Brushing plywood with your own hands. Wood aging: basic methods

Engineering systems 16.06.2019
Engineering systems

Using wood in interior design is always a win-win option. This is the most beautiful natural, aesthetically perfect, breathable material. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on human energy, has bactericidal properties. Look great in any room furniture, floor, doors, ceiling beams, various decorative elements made of natural wood which can be processed better than other materials.

Why artificially age a tree

It is difficult to get a definite answer to this question, but there are three main answers:

  1. Personal preferences.
  2. The processed material allows you to create one of fashion styles: vintage, shabby chic, retro, provence, country style.
  3. If there is not enough money for antique furniture, then you can age the tree yourself. Subsequently, nothing will prevent you from passing off a table or chair made of such material as a product with a history.

How to age a tree. Master Class. brushing

There are several ways to achieve the desired result. The most interesting and most used of these is the method of texturing, or brushing. Its name came from English word brush, which means "brush" in translation. The essence of this method is that soft fibers are removed from the top layer of solid wood. As a result of processing, the surface becomes embossed. In the process of natural aging of a tree, the same changes occur with it, but this takes a very long time. Brushing is considered the closest to reality method of imitation of antiquity. It is used to give the wood a pronounced textured texture.

What types of wood are suitable for brushing

Transform wooden surface semi-antique, using the brushing method, it is not difficult at home. But not all wood lends itself to such processing. In order to age a tree, you need to use rocks with a distinct texture: pine, oak, larch, ash, walnut. And maple, beech, cherry, pear, teak and some exotic trees are categorically not amenable to mechanical aging. It is useless to apply such mechanical way and for products from MDF. But how to make an aged tree from these materials if others are not available? For this case, there is chemical method. If you need to age the wood conifers, it would be more rational to use the mechanical method.

Mechanical restoration

Brushing is a rather laborious process. The main tool in this case is a hard metal brush. Since it will not work quickly to age a tree in this way, the process can be accelerated. To do this, you need a drill or a grinder equipped with a special wire brush.

Processing wood with power tools is a rather unsafe process, associated with characteristic vibration and the risk of tearing off wood chips and metal rods. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to artificially age a tree and not suffer. Work is recommended to be carried out in a protective suit. To prevent small debris and dust from getting into your eyes, you must wear special camouflage glasses or cover your face with a shield, and for protection respiratory tract use a respirator.

Chemical processing

How to age wood with your own hands without using special tools? To do this, you need hard sandpaper. She needs to clean the surface, and then apply a solution of ammonia (ammonia), which causes a noticeable darkening of the wood. As a result, the structure of the tree will be able to appear especially brightly, and the noble darkening will give the finished product an antique look.

Depending on the desired degree of aging, this treatment can be light superficial, using a non-rough polymer brush, or deep, when growth rings become visible. In this case, it is very important not to overdo it, since you can get not the desired textured noble product, but spoiled loose wood.

After the initial rough cleaning, regardless of the processing method, the workpiece must be brought to the desired aesthetic appearance. To do this, burrs are removed from the surface, then the product is polished with a polymer abrasive brush. After that, the wood must be additionally carefully lightened with sandpaper and give it a final gloss.


To obtain the desired effect of antiquity, mechanical processing alone is not enough. Then you can simply varnish the product. But it is recommended to perform the so-called patination. This will further emphasize the relief surface of the product. Patina is a characteristic luxurious gloss that a tree acquires over the years. Its reconstruction at home is carried out in several stages and requires a lot of effort.

Patination is the process of applying special compounds and stains to the treated surface. They are selected depending on the desired color and shade. finished product. The compositions are applied in such a way that they get into the pores of the tree, which open during mechanical processing. It is important to achieve a patina effect, in which woody deep pores look a little darker and more contrast than lighter surfaces. At self-fulfillment such processing, it is recommended to use paint desired color. To do this, the surface is first completely painted over, and then removed with a sponge or cloth. upper layer without waiting for drying. As a result, the tree looks more ancient and noble.

