Recipe for delicious barley porridge in a slow cooker. Dietary use of barley porridge

Decor elements 21.10.2019
Decor elements

Pearl barley is considered to be one of the most useful. It contains not only a lot of elements necessary for the human body, but also has a cleansing effect. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to cook such a healthy porridge deliciously. Barley in a slow cooker is the simplest dish, the preparation of which does not require special expenses. However, the taste properties are in no way inferior to pearl barley dishes prepared in other ways.

Why is it worth cooking pearl barley

There are several points, having familiarized yourself with which, any cook will give his preference to pearl barley.

  1. Properly cooked porridge is very tasty.
  2. Barley is a fairly satisfying dish.
  3. Pearl barley is a storehouse of useful trace elements.
  4. Cooking pearl barley is very simple, especially in a slow cooker, as this indispensable kitchen assistant takes care of all possible difficulties.
  5. Pearl barley goes well with other products, so it is possible to cook a lot of mouth-watering dishes.

Tasty and simple: barley recipe in a slow cooker

To prepare the dish we need:

  • pearl barley - 2 cups;
  • butter - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt and spices (to taste).

It should be noted right away that this is a porridge recipe without soaking, so the cooking time is quite long. If you want to save cooking time, you need to thoroughly rinse and soak barley in water overnight.

So let's get started!

  1. To begin with, thoroughly wash the cereal, it is best to do this several times.
  2. Pour barley into the multicooker bowl, pour the required amount of liquid (you can use broth instead of water), and then add salt, spices and butter.
  3. Close the multicooker and select the "Porridge" mode, cooking time - 2 hours.
  4. If desired, after the final signal, you can leave the barley in the multicooker in the “Keep Warm” mode for another 10-15 minutes, this will give it a more delicate taste.

After the set time, you will get porridge, which is a great garnish for vegetables, meat or fish.

Spices are the key to success

Properly selected spices can turn the simplest dish into a real culinary masterpiece. Pearl barley goes best with:

  • ginger;
  • turmeric;
  • shamballa;
  • allspice;
  • cloves.

Spicy lovers can also add dried onion or garlic to barley. This will give the dish an unforgettable flavor. Those who for some reason do not eat onions and garlic should pay attention to asafoetida - a spice that can easily replace the above dried spices in terms of taste.

The best pearl barley dishes

Of course, not only porridge can be cooked from pearl barley. It's perfect for making hearty and flavorful soups, rich pilaf and even delicious Italian risotto. A pickle with pearl barley will not leave anyone indifferent.

In fact, this cereal is successfully combined with a wide variety of products. Therefore, pearl barley takes pride of place among both vegetarians and meat-eaters. Probably, there is no such ingredient that would not be combined with this cereal.

Meat lovers cook barley with meat, with chicken, even with stew. Such porridge will be an amazing addition to any of the above products.

Very often this cereal is served with mushrooms. Vegetarians will be pleased to know that there are a lot of variations in cooking pearl barley with vegetables. Barley can be cooked with eggplant, zucchini, carrots, and even cauliflower. There are no restrictions here, except, of course, your personal desire and taste.

You will find numerous step-by-step recipes with photos below. Barley in a slow cooker is tasty and healthy!

Barley and dishes from it are perhaps the rarest of the cereals that visit our menu. Unfortunately, many housewives are unaware of the enormous benefits of this product. In fact, you can cook tasty, simple and healthy dishes from pearl barley. Using a slow cooker, we will simplify cooking even more and preserve the beneficial properties of cereals. How to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker, we will discuss a little later, but for now - a small digression.

What is perlovka

Pearl barley is made from barley. Yes, yes, barley porridge is directly related to it, because it is cooked from barley groats, which in fact is nothing more than chopped barley.

Another variety is Dutch. This is a processed grain of barley, from which the process (awn) has been removed. Thanks to this, the Dutch has almost the same properties as pearl barley, but the porridge from it turns out to be more tender, and the cooking time is noticeably reduced.

Pearl barley itself is a minimally processed grain, from which only the upper shell has been removed. It is clear that this allows you to save more nutrients. Therefore, when choosing a barley recipe for yourself in a slow cooker, decide what is more important - simplicity and speed of preparation, or is it still useful, and only then choose what - barley groats, Dutch or just pearl barley - you want to use.

