Decorative panel on the wall. Do-it-yourself volumetric wall panel, step-by-step guide and photo

The buildings 16.06.2019
The buildings

A wall panel is an opportunity to create an individual interior by decorating walls using available materials. If we talk about a panel as a product, then it is always the author's, handmade, which has a rather high cost. Decorating an apartment with such fakes is not always relevant, because the product is selected according to the existing interior, and if repairs are made, then the panel becomes unnecessary, and it is a pity for the money spent. But it is a completely different matter when the panel is made independently. This makes it possible to choose the theme, size, texture, material, color, but at the same time the cost of money is minimal.

How to do?

In fact, there is nothing difficult in making a panel yourself, it does not require special skills and knowledge. The first thing to do is to choose a place where it will be placed, choose a thematic direction and prepare the right materials, which are most often found in any hostess.

A few important points

  • If the room is not large sizes, you should not use large panels, they will not look harmonious and will make the room visually smaller.
  • When the room is large and a bare wall is decorated, you can use a large panel or several small ones, but of the same theme.
  • If the room is colorful and has many decorative elements, panels should be chosen in soothing colors, with a minimum combination of colors.
  • When using several panels on one wall, it is necessary that they blend perfectly with each other, support one theme, or perfectly harmonize in color.

We make from improvised means

Materials that are suitable for making panels are, as a rule, what is at hand. You don’t need to specifically purchase anything, and the execution technique resembles handmade fakes that many did in schools.

Of course, the stores offer a variety of products where it is used:

  • glass;
  • ceramics;
  • metal;
  • photography is used.

But our panels, which we will learn to make today, have nothing to do with decorated tiles and photo wallpapers. Unless they have one goal - to make everything beautiful and unique.

You can use:

  • threads;
  • fabrics;
  • buttons;
  • ear cancer;
  • flowers;
  • leaves;
  • cereals;
  • coffee beans.

You can consider the features of thematic products.

Panel on the wall in the kitchen

This is perhaps the only place where the use of food for decoration purposes will be fully justified. Here are appropriate:

  • cereals;
  • grains;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit.

But, by the way, coffee beans are a versatile material and can be used in any room. They are easy to work with, and during operation they do not lose their appearance and colors.

With their help, you can lay out any pictures, for example, a cup of coffee, which already withstands the theme. You can cut out photos of beautiful fruits and vegetables, complementing them with cereals.

New Year's panel

V this case the brighter the better. Such a picture should speak of a holiday, fun and good mood. Here it is permissible to combine any materials and surrender completely to fantasy. And if you were invited to visit, a hand-made panel will be a great gift.

This picture should talk about the holiday

Suitable use:

  • spruce branches;
  • cones;
  • rowan berries.

As a background, you can use a New Year's picture, for example, printed on a printer and decorate it. Snow-white snow can replace crumbled polystyrene, cotton wool and even semolina.


When choosing a theme for a child's room, consider the interests and tastes of the child. We must not forget the age, hardly ten years summer child just a bear or a dog will be interesting. And if he is engaged, for example, in football, then a panel in this subject will be very happy.

If a girl is dancing, you can make a picture of a ballerina. Such work on a fake will definitely interest your child, so you can make a joint fake.

macrame panel

In the manufacture of such products, knowledge of weaving techniques is needed. If you made macrame, you can create incredible beautiful decor. The advantage of products is that everything will depend on desire and imagination. They can be:

  • large;
  • small;
  • round;
  • square.

You can decorate them:

  • beads;
  • stones;
  • ribbons.

Material selection

Knowing about the main points, you can consider in more detail how to make panels using one or another material.

from wood

Wood has always been popular when creating decor. Now eco-friendly, natural materials are fashion trends, they are used in almost all interiors.

If your husband is not related to woodworking, then you are unlikely to find various blanks at home. But if you have a hacksaw, then they are easy to make yourself. To do this, you need a branch, the diameter is not important, from which nickels are cut.

Additionally, you need wire, thin branches of wood, glue. For the frame, you can use wooden planks if you want a square or rectangular picture. For an oval or round frame, you can also use thick wire, and wrap it tightly with thread for decoration.

