Examples of food in English. Food in English: product names, drinks, food receptions

Decor elements 10.10.2019
Decor elements

Hello everyone, friends! I have not seen yourself for a long time, as the last two weeks disappeared in, who gave me a lot of emotions, impressions and new interesting acquaintances. When you live in one space and constantly communicate, facing other people's opinions and points of vision, you have a net interaction with their habits and characters. Shake, update, clearing consciousness, access to a new experience. Alternately teaching people in English and preparing, I suddenly unexpectedly found that the biggest and outstanding topic in any language is ame for food.

As said Nikolay Yuhdkin, the hell on flipchart the quick scheme and on this topic, - the food is that everyone constantly wants and remember the least. The most inconvenient is to twist anyone in memory in a foreign language " pans«, « whiskers«, « to shred«, « rub«, « shred". Plus to this a huge variety fruit and vegetables which generously awarded us nature. As a result, the dates with pears are forgotten immediately, and in the head all the brought apple and, more likely, thanks to Steve Jobs, and not a fruit.

This week I decided to launch a series of posts and decided to start with cooking and on this topic. It is believed that cooking is a lesson, but in fact it is not quite so. As it turned out, men do not mind to do delicious pancakes and stand by the slab, communicating in English. One noticed - food really transmits the energy and character of a person, sometimes even mental state. Rubber food, as in McDech, is generally contraindicated for long-term use, since there is neither mental or physical vitamin energy. Food prepared in a bad mood has the property of annoying and you after it takes. Therefore, in a bad mood, I do not even come to the stove. Nevertheless, food should be prepared with positive emotion and umbilting. Generally, I already talked about to life, but all words including Junk Food B.you can find on the site languageGuide.org.introducing in the field English and choosing the desired topic.

We will analyze the popular words in cooking.

Crush. - put pressure.

You Must Crush Garlic To Make Garlic Sauce. You have to crush garlic to make garlic sauce.

Mash. - crush, plush

Let`s Do Mashed Potato With Milk! Let's make potato mashed potatoes!

Mix. - mix, interfere

We Can Mix Apples, YouGurt and Bananas ToGether. We can mix apples, yogurt and bananas together.

Serve.- Serve.

Please, Serve This Dish to That Man. Please serve (feed) This is a dish of Mr.

Slice.- cutting slices

You Can Slice This Bread If You Want To Help. You can cut this bread if you want to help.

Stir. - beat

Stir Up the Eggs with Milk. Wear eggs with milk.

Melt. - Rapturing

Please, Melt The Ice-Cream to Make It Warmer. Please melt ice cream to make it warmer.

Grill - Fry on the grill.

Please, Grill A Hamburger to Me. Please feed me a hamburger.

Simmer - Boil on slow fire.


Pinch. - pinch off, pinch

Please, Pinch The Peace of Bun.Please discharge a piece of buns.

Pour. - Pour.

POUR ME SOME COFFEE. Pour me a little coffee.

Sprinkle - to sprinkle

And Sprinkle It Lightly With Pepper. And sprinkle a little pepper.

Peel - Clean from the peel (from the word "peeling")

Can You Peel The Banana? Can you clean the banana?

Grate.- rub on the grater.

CAN You Grate The Cheese? Can you grasp cheese?


Squeeze The Lemon Here. Unlock lemon here.

CARVE - Cut, cut.

Carve The Chicken.. Cut the chicken.

Spread.- Misching

Please, Spread the Butter on the Bread. Please smear oil on bread

Strain / Drain. - Police

Please, Strain The Tea. Please have a global tea.

Some words.

Whisk - beat the wedge. Because Whisk - This is a whim

Fry. - Fry

Boil - Cook

Bake. - Bake


Poach \u003d Simmer. - cook on slow fire

Roast. - Put

A small recipe that can meet on the Internet.

pay attention to Nutrition Facts. (Nutritive value)

Per serving - At the portion

Calories. - Calories

Protein. - Belok.

Carbohydrates. - Carbohydrates

Fats. - Fat

Roasted Chicken. - fried chicken


Spinach. - Spinach

Stuffing. - Stuffing. About what the word mean Stuff. You can read here.

