Gazebo with barbecue: ideas, projects and photos. Gazebos with barbecue, barbecue and stove in a modern country house Gazebos for relaxation and barbecue

Landscaping and planning 30.08.2019
Landscaping and planning

The combination of two things that are indispensable for quality summer vacation, give us an ingenious solution - gazebo with barbecue. Having built once such as it should be - comfortable, safe, beautiful - you will get a favorite place to stay for all your family and friends. Therefore, while there is still very little time left before the summer barbecue season, let's see what ideas and their implementation on this topic exist.

Barbecue gazebo project

Start any barbecue gazebo project it is better with the choice of the model of the furnace itself, because it will have to become the central element of the whole structure. which we have already learned to make, are not only portable and stationary, but they also differ in size, materials from which they are composed and design. The more complex and heavier the stove will be, the more space should be around, the more non-combustible materials must be used to build walls, and so on.

To make it clear how different models can differ from each other, you can take a look at the pre-designed for building gazebos with barbecue projects, photo which you see above. Either everything is built around a complex stove with brickwork, folded according to all the rules, or, without further ado, a small portable barbecue is used, which will do its job quite well. Moreover, inside forged ones you can not observe the technological distances between the hearth and walls, as in the case of wooden ones, since accidental fire is not afraid of metal. That is why even in a very small building you can install a full-fledged oven.

Focus on modern technologies and it is possible and necessary to achieve progress, because until recently it seemed that soot, soot and smoke could not be got rid of at all in such cases, but special stones of volcanic origin appeared, which are enough to be heated with gas or electricity. Such a heated stone will provide you with warmth, as good layer charcoal, and the meat will be fried evenly and efficiently. In this case, you will not get a dangerous open fire or annoying fumes, from which the furniture inside can be covered with soot.

For a barbecue in general, the quality of the metal grate is very important, on which, directly, the cooking process takes place. Oddly enough, but the material will also influence and strongly on the project that you want to choose for yourself. After all, light steel grates are considered unsuitable for the high-temperature process of roasting meat, scale remains on them, which will then be very difficult to get rid of. Therefore, experts recommend not saving, and choosing cast-iron structures, gratings, walls, and this, of course, entails significant weighting. Under such systems, as a rule, they not only make a strong foundation, but also make it autonomous, separate from the entire main building. So, if you want to use cast iron, in all examples pavilions with barbecue, photo which you will see in today's article, pay attention to projects in which the furnace stands autonomously, to the side, so that a separate, reinforced foundation with waterproofing can be laid under it.

Gazebo with barbecue oven

Messing around with a project and calculations is much more boring than looking at photographs of successful incarnations. gazebos with barbecue, but still we urge you to treat the initial stage very responsibly. They are even very expensive in terms of purchasing all necessary materials, and already what to say about contract work, when you will hire specialists for the construction. Correcting any oversight (wrong size, inconvenient location, lack of functionality) will not be so easy. But at the end of this difficult journey, all responsible builders will find a convenient, favorite place where they can not only cook meat, but also use it as a full-fledged summer kitchen.

What is the difference between a large oven and a simple barbecue, you can also see in the photo. Putting maximum potential into it, at the output you can get: a brazier, a charcoal grill, a tandoor or a Russian stove, an oven, a smokehouse, place a surface for electric or gas nearby hob, make a desktop for cooking and washing. All this in a complex will allow you to feel as confident as possible in such a kitchen and embody all your culinary ideas.

Gazebos with barbecue, barbecue and stove

Now let's talk about the materials that are most often used for construction. pavilions with barbecue, barbecue and stove. These are traditional metal, brick, timber, but with cheap materials it is better not to consider projects. Still, the money saved is not worth the danger that you can get if you start making an open fire in a light plywood building.

Beautiful and inexpensive to use -. At first glance, it seems that fire and wood are certainly not a couple and you should not try to combine them into a single whole. But the user experience wooden buildings in the traditions of different peoples and modern means of wood protection give us the opportunity to safely use the construction of timber, boards or other similar materials.

