When can you sow Turkish cloves. Proper cultivation of Turkish cloves from seeds

reservoirs 14.06.2019

Why did Turkish cloves gain such immense popularity? It turns out that everything is simple - with its unpretentiousness, beautiful appearance and a long flowering period. .

Turkish carnation - planting

There are several ways planting Turkish cloves:

  • seed - in open or closed ground;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

Planting Turkish carnation seeds in open ground

Turkish cloves are grown from seed in the spring. Flowers can be planted immediately in open ground, or you can first grow seedlings and only then transplant them to the site. Carnation is not afraid of the cold and can bloom for a month and a half. But if you still prefer indoor plants, plant physalis.

Planting of carnation seeds begins in May or June. Before sowing seeds, prepare the soil. It is dug up by 25 centimeters. The loosened soil is watered and covered with polyethylene. After two weeks, the film is removed and proceed to the landing itself. Seeds are sown in rows, keeping a width of 15 centimeters between them. The grooves are made 1.5 cm deep. Crops are sprinkled with earth and covered with polyethylene. When all shoots appear, the shelter will need to be removed. The emerging sprouts need timely watering, weeding and loosening. Somewhere in August, the carnation will need to be thinned out a bit, planting some specimens in another permanent place. If desired, you can transplant all shoots. In the first year, the carnation only forms a rosette, and it will bloom in the second year. Another wonderful perennial is aster.

Planting Turkish carnation seeds for seedlings

Carnations can also be grown for seedlings at home; for this, the prepared soil must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Sowing is done in March month or at the very beginning of April. Seeds are planted one centimeter deep and lightly pressed with soil. The soil is sprayed with water and covered with polyethylene. On the twentieth day, young shoots dive, leaving a distance between shoots of 7 centimeters and a width of 15 centimeters.. Dive a carnation on a cloudy day after six o'clock in the evening. Seedlings are covered again, from time to time letting them breathe fresh air. Once the seedlings are large enough, you no longer need to cover them. At the end of summer, the carnation is transplanted to the site, choosing the most suitable permanent place for the flowers. If Turkish carnation is grown from seeds in this way, then flowering can be achieved in the first year.

Propagation of Turkish cloves by cuttings

From biennial plants (in early summer) you can cut cuttings to be planted in an inclined position in loose soil. The plant should be planted in a permanent place in August. However, flowering can only be expected next summer.

Propagation and planting of Turkish carnation by layering

Reproduction by layering is a fairly simple method and, at the same time, very reliable. In mid-June, the stems are bent down and sprinkled with moist soil. The usual technology of propagation by cuttings in this case is modified by the fact that the tops of the shoots must be pulled to the support so that they are in an upright position.

Propagation and planting of Turkish carnation by division

dense bushes Turkish cloves reproduce successfully by division. Best of all, carnation reproduces by dividing in the fall.

Brugmansia: planting and care
Lavender - planting and care in the garden and at home

plant care

Basically, the rules for caring for cloves come down to timely watering, weed control, fertilizing and loosening the soil.

Water the plant twice a week, and even more often in hot weather. If possible, you should try to water a flowering plant without getting water on the flowers themselves. The first feeding is carried out when the carnation reaches 12 centimeters. The second feeding is carried out during the formation of buds. And the third time the carnation is fed during the period when it blooms.

The origin, properties of Turkish cloves (Dianthus barbatus) are surrounded by many legends, beliefs different peoples. After all, it grows in the mountains of southern Europe, in many places in Asia in the wild. Since the 16th century, the Turkish carnation has spread widely as a garden plant in Europe. Compared with wild plants cultivated varieties surpass them in their multicolor and decorative effect.

The flower of the gods, divine - this is how the name of the carnation is translated from Latin. And it is also called the flower of Zeus - the highest deity of ancient Greek mythology. For the inhabitants of ancient Hellas, the carnation symbolized a particle of the human heart, love, fidelity, constancy, kindness, justice. They believed that the carnation brings victory in battles. Christian legend says that during the execution of Jesus Christ, the tears of the Virgin Mary falling to the ground began to grow in marvelous flowers.

The Russian name "carnation" comes from the Polish word "carnation". The last name is borrowed from the German language, which reflected its aroma, reminiscent of the smell of oriental spices - dried clove buds.

The British call this species Sweet William for the sweet taste of the inflorescences. In France in the 18th century, the carnation became the flower of the revolution, and those sentenced to death held it close to their hearts even on the scaffold. In the USA, this is the main gift for Mother's Day, the embodiment of fiery maternal love. In many countries, these multi-colored flowers are considered healing, talismans of travelers.

Dianthus barbatus is a member of the clove family and loves temperate climates. Unlike Chinese carnation (Dianthus chinensis), Turkish carnation is a frequent inhabitant of flower beds, front gardens of garden plots.

She, like her Chinese relative, in the first year of life forms only bushes with rosettes of leaves. From the second, it begins to simultaneously throw out flower stalks and additional rosettes of leaves. This allows her to bloom in all its glory up to 4 years. However, flower growers, summer residents, residents of private houses often grow these cultural garden varieties like biennials.

Small-sized flowers form umbrellas with lush fragrant bright inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter. They are located on each stem. The flowers have 4 bracts with a beard-like shaggy border around the edges. They gave her the name "bearded".

Turkish carnation has a huge variety of colors of single and double flowers. They can be red, crimson, burgundy, pink, white or variegated with different shades, patterns in the form of borders, spots, strokes. Inflorescences with a very delicate aroma resemble large caps on stems with leaves that can also be painted in different colors. Probably, this bright color scheme of the petals is also associated with the ornament on Turkish carpets…

Species and varieties with photos

Around 400 grow worldwide. different types carnations with inflorescences of different complexity. alone garden forms I can name about a hundred. The conditional criterion for determining the variety is the height of the stem, namely:

  1. Low-growing - up to 20 cm. Most often used as ground cover, balcony plants. Look great in rock gardens, bouquets.
  2. Tall - up to 80 cm. Due to their strong stems, they are often used for growing in beds and storing as cut flowers.

