Turkish carnation seedlings when to plant. Turkish carnation: sowing and cultivation

Encyclopedia of Plants 13.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

A couple of decades ago, this culture could be found in any flower bed. But today, Turkish cloves are not very popular among gardeners. Modern gardeners strive to acquire enviable exotic plants, but they seem simple. But for beginners in floriculture, culture can be a real find. This flower is quite unpretentious, has a long flowering and pleases with a juicy color, and information on the topic: carnation Turkish cultivation from seeds will make the process easy and entertaining.

Turkish carnation (or bearded) is a perennial, but is more commonly grown as a biennial because many varieties die off after two flowering seasons. The literal translation from Greek is “divine flower”. In total, there are about 300 varieties of culture and an infinite number of hybrids and variety mixtures.

In the first season after planting, the plant forms a rosette of leaves, in the second it begins to bloom and produces a seed. The bud has 5 petals and a long nail. The petal has a horizontal stripe of pink or snow-white tone. One bush is able to simultaneously form several inflorescences with about 30 flowers. Thanks to this, the bush becomes like a fluffy bouquet. The seeds of the plant ripen in an elongated box with one nest.

Interesting! Since ancient times, the flower has been associated with victories in bloody battles. In America, he is reputed to be a symbol of the mother's boundless love. Christian legends tell that during the execution of Jesus, flowers of extraordinary beauty grew on the earth, moistened with the tears of the Virgin Mary.

plant varieties

Garden varieties are superior to wild-growing brothers in beauty and variety. Color variations and the shape of the buds surprises with its diversity. Buds can be one-color, two-color, multi-color, with a border and strokes, a simple and terry texture. By visual association, the inflorescences are very similar to the Turkish ornament.

The color of the buds has a wide range - from snow-white to dark cherry tones. Every year, breeders develop new varietal species with unique colors. According to the height of the bush, the culture can be undersized (not higher than 35 cm) and tall (up to 90 cm).

The ability to bloom under any climatic conditions made the flower in demand both in Europe and in other continents.

Among the variety of varieties, the most popular are:

  1. "Nigracans". Frost and drought resistant variety. Forms dense inflorescences of a chic dark cherry tone. This variety has interesting feature: The foliage changes color from green to burgundy as the bush matures. Thanks to this, the bush begins to stand out from the rest of the inhabitants of the flower bed.
  2. "Little Wily". Low-growing variety in height does not exceed 15cm. It has dense inflorescences and a variety of colors. Can be grown both in the garden and in a pot. Shows excellent frost resistance.
  3. "Dynasty F1". Hybrid terry look. undersized bushes(up to 30 cm) can grow up to 50 cm in diameter. They can bloom in the first year of growth, are immune to frost.
  4. "Noverna Cloyne F1". hybrid variety. Forms lush bushes, which helps to stand out even in the most populated flower garden. Each bud in the inflorescence has an individual color. Compared to most varieties, it has quite long flowering. The variety shows weakness to low temperatures.
  5. "Undine". The flower has a unique purple-black color with a snow-white edging. It is considered an achievement of breeders. After cutting, it retains a fresh look for a long time.
  6. "Moulin rouge". It has an incredible aroma that is associated with the southern coast of the sea. Due to the special coloring, it seems that the inflorescences are spinning in a delightful dance. The height of the bush reaches 20 cm and gives long flowering.

Know! As a biennial plant, carnation is grown in the territory temperate latitudes. In the south, the properties of a perennial are manifested, and in the north - an annual.

Growing turkish cloves from seeds

As a rule, cloves are grown from seeds seedling method. Growing a crop is considered a hassle-free activity that even a beginner can do. The main thing is to properly prepare the place and soil for seedlings. After all, these are the two main factors influencing the proper development of culture.

When to plant seeds at home

The timing of sowing seeds directly depends on weather conditions. If you plan to plant seeds for seedlings at home, then it is necessary to carry out planting work in early spring (March-April).

Soil mixture for seedlings

Every amateur gardener will be able to cook with his own hands soil mixture for seedlings. The substrate requires three main components:

  • peat (2 parts);
  • sod land (2 parts);
  • river sand (1 part).

