How easy it is to uproot the stumps. How to get rid of tree stumps in a garden without uprooting and uprooting

Site arrangement 16.06.2019
Site arrangement

It is not entirely correct to call cutting down a tree "deletion", because, in fact, cutting down a tree is only 50% of its deletion, since root system trees are half a tree hidden from our eyes. Nevertheless, it often happens that part of the root system must also be removed (the foundation will be laid in place of the tree, sewage, etc.) There are many ways how you can get rid of an interfering stump on your site, in this article we will discuss the main of them, their advantages and disadvantages on specific examples... In this article, we will try to consider the main methods used in practice in order to get rid of the root system of an old tree in our area.

This view work can be done by yourself or ordered from an organization engaged in the removal of stumps professionally. You can call our specialist free of charge to evaluate the work and consult.

Methods for removing (uprooting) tree stumps:

Mechanical lifting of stumps

  1. Removing the stump by hand is performed as follows: around the stump with a shovel and other auxiliary hand tool(scrap, pick) a certain amount of earth is taken out, sufficient to remove the stump. If a flower bed is planned to be broken down at the site of the stump, for example, then the depth of root removal may be insignificant,

    If, on the site of the stump, the construction of a building will be carried out, and in this place the foundation will be located, or underground utilities will pass, then the depth of removal must be increased depending on the technical conditions of the future object. After the roots are freed from the ground to a sufficient depth, they are chopped off with axes, followed by removing the root system from the ground, or

  2. Removing a tree stump with a manual or electric winch, in which after the procedures described above to free the root system from the ground, the winch cable is fixed to the remainder of the trunk and the stump is pulled out of the ground. Although this method of removing a stump requires special equipment, compared to purely manual, mechanical lifting is considered more acceptable, because the root is removed to a greater depth and you have to spend less time on the same amount of work
  3. Grubbing a stump with an excavator. This type of uprooting can be beneficial to people in the case when there are many stumps on one site, and large-scale construction and (or) landscape design is planned on the site itself (arrangement of lawns with underground systems irrigation, construction of artificial reservoirs, such as a pool or pond, etc.) In such cases, of course, it is advisable and economically justified, perhaps, uprooting stumps with an excavator.

    Our specialist can go to your facility for free and consult on determining the most economical way to remove the stump for you.

  4. Uprooting a tree by crushing (milling) In this method, special equipment is used: a stump grinder. This method has been used by our colleagues abroad for many years to remove tree stumps, both in private households of their clients, as well as in the communal sphere and in business. This professional equipment appeared on our market not so long ago. This method has its disadvantages and advantages. There is only one drawback - the price. Stump grinders are professional, powerful, imported equipment that costs more than one thousand dollars if you add the cost to it. Supplies and maintenance, it comes out at today's prices a very impressive amount. But this method also has a number of serious advantages, which are especially obvious when working with large stumps with a diameter of more than 60 cm.

    If a large stump is located in the immediate vicinity of buildings, underground utilities, other plants, the root system of which cannot be damaged, then such methods mechanical removal stumps, like lifting a stump with an excavator or with a winch, are not at all suitable. This threatens to damage nearby objects. In such cases, a stump grinder is an excellent option. With this method of removal, structures and communications are not damaged, removal is done quickly.

  5. Grubbing a stump by drilling. This method of uprooting is used mainly in industrial logging, large-scale clearing of forest areas for construction or agricultural work. This method requires a powerful industrial equipment... As a rule, these are mechanical-hydraulic units connected to tractors and powered by the tractor's hydraulic system, from the power take-off shaft, or both power systems are used at once. For example, I will give a video from the Internet on the operation of such devices:

  6. Chemical lifting of stumps

  7. Grubbing stumps with urea (urea) or ammonium or potassium nitrate. This method of removing roots was already known to our grandfathers. Its principle is as follows: in the cut of the stump using a drill with a thick drill, multiple vertical holes are made to a depth of 15-20 cm. The second option is without the use of a drill. With the help of a chainsaw, vertical cuts are made, the saw bar plunges vertically into the depth of the stump, while you should be very careful and careful, since when the toe of the tire is immersed, a so-called rebound often occurs, in which the saw is thrown up, such rebounds sometimes become the cause of inexperienced chainsaw operators neck and head injuries. Therefore, you should be extremely careful when cutting vertically.