But patination is not necessary at all. Antique enameled items also look great. With the help of such materials, you can create a real masterpiece, which will be distinguished from real antiques only by a true connoisseur of antiquities. One layer of enamel should be applied to the surface. Then the tree needs to be dried and another layer applied. When re-painting the enamel, it is necessary to choose a more liquid one and a different color. When the wood is completely dry, it is necessary to wipe the surface sandpaper so that the bottom layer shows through and scuffs are obtained.

Toning. Varnishing

After patination, further toning should be performed. For this process, compositions based on natural oils and resins are used. At the last stage of processing, the tree is covered with 2-3 layers of varnish. Then it should be rubbed with a soft cloth to give extra shine. Varnishing fixes all previous stages and gives the product a finished look. Despite the fact that the process is laborious, anyone can master it. The main thing is to follow the technology. Then it will be clear how to age a tree with your own hands.

Brushing Secrets

How to age a tree to get best effect? To do this, you need to know some subtleties.

  • The main surface is painted over with the following colors: white, red, black, blue, yellow, purple, brown, orange. For pores take blue, red, yellow and white colors.
  • If you look at a board tinted with paint at an angle, you can notice the heterogeneity of the application.
  • Manual brushing allows you to do the work more artistically, although the process will be very long, unlike the automatic method.
  • The more defects (knots, curls, eyes) wood has, the better the product made from it will look.

Where can treated wood be used?

Far from every dwelling you can find processed material, since it is not enough just to age a tree. It is very important to use it correctly in the interior. Thanks to the brushing method, you can create exclusive, almost antiques. For example, furniture items: exquisite book shelves, chests of drawers, cabinets, kitchen sets, country furniture, picture frames or mirrors, candlesticks and other decor.

This method is perfect for processing parquet and floor boards, as well as for the manufacture of doors, partitions, various wooden elements. Antique-treated wood is often used in the decoration of the walls of a home bath or sauna, non-standard rooms or the whole house, retro cafes, bars, billiard rooms.

Today, it is no secret to anyone how to age a tree. In addition to brushing, there are many more ways. They differ in the complexity of the technology and the amount of time spent. But regardless of the choice, aged wood helps to create a unique spiritual atmosphere in any room, to connect eternal values ​​​​and the spirit of modern times, to fill the house with an atmosphere of noble antiquity.

Wooden furniture will not go out of trend for many more years, especially since new ones are constantly appearing. fashion ideas, bringing a zest to such a familiar interior. In particular, artificially aged wood has recently been at the peak of popularity: this effect is easy to realize even with inexpensive pieces of furniture from IKEA.

Ways to get the effect old wood, there are many. Any of them assumes the presence of several basic elements and tools, without which nothing will work. Of course, this is the piece of furniture itself, which will be manipulated. In addition to it, a stiff brush with metal wavy bristles is needed. A Bulgarian saw with a circular brush attachment can replace it. Be sure to have several skins of varying degrees of grain roughness: small for final grinding, large - for primary smoothing. You will also need a basting and brushes with which light (white) paint will be applied and antiseptic in dark tone. In addition, a large foam rubber sponge will become useful, an analogue for which any piece of dense fabric can act.

The simplest scheme for giving the effect of antiquity to wood will take no more than 3 hours, and final result will not be particularly pronounced. This technique is suitable if you want to slightly change the type of furniture, as well as in the absence a large number free time.

For this purpose, it is required to go through the wood with a metal brush, leaving long scratches-veins on it, after which it is advisable to carefully treat the surface with a rough sandpaper. After that, the part is covered with a thin layer of white azure, which is important to give time to dry. The less dense the coating, the faster it will be possible to move on to the next step, where the wood is again treated with a metal brush. This completes the procedure.

Whatever method you ultimately choose, it is worth knowing that brushing (working with a metal brush) works best on a rough surface: it is pine, larch or oak wood. Therefore, this technique is used mainly to age the floor, doors and doorways, walls. It is undesirable to try to artificially create veins on birch, maple, beech with a brush. How long to drive the brush over the surface is a matter of taste. The more unevenly the veins are located along their depth, the more natural effect can be achieved.

How to age a tree in species with an unexpressed texture?

