Samples of wall panels for the interior with their own hands. Panel from the spikes of the tree do it yourself

Garden technique 29.08.2019
Garden technique

Panel is a wall decoration. Whether it will be modern, fashionable, beautiful, complex, neutral or clearly accent - depends on you. The trend of the season is homemade panels.

Burlap is an excellent base for needlework. At first glance, Rough, Neurkaya, even inexpressible matter.

But the burlap panel is still as good. Usually burlap used as background, image base.

You can lay out a certain image, for example:

  1. Coffee beans;
  2. Embroider with colored thick threads;
  3. Shells;
  4. Dried citrus and colors;
  5. Straw;
  6. Drocerties.

One of the most popular topics today is a panel on burlap using dried citrus and cinnamon sticks.

Gentle panels from cotton disks do it yourself

This is the case when a simple decoration can be done in a couple of hours. For example, take a conventional disposable plastic plate, paint it into needed color. Suppose light purple. This will be your foundation under the panel. And then from cotton disks, lay out the improvised floral composition.

Flowers' stalks can be cotton wands. Often, such a white bouquet framed with a film for packaging colors.

Many interesting wall panels can be made on winter topics, beating the plots with snowdrifts, snowmen, etc., from cotton discs.

Panel from forks: High tech for kitchen

From disposable forks today, too, you can make an interesting panel. It will be cute to look at any room, but it's more logical to decorate them the kitchen, because chief Material - Forks, albeit disposable.

What does such a panel look like, for example, fan:

  • This will be a semicircle, where the plugs on the entire perimeter of the semicircular are separated from the decorated colors of the center.
  • The beginning of each plug is covered with this floral center, and the toothed end is disguised as lace, threads, braid.

There are a lot of options for creating a round panel, in exactly the same way, but the idea with a fan is one of the most popular.

Bright panel from balls for the holiday

Here is little to have a rich fantasy, you need also gel balls, and an automatic for inflation, and some skills on the formation of compositions from balloons. It is unlikely that someone with the go will succeed not only to combine them technically, but also to build an artistic image from this.

Interesting, festive panels are obtained, in which the date is prescribed (how much is the birthdaynik). Often in such panels are used images of colors from balls.

Panel from seeds on the wall

The seed panels were very popular in the 90s. Then watermelons I. pumpy seeds on any canvas laid out flower compositions And different ornaments, the plots were repeated.

Today, an interesting panel of seeds can be done on the topic:

  1. Japanese sakura (seeds will have to paint);
  2. Flying south of birds;
  3. Oriental motives and symbols;
  4. Cat silhouette;
  5. Exotic birds, etc.

Well, of course, various complex abstractions are very interesting in such a mosaic of seeds.

Soft panels from Foamiran: elegant and thin

Foamiran is a soft, plastic material resembling suede. In fact, this is a foamed rubber, which when heated is capable of changing the form. Due to this, various volumetric figures can be made from the Foamian. The most common thing is made from this material - Flowers.

And it is the Flowers from Foamyran become the main panel. For the background you can choose the same burlap, find a nice frame, it turns out a classic panel. Flowers are obtained as real: red poppies, yellow roses, greenish-white peonies - in this believing all the charm of Foamiran.

Painted panels from stones: difficult

Of the stewed stones, wonderful abstract panels are obtained. Main, pick up good glue, basis, and have an accurate sketch.

But the most fashionable use of stones today is their painting. Smooth pebbles are literally dotted very bright colors. For example, each pebble-colored fish. And then on the panel of such fish it turns out a magical, fabulous seabed.

Decorative panel of satin ribbon: ribbon embroidery

Embroidery with ribbons on the canvas is not a new kind of needlework, but very popular. From different thickness of ribbons, you can create any compositions on canvas - from simple floral plots to complex landscapes.

Flower theme beats more than others, used as additional materials Beads, beads, sequins, felt.

For example, ribbons can be embroidered with bunges of rowan, where instead of berries are large red beads.

Panel from tapes (video)

Mosaic panel of plasticine Autumn: old technique

Pictures from plasticine appear again in the interiors, which is not surprising: the materials become better, better, more diverse, and the master class is no longer a problem.

One of the interesting techniques is plasticine mosaic. You leopat a lot of small color circles from plasticine, of which then build the composition with a mosaic way. Painting-sample should be before your eyes. In such a panel should not be emptiness.

Femnelular panels from other submitted materials

And briefly some more interesting ideaswhich can be the basis of a panel on the wall in your interior.

