Common barley: description of the plant, useful properties, application. Barley (cereal): description, cultivation technology, varieties, application

Engineering systems 12.06.2019
Engineering systems

usually a person knows little about his illness, so barley for eyelids goes to the doctor - a completely different matter, you know almost everything you need about him: you know what it is, you know what to do with it, and most importantly you know what NOT to do. Don't believe? Now I will prove it. barley is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the eyelid, very similar to cereal grains. On the eyelid there are: ordinary sebaceous glands of the skin, sebaceous glands at the base of the eyelashes and altered sebaceous glands that produce the oily part of the tear ... Staphylococcus lives on the skin. He does no harm unless one of the special conditions : sebaceous glands can produce a lot of dense secretion (sebum), the ducts become clogged, excellent conditions appear for the development of inflammation; you can still get cold or injured, and usually a peaceful bacterium begins to attack. Barley is a pimple! No more, no less. A pimple on the eyelid, an inflammation of one of the many sebaceous glands that occurs due to hygiene disorders or a weakening of local immunity. It behaves like a pimple on the face, is treated like a pimple on the face, passes at the same speed and with the same consequences. Everything starts .. in different ways. Sometimes there are no symptoms - a whitish head immediately appears, surrounded by edema. It may hurt, it may not hurt. Sometimes edema appears first and there may even be swelling of the entire eyelid. Then, after a few days, the barley ripens. Time passes, pus breaks through, swelling subsides - everything ends. Terms of permission are different - from 3 to 7 days. But it goes away on its own in most cases. There are no consequences for vision, it's all outside. If you do nothing at all, conjunctivitis can develop: when the contents break out, it infects the surface of the eye, this is rare and can be easily treated, but if you try and press and squeeze a lot, you will get the same thing as when you try to squeeze out an ugly thing on your face - sometimes nothing, and sometimes a scar. Only yes, because it will not be a red spot, but an eyelash lost forever and a cosmetic defect. But if you try very, very hard to squeeze everything out at once, then there may be an abscess - and here the person already receives a full range of medical care from long-term treatment to possible eyelid surgery in the future. The main rule is not to crush the barley. And you (as I said from the very beginning) know this, but if you don’t push, then what can you do? Unfortunately, swelling of the eyelid and pain can occur not only due to barley. If there is any inflammation, the eyelid swells, and it would be nice to know exactly why this happened. On examination, the ophthalmologist turns off more serious causes of eyelid edema than barley. That's why you should see a doctor when symptoms appear. The most harmless example: if the barley opens and leaves, then there may not be a deeper inflammation in the eyelids. There will be a hailstone - a chalazion, it will be ugly, you may have to operate. A more offensive example: but it seems that here it is the head of a pimple - just barley! But no, it's already an abscess. Already surgery: and the sooner the better. It's easy to confuse, the outcomes are different, so please don't push, don't diagnose yourself! Just remember the bad outcomes with a pimple on your face, and you will not want to do something with the eyelid yourself. Everyone asks the ophthalmologist for drops or a magic composition, or some kind of ointment: something to make it go faster. But all that is in international recommendations today is dry heat: a terry towel, a faucet with hot water, - squeeze, fold several times to better maintain the temperature and apply to the eyelids for two to three minutes, repeat 3 to 4 times a day. And hygiene of the eyelids: we have a separate video on this topic, it tells everything in great detail. And yes, maybe drops, but not some specific ones, but drops according to the situation: perhaps with an antibiotic to prevent conjunctivitis, when and if pus comes out, or drops that reduce tension, pain, in general - drops according to the situation, or break through, or will pass and even without treatment for 3-7 days. The above allows you to safely speed up the resolution of barley by a day, by 2, the rest is all wonderful folk advice, it will also speed up a maximum of 2 by a day, but at the same time there are unnecessary risks. Everything is clear: it is difficult to walk with a swollen eyelid, it is not powdery, it hurts! Let's burn, pierce, squeeze, anoint - this is clear, but you must also understand that everything that works with a pimple on the face also works for the eyelids: sometimes you're lucky, sometimes not, but fixing the eyelids is much more difficult than facial skin. Therefore, if you do not want cosmetic defects, do not interfere! If barley appears often - something is wrong. Let's continue the analogy with the skin: one thing popped up by chance, another thing pops up regularly. If barley appears regularly, this is wrong. Usually, something is seriously wrong with the meibomian glands inside the eyelids, the ones that produce the most important fatty part of the tear. We need a doctor, we need a diagnosis. For real modern method diagnosis is called meibography. Here is our device: the glands are visible on it, it is clear what is happening to them, and most importantly, whether the treatment clearly helps or not. Based on quick non-contact research, a good specialist will offer you eyelid care options that will help prevent eyelid inflammation from repeating itself. Based on quick non-contact methods of examination, a good specialist will prescribe you a short treatment and suggest options for eyelid care, which should prevent a permanent history of inflammation of the eyelids.

