The best material for the roof of the house. cheapest roofing material

Encyclopedia of Plants 26.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

This article tells how to cover the roof of a private house. Popular roofing materials, their technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, as well as installation methods are considered. After reading the article, you will know how to purchase the right material, taking into account the requirements for a specific house project.

A variety of roofing materials Source

What are the criteria for choosing a roofing material?

There are several basic requirements:

    the material must be durable and withstand large natural loads in the form of precipitation, wind and sun;

    acceptable price;

    small specific gravity, so as not to invest large amounts of money in the construction of the truss system;

    ease of assembly;

    ease of care and maintenance;

    long service life;

    presentable appearance.

Types of roofing materials

The variety presented on the modern market is quite large. All positions are divided into two groups: rigid and flexible. The latter include shingles, roofing material and roofing felt. The hard type is divided into several subgroups, which are based on the original raw material: metal, clay, cement, composite, and so on.

Asbestos-cement slate

Traditional roofing material, inexpensive (eight-wave with dimensions of 1750x1130 mm costs between 300-400 rubles, depending on the thickness of the product - 5.2-7 mm).

Asbestos slate on the roof of the house Source

Its advantages:

    long service life within 50-100 years;

    high bearing capacity, bending strength 16-19 MPa;

    the weight of slate varies between 23-35 kg - considerable, which requires a competent approach to the construction of the truss system;

    water resistance 24 hours;

    residual strength 90%;

    it is a non-combustible material;

    low thermal conductivity - 0.47 W / m K, compared with metals, in which this parameter is 230;

    slate absorbs sounds, so rain falling on its surface is not heard inside the building;

    ease of installation.

Today, manufacturers offer slate in the form of colored panels. There are two varieties of them: painted on top, painted in the entire body of the material. This has little effect on the price, but the second option is better because it does not fade over time.

The slate is mounted on a discharged crate, which already speaks of savings. Lay it with overlapping panels both in the transverse direction and in the longitudinal direction. Fasten to the crate with roofing nails.

Installation of slate on the roof Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer turnkey design and repair of roofs of any complexity. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".


A material that has recently gained high popularity. And when the question arises before the customer, what is the best way to cover the roof, many, without hesitation, choose profiled sheets. Why:

    high strength of the product;

    high bearing capacity depending on the profile;

    the length varies from 0.5 to 12 m with an undercut step of 0.5 m, which allows you to close the roofs in a seamless way from the eaves to the ridge;

    a huge variety of colors;

    service life 25-50 years;

    easy to process (cut, drill);

    simple installation due to low weight - 3.9-24.1 kg per 1 m² of coverage area.

Roof decking is lighter and more reliable than slate Source

As for the price, there is a fairly wide range: from 180 to 1000 rubles. for 1 m² of the product. The reason is the variety of roofing material in terms of raw materials, here the thickness of the steel sheet is mainly taken into account, plus a protective coating: paint or polymers (which polymer, what thickness is applied).

As for the installation, it is carried out on a discharged crate. For fastening, roofing screws are used, which are screwed into the lower wave. In slate, nails are driven into the top.

And a few disadvantages of corrugated board:

    high thermal conductivity;

    low sound insulation (rain is clearly audible inside the building);

    when covering complex roofs, a lot of waste remains.

metal tile

According to many characteristics, corrugated board and metal tiles are similar roofing materials, because they are made of galvanized steel sheet. But they also have their differences:

    the width of the metal tile does not exceed 40 cm, so the technology of its installation is a docking installation, where overlapping panels are used along the length of the roof slope;

    this roofing material is produced by stamping, which forms dead zones on the panel itself, which makes it impossible to trim it at will, and this leads to large waste;

    installation of metal tiles - the process is much more complicated compared to the installation of corrugated board.


As for the price, it should be noted here that some manufacturers sell it taking into account 1 m², others in sheets. The second option is simpler, because there is no need, when you come to the store, to calculate the quadrature of the product, in order to then multiply it by the price. The cost of the panels depends on the thickness and width, on the protective material used. Plus, models are taken into account that differ from each other in the shape of the profile.

To cover the roof with a metal tile is to lay it on a discharged crate, where the step of the elements of the latter is strictly taken into account. This parameter is equal to the installation width of the product.

bituminous tiles

It is a unique building material known since the beginning of the twentieth century. It is based on fiberglass, which is impregnated with bitumen, and sprinkled with fine stone chips on top. It is also called a flexible tile, because it bends easily. Hence its pros and cons.