What other materials can be used:

  1. Moss. From the MCH, integer installations are created, and, quite large. You can decorate such a panel with ferns and other, growing plants in the swampy terrain.
  2. Bumps. What is just not made of cones. Especially fashionable now compositions of white cones, and whiten natural material You can easily white for washing.
  3. Match. From matches make complex panels, a mosaic plan, this is a painstaking job. Although, if the technique is combined, even a child will cope.
  4. Metal. If you want to do anything from the metal at home, then move in the Industrial-art direction, builds from old nuts, bolts, interesting compositions.
  5. Pasta. Of pasta products You can make any panel using interesting forms of macaras. Then paint them in sprays, and such a pasta mosaic will be a cute decoration of the kitchen wall.
  6. Polymer clay. Again, from polymer clay, like Foamiran, are most often flower compositions. But no less interesting is the plot panels that beat the folk life, old rites, etc.
  7. Plastic bottles. And out plastic bottles Flowers are made as well interesting mosaic. But for mosaics, multi-colored caps are used, which are glued to the base on durable glue.
  8. Artificial fruits. From artificial fruits you can make a beautiful wall-mounted still life. Again, we found a good sketch, durable glue, beautiful background, and quite quickly you can create a bulk still life.

And how many other interesting ideas lies, literally, under your feet? These are decorative napkins, and cereals, and broken porcelain, and crepe paper, and colored buttons, etc.

How to make a panel from matches (video)

Highly beautiful panels You can make from the cheapest and inconspicuous material, the main thing is the idea and technique. Create, impress, complicate and rejoice then the result that will be beautiful accent In your interior.

Examples of panels with their own hands from girlfriend (photo)

Empty walls in the house look not very cozy - the rooms seem to be unjited, and the interior is unfinished.

But everything is easy to fix, decorating the situation with paintings or unique panels made with your own hands.

The decorative panel on the wall can be made of buttons, fabric, paper or salt dough. If the art gift is missing - not scary, any forms can be drawn with all sorts of clichés.

Panno on the wall is completely simple in execution. Over its creation, you can work together together - and adults and children. The collective occupation is ralling family members, and the creation, resulting out in the end, will fill the house of harmony, comfort and love.

Punk of salt dough

All children simply love to sculpt something, whether plasticine or dough. Last - excellent material for creativity.

The modeling is well developing the dexterity of the hands and a small motorcy, and this is inextricably linked with the development of the child's speech.

For the preparation of salt test, highly available ingredients will be required:

  • salt of fine grinding - 1 cup;
  • wheat flour - 2 glasses with a "slide";
  • dry glue for wallpaper - 1 tablespoon;
  • fat cream, for example for hands, - 1 tablespoon (can be replaced by vegetable oil);
  • water is about 125 milliliters.

Properly prepared mass does not stick to the hands, it is spring and dense, perfectly warm up. Also pay attention to the quality of wheat flour.

If the dough suddenly gets too viscous, then it is necessary to add a little flour, and if it lipnets - some oil. Spicy spice, such as vanilla, cinnamon or nutmeg, get a lot with a pleasant aroma, adding the food dye - color.

Having crawled out all the details and connecting them, put the panel to dry into the heated oven at a temperature of 55-80 degrees for about one hour for small products. Maximum - 3 hours for large.

The second way is to put the dough into the cold oven, and only then turn it on 150 degrees. This method is ideal for solidifying small crafts.

Third way - drying on the battery, but in this case It will take at least 5 days.

Ready dry panel can be painted by any paints, even an ordinary watercolor if it wanted.

The idea of \u200b\u200bpanels, which in it details and colors, solve you. What happens in the end, depends only on your imagination.

When you cover the product with a varnish, you can not worry about its safety - it will be perfectly looking even after many years.

Textile panels

This type of panel can be made of any fabric, which will find at home: atlas, satin, silk, knitwear, felt and even burlap. You can embroider a panel from the cloth on the wall with threads or ribbons.

Ready to crawl just hang or insert into any wooden frame. This is your taste.

Textile panels are different species. Consider a few of them.

Patchwork Punk

Prepare a cardboard - the basis for the panel, pieces of fabric different colors And threads. It is possible to sew manually, but on sewing machine It will be much faster.

First you need to put the markup of the future image to the cardboard and numbered not to confuse the order of the flap of the flap. When the base is ready, proceed to laying pieces of fabric in order.

