How to fix the screen for the santana 170 bathtub. All the secrets of installing the screen on an acrylic bathtub

Landscaping 03.03.2020

A decorative screen is a way to disguise utilities under the bathroom. Installing a decorative screen is a practical solution to using the free space.

The size of the factory standard is 70 x 50 cm. The parameters of non-standard panels vary between 75 - 120 cm in length and 40 - 60 cm in height. The factory complete set includes a frame, legs and fasteners. The designs are divided into three groups.

Sliding screens

These are two or three sections that move apart in different directions of the doors. The benefits of decorating are obvious and do not need additional advertising. Retail offers a sliding mechanism on casters and panels on skids.

Swing screen

Hinged or hinged screens are a rare option. Manufactured according to individual projects. Hinged / hinged doors require a lot of space. In the conditions of small apartments, there is a shortage of square meters. Therefore, doors that swing outward are a luxury.

Blank screen

Deaf - monolithic stationary structures of factory or independent production. Installed under heavy cast iron or steel plumbing fixtures.

Subtleties of choice

Quality affects the service life. What to look for when buying.

  1. Frame material.
  2. Panel material.
  3. Accessories and fasteners.

Let's consider each item in more detail.

  • The frames are made of steel, less often of aluminum. The price of the aluminum version is three times lower than the steel counterpart. It is welcomed as a framework for lightweight acrylic bathtubs. Only a steel support can withstand a cast iron container.

Craftsmen advise steel. Aluminum is susceptible to deformation. A steel base with a higher weight is more stable and less susceptible to corrosion.

The panels are mass-produced from:

  1. plastic,
  2. plexiglass and tempered glass,
  3. artificial stone (ceramics).
  • Plastic and acrylic are lightweight and durable. The main competitive advantage is price. The material is resistant to high humidity in the bathroom. Even a person without construction skills can install a plastic / acrylic screen. It is enough to have the right tools and free time.
  • Plexiglas or tempered glass panels. Matt screens are a spectacular decoration of the bathroom. The only drawback is its susceptibility to moisture. The material is capricious and requires careful handling. Even small drops of water leave a trail. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase special care products.
  • Decorative panels made of artificial stone are monolithic structures without doors. The disadvantage is a lot of weight. The minimum service life of an artificial stone product is 10-15 years.

Factory fittings are made of corrosion-resistant material.

The nuances of installing a screen under an acrylic bath

The installation principles are the same for all types of structures. The sequence is described in detail in the manufacturer's instructions. However, there are nuances in mounting non-standard forms.

For example, decorating bowls of a rounded or trapezoidal shape will require the use of a plastic, flexible PVC lining.

For the frame, a galvanized special profile for drywall is taken.

Tools required for installation:

  • tape measure and marker,
  • screwdriver,
  • building level,
  • silicone sealant,
  • construction glue,
  • rags.

DIY screen making and installation

The most economical option for a homemade screen is mdf and lining. The advantage of the model is the interchangeability and ease of accessibility of parts.

Step by step actions

  1. Marking. The first lines are drawn in the direction from the floor along the wall to the intended top point of the frame. Base lines are drawn on the floor around the perimeter. Application is controlled by the building level.
  2. Starting profiles are attached to the floor marks with self-tapping screws. Vertical profiles are installed every 50-60 cm under the edge of the bathtub. The joints of the finished frame are additionally treated with silicone sealant.
  3. Plastic (or drywall) is cut with a construction knife. Holes for the handles are drilled in the cut for the doors.

    If the facade is sewn up with plasterboard, cutting is carried out only after additional treatment with moisture protection agents.

  4. Place the cut-out facade under the side of the bathroom and fix it with self-tapping screws on the profile guides.
  5. The hinges are screwed on and the screen doors are hung.

If the front wall is supposed to be monolithic without openings, the decoration is done with tiles. Before laying the tiles, a primer coat is applied.

For a sliding structure, an upper and lower profile with rail grooves is installed. In this case, precise marking and fitting of parts of the facade is required.

How to install the screen on corner models

The front of the screen is an oval set of metal plates and magnets-holders on the front of the bathroom legs.

  1. We assemble the frame, screw on the legs.
  2. We bring the skeleton under the side of the bowl and adjust the height.
  3. From the inside, we glue the plates with silicone sealant.
  4. We check the correct installation of the plates. To do this, you need to attach the screen to the frame. The magnets and plates must match.

The corner screen of a rectangular or square shape is mounted on self-tapping screws. The installation principles are discussed in more detail in the video.

Decorative tile screen on a brick base

The advantage of a brick-based decorative screen is reliability and durability. Disadvantage - the monolithic structure consists of elements that are difficult to replace. Instead of tiles, you can stick plastic panels.

Make markings on the floor surface.

  1. Lay the first row of bricks. The second row is laid after 24 hours. During this time, the cement slurry will completely set and dry. Move each subsequent row 1-2 cm to the side.
  2. Slide the brick wall under the rim of the tub. Leave room for a technical opening.
  3. Cover the finished structure with a primer mixture.
  4. Apply adhesive over the primer.
  5. Place the tiles on the glue and leave to dry.
  6. Seal the joints.
  7. Insert the decorative cover into the technical opening.

The best manufacturers of bath screens

Aquanet is a Russian manufacturer. The main competitive advantage is the production and sale of asymmetrical front panels at a low price. For example, the Aquanet Borneo model made of white acrylic with dimensions of 58 x 170 costs 2300 rubles. That is, it is half the price of foreign counterparts.

Installing a screen under the bath with your own hands

After the repairs in the bathroom have been made, tiles have been laid on the floor and on the wall, pipes and all plumbing have been replaced, new accessories purchased, many believe that the repair in the bathroom is over.

If there is a basin under the bathroom, water and sewer pipes are visible, all this does not add aesthetics. Nevertheless, all this can be fixed by installing a screen under the bath, with which anything that does not decorate the external design can be hidden. Since how to install a screen under the bath, is it necessary to invite specialists for this, or can you do everything yourself? For this purpose, an instruction has been specially developed, guided by which, you can mount such equipment.

In order to fix the screen under the bath, you will need tools such as:

The screen will help disguise the place under the bathroom, where most people are used to storing things they need and don't need.

People have always tried to disguise the place under the bathroom, where most people are used to putting the necessary and unnecessary things.

Previously, most people simply preferred to lay the front side of the bathroom with a brick, it turned out such a wall that was tiled. This option is quite acceptable, but it has one significant drawback. If there is a leak, then the capital structure will need to be broken, which creates a certain kind of difficulty. Currently, for these purposes, instead of brick, drywall is used, while it is imperative to leave several revision hatches.

However, one must take into account the fact that such windows may not be enough if a major accident occurs, so this option is also not ideal.

Therefore, in order to hide unsightly places under the bathroom and at the same time, if necessary, quickly gain access to the pipes, it is necessary to install a screen under the bathroom. Mounting such a screen is not difficult; dismantling it is also not difficult.

The design of such a device as a bath screen is quite simple.

It is a simple screen, which, in addition to the decorative function, will also perform a camouflage one. With the help of such equipment, you can hide the heating pipe system. Once the installation screen is complete.

additional space appears in order to store things and detergents there, since the screen can be used as a fairly spacious cabinet.

