How to hang a triple mirror on the wall. How to hang a mirror on the wall - fastening methods and reliable holders

The buildings 25.06.2019
The buildings

The completion of the repair, after the dust has settled in the apartment or room, does not mean the end of the construction pains, there is still much to be corrected or even redone, but the first step is to adjust the lighting and the work of the lamps, adjust the work window sashes and hang a mirror in the room. Only then does the room acquire a habitable appearance.

Is it easy or difficult to attach a mirror to the wall with wallpaper

In fact, the solution to the problem of how to attach a mirror to a wall with wallpaper is not as obvious as it might seem at first glance. Often there is not much experience in such a matter, usually objects, including mirrors, can be attached using a dowel hammered into the wall of the room. But after renovation general cleaning rooms from dust and remnants of wallpaper rolls to beat fresh holes in clean and smooth walls to attach a mirror - somehow the hand does not rise. Moreover, the location of the mirror may change, you will have to attach it in a new place, and after fixing, holes from dowels will remain in the old place, which are not so easy to remove or disguise with repairs.

Fantasy and technical ingenuity tell us that you can attach a mirror to the wall in one of the following ways:

  • With the help of double-sided construction tape;
  • Any polyurethane adhesive composition;
  • Using hidden plugs.

For your information! If the mirror has decorative elements and weighs more than two kilos, you should not try to attach it to the wallpaper on the wall with glue or any similar means.

Even if the wallpaper is "tightly" attached to the wall, the surface layer of the wallpaper will be removed like a film, and the mirror will break.

Need for fiction is cunning, attach the mirror "tightly"

All the above methods are real and available in the implementation for any wallpaper. Among the above methods, the first two are used for light small mirrors, the last two, in fact, are universal, but much more complicated, and require increased accuracy and accuracy.

Advice ! It is better to attach the mirror in places remote from the draft, which will save you the trouble of regularly dusting the glass surface.

Checking and determining how much space on the wall is protected from dust is easy enough. It is worth removing dust with a damp cloth from the planned place on the wall. After a couple of days, run your hand over it - if dust appears, then the place is not suitable.

If the integrity of the wallpaper is not of great value, then the mirror can be attached to the wall using a fairly simple procedure - two dowels and a pair of brackets.

How to attach a mirror with glue

If it becomes necessary to glue something during the repair, they most often recall the widely advertised Liquid Nails glue. But in practice, the advertised composition was not always able to qualitatively and quickly attach even small objects to smooth surface. Therefore, for a relatively heavy object, such as a mirror, it is unlikely to fit. Also, any lime compositions popular in repair are unsuitable for such attempts.

More good option there will be a decision to attach thin and heavy mirror glass using Moment adhesive compositions or polyurethane foam mounting mass. The latter option is more preferable due to the highest adhesion, even on a dusty surface.

If you decide to attach the mirror to the wallpaper with glue, you need to make and stick an intermediate screen on the back of the mirror. It can be made for the entire size of the mirror, in the form of a wide rectangular frame, tightly adjacent to the painted plane of the mirror. The composition with which the back of the mirror is covered is very poorly glued directly to the thin base of the wallpaper, so an intermediate layer is used in the form of a screen.

The best material for the screen will be light and durable fiberboard, 3-5 mm thick. The frame should be glued with rubber or any other adhesive that gives an elastic seam. The MDF board from which the screen frame is made consists of pressed paper. This will help to attach walls well to the surface of the wallpaper and compensate for the difference in thermal expansion of materials.

Before you attach the mirror, you must perform a number of procedures:

  1. Determine and mark the selected place on the wallpaper for the exact positioning of the mirror, more precisely, its top;
  2. Remove and thoroughly clean the surface from dust and residues of wallpaper paste;
  3. According to the markup, apply glue to the wall surface, apply glue to the mirror screen in the same way, wait for a little drying of the applied layer;
  4. After 10-15 minutes, repeat the procedure, remove excess glue and gently attach the mirror to the wallpaper;
  5. After a couple of hours, you can remove the fasteners and clean the glass surface from dust and fingerprints.

If you use to mount mounting foam, you need to do it a little differently. At a point located 40-50 cm from the top of the mirror, according to the markings, we hammer in a 30 mm thin nail, like a needle. With the help of a thin but strong thread attached to the top of the mirror screen, we hang it. On top of the screen, apply a few drops of polyurethane foam from a balloon with foam. Slowly turn the object over and apply foam to the wallpaper according to the markings. We press and leave in a suspended state. If foam appears through the top of the frame, do not remove it. It is easier to cut it after drying by swiping with a blade construction knife on top of the mirror. Before gluing, it is necessary to remove dust from the surfaces to be glued, and first of all from the wallpaper.

