Old village - Hermitage storage. Restoration of antiques

Landscape design and layout 04.03.2020
Landscape design and layout

« Restoration - Restoration of the dilapidated or destroyed monuments of antiquities, art in the original form. "- S. Ozhegov, dictionary of the Russian language.

Time flies unnoticed! This fresh thought broke out especially brightly, when I suddenly realized that the most simple household items of the middle of the past (that is, the XX) of the century had time to turn into true rarities. For example, a lamp radio "Baltika" of the release of 1953, familiar from childhood, with an inaccessible to the current plastic monster quality of sound, which, fortunately, was not thrown out, and quietly reveals in the closet as a relic of past days.

It is only in good old England centuries measured life and healthy traditions unobtrusively encouraged and encourage the British to cherish the Prababakins of the mirrors, dressers and armchairs as a reason for granted satellites of life. So, one of my good friend, John, safely stands on the shelf the family talisman - a fragile jug of a ruby \u200b\u200bglass of three hundred years. And, by the way, plastic windows and other "renovations" can not tolerate the real British, but prefer from year to year to clean and paint their native real wooden supplements of centuries ago, because they perfectly understand the elementary, but completely inaccessible to the Russian mind the principle of creating a home coat - No and there can be no normal life among plastic and other High-Tek.

By the way, Russia (in part due to the mentality of the majority of the population, in part due to irresistible historical events) can not boast of similar stability. Wild social cataclysms that tormented by the country one by one led to the washing of antiquities from apartments and houses, to replace them with simple, cheap specimens. Therefore, 99% of all cash vintage today are represented by mass furnishing objects and utensils of the late XIX - early XX centuries, which decorated its lively an extensive middle class - merchants and official people. But even this pseudo Antiques. Actively transferred to fires and in the garbage as all new and new "fashionable and modern" samples appeared, which, in turn, urgently deformed the ideas about how good-quality human housing should look like, in which peace and soul find and body.

In this regard, it is desirable to clarify the terms, as it is completely nearby chairs, vases and gramophones of 1915 are called "Antiques", unreasonably spreading a loud name to quite ordinary things, which initially meant antiquity, as a last resort - objects of material culture of at least five century-old excerpts. But in the appropriate place of the dictionary S.I. Ozhegova speaks only about "old and valuable" objects, without refinement of the statute of limitations, so let it remain, as it is, just not to call the chair of the Stalin's time " antique" By the way, in Japan, traditional samurai swords of even one hundred years officially pass as "modern".

Because by the author, it would be unnecessary arrogance and even keenness to try to tell about all known species. restoration workIn some way it is not much more older than most readers, the subject of publication is limited to two personally familiar sections, namely: wood and metal.

Epizodically affected aspects of the restoration of painting, bone, ceramics and glass products, but such specific and complex "patients", like paper (and everything connected with it), leather, fabric, etc., for it is absolutely aside. Substances, among other things, suggest a complex and professional set of measures to conservate them with the involvement of an extensive arsenal of purely chemical methods.

Based on this, the sphere of our interests remains: furniture, including a whole sleeping of small things that fill at home and apartments, as well as a small range of metal pieces, from a kocher to bronze candelabers and statuettes.

However, why the publication is devoted to "home" restoration and what are the types in general restoration exist?

Let this classification remain on my conscience, but the risk of declare, which is real (without going into subtleties) is known for only one species restoration - Museum, she is scientific, or historical.

As the branches of a single tree, these genres have such a set of features in the receptions and methods, as well as in the approach to assessing the permissibility of certain actions, which will correctly give the differences in the "principal" rank.

Strictly speaking, household restoration of antiques It is a simplified version of the museum version, and in fairness should be called a dull word "repair", but the border is blurred very much, and only the level of personal qualifications of the master, his experience, the trial and measure of respect for the monument of antiquity will ultimately determine the quality and status Work. I looked closely as an amazing professionalism of the creation of lovers and for the primitive sludge of "professionals." For example, one of my kind familiar, she once caught home outdoor English clocks with a fight, high and majestic, who in their homeland are called "Grandfather's Clock" ("Grandfather Clock", in contrast to the walls called "grandmother"). He brought them in winter on two sleds in the form of a shapeless pile of injected trash. But, looking at them after resuscitation, any specialist would have swore at the bones of the ancestors, that they stood in the original form in Winston Churchill's office from the date of manufacture. And it took the only pair of years of extremely scrupulous work with the involvement of such materials like silver, shellac, walnut tree, etc. Of course, they perfectly go and melodiously dispute the last periods of time. As an amateur in the most direct and noble sense of the word, this wizard simply did the thing for himself, not counting over time - and the result exceeded expectations. But back to the topic.

Museum restoration

As a fundamental and strict requirement here, the reversibility of the results of work is reigning here, meaning that after three hundred years, the descendants should be able to completely remove the traces of intervention, so that the valuable rhochable could appear at least in a dilome, but an original form. This is truly justified, as the historical value is absolutely all components. antiques, including rusty carnation or lace scraps. By themselves, such trifles seem ridiculous, but think - exactly such a nail or spring will not have already done. Never! Accordingly, before us at least a meager, but the window is in the past. By the way, antique nails are the most interesting object of collecting, since most of them are forged, with unexpected sections, twisted, etc.

Therefore, working with the museum exhibit, the master is obliged to reduce any introduced changes to the minimum, which immediately imposes a number of categorical restrictions on the tools and technology. The determining criterion of quality of work is complete and reliable recovery of appearance - but no more!

It is required to create visibility, and the operational and strength characteristics do not go into the calculation. On the bed never to sleep, you eat at the table, and sit in the chair, so the problem of functionality antique things Moved on the second or third plans. Of course, the dilapidapes should be delighted with dilapidation, but not to the detriment of the historical truth, since scientific value is resolutely every detail, at least eaten by rust or worms. By the way, both from the first and second, an irreconcilable chemical war is conducted, and the exquisite receptions of clearing, passivation, disinsection and conservation occupy in working with museum exhibits almost a leading place. Actually, clearing, replenishment of the loss and final conservation and make up the necessary and sufficient list of operations produced above all kinds of valuable antiques.

In practice, this is manifested in the selection of funds, which are obliged to be superficial and gentle, with minimal deformation of copyright plans.

Of course, powerful abrasives, modern adhesive compositions, varnishes, paints and other chemistry (except for solvents and preservatives) are unacceptable. Everything must be traditionally, in accordance with the epoch: if the glue, then carbonate (bone, midster) or casein, or fish, if the lacquer is shellah, etc. The lost fragments are made strictly following the example of the preserved, exactly from the same material as rare it is. Konsky Hair goes instead of the horse's hair, Karelian Birch and the rosewood - instead of birch and rosewood, and bronze casting is waging at its rightful place.

But this is in theory, because the Catherine II and the East of John the Terrible restoredAnd the pre-revolutionary merchant utensil does not inspire the masters on creative exploits - and instead of ivory and silver, more or less tolerable imitation of plastic and aluminum are made. By the way, the attitude of the museum workers themselves (with rare exceptions) to the soys of the treasures that they are called to take care, cherish and replenish, does not inspire restorers to creative feats. Probably, the Hermitage is increasingly or less good, but provincial museums demonstrate such a neglect of the preservation of collections that the swirop takes. I personally had the opportunity to compare the current state of items with the fact that there was five to ten years ago - and Diva is given that it happened to them in a quiet museum harbor. So let the risks of academic restoration Pour your poisonous languages!

Home Restoration

Or, let's say this: Restoration of loved ones antiques items In domestic conditions. Here you can select two directions - or a valuable relic is extracted from non-existence through such a zeal and the amount of time spent, which professional museum restorer can afford itself (as in history with English clock), or antique thing Just repaired, and the main goal of the work becomes strength and durability.

Scrupulous saving appearance antiques It is not a priority, the replacement of wood breeds, methods for fastening parts, some metal parts to more or less suitable, the use of modern household chemicals, etc.

The advantage here is that the homework is completely unlimited by time and wave to scrub and dry, wash and lacquer their jewels for years, especially since the process itself often becomes a real meaning of the work.

The imaginary technical equipment of the workshop (as well as its presence) is assumed to be a priori, since it is not enough to go to a specific event, having only hammer, pliers and a couple of stupid chisels in addition to Rusty Kohlot. There is nothing worse than to correct the monstrous consequences of the barbaric actions of some "Uncle Vasi", invited to ever "to repair" a table or an excessive carved stool, because this public was used to to do with nails and an ax. The results of such repairs are forced to sometimes think that it would be better if an unlucky item was immediately thrown into the fire.

In vain hope, stop the hyperships of the hands of home craftsmen, heated inner itch to do everything in its own way, this publication is designed to kill two hares - to tell not only about how and what should be done, but and what should not do, and sometimes categorically It is impossible. Perhaps this is at least a little help to preserve individual items for another one hundred almost in the form they had once.

