Hall design with two sofas. The challenge is creating the design of a small hall

Decor elements 30.08.2019
Decor elements

The hall is the best room where you can calmly relax, invite guests to tea or turn gray in the evening by the fireplace with the whole family. The room is quite functional and versatile.

To create a modern hall design, you need to be well prepared. Since in the hall there should be all the items exactly for their purpose.

By choosing suitable materials and furniture, you will be able to recognize the magnificent image of the design that your friends and family will surely appreciate.

Style for the hall

To create a modern design of a hall in an apartment or house, it is necessary not only to pay attention to the size, but also to the style.

Usage different styles Is an opportunity to get a comfortable and cozy environment. Each of them is diverse and beautiful in its own way. Here are a few of them:

Soft lines, delicate tones of materials for decoration and very comfortable furniture - all this characterizes the style of the classics. This setting creates a cozy atmosphere filled with warmth and light.

Accessories are very important for creating a modern interior design for a hall. If you do not choose them correctly, then the whole meaning of the classic style is lost.

To create a high-tech style, you need to know its special characteristic signs: clear lines, not a lot of decoration details and gentle tones. It is also recommended to choose simple furniture... The main thing is that it is convenient for you.

Creative people often choose the Art Nouveau style, as it makes it possible to roam fantasy, and make the room especially bright and attractive. For this style, you should choose unusual materials, their various forms and sizes.

By combining several colors of the color scheme to decorate the hall, you can enjoy the colorful design.

Lovers of the fireplace in the living room can turn their attention to Scandinavian style... If you wish, you can not make a real fireplace, but simply choose an imitating one.

Huge furniture also suits this style, especially if you have a large family or like large companies.

Empire is a style with luxurious furnishings and unusual decorations. Having Big hall, you can easily unfold your fantasies in this style. Well, if the hall is not large sizes, then it is worth putting in it only those items that will function well.

Ethnic style is chosen by people who like to travel countries or different cities.

Here they use more unusual objects or decorations - corals, sea stones, do-it-yourself decorations, various figurines, which will make the hall refined and original.

The avant-garde style is characterized by items that don't fit together. Furniture and other items should be chosen in large sizes, which will add a touch of exclusivity to the room. Furniture should be of the correct form, austere look.

Color selection

In order to decorate the hall, add a touch of originality and coziness there, you need to keep in mind a few principles that will help create exactly the room you want:

  • For wall decoration, choose solid colors or shades, while furniture should be decorated with different accessories.
  • If you observe an oversaturation of bright colors in the hall, then you can place several soft rugs in delicate shades on the floor.
  • Decorate the walls in neutral tones, this contributes to the visual expansion of the room, if yours is not very large.
  • Bright accessories will go well with light-colored furniture.
  • Use small decorative pillows on the sofa and small LED lights to the ceiling, which will help to brighten up the design of the hall in a modern style.

Wallpaper for wall decoration

Before choosing a wallpaper, you need to understand the lighting. If it is enough, then you can choose wallpaper in dark tones, but if there is too little of it, then it is better to change your choice to light wallpaper. This will make the room more elegant and not look gloomy.

Creation of an original interior

There are many modern ideas hall, but to create an original and unique style, you need to dream up a little. So, make it beautiful and modern hall you can follow several recommendations:

  • Choose furniture of light shapes, but decorate them with bright different accessories.
  • Choose shelves for books or magazines also in non-standard forms.
  • Use the minimum, but important and most functional items.
  • Hang the curtains on the windows in an original way, choosing for them lucky color for the style of the room.
  • If you have a room without walls, partitions, then you can put sliding doors or open partitions. You can zoning the hall using materials different color and style.
  • When creating a design, do not forget about the combination of colors.

Photo of the modern design of the hall

The design of the hall in the apartment is fundamentally different from a similar project in a private house. First of all, the area of ​​the room itself, as well as the fact that the hall in the apartment is much more involved in the life of family members. Therefore, the main task - the interior of the hall should be presentable, but at the same time - not just a "thing in itself", but functional and comfortable, becoming the center of family life.

Design ideas for a hall in an apartment: functionality and an integrated approach

Advice! To prevent the environment from becoming too bland, it is necessary to add one or two bright accent- it can be colorful or a bedspread, a picture or a stylish vase.

