Apartments with an attic: advantages, disadvantages and best deals. Projects of houses with attic: pros and cons

Encyclopedia plants 12.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Now again has become a fashion life in the attic. Once it was a "privilege" of Bohemia. Poor artists and poets lacked money for normal housing, and had to withdraw apartments and rooms under the roof itself. Today, people choose housing in mansard and attic rooms by different reasons. What should be aware of those who think about this version?

Mansards can be attracted primarily creative people. In to live under the roof itself, they see something romantic. Often, attic surrenders under workshops. Another category is people who cannot afford a normal apartment or want to expand already existing living space.

As a rule, in modern apartment buildings, attic rooms are already exploited, most often - in utilization purposes. There, as in the basements, engineering communications can be installed. If you are not able to build or remove the mansion with an attic or a two-level apartment, it remains only one thing - to draw a look at the house of the old building.

If you live in an old house, you will be much easier for you to purchase or rent a attic or the attic, and it will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than a regular apartment. True, it will have to receive resolution on redevelopment and long coordinate the project with the authorities. By the way, to combine the attic or attic with the floor below apartment house By law is prohibited. In addition, the attic in such a house is still not initially a residential premises, and it can limit the possibilities for its restructuring.

Life in the attic certainly has its advantages. These are magnificent views of the height, the opportunity to walk on the roof (and in the summer and sunbathing). If the roof of your home is common, you can arrange a platform for games on it. At the end of the roof will make the design of your housing original and create a scope for fantasy. You can still arrange a fireplace - not decorative or electric, but the most real, with a pipe and hood, which needs to be firing. True, it's difficult and expensive. By installing partitions, you can make several rooms from one room and even a whole apartment with a living room, kitchen and bedroom.

And now about minuses.Mansards and attics most often do not hear. Therefore, you need to consider the heating system. It is unlikely to save you in the winter cold, besides, electricity is still needed: even the outlet may not be in the attic. The same with other communications. After all, you will need a water supply, sewage, and you will need to cook! Finally, you will need to think about ventilation. In the old days, when attic was just part of the use, most of these problems did not stand, because there were no electricity, no water pipes, and instead of the restroom, night pots were used. The same representatives of Bohemia were most often in low-cost cafes, which were abundant on the same Paris.

If you enjoy general staircaseleading to the attic, it may be too cool and unsuitable for the usual lift. We have in the house, for example, on the attic you can climb only with the help of anxulated staircase, and it is unsafe ... So you have to install a special staircase with railing on the site or climb into your abodium in other ways (let's say, outside the house on the fire stairs). Only a person in good physical formAnd you will create great inconveniences for your visitors.

The attic windows can skip little light, therefore you will have to get acquainted to break through normal windows. And this is extra troubles and costs. If there is an elevator in the house, then its motor can be located just on the last floor, and you will constantly suffer from noise. By doing the same room insulated, you can receive claims from various services, including fire safety.

At the same time, do not forget that the roofs often flow, especially in the spring, when snow melts, and in the fall, after heavy rains.

Before removing or buying housing in the attic, it is necessary to think about everything well and weigh. First answer the question whether you are going to live in the attic, or it needs you for some other purposes. If you are not going to live in the attic constantly, then perhaps you will bypass without radical restructuring and some communications. For example, you can not do in the attic or bathroom. If you plan to live there, be prepared for a significant investment.

Maybe, optimal option It will move to the attic, which has previously served as a housing or at least operated under or workshop. Most likely, the cost of the already equipped premises will be higher, but the arrangement "from scratch" will eventually cost more.

Apartment with an attic - this perfect option For the most romantic, stylish and independent buyers. Such a format of the apartment is perfect for families in which small fantasies and dreamers grow, which have grown romantics, which attracts life under the roof itself, as well as just people with a good taste.

"M16-Real Estate" tells readers about the benefits of life in an apartment with an attic, about what kind of housing is there are deficiencies, and also gives several advice on optimal design from our designers. At the end of the article Traditional bonus: the best apartments With an attic in St. Petersburg.

It is necessary to know

Let's start with what is such a housing. Mansard is a room on the last floor of the building, where the roof of the house forms walls and ceiling of the residential room or apartment. In fact, this is a attic, so the ceiling is under the tilt.

Such rooms are found in houses with a roof of an attic type. It is a sloping roof with a skate design that is formed from two parts: the first part is the top - common, while the bottom is sharper. Thanks to this form, the attic room is obtained more spacious, roomy and therefore suitable for accommodation.

