Irrigation pumps - varieties and recommendations for choosing. Pump for watering from a barrel, which one is better for giving? Which surface pump is best for watering the garden

Engineering systems 25.06.2019
Engineering systems

The choice of a water pump is determined, first of all, by where you are going to take the liquid from.

For irrigation of the dacha, water from any open reservoirs can be used, however, settled rainwater is best suited for plants. It can be collected in containers installed under gutters.

The following types of electric are suitable for watering the garden:

  • barrel;
  • surface;
  • submersible;
  • drainage.


Relatively compact and lightweight water pump suitable for watering from a barrel. Its main advantages are light weight (no more than 4 kg), ease of installation and operation, low noise level, and low cost. The device is mounted on the wall of the tank and does not require long installation.

Units of this type usually equipped with built-in filters, which allows pumping untreated water or fertilizer solutions. For areas with a large area, it is better to choose a two-stage, more powerful model.


Surface pump great for injection from shallow (8-10 m) open water bodies- rivers, ponds, wells. It is installed next to a source of moisture, on the surface of the earth, pumping is carried out using a hose through which water can rise to a level of up to 50 meters.

Of the main advantages of such units, it is worth noting a fairly high performance that allows you to irrigate large plots area, ease of maintenance, wear resistance.

There are two types of surface pumps - vortex and centrifugal. Among the advantages of the former are a low price and the ability to create high pressure, however, they cannot be used for pumping water in which there are any impurities. Their efficiency, compared to centrifugal water pumps for irrigation, is very low.

Centrifugal instruments can be used at much greater depths than vortex instruments., small impurities in water do not affect the operation of the mechanism, and the performance of such units is noticeably higher. But they cannot create a lot of water pressure.


Submersible pumps used when it is necessary to extract water from a deep well or well. Their obvious dignity- power. They are able to lift liquid from a depth of up to 80 meters. However, the installation, maintenance, repair and dismantling of such systems are very complex and require the participation of a professional.

Similar units can be vibratory or centrifugal type. Vibratory submersible pumps are characterized by low cost, high performance, but poor maintainability, and besides, they are not designed for pumping water with impurities. Centrifugal ones are much more expensive, but also much more powerful, besides, impurities like sand or silt do not interfere with their work.

Well water is not suitable for watering plants. If the temperature is too low, plants can start to get sick. Before using the pumped water, it is necessary to warm it up in the sun for some time in a container.


The need to install a drainage pump arises, when the water source is very polluted, and there is a lot of large debris in it. Units of this kind are equipped with filters and a mechanism that grinds large solids, and can even be used for pumping suspensions.

However, this type of device cannot create high pressure and is only suitable for irrigating a very small area.

When choosing the mechanism you need, it is important to familiarize yourself with certain technical parameters characterizing the unit.

First of all, this is productivity - a value showing how much volume will be pumped over a certain period of time (it can be indicated in m2 / h, l / h or l / min). When calculating productivity, you can use average indicators, according to which for irrigation 1 sq. m. from 3 to 6 liters of liquid is consumed.

For 100 sq.m. consumed from 300 to 600 l, respectively, the unit must pump this volume of liquid in 1 hour. The minimum productivity of a good pump for irrigation is from 300 l / h (5 l / min).

The second important characteristic is pressure, denoted as maximum height lifting liquid. When calculating the range of water supply on a horizontal surface, it should be remembered that 1 m of height is equal to 100 m of length.

In practice, this means that a pump with a maximum head of 40 m can lift water to a height of 40 m, pump it over the surface for a distance of 400 m or pump it from a depth of 20 m and pump it over the surface for 200.

You should also pay attention to the engine power, which depends on the method of irrigation. For sprinkling, watering large area a powerful unit capable of creating high pressure is required; high power is not required for drip irrigation.

Water pump installation

It is best to entrust the installation to a specialist, but with a competent approach, everyone can cope with the connection. And yet, this should be taken seriously, because an improperly mounted pump will either not work at all, or will quickly fail. For device mounting follow this instruction.

Preparatory work

Before starting installation, decide on the place where you will mount the pump. It should be dry and, importantly, heated room(provided that you are going to use the device in the cold season). Otherwise, the water will freeze directly in the pump itself and lead to its breakdown.

To avoid this, the pump is protected by a caisson - a container insulated with foam. A high humidity room will provoke the risk of short circuiting of the microcircuits and contacts of the pump control unit, which, in turn, will cause a fire. Another point - the place for installation should be as close as possible to the source from which the injection will be made.