For disinfection by steaming, you need to put a bucket of water on the fire. After boiling water, put on a bucket metal grate, top bag with soil. The soil is left to steam for 1-1.5 hours. After cooling, the earth is completely ready for use.

Important! It should be remembered that there is a need for a drainage layer and drain holes at the bottom of the container for growing seedlings.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Sowing cloves for seedlings is no different from other crops. When growing seedlings at home, it is necessary to pickle the prepared home soil with a weak solution of manganese.

Seeds are placed in a container with prepared soil. It is important not to deepen the seeds too much, the maximum depth should not exceed 1 cm. If the size of the container allows, then planting is carried out in rows, retreating 15 cm. If not, then the rows are grouped closer, but the plantings are not heavily flooded with water. Even with the smallest container sizes, it is necessary to follow the main rule - the distance between the seeds should not be less than 1.5 cm.

Upon completion of sowing, the soil is lightly compacted, irrigated from above with settled water at room temperature. Crops take cover nonwoven fabric to create a favorable climate.

Seedling dive

Dive of young shoots is allowed three weeks after germination. Some seedlings can be left to grow in a container. The main thing is to keep a distance of at least 7 cm between the bushes. It is recommended to pick a pick in the evening or in cloudy weather, protecting young plants from exposure to direct sunlight. After diving, the seedlings are again snatched with non-woven fabric.

Two weeks after picking, the seedlings can be transferred to a permanent place, while maintaining a distance of 20-30 cm between plantings. The culture will delight in flowering only in the second year of its growth. And in the first year, the culture intensively forms greenery and root system. For safe wintering, bushes are recommended to be covered with branches of spruce or pine.

Know! Some varieties of culture have the peculiarity of re-blooming with the onset of autumn.

Turkish carnation annual

In the northern regions, the Turkish beauty is grown as an annual crop, because fierce winter frosts tend to test winter landings for strength. It is for such territories that the issue of growing carnations by seedlings is especially relevant.

Sowing can begin in February. Seeds are sown in large boxes, irrigated and covered with a single piece of glass. Subject to temperature regime at +20 degrees, the first shoots will appear quickly enough.

Also, young shoots need additional lighting. Northern regions have a fairly short daylight hours, especially in winter. And the lack of light will adversely affect the growth and development of seedlings. Despite the fact that the carnation can be considered a shade-tolerant plant, the proper amount of light is vital for it. Gardeners in the northern regions will have to get a good phytolamp.

Don't forget the need free space. With dense seedlings, plantings must be thinned out. After a month, the seedlings dive and transplanted into separate containers. Bushes are transferred to the flower bed only after the arrival of constant spring weather. Before planting on the garden, it is recommended to harden the seedlings, accustoming them to a cool fresh air. A culture grown in this way gives flowering in the first year.

For your information! When grown in pots, the culture exhibits the properties of an annual.

Growing seedlings in open ground

If you plan to grow seedlings in open ground, then the recommended time is May-June. You should wait for the onset of warm weather, when the sun's rays are just beginning to gain strength. After all, the flower does not respond well to hot weather. Planting seeds in the evening is the most the best option. In addition, seedlings will develop better in light penumbra.

The seed of the plant can safely survive the winter frosts, so they can be planted in the autumn. At autumn plantings The first shoots will appear in the spring. When planting in open ground in the spring, a week passes from the moment of sowing until the first shoots appear.

Seedling site preparation

The flower prefers spacious lighted areas. However, in partial shade it will also delight with flowering. For proper growth and abundant flowering required fertile soil. In areas with sandy or clay soil add fertilizer.

You can fertilize the soil both immediately before planting, and when digging the site. Ash, humus and mineral fertilizers are used as fertilizer.

The selected bed is dug up to a depth of 20-30 cm. Then the surface is leveled and moistened. The prepared area must be covered with a dense opaque cloth and left for 10-14 days. After the time has elapsed, you can start planting seedlings.

Bushes are planted according to the scheme 20x30x35. With this planting scheme, the plant will be able to take root firmly before the arrival of the first frost. And with the onset of warm spring days, it will grow densely, but evenly.