Precisely to wooden varieties include those that are performed in national scandinavian styles. In this region, it has long been very important that there be a hearth inside the building that could warm the air inside, and these buildings were so comfortable and warm that they remain popular in our times. The barbecue is located in the middle of them so that the hot walls of the hearth do not come into contact with the walls of the building itself, do not heat it up, but the people who will sit around the fire will feel very comfortable even in the coldest weather. Examples of such pavilions with barbecue grill you can see in the photo above.

The brick will not only be protected from the effects of fire, but will also be in perfect harmony with the masonry of the stove itself, in which the barbecue grill will be located. Of course, this is the most expensive option, and the foundation for it needs the most solid one, but if this does not scare you, and other buildings and the house are made of brick, then this is exactly what your gazebo should be. To save material and make total weight a little smaller, you can make the most open space between brick pillars, on which a wooden or metal roof. Between the supports hang panels of fabric, which give mediterranean charm construction, and delay drafts or intrusive Sun rays.

As we mentioned earlier, metal can be called the safest in terms of fire resistance, and at the same time inexpensive, durable. Forged openwork gazebos always look very impressive, and when a stove is placed inside, they become an ideal place for an all-season stay. The metal parts have one not very pleasant feature, which is precisely in summer heat can be inconvenient - under the influence of heat, the walls heat up and it can be very hot inside. And even more so, if heat from an open fire is also added, such heat can become completely unbearable. Therefore, in most developed for metal gazebos with barbecue grill projects, photo which you can, among other things, see in today's article, the most “transparent” walls are used, openwork, with many holes that would serve for additional ventilation. Also, trees or other green spaces can help solve the problem, which will create a saving shadow around the metal building.

Summer gazebos with barbecue

For summer gazebos with barbecue the most open spaces and the abundance of free space on the site inside are very characteristic. After all, you will not only sit at the table there, but also communicate, play, perhaps dance, or, conversely, wallow in a hammock or deck chair. Especially if the building is located near the pool (and this is very good idea place them side by side), then the gazebo becomes just an ideal lounge area. It is not necessary to supply such a building with all communications, but at least it is necessary to conduct electricity to it in order to receive artificial lighting, and during the day you could turn on the music. However, in general, there is only a sun protection function, which does not prevent it from being a very popular and sought-after model.

The summer playground will be even more convenient if you make one wall protecting the space inside from the wind, which, even in extreme heat, can spoil all the pleasure of staying on fresh air. One wall can already prevent the appearance of an unpleasant draft, especially if it is located on the north or northeast side, but you can close other directions as well, guided by the existing landscape design.

Gazebo with barbecue summer kitchen

To functionally combine gazebo with barbecue, summer kitchen and a terrace for relaxing, you will need quite a lot of free space. The site should be chosen in such a way as to take into account the wind rose, because, unlike cooking barbecue from time to time, you will cook in the summer kitchen every day. Therefore, neither smoke nor food odors should be carried towards the house.

Furnaces made of stone or brick can collapse if they are frequently exposed to water. That is why the canopy over the oven is not only the convenience of cooking, but also the extension of the service life of the entire building. It is believed that it is behind the hearth that a solid wall should be made, which would protect the masonry from water ingress during heavy slanting rains. For the same reason, the floor level must be higher than the flood water level in your area if you want to use the stove for many seasons. In summer, rain can get under the base of the masonry even through adjacent walls, so it's better to go for a little trick. To do this, the floor level on the terrace is made somewhat inclined in the direction from the stove. This is done so that water in no case accumulates under the brick and does not erode the masonry.

Today many country houses reminiscent of well-maintained estates with all amenities, in which it is pleasant to relax at the end of a difficult working week. And what is a vacation without barbecue and a friendly feast? But in a well-groomed yard with flower beds and beds, you can’t make a fire, and a picnic on the banks of a river or lake can be interrupted by unexpected rain ...

If a gazebo with a barbecue, a barbecue and a stove is installed on your site, then the vagaries of the weather will no longer be able to spoil your warm evening in the company of family and friends! If you are not annoyed by the smell of smoke, place it near the house: it will be easier to introduce electrical wiring into it, and the hostess will not have to run through the entire garden with a change of dishes and drinks. Those who do not want once again feel street smells, they can choose a place for her in the far corner of the site.

Choosing a gazebo project with a barbecue according to the photo or ordering ready product, take into account the requirements against fire safety. Distance from the source of fire (furnace, hearth, fireplace) to wooden parts, furniture and other combustible materials should be at least 3 meters in a straight line, and on both sides of the stove - at least a meter.