How to attach using a mechanical fastener

The heavier the mirror, the stronger the mount should be. An object with a diagonal of more than 40 cm can also be attached with glue, but there is no guarantee of a secure attachment. For heavy mirrors, you can use the old-fashioned way - attach with two small plugs and a pair of self-tapping screws.

If the mirror on the back does not have a base made of pressed cardboard or plastic, you will have to use the recipe from the previous paragraph and glue homemade screen or plank. The larger the mirror, the stronger and thicker the transition frame should be. For glass surfaces with a diagonal of more than 50 cm, additional reinforcement from a thin wooden lath for which it will be possible to attach the frame to the wall. The rail is fixed with glue at a distance of ¼ of the entire height of the glass from the top. After that, at a distance of 5-6 cm from the ends of the rail, one self-tapping screw should be attached, but do not wrap them completely into the body of the tree, leave a couple of millimeters.

Between the screwed screws, it is necessary to fix a strong nylon thread, it can be from the category of shoe threads. The length is about 10-12 cm more than the width of the glass. The top of the stretched thread should not peek out from behind the top of the mirror. Before fixing the corks with self-tapping screws in the body of the wall, it is necessary to correctly mark the wallpaper. To do this, with two pencils, we stretch the thread from both sides in the direction of the top so that the distance between the tension points is approximately ¾ of the width of the glass surface. After that, we measure with a ruler the distance from the top of the frame to the stretched thread.

Next we find optimal location mirrors on the wall and with a simple pencil mark the position of the top of the frame on the wall. At the marked points, we set aside the measured distance, after which we determine the points for traffic jams in the wall.

Next, we use a little trick. We need to drill so as not to damage the wallpaper. To do this, at each of the selected points with a sharp blade, we make a cut in the form of a cross measuring 2x2 cm and carefully bend the edges of the wallpaper. In the lower part, before drilling holes, it is necessary to attach a small cardboard shelf with plasticine or any other material. The shelf will help collect dust and sand from drilling and prevent debris from falling into the gap between the bent edge of the wallpaper and the wall.

At each of the two points we drill holes for plugs 10 mm in diameter. The greater the weight of the load, the greater the diameter and depth of the plug. After blowing out the dust, the plasticine and the shelf can be removed, then the protruding parts of the cork are cut to the level with the wall. You can proceed to the next operation - attach a mirror surface. Self-tapping screws are not completely screwed into the plugs, leaving 1-2 mm.

Then you can attach the item to the thread without fear that the mount will not support the weight of the item. In addition, this method of fastening makes it relatively easy to align mirror glass by level. In this way, paintings and large decorative panels are usually attached to the wallpaper.

If, after repair, it becomes necessary to attach the item in another place, traces of traffic jams can be easily removed. To do this, turn out the screws and remove the plugs. We cover the remaining holes with putty, after drying we bend the edges of the cruciform cut of the wallpaper and carefully glue it in place. If you do it carefully, even up close you can’t always see the place on the wallpaper where you once decided to attach a mirror or picture.

A mirror is a must in every home. This is not only a functional piece of furniture, but also a decorative element. Sometimes it becomes necessary to personally attach a new mirror to the wall. Properly executed fastening will not only protect an expensive item from damage, but also make appearance places of fixation as elegant and beautiful as possible. As a result, the interior will not be spoiled and the appearance of the mirror itself will be impeccable.

Methods for attaching mirrors to the wall

In order for a mirror attached to a wall or cabinet door to be securely fixed, you should decide on the method of its installation. There are several of them, and in order to choose the most suitable, you need to consider the following:

  1. The nature of the surface on which the canvas will be attached. How easy it is to drill holes or hammer dowels in it.
  2. Product size. With a large area, some fasteners can deform the mirror and cause cracks.
  3. The presence of a frame. In this case, you can use glue or double-sided tape, although not in all cases.
  4. Possibility of dismantling the mirror later. Excluded when using glue.
  5. Desired appearance. Few people want to see protruding hooks or other details.

Given the above, it is easy to choose one of the mounting methods:

  • dowels, nails;
  • special holders;
  • glue;
  • Double-sided tape.

Now, thanks to the development chemical industry, eat big choice sufficiently reliable adhesives. They will perfectly cope with the task and will firmly hold the glass product on the wall. There is also a good selection of mechanical fasteners.

