Bitter pumpkin seeds what to do. Chinese bitter gourd

Landscaping and planning 30.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

Have you ever tried bitter squash? Why does this vegetable have such a property? There can be many answers to the question. We will describe them in detail in the presented article.

general information

Before answering the question of why zucchini is bitter, you should tell what this vegetable is.

Few people know, but a zucchini is a bush variety of an ordinary pumpkin. It has an oblong shape, without lashes. Fruits can be completely different in color. Zucchini are green, white, yellow and even black. Their flesh is tender and also quick-cooking. Therefore, modern chefs are very fond of such a vegetable.

Zucchini can be used not only boiled, stewed, baked or fried, but also raw. As a rule, vegetables without heat treatment are added to salads and snacks.

What is unpleasant about bitter squash? Why is such a vegetable impossible to eat? If you cook any dish from a product with the mentioned property, then it is unlikely that your family members will start using it. It's like including wormwood in your diet.

How often do they meet?

How often have you seen bitter squash? Why did you remember this experience for a long time? According to experienced cooks, bitter squash are much rarer than bitter cucumbers. But if you still come across such a vegetable, then you should get rid of it or process it correctly. Otherwise, you will get not only not very tasty, but also a harmful dish.

Cause of bitterness

For what reason does bitter zucchini ripen in the garden? Why does he have such an unpleasant property? According to experts, the bitterness of such a vegetable lies in the high content of curcubitacin. This is a special substance, which is a complex and nitrogen-free organic compounds derived from glycosides and of plant origin. It is quite widespread in nature.

Curcubitacins are found in various parts of plants, namely leaves, roots, stems, flowers, and even fruits.

Thus, to the question of why bitter zucchini grew, we can safely answer that the reason for this is the special substances that carry the lowering of curcubitacins. It should be noted that the increase in their concentration in marrows can occur due to several factors. Which ones, we will tell a little further.

Impact on the human body

Now you know why zucchini is bitter like wormwood. However, it should be noted that most people are concerned not only with the taste of such vegetables, but also with its effect on the human body.

Curcubitacins are known to have a local irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and mouth. Also, an excess of this substance leads to irritation of the intestinal mucosa and stomach. Curcubitacins can be extremely toxic. They often cause severe nausea followed by vomiting, as well as diarrhea and dizziness.

With a slight irritating effect, such substances enhance the secretion of all glands. According to experts, this has a beneficial effect on the bronchi (the existing sputum is liquefied, which facilitates its evacuation).

From the foregoing, we can safely answer the question of why zucchini is bitter, like wormwood. This is due to the presence of substances such as curcubitacins.

By the way, some plants that contain this element also have medicinal properties. They are often used as a hypocholesterolemic and anti-sclerotic, as well as a diuretic, corticotropic, adaptogenic, sedative, antiulcer and mild laxative. It should also be noted that the presence of a small amount of curcubitacins in the body makes it easier for other drugs to be absorbed.

Transmission along with pollen

Why do zucchini become bitter? Breeders have long noted that most cucurbits have a substance called curcubitacin. For several decades, they have been working on breeding varieties in which this substance does not accumulate.

However, it should be noted that there are often cases when zucchini growing in the same area (or in the neighborhood) with other plant species are pollinated with them, thereby receiving a certain dose of bitterness.

To protect your crop from such situations, we recommend planting plants in the beds with special care. Ornamental and absolutely non-edible pumpkins should not be grown nearby.

Insufficient watering

Why is zucchini bitter like cinchona? If you are concerned about this difficult summer issue every year, then we suggest remembering how often you water your beds. According to breeders, the bitter taste of the vegetable in question may be due to irregular watering. Therefore, read the instructions for growing this fruit and strictly follow it.

I would also like to note that a sharp change in humidity in the environment can also affect the taste of zucchini. For example, if the summer season turned out to be dry, and by the time of harvest, heavy and prolonged rains began.

Daylight hours

Why are zucchini bitter when fried, boiled or stewed? There are several reasons for obtaining such a tasteless crop. The most common of these is the length of daylight hours. How is it interconnected?

Scientists have noticed that the presence of curcubitacins in zucchini has a direct relationship with the length of daylight hours. In other words, the less light vegetables receive (in the period from the 2nd decade of August in the middle zone of our country), the greater the likelihood of obtaining fruits with strong and unpleasant bitterness. Therefore, in some regions of our vast country, such a crop is almost never grown.

Use of mineral fertilizers

It is no secret to anyone that such mineral fertilizers as phosphorus and potassium quickly absorb plants and their fruits. Therefore, the use of such substances often contributes to the appearance of excessive bitterness in zucchini. By the way, such components not only increase the accumulation of bitter elements in vegetables, but also make them dangerous for human health and life. In this regard, we strongly do not recommend growing zucchini with the use of mineral fertilizers. So you will not only avoid the appearance of bitterness in them, but also make your harvest tasty and healthy.

By the way, nitrogen, on the contrary, prevents the appearance of a bitter taste in almost all vegetable crops. However, it is also not recommended to use it in large quantities.

How to remove the already existing bitterness?

If you are a big fan of your own grown zucchini, but your harvest failed because of the presence of bitterness in it, then we suggest using a simple tip to eliminate this property.

So, you picked a zucchini, but you cannot eat it or include it in any dish, because it has an unpleasant taste and aroma. What to do in this case? To begin with, the vegetables should be thoroughly washed and chopped into the necessary pieces. After that, the product must be placed in a bowl, where in the future it is necessary to pour salt water. Such a solution should be prepared based on the calculation: 2 large tablespoons of table salt per 900 ml of liquid.

After keeping the zucchini in water for about 35-45 minutes, you will notice that all the bitterness has gone from them. If the unpleasant taste still remains, then the vegetables can be left in the bowl with the solution for some more time. After that, the product is thoroughly washed and dried. Then it is used for its intended purpose.

Thus, by applying a saline solution, you can rid your crop of any degree of bitterness. Do the same with eggplants. By the way, some housewives believe that tasteless zucchini will be less bitter if they are salted or pickled for the winter. It is a myth. If you do not use salt water, then all your workpieces will have to be thrown away, as they will have an unpleasant taste and aroma.

