Curly pasta from italy name. Types and varieties of pasta

Encyclopedia of Plants 18.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Depending on the quality and grade of flour, pasta is divided into groups - A, B, C and classes 1st and 2nd. Products of group A - from durum wheat flour (durum); group B - from flour from soft high-vitreous wheat; group B - from baking wheat flour; 1st class - flour products premium and 2nd class - products from flour of the 1st grade.

When adding flavoring additives or enrichers, the group and class of products are supplemented with the name of the additive or enricher, for example, group A 1st class egg, group A 2nd class tomato.

Pasta of all groups and classes is divided into four types: tubular products - in the form of tubes of various lengths and diameters; filamentous - in the form of threads different lengths and sections; ribbon-like - in the form of ribbons of various lengths and widths; curly - pressed and stamped of various shapes and patterns.

Tubular pasta in shape and length are divided into three subtypes: pasta, horns, feathers. Pasta is a tube with a straight cut 15-20 cm long (short) and at least 20 cm (long); There are single and double bent. The horns are a curved tube with a straight cut 1.5-4.0 cm long along the outer curve. Feathers - a tube with an oblique cut from 3 to 10 cm long from sharp to obtuse angle. Each subtype, depending on the size of the cross section, is divided into types. Up to 4.0 mm - straws, 4.1-5.5 mm - special, 5.6-7.0 mm - ordinary and more than 7 mm - amateur. Pasta and horns are divided into straws, special, ordinary and amateur, and feathers are only special, ordinary and amateur. Pasta with a length of 5 to 13.5 cm is called a crowbar, and less than 5 cm is called a crumb.

Thread-like pasta (vermicelli) depending on the size of the cross section (in mm), they are divided into the following types: cobweb - no more than 0.8; thin - no more than 1.2; ordinary - no more than 1.5; amateur - no more than 3.0. In terms of length, vermicelli are short (at least 1.5 cm) and long (at least 20 cm), single or doubled. They also produce vermicelli, laid in the form of skeins, nests, bows. Their weight and size are not limited. Vermicelli less than 1.5 cm long is considered a crumb.

Ribbon-shaped pasta (noodles) can be long double bent or single at least 20 cm long and short at least 1.5 cm long. The surface of the noodles can be smooth or corrugated; the edges are straight, sawtooth and wavy. The width of the noodles can be from 3 to 10 mm, the thickness is not more than 2 mm. They produce noodles in the form of nests, skeins, bows. Noodles less than 1.5 cm long are considered crumbs.

Figured products produce any shape and size. Pressed products - in the form of shells, spirals, braids, chrysalis shells, lilies, etc.; stamped products - in the form of stars, letters of the alphabet, gears, etc. The maximum thickness of any part of the products at a break should not exceed: 1.5 mm - stamped and 3.0 mm - pressed. Figured products, unusual this species forms are classified as deformed.

In addition to traditional pasta with a moisture content of 12%, raw pasta with a moisture content of 28% and a shelf life of 24 hours is supplied to the world market.

The range of pasta products is expanded by increasing nutritional value and creation of new types of products for medical and preventive purposes. Protein-free products are obtained from native and "swelling" corn starch with the addition of enrichers in the form of B vitamins and glycerophosphate. They have White color, after cooking they become transparent, their surface is matte-smooth, powdery at the break. The taste is neutral, there is no smell. Recommended for diet food persons with renal insufficiency. Also released:

Products enriched with calcium in the form of food chalk or shells;

Products with a high content of dietary fiber with high content bran particles or whole grains, with the addition of wheat germ;

Vegetable products Mosaic with various vegetable additives: 15% tomato paste - tomato, 30% spinach and sorrel - spinach, 15% carrot juice- carrots;

Products directed therapeutic action enriched with herbal supplements: bioadditives from the skin of grapes - grape products, designed to enhance the immune protective functions of a person to the effects of radiation, bioadditives from pumpkin or pumpkin and apples in the form of a paste - amber products, have a beneficial effect on gastritis, cholelithiasis, stomach ulcers, stimulate the work of the heart.