Installing a screen under the bath is especially popular in small apartments where the bathroom is small and this space needs to be used to the maximum.

Screen mounting scheme.

There are many such designs today, but screens with doors are the most popular, they open and close like an accordion.

If we talk about practicality, it is best to stop your choice on the design of sliding screens, the doors of such equipment move on rollers along the frame profiles.

Installing the screen under the bath: instruction

One of the most important qualities of bath screens is that they are easy to install.

All the work can be done by hand, since such equipment is sold already assembled. Thus, all that needs to be done is to take the screen out of the package, and then insert the handles-holders into the special holes made of plastic.

After that, the legs need to be screwed into the lower part of the rack, they are the support. Now the equipment must be installed directly under the bath. When the installation is completed, the support legs should be unscrewed until the moment when they firmly abut against the floor.

How to install a bathroom screen: a step-by-step installation guide

After that, the structure will be fixed and become rigid and strong. When such equipment is being installed, pipes can become a hindrance, in which case part of the screen is cut out.

Before installing the screen under the bath, it should be borne in mind that you should not completely cover the space under it, since it may be necessary to repair communications under it. Therefore, it is recommended to make a sanitary cabinet or a hatch that can be hidden.

When installing such equipment, skirting boards can create problems, but this is easy to solve: you just need to cut holes in the panel of the desired size.

Screens are made of a material that allows you to do this. There are inexpensive curtains that are reminiscent of wall panels made of PVC (MDF or chipboard can be used).

More solid designs use plexiglass, thick plastic, or tempered glass. In order to make frame frames, materials such as aluminum, galvanized steel or chipboard are most often used.

Since the installation of a screen under the bath is designed to hide its side, before starting such a process, you need to plan in advance how such a process will be carried out.

Before installing such equipment, you need to make a structure of drywall, such a structure will be attached with tiles. All measurements must be made in advance before starting work.

When a screen is installed under the MDF bathtub, the whole process is carried out in this way:

Diagram of a bathtub with a screen.

  1. The first step is to mount a frame made of wooden beams.
  2. The first wooden block must be attached to the wall at the level of the bathtub height; for this, ordinary screws or dowels are used.

    Fastening materials should be selected depending on what materials the walls will be made of.

  3. The bars are connected to each other using furniture corners by means of self-tapping screws.
  4. When the front part of the frame is being installed, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of access to the communication systems located under the bathroom, so that they can be repaired in the future.
  5. The finished frame should be sheathed with plates of the desired size from MDF; they must be prepared in advance.
  6. Before fixing such equipment, a special sealant must be applied to the upper frames of the frame and cladding (where it touches the bathtub), which is characterized by increased moisture resistance.
  7. Before starting work, the bathroom should be freed from all furniture, appliances and everything else that may interfere with the installation.

When installing a screen under the bath, you need to take into account the fact that if the height of the bath legs allows, then inside the assembled equipment it is possible to make shelves for different bottles, and on the side you can make a pull-out shelf for the bathroom.

When installing screens under a bathtub, which is made of acrylic (this material is very popular), you need to take into account some circumstances.

In particular, before installing the screen under the bathtub, the bottom should be reinforced; for this, a frame is mounted under the bathtub to support the bottom of the acrylic bathtub. If everything is done correctly, the bottom will not bend under the weight of water and humans. Thus, it becomes clear that there is nothing difficult in fixing such equipment. The instruction is developed by highly qualified specialists, so the result will be positive.

Installation of acrylic bathtubs on a frame and brick with wall fastening

Why acrylic bathtub

Acrylic bathtub differs in the structure of plastics. The inner part is made of transparent plastic - acrylic.

It contains special accessories that ensure the bath:

  1. Hygienic properties. Thanks to the smooth surface, a person feels comfortable, and the inside of the bathroom is practically free of contamination, which prevents the growth of harmful bacteria.
  2. Repeatability. Small lace or scratches can be repaired.
  3. Plastic.

    The product has different shapes when exposed to high temperatures.

  4. Variety of colors. To achieve the desired color in acrylic, a special powder is added before the polymerization phase.
  5. Resistant to extinction.

    Over time, the tap product does not lose its original color.

Acrylic bathtubs are available due to their wide functionality and low weight.

Like any material, it also has acrylic defects, which are expressed in:

  1. Sensitive to products containing sanding and alcohol. To wash the product, use a special detergent to prevent damage to the thin acrylic film.
  2. Poor heat resistance.

    Hot water softens the plastic and can deform.

  3. High price. Baths of the same volume of iron or cast iron are much worse than acrylic counterparts.
  4. Mechanical fragility. The product may be damaged by dropping a heavy object or insufficient accumulation.

To reduce the aforementioned disadvantages of sanitary ceramics from acrylic, you need to use special detergents, first pour cold water, then dilute it with hot water, and firmly strengthen the structure in the bathroom.

In the article, we will take a closer look at the method of attaching the bath to the place of its installation.

The figure shows the location of the frame and the bottom of the brick base.

Installing a corner acrylic bathtub on a frame

The following tools and materials will be needed to use the acrylic bath, install the screen and seal the joints:

  • perforator with a drill 8, 10 mm;
  • Drilling with a drilling diameter of 6, 8, 14 mm (14 mm can be made from a drill);
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • writing knife;
  • tape and pencil;
  • level;
  • car keys 8-13 mm (size depends on the equipment used);
  • saw or electric saw;
  • a brush for pumping dry oil;
  • foam gun and silicone gun;
  • area from 30 to 30 mm;
  • linseed oil, silicone and foam;
  • screws and connecting nuts with a diameter of 10 mm:
  • Self-tapping screws with matching dowels and locks from 6 to 8 mm;
  • brick;
  • metal corners with sides of 50 mm and a length of 60 mm in the amount of two pieces;
  • external plastic corner for tiles.

Before installing the bathroom, it is necessary to complete all finishing work in the room, as well as install a hot and cold water distribution point and a drainage channel.

Possible wastewater treatment method.

It is advisable not to remove the transport film from the bath until the end of the work.

In order not to swallow the tampon, it should be covered with linseed oil.

Consider, for example, the installation of an acrylic corner bath 800 mm wide and 1600 mm long made by Kolo (Poland)

Corner acrylic bathtub.

The plumbing kit includes a mounting kit: square supporting pipes, legs, metal brackets, fittings.

But this is not enough for quality digging. It is necessary to create an additional solid structure. Follow the order of its installation:

  1. Connect the legs and hoses included in the kit.
  2. Tighten the tubing to the bottom of the tub with your feet.
  3. Place the bathtub in the installation location and position it according to the level.
  4. Using a pencil or marker on the wall next to the product, use a line around the entire periphery of the bottom of the tub.
  5. Remove plumbing fixtures from the site.
  6. Attach the metal brackets to the wall.
  7. From cutting cut products with a length equal to the distance between the metal handles, the handle and the edge of the tub.
  8. Fasten the cut pieces to the wall so that the container rests against it after installation.
  9. Measure the distance from the bottom of the support beam to the floor, which is based on these measurements made of wooden elements from wood.
  10. Use the silicone seal to the side of the wooden surface against the wall and install it as shown in Figure 4.
  11. Place the tub on the new frame, check its position and install the frame and rim.
  12. Under the seat, mark the location of the corners to secure the wooden support.
  13. Remove the bathtub in a safe place and fix the wall corners, support rod corners and stop them.