What are they?

The project of a gazebo with barbecue and barbecue can be ordered from the catalog, separately or together with construction services. It could be wooden fairytale house”, a summer kitchen with a fireplace and a stove, an elegant wrought iron or combined building.

wooden gazebo

A house made of wood or glued beams will successfully fit into the landscape design of any site. Wood is a relatively inexpensive, but easy-to-process material; from a wooden constructor you can build an undemanding shelter from the weather, and a “hut on chicken legs”, and miniature fairy-tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful mansions” from logs.

Projects and photos of gazebos with barbecue offer the most different variants for people with different incomes and different preferences. It can be rectangular, hexagonal, round, with “transparent” or solid walls, refined or made in an economical version. All in your hands! Keep in mind some features:

  • An arbor made of wood treated from fire, moisture and pests will last for many years, and leaky fragments are easy to replace.
  • If the soil on the site is dry and dense, the foundation is not needed - just put a massive concrete slab. It will be both the base and the floor of the gazebo.

Concrete pavement is covered with boards or paving slabs, and if the gazebo is used only in summer, you can put a “carpet” of dense linoleum on it, which is removed for the winter. In open buildings, water drains must be provided on the floor.

Brick gazebo

Among the many photos of beautiful gazebos with barbecue and barbecue, you will definitely choose what you like and will be in harmony with the design of the country house. Well, if you have experience, you can build a garden gazebo with a barbecue with your own hands and put a stove in it.

A brick gazebo will cost more than a wooden one; to build it, it will take more time, and for it you will have to build a full-fledged foundation. However, she is not afraid of fire and moisture, in it you can not only relax in the summer, but also meet New Year. Usually such arbors are made combined:

  • the wall next to which you are going to install the oven should be brick - it will protect the cooking area from gusts of wind and raindrops;
  • a recreation area is erected from wood, complementing the interior with wooden furniture;
  • large open openings are decorated with wrought iron elements, wood panels, carved wooden gratings.

Wooden parts must be impregnated with a moisture-proof primer and varnished, glossy or matte. Metal structures are painted or coated with colorless protective compounds.

Metallic lace fantasy

Wrought-iron arbor is brought assembled or mounted in place from finished parts. It costs more than wood and brick, but an openwork metal miracle will become original decoration your garden. She:

  • does not require preparatory work and finishing, except for corrosion treatment after assembly;
  • does not need a foundation (it can be placed not on the ground or on a concrete slab).

Metal roof

Projects of wrought-iron arbors with barbecue and barbecue make it possible to choose a single style of execution of arbors and stoves, complement the garden ensemble with wrought-iron benches and lamps. The gazebo can be left black, or it can be powder coated or colored enamel.

Finnish grill house

Summer lovers and winter holiday v country house you will like ready-made modern Finnish gazebos with a barbecue (in the catalogs they are called “grill houses”). Such an arbor looks like a glazed six- or octagonal wooden garden house, in which a steel or cast-iron stove with a rounded grill is installed. The smoke is removed by a special hood brought outside.

In addition to kitchen equipment, the delivery set of the grill house may include interior elements: deer skins, wall clocks, textiles (napkins, pot holders, curtains), crockery, cutlery. A covered gazebo with a grill is designed for 6-12 people and takes into account all fire safety requirements.

Choosing a stove

The construction of the gazebo, in which it is supposed to install the stove, begins with the stove (if you are going to lay it out with your own hands) or from the wall where it will be located. A separate foundation is poured under the stove, it should be above the level of water stagnant on the floor after heavy rain or snow melt - the masonry is performed on a clay-sand mortar, and it is afraid of moisture.

It is recommended to install a brick brazier in the gazebo in the middle of the northern or northeastern wall, but the stove can also be angular - between these walls. If the floor in the gazebo is made of wood or covered with linoleum, a slab of metal or other non-combustible material is placed in front of the stove. In gazebos placed on the ground, this area is left without flooring.

There are several types of stoves that can be installed in a garden gazebo.