Among the tall Turkish carnations, the following varieties are very popular:

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, new varieties are also appearing, hybrids with variegated colors and plain ones. Among them, it is worth noting the Scarlet Queen, Bayerr, the White Queen, Vice Reisen, the Red Monarch, Kupferrot, Summer Beauty, Mirage, Newport Pink, Color Pattern, etc.

Growing turkish cloves from seeds

Breeding these flowers is not difficult, especially compared to the joy of contemplation in your beds or at home. It is grown, most often, with the help of seedlings. The main thing here is to choose the right soil mixture and a place for planting seedlings. We suggest that you first get acquainted with the main points of preparing the soil for growing seedlings and caring for it before planting in a permanent place of "residence".

For repeated, more radical steaming, a grate with frozen and still wrapped soil is hung over a bucket of water put on fire. This procedure takes at least one and a half hours. After the contents of the bag have completely cooled down, you can start using it.

This simple process is almost similar to sowing the seeds of many crops. For planting, a container with holes at the bottom is prepared in advance, where a drainage layer of fine gravel or river sand is laid. After that, the soil is placed in a container, slightly moistened, seeds are sown in rows. They are deepened into the ground by no more than 1 cm. The distance between them in the row-spacing should be 15-20 cm.

The entire planting is lightly sprinkled with sand, sprayed with water at room temperature and placed under a film or any non-woven material. The optimal period for this is March-April in the evening.

Sowing clove seeds for seedlings: video

Successful cultivation of Turkish carnation seedlings involves the following sequence of work:

  • Place a container with future seedlings in a semi-shady warm place (up to + 18 ° C).
  • Moderate watering.
  • Moving the container to a brighter and cooler place (up to +12 ° C) when the first shoots appear after 10-14 days. If necessary, until mid-March, additional uniform lighting should be provided.
  • Dive when the first pair of true leaves appear in separate containers. If growing seedlings in a container continues, then the distance between seedlings should be at least 7 cm, and between rows - 15 cm. This is done about 20 days after planting the seeds in dim light, on a cloudy day or in the evening. After picking, the seedlings are covered again with the same materials as when planting seeds.
  • Pinching at the point of growth of seedlings in the presence of 5 "adult" leaves.
  • Hardening of seedlings from mid-April (periodic placement in the fresh air in the absence of frost and drafts).
  • Planting strengthened seedlings from the end of May on beds with a distance of up to 30 cm from each other.

It is interesting to know that seeds that can tolerate winter well can be planted even in winter. The plants grown at this time are stored in separate pots, and in the spring they are transplanted into open ground at the right time.

For transplantation, sunny or shaded areas with fertile soil are selected. Super sandy or loamy soil is fertilized with rotted humus, compost, ash, etc. This is done on the eve of digging to a depth of about 20 cm a couple of weeks before the "relocation" of seedlings. After that, it is loosened, leveled, watered and covered with a dense plastic wrap 14 days before planting.

There is a classic for Turkish carnation planting pattern between plants and rows: 20x35. It allows the bushes to take root in the first year of life even before the cold weather, and after the onset of heat, to grow evenly and luxuriantly. Neglect of this scheme can provoke the death of plants and not see them bloom in the second year of life.

In order to admire this beauty, it is also very important to properly care for the plant during summer development, wintering and in the second year of its life.

To achieve the desired results, it is important to follow several rules of agricultural technology for Turkish cloves, namely:

  • Watering carried out no more than 2 times a week. After all, carnations of all kinds do not tolerate waterlogging, stagnant water. During a drought, however, you should increase the frequency of moisture, checking the condition of the soil. Watering is done not from above, but only under the root. When moisture gets on the leaves, the inflorescences can fade in the sun, irrevocably wither.
  • loosening should be regular after each wetting to avoid the formation of a crust, cracking of the earth
  • Weeding and weeding important for full development young plants. They are carried out both during loosening, and in the intervals between them when unnecessary vegetation is found. This is especially true during the initial growth of the bushes. As they grow, the carnation, creating its dense carpet on the soil, will be able to restrain the development of weeds.
  • top dressing held 3 times per season. The first in the form of nitrogen-containing fertilizers is necessary in the spring for the active growth of young shoots. The second with the help of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is needed during budding. The last top dressing is required at the end of flowering.

Growing Turkish cloves: video

Despite its unpretentiousness, Turkish cloves, like others horticultural crops, is exposed to unwanted external pests and soil dwellers.

From early spring, a young flower is at risk of becoming prey to rodents, and in summer it may suffer from root-knot nematodes. In the latter case, the lesion is accompanied by fading, deformation of the leaves, and stunting of the entire plant. This problem is eliminated by destroying the affected bushes, disinfecting the earth.

Untimely fight against fusarium leads to the defeat of the carnation, starting with the withering and death of the stems, up to its complete destruction. This disease, which can be caused by fresh manure, cannot be cured. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to disinfect the soil three times a season with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The formation of yellow pads on the shoots, leaves indicates a fungal disease - rust. Soil treatment with lime or hominium solutions helps to cure it.

To combat insects (spider mites, gorac elephant, aphids), which gnaw through the leaves and suck the juices from the stems, folk remedies are used. To process the plant, infusions of onion peel, potato tops with the addition of liquid soap.

The variety of flowers with stems of different heights allows you to "play" with these features when creating landscape design. Undersized Turkish carnation is widely used in the design of bright spectacular borders, alpine slides, sidewalks, garden paths. Retaining walls are decorated with tall flowers. Variegated flowers with single-color scarlet geraniums bring variety to landscape compositions.

