Bioproads: types and advantages. Eco-friendly dishes from wheat straw - take care of our land dishes dispatched from wheat straw

Decor elements 04.03.2020
Decor elements

It is difficult to assume that in the coming years, a technological revolution may occur in the furniture industry. We used to surround our life with natural materials - plastic scares consumers with their "non-life" properties. Material capable of replacing a tree, chemists have not yet come up.

The last breakthrough in the furniture production was made by the Germans at the beginning of World War II. Forced to save on the resources, they invented the production technology of plates from woodworking waste. In physical properties, these plates were not very different from solid wood, but the price was significantly won. After the victory, the liberators to appreciate the economical and very convenient technology. Already by the 60s, chipboard became the most popular material of the furniture industry.

In 2004, only Europe produced more than 40 million cubic meters of chipboard. The main advantages of the chipboard are low cost and comparative simplicity of processing. Plates are made of extruded large wood chips with the addition of thermosetting synthetic resin as a binder. Full-valued raw materials for chipboard is any low-value wood like coniferous and hardwood. Moreover, European manufacturers withstand the proportions - 80-90% of coniferous rocks and 10-20% deciduous. The global trading market of wood plates will be detected only by the deficiency of the source material. In a certain sense, it is already available, the prices of wood are constantly growing. The volume of deforestation is growing.

Thank you bureaucracy

In this market procedure established for 50 years, a Kazakhstani developer is going to break out that its technology will make a number of existing methods for the production of chipboard unclaimed. "Delta forms" - the name of a new material that exists so far only in samples of several square centimeters. These are high-strength straw tiles. According to the author Vitaly Hen, its technology overlaps a number of disadvantages of popular chipboard, fiberboard: illegibility, the need for additional surface treatment, the possibility of using only in a closed environment. In addition, these plates may contain phenol harmful to humans.

The story of the "Delta Forms" began in the mid-1980s in the Leningrad Forestry Academy, when Professor Gennady Tsarev found a unique binder for filler - an absolutely harmless organic matter.

As is known, the Soviet chipboard was distinguished by poor quality in many respects due to non-compliance with filler cooking technologies. The chips of the Soviet productions were given heterogeneous chips, the imported equipment was quickly worn out due to the barbaric attitude towards the technique. The starting material was blurred poorly and rescued when prespting.

Invented princess, the binder slightly reduced the problem of poor-quality gluing of heterogeneous chips. At this stage, Vitaly Hyung was connected to technology. We agreed that the scientific side is engaged in Tsarev, and administrative issues solves a young specialist from Kazakhstan. Investment on the national economy of the USSR required an incomplete energy. The Soviet Plants for the production of chipboard did not need a new binder in principle. They were afraid of the procedures for approving new guests, changing technological cycles. Developers decided to promote technology by bypass maneuver under the slogan "costs in income!".

"I began to engage in this technology in 1989," recalls Vitaly Hen. "Then a private entrepreneurship was allowed, there was a sharp deficit of building materials in the country. We counted that the profitability of our chipboard was 900% somewhere at a market price. It was necessary to find suppliers. raw materials. Oriented inventors for Lespromkhozia. They, as a rule, remain a large percentage of waste: branches, bark, chips. "I drove to negotiate in the Vologda region. The director of the economy said that they have no waste, despite the fact that there are huge rotting dumps of wood. And he explains, they say, we must work on wastewater technology, so all the remaining burning. If you begin to produce that "It's from this garbage, then I will be fired or put it," he says Hen. "The situation was also in other farms. Most of all I remember the conversation with the director of the cellulosen-cardboard plant in Kyzylorda. As a raw material, the plant used Russian wood, wooded dumps were burned. Smoke stood throughout the city. He offered to buy garbage from them, and the director answers I, bourgeois, do not let me earn on folk blood, and continued to strive the city smoke.

Vitaly Henu had to look for another raw material. In the laboratory, experimented with straw, but the results were bad: it often burned with hot pressure. A student Tsareva proposed to change the binder and somewhat changing the cooking technologies - tested on the rice husk - the material turned out in many physical parameters better than the chipboard. From that moment on, Hen began independent promotion of "straw technology". In the USSR, agricultural waste was actually not disposed of.

"In my technology, straw with a high gluten content is needed - it can be rice chalts, stems of cereals, cotton, in general, the main agricultural crops of Kazakhstan, says a scientist - and a biocatalyst that turns the heterogeneous grinding mass of straw into a single composition. After The process structure of the material is different from the structure of chipboard or fiber. "

Straw bomb

The material approved the consultation of specialists. The technology was taken at the Academy of Sciences, where "Delta forms" ranked to breakthrough technology. Among the testes of the "straw slat" was the doctor of technical sciences Nikolai Bttukov. "This material is three times stronger than today's chipboard, environmentally friendly. Made from waste (straw, husk), fireproof. Burns, if only keep it over the flame. Lightweight, with good heat and sound insulation. In addition, it is approximately 2-3 times cheaper than the analogues of the chipboard and dvp, "lists the advantages of the" Delta forms "Mr. Bttukuki.

