tools themselves in the computer. They can be indicated by PWM1 - PWM3 or, for example, SPEED01 - SPEED06. There is no particular difference, since it is impossible to determine the names of such names to work. This or that adjustment is not possible.

To reduce or increase the speed of the cooler, you need to press the corresponding buttons up and down in graphs with the intensity of fan rotation. Pressing the reaction of the coolers in diagnostic information should be observed. Thus, it will be possible to determine which one of the fan is the same setting.

Important: Removing the speed of rotation of the fans to reduce the noise level when you run the computer, do not forget to control the temperature of the system unit components to avoid overheating.

How to overclock a cooler on a laptop?

    Nothing is worth noting anything. I also have Acer and there was the same problem. "I thought about the dust. Dotted, Sun sulfted (dust there really turned out a lot), but it did not save. Assemmed, the song is included. When starting, turns like an abnormal one, and then, such a feeling that he interferes with something stops breaking down, so he is trying to dial the speed, but it does not work. Then I advised such a thing - lubricate the cooler (because I have a pretty oldest laptop). And really helped! Kuller twists like a new one) how to make instructions in the internet fully. But !!! Keep in mind that you are risking. I have risked, I got everything. I could be the opposite. In general, if the lubrication does not help, then your cooler has been worked out.

    In general, if you do not understand this, I do not advise you to turn anything at all. Basic solutions to the problem.

    1) Suppress the laptop from dust. Because of pollution is very hot.

    2) If the knowledge of the internal structure of the laptops is higher than the average, it is possible to disassemble it, it is pretty clear and change the thermal chaser on the processor.

    3) Change the cooler to more powerful. If complex tasks are used, then the kuller may simply not cope with its task

    4) Download the program to change the speed of the cooler. But I do not advise. You can turn off so that you will have a new laptop to buy.

    In general, everything is so programmed but that it does not require a user intervention in the work of PC. Usually all overheating problems are solved by the usual clearance. If you do not know how to do it - I advise you to attribute to repair, because there are many hidden bolts that can be disappeared.

    Everything is very simple: you can not, do not try or ask friends, can you? Then disassemble your laptop, and clever the cooler from dust, I think you know how it is done, and then everything will be safe to go. The same garbage, disassembled, cleaned and that's it.

    mSI Afterburner can inlet (but not on all laptops works)

    Aserov has a bad ventilation system. Only a little dusted - immediately the laptop starts to turn off.

    Usually, the game laptops overheats not a processor, but a video card. Nevertheless, I do not recommend changing a processor thermal polisher or a video card thermocarty. This is not a stationary computer, only on them this action gives a positive result.

    First you need to remove the largest lid from the bottom of the laptop, unscrew the cooler and spend the cooling grille. Also, remove all other dust if it turns out. And this should be done 2-3 times a year. The warranty will be lost after the first time.

    Cleaning from dust is the main thing to do. However, if you have a different fan speed at the start of the system and smaller during idleness, probably there is a speed controller. Its settings are in the computer's bios. So you can go to the BIOS, find something about FAN and put the parameter Fan Speed \u200b\u200binstead of AUTO 100%. For example, there were no such settings. But different laptops are, maybe you have. I note that this will not solve the problem if the cooling lattices have been scored.

    Laptop - portable computer for mobile office workers. The office is the main word here. Nothing is not recommended due to the inconvenience of the cooling design. Buy a fan cooling stand for a laptop and you will be happy. Do not break the car with shamanic methods.

    This means that your kuller worked his own. You can try to repair it or at least somehow improve its work. To do this, disassemble the laptop and remove the cooler. Further remove the fluoroplastic stopper from the cooler and disassemble. If the cooler is on the bronze sleeve, it remains to lubricate with a thick non-dry lubricant and collect again. It will work a little better, but still not as new and no matter how much it can. If the cooler on rolling bearings, then you can change them. For this you need bearings. They can either buy in spare parts for radio-controlled helicopters, or take from another small cooler on bearings. Change bearings, collect the cooler, put in place. After that, he will not work worse than the new one.

For temperature monitoring of the main components of the computer and for adjusting the speed of rotation of the cooler of the processor and other fans installed in the computer. But before you start using the program, you need to install the Russian language in the program and make the program work settings.

In Speedfan how to change the language

First you need to make an interface setting in Speedfan and make it in Russian, and for this you run the program and close the additional window called Hint clicking on the Close button. Then the program itself is then clicking on the Configure button (configuration).

Program for increasing the speed of the Speedfan cooler with an English-speaking interface

A window called Configure (configuration). In this window you need to go to the Options tab.

Speedfan crack on the Options tab

On this tab, you need to select English (Russian) from the pop-up list, select the OK button below the program window at the bottom. After that, the window called Configure closes, and the program interface will already be displayed in Russian.

How to configure the Speedfan program

Now you need to properly configure Speedfan, and for this again open the Configuration window and go to the Options tab.