    The essence of the process is the same as when drilling holes: create deep and capacious voids in the thickness of the stump. After that we need saltpeter. Usually in such cases it is used ammonia or potassium nitrate , which you can buy at your local gardening store for little money. But I'm proceeding from personal experience i recommend applying urea (urea), which, like saltpeter, is a mineral nitrogen fertilizer. If in ammonium nitrate the percentage of active substance (nitrogen) is 34.6%, then urea or, in other words, carbamide is the most concentrated ammonium fertilizer and contains 46% nitrogen, accordingly, it is almost a third more effective than ammonium nitrate for the purpose of chemical removal of stumps. As for the quantity: for a large stump with a diameter of 70-80cm. you need to take 1 kg of urea. Pour the urea into the holes prepared by us and gently pour water on top (100 ml per 1 kg of urea). Next important stage: sealing so that the rains do not wash the fertilizer into the ground, it is necessary to exclude rainfall on the stump. In the old Soviet literature, it is recommended to plug the holes with chops. I never did that. It is much easier and more economical in every sense to take 1 square meter thick polyethylene, wrap the stump tightly and tie it with twine on top or sprinkle the edges of the film with earth. Rooting out the stump with nitrate is a rather lengthy process, for a large stump (about 1 meter in diameter) it will take at least 1 year, but at the same time you will get a guaranteed and what may be the decisive factor - a cheap result. So, a year has passed and we have come to the final stage of grubbing with saltpeter. We spread some firewood on the stump and light a fire. Per last year in the thickness of the stump, the processes associated with the penetration of the urea solution into the roots of our stump took place. The combustion of wood impregnated with nitrate or carbamide (urea) is quite violent, since the saltpeter itself gives off oxygen, then combustion goes deep into the earth to a great depth (up to two meters). After everything burns out, you will see an amazing picture: in place of the stump there will be a hole that completely repeats the contours of the root system, with tunnels diverging into different sides... The second option for ending chemical uprooting does not provide for burning out. The structure of the wood under the influence of chemicals is broken, turns into dust, using a crowbar and a shovel, you can easily destroy the top part of the stump and go deeper to the required depth. After that, in place of the removed stump, you can, for example, break a flower bed, pouring fertile soil on top. The remnants of the root system (soaked in nitrate) in this case will serve as an additional fertilizer for the plants in the flowerbed.
  8. Grubbing tree stumps using herbicides "arboricide", "ruandap" and others There is such a method for removing trees, but I will say frankly, we have never used it in our practice. Since, firstly, if we talk about poisoning a whole tree, then it makes no sense to poison the soil, wood, yourself, in order to get a dry tree at the exit, which can be removed either entirely (if the site allows) or from an aerial platform (which in urban conditions development happens much more often) since a healthy arborist (tree climber) will categorically not climb onto a dry trunk, life and health are more expensive than money. That's why easier tree remove without using chemicals. And if we talk about the uprooting of the stump of a freshly sawn tree, then again the effectiveness of these herbicides in the process of accelerated destruction of wood has not been studied (in any case, such information is not available to us to this day) Therefore, we do not recommend the method of uprooting a stump with herbicides to anyone, just like and the last chemical method of uprooting:
  9. Rooting up the stump with salt- this is another "folk" way, which is often poisoned innocent neighbors trees growing on the border. Usually, the root circle is watered several times with a concentrated saline solution, after which the tree begins to ache, and subsequently dies due to metabolic disturbances caused by the off-scale content table salt in the ground. In this method, we, as well as in the previous one, see some disadvantages. This is soil poisoning, and mockery of a living tree, and again, in the end we get a dry emergency tree, which is always more difficult to work with. The effect of table salt on the decomposition rate of stump wood, as in the case of herbicides, has not been sufficiently studied; in the available specialized literature and on the Internet, there is no such information, as in the case of herbicides

Well, if the stump does not interfere at all, then on a large stump you can break a wonderful flower bed, which will delight your eye from spring to autumn.

