Plant growth stimulants. Trees and shrubs of temperate latitudes

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Many flower growers complain that large-flowered chrysanthemums, especially Indian ones, do not have time to bloom before frost. How to speed up this process?
Medium and early varieties chrysanthemums are grown outdoors, as the early ones bloom in August, and the middle ones in October and even in November. annual plants it is desirable to dig up for the winter, but you can dig in and cover like roses. Plant out in open ground in the beginning of May.

It is preferable to plant chrysanthemums in places that are not shaded, protected by the response. These plants love loosened soil, which contains substances of organic origin and has good moisture and air permeability.

40g of nitrogen fertilizer and 150g of potassium magnesia. Chrysanthemums are fed once a week with mineral fertilizers at the rate of 5-9 liters per 1 sq. m.
To avoid fungal diseases, it is necessary to process flowers 2-3 times during summer period copper chloride oxide. With the onset of September, processing stops, as white spots may appear on the leaves.
When an apical bud appears, it is advisable to feed the flowers with a solution of superphosphate at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of water. The solution is infused for 3-5 days with occasional stirring. Chrysanthemums respond well to feeding with mullein diluted in water. Watering is done under the root.
When the buds increase in size, but still do not open, they must be processed several times with any
drug against aphids. This is done several times every 7-9 days. Otherwise, in a blossoming inflorescence, the tips of the petals may turn black and be eaten by aphids.

When dividing, the bush is cut into pieces with 1-3 shoots. For better lighting Plants are recommended to be planted in checkerboard pattern or in parallel lines. Usually one stem plants are planted at a distance of 25 cm, and many stem plants - 30-40 cm from each other.
It is important to be able to store chrysanthemums in winter so that next year they can please you with their lush color.
If in summer the chrysanthemum requires a lot of moisture, then in autumn and winter it does not tolerate it at all. So that in winter the roots of chrysanthemums do not die, they must be stored as follows. Before laying for storage, chrysanthemum mother liquors planted in pots are watered abundantly with water.
Then kept warm for 10 days at a temperature of 15-20 degrees. At this time, the root system is growing.
In winter, it is advisable to store pots with chrysanthemum roots in a cellar (if any) at a temperature of 0 to 4 degrees Celsius. If there is no cellar, you can create another method of storage at the above temperature.
If the growth begins to wither, snow is poured in a layer of 5-7 cm. Snow retains oxygen, slowly soaks into the soil and maintains its porosity. It is recommended to spray the roots once in the winter with water with the addition of a fungicide.
Tips from amateur gardeners - How to speed up the flowering of chrysanthemums

1. Treat with Zircon 1 ml per 10 liters of water, even indoor violets in a month
2. Use preparations based on gibberellin, a hormone produced by the plant during flowering. The most common is the ovary.
Spray once a week for months - this raises the hormonal status to the desired level and the plant begins to bloom - including the chrysanthemum.
3. Shade chrysanthemums after 7pm.
4. Abundant phosphorus top dressing once a week - potassium monophosphate - 1 hour. l per 10 liters per 2 bushes of chrysanthemums.
5. To speed up the flowering of chrysanthemums, you need to remove some of the flower ovaries and fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers!
6. Do not water the chrysanthemum in the second half of summer, or rather, water it less often.
7. First of the season, shorten her daylight hours. How? In greenhouses, I don’t know, but on the ground: make cone-shaped caps from cardboard and other materials, put them on at 6-7 pm, and take them off in the morning after the sun rises high enough above the horizon. The birthplace of the chrysanthemum is the south, where the sun rises and sets quickly, i.e. no dusk. So you can speed up flowering by 1-2 weeks.

Whatever you came up with modern science. Florists can make their pets grow faster, get large quantity flowers or fruits. Biostimulants help root cuttings. These drugs are available for purchase. It is easy to make plant growth stimulants at home.

Phytohormones and their role in plant life

Phytohormones are substances produced by plants. Various groups are responsible for different processes in their body. So, auxins direct the formation of the root system and distribute useful material. Gibberellins are responsible for flowering and fruit formation. Cytokinins regulate shoot growth.

People have long been willing to lead these processes, but that's just not able to. With the discovery of phytohormones, they have such an opportunity. Having studied their structure and mechanism of influence, scientists were able to create synthetic hormone substitutes. They, like natural ones, are divided into groups according to the principle of impact on the plant organism. These are plant root growth stimulants, and drugs that accelerate flowering and fruit production.