Ceilings in the hall

To visually add height to the ceiling, their color should be one or two shades lighter than the walls. In a small room, complex multi-level structures should not be mounted; it is better to limit yourself to an even, evenly painted ceiling.

However, even the design of the hall is 18 sq. m. may provide for installation stretch ceilings... On the one hand, the ceiling will physically drop in height by a dozen centimeters, but the use of glossy materials (due to the mirror effect) will visually significantly raise the ceiling line. In addition, it will solve lighting problems by installing compact Spotlights... Combination glossy ceiling with diffused light will not only expand the room visually, but will also look modern and stylish. Additional effect - installation stretch ceilings will improve sound insulation.

Advice! Contrasting piping painted on the ceiling will help to visually increase the height of the ceiling. Attracting attention to themselves, they will highlight the ceiling in an additional plane. One more point - if the ceiling simply falls out of the visual field, then it narrows, reduces the space, but as soon as the gaze rushes to the ceiling, the field of view increases, and with it the space visually increases.

Wallpaper design for the hall

The choice of wallpaper for the hall depends on the style in which the room will be decorated:

  • for a classic style, you will need expensive wallpaper, richly decorated, gilded, painted, with floral motifs or an elegant pattern
  • wallpaper, sustained in muted natural shades with discreet ornaments, are suitable for the Art Nouveau style
  • for modern styles ( minimalism, hi-tech) you will need wallpaper of light, soft, pastel colors, without a pronounced pattern
  • milky, cream or beige wallpapers are ideal for Provence-style interiors
  • for English style textured wallpaper needed

For a small hall, it is necessary to select wallpaper with a small pattern - large patterns literally “devour” the space. The ceiling and wallpaper with vertical stripes will be slightly raised.

Advice! How smaller room, the less load in terms of decoration should fall on the walls.

Hall furniture: compact, functional, comfortable

The choice of furniture for the hall in the apartment is the removal of all unnecessary, dosage of sizes, shapes and number of items. The starting point will be functional purpose hall - the kitchen-hall will require the installation of a table and the availability of a sufficient number seats, and for meeting friends, modular upholstered furniture, the configuration of which can be easily changed, is well suited. Use light, medium-sized and mobile items, multifunctional furniture transformer... For a small room, it is better to use furniture. light colors and rounded - they clutter up the space less.

If there are niches in the room, they will become ideal place for installing sliding wardrobes - this will help fill problem areas. At the same time, make full use of the available space by choosing cabinets to the very ceiling - in the upper part it will be possible to store things that you do not use yet. Install mirrored doors - this will visually expand the boundaries of the room.

Instead of the traditional set of "sofa + two armchairs", buy a folding two (three-seater) sofa and several ottomans - they are easy to move, in addition, they can serve as additional storage places. Corner sofa can act as sleeping place(you can store bedding inside it), while filling the corner with yourself is a rather difficult place to decorate. Use the bracket to wall-mount the TV so you don't have to find a place to

Lighting in the hall: general and local

Even a small room will require several light sources:

  • first of all - the main lighting, while it is better to refuse massive chandeliers in favor of spotlights
  • to watch TV, so that your eyes do not get tired, you will need a dim hidden backlight
  • local lighting - it is located in areas that are most often visited, for example, above a table, near a reading chair (sconce or floor lamp), above a cabinet (spotlight)

Hall curtains

The design of the curtains for the hall should meet, first of all, the general stylistic decision rooms, and also take into account color solution and room lighting. In a small room, preference should be given light curtains made of soft, thin material to match the color of the walls, which are complemented by a delicate, almost weightless curtain. It is better to refuse dense massive curtains in favor of roman blinds or blinds, they take up a minimum of space. If there is furniture under the window, then preference should be given to curtains shortened (up to the windowsill).

The design of the hall in a private house deserves special attention. In this place they will meet guests, arrange gatherings with the whole family and more. It is important to make the room cozy, corresponding to the taste and mood of the owners.

The living room design is made in one colors

Beige colors will give warmth and comfort

The arrangement begins with the choice of style. The decision will be key in determining the color scheme, furniture and decorative elements... You can use the following styles in the room.