Why are cucumbers bitter?

What a shame when cucumbers planted in accordance with all the rules, which were carefully and long looked after, watered, fed, weeded, suddenly turn out to be bitter! So why are cucumbers bitter, what to do with them next? If you carefully read this article, you will find out what to do with bitter cucumbers, and your work on the plot will not be in vain.

Causes of bitterness

Externally, bitter cucumbers are no different from ordinary ones. They have the same rich green color, fresh aroma and crispy skin. Few hostesses at least once in their lives did not succumb to this “deception” and did not spoil the taste of the salad with a single bitter cucumber. Of course, without difficulty, you can simply completely cut off the peel of a cucumber, but it is it that contains the very vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

The reason for the bitterness of cucumbers lies in cucurbitacin, a special substance with a bitter aftertaste. Cucurbitacin is found in all cucumbers without exception, but its increased concentration is felt on the palate. The most important reasons for the increase in the level of this substance in cucumbers are:

  • lack of moisture;
  • excessive moisture;
  • irregular watering;
  • excess sunlight;
  • lack of nitrogen and potassium in the soil;
  • low humidity in the greenhouse;
  • seeds extracted from the back of a cucumber.

Sometimes the cause of bitterness can be damaged or twisted lashes of the plant. A sudden change in weather can also affect the taste of cucumbers.

To avoid this situation, regularly and moderately water the plants with warm water, spray them in the morning, and feed them with high-quality complex fertilizers, the composition of which is balanced. Fresh manure is absolutely not suitable as top dressing!

When buying seeds, look for hybrid varieties that contain special genes that prevent the accumulation of cucurbitacin in cucumbers. Usually this is indicated by the label on the package. Their taste, of course, may be less expressive and soft, but here the choice is yours.

Save the harvest

But what if all the preventive measures for growing cucumbers without bitterness turned out to be in vain? And is it possible to eat bitter cucumber at all? Of course, but before that, you need to “conjure” a little over it. The most familiar way that housewives usually use is to cut the peel from bitter fruits. Sometimes it is enough to cut off the back of the fetus (2-3 centimeters), where, basically, cucurbitacin is concentrated.

The Japanese are well aware of how to quickly and easily eliminate bitterness from cucumbers. So, in national restaurants, fruits with bitterness are not thrown away, but simply cut off the tip and rub it well on the cut of the cucumber in a circular motion. A white foam appears around the circumference of the cut, in which, in fact, cucurbitacin accumulates. If you remove it, then the cucumber will lose bitterness, and you can enjoy

fragrant and fresh fruit.

There is another way to remove bitterness from cucumbers intended for fresh consumption. Put them in a basin and fill them with cold water for several hours. The bitterness will come out into the water. If the cucumbers are too bitter, which is typical for fruits rich in taste, then it is better to change the water several times.

Bitter cucumbers are also quite suitable for canning. The fact is that cucurbitacin under the influence of water and high temperatures is able to break down. If all your attempts to “reanimate” the bitter fruits for fresh consumption were unsuccessful, then there is only one way out - to pickle them or pour them with marinade. After such processing, even the most bitter cucumbers will become edible.

Bitter gourd - a new remedy

Vegetable insulin will protect us from obesity, diabetes and breast cancer. Ripe orange fruits are used as food as vegetables, and in folk medicine they treat diseases (colds, headaches, inflammations, hemorrhoids, indigestion and diabetes). There is scientific evidence for the effectiveness of vegetable insulin.

Its taste is bitter, but the fruits of application are truly sweet! Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon, bitter cucumber, balsamic pear or apple, is Momordica charantia, an annual vine that grows up to 180 cm long.

Chemical composition

All its parts, but especially the fruits, contain a substance that is chemically identical to human insulin. Animal studies have shown that bitter gourd insulin analog can lower blood sugar levels in patients.

Useful for obesity

Another property is the reduction of bad cholesterol in the blood, which can protect against heart disease and weight gain. In the experiment, rats were fed a fatty diet, but those who were given bitter gourd gained weight much more slowly.

Increases immunity

Bitter gourd increases the level of interferon - a substance responsible for the reliability of immune defense, as well as antioxidants such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase, which protect us from breast and stomach cancer.


Although bitter gourd does not cure diabetes, it reduces sugar levels, so herbalists recommend it for prevention and support for diabetics. The standard daily dose is 1000-2000 mg. With regular use of bitter gourd, you need to constantly monitor your blood sugar levels and keep your doctor informed - you may need to reduce the dose of insulin and other medications.

About bitter gourd

Bitter gourd is popular in Asia and little known in the West. It is rich in iron, beta-carotene, calcium, potassium and fiber.

Reduce bitterness you can, if you choose more yellow fruits and blanch them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, cut in half.

Worth serving as a vegetable dish, combined with spicy foods such as garlic, chili or curry. Can be stuffed with meat and spices.


Traditional medicine recipes are the experience of our people accumulated over the centuries. At a time when people did not have other medicines, nature rescued them. Thanks to various decoctions, tinctures, compresses and other traditional medicine, almost all known diseases were cured.

Folk recipes

In our time of civilization and progress, folk recipes have gone to second place, but they are still popular due to their efficiency and accessibility. And of course, folk recipes do not cause such harm to the body as chemical drugs.

medicinal plants

Of the many ways to treat diseases, the most affordable and natural is the treatment with medicinal herbs. Medicinal plants not only treat, but also strengthen your body, improving the quality of life.

About the site folk medicine

Our site was created for the accumulation and exchange of information about folk methods of treatment. Here you can find more than 2000 articles about various methods, recommendations and healing properties of medicinal plants in our country. Before using prescriptions, remember to consult your doctor. © 2012 Healthy lifestyle with traditional medicine. All rights reserved.

Pumpkin seeds should be bitter or not?


No, they shouldn't be bitter. If they are bitter, they are already old and the pumpkin oil in them has gone rancid.

Hearing about the healing qualities of plants, many immediately imagine rare meadow herbs or bushes lost in the wilderness. But even the usual garden crops are able to improve well-being. To be convinced of this, a cursory glance at the recipes of traditional medicine, in which pumpkin and its seeds often appear, is enough. Let's find out what is the secret of their centuries-old popularity.