For the background, you can use plywood, white cardboard, burlap, or leave it blank. In the latter version, all elements are attached to each other and fixed to the frame.


In order for the tree to have a glossy surface, it is varnished.

Design ideas:

  • You can place patches on the branches, which are attached with glue. So that the bottom does not look empty, you can fill it with the same blanks.
  • A composition of patches laid out in the shape of a flower will look beautiful if this is a large product, you can use cones or dried flowers.
  • It can be a lined heart or a star.

In order not to spoil the impression, it is better not to use synthetic materials in composition.

From fabric

The fabric is easy to work with, and its variety allows you to create amazing paintings. With it, you can create:

  • abstract drawings;
  • sew animals;
  • nature;
  • create complete pictures.

  • Absolutely any fabric is suitable for work, the more different fabrics there are, the wider the choice when implementing ideas.
  • You will need threads, frames, cardboard, elements.
  • As in the previous version, the frame can be made independently. Panels without frames will look great.
  • The basis on which the picture will be created, you can choose any thick cardboard, fiberboard or chipboard, plastic and other improvised materials. It needs to be covered with material, and secured from the wrong side with glue or a stapler.


Do not throw away small pieces of matter and shreds, they will be useful for the following work.


1 It can be nature, flowers, trees. To make a tree or flower look alive, you should use the following technique. The trunk or stem is drawn on the fabric and cut out, glued to the canvas. The leaves are also cut out, but only one side is glued to the canvas. For a flower, you can first create a composition with a needle and thread to fix, and then glue.

2 Now in many interiors panels are used when using one material, without any additional elements. The idea is as follows, for example, you have a living room, where two, three primary colors are used in the interior: beige, orange, red. You need to choose a material with a pattern, where red flowers are painted on a gentle background. Or take a fabric with a red background, on which there are small beige flowers.

Ideal to choose three different options fabrics. Next, the base is taken, a square or rectangular sheet of plywood and covered with fabric. Plywood sizes can be different, the main thing is that in the end they look harmonious.

3 Pictures look great, for this you need to choose a picture as an example. Then, cutting out the details, glue them to the base. This is a bit of a time consuming process and it's best to start with simple drawings.


To add volume under the fabric elements, you can put cotton wool.

From photos

The use of photographs for decorating apartments has been used for a long time and, probably, this technique is used in every family. And although it will not work to surprise with the material, it will definitely come out with the design method.

  • For this method, absolutely all photos are suitable.
  • Black and white photos look great.
  • Additionally, you can use photos of nature, beautiful landscapes.

Design Ideas:

Framework. Depending on what panel is expected in the final result, you need to choose a frame. It can be made of cardboard, where only the front part of the frame is cut out of thick cardboard and glued on the photo, on density it can also be glued to the back, as a base. If the photos will be glued directly to the base, but the frame is not needed. You can use fabric for the front side of the photo as a frame.

Looks very nice in the interior family tree, it brings coziness and creates a special atmosphere. Making it is quite simple, for this you need a base, you can work with cardboard, the main thing is to find the dimensions. It can be dyed or wrapped with cloth. Then a tree trunk and branches are cut out of the same cardboard. It is covered with paint, if something does not work out, problem areas are easy to close. Then photos are attached.

You can place photos in a chaotic manner on the same basis, and decorate empty spaces additional elements. To delimit the photo, you can use colored tape or a thick thread.

Another original version, take a large frame and pull the threads horizontally. Then, using clothespins, attach the photo to them.


Photos of different sizes look beautiful, while geometry and accuracy should not be observed.

From paper

Design ideas:

Butterfly panels are widely used. For this, colored paper is taken, and butterflies are cut out according to approximately one sketch. You can use one color or several, only in one color palette, for example from pale pink to burgundy. Then butterflies are glued onto the base (cardboard, plywood) or directly onto the wall. It can be in the shape of a heart, the bottom is the most light color and ascending to the top. It can be a flying composition. Only the body needs to be glued, the wings should lag behind the surface.