Mansard is a feature of the roof design

Historical reference

Delicious accommodation in the world presented the French architect Francois Mansar. This happened in the middle of the XVII century. It was the Frenchman who put in the fashion house with mansard roofsThat at that time we wore the name of the architect and called "Mansarov".

IN early XIX. Century Life in the attic chose predominantly representatives of Bohemia - artists, musicians and artists. The fact is that the temporary era was accompanied by the patient industrialization and urbanization, and the arts of art earned small money, and often they were inexpensive inexpensive indoor premises.

Dumpier Palace in France with mansard roofs, built in the XVII century | Photo - Lionel Alorge (

In addition, this format made it possible to equip a separate art studio in the apartment, and the starry sky, which was coming out of the mensard windows, inspired people of art for creativity.

Recently, mansard housing is in fashion again, but now such a format of the apartment for pocket is far from everyone. To date, it is believed that apartments with attic choose people with a good fantasy, representatives of the bohemian world and just romance.

Pros and cons of apartments in houses with an attic

Enthusiastic gilts reviews of such apartments do not leave doubts: attic is a stunning option that will give you your little oasis! And even small problems with which life is associated in such housing, do not spoil positive emotions.

The original housing format, which is well suited to young creative people;

Excellent insolation and energy efficiency: thanks to the inclination and special designs mansard windows In the apartment penetrates maximum amount Heat and light, it often saves up to 10% on the use of electricity;

Location in the city center: Buy an apartment in the attic in St. Petersburg is possible mainly in the houses of the Old Fund, and we are not talking about "Khrushchev", but about historical development, which is concentrated in the central part of the city. If we talk about the primary housing market, then in the city the city, very few new buildings boast the attic floor, and those that can also be in the center;

Panoramic view from the windows to the main attractions of the city;

The exit to the roof: it is not found in all cases, but nevertheless most attic apartments allow you to rest on the roof, equip the terraces or gardens;

Many believe that the main advantage of the attic is the ability to equip a real wood fireplace, however, it is quite expensive and time-consuming.

Photo of a chamber attic in the apartment

Underwater rocks:

- Difficulties with furniture: Ski, corners and inclined walls are quite difficult to furnish, from the bulky furniture will have to refuse;

- Low angular ceilings: not always, but often on the attic floors the ceilings are lower than in similar apartments under the attic. In addition, under the ceiling is formed sharp corner At the junction of two walls. This is not only inconvenient in terms of free space, but also, psychologists warn, may be depressing to act on the psychological state of residents;

- Horregious: It was earlier than the attic served as a shelter for poor artists, today not all can afford such an apartment. Immediately, the previously mentioned Plus comes sideways: in a residential area to buy an apartment with an attic one due to the fact that they are simply not there, and in the historic part of the city, where such options are concentrated, the price tags can bite. As a result, "How much does it cost?" You can give an unequivocal answer - expensive;

- When the weather conditions are unfavorable, there is a risk to face unpleasant surprises. The smallest of them will become the fact that the snow boiled windows and little light penetrates into the apartment. Much worse, if it turns out that the attic is not insulated as it should, which means it is very cold in the apartment. However, the roof will be the current misfortune, since in this case all the coating will have to be changed at its own expense.

Designers "M16" are divided by secrets, how to equip the attic.

1. Beams. The device beams under the Ceiling of the attic carries a very important function: they smooth the upper corner and visually create the effect of a traditional ceiling. At the same time, they do not lose the interior of the room due to the space between the structures. Moreover, dark color Baok on the background of light walls of the room will be a bright and interesting element of the interior.

2. Bright hues.From a dark palette for ceilings and walls will have to refuse: non-standard form Mansard admits only light walls. Dark tones will be visually significantly reduced space.

3. The second floor is open.If the ceilings height allows you to use free space For all 100: In high attic it is possible to attach the second floor under a separate bedroom, while the second light is created, which visually increases the space and simply meets the latest trends in the interior.

Photo successful interior For attacks-attic

Mansard Apartments in St. Petersburg: Best Deals from M16-Real Estate

We have prepared for you an overview of proposals, which cannot be passed! Best options For someone who has long been dreaming to live in an apartment with an attic.

Studio 35.6 m2 on mansard floor modern house, Mozhayskaya ul., 24

Stylish and atmospheric apartment on the 8th floor of a modern house, stylized under classical Petersburg architecture. Awesome location: from the windows and from the balcony, the Panoramas of the "Old" St. Petersburg will open, the Dome of the Trinity Cathedral, the famous city roofs.