They are rich in valuable compounds that our body needs. Let's start with vitamins. If we take 100 g of dry seeds, then this mass accounts for 63 mg of choline (vitamin B4) and 35.1 mg of gamma-tocopherol (this is one of the forms of vitamin E). Other substances are widely represented:

  • vitamin PP, aka nicotinic acid - 5 mg;
  • "pure" vitamin E - 2.18 mg;
  • ascorbic acid - 1.9 mg;
  • vitamins of group B in the total mass - 1.3 mg. Against the general background, thiamine B1 (0.273 mg) and riboflavin (B2) stand out, which is 0.153 mg here;
  • a bunch of lutein and zeaxanthin at a dose of 74 mcg;
  • vitamin K - 7.3 mcg;
  • vitamin A - 1 mcg.

With minerals, the picture is as follows:

  • the main macronutrient is phosphorus - 1.23 g for the same total weight;
  • there is a lot of potassium and magnesium here - 809 and 592 mg, respectively;
  • less calcium - 46 mg;
  • the list of trace elements is opened by iron (8.82 mg) and zinc (7.8 mg);
  • slightly less sodium - 7 mg;
  • manganese is present at a fraction of 4.54 mg;
  • copper and selenium are assigned the role of excipients - the account goes to micrograms (1343 and 9.4 mcg).

Important! Among the components are trans fats (64 mg). With regular intake of the product in a fried form, this can affect the cholesterol balance of the body (and not in the best way).

Speaking of pumpkin seeds, one cannot ignore and fatty acid with which this product is so rich. The championship among them is for polyunsaturated acids, which give a total of 20.9-21 g. Mainly, these are the most valuable compounds of the Omega-6 type in the amount of 20.6 g, which are vital for the normal functioning of the body.

They are supplemented by Omega-3 substances, however, already in more modest doses - 0.12 g. Among the monounsaturated ones, the no less valuable Omega-9 (aka oleic acid) stands apart - 16.1 g. The amount of saturated fatty acids is reduced to 8, 65 g (the main ones are palmitic and stearic).

Part by part calories such seeds are classified as nutritious foods: 556 kcal / 100 g for raw and about 600 for fried. In this regard, they are second only to sunflower seeds.

In the structure of nutritional value, fats take the first place - 49 g, proteins here are 30.23 g, and carbohydrates - 10.7 g. Dietary fibers are allocated 6 g, and water and ash are almost equally divided: 5.2 and 4.7 g.

Did you know? Homeland pumpkin - Mexico. After studying the oldest seeds found there, archaeologists came to the conclusion that this culture is about 6 thousand years old.

About the benefits

A product with such characteristics is simply obliged to benefit humanity.

And indeed - the usual pumpkin raw materials have many healing abilities, namely:

In folk and "official" medicine, as well as cosmetology, such useful qualities of pumpkin seeds as:

  • regulation of hormonal balance - seeds are saturated with estrogen;
  • the possibility of shifting menopause (with regular use, this is quite real);
  • improvement of the genitourinary system at any age;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • support for the vitality of the body (for example, during recovery after surgery);
  • treatment of anorexia in the initial stage, to which lovers of strict diets sometimes bring themselves;
  • support in the tone of the nervous system.
And, of course, the cosmetic effect is a noticeable moisturizing of the skin of the face and softening of the dermis due to the deep action of oleic and linoleic acids.

Important! If you include seeds in a vegetable salad recipe, this will slightly reduce the risk of gaining weight. Moreover, fresh herbs are considered a kind of catalyst for substances that pumpkin seeds are rich in.

Their contact with epithelial cells is enhanced by the presence of vitamin E, which protects the structural layer of the skin from the penetration of harmful molecules. All this also has a good effect on the condition of hair and nails.

For men

The main value of this natural product for men is its mild, but at the same time strong effect on the functioning of the prostate gland. Zinc and other elements protect an important organ from the penetration of infections that are fraught with inflammation, and in the long run - dysfunction.

Seeds are widely used for the prevention of prostatitis in men over 40 years old, and, if necessary, for the treatment of the initial stage. They are also useful for young men - raw pumpkin is considered one of the best products for normal sperm formation. It also helps to maintain potency at any age.

If we move away from such delicate topics, it turns out that these seeds are able to prevent early baldness and build muscle mass, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase working capacity.

Rules of use

Having convinced of the obvious benefits of seeds, one should not lose sight of the issue of their competent processing and use. Due to the high calorie content, these moments require increased attention.

How to quickly clear

Very simple: the seeds are removed from the pumpkin, after which they are kept in water for several minutes. This will make it easier to remove the remaining veins and pulp. It remains to rinse the grains and lay out to dry on a towel. After the seeds have dried, you need to take scissors and cut off the shell along the edges (its thickened part).

After that, you will only need to press on the side walls of the achene - the nucleolus will easily fall into your hand. It is this raw material that is the most useful. They taste damp and even fresh, but be sure that the body will receive all the necessary substances and minerals.

Did you know? In Europe, pumpkin took root only in the 17th century.

Is it possible to eat with the peel

Gastroenterologists advise to refrain from this method of use. The fact is that even after chewing the peel well, a person risks getting damage to the intestinal wall or even inflammation like appendicitis. Remember that the shell remains rough even after processing.

How much can you afford per day

The average daily allowance is about 50-60 g. There is one caveat here: this figure is given for healthy, moderately active people. As for those who are prone to weight gain or who practice diets, it can be somewhat reduced: after all, this is a high-calorie product.

In the treatment of various diseases, the dose is usually increased (if the doctor has approved this menu item). So, in the fight against prostatitis or sexual weakness, they operate with a figure of 60-100 g, and take the same amount to normalize the work of the nervous system.
The dosage for removing worms depends on age: adults take 300 g in several approaches, while babies 3-4 years old are given a maximum of 75. In any case, it is better to start taking it with reduced portions - this way you can control the body's reaction.

Is it possible for the night

The use of seeds a couple of hours before bedtime is another condition for the proper use of a natural product. Usually they are eaten during dinner (as an addition to dishes) or 45 minutes to an hour after it.

Be sure to drink water, otherwise subtle, but still unpleasant cutting pains may be felt in the stomach. Naturally, before going to bed it is undesirable to take a “shock” dose.