  • Barbecue stove with barbecue, stationary or portable. The simplest of the portable devices is a metal box covered with a lid with a grate and a chimney.
  • Fireplace stove with firebox, barbecue, barbecue or cauldron.
  • Russian stove with oven, barbecue, barbecue grill, and sometimes a smokehouse.
  • "Mini-kitchen" with a barbecue with a barbecue, a cauldron, a skewer. Optional equipment(tables, countertops, cabinets) usually collapsible or removable;
  • oven with tandoor and barbecue.

The size of the stove depends on what you want from it - the more functions it has, the more massive it will be. For small gazebos, it is better to pick up several compact devices: a stove with a firebox and a fireplace, which can be used in winter and summer, and a portable brazier with a barbecue. If the family has small children or you do not want to risk with an open fire in a wooden gazebo, get a stove with a brazier on volcanic stones. They are heated by electricity or natural gas.

  • The stones absorb heat well and cool slowly, radiating 2-2.5 times more heat than coals or firewood. Gas and electricity are used only for heating, so they are used very sparingly.
  • No sparks fly from the brazier and there is no smoke or soot.

On a note! If you use them 2-3 times a week, the heating elements last about three years. After that they are replaced.

Garden gazebo: construction stages

In one article it is impossible to describe in detail each of the stages of construction. But she will give you general concept about how long it will take, whether you have enough experience to independently build a gazebo and a stove from improvised materials, or is it better to hire specialists by studying photos of gazebos with barbecue and barbecue.


Even if you attach a gazebo to a house or to a bathhouse and start building it at the same time as the house, it must stand on its own foundation! It is impossible to tie the foundations of these buildings, because due to the uneven load, the wall closest to the gazebo may sag. After pouring the platform for the gazebo, a stove is laid out on a separate base.

The most durable, reliable and effortless foundation for a gazebo is a monolithic concrete slab: it will withstand the heaviest all-season gazebo. The finished slab can be laid on dense dry soil without preparation, you just need to dig a small hole with the desired diameter, fill it with a mixture of crushed stone with broken brick and lay roofing material over the site for waterproofing. However, if in this area ground water they come close to the surface or the site is in a lowland, and it is flooded with rain, over time the slab will sag, and the gazebo will “skew”. For pouring a concrete platform, a plank box and a reinforcing mesh are used.

"Hut on chicken legs": pile and column foundation

If the gazebo is laid simultaneously with the house on pile foundation, then piles for the gazebo are also driven in. However, if the cottage was built a long time ago, and you do not have the opportunity to call construction equipment, install a gazebo on columns made of bricks or concrete blocks (they are laid at a depth of 80-90 cm, concreted and brought to a height of 20-30 cm above the ground).

Remember! For them, only full-bodied red bricks are used, hollow or silicate bricks are not suitable for this!

The columns are placed in the corners and along the walls, the distance between them should not exceed two meters (this applies to both rectangular and polygonal arbors). Depending on the density of the soil, the material of the foundation, the number and width of the columns, they subsequently:

  • reinforced concrete beams or a monolithic slab are laid;
  • fasten the frame wooden beam(it looks like a mattress base on a frame bed);
  • arrange a grillage around the perimeter from a bar or boards, on which a slab is laid or a frame is attached. By design, the grillage resembles closed loop from balcony flower boxes, inside of which concrete is poured.

A light garden gazebo is often placed on a columnar foundation made of wooden elements. But if there is a stove in it, they may not support the weight of the structure, and at best it will sag, and at worst it will collapse. If you do not want to mess with brickwork, use asbestos pipes for posts: they are inserted into holes 1-1.5 meters deep and poured with concrete in several stages. Before the last portion of the solution, 2-4 reinforcing bars are installed inside the pipe, interconnected - they will fasten the grillage to the base.

Strip foundation

The optimal solution, which is used most often. For its device, trenches are dug in the ground, in which formwork is installed, a frame of reinforcement is laid and concrete is poured. The depth of pouring the tape for the gazebo is on average 30-40 cm. It can also be prefabricated - from ready-made reinforced concrete blocks that are laid in a trench and fastened together.

From the moment the site is poured to the start of the construction of walls and the stove, at least 5-7 days must pass - this is the period of concrete solidification. Between the floor and the base, regardless of its design, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing.