Walnuts.- Walnut

Boneless - without bones

Tablespoon. - tea spoon

Ground Pepper. - ground pepper. how Ground Coffee. "Ground coffee".

Extra Virgin. - (first squeezing)

Pre-Heat. - (Preheat pre-)

400 Degrees. - 400 degrees

cut Along - Cut along

lay Out. - Share

attached - Attached

cutting Board - cutting board

pound - Disable a hammer (as chop).

to Flatten. - Align

rUB. - rub

season. - seasoning (not only as time of year)

non-Stick. - Anti-Fritn

wilt. - Welcome, add

thaw. - Melt

fold - Wrap

Sheet Pan. - Form for cooking (sheet)

roastin Pan. - Brazier

rack - lattice, stand

let Rest. - Give cool

A great day and delicious food,

Hello everyone! Already that a lesson we are repetition of the material previously traveled, and this occupation is not an exception. In order for knowledge to be thoroughly entrenched in our head, it is necessary to regularly repeat them. Therefore, today we will repeat the vocabulary about the things you want or you need to buy. You also learn a lot of new English words denoting the name of the food. Name of food in English

Carefully listen to the English speech of Americans, repeat all words behind the carrier to learn how to perceive English for rumor and correct all expressions in American English.

Product Name in English

Using a table with a "food" vocabulary in English and Russian, you will master the new material much faster, as visualized information is much easier.

Nouns (Nouns)
breakfast breakfast.
notebook notebook.
a pen pen.
soda water, carbonated water soda (A DRINK)
stereo system stereo.
Nouns: Food, Food (NOUNS: FOOD)
banana banana.
bread bread.
broccoli broccoli.
bread grain, grain products cereal
cookies cookie
egg eGG.
flour fLOUR
the fruit fruit.
lemon lemon.
salad latobe lettuce.
meat meat.
milk milk.
onion onion
orange orange
pizza pizza.
salad. salad
soup soup
sugar. sugar
tomato. a tomato
vegetable vegetable
Verbs (Verbs)
root to ache.
eat, eat / eat, poked to EAT / ATE
Preposition (Preposition)
until until.
Adjectives (adjectives)
cold cold
ready ready

Remember this table and then you can easily buy any food and food in the American store.

Theme "Food" (Food) Includes a lot of words and the list can be continued to infinity. For those who have just joined us, here is the additional list of phrases related to food that will be useful to you if you are going to travel abroad - . I advise you to go and there already remember the names of those products that you will eat and, of course, your favorite dishes!

List of English words №2 on the topic "Food" (for continuing)

  1. bacon and Eggs - Egg with ham (bacon)
  2. omelette ['Omlit] - Omelet
  3. cottage Cheese - Cottle
  4. sAUSages - sausages
  5. a Hamburger - Hamburger
  6. boil - boil
  7. fry - Fry
  8. boiled Eggs - boiled eggs
  9. soft-boiled Eggs - Eggs Ski
  10. hard-Boiled Eggs - Screwing Eggs
  11. semolina [ˌsem (ə) 'liːnə] - semolina porridge
  12. hAM - ham
  13. biscuits - Cookies
  14. pancakes - pancakes
  15. cocoa - Cocoa
  16. mushroom Soup - Mushroom Soup
  17. fish Soup - Fish Soup
  18. pEA Soup - Pea Soup
  19. roast Meat (Chiken) - Roasted Meat (Chicken)
  20. fried Potatoes - Fried Potatoes
  21. boiled Potatoes - Boiled Potatoes
  22. mashed Potatoes - Potato mashed potatoes
  23. buckwheat ['Bʌkwiːt] Porridge - buckwheat porridge
  24. letice - lettuce leaves
  25. a Side Dish - Garnish
  26. a Filling - Stuffing
  27. soft Drinks - Non-alcoholic beverages
  28. strong Drinks - Strong Drinks
  29. cocktail - Cocktail
  30. wine - Wine
  32. strong TEA - Strong Tea
  33. wEAK TEA - faint tea
  34. cream - Cream
  35. lump of Sugar - Sugar Sug
  36. have Three Meals a Day - eat 3 times a day
  37. meal - Food (meal)
  38. for a starter - for a snack
  39. for the first course - on the first (dish)
  40. for the Second Course - on the second (dish)
  41. for the dessert - for dessert
  42. aT THE CANTEEN (A CAFE) - in the buffet (in a cafe)
  43. aT A Restaurant - in the restaurant
  44. aT A BAR (A PUB) - in the bar (pub)
  45. taste - taste
  46. smell - sniff
  47. poured
  48. stir - disturb
  49. lay The Table - Low on the table
  50. clear The Table - remove from the table