Summarizing this article, let's say that the choice of the method for removing the stump is an individual matter and the choice should be approached responsibly, since in conditions of dense buildings and green spaces, the wrong choice of removing the stump may have Negative consequences... If you need to carry out work on the removal of a stump in Kharkov, then we can help you with the right choice method, as well as evaluate this work and make it. Choose Best offer, order a free visit of our specialist, listen to the recommendations, the price, and then without losing anything, you can find out the prices and methods of removing stumps in other organizations and do the best choice... When choosing an organization dealing with tree care, be sure to take an interest in experience, ask to see finished works, compare prices.

From time to time, each owner of a summer cottage or a personal plot, when updating a garden or developing new areas of land for processing, is faced with the question of how to uproot a stump, preferably without undue effort. Some gardeners entrust the uprooting of trees on their site to specialists who have the necessary equipment and special tools, and some, knowing how to uproot stumps by hand, prefer to get rid of the remains of trees on their own. In this article, we will tell you a few good ways, how to uproot a stump, and find out which method of removal will be the most optimal for a particular area.

Uprooting stumps, preparatory work

Methods for uprooting stumps are divided into mechanical and chemical, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, but they have one thing in common - the need for preliminary preparatory work, which will speed up the process of removing the stump.

To facilitate uprooting, you need to slightly moisten the soil around the stump and dig in the stump with a bayonet shovel along its entire circumference, starting from its base to a depth of at least 30 cm, exposing all the roots of the tree being removed. As the hole deepens, you need to gradually expand its diameter. It should be noted that the roots grow in breadth approximately to the width of the crown of the tree, therefore, the dug-in near-trunk circle should repeat the projection of the crown, while the diameter of the excavation can be 1.5-2 m.

Important! Cherry roots and plums grow on great distance from the trunk and go quite far beyond the diameter of the crown - this should be taken into account when removing their stumps.

It is possible to expose the roots of a tree by the pressure of water from a hose, after having built grooves for water drainage, while the inter-root soil will be washed out. The exposed powerful lateral roots must be cut off with a chainsaw or chopped off, stepping back about 40 cm from the trunk of the stump.

Removing stumps by mechanical means

Most fast way removal of stumps is mechanical, while it is possible to uproot it with a tractor, a crushing machine or with your own hand using improvised means.

Using a stump removal technique, how to remove a tree stump with a tractor

The use of a stump removal technique makes this laborious and time-consuming process easier and faster. Unnecessary stumps are promptly removed with a tractor or bulldozer equipped with a special root removal nozzle. This method is indispensable when clearing a site from several stumps, uprooting an old garden or forest plantations of trees before planning the development of the territory and starting construction works.

The main condition for the implementation of this method of removing stumps is the access to their location and the presence free space to operate and turn this bulky technique. The stump is tied with a rope and pulled out of the ground.

It should be noted that the removal of large and powerful stumps requires the work of a high-powered crawler tractor, which will destroy upper layer the soil and the beds and lawns on it landscape design.

How to uproot a tree stump with a crushing machine

You can uproot the stumps with a crushing machine, which has a small size, similar to the size of a garden wheelbarrow. Such a device can easily move around the garden plot and can be easily transferred manually to any tree. It can be used to remove single stumps among growing trees in densely planted garden and summer cottages with little space for maneuvering large equipment.

Such a stump lifter mills and crushes the stump wood to a root depth of 25-30 cm. facilitating the work of mechanical hemp gnawing.

The crushing machine will grind the stump wood by milling to the size of sawdust, after which the hole can be covered with earth and the site can be used for its intended purpose.

Important! It is better to uproot stumps in winter period: the wood is saturated with moisture, which in cold weather will destroy it from the inside, which will greatly facilitate felling and sawing.