We spread the oven

The masonry is made of red refractory bricks 23 x 12.3 / 11.3 x 6.5 cm (these standard sizes are taken into account in the diagrams and drawings for laying out furnaces) and fireclay stone. When tapped, such a brick gives a sonorous "metallic" sound, breaking on impact, it does not crumble, but breaks into large pieces. Fireclay stone is yellow in color, it is porous and comes in various shapes: rectangular and in the form of a trapezoid with faces of various lengths. Usually the base of the furnace is built of brick, and the firebox and ash pan are made of fireclay stone.

Band area or monolithic foundation a small stove with barbecue does not exceed 1.5 x 2 m. The first few rows of bricks determine the size and shape of the stove. Laying is done in checkerboard pattern(“with dressing”) in mortar, clay + sand + cement in a ratio of 2: 3: 1.

The thickness of the joints should be as small as possible so that the structure does not crack (up to 5 mm, and preferably less than 3 mm). Excess mortar should be removed immediately with a spatula before it dries.

  • The first 6 rows are the base of the stove and (if you wish) a niche for the woodpile.
  • On the 7th row, an overlap is arranged using metal corners. Two rows of fireclay bricks are laid on it, a firebox is formed and a door is installed. An asbestos fabric is laid between the furnace body and the fireclay stone.
  • Now it's the turn of the brazier under the barbecue, it is also laid out from fireclay stone. The second row in the grill is shifted inward, forming a ledge for skewers with barbecue. The roaster should not be too deep, otherwise the meat will dry out.
  • On the 9th row, the construction of the arch of the furnace (arch) begins and continues to work until the 19th row. To make it even, prepare a template from a sheet of plywood and lay the bricks, starting from the bottom and closing the row above the edge of the frame. When the solution has completely solidified, the template is removed.

After the 19th row, they begin to overlap the frying chamber and finish it on the 21st row. After that, a general overlap of the furnace is installed along its entire perimeter and the masonry is completed, gradually narrowing the hole above the frying chamber to a square of 25 x 25 cm. A smoke box is installed in it.

A temporary soft canopy is also an interesting option.

More difficult option- an oven with a barbecue and a barbecue, but it differs only in that the structure becomes higher: a barbecue grill is laid on the 11th row and a frying space is laid out around it. The arch begins to be erected on the 17th row, and on the 27th they overlap the frying chamber and narrow the oven to the chimney.

Floor, walls and roof

A small pergola and light canopy is an option for those regions where it rarely rains.

The floor in the gazebo is best laid out with paving slabs or natural stone, they are laid inside a strip foundation or on a concrete slab. It is undesirable to use a ceramic “and bathroom” - if a heavy object is dropped on it (and this happens more often in a street gazebo than at home), it will crack. Other flooring options:

  • sew thick plywood treated with a moisture-proof compound over the slab or concrete screed, and lay the floor covering on top;
  • fasten to the floor wooden frame, lay the logs and sheathe them with boards.

Fully enclosed gazebo with BBQ

The walls can be solid or lattice - it depends on the climate zone and on what time of the year you are going to use it. In summer gazebos, walls are not necessary: ​​install supports under the rafter system, combine them with thick beams with wooden gratings between them, and plant them below climbing plants. Dense green thickets on a summer day will protect you from the scorching sun. However, even in "transparent" arbors with a stove, the wall must be made dense by the wall in which it is installed.

The roof over the building should be such that rain flows from it without getting inside. Usually it is ridge or lean-to construction with a slope of 5-10 degrees. It is better to assemble the rafter system next to the gazebo on the ground, all beams and other wooden parts must be treated with moisture and flame retardants. After installing the frame, it is sheathed with a crate, waterproofing is attached to it and roofing(metal tile, polycarbonate, ondulin), cutting a hole in it for the chimney. After the pipe is installed, it is covered with asbestos cloth.

In a decorative summer gazebo, a lattice roof entwined with grapes or small climbing roses looks good, but you should not install a stationary stove in it. It is enough to equip one of the walls so that a portable grill can be placed next to it.

How to care for a gazebo?