  • Beech, maple and other species are processed no less than pine or oak, as a result of which there are separate methods for adding age to them. In most cases, this patting is an uneven coloration achieved through the use of paint. It should be said that mechanical surface treatment will also be carried out here, but it will be the final stage.
  • First you need to paint the wood in a tone close to its natural, and give time for the paint to dry. After that, the 2nd layer is applied, as thin as the previous one. It is desirable to choose its shade 2-3 tones lighter, but in no case brighter. The key rule when painting a tree whose appearance should breathe antiquity is not to overly light or bright colors, which are characteristic only of young wood.
  • As soon as all layers of paint are completely dry, a rough sandpaper is passed over the surface, partially erasing the top layer of paint. It is important to stay on the edge when the amount of darker color showing through the 1st time does not become too frequent. With this method, you need to give things such a look, as if for many years it had already been painted more than once, and the coating began to come off in places.
  • The same can be obtained if you use wax or paraffin. The scheme is similar to the previous one: processed disinfectant the wood is covered with a thin layer of dark paint, after which the time allotted for its drying is waited. Wax is distributed on top of the paint, but in separate spots with carefully shaded borders. It is undesirable to make these paraffin areas too close to each other.
  • Finally, the product is covered with a new layer of paint of a slightly lighter shade. When it dries, using a spatula with a thin edge, the wax is removed from the wood, the surface is cleaned with sandpaper. From above, it is desirable to apply a stain, over which a thin layer of wax is again applied.

How to age a tree with your own hands with a stain?

Far from the last and very popular way to give the tree antiquity is the use of wood stain, which is most actively used for doors and large pieces of furniture: chests of drawers, cabinets, cabinets. Work better for fresh air or after the procedure carefully ventilate the room.

The wood is cleaned, dried and stained for water based. At this stage, it is desirable to make the layer dense, not to let it completely seize. While the agent is still in a liquid state in some areas, it is removed by simple touches of a foam sponge. Do not rub: just blot with light movements. Masters recommend removing the stain on the protruding parts of the product, without affecting the corners and junctions. There, on the contrary, it is desirable to additionally apply the agent with a brush.

After drying, the surface is treated with a new layer of stain, this time based on white alcohol.

Then, according to the dry material, it is necessary to close all the wood pores, for which shellac primer is purchased. It can be applied with a sponge or a thin brush. And at the final stage, antique wax is rubbed in, distributed with a brush with metal bristles. This effect of antiquity lasts longer on the tree than those obtained by the previously described methods.

Decoupage craquelure: a master class for small items

Decoupage is a technique for decorating wood. It is used in most cases for small things: cutting boards, caskets, tablets, bread boxes, etc. Sometimes craftsmen process slightly larger items in this way - for example, chairs.

From an old and unremarkable piece of furniture, you can make ... even older, but looking stylish and fitting into the country interior. In addition to the previously mentioned tools and tools in the form of paint, varnish, skins and brushes, this technique requires decoupage cards, which are sheets of paper with an image that will subsequently appear on the product.

Initially, dirt is removed from the thing, after which it is important to let the wood dry. Then the surface is cleaned with skins with varying degrees of abrasiveness (from 500 to 1000), which can take 1-2 days. In the final, it is advisable to go through the putty, but without destroying the traces of time: for example, minor damage from insects. After puttying, the masters recommend applying to the product acrylic lacquer. It takes 8-12 hours to dry.

The next step is to paint the thing in a dark tone: deep brown, graphite, etc. The paint is acrylic, waterproof. All parts of the product are treated with a special varnish designed for one-step craquelure. After it has not completely dried, a thin (this is important!) Layer of paint is applied on top, selected 1-2 tones lighter than the main one. While she did not have time to grab, you need to walk on it foam sponge, removing excess and creating a pattern on the wood. It is advisable to do this unevenly: the cracks subsequently obtained will turn out to be more natural.

36-48 hours are allotted for drying of these funds, after which artwork sandpaper. Masters advise resorting to softer and overwriting only certain areas, allowing light paint removed unevenly. The thinner the transition, the more interesting the product will look. And such abrasions look as natural as possible if you mark them where they form from time to time: in places where things are often touched.