The main plus is the ability to cover complex roofs without undercuts and fittings. The main disadvantage is that a continuous crate is required for bituminous tiles, which includes slab or sheet materials with a flat surface: plywood, OSB, chipboard, and so on. Any difference in the plane, any unevenness of the lathing is immediately reflected on the roofing.

Roof structure covered with bituminous tiles Source

Let's add to the positive features:

    good heat and sound insulation properties;

    service life - 50 years;

    low specific gravity, which reduces the load on the crate and truss system;

    variety of colors.

The price of bituminous tiles varies in the range from 400 to 700 rubles / m².

As for installation, bituminous mastic is used for fastening, as an adhesive composition, and special nails, which are called ruff nails. The method of laying the roofing material is to overlap the shingles relative to each other. So that the nails on the roof surface are not visible, they are hammered under the edge of the material, which is laid over the overlap.

Video description

Installation of shingles in the video:


If the owner of the house is faced with the question of how to cover the roof in the country house inexpensively, then ondulin is the very option. It's all about its composition, which is based on pressed cardboard (cellulose and polymer resins), treated with bitumen. It is made in the form of a wave slate. Therefore, the method of installing the two materials is no different from each other.

As for the dimensions of the sheet, they are standard: 2x0.95 m with a thickness of 3 mm. Wave height - 36 mm. The sheet weighs 6 kg. Compared to asbestos-cement slate, it is many times lighter, which makes it possible not to build reinforced truss systems.

Roofing ondulin - inexpensive and high-quality material Source

When tested for strength, ondulin is subjected to loads of 960 kg / m², which is the maximum load on the roof. And the material withstands such a load without problems.

And other positive technical characteristics:

    thermal conductivity - 0.19 W / m K;

    noise isolation - 40 dB (a good indicator);

    retains its shape when the temperature rises to +11C.

As for the shortcomings, it is necessary to single out one position - ondulin begins to burn at a temperature of + 230C, which classifies it as a material that supports combustion.

The price of the material is in the range of 200-500 rubles. per sheet. And since the area of ​​​​one sheet is approximately 2 m², you will have to pay half as much for 1 m². That is, of all the proposed options for roofing, ondulin can be considered as the cheapest.

But before you cover the roof with ondulin, think about its low fire-fighting qualities.

Video description

Overview of roofing materials in the video below:


The article discusses the most popular roofing today, but it is necessary to choose the better to cover the roof in a private house, in each specific case, taking into account the design features of the roof and the requirements that you place on its reliability and quality. Be sure to consider the financial side of things, but do not forget that the strength and reliability of the roof comes first. And this does not always correspond to the equality of price and quality.

The topic of cheap building materials for country houses is always relevant, so in this article I decided to talk with you about the most affordable roofing materials. Below we will consider their main advantages and disadvantages, which will surely help you decide what is the best roofing in the country.

Material options

Option 1: wave slate

The good old slate has been tested by more than one generation of summer residents, and so far it has not lost its relevance. Moreover, it continues to be used not only for country houses, but also for permanent housing, which already says a lot.


  • durable - serves for about 40 years or even more;
  • resistant to temperature extremes, frost and other negative atmospheric influences;
  • has good soundproofing properties, due to which it does not rumble during rain, like metal roofing materials;
  • has a sufficiently high strength;
  • does not burn;
  • slate roofing is easy to repair with your own hands, replacing damaged sheets;
  • not subject to corrosion.

One could not even consider alternative materials to slate, if not for a few of its disadvantages.


  • unattractive appearance, although familiar to each of us. True, the solution to the problem may be the use of painted slate, but it also costs much more. Therefore, many summer residents, in order to save money, paint slate on their own, which is also quite acceptable;

  • the surface of the slate darkens quickly enough and moss grows on it, especially on the north side of the building or if the roof is in the shade. Painting or treatment with antiseptic compounds again helps to solve the problem;
  • slate sheets are quite heavy, which makes it somewhat difficult to work with them;
  • as a result of fragility, slate sheets may crack during transportation or installation;

  • asbestos dust, which forms slate, is harmful to humans.

Price. The price of slate largely depends on its thickness and size:

Option 2: ondulin

Outwardly, ondulin strongly resembles painted slate, as it is a wavy sheet. But, that's where the similarities end. The basis for this material is usually cellulose, which is impregnated with bitumen and other chemical compounds.


  • attractive appearance, and there is a large selection of colors on sale, which allows you to choose a roof covering that is in harmony in color with the facade;
  • light weight - about 6kg. Thanks to this, ondulin can be laid on the roof without dismantling the old coating, for example, directly on the slate. In addition, low weight greatly simplifies the work with this material;

  • well amenable to mechanical processing;
  • resistant to biological influences;
  • like slate, it has good soundproofing qualities.