The openwork forged arbor requires the least attention: the rust-treated metal is not afraid of autumn showers, its roof and supports will withstand snow drifts and gusts of wind. The Finnish grill house and the brick summer kitchen are not afraid of bad weather, but other types of buildings will have to be prepared for winter:

  • an open wooden structure can be “wrapped” in a stretch film by making several holes in the cocoon for ventilation so that the tree does not get damp. Remove fallen leaves from wooden elements (wet leaves can cause wood to rot);
  • all furnishings and removable equipment from summer house put into the house for the winter. Glass surfaces can be covered with plywood sheets;
  • a cauldron (if any), pans, kitchen utensils should be washed well regularly. V winter time everything is also removed for storage in a warm place.

A small canopy is also a good way out in some situations.

The processing of metal and wooden parts and surfaces needs to be repeated from time to time, the frequency of processing is usually indicated in the instructions for protective compounds. Handrails and gratings made of wood can crack by spring, and they need to be puttied or replaced in time. Therefore, when considering projects and photos of a wooden gazebo with a barbecue and barbecue, consider in advance whether you will have the opportunity to renew it.

More photos of gazebos with barbecue / barbecue (click to enlarge):

suburban area or the cottage is perfectly complemented by a gazebo equipped with a barbecue. It is simply indispensable for lovers of outdoor recreation and cooked on open fire food.

Barbecue structures inside the gazebos can be equipped with:

  • a stone stove with a cast-iron cauldron;
  • portable or stationary barbecue, grill or barbecue;
  • fireplace, which is usually equipped.

The choice of the type of gazebo depends on the material of manufacture, landscape design plot, the preferences of the owner. Buildings must be in harmony with general style home and garden.

As a material for the manufacture of gazebos with barbecue or barbecue, stone or brick, wood, metal are most often used.

Photo: combined option- made of timber and stone. The roof is covered with polycarbonate.

Advantages of wood structures

This natural material organically fits into any exterior. Such buildings are attractive appearance, and the addition garden furniture and a Russian-style stove will make covered gazebos with barbecue facilities a functional structure. Thanks to natural features wood buildings made of this material are warm, and if the structure is also glazed, then the room is suitable for use in the cold season.

They are made from rounded logs, profiled timber, boards. An excellent decoration and protection from the sun will be rectangular or square lattices on the walls.

When working with wood, remember that this material is highly flammable. Therefore, such a gazebo with a barbecue must necessarily comply with fire safety standards for buildings with a stove or fireplace. An open fire is arranged at a distance of at least a meter from furniture or decor. At least 50 cm is left between the side walls and the stove. The elements of the building are treated with flame retardant - a special impregnation that prevents the spread of fire.

Drawing of a gazebo 6x6 meters

Also, do not forget that the tree is highly susceptible to decay. The following rules will help isolate the structure from moisture:

  • before concreting, enclose the supports in metal cups;
  • impregnate structural elements with an antiseptic or paint;
  • pour gravel or crushed stone around the building with a fireplace to improve drainage.

Metal gazebo with barbecue - a common option

Due to the ease of manufacture and long service life, structural designs with a metal hearth are also popular. Such structures are:

  • forged;
  • with profile frame.

Forging elements will decorate any gazebo, give the building airiness and lightness.

Photo: open forged construction - summer version.

However, not everyone can make such decorative details. It is much easier to assemble a frame from a metal profile and sheathe it from the inside and outside with a finishing material. If a layer of insulation is laid in the wall, then such an arbor is suitable for use at any time of the year. A glazed wall or roof section, as well as large windows, will visually lighten the structure and fill the interior space with light. And installing a fireplace or stove will allow you to cook and warm at the same time.

Solid stone building

Brick or stone gazebos with barbecue facilities are the most durable, but at the same time costly structures. When developing a project for such a structure, take into account big weight material and provide for the installation of a strip reinforced foundation.

Under the stone stove, a separate base is made of a twenty-centimeter concrete layer with a metal frame. This applies to any barbecue gazebo.

The material is selected depending on what the main building is made of. So, brick houses complement, wild raw stone is more suitable for buildings located away from home, closer to nature.

A wall (or several walls) glazed with stained-glass windows, finished with transparent polycarbonate or wooden lattice, will make a gloomy stone gazebo more elegant and lighter.

Which hearth to choose for outdoor cooking

Each family prefers this or that dish: some love barbecue, others prefer grilled vegetables and meat, and still others equip the gazebo with a stove with a large cauldron for fragrant pilaf.