Recommended program settings

On this tab, you can put a tick at the start points, it turns out and folded when closing, so that it is immediately twisted at startup and at closing the program and hid in the tray. You can also put a check mark at the full velocity of the fans when you exit since the computer is rebooting more energy and the computer is more hot. If you put a tick from the Static Icon item, it will be displayed simply the program icon instead of temperature tests from sensors. By clicking on the OK button, all settings will be applied.

In Speedfan how to change the speed of the fan

With this program, you can configure the fan speed in automatic or manual mode. In order for the program for adjusting the cooler speed in automatic mode, you must first set the minimum and maximum temperature modes at which the fans will be spinning slowly or for all power.

Speedfan Fan speed setting

Open the Configuration window and on the Speed \u200b\u200btab will see how many fans and on which devices this program can adjust the speed of rotation of the fans. On this tab, click on the desired fan and put a tick at the item of the Autonya. Thus, follow the fans that you want to adjust.

Setting temperature modes for fan operation

Then go to the Temperature tab and see that the sensors showing the temperature are many but not all devices installed fans. On this tab, click on the device for which you are on the Speed \u200b\u200btab installed Autimiating and at the bottom of the window set the temperatures in the desired and alarm items. If the temperature is less than the desired desired, the fans will be spinning slowly, and if the temperature will be higher than the alarm, the fans will start spinning in the entire power. Thus, set the temperature modes for all the fans that you want to adjust, and when everything is ready, click OK and the Configuration window closes.

In Speedfan, the temperature regulator of the fan speed operates automatically

So that the specified parameters start to work are needed in the program window to install a check mark at the aircraft of the fans.


In this roller called Speedfan how to use the video explains how to change the speed of the cooler, depending on the temperature.

The main reasons for overclocking the fan two. First - too high The temperature of the components inside the system unit, which is not associated with dust pollution of the computer or a malfunction of cooling systems. In this case, logical raise speed Cooling fans within the permissible feature.

The second reason, the opposite requires reduce this very speed is elevated noise. It is important to find a reasonable compromise in it - the most silent work with sufficient cooling of the elements of components. Therefore, you need somehow change Fan speed. About how to make it will be discussed further.

Initially, the speed of revolutions is indicated in the settings BIO.S.based on which the computer motherboard sets the specified parameters, in particular changing tensionsupplied to the fans controlling this way turns. However, you can manage this speed not all coolers, but only on three output, two-unit will always work on high Speed.

Also adjust can be rotated fans installed on the video adapter and the central processor.

This can be done with Bios. (UEFI) either using third-party programs, and some manufacturers produce their branded utilities to control cooling systems for laptops.

Increase the speed through the bios

In order to initialization During system launch, press Del. or F.2 (or another option, depending on which bios). We find the option associated with the speed of the cooler, usually it CPU Fan Speed. And change the value.

If there is no such item or it is impossible to make changes, then this can be done using special software.

In some BIOS, there are such options as Smart. CPU. Fan. Temperature., CPU. Smart. Fan. Control or Noise. Controlwhose inclusion will allow you lower noise when turning on and author Regulatory revolutions during operation, that is, if the load is increased, the turnover increases, otherwise they are down, up to a complete shutdown.

That is, the setting thus is to establish a limiting temperature or in a simple inclusion of this function in the BIOS.

We use Speedfan

The most popular program for setting the speed of rotation of the coolers is Speedfan.. Old and very well-known utility, free and easy to use. Find and download it will not be a problem.

The installation process is shown below. Everything is intuitive.

Installing The program will see the following window.

The principle of operation of all versions of similar.

You can see the processor load at the moment in the field. CPU usage. To enable automatic rotation adjustment Check Automatic Fan Speed..

Below is a set of velocities and temperatures installed from you fans, where:

  • RPM. - the number of revolutions per minute;
  • FAN1. - cooler connected to the connector near the chipset;
  • FAN2. - The cooler on the processor is also called Cpufan,
  • Fan.4 - the second processor fan, if there is;
  • FAN3. - propeller, thrown into the conclusions of AUX0;
  • FAN5. - AUX1;
  • Pwrfan. - cooler in power supply;
  • Gpufan. - Fan video card.

Below in percent you can change The range of the smallest and largest turnsBy adjusting them by pressing arrows. This will immediately affect the volume of their work, that you will immediately feel. Just do not disconnect the fans completely, there is a risk of burning anything from the components.

Speed \u200b\u200bAdjustment With AMD Overdrive and Riva Tunes

Branded utility AMD OVERDRIVE. Allows you to change the settings of the AMD platforms.

Among the many other features, you can also programmatically control rotation frequency coolers.

You can run this program only on chipsets, its supported AMD 770, 780G, 785G, 790FX / 790GX / 790X, 890FX / 890G // 890GX, 970, 990FX / 990X, A75, A85X.