Unfortunately, ondulin has more negative qualities than positive ones. .


  • short-lived - the French manufacturer of the same name gives a guarantee on the material for 15 years. Manufacturers of cheaper analogues of ondulin give a guarantee of 10-12 years;
  • unlike painted slate, it quickly fades in the sun, and the color guarantee does not apply, since it only concerns water resistance;
  • has low strength. At high temperatures, it softens greatly and even loses its shape.

In the cold, ondulin, on the contrary, becomes very fragile. Therefore, you can not engage in its installation at a temperature of less than -5 degrees;

  • when heated in the sun, the material begins to release harmful substances into the atmosphere;
  • the price is higher than the cost of slate;
  • it is almost impossible to clean the roof without leaving dents on it.

To fasten the ondulin, it is necessary to use special nails that ensure the tightness of the installation.

Therefore, if you choose how to cover the roof in the country house between slate or ondulin, I would recommend choosing slate. Ondulin can also be used for temporary or outbuildings, gazebos, sheds, etc.

I must say that initially ondulin was positioned solely as a cheap material for roof repairs. Hence its performance characteristics.

Price. Depends on the manufacturer:

Option 3: euroroofing material

Considering the cheaper it is to cover the roof in the country, one cannot but say about the roofing material. This is a rolled bituminous material, which is used in construction not only as a roof covering, but also as a waterproofing. As a rule, it is used for flat roofs, however, it can also be used for pitched roofs.

I must say right away that an ordinary roofing material as a roofing material is hardly worth considering, due to its fragility, unattractive appearance, and some other shortcomings. However, there is a so-called euroroofing material on sale, which is more durable and durable.


  • high strength, since fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester is usually used as the basis. Let me remind you that in ordinary roofing material, cardboard is used as a reinforcing base;

  • durability - according to manufacturers, roofing lasts 15-25 years, and premium class euroroofing material even more - 30 years. Such durability is achieved thanks to the modified bitumen, which has higher characteristics;
  • has an attractive appearance, thanks to a sprinkling of crushed minerals of different colors. Sometimes even glass chips are used for these purposes, however, such a coating is very rare.

The dressing performs not only a decorative function, but also protects the material from mechanical influences, as well as sunlight;

  • simple installation instructions.

Keep in mind that according to the laying method, this material can be divided into two types - for laying using a burner, for "cold" installation.


  • requires additional use of waterproofing;
  • on the market, you can stumble upon low-quality material, the main drawback of which is the fragility of the dressing - over time, it crumbles and is washed off by precipitation;
  • installation should be done at positive temperature.

Price. The price is largely influenced by the type of base, as well as some other factors:

Option 4: keramoplast

Keramoplast is a relatively new domestic roofing material developed by the company of the same name. It is a wave sheet that looks like painted slate or ondulin.

Its material composition uses a ceramic and polymer composition, hence the name.


  • has high strength and resistance to mechanical damage;

  • has an attractive appearance. At the moment, there are four colors of keramoplast - black, terracotta, red, brown, however, other colors can be purchased on request.

I must say that, unlike ondulin, keramoplast does not burn out;

  • does not contain toxic elements;
  • unlike painted slate, it is impossible to scratch, as the material is painted throughout its thickness;
  • does not change its performance in a wide temperature range - from -60 to +80 degrees;
  • good durability - according to the manufacturer, the service life is 30-40 years;
  • has excellent flexibility;
  • light weight - sheet weight is 9kg.


  • in order to properly fasten the sheets, you need to “fill your hand”, since the material needs to be fixed with high quality, but at the same time not to deform the wave;
  • keramoplast is easy to confuse with low-quality analogues;
  • may shrink.

Price. A keramoplast sheet measuring 2 x 0.9 m costs an average of 470 rubles.

Option 5: metal tile

A fairly common roofing material is a metal tile. Of course, it cannot be called a completely budgetary material, however, compared with the cost of ceramic tiles, the price of metal tiles is still democratic.

For those who are not in the know - the material is a galvanized stamped sheet, painted with a protective polymer coating.


  • good durability - 30-40 years;
  • attractive appearance - the material imitates tiles, and there is a large selection of profiles and colors on sale;

  • tolerates both low and high temperatures. Thanks to this, installation can be done at any time of the year;
  • has high strength - does not crack or break. The only mechanical impact can lead to deformation or damage to the polymer coating;
  • has a low weight - the mass of the sheet averages 3.5-4.5 kg.