In the assortment of pasta in other countries there are products of improved taste. Thus, a tablet is placed in a package of pasta, consisting of table salt- 60%, vegetable concentrate - 20, sodium gluamate - 10, caramel - 1, garlic - 0.1, pepper - 0.1, flour - 0.1, powdered soy sauce- 5, glucose - 5%; whole grain products; products with fillers (fillings from meat and vegetables); products with spices from garlic, coffee, in the form of ready-made dry breakfasts, called "pasta chips"; frozen products. Products for long-term storage are also produced, which are packed in heat-resistant bags and irradiated from both sides with IR rays at 100-160 ° C for 3-4 minutes. Under the action of infrared rays, the products are sterilized, as a result of which their shelf life increases.


Pasta are dried simple wheat dough, pre-shaped in the form of ribbons (noodles), tubes (pasta, horns, feathers), threads (vermicelli).

They are characterized by quick and easy preparation (up to 20 minutes), high nutritional value (proteins - 9-13%, carbohydrates - 70-79, fats - 1, mineral elements - 0.5-0.9, fiber - 0, 1-0.6%), the possibility of long-term storage without deterioration in quality and consumer properties.

Products resembling pasta were known in ancient times. But their mass production became widespread in the XII-XIII centuries. in Italy. In Russia, the first pasta factory was officially registered in Odessa in 1797.

In our country, the development of the pasta industry began in 1923.

From pasta you can cook a variety of dishes and side dishes. They have a high nutritional value. They include proteins (9-11.8%), carbohydrates (70-75%), fats (0.9-2.7%), fiber (0.2%), minerals. The energy value 100 g is equal to 332-341 kcal or 1389-1427 kJ.

To obtain pasta, the dough is kneaded, from which products are formed, dried, then cooled, sorted and packaged.

When preparing the dough, enrichers are used: egg powder, melange, tomato paste, dairy products, flavorings.

Pasta is produced from wheat flour of the pasta type (the highest grade - grains and the first grade - semi-grains).

Pasta is divided into groups: A, B, C and into the highest, first and second grades.

Group A - products from durum wheat: the highest, 1st, 2nd grade;

Group B - from soft glassy wheat: the highest and 1st grade;

Group B - from baking wheat flour: the highest and 1st grade.

The variety of pasta depends on the variety of the main raw material used for manufacturing.

Premium pasta made from premium flour; 1st grade - from flour of the first grade; 2nd grade - from flour of the second grade.

Pasta is produced in various shapes, sizes, and diameters.

Tubular pasta is divided into horns, pasta, feathers - in shape; to size outside diameter- for views.

In length, they can be short - no more than 150 mm and long - no less than 200 mm.

Tubular products differ in cross-sectional diameter: straws - 4 mm; ordinary - from 4.1 to 7 mm; amateur more than 7 mm.

Filamentous - gossamer vermicelli, ordinary, thin, amateur. Vermicelli is short, no more than 15 cm long; long - at least 20 cm.

Types of vermicelli: cobweb (up to 0.8 mm in diameter), ordinary (from 0.9 to 1.5 mm), amateur (from 1.6 to 3.5 mm). Tape pasta - noodles. The width of the noodles is narrow up to 7 mm; wide - from 7.1 mm: up to 25 mm; in length - long at least 200 mm and short - no more than 150 mm.

Pasta, vermicelli, noodles are produced in the form of skeins, the weight and size of which are not limited.

Figured products - shells, stars, spirals, alphabet, etc. The size of these products is not standardized. But the maximum thickness should not exceed 1.5mm for stamped; 3 mm - for pressed.

Pasta should have a taste and smell without bitterness and mold, mustiness; solid color, with a cream or yellowish tinge; the surface is smooth, at the break - vitreous.

When cooking, pasta should not stick together, form lumps, lose shape.

Humidity of pasta is 11-13%, acidity is not more than 4°С, and products with tomato products additives are not more than 10°С. The standard limits the presence of crumbs of deformed products.

The shape retention of welded products must be at least 100% (for group A) and at least 95% (for groups B and C). Not allowed traces of unmixed, musty smell and taste, high humidity and acidity, pest infestation.

Store pasta at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C without temperature changes, relative humidity not more than 70%

Shelf life of pasta:

Without additives - 24 months;

With the addition of tomato products and egg - 12 months;

Dairy products - 5 months;

With wheat germ - 3 months.