Synthetic growth stimulants

The most famous among them is heteroauxin, a phytohormone. It was developed first among other stimulants. By sowing the seeds treated with this preparation, you can get friendly shoots faster. Seedlings tolerate transplanting in open ground better. Helps heteroauxin in rooting cuttings.

Plant root growth stimulants "Kornevin" and "Etamon" have approximately the same spectrum of action. But the first of them is applied under the root, and the second - by spraying the leaves and stems.

"Zircon", in addition to the formation of roots, also increases the resistance of plants against fungal diseases of plants.

The Epin stimulator helps plants take root faster after transplantation.

You can speed up both the flowering process and the process of fruit formation. For these purposes, use the "Ovary" and "Bud" respectively. The first is treated before the start of the process of bud formation, the second - after flowering and ovary formation.

"Athlete" - plant growth regulator

In addition to growth stimulants, its regulators are used. They allow one part of the plant to develop faster at the expense of others.

The representative of this group of drugs is "Athlete". It does not accelerate the growth of the plant, but, on the contrary, inhibits the increase in the visible part. At the same time, the stem becomes thicker, the leaves - wider. The drug redirects the main part nutrients from the ground to the roots. And they, in turn, make the plant stronger. It begins to bloom earlier, increases the number of buds. If the drug is used in horticulture, then the yield increases by a third.

To process seedlings, the Athlete tool is often used. Plant growth regulator (one and a half milliliters) is diluted in 1 liter of water and the plants are watered when they have 3 or 4 leaves.

When treating indoor plants with a preparation, you can either apply a solution under the root or spray it. The concentration is the same as when processing seedlings. But the procedure must be repeated as many times as indicated in the instructions. If you reduce the number of treatments, the plant will begin to develop rapidly. That is, the drug will work as a growth stimulator.

It is necessary to dose the regulators according to the instructions. If you take less of the drug, then you will not wait for a positive effect.

Exceeding the dose will lead to the opposite result. The plant will weaken or disappear altogether.

Scheme for the use of stimulants

You can use plant growth biostimulants when growing seedlings according to the following scheme:

  • Soak the seeds before sowing with a heteroauxin solution for fast and friendly seedlings.
  • Spray seedlings with Epin.
  • When planting in the ground, shed with a solution of heteroauxin for quick rooting.
  • Spray the seedlings with a solution of "Etamon" for faster and more abundant flowering.
  • Plants before flowering process "Bud".

Rapid cultivation of indoor flower seedlings

Plant growth biostimulants will help you quickly get seedlings of indoor plants:

  • Slice right amount cuttings.
  • Treat them for 10 hours with a solution of heteroauxin.
  • Plant in a greenhouse.
  • Spray once every two weeks with a solution of "Zircon" or "Etamon".

These drugs accelerate the process of formation of formed plants by almost two times.

Preparation of growth stimulants at home

Plant growth stimulants at home are easy to prepare. To do this, you can use bee honey or aloe juice.

Growth stimulator from honey is much faster to prepare. You need to stir half a teaspoon of honey in a half-liter jar of slightly warm water. The solution is ready for use. If you want to process the cuttings, then they need to be soaked for 4-6 hours. Plant bulbs are kept in the stimulant solution longer - from 10 to 12 hours. Don't forget to rinse them with water before planting.

To prepare preparations for plants from aloe, first squeeze the juice from its leaves. A tablespoon of juice is mixed with a glass of water, as in the previous case. But the solution is not yet ready. It is removed in a cool dark place by closing the lid first. Divorced in a week boiled water so that the solution becomes 5 liters. Only now you can process the plants. The soaking time for bulbs and cuttings is the same as when using a honey solution. Just don't need to rinse.

Another way to use aloe juice: pour five drops of juice into a glass with a handle. Juice improves the protective functions of the cutting, contributes to the faster emergence of the root.

Plant growth stimulants at home can be prepared using water in which a willow or willow has sprouted before. The water does not need to be changed.

You can root cuttings with potatoes. For this, eyes are cut out of it so that it does not germinate, a cutting is inserted into the cut and watered every day. The stalk feeds on starch, vitamins, takes root faster.

Baker's yeast - an excellent biostimulator and fertilizer

Plant growth stimulants at home can be prepared from yeast: dilute 100 grams of this product in a liter of water and place cuttings there for a day. Then they are spilled with water to wash off the remaining yeast, and put on germination in clean water. The remaining yeast solution can be used as fertilizer for the garden.