It is considered the oldest grain crop that is known to mankind - references to its cultivation date back to historical times. ancient world. For example, traces of this cereal have been found in Egyptian burials dating back to five thousand years BC. Barley was familiar to the ancient Ethiopians, who used it not only as a source of food, but also as a raw material for intoxicating drinks. This cereal was also grown in the Babylonian lands, on the territory of India, Asia, China, it was the most important culture ancient rome. There is evidence that in the territory where Switzerland is now located, barley was known as early as the Stone Age.

The current sown area of ​​barley ranks fourth in the world, second only to wheat, corn and rice. This cereal owes its great popularity in agriculture to its short vegetative period, due to which it has time to ripen in fairly cold areas. Therefore, barley crops can be found even high in the mountains and far in the expanses of the northern regions. This culture is resistant to frost, withstands droughts and is undemanding to the composition of the soil.

Barley is used in a variety of industries. The bulk of the harvested grain turns into groats (for example, ordinary barley groats are made from barley). Barley flour serves as an additive in baking many types of bread. Bread is not baked entirely from barley flour - it crumbles a lot and stale too quickly. Barley flour is also used to produce a coffee substitute that does not contain caffeine.

A significant amount of grain goes to the production of raw materials for breweries - at the same time, grain is germinated to obtain malt. Also, barley grain serves feedstock in the production of food grain alcohol (in the manufacture of such well-known alcoholic beverages as Scotch whiskey and English gin).

In addition to being used in the food industry, barley serves as the basis for the production of feed. Unrefined barley grain is added to feed for pigs and horses, as it surpasses even oats in nutritional value. Barley straw is also used as food for livestock. Sometimes, to obtain green fodder, barley is specially sown.

How to select and store barley products

When choosing barley products in a store, it makes sense to pay attention to barley groats. Indeed, in its production, unlike pearl barley, grinding and polishing technologies are not used, which has a positive effect on the preservation of nutrients and fiber. If you choose cereals in transparent packaging when buying, you can evaluate the quality of processing and the absence of impurities. The presence of moisture droplets inside a bag of pearl barley or barley groats is highly undesirable; pathogenic microorganisms quickly develop on wet groats (you can even get poisoned with such a product).

Barley porridge, being packed in polyethylene, is stored for a short time and becomes rancid. Cardboard containers should be preferred, in which the product will retain quality throughout the entire shelf life, which is from six to twelve months. The freshness of pearl barley can also be determined by the presence of a smell: the old pearl barley either does not have it at all, or it is musty.

Barley groats, depending on the degree of grinding, are divided into numbers from one to three; stores usually sell a mixture of all numbers. This cereal retains its beneficial features the entire period of storage (up to fifteen months). For long-term storage, it is better to pour it into a tightly closed container and keep it in a dark, dry place. Periodically, the groats are sorted out, checking to see if bugs have wound up in it.

barley calories

The calorie content of barley in the form of food grains is 288 kilocalories. After processing and turning into barley groats, the calorie content increases to 313 kcal. You can reduce the energy value of barley groats if you cook it together with other products. For example, barley porridge with potatoes “gives out” only 150 kcal, and cabbage soup with it is reduced in calories already up to 48 kcal.