What about having a bite? - What about to eat?
What about Asking for more? - What about asking supplements?
Let's Drop Into This Small Café. - Let's goock in this cafe.

Text 1. Read and translate.

For Breakfast People May Have Eggs or An Omelette. If Eggs Are Boiled 2 OR 3 Minutes We Call Them Soft-Boiled Eggs. If They Are Boiled 5 Minutes or More We Call Them Hard-Boiled Eggs. Some People Don't Like Eggs. Theyr Porridge or Semolina for Breakfast. After Porridge, Eggs or An Omelette People Drink Coffee or Tea. I don't Like to Drink Strong Tea or Coffee. I Prefer Weak Coffee Wit Milk. My Friend Drinks Coffee Without Milk. WE ALWAYS PUT SOME SUGAR INTO OUR COFFEE OR TEA. To make Our Coffee Or Tea Sweet We Put 2 OR 3 Spoonfuls of Sugar and Stir It Wit A Tea-Spoon.

  • spoonful - teaspoon (what is in it)
  • tEA-SPOON - Tea Spoon

Exercise 1. Name The Objects (Utensils).

  1. spoon - Spoon
  2. tEA-SPOON - Tea Spoon
  3. fork - fork
  4. knife - Knife
  5. plate - Plate.
  6. dISH - dish
  7. bottle - bottle
  8. cup - Cup
  9. saucer - Swashing
  10. glass - Glass
  11. mug - Circle
  12. jug - Kuvshin
  13. kettle - Kettle
  14. tEA-POT - Wailed Teapot
  15. sugar-Basin - Sugar

Text 2. Read and translate.

Our Mother Always Lays The Table. She Puts Cups and Saucers on the table. Then She Pours Out Tea Or Coffee and Puts Tasty Buns and Sweets On The Big Dish, Bread, Butter and Sometimes Appa Cheese. She Calls US and Says That Breakfast Is Ready. We Come to the Kitchen and Sit Down AT The Table. The Breakfast Begins. My Brother and I Put Three Lumps of Sugar Into Our Coffee with a Tea-Spoon. The Lumps of Sugar Melt Very Quickly and The Coffee Becomes Sweet. My Brother Likes to Have Coffee with Milk Butt I Prefer CoFee Worth Milk. IF I CAN't REACH A BUN I Say "Pass Me a Bun, Please". My Mother Passes Me The Bun Saying "Here You Are", and I Thak Her. As Our Mother Wants Us to Eat WELL SHE OFTEN SAYS, "CHILDREN, HELP YOURSELVES TO BREAD AND BUTTER OR TO SOME COTTAGE CHEESE". When Breakfast Is Over We Clear Cups and Saucers Away and Wash Them Up.

Say Some Sentences about Your Breakfast.

Exercise 2. Answer the Questions:

  1. Who Cooks Your Breakfast?
  2. Who Else Has Dinner with You?
  3. What Kind of Bread Do You Like Best, White or Brown?
  4. What Do You Cut Bread WITH?
  5. What do you Eat Soup WITH?
  6. What Did You Eat for Breakfast Yesterday?
  7. Do You Like Strong Or Weak TEA?
  8. Where Do You Keep Your Forks, KNIVES, SPOONS, Plates and Cups?

Exercise 3. Comlete The Santhences.