The final stage, which may not be performed, since the main task - artistic cracks - has been completed, is drawing a picture on the product. For this step, decoupage cards were required: the necessary fragment is immersed in water at room temperature, and after 3-4 minutes it is carefully applied to the desired part. After drying, the excess parts are erased with a soft sandpaper, and the finished thing is varnished for the last time.

Having mastered the decoupage technique and the basics of giving the effect of antiquity to a tree, you can give a second life to those things that previously seemed irrelevant. In addition, you can also involve friends in this process, which will allow you to have fun and unleash your creative skills. In addition, hand-aged wood always has a touch of personality and a personal history.

Artificially aged furniture vintage look will bring interesting notes to the design inner space your house. Proper use of this technique will make you famous as a great connoisseur of antiques among your friends and acquaintances, and an inexpensive wardrobe or chest of drawers in the living room will become an object of general admiration. Find out with us how to age furniture with your own hands.

Rare or antique furniture is very elegant and beautiful, but not everyone can afford this pleasure.

However, do not immediately get upset, because there is a proven method that will help to artificially age the furniture elements of your home.

Start the aging process furniture from revision. wooden details may have cracks and mechanical damage incompatible with operation, fasteners - traces of rust.

Before you start aging furniture on your own, it is necessary to carefully prepare all the wooden surfaces that will be processed.

You need to get rid of old cracked paint or varnish, as well as dismantle fittings and other interfering elements.

  • Disassemble and thoroughly inspect furniture.
  • Using sandpaper or a hand sander, remove any traces of the old coating.
  • Wash all wooden and plywood parts with clean water.
  • Dry for 1-2 days.
  • Touch up minor scratches with color-matched furniture wax, if necessary. furniture.
  • Replace old handles, locks and door hinges if needed.

To make your furniture look shabby and shabby, you can use the staining technique.

IMPORTANT! New fittings also need to be aged - because they can give away your trick with furniture.

After assembly, you can proceed to decorative aging.

The combination of a rich base and a light second coat will create the effect of faded paint.

Chic chest of drawers in craquelure

Create an imitation of a web of cracks on an old protective coating an old sideboard, a carved frame of a hanging mirror, a picture or a dressing table. For this you need:

  • Water-based craquelure varnish made from quality gum arabic;
  • Primer and paints in two colors - base light and finish matte, imitating faded old paint.

Prime and dry thoroughly.

Apply base coat evenly with a wide paint roller. coat of paint . After drying, apply a craquelure layer. Let it thicken and dry slightly.

The criterion for readiness for the final stage will be a finger stick test.

IMPORTANT! The thicker the layer, the larger the "cracks" are obtained. On a dried layer, they may not work.

Finish the part layer of paint matte color, being careful not to apply twice in one place.

When completely dry, decorative “cracks” form on the surface, which will not harm the wood.

golden web effect

Use it with the two-phase craquelure technique. Purchase the following items:

  • Two-phase craquelure varnish;
  • Paint for the first layer;
  • Powder grout under the "gold" of copper or bronze;
  • Transparent furniture varnish.

With your own hands, you can create the effect of cracks or in the language of decorators - craquelure.

NOTE! Shellac is great for the first phase.

On the base coat of paint apply a thin layer of the first phase and wait for it to dry. Apply the second phase. When it dries to cracks, rub the powder into them with a sponge and cover with furniture varnish.

You can achieve a similar effect using single-phase craquelure.

To do this, gold paint is applied as the first layer.

IMPORTANT! Before starting work, eliminate deep defects (cracks and chips on surfaces ) with several layers of putty.

The effect of worn and faded paint on furniture

Gives a closet or table the look of a battered but still burly veteran.

Antique furniture can be quite easily created on your own at home.

You will need:

  • Dark acrylic paint or stain for the first layer;
  • The same paint of a light shade;
  • Furniture wax or paraffin candle.

As a basis, we choose any shade of the palette you like, the main thing is that it be saturated.

Sand thoroughly surface emery. Clean off fine dust with special sticky wipes. Apply dark paint evenly with a wide roller. Wait for it to dry. With sandpaper up to 200 grit, lightly sand the places where scuffs are possible - the edges and corners of the countertop, doors and front part drawers, wooden handles. Apply on them and rub the wax well. Cover furniture light paint.