The main advantages of pasta as a food product:
- long-term storage (more than a year) without loss of taste and nutritional properties: pasta is completely unconfirmed for staleness,
- speed and ease of preparation (the duration of cooking, depending on the type, is from 3 to 20 minutes); relatively high nutritional value: a dish prepared from 100 g of dry pasta satisfies the daily human need for proteins and carbohydrates by 10-15%,
- high digestibility of the main nutrients pasta - proteins and carbohydrates.

Pasta is a product made from dried wheat dough kneaded with water.
In Russian, the term "pasta" comes from the Italian name "maccheroni" - pasta, i.e. tubular paste.
Pasta contains:
- 70-79% digestible carbohydrates,
- 9-13% proteins,
- about 1% fat,
- 0,5-0,9% minerals,
- 0.1-0.6% fiber.
For the manufacture of pasta, flour of the highest grades, rich in protein substances, is used.
Improving the range of pasta is carried out along the path of introducing non-traditional raw materials into the recipe: food additives, dyes, the use of new types of flour, water. Also, in order to improve the range and better meet the growing needs of customers, vitamin and mineral supplements are used.

Classification of pasta
According to the composition of the test:
- products only from durum wheat flour,
- dough products using additional raw materials.
Depending on the type of flour:
- Group A - pasta made from durum wheat flour (durum) of the highest, first and second grades,
- Group B - pasta made from soft vitreous wheat flour of the highest and first grades.
- Group B - pasta made from wheat flour of the highest and first grades,
- Premium - pasta made from premium flour,
- First grade - pasta made from first grade flour,
- Second grade - pasta made from second grade flour, only for group A.

For pasta made using additional raw materials, the designation of the group and variety of pasta is supplemented with names that are unambiguous with it.

Depending on the molding method:
- cut - pasta, formed cut into pieces of dough tape,
- press - pasta, formed using a pasta press,
- stamped - the pasta formed by stamps from a test tape.

Depending on the shape, pasta is divided into the following types:
Tubular pasta:
- pasta - tubular pasta in the form of a long straight tube with a straight or wavy (when cutting dried products) cut.
- horns - tubular pasta in the form of a short straight or curved tube with a straight cut;
- feathers - tubular pasta in the form of a short straight tube with an oblique cut.
Tubular pasta according to the size of the cross section is divided into types: straws (up to 4.0 mm inclusive), ordinary (from 4.1 to 7.0 mm), amateur (from 7.1 mm and more).
Thread-like pasta.
Vermicelli - thread-like long or short, pasta with various form sections.
According to the size of the cross section, they are divided into types: cobweb (up to 0.8 mm), ordinary (from 0.9 to 1.5 mm), amateur (from 1.6 to 3.5 mm).

Tape pasta.
Noodles - ribbon long or short pasta with various edge shapes and sections.
By width, they are divided into types: narrow (up to 7.0 mm inclusive), wide (from 7.1 to 25.0 mm).

Curly pasta.
Ears, shells, stars, rings, shells, bows, spirals and other flat or voluminous pasta of complex configuration. .
Product length:
- long - not less than 200mm,
- short - no more than 150mm.

Long pasta can be single or double bent, as well as shaped into skeins, bows and nests. The mass and dimensions of long pasta formed into coils, bows and nests are not limited.
Depending on the pasta matrix used:
- with a flat surface
- corrugated surface.

Pasta(more often just pasta) - long, fiber-like dough products (usually made from wheat flour with water). Rice flour, buckwheat flour, mung bean starch, and other foodstuffs are also sometimes used. Usually pasta is stored dry and boiled before consumption. Sometimes other ingredients are added to the dough, for example: dyes (tomato paste, spinach, cuttlefish ink and others), eggs.

Often the term "pasta" refers only to dried dough products. However, some dough products that are boiled are prepared not only from dry, but also from freshly prepared dough (for example: noodles, gnocchi, beshbarmak). There is no exact, unambiguous and generally accepted classification of dough products. In Italian pasta and some other flour products called paste(Italian Pasta), apparently from late. lat. pasta "dough" (possibly derived from the Greek παστη "flour gravy") is a homogeneous mushy mass, but in Russian this word has a different meaning.
In the kitchen Slavic peoples there are several flour dishes reminiscent of the Italian “dough”: noodles, lazanki, dumplings, straps, dumplings.