  1. Don't Eat Off The ...
  2. Don't Talk With Your ... Full.
  3. In Order To () Lay The Table We Must Put ...
  4. The Salt Is To Far From Me, ...
  5. What Do You Like Best, An Omelette Or ...?
  7. We must ... Before A Meal and ... After IT.

Traditional English Food Has Been Greatly Influenced by Other National Cuisines in Recent Years. Despite This Fact, If You Travel to Britain, You Can Still Be Served Up Traditional English Dishes In A Restaurant or at a Hotel.

A Typical English Breakfast Is Usually Quite Big and Substantial. IT Includes Pork Sausages, Bacon and Eggs, Tomatoes, Baked Beans, Mushrooms and a toast. Some People Enjoy Porridge, Fruit and Yogurt in the Morning, Followed by A Toast and Jam, Or Orange Marmalade. A Traditional Breakfast Drink IS Tea, Which British People Prefer Having With Cold Milk. Another Popular Morning Drink Is Orange Juice.

For Many EnglishMen Lunch Is a Fast Meal. In Big Cities There Are A Lot of Sandwich Bars Where Office Clerks Can Choose All Sorts of Sandwiches with Meat, Fish, Chicken, Ham, Prawns, Eggs, Cheese, Vegetables and Lettuce. English Pubs Also Serve Good Food for Lunch, Hot and Cold. QUITE A LOT OF WORKERS GO TO FAMOUS "FISH AND CHIPS SHOPS" AND BUY THEIR FAVOURITE DEEP FRIED COD OR HADDOCK WITH FRENCH FRIES.

A Lot of EnglishMen Drink Their 5 O'Clock Tea. IT's a Traditional Light Meal After Work. People Enjoy Their Favourite Teas with Cookies, Cakes, Freshly Baked Sweet Buns, SCONES AND OTHER PASTRIES.

British People Eat Their Evening Meal At About 7 O'Clock, When All Members of the Family Are At Home Together. AS A Rule, A Typical Dinner Is Meat and Vegetables. IT CAN BE ROAST CHICKEN OR LAMB WITH POTATOES, OR STEAMED VEGETABLES WITH MEAT GRAVY. For Dessert, English Wives Cook Various Puddings and Serve Them with Ice-Cream or Jam.

ON SUNDAYS British Families Like to Sit Toasther at the table enjoying roast beef, Lamb or Chicken, Served with Yorkshire Pudding and Dressed with English Mustard, Apple Sauce, Cranberry Sauce Or Mint Sauce.

English Food Is Simple But Very Delicious. Today IT Continues to Merge in National Cuisines From All Over The World.


Other national cuisines have greatly influenced the traditional English food in recent years. Despite this fact, if you go to the UK, you can still serve traditional English dishes in a restaurant or at the hotel.

A typical English breakfast is usually quite large and solid. It includes pork sausages, bacon with eggs, tomatoes, baked beans, champignons and toast. Some people like to eat porridge in the morning, fruits and yogurt, and then a toast with jam or orange marmalade. The traditional drink for breakfast is considered to be tea that the British love to drink with cold milk. Another popular morning drink is orange juice.

For many, the British lunch is a quick meal. In big cities there are a lot of sandwich bars, where office clerks can choose any kind of sandwiched with meat, fish, chicken, ham, shrimps, eggs, cheese, vegetables and lettuce leaves. British pubs also serve a good food, hot and cold. Pretty many workers go to the famous Cafe "Fish & Chips" and buy a favorite cod or pike in deep fryer and fried potatoes.

Many British drink five-hour tea. This is a traditional light food after work. People enjoy their favorite tea varieties with cookies, cakes, freshly baked sweet buns, cakes and other baking.

The British dine in the evening at about 7 o'clock, when all family members are together at home. As a rule, a typical dinner consists of meat and vegetables. It can be fried chicken or lamb with potatoes, or vegetables on a pair and meat with gravy. For dessert, British wives prepare various puddings and serve them with ice cream or jam.

On Sundays, British families love to sit at the table and enjoy fried beef, lamb or chicken, filed with Yorkshire pudding and flavored English mustard, apple sauce, cranberry sauce or mint sauce.

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