Variations of the combination of a low divine carnation with other colors are also interesting. For example, its bright pink, red tones look elegant together with graceful gypsophila, prickly cleoma, girlish feverfew. And the light colors of undersized carnations are in harmony with sage, Carpathian bell, Damascus nigella.

Diverse in color, tall varieties seem to set off the tenderness of escholzia, scarlet lychnis, lupine.

flower arrangements Turkish carnations of different sizes look very impressive surrounded by other hydrangeas, nasturtiums, and marigolds rich in inflorescences and colors. However, the neighborhood with dahlias, gladioli, tulips is less suitable for this beauty.

However, the use of Turkish carnations in the design of living space can only be limited by your imagination. And comprehending the basics of its cultivation will help to feel the taste for this creativity.

Turkish carnation, although easy to care for, looks amazing on household plots. Its dignity is the lush variegated inflorescences that exude a delicate enchanting aroma. The flower is very much loved in Turkey for its beauty. In England, it is also called Sweet William, and bright inflorescences are eaten. This herbaceous plant is often used in landscape design, on lawns and for decorating borders and retaining walls. In Russia, many gardeners also fell in love with Turkish cloves. Growing from seed- one of the most common ways of its reproduction, which even a beginner can handle.

Reference. The genus Carnation (Diánthus) from the Carnation family was classified and named by the Swedish scientist K. Linnaeus in honor of one of the deities of the ancient Greek pantheon. The literal translation of the Latin name for carnation is "flower of Zeus".

Carnation seeds can be obtained on your own, borrowed from friends, or purchased through the distribution network from professional breeders.

We get our own seeds

Turkish carnation seeds can only be harvested from plants that are two years old or older. The flowering of the plant lasts about 30 days, and approximately by the end of August, fruit-boxes form on the inflorescences. Inside them are flat seeds. At the same time, the ripening period may vary, and depends on the variety and region.

The seed material retains its properties for three years after harvest, provided that it has been provided with the correct storage conditions. The collected and dried seeds are placed in foil, vacuum or just paper bags and left in dark place. The optimum temperature for their storage is 10–12 °C with a humidity of about 85–90%. Too dry air is harmful because it reduces the germination of seeds, and excessive moisture in the air provokes fungal infections and premature germination.

Purchased seeds

More reliable way get cloves by sowing with good varietal data - purchase seeds or seed mixtures from professional breeders. Many Russian companies produce such products.

Sowing for seedlings

Turkish cloves - perennial. However, it is also cultivated as a biennial. The advantage of propagation from seedlings is that flowers appear in the first year.

Preparing the soil for sowing seedlings

For sowing seeds, a substrate is prepared from the following components:

  • peat and turf land - 2 parts each;
  • sand - 1 part.

Sand improves gas exchange in the soil, and peat provides seedlings with useful substances. This contributes to a higher germination of Turkish cloves.

The second method of disinfection - steaming. Place a large pot or bucket on the stove, add water and bring to a boil. A grate is placed on top of the container, on which the soil mixture is placed, placed in several layers of gauze. The substrate is treated with high temperature for 90 minutes. Immediately before sowing the seeds, the earth is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Growing seedlings

To obtain seedlings, cloves are sown in February. Beforehand, the container is doused with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate to reduce the likelihood of developing fungal infections. A drainage layer is laid out at the bottom, for which gravel, expanded clay, fragments of broken ceramic dishes are used. In extreme cases, crushed foam is used.

Gardening stores sell special drainage materials. In addition to maintaining a certain level of humidity, they also perform another task - they protect the soil from toxic substances and salts of heavy metals.

The seeds are placed in the prepared soil to a depth of 1 cm, keeping a distance of 2–3 cm between them. At the first stage, the container is placed in a room with a temperature of about 17 ° C. The container is covered with paper or film, periodically airing and spraying water onto the surface. When shoots appear, the seedlings are moved to a room with a temperature of about 15 ° C, but with good lighting. Higher temperatures will provoke rapid growth, which will affect the decorativeness of the bush.

Reference. The sowing density for all plants is determined as follows: 2–3-week-old seedling sprouts should not completely obscure the ground with foliage.

When 3 leaves appeared from the ground, the bushes are planted in separate pots filled with soil mixture, a similar mixture for sowing for seedlings. Before planting in open ground, young plants are first taken out to Fresh air for 2-3 hours. Dishes with sprouts are left in shading, hiding from straight lines. sun rays. The exposure time is increased every day. At night, the pots are left at the window with an open window. This allows the culture to get used to the new conditions.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in the third or fourth week of May, when frosts are unlikely and the soil has warmed up sufficiently.

Attention! Turkish carnation does not tolerate the transplant procedure very well. Therefore, when diving, it is better to place seedlings in pots, with which they are then transferred to open ground.

Video - Turkish clove picking

Sowing in open ground

Growing seedlings is an optional growing process. Seeds are often immediately sown in open ground "before winter" - in October. The soil must be dry. In the garden, deepenings of 1 cm are made, in which the seeds are placed. A distance of about 15 cm is left between the rows. The plot is mulched from above sawdust or peat. In the spring, the warming layer is removed. However, when sown in the garden in the first season, only leaves appear on the shoots, and only in the second year the plant blooms. To get young plants from existing varieties, it is not necessary to collect ripe boxes until they open. Seeds will scatter and self-seeding will form.

Reference. Seeds can be sown in spring, in the second half of April. After sowing, the flower beds are abundantly watered.

The soil

Turkish carnation needs fertile soil. Loams and sandy loams are also suitable, subject to sufficient feeding. For a flower, areas open to the sun or partial shade are selected. Shortly before sowing or planting seedlings, the earth is dug up to a depth of 30 cm. The bed is leveled and moistened with increased dryness of the soil. Then the future flower bed is covered with agrofibre for 14 days.

Turkish cloves prefer soils with a neutral level of acidity (pH 7). You can check this indicator with a litmus strip. If the soils are acidic, then wood ash is added at the rate of 700 grams per 1 sq. m. You can also use lime - 50 kg per 1 weave. The drug is applied in the fall, distributed in an even layer over the surface of the soil, after which the site is dug up.