As you can see, cereals are most often prepared from this cereal. Therefore, the simplest answer to the question of how to cook barley in a slow cooker is to fill it with water and cook. But we will not be limited only to this advice and will try to diversify its use in cooking.

Useful qualities of cereals

Well, for starters, pearl barley is a cereal. And cereals are known to be an indispensable source of fiber and carbohydrates. What is their use? The answer to this question can be devoted to more than one article. The topic of ours - how to cook barley in a slow cooker - does not allow us to fully reveal it. We list, without going into details, what the regular consumption of cereals affects in the human body. The use of cereals helps to maintain good physical shape, and if overweight, reduce it. This happens due to the improvement of the work of the intestines. Fiber speeds up the elimination of toxins from the body, and also helps maintain the necessary levels of cholesterol and blood sugar.

The benefits of pearl barley

Possessing all the properties of other cereal derivatives, it complements them with individual, no less useful qualities. It is not for nothing that pearl barley is present in large quantities in the medical kitchen and in the menu of children's canteens. It contains almost all the substances necessary for life: calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, bromine, vitamins of various groups (A, B, PP, E). Due to the content of lysine, pearl barley is an excellent assistant in the fight against wrinkles. The high protein content makes it indispensable in the fight against allergies. In addition, dishes from this cereal are low in calories.

As mentioned above, the benefits of cereal dishes, including pearl barley, are a separate big topic. We, a little "running" through the main points, move on to the main issue. So, how to cook barley in a slow cooker?

Pearl barley dishes

Dishes from it are very easy to prepare, and with the help of various flavorings, they can be given very original flavors. By itself, boiled pearl barley has no obvious taste and smell, many consider it generally tasteless. The biggest inconvenience in preparing this cereal is the processing time. Before you cook barley in a slow cooker, it must be soaked in water for 2-3 hours. During this time, it will swell, and only then will it be prepared for use. If there is no desire to soak for so long, then you can increase the cooking time, but do not forget about its ability to increase in size several times.

Barley porridge

Porridge is the easiest dish to prepare. It is cooked on water, therefore it is considered an ideal dietary product. For an "interesting" taste, add garlic to it. Barley porridge with garlic can be used as a side dish. To prepare, pour 2.5 multi-cups of pre-soaked cereal into a bowl, fill it with 3.5 cups of water, add 25 g of butter, a little salt. Don't forget the garlic. From this amount of porridge you will get a lot, so you can add more garlic too, for example 4-5 cloves. We turn on the "Rice" or "Porridge" mode and wait for the signal that the dish is ready.

Barley with meat

In a slow cooker, you can cook a more complex, but thanks to this, a very interesting dish that everyone will like - barley porridge with meat. This dish can hardly be called dietary, as it contains various types of meat, and quite fatty. For cooking, we need meat on the bone, such as lamb or pork ribs, in the amount of 1 kilogram. Also take about 100 grams of smoked pork belly. Prepare 350 grams of cereal, do not forget to soak it in advance. In addition, take 2 onions, garlic - 2 cloves, 100 ml of wine (red), 2 tomatoes, a liter of water or broth, salt, spices.

To begin with, by turning on the multicooker in the "Baking" mode, fry the pork breast in oil for 5-7 minutes. Then add finely chopped onion to it and continue to fry for about the same time. Next, add the pre-washed and dried meat ribs here and, stirring the contents of the multicooker bowl, wait until they are slightly browned on each side. Now you can add chopped garlic and finely chopped peeled tomatoes. Fry the resulting mixture a little more, no more than 5 minutes, and add pearl barley. Pour the prepared broth, add wine, salt, spices. As the latter, black pepper, thyme, rosemary, cinnamon are suitable. Now that you have prepared everything, turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for three hours. Long, but the result will be excellent!

Of course, these are not all dishes that can be prepared from barley using a slow cooker. The fantasy and possibilities of the miracle pot are unlimited! Do not forget about the need to pre-soak the cereal - this will reduce the cooking time and see in advance the volume of grains that have increased in size. Pilaf, pickle, and much more can be prepared from pearl barley using a slow cooker.