Along with the wide use of decorative wood thread for decorating antique furniture, metal was often used. These parts were made in the form of facial and fastening fittings, overhead decorative elements. The background for them has always served the venged surface of art furniture.

Metal parts are thin overhead strips from brass, gilded, bronze lining and inserts, rubber and chased ribbons, non-ferrous metal ribbons with ornaments of various curls, spirals and vegetable motifs. In addition, bronze casting parts and sculpture with decorative decoration with gold, less often silver were often used to decorate the road wooden and venged furniture.

The decorative decoration of art artery products from metal is significantly different from the finishes of other materials and includes a number of complex processes. Therefore, when filling such loss requires knowledge of old technology and techniques for the decorative metal decoration. This may cause difficulties at the wood restorer. Especially if the lost metal decorations belong to unique furniture monuments and are of great value, in which case, by decision of the restoration council, they are replenished by metal restorers.

All metal parts that do not require the intervention of the restorers for metal are carefully removed from a wooden or venged surface. With them, all restoration operations can produce a wood restorer.

The most common damage and defects of decorative overhead metal jewelry are peeling them from a wooden base, strong surface contaminants, cracks, scrap trim, strain from mechanical shocks, corrosion and partial losses.

The restoration of metal elements with similar damage is starting with weakly kept on the surface of the furniture. They are removed, remove the old glue, the deformed flat parts straighten the straight hammer and, if necessary, the strips are additionally aligned in the press between two steel plates.

Removal of surface pollution of gold-plated elements made of brass and bronze is performed by a bristled rigid brush and a hot water solution with a "children's" soap. Then they are washed with clean warm water, thoroughly wipe with dry soft rag and finally dried with a tampon, slightly moistened with ethyl alcohol. Pollution can be removed with a solution of ammonic alcohol (can be mixed with a small amount of bee honey). The old protective lacquer layer of bronze cast parts is removed by alcohol solvents as well as surface contamination of flat elements from brass.

Corrosion layers can be two types. The first is in the form of a noble patina, which is the finest film of various colors and shades (from green, to brown), formed on bronze (copper alloys) under the action of a favorable furniture storage air. The same patina may be formed as a result of conscious impact on the metal surface with special reagents. Noble patina forms a protective oxide film that protects the metal from further destruction. This finest film does not interfere with the smallest elements of the details and form of its relief. However, this type of patina is rare. The second appearance is "wild" patina, differs from noble more loose corrosive layers. Wild patina is formed in adverse storage conditions. It not only does not protect the surface of the metal from the destruction, but, on the contrary, activates them. Such a layering, of course, is subject to removal. Removal of such layers is made using solutions of caustic soda, ammonia, formic acid, carbonate ammonium and other means containing small abrasive materials. You can apply the mechanical cleaning of the scalpel, sharp knife, brass brush.

Mechanical damage to cast parts in the form of scratches, holes, cracks are eliminated by metal alloys, followed by decorative trim of the restored surface.

It should be emphasized on the restoration of jacob style furniture (photo 1) with overhead decorative brass strips (broach). In the book "Essays on the history of art furniture of the XV-XIXVEKov" T. Sokolova notes that the French furniture maker George Jacob and his sons we owe a wide spread of chairs and seats of straightforward forms of mahogany with brass traction, which is sometimes called the "smooth brass".

In the future, they got the name "Jacob style furniture". This testifies to the wide popularity of the master. A distinctive feature of jacob furniture is the presence of a decorative motif of the cube with a carved outlet in the place of attachment of the legs. Other furniture masters often copied him and faked, so it is currently difficult to highlight the author's copies of Georges Jacob.

Photo 1. Jacob chair

It can be assumed with a large probability that the furniture performed in the jacob style filled the palaces and mansions of St. Petersburg. Currently, samples of such furniture are available in the meeting of the Pavlovsky Palace Museum and in the Collection of the Russian Museum.

Restoration of Jacob furniture with elements from the "smooth brass", made in the form of decorative metal barrels, is considerable difficulties for the furniture-maker. These difficulties conclude in high-quality replenishment of the loss of decorative broach from brass with a certain content of zinc, which ensures the necessary metal color. In addition, the complexity is to play the desired profile and compliance with the size.

The restoration of the preserved, but damaged from hard contact and blows of solid objects, as well as the strips exhausted from the wooden base are performed by the methods described above.

To make a lost decorative strip from brass, a restorer need to have a device with die, corresponding to the desired profile. For the filming, two identical solid steel blanks are blank. Then they give the necessary adjacent profile on metalworking machines and fastened with bolts in the workplace. Brass bands stretched through the manufactured filler using a winch. As a rule, there are at least three cold brokers to avoid changing the rectinence and metal thickness. With each next broom of the part of the die, we gradually reduce. The last broach is carried out on the thickness of the metal. The manufactured profiled bands are grinding, polished with special pastes and, if necessary, perform a decorative finish (toning, patination), coated with protective agents. Brass broachs (photo 2) are quite high quality can be made using rollers (photo 3).

Photo 2. Brass broach

Photo 3. Rollers for the manufacture of metal broach: 1) Filters with a replacement profile; 2) Dumplings for the manufacture of filters with the desired profile; 3) variants of samples made broaching

The rollers are installed in the workplace, and the process of manufacturing strips is similar to the above. Filters also constitute two round adjacent profile parts made of steel, high hardness, made of dummy dotted on the lathes. These parts are installed in the rollers in such a way that with the help of a toothed transmission smoothly and gradually can be reduced. In addition, the rollers using cylindrical parts of solid steel (see photo 3, part a) allow you to stretch from a soft bronze wire. The stretcher of brass strips is carried out using the handle also into several methods and with each breakdown of the part of the filters are reduced to the thickness of the metal.

After completing the work on the metal, in case of loss on the furniture of a wooden profile under a stretcher, it is restored from the wood array.

For pressing the restored broke, wooden tsulagi made of solid wood solid solid with a given profile.

Before installing the edge of the metal broke, they are processed and attached to them the necessary appearance. Then glued with thick joinery glue to the base (thin wooden profile) and clamps through the clamps through the substrate tsulagi. In this case, the glue fills the emptiness between the profile and the stretch, giving the surface of the loss of increased hardness. After drying the glue, clamping clamps are removed, and the glue spoken is removed with a wet tampon. Next, the finished pulls are glued with sturgeon glue at the place of loss with reliable fixation.

Metal broels made using rollers who do not have a wooden base, depending on the case, you can first stick on the strips of the birch veneer, and the edges bend (fought), as shown in the photo 2. The glued bar of the veneer eliminates the beams of brass strips when installed on curvilinear Places, such as armrest of the chair. Thus prepared broach are installed on good carpentry glue at the place in the usual way.

If the metal parts of the restored furniture are preserved and disturbed only glue seams, then the defective place is cleaned of the old glue, the contacting surfaces protinate and are braided again. After removing the presses, the protruding glue is removed.

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Abstract on the topic: "workplace safety"


With the development of scientific and technological progress, an important role is plays the possibility of safe execution by people of his employment duties. In this regard, the science of occupational safety and human activity was created and developed.

Safety of vital activity is a set of measures aimed at ensuring human security in habitat, maintaining its health, development of methods and means of protection by reducing the influence of harmful and hazardous factors to permissible values, the development of measures to limit damage to eliminate the effects of peaceful and military time emergencies. .

The purpose of the work is to study the safety of labor in the workplace, the influence of harmful factors for the work and measures to protect against them.

The health of workers, ensuring the safety of working conditions, the elimination of occupational diseases and industrial injuries is one of the main concerns of human society. Attention is drawn to the need to widespread the progressive forms of the scientific organization of labor, information to the minimum of manual, unqualified labor, creating an environment that excludes professional diseases and production injuries.

In the workplace should provide measures to protect against the possible impact of dangerous and harmful factors of production. The levels of these factors should not exceed the limit values \u200b\u200bspecified by the legal, technical and sanitary standards. These regulatory documents oblige to the creation of working conditions in the workplace, in which the influence of hazardous and harmful factors on working or eliminated at all, or is within acceptable limits.

Restorer of archival and library materials of the 4th category

1. The main causes of dangers in the production environment of the chosen profession

Characteristic of work. Restoration, disinfection and conservation of modern prints and documents on paper having combined damage, strongly contaminated, with chemically resistant text and image. Visual definition of damage to a mechanical and biological nature. Planning and scattering printed publications and documents. Flushing sheets. Impregnation of the base with a strengthening solution. Strengthening sheets by single and bilateral layering of restoration paper. The connection of multiple leaf breaks, including in the text. Replenishment of lost parts of the sheet. Preservation method of encapsulation. Blocking with block formation. Binding in a solid cardboard cover. Conduct disinfection and disinsection in chambers with chemical methods.