Fertilizer for plants at home

Fertilizers for plant growth can be made at home. Nettle top dressing is easy to obtain in spring and summer. Harvest stems before seeds appear. Crushed, poured into a non-metallic container, filled with water and left to ferment. After two weeks, the process is completed, and the resulting liquid can be used to fertilize plants. Before watering, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:9. The disadvantage is that it cannot be cooked in the apartment due to the strong smell. Beans should not be watered.

Infusion of onion peel contains many trace elements needed by any plant. Moreover, it will destroy bacteria that are harmful to them. Boil a handful of husks for two minutes in a liter of water, let it brew for two hours and spray the plants.

Usually, after eating a banana, the skin is thrown away. It turns out that for growth, the plant needs the elements contained in it, in particular potassium. It is crushed and added to the ground when the plant is transplanted. The skin rots under the influence of moisture, giving its trace elements to the flower. If you are not going to transplant soon, dry and grind it with a coffee grinder. Dilute the resulting powder with water and water the plants.

(without sugar!) - a good top dressing for flowers that need nitrogen. It not only fertilizes, but also improves the quality of the soil.

Roses need iron for normal development. Saturate them with this element will help Rusty Nail, carefully tucked under the root. You can use other metal objects (but not stainless steel). Roses will thank you with bright colors.

Fertilizers for plants from the store

They are on sale a large number of. For example, dry Long stored due to the release form. Dissolves with water before use.

When using these tools, you need to remember a few rules:

  • Before use, the soil under the flower must be watered.
  • Do not feed newly transplanted plants.
  • Do not fertilize dormant flowers.
  • The stronger the flower grows, the more it needs top dressing, and vice versa.
  • It is better to apply less fertilizer than to overdose.
  • Do not frequently change the type of fertilizer.

If you have left in the bottle mineral water, it can be watered houseplants especially tropical ones. It contains many biologically active substances. If watered frequently, the pot will not be covered with limescale.

Now almost all gardeners and gardeners can stimulate plant growth. For this there are special preparations, accelerating germination, rooting, fruit formation. When using the stimulation agent, not only growth is accelerated, but productivity, the level of resistance to diseases, and bad weather conditions increase.

What are plant growth stimulants

Plant growth regulators are now widely available. They exist different types. Some funds affect successful root formation, increase the level of seed germination (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers). Others act more on the thickening of the stem, are able to regulate flowering, the formation of the ovary. These funds play an important role in protecting small seedlings. Still stand out plant growth stimulants made from natural extracts of fungi, algae, bacteria, coal and peat. And there are custom-made ones that are also very effective.

Succinic acid for plants

Contained in brown coal, animal organisms and some plants, in amber. You can buy this drug in the form of tablets or a white powder that dissolves well in water. The substance is non-toxic, harmless even in case of overdose. Applies succinic acid in order to treat weak plants, to stimulate the growth of roots, to form new shoots, to increase the number of flowers. The remedy is considered universal remedy but not fertilizer. Prepare a solution by dissolving 2 g of the drug in 1-2 liters of warm water. Use no later than 3 days later.

Humic fertilizers

Made from natural raw materials: sapropel, peat, brown coal. Humic fertilizers act on general state soil. Thanks to the introduction of such substances, its structure improves, moisture capacity, water permeability increase, and density decreases. A plant planted in such soil receives all the nutrients in an accessible (assimilable) form. It is better to process the plants themselves (soak seeds or seedling roots), the effectiveness of the product increases when humic acids come into contact with the plant itself. It is very important to follow the instructions when working with the solution.

Boric acid

Feeding plants at home leads to the acceleration of their development. Boric acid often used for this purpose in horticulture, horticulture. Its use also helps to increase the number of ovaries, improve the taste of the resulting fruits. The drug does not cause burns in humans when it comes into contact with the skin, but it can accumulate in the body, it is poorly excreted by the kidneys. An excess of boron is dangerous for plants, symptoms appear: burns on the lower sheets, yellowing, twisting of the upper ones.

Plant growth stimulator for flowering

Often gardeners and gardeners use such biological stimulants growth for plants, as flowering accelerators containing gibberellin. Even if conditions do not allow given time him to release the ovary, some drugs can help this. Suitable for processing indoor orchids, tomatoes, grapes, potato plantations, that is, different crops. You will learn about the most popular stimulants below.


It is a drug of natural origin, a stimulant of flowering, fruit formation. The active substance are gibberellic acids of sodium salts. The "Bud" tool increases the number of ovaries, prevents them from falling off, the appearance of barren flowers, improves the amount of the crop, it taste qualities, guarantees the content of vitamins. This plant growth stimulant carries a moderate hazard, following the instructions is essential.