Remember! In the absence of experience in gardening, it is extremely important to plant seedlings according to the scheme. After all, a violation of the rules of planting can provoke the death of young bushes.

Rules for the care of Turkish cloves

Young bushes are sensitive to temperature changes. This is especially felt in early spring when daytime sunlight heats the stems of the flower, and at night there is a high risk of return frosts. To prevent the death of seedlings, the flower bed is covered with spruce branches. With the onset of stable warm weather, the spruce branches are removed.

At the end of flowering, the stems must be cut off, and fertilizers must be applied to the soil. Such manipulation will enable the bushes to catch up with new greens, and some varieties may even begin to re-form buds.

Turkish beauty reacts poorly to stagnant water in the soil and high humidity. Therefore, watering is carried out 1-2 times a week. In the dry season, the amount of watering can be added. It is important to carry out root watering, because the moisture that has fallen on the foliage and inflorescences, when sunshine can lead to burns and death of the plant.

Young plantings should be regularly weeded, while removing all weeds. The biennial bush is no longer afraid of the neighborhood of weeds and covers the garden bed with a thick beautiful carpet.

Informative! The Germans and the British consider the flower a symbol of love and innocence. In support of this, references to cloves are found in numerous historical legends and myths.

Diseases and pests

In suburban areas, the flower is extremely rarely susceptible to various diseases. But when grown in an urban area, some diseases can spoil the beauty of a plant.

Rust - affects the culture when high humidity and an excess of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil. It is manifested by the formation of convex rusty spots on the back of the sheet. A diseased plant must be treated with HOM. The affected foliage is torn off.

Fusarium - affects the stems from the inside, thereby destroying it. Affected bushes are urgently removed from the flower bed. Destroy diseased remains outside the site (burn). The place of growth is treated with fungicides to prevent the spread of the disease. Processing is carried out twice every 15 days.

The main pest for cloves is the bear. Living in the ground, it damages the root system of the plant. The only method of pest control is the manual collection of all detected individuals. They choose insects when digging a site, as well as when importing a new batch of manure.


Thanks to the intensive work of breeders, many varieties of carnations have recently been bred with a striking variety of shapes and colors. Despite the apparent unpretentiousness, when growing a flower, you should still follow the rules of cultivation.

Don't neglect the right choice places for planting, because the flower will give good growth only on fertile soil. The bed should be well lit and at the same time hidden from the scorching sun. The regularity and correctness of watering directly affects healthy flowering.

Care Turkish beauty does not deliver special trouble. With regular monitoring of the plant, it is possible to determine the attack of a disease or pest in time. not only has a pleasant aroma, but is also a great addition to the design of the flower garden, and having studied the information on the issue: Turkish carnation growing from seeds and with a minimum of effort, you can get a flower garden that will delight both live and in the photo.

Garden varieties of carnations will impress flower lovers. Different time flowering allows you to compose the composition of the garden in such a way that it will bloom throughout the season.

Description and features of Turkish cloves

Carnation (Dianthus) Turkish can be divided into 2 groups: undersized and tall. Where the first group is up to 20 cm high, the second - 80. Inflorescences are monophonic or variegated. The petals are simple and double, ciliated along the edge.

The natural color of carnations is usually white, pink, while horticultural crops have many shades and blotches. Small flowers up to 1 cm in volume are collected in a lush rosette, resembling a small bouquet. Leaves are rich green.

When planting plants, you can successfully combine varieties in landscape design. When low-growing varieties are planted in the foreground, followed by tall shrubs.

Turkish cloves have distinguishing feature- cold-resistant culture, not demanding on the soil. For the winter, only young specimens are covered with a layer of mulch, while adult species hibernate in middle lane Russia without shelter.

Planting and propagation of Turkish cloves

Turkish carnations - perennial plants, but grown as biennials. grow well in the sun, protected from strong winds place, but in hot weather shading is appropriate.

The actual place for them is the neighborhood with young trees. It should be planted on the south or southeast side, as cold north winds adversely affect growth. Strong winds can break fragile stems.

The soil for the bushes should be neutral, fertile, with good drainage. Although flowers may grow on loamy sandy ground. Just fertile lands provoke a large number of inflorescences. The plant does not tolerate stagnant water.