Restorer of archival and library materials of the 4th category. Must know: species and causes of damage to modern documents and books; Methods and means of mass restoration and conservation of documents and books; rules for booklet and binding of modern documents and print publications; Chemical methods of disinfection and disinsection of documents and prints; Types of materials, tools and equipment used for disinfection, restoration and binding.

Physical production factors are very diverse in their qualitative characteristics and impact on the body, they include the microclimate of the working area (temperature, relative humidity and air traffic speed, infrared radiation)

For all production factors, hygienic standards are established - limit permissible concentrations, doses, levels. In real conditions, they act on the body of working not isolated, but, as a rule, together in various qualitative and quantitative combinations.

Harmful workflow factors are associated with an irrational labor organization of the workplace, the absence or insufficient mechanization, ergonomic defects of equipment and work furniture, inconsistency of labor regimes by the psychophysiological capabilities of the body. The harmful factors of the employment process include dynamic and static overloads of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular apparatus, resulting from the movement of weights, which are accompanying a lot of effort, forced working poses, frequent slopes of the body.

According to the hygienic classification of labor (in terms of indicators of the harmfulness and danger of the factors of the production environment, the severity and intensity of the employment process), the production factors are divided into three classes: the optimal, in which the adverse effects on the body are excluded and the prerequisites are created to preserve the high level of health; permissible not exceeding hygienic standards, under the influence of which only functional changes are possible, set by the beginning of the next shift; Harmful and dangerous three degrees, and the third degree is characterized by the increased danger of the development of occupational diseases and poisoning.

Prevention measures of the adverse effects of P. in. The body is determined by their qualitative and quantitative characteristics and sources of education, the conditions of impact on working. The main directions of prevention are technical and organizational: improvement of technology (transition to continuous processes of production, waste-free, environmentally friendly technology, integrated mechanization and automation of production, which provides for a decrease in the formation of the harm and exposure to their working area, an industrial platform and the environment). Importance of ventilation and architectural and planning decisions have important, in the necessary cases - the use of effective means of individual protection, preventive and current sanitary supervision, treatment-and-prophylactic measures (preliminary and periodic medical examinations of persons with contact with P. c., Targeted dispensarization, Removal from work under adverse conditions of women during pregnancy; prohibition of the use of adolescents in conditions that negatively affecting the growing organism), hygienic training for personal prevention measures, propaganda of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Disassemble the possible options for the location of the working area and the employee's stay zone

The workplace is indivisible in organizational terms (in these specific conditions) of the production process, serviced by one or more workers, intended to perform one or more production or service operations equipped with appropriate equipment and technological equipment. In a broader sense, this is an elementary structural part of the production area in which the subject of labor is interconnected with placed means and the subject of labor for the implementation of single labor processes in accordance with the target function of obtaining the results of labor.


In the Russian Federation, the requirements for the workplace are determined by the following documents:

* Labor Code of the Russian Federation,

* Regulatory and legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation,

* State and international standards.

These documents contain the requirements for the organization and ergonomics of the workplace, and also establish rules, procedures, criteria and regulations aimed at preserving the life and health of employees in the process of their work.

Jobs can be classified according to the following features and categories.

According to the degree of automation of the employment process:

* Workplace with manual work - labor processes are performed manually.

* Workplace of manual mechanized work - workers use a mechanized tool with an external drive.

* Machine-handheld workplace - equipped with a machine (machine, mechanism), which works with direct employee participation.

* Machine workplace - the main work is performed by the machine, and the management of it and auxiliary work are carried out by workers.

* Automated workplace - the main work is performed by the machine, the auxiliary works are partially mechanized or completely.

* The hardware workstation is equipped with special equipment in which production processes are carried out by impact on the subject of labor of thermal, electrical or physico-chemical energy.

According to the degree of specialization:

* Special - for the workplace is fixed from 1 to 3 operations. It is used in the mass type of production, under the production methods of manufacturing products.

* Specialized - for the workplace is fixed from 3 to 10 operations. It is used in serial production, with partial processing methods.

* Universal - in the workplace can be performed more than 10 operations. Used in single production, with individual methods of manufacturing products.

According to the employee executable features:

* Workshop of the head.

* Workplace of the specialist.

* Workplace employee.

* Workplace workplace.

* Workplace of the younger service personnel, etc.

By working conditions:

* With normal conditions.

* With severe physical labor.

* With harmful conditions.

* With particularly severe physical labor.

* With especially harmful conditions.

* With high neuropsychic tension.

* With monotonous labor.

By functioning time:

* Singlemen.

* Multiple.

By the number of equipment served:

* Without equipment.

* Singletens (single traffic).

* Multiple (multi-port, multi-machine).

According to the degree of mobility:

* Stationary.

* Mobile.

According to a professional sign. For example, you can highlight the workplaces of an accountant, a doctor, therapist, clerk, carpenter, driver, etc.

Depending on the specifics of the employment process, other signs of classification can be allocated.


According to the design of the workplace, labor operations must be ensured within the area of \u200b\u200breaching the motor field. The area of \u200b\u200breach of the engine field for the average sizes of the human body are shown in Figures 1 and 2.

Figure 2.1 - the zone of reaching the engine field in the vertical plane.

Figure 2.2 - the area of \u200b\u200breach of the engine field in the horizontal plane at the height of the working surface above the floor is 725 mm.

The execution of frequent employment operations should be provided within the zone of easy reach and the optimal zone of the engine field shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2.3 - zones for manual operations:

1 - zone to accommodate the most important and very frequently used objects (the optimal zone of the engine field); 2 - zone for the placement of frequently used items (zone of easy reach of the motor field); 3 - zone for the placement of rarely used items (zone of reach of the motor field).

Dimensional workplace characteristics.

The design of the workplace should ensure the optimal position of the employee, which is achieved by regulating the height of the seat and footrest. The height of the working surface is taken by a nomogram (Figure 4) for an increase in 1800 mm. The optimal work area for working lower growth is achieved by increasing the height of the working seat and leg supports, equal to the difference between the height of the working surface for the operation of 1800 mm and the height of the working surface is optimal for the growth of this working.

Stand for legs must be adjustable in height. The width must be at least 300 mm, the length is at least 400 mm. The surface of the stand must be corrugated. At the front edge, it should be provided for a fiber with a height of 10 mm.

Figure 2.4 - a nomogram of the dependence of the height of the working surface (1), the layers for the legs (2) and the height of the working seat (3) from human growth.

Internal volume.

An important factor is the space under the table, it should be enough to be convenient to bend and blend the knees.

Figure 2.5 - foot space (width of at least 500 mm): a - distance from the seat to the lower edge of the working surface of at least 150 mm; h is the height of the foot space for at least 600 mm.

3. Organization of the workplace, taking into account the ergonomic foundations of labor safety

safety Labor Work Restoretor

The organization of the workplace is a material basis that ensures the effective use of equipment and labor. Its main goal is to ensure high-quality and effective work on a plan on the basis of the full use of equipment, working time, the use of rational techniques and methods of labor, the creation of comfortable working conditions, providing long-term preservation of employees. To achieve this goal, technical, organizational, economic and ergonomic requirements are presented to the workplace.

From the technical side, the workplace must be equipped with progressive equipment, the necessary technological and organizational equipment, tool, instrumentation, provided by technology, lifting vehicles.

From the organizational side, the equipment has a workplace should be rationally located within the working area; Found an option for optimal maintenance of the workplace with raw materials, materials, billets, parts, tools, equipment repair and equipment, waste harvesting; Secured safe and harmless working conditions of working conditions.

From the economic side, the workplace organization should ensure optimal employment of workers, the highest level of labor productivity and quality of work.

Ergonomic requirements occur when designing equipment, technological and organizational equipment, workplace layout.

The labor process of the employee, regardless of which functions it performs, inherent in the laws inherent in it, determining:

Placing an employee in the working area;

Position of the working area;

Sequence, quantity and spatial length of components of the labor process of labor movements;

The sequence of human entry into work;

The appearance, extension and reduction of fatigue.

Ergonomics examines the impact of the functional state and human performance by various factors of the production environment. The latter are taken into account when designing equipment, organizational and technological equipment, when justifying the planning of jobs. The correct layout should include such a placement of an employee in the workplace area and this location in it used in the process of operation that would provide the most convenient working posture; the shortest and convenient zones of motion; The least tedious positions of the hull, hands, legs and heads with a long repetition of certain movements.

Labor and recreation.

One of the important measures to reduce fatigue is the establishment of the right regime of labor and recreation. The alternation of work and breaks for recreation should be justified by physiologically and psychologically. When organizing rest, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of restoring the functional state of the working state. So, if the fatigability was significant by the end of work, then in the first hour of rest, the condition of the body will not change. Recovery occurs gradually. Consequently, the recreation organization should be determined by the nature of the work, as well as the terms of the human life and its inclinations. For example, in concentrated work with increased attention, frequent, but short breaks are recommended, since long-term can lead to rhythm loss. The same breaks are necessary with prolonged monotonous work, however, during a period of high performance, they must be shorter, and after the appearance of fatigue - more prolonged.