The apartment has a designer renovation, which provided an apartment good zoning and a cozy appearance.

3-bedroom apartment 94 m2 in the former workshop of the artist Pavlovsky on the big coin, 10

Gorgeous in every sense of the apartment! The amazing story of this place as if it comes to life under high ceilings, and panoramic windows with a view of the classical St. Petersburg complement the effect.

The apartment has a large living room with a dining area, a kitchen with big island, Children's, Bedroom, Spacious bathroom and room for household needs. Special attention deserves a design that has already appreciated the magazine The Village, as well as furniture from the rosewood and teak.

4-bedroom apartment 224.5 m2 with stunning views of the Neva, nab. Lieutenant Schmidt, 33

Unique in its options a two-level apartment on the Neva Embankment in a historic building previously belonging to the prince Golitsyn. Second level - mansard. The apartment has two large bedrooms (31.5 m2 and 51.4 m2), a huge living room (51.1 m2) and a large kitchen-dining room (28.8 m2).

Delightful panorama of the Neva Water area and the view of the dome of the optical desert from the windows. The apartment has chic repairs with unique materials - rare rocks, marble and granite. Another highlight is an active fireplace of white marble.

Duplex penthouse S. designer interior 280 m2 on nab. Admiralty Canal, 29

Stunning penthouse with a unique interior design by individual project famous St. Petersburg designer Svetozara Andreeva. At first level there is a large kitchen-seating area, a dressing room and a bathroom. The second level occupy 2 cozy bedrooms With bathrooms, as well as a large dressing room. There is a lot of way out. open terracewhere the full-fledged barbecue area is equipped.

Penthouse is located in a historic building in the heart of the Admiralty District. From the windows and the terrace opens a dizzying view of the panorama of the city.

6 bedroom apartment 326 m2 with three levels in Pushkin

Luxurious option for the most demanding aesthetes: brick house In the palace style two minutes walk from the Ekaterininsky Park and Palace. Maximum thoughtful I. convenient layout: 4 bedrooms with bathrooms and dressing rooms (by the number of bedrooms), a cozy living room with a fireplace and a second light, a kitchen. The smart home system makes life in the apartment even more comfortable. Third level - mansard.

On the social floor There is a built-in garage, a steam room and a jacuzzi. Reliable, high-quality and expensive finishing of 2011.

Apartment with stunning species features on Petrovsky island. The attic floor is designed, agreed and fully ready for implementation, currently floor in long-term lease.

In the apartment 5. residential rooms, several bathrooms and dressing rooms, large dining room, office and shopping room. A stylish and high-quality renovation has been completed, the system " Smart House", Built-in vacuum cleaner and much more. In the living room - the acting fireplace.

2-level apartment 230 m2 with a valid fireplace and terrace on the Kamenneostrovsky Ave., 25

The apartment in which is uniquely all: parquet floor of rare wood species, a valid fireplace, a large glazed terrace that performs functions winter Garden. Second level - mansard. The apartment has 3 spacious bedrooms, a large living room, a kitchen with a dining area, two bathrooms and a sauna.

The house itself is unique: the building itself is the middle of the 20th century, built specifically for professors and other representatives of the Soviet intelligentsia. A homogeneous residential environment is preserved here from the decent members of society.

Dream to buy an apartment with an attic in St. Petersburg? In "M16-Real Estate" you will be able to pick up the perfect option! We will help you find an apartment, properly carry out a deal and collect documents for the mortgage.

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When buying an apartment-attic can be significantly saved - up to 30% of the cost of apartments located below. However, as you know, free cheese is only in a mousetrap. The "railway" found out what to be ready, acquiring an attic apartment: with what advantages and disadvantages of this type of housing faces Kazan.

A little story. The attic came to us from France and is associated with the name of the architect Francois Manzar. In the rich residential buildings of the XVII century, with his arms, it became fashionable to extend the premises with windows and turn the attic to the apartments for not very noble guests. Then, however, as today, it was even profitable to have residential mansardu - The attic floor was not considered, so taxes, calculated depending on the floor, did not take for it. In Russia, the attic has not been popular for a long time - a more severe climate has affected. In the twentieth century in architecture, mostly dominated flat roofs. Then the attic appeared only in private construction, they were distributed typical projects - "Khrushchevki" and "Leningradski". And only in the 1990s, after the collapse of the USSR, with the advent of new building materials and technologies, the attic of the mansard began to build in Russia. In addition, it was then that in the construction charter amended that the height of the skate and the height of the eaves are no longer regulated by law. And build attic in our country has become economically profitable affair. So the developer could use the infrastructure of an old building, enlarge residential Square Due to the use of an attic room, cut heat loss through the roof, reduce power consumption of the whole house in the winter.