Humus is added to insufficiently cultivated land at the rate of 7 kg of organic matter per 1 sq. m. and some mineral fertilizers.

seed propagation:

Reproduction of Turkish carnation seedlings

- a substrate is prepared from sand, humus, peat and sod land;

planting material soak for 12 hours in a growth stimulator;

- sow seeds in a container and sprinkle with a small layer of sand (3 mm), which is pre-treated under steam or in the oven;

- as soon as shoots appear, send the container to a cool (15 degrees C), but a bright place. Maintain the temperature until planting in open ground. The seedling will harden and will not be susceptible to diseases;

In the photo, seedlings of Turkish cloves

- water moderately. If in the process growing turkish cloves some shoots will disappear, they are removed from the container. Empty spaces are filled up activated carbon or ash.

- the signal for the first pick is the presence of 2 leaves;

- seedlings are planted according to the 4x4 cm scheme in other containers;

- planting time for seedlings - January;

- secondary picking is carried out in March, for active growth;

- when 5 leaves appear on the bush (approximately in April), pinching should be done. This will make it possible to develop a powerful root system. ;

- in May, seedlings are sent to open ground;

- seedlings are dug out with a clod of earth and planted in a prepared bed.

Air layers:

- propagate by layering should begin in August;

- the shoot is pressed to the ground, pinned and covered with a layer of earth;

- the top of the head is tied to a peg vertically;

- roots and young shoots will appear within one month;

- you should separate the layers from the mother bush and plant them in a permanent place.


- in May, when you can select the stems without peduncles, you can cut them off for reproduction;

- a stalk 10 cm long, with 3 pairs of leaves is cut under the knot;

- make cuts on the stem with a very sharp knife for a third of the thickness;

- lower leaves (2 pcs.) are removed;

- use thermally processed sand as a substrate, where cuttings with an incised part are planted;

- cover the container with a plastic bag to create greenhouse effect;

- keep the cuttings in a cold place without access to direct sunlight;

- after 20 days, when rooting occurs, transplant the planting material into open ground.

The division of the bush:

in early spring, dig a bush, carefully divide the root system into several parts with roots;

    plant in new places;

    the bush will bloom already in the current season.

Some types of cloves come with a single stem. The bush can bloom spreadingly, but it does not lend itself to division.

Turkish clove care

Carnation is an unpretentious flower and requires mainly young specimens to care for:

    Watering. The plant does not like abundant watering. The exception is hot weather. The optimal rate per 1 sq. m 12 liters of water. Overwatering can lead to the development of root rot. Water should not fall on flowering buds. The normal condition of the soil is slightly moist, slightly dry. Adult specimens do not require watering.

    Carnation responds well to top dressing. It is better to use complex mixtures containing potassium. An excess of nitrogen supplements can lead to the development of diseases. The first top dressing with mineral fertilizers is needed for a seedling 10 cm high. The second fertilization will be required already at the time of setting the buds. The last top dressing is the flowering of the bush. Everything must be applied strictly according to the instructions so that the plant does not get burned.

    Diseases. Preventive measures will help prevent infection of flowers. Treat young specimens with insecticidal preparations. Sometimes, pests called nematodes attack - these are roundworms that can infect any part of the plant. In the fight against it, use fungicides. Treat plants in the evening. Carriers of fungal diseases are neighbors. It is undesirable to plant bushes with hyacinths, gladioli. At viral disease flowers are transplanted to another place, and infected flowers are destroyed.

    Faded buds should be removed to encourage future flowering.

If the bushes are planted close enough to each other, they will clog the weeds, thereby freeing flower growers from weeding.

Types and varieties of Turkish cloves

Turkish carnation belongs to the genus Carnation, which has 400 species and many varieties. The time and duration of flowering is different, which makes it possible to create different compositions. The most beautiful and attractive varieties with photo of turkish carnation.

Turkish Carnation Heimatland

Heimatland. Large inflorescences with a bright red tint and a contrasting center of white.

carnation lahskenigin

Lakhskenigin. Salmon pink flowers. The central border is darker in color.