Gibbersib (as this drug is also called) was created to increase the number of ovaries on plants, accelerate the ripening of flowers. It is also used to protect against bad weather conditions, even with them, the stimulant at times increases the yield. The working solution (1 g per 1 liter of water) is used for spraying on the day of its preparation. At the same phase (budding, flowering), the drug "Immunocytophyt" is often used. It is used to create immunity in plants against powdery mildew, gray rot, late blight, bacteriosis.

Rooting stimulator

The phytohormones gibberellins help seeds germinate. Auxins, on the other hand, are considered substances responsible for cell elongation in plant tissues. A tool containing auxins is a root former, an accelerator of stem growth. For growing seedlings, it is very useful to have a preparation on hand that stimulates its growth from the very first day. There are many drugs that are used for this purpose, you will learn about them below.


Growth stimulator for plants, accelerates root formation. Available in bags of 5 g. Can be used dry: the stalk is powdered before planting. A solution (a bag of 5 liters of water) is watered with small seedlings after planting in the ground. Some experts argue that for better root formation, it is necessary to process compost (you can take Baikal, Sodium Humate), which fertilizes the soil. This will provide increased yields, provide protection to plants during frosts, and improve soil microflora.


This drug is not only a root growth stimulator. It acts as a development enhancer, rooting agent for small seedlings, root former for seeds. The action of "Zircon" helps young plantations to survive even in adverse weather and light conditions. The use of a stimulant reduces the risk of diseases (bacteriosis, late blight, fusarium, etc.), while it is practically harmless to people, animals, and insects. The drug "Athlete" has also established itself as an excellent assistant in stimulating the growth of seedlings.


It is useful in root formation, but the work of the nutrient preparation does not end there. Treatment with a solution helps seedlings to take root, increases the germination of bulbs and seeds, prevents leaves and ovaries from falling off. "Heteroauxin" increases productivity, yield of seeds from fruits, increases their quality. For transplanted seedlings, a solution is prepared (2 tablets per 10 liters of water), in which its roots are soaked for 20 hours. After planting, water with the remaining liquid. "Krezatsin" has a similar effect, the seeds in its solution are soaked for 5 hours before sowing.


It is used to rejuvenate tired, weakened plantings, stimulate the formation of roots, increase the level of protection against pests and diseases. For spraying, 5 ml of the drug is diluted in 5 liters of water. In the evening, a procedure for thoroughly wetting each leaf is carried out. The solution is not stored for more than 3 days. "Etamon", "Potassium Humate", "Seedling", "Ecosil" have a similar effect and are very helpful in propagating plants, accelerating their growth, rooting, and increasing yields.

How to use plant growth stimulants

Each drug should be used only according to the instructions. Any deviation can lead to sad consequences: the opposite result or uncontrolled plant growth. There is a certain ritual that is carried out by many gardeners and gardeners to grow different crops. You can learn more about it below (be sure to keep the sequence). To achieve growth stimulation will help:

  • Solutions "Heteroauxin" or "Kornevin". Soak the seeds in them for 6 hours, then plant them in the ground. This will increase the percentage of germination.
  • Preparations for strengthening and growing roots ("Etamon", "Epin"). After the emergence of sprouts, care must be taken to form a good root system. It is advisable to spray according to the instructions.
  • Means for rooting (for example, "Kornevin"). Before planting seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to soak it in a stimulant solution. After that, it is recommended to treat the plantations with "Etamon" 2 times a month to strengthen them, adapt, and accelerate flowering.

Can I make my own plant growth regulator?

It is not necessary to buy funds to accelerate the growth of seedlings or your pets. Everything you need for this, you can find at home. For example, aloe juice is very useful for creating roots at the cutting. The tops of any grass from the yard, ground or soaked, are also a great stimulant. It is advisable to water seedlings or flowers with a solution of germinated and grated barley (to insist on water). Growth stimulants for plants can also be prepared from a decoction of dried mushrooms, honey, egg white, willow twigs, onion peel.

Video: stimulants and fertilizers for plants

Many women, having received one of them as a gift, often wonder what needs to be done to make the plant bloom all year round?

It is necessary to take into account the fact that they are very whimsical and require increased and attentive.

But if you follow the little rules, you can receive magnificent gratitude blooming orchid with several peduncles. If that doesn't help, let us know. how to stimulate flowering.

