Bedroom in Japanese style for a boy. Japanese style bedroom

Encyclopedia of Plants 03.03.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Survival in extreme conditions has spawned a unique philosophy. Everything material is transient, only the innermost self-awareness of a person is important. Nature is equally beautiful in cherry blossoms and erupting magma. The Japanese have learned to live in harmony with nature.

Formation of philosophy

Starting to create a Japanese-style bedroom, let's recall some of the historical and geographical features of mysterious Japan. They will help to reliably convey some of the subtleties. Objectively presented stylization will demonstrate the serious approach of the designer, which cannot but arouse respect.

Japan is made up of several hundred islands, only a third of which are habitable. The land of volcanoes and typhoons. Unstable seismic background, the occurrence of typhoons, showers, floods, landslides, regular destruction dictated their own laws for the formation of interiors. Simplicity, weightlessness, mobility of residential buildings, saved lives.

Without dividing the world into external and internal, they find beauty in the fusion of the dwelling with the surrounding area. They are not peculiar to warehousing, hoarding, collecting objects and things, constant searches for additional storage places. They are different, light, always ready to start all over again.

A European, finding himself in a traditional Japanese house, will perceive the interior as a kind of blank for decoration. Eyes, habitually clinging to the thousand surrounding little things of an ordinary apartment, rest in the atmosphere of a clean oasis. In the absence of visual stimuli, thoughts are also resting.

Principal features

The Japanese house resembles a house of cards - assembled from components that are easy to remove, rearrange, move, replace. This whole composition consists of mobile rectangular panels (amado, shoji, fusuma), in the form of wooden frame frames.

Amado - external collapsible walls of the house (photo below);

Shoji - movable window walls (photo above), the upper part of which is covered with translucent rice paper (washi);

Fusuma - internal partitions, the upper part of which is covered with impenetrable paper, often with drawings (photo above).

When decorating a Japanese-style bedroom, it is important to know and understand the characteristic differences in design principles: in Japan, rooms are not divided according to their function.

Any room can be either a living room or a bedroom. The living room in Japanese is a common room - a living space that, by moving partitions, can be transformed into several smaller offices.

A set of integral elements


The function of partitions and hinged European interior doors is performed by sliding screens (fusuma). Installed in the guides, the upper and lower grooves, they move like compartment doors, which significantly save space inside the room.

The ease of movement of the panels allows you to change the layout in accordance with the needs of the owners, at any time. If necessary, fusuma divide the large room into additional rooms. According to one version, the word fusuma is an ancient synonym for the Japanese bedroom.

A bedroom without a screen-screen cannot bear the proud name of a Japanese-style bedroom. The choice is unimaginably large, but it is better to prefer the authentic versions. Delicate delicate designs adorned with calm, detailed representations of flora and fauna.

A worthy option is a handmade wicker screen (bottom photo).


Geometry is respected both in the structure of the walls and in the schematic flooring. Relying on quick and convenient assembly and disassembly, folding, folding.

The Japanese cover the floors of the living quarters with rectangular light green mats - tatami. The quintessential reed mats stuffed with pressed rice straw and trimmed with black cloth along the long sides (top and bottom photos) are the quintessential Japanese style.

There are rules for the arrangement of the tatami in the room according to a certain pattern.

The natives of Japan are convinced that the wrong location of the tatami brings misfortune to the house.

The four corners must not be allowed to converge. Consider this when designing your Japanese bedroom.

The size of the mats is 90x180x5 cm, they also measure the area of ​​the rooms. Tokyo tatami is a little narrower (85x180 cm). There are also small deviations from the generally accepted sizes in some areas or (rarely) a reduced version of 90x90cm.


An inseparable element of the Japanese interior is a niche in the wall, visually highlighted by a low podium (clearly visible in the top two photos). A kind of sanctuary, in which the most expensive things for the owners are located. Often the tokonoma zone is a bedroom, a bed is placed on the podium.

Traditionally, the tokonoma hang a scroll on the wall with a wise saying or motto chosen by the family. It could be a Japanese print or a poem. A small flower arrangement (ikebana), sometimes an aroma lamp with incense, is placed on the floor.


The cotton mattress on which the Japanese sleep is called a futon. In the evening, the Japanese bed is spread out, in the morning it is rolled up and put into a closet for storing bedding. This is, in fact, the whole bedroom in the Japanese style (photo).