Classification of pasta

The raw materials used affect, in accordance with Russian standards, the division of pasta into groups A, B, C (depending on the type of wheat) and the highest, first and second grades (depending on the type of flour):

  • group A: made from durum wheat flour (durum) of the highest, first and second grades.
  • group B: made from flour of soft vitreous wheat of the highest and first grades.
  • group B: made from wheat flour of the highest and first grades.

Durum wheat varieties have a higher gluten content and a lower starch content than soft wheat. Pasta made from them has a lower glycemic index.

In some countries (for example, in Italy), pasta is allowed to be made only from durum wheat (similar to group A in Russia).

By cooking method Distinguish between fresh, usually egg, and dry products.

By degree of readiness pasta can vary depending on its type and local traditions. In Italy, the standard is cooking to the degree of al dente (“on the tooth”, that is, the very middle of the product remains slightly undercooked and hard. In some countries, including Russia, products prepared in this way may seem half-baked).

A large and perhaps the most common group of pasta is whole (spaghetti) or tubular (pasta) products, at least 15 cm long, with a very small, usually 1-2 mm, diameter of the product (or its wall thickness, if tubular) .

AT Italy different types pasta products are named according to their shape and size.
The ending in the name indicates the size of the product:

  • oni - large
  • ette or etti - small
  • ini are small.

According to the form, pasta is divided into five groups:

  • long pasta
  • short pasta
  • pasta for baking
  • Filled dough th

long pasta

  • Bavette(ital. Bavette) - similar to flattened spaghetti - originally from Liguria.
  • capellini(Italian Capellini; from Italian capello - hair) - the name comes from the north of Central Italy, translated from Italian as "hairs", "thin hair" (1.2 mm - 1.4 mm). It is also sometimes called: "Angel's hair" (Capelli d'angelo) or "Hair of Venus" (Capelvenere).
  • Vermicelli(Italian ‘Vermicelli; from Italian verme - worm) - long, rounded and rather thin (1.4 mm - 1.8 mm).
  • Spaghetti(Italian Spaghetti; from Italian spaghe - string) - long, rounded and rather thin (1.8 mm - 2.0 mm). They were originally 50 cm long. Now, for convenience, this has been reduced to about 25 cm, but you can also find long spaghetti (Manufacturers usually put them in the “special format” section).
  • Spaghettini- thinner than spaghetti.
  • spaghettoni- thicker than spaghetti.
  • Maccheroncini(ital. Maccheroncini) - are somewhere between spaghetti and bavette.
  • Bucatini(Italian Bucatini).
  • Tagliatelle(Italian Tagliatelle) - thin and flat strips of egg dough about 5 mm wide. Differing from fettuccine, mainly only in a smaller width (the difference is at least 2 mm).
  • Fettuccine(Italian Fettuccine) - thin flat strips of dough about 7 mm wide.
  • Mafaldin(Italian Mafaldine) - a long ribbon with wavy edges. Mafaldine were invented in Naples and were once called "Rich Fettuccine". The Neapolitans invented them specifically for Princess Mafalda of Savoy and subsequently christened them "Reginette" (Reginette - princess, literally translated) or "Mafaldina" in her honor.
  • Linguine(Italian Linguine) - long, thin strips of noodles.
  • Pappardelle(Italian: Pappardelle) - 13 mm wide flat noodle ribbons, originally from Tuscany.