  1. Classical. Suitable for rooms with large windows differing the correct form... You should use natural shades of a calm range, expensive furniture, natural and high-quality materials. Decor elements should be self made, stucco molding is placed on the ceiling. For a window opening, curtains in the traditional form are suitable.
  2. Ethnic. Suitable for creative people and travel lovers. The design consists in using the maximum of objects and elements from any ethnic culture. Can be reflected japanese interior or Egyptian.
  3. Country. Fully reflects rural style... You need to use warm, bright hues mainly for furniture and accent pieces. The texture and color of upholstery and furniture should be special and reflect the rural motives.
  4. Provence. It originates in the southern part of France. Differs in a special charm. The key elements are simplicity, use natural elements and naturalness. He is not inherent in any manifestation of glamor and luxury.
  5. Modern. Has many different sub-styles. It is worth taking a closer look at the most popular ones.

Living room design in beige with a chic chocolate sofa

Natural wood in the interior looks amazing

Styles related to modern are reflected in the table.

When choosing the interior of a hall in a private house, it is not necessary to clearly follow and implement the recommendations and foundations inherent in a particular design. It is the mixing of styles that sometimes allows you to create a harmonious and beautiful version.

The design of the living room is made in a modern style

The fireplace can be highlighted

Don't be afraid to experiment, the end result can be a pleasant surprise.

Living room interior with a small area

The hall requires special attention small size... It is important to avoid cluttering the space with furniture and unnecessary details. The simpler the chosen style is, the more organically it will fit into the limited dimensions. Minimalism, modern will do. It is recommended to try to visually increase the area. Consider the following nuances.

  1. Avoid dark shades. Prefer light colors. Small patterns are more suitable than large patterns.
  2. To increase the space, photo wallpapers placed on one wall are suitable;
  3. Choose curtains straight, on which there are no colorful patterns. An excellent solution will become a falling model from the beginning of the ceiling to the floor.
  4. Give up a large number paintings and photographs on the walls. Better place a modular image.
  5. Increase the amount of light and mirrors in the room. This will help him do more.

The design of the room needs to be thought out so that you feel comfortable in it

Some elements can be equipped with additional lighting

Hall design in a private house: 4 important aspects

When decorating the interior of the hall in the house, it is important to consider several important aspects. Among them:

  1. lighting level;
  2. the number of windows and doorways;
  3. is there a staircase;
  4. room configuration.

Consider the presence of adjacent rooms, their connection with the living room, what is the area of ​​the hall. Decide on accents. What exactly do you want to make a bright detail, the background of the wall, pieces of furniture and so on. There should be one accent, distracting from the imperfections of the entire hall.

The living room design is made in a modern style

Indoor plants can be placed in the room

Wall decoration can be done with decorative stone

Furnishing options

There are many options for furnishing a room. Space zoning is popular. You can include a work area, a meeting place for guests, a recreation area. Large living rooms are often complemented by a fireplace, a podium on which musical instruments are placed, or combined with a kitchen.

Zoning can be done in different ways.

  1. Partitions and screens. Refers to the creative method. The walls can be movable or fixed, incomplete or deaf. The latter option allows you to close a specific area. You can do it in full or only a part. Screens can be moved from one place to another. Fully retracts when needed in minutes;
  2. Decoration Materials. Refer to universal method for zoning. Various materials are used, differing in texture, color, texture. You can make a fireplace area, a place to relax, an area for eating;
  3. Lighting. It is often used for dividing a room due to its versatility, practicality and low cost. Work zone should be equipped with several bright light sources, let the rest area have a dim light.

The number and models of furniture depend on the chosen style of decoration of the hall in a private house. If it is minimalism or country, it is better to refuse a large number of items. Place only the furniture you need. Give preference to multifunctional models.

If you have settled on a classic style, choose luxurious furniture made from natural materials.

You can emphasize lines with additional illumination

Smooth lines on the ceiling will catch the eyes of guests

Natural wood and stone are among the most preferred materials for decorating a living room in a private house.

  1. Use wooden beams... They can zone the space or install them on the ceiling.
  2. Install a wood burning fireplace. It will organically fit into the atmosphere of a private house. Decorate the walls with natural stone.
  3. Let the mantel be made of wood. This will complement the fireplace masonry.
  4. Cover the floor with light-colored parquet. Complete everything with fluffy rugs.