Attention! Uneven coverage of the soil with lime causes chemical burns plants.


This flower culture does not tolerate waterlogging and stagnant water, which provokes rotting of the root system. The optimal frequency of watering is twice a week, in dry weather, watering can be increased. A bucket of water is poured onto a 1x1 bed, in dry weather - a little more, depending on the condition of the soil. The liquid is poured under the root. If the drops fall on the greens, a burn is formed in the form of ugly brown spots that worsen the external data of the plant.

top dressing

It is especially important to fertilize in the first year of a plant's life. First feeding produced when the clove sprouts have reached a height of 12 cm. For this, 20 grams are diluted in a bucket of water nitrophoska and drug Agricola Forward. The mixture is carefully applied to the beds with the plant.

Second top dressing carried out during the budding period. To do this, prepare a solution of 10 liters of water, potassium sulfate and superphosphate(20 grams each).

Third time fertilizers are applied during flowering. Use the drug Agricola for flowering crops. According to the instructions, 20 grams of the substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water. This portion is enough for 2-3 square meters. m flower beds.

Preparing for winter

Perennial varieties of Turkish cloves are cold-resistant and tolerate winter cold well. But if there is no snow in winter or little has fallen, the bushes are covered with branches coniferous trees or a layer of sawdust. This will protect the plant from freezing. In the spring, when the snow melts, the plants are temporarily shaded with agrofibre. This measure will protect the flower from sunburn.

Turkish carnation diseases

Table 1. Diseases of Turkish cloves: signs, prevention and treatment

Disease namesignsPrevention, treatment
MosaicLong spots on young foliage. In these places, the leaf tissue dies and holes form. Variegation appears on the flowers

Prevention - rejection of infected plants and seedlings.
Not amenable to treatment.

MottlingNot all buds open. On other colors - white stripes, wrinkling. Foliage becomes brittle, traces of chlorosis are visible along the veins
bushinessInternodes are shorter than normal, dwarfism occurs. From the dormant sinuses, an increased number of lateral shoots is formed. Flowering does not occur
ring spotYoung foliage is affected by chlorotic annular spots of gray and yellow. On old leaves, the center of such spots dies off. The leaves themselves become small, red in color, deformed
RustThe stems and the lower part of the leaf plate are covered with light brown growths filled with spores. Infected organs diePrevention - loose planting thickening, watering under the root, elimination of milkweed, top dressing with saltpeter every 2 weeks. For treatment, drugs Bactofit, Topaz, Bordeaux mixture are used.

Turkish carnation is planted not only in yards, where neighborhood is important for the plant. It is planted next to the same light-loving crops as alpine aster, Carpathian bell, rudbeckia. These plants have the same care requirements, including watering, top dressing, etc. If the Turkish carnation seedlings are transplanted into a pot, this flower will decorate arbors, terraces and rooms, forming small clubs from several bushes.

Video - Growing Turkish cloves

Due to its unpretentiousness, shade tolerance and resistance to cold, Turkish carnation is always popular with amateur gardeners. The unusual beauty of this flower will naturally fit into landscape design any household plot. Except bright color palette, clove attracts with its wonderful smell. The clove aroma is reminiscent of oriental spices used in culinary arts.

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    Description of Turkish cloves

    The Turkish carnation (Dianthus barbatus) is native to southern Europe. The flower belongs to the clove family. Its period of growth and development is two years. In the first year after planting, the plant gains strength, produces rosettes and forms leaves. In the second year, the carnation begins to bloom and appears in all its unusual glory.

    A distinctive feature of the European plant is luxurious inflorescences, consisting of many small flowers. Each flower has 4 bracts with a hairy border. Lush bracts, located along the edge, are like a beard. Therefore, this native of Europe has another name - “bearded carnation”. The British call this plant "Sweet William".

    The color scheme of the Turkish carnation is amazing. Coloring is red, white, crimson, burgundy, pink and lilac. There are also other shades of petals, which can be decorated with a carved border, spots and intricate patterns. Herbaceous plant with blue or green lanceolate leaves produces solid, two-color or three-color buds. The catchy colors and unique patterns associated with traditional Turkish ornaments served to give the European beauty an oriental name.

    Breeders bred tall (up to 80 cm in height) and undersized (up to 20 cm) Turkish flowers. The diameter of the petals is 1–1.5 cm, the inflorescences grow up to 12 cm. The shape and number of petals depend on the plant variety. The most popular are terry and five-petal specimens that bloom in early summer. On one bush sometimes grows up to 30 bright inflorescences.

    Varieties of Turkish cloves

    There are several varieties of Turkish carnation, each of which differs in size, number of inflorescences and color. Gardeners prefer to grow the following varieties on personal plots:

    1. 1 Macarena F1. This is a Turkish carnation with double inflorescences of burgundy, white and pink flowers. A distinctive feature of the variety is the presence of a contrasting border and core. Stems up to 70 cm high can be used for cutting.
    2. 2 Dynasty F1. The series is characterized double flowers arranged in spherical inflorescences. The carnation bush grows up to 40 cm and has strong stems with many branches.
    3. 3 Little Willy. A low-growing variety of carnation with burgundy, snow-white and crimson flowers, arranged in large inflorescences. This series is most often used for growing on a balcony or rock garden.
    4. 4 Egyptian. The fragrant inflorescences of this plant have a bright color. Each flower is trimmed with a snow-white border. The height of the varietal carnation reaches 60 cm. Its flowering period lasts more than 2 months.
    5. 5 Diabunda F1. A hybrid variety that combines Chinese and Turkish cloves. Abundant and long flowering of massive inflorescences makes this undersized variety an ideal decoration for the local area.
    6. 6 Heimatland. Luxurious deep red flowers grow on tall stems that are easy to cut.
    7. 7 Vyse Riss. Amazing inflorescences of snow-white color are distinguished by long flowering.
    8. 8 Noverna-Clown F1. Many compact inflorescences are suitable for planters and balcony boxes. The coloring of this series is quite diverse. White color harmonizes with pink, scarlet with a touch of fuchsia.
    9. 9 Nigrikans. The almost black color of the carnation is set off by a barely visible border of the core. The leaves can change their color from green to all shades of burgundy.
    10. 10 duplex. Variegated flowers that form white-pink inflorescences are hard to miss among other plants in a mixborder or rock garden.
    11. 11 Undine. The unusual name of the variety was due to the rich purple color of the petals with a white core and a patterned border.