    As a result, the seat must be supported by the structure shown in figure 5.

  14. Attach the siphon and insert into the bath. Place it on a sturdy frame and hold it.
  15. Connect the siphon to the drain and check the tightness of the connection.
  16. Between the wood lining and the top of the rim, the hole into which the extra support was added is securely inserted to create a load-bearing (Fig. 6).

Installation of acrylic bathtubs on an additional bar frame.

Photo 5. Installation of corner acrylic baths.

Fixing the acrylic bathtub on the wall.

The frame adjustment level is complete, follow the steps below.

Installation of acrylic bathtubs on bricks

The bottom of the acrylic product is located on the channel, but cannot fix the bottom positions securely.

The plastic softens under the influence of temperature, if it does not strengthen during digging, the bottom will dynamically change its position. Over time, these loads can damage the acrylic. Once the installation of the acrylic bathtub is complete, it is advisable to additionally reinforce it with bricks and foam.

Photo of acrylic bathroom installations on brick.

Work order:

  1. Measure the distance from floor to floor.
  2. Based on the measurements, select the number and size of bricks so that they are sufficient to accommodate the entire area of ​​the bottom of the bathtub at a distance of 5-10 mm between the base of the brick and the bottom.

    Instead of a brick, you can use a block or its fragments.

  3. Fill the gap with foam. Once the foam has cleared, the bathroom is ready to use.

This installation of acrylic baths on bricks provides not only an even load on the product, but also a secure fixation and reduced heat loss.

Installing the screen

The side screen of acrylic bathtubs is often sold separately. For rectangular structures, the side part can be made independently, for example, from plasterboard with subsequent plates.

In this case, the screen is placed at an angle for ease of stowage of the legs during implementation, and some work in the bathroom. For the same purpose, the lower part of the center is a hole 200-300 mm wide and 100-150 mm high.

Such protection would be difficult to produce for corner products. Therefore, it is advisable to buy a standard bathroom screen. This attaches fasteners, brackets, and spring legs.

This kit does not guarantee structural rigidity.

Consider one of the options for strengthening the screen

Attach the metal handles and stop up to the tub and wall so that it is locked at the borders and grips the tub in an upright position.

Place your feet in the side guard mounting holes.

Prepare a beam of 6 pieces. with a height corresponding to the height between the edges of the screen.

A neat bath for photographic fixation.

In the four prepared elements, make a hole on the side with a diameter of 14 mm and a depth equal to the height of the union nut. Since the nut must fit snugly against the tree, the holes must not be repopulated.

Walnut wood products will serve as additional support legs and others as accessories.

Connect the nuts to the handle.

On the protection page, mark the holes for attaching the timber to the screen. The bracket must be installed in this way: there are no holes on the sides, and the other four parts are evenly distributed according to the protection taking into account the existing legs.

In places where the panel will be installed without union nuts on both sides of the rim, make holes with a diameter of 4 mm in the middle and make a cover to fit the head of the screw, flush with the product.

In the mounting positions of the rod with nuts, make 4 mm holes with a hinge in the top of the guardrail and a 10 mm hole on the opposite side.

Fix the wooden elements firmly on the screen and fix them with screws and bolts according to the purpose.

Place the protection in place, stretch it with the bolts located on the additional support legs between the floor and the side of the bath.

Corner acrylic bathtub for photography.

Sealing gaps

A slot is formed between the water supply and the wall.

To prevent water from entering the wooden frames of the frame and floor, it should be covered. The initial gap can be removed with silicone and the outer corner of the plastic tile.

The photograph covers the gap between the bathroom and the wall.

First, they are marked, and accordingly the lengths and corners of the corner are cut off.

Then the slot is filled with silicone and the prepared corner is inserted into it.

Closing the gap between the corner bath and the walls.

After a day, the design becomes airtight and fits perfectly into the bathroom.

Remove acrylic product

The life of acrylic in comparison with the analogue of cast iron and steel is short.

The bath may leak due to non-compliance with the rules for the supply of acrylic, mechanical damage to the case, etc. If there is no possibility of recovery, the product must be replaced. Since the product is firmly attached to the floor and walls with silicone and foam, follow the disassembly procedure:

  1. Remove the side protection of the tub and remove it to an inaccessible place.
  2. Cut off the foam between the brick and the bottom with a saw blade.
  3. Get a replacement cleric knife blade between the outer plastic corner that closes the gap between the walls of the space and the shoulder of the item and the wall and cuts through the entire periphery of the silicone.
  4. Remove the corner from the socket.

    Do-it-yourself installation of a screen under the bath is available for everyone and does not require special skills.

    If it cannot be detached, cut the seal by lifting the corner for the free end.

  5. Since the container is secured with metal straps, secure one end to the edge of the groove. Do the same with other clients.

This removes the uninstall of the product. When replacing a model like this, you don't need to fix the frame.

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How to install a bath screen: step-by-step installation instructions

Everyone has their own aesthetic preferences, therefore the style variety of bathroom interiors is huge.

However, on one issue, almost everyone is unanimous: the lower part of the bath from the sides should be closed. For this purpose, special screens for the bathroom are used. They are lightweight, beautiful and easy to install.

Bathroom screens are needed to disguise unaesthetic details, the space under the bathroom, and sometimes to get additional space for storing household items.

A few decades ago, these functions were performed either by light curtains or blind brick walls, trimmed with tiles.

Two in one: aesthetics and functionality

Entering the bathroom, a person sees a bath. If the screen is not installed, then the legs of the bathtub, elements of the plumbing system are visible.

They seem ugly, and the whole bathroom looks sloppy. The screen can be an excellent decorative element that will cover all unnecessary and help to decorate the room in a uniform style.

Soviet times, it was difficult to find a decent alternative to the brick walls under the bathroom.

Now there are structures made of light and beautiful materials, but brick screens are still installed in some apartments.

The design will protect the pipes from moisture and damage, and will become an additional cabinet where you can store household chemicals, household items, plumbing tools and other useful items.

Screens are not only beautiful and practical, they can act as a reliable barrier that blocks access to household chemicals for children and animals

What kinds of screens are there?

Now you can buy screens for bathtubs of any design and made of any material. Decorative panel manufacturers involve experienced designers in the design of their models.

They develop original designs that can fit into even the most sophisticated interior.

For the manufacture of screens, plastic, metal, MDF, polystyrene, drywall, polyvinyl chloride, acrylic are used. Patterns, subject pictures (photo printing), decorative elements can be applied to the surface of the product.

Often there are models made of combined materials.

Frames for modern screens are made of aluminum, steel or plastic.

Often buyers choose models with aluminum frames, because they are durable and affordable

Glass and mirror screens look very original. They are used not only for their intended purpose, but also for modeling the space of bathrooms.

For such panels, not ordinary glass is used, but organic glass, because it resists mechanical damage and shock better.

When choosing a material, you should pay attention to its strength, resistance to moisture and high temperatures.

A quality model can last for decades.

Good performance means a higher cost per structure, but this is a case where the investment is well worth it.

Models in the form of lattices are chosen by people who care about good ventilation of the space under the bathroom.

This helps to avoid dampness, fungus and unpleasant odors.

We select a convenient design

Screens consist of a frame (most often aluminum) and panels. They can be deaf or equipped with doors for access to communications and items stored under the bathroom.