You can create an arrangement of flowers. Here it is better to use soft paper with cardboard will be difficult to handle. We take a square sheet of paper, it needs to be folded with an accordion. Next, the accordion is folded in half and these edges are fixed with glue or a stapler, the free ones are stretched and also fastened together. To make the edges of the flower come out curly, cut the folded paper with an accordion at both ends.

You can beautifully decorate with small beads, pebbles or beads.


If you have a panel of butterflies, they can be placed additionally around the room!


They can be called luxurious and elegant. Gypsum stucco has always been appreciated, and now there is an opportunity to make panels using gypsum on your own. Gypsum can be purchased at any store, as well as molds for future compositions. But if you work a little and spend time, then you can do it without forms.

  • Masters who do this professionally use special devices. For home creation, you can use any means at hand, a pencil, a spatula. That is, those objects with which it will be convenient to apply the drawing.
  • You should start with the simplest forms in order to get acquainted with the material.
  • Difficult works of art are unlikely to come out, but having mastered the basics, you can produce beautiful drawings.

Design ideas:

  • You can work with plaster directly on the wall, but then you need to have a perfectly flat surface.
  • A little plaster should be applied so that it does not have time to dry. You can decorate flowers, patterns. If you draw well, you can make difficult compositions.
  • The material itself is not bright, so you can decorate it with a bright frame and paints. In the latter case, do not overdo it so that the material does not resemble plasticine.

Product made of thread and nails

  • As a basis, it is better to use wood or plywood.
  • In addition to multi-colored threads, you will need nails or pins, nails with beautiful hats will look beautiful.
  • A sketch of the future panel (drawing) is applied to paper. Then it is applied to the base and fixed. Nails are hammered along the contour of the drawing, the less they are hammered, the more voluminous the drawing will be.
  • Then the paper is torn off.
  • A thread is wound on the nails, horizontally and vertically.


  • Flowers and stars. It could be three large flower or several small ones. Flowers will look beautiful when used different color threads.
  • It can be a big heart, a cat, a dog or a bear. Even the simplest drawing will look original and unusual.
  • You can make a drawing of several elements, then it will take patience and time.


When using thick threads, the consumption will be lower, and the work will be done faster.

From beads, buttons

Such panels can be safely called bright and original decorations. Beads are used in many fakes, thanks to the multi-colored palette and hardy material, incredible compositions can be realized.

  • To create such fakes, you can use beads separately, combine them with buttons or with other materials.
  • Can be used as a base fabric, polystyrene, wood, cardboard.
  • The material is attached with glue.
  • Before creating a pattern from beads, you need to draw a contour with a pencil, and fill in small areas. First, glue is applied with a brush, then covered with beads.

Ideas :

  • It is better to start artistic fakes with simple drawings, for example, flowers, trees, animal themes. Try to make a butterfly, to do this, draw an outline and select areas where different colors will be used.
  • If the drawing is large, you can use buttons, so the drawing will be completed faster, but will become no less beautiful.
  • When there is artistic talent, you can draw a picture, and highlight some of its elements with beads.


It is better to hang a panel of beads on an empty wall so that it serves bright accent in room.

From plaster, putty

Such work is similar to gypsum, but if gypsum is used in small areas, then plaster most often acts as a material for large panels. This is not to say that this type will easily give in to beginners in this matter, but with a little training, everything will definitely work out.

Since the panel is made directly on the wall, it is better to train on some smooth surface.

Work technology:

  • The drawing is applied to a piece of paper, the following work is performed on this sketch;
  • Then the drawing is transferred to the plaster;
  • According to the drawing, a form is applied layer by layer;
  • In order to smooth the sheet and not damage the shape, it is necessary to cover this area with a film and carefully correct, smooth;
  • To give the surface texture, you can use a brush with a hard bristle;
  • When the pattern has formed, it is necessary that it is completely dry;
  • Further using sandpaper aligns the zones;
  • You can paint the canvas.

The process is laborious and requires patience, but the result is worth it.

So you want the interior of the house to be cozy and attractive, have unique decor. It’s great if your warmth and individuality will be felt in this. Original panels made from improvised materials will decorate the bedroom, children's room, kitchen. It will not be difficult to make them if you arm yourself with decorating ideas and master the technology.