  • makes a lot of noise when it rains. To eliminate this drawback, sound insulation should be used;
  • the material is subject to corrosion. If the protective coating is damaged, rust will appear on the surface very quickly;

  • there is a low-quality metal tile on sale, the protective coating of which quickly burns out or even peels off, as a result of which the surface becomes covered with rust.

The most durable is the metal tile coated with PVDF. However, its cost is also the highest.

Price. The price of metal tiles, as well as the cost of other roofing, largely depends on the manufacturer:

Here, in fact, are all the advantages and disadvantages of roofing materials that I wanted to tell you about.


Now, knowing the main pros and cons of coatings, you can make the right choice yourself. I recommend watching the video in this article. If you still can’t make a choice, ask questions in the comments, and I will be happy to help you.

No wonder private housing developers are looking for the cheapest roofing material. After all, the cost factor plays an important role in choosing a suitable roof. However, an economical price should not come to the fore without taking into account other factors: the architectural structure of the roof, the purpose of the building, the weight of the roofing material and the budget allocated for these purposes. That is, one should always proceed from the most advantageous price / quality ratio.

When choosing a roofing material, it is necessary to take into account the architecture of the roof, the purpose of the building, the weight of the material and its cost.

It cannot be discounted that the load from the roof is made up not only of the weight of the rafters and roofing material, but also in winter from the weight of the snow attacking the roof and from the constant wind loads in the area. For central Russia, the last two indicators are usually taken equal to 200 kg per square meter. The angle of inclination of the slope should also be taken into account.

How to cover the roof of the house so that everything suits and comes out cheaper? Having become acquainted with the variety of existing coatings on the market, the choice will not be so difficult.

roofing requirements.

Roofing material must be:

  • high strength;
  • durable;
  • resistant to atmospheric phenomena (frost, heat, moisture, solar radiation, oxygen);
  • good sound and heat insulator;
  • anti-corrosion;
  • fire resistant.

Variety of roofing materials

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Tiled roof types

Ceramic tiles without additional fixation can be used for roofs with a slope of 22-60 degrees.

Tiles are among the oldest roofing materials. Houses in the old quarters of Europe are covered with this particular type of roof with variegated colors. Previously, only ceramic tiles were made, but now the range of material is much more extensive.

These pieces are piece products (the size of one plate is 30 by 30 cm), which have been fired in a kiln and acquired a brownish-red tint. Glazed tiles look more attractive, and it is more convenient to use: neither snow nor rain moisture will hold on it. The weight of one piece after firing is over 2 kg.

The shape of the elements can be different: wavy, tape, grooved, grooved, etc. And at the same time, the mounting options will be different. But the properties of all products are similar to each other. When laying, they try to lay the tiles so that the plate on top covers one third of the bottom.

The use of tiles is advisable for buildings of any number of storeys with a slope of the roof slope in the range of 22-60 degrees. With a larger slope, additional mechanical fixation of each tile is provided by means of a screw or nail. With a weak slope, a high level of roof ventilation and waterproofing are provided.

Advantages: the coating is reliable, durable, non-flammable, frost resistance over 1000 cycles, does not corrode, has a good sound insulation index, is easy to repair (only damaged areas are changed without resorting to dismantling the entire roof). The disadvantages include the severity and fragility of the material, the need for waterproofing, the use of additional fasteners and reinforcement of the crate with a complex roof configuration.

The tile is cement and sand.

Cement-sand tile is very similar to ceramic, but its price is much lower.

A mixture of sand and cement hardens under pressure and is glazed (not always). This is how this tile is prepared. In appearance it is indistinguishable from ceramic products. 1 square meter is equal to the weight of 35-45 kg. Recommended for closing roofs with a slope of 20º-60º. It needs an underlay in the form of a waterproofing carpet. The price is from 10 to 20 $.

Advantages: resistance to external influences (including ultraviolet), high frost resistance. Gaining strength over the years. Minus - heavy material, can give up to 10% scrap during transportation.

Bituminous tiles

The bituminous plate is covered with cellulose, fiberglass or polyester during the manufacturing process. The shade is achieved by coloring. Sheets have dimensions of 30 by 100 cm, their weight is 8-12 kg per sq.m. Price - from 8 to 10 $ per sq.m. Acquired for structures with a slope of more than 12º. Requires a substrate of moisture resistant plywood. The flexibility of the bituminous material allows it to be used on arbitrary roof configurations with different roundings. The bitumen-rubber layer, under the influence of the sun, glues the sheet plates into one monolithic surface.

The pluses include: strength, resistance to decay and rust. Local dismantling and subsequent repair is allowed. Appropriate for triangular, rounded and multi-pitched roofs. Protects from noise. Choice of colors and materials. It is not included in the category of elite coatings, as it is combustible and loses its color saturation from ultraviolet radiation.