There are also models with removable panels, which are usually installed under acrylic bathtubs.

The advantages of blank panels are high aesthetics and durability. A smooth surface can be decorated in any way or left unicolored.

It will look pleasant regardless of the presence or absence of additional decor. With no moving parts, these bath screens last much longer.

The disadvantages of deaf stationary structures include the inconvenience that occurs in the event of breakdowns in the plumbing system. To access it, you will have to remove the entire panel.

It takes a long time, which can cause problems if a leak forms and water accumulates under the bathtub.

In some interiors, screens perform a style-forming function.

A luxurious, bright model looks very attractive if the other design elements are monochromatic or are made in the same style.

Door designs are more practical than deaf ones.

The doors themselves can be hinged or sliding. Both options have their own merits and demerits.

In most cases, bathroom owners opt for sliding models.

Hinged doors open and close conveniently, providing access to shelves with the necessary little things.

Bath screen. Application, types, installation and price of a bath screen

However, a screen with such doors should not be chosen for a small bathroom. Open, they take up useful space and make it difficult to manipulate the elements of the plumbing system.

Doors of sliding screens for a bath open, sliding along the guides. When buying such a system, you should pay special attention to the quality of the metal.

The more durable it is, the longer the bath screen will last. Better to give preference to steel or aluminum.

There are models with plastic frames. They are less reliable, but quite suitable for apartment owners who are not going to store frequently used things under the bathroom, such as washcloths, towels, shampoos, hygiene products, and household chemicals.

If the doors are needed only for access to communications, then you can buy a plastic system.

The doors can swing open not only to the left or to the right. There are models with folding elements. They have the same advantages and disadvantages as swing screens.

Model selection: important nuances

First, decide on a design that suits your goals.

The most convenient options:

  • Deaf stationary model with a technical opening without a door. This design is usually preferred by craftsmen who do everything in the house on their own. It is simple, easy to access pipes, but does not imply the arrangement of a mini-storage under the bathroom.
  • Removable stationary model without a technical opening. If you choose a similar model, then try to stay on a panel that can be easily removed if pipe repair is necessary.
  • Screen with hinged doors.

    If the bathtub is spacious, then there will be no problems at all. If the area of ​​the room is small, carefully calculate the size of the doors so that they do not occupy the entire bathroom.

  • Sliding door model. It is a versatile screen that will fit in any bathroom.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the type, size, design of the structure, type and performance properties of the material

Measure the space you want to cover before purchasing.

Standard screens are 1.5, 1.6 or 1.7 m long and 0.5, 0.55 or 0.6 m wide. There are also models of other standard sizes.

So, on sale you can find screens 1.05x0.5 or 1.9x0.5 m.

If you set a goal, you can find a model for any bath. The only difference is that among the screens of non-standard sizes, models of non-trivial design or with a unique decor are less common.

If you are satisfied with the design with a smooth, monochromatic surface, then this option can be found in any size.

Sometimes there are doubts about the required width. This happens when the screen is picked up before finishing work in the bathroom.

Often the owner himself does not know the exact dimensions until the bathtub is installed and the tiles are laid on the floor.

The problem with the selection of a model of the required width is also relevant in cases where the floors of the room have a slope. You can solve it using a screen on adjustable legs.

During installation, the legs are set to the desired height on each side.

Models with adjustable legs must be selected in length, because the width can always be adjusted. Adjustable screens are available in solid colors or with a variety of decorations

The best manufacturers of bath screens

As for the manufacturers, there are many of them - both domestic and foreign.

Among the Russian manufacturers of screens, the trade marks Techno, Vann Bock (the Karavann company), Remstroyplast, Siar, Aquamate, Ecroline have proven themselves well. Their main advantage is their versatility.

Russian manufacturers take into account the diversity of the sanitary ware market and produce models that are suitable for installation under baths of different brands.

They offer a variety of designs in over 30 color shades.

Materials - a wide variety of materials, including semi-soft nonwoven panels.

A big plus of domestic screens for baths is an affordable price. They are much cheaper than imported counterparts of the same quality, but may be inferior in design and decoration.

Among the foreign manufacturers are the Italian brands Jacuzzi, Albatros, the Finnish brand IDO and the German Kaldewei.

All of these companies produce high quality products, but often screens are suitable only for specific bath models.

Sliding models of the Professional collection of the Vann Bock trademark are made in black and white colors. There are organic glass screens. They are completed with beautiful chrome-plated metal handles

Steps for installing finished models

Ready-made screens for the bathtub are completed with frames, fittings and fasteners.

All this should be indicated in the technical documentation for each specific model.

Installation instructions should also be included. Please make sure everything you need is included before purchasing.

If the dimensions are selected correctly, then a minimum of tools will be needed for installation: a tape measure, a building level and a screwdriver. It is recommended to fill the bath with water before starting work.

If the bath and the screen are installed at the same time, this is not necessary.

Screens can vary in shape and design, but the installation scheme is always approximately the same:

  • Measurements and markings.

    Before installing the frame, you need to measure the niche under the bathroom again and mark the frame attachment points. If the panels do not fit a little due to the curvature of the walls or floor, they are cut with a grinder.

  • Installation of the frame. The frame is mounted under the bath and fixed in accordance with the instructions, and the guide W-shaped profile for sliding models is also installed and aligned.
  • Adjusting the legs. If the model has adjustable legs, they are unscrewed so as to achieve maximum fixation of the frame between the floor and the bath rim.

    To keep the supports stronger and the screen not to shake when water is poured into the bath, you can apply a little sealant under each leg and press it to the floor.

  • Fastening the frame under the bath rim. When the frame is firmly fixed, the space between the edge of the frame and the bath rim is blown out with polyurethane foam. This will add additional rigidity to the structure.
  • Installation of panels. Decorative panels are installed on the frame. If the doors are hinged, they are hung on the hinges, the sliding doors are inserted into the guide profile. Handles are screwed to the doors.
  • Treatment of seams. It is desirable to treat the joints with a sealant. This will help protect the niche under the bathroom from moisture.

Installation of screens for acrylic bathtubs has its own characteristics.

Most often, these baths are pre-equipped with screens that are suitable in shape and size. Models are usually made of plastic. The kit includes a frame, panels, handles, brackets, dowels, screws.

The pictures show the entire process of installing a screen under an acrylic bathtub. Installation of screens under baths made of other materials has some differences.

For example, in cast iron models, you cannot drill holes at home, since there is a risk of cracking the cast iron

If the bathtub is not equipped with a screen, then it can be made independently from a wooden block and ready-made plastic panels.

The frame is attached to the side of the bath with liquid nails, the joints are additionally strengthened by cold welding.

To secure the lower brackets, drill holes in the floor and install dowels.

After installing and adjusting the frame to size, insert the screen panels into the guides.

A sign that they have fallen into place is a characteristic click.

There may be some difficulties with the installation of decorative panels for a corner bath.

The sequence of correct installation of a corner acrylic bathtub with a screen is shown in the video:

DIY screen making and installation

Many of our compatriots are used to doing everything in the house on their own.

Such craftsmen can mount the screen under the bath with their own hands.

The video describes in detail how you can make a blank screen with a technical niche.

Plasterboard was selected as the material of the panel, finishing - facing tiles.