Most adherents of Asian philosophy are still not ready to spend nights on the floor. When choosing a bed for your Japanese bedroom, remember - the lower, the closer to authenticity. The market is flooded with a huge number of "Japanese" styled catwalk beds.

Material texture

The predominant use of wood dictates the appropriate texture - naturalness is the main condition. Try to completely restrict glossy surfaces. Mirrors in a Japanese bedroom will look ridiculous. Anything that resembles the surface of paper, natural textiles (cotton, wool, silk) is appropriate.

The use of bamboo stalks is encouraged, even in a screen, even in ikebana, even in the decoration of the walls of the bedroom. Sandblasted matt fiberglass and any textures that have a natural "roughness" will work fine for an Asian look.


The rooms are illuminated with natural soft light penetrating through the translucent washi in the partitions. Currently, paper is being replaced by frosted glass or plastic. With the shoji apart, the house is flooded with an abundance of sunlight.

There are simply no windows familiar to a European in a traditional Japanese house. Textile curtains would also be out of place. If the windows open around the clock cause discomfort, use sliding, stylized "Japan" curtains-panels, as in the photo.

When lighting a bedroom, it is recommended to avoid overhead artificial light. For evening lighting, use the middle and bottom lines of the location of the lamps. Twilight light should be hidden, diffused, create a calm contemplative atmosphere.

Paper lamps (akari) can hardly be called a light source. Simple design and a dim glow, reminiscent of moonlight and rather than scattering, but emphasizing the twilight. When choosing lampshades, avoid metal of European structures, give preference to natural ones: a bamboo frame combined with rice paper.

The nature of color

The colors of nature have a particular influence on the Japanese style. The entire palette used is inspired by earth, wood, stone. Neutral muted shades can be diluted with brighter inclusions in textiles, bedding, or wall paintings.

Pale beige, sandy, milky colors can be used as the background of the walls. Woody: black, brown, maroon, suitable for contrasting rectangular wall segments, their geometric outline.

It is important to inquire about the meaning of the colors used. For example, black in Japan symbolizes nobility, dignity, richness of life experience and venerable age. White, on the contrary, is youth, naivety, inexperience, the age of knowledge.

Pink, contrary to European beliefs, is associated with male prowess. According to Japanese belief, the blossoming sakura flowers symbolize young warriors who died on the battlefield. Cherry blossoms are usually placed on a cold gray background, which dissolves sensuality, bringing harmony.

Borrow ideas of color splashes from the surrounding world of nature, abounding in colors.

Get rid of poisonous annoying flowers.

Blue, orange, red, green are connecting accents that can be incorporated into the design of a Japanese bedroom through painting, bedding, small decorative accessories.

Flavor of style: decorative seasonings

If you do not strive to decorate the bedroom with scrupulous meticulousness and you will be satisfied with a slight stylistic "dusting", the presence of several decorative gizmos will add the flavor of the land of the rising sun.

♦ If you do not want to cover the entire floor, put one tatami by the bed;
♦ Lay stylized linen with cherry blossoms motifs on the bed;
♦ On the wall you can hang a scroll with silk hand-embroidered flora and fauna;
♦ Install a screen with traditional Japanese painting;
♦ Artistic ikebana will add national flavor;
♦ Dwarf bonsai, a fundamental part of the Japanese interior, will bring the bedroom to life;
♦ Place a couple of Japanese lanterns above the bedside tables;
♦ Arrange miniature figures - netsuke (for example, from a turtle shell);
♦ An open fan attached to the wall will remind you of geisha;
♦ Adorable brooding Japanese dolls will decorate your bedroom;
♦ A small statuette of a smiling Buddha wishes you pleasant dreams.

Do not forget about hieroglyphs, which can be anywhere, just do not neglect figuring out the meaning. Sketch in a Japanese style and transfer it to the doors of your already familiar bedroom closet.

Get a real chest (tansu) - a little-known but striking attribute of Asian dwellings; place it next to the bed, instead of a pouf bench. Buy yourself an authentic hand-embroidered silk kimono.

The number of Japanese-style bedroom decorating combinations depends on the richness of your imagination. External applied decorations are used by the Japanese in a clear dosage, the essence of beauty is inner peace.

For strict connoisseurs of the authentic culture of Japan, we recommend delving into the history of this exotic country.