Pearl grain or pearl barley is not particularly popular in central Russia, it is added only to pickle and mushroom soup. But many do not do this either, because most men complain to their ladies that they ate this porridge while serving in the army.

But in vain, because the right product, prepared in compliance with all technologies, will allow you to get variety on your everyday table and even surprise your family members with a very tasty dish.

Porridge from this variety of cereals was very popular in Ancient Russia, then it was customary to call it royal cereals, and it was obligatory to serve it to the table only on weekdays, but also on holidays barley occupied one of the main places on the table. And this is not surprising - since this grain contains a lot of vitamins and trace elements necessary for a person to feel good.

Pearl barley porridge cooked in a slow cooker - the main subtleties of cooking

  1. One of the most important principles in the preparation of barley porridge, in addition to the correct choice of the product in the store, is the thorough washing of cereals before cooking. It is necessary to change cold water at least 6-7 times, leaving the cereal in the water for several minutes. If the cereal is of poor quality, it will first need to be carefully sorted out from litter and debris;
  2. Also, before cooking, high-quality pearl barley can be fried without washing in a dry frying pan until golden brown, and then boil it, following the recipe;
  3. You should not spare butter for serving this porridge to the table as a side dish. It is butter that goes well with pearl barley and can serve as a simple sauce;
  4. Oddly enough, but the most delicious porridge will turn out if you cook it for a couple. But this preparation will take at least 6-7 hours.

Barley in a slow cooker, cooked on water

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

How to quickly and easily cook pearl barley in a slow cooker to use it as a side dish?

Cooking steps:

Do you want to make a real culinary discovery for yourself and your family? Instead of boring rice or oatmeal, cook barley in milk.

Cooking time - 75 minutes.

Calories per serving - 126 calories.

Cooking steps:

  1. Sort and rinse pearl barley well. We shift it into the bowl of the multicooker, which must first be greased with oil so that the porridge does not “run away” when the milk boils;
  2. Add sugar and salt to taste, add 2 cups of water, turn on the special mode for 50-55 minutes;
  3. After the signal has sounded, add butter and milk to the almost ready porridge and set the mode again, for 15-20 minutes. Then the porridge must be darkened for at least half an hour on heating;
  4. You can serve porridge with honey, fresh berries, condensed milk and chocolate chips.

You will like this option for its simplicity - after all, you do not need to prepare a separate side dish for meat with mushrooms. All that remains is to cut a salad or open a jar of homemade pickles.

Cooking steps:

  1. Soak dry mushrooms in hot water, let stand for a while, and strain through a sieve, without pouring out the fragrant liquid. Mushrooms, if necessary, can be chopped;
  2. Add a little oil and ribs to the multicooker bowl, and fry them until a golden and appetizing crust appears;
  3. Add washed barley, garlic, chopped onion to the meat. It is very good to season everything with spices and salt, add sprigs of fragrant herbs;
  4. Pour everything with 2 glasses of water, and put to stew for 45-50 minutes. After the allotted time, we try the dish for salt, the readiness of the cereal, add butter, fresh herbs and preserved mushroom broth;
  5. We switch the slow cooker to the heating mode and simmer the dish for 2-3 hours until the meat and cereals are fully cooked.

Any parts of a chicken or chicken are suitable for preparing this dish, but it will turn out very tasty with skinless and boneless thighs, and fresh oyster mushrooms.

Cooking time - 95 minutes.

Calories per serving - 155 calories.

Cooking steps:

  1. Grind the onion, garlic and cut the carrot into thin slices. Rinse the mushrooms, cut off the lower and rough part of the legs and chop rather coarsely;
  2. Sprinkle chicken thighs with salt and pepper, grate with your favorite seasonings and spices to taste;
  3. Put the thighs in the bowl of the appliance, fry a little without adding oil, add vegetables, sweat for a few more minutes, then add barley. It remains only to balance the dish with salt, add more spices and pour 2-3 glasses of water. Stew for an hour, after which the dish can be served at the table.

Recipe with stew in a slow cooker

Perhaps the easiest second dish to prepare, which is great for cooking in the country. Then, when everyone is busy with spring chores, a hearty meat dish will come in handy and your family will really like it.

Cooking time - 95 minutes.

Calories per serving - 132 calories.