In Belarus, Russia and Ukraine produce chipboard and fiberboard with an increased content of chemically active resins to ensure reliable gluing of the wood filler. Clean methods for the production of wood plates (without phenol) on average 60% more expensive. Moreover, the production of high-quality resins is one of the components of the price of the material. In the "Delta forms" the price of the binder is determined only by delivery from a low-value field from the point of view of agriculture of garbage. However, the nominal price filler itself does not. Now about ecology. In addition to the "clean" consumer properties, the basis of the material is a rapidly renewable raw material - 1 year for a full recovery cycle, which you will not say about the classic plates, it's somehow the wood is on the ripening of which it is necessary to thirty and more years, and is restored only Part of the industrially mastered raw materials.

The new physical properties of the actual wood material developed by violating the classical technological chain of the production of chipboard and fiberboard.

"Flushing, drying - simple procedures, no yeast, glue, simple exhausting technology, no steep. All processes are passing in one cycle - with hot pressure in a closed circuit. In the processing of the straw, as it is half a combustion, it turns out a super-closed semi-rounded structure, which as a result is not afraid of moisture. The material does not swell, since all the fiber actually burns, "explains Nikolai B Button. He believes that the "delta forms" can be used as a roof, and as walls.

"If you use this technology, then 1 square meter of the European quality housing will cost no more than 100-150 dollars. You can build both single-storey and multi-storey buildings. Walls can be made from the" Delta forms "- an outdoor and inner plate, between them Put construction wool, the distance between the plates is 5-7 centimeters. The plate itself is very smooth, almost like glass, which does not require special costs of finishing the inner walls. The house will be durable, warm, environmentally friendly, "he says.

There is a new material and technological superiority. That which cannot be given in principle either the chipboard, nor DVP is the elasticity of the feedstock. "The consistency itself before processing behaves like plastic - absolutely flexible, which allows you to stamp from it immediately ready-made products of any form: doors, window frames, chairs, dishes. You can even make a one-time dishes with a thickness of 2 millimeters," explains Vitaly Hen.

Marketing Victor

The furniture industry of Kazakhstan is fully tied to the import of building materials from wood. Chipboard and fiberboard are purchased in Russia and Poland. According to the statistical bodies of Russia, Russian woodworking companies exported 31,356 cubic meters of chipboard to Kazakhstan in 2004. Its plates to produce, according to many furniture makers, unprofitable - the raw materials will still have to be delivered. Only 4% of the territory of the republic is occupied by forests, and only 1.8% - industrially suitable. Tosses up to 70% of the necessary wood. This puts local producers in unprofitable compared to Russian furniturerafts. Domestic furniture makers have to work with more expensive material due to transport costs, add a customs duty of 15%.

"Delta forms", according to Vitaly Hen, is able to completely replace imported wood plates - they are cheaper. The raw material base for mass production is abound. About 15 million tons of wheat annually grow in Kazakhstan. The ratio of the stem to the grain is 3.5 K 1. Only on wheat, about 50 million tons of straw can be obtained. From one cubometer of finished raw materials, Hen technology allows to receive about 100 square meters. m material with a thickness of 10 millimeters. Only wheat raw materials have a production potential of 5 billion square meters. m products.

"It is not necessary to build large plants, it is enough to run mini-tsehs with several lines with a capacity of 30-50 thousand square meters. M per year. Separately launch lines on the stoves, doors, on floor covering. One line costs about 200-250 thousand dollars with By consideration of a small alteration: there is a somewhat different pressing system in my technology. Although if you produce your equipment, it will initially cost it cheaper, there is a technical solutions for equipment, "the inventor concludes.

Samples of their material Vitaly Hegen prepared at different equipment: in the laboratory of the Leningrad Academy, in factory machines, as well as at home with the help of a soldering lamp and self-made press. Technology worked out. True, on the industrial scale of "delta forms" was not yet necessary, but the author is confident that his product sooner or later becomes the most popular material of the furniture industry.

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There is a positive trend: more and more options for environmentally friendly utensils appear, which does not harm the environment. Plastic, on the contrary, becomes less popular.

The problem of plastic dishes is that this material is decomposed in the soil for several hundred years. Considering the volumes of polymeric materials, which are falling out daily for landfills, soon the entire planet will be littered with a smooth layer of plastics and polyethylene. However, with competent processing of plastic harmless. Plastic is processed by incineration.