Many want, but not many can

Japanese aesthetics carefully preserves the sense of perception of beauty from dullness. Therefore, the mistress of the authentic interior is emptiness. Any bright spectacle distracts from the truth and brings chaos into thinking. Orderliness in the surrounding objects, clears the mind.

In Europe, “my home is my fortress”, and in Asia, home is spirit, culture, respect for traditions, clear thoughts and a pure soul. External asceticism fosters wealth and beauty of the inner world. Recreate the style and have a worldview, different things. Perhaps that is why many people want, but not many can.

The Japanese style in your apartment is about nurturing and developing spiritual height. The desire and ability to feel part of nature, the ability to be content with what is necessary and find beauty in the simple. Look for a balance of contrasts, your Japanese-style bedroom is guaranteed to provide inner balance, tranquility and relaxation from the hustle and bustle.

A few more photos of Japanese-style bedrooms

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  • Oriental motives are increasingly found in the design of interiors in Western countries. And this is quite understandable - after all, they contain multifaceted combinations of sophistication, lightness, closeness to nature and originality. A bedroom in an oriental Japanese style is filled with air, light, and the maximum free space gives room for the unhindered movement of positive energy. There is no place for everyday worries - all this remains outside the door.

    Features of the Japanese style

    Interior decoration with oriental themes has several directions, somewhat similar, but, to a greater extent, significantly different from each other. The Japanese style stands out dramatically due to its originality. The following indicators can be called the features of the direction:

    1. Minimalism - there is no place for clutter, lush decorations and luxury. Maximum free space where vital items are located. This is partly due to frequent natural disasters on the islands, leading to the destruction of residential buildings. The Japanese do not seek to equip their life with excessive pretentiousness.

    2. Naturalness - natural materials prevail in the arrangement and decoration, although in some cases their imitation is not excluded. The same applies to the color palette close to natural shades.

    3. Lightness and airiness of the situation - interior elements, as a rule, are small-sized and mobile, and the presence of movable partitions-screens allows you to easily change the configuration of the room.

    Color solutions

    Most often, Japanese-style bedrooms are decorated in light colors - this way the atmosphere of tranquility and tranquility required for this room is achieved. The palettes of beige, cream, milky, gray, herbal tones are used. Brown, cherry, black paints allow to dilute the uniformity. In the interior, no more than three colors are used, one of which is the background.

    Black and white Japanese style bedroom

    The white and black palette is often found in oriental interiors. It is traditional, reflecting the eternal desire of philosophers to find a balance between masculine and feminine, earth and air.

    White walls with black hieroglyphs, a “zebra-like” carpet look great here. You can decorate one of the walls of the room in black tones, for example, at the head of the bed, against which the white low bedside tables will look contrasting.

    More daring decisions are reduced to the design of the black ceiling surface, which turns into white walls and a gray floor. This combination can be complemented by the beige shades present in floor finishes, partition structures and decor.

    Beige Japanese-style bedroom

    The bedroom interior in beige tones is light and elegant. He is able to give a calm sleep and complete pacification, presenting a natural palette of tones - just what is needed in this direction. Painted wall surfaces with smooth transitions from a light beige to dark shade look original. The walls can be decorated in a darker palette than the ceiling and floor - this brings a special geometric variety.

    Naturally, this beige color cannot be present on its own, otherwise the room will turn into a closed box. The accompanying tones will be brown, cream, white, ivory. Here, bamboo canvases on the walls and similar curtains, textiles and furniture in brown tones, the design of a milky matte ceiling will look beneficial.

    Japanese style red bedroom

    Ripe cherry blossoms also take place in East Japanese interiors. The main task is to determine its quantity. For those who adhere to rigor and laconism, you can make the main background of the walls and ceiling white, the floor in light beige or gray tones, and the red palette will be present in one of the wall panels, textiles, lamp shades. Peaceful sleep and rest will be promoted by the priority of beige shades as the main ones, and cherry shades will become minor accent additions.

    The design of the bedroom for passionate natures allows you to fully fill it with red. It is desirable that the walls are not monochromatic - you can use wallpaper with Japanese ornament, graphic images of a darker or lighter cherry palette. The ceiling can be left light - artificial lighting will give it the desired pinkish tint. Black furniture will look great here.

    Finishes and materials

    Since Eastern philosophy views the living space as an animated object, the decoration materials must be of natural origin. But, given the high cost, inaccessibility and impracticality of some of them, the presence of artificial substitutes is quite acceptable.