The range of bath screens is huge. It's very easy to get lost in this variety. If you are having difficulty choosing and installing the correct model, seek advice from an experienced technician.

This is much safer than learning from your own mistakes.

Installing a screen under the bath with your own hands: design options
How to install a screen under a bath - installation nuances - Construction tips
How to install a screen under a bath: installation steps of different types
DIY bath screen: how best to make, install
Installing a screen under the bath with your own hands: two options How to install a screen under the bath with your own hands - analysis

Installing a screen under the bath with your own hands

Installing a screen under the bath with your own hands will help not only save money on the improvement of the bathroom, but also bring to life any technical ideas and design solutions.

To add your own unique style to the bathroom interior, it is better to do the repair yourself. In addition, it will not be difficult. In this article we will tell you what materials are used when installing bathroom screens and how the wizards work.

Types of screen materials

How to install a screen under the bathtub and what material to choose? The answers to these questions depend solely on the imagination of the owner, the funds available and the size of the room.

The partition under the bathroom is most often made of brick, MDF, drywall and plastic, but each of these materials has its own pros and cons. For example, brick has more disadvantages than advantages. Obvious cons:

  • heavy material (inconvenient transportation, stacking);
  • requires additional materials for cladding, for example, the same drywall;
  • a brick screen will take up a lot of space, and it is unlikely that it will work to build shelves in it;
  • the brick has sufficient hygroscopicity, which over time will lead to its delamination;
  • it takes a lot of time to lay and shrink the partition, in contrast to the manufacture of a screen from other materials.

Everyone chooses for himself what to build the screen from.

Perhaps someone thought of making a blind partition under the bathroom, closing this place until the next repair, which sooner or later will come when problems with the drain begin. One of the advantages of a brick partition can be considered the fact that for its device it will not be necessary to build a frame, even if the project provides for the construction of doors.

Bath screen. Types, selection, installation

You can show your imagination and make the brickwork flush with the edge of the bathtub, leaving a small area, and lay out the steps and a niche for the legs below. Of course, if you choose a brick for the construction of the screen, then it is reasonable to leave access to drainage communications.

MDF boards are also quite popular in the manufacture of screens.

But it should be remembered that MDF panels are made of shavings and are afraid of moisture. Before construction, the panels should be treated with a special solution.

Moisture-resistant drywall is also suitable for covering the screen. It is very convenient in construction, it is easy for them to equip the internal space under the panels by building shelves there.

From above, the drywall is often covered with ceramic tiles, which are laid, as usual, with glue and followed by grouting.

To protect the interior from dampness, it is necessary to make a plastic grate.

Such a vent is cut or left in the construction of a screen of any material.

Vent size: minimum width 5 cm, length not less than 10 cm.

In almost all materials, with the exception of brick, you will need to build a frame from a profile. We will describe in detail further how the frame is built and how the facing material and the door are attached to it.

Preparation for work

For the construction of the screen, we have chosen the most popular material - moisture resistant drywall (GVL).

Plasterboard sheets are used everywhere in construction, as it has earned the trust of the craftsmen. Another factor when choosing is the acceptable cost of GVL, which protects the wallets of the masters from unreasonable spending of funds.

We choose high-quality materials for construction.

The metal profile must be made of hard steel and must be galvanized.

List of required tools and materials:

  • electric drill with screwdriver function;
  • drills (one for metal and one - victorious - for concrete);
  • dowel-nails;
  • self-tapping screws with a press washer;
  • mounting tape and corner;
  • hacksaw and scissors for metal;
  • drywall, metal profile;
  • tile;
  • tile glue, liquid nails;
  • plastic sheet;
  • canopies for the door.

Installation of metal profiles and cladding

The installation of the screen on the bath begins with the arrangement of the frame.

We will show works that are suitable for standard placement of a bathtub in a room, when only one side is closed and a door is installed on the other.

First, you should make the markings for the uprights. Make marks on the two walls of the bathroom, stepping back from the side of the bath in the depth of a certain distance. To find out exactly how far to retreat, you should measure the thickness of the ceramic tile, the thickness of the purchased drywall and estimate the thickness of the tile adhesive layer.

Approximately 19-23 mm should come out. Having measured the required number of millimeters, we leave room for the subsequent facing of the partition.

To find out how much space the screen wall will take, add up the thicknesses of the tile, drywall and profile.

To this value, add the thickness of the tile adhesive (at least 3 mm).

Measure the height from the floor to the bottom of the tub. According to the resulting size with a hacksaw for metal, cut off two pieces of metal profile for the side posts. Drill two holes in each post, 15 cm away from the ends.

Place uprights against the wall to mark where to drill holes in the concrete.

Do not forget about the marks that you made earlier, because it is on them that the racks are installed. We make marks in the wall along the holes in the profile. Changing the drill to a victorious one, we drill holes in the concrete wall with an electric drill.

We fasten the vertical racks-guides with dowel-nails. After completing this operation, you should forward two horizontal profile guides.

Measure the exact distance between the walls and saw off the metal profile with a hacksaw. Usually this distance corresponds to the length of the bath.

If you are installing the screen under an acrylic bathtub, insert another one into the upper guide profile. This will strengthen the edge of the bathtub, which is most susceptible to mechanical stress. If you have a cast iron or metal bathtub, then one guide profile is sufficient.

Connect the horizontal profiles to the uprights with self-tapping screws.

Complete the resulting frame with uprights in the middle of the structure.

You should now have about 5 uprights. Before attaching them, you need to trim the corners with metal scissors from above. From the bottom, the racks are inserted into the horizontal guide profile.

Prepare the door frame and choose which side it will be on.

One edge of the door frame is the upright against the wall. Calculate the width and height of the future door and insert a frame-opening for it from the profiles cut to size into the structure.

Sheathing the frame with plasterboard is not difficult. The main thing here is to try so that the joints of the sheets converge on the profile. An opening for the previously purchased grille should be cut from the opposite edge. This hole will ventilate the inside of the screen. After tiling, the lattice can be glued onto liquid nails.

The principles of installing ceramic tiles in the bathroom can be found here.

You can read about the different types of bathroom screens here.

Screen door manufacturing

The screen door can be ordered and made of any material. However, you can make and install the door yourself.

The material for it can be drywall or plastic, as well as either both materials together. You will need to buy a plastic skirting board up to 20 mm wide and a door handle.

From the profile, make a frame for the door strictly according to the dimensions of the opening. Cut a sheet from the material you have chosen and screw it onto the screws to the metal frame.

You can cover the door not only with tiles, but also with plastic glued to liquid nails.

The last option is simpler - when it is implemented, the difficulties of installing the handle will not arise at all. Moreover, such a door will last longer. The main thing is to choose the plastic that matches the color.

The plastic skirting board is glued along the edges of the door with a slight overlap on three sides in order to hide gaps in case of minor miscalculations. After that, a door is installed on the awnings.

It remains only to lay the tiles on the screen, and the work is ready!

The problem "How to install a screen on a bathtub" is solved. As you can see, if there is a steady desire, everyone can do this work.

Updated: 23.08.2019 13:22:12

Expert: Lev Sagalovich

The bathroom often turns into a storage for unnecessary things, tools and household chemicals. We habitually slip them under the bathroom, thereby spoiling the design, but there is a way out of the situation, and experts who collaborate with the Expertologia magazine know for sure. Taking advantage of their practical experience, you will understand how to install a screen under the bath with your own hands without damaging the expensive structure.