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Metal types of coatings

Metal tile.

It is not clear why this metal sheet, stamped like a tile covering, is called a tile. The sheet is steel galvanized on both sides with a polymer layer applied. Thanks to this layer and the resulting shade, this coating was named that way. Sheet weight - 3-5 kg ​​per sq.m. The cost is $ 7-15 per meter. Purpose - for roofs with a slope of more than 15º. A smaller slope requires sealing the joints of the sheets. Installation of sheets: along the slope - by 250 mm or more, across - by 1 corrugation.

With a budget deficit, this choice is considered the most optimal in almost any situation.

The material is easy to install, resistant to shock, weighs little and is cheap. But you should not expect protection from noise from it.

Professional sheets.

The simplest type of metal coatings, represented by corrugated sheets of galvanized steel. Waves have different heights, widths and shapes. The minimum slope for profiled sheets is 10º. It needs a crate with glassine, reinforced with self-tapping screws. It is permissible to lay sheets on top of the previous coating (for example, roofing material).

The material is used mainly for buildings with 1-3 floors. Pluses are: the accelerated and simple installation, durability, reliability. But there is no sound and heat insulation.

Seam metal roofs: steel, aluminum, copper.

They are made from flat, unprocessed sheets. Steel can have a galvanized or polymer layer. Fasten by joining the folded edges. The minimum slope is 20º. Require a substrate on the rafters of an anti-condensate film. Steel is simple, cheap and not prestigious. Will rust if not covered.

From copper, the roof looks more attractive: initially a bright yellow-red color, gradually becoming covered with a greenish patina. In this case, the material, in addition to protection against corrosion, acquires a certain nobility.

However, the price of copper and aluminum is not cheap.

The lightest of all aluminum roofing: it weighs 2-3 kg per sq. m. Steel is heavier - 4-5 kg ​​per sq.m. And copper is the heaviest of all - 10 kg per m.

Despite the decorative effect, fire resistance, low weight and the ability to give different shapes, the seam material does not sufficiently isolate from noise and heat leakage and is not impact resistant.

When looking at any house, the first thing that catches your eye is roofing. And this is not surprising, because the general perception of a modern cottage largely depends on the spectacular type of roof. However, first of all, it must be reliable. and durable.

We have prepared an article from which you will learn:

  • How to choose the right roof and not miscalculate during its further operation;
  • Why an integrated approach is needed when choosing;
  • What are the types of roofing?
  • How to reduce costs when installing roofing without sacrificing its strength;
  • Why is it sometimes more profitable to buy more expensive material, and not try to save money.

Roofing for the roof: how to choose

You have decided to build a house and thought about choosing a roof. In this case, remember that whatever material you choose, it must first of all meet the following parameters:

  • Have a suitable design;
  • be affordable to you;
  • be durable;
  • Do not create difficulties with installation.

It is necessary to start choosing a roof even at the design stage of the structure, since all loads on the truss structure must be taken into account and then the necessary materials and roof units are calculated.

  • It is also necessary to take into account climatic features.

Our Forum Advisor Sergei Namestnikov(nickname on the forum Pil18 ):

– Doing
the “right” choice of roofing material for our climatic conditions, it is worth remembering that due to the size of our country we are dealing with several climatic zones. Namely:

  • In southern regions with high solar activity, it is worth choosing a coating based on its color fastness parameters (ultraviolet stability) and operating temperature range, since roofing in areas where plus thirty degrees are not uncommon gets very hot;
  • In coastal areas, it is worth choosing a coating, given the aggressive environment of salty sea air;
  • In the northern regions, it is necessary to take into account not only the winter temperature of minus forty, but the weight of the coating, since snow loads are of decisive importance.

When designing a roof, wind and snow loads must be taken into account, regardless of the materials!

Consultant's opinion Elena Gorbunova, Moscow (nickname on the forum Matilda):

The choice of roofing material is better to start even before the installation of the truss system, as there are small but important differences in the arrangement of the roofing cake for different types of roofing.

Wanting to save on construction, many choose a roof, focusing only on the price per square meter and turning a blind eye to some of the shortcomings. But do not forget about the little things! The real price also consists of the necessary components, additional structural elements, elements passing through the roof and the possibility of their installation on this roofing.

Any roof covering will last a long time if it is installed with high quality and in full accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations!