Providing a summer cottage with water is not a whim of its owner, but an urgent need. find out in the following article.

On the advantages and disadvantages plastic pipes for water supply in the country, read this.

How to do a good installation polypropylene pipes for plumbing and soldering instructions, see.

Materials for installation and fixation

When you have decided on a place, buy the necessary wires (with the section of the size you need for the pump of your model), metal-plastic pipes and a moisture-proof socket. Stock up on fixing materials: the mechanism will vibrate strongly when turned on, and it will simply fall off an unreliable surface.

So a large and solid surface is required. Depending on what it is made of (concrete or wood), buy long self-tapping screws or anchor bolts to fix the pump.

Water supply

Connect pipes according to following scheme: source - water supply pipe - valve - pipes of the pumping station. Water supply pipes should be at an angle (about 12-18 degrees), otherwise there is a high risk of creating air pockets.

The upload must be done at a depth of at least 30 cm from the bottom of the well, otherwise the incoming water will be contaminated with silt. If the bottom of the well is muddy or sandy, take care of a floating filter at the end of the pipe.


Using a wire, connect the complex you have assembled to the outlet (we remind you again: it must be waterproof). The outlet also needs a fuse and an uninterruptible power supply. They will protect against unexpected stops and breakdowns.

Important: make sure that the household water pump for irrigation has protection against "dry running" (installed in front of the station). Thanks to her, the pump will not break if there is no water in the pipes for some reason. But in most modern models This feature is pre-installed and you don't have to install it.


Before turning on the pump, need to check the pressure.

Install it in accordance with the instructions for your specific pump. After that, inspect the entire system again, and if there are no shortcomings, you can start it.

That's all the basic advice when choosing a pump for the country. Please note that in addition to this many factors must be taken into account water source, chemical composition, irrigation area, etc. You should be very careful about the purpose for which you are going to use the unit on your site and, based on this, make the final choice.

But on the other hand, a properly selected and mounted pump for a long time will provide your cottage with clean and fresh water th. And you will save yourself from the senseless hassle of typing it.

In order not to waste time constantly moving around the garden with buckets or a watering can, you can use a pump for watering from a barrel. But before purchasing a particular device, you need to determine the most best option. Often purchased pumps for a 200 l barrel for irrigation, as they are more powerful.

Factors affecting the choice

The choice of a pumping station is based on such technical characteristics as power, performance and the presence of filters. But before purchasing a particular device, there are other factors to consider:

  • the distance from the barrel to the edge of the watered area;
  • ground height differences;
  • device usage time;
  • area allocated for irrigated crops.

Knowing the distance over which the hose will be pulled, it is possible to calculate the required power of the device and its pressure. When calculating productivity, it should be borne in mind that for irrigation square meter usually about 5 liters of water will be used. When choosing a particular product, its pressure should be taken into account. In many areas, devices are used, the pressure of which is at least 50. When choosing a device for power, it must be taken into account that for drip irrigation low-power units are suitable, and for sprinkling it is necessary to choose more expensive models.

During the selection, it is worth taking a closer look at the more popular models, since they are the ones that are of better quality. If watering will be done rarely, you can buy an inexpensive low-power model.

Features of drum pumps

The described devices differ from other types of similar products in ease of use. They are often chosen by site owners as they are light in weight and produce little noise during operation. Such devices operate at a depth of up to 1.2 m, so they can be installed in barrels of various sizes.

The pump is fixed on the barrel, after which it is connected to the network. Using the pressure regulator, you can choose the optimal pressure during irrigation. In such products, a built-in filter is provided that does not allow solid particles to pass through. It is worth remembering that in most cases, built-in filters are not able to completely filter the water, so over time the system becomes clogged and has to be cleaned.

To avoid the described problems, it is worth installing homemade filter. It can be created from old tulle. To do this, it is enough to lower the pump for irrigation from the barrel into the fabric and only then immerse it in water. In this case, it is important to securely fix the material on the edges of the barrel. The pumps are protected by a filter so the fabric will not be drawn into the device.

It is worth remembering that the filter elements of the described devices are located in the lower part of the body, so the system can become clogged during use with fertilizer residues and rust that accumulates in a metal barrel.

There are many models of various capacities on sale, at the time of purchase it is worth focusing on the size of the site. If gravy needs to be produced over a large area, two-stage mechanisms should be preferred. Such devices have a higher cost, but are designed for a large amount of work.