What is the screen under the bathroom, and what types of products exist

For a modern person, a bathroom is no longer just a technical room where you can wash your hands and take a shower, but a place for relaxation. And what kind of relaxation can we talk about if the appearance of the room is disgusting. Mood deterioration can be caused by unnecessary "trash" peeking out from under a chic acrylic bathtub. A simple device can save your nerves - a bathroom screen, which you can buy ready-made, or make it yourself. The complexity of installation depends on the chosen design and material of execution, and screens can be made of the following materials:

    durable plastic and other polymeric materials that are highly resistant to moisture - the most common option;

    organic glass is a real decoration of a bathroom and an ideal solution for lovers of unusual interiors;

    finely dispersed fraction wood fiber boards, or MDF;

    chipboard covered with a layer of laminate or chipboard;

    drywall, and it is most often used in structures made independently.

On the market of plumbing materials, bathrooms today are presented in a wide range. You can buy a chic metal structure, durable cast-iron baths that keep heat well are still in high demand, and acrylic products have found their application. Manufacturers care about their image, so they do everything to make the end consumer comfortable, therefore most modern designs are supplied complete with screens, and they have several varieties:

    comfortable designs with sliding doors - an option that most users prefer;

    with separate hinged doors;

    products with removable panels, which are suitable for those who do not plan to frequently use the space under the bathroom;

    with blank panels and inspection hatches for the organization of inspection and repair of plumbing pipes and fittings.

Ease of installation is a characteristic feature of most prefabricated structures. Having a standard set of tools, the task can be coped with even by someone who was "good for you" before with plumbing. Some difficulties may arise when installing a screen made by yourself, but in this case there should not be any particular difficulties, especially if you use our tips on how to install a screen under the bathroom.

Installing a ready-made screen from the store

Modern bathtubs, in contrast to the "boring" designs of the last century, are presented in a wide variety of types, with different not only design and colors, but also sizes. A large assortment of finished products complicates the choice somewhat, but with correctly made measurements, there should not be any particular difficulties. To do this, it is enough to measure the height of the structure and the width of the bathroom, and consultants will help in the rest.

You should know it! Screens are supplied more often in standard versions with widths of 50, 55 and 60 centimeters and lengths of 1.5; 1.6 and 1.7 meters, most of the baths have the same dimensions. You can also agree on the supply of custom-sized products to order.

Experts will select a screen model that matches the design of the bathroom and your personal preferences. You can trust the sellers, but it won't hurt you to know that you need to choose products made of durable plastic, other waterproof materials, which, moreover, have an attractive appearance that matches the features of interior design. Only after making the right choice, you can proceed with the installation, and we will consider this using the example of a cast-iron bathroom.

    Step # 1- the choice of the necessary tool, and to install the screen we need a tape measure, a screwdriver, a building level, a wrench, in some cases we may need a sealant.

    Step # 2. We check the integrity of the screen structure and the delivery set, and the manufacturer must complete the product with hardware and legs for installation in the spacer - an important detail, given the different heights of the bathrooms.

    Step # 3. Installation of legs in the holes of the plugs, final measurements and preparation of the screen for installation.

    Step # 4- direct installation, and for this it is enough to simply install it in the opening between the side of the bathroom and the floor. It is especially important here to maintain the horizontal structure of the structure, for which the building level is used. The screen should not protrude and go inward - the ideal solution is to install it in the bathroom level.

    Step # 5... Height adjustment with feet.

    Step 6. Installation of doors or blank plates along the guides, which is also not difficult to do

If you have chosen the screen correctly, in accordance with the dimensions of the bathroom, installation will not take much time, especially when it comes to installing blank panels that are not designed to be opened and removed. The installation process on an acrylic bathtub is somewhat different, and do not forget that acrylic is a fragile and unpredictable material, so you need to handle it with extreme caution. It is not difficult to do this, but the process of installing a sliding screen under an acrylic bathroom will be slightly different.

    To install on an acrylic bathtub, you need to make holes for the studs, for which you need a drill. This must be done carefully, without damaging the stiffeners.

    The next step is to attach the screen frame to the bathroom structure, for which self-tapping screws are used.

    Then everything follows the familiar scheme - the screen falls into place, and its position is fixed using the fasteners that come with the kit. If the preliminary measurements are not completely accurate, the plastic, like other material, can be cut if the size allows, it will be worse if this stock is not available. Therefore, it is better to buy a product with a small margin.

It is important! In order for the screen to fit perfectly and not be damaged by the weight of water, the installation must be carried out with a bathtub filled with water.

If you think you can cope with the task yourself, or want to save money on installation, you can try to make it yourself. This is somewhat more complicated than in the case of a finished product, but also not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

How to make and install yourself

It is not difficult to make and install the screen yourself, especially if you follow the advice of our experts. Some difficulties may arise with sliding doors, so we will consider the option of self-production and installation of a blind screen made of waterproof drywall, which many specialists prefer to work with. As a test subject, we again use a whimsical acrylic bathtub.

To begin with, we will prepare a set of necessary tools and materials for making the screen itself and its frame. We need the drywall itself and a metal (preferably aluminum) profile with dimensions of 75x40 and 60x27 mm. You can also use a wooden frame, but in this case the wood must be treated with a waterproof impregnation. The installation sequence looks like this:

    we mark the location of the frame racks, and they should be located under the bathroom, at a distance equal to the thickness of the drywall sheet;

    we measure the height from the floor surface to the edge of the bath - these dimensions are needed for the manufacture of racks;

    extreme posts are attached to the wall with self-tapping screws;

    a guide profile is attached to the extreme pillars - under the edge of the bathtub and at floor level;

    we install two intermediate posts at the location of the inspection hatch;

    pre-fitted sheets of drywall are installed in the finished frame, a hatch is equipped, the design of which must be thought out in advance.

In a similar way, you can make not only a blank screen, but also install sliding structures, and for this you can use not only drywall, but also durable plastic, as well as MDF and LDSP. It is somewhat more difficult to work with glass, where it is especially difficult to make correct measurements, since it is problematic to adjust the size of the glass on the spot.

In addition to the fact that there are a large number of ready-made screens, there are many interesting solutions. With a little creativity, you can also surprise others by making an unusual structure under the bathroom with your own hands, for which different materials and technologies can be used. We offer several options for such solutions:

    Brick faced with mosaics or tiles. This design can become a real decoration of the bathroom, while you can use several design options.

    Wooden screen with a step - a structure called a “podium. It is very comfortable and looks perfect.

    Natural stone is a good solution for private housing construction, but in an apartment, a massive stone can be replaced with cladding "like a stone".

    A glass screen that can visually enlarge the area of ​​the bathroom is a good solution for small rooms.

    For lovers of romance, a carved structure with illumination inside will leave an indelible impression.

    Also noteworthy are the wood paneling, which can highlight the sophistication of any interior design.

    Concrete structures that emphasize the sophistication of loft design style and other contemporary trends.

We want to say that the screen under the bathroom is not a minor detail, as was previously thought, but a full-fledged decorative element. Well-chosen in style, color and size, it can be the perfect complement to any design option. Accordingly, a screen that does not match the overall design can spoil the overall picture. Therefore, his choice must be approached carefully, taking into account all the pros and cons.