Benefit developers

What is the situation today? Do the Kazan builders builders build apartments and, if so, why? "Large developers currently practically do not extend the attic. Because it is considered not solid. They make those developers who want to get additional squares, but they do not have the opportunity to build an additional floor or due to the allowed use of the utmost floor, or in connection with the lack of money, "said Andrei Saveliev, director of NLB real estate. The only exception that is in Kazan, however, is rarely found, the realtor, attic, attic, which large developer initially designs in the business class house. BUT B. this case Mansard is non-residential premises - Like studio, salon.

Vyacheslav Egorov, General Director of Anguard-Realt, agreed that the developers today resort to the construction of the attic mainly for the sake of savings - "investments in her less than in a full-fledged floor, but you can earn on this."

According to the observations of experts, in the mid-2000s, Kazan's housing market had more such proposals. Especially - in the historic center of the city. "Then only began the share construction, where the attics also were also equipped with apartments. There were options for duplex apartments with the second on-site floor. Also, in the late 2000s there was a practice of superstructure of attic floors in 5-storey "Khrushchev", for example, in Novo-Savinovsky and aircraft manufacturers, on the streets of Korolenko, Gagarin. But this all ended with nothing, and no massiard assembly did not lead. At present, the attic floors on sale are almost never found, "the head of the RT realtor guild guild, director of the Prime Minister Ruslan Sadreyev, said.

The director of An "Domus" Airat Habibullin agrees with him. However, he said, recently in Kazan noticeable interesting trend - To the construction of the attic today, often began to resort to including major developers, restoration of cultural monuments or building new buildings in the center of Kazan. On this territory there are serious restrictions on the floor, and at the expense of the attic can be increased area - mostly, of course, non-residential: leasing for offices.

Pros: View from the windows and creative environments

What are the positive parties this type Housing for the buyer? Since the apartment is at the very top of the building, the view from the windows can be very beautiful. Well, the neighbors will definitely not make noise over his head, just because there are no them there.

Another plus, which can simultaneously be perceived both both minus, is an unusual interior created by the bevelled walls and the attic windows. Therefore, such housing, according to common opinion, will be more suitable for people creative, creative, able to create unusual interiors and live in them. It was to such a person who lives in a mansard apartment, "railway" - this is a designer and the owner of the "smuggling" bar Albert Einaliyev. He managed to place in his two-storey attic Immediately several zones: the kitchen and the bedroom, and the living room, and the office, and the place to relax with friends, and even large piano. Since ordinary male cabinets are not very suitable, Albert posted boxes with things, in particular, in the steps of the stairs. His table can freely move along the window sill and release if necessary place for a large company. He suspected TV so that it can be looked in the living room and in the bedroom on the second floor. The windows in the roof and overlap allow you to suspend the hammock or other interior items. Of course, this apartment is little similar to a cozy family corner - and a residential space was created here more as a creative workshop, in which you can live, if necessary, and take guests.

If you judge reviews in RuNet, the attic apartments are very attracted by young romantic people who do not frighten everyday difficulties and which, as a rule, have a not very large amount of money, but a great desire to live in their own space. The low cost of attic in this case is its main advantage.

"As a rule, sellers of these apartments are interested in the buyer only its price, which should be significantly lower than on the middle floor. And depending on the type of attic, the difference can reach up to 30%. And the attic is different: with a slightly beveled ceiling, but having an above more attic, or attic, which is located directly under the roof (in this case, the difference is essential), "Ruslan Sadreyev told.

Cons: drafts and simplify windows

Minuses at mansard apartments have a lot. Since the roof of a multi-storey building is simultaneously the attic ceiling, then when it is leakage, the inconvenience will experience primarily the horses of the attic. Therefore, in one vote they speak the forums with this problem the Kazan, when checking, you must first check the quality roofing materials. And also clarify in the documents, whether the roof goes to the property of the buyer - if so, then he will have to repair it independently.