Is there any benefit in fried

Roasted pumpkin seeds, beloved by many, are tastier than raw ones. But here they have much less useful properties.
There is a reason for this: when heated to more than +45 ° C, a good half of the valuable substances and compounds disappear from the raw materials, and natural fats are oxidized (and this is a direct threat to the appearance of extra kilos).

The amount eaten also matters: the calorie content of the fried product is comparable to the calorie content of pork kebab. This is enough to take it with all caution.

Why can bitter

Fresh achenes are sweetish in taste, but a distinct bitterness during the sample should alert. Most likely, you came across seeds that were stored or processed with violations, or simply old material.

It is better to refuse such food because of the rather high risk of getting a serious indigestion.

Did you know? The Indians began to use a pumpkin for decoration long before the Europeans: Indian craftsmen wove rugs from dried strips.

Is it possible

During pregnancy

Gynecologists with obstetricians are aware of the benefits of pumpkin seeds for expectant mothers and often include small doses of this product in their menu.

In the absence of contraindications and the condition of competent reception, the seeds can be consumed without regard to the gestational age. Raw grains are eaten on an empty stomach with water.

With HB

During lactation, the intake begins a month after childbirth - this allows you to increase the volume of breast milk. At the same time, the mother's digestion returns to normal, and the main body systems receive much-needed support in the form of minerals and enzymes.

Important! During breastfeeding, raw pumpkin seeds should be consumed, since fried ones will not only not be beneficial, but can also adversely affect the baby's digestive tract.

If a woman does not have an allergy, the use is made daily - 50-100 seeds per day (depending on the state of health and the baby's reaction to such an additive). To protect the esophagus, raw materials are replaced with pumpkin seed oil (2-3 tablespoons per day).


The combination of mild action with a tangible effect comes in handy if the child has digestive difficulties, increased anxiety, or there are serious concerns about the strength of his immunity (especially during the cold season).

Angina, flu, SARS, beriberi - pumpkin seed will cope with all these troubles. The main thing is to give the crumbs doses commensurate with his age: for the smallest, 10-15 things are enough, while a 4-year-old peanut can be given twice as much.

Pay attention to the "tolerance" by age. Seeds are forbidden to be consumed by children under 1.5 years old. From 1.5 to 3 years, only carefully crushed grains are used (as well as from 3 to 5, although at this time whole small seeds are also slowly included in the diet).

Did you know? Pumpkin grows everywhere (with the possible exception of Antarctica).

What harm can

Even such a useful product requires caution. Harm from use is associated mainly with improper intake. When planning to eat pumpkin seeds, keep in mind that:

  • peeling the peel with your teeth, you can easily damage tooth enamel. If there are other difficulties of the dental plan (sensitive gums), the sensations will be much stronger and more unpleasant;
  • busting with the amount is dangerous with a feeling of heaviness in the stomach or even indigestion (as an option - constipation, which is typical for cases when those who have not previously tried this product start taking a plentiful intake);
  • achenes saturated with fats can provoke the appearance of new deposits;
  • the consequences of improper roasting can be much sadder: having overexposed the raw material in a heated pan, it is thereby saturated with carcinogens, which hits the heart and blood vessels.

To avoid such difficulties, it is advisable to remember the sense of proportion, preferring the dried rather than fried variety. It is also a good idea to consult your doctor before taking this product.

Who can't

There are also direct contraindications. Doctors forbid taking pumpkin seeds in any form to people who are diagnosed with:

  • individual intolerance;
  • stomach ulcer and poor intestinal patency;
  • gastritis against the background of high acidity;
  • joint diseases (the presence of salts risks turning into stiffness);
  • obesity.
  • Ordinary pumpkins that are overripe or spoiled from long-term storage can also be bitter. Bitter gourd improves immunity, increases the level of antioxidants, lowers blood sugar levels. It also lowers blood cholesterol levels, which can protect against heart disease and weight gain. To remove bitterness, pumpkin needs to be washed well and poured over with boiling water + part of the bitterness will go away during cooking. Why is pumpkin bitter in spring? Probably it all depends on the variety and whether she received enough water.

    One of the main reasons why a pumpkin starts to taste bitter is that it has been stored for a very long time. The result of long storage was that the pumpkin seeds began to germinate, and this gave bitterness. You can cut off more surface when cleaning it, this can help.

    Momordica charantia (bitter cucumber, Chinese bitter gourd)

    Momordica charantia (bitter cucumber, Chinese bitter gourd) is a pumpkin vegetable crop, an annual herbaceous liana, a species of the genus Momordica of the Cucurbitaceae family. The epithet "bitter" momordica charantia received due to the fact that its fruits are bitter, they are soaked before cooking to remove bitterness.

    The bitter cucumber is native to the Asian tropics. Now it is grown in areas with a warm climate, mainly in South and Southeast Asia, in the Caribbean. The culture grows best in hot and humid lowlands. This vegetable is popular in the warm regions of Asia, and few people know it in Russia.

    Momordica charantia is a rather large plant, the liana reaches four meters in length, the five-sided stems have antennae; leaves are rounded or kidney-shaped, five or nine lobed, from 3 to 12 cm in diameter; flowers are unisexual with five yellow petals.

    The size of the fruit varies between 8-40 cm in length (medium-sized fruits are 10 cm in length and 4 cm in diameter); fruits with a rough surface, wrinkled warty. The shape of the pumpkin fruit is oval, spindle-shaped. Unripe green fruits with dense, juicy, crisp, pale green flesh have a bitter taste. As they ripen, the fruits become bright yellow or orange, becoming even more bitter. The whitish spongy pulp of the fruit contains seeds 4-15 mm in size; mature seeds are red-brown. Unripe fruits are removed 2 months after sowing the seeds. Bitter cucumber does not store well without refrigeration - only a few days; Vegetables can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.

    Like other pumpkin vegetables, momordica charantia is highly nutritious. The fruit contains many vitamins (C, E, F, group B), beta-carotene (more than in broccoli), a large amount of iron, calcium (2 times more than in spinach), potassium (more than in a banana), manganese, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, fiber, flavonoids, amino acids, alkaloids. Bitter cucumber is one of the few plants containing charantin, a substance that lowers blood sugar levels.