Turkish carnation garden

Turkish garden carnation ( Dianthus caryophyllus) or Dutch. The species includes five main varietal groups:

Carnation souvenir de Malmaison

1. Souvenir de Malmaison - plain rosettes of red, yellow and pink

american carnation

2. American - striped and solid colors (yellow, red, white) colors.

Pictured is a dwarf Turkish carnation

3. Dwarf - colors of the same tone: yellow, pink, red.

clove grenadine

4. Grenadine - the same tone of red or pink buds.

Pictured is a Turkish carnation shabo

5. Shabo - tall varieties with double inflorescences.

Turkish terry carnation

Turkish terry carnation will decorate any garden with its refined and noble appearance. Terry, velvety petals can have a different color with a pronounced pattern.

white turkish carnation

Turkish white carnation as if a "bride" in a wedding dress is waiting for her beloved. Small inflorescences are collected in a large rosette and are like a miniature bouquet.The leaves are small, dark green in color, barely visible against the background of the buds. The bush grows up to 60 cm in height.

Pictured is a Turkish carnation diadem

Diadem - dark petals and a contrasting white border in the center.

One of better ways decorate your garden or summer cottage beautifully - plant a Turkish carnation on it. These delicate inflorescences collected in corollas have a surprisingly bright color, which will certainly create a festive atmosphere. If this ornamental plant already grows on your site, but you want to increase its number, you can use the cutting method.

Turkish carnation comes in white, pink, purple, red and burgundy. There are a lot of varieties, they all differ in the color of the petals, the method of cultivation and the length of the stems. Growing a flower at home is quite easy, even a novice florist can handle this task. Excellent Turkish carnation is also suitable for decorating bouquets. She looks great in compositions.

There are two main types:

  • undersized;
  • Tall.

Undersized ones reach no more than 12-15 cm in length. And tall ones can grow up to 60-80 cm in length. It also differs in the color of the petals. They can be white, red, burgundy, purple, and all shades of pink. Most often, there are two-color or three-color. The inflorescence can be either simple, consisting of a small number of petals, or terry and stuffed. As a rule, one flower consists of five petals.

The leaves are light green in color and are located along the length of the entire stem. In addition, they form a basal rosette. One more characteristic feature of this ornamental plant is its pleasant aroma. It is especially strong in white specimens.

Varieties of Turkish cloves

The most common varieties of Turkish cloves are:

  • Diadem - bushes up to 45 cm high with shoots and leaves of dark green with a red tint and dark red nodes. Dark carmine flowers with a large white eye and petals serrated along the edge are collected in an inflorescence up to 10 cm in diameter;
  • Scarlet Beauty - bushes 45-50 cm high with dark green leaves and shoots and bright red flowers up to 23 mm in diameter with petals serrated along the edge;
  • Heimatland - bushes up to 50 cm high with shoots and leaves of dark green with a dark red tint. The flowers are dark red, up to 2 cm in diameter, with an eye and petals deeply serrated along the edge. Inflorescences in this variety with a diameter of up to 12 cm;
  • Lahskenigin - a variety about 45 cm high with large inflorescences of salmon-pink flowers;
  • Schneebal is a white Turkish carnation up to 40 cm high with green leaves and shoots. Terry flowers with jagged edges of petals are collected in inflorescences up to 11 cm in diameter;
  • Weiss Risen - bushes up to half a meter high with green leaves and shoots and white flowers up to 25 mm in diameter, collected in inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter;
  • Kupferrot - bushes up to half a meter high with dark green leaves and shoots and copper-red flowers up to 22 mm in diameter with jagged edges. Inflorescences reach a diameter of 9-10 cm;
  • Egyptian - a variety up to 60 cm high with narrow burgundy leaves and catchy maroon flowers with a white border;
  • Undine - this variety has purple flowers with a white center and a white border.

Planting Turkish clove seeds

It is important to adhere correct sequence and with responsibility to approach the execution of each stage. Start by preparing the soil. Growing Turkish cloves involves two ways:

  • seeds are planted directly into the ground during May-June;
  • for seedlings during March-April.

Growing Turkish Cloves from Seeds

There is no particular point in growing Turkish carnation seedlings, since the plant is unpretentious and calmly tolerates frosts. A big plus of the Turkish carnation is that it does not require attention to itself in the most difficult time for gardeners-gardeners - in the spring.