The same can be said about thermal insulation. Designers and builders may make an error when creating ventilation and insulation layer. In this case, the customer will face the problem of condensate and drafts. It is very difficult to correct such a lack of builders. It will take almost completely disassemble the roof. Drafts may appear and incorrect installation Windows - Therefore, you need to check that the heater is installed under each window.
In the summer, since the roof is heated, it is very hot in an attic apartment, and in winter, since the walls are not capital, cold.

In addition, as a rule, the elevator in the house does not go to the attic floor. For example, it will only reach the fifth floor, and on the sixth, mansard, you will have to walk. For moms with strollers or a person with sick legs, this option is, of course, extremely uncomfortable.

Also in almost all attic no summer rooms, that is, loggias and balconies. And if they are, complain of members of the forum, then very small size, besides, there are problems with the accumulation of snow and nondes on them.

Kazan Olga and Kirill, whose attic apartment visited "railway", had a lot of accuracy from their housing: the question with waterproofing and ventilation they decided for own funds. Now they are bothering not very high-quality mounted windows (by the way, also the widespread damage problem with beveled window passing). During the rains, they flow a little, and in winter they are often freezing. In snowy days, they can so much in the snow that light into the room penetrates hard. "But despite these everyday troubles, it lives perfectly! The truth is a bit scary at night, when the storm wind, "Olga does not lose. These young guys even like unusual layout Mansard, however, for many, the same becomes a serious obstacle to the acquisition of this type of housing. Classic Filling Apartment - Curtains, Cabinets - It is difficult to imagine here. Individual approach It is simply necessary for furniture here.

Tatiana, the other owner of an attic apartment in Kazan, trying to sell it in vain for several months. The fact is that she gets married and moves to her husband, in ordinary apartmentwhere it will be more convenient, Tatyana believes, live with a future child. However, until she manage to find the buyer.

Demand - a rarity

So, you can summarize that the demand for attic apartments in our conditions is a big rarity. As realtors say, Kazan are very incredulously belong to such premises. Moreover, these concerns are not always confirmed in practice - stereotypes are often valid. For example, Kazan fears to buy even simple apartments On the upper floors: they are afraid that the elevator breaks down, water pressure will be bad, and so on. "Therefore, the exposure period from mansard apartments is about three times more than the usual," says Ayrat Habibullin. According to Andrei Savelyev, the realtors are very difficult to find the buyer of the attic. "Buy, as a rule, creative people. Private buyers do not look at such an apartment, "he notes.

However, agree on an attic apartment most often not because of creative considerations (this is also a rarity), but for considerations of savings. "There is not enough money for a full-fledged apartment. Either the house is very good and want to live in it, but there is not enough money, and the attic can be purchased cheaper. I do not think that people dream of an attic apartment, "Vyacheslav Egorov believes.

Note that even most sites specializing in the sale and sale of real estate and placing appropriate ads, there is no such partition as "attic." "We can say that this type of housing goes into the past. Now there is enough ordinary housing, which you can buy, repair and live quietly, "said Ruslan Sadreyev.

However, where restrictions on the floors remain, the attic will still build, experts say. In addition, they say, new appear modern materialswhich perhaps in the future will eliminate most of the drawbacks of mansard apartments. In the meantime, those who wish to become the owner of the attic, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons.

Natalia Fedorova

Many people associate attic only with the upper floors of private houses, but in reality the situation develops in an absolutely different way. Mansard can be a full housing with numerous amenities that can please high levels Comfort and numerous investment prospects.

Description of mansard apartments

The main difference is the design of an attic apartment.

  1. The facade of housing is created by the surface of the roof, which can be inclined or broken.
  2. The height of the attic at the top point should not be less than one and a half meters.
  3. Mansards must revive appearance building. In most cases, the roofs of houses are not designed to live in people, but the attic becomes a pleasant exception.

Currently, the form of execution of the attic pleasantly surprise: triangular, broken. Moreover, the premises can occupy not the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe building, but only the territory of an extension. To create additional fortifications, it is assumed to use columns, partitions, walls. The base can be made of natural tree, metal or reinforced concrete. Most often, attic is part of cottages and chalets.

In each case, the designs are divided into two parts:

  1. The vertical part should be a continuation of the main floors. For the structural fortress, it is assumed to use the same material as for the other parts of the room.
  2. The inclined part is as follows. Traditionally, it is represented by a roof that can be completely or partially flat.

The dimensions of the vertical and inclined part are always determined by dimensions, an extension area.