If there are only a few flower beds on the site, it is worth purchasing low-power devices. The maximum capacity of barrel pumps is about 4 thousand liters per hour.

Features of surface pumps

Surface devices allow you to pump water from any clean source. They can also be used when watering a site from a barrel. The performance of the described pumps is quite high. Many choose such pumps, as they are easily repaired with their own hands.

The advantage of surface devices:

  • compactness;
  • low price;
  • devices are easy to maintain operation;
  • durability.

Surface barrel pumps for watering the garden also have disadvantages, these include a high noise level during operation and sensitivity to impurities in the water.

Important! Install the described products only on a flat area. Typically, such devices do not need to be fixed.

Submersible pumps

These devices are usually purchased for pumping water from wells and wells, but can also be used to water a site from a barrel. Such products are divided into the following types:

  1. Vibrating. Such barrel pumps are more popular, as they have a low cost and good performance. During use, they consume a small amount of energy. But it is worth noting that in the event of a breakdown it is quite difficult to restore the mechanism.
  2. centrifugal devices. Such pumps are characterized by high performance, so they can be used for irrigation of a large area. The price of the described products is quite high, but they are more reliable than vibration ones.

Features of drainage pumps

When purchasing drainage pumps, it should be borne in mind that they are used for pumping dirty water. Watering the plants is just additional function such products. They consist of a sealed housing in which the pump unit is located.

The body of the drainage pumps is made of steel or plastic. When choosing a particular model, it should be borne in mind that the larger the diameter of the suction hole, the larger particles the pump can pass. Many of these products are equipped with a float switch, which helps to turn off in the absence of water.

The advantages of drainage pumps include:

  • high reliability;
  • the convenience of use;
  • the possibility of pumping water with large impurities;
  • low noise level during operation.

It is worth noting that in the event of a breakdown, a fairly large amount of money is spent on repairs.

Features of using pumps for irrigation

During operation, several rules must be observed:

  • during operation, do not allow situations in which the barrel pump for irrigation will run idle;
  • v winter time it is necessary to drain the water from the device;
  • so that the product does not overheat, you should not pump high-temperature water to it if the device is cooled by liquid;
  • The product must only be used in the conditions for which it was designed.

Features of products of well-known manufacturers

The most popular are the products of the following manufacturers:

  1. Karcher.
  2. gardena.
  3. Bison.

Karcher German devices are distinguished by reliability and high quality. They greatly facilitate the process of watering the site. Such pumps can be used in the morning and in the evening without worrying that the noise may disturb the people who are on the site.

The high pressure allows several trunk lines to be connected to the product. Almost all Karcher pumps have protection against idle operation. Because of this, they can be used without breaking large enough strings.

Gardena products are characterized by high performance and low energy consumption. Almost all devices are equipped with float switches that contribute to shutdown in the absence of water. In the lower part of such pumps there is a filter for water purification from solid particles.

Devices from the described manufacturer have a reliable sealed case, so water ingress into the engine is excluded.

Bison products have protection against winding heating. Almost all pumps are made of impact-resistant plastic, which can withstand heavy loads. The pressure can be adjusted while the pump is in use. Before working with such devices, it is important to make sure that they are properly assembled and securely fastened.

How to make a barrel pump with your own hands

You can make a pump for watering a garden from a barrel from many household submersible products. This allows you to save on the purchase of a specialized device. During the alteration of the product, it is necessary to bring the engine switch closer to the barrel, and also install a filter.

You can install the switch with mounting on the wall and on the wire. The second option is less laborious. If a two-wire wiring is installed in the country house, it is necessary to purchase a special switch that can turn off 2 wires at once.

After installing the switch, you need to fix the filter. To protect the device from contaminants, it is enough to wrap the bottom of the device with mesh material. Submersible products can be placed in a barrel in various positions, since this does not reduce their performance.

To garden beds justified the suffering of their owners, who spend the whole summer worrying about the future harvest, it is necessary to establish stable watering. True, in rainy years, the weather helps gardeners a lot, but in the heat you have to run around with watering cans and buckets in the morning or evening to “water” the plantings. And all because summer cottages are still deprived of central water supply, and you have to get out on your own. But still, there is a way to make watering easier by saving the owners from heavy buckets, which later come back to haunt the pain in the spine. You just need to go to a store that sells pumps for watering the garden, and find the right system.