Roof selection algorithm

Despite the fact that there may be several selection criteria, nevertheless, first of all, any developer pays attention to the design of the roofing. After all, it should not only be combined with the house and outbuildings: a bathhouse, a garage, etc., but also, ideally, be in harmony with the landscape of the entire site. That is why an integrated approach is required when choosing.

Sergei Namestnikov :

Roofing and the general appearance of the finished roof should be combined with the design of the building, and therefore, please the owners with their appearance. You can also highlight a number of secondary criteria that you should focus on:

  • Price;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Availability in the market;
  • Durability.

But before you finally decide on the choice of roofing, you need to carefully study its technical characteristics and take an interest in the history of the operation of the material.

There is no universal good advice on which coating should be used and which should not. How many people, so many opinions. Some like corrugated board, others like tiles, and in each case it is necessary to choose individually, according to the place.

Sergei Namestnikov :

- When choosing a roofing, I always recommend following this algorithm: choose a design, choose a brand (manufacturer) from the desired group of roofings, choose a specific product based on its technical characteristics and price, look for the best (optimal) offer on the market, buy.

Such a phased approach to the choice will not let you get confused.

It is impossible to say which roofing material is the best. The experience of users of our forum suggests that there is no single answer.

Sergei Namestnikov :

On your roof, in my opinion, there should be a coating that, first of all, will please you! And to the question “what kind of roofing material is better to refuse”, I would answer “from poor quality”.

Even the highest quality material will not last long if used incorrectly! But it is necessary to save only up to a certain level. Do not forget that the roofing system depends not so much on the quality of the material, but on the correct installation of the roofing system.

Sergei Namestnikov

– When choosing a roofing, it is worth considering the shape of the roof.

If the shape of the roof is complex, with slopes, slopes, angles of various shapes, many valleys, slopes of a trapezoidal and triangular shape, then using sheet materials, metal tiles, etc. on it leads to waste exceeding 30% of the total amount of material, which very uneconomical.

Therefore, on this kind of roofing, it is more expedient to use soft tiles and materials, during the installation of which the waste will not be so high.

Types of roofing

To understand which roof is best suited for your home, you need to understand the parameters of roofing on the market.

Elena Gorbunova:

The main types of materials are:

  • metal tile;
  • Soft bituminous tiles;
  • Sand-cement;
  • Ceramic;
  • Composite.

metal tile
rightly is one of the most popular roofing at the moment. It is a galvanized sheet coated (or uncoated) of various shapes (rolling shape). The price range is approximately 200-500 R/m2.

Elena Gorbunova:

Metal tiles differ in coating, steel thickness and profile. The thickness of the steel ranges mainly from 0.4 to 0.5 mm. The thicker the better. Steel 0.4 is too thin, and this makes installation difficult, because. large sheets bend and crumple like foil.

Sergei Namestnikov :

– The durability of this material directly depends on the quality of the coating and the quality of the galvanized steel sheet. There is an opportunity to buy sheets of standard sizes, and to order sheets of the size you need.

Despite the fact that the choice of colors for metal tiles is quite extensive, there are not so many rolling forms, and this imposes certain restrictions on the design of the roof of a house. Also, when choosing and buying, it is worth considering not only the cost of the “canvas” per square meter, but also the cost of additional elements, since the overpriced price of additional elements leads to an increase in cost.

Sergei Namestnikov :

- Do not forget that during the rain the metal tile makes noise, which, in principle, is eliminated by the usual insulation and high-quality sound insulation.

The service life of a high-quality metal tile, subject to proper installation, is about 50 years.

Choosing a soft roof for your home

Soft tiles- a very popular material on the Russian market. This is due to the widest design possibilities of this roofing and a large number of colors, shades and shapes. The price range for soft roofing is also very wide - from 200 rubles for the simplest quality material to several thousand for roofing from exclusive collections.

This material is great for use on complex roofs, as it has virtually no waste during installation. The flexible tile perfectly soundproofs the noise from the rain. But this type of coating requires laying on a solid base (most often it is made of OSB - plywood), which increases the cost of the roofing system.

Elena Gorbunova:

Under soft tiles, a solid crate is required. It is most practical to first stuff a rare crate, and nail an OSB board (or moisture-resistant plywood) over it. In this case, the step of the lathing can be adjusted to the size of the OSB board and you do not have to cut the board.

And the plate itself can be taken thinner.

The standard plate width is 1220 mm. The crate is an inch board with a pitch of 244 mm, and a 9 mm OSB plate is attached along the axes. This thickness is quite enough for any climatic zone of Russia. And the edge of the slab will always fall in the middle of the crate board.