Wall mounting without drilling

Fastening with the help of special holders will be simple and reliable. They do not require mirror drilling. The choice of this fitting in stores is very large and allows you to choose holders for every taste. Installation is done in this way:

  1. Attach the mirror to the wall, mark the attachment points. You need at least six (2 each from the bottom, left and right).
  2. Drill holes, install dowels in them.
  3. Place the holders of your choice on the screws.
  4. Screw the screws back into place.
  5. Insert the product from above.

The mirror installed in this way will not be drilled, eliminating the associated risks.

How to hang the mount on the dowel

Using dowels to hang a mirror will be a more time-consuming and problematic task. This is due to the need to drill holes in it. Without proper skills and special tools, you can spoil the product. For fastening with dowels you need:

  1. Take care of the holes in the canvas itself. It is better to order this service from professionals.
  2. Make marks on the wall at the attachment points. To do this, attach a mirror to the surface and mark the right places.
  3. Drill the wall at the marked points.
  4. Insert the dowel bushings into the holes.
  5. Attach a mirror and screw in the screws, having previously installed the clamping parts on them.
  6. The last step: checking the strength of the installation, and closing the screw heads with special caps.

ATTENTION! When making such a fastening, you need to be careful, especially with marking places for dowels. The mirror should clearly stand in the right position.

How to hang a mirror without nails

The main means for such fastening are special double-sided tape and glue. In addition to aesthetic purposes, this method would be preferable if the wall is made of fragile material, such as drywall or foam block. Such a surface is not able to support the heavy weight of the mirror on the dowels.

This operation is performed like this:

  1. Prepare the wall. The surface must be even and smooth. Prime if necessary.
  2. Degrease the surfaces to be bonded.
  3. Apply glue to the decor item or stick adhesive tape. You should be careful with the glue near the edge - if it is squeezed out of the border, it can spoil the appearance.
  4. Press the product against the wall. If glue is used, you will need to install the supports and hold for a while.

ATTENTION! The choice of glue or adhesive tape must be taken seriously. Any means will not work, you will need specially designed for this. You can find suitable tape or glue at your nearest hardware store.

How to attach a frameless mirror

Depending on the surface of the wall, there are several options for attaching the product without a frame. The easiest way is with glue or double-sided tape. This method is great if the wall does not hold nails very well, for example, from foam block or drywall.

Another option is to use a decorative profile or special holders. This fitting is securely fixed with dowels or self-tapping screws. First, the lower parts are attached, into which the canvas is installed.

How to fix a large mirror on the wall

Mirror large sizes will look good in many interiors. But fixing it is not an easy task and requires a professional approach. If you decide to install it yourself, you should pay attention to such things:

  1. Make sure the wall is perfectly level. Otherwise, the mirror will not last long.
  2. Choose quality glue or tape. At big weight canvases, add an additional fastening in the form of a profile from below.
  3. Apply glue according to the instructions. After installation, fix the canvas with supports and hold it for several days.

Having a large mirror in your home can be dangerous - it's more likely to break. As a precaution, it is advisable to paste over it with a special film, especially if there are children. Such a step will prevent the possibility of scatter of fragments.

Features of mounting on walls made of different materials

The properties of some materials will not allow you to securely hang a mirror on them. For example, drywall has a very fragile structure; adhesive fastening methods are preferable for it. If there is a need to use dowels, it is better to use butterfly dowels specially designed for this.

You can attach a mirror to concrete in any way. Before working with glue or adhesive tape, the surface must be prepared - coated with a primer. Another feature this material is strength. It is more difficult to make a recess for fastening in it than in others. To do this, you need a perforator.

Hanging a mirror sheet on PVC panels, which are often used in the decoration of toilets, is quite problematic. Silicone glue will help here. Drilling holes in PVC would be a bad idea - it won't work very well.

In order to avoid problems with this task, it is necessary to take into account not only the characteristics of the wall material, but also the size of the mirror, the selected fittings.

On a brick base

Before work, you need to prepare the surface. To do this, it is cleaned and covered with a primer. Mounting on a brick surface can be anything.

If glue is selected, you need to remember that after installation, the canvas can no longer be removed. Therefore, you need to work with extreme caution. Use glue according to the instructions, without smearing it on the entire surface of the decor element.

by the most in a simple way The attachment is double sided tape. To use it, it is enough to degrease the surface, stick it in strips at intervals of up to 8 cm, remove the protective film and press the product to the surface.

Other ways to hang the canvas on a brick base are carried out in the same way as on other surfaces.