Experiment with different types of trees for original designs. Complete the fireplace with beautiful details. On the shelf next to it, install a photo frame, a clock. This will create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

A large window opening can be skipped with curtains. And choose neutral shades for decoration and furniture. This will help not to distract attention from nice looking outside the window.

In such a hall you will be warm and comfortable

On the walls, you can depict drawings in the theme with the design

Fireplace decoration can be made with decorative stone

Correct zoning of the room

The hall is often used not only as a resting place, but also as a dining room. Based on this, the living room is usually divided into:

  1. dining space;
  2. recreation area (this includes a place for receiving guests, family gatherings).

If there is enough space, you can allocate an area with a fireplace or a space for playing on musical instruments... It has already been noted that zoning can be carried out using partitions, screens, lighting, finishing materials.

V big room it is worth using multiple light sources

Beige shades in combination with white look very beautiful

Living room design in a private house with a fireplace

The hearth itself is a conspicuous detail. Therefore, no additional decoration elements are required. The number of pieces of furniture depends on the size of the room. The classic design is the placement of several comfortable armchairs near the fireplace, small table and a floor lamp. It will turn out to be a great seating area.

V small space a lot of furniture will attract all the attention, and the fireplace will remain in the shade. The interior of the hall with a fireplace should be warm and relaxing. It is recommended to choose decor based on the general style.

Chic design of a living room in a private house

Highly nice design has a living room in warm beige colors

The combination of white and black in the interior looks modern

  1. Porcelain vases and figurines for classic designs;
  2. Specially aged boxes, pots and frames are suitable for country or rustic;
  3. For modern styles such as high-tech, all of the indicated decor elements are suitable. But they have to be done in a certain manner.

The floor should be supplemented with a rug. Ideally, do not use the TV in a living room with a fireplace. But if you cannot do without it, it is worth observing a few nuances.

  1. Don't put your TV in front of a fireplace. Reflections of the fire will begin to reflect on the screen, causing the picture to darken.
  2. Above the hearth also does not the best place to place the TV. It is quite inconvenient to watch something, constantly lifting your head.

Better to place it on a nearby wall. Remember safety. Observe all the rules for placing and arranging a fireplace.

Wood in the interior always looks great

A hall with a large panoramic window will become your favorite place to relax

Hall decoration color

The color scheme for the hall is influenced by the chosen style and psychological characteristics living in the house. It is not recommended to use many bright colors. Decorate the resting area with gentle shades of blue or green. This palette promotes relaxation.

With the help of different colors, you can correct the imperfections of the room. Light shades for walls and dark shades for floors will help to visually enlarge the space. If you make 3 walls darkened, and decorate one in a lightened range, this will emphasize the depth of the space.

For a living room in a private house, they often choose a country style or something close to it. Natural materials, wood, lack of a lot of furniture help to create a cozy atmosphere.

Video: Living room design in a private house

50 interesting photos of hall design ideas in a private house:

This article will tell you how to decorate the interior of a hall in an apartment. Photos, recommendations and secrets - you will find all this in the material. The most common styles will be considered, given Special attention color scheme and advice on trends in modern design. The article can be conventionally divided into three parts.

  • The first part is an overview of existing styles for the interior: advantages, disadvantages, preferences.
  • The second section is devoted to the color palette of the proposed hall.
  • The third chapter - recommendations regarding the selection of furniture and decor items.

The interior of the hall in the apartment - photo ideas or what to look for

Decorating is the surest way to change appearance premises in better side... Specially selected finishing materials, paintings, unusual furniture- all this can change beyond recognition the interior of the hall in the apartment (the photo perfectly confirms this), turning it not just into a room, but into a sample of taste or simply a cozy place.

  • room decoration style;
  • colors (walls, ceiling, floor, furniture);
  • furniture and accessories.

Interior decoration - features and choice of materials

Several simple rules interior decoration of the hall in the apartment:

  1. Light shades will help to visually expand the space, fill the room with light. Perfectly white walls, for example, will look good in a loft-style hall, where the emphasis is on space.
  2. For aggressive styles (which are not very appropriate in bedrooms, however, are well suited for studio rooms), orange and red should be used.
  3. If there is a desire to create a kind of study from the interior design of the hall, then it is worth using wooden panels on the walls.