Pearl barley is somewhat more nutritious - its calorie content is 320 kcal. being boiled in water, barley porridge saves only 109 kcal, which is already a sufficient indicator for dietary food, but barley soup contains only 43 kcal per hundred grams. Excessive use of dairy products and butter in cereals from barley can, of course, significantly increase the calorie content of final dishes and reduce their dietary properties.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of barley groats

Composition and presence of nutrients

Barley is a real storehouse of vitamins, macro and microelements. It contains a high content of fiber. And also, it contains vitamins of group B, PP, E, H, choline, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, potassium, sodium, calcium, potassium. The cereal contains iron, iodine and zinc, copper, selenium and molybdenum, silicon and manganese, chromium and fluorine, aluminum, titanium and zirconium.

Useful and medicinal properties

The inclusion of barley cereals and soups in the diet is recommended for those who are overweight. In this case, the fiber contained in it becomes a particularly useful element, which serves as an intestinal irritant and is practically not absorbed, increasing peristalsis.

In acute inflammatory bowel diseases, a mucous decoction of barley or barley groats (especially coarsely ground) is extremely useful. The positive effect of the barley diet is noticeable with eczema, psoriasis, pyoderma.

A decoction of barley flour will help with a cold. For skin diseases, a bath with a grain decoction is used. Barley skin is known for its diuretic properties.

In fevers, barley water has a cooling and moisturizing effect. It is used both in pure form and with fennel and parsley.

Hot barley ointment will help get rid of freckles. Gout will recede if you prepare a healing bandage of barley, vinegar and quince. Barley malt improves metabolism, helps get rid of boils and acne.

In diabetes, malt extract is useful.

Barley is also used in cosmetology in the production of shampoos, balms, creams.

Application in cooking

In addition to preparing porridges from barley or pearl barley, there are a lot of recipes and variations, barley groats are used in cooking soups, fish soup, and preparing a side dish. There are some features that should be considered when using barley groats.

Barley - annual plant belonging to the cereal family. It has a wide variety of species. However, common barley is mainly cultivated culturally, other species are rarely planted or grow as wild. The grass has a straight knotted stem up to half a meter high. The grain is covered with a film, in a purified form - light with yellowish or brownish hues. However, even Soviet scientists bred several varieties of culture with bare seeds.

Barley: origin story

Barley is the oldest cereal cultivated by man. Its cultivation lasts more than 10 thousand years and took place in the Middle East. However, there is evidence that the ancient Palestinians ate it 17 thousand years ago. Tonight in the wild it takes large areas from North Africa to Tibet.

The oldest representatives of cultivated cereals were found in Syria, which belong to the pre-ceramic period. It was found in the tombs of Egypt (Stone and Bronze Ages). Archaeological research proves the great distribution of barley in ancient times, and does not exclude its independent cultivation by peoples in various territories. In the Middle Ages, European peasants ate rye and barley bread, since wheat bread was included in the diet of only the privileged classes. And only by the 19th century did barley begin to be replaced by potatoes. Its penetration into Russia came from Asia from Siberia and the Caucasus.

Barley is a cold-resistant cereal that grows well in the north and highlands. As a result, it was and is now the most important food product for residents of these territories, since it is difficult or impossible to cultivate other grain crops there. It is widely used not only as a grain crop, but also as fodder for livestock and poultry.

The biological composition of barley

Barley grains contain proteins (13%), fats (3.5%), carbohydrates (75%), starch (60%), hemicellulose (6.5%), pectins (2%). They are rich in amino acids (essential and nonessential). Of the former, methionine, valine, lysine, isoleucine, leucine, tryptophan, threonine, phenylalanine are present. Of the second - arginine, alanine, histidine, cystine, glycine, serine, proline, tyrosine, amino succinic and glutamic acids.