Uprooting stumps with your own hands, how to remove the remains of a tree with your own hands

Since the cost of the services of a tractor and a crushing machine is quite high, and the ability to drive a tractor or other large-sized earth-moving machine is not available at every dacha, the gardener often has to remove stumps on the site with his own hands.

Small stumps, the diameter of which is less than 20 cm, are removed by means of a metal lever or a pole after preliminary preparatory work for exposing and chopping off the retaining roots of the tree.

A long crowbar is slipped under the bottom of the stump and works like a lever, pulling out the remains of the tree from the ground or tipping the stump to one side, followed by the final extraction of the rhizome. After such uprooting, the extracted stump is suitable as firewood for heating.

Removing stumps using chemistry

In some cases, chemical methods cannot be dispensed with, if the question is how to remove the stump without uprooting it from the site, but this will not be done quickly.

One of the most popular ways to kill a tree stump without rooting out is to use potassium nitrate. Before removing the stump from your site using nitrate, you should prepare - cut the top of the stump as low as possible to the soil level and drill several holes in it 5-6 cm in diameter and about 30-35 cm deep.

Approximate quantity drilled holes calculated on the basis of a simple calculation: for every 10 cm of the diameter of the tree, one hole is needed. Then, potassium nitrate is tamped into each drilled groove and poured to the brim with water, after which the entire stump should be covered with dense polyethylene, fixed and left such a shelter for the remains of the tree until spring.

Potassium nitrate, dissolved in water, is well absorbed into the wood, and in the spring, after removing the shelter, there will be a dried stump with saltpeter in the tissues on the site. And now the final stage in solving the problem, how to remove the stump without uprooting it, is to pour a little gasoline into the holes and set it on fire. After the stump finally burns out, the earth around its place of growth is dug up and used for its intended purpose.

Before you burn out the stump, you must follow all the rules. fire safety and in no case should this method be used on peatlands, as it is fraught with extensive fires that are difficult to extinguish.

Another way to remove a stump without uprooting with the help of chemistry is to use ammonium nitrate to destroy the stumps.

Ammonium nitrate or urea is introduced into the stump wood in the same way as the potassium nitrate application technology described earlier.

The stump treated with urea is covered with polyethylene or covered with earth. Ammonium nitrate by its action will gradually decompose the wood, and after two years the stump will be destroyed without the need to set fire or uproot.

Most fun way: how to remove a tree stump using mushrooms

As biological agent mushrooms are sometimes used to kill stumps and roots. This unusual and interesting way easy to use and will provide the gardener's family with fresh domestic mushrooms.

To remove the stump from the site with the help of mushrooms, you need to drill holes around the perimeter of the rest of the tree, fill them with oyster mushroom mycelium or honey agarics. Over time, mushrooms will begin to grow over the entire surface of the stump, will destroy the wood to ensure their vital functions, thereby decomposing the stump and its roots.

Did you know? Pine stump is the most difficult to remove, since its thick taproot lies at a depth of 6 meters.

The advantages and disadvantages of each method, how to choose the best method for uprooting stumps

Each of the described methods of destroying an unnecessary stump in the country or personal plot has its advantages and disadvantages that distinguish it from other methods. Consider all the positive and negative aspects of using one or another method of stump removal that a person planning to remove a stump from their territory should know.

Uprooting a stump with a tractor


  • suitable for a large number of stumps in an open area of ​​the site;
  • the method allows you to get rid of an outdated non-fertile garden with one call of special equipment, which allows you to reduce the cost of removing each stump;
  • new trees can be planted in holes freed from stumps.


  • a bulky tractor can destroy the landscaped area and decorative elements;
  • a powerful tractor abruptly pulls the stump out of the ground, and the roots of other trees growing nearby may suffer;
  • high cost of removing one stump;
  • the uprooted stump will leave a large pit, which will need to be covered with earth and leveled.

Uprooting a stump with a crushing machine


  • fast and accurate process, the use of which will not violate the integrity and appearance of the site and its landscape design;
  • the equipment is delivered to the remains of the tree without any problems;
  • the crushing machine allows you to adjust the required parameters of the depth and diameter of milling and crushing wood and control them during work;
  • as a result of uprooting with a crusher, only chips will remain from the stump, which can simply be dug up along with the ground on the site.