Age of onset

by the most flowering varieties considered to be and . It depends on many factors: , nature and, as well as the age of the plant.


As a rule, everyone buys an orchid already blooming. Bringing it home, you must definitely adhere to strict conditions for flowering, and then after a dormant period, the flower will again delight with blooming buds.

So, what you need for flowering:

  • right temperature regime . Orchids are very whimsical plants, originally from hot latitudes, so the temperature in the room should be appropriate: from 18 to 25 C. In winter, it is better to bring the flower into the room, and in summer you can take it out to the balcony;
  • lighting. In summer, the flower will have enough natural sunlight, while avoiding direct rays on the roots or leaves, as this can lead to severe burns. In winter, it is best to create conditions for additional lighting with table lamps;

In winter, orchids should be illuminated with special fitolamps.

  • proper watering. You need to water the orchid as the substrate dries, it is important not to dry or flood root system. In the latter case, this will lead to decay and death of the flower. It is best to put the orchid pot in water for 20-30 minutes, so the plant itself will determine the right amount of moisture;
  • air humidity. Since the hot tropics are the birthplace of these plants, the humidity in the room should be very high - 60-80%. It can be created using special humidifiers or spraying orchids;
  • should be carried out only during the period of active vegetative growth. This can be done using special mineral mixtures for orchids, which are sold in specialized stores.


The most common way is stress for flowering, namely - « shock therapy with temperature fluctuations. It is effective for almost all varieties of orchids.

In order to do this, you need to do the following: at the end winter period and reaching the temperature on the thermometer of the balcony 16 C, it is allowed to take out the flower for the night or day.

In the daytime, the orchid will be illuminated sunbeams and warm up, and cool down at night when the temperature drops. Such the procedure should be carried out within 1-2 weeks, and then you can achieve rich flowering.

Important! This method is effective only in the winter-spring period of the year, since in the fall the flower will receive a low dose of lighting. Another important factor is the level of carbon dioxide that the flower receives throughout the year.

The next way to stimulate flowering can be called "drought". In this case, such stimulation can be carried out for those who do not have a clear period of rest. It takes about 1-2 months to get a flower to bloom using this method. The main requirements of such stimulation:

  • increasing the interval between watering, for example, by 2 times (if watering was 1 time in 3 days, now 1 time in 6 days);
  • do not carry out additional spraying;
  • do not feed;
  • at the first appearance of a peduncle from a bud, you can return to the normal mode of watering the plant;
  • in case of ejection of the peduncle in conditions of insufficient lighting, it will be necessary to apply artificial light;
  • after the orchid has faded, the amount of watering is reduced.

Reduce watering to encourage flowering.

Another way to induce flowering is hot shower technique will revive any variety of orchids. For this necessary:

  • carry out the usual watering of the plant;
  • after 30 minutes, move the pot to the bathroom and turn on the shower with hot (non-warm) water. Thus, pour over the entire orchid;
  • the procedure is recommended to be carried out no more than 1 minute, so as not to burn the plant;
  • stop watering and spraying for 14 days.

Make an orchid pop its buds possible with the help of special mineral fertilizers.

In the question of how to water a pet for flowering, you need to remember important rules: better to underfeed than to overfeed. Normally, the orchid needs to be fed for every second watering. For this use with high content phosphorus and low nitrogen content.

It is important that when we make the orchid bloom, potassium components must be present in the dressing, because they are the direct stimulants for the release of buds.

How to make an orchid bloom at home?

With cytokinin paste

The main stimulant for flowering is cytokinin paste. The main component of this remedy is the hormone - cytokinin. The use of this paste helps to speed up.

This requires that the plant definitely threw out the peduncle. Next, you need to find a kidney on it and carefully, using a special knife, make an incision and remove the upper scale (to expose the kidney we need). Apply a little paste to this area and spread it evenly. Already in a week, the orchid will delight in flowering.

Stimulation with cytokinin paste.

Again, when the arrow has not yet withered

To do this, you can use one of the above methods of stimulation. by the most in an efficient way, how in this case will be top dressing with special fertilizers. With a green peduncle, vegetative growth is still preserved, so moderate complementary foods will help revive the orchid.

Secrets of experienced flower growers

To varieties that are capable bloom all year round, include Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium, etc.. They do not have a clearly defined dormant period, therefore, when proper care will delight the hostess all year round.

For this you need to observe the correct temperature regime, watering, lighting and feeding. If the peduncle is dry, it needs to be cut off. This will help speed up the process of ejecting new ones.

Orchid Vanda can bloom all year round.