Panel from felt

Such material as felt is very suitable for creating funny cartoon animals on the panel. Such an illustration is one of the simplest, because it will be needed:

  • some kind of picture you like;
  • large sheet of thick cardboard or fabric, which will serve as the basis of the picture;
  • cardboard sheet;
  • simple pencil;
  • felt;
  • sharp scissors;
  • glue;

The image you prepared is needed in order to make stencils from cardboard for the future work. Next, using these stencils, we supply the pencil patterns on fetra.

And after that, we cut out and glue figures on the panel, how to make imagination.

Burlap in Punk

Burlap - panel from fabric on a wall that looks quite unusual. But such a picture must necessarily be in a bright decorated frame, otherwise the proper effect does not produce.

Elements of the panel itself can also be made of burlap - ribbons, flowers or leaves.

If you have many photos in your family archive, then you will not have to torment yourself as a decorated wall.

You can use reports from travel or letters. Very original looks photo of panel on the wall in the form of a heart.

Such an exercise will perfectly fit into the interior of the bedroom or children's and living room or the corridor.

You will need:

  • some photos;
  • big dense cardboard;
  • simple pencil;
  • glue;
  • stationery knife.

So, on the cardboard, depict the contour of the collage and cut it out. For starters, take the photos along the contour of the heart, then fill the empty space inside.

Panel from wallpaper

When the repair ends, a bunch of small pieces of wallpaper remains. That's just from these bright residues and you can build a picture.

Punk on the wall of wallpaper made by own hands, I will make an unsurpassed flavor to any room.

For such a panel you need:

  • foam baguette;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • acrylic paint;
  • stationery knife;
  • simple pencil;
  • level;
  • line;
  • plumb.

Decide the place where the panel will be. After that, with the help of a level and plumb, draw a pencil outline of the future picture.

Cut the stationery knife to cut a few pieces of foam baguette with angle of 45 degrees around the edges to be a joint.

Mirror panel

Currently, the popularity of mirror compositions is gaining momentum. Mirrors can be different shapes and sizes, and can also be color.

Mirror panel on the wall became a favorite taking of designers. Picture - a combination of mirrors - adds uniqueness to any room. Each item of the product is highlighted using a frame or border.

That original panel You can buy in a set or make yourself from several ordinary mirrors.

The main thing is that the composition looks holistic. Although the picture itself can be made up of individual elements.

Wooden panel

Picture made of such natural materialAs a tree, forms a visual accent and makes comfort and heat in the apartment. It can be accommodated in the office or living room.

When creating a panel as the basis, you can take beech, alder, birch or pine. This technology came to us from Thailand, where natural materials are now very popular.

To create a panel of wood on the wall, you will need much more tools and forces, but it is worth it.

I will start with the fact that my husband and I bought the first apartment in the life of the apartment and began to gradually profit it. I am very inspired by Ekodesign, but we live in a big metropolis, so in new interior I wanted to add a piece of nature. The first thing you need to do for more or less comfortable accommodation- To equip the kitchen. Slap a lot of beautiful pictures, I madly wanted to make a panel of a tree on the wall over dining table.


I reread a bunch of sites, how to dry a tree at home, since no one uses fresh sleep - they crack themselves and can moldy. Honestly, there is very little information on the Internet on the Internet, it is poorly tested, scarce and contradictory. Basically, all the tips are reduced to what it is necessary to do this in production. As a result, I chose and decided to try out the two most real way for me: to reveal the sleepers in oil or in a very concentrated salt solution. I have noticed a general procedure: to drink, dry, handle, poll. So, there was a vacation, we went to the village, and I began to act.

Step 1

In our area, pines are mainly growing - we used them. Everything is simple here: we wrote on the eye of the sleeps of different diameters and forms. Something drank a manual saw (she was careful), something - electrolyte (so the cut on the cut was very "wavy"). Middle and small diameters pronesed sawing circular saw: She gave the best result - the sleeves were very smooth and smooth, but "did not take" the big diameters.

Step 2.

Then I selected trial sleepers and dysfast a couple of pieces in oil. I didn't succeed in me. The oil was ordinary sunflower: they say, it is necessary to use linen, but it was not at hand. Spiles burned and handled, but also dried. The photo contains several ordinary sleeps and one black, after oil treatment.

Nothing else, how to cook a sleeper in salt, I did not remain. I took a big old Chan and a few parties welded a spike in a very concentrated salt solution. Cook for a long time - from an hour to two, sometimes stirring. All boiling resins rise upstairs, in the form of a black film.