It should be noted that every owner of a summer cottage at one time comes to clear his site of stumps. This task comes to light whenever you need to uproot trees. Besides, important point here is the choice correct method such an important process as uprooting stumps, which makes it possible to solve the problem as soon as possible and at the same time save a lot of time and money.

Grubbing stumps

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You, of course, have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, in the alley, and possibly on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have at least once tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about an innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

When the need for uprooting arises, many summer residents try to find workers to dig up stumps with the root system of trees. This seems to be the correct way. If there is an unsolved problem, then it must be solved. But what if you have a lot of stumps in your garden for uprooting? Taking into account your particular situation, you can choose the most suitable way this way you can save money. Since uprooting is not very cheap.

Mechanized ways to remove stumps

In order to solve this problem, you can use different special equipment or a hand-held chainsaw. This method can be used, but you need to take into account that it is more expensive in comparison with other methods. Because you need to rent an excavator or a forestry cutter.

Consider several common mechanical methods for removing stumps:

  1. Removing stumps with a chainsaw. This is the most easy way removal of stumps and therefore more economical. With the help of a chainsaw, you yourself can carry out this work... And during the removal of trees, the stumps can be cut by the sawers. Basically, they do the work for free. Although not everyone can use this removal method, in particular, if they want to arrange beds on the stump site.
  2. Grubbing stumps with excavators and bulldozers. In addition, for these purposes, you can attract vehicle, which has a manipulator or truck crane. If you want to use this method, then you need to adjust the technique to the place where the stump is located. In addition, it should be borne in mind that this self-propelled technique is very damaging to the top layer of the soil. For example, a lawn near twisted stumps will be completely destroyed with this method.
  3. Using a stump grinder. This is another effective mechanized stump removal option. It works by milling the stumps. In addition, the stump seems to need to be shaved off and turned into sawdust. It's pretty good method lifting, has a number of significant advantages: the damage from the use of such a shredder is minimal. That being said, you can keep the lawn near the stump.

Manual method of uprooting a stump

Grubbing the stump is also possible manually, using an ordinary shovel or ax for such work. Thus, you can remove the stump, but the process is long and painstaking. Although you don't have to pay extra money to rent equipment or pay workers.

Consider how to manually remove stumps in the country at no cost and on your own:

Rooting by eroding soil near stumps

It can be used on soils that are slightly loamy or sandy. Such soil can be easily washed away with a slight pressure of water. And the second point - if there is a local water supply with the right pressure liquids. About half a meter from the stump, you need to dig a hole, the volume of which is about half a cube. Then, using a stream of water, we wash out the soil near the stump. The water flows into the dug hole. Then, the roots of the stumps need to be freed from the soil, the thickest ones will need to be chopped or sawed with a hacksaw, and it can simply be removed from the soil.

Mechanical method of removing stumps

We start by exploring the area around the stump at a distance of about 48 centimeters. In addition, we determine the location of the thick skeletal process of the root system of the stump. This is done using a large probe, which is about 45 centimeters long, by piercing the soil around the writhing stump.

Manual removal of stumps

After finding the thickest roots, they need to be dug out with a shovel at the same distance, about 45 centimeters, and the depth should be about 18 centimeters. Then they need to be sawed with a hacksaw, because the ax is very inconvenient to use.

Then, we dig in the entire territory around the perimeter around the stump and pull it out of the ground using a winch. It should be noted here that during this process, there is a load on the cable with a mass of about several tons.

In order to chop off small stumps encountered during digging, it is better to use tools: thick reinforcement must be welded to the butt of the ax. With such an ax, it is much easier to work while lifting the stump.