    On the domestic consumer market other varieties of Turkish cloves are also presented. These are Indian carpet, Beauty of the East, Summer fantasy, Scarlet beauty.

    Outdoor cultivation

    Growing Turkish Cloves from Seeds open ground performed in late spring or early summer. The soil is prepared 2–2.5 weeks before planting, for which it is dug up, carefully loosened, watered and covered with plastic wrap to create greenhouse effect. Further, they are determined with a permanent location. Carnation prefers semi-shady and sunny places with a fertile substrate.

    Planting seeds is best in cloudy weather. After removing the film, several grooves are made on the prepared soil, which should be located at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Then they proceed to planting seeds to a depth not exceeding 1 cm. An interval of 2–3 cm is left between each seed. At the end of work, the soil layer is moistened from a simple sprayer and closed nonwoven fabric.

    The first shoots should be expected in 1.5 weeks. On days 20–22, young seedlings dive to a new place. The principle is the same, only the interval between seedlings should be 7 cm, and the distance between the grooves should be 15 cm. Green shoots are covered with protective material.

    By August, the grown seedlings are planted in a permanent place. The distance between green plants this time should be 30 cm. In anticipation of cold weather, carnation seedlings are covered with spruce branches.

    Seeds can be planted in October. In this case, the fertile layer must be completely dry. Soaking seeds before planting is not recommended. To protect seedlings from frost, a layer of humus or peat is laid out on the bed. With the onset of heat, young shoots should be covered from direct sunlight.

    Preparing seedlings of Turkish cloves from seeds

    Growing seedlings of Turkish cloves from seeds can be done at home. Sowing sprouts begins in early March. For normal growth and development of the plant, it is advisable to prepare the substrate yourself.

    You will need the following components: 2 parts of peat, 2 parts of turf, 1 part of sand. All components are mixed, and the resulting soil is frozen or steamed. We must not forget about high-quality drainage and special holes for removing excess moisture at the bottom of the tank. Before you start planting seeds, moisten the soil. When the seeds are sown, they are carefully covered with sand and placed under the film. The most suitable conditions for the rapid and successful emergence of seeds are cool room conditions and moderate watering.

    As soon as the first shoots appear, the container is transferred to a bright but cool place with an average temperature of 12 degrees. Until March 15-20, seedlings need to provide additional lighting.

    When full-fledged leaves are formed on the green stalks, the seedlings dive into separate containers. During the period of full development of five or six leaves, the plant must be pinched at the place of growth.

    In order for the young seedlings to get used to the cold, from mid-April, the containers are taken out into the fresh air, while protecting them from drafts. Toward the beginning of summer, young shoots can be planted in the ground, leaving 30 cm between each plant.

    Turkish carnation breeding options

    Turkish cloves are propagated in the following ways:

    • Propagation by cuttings. In early June, cuttings are cut from a two-year-old bush. They are planted in an inclined position in loosened soil. Seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place at the end of summer. Flowering will begin only next year.
    • Reproduction by layering. In the middle of summer, the stems of Turkish cloves are bent to the ground and covered with a loose, moist substrate. top shoots must be pulled to the support, so that they are in a vertical position.
    • Reproduction by division of the rhizome. In the fall, when the carnation finishes flowering, part of the root system is separated from the adult plant and planted in a prepared container.
    • In order to grow Turkish cloves from seeds and develop a particular plant variety, the seeds should be selected and sown in the usual way.

    plant care

    Planting and caring for a Turkish carnation is practically no different from caring for other plants growing in the garden. It is necessary to water the shrub exclusively under the root as needed, but at least 2 times a week. At high temperatures, the volume of watering increases. On average, per 1 sq. meter flower garden requires 15 liters of water. Too damp soil is unacceptable for the development of flowers, their roots will begin to rot and gradually disappear. Also, do not allow water to get on the leaves of the shrub and sockets. Equally important is the regular weeding and loosening of the soil.

    The first application of top dressing is carried out when the plant reaches 10-12 cm in height. In a ten-liter bucket of water, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitrophoska and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of complex mineral fertilizer, which includes potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus.

    Re-fertilize Turkish cloves when the plant forms inflorescences. For 10 liters of water, 1 tbsp is enough. spoons of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. spoons of potassium sulfate.

    The third application of top dressing is carried out during the period of active flowering. In this case, it is desirable to use liquid mineral fertilizers intended for flowering plants. The proportions of the components are the same.

    Turkish carnation is a frost-resistant plant, but it also needs to be protected from the cold. At the end of autumn, the ground near the shrub is mulched with a layer of humus or peat. Further, the root system is covered with spruce branches. Melting snow is dangerous for the plant, waterlogging the soil and often leading to rotting of the roots. Therefore, with the first heat, you need to remove snow from flower beds and flower beds.

    Young plants should be periodically sprayed with insecticides. Otherwise, they become vulnerable to nematodes, various diseases and fungal infections.

    Protection from pests and diseases

    To ensure the normal development, growth and formation of lush flowers of the Turkish carnation, it is necessary to protect the plant from the gorak elephant and the small spider mite. The elephant gnaws through green leaves and flowers, and the tick sucks out the nutritious juices.