The vitamin range consists of beta-carotene, provitamin A, B1, B2, P, B6, B15, E, choline and some others. The elemental base is zinc, manganese, silicon, copper, potassium, fluorine, calcium. At the same time, it contains tin, zirconium, selenium, nickel, molybdenum, chromium and other elements. Barley flour is rich in beta-glucan, a cholesterol-lowering polysaccharide.

The antifungal antibiotic hordecin, effective in skin diseases, was isolated from barley.

The use of barley in food production

Barley is a raw material for the production of barley and pearl barley (pictured below), which are widely used in the national diet. Moreover, pearl barley represents whole grains that have been cleaned and polished (the latter is not always performed). The name of this cereal, similar in color and shape to river pearls, comes from the old word perly (pearl). In the production of barley groats (cells), grains undergo film release and crushing operations. Grinding is not used here, which preserves fiber, in the presence of which this cereal is superior to pearl barley.

A substitute for coffee is also prepared from barley. The culture is the raw material basis of the brewing industry and a wonderful concentrated feed for livestock, as it is rich in complete protein and starch. In our country, 70% of the total barley crop goes to feed animals. By the way, beer from this cereal was the oldest human drink in the Neolithic era, and somewhat later they began to make mutual settlements, that is, they were introduced to the rank of money.

V countryside they are well aware of the nutritional and healing effectiveness of feeding pigs (and other animals) with unrefined grains of the culture. Barley straw is not much inferior to them in terms of these properties, and its consumption by livestock is lower than only oat straw, surpassing rye and wheat, which is explained by the value of its biologically active components.

Barley in ancient medicine

Ancient medicine used cereals and cereal flour, as well as barley water. Avicenna wrote that culture has a cleansing effect on the body. Barley water was used to treat chest diseases. When fennel seeds are added to it, the amount of milk in women increases. It cools and moisturizes well in various fevers (when cold it is drunk with fennel and parsley, when hot - without any additives). Cereal films have long been considered diuretic. Freckles were driven off with hot barley ointment. Bandages of barley, quince and vinegar were often used, which do not allow salt excess to pass to the joints in gout. According to Tibetan medicine, the culture is beneficial for inflammation in the nose and throat (E. Bazaron, 1984).

The use of barley in traditional medicine

A decoction of barley groats stimulates lactation in women, treats liver diseases, has an emollient, enveloping, diuretic, blood-purifying, expectorant action, soothing the irritated intestinal membrane. It is a wonderful tonic and tonic for diseases of the stomach, intestines, chest, quickly restores the body after illnesses. In the old days, these properties of the culture were highly valued, so they used it to feed the weakened infants, mixing barley broth with milk, which made it more nutritious.

Barley soups and cereals are prescribed for obese people. Their use is due to the high concentration of fiber, which, without being absorbed, irritates the intestinal walls, stimulating its peristalsis. They are especially necessary in the elderly and senile age, when (due to the weakening of peristalsis) constipation is tormented. Mucous decoctions of the product are included in the diet for inflammation in the intestines and stomach.

Benefits of barley malt

The healing properties of barley malt are great. Its water infusion has emollient, enveloping and anti-inflammatory effects, and the water extract (decoction) improves the digestibility of cow's milk, stops tumor development in the initial stage, and normalizes the body's metabolism. It is no coincidence that the decoction is used against obesity.

Mastitis, "hardened" tumors, external skin inflammations are treated with poultices from a malt and flour mixture. A drink made from it effectively fights cough, hemorrhoids, scrofula, urolithiasis and other urological diseases.

Malt perfectly performs cosmetic functions, restoring rough, cracked and chapped skin by taking malt baths with further application of nourishing creams and applying masks. These baths weaken and stop skin diseases.