    The fruits of momordica charantia contain per 100 grams: 0.9 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat, 4 grams of carbohydrates.

    The calorie content of the fruits of momordica charantia is 19 kcal.

    Culinary uses are the fruits of momordica charantia, as well as young greens. Young shoots, flowers are eaten stewed.

    More often in cooking, unripe fruits are used. Before stewing or boiling, unripe fruits are soaked for several hours in salt water to remove bitterness. Young fruits can be preserved in the marinade. In unripe fruits, the seeds are removed before cooking.

    The fruit of momordica charantia can be eaten even when it turns yellow. However, it becomes more bitter, it also needs to be soaked. In ripe fruits, the seeds become sweet and can be eaten.

    Like other vegetables, momordica charantia has beneficial medicinal properties. Eating this vegetable improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, increases appetite. The uniqueness of bitter cucumber is that it contains substances that lower blood sugar levels. Therefore, in folk medicine, this vegetable is used to treat type 2 diabetes. If you regularly eat momordica charantia, then it will be easier for the body to cope with bacteria and viruses, the vegetable helps to increase visual acuity, improves hematopoiesis, helps cleanse the vascular wall of cholesterol, and suppresses microorganisms that cause inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

    Chinese bitter gourd has found use in medicine and as a remedy for arthritis, rheumatism, skin diseases, insect bites. For these purposes, the juice of the plant is used externally.

    Despite all the benefits of Chinese bitter gourd, there are limitations to including it in the diet. Momordica charantia should not be used by pregnant women (may have an abortive effect), nursing mothers. With extreme caution, you should eat momordica charantia for people suffering from heartburn and stomach and duodenal ulcers (a vegetable can exacerbate these ailments). In baby food, it is better to give preference to an ordinary pumpkin.

    Chinese bitter gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd, another name for momordica, is a herbaceous liana plant that belongs to the gourd family, since Chinese bitter gourd is very thermophilic, its homeland is Asia. The length of the stem can grow up to four meters. It has antennae and longitudinal stripes. The leaves are round and slightly heart-shaped. At the base of the leaves are flowers that are yellow. The fruits of the Chinese bitter gourd are wrinkled and rough, green in color at the beginning of ripening. When the fruits are fully ripe, the color changes to orange or yellow. The shape of the Chinese gourd is mostly oval. If the fruit is not yet ripe, then its flesh is bitter, dense and light green in color, the seeds of this plant are also bitter. When the fruit is fully ripe, the seeds are bright brown and sweet, ready to eat, and the pulp is also eaten. A ripe but not overripe pumpkin has yellow flesh. If you do not harvest the Chinese pumpkin in time, the fruits will overripe and become bitter, and also lose their nutritional value.

    Semi-finished Chinese bitter gourd

    For harvesting, Chinese bitter gourd should be chosen unripe. To remove the bitter taste from it, it is poured with water for a while. The fruits are canned, stewed and boiled. In Asian countries, everything is eaten: flowers, leaves, stems and fruits.

    Medicinal qualities of bitter gourd

    This fruit has beneficial nutritional properties. Its structure contains calcium, potassium, iron and beta-carotene. The pulp of this plant helps digestion and increases appetite. It is used to treat diabetes, HIV and malaria. If pancreatic cancer is diagnosed, then momordica juice helps a lot. Since, in the composition of many active substances, it is able to fight viruses of the genitourinary system. But you can not use pumpkin juice in its raw form, as it contains poison. After special treatment, it can be used to treat skin diseases, asthma, rheumatism, arthritis and worms.

    How to Grow and Preserve Bitter Gourd

    Bitter gourd can only be grown in hot and humid climates. Propagated using seeds. Before planting, the seeds must be soaked for a day, then planted in a sunny area, in a moist nutrient mixture, to a depth of two centimeters. When the plant sprouts, it needs support. In the process of growth, weak processes should be removed so that no more than three remain. Young shoots should be watered frequently. Twice a month it is necessary to feed it with mineral or organic compounds. It is possible to eat already one and a half week fruits. They are stored for three days in the room and twenty days in the refrigerator. In the fall, the pumpkin must be dug out along with the ground and left until March - April in a dark place. When the snow melts, you need to land again in the ground on the site.

    Restrictions on the use of Chinese pumpkin

    The use of Chinese bitter gourd in food contributes to the recurrence of ulcers and can provoke heartburn. The use of a large number of ripened seeds, can develop anemia in children. Cases have been recorded when, after consuming this fetus, uterine bleeding opened in women bearing a child. And this, can threaten, termination of pregnancy. It is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance. This plant is quite peculiar, used mainly in Asian countries.

    Since Chinese bitter gourd is poisonous when raw, you need to be very careful. If, nevertheless, poisoning has occurred, then its symptoms will be as follows:

    • High salivation.
    • Redness of the face.
    • Loss of vision.
    • Stomach pains.
    • Nausea.
    • Vomit.
    • Stomach upset.
    • Weakness.

    Methods for preparing and serving Chinese bitter gourd

    This plant is eaten mainly in finished form. Its bitterness is removed with water, salt water and spices are needed. Then dried in the sun. There is another way to remove bitterness, you can boil in boiling salted water for fifteen minutes or in cream for half an hour. Due to the high content of alkaloids in the seeds, they must be removed before cooking. You should also peel the fruit.

    The methods of processing this fruit are different, it can be stewed, baked, fried. Bitter gourd is used as a side dish or as a separate dish, it can be combined with poultry or meat. In the cuisine of many Asian countries, Chinese bitter gourd is in perfect harmony with eggplant, garlic, eggs, tofu, onions, tomatoes, shrimp. To choose a Chinese bitter gourd for culinary masterpieces, you need to take unripe fruits. They don't have that bitter taste. The surface of the selected fruit should be dark green in color, without damage.

    You will find more information about other interesting and useful plants on the pages of our website:

    Why is the pumpkin bitter? Why is gourd bitter?