    It is customary for the Japanese to walk barefoot at home, so when choosing a floor covering, preference will be given to wood. It can be replaced by parquet or bamboo laminate. Large single-color ceramic tiles may also be present, but since this material is rather cold, it will be necessary to equip a "warm floor" or use a single-colored carpet.

    Genuine designs include tatami mats made from rattan or bamboo, but because they wear off fairly quickly, they are often replaced with rugs with Japanese-themed designs or neutral colors.


    Walls decorated with fabric will look stylish and cozy in a Japanese bedroom. Wooden panels that imitate sliding partitions also look great. Simpler options are plastering, painting walls with traditional patterns, wallpapering. Ethnic drawings are appropriate on paper wallpaper, for example, cherry blossoms or hieroglyphs. Bamboo canvases are the best way to maintain the style. Designers advise choosing pastel colors without a riot of colors, limiting one or two colors for decoration. Although dark options are not ruled out, walls in red light are quite common.


    The first thing to note in the design of the ceiling surface is the use of natural materials, rectangular shape and cladding in light colors. There are several options for surface design. Often used is the technique of equipping beam structures that divide the plane into squares or rectangles. The space between them is painted or covered with white cloth, rice paper.

    The Armstrong system with beams and decorative plates is somewhat similar and looks no less impressive. And there is one trick - the larger the cells, the wider the ceiling will appear. Another option is to decorate the ceiling with stretch film or fabric.

    Japanese style bedroom furniture

    The rest room furnishings are minimal. However, this applies not only to bedrooms, but also to the rest of the premises of East Japanese apartments. This is due to the dense population of the country, where every square meter counts and there is an acute shortage of living space.

    The bed is the centerpiece. It should have a squat rectangular shape, almost on the floor like a Japanese futon mattress. Placing it on a podium with steps will help to add original notes. Bulky storage systems are being replaced by the equipment of wall niches like wardrobes with sliding doors in Japanese style. The interior will be complemented by bedside tables, a tea table, small shelves for trinkets.

    If the room is quite large, you can divide it into zones using your favorite national sliding partitions. They are wooden frames with white frosted glass and perpendicular strips dividing the canvas into squares or rectangles. The doors of the room should be the same.

    Decor and lighting

    In a recreation area, bright lighting is not required. Subdued light will create the necessary atmosphere of mystery, conducive to complete relaxation. Lamps have simple geometric shapes, made of glass, rice paper, bamboo or fabric. If the bedroom is small, you can use spotlights for the ceiling. Floor lamps and wall lamps are used less often, but, made in accordance with national traditions, they will decorate the room.

    You need to decorate a Japanese-style bedroom carefully, without overloading the space. You can install a floor vase with a national ornament, which will house bamboo or ikebana branches, place traditional figurines, scented candles, and a bonsai tree on the shelves.

    The walls will be decorated with national fans (they are often crowned with the head of the bed), samurai swords, parchments with hieroglyphs. In the latter case, you need to be extremely careful - before you place an image of a hieroglyph in the interior, you need to find out its meaning.

    Small Japanese-style bedroom

    Since the design of everyday life in the land of the rising sun presupposes strict laconicism, this is ideal for small spaces. Low furniture and its minimum amount will leave a lot of free space. The mattress bed can be placed on the podium, in which drawers will be located for storing various things. In a niche of one of the walls, you can equip a small locker for clothes, disguising it as the "shoji" partition, beloved by the Japanese. It is better to decorate the room in light beige, milky colors. The accents will be minor black, cherry décor elements.

    Japanese style bedroom design - photo

    A selection of photographs will help you fill your fantasy with the spirit of Far Eastern originality and truly stylishly decorate the interior of the bedroom. Here are collected various design options in a true Japanese style or more Europeanized. Choose what is closer to your perception, understanding of the beautiful, and feel free to experiment. Happy viewing!

    Recently, the Japanese style in the interior of Russians is gaining more and more popularity. This is not without reason - many people are interested in a country with a unique history and a huge cultural heritage, and they are also impressed by the fact that in Japanese dwellings any interior thing always has its own practical purpose.

    The most important thing is that only natural materials are used to decorate apartments and houses in the Japanese style, which is extremely important in large, ecologically troubled cities. The design of bedrooms in the Japanese style is especially fashionable - a person spends quite a lot of time in the bedroom and finishing options with natural finishing materials are extremely important here.