Running the program Press the section Fan Control And choose the necessary characteristics Fan speeds.

Another interesting program with the function of regulating the speed of coolers is Riva Tuner. First of all, she prefer to use the owners of the stringy video cards.

Download and install the program. In our case, this is version 2.21.

Running, finding low-level System settings, after which we open the bookmark Cooler. Before us opens the following window.

Tick \u200b\u200bon Enable low-level management Cooler. Create presets Fan speeds, in percent indicating the desired values. Create several presets.

Create a task Depending on when you want to obtain a decrease in the speed of rotation of the fans, that is, configuring schedule, range temperature other characteristics.

So you can achieve fine settings The speeds of coolers depending on the temperature change components of the system unit.

How to increase the cooler speed on a laptop if over time it begins to work a little slower, more noisy and sometimes even overheats. Overheating is one of the most uncomfortable and harmful incidents for the computer, because it is an additional wear of the equipment and increasing the chances of breakage.

To eliminate this situation, you can replace the thermal college and enhance the cooling. If the replacement of the thermal paste is not very difficult, it is necessary to strengthen the cooling system (CO) you need to or drink a cooling stand, or increase the speed of the cooler. The cooling stand is rather noisy, it is worth the extra money, it takes place, but you can absolutely free for free.

There are two options how to speed up the cooler speed on a laptop:

  1. Using software
  2. Using BIOS \\ UEFI

Before acceleration

To begin with, we define what the cooler speed will affect:

  • The higher, the more noise gives a laptop when working, it is rapidly discharged (insignificant), but at the same time the temperature of the CPU and the system is generally lower, and therefore less freezing and brackets due to trottling (reducing the processor frequency to reduce the temperature load). Used Power Scheme High Performance.
  • The lower, the quieter works the laptop, the slower the battery is discharged, but at high loads there is a probability of overheating of the device. Used power circuit saving energy.

In most cases, cleaning the cooling system and the replacement of the thermal interface solves the problems of overheating and trolling. But if these manipulation data is difficult due to the complexity of the analysis or laptop warranty (which prohibits the device to disassemble), then to obtain the desired cooling it is better to speed up the cooler.

Acceleration cooler through

One of the most popular programs for monitoring and tracking the temperature of the system - Speedfan will answer the question of how to increase the cooler speed on the laptop. You can download the program on the site or for a direct link link.

It is worth paying attention to that not all laptops are supported by this program. It is likely that very old devices, or, on the contrary, a new generation may not show information on temperature and speed of coolers. You can get acquainted with the list of supported tires or bridges (BUS) on the site utility.

Install and open the Speedfan application. The main window will display the main information on the temperature and frequency of rotation of the coolers. Click on Configure, after which the Setup window opens. Select the desired tracking component - on the example this CPU (CPU) and set the desired temperature, the cooling system will work in priority on this parameter.

The following parameter in the Speeds tab determines the speed of the coolers.

  1. Minimum Value - Minimum value (%)
  2. Maximum Value - Maximum value (%)
  3. Automatically Variated - Automatic Temperature Based

After using the utility, check the temperature indicators if they have not changed within a few minutes \\ hours, try changing them via BIOS.

How to increase the speed of rotation of the cooler on a laptop via BIOS

BIOS allows you to configure various device indicators - from loading parameters to password to input and control the frequency of the processor or memory. Not all laptops have the ability to overclock the CO, so you need to check this option on your laptop.

To enter the BIOS \\ UEFI of your computer when rebooting, press the corresponding key:

Manufacturer Key Manufacturer Key
Acer. Del, F2. Lenovo. F1, F2.
ASUS. F9, Del, F2 Lenovo. Del.
Dell. F2. Samsung F2, F10
Fujitsu. F2. Sony F1, F2, F3
HP. ESC, F10, F1 Toshiba. F1, F2, F12

If you have a classic BIOS, open the POWER tab and select Hardware Monitor

Then, if you have the ability to control the minimum cooler speed or set the targeted temperature value, set the necessary settings.

  • For temperature - the smaller the better - 40-55 s °
  • For speed - it is better to test on your device - to choose from 100% to 35% in increments of 5-10% to determine the acceptable level of noise and temperature.

For laptop owners with a UEFI interface, the interface is slightly different, but the functionality is much richer.

The desired settings will be in the MONITOR, Hardware or Advanced tabs. Settings may vary depending on the manufacturer and the UEFI version.


How else can you increase the speed of the cooler speed on the laptop:

  • For old devices, special AMD OVERDRIVE or RIVA TUNER utilities can be approached. The list of supported devices is extremely small and basically these are outdated laptops based on Windows XP, Vista or sometimes 7 versions.
  • There have been cases when dust prevented the work of the cooling system, which required grease bearings
  • Do not exclude the possibility of replacing the cooler if the speed is very different from the claimed.

Excellent day!

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