Be careful: I suffered one pan - her bottom sled in the place of little worm. So use ceramic dishes with a solid bottom or one that is not sorry. And carefully follow the process!

Some sleeps during cooking are severely crack, sometimes in half, but such a bit. In any case, make the workpieces about the supply - marriage will be one way or another.

Step 3.

When the spears were still wet after cooking, I removed the bark - it becomes soft and perfectly removed with a knife. Then I laid out the blanks on the fabric and for a long time (about two or two) dried at room temperature for a long time, and then on a warm oven. As a result of this long process, the speech was really dried, and all the resins and moisture of them removed the salt.

Step 4.

When all the blanks were made, I am an exemplary option panel and selected the necessary grinding. Grinding took 3 days. Husband removed the upper layers with a grinder, and then I then brought the sleeper to mind with grinding machineinstalled in vice. The work is very dusty, we did it in the garage and on the street. Then all the sleeves were processed by a special impregnation for a tree from bacteria.

Ipened before and after grinding.

Step 5.

For the foundation of Panel I used Paneur. The sheet took the middle thickness: not too thin, so as not to be led, but not too thick, so as not to lose design. Then painted Phaneur with the same color as the wall where the design will be attached. Additionally, I decided to once again handle the sleepers so that the dust is not so much settled. I did not want a varnish coating, so natural wax has acquired for the most natural effect water basedSo that the tree "breathe".

Step 6.

Waxed Spiel I distributed on the sheet of plywood, and then glued them one by one.

Step 7.

The finished panel we secured with self-draws, above the dining table. We really liked the result. I hope you, too, appreciate it with dignity, and my modest experience will help you if you want to do something similar.

The faster the industry develops, more man Trying to get closer to nature. He surrounds himself with nature is not literally, but by creating the illusion of walking in the air, even if resting in the living room. This desire is not just to live in a house, which is built of natural raw materials, but also come up with an appropriate interior design. Therefore, everyone seeks to use in their home decor made of wood made with their own hands to feel like a real owner.

Fashion on wood appeared quite a long time, but now not everyone can furnish their own dwelling in the style of Twin Pix. The room should not be overtaken by wooden furniture, furs and animal heads. This is already talking about the bad taste of the owners. These billets are available for forest areas, but for the steppe - the finish of the house in such a style will fly into a penny. There is an option to dilute the usual setting with rare enclosures of wooden sleeps that are pulled out absolutely to any image. You can create such a design yourself by spending only the fastening agents.

Pluses of decorating interior wood

Spile wood surprise at the same time the external attractiveness and complexity of creating from a technical point of view.

Now we will deal with what advantages have wooden finish:

  • Durability. If the wood is properly processed, and will be protected from moisture and various mechanical damage, it will last long enough. If this is a whole wooden wall Or the floor, then you can save on annual repairs.
  • Heat insulation. Firewood is a source of heat not only in the fire. Raw material has the ability to keep the temperature, so for cold concrete apartment this is best view insulation, let and partial. In winter, such a warmed floor will warm any legs.
Decorative tree From the branches
  • Uniqueness. You can of course beat the wallpaper with the image of the sleeps of a tree, or lay a laminate, but a pattern is used on such pictures - a simple repetition of one module. Natural finishing with solils is a composition where each element is unique. Figure on the spell and its form - unique.

Create a designer wall

To decorate, it is desirable to choose one line of the room. The design of all planes is a sign of bad tone, and the room will look overloaded. Any room needs to give air, and the point is not in the windows. It should breathe space, and such an effect gives light empty planes. Only one "woody" facet of the room will become a kind of emphasis, which will be her mood. Share "Woody Puzzle" can be independently, and now let's talk about how it is done.

Everyone in the courtyard is already the dried tree that needs to be removed. That is the time to chop it. We take the branch, we cut it on the bars of the middle thickness. From the resulting "pancakes" you can remove the bark, and then polish. Thanks to which you do not beat the bar, touching the wall. The resulting wood layers should be processed special tool From insects, and then - put on glue. It is desirable to cover the resulting relief - a lacquer-covered wood can serve for a long time.

On a note! Create a composition from different branches, ranging from a massive barrel, and ending with the thin twigs. The composition breathes, due to the voids formed between the saws of different sizes.