It can be sown in summer, in late June or early July. At this time, everything else is already growing with might and main, and something has even been harvested: lettuce, kohlrabi cabbage, radish, spinach, etc. It is on these vacated places that a distribution bed for Turkish cloves is arranged.

This is done simply:

  1. The bed is cleared of plant residues and loosened.
  2. A groove 1 cm deep is pressed through with a long bar and it is well watered from a watering can.
  3. Seeds are sown in a groove, sprinkled with soil and watered. From above, the grooves are mulched with peat so that a crust does not form.

Subsequently, you need to keep an eye on the moisture content of the soil. Shoots appear, as a rule, in a week and a half. Turkish cloves are kept on the distribution bed until the end of summer. During this time, the seedlings are thinned out twice so that in the end the distance between the seedlings is at least 20 cm. The grown plants are planted in a permanent place in rows or curtains, leaving an interval of 30 to 40 cm between them, depending on the variety.

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Sowing Turkish cloves

If you decide to grow Turkish cloves in seedlings, then sowing is carried out in March or early April in a substrate previously disinfected with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. The substrate is prepared from sand and leaf humus in equal parts. Instead of sand, you can take vermiculite. As a container, boxes or containers can be suitable, which must be washed before use. hot water with soda. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom of the container, and a wet substrate is placed on top.

Turkish clove seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm, spreading them at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. The crops are covered with loose white paper and kept at a temperature of 16-18 ºC, from time to time moistening the substrate from a spray bottle with water at room temperature.

Features of planting Turkish carnations in open ground

Planting young plants on the site should be carried out at intervals of five to seven centimeters between individual seedlings. After the plants grow up to one and a half months of age, it is worth removing the shelter from them. And in especially strong heat, it is better to get rid of it earlier, but to build a fabric canopy over the plantings to shade them in the very sun. After all, young Turkish carnation plants can die from excessive heat.

That is why many flower growers recommend planting well-grown seedlings in the garden only in the month of August, when the sun is no longer so hot. Sometimes such manipulations are performed even in early September. But in this case, the plant does not need to be excessively moistened, and if there is a threat of near cold weather, it is worthwhile to properly insulate the soil near the seedlings with leaves and grass, or with special covering materials.

It is best to grow Turkish cloves in those parts of the garden that are in natural shading and are not blown by the winds. Such a plant feels good near tall perennials.

For the winter, young plants need to be mulched with peat or humus (the optimal thickness of the mulch is eight to ten centimeters), and also covered with spruce branches. In the spring, the shelter must be removed after the start of active growth, but shading should be organized.

Turkish carnation is not a very fussy plant that can be easily grown from seeds.

Turkish clove care

Carnation is an unpretentious flower and requires mainly young specimens to care for:

  1. Watering. The plant does not like abundant watering. The exception is hot weather. The optimal rate per 1 sq. m 12 liters of water. Overwatering can lead to the development of root rot. Water should not fall on flowering buds. The normal condition of the soil is slightly moist, slightly dry. Adult specimens do not require watering.
  2. Carnation responds well to top dressing. It is better to use complex mixtures containing potassium. An excess of nitrogen supplements can lead to the development of diseases. The first top dressing with mineral fertilizers is needed for a seedling 10 cm high. The second fertilization will be required already at the time of setting the buds. The last top dressing is the flowering of the bush. All fertilizers must be applied strictly according to the instructions so that the plant does not get burned.
  3. Diseases. Preventive measures will help prevent infection of flowers. Treat young specimens with insecticidal preparations. Sometimes, pests called nematodes attack - these are roundworms that can infect any part of the plant. In the fight against it, use fungicides. Treat plants in the evening. Carriers of fungal diseases are neighbors. It is undesirable to plant bushes with syris, hyacinths, gladioli. In case of a viral disease, the flowers are transplanted to another place, and the infected flowers are destroyed.
  4. Faded buds should be removed to encourage future flowering.

For many centuries, carnation has been very popular with flower growers in various countries. It attracts not only beautiful appearance, but also the smell: during flowering, an aroma emanates from the culture, reminiscent of the one that thins the buds of the clove tree, which are used in cooking as a spice. This explains the name of this plant.