How to make a panel with your own hands from improvised materials

Those who want to make their apartment unique, should make a panel on the walls with their own hands. You will get a lot of pleasure from the process, and the result will exceed expectations. Exclusive decoration will delight not only the household, but will delight friends and acquaintances. To realize your fantasies in the creative process will come in handy:

  • tree;
  • photos;
  • paper napkins;
  • wallpaper;
  • threads;
  • shells;
  • natural stones;
  • plastic;
  • bottle caps;
  • shreds of fabric, leather;
  • plaster putty;
  • beads.

Use all your imagination by making panels on the walls of your apartment with your own hands. The materials at hand will help you with this:

  • pasta of various shapes - decoration of the kitchen;
  • artificial flowers and fruits - three-dimensional compositions;
  • polymer clay- household plots, bouquets;
  • matches - mosaic canvases;
  • plant seeds - kitchen panels;
  • coins;
  • sackcloth.

Photo panel on the wall

You do not have to wonder how to decorate the wall in the room with your own hands if you have a lot of photos in the family album. Travel reports are helpful. They can decorate the living room, children's room, corridor. A panel made as a photo collage in the shape of a heart will look original in the bedroom. For it you will need:

  • a piece of white thick cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • PVA glue;
  • stationery knife;
  • photo set.

A simple manufacturing method will help create a unique panel, reminiscent of the wonderful moments of life. To make it:

  • take a piece of cardboard;
  • draw the outline of the future collage;
  • cut;
  • arrange the photos in the right order;
  • first glue the elements along the contour with a slight overlap;
  • fill the inner space of the panel with photographs.

Decorative panel on the wall

original design do-it-yourself walls are easy to do using newspapers. You need a little patience to make tubes - the basis for making panels. Decide in advance how many circles and what diameter you need, select color scheme. Of the materials and tools you will need:

  • stationery knife;
  • ruler;
  • PVA glue;
  • strong twine;
  • acrylic paints.

We begin to make panels in the following sequence:

  • we take a newspaper;
  • cut into 4 parts in height;
  • apply glue diagonally to the sheet;
  • twist each strip into a tube;
  • fix the end with glue;
  • paint the tubes in the desired color;
  • twist tightly in a spiral from the center, well smearing with glue;
  • alternate colors according to your imagination;
  • making circles required sizes, required quantity;
  • fasten together with twine.

A very beautiful and original triptych can be made with your own hands from a piece of elegant fabric. It will decorate the wall of the living room or bedroom, create an atmosphere of comfort and peace. You will need 3 stretchers of different shapes and a piece of fabric. The material should be cut in such a way that overall composition. It is necessary to stretch the fabric over each element of the panel and fasten it from the back.

The kitchen is a special place in the apartment, where a cozy atmosphere is especially valuable. To create such a decoration will help, created with your own hands from what is in the cabinets of the hostess. An exclusive composition will decorate the wall and delight the household. Take to make it wooden frame. Decorate the base with colored paper or burlap. Paste using your imagination:

  • cookies;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dried fruits;
  • seeds;
  • pasta different types;
  • cereals;
  • used corks;
  • coffee beans;
  • whatever is in the boxes.

After repairs, small pieces of wallpaper often remain. Mistresses put them aside just in case that never comes. Meanwhile, beautiful bright pieces can form the basis of a wall panel. Made by hand, it will give a unique flavor to the room. To complete you will need:

  • foam baguette;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue for foam and wallpaper;
  • acrylic paint;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • level;
  • plumb.

Determine the place, and then, using a level and a plumb line, draw the outline of the future panel on the wall in size. Produce in the following order:

  • cut off the length of the baguette pieces for the frame with a knife;
  • make a 45 degree angle at the edges for docking;
  • paint a baguette;
  • gently stick on the wall according to the markings;
  • measure a piece of wallpaper along the inner contour of the frame;
  • glue.

Panel of nails and threads

Decorate the room of a young girl can panel in the form of a heart. You can make it with nails and thread. The base can be cork, wood, plywood or foam. To make a wall panel with your own hands, you will need:

  • thin carnations or pins with a beautiful head;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • acrylic paint;
  • glue;
  • threads (any quality - wool, floss, iris);
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • paper.