Wall panel - a piece of nature in the interior

You can meet the panel from any components, but you have not seen the canvas from the woods, right? Here contrasts are welcome, so boldly use even hemp. The picture should have the form of non-pattern, but a full-fledged composition with the dominant and secondary elements. Tone gradation, and set accents using tone. Specifically, for the proposed product, it is better to leave a bark - it will make it more attractive. Careless relief will create an atmosphere of an endless forest, and moves you to it.

It is desirable to draw an approximate sketch, well, if you like to improvise directly during the work, then go ahead. For a bright contrast, collect the frame of the canvas from simple planks, it will give a picture of ease. Spies polished from the other side that adjies to the wall for better gluing. Leave the other side untouched - it will give the natural picture of the general picture. A limited frame of a spike of a tree in the interior will look at the window going to the forest. The frame collects the composition to one whole, and groups it.

Difficulties of modular floor calculations

This species is quite complex, so it's better to be patient, and start working. Choose thick trunks in order to avoid the formation of large voids when laying out circles. For the manufacture of the floor, the lamps of solid rocks are selected, because the floor is exposed daily.

There are two reasons that will make you sweat:

  • Solution. If you put all parts for glue, the floor will not last long, even if you cover it all varnish. Modules will fall off due to constant pressure. We have to use a solution, possibly based on cement.
  • Aligning surface. If in the design of the vertical plane, the thickness of each element does not play a large role, then for the floor it is the main condition. You need to adjust all modules under the total thickness, and engage in grinding after installation. The procedure will take quite a lot of time, because it is not easy to achieve a smooth surface.

Further Start covering the finished surface with varnish. It will protect it from pests and external influences. The floor is easier to wash, and it will last longer in the "secure" state. Unprotected surface can hit pests or it will simply begin to rot because of excessive moisture.

Creating a home coat with homemade furniture

The furniture looks completely different, depending on the view of the existing raw material. Tables and chairs are made, since the silhouette of the spis itself is already reminiscent of a small table or chair.

There are two basic principles for creating furniture:

  • Modular - assembly of an element from small parts (modules). Actually, we are already familiar with this way. It allows you to create a product of absolutely any shape. It also needs to achieve perfectly smooth surface. A tableware will be put on the table, and that it does not turn over, the surface of the table should be perfectly polished.
  • One piece - a solid element is taken as the basis. This option is much simpler than the previous one in the technical plan, but more difficult in the search for a large diameter of the bar. It's better with the chairs of things, and if you want a table for which the whole family dinner - you will have to tinker with a search for a large diameter. The price of overall sleeves is large enough.

It doesn't matter what principle you apply in the creation of the product, the main thing - immediately appreciate your capabilities so as not to spoil the material. Any way is good, because wooden furniture It is famous for strength and durability.

Ideas for kitchen based on semicircular sleeps

Such a figure is an unusual piece of decor and a reliable assistant in the kitchen. Material withstands high temperatures and does not heat so much. From the sleeps you can create simple one-piece supports and modular, the material of which is easier to find. Everyone saw such supports in the store, and thought "no, you won't do this" - erroneous opinion. Why pay more if you do it with your own hands?

The kitchen will complement the bizarre semi-curvous shelves, which can be led from solid spins of a tree, separating them into two parts. An illusion is created, as if "rounds" is in the process of immersion in the wall. Reception is interesting if the Round Shelf, due to this, a visual movement is created. The effect is achieved due to the dynamic relief on the crust. The shelves will harmoniously spread culinary books, or personal collections of the hostess recipes. And withstand the product is enough big weightlet her dimensions may not inspire confidence.

Remember! If this stand is specifically for dishes, it is better to make it whole. The connection of small parts involves gluing, and the glue is incompatible with high temperatures. The stand is simply collapsed into several parts.

Detail of wood as an emphasis in the interior

Small intersions of the "forest" in the usual situation mentally bring you to nature. Spies in the interior are used as decor, and perform certain functions.

Create bizarre accents with your own hands:

  • Clock. The unusual application of wooden sleeves in any interior looks cute. Especially if this is a circle of uneven shape with the bark on the surface. The bark is fixed, because it is capable of deteriorating over time. The more casually looks the wooden "pancake", the more interesting the watch.
  • Floral vases. Give the will of fantasy, and use various types of branches. Created by the personally ornament of small twigs looks expensive, and no one guess that the vase cost you in a penny. It will be harmonized with the design, and will find a response in things with a similar decor.

Remember! Things created from identical material in the room must be a bit. They must elaborate with each other, but do not look "bust."