Devices for cooking in nature are divided into the following varieties:

  1. Barbecue for barbecue on skewers.
  2. Oven for fried and boiled dishes.
  3. Barbecue is a round type of barbecue. Vegetables or meat are cooked on the grill.
  4. Grill - a brazier with a lid. A distinctive feature is that the products are fried from all sides at the same time, and thanks to the lid, a constant temperature is maintained inside.
  5. A gazebo equipped with a fireplace is designed more for heating than for cooking.

Photo: forged brazier - for those who want to save on bricks.

Where to install the stove and build a gazebo

Before choosing a place to place these structures, decide on the type of structure. Stationary barbecue grills are built along with the gazebo. But there are also projects where the brazier is located separately. Both methods of installing the furnace are justified.

When arranging a hearth, remember that the fire not only provides the heat necessary for cooking, but also produces smoke that can interfere with rest or annoy neighbors. It is better to install a gazebo equipped with a stove away from home, especially if the wind often blows towards housing. The same applies to nearby territories, so that barbecues do not become a cause of contention with people living nearby.

Photo: brick brazier installed on the second floor of the building

If it is planned to build an open or semi-open structure, choose drawings of a gazebo with fences on the north side. Cold winds blow from there, so it is better to protect yourself from them in advance. A practical solution is to equip the structure with removable walls or thick curtains that will close the openings in bad weather.

Users often search:

The hearth itself in the gazebo is also mainly installed near the northern wall. The stationary oven is laid according to the rules. First of all, it is necessary to correctly design the smoke exhaust system in order to provide good draft for burning fuel. On this issue, it is better to consult with an experienced stove-maker.

Original and functional barbecues can be bought at ready-made and then finalize for a specific project. For example, make a portable brazier on high legs or install it permanently on a stone base.

For a stove with a cauldron, a special project is needed, which takes into account the size of the dishes and the location of the firebox. The dimensions of such a hearth are larger than those of a conventional meat roaster.

Functional solution - the presence of a countertop near the stove, where the sink is located, cutting boards, shelves for products and utensils.

Fuels for garden stoves

For kindling the hearth in nature, coal, firewood, gas, briquettes are used. Not all types give the same heat, the smoldering time is also different. Fuel is selected based on the technical characteristics of the furnace.

Deserves special attention eco-friendly look fuel that does not emit smoke when heated. These are stones of volcanic origin, which are heated by electric spiral. As a result, the heat from the stones is no worse than from wooden firewood, and there is no smoke. This option is indispensable for a small suburban area, where the residential building and neighbors are in "dangerous proximity".

Regardless of which drawings, materials and internal arrangement, a gazebo with barbecue will certainly become a favorite place in the country. After all, it is so nice to spend time near the hearth with family and friends!

Book a gazebo with professionals

Don't have time to build your own? Please contact the following organizations.

Construction companies

A gazebo with barbecue turns the usual process of cooking in your kitchen into the culinary magic of cooking food on an open fire. Few dishes on our menu are as genuinely loved as kebabs cooked on the grill.

Let's see how to get more fun for everyone from participating in this unforgettable process.

Your gazebo with barbecue

Do-it-yourself brick brazier drawing

As it is not obvious, but if you don’t have a barbecue yet, make it. You do not need special materials and super skills for this - a simple drawing of a brazier, a dozen bricks, an iron rod and a sheet of iron - and you will have an excellent result.

Raise brickwork up to a height of 70-75 cm and put pieces on the solution iron rod, on which we then put an iron sheet. Raising the masonry higher, we lay it in the side walls by 2 different heights ledges for the barbecue grill.

Your gazebo with barbecue: important details

Today, a gazebo with a barbecue is more than just a place for a barbecue. Many of us want to have in it almost the same amenities that we are used to at home. In addition to the barbecue, gazebos can include smokehouses, skewers, braziers, stoves. From all the variety of existing options, we will choose our own - practical, thinking about what we will use most often and how it is adapted to our needs. Often a small gazebo, which has only the most necessary, is much more comfortable and functional than a pretentious one, stuffed with a variety of devices.

Add a cooking area next to the barbecue

If you have a small gazebo with a barbecue, add a table and a sink to it - this will turn your gazebo into a real summer kitchen. For the table, do not forget to provide a well-cleaned countertop and a small shelf for frequently used kitchen utensils. If possible, put a refrigerator in the gazebo - it will be convenient to store meat and drinks in it.