Rich interior of the hall

Among those materials that do not tolerate moisture, one can distinguish:

  • chipboard facing plates;
  • wooden panels;
  • textile coatings.

For rooms with similar problems, it is better to use brick or other material that is indifferent to moisture.

Average price of work for interior decoration - table

This table will help you understand the average prices in Moscow for interior decoration in the hall.

What kind of furniture to choose for the hall?

A few words should be said about which furniture is best to choose in the interior of the hall in the apartment (photo below). Again, in many respects, the choice will be influenced by the style of the room. However, regardless of design, mandatory the hall should be:

  • soft furniture. This is usually a sofa and chairs. It can also be supplemented with ottomans, cushions;
  • modular furniture - all kinds of wardrobes and racks;
  • coffee table;
  • a bedside table for a TV (in the event that it does not hang on the wall).

For a smart choice upholstered furniture it is necessary to compare two parameters - the number of seats and the size of the hall.

Previously, a living room without a wardrobe was almost impossible to imagine, but, on this moment the wardrobe can be successfully replaced with a wall - it will not only help to store things, but will also be a real decoration of the interior of the hall.

A coffee table can be called necessary for a living room due to its constant use - optimal height should not be more than 500 mm, however, it is also not recommended to make it very small. If the hall is small and you want to save a little space, then a table on wheels would be an excellent way out - it can be rolled into a corner or even into another room. For a small room, an option would be good. coffee table in the form of a small cube.

In the urban jungle

Warm room

Luxury apartment

Apartment in white colors

Color spectrum

In order for the hall to look attractive for the people living there and for guests, it is necessary to carefully consider color palette rooms. It is worth remembering that you should not choose colors to match - the living room should not be monochromatic, the difference in several tones will look more advantageous.

Considering specific examples, then the color of the curtains in the interior of the hall can be combined with the color of the pillows or furniture upholstery. Wallpaper, in turn, can combine several shades distributed throughout the room.

Space zoning can be a good option for a small room - focusing on certain shades in different zones.

Calm shades

Bright colours

Saturated shades




The choice of style for decoration

Choosing the style of your hall should not only be based on your own tastes, sometimes you should also pay attention to the size of the hall, its purpose and even the number of people living in the house.

There are many different types of interiors, but the following stand out most clearly:

  • modern;
  • minimalism;
  • provence;
  • loft;
  • country;
  • classic.

Let's talk about each of them in a little more detail.


This style in the interior of the hall is characterized by high functionality of the elements, as well as a pleasant color palette. Often in living rooms with this type of design, you will not find any angular irregular lines - everything is smooth and symmetrical. Another distinctive feature is the use of modern materials. They will be replaced by plastic, metal, glass.

The interior of the hall does not imply an extremely small number of things, as sometimes one gets the impression. In fact, it is rather minimal design - simple colors, modesty of drawing and pattern, unpretentious furniture.

The laconicism of the decor is also expressed in the absence small parts... In this case, the color palette should be made in light colors - white, beige, ash.

With a large window

V pink color

In Khrushchev

Beige style

Bright hues

With a red chair

French village in the hall - pretty stylish solution for a modern apartment. A naive style, which, however, has its own charming characteristics. There are no special restrictions in the color palette, but there are preferences in texture - rough plastered walls, often not pasted over, but painted.

Furniture in such an interior is exclusively wooden, sometimes with curly carvings and indispensable pillows... You can decorate the hall with flowers in vases, statuettes made of wood, old photographs on the walls. Provence is good for decorating rooms with large windows - in this case, light curtains made of natural fabrics, decorated with ruffles and lace, will be very appropriate.

Home interior

WITH decorative fireplace

With a cute table

In bright colors

A style that is increasingly popular with young families and creative personalities... It is based on metal and glass. The only thing to remember is that it is preferable to use it in those rooms where there are no walls and partitions, because it looks most advantageous in free spaces and interiors. Otherwise, this style offers a wide selection of varied variations in the interior.

With kitchen

Apartments in St. Petersburg

With large ceilings

Chinese style

V gray

On the upper floors

Suitable for interiors small apartments and for those who miss the comfort. Do not think that country music is appropriate only in country houses - in fact, it goes well with city apartments. For this style, the most typical:

  • antique furniture (mostly wooden);
  • textiles and stone in decoration.