  • Frames for mirrors. In the creation of the product it is important to stick to the rhythm or metricity, but the chaos will be inappropriate. Alternate a lot of wood with small, or make the entire frame from the circles of approximate size. Any option will be correct.

Make your own hands the floor of sleep - it is quite possible. Not to mention small interior items that are made in a minute with the help of wood, glue and your imagination. Surprise your friends with tastefully decorated home, and make your life more comfortable. This is an environmentally friendly product that benefits your health. If the product is made of needles, then lightweight coniferous flavor can even help you with cold treatment.

If we cope with the floor, then the design of the whole wall tree will seem to you for five minutes. You will need to take advantage of your own taste, and your knowledge in the composition of the composition, although most people trust their a little.

Everything will work out, it's enough to "collect" these products and fasten with glue, or simply cut a solid object. Create an image of my head, and try to embody it in life. You do not need special knowledge or skills, follow the basic rules for choosing materials and processing. After all, why spend big money for the work of the designer, if you are able to cope with this task yourself, without spending a penny.

The house is the place where you want to feel as comfortable as possible. there is various methods Make it even more cozy. But it is especially nice when decor elements are made with their own hands. Decorative panels In the interior, admiring glances are always attracted, and they will not make them difficult to make them difficult if you properly comply with the technology and act step by step and according to the instructions.

What it is

Panno is an element of decor and its purpose consists in decorating the interior and filling the empty space on the walls or ceiling. Sounds very similar to the description of the painting, is not it? What is different from the picture, if both of the decor are designed to decorate the room? The answer is simple: the picture is the subject of painting art, and the panel can consist of anything. Dough, plastic, plaster, beads, fabric, tree - no fantasy limit, when it comes to the manufacture of panels and material for the decor can be any. If there is a desire to make your interior unique, then Panel will cope with this!

Definition of work scale

The first stage in creating a wall panel is to determine the design of the future product. If it is already known, at what place it will be located, it complicates the task. Need to weigh the color solution, the dimensions that it will be to possess whether the material fits from which it is planned to be made, in overall picture interior.

So, we define: size, color solution and what materials will be used. This is the first step. If possible, it is worth drawing a sketch of the planned product. This will help take into account all the nuances performed by the task.

If a piece of cardboard is taken as the basis, a canvas or any other solid surface is taken, markings are made on it: where and how the decor elements will be located. If the base is fabric, it is tensioned on the basis (for example, on a piece of plywood, board or plastic), and the remainder of the tissue is fixed from the back side. After the craft is made, it is placed in the frame and hang on the wall.

There is another option to manufacture a panel on a tissue basis. It will be necessary to take a solid foundation, for example, plasterboard sheet desired size and glue a foam rubber to it. On the resulting soft base and tensioned fabric. In this case, you can do without frame.

After all the preparations, you can proceed to the main part of the manufacture: decorating.

Types of panel do it yourself

Consider the main species used in decorating:

FabricThese are all embroidery options, appliqués and tapestry techniques that are made on the fabric. Performance technique can be anything: from manual embroidery to machine, made by serial production.
StoneFrequently performed in mosaic technique. Are used natural stoneswhich are considered noble: basalt, marble and others. Less frequently, artificial stone is present in such products.
From ceramicsMade with the use of ceramic tiles and are usually placed in the bathroom or kitchen.
SculpturalThe bulk version of the product that is manufactured from special plaster, plaster or metal.
GraphicAll that is performed using various types of printing. It can be reproduction of painting works, photo printing.
Other speciesHere are products handmadewhich are performed using any girlfriend. Salted dough, tree, dried flowers and plants, shells, clay, beads - no fantasy limit for decoration.

We give examples of manufacturing various types of panels:

From fruit and vegetables

When creating this panel can also participate a child, as it is very simple. Bright, color design of this creation is ideal for the kitchen.

For the manufacture you will need:

  • Solid vegetables or fruits (it can be apples, any citrus, pears, cabbage, etc.);
  • Paint (gouache, butter, acrylic);
  • The basis on which decoration will be made. It can be a cardboard, a board, a fabric stretched on a sheet of plasterboard.

The surface of the base is preventing and painted in the desired shade. Fruits and vegetables cut on halves and dip them in paint. The dye is best pouring a thin layer in a plate. We apply the painted fruit by the cut side to the base and get a stamp.

Stamps are made in any plenty place on the basis, but the images are best looking for, which are symmetrically located.