Use of chemical reagents

Today, quite often they use chemically removing stumps. For this, special chemical reagents are used. But this method has both its undeniable advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages, it is worth noting the cheapness of the work carried out. Chemical uprooting of plants will not damage trees, buildings, decorative planting, lawns that are located nearby. This method is of better quality. Among the disadvantages of this method, it should be noted long time for uprooting stumps - about two years. In addition, the soil near the uprooting site begins to become infected with this chemical, and after some time the location of the removed stumps becomes unsuitable for planting.

Consider several ways to remove stumps using chemical reagents:

Rooting with saltpeter

This method is the most common. The method consists in adding more saltpeter to the stump, and after a year a fire is made on it. As everyone knows, this reagent is capable of releasing oxygen during heating. It is for this reason that the stump with the root system burns out.

Removing a tree stump with a chainsaw

Using chemicals to remove stumps

Another method that allows you to remove the stump and its root system is the use of substances that cause the rapid decomposition of the tree. Under the influence of these chemicals, the stump with the root system simply becomes dust throughout the year. As a result, you will be able to pull it out with a shovel.

This result can be achieved by using simple urea, which is a good nitrogen fertilizer. This substance efficiently decomposes in wood soaked in it. The method itself looks the same as when burning a stump: holes need to be drilled in it, ammonium nitrate is put in the holes, poured with water, then the stump will need to be wrapped in cellophane for about a year. Or you can just fall asleep with garden soil and use this site for arranging flower beds or something else. In a few years, nothing will remain of the stump, and on the vacated territory there will be a flat area with grass and flowers.

After removing the trees on summer cottage there are always stumps that not only spoil the aesthetics of the landscape, but also often interfere with further processing land. There are several ways to root them out, and today we will look at each of them.

The stump remaining after removing the old tree can only at first look interesting on the site, be used as a table or some kind of decoration, but after a few years it becomes a real hotbed of harmful organisms that quickly spread throughout the site. And, it is not only bark beetles and a lot of other insects, but also fungi and rot, which, by migration through the soil, can easily and quickly enough get to healthy plants. Do not forget that the old stump remains alive for some time, and therefore, you will not have to expect a lot of green growth rapidly developing nearby. There is only one way out - to eliminate such plant residues.

There are several ways to remove stumps from the site. and, most often, to apply them, you will have to use the help of professionals with the necessary equipment and knowledge. But you can cope with the work yourself. It is about the methods of removing stumps, their advantages and disadvantages that we suggest you read in our current article.

With a tractor

But certain conditions must be met. First, the object must be prepared for uprooting, and there must be a free access to it. Secondly, working with a tractor does not allow the presence of strangers nearby, since it is quite difficult and dangerous process... And thirdly, the procedure occurs only using professional equipment, which is provided with everything necessary for removing hemp, as well as special protection.

Advantages of the working method

This method is good in several ways, and a little more about them now:

  • A fast enough process by which you can uproot many stumps in large, open areas;
  • The pits and even small pits remaining after the removal of old stumps can be used for their intended purpose, for example, for planting large-sized trees;
  • A fairly economical method if the customer needs to get rid of a large number of stumps, for example, from an old summer cottage garden.

Disadvantages ways

Be sure to consider the disadvantages of the method before you choose it:

  • Uprooting with a tractor will be inappropriate for well-groomed areas where landscape design is developed. The tractor will easily ruin expensive paths, push through the irrigation and heating systems of the site, harm the plants and the lawn;
  • Heavy equipment is often very clumsy, and therefore damage can be done not only to plants and landscape elements. Inexperienced use of such a technique can greatly affect the general exterior of the country allotment;
  • This method is considered unprofitable when one or even several stumps are removed, the costs per unit are very high for such quantities;
  • After uprooting, a large pit remains, which will need to be leveled, and this is an additional cost;
  • The tractor pulls the stump out of the ground with great force and, if its root system is confused with the roots of other trees or shrubs, irreparable damage can be caused to them.

Crusher lifting

To eliminate stumps, other special equipment can be used that provides high-quality uprooting - this is milling and crushing.