Discipline of labor.

The discipline of labor is obligatory for all workers subordination to the rules of conduct, determined in accordance with this Code, other federal laws, a collective agreement, agreements, local regulatory acts, employment contract.

The employer is obliged in accordance with labor law and other regulatory legal acts containing the norms of labor law, a collective agreement, agreements, local regulatory acts, an employment contract to establish the conditions necessary for observance by workers of the discipline of labor.

Department of discipline of labor.

Existing methods of management of discipline of labor can be divided into economic, psychological, legal. Let us dwell in more detail on the methods of legal impact.

Kzot distinguishes four methods: conviction, promotion, coercion, organization of labor. The practice of their application has millennium. For centuries, there are not methods, but their content and combination.

For example, types of punishments, promotions, beliefs change. The belief is the main method of lediation of discipline of labor. This is upbringing, the impact on the consciousness of the employee in order to encourage his useful activities or prevent unwanted actions.

Most frequently used methods of management of discipline of labor as promotion and coercion.

Method of encouragement.

Encouraging is the recognition of the merit of the employee by providing him with benefits, advantages, public honor, increase its prestige. Each person has recognition needs in material values. To implement them, encouragement.

However, using encouragement, you can get a double result: bring the team to conflict up to its decay and, on the contrary, combine and rally it.

Promotion is carried out by remuneration. Remuneration is the receipt that a person considers valuable for himself. The concept of value among different people differs. For one person in some conditions, several hours sincerely friendly relations may be more valuable than the large amount of money. In the organization, we usually deal with two main types of remuneration: internal and external.

Internal remuneration gives the work itself.

These are such values \u200b\u200bas self-esteem, the significance of the work performed, its meaningability, awareness of the result and others.

In order to ensure that the employee has received an employee of the internal remuneration, it is necessary to create a normal working environment to him, providing everything necessary, to determine its rights and obligations, responsibility and clearly deliver the task.

Method of coercion.

The basis of disciplinary responsibility is disciplinary misconduct, that is, the guilty, illegal failure or improper performance by the employee of its employment duties. For the commission of such a misconduct, the employer applies coercion to the employee. Under coercion means an external impact on the behavior of an employee within the framework established by labor law.

4. Analyze professional risks for the selected profession according to the methods of methodical instructions "Detection and assessment of professional risk"

Risk assessment for labor protection purposes.

From the standpoint of labor protection, professional risk is determined to establish the degree of danger of equipment and technologies, to assess the state of labor protection and to develop a system of technical and organizational measures to reduce the level of industrial injuries.

The magnitude of production injuries can be defined as:

where R1 is an indicator reflecting the nature and severity of damage in industrial human and machine systems; R2 - the frequency of injury and accidents; R3 - material consequences of incidents.

Each indicator is estimated on a 10-point scale. Depending on the value of R, the class of working conditions and the level of risk are set.

Determination of working conditions and risk levels on the settlement value R (Table 4.1)

Labor conditions class (ut)

Risk level




Very tall


According to the calculations of the risk assessment in the profession, ice wicker 3rd discharge, we obtained the result R \u003d 529, which is a very high level of risk in this specialty.

Trauma and professional morbidity.

Professional diseases are one of the most numerous groups of diseases that are the cause of not only the highest disability of people, but also one of the frequent causes of mortality of the workable population on the globe. Professional diseases caused by various professional hazards should not be considered as an inevitable phenomenon. The occurrence of professional diseases largely depends on the imperfection of the technological process and equipment.

The production environment in which human labor activity flows, in non-compliance with hygienic requirements, has a negative impact on the health and performance of a person. It consists of natural climatic factors (as part of the external environment, the surrounding person) and the factors associated with professional activities, which are accepted by harmful factors. The same factors can be dangerous.

Dangerous are the factors capable of causing acute violation of the health or death of the body under certain conditions. Harmful is the factors that have a negative impact on performance or causing professional diseases.

All factors that can cause a decrease in working capacity, the emergence of acute and chronic poisoning and diseases, affect the growth of morbidity with temporary disability and cause other negative consequences is made to call "production harm". GOST 12.0.003-74 divides dangerous and harmful production factors by nature into the following groups: physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological.

The group of physical factors includes: noise, vibration and other types of vibrational effects, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, climatic parameters (temperature, humidity, air mobility), light level, as well as fibrogenous dust. A group of chemically hazardous and harmful production factors by nature of the impact on the human body is divided into: general-toxic, irritants, sensitizing, carcinogenic, mutagenic, affecting the reproductive function. These include toxic substances of various aggregate states that can cause any kind of common, local or distant adverse effects on the body. Biological - pathogenic microorganisms, microbial drugs, biological pesticides, saprophistic spore-forming microflora, microorganisms-producers of microbiological preparations. Psychophysiological hazardous and harmful production factors are divided into physical (static and dynamic) overloads, lift and transfer of weights, inconvenient body position, long-term pressure on the skin, muscles, joints and bones and neuropsychic overloads (mental and emotional overvoltage, labor monotonicity and overvoltage analyzers). Production harm, as a rule, have a comprehensive and combined impact on working people.

Professional disease is a disease caused by the impact of a harmful factor in production conditions and confirmed in the prescribed manner. Annually registered acute professional poisoning and diseases, as well as chronic professional pathology, detected with periodic medical examinations, make up a slight percentage of the total number of cases and days of temporary disability. However, this pathology has a great socio-hygienic and socio-economic significance. The diagnosis of a professional disease is convincing evidence of the impact on the health of working adverse working conditions that need a change, sometimes urgent.

The term "careball" has a legislative and insurance value. The list of professional diseases is approved by law.

Diseases include:

1. Diseases in the etiology of which the main role belongs to a certain professional factor (in silicose-dust of silicon dioxide, with professional intoxication - industrial poisons, etc.)

2. Some common diseases in the development of which caused a causal connection with the impact of certain factors of the production environment. For example, bronchial asthma - in the working of some chemical industries, agriculture; Tuberculosis - medical workers who have contact with tuberculosis patients, etc.

Depending on the duration of the effects of a professional factor, sharp and chronic occupational diseases distinguish. The acute professional diseases include those that arose suddenly, after one-time (for no more than one work shift) of the impact of a harmful factor of the production environment. Chronic professional diseases include diseases that have developed as a result of a long and repeated impact of harmful factors of the production environment.

The main cause of the professional disease may be intensive short-term or long-term impact of harmful factors as a result of the accident, violation of the normal course of the technological process, malfunction or absence of sanitary devices; improper use or lack of personal protective equipment.

In the system of measures to combat professional diseases, their timely registration, accounting and investigation are of great importance. In addition, there are quite a few ways to help fight physical, chemical, biological hazards that lie in production:

Replacement of harmful substances are less harmful or safe;

Isolation (if nevertheless, it is impossible to abandon the use of a dangerous substance, it should be kept away from working in order to avoid contact);

Fencing (task - to ensure tightness);

Ventilation (air exchange system to remove production intories);

Moisturizing (replacement of "dry" processes "wet");

Personal protection (protective clothing, shoes, equipment).

Production injury. Injury is called violation of the anatomical integrity or physiological functions of tissues or human organs caused by a sudden external influence.

The production injury is called a sudden acute impairment of health, which occurred in the workplace or during their stay in the enterprise. In a number of industries, production injuries continues to occupy a significant place in the overall morbidity, although large successes have been achieved in the fight against it over the past decades.

Accidents in production are divided:

By the number of victims: for single and group;

By severity: light, heavy, with fatal outcome;

Depending on the circumstances: related to production, non-manufacturing, but related to work.

The accident is recognized as related to work, if he occurred when performing any actions in the interests of the enterprise beyond (in the way to work or from work), in the implementation of public or public duties, when performing a debt of a citizen of the Russian Federation to save human life and T . p. Accidents that occurred in the enterprise and in places specifically specified in the Regulations on the investigation of accidents in production should be investigated.

It is necessary to distinguish between the traumatic factor and the cause of an accident. The traumatic factor directly causes injury, and the cause of an accident consider the result of violation of standards, rules or safety instructions. Accident may occur as a result of various reasons:

technical, sanitary and hygienic, organizational, psychological and physiological, as well as due to the lack of personal protective equipment.

Analysis of accidents is preceded by their classification for reasons. The main causes of industrial injuries may be the following.

Technical reasons that can be described as causes that do not depend on the organization's level in the enterprise, namely: imperfection of technological processes, constructive disadvantages of equipment, devices, tools; insufficient mechanization of heavy work, imperfection of fences, safety devices, alarm and blocking tools; Strength defects of materials, etc.