First of all, decide where you get water for irrigation. From the point of view of plants, the water should be settled and warm. Cleanliness does not play a special role. The main thing is that there are no chemicals or other "poison". The best source is, of course, rainwater, which the owners collect in barrels, basins and other utensils, placing it under the drains. If a well is dug in the country or a well is drilled, then water is taken from there. Truth, garden plants I don’t really like the “cold shower”, which causes rotting of the roots, but you can first fill the containers with water, and after warming it up under the sun, start watering.

Another good source is home pond, swimming pool or body of water. In each of them, the water must be periodically renewed, so that summer residents get a double benefit: they will water the garden and clean the water structure. True, pools are useful only if you do not use them to clean and disinfect chemicals. Some summer residents who are lucky to have a plot near a natural reservoir (rivers, lakes) carry water from there. Based on which of the above sources supplies you with water, choose pumps for watering summer cottages.

Four types can be used for garden purposes: barrel, surface, submersible and drainage.

Irrigation from containers: drum pump

The barrel version is considered easy to install and convenient to use. It was created specifically for pumping water from storage tanks, such as barrels, eurocubes, etc.

The weight of such systems is no more than 4 kg, so you can walk around the entire site with it, installing it in turn on the containers that were placed to collect precipitation. Most often, a pump for irrigation from a barrel is designed for a tank up to 1.2 m deep. It is fixed on the edge of the tank, plugged into the electrical network and watering begins. The pump has a pressure regulator with which you can set a higher or lower pressure, a debris filter and a hose.

A big plus of barrel pumps is the low noise level. When choosing this model, you need to pay attention to how much capacity it is designed for, how much water it can pump per hour. The most reliable are pumps with two-stage mechanisms. They have higher performance and longer service life. So summer residents who have a vegetable garden and a flower garden big square, it is worth paying attention to powerful systems.

Some special rules must be considered when selecting pumps for pumping and pumping water:

Lightweight barrel pump can be carried anywhere on the site

Barrel pumps are also convenient because water can be diluted with all kinds of fertilizers and water the garden with ready-made solutions.

Surface pumps: "friendly" with ponds and shallow wells

If the main source of water is natural or, as well as a pond, or a shallow well, then you should buy surface pump. It is designed for pumping water from depths up to 10 meters.

Surface pumps to reduce vibration put on rubber mats

Such a unit is placed, as a rule, on the ground, and the injection is carried out using a special water intake hose, which is lowered into the source. On the other hand, it connects metal pipe. It is not recommended to use rubber hoses to bring liquid to the surface, because the unit pumps water by suction. This can create rarefied air inside the hose. As a result, the walls will shrink and prevent the water flow from moving upwards normally. Such systems are popular for ease of installation: you just need to put the unit on a flat, dry surface and connect the hoses. It is interesting that such pumps can give out a powerful jet to a level of 30-50 meters, so you can water from one place most beds.

A spoon of tar! Surface units are very noisy, so they are hidden in a utility building in order to somehow get rid of the “growl”. You can also reduce the noise level by placing the system on a vibration dampening rubber mat. More about choosing a pump for country ponds and fountains:

Submersible pump: able to get water from the well

Submersible pumps are rarely used for garden purposes, but if the water level is broken in the country house or in the well, the water level is below 10 meters, then you can’t do without them. They are lowered below the water level into the source, and the liquid enters the surface through ordinary hoses. An important indicator of submersible systems is the height to which they are able to raise the water flow. If the well is shallow, then a simple model, designed for 40 meters in height, will do an excellent job of lifting the liquid. For greater depths, you need to look for models that are able to push the jet up to 80 meters.

Submersible pumps are difficult to install, so they are rarely used in irrigation.

Of the minuses, one can name the complexity of installation and maintenance, which should be carried out only by professionals, as well as the need to clean up for the winter if the system is not used during this period. And dismantling also requires the invitation of specialists. Submersible pumps exist in two versions: vibrating and centrifugal. Vibrating ones have a lower price, but they are afraid of falling into the silt. Centrifugal lift water due to the work of the blades and wheels with such force that dirty water does not frighten them. But their cost is much higher.