The process begins with choosing a base, determining the size of the future panel. The plane is covered with paint, and it is lighter than the tone of the threads. The following actions:

  • on a sheet of paper, draw the outline of the heart in proportion to the size of the picture;
  • to cut;
  • attach the template to the base, circle;
  • evenly hammer nails along the contour - the smaller the step, the better;
  • tie a thread to one knot;
  • stretch it to the nail with opposite side;
  • circle around him;
  • continue wrapping in any order;
  • glue beads, decorative elements on the base.

from wood

To do original panel on the wall with your own hands made of wood, the base is not required. The openwork design will be fixed on driven nails, its dimensions are about half a meter per meter. To implement the idea, you must have:

  • hacksaw;
  • cardboard;
  • adhesive thermal gun;
  • skin;
  • wooden bars with a diameter of 0.6 cm, overall length 5 meters;
  • gold paint;
  • skewers 30 cm long - 100 pieces;
  • black matte spray paint;

When making a panel, follow the following sequence:

  • determine the dimensions of the product;
  • cut bars of arbitrary length;
  • sand the ends;
  • glue the bars together - the more connections, the stronger the structure;
  • cut out circles with a diameter of 3 cm (flower blanks) from cardboard, one at a wooden end;
  • cut skewers of different lengths, 20 pieces per flower, clean the ends;
  • stick on cardboard;
  • fix the flowers on the rods with a thermal gun;
  • paint the entire structure black;
  • after drying, highlight the centers of the flowers with gold.

From photos

Original compositions can be created from photographs in frames. When creating such panels, it is necessary to take into account important points:

  • use only high quality photos;
  • place large frames in the center of the composition;
  • apply different sizes Photo;
  • frames should match the style of the photographs in shape and color;
  • design material should be one.

To create a panel from photos with your own hands, you need:

  • determine the place and dimensions of the design;
  • think over the composition;
  • pick up photos;
  • buy frames;
  • make a preliminary markup on a piece of old wallpaper;
  • cut out the outlines of the frames on them;
  • attach wallpaper to the wall, fix with masking tape;
  • move the markup of the frame position;
  • hang a photo.

There are many things you can do with photographs. various options wall decorations. For the base, it is good to use boards, plastic panels. You can hang photos in frames using ropes, original fixtures. To make such a panel, you will need to fix it.

To decorate a house after renovation, recently, very often they began to use a three-dimensional panel, which is great to hang on the wall. The panel on the wall looks very beautiful, but it makes an even better impression when it is made by hand.

With the help of panels you can decorate almost any room. It is perfect for both the hall and the kitchen.

We make a three-dimensional panel on the wall for comfort in the house and apartment

Almost any material can be used for panels. The main thing to have is an even and clear representation of the final picture. From paper, from plaster, from beads - from all these materials you can get a fairly good result, but the most volumetric panel is obtained from the following materials:

  • Clay or salt dough.
  • Flowers.
  • Cereals.
  • Wool.
  • Textile

All of the materials listed above are perfect for beginners in the manufacture of panels. For the more experienced, we recommend decorative plaster and plaster putty. It is from them that complex compositions can be obtained. The use of these two materials is not recommended for beginners, as this process is very complicated and lengthy. However, masters can do wonderful things.

Choice between clay and dough.

Quite beautiful and aesthetic panel compositions are obtained from clay and dough. Both materials perform well in this area. But the test has a number of advantages: it is easier to mold and there is much less dirt from it.

To prepare the dough, take a glass of flour, a glass of fine salt, a spoon vegetable oil and one hundred grams of water. All this must be thoroughly mixed until a plastic consistency is obtained. Instead of water, you can use vinyl glue.

The essence of making panels from clay or dough is to attach various figures made from these materials to a special base, which must be placed in a frame.

Compositions should be chosen depending on the room that the panel will decorate. Fruits or vegetables, as well as various utensils, are perfect for the kitchen. For ordinary room well suited animals.

The process of molding a panel is no more difficult than clay molding. However, do not think that everything can work out the first time, you may have to practice a little before you get a decent result.

After the figures are molded, they must be baked in the oven and painted with watercolors.