Re-sand the areas of simulated paint wiping with finer emery.

NOTE! For fixing, you can cover these places with a transparent furniture varnish.

Subtleties of brushing

Many admire massive countertops or a cabinet made of boards with an uneven darkened surface showing annual rings. It seems surprising that at such a venerable age they have not lost their beautiful appearance and strength.

Make no mistake, this is antique brushed wood furniture.

This technique is the most time-consuming and complex way of aging. furniture . Truly high-quality brushing of wood can only be achieved under conditions industrial production. You need special tools and fixtures - a machine or a milling cutter.

With perseverance and spending more time, you can achieve good results yourself with a hand drill and special nozzles.

IMPORTANT! Larch, walnut and oak are the most suitable for brushing. These species have a well-defined ring structure and consist of wood with large fibers that can be easily processed. We do not recommend using maple, birch, alder or beech.

This method can be used alone or in combination with other aging techniques.

The classic brushing technology consists of three stages.

IMPORTANT! To reduce the amount of dust in the first step, moisten surface water. Remember to dry the workpiece before sanding.

The material is now ready for aging.

To give the appearance of wood darkened with time, use various tricks. You can cover the workpiece with a special composition of varnish and powdered pigment, giving various shades gray or even gold. If you want to get a more contrasting pattern on surfaces , smear it thickly with stain and quickly remove the excess with a sponge.

Looser fibers will have time to turn dark.

Create artificial scuffs with a sander and fine-grained emery. Show at this stage a maximum of taste and imagination in order to achieve plausibility.

Cover the assembled product with transparent furniture varnish in several layers, drying each of them thoroughly.

Must have a noble patina

Examining samples of antique furniture, you will easily notice that the corners of relief details, carved ornaments, deep elements of metal casting are covered with thick dark patina. He appears on surfaces as a result of many years of oxidation of paint, varnish or metal and is especially appreciated by connoisseurs.

The result of the natural oxidation process will have to wait more than one year.

With the help of small tricks, you can achieve a quick appearance of a noble patina on surface brand new furniture from MDF and glued beams. For this you need:

  • Primer for wood;
  • Basic acrylic paint;
  • Patinating composition - antique, golden patina or bituminous varnish;
  • furniture wax;
  • Shellac varnish;
  • Special sponge (scotch brite), fine-grained emery or nozzle for a grinder or drill;
  • Flannel napkin.

Apply a thin layer of primer or paint, through which the pattern of the wood should be visible.

Dry the workpiece during the day. Patina all over surface details. It will dry within ten minutes. Do not spare the patinating composition for volumetric details, junctions and folds of wood - contrasting dark recesses will give them more expressiveness.

You can use bituminous varnish for this purpose.

IMPORTANT! Rub the patina so that it does not look like an unsightly stain of dirt or badly removed old paint with well-defined borders.

Apply to surface relief elements wax in small portions, rub it with scotch brite. Remove residue with a flannel cloth. With emery, lightly sand the entire part without affecting the recesses. With a thin, dry brush, apply a golden patina to the wax.

To fix the effect for a long time, cover the finished furniture with a transparent varnish.

ON A NOTE! If the base paint or wood is dark, then use a nitrocellulose varnish. For light woods, a water-based varnish is suitable.

Do not despair if you do not have the opportunity to purchase an antique wardrobe or chest of drawers that you like. An arsenal of ways to make aged furniture, very varied. Some of them you can apply at home. For difficult ways such as brushing, engage experienced carpenters and restorers furniture. Just do not try to sell your creation as a real antique.

Experienced professionals will immediately notice the catch.

VIDEO: How to age a tree with your own hands.

Recently, the question of how to age a tree is relevant. And this is primarily due to the fact that such wood processing has received wide application both in the design of interior details, and in decorating modern furniture. Even the most nondescript closet, if the tree is artificially aged, will find its own interesting story and will compare favorably with their factory counterparts. Consider a few secrets on how to age a tree with your own hands.