    If pests are found, the shrub is treated with special insecticides. It is advisable to use folk way struggle, namely a decoction of onion peel. About 100 gr. husks are poured with 5 liters of boiling water and the mixture is allowed to brew for 4 days. The resulting infusion is carefully treated with infected areas three times with an interval of 5 days.

    In spring, the plant often becomes food for rodents. They gnaw on tender leaves, causing the flower to die. Poison spread around the stem or an ordinary mousetrap will help prevent the invasion of moles and mice.

    In the heat, the root system of the carnation is threatened by a dangerous root-knot nematode. Because of it, the leaves and flowers grow dull, deformed. There is also growth retardation and swelling on the surface of the petioles. The main way to combat the pest is to destroy the bush and disinfect the soil layer.

    Flowers, leaves and other parts of the plant can be affected by Fusarium. The disease is transmitted from fresh manure, which is used as fertilizer. Fusarium cannot be cured, therefore, preventive measures are important, including disinfection of the fertile soil layer with potassium permanganate.

    Rust is no less dangerous - a fungal infection in which yellowish seals appear on the leaves of the carnation. Treatment consists of treating the soil with lime or special drug- homey. It is bred in a ratio of 20 gr. for 5 liters of water.

    From the invasion of aphids will help potato infusion. This will require 1.2 kg of fresh potato peelings. They are put in a bucket of 10 liters and filled with water. The mixture should be infused for 2 days, after which a spoonful of liquid soap is added to the solution. The finished infusion is sprayed with flowers and stalks of cloves. The procedure is best done in the early morning or late evening.

    Certain types of Turkish cloves are more prone to heterosporiosis. This disease is caused by a fungal microorganism. Determining defeat is easy. On leaves with stems, gray spots appear, surrounded by a red border. Gradually, spots spread throughout the plant. The flowers become thinner, and the leaves begin to turn yellow and die. Since the fungus is almost impossible to remove, the shrub must be destroyed, and the soil and neighboring plants are cultivated Bordeaux mixture and copper chloride.

    Turkish carnation in landscape design

    Experts advise planting carnations in a lighted place next to the same lovers of solar heat. Terry flowers will look great on a mixborder, flower bed or rock garden next to rudbeckia, alpine aster and delicate Carpathian bell. All these plants have similar requirements for soil composition, top dressing and watering.

    Turkish carnation is used to create beautiful borders. Multi-colored "hats" near the steps, arbors, walls will look spectacular. Monochromatic carnation inflorescences will favorably complement dark red geraniums. Low-growing varieties can be planted on loggias and balconies. The tall stems of the plant look great when cut with other flowers.

    If you cut off faded stems, you can wait for re-blooming at the end of summer. Of course, the splendor of autumn inflorescences is not as effective as summer blooms.

    When there is not enough time to plant and renew carnations, do not be upset. This herbaceous plant reproduces well by self-sowing. True, the colors in this case will be much less.

    Conclusion on the topic

    Caring for a Turkish carnation is easy. Thanks to numerous studies conducted in recent years, breeders have been able to develop varieties that are resistant to various pests and diseases. Despite this, when growing Turkish cloves, one must take into account the rules of cultivation and strictly follow them.

    Of great importance is the soil intended for planting cloves. It must be fertile and contain all the necessary minerals for normal plant growth. The location of the bush must be lit by the sun.

    Regular watering and fertilizing contribute to the active development and formation of flowers on the stem. nutrients. Control over the plant during the growth period will help to identify in time dangerous diseases, prevent fungal infection and resist pest invasion. In response to this concern beautiful plant will give an exquisite fragrance and incredibly juicy colors, reminiscent of oriental spices and spices.

    In the numerous genus of carnations, the Turkish carnation stands out: firstly, it is perhaps most often found in our flower beds, and secondly, it is a biennial. Strictly speaking, in nature, this variety grows as a perennial, but due to the cool climate in middle lane our country is cultivated as a biennial.

    The plant is incredibly popular - in almost every garden you can find multi-colored inflorescences of Turkish carnations. This is not surprising: its small but bright flowers are very attractive and perfectly decorate flower beds. In addition, despite the short lifespan, the culture is very unpretentious and easily propagated. In addition, Turkish cloves exude a wonderful aroma and are an excellent honey plant that attracts bees.

    But this is not all the advantages of a wonderful plant. Its flowers are edible, and the petals have a pleasant sweetish taste. Turkish cloves are also considered medicinal, although official science has not yet confirmed this fact. However, despite the many useful properties, most often Turkish cloves are used in ornamental gardening.

    Cultivation of the plant began in the XIV century, and the first mention of it is found in the writings of the English botanist and naturalist John Gerard.

    The Russian name of the species indicates the birthplace of culture: in the natural environment, the flower can most often be found in Southern Europe and the Middle East. In addition, the wild Turkish carnation grows in northeast China as well as southeast Russia. Well, garden varieties can be found all over the world, they are especially popular in regions with temperate climate. Natural varieties of the plant are usually colored red and white, cultivated Turkish carnations have a variety of shades - pink, purple, lilac, white, red, etc. The selection has also worked on the shape of the flower - terry and semi-double inflorescences are often found, and the height of the varieties may vary.

    Interesting English title Turkish carnation: In the UK, the flower is called Sweet William. There are several versions of the origin of the unusual nickname. According to one of the legends, the plant is named after the famous commander of the XVIII century Duke of Cumberland William-August, according to another - in honor of William Shakespeare. Other famous people with the same name are also mentioned - William the Conqueror and St. William of York. According to another, more prosaic version, the word "william" is consonant with the French "oeillet", which translates as "carnation". The English are very fond of this flower: it often appears in folklore romantic ballads and was even included in the bride's bouquet during the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

    In our country, this species is sometimes called a bearded carnation because of the large number of filiform bracts that look like a beard around a flower.