We make a panel of flowers and leaves with a description of the work

One of the very beautiful panel options is one that can be made from improvised materials of natural origin: various dried flowers, berries and leaves. It is possible to make such a panel even easier than from clay, but here you need to be very careful, since the materials used are very fragile.

First, on dry paper, we collect the desired composition. So we can see the picture as accurately as possible and, if necessary, correct it. After all the adjustments are made, we can transfer all the elements to textile base. When transferring, remember to fix all the elements with glue. When the glue dries, you can cover the panel with glass and place it in a frame.

Panel of seeds and cereals.

From cereals and seeds you can get very beautiful option panel. There are no restrictions in the form of seeds and cereals used - any will do. Your only limit is your imagination.

A panel of cereals and seeds is performed as follows. First, a sketch of the future composition is drawn on white paper. The drawing should be as accurate and clear as possible, try to make each line as visible as possible. Carefully cover certain areas with glue and apply grits on them. Various small parts, which could not be made using cereals and seeds, can be manually drawn in watercolor.

From wool.

Wool panel - very original decoration for home. With some diligence, you can get an exposure that will resemble a watercolor painting. To create such a picture, you need to copy the drawing you have chosen on separate sheet white paper. After that, divide the wool into sections and glue. Be sure to place such an exposure in a frame.

Several videos on the topic of the article

We hope that this master class was useful for you. Now we invite you to look at some interesting videos, which tells about the manufacture of panels with their own hands.

If you have purchased an apartment or a house, or just want to decorate an apartment after renovation, then the question inevitably arises: What to hang on the wall? Here you will find the answer!

Really, panel on the wall Perfect for decorating your living room, bedroom or kitchen. Here you will find a variety of wall panels made in the form of polyptychs (diptychs, triptychs, etc.). You will only have to choose the plot of the panel. Our wall panels are made to order and are produced using large-format canvas prints. Each part panel on the wall stretches onto a stretcher.

This picture shows an example of a five-part wall panel (Art. No. P-779). Abstract plot. Very well suited, for example, to decorate the living room, but can also be used in other rooms. To fix each part of the panel on the wall, we attach special hooks free of charge, which are easily attached to the wall and leave almost no marks on the wall when removed. Comfortable and very practical!

How to choose a wall panel

The choice of wall panels depends entirely on the style and interior of the room, as well as on your taste. Our site presents the widest selection of panel plots - from abstraction to children's pictures. In the catalog on the left side of the page, you can choose the desired topic and the plot for the panel that suits you. However, if you still did not find what you were looking for, we will select and offer you several wall panel designs that meet your expectations.

Here is another example of a four-part panel. For example, in the bedroom or hallway. Calm story in soothing colors. By the way, when fulfilling an order, we can make any adjustment of the picture by color. Up to turning it into a black and white image!

Order a panel on the wall and enjoy the great scenes!

Empty walls in the house do not look very comfortable - the rooms seem uninhabited, and the interior is unfinished.

But everything is easy to fix by decorating the decor with paintings or a unique do-it-yourself panel.

A decorative wall panel can be made from buttons, fabric, paper or salt dough. If there is no artistic gift, it’s not scary, any form can be drawn using all kinds of clichés.

Panel on the wall is quite simple to perform. Everyone can work on its creation together - both adults and children. A collective activity will unite family members, and the resulting creation will fill the house with harmony, comfort and love.

Salt dough panel

All children simply love to sculpt something, whether it is plasticine or dough. The latter is an excellent material for creativity.

Modeling well develops manual dexterity and fine motor skills, and this is inextricably linked with the development of the child's speech.

To prepare salt dough, you will need very affordable ingredients:

  • finely ground salt - 1 cup;
  • wheat flour - 2 cups with a "slide";
  • dry glue for wallpaper - 1 tablespoon;
  • fat cream, for example for hands, - 1 tablespoon (can be replaced with vegetable oil);
  • water - about 125 milliliters.

A properly prepared mass does not stick to the hands, it is springy and dense, it warms up perfectly. Also pay attention to the quality of wheat flour.