    Cucurbitacins triterpenoids, which are always present in the fruits of the pumpkin family, give bitterness to pumpkin. Ordinary pumpkins that are overripe or spoiled from long-term storage can also be bitter. Bitter gourd improves immunity, increases the level of antioxidants, lowers blood sugar levels. It also lowers blood cholesterol levels, which can protect against heart disease and weight gain. To remove bitterness, pumpkin needs to be washed well and poured over with boiling water + part of the bitterness will go away during cooking. Why is pumpkin bitter in spring? Probably it all depends on the variety and whether she received enough water.

    Strange as it may seem, but such a taste manifestation is characteristic of pumpkins, which, despite all this, despite the bitter taste sensations, are even more useful than their sweet brothers.

    The reason is an overestimated amount in the composition of substances: tretepinoids, which give this bitterness.

    The pulp of the pumpkin begins to taste bitter during long-term storage, as the bones begin to sprout. Therefore, pumpkin seeds must be removed immediately after harvesting, and the pulp must be processed into puree and marinated. Hard-rooted gourds can be bitter if planted next to ornamental gourds, as they cross-pollinate.

    Pumpkin could be bitter initially, as it grew. This is usually due to excessively hot weather, and as a result of drought, without the necessary watering. For the same reason, there are bitter zucchini and cucumbers. Therefore, in such weather it is better to water pumpkins, she will thank you with large and tasty fruits.

    It can also become bitter gourd due to long storage, by spring. The variety must be intended for storage and the storage conditions must be suitable. Otherwise, seeds will begin to germinate in the pumpkin and it will become bitter. Of course, you don’t really want to eat such a pumpkin, but they say that it helps against a number of diseases.

    One of the main reasons why a pumpkin starts to taste bitter is that it has been stored for a very long time. The result of long storage was that the pumpkin seeds began to germinate, and this gave bitterness. You can cut off more surface when cleaning, this can help.

    Chinese bitter gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd (momordica) is a popular vegetable in Asia. The site invites you to get acquainted with this peculiar culture.

    Description of Chinese bitter gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd (momordica charantia, bitter cucumber, karela) is a herbaceous vine belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family.

    This species is native to tropical Asia. The plant is grown in regions with a warm climate (in Southeast and South Asia, in the Caribbean, in China).

    The stems of the plant have longitudinal stripes. They are equipped with antennae, and the length of the aerial part can reach four meters.

    The leaves are round-heart-shaped, dissected into several lobes. Single-sex yellow flowers are located in the axils of the leaves.

    Rough wrinkled fruits are initially green in color. When ripe, they become orange or bright yellow. The shape may vary (fruits are cylindrical, spindle-shaped, oval).

    The pulp of immature fruits has a pale green color, a dense structure and a bitter taste. Seeds have a different shape (ovoid or almost rectangular). At first they are bitter, but as they ripen they become sweet (mature seeds are colored red-brown).

    In unripe fruits, the watery, crunchy pulp is used (unripe, whitish seeds are removed). In ripe (but not overripe) fruits, the pulp is also edible (it acquires a yellowish color). Overripe fruits become soft and lose their nutritional value (they are very bitter).

    How to Harvest Chinese Bitter Gourd

    Most often, unripe green fruits of Chinese bitter gourd are used (they are soaked before cooking to remove bitterness). The fruits are stewed, boiled and canned.

    In Chinese bitter gourd, not only fruits are edible, but also shoots, leaves and flowers (they are stewed and eaten).

    Chemical composition and beneficial properties of Chinese bitter gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd is very nutritious. The chemical composition contains iron, potassium, calcium, beta-carotene.

    The bitter pulp stimulates digestion and improves appetite. Momordica is used to treat malaria, HIV, type 2 diabetes.

    Fruit juice is able to destroy cancer cells in pancreatic cancer. Due to the presence of active substances, it effectively fights viruses and bacteria in case of damage to the genitourinary system.

    The sap of the plant itself is poisonous when raw. With appropriate processing, it is used to treat asthma, rheumatism, arthritis, skin diseases. Also, this tool is used to get rid of helminthic invasions.

    Growing and Storing Chinese Bitter Gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd is grown in regions with subtropical and tropical climates. The liana grows best in moist lowlands. The plant propagates by seeds.

    In temperate climates, bitter gourd can be cultivated (optimal temperature for plant growth and development: 20ºС and above). Under landing allocate an area open to the sun.

    Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for a day. Then they are planted in a moistened nutrient mixture consisting of humus, leafy soil, peat and sand. Seed immersion depth: 1.5-2 cm. Seedlings are sprayed with warm water. Liana requires support (you can use a grid).

    As the stepsons grow, they are removed, leaving no more than three shoots. Bitter gourds are regularly watered. The plant is fed every two weeks with organic or mineral fertilizers.

    For eating, ten-day fruits are used. They can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks and indoors for up to 3 days.

    For the winter, the liana is dug up and left in a cool shaded room. In the spring, the plant is again planted in the ground.

    Contraindications to the use of Chinese bitter gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd exacerbates peptic ulcer and heartburn. Abuse of mature seeds leads to the development of anemia in children (signs of poisoning may also appear). In rare cases, pumpkin can cause bleeding and increase the tone of the uterus in pregnant women (this is fraught with miscarriage). Individual intolerance may also be observed.

    Chinese bitter gourd is a peculiar plant. Unlike Asia, it is not yet very popular in our region.

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    Bitter gourd - a new remedy

    Vegetable insulin will protect us from obesity, diabetes and breast cancer. Ripe orange fruits are used as food as vegetables, and in folk medicine they treat diseases (colds, headaches, inflammations, hemorrhoids, indigestion and diabetes). There is scientific evidence for the effectiveness of vegetable insulin.

    Its taste is bitter, but the fruits of application are truly sweet! Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon, bitter cucumber, balsamic pear or apple, is Momordica charantia, an annual vine that grows up to 180 cm long.

    Chemical composition

    All its parts, but especially the fruits, contain a substance that is chemically identical to human insulin. Animal studies have shown that bitter gourd insulin analog can lower blood sugar levels in patients.

    Useful for obesity

    Another property is the reduction of bad cholesterol in the blood, which can protect against heart disease and weight gain. In the experiment, rats were fed a fatty diet, but those who were given bitter gourd gained weight much more slowly.