Crushing Benefits

  • Sufficiently high speed of work;
  • Elementary delivery necessary equipment to any site;
  • A neat enough method, especially for landscape design, that will not be affected in any way by removing a stump of any size;
  • Manual adjustment of all levels of work - the diameter of the recess, its depth and other parameters. All processes are strictly controlled and regulated by the operator;
  • A stump crusher can almost effortlessly "erase" an objectionable object from the face of your site, that is, bury its remains under the ground.

Disadvantages of the method

  • The crusher cannot go deeper to remove the remains of the stump by more than 30 cm, and this is a very shallow depth, because the remnants of wood can interfere if at this place it is planned to pour the foundation for the construction or planting large-sized trees;
  • This method is also ineffective when working in contaminated areas, for example, immediately after construction work. Any piece of reinforcement, bolt or nut, stone or other solid debris can break expensive equipment knives, and the customer also pays for this.

What technique is used for uprooting stumps (video)

Use of chemicals

For a long time special chemistry helps us in growing plants, but it can also help with their removal, if the time has come. Initially, we will consider some of the advantages and disadvantages of using chemicals for such a process, and then we will find out how it happens.

Method advantages

  • A fairly inexpensive way that may not even require the involvement of professionals. It all depends on the amount of work and the chemicals used;
  • The work is carried out without any damage to the surrounding landscape elements and plants, which is very good. Naturally, if you overdo it with chemistry, then it can cause some harm, but we think this is unlikely to happen;
  • With the help of chemistry, you can remove not only the aerial part of the stump, but its entirety, so you will not be bothered by the roots under the paths on the site, as well as young shoots trying to return to life.

Disadvantages of the method

  • The length of the process is one of the most important drawbacks. In fact, it can take up to three years before the stump is destroyed and the owners of the site completely forget about it;
  • With the use of chemistry, not only plant residues are burned out, but also the soil in a given place, which for a certain period becomes generally unsuitable for growing any vegetation.

What to use to remove stumps?

There are many chemical elements and compounds that differ in price, quality, impact on environment and a person. You should approach the issue very correctly and take into account absolutely all the nuances in order to remove only the old stump from the site, and not damage the skin and mucous membranes and completely kill the soil for several years.

Before using any chemical preparation make sure it is safe for humans, and also make sure that it does not irrevocably spoil the fertility of the soil.

Stump Removal Chemicals

  • Sodium nitrate or potassium nitrate... The method using these chemicals is very simple and does not take much time. Initially, it is required to add more saltpeter into the stump itself, for example, into a hollow or specially made holes. The next year, the stump must be burned out, precisely set on fire and wait until the stump burns out due to chemical reaction and fire. It is quite profitable and effective method, since it even burns out underground part... But, it is necessary to follow some rules when using saltpeter. First, so that the wood is well impregnated chemical, it must be filled in a large number of holes, and even wet. Further, the stump is well wrapped so that the rains and winter snows do not wash out the substance. The process itself is carried out at the end of summer or even in winter. The next year, the stump is set on fire and burns out, but the most important thing is that the process can be carried out only if the soils are not peaty, since they quite simply ignite from such actions, and it is not easy to extinguish them;
  • Ammonium nitrate, urea... This chemical is used in almost the same way as saltpeter in the previous method, with only one difference that greatly simplifies everything - setting fire to the stump next year and not having to worry about fires. Saltpeter affects the acceleration of the decomposition of wood and, after holes are made in the stump and wet saltpeter is embedded in them, it can be wrapped or even buried in earth, and after a couple of years anything you want to plant in this place, since the rest of the tree itself will disappear by itself.

Removing stumps with mushrooms

Here we will keep within just a few paragraphs, since this method is simple and interesting, but it is rarely used.

An old tree stump can be populated with mycelium edible mushrooms, which will spread over the stump, developing into a real colony. As a result of vital activity, the mushrooms will decompose, that is, completely destroy the wood, and you will get your own mushrooms for cooking delicious and aromatic dishes.

This method is long and may take several years. Also, it is dangerous for other trees in the garden and small architectural forms, which means that you should be very careful when using it.