Another feature of bituminous tiles is that it does not need additional waterproofing along the slope of the rafters. A lining layer is laid along a continuous crate and roofing tiles are already going along it. In this case, there will be no mini-leaks or condensate dripping from the inside of the material onto the insulation.

It is cheaper and easier to bring a chimney, fan pipe or ventilation pipe through such a roofing than through any other.

Elena Gorbunova:

It should be remembered that the placesall these exits must be provided in the roof in advance!

And in order for such a roof to last for a long time, when buying it, you can use the following advice.

Elena Gorbunova:

It is important that the bitumen in the roof tiles does not become brittle over time. A fairly simple way to check its quality when buying is to sniff the tile. There should not be a strong bituminous smell, which means that the bitumen is artificially aged and the necessary modifiers have been added to it for elasticity.

Wavy bitumen sheets is a material based on organic fibers (cellulose) impregnated with bitumen. Such material is easy to install, has a small weight.

However, it limits the developer's design options.

It is popular, first of all, due to the fact that the installation of corrugated bitumen sheets is easy to do on your own, and the material itself is easy to transport.

Sergei Namestnikov :

Steel roofing (seam roofing)- this is the most reliable and durable steel roofing, which is produced using the double standing seam technology. Such a roof has no holes, the surface is monolithic and sealed. Seam roofing is exactly the case when the material for the manufacture of roofing is not expensive, but the main problem of this type of coating is high-quality installation. There are not so many masters who can perform this type of work, which affects the price of installation work.

Sergei Namestnikov :

- Such material should be used when it is necessary to obtain a durable roof, and the issue of price fades into the background.

Roof tiles- This is a material with a deep history, used in antiquity. Such a roofing is durable and beautiful, but it has a lot of weight, which imposes increased requirements on the truss system and the structure of the entire building.

Sergei Namestnikov

– I would refer this material to the premium segment, because. the cost of high-quality ceramic tiles can hardly be called low.

There are several technologies for making tiles.

There are cement-sand, polymer-sand and ceramic tiles. The classic version is ceramic tiles.

Elena Gorbunova:

  • Sand-cement tiles. Here you need to pay attention to such an indicator as "cyclicality". Such a roof collects moisture, which, when the temperature passes through "zero", expands inside and leads to the destruction of the roofing. For the year in the Moscow region, several dozen transitions through the "zero".
  • Composite tiles. It looks very impressive, because. combines both the volume of the profile and the stone dressing. But it is quite difficult to install, and its laying cannot be done by roofers without experience in working with just such a roof.

If you decide to get a roof made of natural tiles - do not count on the low cost!

Slate and painted slate is an inexpensive material. And it can be recommended for use as a roofing only if the price of the material is the main selection criterion.

It should be remembered that slate is already quite an outdated material. It is also very fragile, which imposes certain restrictions on its installation.

Also, do not forget that with excessive savings on roofing material, there can be significant losses in quality, and the cost of installation work, insulation, wood, remains unchanged. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to purchase roofing of a higher quality, it is always worth taking advantage of it, because, like a house, a roof is put up for more than one decade!

Users of the site can find out all the information by; understand . Members of our forum will tell you all about. Also here you can find a detailed and visual description of the laying technology. In a branch of our forum there is a heated discussion about how much more expensive than metal tiles. We are discussing and. Our video clearly shows how to choose the right economy class roof. The roof consists of roofing trifles, and from which ones, you will learn from the second video. And if you want to mount a seam roof with your own hands, but don’t know how to do it, watch the video where our forum member talks in detail about all the intricacies and secrets of working with this coating!

The better and cheaper to cover the roof of the house The beauty of the roof of the house depends on many factors, but the main role is played by the roofing. The correct choice of roofing coating depends on how comprehensively the material was analyzed and all its properties were correctly evaluated.


The beauty of the roof of the house depends on many factors, but the main role is played by the roofing. The correct choice of roofing coating depends on how comprehensively the material was analyzed and all its properties were correctly evaluated. Only after a detailed study of the market of roofing materials, you can decide what is better to cover the roof of the house, which flooring will cost less.

The main characteristics of roofing, which should be considered at the time of purchase of building materials:

  • Compatibility of the configuration, color and texture of the roof with the facade cladding of the house, the style of the landscape;
  • Strength, durability, resistance of the roof to numerous external influences;
  • The mass of roofing modules, which affects the method of erecting the truss system;
  • The complexity and cost of installation work when installing the roof;
  • Plasticity, the possibility of forming a roof of complex shape;
  • The degree of noiselessness of the coating under the influence of precipitation;
  • The price category of building materials.

Comparative table of properties and cost of roofing materials:

roofing material



Price, rub./m 2

Acceptable cost.