short pasta

  • Fusilli- fusilli - originally from northern Italy. The name comes from the word "fuso", from the Italian "spindle", with which wool was spun. The shape of the Fusilli resembles three blades fastened together and twisted in a spiral.
  • Girandole- Girandole - are considered the younger sisters of Fusilli. Girandole got its name for its resemblance to a children's toy - a multi-colored spinner. They are shorter and take less time to cook.
  • Penne- Penne - Rigate (ribbed), Lisce (smooth), Piccole (small) - all Penne have a characteristic dynamic shape of a hollow tube with oblique cuts, in the manner of a sharpened old pen, in comparison with the usual straight classic pasta.
  • pipe rigate- pipe rigate. Some believe that this format of pasta belongs to the Roman gastronomic culture, while others suggest that it first appeared in north-central Italy. People call them snails. They resemble tubules in shape, twisted in a semicircle so that the sauce is kept inside. Thanks to their shape, Pipe Rigates go well with a wide variety of sauces, which are perfectly retained on the ribbed surface and inside, so that the taste of all ingredients is revealed directly on the palate. That is why Pipe Rigate is successfully used in combination with even the lightest sauces. Brilliant protagonists of almost all culinary experiments, Pipe Rigate goes well with simple yet flavorful sauces. A particularly delicious result is obtained by combining Pipe Rigate with sauces made from vegetables or cheeses, which, falling inside the curved shape, will allow you to slowly enjoy their taste. They also go well with thick, flavorful sauces, such as mushroom, sausage, and hot red pepper sauces.
  • Tortiglioni- tortiglioni - one of the first forms of pasta invented in Naples - short tubes with a characteristic pattern, from which they got their name - "tortiglione" - spiraling grooves that remain after processing on a lathe.
  • Maccheroni- maccheroni - small thin tubes, slightly bent.
  • Cellentani- cellentani - spiral tubes.

pasta for baking

  • cannelloni- cannelloni - tubules up to 30 mm in diameter and up to 100 mm long, one of the first types of pasta invented by people. Since ancient times, they were made from dough mixed with water from ground grain and salt, then the dough was rolled out and cut into rectangles, on which the filling was placed, rolled into a tube and then boiled.
  • Lasagne- lasagna - Rectangular baking sheets. Lasagna sheets are alternated with filling and baked in the oven for 20 minutes. Unlike other types of dough, it does not need to be pre-boiled.

  • Anelli- anelli - miniature rings for soups.
  • Stelline- stelline - asterisks.
  • Orecchiete - small items in the form of ears.
  • filini- thin short threads.
  • « letters».

  • Farfalle- farfalle - butterflies.
  • Farfallette or Farfallini- smaller butterflies.
  • Conchiglie- conchile - products in the form of shells; suitable for filling. There are smooth (lische) and corrugated (rigate).
  • conciliette- smaller shells.
  • Conchiglioni- conchiglioni (large shells).
  • Gemelli- thin spirals or bundles with hollow ends.
  • Caserecce- horns.
  • Campanelle- bells with a wavy edge.
  • Gnocchi or cavatelli- corrugated shells.

  • Ravioli- an analogue of Russian dumplings, Ukrainian dumplings, etc.
  • Agnolotti- rectangular and crescent-shaped envelopes with traditional meat filling
  • capeletti- small stuffed products in the shape of a hat.
  • Tortellini- an analogue of dumplings, only with a peculiar filling, for example, with cheese, with ham and cheese, even with ricotta and spinach.
  • Cannelloni- large tubes designed for filling with minced meat.

Pasta is common all over the world and is the basis of many dishes. Widely used, among others, in Italian, East Asian and vegetarian cuisine.

Nutritional and energy value

In accordance with Russian standards, 100 g of pasta (not cooked) should contain from 10.4 to 12.3 (in soy - 14.3) g of protein, from 1.1 to 2.1 (in dairy - 2, 9) g of fat, from 64.5 to 71.5 g of carbohydrates. Energy value - from 327 to 351 kcal.
In Italy, a plate of pasta (85 g is a portion per person) should contain approximately:
In a bowl of pasta: Daily Value:

Kilocalories 297 2000
Proteins 10.2g 75g
Fats 1.3g 67g
Saturated fats 0.3g 22g
Carbs 61.4g 275g
Sugar 0.9g 30g
Dietary fiber 2.5g 30g
Sodium 2mg 2.4mg

pasta dishes

Naval pasta
Lasagna with bacon, spinach and mushrooms
Spaghetti with asparagus and ham
Tuscan Cannelloni
Mediterranean pasta with basil
Meat lasagna with eggplant
Tagliatelle with smoked salmon
Spaghetti with bolognese sauce
Pasta with cheese and zucchini sauce with garlic flavor
Pasta baked with mozzarella
Penne Salad with Dried Tomatoes
Pasta - tagliatelle with mushrooms
Pasta with broccoli and asparagus
Pasta with summer vegetables and herbs
Salad with noodles, shrimps and ginger
Pasta with lemon, basil and ricotta
Spaghetti with olive and caper sauce
Spaghetti with shrimps
Pasta with broccoli in creamy cheese sauce
Fusilli with herbs and tomatoes