Organizational reasons that are entirely dependent on the level of labor organization at the enterprise. These include: disadvantages in the content of the territory, travel, passages; violation of the rules of operation of equipment, vehicles, tools; Disadvantages in organizing jobs; violation of technological regulations; violation of the rules and norms of transportation, storage and storage of materials and products; violation of the norms and rules of the planning and preventive repair of equipment, vehicles and tools; Disadvantages in teaching workers to safe labor methods; shortcomings in the organization of group work; weak technical supervision of dangerous work; the use of machines, mechanisms and tools are not intended; The absence or non-use of personal protective equipment, etc.

The sanitary and hygienic reasons to which the increased (above MPC) can be attributed in the air of the working zones of harmful substances; insufficient or irrational lighting; Elevated noise levels, vibration; unfavorable meteorological conditions, the presence of various radiation above the permissible values; Violation of personal hygiene rules, etc.

Personal (psycho-physiological) reasons to which physical and neuropsychic overloads of the working man can be attributed. Most accidents occur as a result of certain actions and movements that can be called erroneous. Errbial actions are caused by various reasons, the most common of which are: fatigue and fatigue, lack of or insufficient knowledge and skills, inconsistency of individual and psychological qualities of labor activity, improper equipment device, emergency decimal change, unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic environment, etc. Make mistakes due to fatigue caused by large physical (static or dynamic) overloads, mental overvoltage of analyzers (visual, auditory, tactile), monotony of labor, stressful situations, painful state. The injury may result in the inconsistency of the anatomo-physiological and mental characteristics of the body to the nature of the work performed.

For industrial accidents, the administration is responsible, and the victim is paid by allowance for temporary disability in the amount of average earnings at the expense of the enterprise. In the event of a disability resulting from injury, or other health damage, the victim is assigned a pension. In addition, it is reimbursed by the material damage due to the loss of working capacity in the amount of the difference between the lost average monthly earnings and a disability pension.

General measures to prevent injuries consist of organizational and technical, occupational and individually protective.

Organizational and technical activities consist of measures to prevent accidents and measures warning diseases in production, as well as improving the overall working conditions. Measures to prevent diseases in production include: conducting a preliminary medical examination of incoming and conducting periodic medical examinations; the content of workers and household premises in proper condition; The use of devices to reduce noise, vibration. Activities for the general improvement of working conditions are: the introduction of mechanization, automation in order to reduce labor-intensive processes; Improving natural and artificial lighting; Providing safety instructions and industrial sanitation; Conducting training. The organizational maximum safety of labor is ensured by using fencing, safety and blocking devices, as well as alarm installation.

Cases of injury on organizational principles occur as a result of incorrect actions (or inaction) of engineering and technical workers and workers expressing in the non-fulfillment of their official duties, violation of the established technology and organization of labor, the requirements of the rules of operation of equipment and labor safety regulations and due to ignorance, insufficient qualifications or abnormality. The elimination of these factors is the primary task of the prevention of industrial injuries.

The general measures include: ensuring the rational regime of labor and recreation; medical service; Equipment of sanitary and household premises, jobs. Individually protective events are as follows: Ensuring working workwear, shoes and other means of individual protection, jobs are supplied with labor safety posters.

The behavior of workers in the production process is regulated by official duties, a production task, as well as the requirements of industrial, labor and technological discipline. Unsatisfactory performance of official duties, violation of the requirements of industrial, labor and technological discipline become organizational reasons for injuries that should be eliminated.

Very important, in terms of the prevention of injuries, is the fulfillment of the requirements of GOST 12.0.004-90 for training and conducting instruction in working.

If you are impossible to prevent the adverse effects of erroneous actions with technical means, it is necessary to carry out other activities: change labor mode, if the cause of erroneous action is fatigue, to train personnel, if the erroneous action is caused by the absence of skill and the like. If eliminating erroneous actions still fails, then persons allowing such erroneous actions should be removed from work. You can talk about the professional unsuitability of the employee to a certain type of labor.

To properly resolve the health management issues and developing health activities aimed at reducing the incidence, a deep understanding of the reasons supporting its certain level, and reliable evidence of the influence of these or other factors, primarily industrial-professional, elimination or decrease in the impact of which Most really. Reducing the incidence of temporary disability is not only social, but also economic importance, as it helps to preserve in the production of a significant number of employees.

5. The role of legal and regulatory documents in ensuring the safety of labor

A characteristic feature of the modern period of Russia's development is the increase in the role of the state in the safety processes of various spheres of the life of Russian society.

Ensuring life safety is an essential state task. Currently, in Russia, natural law is accepted as the principle of state law. So the Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims that "a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value. Recognition, compliance and protection of rights and freedoms - the duty of the state. The basic rights and freedoms of a person are inhabited and belong to everyone from birth. The implementation of human rights and freedoms should not violate the rights and freedoms of other citizens. "

Human rights on life and health belong to the fundamental human rights and are protected by the Constitution. It follows that the task of implementing these rights is a state task.

The sphere of state activities, the purpose of which is the realization of the rights of people on life and health in the process of labor, is called labor protection.

To ensure labor protection in Russia, the state has developed and improved normative legal frameworks, the relevant authorities and regulation have been created, supervision and control is carried out, the necessary measures are applied to offenders.

Labor protection activities are based on the regulatory legal frameworks, which are a combination of the rules of law regulating the relationship between employers and workers in the field of labor protection.

Labor protection is a system of preserving the life and health of employees in the process of work, including legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive, rehabilitation and other activities (Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) . The above definition of the concept of "labor protection" gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bhow extensive its regulatory frameworks are extensive.

Modern regulatory legal frameworks (NGOs) labor protection include a common, special and special part.

The general part establishes the requirements for all activities. The general part of the regulatory framework for labor protection includes: Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation", Decree of the President, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, Resolution and Orders of other ministries of intersectoral competence.

A special part concerns certain types of activities, for example, the operation of electrical or heat plants, objects of the kittlenadzor or lifting structures, construction, transport, communication, etc. The special part may include federal laws, presidential decrees, government decree, decree and orders of the head of the Ministry or Office.

A special part regulates labor protection issues in a separate organization, enterprise. The special part includes orders and orders of the head of the Organization, approved by him of lists, signed by the Commissioning Commission, registered in the prescribed manner, logbooks, certificates and other regulatory legal acts (NPA).

Legal acts forming the regulatory legal framework for labor protection.

1. Office of labor protection.

Requirements for labor protection management system:

Labor Code, Art. 216.

GOST 12.0.006-2002. "General requirements for labor protection management system in the organization."

Requirements for regulatory legal acts on labor protection:

Labor Code, Art. 211.

PP No. 399 of 23.5.00. "On regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection."

Requirements for labor protection authorities:

Labor Code, Art. 217, 218.

PMT number 10 dated January 22, 01. "Inter-sectoral regulations of the number of workers of the labor protection service in organizations."

Requirements for planning and financing of labor protection activities:

Labor Code, Art. 226.

Requirements for the organization of implementation of labor protection measures

Requirements for the control of the efficiency of labor protection measures:

Inter-sectoral rules for labor protection when performing various activities and works.

Labor Code, Ch. 57.

FZ No. 134-ФЗ dated 8.08.01 "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in conducting state control (supervision). Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 132 of March 17, 2003 "Instructions for the organization and implementation of fire supervision in the Russian Federation".

Approved by GEN 26.01.01 "Instructions for conducting measures for control in the implementation of state energy supervision for equipment, buildings and structures of electrical and heat plants, power plants, boiler, electrical and thermal networks of energy supplying organizations and consumers of thermal and electrical energy".

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 228 of February 17, 2002 "On the procedure for conducting measures to control under the implementation of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance".

Requirements for statistical reporting on the issues of ensuring safe working conditions, in accidents and caregings:

PRS No. 24 of 8.7.04 "On approval of statistical instruments for organizing statistical monitoring for the number, payment and working conditions of workers for 2005."

PRS No. 23 of 6.7.04 "On approval of statistical instruments for the organization of statistical observation of the number and composition of the population, the activities carried out in the health sector for 2005."

2. Professional training and training of workers on labor protection.

Requirements for the preparation and training of labor protection professionals, other managers and specialists and workers:

Labor Code, Art. 225.

GOST 12.0.004-90 "Organization of Labor Safety Teaching." PMT and PMT No. 1/29 of 3.01.03 "On approval of the procedure for learning on labor protection and verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements of employees of organizations."

PRMZ № 229 of 29.6.00 "On the professional hygienic training and certification of officials and employees of organizations."

Other decisions and orders of managers of ministries and departments of intersectoral competence on the preparation and training of workers.

3. Ensuring safe working conditions

Requirements for equipment, industrial processes, premises, workplaces:

Labor Code, Art. 215.