On bathroom tiles

When working with tiles, gluing the product is the best choice. Glue must be selected as moisture resistant as possible. Silicone sealant well suited for these purposes. It is also resistant to temperature extremes. When fixing the product in the bathroom, it is a good idea to remove the tiles in the fixing area. Perfect option- foresee and not veneer the location of the future mirror. It is not necessary to remove the tiles at all. A well-chosen adhesive and careful cleaning of surfaces from grease and dirt will make the connection sufficiently reliable.

Hardware and other holders will also do a good job. It is advisable to try to choose such a size of the product so that they can be installed at the joints between the tiles.

On drywall

Products with a large weight (from 10 kg) on plasterboard wall better not hang. Drywall is a very fragile and unreliable thing. The best choice When mounting the mirror, there will be glue and double-sided tape. If in the future it is foreseen the need to dismantle the product (this is impossible with glue), you can use the fasteners on the butterfly dowel.

For wallpaper

Hanging the canvas on the wallpaper with glue or double-sided tape is not a good idea. This method is possible only if the product weighs no more than two kg, but in this case, the use of these funds is not desirable. It is better to use any mechanical fasteners (holders, decorative strips).

The task of hanging a mirror yourself, although difficult, is doable. Before you start, you need to carefully prepare. Acquire the right tool to carry out measurements and calculations. If you treat it with due attention and patience, everything will work out.

IN modern home The mirror has long been a piece of furniture or even a highlight of the design of the room. Mirrors are installed in the bathroom, in the hallway, in the hall and even in the bedroom. From time to time, mirror glass has to be removed in order to make repairs, glue wallpaper and lay tiles. After re-gluing the wallpaper, the mirror panels return to their original places, and the question automatically arises of how to attach the mirror to the wall with wallpaper.

What prevents you from fixing the mirror on the wall

The mirror is one of the few items that can be attached to walls anywhere and in unlimited quantities. There is even a certain style of interior design that uses a large number of mirror panels of different execution. If you correctly position and fix the mirrors on the walls, you can significantly change the perception of the room and even visually expand the boundaries.

Most of the owners after the repair do not want to drill the walls and spoil the newly pasted wallpaper. Most often, they try to attach the mirror using adhesives, you just need to pick up good glue and solve the problem of how to clean dust from wallpaper after repair.

But attaching mirror glass with glue is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Most often, problems occur in the following situations:

  • When trying to fix a mirror on newly pasted wallpaper. A small and relatively light mirror can stay on the wallpaper surface, but at the same time “pull” part of the wallpaper into an “accordion”. It is impossible to fix mirror glass directly on a fresh canvas, otherwise you will have to look for a way to remove wrinkles on the wallpaper after drying;
  • If the glass plate of the mirror needs to be attached to a water-based emulsion, latex, liquid wallpaper, drywall or a whitewashed wall. None of the materials listed are adhesive and shear friendly, so attempting to attach is not even a good idea. large mirror does not make sense - the coating will peel off.

For your information! Do not try to attach a thin mirror to the wallpaper using high-strength glue with strong shrinkage. In this case, the adhesive mass can create a strong stress on the glass base, even a small load can lead to cracks.

Most high-strength adhesives based on alcohol, dichloroethane, acetone, have high shrinkage. The exception is epoxy adhesive masses, but due to their low viscosity, it is almost impossible to attach heavy objects to the walls of the room with their help.

The opposite situation is also possible, when the wallpaper is pasted on the wall with a relatively weak CMC glue. In this case, an attempt to attach heavy mirror glass with glue will break the wallpaper panel along with the mirror.

Is it possible to attach the mirror with glue

In order to understand how to properly attach a mirror to the wallpaper, let's perform a small estimated calculation. Average weight glass base wall mirror is 2.5 kg. The fastening technology involves applying an adhesive layer 1-2 cm wide over the entire horizontal width of the wallpaper base, which is approximately 60-61 cm.

As a result, the load on the gluing line is 2500:60=42g/cm 2 . For CMC, the maximum load is from 3 to 5 g/cm 2 , for the most durable polyurethane adhesive such as Molefix, the strength of the glued joint reaches 9 kg/cm 2 , and for cyanoacrylate, also known as cyacrine, the strength of the seam can reach 150 kg/cm 2 . The strength of the silicone adhesive is 450 g/cm2.