The source of information:

Wikipedia -

Pasta- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

Pasta we appreciate for an attractive cost that fits into the budget of both the student and the pensioner. We love for the ease of preparation, accessible to a child, a young housewife, and an inveterate bachelor. And we love it for its versatility, you can cook a variety of side dishes, delicious main courses, hearty soups, cottage cheese and meat casseroles, sweet desserts and many national dishes from them.

In large supermarkets, pasta is dedicated to entire departments. The range of this product is mind boggling. Let's try to figure out if there are differences between the products and what exactly they are. Today we will look at all kinds of pasta.

The opinion of the expert of the society for the protection of consumer rights, what is the difference between pasta and how to choose them:

Varieties of pasta

Flour is the basis of any pasta. Most often, wheat flour is used for their production, but sometimes you can find products made from rye, rice or buckwheat flour. Pasta made from wheat flour is usually subdivided according to the types of raw materials from which they are made. For production, flour of the highest, first and second grade is used.

In addition to the variety, the product group is indicated on the packaging. Be sure to pay attention to this indicator. Pasta group A is made from durum wheat, and B and C - from soft varieties. The greatest value is durum wheat products. They do not boil soft, retain their curly shape and contain more nutrients.

Is it possible to trust the manufacturers and everything that is written on the packaging? Learn to identify the truth:

Types of pasta

Let's try to sort through the abundance of pasta that manufacturers spoil us with. In colloquial form, we often call all pasta "pasta", but in reality this term is used to refer to long tubes, porous inside. All other products (or paste, as they are called in their homeland) are included in other groups.

Spaghetti- a long and thin pasta, shaped like pasta, but without a hole. Spaghetti is the basis of many Italian dishes. Italians call the thinnest pasta "Spaghettini", and for the thickest products they have the term "Spaghettoni". Among the Slavic peoples, you can also find the name "Long Vermicelli".

Curly pasta- the largest family. It includes horns familiar from childhood, shells, bows, spirals, "alphabet". Here are the natives of Italy: campanelle, farfallette, gemelli, cavatelli, orecchiete and other "figured" representatives of Italian pasta.

In a separate group of figured products, you can take out hollow figures intended for stuffing. The idea to fill the tubes and shells with minced meat came from Italy, which is why the “purebred Italians” represent this group: cannelloni, manicotti, conchiglioni.

Vermicelli are called small thin products made from dry dough. The thinnest representatives of this species are called "cobwebs", most often they are used to season soups. Nest-shaped long vermicelli are also very popular, used for beautiful side dishes.

Noodles- flat and long strips of dough. Unlike all other types of pasta, noodles can be bought not only dried, but also soft. The Eastern peoples call the noodles "lagman", the Italians call it "fettucine", and the Chinese prefer rice noodles.

lasagna- Another Italian invention, which is dry sheets of dough. This pasta is used to prepare a hearty and delicious hot dish stuffed with minced meat, mushrooms, vegetables and cheese. Ready lasagna looks like layered cake with an appetizing ruddy crust.

Produced especially for kids curly pasta in the form of funny animals, birds, stars, flowers. Children are especially interested in colored products. To get them, manufacturers add food coloring to the dough.

Of course, this is not all types of pasta available in the assortment of grocery departments. I hope that you will love pasta even more and will be more confident in picking up packs with unfamiliar names.

Depending on the quality and grade of flour, pasta is divided into groups - A, B, C and classes 1st and 2nd. Group A products - from durum wheat flour (durum); group B - from flour from soft high-vitreous wheat; group B - from baking wheat flour; 1st class - products from flour of the highest grade and 2nd class - products from flour of the 1st grade.

When adding flavoring additives or enrichers, the group and class of products are supplemented with the name of the additive or enricher, for example, group A 1st class egg, group A 2nd class tomato.