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Greetings, comrades. This review is about sliding bath screens. We will find out how practical the arrangement option we are discussing is and what you should pay attention to when buying such a product.

Which construction is preferred

It is clear that the most interesting option is the fast-mounted display models. not requiring the use of power tools, mortars and grouting after installation.

Often these are movable plastic elements with a rigid frame and height-adjustable legs that fix the entire structure on the bathroom floor.

The installation of such a product is based on the fact that the upper part of the frame rests against the side of the bathroom, and the structure itself is fixed in a spacer between the bathroom and the floor... Fixation is carried out using adjustable legs. Often this is just a bolt, fitted with a plastic stop to prevent scratching the floor surface, and screwed into the frame itself.

For standard bathrooms, the screen has only 2 legs, for other models their number can vary in the range of 3-4. Sizes of sliding screens for the bathroom:

  1. Length 1.5 m and 1.7 m;
  2. Screen heights from 500 mm to 560 mm.

As for the frame material, manufacturers most often use:

  1. Plastic (PVC);
  2. Metal;
  3. Aluminum.

Captain Obvious informs: it is better to refuse from the metal frame, because during operation, damage to the protective coating is inevitable, which will lead to the occurrence of foci of corrosion.

What materials to choose moving elements

The choice is large enough: PVC, acrylic, chipboard and MDF, glass, including mirrors, wood, plexiglass, etc. The most practical solution, from my point of view, are movable elements made from:

  1. Plastic;

Captain Obvious informs: models made of glass are quite common, but I would not recommend them to the bathroom. Firstly, glass is not the best option in terms of security, and secondly, glass will not hide the structure, which means that the meaning of the screen is lost.

If ordinary plastic seems trivial, you can get acquainted with plexiglass. As for me, this is quite an interesting material, it is represented by a huge number of all kinds of colors and textures, but it has one significant drawback - it is very fragile. A slight blow is enough, and that's it ...

Separately, I would like to mention products made of chipboard, including its moisture-resistant types - when used in a bathroom, the service life of such products is no more than five years. This applies equally to screens and furniture for kitchens and.

In addition, this material cannot be called environmentally friendly, therefore, I cannot recommend it either.

Features of materials

So, the choice is in favor of plastic and MDF. And if no one has any questions with the first material, then the use of MDF in a humid room still raises concerns.

The material itself inherited hygroscopicity from the ancestor (tree), i.e. the ability to accumulate water, which inevitably leads to swelling and loss of mechanical strength.

Everything is correct, but ...

A modern MDF bath screen is made from a water-resistant variety of this material and is called VMDF. It differs from the classic furniture board in the type of binder used: instead of urea resin modified with melamine, urea-formaldehyde resin is used.

What does this give the consumer?

  1. It resists high humidity well, but at the same time is not intended for outdoor use or other conditions involving constant contact with water;
  2. Separate splashes do not cause any harm to it and products made from it. For better protection, manufacturers laminate the sheets with vinyl or plastic;

The choice of designers

Both materials are good, but MDF has one indisputable advantage - the screens are voluminous, while plastic ones, due to their small thickness, are not endowed with such a visual effect.

Accordingly, if the dimensions of the room allow it to be filled with furniture, then it is better to give preference to MDF screens. And if we are talking about Khrushchev, feel free to choose a plastic screen. It takes up the smallest possible space.

Separately, it is worth mentioning screens made of acrylic - they are widely represented in plumbing stores, including volumetric 3D products, as in the photo below.

But often they come bundled with the bathroom, respectively, their dimensions were initially adjusted, and it is unlikely that such screens are suitable for a separate installation.

Also, a number of models of plastic screens have two types of latches - magnetic and spring, designed taking into account the characteristics of the bath itself and its legs. This information can be provided to the buyer by the factory instructions - do not be lazy to ask the sellers for it, you will save time and money.

What is on sale

Having figured out the design and materials, you can begin to get acquainted with the products presented in retail chains. And it is best to view them by manufacturer.

In the Crimean stores available to me, screens are presented from:

  2. JIKA;
  3. RUNO;
  4. ROCA;
  5. SANTEK;
  6. NONAME.

The last “brand” on the list of manufacturers is the name of a faceless product. This is quite common in small plumbing stores that accept goods for sale.


If we consider products from renowned manufacturers, then I recommend paying attention to the adjustment range. To do this, before going to the store, you must measure the distance from the side to the bathroom in the bathroom.

Not a bad model that will enrich most bathrooms. The manufacturer also offers organizer inserts, which are niches with plastic shelves, inserted behind the screen, which significantly expands the functionality of the entire product.


This model has furniture handles, which somewhat limits the space - unlike the above model, you can catch on to them. Nevertheless, it is a solid model, easy to install, and capable of transforming a room in a couple of minutes.

As a plus, I will put high quality and the presence of 3 legs at once, which increase stability. I will refer to the minuses mentioned pens.


Another model with the usual furniture handles protruding beyond the plane of the screen. The absence of a middle support raises a question, because its presence allows you to endure shock with a close approach to the bathroom. With the declared dimensions of 1.7m, its absence causes vibrations of the entire structure under mechanical stress.

A controversial point I will call a two-color solution, as well as the presence of only two legs, although this is not critical for light plastic. Of the advantages - low weight and affordable price.


Let's take a look at how to install a sliding screen under the bathtub with your own hands. . Let's say you've picked a store and delivered a screen home, but you're not confident in your abilities.

In fact, everything is very simple:

  1. Prepare a building level, tape measure, silicone sealant, open-end wrench, pencil or marker;
  2. Determine the quality of the surface of the bathroom rim - there should be no protrusions and irregularities on it. The side itself must be monolithic;

There are no particular problems with a cast iron bathtub and a steel bathtub. But acrylics cannot boast of such quality. As a rule, a block is laid on their sides. It is on it that the screen frame should be installed.

  1. Measure the distance from the side to the floor;
  2. Screw in the adjusting feet, measuring the height with a tape measure (so that it is a couple of millimeters less than the measured height);
  3. Place the screen frame under the side;
  4. Pre-fix it by unscrewing the legs;
  5. With the help of a building level, set it vertically;
  6. On the adjoining wall, mark a line with a pencil or a marker - you will be guided along it a little later;
  7. Remove the frame again;
  8. Apply silicone sealant to the top of the frame;

  1. Slide the frame under the edge of the tub again;
  2. Fix its position with an open-end wrench, focusing on the line drawn by the marker;
  3. Check the correctness with a level, if necessary - correct the position relative to the vertical;
  4. Remove the marker from the tile and any sealant that has come out;
  5. Check the operation of the flaps - nothing should wedge or cause difficulties.

That, in fact, is all the wisdom of editing.


I hope that after studying this material, readers will have enough knowledge to make a deliberate purchase. And also self-installation of the screen in your own apartment will not cause any difficulties.

As always, the reader can find additional information in the video in this article.

I look forward to your comments, questions and additions to the material. Good luck!

The under bath screen is a sliding panel designed to create additional storage space and decorate the space under the bath. In addition, its presence allows access to the water drainage system at any time. The design device is simple, so it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the question of how to install a screen on an acrylic bathtub with your own hands.