If the dough suddenly turns out to be too viscous, then you need to add a little flour, and if it sticks, a little oil. Sprinkle spices such as vanilla, cinnamon or nutmeg, get a mass with a pleasant aroma by adding food coloring - color.

After molding all the details and connecting them, put the panel to dry in a preheated oven at a temperature of 55-80 degrees for about one hour for small items. Maximum - 3 hours for large ones.

The second way is to put the dough in a cold oven, and only then turn it on at 150 degrees. This method is ideal for hardening small crafts.

The third way is drying on the battery, but in this case it will take at least 5 days.

The finished dry panel can be painted with any paint, even ordinary watercolor, if you want.

The idea of ​​​​the panel, what details and colors are in it, you decide. What happens in the end depends only on your imagination.

When you cover the product with varnish, you can not worry about its safety - it will look perfect even after many years.

Textile panels

This type of panel can be made from any fabric that you find at home: satin, satin, silk, knitwear, felt and even burlap. You can embroider a panel of fabric on the wall with threads or ribbons.

Just hang the finished craft or insert it into any wooden frame. It's up to your taste.

Textile panels are of different types. Let's consider a few of them.

Patchwork panel

Prepare cardboard - the basis for the panel, pieces of fabric different colors and threads. You can sew by hand, but sewing machine will be much faster.

First you need to mark the future image on the cardboard and number it so as not to confuse the order of sewing on the flaps. When the base is ready, start laying the pieces of fabric in order.

Panel of felt

Such material as felt is very suitable for creating funny cartoon animals on the panel. This craft is one of the easiest, because you will need:

  • any picture you like
  • a large sheet of thick cardboard or fabric that will serve as the basis of the picture;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • simple pencil;
  • felt;
  • sharp scissors;
  • glue;

The image that you have prepared is needed in order to make stencils for a future work out of cardboard. Next, using these stencils, we circle the patterns on the felt with a pencil.

And after that - we cut out and glue the figures on the panel, as the imagination dictates.

Burlap in a panel

Burlap is a fabric panel on the wall that looks quite unusual. But such a picture must be in a brightly decorated frame, otherwise it will not produce the desired effect.

The elements of the panel itself can also be made of burlap - ribbons, flowers or leaves.

If there are a lot of photos in your family archive, then you don’t have to torment yourself with the question of how to decorate the wall.

You can use travel reports or letters. The photo of the panel on the wall in the form of a heart looks very original.

Such a craft will fit perfectly into the interior of a bedroom or nursery, as well as a living room or a corridor.

You will need:

  • Some photos;
  • large thick cardboard;
  • simple pencil;
  • glue;
  • stationery knife.

So, on the cardboard, draw the outline of the collage and cut it out. First, glue the photos along the contour of the heart, then fill in the empty space inside.

Wallpaper panel

When the renovation ends, there are a bunch of small pieces of wallpaper left. It is just from these bright remnants that you can build a picture.

Wallpaper wall panel, made by yourself with my own hands, will bring an unsurpassed flavor to any room.

For such a panel you need:

  • foam baguette;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • acrylic paint;
  • stationery knife;
  • simple pencil;
  • level;
  • ruler;
  • plumb.

Decide on the place where the panel will be located. After that, using a level and a plumb line, draw the outline of the future picture with a pencil.

With a utility knife, cut a few pieces from the foam baguette with 45-degree angles around the edges so that there is a seam.

Mirror panel

Currently, the popularity of mirror compositions is gaining momentum. Mirrors can be different forms and sizes, and can also be colored.

The mirror panel on the wall has become a favorite technique for designers. The picture - a combination of mirrors - will add uniqueness to any room. Each element of the product is highlighted with a frame or border.

Such an original panel can be bought in a set or made independently from several ordinary mirrors.

The main thing is that the composition looks holistic. Although the picture itself can be composed of individual elements.

Wooden panel

A picture made from natural material, like a tree, forms a visual accent and brings comfort and warmth to the apartment. It can be placed in an office or living room.

When creating a panel, you can take beech, alder, birch or pine as the basis. This technology came to us from Thailand, where natural materials are now very popular.

To create a wood panel on the wall, you will need much more tools and strength, but it's worth it.

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