Any of the synthetic adhesives are strong enough to attach even a heavy mirror to a wall with wallpaper. But not everything is so simple. In order to attach a mirror with glue to the wall, three conditions must be met:

  • The adhesive joint must have the same strength in any direction of application of the load. Using cyanoacrylate, you can glue a weight to the wall, but only on condition that the load is directed normal to the surface. With shear and bending load, the strength of the seam decreases to 1.5 kg / cm 2;
  • The adhesive mass must have very high adhesion to the base of the wall. It is best if the wall surface is coated with a polymer primer. It is almost impossible to apply on lime, cement-sand, gypsum plaster polyurethane, epoxy, silicone adhesive, the material simply does not stick to the base;
  • The reverse side of the mirror glass is covered with a special mastic or paint, the strength of the coating is low, in addition, not all adhesives wet such a coating well. Therefore, before trying to attach the mirror with glue, it is necessary to check the adhesion of the adhesive mass to the paint.

It is quite possible to attach a glass panel to a wall with wallpaper, the easiest way to do this is if the wallpaper panels have been glued to a wall lined with plasterboard. It is only necessary to carefully prepare the surface for gluing, figure out how to remove dust from the wallpaper after repair, and choose the most durable and at the same time elastic adhesive composition that has increased adhesion to the coating on the back of the mirror. In order to attach a small mirror to the wallpaper, it is necessary to prime and strengthen the PVA or acrylic varnish. It remains to apply glue and fix the mirror on the wall for the entire time the glue dries.

Glue the mirror to the wall with wallpaper

First of all, you should not try to stick a glass plate on the wall, as they say, “on the go”, simply by applying a certain amount of adhesive mass to the wallpaper and glass return. If the walls were not previously sheathed with drywall before wallpapering, then most likely the reverse side of the glass base of the mirror will not be able to lie flat against the wall. Contact with the wall will be at a maximum of three points. Even if you cover the entire reverse side of the mirror with glue, the contact spot will be very small, no more than 10% of the area of ​​the glass base, which is clearly not enough to firmly hold the glass.

To attach a mirror with maximum strength, you will need to install an intermediate plate, for example, a small fiberboard sheet. To make the adapter plate, cut a piece of fiberboard rectangular shape, an area of ​​30-40% of the surface of the glass sheet. First you will need to determine the optimal position of the mirror on the wall, make risks with chalk or a simple pencil.

Next, you will need to fix the rectangle of fiberboard on the wall. This can be done using the usual plastic stoppers and self-tapping screws. To attach a mirror weighing 3 kg to the wall, you will need four self-tapping screws. Before screwing in the screws, the edges of the holes drilled in the plate are cut with an 8 mm drill and treated with PVA so that the heads enter the fiberboard flush and do not break the plate material under load. The intermediate plate should be placed in the upper half of the markup of the mirror outline, smooth side up.

Important! When screwing self-tapping screws, it is necessary to control the plane of the fiberboard plate using the level and depth of fastening screwing.

Medium-sized mirrors can be attached to the plate with silicone adhesive. Heavy and massive objects are fixed only with polyurethane adhesives. Subsequently, if necessary, everything can be removed with a thin string, which cuts the silicone layer like butter.

It is known from practice that the least suitable for fixing mirrors are:

  • Mounting foam;
  • Sealing silicone sealants;
  • Solid polyethylene adhesives for hot glue guns;
  • All types of paint, including acrylic, alkyd oil, polyurethane and epoxy;
  • Adhesive compositions for gluing rubber.

Any of the listed materials does not provide a sufficiently strong and stable seam with high adhesion. As a rule, all attempts to attach a mirror panel end in a negative result. Instead of glue, you can use double-sided construction tape good quality.

Mechanical mirror mounting options

The weight of mirrors can reach 10 or more kilograms, so it is not always possible to attach a massive glass plate adhesive composition on a relatively weak surface of the wallpaper. In this case, reliable fixation can only be ensured by mechanical fastening.

Most often, two options are used to securely mount the mirror:

  • Picture suspension on a string or wire;
  • Hook on hooks and bars glued into the wall.

Anyway mechanical way fastening has an undeniable advantage over adhesive options. Firstly, attaching a mirror is much faster and easier, Secondly, if necessary, it can be quickly and painlessly removed, for example, when cleaning or painting wallpaper. If you attach the glass with glue, it will be almost impossible to remove it without damaging the wallpaper.

Mechanical mounts for the mirror

The simplest method of fastening is a picture suspension. If the mirror glass is installed in wood, metal or even plastic frame, then you can attach the structure to the wall in half an hour of work. The mounting scheme is very simple, but first you will need to make mounting points on the frame.