Make good use of your gazebo space

A dining table with benches is a traditional solution for a gazebo dining area with a barbecue. But, if you need to save space, make these benches slide under the table, so you have more space for cooking.


In terms of material use, every gazebo needs to be durable, serve well outdoors, and be easy to clean. This means wood, stone and metal processed from decay.

Don't Forget the Chef

There is nothing worse than cooking for the whole company and hearing only explosions of laughter behind you. Cooking and seating areas should flow into each other, on the one hand isolating guests from the hot zone, and on the other hand, allowing the chef to become the center of the party. This is best handled by a high bar counter raised from the other side of the cooking area. After all, watching a chef prepare grilled meat for you is a great start to any feast.

Keep warm in the gazebo

In cool weather, to keep warm and protect from the wind, special pvc curtains can be used in the gazebo. If the purchase of such curtains seems like an unnecessary luxury to you, you can make them yourself. You will need to buy pvc film, cut it to the size of the gazebo openings, edging it with a durable fabric and placing it along the edges of the grommets. With the help of a cord threaded through the eyelets, you can attach the curtain to the gazebo.

Use additional heat sources in the gazebo - for example, infrared lamps, always good idea. They can be placed near areas of maximum functionality - a dining or cooking area.

If your barbecue is next to the gazebo, make a canopy over it

If your grill is without a hood, it should not be placed in the gazebo, but it can be placed next to it. Make a canopy for the cook over such a grill so that a sudden downpour does not interfere with his work.

Add an open hearth

Having equipped an open hearth near or on the edge of the gazebo, you can cook kulesh in it and get an additional surface for cooking. So, on the main grill you cook meat, and on the hearth you put a grate and cook vegetables. And everything is prepared for you at the same time.

Add a seating area next to the gazebo

It can be either just a paved area next to the gazebo, or an additional canopy that is part of the structure of the gazebo or just an umbrella over a table on the street.

In a cool climate, even a separate gazebo can be a recreation area.

Convenient firewood

Make sure there is a convenient place to store firewood next to the gazebo. This will save you from going to the other end of the garden in the dark to get a couple of logs.

Make the entrance to the cellar from the gazebo

Convenient entrance from the gazebo on the one hand, will save you from having to install a refrigerator in the gazebo; on the other hand, it will make the entrance to the cellar more harmonious than a lonely mound in the corner of the garden.

Create a special mood with lighting.

Combination general lighting a site with a brightly lit gazebo will create the right balance between functionality and a harmonious atmosphere. Moreover, the cooking area in the gazebo should be brightly lit, and for the dining area and recreation area it is better to make adjustable lighting - you must somehow create a special mood!

Gazebo with barbecue. Fire prevention measures.

Everything electrical devices in the gazebo must have grounding. Electrical wiring should be carried out with a cable for outdoor work. wooden structures must be treated with fire-retardant impregnation.

Place the gazebo in a cozy corner of the garden.

While placing a summer kitchen near the house has a number of advantages, there are advantages to placing a gazebo with a barbecue in the far corner of the summer cottage. Here, along with food cooked on an open fire, you will give yourself the feeling of escaping from everyday hustle and bustle: enjoy the magnificent view and the silence of the garden.

Decorate a gazebo with barbecue

Gazebo with barbecue in your garden - perfect place to use your taste in the choice of furnishings and decor elements. And the decor is here, not only decorations on the wall, but also curtains, and kitchen utensils and flowers on the table. Let the gazebo become your cozy refuge among everyday worries.

Use elements of landscape design to highlight the area with a gazebo in the garden. The architecture of the gazebo itself is important element the entire landscape design of the site.
Make interesting additions next to the gazebo to emphasize the special significance of this area in the garden. For example, break kitchen garden with herbs or a large flower garden next to the gazebo.

Simple projects of gazebos with barbecue

Not all of us have access to luxurious gazebos made of Siberian cedar or silver pine. We invite you to get acquainted with simple and functional projects of gazebos with barbecue. Made from ordinary materials, clear and simple design - these projects are available to any summer resident.

Project 1. Gazebo with barbecue and bathroom

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