Luxury is not assumed here, but what replaces it is romanticism, softness of lines and a craving for naturalism.

The interior of the hall in an ordinary apartment- photo idea

With pendant lamp

With decorative fireplace

With blue curtains

Relaxation area

A little coziness

The classical style does not at all imply the transformation of the hall into a semblance of an opera - however, there is still some pretense of design. For decoration, you can use, for example, heavy candlesticks and clocks. They will look interesting in combination with a fireplace (real or decorative).

When decorating the hall for the classics, you should definitely think about additional elements decor. Cornices, columns, moldings and other interior elements - all this will come in handy in this design solution of the apartment hall. Twisted candlesticks and antique clock as well as heavy furniture. Lambrequins and curtains will be appropriate on the windows. It should be noted that despite the pompous forms, classic style does not like frivolity and bright colors- you need to be very careful when choosing a color palette.

In the classic English style

With fireplace and bilcon

With antiques

With a picture on the wall

Connected to the hallway

For four people

Comparison table of interior styles for the hall

We give a table about the interior of the hall in the apartment (clickable photo), which will help you navigate when choosing design solutions and style directions.


Modern● strong emphasis on lines and shapes;
modern materials;
● functionality.

● minimum of items and accessories;
● multifunctionality of furniture;
● light colors.

● a lot of light;
● pastel colors;
● natural materials for decoration.

● open space;
● a lot of light;
● imitation of urban motives (brickwork).

● simple wall decoration in the interior of the hall;
● furniture without excessive decor;
● small floral ornaments are present.

● symmetry in everything;
● light colors;
● presence of a fireplace.

Lighting in the hall

Let's talk about lighting in the interior of the hall - an important question, because the mood that appears in the room largely depends on this. The bottom line is that for each specific function, it is worth choosing a special lamp. For example, floor lamps or sconces should be placed near sofas. Exposed brickwork on walls can also be backlit for added texture. Illuminated multi-level ceilings look great - they create their own color accents.

Light in plasterboard ceiling

Large chandelier in the center

Floor lamp

Lamps + candles

Warm light

Big lamp

Wall paintings and other decor

You can decorate the interior of a hall in an apartment not only with paintings - for this there are a huge number of different materials. For example, the original approach can be seen in decorating walls with pages from books. They can also mask some of the flaws in the finish - this method is good for lovers of the shabby chic style.

  • Murals look good on the walls of the hall - for this, the walls should be monochromatic, in which case the painting will not be lost against the background of bright drawings.
  • Plaster figures will also look extremely beneficial - especially if the style of the room is brutal (for example, country or Scandinavian style).
  • You can experiment with garlands - they are made yourself from colored paper, they will perfectly decorate the wall in the hall and give the interior a touch of Brazilian warm nights.
  • Wall-mounted wooden panels- they can be made from unnecessary wooden door or boards. Drawings on them can be depicted freely, however, options with engraving look more interesting.

Picture on the wall

Large painting on the wall of the hall in the apartment

Modern style image

Painting over the fireplace

Finally, here are some good tips from designers:

  • focus on functionality combined with beauty;
  • do not overload the interior of the hall in the apartment with furniture and accessories;
  • add rich colors and light;
  • choose furniture and decor items that match in style with each other.

Features of creating a design interior for a small hall

If your hall area is small, but you still want to make it unusual in terms of design, use the following tips:

  1. Pay attention to the size - small rooms can be visually expanded using light shades in the design. Littering furniture of this kind of room is not worth it - the feeling of spaciousness is much more valuable than decorative elements.
  2. If the room has big window- use it. It is not necessary to cover it with curtains completely - it is better to let the light in.
  3. If there is an opportunity to remove interior walls, replacing them with partitions - do it. Zoning the premises will come in handy here. Using shelves instead of cabinets will help free up space in the hall and use it rationally.

A budget option

In the case of a limited budget, you can still create a unique and inimitable interior of the hall:

  • use cheaper materials - plastic, fabric, various coatings;
  • combine materials. Thanks to this, you will be able to advantageously decorate your room;
  • try most do the work with your own hands. Often, renovating your apartment is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Explore our site - there are many useful materials on this topic.