Law "On Technical Regulation"

GOST 12.2.003-91. "System of labor safety standards. Production equipment. General security requirements. "

Safety requirements for production equipment (PRT Group 2)

GOST 12.3.002-75. "System of labor safety standards. Production processes. General security requirements (with change of 23.11.90). "

Standards of safety requirements for production processes (group 3 of the SSBT).

Requirements for the state examination of working conditions:

Labor Code, Art. 6, 215, 219, 357.

PP No. 244 dated April 25, 2003 "On approval of the Regulation on the state examination of working conditions in the Russian Federation".

PMT No. 53 from 2.7.01 "On approval of methodological recommendations for the state examination of working conditions under licensing certain types of activities."

Requirements for certification of jobs under working conditions:

Labor Code, Article 146, 212.

PMT number 12 dated 14.03.97 "On the holding of the RM certification under working conditions."

Manual R 2.2.755-99 "Hygienic criteria for assessing and classifying working conditions in terms of harmfulness and risk of factors of the production environment, severity and labor intensity."

Certification requirements for labor protection:

Requirements for certification of labor protection work Labor Code, Art. 212.

PMT number 28 dated 04.24.02, "Regulations on the system of certification of labor protection of labor in organizations."

Requirements for the protection of workers from the impact of hazardous production factors (safety) and harmful production factors (industrial sanitation):

Labor Code, Art. 221.

PMT No. 51 dated December 18, 1998 "Rules for providing employees with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment."

PMT No. 66 dated December 25, 1997 "Model sectoral norms of free issuing special clothing workers, special shoes and other personal protective equipment."

Inter-sectoral rules for labor protection when performing various activities and works

4. Prevention of occupational diseases.

Requirements for medical examinations:

Labor Code, Art. 69, 76, 212, 213, 266, 328.

PP No. 646 of 10.27.03 "On the harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and works, when performing preliminary and periodic medical examinations (surveys), and the procedure for conducting these inspections (surveys)".

Przzizr No. 83 dated April 16, 2004 "On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous industrial factors and works, when performing preliminary and periodic medical examinations (surveys), and the procedure for conducting these inspections (surveys)".

Programp No. 90 dated 14.03.96 "On the procedure for holding preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers and medical regulations of admission to the profession."

Prmz No. 405 dated December 10, 1996 "On the conduct of preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees."

Prmz No. 122 dated 14.04.00. "On a personal medical book and a sanitary passport for transportation facilities for transportation of food products."

Letter M3 № 1100 / 1328-0-117 dated 17.05.00. Instruction No. 11-7 / 101-09 of 17.05.00 "On the procedure for issuing and conducting a personal medical record and a sanitary passport for specially intended or specially equipped transport Food facilities for transportation.

Prmzov USSR No. 555 dated 09.29.89 "On improving the system of medical examinations of workers and drivers of Xindividual vehicles". Letter M3 No. 2510 / 9468-03-32 dated March 21, 2003 "On pre-trip medical examinations of vehicle drivers."

PP No. 695 dated February 23, 19.02 "On the passage of compulsory psychiatric examination by employees who carry out certain types of activities, including activities related to the sources of increased danger (with the influence of harmful substances and adverse production factors), as well as working in increased hazardous "

PSM - ProF No. 377 dated 28.04.93 "On the implementation of the Law of the Russian Federation" On psychiatric care and guarantees of citizens' rights in its provision "(as amended by PP of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2002 No. 695).

Preservation of women's health:

PP No. 162 of 25.2.00. "A list of hard work and work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, when performing the use of women's work."

PP No. 105 of 6.02.93. "The norms of extremely permissible loads for women when lifting and moving weights manually".

Sanpin "Hygienic requirements for women's working conditions."

Requirements for the health of youth to 18 years:

PP No. 163 of 25.2.00. "The list of hard work and work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, when performing the use of labor of persons under 18 years old."

PMT No. 7 of 7.04.99 "The norms of extremely permissible loads for persons younger than eighteen years old when lifting and moving weights manually." Sanpine "Hygienic criteria for permissible conditions and types of work for professional training and labor of adolescents."

Benefits and compensation for harmful and dangerous working conditions:

PP No. 849 dated November 29, 2002 "On the procedure for approval of the norms and conditions of free issuing to employees engaged in works with harmful working conditions, milk or other equivalent foods, as well as therapeutic - preventive nutrition."

Prmz No. 126 dated March 28, 2003 "On approval of a list of harmful production factors, when exposed to which milk or other equivalent foods are recommended in preventive purposes."

PMT No. 13 dated March 31, 2003 "On approval of the norms and conditions for the free issuance of milk or other equivalent foods to workers engaged in works with harmful working conditions."

PMT № 14 dated March 31, 2003 "On approval of a list of industries, professions and posts, working in which it gives the right to free obtaining therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition due to particularly harmful working conditions, the rations of therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition, the norms of free issuance of vitamin preparations and the rules of free issuance of therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition. "

A letter of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 143-11 / 10-17 dated 25.06.91 "On the replacement of milk by other food products."

PMT No. 45 dated 4.07.03, "On approval of the norms of free issuance to workers of flushing and neutralizing funds, the procedure and conditions for their issuance."

Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 658-66 dated December 31, 1996. "Instructions for the sanitary maintenance of premises and equipment of industrial enterprises" (p. 105).

PGKT USSR and WCSPS № 387 / 22-78 dated 3.10.86 "On approval of a model provision on the assessment of working conditions in the workplace and the procedure for the application of sectoral lists of works on which surcharges working for working conditions may be established."

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 10 dated January 26, 1991, "On approval of lists of industries, works, professions, posts and indicators giving the right to preferential pension provision."

PGT USSR and the Presidium of the WCSPS No. 298 / P-22 dated 25.10.74 "On approval of the list of industries, shops, professions and positions with harmful working conditions, work in which it gives the right to additional leave and a shorter working day."

5. Harm caused by an accident or occupational disease.

Requirements for compulsory social insurance against accidents and occupational diseases:

FZ No. 125-FZ dated 24.7.98 "On compulsory social insurance against accidents at the production and occupational diseases".

PP No. 789 of 16.10.00. "On approval of the rules for establishing the degree of loss of professional working capacity as a result of accidents in the production and occupational diseases" (with amended by the definition of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 08.04.2003 No. CAS 03-132).

PP No. 975 of 31.8.99, "On approval of the rules for the objectivity of the industry (sub-separable) of the economy to the grades of professional risk."

FZ No. 17-ФЗ dated February 12, 2003 "On insurance rates for compulsory social insurance against accidents at the production and occupational diseases in 2001."

PP No. 652 of September 6, 2009 "On approval of the rules for establishing discounts and allowances to insurance rates for compulsory social insurance against accidents on production and occupational diseases".

PP No. 184th 2.03.00. "On approval of the rules of accrual, accounting and spending funds for the implementation of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases" (as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 754 of 11.12.03).

Requirements for medical care for victims:

Inter-sectoral instructions for first aid in industrial accidents, 2001

PRMZ No. 73 of 4.03.03 "On approval of the instructions for determining the criteria and the procedure for determining the moment of death of a person, termination of resuscitation activities."


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Premises workshop 1

There are two types of restoration workshops - a workshop with a museum and a workshop with a specialized restoration organization. Regardless of the submission of the workshop, the requirements for its premises, equipment, equipping must meet the conditions formulated in the "Instructions for accounting and the storage of museum values \u200b\u200bin the USSR State Museums", approved by the Ministry of Culture of the USSR, and in other orders and instructions for the organization of storage and restoration works of fine art.

The building or premises of the restoration workshop must meet the requirements for museum facilities: to be fireproof, isolated from easily flammable structures and storages (for example, petrol stations and gas stations), doors and windows should ensure the safety of works entered on the restoration, from the embezzlement. All openings must be blocked by the security alarm system. The room must be equipped with a water pipe with a sewage drain, electrified, have a supply and exhaust ventilation or window frames in the window frames.

The workshop must be equipped with fire fighting tools to periodically check for readiness and health. Carbon dioxide gas fire extinguishers are used to extinguish the fire, as they provide the best preservation of museum exhibits. Smoking in the restoration workshop is categorically prohibited.

Restoration workshop consists of two or three mutually related premises. In the first room, the works received for conservation and restoration work are made, which have arrived in the packaging of painting, if they were before in the frost, drawers are unpaid, the accompanying documents are repaired. In the period between obtaining and sending works, the same room is used for the following restoration work: a carpentry restoration of workspapers, primary processing of highly contaminated works (dedusting, destruction of destructive bioorganisms, etc.) and other works that are not associated with a colorful layer. There can also be equipped with equipment and stored tool, materials (especially packaging).

If this room is directly adjacent to the one in which net processes are made, it is made in it a non-aggravated cabinet for storing chemicals and other materials.

The second room is intended for various conservation and restoration work, mainly with the layer of painting and Levkas. It cannot be carried out, creating dust waste, littering the room.