It is possible that you may need a motor pump. In what cases it is worth choosing it:

Dirty pond or swamp: a drainage pump rushes to the rescue

Drainage pumps are produced for other purposes: they pump out flooded rooms and cesspools. So they are not afraid of any debris and solid particles. For irrigation of beds, a system with a chopper for pumping cold drains is quite suitable. If silt, leaves and other debris get inside, the grinder will chop them into small pieces and give them out together with water to the garden. For very dirty natural reservoirs, this is the best option, because other models will be clogged with large solid particles. By the way, grinding silt and small inhabitants of the reservoir, such a pump will provide the earth with additional natural fertilizer.

Drainage pumps are suitable for summer residents who use water from reservoirs

Automatic irrigation pumps with timers

For owners who do not have time to deal with many hours of watering, it makes sense to purchase a pump for drip irrigation. Such systems are equipped with a pressure switch, a pressure gauge and a hydraulic accumulator. These mechanisms work in the mode set by the person automatically. For drip irrigation, you need to set the minimum pressure level, and then the water will flow in a slow stream. In such systems, there is both manual and automatic control implemented by the timer.

The automatic system allows you to set the mode required for drip irrigation

When choosing a specific pump option, pay attention to what kind of water it is designed for. So, irrigation units can only be used for wells, wells and tanks, because any small debris will clog the system and quickly disable it. Other sources (reservoirs, pools, ponds, etc.) require a drainage or even a fecal pump, depending on the degree of water pollution.

When growing vegetables, pumps for watering the garden always play an important role. You can buy a plot with fertile soil, excellent seeds, grow good seedlings, but with the advent of drought, the flowering soil turns into a desert. Only a well-mounted water supply system will save the crop, saving the owner from manually irrigating the beds.

Irrigation pumps for the garden, what are they?

Irrigation equipment garden plot now it’s easy to find, there are many different pumps that differ in design parameters or in power. The choice of the optimal device depends on several indicators - the type of water source, the degree of contamination of the fluid used, the depth of the well, the distance from the well to the garden, and the duration of work. An improperly selected water pump when watering the garden will quickly fail or will not create the required pressure.

How to choose pumps for watering the garden:

  1. The first main parameter for a pump of any type is the performance (Q) of the purchased apparatus. We take the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden and multiply it by the required amount of water for 1 m 2, getting the total amount of water for our garden for a day. For example, there is a plot of 100 m 2, we want to pour up to 5 liters per 1 m 2, having completed all the work in an hour. By simple calculations, we obtain the desired performance of the pump for watering the garden: 100x5= 500 l / h.
  2. The next important parameter is pressure. For example, the depth of the well is 10 m at a distance of 50 m from the garden. total length highway - 60 m, multiply the figure by 0.2 and get a discount for losses of 12 m. We summarize the result with the depth of the well: 12 + 10 \u003d 22 m. We add 10 m to ensure that the pumps for watering the garden supply water without overload. The optimal pressure for our example is: 10 + 22 = 32 m. We choose a device that has a passport indicator slightly higher than the calculated one. It should be borne in mind that horizontally pumps are capable of supplying water 10 times farther than from the depth of the well.

The choice of a pump for a dacha and a garden does not always depend on our desire, it is often necessary to use stationary deep equipment instead of compact portable pumps. Submersible pumps for watering the garden are vibration, centrifugal and screw deep devices operating under water. You can classify them with a completely waterproof case. Often they are installed directly in the well for the whole season; for the winter, when the water supply is turned off, the system is dismantled.

Common in everyday life, they supply water with the help of a lifting force created by rotating the blades. They are surface and borehole, horizontal and vertical type. Multistage Models more powerful and create more pressure. Centrifugal apparatuses are more complicated and more expensive than competitors, they work perfectly in clean water from a well, but they do not tolerate liquid with particles of impurities. The most durable devices are made of cast iron or stainless steel.

Screw pumps for the garden and cottages are devices that are designed to work in wells. They do not supply water with impellers, but with the help of a screw mechanism. These devices are cheaper than vane pumps, have simple design able to work with muddy water with minor impurities. Augers can generate good pressure at lower rates and are therefore suitable for low flow wells.

Aggregates of this type are famous for their simplicity of design, compact size and the most affordable prices. For small sizes, vibration irrigation pumps for the garden they give out a good pressure of water, performing all the tasks set by the consumer. For all undoubted merits This equipment has some serious disadvantages:

  • vibration pumps make a lot of noise,
  • they don't have their own filters,
  • vibration often leads to spontaneous untwisting of the tie bolts,
  • these devices are not suitable in terms of power for sources with great depth,
  • vibration contributes to the gradual siltation of springs dug in sandy soil.