To make malt from barley, its grains are germinated, then they are dried and ground to a powder. Then pour into 30 g of powder hot water(1 l), insist for half an hour. The prepared infusion keeps healing properties no more than a day, and in the refrigerator. If barley is germinated together with peas, rank and clover, then you get extra-class malt. Malt extract drives away diabetes (L. Sklyarevsky, 1973).

Application methods

Stomach, intestinal, kidney diseases, headache, blurred vision

  1. Barley grains are boiled over low heat until softened (a lot of water is poured). Filter. Pour lemon or orange juice into the broth. They drink like water. With this treatment, you can not eat egg white (the yolk is not forbidden).
  2. A malt infusion is prepared from 40 g of flour and a liter of boiling water, sweetened with sugar (syrup), drunk up to 6 times daily for half a glass.

Barley from tuberculosis

Barley grains insist up to half a day in water at a ratio of 1: 4 (you can replace the infusion with prolonged boiling). Strain off. Drink barley water daily at 0.4 liters. It is strictly forbidden to add honey or vinegar to it!

Barley for anemia and radiation exposure

200 ml of water is poured into 20 g of barley malt, infused for an hour in heat, boiled for 10 minutes, filtered. Daily three meals a day before meals - 100 ml.

Barley for skin diseases

Put barley malt wrapped in cheesecloth (1 kg) in a saucepan, pour in boiling water (3 l), insist for half an hour, pour into a bath, dilute with 36-degree water. Used against skin diseases. For children, the amount of malt is halved.

Barley for diarrhea and colitis

Boiled water (0.5 l) is poured into grains (50 g), insisted for a quarter of a day, boiled for a quarter of an hour, insisted again for half an hour, filtered. Reception - daily (four times) 70 ml.

Barley for cough, sore throat, diabetes, hemorrhoids

Sprouting grains. Seedlings are isolated, dried and crushed. 30 g of them is poured with a liter of boiling water, insisted for 4 hours. Daily dosage in 100 ml - 5 times.

The use of barley for diathesis

Barley grains (500 g) and oak bark (30 g) are mixed and crushed, water (10 l) is poured in, boiled for half an hour on low heat, insisted for an hour, filtered. Take a bath with a decoction against itching.

Barley heals an abscess

The sharp end of the grain is heated, and the abscess is cauterized with it.

Fortifying Baby Food Recipe

Pour 200 ml of boiling water into 30 g of barley groats (do not take pearl barley!), boil for a third of an hour, strain. The decoction is added to the whole cow's milk for feeding infants. So, the proportion of milk and broth for a two-month-old child is 1: 3. With age, the proportion of decoction decreases. The prescription is used until the child reaches 9 years of age.

Strengthening the body

4 hours in a liter of boiling water insist 30 g of malt flour, strain. Take daily (three times 100 g) with sugar (to taste) before meals.


It must be said that, whichever of these recipes is chosen, the treatment should be carried out regularly, patiently and persistently. You should not expect a sharp effect on the first day. If it is not possible to obtain the desired result in several procedures, it is better to continue them, but not to interrupt. There is no reason to rush from one recipe to another and panic. You should stock up on patience, perseverance and set yourself up for a quick healing.

Synonym: cultivated barley, multi-row barley, six-row barley, four-row barley, four-line barley.

An annual plant with narrow, flat leaves and spikelets during the flowering period - not only a valuable fodder, but also a valuable food crop. Common barley has a unique composition of nutrients, has a tonic, cleansing, enveloping, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect, improves metabolism and skin condition.