The origin of the name carnation is quite interesting: in Greek it means "divine flower" or "flower of Zeus". Therefore, the desire of many flower lovers to plant a carnation in their flower garden is quite understandable. However, the success of this event largely depends on the grower's awareness of the rules for growing, caring for and propagating this crop in the open field.

Description of Turkish clove

This plant can often be seen in flower beds. It was able to attract attention back in the 16th century, when it interested flower growers with its bright flowering hats. To date, many varieties of carnations have been bred, which are distinguished by a rich color scheme.

If desired, you can find plain white and different shades of red hybrids. Many sophisticated flower growers grow two- and three-color plants, the petals of which are decorated with original patterns. Moreover, this feature gives them a special appeal and originality, because such patterns can be very diverse, looking like a border, eye and intricate figures. Carnation petals look no less original. In stores you can buy varieties with five petals, as well as hybrids with double flowers. The first carnation flowers bloom in the first weeks of summer and delight for a month.

To achieve the most beautiful flowering of Turkish carnation, you need to choose the right site for planting, where must prevail fertile soil . Well-lit areas are a suitable place for growing, although it will not be a mistake to plant it in partial shade. In the absence of other options, Turkish cloves can be grown on sandy and loamy soils, but first you will have to fertilize them. The soil is fertilized immediately before planting, using compost or humus, ash, mineral fertilizers.

When digging a site for planting a Turkish carnation, it is enough to penetrate 25-30 cm deep. After that, the bed must be leveled and watered, if necessary. Then a dense fabric is laid over the beds and left in this state for two weeks. Next, you can start planting flowers.

Sow the seeds of Turkish cloves need in furrows up to 1.5 cm deep. Furrows should be made no closer than 15 cm from each other. After sowing, the furrows need to be watered and sprinkled on top with a layer of soil. Next, the earth needs to be lightly tamped. Additional watering is not required, you can limit yourself to a shelter made of dense fabric, which is kept until the first shoots appear.

You can sow clove seeds in spring or autumn. Moreover, in each case, the sowing of seeds is carried out according to the same scheme.

Turkish clove care

Let us recall once again that it is recommended to grow cloves in well-lit areas where there is fertile soil. However, this plant can easily die from the winter cold. First of all, it is dangerous for young plants. In addition, a serious danger to Turkish cloves is waterlogging and stagnant water.

Plants experience the greatest stress in early spring, since temperature fluctuations are often observed at this time of the year, since during the daytime temperatures can reach summer levels, and frosts often occur at night. To protect the carnation during this period, it is necessary to use a shelter made of spruce branches. The need for it disappears at the moment when the last wave of frosts has passed.

At the end of flowering, it is necessary to prune the stems and fertilize the soil. Such events trigger the formation of new shoots, which will allow wait for secondary bloom cloves, but this happens only in certain varieties. If you strictly follow the rules for growing Turkish cloves, then it will be able to delight with its bright buds for 6 years. Neglecting the rules for care can lead to the fact that after three years, and possibly even earlier, you will have to look for a replacement for her.

So that the plant does not feel the need for moisture, watering should be carried out at least 1-2 times a week. In dry years, the amount of watering is increased. It is necessary to water the carnation on the ground, avoiding drops of water on the flower. Otherwise, it will result in burns.

Fertilizer and top dressing Turkish cloves

Growing from Turkish clove seeds involves regular feeding.

  • for the first time, fertilizers are applied at the moment when the plant reaches a height of 10 cm. For these purposes, a special solution is used, for the preparation of which it is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp in 10 liters of warm water. l. nitrophoska and 1 tbsp. l. "Agricola Forward";
  • in the phase of bud formation, a second top dressing is carried out. As a fertilizer, a solution is used, for the preparation of which it is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. potassium sulfate and the same amount of superphosphate;
  • the third time fertilizers are applied at the flowering stage of the carnation. For this, the following solution is prepared: you need to take 1 tbsp. l. Fertilizers "Agricola for flowering plants and dilute in 10 liters of water.