    Botany classifies the Turkish carnation (lat. Dianthus barbatus) as a large genus of carnations (lat. Dianthus) of the clove family (lat. Caryophyllaceae). This is a medium-high (20-60 cm high) herbaceous plant with strong erect shoots, narrow elongated (1-2 cm long, 4-10 cm wide) green or silver-green leaves and dense corymbose inflorescences, consisting of individual flowers of various coloring. The diameter of one flower varies from 2 to 3 cm, and the diameter of the entire inflorescence is about 10-15 cm. Usually the flower consists of five petals, however, flowers of double and semi-double forms can contain up to ten petals. After flowering, a fruit-box is formed with large quantity flat black seeds.

    Two subspecies of the flower are known, each of which is cultivated:

    • Bearded carnation (lat. Dianthus barbatus var. barbatus)
    • Asian carnation (lat. Dianthus barbatus var. asiaticus)

    There are countless varieties of Turkish cloves. Conventionally, they can be divided by height.

    To undersized varieties(up to 35 cm) include:

    • "Heart Attack" (Hart Attack) - bushes about 30 cm high, with dense inflorescences of a rich wine-red hue. In the center of the flower are small white dots.
    • "Noverna" (Noverna) - variety series, characterized by medium (about 30 cm in height) size, large flowers of various colors and elongated bright green leaves.
    • "Diabunda" (Diabunda) - a collection of undersized, highly branched varieties of different colors. Often grown as a pot crop. "Purple Picotee" - creamy purple inflorescences, "Crimson" - scarlet inflorescences, "Red" - dark red inflorescences.
    • "Festival" (Festival) - a series of varieties whose height does not exceed 25 cm. Popular colors: "Light Pink" - light pink, "White Flame" - two-tone white and pink, "White" - cream, "Salmon" - salmon , "Cherry" - dark cherry, etc.

    G. "Heart Attack", G. "Noverna", G. "Diabunda", G. "Festival"
    • "Dash" (Dash) is a group of perennial (rather than biennial) varieties of Turkish cloves. The height of an individual plant is 30-35 cm, the color can be different: "Magician" - white-pink flowers, flowers of different shades are collected in one inflorescence, "Crimson" - maroon flowers.
    • "Wee Willie" (Wee Willie) - very short (up to 15 cm) plants with bright, mostly two-tone, white-pink flowers.
    • "Indian Carpet" (Indian Carpet) - Another dwarf (12-15 cm) variety that can be used as a ground cover. On sale most often you can find a mixture of red, white and pink shades.
    • "Dynasty Orchid" (Dynasty Orchid) - a terry variety of medium (25-30 cm) sizes. Red, pink and cream colors are common.

    G. "Dash", G. "Wee Willie", G. "Indian Carpet", G. "Dynasty Orchid"

    Tall (up to 60 cm) Turkish carnations are:

    • "Holborn Glory" (Holborn Glory) is a variety that has been cultivated since the 20s of the last century. Bushes, reaching a height of 60 cm, are decorated with large two-color (white-red) inflorescences.
    • "Messenger" (Messenger) - a group of medium tall (up to 45 cm) plants with large, usually without a pattern, flowers. "White" - white inflorescences, "Red" - red inflorescences.
    • "Rocking Red" (Rockin Red) - a large (45-60 cm) variety with beautiful, rich red flowers.
    • "Diadem" (Diadem) - a plant about 38 cm high with bright red flowers with a white center.
    • "Heimatland" (Heimatland) - a variety with a classic red-white (white center, red edges) coloring 45-47 cm high.

    G. Holborn Glory, G. Rocking Red, G. Diadem, G. Heimatland

    Most often, various mixtures of colors are found on sale, for example "Auricula Eyed Mixed", " Festival Mixed", "Diabunda Mixed", "Super Duplex Mixed", "Kaleidoscope Mixed" and others. They look much brighter and more interesting than plain varieties.

    Well, the following are considered the most unusual Turkish carnations:

    • "Nigrescens" (Nigrescens, black) - a group of varieties that stands out for its very dark color. The most widely known variety of the group can be called "Sooty" (Essence) - a medium-high (30-37 cm) carnation with red-violet, almost black, flowers and a large number of thin long bracts.
    • "Green Trick", "Green Ball" (Green Trick, Green Ball) - Japanese varieties that hit the Dutch flower market. Tall shoots adorn fluffy bright green balls. These balls are not flowers, moreover, the plant does not bloom, and long fluffs are thin thread-like bracts.

    G. "Sooty", G. "Green Ball"

    There are countless varieties of Turkish cloves, and every year breeders delight gardeners with new ones, each of which is uniquely beautiful.

    Turkish carnation in landscape design

    This garden plant is truly versatile. It can be used in a wide variety of landscape compositions: borders, mixborders, discounts. Moreover, both monotypic flower beds and multi-species flower beds look great. Tall and medium-sized varieties of Turkish cloves will be an excellent backdrop for lower ground covers. The only thing a gardener should remember when creating complex diverse compositions is the flowering time of each species.

    Low-growing varieties of sweet William are great for alpine slides and rock gardens, especially since open sun combined with poor rocky soil are ideal conditions for Turkish cloves.

    Due to its natural beauty, the flower fits perfectly into an artificial landscape that imitates wildlife, and the pleasant aroma of the plant will attract butterflies, bees and birds to such a garden.

    Sometimes Turkish cloves are grown in outdoor containers and even in planters, as indoor plant. It looks good in dishes, but due to its short life span, it requires constant renewal.

    Culture, especially tall varieties, is also suitable for cutting, as an addition to bouquets of wildflowers.

    Turkish carnation: cultivation and care

    As mentioned above, in temperate latitudes Turkish cloves are grown as a biennial. This means that in the first year roots, leaves and shoots grow, usually stunted, and in the second year flowers and seeds appear, after which the plant dies. However, under favorable conditions, the plant can bloom for several years in a row, in addition, it happens that flowers appear already in the first year.