From eco-friendly dishes, for example, plates and cups from paper, compressed corn starch and sugar cane. All these materials are fairly overloaded in the soil, in addition, they provide additional soil fertilizer.

We will tell about another environmentally friendly material from which one-time dishes are produced, we are talking about conventional wheat straw.

The main advantage of this material is absolute naturalness, such plates and cups do not contain any harmful impurities. In addition, in the world, the lack of straw cannot arise in principle. Straw relates to, so-called, renewable materials: each year sow bread, therefore, every year a huge amount of straw is formed, which is not used in any way.

The dishes of their straw is universal: it can be dispersed in a microwave furnace, and also this material perfectly transfers low temperatures, therefore, it is suitable for storing products in the freezer.

The utilization of straw dishes is not difficult, it is enough just to throw it into a trash can, companies engaged in processing, so far.

Production of dishes from wheat straw

Make such dishes as follows. Initially, the straw is crushed, as a result, it turns out a homogeneous mass of cellulose. In some cases, other cereal plants can be added additionally.

Then the crushed raw material is distributed in forms and placed under the press. Consequence - products are obtained very and very durable, such a tableware is never deformed.

The production of disposable dishes from wheat does not require a lot of energy. Water that is used for cooling is circulated by a closed contector. Do business on making such dishes - a very profitable business.

In Ukraine, it rattles the next startup, aimed at reducing the amount of products dangerous to the environment. This time, promising businessmen paid attention to plastic disposable dishes, and more precisely the possibility of producing its analogues. To embody the idea of \u200b\u200blife, they are separated by the smallestness - the need to build a special plant of disposable dishes and the acquisition of an innovative line for the production of disposable ecoposa. So far, our neighbors have a case, the issue of such products has already been established in Russia. RESESTS "ZEVS-GROUP".

Idea to produce environmentally friendly dishes

Vitaly Koval - young businessman from Kiev. He already has his own little matter, but now swung on a serious startup, requiring considerable investments. In his plans to launch its own plant of one-time dishes, and not some, but environmentally friendly dishes. It will be a complete alternative to plastic plates and cups that are overflowing today, and at the same time, and household waste polygons. Such a disposable ecoposud is absolutely no harm to the environment, and during disposal decomposes on harmless components within a few weeks, turning into fertilizer.

As the author's author himself says, his native landscapes inspired to the release of ecological dishes. During frequent trips around the country, he sees how many straw after cleaning the grain remains just rotting in the fields, in no way used. And this is one of the main types of raw materials for the production of disposable ecoposal. In addition, the gradual refusal to harmful plastic containers will improve the environmental situation in the country.

Technology of production of disposable ecoposa

If you remove all the details and appeal to the very essence of the technology, then one-time ecoposud is obtained by unwinding the straw, evaporation of moisture and pressing the remaining material by giving it the desired form.
Vitaly Koval along with straw plans to process potato starch, sunflower husk and other natural materials for the release of environmentally friendly dishes.

To do this, we need a modern disposable tableware with special equipment. According to a businessman, he has already found a company that is ready to put the entire production line as a collection of just 300 thousand dollars. Another 200 thousand will be required for the construction of the plant itself, the arrangement of the land plot, adjacent territory and connecting the object to communications.

The production line will grind the raw material to a homogeneous consistency, and then produce a plastic harmless mass from it. It is it that will be used to fill the forms and producing environmentally friendly dishes.

Money entrepreneur plans to look for in investors, offering them in return the share of shares of the future enterprise.

Environmental dishes in Russia

While in Ukraine a disposable environmental dishes is only the fruit of the start of the start-up, in Russia - a completely real product, which is in demand by many clients.

This is absolutely the same dishes as plastic - light, strong enough, withstanding low and high temperatures, which has a low cost and aesthetic appearance. Therefore, they accepted a novelty well, even especially not delight into details. And the fact that it is environmentally friendly dishes - it became only one more indisputable advantage. Disposable eoposud from straw is almost darker, and ecological starch utensils are slightly lighter. In everything else, it is evenly painted one-photon products without any unsightly enclosures. By the way, suitable for applying the logo of companies.

Top best samples of environmentally friendly dishes

Plants of disposable dishes and just environmentally friendly developments have long ceased to produce just dishes. In the arsenal of each large company, there is no product line, then at least one concept of the model is original and bright environmentally friendly dishes. Zeus Group leads only some of them as interesting examples.

South Korea represents dishes from bamboo

Under the FryBest brand is produced very bright and stylish dishes. The collection presents a variety of names that can only be represented in modern kitchen. The dishes can be used an unlimited number of times, and if we dispose of it by throwing into a compost, it will turn into fertilizer in a couple of months.