Simple option

In a small Khrushchev

With wall and coffee table

In an apartment or a private house, the living room occupies a special place. This room is most often used for receiving guests. Also, this room can be multifunctional and combine several zones. The furnishings should be relaxed and presentable. It is very important to carefully consider the design so that it is comfortable and cozy.

To decorate a hall in an apartment, you can use the following interior styles:

Description of styles

Classic style- it is, first of all, comfortable furniture, light pastel colors and soft lines. Furniture should be made of natural materials with gilded elements and upholstered in expensive fabric. Massive crystal chandelier on the ceiling - will ideal option lighting, will add solemnity to the atmosphere. Window curtains should match the wallpaper. It is better to take satin fabric for them, expensive. The walls are usually decorated with paintings and large mirrors; a carpet should be placed in the center of the room. For receiving guests you need to think about the table, it should be made only from natural materials.

If you miss something in such a room, put a floor lamp or a beautiful lamp, hang a sconce on the wall. Natural flowers will be an additional decoration of the living room. Do not forget, everything must match the chosen style.

Hi-tech style practical people use to arrange the living room. There should be a minimum of furniture and maximum convenience and comfort... The color of the walls should visually expand the living room space; cold and light shades will do. Of the materials, preference is given to metal, glass, steel and aluminum. The presence of bright accessories will make the hall more elegant and festive.

Modern- a style for brave people who are not afraid to experiment. This affects everything: the color of the walls, decor items, furniture. Shapes and sizes can be completely unpredictable, lines - strict, even, asymmetrical and round. Of the finishing materials, preference is given to glass, metal, plastic and plaster. The main focus is on the sofa- he should set the mood for the whole interior. The hall or living room should be equipped with the most modern technology.

very expensive and therefore rarely found in the interior of the living room. The colors used are delicate, pastel; materials - only luxurious and expensive... You can't save here. The living room must have elements of the English style. These include massive bookcase and the same chair, which will have a high and wide back. The presence of a wooden fireplace is required, then the hall will be complete. Don't forget about the expensive fabrics that the furniture should be upholstered with. Of the lamps - a chandelier, a sconce and a floor lamp.

Loft style picky. It combines modern furnishings with unfinished renovations: piping, brickwork, sloppy plaster. This style suitable for a studio apartment where there are at least two windows. You can divide the room into zones glass partition, which is very relevant for a loft. The emphasis is on the sofa: chic, leather or covered with expensive fabric. In addition to it, armchairs will go, you can unusual shape... Antique, valuable things can be used as decorations, such as:

  • box;
  • rocking chair;
  • metal candlesticks;
  • kerosene lamp;
  • samovar.

Decorating the living room with antiques do not forget about modern needs any person is a large-diagonal plasma screen and a modern acoustic system.

Gallery: interior design of the hall (25 photos)

Hall interior in the house

Create modern design everyone desires a hall. The process covers the decoration of walls, ceilings, floors... For finalization you need to buy furniture, equipment and various little things that will be an addition.

The living room can be pasted over with wallpaper, the choice of which is huge today. Can apply decorative plaster which will be more versatile and safer. Liquid wallpaper is also suitable. For design in the English style and not only, you can build beautiful handmade wooden panels.

Ceiling in rustic style, in country style, in theory, should cross the wooden beams. Do not worry about their presence. V country house the ceiling can be:

  • suspended;
  • tensioned;
  • painted;
  • pasted over;
  • plasterboard multilevel.

For finishing the floor of the room natural materials are used: stone, wood. But more familiar in our time will be materials such as: parquet, carpet, tiles, laminate, linoleum. Which floor material you prefer depends only on your preferences and the chosen style.

In the daytime, windows can provide the living room with light and the more there are, the more light and heat. In a country house, the hall may have windows up to the floor. With curtains you can emphasize or complement the interior... Window decoration is individual for each interior. It can be: curtains, curtains, roman blinds, blinds or something else. The living room should be cozy and chic.

Having made repairs, you can purchase furniture. Its amount directly depends on the size of the room. The interior design necessarily includes a sofa, to it - a couple of armchairs and a pouf. Magazine or dinner table, or better - a transforming table, and chairs to it. There should be cabinets for storing things, sideboards for dishes, shelves. In things like this functionality is appreciated, they shouldn't take up much space. The walls will be decorated with paintings - a great addition to any interior.

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