If the thickness of the frame allows, then it is enough to wrap one self-tapping screw on the back of the frame in each of the sides, departing from the upper edge of 10-15 cm. If the frame is too thin, then two aluminum plates with hooks can be glued instead of self-tapping screws. Between the screws or hooks we stretch with a slight sag a thin steel wire or a strong nylon cord.

According to the markings on the wall, we hammer in the dowel or cork under the self-tapping screw. We screw a small anchor hook into the cork, after which you can hang the mirrored glass. The above scheme allows not only to securely attach, but also align the structure, remove and hang back in a matter of minutes. In this way, relatively small objects can be attached to a brick or concrete wall.

Heavier mirrors can be attached using a hidden bar. Before sticking the wallpaper in the wall with a perforator, a niche 30-35 mm wide and 20 mm deep is cut out for the entire width of the future mirror. On the end surface wooden block milled longitudinal groove 10x10 mm. The bar is fixed in a niche with dowels, while the groove should protrude 2 mm beyond the plane of the wall. Then it remains to pull the cord in the same way as in the previous case and attach the mirror to the wall.

If there is no frame, then the process will become slightly more complicated, you will need to glue a wooden or metal plate on the back side with ready-made screwed hooks or holes for attaching a hanging cord. Sometimes they try to attach the structure using hooks mounted on an intermediate plate. The strength of such a suspension will be no worse than that of a wire system, but in this case it will be very difficult to align the mirror with the horizon.


Each of the suspension methods is suitable for its type of wall. For brick and plaster concrete walls it is best to attach a mirror on a picture hanger; for plasterboard, you can use polyurethane or silicone glue, but with obligatory sizing and priming of the wallpaper with a polyvinyl acetate emulsion. If you need to attach any structure to a tile, glass, mirror, then the only possible option there will be silicone adhesive, but no sealant. Good adhesion and high elasticity silicone seam guarantees high strength for several years of operation, after which the fasteners need to be updated.

How to hang?

Impossible to imagine life modern man without a mirror - or rather, without a lot of mirrors: in the bathroom, bedroom, dressing room, hallway, in the office lobby, etc. Hanging mirrors are taken naturally and for granted as long as there is no need to hang a mirror yourself. This is where you have to think, because the walls are different everywhere, and the weight of the mirrors can vary significantly. The biggest difficulties probably arise when you have to hang a mirror in the bathroom or on a plasterboard wall. Let's see how this can and should be done.

How to hang a mirror in the bathroom?

If a tile is laid out on the wall in the bathroom, and it’s brand new, you don’t really want to drill it. Doubts torment: “What if it cracks or falls off along with the mirror?”. How to proceed? It is best, of course, to prepare a place under the mirror in advance. That is, choose and buy plumbing, bathroom furniture and a mirror before the start of the repair. Having chosen the place where the mirror will be located, you can not tile it, but leave it free space. If the wall in this place is concrete or brick, it will not be difficult to attach a mirror. However, it will hang here until the next repair.

Well, if the repair has already been done, there are several options. The first is suitable for those cases when the mirror is really heavy, and it seems inappropriate to hang it on glue. You will have to drill the tiles and the wall.

We hang a mirror in the bathroom. Drilling

Do not be afraid that the tile will crack - if the tile itself is of high quality and glued well, nothing will happen to it. First you need to choose a place under the mirror, using the level, make a line where the mirror will be attached. In this place it is necessary to make holes. Their number depends on the width of the mirror and the number of fasteners on it (if the mirror was already sold with holes for fasteners and with the fasteners themselves).

Before drilling, you need to make holes in the tile: for this you can take a screwdriver and a glass drill. After making neat holes in the tiles, you can arm yourself with a drill and make holes in the wall under the tiles. Dowels are inserted into the holes, screws are screwed. It remains only to hang the mirror, if, of course, it is already equipped with fasteners. We hope no one will think of fixing the mirror only on the tile? Attach the mirror to the wall!

Since we are talking about the bathroom, it is worth saying that most of the mirrors designed specifically for this room are already on sale. with holes and fasteners . These fasteners are decorative: a plug is placed on the front side of the mirror - a kind of “knob” chrome-plated, nickel-plated, imitating bronze or gold or even wood.

The fastener becomes an element of the mirror and is combined with other details of its decoration, especially if the mirror is a complex structure with shelves, lighting, etc.

So if bathroom mirror equipped with a mounting system, all that remains is to hang it and smile at your reflection.

And if the mirror is solid, without fasteners? You can also drill holes in the mirror, and buy decorative fasteners in the store (sold in the departments of fasteners and accessories for mirrors).