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In medicine

Common barley, as well as malt (sprouted barley) found wide application in homeopathy and traditional medicine. Medicines based on the seeds of the plant have a diuretic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, increase lactation in lactating women. A decoction of barley groats is often used by the people for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as a general tonic in the postoperative period on the abdominal organs, an expectorant for prolonged coughs. Nutritionists advise obese people to eat barley groats and a decoction of barley grains in their diet. Fiber in the composition of cereals contributes to the rapid passage of food in the intestines, irritating the mucous membrane and thereby reducing the absorption of the product. Barley malt is successfully used in diseases of the excretory system. Fresh barley malt is characterized by high enzymatic activity, so germinated barley is used as a source of enzymes. The first preparations of malt (Biomalts) were brought to Russia from Germany in the 19th century, better known as Germanic name"Malts". Germinated barley grain extract contributed to increased sputum production in bronchitis, was used for pneumonia. Currently, folk healers successfully cure many diseases with a decoction of barley.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the beneficial properties of barley, there are still contraindications to its use for people suffering from chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer. Also, when treating with barley grains, it should be remembered that the plant reduces sexual desire if you use barley decoction in combination with honey.

In homeopathy

Common barley is part of many homeopathic preparations, the main indications for their use is the development of allergic reactions to the pollen of cereals and meadow grasses. In some countries of the Middle East, there is a complex phytopreparation in the form of syrup, made on the basis of extracts various plants, including malt. It is indicated for general weakness, overwork, decreased immunity, anorexia, is used with prophylactic and therapeutic purpose with mild forms of iron deficiency anemia, osteoporosis, rickets.

In veterinary medicine

Germinated barley is an active ingredient in several veterinary medicines. Malt paste is an ointment containing barley malt. Barley has a mild laxative effect, facilitates the movement of food in the stomach and intestines of an animal (for example, a cat), eliminates constipation and vomiting in a pet, and also removes hairballs from the stomach along with excrement.

In other areas

In brewing

Malt is a germinated grain of barley or other cereals under certain temperature conditions and the right humidity. The resulting product of artificial germination (green malt) is dried to preserve the activity of the enzyme in its composition - diastase, which can break down starchy substances into simple sugars. These sugars are later converted into alcohol by yeast. Barley produces light caramel and dark malts, which are used in brewing. The quality, correctness of germination, drying and storage of malt depends on the variety taste qualities and the color of the future beer. Properly prepared malt has a sweet taste and a pleasant smell. The mustiness of the product is due to mold fungi, which appeared as a result of improper processing and storage of malt.

In cosmetology

In inflammatory processes on the skin of the face and hands, malt baths are effective, and barley groats masks perfectly nourish and tone the skin. A solution of barley malt is used for cosmetic purposes.

In cooking and baking

Cereal grain is widely used for food purposes, in the production of barley and pearl barley, kvass is made from barley. Barley coffee drink is a tasty and curative cough remedy. Grain grains are cleaned, polished, polished, before they turn into pearl barley whole grains. Barley groats are made by crushing grains, while the grains are not polished. Therefore, barley groats differ from pearl barley large quantity vegetable fiber.

Red (dark) malt from barley is used as a flavoring, aromatic coloring additive in special types of bread ("Riga" bread), kvass. Light and dark germinated barley is used in baking. Malt extract improves the quality of flour, enhances fermentation, makes dough more elastic, improves the structure of the bread crumb. Malt extract gives bread products natural sweetness, natural taste and aroma. Malt is also a component of many first courses, side dishes, salads, fruit purees.

In agriculture

Barley is an important crop in agriculture. Grass gives high yields on fertile soil. Salt and alkaline soils are practically unsuitable for growing barley. The plant is sown in early spring, malting barley is harvested at the onset of the full maturity phase, for other technical purposes - in the waxy maturity phase. Barley is the most valuable concentrated animal feed because it contains complete protein and a significant amount of starch. In Russia, about 70% of barley is used for fodder purposes.


Common barley (lat. Hordeum vulgare) is a herbaceous annual plant, a species of the genus Barley (Hordeum), belonging to the family Cereals (Poaceae). The genus includes up to 30 species, including wild plants.