System advantages

Before installing the screen on a corner acrylic bathtub or other container, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of this device.

Firstly, a person who is far from construction and design will be able to mount it - it is very simple. Secondly, the variety of materials suitable for creating a screen significantly expands the range of its cost. Each owner can easily choose the best value for money. Thirdly, dismantling the structure is quick and easy when necessary, for example, when repairing pipes. Fourth, with the help of a special device, you can create additional compartments in the bathroom for storing, for example, detergents. In addition, the sliding door design saves space in the room.


The installation of the screen on the acrylic bathtub is carried out by means of plastic guides, because metal, even chrome-plated, corrodes. But any plastic can be deformed after 2-3 years, which will not allow doors to close and open easily and effortlessly. This is the main drawback, there are no others in principle.

Types of structures

Before installing the screen on an acrylic bath, you must familiarize yourself with all types of these products. Not only width and height are important, but also the material of manufacture, the presence of doors and other functions. There are several types of devices:

  1. Simple construction - no doors. It is a framed panel of the required size.
  2. Adjustable frame. Usually such a product is made of aluminum and is suitable for a bath of any size.
  3. The screen can be single only for the side wall, but it is complete with end parts. Such a product closes the bath along the perimeter.
  4. The panel can be just for the end of the bath - this is a rarity, but it is also possible.


You can install the screen under an acrylic bathtub or under a regular bathtub on a frame. This will make it easier to strengthen it, and it will be more reliable to hold on. Especially if the screen is made of thin plastic.

A frame is made of a wooden bar or a metal profile used for the installation of plasterboard partitions.

A long bar is installed under the bath rim and is propped up from the edges with supports to the floor. They are not attached in any way, it is enough just to choose their length in such a way that they fit into place in the spacer. To strengthen the structure, you need to add two more stops along the long part of the bathroom and two at its end - in the corners.

After the frame has been made, guides for the screen can be glued or screwed to its upper and lower parts, which can be made of any material - plastic, plywood, plexiglass. The frame and guides will firmly hold the shield. For ease of use, the structure can consist of two parts, installed with a slight overlap on each other in the closed state. This will allow one or both sides to slide as needed.

MDF panels

It is possible to install a screen for an acrylic bath without a frame, while the materials for the shield must be dense and moisture resistant. These are MDF boards. In fact, this is a chipboard familiar to everyone, which differs from chipboard in smaller fractions of wood and resistance to moisture due to modern glue.

MDF is almost two times thinner than chipboard, it can be cut well, therefore it is great for building a screen for an acrylic or ordinary bathtub.

The main difference between an MDF screen and a thin plastic screen is the way it is opened. Due to the thickness of the slabs, they cannot be made sliding - storage spaces under the bathroom open, as in a regular cabinet (by means of a hinged door). However, this feature gives the structure a monumental and expensive look. At the same time, installing a screen under an acrylic bathtub differs little in time from a simple device. MDF constructions are sold ready-made with standard dimensions. They can be made on site using a jigsaw and door hardware - hinges, handles, edging.

MDF is not afraid of moisture, so it will work for many years without deformation and destruction. This screen is easy to clean with common detergents. This device has only one drawback - it is much more expensive than a thin plastic screen.

Acrylic screen

There is a certain type designed only for plastic structures. Sellers can tell how to install the screen on an acrylic bath, since such products are sold in a set. That is, the design emphasizes the color, creating a single composition.

This screen is made of thin plastic covered with colored acrylic. Due to its flexibility, the material easily takes the desired shape and curves, so it can be installed on baths of any shape and size.

When buying a modern bathing container, a person rarely has a question of how to properly install a screen under an acrylic bathtub. After all, it is included in the kit, and professionals are engaged in the installation of equipment.

DIY installation

If the acrylic screen was purchased after buying a bathtub, then it becomes necessary to install it yourself. There is no need to be afraid of it. It is easy to install, although it differs from the installation under a conventional bath.

How to install a screen under an acrylic bathtub? This can be done in several stages:

  1. To begin with, it is important to make the correct markings and transfer them to the bath. For this, the middle of the structure is mathematically calculated - its length is divided by two. Further along the ruler, the found value is laid down and marked with a marker on the side of the bath.
  2. With the help of a special fastening, a hairpin with a corner is installed.
  3. The panel is slipped under the edge of the bath rim and is secured with self-tapping screws screwed into the previously installed mounting bracket.
  4. Self-tapping screw heads are closed with special decorative caps.

Mirror and transparent designs

Screens made of transparent and translucent glass or mirrors are quite expensive and rare. Undoubtedly, a bathtub with this design looks extravagant and expensive, but finding a finished mirror or glass product is very difficult. You can make it, but it is better to entrust this business to a professional, since you will need to cut and fit thin material.

This type of screen is not susceptible to moisture, but it is very fragile and requires constant maintenance. Indeed, on glass surfaces, water stains and salt accumulations are especially noticeable. When installing such structures, it is necessary to ensure that the surface is covered with a film that does not allow small fragments to fly apart.

Despite the complexity of installation and operation, such designs are finding more and more buyers. Indeed, with the help of mirrors, you can visually change the geometry of the rooms, just slightly change the angle of reflection.

Screens with photo printing

Having understood how to install a screen on an acrylic bathtub, it is common for a person to look for new design solutions. One of them is covering the panels with pictures. And it doesn't matter what material the screen is made of - MDF, plastic, glass or acrylic. Stickers with 2D or 3D graphics will fit equally on any surface. It also doesn't matter whether the screen is sliding or not, whether it has doors or they are absent. In the case of doors, the film with a pattern is simply cut at the junction of the panels.

Alternative ways to decorate the bath

Installing a screen on an acrylic bathtub as a design element isn't the only way to decorate. Many people like the way a container looks like with legs. This reminds them of the Middle Ages, when the bath was in a large room and she herself was the decoration of the room.

To enhance the effect of antiquity, you can decorate the legs themselves, giving them the shape of animal paws or hooves. These pads can be found at home improvement stores. But more often they still come across on specialized sites.

In addition, acrylic bathtubs are currently made in almost any shape and color, so a person with a delicate taste does not interfere with ordering it without legs at all. It will look like an outlandish vase on the floor from the side.

How to choose the right screen

When choosing a screen for your bath, you need to pay attention to several aspects.

First, you need to consider the area of ​​the room. After all, if a bath in a small room has a screen with tear-off doors, then they will complicate its use. In a tiny room, it is best to make sliding panels. You also need to understand that fragile glass and mirror screens are not the best choice for an apartment where small children live.

Before going to the store for a finished screen or material for its manufacture, you need to very carefully measure the dimensions of the bath itself: its length, height, width. If a side panel is required, then you should also know its estimated dimensions.

When buying a finished structure, you need to check whether the rollers on the guides are in good order, whether the legs of the screen are adjustable in height. How are the joints on the plastic panels made? All this is important, because a pleasant appearance is what a person aspires to.

You need to understand that if there is no good hood in the bathroom, then the wooden frame under the chipboard and MDF screen will sooner or later deform and collapse from the moisture accumulated over the years of operation. Therefore, the hood must be taken care of in advance or moisture-resistant materials must be used.

Before installing with your own hands, you should carefully consider the design - its functionality and appearance. Only then should one get to work. In this case, the result will delight the owner for many years.

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