Apart from electrical devices on the summer cottages often use a gasoline pump to water the garden from the river or diesel-driven devices. This type equipment is suitable summer residents whose well or well is located far from the source of electricity. Diesel pumps are more powerful and burn less fuel money, but their competitors have important advantages. The gasoline pump will always be more compact, lighter, cheaper to repair and purchase.

Which pump is best for watering the garden?

When caring for plants, it is better to use water from a river, a pond, a reservoir filled in advance. A liquid that has a temperature much lower environment, provokes the development of infections and the death of peripheral roots. Before buying equipment, it is advisable to understand well the question of which pump to choose for watering the garden. Working with barrels, cisterns, natural and artificial reservoirs, a deep well, differs in some nuances.

When servicing a large capacity, there may be different variants. If you have a source of water nearby, then we first fill the barrels from the well with any deep submersible pump, give the liquid time to settle and warm up in the sun. Next, we use it by pumping water out of the barrel through a hose or using a special water supply system. In the case when the well is located far from the garden, the barrel will have to be filled using a mobile tank using vehicle at an intermediate stage.

It is easy to pump water from a nearby pond or river with portable surface pumps by throwing a suction hose into a pond. The purity of the liquid plays an important role. At in large numbers impurities cannot be dispensed with without a filter, otherwise pieces of dirt can clog the pipeline or internal parts of the equipment. In the question of how to choose a pump for watering the garden, cottage owners often prefer drainage devices. They are able to work with coarse fractions in shallow silty water bodies, well withstanding heavy loads in extreme conditions.

Pumps for watering the garden from the well

Well pumps for watering the garden are selected taking into account the depth of the well. With a suction height of up to 10 m, it is allowed to install a surface pump or an automated pumping station installed inside an equipped pit. If ground water located at greater depths, then without special equipment submersible type you can't do it. Inexpensive devices work up to 40 m, the most powerful household pumps can lift water from 300 m depth. It is desirable to locate them no closer than 1 m from the bottom, so that sand and clay are not captured during suction.

Garden, garden, flower beds, lawns - everything needs regular watering. Conventional pumps for water supply do not always cope with this task - irrigation has its own characteristics, therefore the pump for watering the garden, garden, flower garden and lawn is chosen separately, using a completely different approach.

Water source and irrigation pump categories

  • well;
  • well;
  • river, pond, pool;
  • containers and barrels.

In the case of a well and a well, the technical characteristics will be decisive - it is necessary that water with the proper pressure be delivered to the place of irrigation. Models - in principle, any. Choose to your taste.

If we are talking about a river, a pond or a pool, then the requirements for the degree of water pollution are added to the technical characteristics. If the water in the pool can still be considered relatively clean, then there will be enough pollution in the river or pond, so that conventional equipment will not work. Conventional models in this case will not work, as they are designed for clean water. Drainage and garden pumps can pump contaminated water. It is among these categories that you should look for a pump for watering the garden in this case.

When watering from containers and barrels, the task becomes even more interesting. The water in this case is also not clean, so drainage pumps are suitable, but not any, but the most low-power ones. It's all about the volume of water that can be contained in a barrel. With a high capacity of 200 liters of water, an average power pump will pump out in 1-3 minutes. During this time, you will have time to water quite a bit, but there is no more water. That's why the best this case the most low-powered (they are part-time and the cheapest). Only when buying, pay attention that the pump comes with a float water level sensor. If there is very little water left, this sensor will turn off the power.

Some companies produce special pumps for barrels. They just differ in low productivity and the ability to pump contaminated water, they have small dimensions and weight, but at a price more expensive than similar drains. But the barrel pump for watering the garden is compact and lightweight.

By the way, solving the problem with quickly running out of water in a barrel is simple. There are usually several of them on the site. A little above the bottom level, you can weld fittings with taps and connect all the barrels with pipes. So it will be possible to pump water from all barrels without shifting the hose.

Types of pumps, their advantages and disadvantages when used for irrigation

Choosing a pump for watering a garden is not an easy task - you need to decide on many parameters, take into account the features of pumps and water sources. You need to choose such a “pair” so that it is convenient for you to water, and the equipment works in normal, not emergency mode.


Submersible pumps can be used to pump water from any source of sufficient volume - a well, a well. It is problematic to pump from a pond and a river even with a sufficient amount of water - the water is not clean, and ordinary models feel fine only with it. With a very strong desire, you can make a filter chamber in which to place the pump itself. But this is also a controversial option - the walls of the chamber can be torn or clogged.