Botanical description

Common barley is an annual plant, reaching a height of 40-90 cm, depending on the variety. The stems of the plant have well-developed nodes and hollow internodes, branching from the root itself - at the branching node. The leaves are flat, alternate, consist of a linear, narrow plate and a tubular, long sheath, between which there is a membranous tongue. In June-July there is a flowering of cereals. On the axis of the stem, four to six-sided one-flowered spikelets develop, sessile, collected in groups of 3. Spikelet scales are linear, awl-shaped, drawn into a thin axis. The lower scales of the spikelet are ovate-lanceolate in shape, have an awn 9-10 cm long. The fruit of barley is a caryopsis fused with the hymen. The plant begins to bear fruit in late July - August.


Barley is a cultivated plant, grown for food and fodder purposes. Cultivated in some countries Western Europe, in Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus, Canada and the USA, China, Hindustan, Asia Minor. In Tibet, this cereal is the main food of the population. It practically does not occur in the wild, except that sometimes single stalks of barley grow near roads, on embankments, in crops. The homeland of common barley is considered to be the regions of the Mediterranean and Western Asia.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

For therapeutic purposes, the fruits of barley are used - grains. They also go for the production of cereals and flour. The fruits are harvested as they ripen in July-August. Then the grains are threshed. Dry under a canopy in the shade, in a dry room. Store well-dried barley grain in bags.

Chemical composition

Mature barley grains contain 75% carbohydrates, 15.8% proteins, 3-5% fats, fiber, enzymes, ash, vitamins B, E, A, D, K, C, fatty oil, micro and macro elements (sodium , phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, bromine, calcium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, iron) and other substances. Sprouted grains (malt) contain approximately 40% starch, 10% dextrin, 30% fiber, 10% protein, vitamins B, A, D, E, mineral salts, enzymes (enzymes). Barley contains up to 82% carbohydrates, which include starch, fiber, hemicellulose, soluble sugars and mucus. Proteins contain more than 20 amino acids, of which 8 are considered essential.

Pharmacological properties

In the fruits of barley, active substances were found that are detrimental to gram-positive bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, rod-shaped). Cereal products have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, absorb excess harmful cholesterol, remove unnecessary metabolic products from the body, passing through the intestines. Barley, in particular barley malt, is indicated for diseases of the digestive system. The value of the malt of this cereal is in its high protein content, which has a rich set of amino acids necessary for the body. The latter stimulate protein metabolism in the human body, which promotes growth, as well as the development of the muscular system.

Vegetable fiber stimulates the digestion process, normalizes bowel function, eliminates constipation, helps cleanse toxins and toxins. Dietary fibers of barley in combination with choline (vitamin B 4) have a choleretic effect, prevent the formation of gallstones. The vitamins E, A and B 3 contained in the cereal have a wound-healing and enveloping effect on the affected areas of the wall of the stomach and intestines, as a result, regular intake of barley malt infusions is an excellent prophylactic against colitis, enterocolitis, gastritis, inflammatory processes of the liver and biliary tract, peptic ulcer. Mucous decoctions of pearl barley, barley groats have enveloping, softening properties, improve the condition of the skin, have a tonic and restorative effect on the body, and normalize metabolism.

Application in traditional medicine

Due to the unique composition and useful properties, common barley is actively used by folk healers inside and out in the form of compresses, poultices, baths. A decoction of cereal grains and an aqueous infusion of barley malt are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colds, coughs, diseases of the excretory system (cystitis, nephritis, inflammation of the bladder), and scrofula. Malt baths are effective for the treatment of dermatological diseases (eczema, psoriasis). Germinated barley compresses help with inflammatory processes on the skin, hemorrhoids, boils. Malt extract has long been used to feed babies.

Barley has an enveloping, soothing, anti-inflammatory effect, is actively used for diarrhea, stomach ulcers, and intestines. A decoction of barley has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, and also prevents the growth of cancer cells in the early stages. Mucus of barley and pearl barley has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa, eliminating spasms, nausea, normalizes bowel function, curing chronic constipation. Water infusion of cereal is used for diseases respiratory tract, whooping cough, persistent cough, fever. Barley is used in diet food patients with diabetes, people with excess body weight.