From paper

There are many options for making paper creations. Let's consider the main of them:

From round paper structures

This product can be made with your own hands for an hour and this is a great tool to decorate the interior, as well as get a lot of positive emotions.

Prepare materials:

  • Colored paper;
  • Clips;
  • Scotch;
  • Pins;
  • Stapler.


  1. The sheet of paper is folded by the harmonica, like a fan.
  2. Harmrock bend in half.
  3. The stapler fasten the face with the bend so that the harmonica does not disintegrate and the little fan turned out. We connect three such ves and get a circle.
  4. The harmonica of different colors can be combined into one circle, then the panel will turn out yet brighter.
  5. Many circles connect together, attaching them to the wall by English pins. The size of the circles and the composition itself can be any large and take any shape.

From photos

In fact, it is a collage of photographs or artistic pictures, which can both have a certain topic and be absolutely abstract. Photos are combined into one composition and fixed on the wall or another basis. Design Option: Combine many images of the sea and sky.

From colored paper

Options for making crafts from colored paper Great set. Today we offer an option "Flowers from hearts", which will even suit for children's master class. It is very simple in performance, is an excellent tool for the development of a small baby's shallow motility, and looks amazing!

We need:

  • Office colored paper;
  • Base for panel;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Cardboard;
  • Paints;
  • Tassels;
  • Frame.

Let's proceed to fulfill:

  1. Cut the pattern in the form of a heart. To make one flower, we need from eight such hearts. All hearts in the flower must be the same size.
  2. We fold the heart in half and get the petal.
  3. We glue a flower from such petals to the base. It can be a cardboard or wall.
  4. To make flower leaves, you need smaller green hearts.
  5. Lay out flowers in any order, depending on common form desired panel. It may be a heart shape, and you can lay out flowers and in the form of a tree. We show fantasy and embody it in life!

From newspaper tubes

Newspapers can be perfectly suitable for the manufacture of panels with their own hands.

Necessary materials:

  • Newspapers;
  • Knitting needles;
  • Glue;
  • Wire;
  • Brush;
  • Knife;
  • Acrylic paint.


  1. The newspaper sheet is cut into two parts with a knife.
  2. We apply glue with a thin layer with a thin layer.
  3. We screw the sheets of newspapers to the needle diagonally. There should be thin tubes.
  4. Take acrylic paint And we look at the newspaper tubes in the desired color.
  5. We scroll the resulting flagery flagery once again and wrap the ends of each newspaper tube so that the helix turned out. Both ends need to be spinning in opposite sidesIf you want to get the shape of a sea skate. You can make a circle: for this you just need to turn the entire tube on the spiral.
  6. Spirals fix with rubber bands and leave for 24 hours to dry.
  7. We remove the rubber bands and make up the desired drawing from the resulting items. Elements can be immediately attached to the wall, or create a panel on a predetermined basis.

Circles from newspaper tubes can be painted in various colors, connecting several shades in one circle. It is interesting to look circles with a gradient: the transition from one color to another.

From wallpaper

This is an interesting solution that your interior will revive and give him even more comfort.
There are several ways to independently make a panel of wallpaper:

  • Technique Loskutkov

Cut fragments from available wallpapers. Pieces can be any form, but must approach each other. Consider general form all future composition. For example, you can cut squares with flowers from three different types of wallpaper and combine them together into several rows in a certain sequence. At the same time, paired elements are not necessarily playing symmetrically.

  • Technique whole wallpaper

We take the wallpaper with the desired image (for example, the Sakura branch), gently cut it into the frame, or we stick to the wall and decorate the molding or panels.

  • Combination of styles

Here the design is limited to your fantasy! Combine whole pieces of wallpapers with small cut fragments. This is a modern and inexpensive way to decorate your home.
Important! If you can not decide on the style of the future composition, it is necessary to look at the image of flowers and plants in non-timers. It is always appropriate and looks beautiful.

From salted dough

This type of panel is one of the most budget, as it requires a minimum of material for its manufacture and usually everything is always needed at home.

We offer the version of the stucco panel, where the handles and legs of your child will be printed. This creation will allow you to decorate your baby's bedroom. in the original method And for a long time to save the memory of his childhood.

We need:

  • Flour;
  • Salt;
  • Color gouache (optional).