In wells or wells, both vibration and centrifugal submersible pumps can be used. The difference is that centrifugal ones can "deliver" water over long distances and lift it from great depths. Vibrating ones have more modest characteristics, a smaller resource, are more demanding on the purity of water, but their price is much lower. This explains their popularity.

Submersible pumps are different types(vortex and vibration), can work with different water– clean, dirty and very dirty

As for the river and the pond, they have already said that there are still containers left. You can’t put a centrifugal unit into a barrel or a eurocube at all - it will pump it out in a few seconds. Vibrating will create a very strong roar, even though it will take several minutes to “pull” water. But the noise is such that the neighbors can come. So it is also not very suitable for such working conditions.

So, for a submersible pump for watering a garden, it is suitable if the water source is a well or a well without sand.


Drainage pumps are mostly of the submersible type. What distinguishes them is the ability to work with muddy and polluted water. In this regard, drainage pumps are used just for watering the garden from open water sources - rivers, ponds, etc.

But just remember that dirty water is not duckweed and mud, but water that contains solid particles no larger than 5 mm in size. But some manufacturers define other limits for their equipment - often the particle size should not exceed 3 mm. Therefore, if the reservoir is heavily polluted, the same chamber with mesh walls is required, which will trap large pollution. If you are reluctant to mess with this, and the water is really dirty, you can use not drainage pump for irrigation, a. He can even pump mud. There are models with a grinder that grind large objects that fall into it in seconds.

So, a drainage pump for watering a garden is good if the water has a significant amount of impurities, but they are all no more than 3-5 mm. For large pollution, it is more advisable to use a fecal aggregate.


Another type submersible pumps, designed specifically for irrigation from small containers - barrel (barrel) pumps. They have low performance, low power and size, low noise level. When the water level in the tank decreases, they gradually raise the pressure so that the outlet pressure remains stable. In general, such a pump for watering the garden is a good purchase, but ... if the price suits you.

The inlet of the barrel pump is closed with a mesh - a filter from large contaminants. But this is not always enough. If there is a lot of dirt in the barrel, an additional filter is made. You can even lower a piece of gauze or other mesh fabric (old tulle, for example) into the barrel, fix it so that it does not reach the bottom a little. The unit can be lowered into this fabric. In this case, it will work longer without Maintenance(it is necessary to periodically clean from the dirt that accumulates inside). The fabric will not tighten inside during operation - there is a grid there, so the option is quite capable.


Outdoor pumps are more suitable for watering a garden from a river or pond. Only the hose is lowered into the source, and the unit itself remains on the surface. Just keep in mind that the hose must be reinforced - the usual one will simply flatten the negative pressure created during operation.

The disadvantages of this type of equipment include their weight - they are usually quite heavy, which makes it difficult to carry. Their body is made of steel or cast iron, and it is clearly not light. To eliminate this drawback, special garden pumps were invented. Their body is made of plastic, which makes them much lighter - even a woman can easily cope with carrying. In addition, garden pumps are better suited for pumping not quite clean water. So for watering a garden from a river, this is a good choice.

Outdoor pumps are good for everyone, but filling them before starting work is not the most interesting activity.

There is one nuance in working with external suction pumps: in order to start them, you first need to fill the pump itself and the hose with water. An external pump for watering a garden can be, according to the way it works, then you need to “refuel” a little - only the capacity in the pump, and this is several hundred milliliters. If the model is normally suction, the entire hose and capacity of the unit must be filled, and this may be more than a dozen liters. Since watering is a periodic action, it is tedious to fill such a system every time. Therefore, self-priming external pumps are used for watering the garden, or they are looking for something else.

There are external vortex (centrifugal) pumps, but they are only suitable for clean water. That is, this is another option for a well or well, but with a shallow depth. Their advantage is that they do not need to be filled in, although in terms of weight it is problematic to carry heavy ones from place to place.

Pump stations for watering the garden

If desired, you can use not a pump for watering the garden, but a pumping station. This, in principle, is an ideal option - the pressure is stable, and it can be adjusted within a fairly wide range, while the motor operates in normal mode - it turns on and off. But not without flaws. Usually completed pumping stations surface pumps for clean water. They will have to be filled before launch, these are two. They are heavy - these are three. And the price is not always happy - it's four.