History reference

Barley is one of the most common and oldest grain crops. Historical documents testify to the use of cereals in ancient Babylon in 3100 BC. e. The plant was known in Ancient Greece, Rome, Ethiopia, China. The peoples of Transcaucasia have used barley since prehistoric times. Barley grains were found during archaeological excavations in the Polyansky and Severyansky burial grounds. The Tibetan reference book "Chzhud-shi" describes the use of cereal for various diseases. Currently, barley occupies the fourth position among the well-known cereals, is a valuable product Agriculture Russian Federation, Ukraine.

About the popularity of barley kvass at the time Kievan Rus testified by many historical sources. Inhabitants Ancient Russia began to cultivate this cereal around the 10th century, barley has taken a strong position in cooking. The then healers learned to use this cereal for medicinal purposes against colds, gastrointestinal diseases. Barley was used to treat hemorrhoids, diabetes, kidneys.


1. Encyclopedic reference book. Plant treatment. - M.: "Publishing house "ANS", 2005. - 1024 p.

2. Russian herbalist / Ed. Butromeeva V.P. - M.: OLMA Media Group., 2011. - 345 p.

3. Healing cereals / Smirnova E. Yu. - M .: RIPOL classic, 2014. - 192 p.

On the eye is not just an uncomfortable and noticeable sore, it is a purulent inflammation. In this case, the extreme eyelid becomes inflamed, infection of the hair follicle or sebaceous gland occurs. Symptoms of barleySymptoms of barley hardly worth explaining popularly they are ... ... Disease Handbook

Husband. spring cereal plant Hordeum, sowing. zhito, zhitar, very close to spelled. Barley has the most awned ear. Barley is the northernmost cereal bread. Having threshed the barley, it is necessary to shake it; but there is also naked barley, going straight to the milling or to ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Barley- - is a painful and purulent nodule on the edge of the eyelid or on inside century. The cause is an acute bacterial infection of the glands with staphylococci. The disease, as a rule, goes away by itself after 1-2 weeks, along with the release of pus. ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

1. BARLEY, i; m. Cereal used for making flour, cereals, in brewing, as fodder, etc. I th groats (barley). 2. BARLEY, i; m. Acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle of the eyelash and sebaceous gland of the eyelid; pussy. Jumped in my eye.... encyclopedic Dictionary

Barley- Barley. Barley: inflammatory focus in the lower eyelid. Barley is an acute purulent inflammation of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid. At the beginning of the disease, a limited painful reddish swelling forms on the edge of the eyelid, swelling of the skin and mucous membranes occurs ... ... First aid - popular encyclopedia

In the East, barley was cultivated already around 5000 BC). Barley grain served as fodder for livestock. It was used to prepare flour for baking bread. Six-row barley has long been known, which was grown by the Egyptians, Indians, Jews and Greeks. V… … Encyclopedia of mythology

The northernmost of the cereals, which gives pearl barley, Dutch, barley groats of various names and goes to the production of barley malt as one of the bases for brewing. Barley flour (or barley) is used in combination ... ... Culinary Dictionary

A genus of annual and perennial herbs of the grass family. OK. 30 species, mainly in Eurasia, Africa, America. Steppe grasses, weeds; sowing barley (winter and spring forms), fodder barley (grain) and food barley (cereals, flour, malt for production ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

1. BARLEY1, barley, pl. no, husband. Cereal, usually spring, whose grains are used to make cereals, flour, beer, coffee surrogates and feed. 2. BARLEY2, barley, male. Purulent inflammation of the sebaceous glands at the root of the eyelashes, in the thickness of the eyelid. Sat barley ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

- (Hordeum), a genus of plants of the family. cereals. Perennials forming tufts, or annuals. Flowers in one-flowered spikelets arranged in 3 in two rows (or 6 rows) on both sides of the ear. Spikelet scales 2, b. hours linearly scutellous or ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

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