Under natural conditions, in order for a wooden cabinet to acquire a noble stamp of antiquity, it is required long time. Add here the effects of ultraviolet radiation, changes in humidity and temperature, mechanical damage and the work of wood-boring beetles. We don't have much time. Therefore, we will replace all natural influences with artificial ones, but in the end we will achieve a very similar result. Artificial aging of wood combines two processes: mechanical surface treatment and subsequent coating with paints and varnishes.

Impregnation of aged wood

In order to age a tree, in addition to the tree itself, we need:

  • steel brush (manual);
  • a set of brush attachments for a drill or angle grinder (brushing, plastic, sisal);
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • set of brushes;
  • White Spirit;
  • decorative impregnations for dark-colored wood, for example, the Pinotex and Belinka trademarks;
  • azure "Belinka" (white);
  • sponge;
  • steel wool;
  • vinegar;
  • clear nail polish;
  • acrylic paints;
  • craquelure varnish.

Do-it-yourself wood processing can be done in many ways. Below are some simple but effective tricks.

Brushing (from the English brush - "brush") - special equipment for aging wood, in which soft fibers on the surface are removed with a metal brush, and thus a texture pattern is created, subsequently enhanced by tinting.

Sanding wood with a steel bristle brush

First, let's look at how to age wood if the surface to be treated is small and there is no need to create a deep relief. In this case, aging does not require electromechanical tools and can be done manually with a steel brush. The brush moves strictly along the line of fibers.

For rough brushing, they resort to mechanical processing of wood using nozzles for a drill or angle grinder (angular Sander). First, a rough selection of soft fibers is made using a metal brush-brush. It is important to remember that brush movements should be made with the same pressure and along the fibers. Otherwise, hard annual rings can be damaged.

Then, to remove excess pile, a plastic brush with inclusions of abrasive material is used, and for finishing polishing, a brush coated with sisal (can be replaced with fine sandpaper). At the end of brushing, the product is thoroughly cleaned of sawdust and dust.

Preparation of wood after aging for painting

Further aging of the tree is done by applying tinting. For tinting, use the Belinka texture coating of dark color and a brush (or roller). A few minutes after staining with a sponge, carefully remove the top layer of paint, show the wood pattern. After waiting for complete drying, we fix the result with a transparent varnish.

If you want to get a more complex texture, namely bleached wood, after the first layer you need to re-apply a layer of Belinka azure, but already white color. Then, just as carefully, remove with a sponge and fix with varnish.

There is another simple but no less effective way obtaining aged bleached wood. To do this, after brushing, Belinka white azure is applied to the wood, after which the surface is treated with fine sandpaper and covered with a protective varnish.

Artificial aging by brushing with subsequent painting is advisable to carry out when decorating large interior elements, such as ceiling beams.

Coloring in several layers

Artificial aging of wood in this way gives excellent result when used to decorate pieces of furniture.

Before staining, it is recommended to apply “traces of time” to the surface of the wood. It can be scratches, small chips, scuffs, dents, wormholes. The specifics of such work may require the use of a hammer, mallet, nails, a manual metal brush, etc. Important! If you want an item to look authentic, don't forget that furniture's most vulnerable spots are its corners and protruding parts. And in everything there should be a sense of proportion!

Painting aged wood in several layers

At the end of the process mechanical aging the product is covered with a layer of dark tinting "Pinotex". Due to the fact that the substance has a thick consistency, in the future you can get an interesting effect if the layer is uneven. When the coating dries, it can be lightly rubbed with sandpaper or a metal brush.

The next layer is a white translucent Belinka, which is applied in such a way that a dark base is visible through it. After the glaze has dried with a metal brush, movements along the fibers create a contrasting texture pattern. To make the texture softer, the wood is again covered with white glaze, but this time half-diluted with mineral spirits.

Use for aging open fire wood

There is another way to do the aging of a tree with your own hands. For this we will use gas burner. Annealing can be done with or without pre-brushing. In any case, the wood is exposed open fire which gives it a rich color. After that, the texture is revealed with sandpaper, and the result is fixed with a protective varnish.

Artificial aging of wood by open fire

In addition, soft wood fibers can be removed by more intense firing. Then, in order to develop the pattern, you need a steel brush.