In the third room, the most pure and dust protected from dust, there are works on which the loss of the picturesque layer is toning and the application of cover (protective) layers on painting. Here, works are openly stored after the restoration before they are sent to the place of permanent location. If there is no third room, then its functions fulfills the second.

When departures on the objects of restoration (architectural monuments and history), some of the works, especially conservative, painters-restorers are carried out in the premises temporarily provided to them. There, the conditions for the work should close as much as possible to the conditions of the monument itself so that the product does not have sharp changes in temperature and humidity.

Temperature and humidity mode in the workshop

Restoration rooms must provide the same temperature and humidity regime, which was in places of constant storage of works. As a rule, it is the mode of heated museum premises. In some cases, the mode of unheated premises is created, from which the work was received. Medium mode fluctuations lead to a change in temperature and humidity inside the work, and therefore, to its destruction. The works on thick boards (icons, thread, etc.) are especially affected.

Restoration workshop premises must have heating and ventilation systems that provide a temperature mode of 12-18 ° and humidity of 60-65% at daily oscillations of no more than 5%. In the case of a drop in humidity (which is usually happening in the heating period), it is raised using special humidifiers. They are fixed on heating batteries or put next to them. To increase the intensity of evaporation, pieces of matter (bike or flannel) are investing. As you use, they need to be bargaining periodically, cleaning dust from them and mineral salts from rigid water. To reduce salt precipitation on bike chips or flannels in the tank of humidifiers, boiled water is poured, which contains less mineral salts.

Increase moisture in the premises, and by reducing the heating intensity. Therefore, heating batteries in restoration workshops must have valves with which you can adjust the supply of hot water into each group of installations.

In most premises of restoration workshops and museums in the middle lane, there are elevated dryness. However, the humidity may increase in the autumn and spring seasons, which is harmful to works. The work located in a room with high humidity immediately does not show signs of unwanted changes, but the board and Levels are rejected, swelling from moisture. When the air humidity in the room becomes normal, the boards and Levkas begin to die and after a month or two there are deformations - a decomposition of Levkas and the colorful layer. Therefore, drying installations are used to reduce air humidity. The domestic industry produces dryers of two brands - "Azerbaijan" and "Azerbaijan OOB-1,4". The first is designed to dry out the room to 800 m 3 at a temperature of 15-30 °, the second - for the premises to 400 m 3.

The optimal regime for storing the works of painting and other exhibits in museums and restoration workshops provides an air conditioning system. It consists of a complex of devices and devices designed to regulate the temperature and humidity of the air, its purification from dust and harmful gases, ensuring ventilation and circulation. Used for air conditioning two types of installations - centralized and local.

Restoration of works in museums and in architectural monuments with air conditioning, as a rule, should be carried out in the same buildings, or indoors, also equipped with air conditioning. In buildings that do not have such a regime, workshops are equipped with local air conditioners, which produce industrial enterprises of our country. It is air conditioners "Azerbaijan-2", KVA, "NEVE" and CRIMER CI-0.4.

In order to adjust the mode of temperature and humidity in the premises of the restoration workshops, the psychrometers, hygrometers, thermobarogegrometters, as well as thermographs and hygrographers. The last two devices are given on special graduated ribbons of daily or weekly use information about temperature and relative humidity in the room. All other devices have the calibration of indicators only temperatures, therefore, to determine the relative humidity of air in psychrometer, you need to use special tables attached to the instruments and to the instructions for museum storage.

The preservation of works in the premises is essential for their placement. The main rule is the inhability of the placement of works near the heating plants, especially in the heating season. Publishing, as a rule, leads to the appearance of cracks in the board, backlogs and swirling in Levkas.

The state of the product also depends on the speed of air movement. The enhanced air movement, as a rule, leads to a tube of work, and stagnation - to stimulate biodegraders (splashes, bacteria, insects). The air velocity, heating devices, window and doorways affect the speed of air. The speed of air flows in exposure premises should not exceed 0.3 m / s., In the funds - 0.1 m / s., In the chemical laboratory --.0.5 m / s. There are no such recommendations for restoration premises. Therefore, in restoration practice is guided by the data provided. So, in the racks of temporary storage of works, the air circulation rate should be similar to the speed of its movement in museum storage facilities. For this purpose, the racks in the workshop are closer to the corners, where the air current is less.

At the same time, when working with volatile organic solvents, it is necessary to choose a place closer to the window, because the speed of the air flow is higher here thanks to water-ointment batteries and window targets. However, it is impossible to allow too fast air movement, as it excessively accelerates the evaporation of solvents, which makes it difficult to carry out the restoration process.


The restoration workshop uses both natural daylight and artificial lighting. Lamps are illuminated rooms, jobs and separate areas of work on the works. Abundant lighting leads to severe eye fatigue. Therefore, if during operation it is not required to cover all the work as a whole, then only the working plot is covered.

White curtains are hanging on all windows of the workshop, which do not allow direct sunlight on the work and do not change the color of the light. Curtains should be of a loose tissue that partially delays the sun's rays and at the same time does not darken the workplace.

General artificial lighting in restoration workshops should be close to scattered natural light. Therefore, fluorescent lamps are used, mounted in DNP lamps. Special filters on luminaires with fluorescent lamps reduce the activity of harmful for exhibits of ultraviolet radiation in four or five times. Daylight lamps are selected taking into account the spectral composition of radiation, which is designated on each series of lamps label: LB - white light, LD and Pets - Daylight, LCB - Cold White Light, LTB - Warm White Light; Two types of improved color renditions are indicated: LCBC - cold white light and LTBT - warm white light with two layers of phosphor.

Restorer workplace

To illuminate workshop and jobs, also enjoy lamps. The most suitable are mirror lamps of the concentrated distribution of light ZN-5, ZN-6, ZN-7, ZN-8, mirror lamps of a reduced size of the NZK type, mirror lamps with an average light distribution of the NZS type, lamps of the NGD type and the type of the side diffusive layer COLOR, LOCAL LIGHTING TYPE MOG.

When removing records or sample of remnants of the darkened cover film, as well as when removing remnants of dense contaminants from the coating film, it is convenient to use the OI-19 lighting with an incandescent lamp. It gives a small light field, the lighting brightness of the work area can be adjusted with a diaphragm, and the light beam can be changed (painted) with color filters. By changing the color of the beam, you can reveal the differences in color shades in painting, poorly visible in the usual light. This illuminator is conveniently combined with lupami - naked, on the rods and others.

In the Binocular Microscopes of the MBS-2, used in restoration practice, there are special illuminators that provide lighting the working area.

Equipment, appliances and tools

The stationary restoration workshop can have equipment, instruments, tools needed for work. It also stores materials necessary for restoration work.

In the second room, the workshop for each recognition artist is installed on one table with storage boxes for storing documentation and tools. There is also a shared small table (acknowledged) with a marble or wooden board covered with asbestos cardboard. It is used primarily to accommodate electrocomputes on it, as well as for the preparation of work makers. The exhaust laboratory cabinet is placed near the work desks of restorers. The ventilation cabinet output is mounted to the exhaust pipe connected to the room. Cranes and waste holes of the exhaust cabinet are connected to the water supply and sewage. The cabinet is used to prepare and temporarily storing small amounts of easily evaporating solvents and work with them, it can be placed in it.

Wooden one-sided portable rack for temporary storage of works. At the top shows the upholstery canvas nests

The room requires two book or medical type cabinets with shelves. In one place tools and small equipment, in the other - materials for work.

Works in the workshop are stored on a wooden portable rack, which can be one-sided and bilateral. The rack consists of two main parts - a horizontal shelf with a decide from the rails and a vertical frame with grooves-cells for each work. The lumens between the rails of the shelves provide normal air circulation around the production. This shelf is from the floor by 30 cm. If necessary (with reduced humidity in the room), there are cuvettes with water. The vertical frame of the rack has two or three horizontal strips with grooves for fixing works in a vertical position. The magnitude of the grooves and the distance between them is advisable to make different: in front of the small grooves of 5-6 cm for the products of the average size, and in the remote part - 10 cm for the works of large sizes from thick boards. Cells ribbon from the canvas ribbon, folded two or three times so as not to scratch the work. The rack is manufactured in accordance with the size of the place allotted for it.

Shocking pads with cake straps

Putting icons on the floor is not allowed. During the permutations to the floor, rails are put, and on them - the works, between which are paving (in the upper part of them) depreciation pads.

In the workshop you need to have Radine-two wooden easels for inspection of works in a vertical position while working to remove records and toning loss.

If there are no equipped carpentry and plumbing workshops in the organization, then the workshop must stand in the first work room and there is a set of carpentry and plumbing tools. These tools are needed to restore the restoration of works on the works, packaging and unpacking of exhibits.

Metal tubular rods are strengthened at the top of the walls, as in the halls of the museum. They serve for worshiping works, for which it is necessary to observe for a long time.