Cooking steps:

  1. To prepare this dish, you need to use only high-quality canned food. The stew can be from pork or beef, a jar of canned chicken in its own juice is also suitable;
  2. And vegetables can be completely peeled and cut at home, put into containers already in crushed form, so as not to waste summer time on this;
  3. Pour a little oil into the multicooker bowl, add vegetables and cereals, pour water and simmer until barley is ready;
  4. Salt and season the dish with spices should be done with caution, because canned food contains both a sufficient amount of salt and spicy spices. But adding fresh herbs to the dish when serving will not hurt at all;
  5. Add barley to the porridge with vegetables, while trying not to use the fat that has frozen on top of the product, and leave the country dish heated for about 1.5 hours so that the cereal is saturated with all the flavors.

  1. In order for the porridge to cook faster, it should be washed well and soaked for at least 5-6 hours, preferably overnight;
  2. To make the porridge juicy and crumbly, while it is heated, you should flavor it with a piece of butter;
  3. For cooking, you should not use lean meat, but fatty pork or lamb are perfect for the dish, make it soft and fragrant;
  4. A dish with pearl barley will turn out to be more crumbly, after soaking the grain, thoroughly rinse it in hot water, this will help to additionally wash off the starch and husk from the grains;
  5. The best multicooker modes for cooking pearl barley are “Stew” and “Porridge”. You can use the "Pilaf" mode, but you should keep an eye on the cereal - in this mode it can burn from below;
  6. When buying, pay attention to the appearance of the grain - it must be clean, of the same size and be small enough, then cooking will take a little time;
  7. To prepare this dish, any model of a kitchen assistant is suitable. If you have a slow cooker with a pressure cooker function, then both cereals and meat will cook much faster - about half an hour.

Pearl barley, which is peeled whole grains of barley, is a real storehouse of nutrients. The potassium it contains improves performance hearts and vessels, phosphorus has a positive effect on work brain, is natural cleaner» organism. Barley porridge, cooked not only turns out to be softer and more crumbly than cooked on the stove, but also retains as much as possible all the qualities of cereals that are beneficial to the body. Read a separate article.

Recipe for barley in a slow cooker

The classic recipe for barley porridge in a slow cooker is quite simple. For him you will need:
  • 1 multi-glass (or 160 grams) pearl barley;
  • 2-3 multi-glasses of water;
  • butter;
  • salt to taste.

Groats preparation

Rinse 1 multi-glass of cereals thoroughly before cooking (to clean water). If desired, barley can be soaked and kept from one hour to a day - in this case, the cereal will swell and the porridge from it will cook faster and turn out to be more boiled.

Also, pre-soaking allows you to remove excess starchy substances, which makes porridge more beneficial for patients. diabetes.

Cooking porridge

  • We lower the washed pearl barley into the multicooker bowl.
  • Add 2-3 multi-glasses of water. It should be borne in mind here that the amount of water depends on two factors - whether the cereal was pre-soaked and whether you want to get crumbly or viscous porridge. If you need crumbly porridge, then two multi-glasses of water should be added to a glass of pre-soaked cereals. For the same result, 3-3.5 multi-glasses of water will need to be added to unsoaked cereals.
  • Salt to taste, add butter (about 1 teaspoon). Do not worry about the figure - all the useful substances from barley porridge prepared with the addition of butter are better absorbed by the body.

The nuances of cooking porridge in different models of multicookers

Cooking mode selection. Barley porridge according to this recipe can be cooked in any model of multicookers Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris, Mulineks and other brands. In order for the porridge to turn out crumbly, you need to choose the right mode and ratio of proportions.

Helpful Hints

  • it should be remembered that ready-made barley dishes increase significantly in volume. The optimal amount of cereal for porridge without adding additional ingredients is 1-2 multi-glasses;
  • In order to maintain the correct proportions, it should be taken into account that 1 multiglass approximately equal to the volume of 0.7 ordinary thick-walled faceted glass (or 160 grams of cereal);
  • barley porridge in water or broth is best cooked in the “Rice / Buckwheat / Cereals” modes, and in milk in the “Milk porridge” mode. This will help preserve all the beneficial properties of cereals;
  • if you are worried about whether the proportions are calculated correctly, you can grease the walls of the bowl with butter so that the finished porridge does not “run away” through the valve.