Pumping station for watering the garden - convenient, but not cheap

True, if you wish, you can assemble the station yourself, and on the basis of any pump (drainage, for example). You will need a pressure gauge and a five-pin fitting or a set flexible hoses with nuts of suitable diameters. You can also assemble the entire system on polypropylene or plastic, as you are used to. It's not that hard, so it's really easy to figure it out.


When choosing a pump for irrigation, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the operation of these devices. It is still significantly different from the usual working conditions that are used for water supply at home.


You can water the garden with any type of unit, but there is one caveat: the power must be selected so that when using nozzles (irrigation gun, sprinkler, etc.) the hose does not break off. And not the most pleasant moment is that with simple root watering, less productivity is required - a strong jet will simply wash the soil. When using sprinklers or irrigation guns, the pressure must be greater - in order to capture a larger area.

The only acceptable way out is to put a tee at the output of a pump of decent power. Connect a hose for irrigation to one outlet, and a hose through the valve to the second outlet, which will divert part of the water back to the source. With this connection, by adjusting the amount of water returned by the valve, it will be possible to change the irrigation pressure, and in a wide range.

Surface pumps for watering the garden in plastic cases are garden models that were developed just for this purpose.

Such a system is very useful when watering from barrels. When using even conventional drains, barrels are pumped out very quickly. This water return trick allows you to stretch the flow and water a large area.

If you are looking for a pump for watering a garden with low productivity, you will find that the units good brands With low power hard to find. If they are, then at a high price. But there are a lot of cheap Chinese low-capacity pumps, which are also designed for pumping dirty water. This is just the option that is needed for watering from a barrel, pond or river. True, their percentage of marriage is high - 20-30%.

There are two solutions in this case - buy a cheap pump, if necessary, buy a new one. The second way out is to reduce the productivity of a normal unit. This can be done by installing a smaller diameter hose at the outlet. But this is bad for the pump - it will work, but the wear rate will increase significantly. To improve working conditions, you can lead to the irrigation point with a regular-sized hose, and only then install an adapter. This is not something that will drastically improve the situation, but the water consumption will be less, and the pressure will be strong - you can use sprinklers and other nozzles.

Overheating and dry running protection

Since the pump for watering the garden has been operating for a long time, and often not in the best mode for it, it is quite possible that the motor will overheat. Therefore, it is very desirable to have protection against overheating (thermal relay). A very useful option - when the threshold temperature is reached, the power supply is simply turned off.

Any source of water can be scarce. Even from a well or a well, it can be pumped out. If the pump runs for some time without water, it will burn out - the water also serves to cool the housing. That's why they put it. The most popular, simple, reliable and cheap way is a float. This is a water level sensor, which, if there is not enough water, simply breaks the power circuit. There are pumps for watering the garden that immediately come with such a device, and if not, you can install it yourself - by connecting the wires from the sensor to the break in one of the supply wires.

Defining parameters

As for productivity, we have already decided - it needs a small one - about 3-5 cubic meters per hour (this is 3000-5000 liters per hour), which is more than enough for watering the garden.

What will need to be considered is the pressure of the pump. This is the amount by which water can be pumped. The pressure usually consists of two components - vertical and horizontal. Vertical - this is the depth from which you have to raise water. Here, as it is, it is so - each meter of depth is equal to one meter of pressure. Only in technical specifications for pumps there is such a line as "maximum suction depth". So, it should be at least 20-25% more than the existing depth. You can take it back to back, but only branded equipment, since Chinese indicators are usually significantly overestimated.

The horizontal component of the pump head is the distance that the raised water will have to be transported to the irrigation point (when calculating, take the farthest point). When using inch piping or hose, it is considered that 1 meter of lift is required for 10 meters of horizontal piping. As the diameter decreases, the figure becomes smaller - for example, 3/4 inch counts 7 meters of pipe / hose per 1 meter of lift.

You will also have to take into account the resistance of pipes (hoses). To do this, add about 20% to the calculated value.

Example of pressure calculation. The water mirror is located at a distance of 6 meters from the surface, we will pump from a depth of 8 m, it will be necessary to transfer from the intake point to 50 m. The pipe is an inch, therefore we consider the horizontal head to be 10 m.

So: the total head is 8 m + 50 m/10 = 13 m. We add a margin for losses at the joints (20% of 13 m is 2.6 m), we get 15.6 m, after rounding - 16 m. When choosing a pump for irrigation we make sure that its maximum pressure is not less than this figure.

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