    Increases immunity

    Bitter gourd increases the level of interferon - a substance responsible for the reliability of immune defense, as well as antioxidants such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase, which protect us from breast and stomach cancer.


    Although bitter gourd does not cure diabetes, it reduces sugar levels, so herbalists recommend it for prevention and support for diabetics. The standard daily dose is mg. With regular use of bitter gourd, you need to constantly monitor your blood sugar levels and keep your doctor informed - you may need to reduce the dose of insulin and other medications.

    About bitter gourd

    Bitter gourd is popular in Asia and little known in the West. It is rich in iron, beta-carotene, calcium, potassium and fiber.

    Reduce bitterness you can, if you choose more yellow fruits and blanch them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, cut in half.

    Worth serving as a vegetable dish, combined with spicy foods such as garlic, chili or curry. Can be stuffed with meat and spices.

    Tags: diabetes, insulin

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    © - Recipes for health. A site about the treatment of diseases with the help of traditional and folk remedies. Overview of pharmaceutical preparations and various methods of treatment.

    Chinese bitter gourd (momordica) is a popular vegetable in Asia. The site site invites you to get acquainted with this peculiar culture.

    Description of Chinese bitter gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd (momordica charantia, bitter cucumber, karela) is a herbaceous vine belonging to the gourd family.

    This species is native to tropical Asia. The plant is grown in regions with a warm climate (in Southeast and South Asia, in the Caribbean, in China).

    The stems of the plant have longitudinal stripes. They are equipped with antennae, and the length of the aerial part can reach four meters.

    The leaves are round-heart-shaped, dissected into several lobes. Single-sex yellow flowers are located in the axils of the leaves.

    Rough wrinkled fruits are initially green in color. When ripe, they become orange or bright yellow. The shape may vary (fruits are cylindrical, spindle-shaped, oval).

    The pulp of immature fruits has a pale green color, a dense structure and a bitter taste. Seeds have a different shape (ovoid or almost rectangular). At first they are bitter, but as they ripen they become sweet (mature seeds are colored red-brown).

    In unripe fruits, the watery, crunchy pulp is used (unripe, whitish seeds are removed). In ripe (but not overripe) fruits, the pulp is also edible (it acquires a yellowish color). Overripe fruits become soft and lose their nutritional value (they are very bitter).

    How to Harvest Chinese Bitter Gourd

    Most often, unripe green fruits of Chinese bitter gourd are used (they are soaked before cooking to remove bitterness). The fruits are stewed, boiled and canned.

    In Chinese bitter gourd, not only fruits are edible, but also shoots, leaves and flowers (they are stewed and eaten).

    Chemical composition and beneficial properties of Chinese bitter gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd is very nutritious. The chemical composition contains iron, potassium, calcium, beta-carotene.

    bitter pulp stimulates digestion and improves appetite. Momordica is used to treat malaria, HIV, type 2 diabetes.

    Fruit juice is able to destroy cancer cells in pancreatic cancer. Due to the presence of active substances, it effectively fights viruses and bacteria in case of damage to the genitourinary system.

    The sap of the plant itself is poisonous when raw. With appropriate processing, it is used to treat asthma, rheumatism, arthritis, skin diseases. Also, this tool is used to get rid of helminthic invasions.

    Growing and Storing Chinese Bitter Gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd is grown in regions with subtropical and tropical climates. The liana grows best in moist lowlands. The plant propagates by seeds.

    In temperate climates, bitter gourd can be cultivated (optimal temperature for plant growth and development: 20ºС and above). Under landing allocate an area open to the sun.

    Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for a day. Then they are planted in a moistened nutrient mixture consisting of humus, leafy soil, peat and sand. Seed immersion depth: 1.5-2 cm. Seedlings are sprayed with warm water. Liana requires support (you can use a grid).

    As the stepsons grow, they are removed, leaving no more than three shoots. Bitter gourds are regularly watered. The plant is fed every two weeks with organic or mineral fertilizers.

    For eating, ten-day fruits are used. They can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks and indoors for up to 3 days.

    For the winter, the liana is dug up and left in a cool shaded room. In the spring, the plant is again planted in the ground.

    Contraindications to the use of Chinese bitter gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd exacerbates peptic ulcer and heartburn. Abuse of mature seeds leads to the development of anemia in children (signs of poisoning may also appear). In rare cases, pumpkin can cause bleeding and increase the tone of the uterus in pregnant women (this is fraught with miscarriage). Individual intolerance may also be observed.

    Chinese bitter gourd is a peculiar plant. Unlike Asia, it is not yet very popular in our region.

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    Ruchkina N.

    ("HiZh", 2013, No. 12)

    A reminder of early autumn, warm and plentiful, and a foretaste of the New Year holidays, for which one must arrive in a carriage, is a pumpkin.

    What is a pumpkin fruit?

    Pumpkin ordinary, she is thick-barredCucurbita pepo- gourd culture of the pumpkin family, a relative of melon and watermelon. But if the melon came to us from Western Asia, and the watermelon from Africa, the pumpkin is a gift to the Old World from Central America. Pumpkin is one of the most ancient cultivated plants, it has been grown for 9 thousand years. After the discovery of America, it very quickly gained popularity in Europe, and since the 16th century it has been known in Russia.

    Pumpkin fruits are amazingly beautiful and varied: elongated or round, green, yellow, orange or striped, with creamy, yellow or orange flesh. You won’t want to, but you will buy it, especially when charming pumpkins the size of a fist are laid out on the counter, and then you think what to do with these little ones. But there are also very large fruits, weighing more than two hundred kilograms. To the mindC. pepoalso includes zucchiniC. pepo var giromontia and zucchini C.pepo var.cylindrica(for zucchini, see "Chemistry and Life", 2008, No. 5). There are also patissons, or plate gourdsC. pepo var. patisoniana, they are C. melopepo, similar to flying saucers with festoons. They grow in bushes, like zucchini, but their flesh is yellowish.

    What is useful pumpkin.

    Pumpkin pulp contains carbohydrates, including pectins, proteins and sugars: glucose, fructose and sucrose. The carbohydrate content varies from 2 to 13%, with different varieties differing in the degree of starch content. Pumpkin is rich in salts of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, cobalt and silicon. This is a storehouse of vitamins of groups B, E, PP, ascorbic acid, and most importantly, carotene (provitamin A). Particularly orange varieties contain up to 40 mg of carotene per 100 g of pulp, they are specially grown for the production of vitamin concentrates.