Dietary use of barley porridge

Barley porridge cooked in a slow cooker turns out to be low-calorie - only 110-130 kilocalories per serving. A high content Selena(natural antioxidant) and fiber make it an indispensable product in a diet or vegetarian menu, allowing not only to receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but also to remove toxins from the body. Also, the composition of pearl barley includes lysine, which promotes the production of collagen and natural skin rejuvenation.

Culinary Application

Based on the classic recipe for pearl barley porridge in a slow cooker, you can cook a wide variety of dishes by simply adding the following ingredients to it:

Video of the barley preparation process

The recipe for making hearty barley porridge with meat in a slow cooker is described in the video tutorial. Chicken stomachs taken in the original recipe, if desired, are replaced with another type of meat or mushrooms (in this case, only the cooking time and calorie content of the dish will differ). The video demonstrates a universal technology, on the basis of which you can cook healthy and varied barley cereals for yourself and your loved ones.

It is rather difficult to call ordinary barley porridge an original, bright, and refined dish. Despite this, there are many recipes that will help you turn ordinary cereals into a real culinary masterpiece. In terms of its chemical composition and unique properties barley is ahead of all its existing competitors. To make pearl barley porridge not only healthy, but also juicy, tasty, crumbly, it is important to follow some tips and recommendations. You can cook soft kush in a special kitchen appliance, namely in a slow cooker, which greatly facilitates the direct cooking process.

Barley is an extremely useful and valuable cereal containing important amino acids (lysine). They are responsible for the production of collagen, saturation of the human body with energy and vigor. Barley helps reduce the risk of developing allergies, normalize metabolism, and improve the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, it contains vitamins E, B, A, calcium and potassium, iodine, an incredibly large amount of phosphorus. As for calories, a serving of barley contains about 145 kcal.

Barley porridge in a slow cooker is prepared quite simply. For this, you need to use the proposed step-by-step recipe. Everything is detailed in it, so there should not be any difficulties.


To prepare barley porridge in a slow cooker, you will need food such as:


1. First of all, prepare the cereal, it must be measured and poured with cool water for ten hours. When you drain the water, the grains will swell, and the cooking time will be almost halved, which is in the hands of any hostess.

2. The grits must be thrown into a fine sieve to be rinsed with running water, this is very important. Don't skip this step!

3. Take half the butter, grease the multicooker container. It must be connected to a power outlet.

4. Pearl barley must be poured into a prepared container. Then you can pour a certain amount of water.

5. At the same stage, the future dish should be slightly salted.

6. Close the lid of the kitchen appliance and set the special cooking mode. In this case, it is best to select the "Pilaf" or "Rice" mode. The duration of cooking is forty minutes. If the cereal has not been soaked in water in advance, it will take one hour and twenty minutes.

7. When you hear a beep, the porridge is ready. Leave it to sweat under the lid for another ten minutes. Before serving, do not forget to add a little butter. So it will become more fragrant, satisfying and rich.

Video recipe

As you can see, the technology and cooking process is very simple, so any novice cook who has a slow cooker can handle it.

Beneficial features

Despite the low popularity among consumers, barley porridge has always been and remains the most useful, valuable, unique. If you regularly eat this porridge, you can completely cleanse the body of toxins, fats and harmful substances. With its help, you can normalize and improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is no secret that barley porridge is a rich and generous source of vigor, health, strength and energy reserves. A significant advantage of the dish is that it can be eaten for weight loss. This is one of the most effective, effective dietary dishes with which you can lose five kilograms in 5 days!

Of particular benefit is observed for children and schoolchildren, as porridge gives them everything they need for full development and growth. That is why it is imperative to introduce it into the children's diet. Regular and proper consumption of barley porridge is the key to strong immunity, powerful health, and the rapid eradication of colds and infections.

Due to the large amount of phosphorus contained in pearl barley, the work of the endocrine system is noticeably improved, which is important for diabetes. It is important to note that this is a daily delicacy for all athletes, because with its help the speed of muscle growth increases. In addition, it is useful to eat it in case of inflammation of the digestive tract, as well as in the period after surgery. It will help you quickly recuperate and get in shape.

Thanks to barley porridge, you can not only gain strength and energy, but also lose weight, improve your own well-being.

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