However, making a hole in a mirror is a very delicate process. The mirror is a fragile thing, and this must be taken into account.

The best solution is to take the mirror to the master glaziers so that they make holes of the right size in the marked places.

But, if you have experience, you can do this work yourself. Diamond drills are usually used for this. To prevent the mirror from cracking, it is necessary to ensure its cooling during the drilling process. At home, they make something like a plasticine bath, fill it with water and stick it in place of the future hole. They drill carefully, in stages, checking whether there is water left in the plasticine bath. If necessary, top up. It is also recommended, interrupting drilling, to drip turpentine on the hole formed, and then continue to work. When the holes are drilled, they need to be rounded off with sandpaper, but this work must also be done very carefully and slowly so as not to overheat the glass, which can cause it to crack.

Having made holes of the desired diameter, you can screw fasteners and a decorative plug, prepare the wall and hang a mirror - you're done! For reliability, a mirror suspended on a fastener can be additionally glued to the wall with a special double-sided tape.

We hang a mirror in the bathroom on the space between the tile trim

As already mentioned, you can leave a place under the mirror without tiling it. In this case, the mirror, if it is not heavy, and the wall is even, you can simply glue it on liquid nails, and seal the joints of the tile and mirror with sealant. If placed on a thick layer of glue, the mirror will deepen. If you do not want this effect, you can do this: nail or stick on the wall metallic profile, put a leaf on it moisture resistant drywall and already attach a mirror to the drywall - using liquid nails or using fasteners, but in this case you need to use a dowel-butterfly.

Some plant a mirror between the tiles on a layer of tile adhesive or even cement. Of course, this is a very reliable mount, but in this case the mirror must have protective layer. Otherwise, the amalgam from contact with the cement may darken over time. There are tips to process rear surface mirror sealant for mirrors and only after that put the mirror on the cement.

In any case, a “built-in” mirror is obtained, which in its own way is very beautiful and original.

We hang a mirror in the bathroom on a tile without drilling

If the mirror is not very heavy, you can simply glue it to the tile. For this, special sealants (glue) for mirrors or special double-sided adhesive tapes (they are also called “double-sided mounting tape for mirrors”) are used. For reliability, sometimes both methods are combined: the glue is distributed around the perimeter, and several adhesive tapes are glued parallel to each other in the center. Then the protective layer is removed from the tapes, and the mirror is attached to the wall.

First, of course, it is necessary to beat off the line on which the mirror will hang with the help of a level. When hanging a mirror, you need to immediately align it, as the strips and sealant quickly stick. Special suction cups are used to mount the mirror, but it is not profitable to buy them once, so if the mirror is large enough, it is better to use someone else's help.

Scotch for the mirror is moisture resistant. By the way, some manufacturers also produce it. tiles For bathroom. Before gluing the mirror, the tile must be cleaned and degreased with alcohol, allowed to dry, and only then the mirror should be glued. After gluing, it is recommended to treat the edges of the mirror with a sealant to prevent moisture from getting into the space between the mirror and the wall and, as a result, damage to the amalgam. Sealant treatment should be done when the adhesives that attached the mirror are completely dry.

How to glue a mirror with adhesive tape or liquid nails?

If you are using only adhesive tapes, distribute them around the perimeter of the mirror and in the center - parallel to one another. Pasting a mirror liquid nails or special adhesive-sealant, distribute the composition in small portions around the perimeter of the mirror at a distance of about 5-7 cm from each other. Do not put glue on the corners, otherwise, while pressing the mirror against the wall, it can “float” out and ruin both the tile and the mirror. By the way, not every liquid nails are suitable for attaching a mirror. Buy only those that indicate that they can stick a mirror.

You need to press the mirror against the wall for at least 10 minutes. If it is too heavy, it is necessary to provide backups for a day.

How to hang a bathroom mirror on a PVC panel

If there are PVC panels in the bathroom, the place under the mirror also needs to be planned in advance - even before the finishing works. In the place where the mirror will hang, they are mounted additional elements crates, on which the mirror is subsequently fastened with the help of dowel-nails, anchors, etc. A light mirror can be glued to PVC using the same mounting tape or liquid nails. If the distance between the wall and the panels is not too large, if desired, you can drill to the wall. However, it will be easier to buy moidodyr - a cabinet with a sink and a mirror already attached to it.

In order to hang any items on a drywall wall, you cannot use ordinary nails. Typically applied special dowels-butterflies . The longitudinal ribs of such a dowel protect against turning. There is also a locking collar in such a dowel, which prevents the fastening system from falling into the hole.