Pasta of all groups and classes is divided into four types: tubular products - in the form of tubes of various lengths and diameters; filamentous - in the form of threads of different lengths and sections; ribbon-like - in the form of ribbons of various lengths and widths; curly - pressed and stamped of various shapes and patterns.

Tubular pasta in shape and length are divided into three subtypes: pasta, horns, feathers. Pasta is a tube with a straight cut 15-20 cm long (short) and at least 20 cm (long); There are single and double bent. The horns are a curved tube with a straight cut 1.5-4.0 cm long along the outer curve. Feathers - a tube with an oblique cut from 3 to 10 cm long from an acute to obtuse angle. Each subtype, depending on the size of the cross section, is divided into types. Up to 4.0 mm - straws, 4.1-5.5 mm - special, 5.6-7.0 mm - ordinary and more than 7 mm - amateur. Pasta and horns are divided into straws, special, ordinary and amateur, and feathers are only special, ordinary and amateur. Pasta with a length of 5 to 13.5 cm is called a crowbar, and less than 5 cm is called a crumb.

Thread-like pasta (vermicelli) depending on the size of the cross section (in mm), they are divided into the following types: cobweb - no more than 0.8; thin - no more than 1.2; ordinary - no more than 1.5; amateur - no more than 3.0. In terms of length, vermicelli are short (at least 1.5 cm) and long (at least 20 cm), single or doubled. They also produce vermicelli, laid in the form of skeins, nests, bows. Their weight and size are not limited. Vermicelli less than 1.5 cm long is considered a crumb.

Ribbon-shaped pasta (noodles) can be long double bent or single at least 20 cm long and short at least 1.5 cm long. The surface of the noodles can be smooth or corrugated; edges - straight, sawtooth and wavy. The width of the noodles can be from 3 to 10 mm, the thickness is not more than 2 mm. They produce noodles in the form of nests, skeins, bows. Noodles less than 1.5 cm long are considered crumbs.

Figured products produce any shape and size. Pressed products - in the form of shells, spirals, braids, chrysalis shells, lilies, etc.; stamped products - in the form of stars, letters of the alphabet, gears, etc. The maximum thickness of any part of the products at a break should not exceed: 1.5 mm - stamped and 3.0 mm - pressed. Figured products that are unusual for this type of shape are classified as deformed.

In addition to traditional pasta with a moisture content of 12%, raw pasta with a moisture content of 28% and a shelf life of 24 hours is supplied to the world market.

The range of pasta products is being expanded by increasing the nutritional value and creating new types of products for medical and preventive purposes. Protein-free products are obtained from native and swelling corn starch with the addition of enrichers in the form of B vitamins and glycerophosphate. They are white in color, become transparent after cooking, their surface is matte-smooth, mealy at the break. The taste is neutral, there is no smell. Recommended for Dietary nutrition of persons with renal insufficiency.

Products enriched with calcium in the form of food chalk or shells;

Products with a high content of dietary fiber with a high content of bran particles or whole grains, with the addition of wheat germ;

Vegetable products Mosaic with various vegetable additives: 15% tomato paste - tomato, 30% spinach and sorrel - spinach, 15% carrot juice - carrot;

Products of targeted therapeutic action, enriched with herbal supplements: bioadditives from the skin of grapes - grape products, designed to enhance the immune protective functions of a person to the effects of radiation, bioadditives from pumpkin or pumpkin and apples in the form of a paste - amber products, have a beneficial effect on gastritis, cholelithiasis, stomach ulcers, stimulate the heart.

In the assortment of pasta in other countries there are products of improved taste. So, a tablet is placed in a package of pasta, consisting of table salt - 60%, vegetable concentrate - 20, sodium gluamate - 10, caramel - 1, garlic - 0.1, pepper - 0.1, flour - 0.1, powdered soy sauce - 5, glucose - 5%; whole grain products; products with fillers (fillings from meat and vegetables); products with spices from garlic, coffee, in the form of ready-made dry breakfasts, called "pasta chips"; frozen products. Products for long-term storage are also produced, which are packed in heat-resistant bags and irradiated from both sides with IR rays at 100-160 ° C for 3-4 minutes. Under the action of infrared rays, the products are sterilized, as a result of which their shelf life increases.