    [!] Sometimes Turkish carnation forms lush green cushions in the second year, but does not bloom. In this case, it is worth leaving it in the flower bed, most likely the flowers will appear next year.

    And yet, most often the plant has a two-year cycle, which determines the agricultural technology of its cultivation.

    Planting and breeding

    Usually, Turkish cloves are obtained from seeds. They are sold in many stores and have good germination. The plant can also be propagated vegetatively. Let's consider both methods.

    Planting seeds

    Turkish clove seeds are planted in different ways:

    • Spring in open ground
    • In late summer or early autumn in open ground.

    Turkish cloves are rarely grown for seedlings, usually the seeds are applied immediately to the soil.

    [!] Some flower growers claim that it is possible to achieve a flowering culture in the first year. To do this, it is necessary to plant seeds for seedlings in a warm room at the beginning of spring, and then, in May, transfer the seedlings to open ground.

    Spring sowing can begin after stable warm weather is established and the threat of frost has passed, usually this is the end of May. The best time for autumn sowing is the last days of August or the beginning of September. It is advisable to sow immediately in a permanent place so that once again do not injure the plant by transplanting. However, if necessary, the Turkish carnation can be transferred: spring seedlings are usually moved to a new place no earlier than the end of summer, and autumn seedlings - the next year, in the spring.

    The technology for planting seeds is the same at any time of the year:

    • Choose a flat area, remove weeds, level the ground.
    • Moisten the soil, but do not soak the seeds themselves! They must stay dry.
    • Scatter the seeds over the surface, trying to maintain a distance of at least 3-5 cm between them.
    • Sprinkle the seeds on top with dry clean earth.
    • From above, the bed is sometimes covered with a film or non-woven material, however, if the weather is warm enough, it is quite possible to do without it.

    After the seeds sprout, they need to be thinned out a little, if necessary. Usually, the sprouts of Turkish cloves are very thin, weak and resemble weeds. Remember where you planted the flower so you don't accidentally weed it out. Further care for seedlings consists in regular watering and weeding of the beds.

    Layers, cuttings

    Turkish cloves are also propagated, although much less frequently, vegetatively. An interesting way to obtain young plants from maternal specimens using layering: at the end of summer, long, slightly leafy young shoots are tilted, trying not to break, pinned to the soil surface with a wooden or plastic bracket and sprinkled with a little earth. After some time, roots form at the point of contact of the stem with the soil, after which the shoot can be separated and planted in a new place.

    Location, soil

    Turkish cloves have earned a reputation for being absolutely unpretentious plant, able to grow almost anywhere and on any substrate. This is true, but the flower still has some preferences.

    The birthplace of this culture is hot southern countries, which is why Turkish cloves are considered sun-loving plant. However, if there are no open places on your site, you can plant it in partial shade. Only completely shaded places should be avoided - in this case, flowering may be scarce or not occur at all.

    As for the soil, the opinions of gardeners differ here. Some say sweet William prefers fertile, humus-rich substrates. Others rightly believe that poor soils with a high content of sand and small stones will be the best choice. Indeed, Turkish carnation can grow on almost any land, however, an excess of humus can lead to an increase in green mass, but there will be few flowers. It is worth paying attention to good drainage - the soil should be loose, water and breathable. The most suitable substrate acidity for cloves is 7.0-7.5 pH (slightly alkaline soils).

    Watering, feeding

    Water this beautifully flowering biennial should be moderate, twice a week. If the summer is hot, the frequency of watering can be slightly increased. Turkish cloves often suffer from root rot, so it should not be overfilled either.

    [!] It is better to water the flower under the root, and not from above. Water drops on petals and leaves can leave unsightly brown spots.

    It is not necessary to feed the carnation, it is able to get all the necessary substances from the soil and water. However, if you want to pamper the southern beauty, you can apply a special fertilizer for flowering flowers during the budding period.

    Flowering, care after flowering

    In central Russia, the bearded carnation blooms, as a rule, in the middle or end of June, and the duration of its flowering is about 30-40 days. After the end of flowering, fruit set and seed ripening begin.

    What to do with a faded plant depends on your goals. If you want a self-seeding carnation, do not touch anything - the seeds will ripen, fall to the ground, and new young carnations will appear next year.

    [!] Carnation flowers are often pollinated, so during the next flowering, the colors of the petals may change slightly.

    If self-seeding is not needed, faded flower stalks can be cut, the more they become unattractive. Sometimes this procedure stimulates the setting of new buds, and in August sweet William blooms again.


    Turkish carnation is considered a fairly winter-hardy plant. In temperate and southern latitudes, it is not required to cover it for the winter. Frost protection will be required only in the northern regions, as well as if the seeds were planted in early autumn, and the sprouts that appeared had not yet had time to get stronger. For winter shelter, you can use spruce branches, dry fallen leaves or a layer of peat mulch.

    In winter, dense thickets of Turkish carnation are often inhabited by field mice, which eat the stems and thus damage the plant. To prevent the appearance of mice, you should create a barrier of fragrant plants, the smell of which mice do not tolerate. To do this, around the bushes of cloves, you need to spread the sprigs of arborvitae, elderberry, walnut or heads of garlic. Another way to deal with mice that is safe for flowers and people is to plant black root, an attractive and very useful plant, next to the carnation.

    Diseases and pests

    Although the Turkish carnation is a fairly hardy plant, it is sometimes damaged by certain diseases and pests.

    Of the phytopathogens that are dangerous for the flower, it is possible to isolate the Fusarium fungus, which causes a disease called. The fungus infects both the roots, on which rotting areas appear, and the shoots of the plant. For the prevention of Fusarium, watering of Turkish cloves should be controlled (there should not be too much moisture), thinning out too dense plantings and using resistant varieties. If the flower is sick, you need to remove it from the garden and burn it, and treat healthy specimens with fungicides.

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