How to uproot hemp with a winch (video)

Do-it-yourself uprooting

So we come to the most important way for us, since on own site we are used to doing everything with our own hands. You can also uproot stumps yourself, but this method is also not the best, and therefore, we will consider separately its advantages and disadvantages.

Method advantages

  • Removing stumps manually is carried out in absolutely any place of your site, which is very good, because not all objects can be approached with a crusher and, moreover, on a tractor;
  • With a skillful approach, manually uprooting stumps is a fairly effective method, since not only the outer part, but also the absolute maximum of the root system can be removed from the soil;
  • After freeing a plot of land from the stump the next year, it is ready for cultivation.

Disadvantages of the method

  • First of all, it is really hard, and sometimes even hellish physical work;
  • This method cannot be applied in winter, since its effectiveness is completely lost due to the significant complication of work - snow, frozen soil, mud, and so on;
  • The cost of such uprooting from companies is now almost impossible, and if so, it will cost you a fortune, especially if the tree was tall and old, and had a serious root system.

Manual lifting of stumps is used everywhere, and every experienced summer resident has come across it repeatedly. It happens in about the same way in any region of our country, and in the whole world as a whole.

For work you will need scrap, shovels, axes, hammers, levers, possibly winches, as well, cutting tool and, of course, gloves and plastic glasses for your own protection.

The stump is dug from all sides to a certain depth, more often by a couple of tens of centimeters. Further, its main roots are separated from the rest of the trunk and, with the help of levers or hefty force of the participants in the process, the stump is removed from the soil.

How to remove stumps on the site (video)

Often, in order to save time, effort, and money, a mixed method of removing stumps from the ground is also used.... An example would be a manual method with digging and supplementing it with chemical burning. Also, the stumps are undermined and, with the help of a distant tractor or truck that cannot enter the site, as well as ropes or chains, the stump is pulled out of the ground in parts. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the material about.

As you can see, our people can always figure out how to do this or that work in several ways, and if we talk about old stumps, then we gave them to you. It is up to you to decide which way to use for your own good and the good of the site, and we just have to wish you success and high-quality results !!!

Is to try to leave it in place. It can be written in overall design garden plot - for this, the stump can be arranged in the form garden table, flower garden or mycelium. But this method can be used only in very rare cases. Most often, it must be uprooted in some way in order to be removed from the site.

How can you uproot a tree stump

There are many ways to get rid of a stump - they can be chemical or mechanical. Chemical methods can be described as less laborious - but they will require more time and patience. The purpose of such methods is mainly to decompose the stump to a state of dust. Mechanical methods require more effort.

The ground near the stump is carefully spilled with water. When it becomes softer, you need to try to determine where the especially thick roots are located. To do this, a strong metal pin is tied to a stick and pierced the soggy ground around the stump with it - this is reconnaissance.

When the location of the roots is approximately known, between them it is necessary to select the earth with a small spatula. Digging the ground without intelligence is simply unproductive. Pits should be dug to a depth of approximately 10-20 cm lower than the roots. They should be cleared of earth as much as possible.

What tools can you use

Do not try to chop the roots with a shovel - the result will most likely be wasted time and a damaged tool. There is no need to fuss while uprooting. Carefully roll the soil from the roots into the holes dug around them. The roots are now fully exposed - they can be cut with a hacksaw. An ax should not be used here - the roots are usually elastic and difficult to cut.

The stump can now be simply sideways, find the central root going deeper and saw through or chop it down. The easiest way to tilt the stump is obtained using a winch or a lever. When all the roots have been chopped off, nothing keeps the stump in place - it is dragged aside, and the resulting hole is covered with earth.

The use of levers, winches, jacks when grubbing stumps is not always justified. The stumps of thin or young trees lend themselves best to their action.

If several stumps are to be uprooted, a special tool can be made to conveniently cut through the roots. Simple shovels dull instantly, and swinging an ax in this position is inconvenient. An ice pick is best suited - it is like, on the butt of which a handle is welded. Such a tool is designed to break ice on sidewalks, but roots with such a tool can be cut quite effectively even though they are in an uncomfortable position for this.

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