Probably, the first inventors of pasta did not even imagine how far their creation would go and how popular it would become all over the world. Today, pasta has not been tried except by the natives, who do not communicate with the outside world at all. Dry flour products made from flour of different grades and different recipes, depending on the composition of the feedstock, the form of manufacture and even possible fillings, pasta today is divided by specialists and gourmets into several hundred varieties. Some types of pasta are known only to a very narrow circle of cooks, others are popular all over the world, and the most famous and commonly consumed of them should be listed.

What are pasta

In fact, pasta is wheat dough, dried and shaped into a certain shape. It is depending on the form that the following types of pasta are distinguished:

Spaghetti(it. Spaghetti - “small ropes”).

Perhaps the most popular all over the world variety of pasta. Spaghetti have an average thickness of up to 2 mm and a length of 25 cm. Previously, 50 cm spaghetti were considered standard spaghetti, but now this length of pasta is considered excessive, and half a meter spaghetti is sold only in packages labeled "Special Format". They are consumed hot on their own or as part of stews with the addition of, and sauces.

Vermicelli(it. Vermicelli - “little worms”).

They differ from spaghetti only in a smaller thickness - from 1.4 mm to 1.8 mm. They are used like spaghetti, but sometimes they can be part of cold dishes.

capellini(it. Capellini - “hairs”).

The thinnest of the round types of pasta. Their diameter is usually 1.2 - 1.4 mm. This type of pasta is also called angel hair and is consumed only hot in sauces, broths and stews.

Linguini(it. Linguine - “little tongues”).

Similar to regular spaghetti, only flattened.


A very popular type of flat pasta up to 7 mm wide, usually sold in the form of bundles of such strips. Served in broth or on their own, but only hot.


Very wide dough strips. Sometimes their width equals their length, and the pasta becomes like square pancakes. At the request of the manufacturer, they can have smooth or carved edges. Served as a pie or a kind closed pizza with hot stuffing.

Spirals and fusilli.

Curled pasta, served hot or cold. The difference in these species is only in length - fusilli are longer and have more variations in thickness.

Papardelle or egg noodles.

Very wide flat strips, sold fresh or dried. Considered a traditional Tuscan dish and served hot with various vegetables.


Similar to linguine, but only twisted into balls. They are used to prepare Emilia Romagna.


Famous in the post-Soviet space. With cheese and vegetables, they are served as part of both hot and cold dishes. Reduced copy of the horns - Ditallini.


Have different names depending on the size and presence of grooves - Rigatonni, Capelloni, Penne, Manicotti. These varieties of pasta are served hot with various fillings. Large tubes are stuffed, filling them with stuffing from the inside.


They are called Conciglie or Conciglioni. Very decorative and used for making hot garnishes.


Small slices of dough containing a specific filling. This type of pasta resembles dumplings or small dumplings. They are definitely served hot.

Additionally available different kinds and varieties of pasta in the form of cart wheels, grains of cereal crops, letters of the alphabet, bows and dumplings. Here the variety is limited only by the imagination of the manufacturer. And in the homeland of pasta - in Italy, and in other countries of the world, multi-colored pasta is actively produced - green, brown, red. The color in them is created by adding spices, flour of a different grade, and only for some manufacturers - due to the dye.

Their properties may also depend on the shape of pasta: small and thin pasta is more fully absorbed, and thick and made from wholemeal flour contain more substances that were present in itself.

But more often pasta is chosen not for their nutritional value and usefulness, but for the attractiveness of the shape and personal taste preferences. AT Food Industry there is a classification of pasta by grades depending on the type of flour, and by groups.

Varieties of pasta


  • group A pasta. They are made from hard grain flour (durum wheat is usually used as a raw material).
  • group B pasta. Made from vitreous wheat of the first and highest grades;
  • group B pasta. Made from simple baking flour of the first and highest grades.

In addition, sometimes for complete characteristics pasta product indicate the presence of eggs in it and the degree of readiness. For example, the famous Mivina noodles are cooked in a few minutes, and some traditional horns require a minimum of 20 minutes of cooking.

Not surprisingly, the pasta shelves in supermarkets today are literally littered with products, among which it is difficult to find two identical varieties. And this is good for the consumer: having a huge choice, the buyer can choose exactly the type of pasta that suits him best.

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