How to speed up the flowering of orchids?

Often from beginners you can hear the question “What can I do to make purchased orchids bloom faster?”. For this you need to carefully monitor the condition of the root system and the amount of lighting in the room. With insufficient light in the roots, the process of photosynthesis and nutrition will not start.

Also important observe the correct temperature and watering. Do not overwater the plant, as this leads to rotting of the roots and death of the orchid.

Advice! Spraying should be carried out very carefully so that moisture does not get on the leaves and flowers. Carefully monitor that the plant is not sick, treat it in time with the necessary means.

Tips, what is needed for flowering:

  1. It is not recommended to frequently change the place for orchids, as they are very responsive to this process;
  2. In winter and autumn period it is recommended to take the flowerpot to the balcony in the morning, this will help to get the necessary portion of sunny color;
  3. To control humidity and temperature, you need to hang a special hygrometer in the room.

Watch a video on how to make an orchid bloom:

Video about the super-stimulator for orchids:

The following video shows an experiment with watering an orchid with cytokinin paste:

This video shows the results of changing the temperature of keeping orchids:


Orchids are very whimsical plants.. Some varieties are able to bloom all year round, while others require increased care to obtain buds.

Therefore, the owner of such a plant should have a lot of patience in order to get the desired result. For this need to maintain the correct temperature, humidity and lighting in the room where the orchid stands. By knowing how to achieve flowering, you will enjoy your plant all year round.

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Sergey Razuvaev 7.04.2014 | 4253

It turns out that it is possible to speed up the flowering of these plants not only by grafting the "savage" with a cutting of a cultivated variety, but also in other fairly simple ways.

Seedlings of citrus crops bloom in the 10-15th year of life. However, this process can be accelerated. Most reliable method, as you know, - grafting into the crown of the "savage" cuttings (buds) from a fruiting plant. If the operation is successful, flowering can be expected in the 2nd year. But there are other methods to speed up the flowering of citrus fruits.

For example, tree crown formation. That is, the creation of branches of the fourth and fifth order, on which flowers appear and then fruits.

To do this, pinch each branch after the 3rd or 4th leaf and break out all the shoots that subsequently try to sprout from the last last buds on this branch. Then new branches are also pinched after the 3-4th leaf. Well, and so on. In addition, you need to break out the branches growing inside the crown (too thickening it), as well as "wen" - powerful vertical shoots. As a result, we get a beautiful and dense spherical crown. It is useful to form it not only for seedlings, but also cultivated plants(see pic.).

The initial formation of the crown usually takes 3-4 years, so this period can be considered as the time before flowering.

Can give the branches of the plant a horizontal position and even bend them to the ground(improvising with a rope or weights). It also leads to faster fruiting. Like constriction of skeletal branches(0-2 orders) soft wire. Or - section of bark ring. On a branch, for example, of the 2nd order, you need to cut the bark into a ring about 10 mm wide and set it in place, but turning it upside down. From above - tie with insulating tape. Remove it a few months after fusion. In this case, you can expect flowering on this branch next year.

Another way to speed up the flowering of citrus fruits is to keeping them in winter time at a temperature of 4-6ºС; at the same time, with the onset of spring, with the activation of growth processes, the process of reproduction is often included. The same effect can be obtained when the plant is kept in extreme conditions ( occasional watering, hot conditions, lack of transfers or transfers for a long time, etc.). Under such conditions, the plant starts the mechanism of self-preservation, i.e. it tries to urgently produce offspring to preserve the species, and blooms. In my practice, a one-year-old grapefruit seedling bloomed (see photo).

I cut the plant "on a stump" in order to plant a cultivated cutting on its roots. But later cut upper part grapefruit decided to root. This technique also achieves the effect of reducing the flow of nutrients, as in the constriction of skeletal branches and cutting the bark into a ring. Six months after rooting, he took and bloomed. The flower successfully formed an ovary, which on initial stage development darkened and had to be removed. This is not surprising, because the plant was very small and it could not grow a fruit.

In all cases, fertilizing with phosphorus-containing fertilizers has a beneficial effect (better - complex, with a predominance of phosphorus). Or top dressing with superphosphate (5 g per 1 liter of water) against the background of the usual complex top dressing. It is best to fertilize (1 time in 7-10 days) in spring and at the end of summer, it is during these periods that the probability of citrus flowering is greatest. If you want to apply the above methods in practice, do not forget that with a lack of leaves (less than 20 pieces per fruit), the plant may become depleted and even die.

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