China poses dishes from sugar

This is a full-fledged environmentally friendly dishes that can be used as ordinary porcelain plates: pour hot soup in them, warm up in the microwave, freeze, wash in a dishwasher. At the same time, the design remains at the height - these are bright and attractive items needed in the kitchen, there are even specially designed children's collections.

Italy represents dishes from corn

Environmental dishes from corn has a very interesting texture. If you look very carefully, you can see individual enclosures of small particles. The material for all items is the homogeneous mass, which is prepared from bamboo and corn, and then under high pressure pressed in forms. Elegant outlines, pleasant colors, interesting solutions.

Finland represents dishes from pine

Only for its manufacture does not use a solid tree, but a special mass consisting of pine chopped fibers. Thanks to this, all items are obtained very elegant, durable, and have a variety of forms and outlines. Such dishes are absolutely ecologically clean, has a small weight and does not require special care.

Even well-known trading networks and fast food companies operating in Take-Away format picked up the relay of the use of disposable ecoposa. For example, Starbucks abandoned religious paper cups to save forests. Now customers offer a thermo-deformed reusable plastic cup of fully processed material.

Future of disposable ecuposudes in Russia

For the first time about disposable dishes Russians, and then residents of the USSR learned a little over 30 years ago. Guests from other states who came to Moscow to the Olympics brought with them technological innovations of a civilized society - disposable paper cups. Kvass from barrels, drinks in buffets and cafeteria began to offer dishes in unusual for the Soviet person.
She was happy to disassemble, used for their intended purpose, but then, instead of urn, they carried home to wash and continue to use. When the Olympics illegally, many discoveries and revelations again had to forget indefinitely. So one-time dishes returned to us only after 10 years and has already become firmly entered in everyday life.

It is no longer possible to part with it again, even for the sake of improving the environmental situation. Therefore, the only option is a gradual replacement, as it turned out, harmful plastic disposable dishes, both for the health of people and for the environment, safe environmentally friendly dishes.

Disposable environmentally friendly bio-dishes (biodegradable dishes) is a new eco trend among catering establishments and companies specializing in food delivery. The eco-friendly and unique natural texture of the material gives any dish natural appearance, and among visitors the institution receives the status of a careful environment and the health of its customers, which has a positive effect on the image.

The production technology of bio-utensils based on plants appeared a few decades ago, but its large-scale production began only recently and the ecological production market is rapidly expanding. This is due to the high technical characteristics of bio-dishes, the absence of any harmful substances and the simplicity of disposal. One of the reasons for the active use of bio products is the possibility of cleansing the planet from plastic waste, as well as the exhaustion of natural resources - oil, which is the raw material for the manufacture of plastic dishes. The manufacture of bio-dishes (biodegradable dishes) is made by molding.

Disposable bio-dishes from corn starch

The dishes and packaging based on vegetable corn raw materials are 100% the material biodegradable in the soil, which, after several months, with the help of microorganisms is converted into water and carbon dioxide and does not require disposal in the future. Safety, biodegradability, the absence of harmful substances - advantage of the fosse of this ecoposade! The dishes produced from the biodegradable material can completely replace the products from polymers made of non-renewable natural raw materials - gas and oil. In appearance and density, they are similar, but bio-utensils to the touch are much more pleasant and there is no smell. Such a biocoa:
- fat and waterproof;
- suitable for both a microwave oven and for freezing;
- Saves a longer time of food properties.

Disposable bio-utensils from sugarcane

The dishes and packaging from the fibrous remnants of sugar cane after pressing the juice (Bagasy) fully meets all the requirements and technical characteristics of food plastic products, in many respects even surpassing them. Sugar caneware is easily utilized in the soil in just a few months, while not harmful environmental and can even be used as compost. The range of sugar caneware includes a huge set of snow-white positions, such as: eco glasses, eco plates, eco lunch boxes, eco containers and more. Sugar cane bio-utensils today is the best alternative to environmentally friendly and harmless packaging for products and fast food.

Disposable bio-utensils from wheat straw

Products based on milf distinguishes the possibility of applying as secondary raw materials, as well as high heat resistance, which allows the use of dishes for both transportation and storage in freezers, and for heating in a microwave oven, in household or industrial convects. Products are fully safe for human health and can be used to store food for children. Bio-utensils from wheat straw has a beautiful color, natural natural shades and a pleasant texture.

Reusable bio-utensils from bamboo fiber

Cookware from bamboo fiber is ready to replace glass and ceramic dishes, thanks to bright design and properties, natural bamboo. The main quality of utensils from bamboo fibra is natural beauty, environmental friendliness and ease. The natural component is more than 99%, and the bright color is added by removing from colorful vegetables and plants. Produced products made from this material have antimicrobial properties, resistant to temperature drops and are ready to serve you during many years.

Buy bio-dishes in Krasnoyarsk

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