    We invite you to carefully consider our photos of Japanese-style bedrooms - all this is a successful implementation of an exotic interior in the most ordinary Russian apartments. Feel free to click on the pictures - they all increase, and you will study in detail each Japanese-style bedroom design.

    Compare Japanese-style bedroom interiors with other ideas

    The Japanese prefer to keep details of their surroundings to a minimum while avoiding simplicity. Practicality, the use of natural materials, free space - the three rules that determine the interior of the room.

    The inherent task of the style is to highlight the overall beauty and harmony with fleeting accents and bright strokes that define a holistic impression. This cannot be said about eclecticism, which combines a mixture of different directions, the ability to combine incongruous things.

    On the other hand, hi-tech and modern are also characterized by simplicity of furnishings, with a minimal set of furniture. Do not confuse other oriental room design options with Japanese design. The Arabic style is one of the brightest, it is distinguished by an abundance of fabrics and variegation. A lot of silk, brocade, carpets and at the same time a minimum of furniture - this is the East, but not Japan at all.

    Oriental style bedroom design - the main stages of decoration

    When choosing a Japanese style in the bedroom, it is necessary to take into account its closeness to nature, it is important that all things are made of natural materials, the presence of glass is allowed.

    A Japanese-style bedroom interior should have one main color, which will be complemented by its shades and midtones. The most ideal tones are whites, creams, grays, blacks and milky shades.

    Avoid the presence of several bright flashy colors at once. It also takes a lot of light to be soft. Paper lampshades worn over regular light bulbs will create just that effect.

    Photos of Japanese-style bedrooms will best tell you how to translate ideas yourself, but be sure to listen to the simple advice of designers.

    Although the interior of the Japanese-style bedroom is minimalistic, there are a large number of items and accessories that can be used to decorate this interior.

    How to create a Japanese style with your own hands:

    • The floor should be wooden, which is covered with mats, but nevertheless it is quite possible to replace it with bamboo laminate or linoleum with a similar pattern.
    • Walls, according to the advice of most designers, should be sheathed with wooden panels in the form of load-bearing structures. It is extremely fashionable now to cover the walls with fabric, always natural and monochromatic.
    • Wallpaper will also come in handy, and especially wallpaper. If you are planning a small Japanese-style bedroom, then you can give preference to wallpaper that carries an ethnic pattern that imitates bamboo, or it will be traditionally Japanese ornaments and patterns. If the budget allows, then you can get real wallpaper.
    • The ceiling should carry a feeling of lightness, tenderness, weightlessness. They are made suspended, with built-in lighting, frosted glass inserts are also allowed.
    • Furniture - only functional, elegant and sophisticated, in a minimal amount. The bed should be wide and low. A very profitable solution is a built-in wardrobe, as well as the presence of bedside tables. It is very important to arrange niches with illumination above the bed.
    • Curtains can be made of silk and natural cotton in the form of fluffy folds and plain stripes. Any fabrics are suitable here, but always natural. Nowadays, curtains are very popular, which consist of even fabrics and move along the window like a screen. To make these curtains dynamic, solid inserts are used above and below.

    Japanese style bedroom design - accessories

    Large fans, Japanese swords and daggers look very impressive on the walls, dolls dressed in traditional kimonos on the shelves. Traditional symbols can be used even on abstract things: the bedspread on the bed can be painted with hieroglyphs.

    It is worth hanging paintings and reproductions on the walls, executed in the traditional style, with sakura paintings. A mini-waterfall made of natural stone will add harmony to the room.
    It is safe to say that such a bedroom will turn out to be the most comfortable and cozy place in the apartment, where you will want to return again and again. If you like sophistication in interior design, then you are on the right track and your renovation is sure to turn out to be perfect!

    A Japanese-style bedroom is simplicity, harmony, practicality of furniture, beauty of the interior. Choose small, functional furniture. The Japanese appreciate simple shapes. Don't use useless jewelry.
    Not all designers like the Japanese style, some find it empty. The Japanese believe that positive powerful energy circulates in the void.
    The bedroom is the heart of the house. Here you can relax, recuperate after a hard day's work. Planning for the future, analyzing the present, the past.

    Japanese simplicity

    The Japanese create a practical, simple bedroom interior, they believe that flowers decorate the interior, improve the atmosphere of the house. In the corners of the room, you can put a small tree - bonsai or your favorite flowers on the table. You can live and dry ikebana.
    The Japanese strive to be closer to natural harmony. Therefore, their dwelling, their things are made of natural materials: brick, wood, plaster, concrete. The Japanese actively use glass in the design of the room.