When working with open flames, fire safety measures must be observed.

Applying Steel Wool and Vinegar

Do-it-yourself wood aging using vinegar and steel wool is based on chemical reaction these substances and its subsequent effect on the change in color and texture of the wood surface.

First you need to place steel wool in a glass container with vinegar, the reaction will begin, the solution will change its color. The intensity of the color depends on the duration of the reaction. We will not dwell on the nuances of the mechanical preparation of wood before staining, they are discussed in detail in the description of the previous methods.

Using salt and steel wool to age wood

Before applying the resulting solution to the product, the surface must be treated with brewed black tea. As you know, tea contains tannins, which, when reacted with vinegar, will make the color of the wood more saturated. Tea, like vinegar later, is applied with a brush.

Then the tree is covered with the resulting solution. As soon as the solution hits the wood, the surface immediately begins to darken, gaining color. It takes several hours for complete drying. It is possible to apply one or more layers, depending on how intense the color you need. After finishing painting, the surface must be protected with wax or clear varnish.

The aged wood obtained in this way perfectly imitates an old tree.

Getting craquelure on a wooden surface

The craquelure technique is a set of sequential actions that allows you to artificially age the painted surface. wooden furniture to give it a cracked look. Such aging of wood can be done in several ways, the simplest of which is as follows.

We get craquelure at home

A layer is applied to the prepared wooden surface acrylic paint. The color of the paint is chosen taking into account how you see future cracks. Each time, before proceeding to the second and subsequent stages, it is necessary to wait for the surface to dry completely.

Next, the paint is covered craquelure varnish. The width of the cracks directly depends on the thickness of the craquelure varnish layer. Then a second coat of paint is applied, always matte. The paint is applied quickly, in one layer, the direction of the strokes is the same. After that, the surface of the tree is covered with a network of cracks.

To preserve such a coating, treatment with a protective varnish is required.

These are just a few tips on how to age a tree at home. In practice, it is also possible to use stains and other textured coatings. There are also technically more complex techniques to get an aged tree.

Staining artificially aged wood

At the same time, we should not forget that sometimes old boards literally lie at our fingertips: in the pantry, in the country or with neighbors. And it can be much easier to restore and use a real one. old board than to engage in artificial aging of the new.

Wood is a versatile material, it is suitable for construction and repair, as well as for creating decorative crafts, decorations and interior items. Modern technologies let you choose various options processing, allowing you to create a variety of artistic compositions. Recently, more and more often there is a craving for retro style both in the decoration of walls and ceilings, and in ready-made wooden objects.

Real antiques have a very high cost, it is far from suitable for every budget. However, there is a way out - to age the tree artificially. By appearance there will be no differences from the old days, and much less money has been spent. Next, we will talk about the main ways that will allow you to easily and quickly solve this problem.

Processing with chemical solutions

With this option, deciduous trees are perfectly processed. Among chemical substances ammonia, acetic acid, stain, as well as ready-made special solutions can be used.

The process consists of several stages:

  1. The tree is thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt, foreign deposits.
  2. After that, it is polished with sandpaper to create the desired composition.
  3. Then there is a chemical treatment, as a result of which the wood darkens.
  4. The final stage is varnishing, which will help create protection against moisture and microbes.
Aged wood in the interior


Good method for coniferous trees. It is carried out with the help of fire.

Includes several steps:

  1. Processing by fire, which replaces this case normal cleaning.
  2. Next, the burnt surface is cleaned with a metal brush, and then polished with fine sandpaper.
  3. To emphasize the natural beauty and the desired shade, if necessary, you can apply a little stain.
  4. After that, wax is applied.

Firing, brushing and oiling pine board in this video:


With its help soft breeds of wood - a linden, a pine, a nut and others are well processed.

  1. On the initial stage the tree is artificially damaged with a chisel, ax or hammer.
  2. The next step is processing with a metal brush and a regular one to remove excess fibers.
  3. Next comes the sanding.
  4. The wood is ready to be painted with acrylic or stain, immediately after which the painted layer is wiped with a cloth to preserve the natural pattern.
  5. After drying, it is treated with varnish.

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