Variety of shapes and colors.

Ease of installation.

Mechanical strength.

Light weight.

Moisture and frost resistance.

Risk of corrosion.

Flexible roof tiles

Presentable appearance, variety of colors.

Ease of installation and repair.

High heat and sound insulation.

Moisture resistance.

Susceptibility to deformation due to temperature changes.

Ceramic tiles

Noble appearance.

Excellent sound and heat insulation.

Durability is about 100 years.

Significant weight. High price.

Labor intensive installation.

1000 or more

Affordable price.

Durability (at least 30 years)

Lightness and strength.

Ease of installation and repair.

Environmental friendliness and biostability.

Frost, moisture resistance.

Attractive appearance, wide range of colors.

High fire hazard.

Susceptibility to deformation from mechanical stress and temperature extremes.

budget cost.

Frost and moisture resistance.

Simplified installation diagram.

Low level of noise and heat insulation.

Low strength, especially along the edge of the roof.

Susceptibility to the formation of fungal and mold foci.


Low price.

Durability with proper installation.

Simplified installation scheme, easy repair.

Moisture, frost, fire resistance.

Light weight.

Low level of sound absorption and thermal insulation.

Susceptibility to corrosion.

The need for a lightning rod.

Traditional roof tiles

Tiles are one of the oldest roofing materials known since ancient times. If earlier it was made only from clay, now sand-cement and lime-sand mixtures are used, covered with colored glaze or engobe, achieving high wear resistance of the modules. The key advantages of classical tiles include its ideal durability (about 100 years) and environmental friendliness, fire, water and frost resistance, noiselessness and low operating costs of the roof.

The fundamental disadvantages of a traditional tiled roof are fragility, high cost and massiveness, which requires significant reinforcement of the load-bearing walls and the arrangement of a powerful foundation. Among other things, when arranging a tile roof, a steep slope is required for effective snow melting and storm water runoff, and the installation of the flooring is significantly complicated due to the piece material.

The metal tile is made from a profiled metal sheet (steel, copper, aluminum) with a protective zinc and decorative polymer coating. The beauty of the material is achieved by styling under natural ceramic tiles. High aesthetics and resistance to fading, reliability and durability, ease of installation and budget cost - these are the key advantages of a metal roof. In addition, the small mass of metal tiles can significantly simplify the truss system and foundation design, reducing the cost of building a house as a whole.

The disadvantages of metal tile flooring include:

  • Susceptibility to corrosion, especially in areas with damaged polymer layer, in places where sheets are cut and along the contour of mounting holes.
  • High noise, the need for a thorough soundproofing of the roof.
  • Increased thermal conductivity, requiring high-quality thermal insulation of the coating.
  • The metal creates a cold bridge, due to which condensation forms in the under-roofing space of the metal-tile roof - the installation of a sealed membrane is mandatory.

Flexible roofing (bituminous tiles) is made from fiberglass impregnated with bitumen and ennobled with colored stone powder. This roofing flooring is moisture resistant and is not subject to corrosion processes. Flexible tiles are plastic, which allows them to be used for arranging spherical and domed roofs, as well as roofs of complex geometry. Light weight, a variety of shapes and shades, noiselessness are the cardinal advantages of the material. The main disadvantage is the high cost of installation, which requires the arrangement of a solid base flooring made of wood or plywood. In general, flexible tiles are cheaper than ceramic tiles, but more expensive than metal tiles.

A modern type of flexible tile - Onduvilla roofing material. It is a covering which keeps volume and uniformity of color throughout all term of operation. Onduvilla perfectly waterproofs and does not make noise in the rain, does not heat up in the heat and does not crack in the cold. Condensation does not accumulate under such a roof, and the installation and transportation of the material is simplified due to the small format of the modules.

Ondulin is a practical and budgetary material for arranging a roof that imitates slate. Light in weight, silent and moisture resistant, durable and flexible, easy to install - ondulin has a lot of pluses - due to this, he won the love of many private developers.

Advantages of ondulin:

  • Reduced weight of the roof, due to the small mass of the sheet and narrow end overlaps.
  • Easy installation without marking and alignment of sheets due to convex guides and ready-made holes for hardware.
  • Excellent waterproofing parameters due to the locking system when installed with an overlap.
  • Fasteners for sheets are equipped with cast caps with an o-ring that completely covers the mounting holes.


Slate is familiar to a wide range of homeowners, relatively durable (about 50 years) and cheap roofing. It is airtight, mechanically stable and strong enough. Disadvantages - tendency to destroy the edges, susceptibility to the spread of fungus and mold.

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