    Japanese style bedroom

    Try to create a style similar to the Japanese one in your bedroom. Identical, however, will not work, European thinking is different from Japanese. But using the advice of professional designers, try to imitate this style yourself:

    • The floor of Japanese dwellings is traditionally wooden, and mats are laid on top, which are changed every six months. Now there are modern wood-like materials: laminate (bamboo), linoleum with a pattern of wood veins.
    • Designers advise to overlay the walls with wood panels. These are the traditional supporting structures of the Japanese. It is modern and fashionable to stretch natural fabric on the walls. The correct interior design is considered to be wallpaper made of natural fabrics (plain colors).
    • Decorate the walls of the bedroom with wallpaper. Choose wallpaper with ethnic designs or ornaments. Or those that depict bamboo. If funds permit, buy natural bamboo wallpaper.
    • The Japanese-style ceiling creates an air of lightness. Make it suspended. Let the craftsmen build in pendants or insert glass (frosted).
    • Choose only functional furniture. Small, simple in shape, but refined, graceful. The Japanese sleeping bed is low and wide. It is great if there is a built-in wardrobe under the ceiling, decorated, for example, under bamboo, bedside tables. Niches with illumination look beautiful above the bed.
    • Choose curtains from natural fabrics. Style the curtains so that there are lush, loose folds. Curtains in monochromatic vertical stripes are good. Now among Europeans, curtains are popular in imitation of the Japanese style, which are 2 canvases. They are moved, covering different sides of the window. For dynamism, a bar is inserted into the curtains on both sides (bottom and top). They move, covering the window with a flat cloth.

    Related article: How to make a plasterboard ceiling frame yourself


    The Japanese-style bedroom is well-lit. Light streams enveloping, soft. Take the lampshades. Install them on ordinary lamps. Create the effect of alternating shadows with light. It's relaxing.

    Color in bedrooms

    Usually, a Japanese bedroom has a base color. The rest of the things complement it with semitones. Favorite colors: milky, white, cream, black, gray.
    Don't design your bedroom with a few flashy, bright colors. See photos of Japanese bedrooms. You will clearly understand which style to adhere to when making your own. Take advice from designers.


    Futon is a mattress that has been traditionally used in Japan for many centuries. It is cotton, 5 cm - rather thin (covered with fabric). In the morning, they put it in the closet, saving space for small-sized Japanese apartments. European futons are considerably thicker.
    Europeans, especially young families, like the Japanese lifestyle - sleeping on cotton mattresses, sitting on cotton ones.
    Sleeping on futons is useful, they are filled with: cotton; flax; buckwheat husk; wool; sackcloth coconut; some latex additives; natural horse hair. In the morning, the futon is rolled up and the other bedding is placed in a hidden cabinet.

    Benefits of a futon for the spine

    Is this mattress good for your spine? Helpful. It is thin, hard, and many argue that this is exactly the effect of an orthopedic mattress. But some people think that a special European mattress with an orthopedic effect is better. Please consult your family doctor which mattress is best for you, given your constitution.

    Furniture and accessories

    The place where they rest after a hard day is usually central for the Japanese. They choose furniture that is beautiful, sophisticated, graceful, consisting of natural wood or bamboo (preferably). Cotton or silk upholstery.
    The Japanese buy furniture that has simplicity and clarity of lines. Such furniture is low in geometric shapes. There is no complicated decoration. Small bedside tables or beautiful small glass tables are placed near the sleeping bed.
    The Japanese make the wardrobes in the bedroom so that they are not visible. These are niches hidden deep into the wall. The doors of the cabinets slide open. At the head of the sleeping bed, a niche or several is made of plasterboard. If you want, they will equip a backlight there.

    A Japanese-style bedroom is a combination of sophistication and minimalism, plus a philosophy that is unique to this small country. The Japanese believe that everything material is perishable, therefore the most important thing is convenience and closeness to nature. Only natural materials are used in Japanese houses. Therefore, it is the bedroom decorated in this style that is becoming more and more popular in Western countries, in Russia.

    Interior features

    Japanese interiors are fundamentally different from other oriental designs. These are not Arab countries with their vibrant colors, carpets and fabrics. The Japanese avoid many details, striving for practicality and freedom in space. The less things and furniture, the less fuss, says Japanese philosophy. Restraint and simplicity of interiors contributes to the development of spiritual harmony and will.