Damage Floor: Advantages

In most cases, people celebrate smaller cost of square meter area of \u200b\u200bthe attic floorBut such conversations are excessive exaggerated. The basis of savings is next aspect: For the walls of the attic floor, which are performed from the frame design, it is customary to use the roof rafters, and the roof of the building applies to the outer sheaving of the walls. Moreover, the walls of the bevelled form can reduce the overlap area, as well as roofs over the attic floor.

Savings is determined by the scope of use of a frame of rafters. Thus, the savings are guaranteed only due to the cost of the frame, the outer sheaving and the minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe roof sections, overlapping over the attic floor. All this leads to the fact that it is undesirable to compare the cost of construction of a mandatory attic with the traditional floor, carried out from other wall materials.

In standard scope roof It is impossible to place even the attic floors, therefore it is necessary to implement a different approach, despite the fact that the savings decrease and reduces virtually zero.

Savings will be manifested only if the attic apartment will be small. In another case, the specificity of building events does not allow to count on the desired result.

IN obligatory It is necessary to use forced ventilation, since only with such a situation can be counted for the creation comfortable conditions in room.

The device of a high roof with numerous skates, a thoughtful design of insulation and waterproofing, special windows for the attic immediately lead to a significant rise in price of building events. Moreover, the repair and operation of a residential building require large financial investments.

Another argument is the presence of an extraordinary roofwhich is characterized by an increased height and a specific form. Many people are confident that buildings thanks to such a design immediately look attractive, original, expressive. Moreover, bedrooms that can be pleased with inclined walls, as well as windows, immediately acquire elegance, sophistication.

Modern architecture is rapidly improving and developing, so it is necessary to count on fashion trendsthat turn out to be diverse. Perhaps the future still remains behind the attic windows.

So, you need to sum up to establish accurate advantages.

  • The attic floor allows you to increase the living area.
  • On the attic floor it is assumed to be able to maintain heat and create a favorable microclimate.
  • The attic floor attached laconicity and completion of the building.
  • Construction events can be carried out without the use of heavy equipment.
  • Attic creates an extraordinary interior in the apartment.
  • The cost of the attic will still be lower than mostly residential building.

Damage Floor: Disadvantages

  • The beveled roof does not allow to implement architectural ideas to further implement.
  • In the attic there is no additional area above the roof, as a result of which the preservation of heat in the room turns out to be difficult.
  • For the construction of mansard, special windows are required that have an increased value.
  • In winter, snow can accumulate not only on the roof, but also on the windows. To clean the surfaces you need to cooperate with specialized services.

Only individually can be solved whether to create an attic apartment or better abandon such an idea. Perhaps in the future, attic apartments will become increasingly popular.

Quite often on Internet forums, you can find questions "Is it worth buying an apartment on the attic floor?", "Tell me, can you choose the last floors?" And they are similar. As a rule, they cause fairly hot discussions, and their people who do not fully have information about the fact that apartment Mansarda. Let's start with the fact that there is a significant difference between this concept and conventional attic. If the attic refers to attic rooms that can be used under housing, then the apartment with an attic is located on the top floor of the home independent residential premises, having a separate entrance, rooms, kitchen and bathroom. The facade of such housing is entirely formed by the inclined surfaces of the roof, forming a dynamic and very interesting inner space from large square and high ceilings.

Of course, fears associated with spring-autumn roof leaks, poor ventilation and weak water pressure in the plumbing system are quite substantiated. but modern technologies Construction and the use of high-quality materials make the possibility of such problems to minimize. IN modern houses The corresponding heating system is also installed, so it does not happen in attic apartments. The upper floors give to developers and designers a huge scope for fantasy. In connection with which the market appeared on the market separate category Housing - apartments and penthouses. Owners of such apartments are at their disposal comfortable accommodation, which can have its own way to roof, its garden and even the pool. They belong to the category of luxury housing and are not cheap, therefore, on their acquisition, it is better to contact the real estate agencies working with similar objects and know about all possible subtleties and nuances. If we talk about the market of elite residential and commercial real estate of Russia, then one of the leading consultants in this area is S.A. Ricci, which for 7 years of its work earned customer confidence.

But there are other options when the attic floors are built on the basis of ordinary houses of their light structures using effective insulation and the installation of special attic windows, while the specific energy consumption is reduced by about 20 or more percent. This approach allows you to get additional square meters Housing in which the population needs so acute. This type of housing is ideal for families with children, since apartment on the attic floor is different large quantity Lights and air indoors (about 2 times more than on other floors), and the panoramic view from the windows brings more have a good mood And joy, while the cost of housing is quite affordable.

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