The butterfly dowel is used when you need to hang a mirror weighing up to 20 kg. If it weighs more, this can become a serious burden for. In this case, the sheet of drywall is hemmed from the inside or outside with another sheet of drywall or plywood. Fasteners are made on butterfly dowels or anchor bolts.

In the same way, with the help of special dowels or anchors, a hook or rail is mounted to hang the mirror on a fishing line, rope, chain.

Today they are on sale special brackets for hanging mirrors . First, the bottom line is marked, on which the staples are attached. The mirror is simply inserted into these brackets. After that, the brackets are attached from above. Thus, the mirror is clamped in the brackets.

Who is not familiar with the modern glass mirror? The design is a polished glass sheet with a thin layer of metal applied to its surface, the so-called amalgam. For the production of budget models of mirrors, aluminum particles are used as a deposition layer, for more expensive ones - silver. The top layer is varnished to protect the fragile amalgam from negative impact external environment.

Such a delicate and fragile element of the interior must be securely attached to a vertical surface. Let's deal with the question of how to mount the mirror on the wall, and try to give an exhaustive answer to it.

Attaching mirrors is easy.

If you have had experience with mirrors and managed to fix them, then there should be no difficulties. If you are a beginner, read the instructions for mounting the mirror on various vertical surfaces.

Mounting Features

Today, there are three main models for mounting a mirror sheet on a wall:

  • gluing using double-sided tape;
  • installation with special glue;
  • screwing with screws.

The first method is suitable for mounting a small mirror on a wall, the area of ​​​​which does not exceed 1 m 2. The holding force of the tape is not too high, so the reliability when attaching mirrors with large area decreases. It is necessary to cover the entire back side of the mirror with adhesive tape, drawing a sticky grid, but even with this method, the adhesive tape is pulled back over time, and the structure may fall off.

Mounting with screws with special brackets-holders differs in the amount of work and their subtlety. When using this method, there is a need to drill holes in the mirror sheet itself, so care must be taken, and even better, give the mirror to a special workshop where it will be processed without the risk of damage.

Mirror on a tiled wall

The most acceptable method of attaching a mirror to a bathroom wall is with glue. Using a special compound for mounting mirrors will avoid unwanted drilling of holes in the bathroom tiles.

When choosing a bathroom mirror, pay attention to its features. For a room with high humidity it is better to choose a model with a silver amalgam, covered with a protective and additional layer of varnish. This design is insensitive to temperature extremes and the accumulation of condensate and can last more than 15 years.

Mirror fittings

To determine the diameter of the holes for mounting the mirror on the wall, you must first select a set of fittings in the workshop. One fastening package consists of a brass sleeve with a plastic gasket, a decorative nut, a self-tapping screw and a dowel.

The technological process of mounting a mirror sheet

It is customary to hang large mirrors at some distance from the floor. So it will not get very dirty, the risk of damage will decrease, and it simply will not interfere, for example, when replacing a baseboard in an apartment. The optimal distance from the baseboard to the mirror is 10-15 cm.

To hang a large mirror on the wall, you need to create a special mount. Getting started, you need to mark up for future holes in the wall. To do this, make an impromptu but reliable stand (you can use chipboard cuttings) for the mirror. Attach it to the wall and see how best to place it. Then mark the places of fasteners and holes for them. Carefully remove the mirror and place it on a flat, horizontal surface to avoid damage. Continue to work with a vertical surface. Check the layout for correctness and set the symmetry. After that, in the places of the drawn holes for the dowels, use a drill to make holes.

When mounting a mirror on a plasterboard wall, there is no need to create markings. Holes can be drilled in the wall by attaching a mirror sheet to it using a thin-walled tube.

IN drilled holes, after the mirror has been removed from the wall to a more secure position, dowels are installed. It is important that the size of the "butterfly" of the dowel differs from the diameter of the drilled holes by 0.5-1 mm upwards. Before installing the dowels, the holes in the wall can be additionally lubricated with PVA glue or any other. This approach will help prevent crumbling of the gypsum and increase the level of adhesion of the dowel to the wall. You can skip this step, but this way the mirror mount on the wall will “sit” more securely.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the process of mounting a mirror sheet on the wall, but you can easily decorate the interior with a new beautiful and modern element.

Now you know how to hang a mirror on the wall, and such a seemingly simple but responsible process should not cause difficulties during the work. Learn to work not only on yourself, but also on the environment that surrounds you. Start with a mirror in your home and you will see how the interior will change dramatically.

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