  1. We take flour and salt in proportions two to one. Two cups of flour are mixed with a glass of salt, then water is added. The approximate volume of water on such a number of flour and salt will be 125 ml.
  2. We mix cool dough. If it sticks to hand, add more flour. The dough should be elastic and not stick to the hands.
  3. If you want to make a panel color, then the time to add a gouache, blowing her the dough.
  4. Roll over the dough. The approximate thickness of it should be about 2 centimeters. Shape a piece of dough can be any.
  5. Drive the dough to the baby and gently pressing his palm and a feet into the mass. Pressing should be easy, but sufficient to leaving the trace.
  6. We make two through holes in the test - this is for the future ribbon, which will then hang panels.
  7. We lay out everything on the baking sheet and close the baking paper.
  8. Heat the oven to 90 degrees and put the dough dough there. It will take about two to two and a half hours. It is necessary to flip carefully dough once, in the middle of drying.
  9. Color the resulting panel with color or white gouache, inventing the tape into the holes - voila! Very touching and cute decoration for your home is ready!

From fabric

Panel design with cloth has been in fashion not so long ago: only in last years Hand-Maid lovers turned their close attention to the cloth. Such a product is ideal for the interior in the style of Provence. Consider the main types of woven panels that can be made with their own hands:


Are used various techniques For the manufacture of such panels, but all in one thing is one thing: this is the use of flavors of fabric in the work. On the Internet there are many margins of such products. Panno can be both on a tissue basis and on rigid structures. The fabric for the manufacture is needed any: from pieces of tulle to trimming of old bed linen.

Felt for creativity

Panel from felt is one of the most popular among needlewomen. We only need pieces of felt of different colors, the pattern of future pictures, threads with a needle or glue and the basis for which all parts are planned to be consolidated. Felt is very felling material for creativity: it will help to realize all fantasies into life. Panel from felt will become an excellent decoration of the living room or hallway.

Burlakovin on the form of an extremely small material, but begins to play very other paints when the craftsmen use it in their work. Burlap can be covered with a frame for panels, you can use as a basis for other materials: beads, lace and others. This coarse material ideally emphasizes the tenderness and refinement of other tissues.

Panel from wool is the most simple product In the technique of wet fooling. This is an interesting process in which wool is compacted in a certain way in order to get felt. The drawing on such a panel can be any: it all depends on the skill of the needlewoman.

If you want to take a single-color piece of fabric and draw a certain picture on it, then consider that it is not as simple as it seems. It is worth practicing on the draft, and then click on the tissue that you plan to use on the panel.

From beads

In this embodiment, all or part of its elements are made of beads. For starters, elements themselves are made, and then fixed on the basis and, if desired, are drawn up into the framework.

From threads and nails

This is not new, but very interesting way Make panel with your own hands! It reigns minimalism in the choice of materials, but from this panel does not become fresh and boring, but, on the contrary, attracts admiring glances.

The whole point is that cloves are clogged on a solid basis. This can be done chaotic, and it is also possible according to a specific scheme that you can successfully find on the Internet. Between nails in several layers, threads are stretched. Due to this, a kind of drawing is created.

From buttons

Perfect option for beginners! Buttons can be decorated with a panel made of fabric or paper, and you can create a product fully made of buttons. To do this will need

  • PVA glue;
  • Buttons;
  • The foundation.


  1. Draw on the basis of a sketch: where the buttons will be located and what figure they must be depicted together.
  2. Stick Buttons with PVA glue to the base.

The design can be any: inscriptions, abstraction, flora and fauna and others.

Mirror panel

Modern panel created from pieces of mirrors. His complex options will be able to manufacture only experts, and simple - very much accessible to independent work. Mirror panel will be added in the room.

Necessary materials:

  • Mirror tiles;
  • Liquid Nails;
  • The base with wooden planks, if you plan to stick the mirrors not straight onto the wall.

The principle of operation is clear: we combine various mirror pieces and secure them in the desired order to the wall or another on liquid nails.

Made usually in an abstract style of the most different breeds Tree. Very profitable in classic interior Wooden panels look with inlaid semi-precious stones.

Dry flowers and leaves

Great for children's creativity. We define with the plot future workAnd then on a solid base (cardboard, fiberboard) with glue glue dried flowers and leaves (juniper twigs, leaves of trees - any flora is suitable). Excellent additions will be grains, seeds and twigs.

Crupes and seeds

A sketch of a future picture is applied to solid, already painted base. Then, the cereals and seeds are based on the basis with the help of PVA glue. Large grains need to be glued every individual, and small scatter, for example, rice, should be poured on the glue already applied to the base.

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