    Japanese dwellings were formed under the influence of the rather harsh natural conditions of the country, where only a third of the territory is suitable for life. Regular natural disasters (typhoons, tsunamis) did not allow creating complex interiors. On the contrary, lightweight collapsible houses have repeatedly saved the lives of many people.

    From all of the above, three basic principles of the Japanese style can be formed:

    • Minimalism, the absence, oversaturation of space helps to leave worries outside the home or a specific room.
    • Naturalness materials that help to emphasize closeness to nature.
    • Rationality... The functionality of the space implies the convenience of furniture of a simple form, sliding wardrobes built into the walls and other items that are convenient for use.

    The main stages of room decoration

    First of all, you need to choose the colors in which the room will be made. The foundations are most often chosen from beige, white, cream, gray and black colors. They are complemented with various shades. Lots of bright, flashy colors should be avoided, but accent can be done.

    Since in the Japanese tradition, walls in rooms are replaced by light partitions (shoji) made of light wood frame and paper, in a bedroom decorated in this Asian style, either light wallpaper or wood panels should be used, which will look like traditional screens. These materials can be replaced with a special paint that can be stenciled. Natural fabric is another option. The latter method is considered the most expensive, but also the most comfortable.

    In Japanese tradition, it is believed that the ceiling should be rectangular. Typically, ceilings are made in a beam way. The beams divide the pre-painted surface into regular segments. Sometimes, after fixing the beams, paper or fabric is pulled between them. You can make the ceiling stretch, but natural natural materials will more harmoniously fit into the interior. It is advisable to make the ceiling in the color of the walls, but harmonious differences are allowed that fit into the overall color scheme.

    It is believed that the larger the sections into which the ceiling is divided, the more spacious the room seems. Beams, however, should be made of materials that contrast with the ceiling itself.

    A lot of attention is paid to the floor covering in Japanese houses, since it is customary to walk around the room with bare feet. This applies to the bedroom to the greatest extent. Usually the wooden floor is covered with tatami. In modern life, such a coating can wear out. It can be replaced with a carpet: either a plain one or with an Asian-style pattern.

    A room decorated in an oriental style should not have harsh light. It fills the whole room, there is a lot of it, but it must be absent-minded. To create this effect, use paper lampshades or frosted glass. The boundaries of light and shadow with such lamps become not very obvious, and the light itself fills the whole room. The Japanese practically do not use bedside lamps and table lamps to avoid harsh shadows. During the day, the rooms are flooded with daylight, and at night they turn on the ceiling chandeliers.

    The light sources themselves are made of natural materials (wood, paper, less often glass), black and white. Occasionally, materials of other shades are used. Chandeliers should be geometrically regular in shape - round or rectangular, as required by the minimalism of the interior.

    To give the room a more oriental flavor, instead of curtains on the windows, it is worth using special panel blinds made of natural fabrics - plain or with a thematic pattern.

    The doors in the Japanese bedroom are made sliding, which significantly increases the living space of the room.


    The main item in any bedroom, whatever style it may be, is the bed. If the bedroom is designed in Japanese style, then this piece of furniture should resemble a futon as much as possible - a rectangular mattress preferred by the Japanese. Either there should be no legs at all, or they should be low. There may be a special podium for the bed. It is not forbidden to use small bedside tables.

    Instead of bulky and space-consuming wardrobes, the Japanese use wall niches, which are closed with panels - in the manner of a wardrobe. It is possible to use small shelves for storing souvenirs. A small tea ceremony table will also transform your room.

    An indispensable attribute in a Japanese bedroom is a screen-screen. It can depict animals and plants made in the national Japanese style.

    Decor "Japanese" bedroom

    Laconicism and expressiveness are the basis for decorating an oriental interior. The main task is not to overload the space using various accessories.

    Large fans or "samurai" swords will look good on the walls. It is possible to use Japanese-style paintings. Traditional sakura can also decorate your bedroom walls.

    On the shelves you can put figurines and dolls dressed in a traditional kimono. Hieroglyphs applied to various objects will fit well. If you are going to decorate the bedroom with any symbol, you should find out its meaning.

    A small fountain made of natural materials will add balance and harmony to the bedroom. The same effect can be achieved by using a bonsai plant or a vase with a beautifully arranged flower arrangement.

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