Plant propagation

The main methods of reproduction of this perennial plant is an sowing seeds and using cuttings. In the latter case, the event can be successfully completed provided that a certain procedure is followed exactly:

You can get new Turkish carnation bushes cutting method. To do this, choose shoots on which inflorescences did not have time to form in the current season.

You can also plant bushes that have grown in open ground as a result of self-seeding. In this case, it will not be necessary to hold special events, since it will be enough to choose a suitable place. But you need to keep in mind that self-sowing carnation seedlings usually do not retain the properties of the mother plant.

Diseases and pests of Turkish cloves

Want Turkish cloves and have such a useful quality as disease resistance, some varieties can be affected by diseases spread by sucking insects. This risk is highest in the southern regions of the cultivation of this plant. The first signs of infection of this perennial plant are slow growth, the presence of mosaic color on the leaves, as well as their subsequent deformation. They fight these diseases by completely destroying infected bushes, which must be done in order to avoid the spread of the disease to neighboring bushes.


Certain types of garden carnations can also be affected by heterosporiosis. Fungi cause this disease, as a result, small gray spots can be seen on the leaves and stems. In some cases, a red border may be present. Gradually, the spots acquire a lighter color, begin to merge.

Where clusters of spots, the flowers begin to thin, over time the leaves turn yellow and die. Given the high survivability of the fungus, even after the complete death of the plant, it is necessary to remove all residues, then spray neighboring bushes with Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride.

Spider mites and aphids

When grown outdoors from seeds, carnations can be attacked by pests such as spider mite and aphids.

  • for its preparation, you will need 1 kg of potato tops, which must be poured with 10 liters of water;
  • then the mixture is infused for 1.5 days;
  • front direct use in the tincture you need to add one tablespoon of liquid soap.

Carnation in combination with other plants

When growing cloves in flower beds, you can add others to it. ornamental plants. However, it is best to choose as neighbors sun-loving perennials. Turkish carnation will feel good together with Alpine aster, Carpathian bell and rudbeckia. What unites these perennials is that they have the same soil requirements, watering and lighting.


Growing a carnation is not a problem, because in recent years, experts have been able to accumulate a lot of knowledge about the features of its cultivation and care in the open field. And, despite the fact that it does not cause much trouble to the gardener, you still need to consider certain rules and follow them. First of all, you need to prepare a suitable place for planting, because carnation grows well only on fertile soil.

Place for cloves should be well lit, and after planting, it is necessary to provide it with regular watering. In the process of growth, you need to constantly monitor the state of the carnation, because at the most unexpected moment it can be attacked by pests. Therefore, it is important here to quickly notice the changes and immediately begin to carry out the necessary measures.

Turkish carnation blooms luxuriantly in June. Too bad it doesn't bloom all summer...

Turkish carnation is also called bearded, because. each flower has bracts - they are narrow and thin, like hair. There are many of them, and therefore it seems that the flowers have a beard ...

Uses of Turkish Cloves

In the garden landscape, Turkish carnation is good both in single plantings and in mixed flower beds.
Undersized varieties carnations are used in borders, they are planted along and on.
With lush bushes of Turkish cloves, it is good to “knock out” the tall stems of perennials and (, pyrethrums, etc.).

Cut shoots of Turkish carnation stand for a very long time in a bouquet.

Turkish cloves are not only spectacular and fragrant, which is important for decorative design garden. She is also useful plant to help keep annoying insects away. Turkish carnation flowers can be rubbed on the skin to protect against mosquitoes.
And remember - once they sold the cologne "Carnation": as soon as they anointed themselves a little, and mosquitoes did not approach at all, it perfectly repelled them. True, the smell of this cologne was really strong, it was fragrant for a mile away))). But this is not scary, it is more important to reason with the "bloodsuckers".

Turkish carnation is a wonderful plant with bright flowers, not requiring special care. If someone does not yet have it in his garden, then I strongly advise you to breed it. Now, in June, it's time to sow the seeds (fortunately, there are big choice various varieties of bearded carnations for every taste).

And when the Turkish carnation grows in your garden and blooms, you will have both joy and an interesting lesson: admiring it, count the number of colors :)

I wish you success and a beautiful garden!

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