    Pumpkin is good because it is low-calorie, does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract, because it has little fiber and organic acids, and is easily digested. Therefore, it is useful for people who are overweight or do not want to gain it, patients with gastrointestinal disorders, liver and kidney diseases. Its second undoubted advantage is pectin, which removes cholesterol and chlorides from the body. Therefore, pumpkin is good for atherosclerosis and gout. In addition, pumpkin is a mild diuretic. And of course, it is a source of vitamins, especially provitamin A.

    What is it eaten with?

    Pumpkin has a pleasant and unobtrusive taste, it is an excellent component of almost any dish: sweet, salty or spicy. Porridges and casseroles are cooked with it, stewed, fried and boiled, pumpkin pancakes are made, soups are cooked with it, cut into salads. It can be a side dish for meat and poultry and a filling for pies. It makes excellent jams and marmalades. In general, pumpkin is a universal product, even if you put it on bread, even eat it with porridge. Tasty and healthy pumpkin juice, which goes well with carrot and apple.

    About pumpkin seeds.

    In the middle of a diet pumpkin, a surprise awaits us - high-calorie seeds. 100 g of the product contains 580 kcal, which is not surprising, since pumpkin seeds contain up to 52% fatty oil and up to 28% protein. In addition, they contain vitamins, carotenoids and other biologically active substances, resinous substances and salicylic acid.

    Dried pumpkin seeds are a popular delicacy in many countries where pumpkins are grown. Due to the high content of vitamins, trace elements and essential amino acids, they are very useful, you just need to remember about calories. Flour is made from pumpkin seeds, which is used for breading meat and fish cutlets, thickening and flavoring soups, cereals, sauces, cottage cheese casseroles and cheesecakes. Pumpkin flour is added to the dough (15-30 g per kilogram of wheat flour), from which pancakes, pancakes, bread and pastries are made. Such flour enriches finished products with protein and increases their shelf life.

    Miracle oil.

    It is difficult to eat 300 g of seeds at once, but you can swallow 30 g of pumpkin seed oil. Natural pumpkin seed oil is dark green in color. To get a liter of oil, you need 2.5 kg of seeds and more than 30 pumpkins, so it is expensive. It contains palmitic, stearic, oleic and linolenic acids, essential oils, pectins, vitamins and more than 50 micro and macro elements, including zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and selenium. Traditional medicine claims that pumpkin oil improves metabolic processes in tissues and relieves inflammation, therefore it is useful for burns, burning and itching. Pumpkin oil pectins remove harmful substances from the body.

    The oil smells, depending on the variety, of nuts or fried pumpkin seeds (the oil production technology involves roasting ground seeds). It is used for dressing salads from greens, vegetables and fruits. As such, it pairs well with apple cider vinegar or cider. Pumpkin oil will not spoil cereals, pasta, casseroles and vegetable dishes, including pumpkin. They flavor sauces, pastries and ready-made meat and fish dishes. Pumpkin seed oil is not suitable for frying, because it cannot stand calcination.

    Other pumpkins.

    Genus Cucurbitaincludes about twenty species, and some of them are quite edible, such as butternut squashC. moschata, introduced into culture one and a half to two thousand years later than ordinary. Its fruits are varied in size and shape, are smooth or ribbed, color from dark green to white. The pulp of the nutmeg pumpkin is orange or greenish, sweet and soft, almost devoid of dietary fiber. They make sweets out of it. However, in a nutmeg pumpkin, not only the pulp is edible, but also unripe fruits, as well as flowers and young shoots. The seeds are rich in oil and protein and are often husked in Latin American cities.

    At the giant pumpkinC. maximathe largest fruits in the world: champions exceed 4 m in girth and weigh more than 800 kg. Such a pumpkin can really be turned into a carriage. Like other species, giant gourd fruits come in a variety of colors, shapes, and smoothness.

    In recent years, the attention of specialists has attractedC. argyrosperma (C. sororia). Its cultural variants are also at least seven thousand years old. In this pumpkin, the main thing is seeds, up to three centimeters long and up to one and a half wide. They are fried with salt and eaten, and meat is also stewed with them. pulp atC. argyrospermabitter, and you can eat it only after soaking it well and boiling it several times. The bitterness of this pumpkin is given by the triterpenoids cucurbitacins, which are always present in the fruits of the gourd family. Ordinary pumpkins that are overripe or spoiled from long-term storage can also be bitter, but inC. argyrospermacucurbitacins are especially numerous. In high concentrations, they cause stomach ulcers, so it is better not to eat bitter gourd.

    In the Yucatan Peninsula, farmers use the pulpC. argyrospermafor the treatment of burns, ulcers and skin rashes, and a decoction of the seeds is drunk as an anesthetic and given to nursing mothers so that they have a lot of milk.

    And not pumpkins.

    There are representatives of the gourd family that do not belong to the genusCucurbita, however are called pumpkins. About the wax gourdBenincasa hispida"Chemistry and Life" has already mentioned (2013, no. 8). Both the unripe fruit and the ripe one are eaten, and the oil is squeezed out of the seeds, but the “highlight” of this species is the wax shell of the pumpkin. It is easy to scrape off, and in some tropical countries this wax is used for medicinal purposes and for making candles, since the fruit sometimes reaches two meters in length.

    CalabashLagenaria siceraria- a culture that is grown not for food, but to make dishes from it, including the famous calabash, and musical instruments. The shape and size of the bottle gourd varies, so the tools (and vessels) are very different. Lagenaria is one of the oldest cultivated gourds. It is common in the tropics of India, China, South America, Africa and the islands of Oceania. The shell of mature fruits contains stony cells, is very strong and absolutely waterproof. Mature lagenaria do not sink in salt water and withstand the transatlantic journey, while their seeds do not lose their germination. So the plant settled on several continents, whose inhabitants have been making kitchen utensils from its fruits for thousands of years. young ovariesL. sicerariasoft and edible, but they are bitter - be careful if you want to eat an unripe calabash.

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