For the storage of fast compositions, especially adhesives, a household refrigerator is required. During the various work, a household vacuum cleaner is used, an electric stove with a closed spiral and electric goods with thermostat.

In the workshop there must be store scales, laboratory and pharmacy romance scales with multiple sets.

In the restoration processes, enameled household dishes are widely used: buckets, tanks with covers, pots of different capacities and mugs.

For many processes, chemical laboratory dishes are needed, made of glassware - measuring glasses for the preparation of workers and solutions, fuels, flat-bottomed flasks, droppers, test tubes (in addition, glass sticks and some other items), from ceramic dishes - porcelain mortars, several mugs Various containers of spoon and other items.

The restorer must have an extinguisher for watercolor painting with paints, white palette, masticines of various shapes, flushes and brushes for watercolor and oil painting (Belichi, speaking, bristle and others).

For visual research of painting works in ultraviolet rays, mercury-quartz lamps PRP-4, PRP-7 and others are used. To cut off the visible part of the spectrum, filters of UFS-1 or UFS-2 are used. It is convenient for the use of restorers Medical apparatus UFL with a burner and a light filter mounted in plastic case, the device portable brand Old-41 (TU 64-1-2242-72, 50Hz, 220V, 20W). The UFL apparatus allows you to control the condition of the cover layer and the surface records of the work (see Syl. On p. 97).

To view the works in the infrared spectrum, an electronic optical transducer of infrared rays is used. For this purpose, you can use the PNV (night vision device), intermitted from the foreclinment to view painting products at close range (see photos on P. 98). The result of the view (if it gave a positive effect) can be fixed on a special film (Il. 80-83).

80. Layer of recording XIX V.- The image of the Gospel. Fragment of the same work

81. Identify using ile in the text of the beginning of the XV century. via the XIX record layer. on the same fragment

82. Picture of Tatiana - recording XIX century. Fragment of the Icons "Nikolaworn"

83. Detection using the ILC of the original image XV century. (Ulyana) under the image of the XIX century. (Tatiana) on the same fragment

When deleting later recordings, a darned layer of varnish or olifa, as well as some contaminants, a magnifying glass with varying degrees of increasing and binocular microscope type MBS-2, which has a tripod with a barbell, which allow you to work in areas of the work removed from its edge. The binocular microscope is also required when examining the condition of the layers of the work, especially colorful (see photo on p. 99).

In the restoration practice, various medical instruments are widely used. This is primarily scalpels - general merger, eye and others. The most comfortable brushy scalpels like eyeballs and general mercy. However, they need to be reworked by changing the sharpening angle of the blade.

Tools manufactured or adapted for restoration
I. Fluoroplastic tool used in the process of strengthening the colorful layer
II. Medical scalpels (shown the angle of releasing)
III. Medical curved nippers, fitted for removing small nails
IV. Nail-cutter

To sum up the glue under the backlog and bloating of Levkas, medical syringes of the brand "Record" are used (see photo on p. 77). They are produced with a capacity of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 ml. In restoration work, more often use syringes of greater tank. The container is indicated by bar divisions and numbers on the cylinder glass. The glass syringe "Record" heat-resistant, withstands boiling in water and fast cooling. When working, various injection needles are used, as well as special, having wide channels (needles to the Bobrov apparatus, blood transfusion needles with a channel diameter from 2 to 4 mm). With such a diameter, it is possible to administer under the left of the adhesive solution with the mela powder. The diameter of the channel and the length of the needle is denoted by the number two first digits of which denote the channel diameter in the tenths of the millimeter, the latter - the needle length in millimeters. No. 0640 means that the diameter of the needle tube is 0.6 mm with its length of 40 mm, No. 1060 is the diameter of the channel 1 mm, length 60 mm.

In the process of using syringes and needles for the introduction of adhesives, especially gelatinous (frozen) during cooling, their periodically during operation and during interruptions are placed in hot water (70-90 °). Upon completion of use, it is necessary to rinse from the glue of the syringe and the needle and enter the needle to enter Mandrön (Wire). Store them follows in the lean condition. If before starting work in previously used syringes and needle, glue remained, they should be warm in warm water and rinse. For these purposes (as well as for heating the working composition of the adhesive), it is convenient to use medical sterilizers. In the workshop there must be sterilizers of several sizes.

In addition to simple sterilizers, electrical are produced. In the restoration practice it is more convenient to use simple sterilizers.

For injection of adhesives (especially non-rig), as well as the adhesive composition, you can use instead of medical syringes with rubber medical fringe with soft tips. In soft tips, you can insert needles having pear-like cannulas, which are firmly captured by the rubber walls of the soft sprints tip. Use more convenient to use small capacities (No. 1, 2, 3).

To remove small nails when removing salaries and especially to remove them from the front side of the board, bone plugs are needed, specially sharpened. Medical nurses, having groove sponges and smooth processing of rounded lips, capable of a hat tightly adjacent to the oxlade surface or even a nail rod, devoid of a hat. However, the sponges of bone buns are tightly closed, and they can sometimes eat the rod nail. That this, it did not happen, you need to run the breathtaking of the sponges and a small file to make a small cut in them. When capturing the carnations, it falls into the neckline and its rod is not perove.

The restorer artist accounts for some tools, for example, small ironing and spatulas from fluoroplast, which developed artists-restorers V. P. Slasin and R. P. Sussten. They are very convenient for smoothing the colorful layer of tempera painting when strengthening and straightening strain. Unlike other plastics, fluoroplast has minimal adhesion - adhesion, which allows you to conduct publication directly on the surface of the protective coating of the work. It is best to use fluoroplast grade 4-b (MRTU 6-05-810-71). It is easily processed with a knife, scalpel and a file. Some forms of small spatulas and glades are shown on the attached pattern, they are fixed in the collet pencil holders (see p. 125).

It is more difficult to manufacture the soles on the copper iron, used for thermal stroking in the adhesive method of strengthening Levekas. A small iron iron with fluoroplastic soles has minimal adhesion and retains heat for a long time. The sole must have a thickness of at least 10 mm, since it is more thin, it is drunk when heated. To attach it, in it and in the copper sole of the iron, holes are made in which fluoroplastic pins are inserted. The iron, made only from fluoroplastic, is good, it is good, but it is too lung, which requires great efforts when stroking.

A number of instruments and part of the inventory are described in chapters dedicated to individual restoration processes.

1 This chapter describes the workshop equipment for restoration works with the works of machine temperatures on the boards. Equipment of the workshop in easel oil painting is set out in the "Restoration of the works of easel oil painting" edited by I. P. Gorina and 3. V. Cherkasova (M., 1977, p. 38-42).

During the trip to St. Petersburg, organized by Coca-Cola, editorial board website It was possible to visit not only B, but also in the "Old Village" - the restoration and ceiling center of the Hermitage, which stores more than 1.2 million exhibits.

We offer you a runaway tour of the repository and the opportunity to look into other restoration workshops of the Hermitage.

(Just 30 photos)

1) When a storage is a class for blind and visually impaired children - "" past on the tips of the fingers "", in which children can learn more about archeology, independently "feel" past with special layouts. For example, in the photo is a layout of the real settlement of ancient Russia, recreated by archaeologists. All items, very textured, "speaking" for sensitive fingers of blind people.

3) Here, for example, a "couple" from the ancient Pskov and two curious bloggers.

4) During the restoration and ceiling center, the old village works many restoration workshops. Particularly impressed by the workshop on the restoration of the metal ...

5) In the middle of a small room there is a huge desktop, which is divided by partitions into three zones, thus three jobs are obtained for restorers.

6) That's it - the workplace of the restorer for metal.

8) Restoration of the ancient Balash.

9) Not only the weapon is restored, but also the metallic salaries of old books.

10) Restorer at work.

12) In the workshop of a lot of all high-tech equipment. Especially struck a compact device, which determines the exact composition of the alloy.

13) Chemistry in the service of restorers.

14) In the old village, even a banal alarm on the doors is unusually decorated.

16) as well as when - restorers of oil canvases are checked with reproductions of different eras, they make X-ray of pictorial layers and so on. Sometimes it even has to carry the work of art to another basis. And all because of the grinder bug - he can sob to eat the board, on which the medieval master wrote his picture.

17) After restoration workshops, we went to the stock itself. Say that it is huge, it's not to say anything. We walked on endless halls located on several floors, about two hours. It was a real museum marathon.

18) Medieval frescoes of Smolensk and Pskov - they were removed from the walls of the temples excavated by archaeologists.

19) Floor fragment from the Palace of Vasily III in Alexandrovskaya Sloboda.

20) Garuda Bird from a whole piece of mahogany. Dovned by the President of Indonesia in 2002.

21) in the hall of sculptures.

23) Double-Line Janus

24) There are modern works in the hall of sculptures ...

25) ... and classic ...

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