House with Erker and Mansard. Two-storey houses with erkers: Best projects

Garden technique 13.06.2019
Garden technique

The two glazed protrusions on the facade of residential facilities will help to make a project to spectacular and stylish. These protrusions are called Erkera. The Word itself came to us from the German language. Erker has two values \u200b\u200b- 1. The protrusion in the wall, 2. Lantern. Erker resembles a flashlight when illuminated from the inside.

Project and planning of a cottage with two erkers and an attic

If the masters are interested various options Architectural solutions for their home, he will be able to choose the most suitable project as a result of his search. Erker has many features:

  1. Increase useful Square. This option is considered relevant not only for small private buildings, but also for apartments.
  2. Savings on the consumption of electrical energy. Big square Glazing allows you to maximize the luminous day indoors. The room is filled with natural light.
  3. Aesthetic appeal. Beautiful housing will be advantageous to stand out among the other houses on the street.
  4. Spectacular. Separate the rest area from the working area.
  5. Opportunity contemplation beautiful view. From here you can overcome picturesque surroundings.

    During the two-story house with two erkers

  6. Uniqueness. Acquires originality. Over the erkers, the roof looks different. It gives the construction aristocraticity and restraint.
  7. What are the projects of residential buildings with two erkers

    The owner of the house with Erkers should be ready that his creation from the bar will always be in the spotlight. This element is able to transform exterior appearance building. It is often used to decorate country houses.

    Erker perfectly combined with other elements on the facade of the structure:

    1. With a balcony. On the first floor of the facilities are built by Erker. He goes into a balcony. The protrusion is recommended to erect from the foundation. The balcony may be fenced, glazed or indoor.
    2. With an attic. This is the optimal choice for land plots With small sizes. The use of Erker is organic. This element can be located on the first floor and on the attic.

      Draft House of Logs with Mansard

      The first placement option is considered traditional. In the second case, the room with such decorative element War down under the bedroom. Effective elements it is better . With two protrusions are developed with special care. It is more interesting for erkers located on different height. At the same time, it is important to maintain reliability in common. Such projects are suitable for large country cottages. Externally, the houses are similar to medieval castles. There must be durable and durable.

    3. Square or rectangular estate remains in demand. It is easy to erect. The cost of the building slightly increases, but the exterior of the building is in a winning position. Houses from a bar with a square square or rectangular shape Different with practicality and convenience.

      Planning cottage with two erkers

    4. Round Erker from Brous is modern solution. He is called Venetian. A place for the dominant element can be different. If the design project is compiled correctly, then the Erker fits perfectly into the general architectural ensemble, being in the center or at the corner. The roof over the Erker also should not be very different from the style of coverage of the building.
    5. The multifaceted erker makes interesting additions in the design. A complex project will require accurate calculations.

A huge number of diverse projects of houses is embodied in reality by architects and builders, each of which meets various requirements. You can find private homes and laconic, and strict, too chic and more modest. But there are houses that can combine in themselves and the other. One of these houses is a house with an erker and an attic. We offer you a closer look at the projects of such houses, with their features.

It is most often such a successful architectural solution for single-storey houses. Why, you ask. Because it is such a solution that allows you to make the house compact, but at the same time very roomy. But the project is appropriate for floor construction. Compactness is very relevant in areas small square. Houses with the Erker and the attic will not require you a large area.

Thus, we decided with the choice of project for the house. Before you know how to make such a house with your own hands, how to build it from scratch, make a project, you should find out what the erker and attic represents.

What is attic and erker?

The fact that more often people are accustomed to call the attic is called an attic. it attic room. The advantage of the attic Unlike the classic attic is that it is possible to make a very beautiful residential premises, a whole room. Narzard is limited to top of the roof. It can be in the size of the entire flood floor of the house, but maybe a little wider, if you provide in the project at home.

If the attic is wider, then it is necessary to make a support for the serving part. It can serve as an arch, a column, supporting poles. And here for such protruding attic, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich significantly exceeds the ground floor area and need an erker. It is often used as a support. In private construction, such houses are prevailed, which appropriately due to their originality, styles.

Erker at the same time and the protruding part of the facade of the house and the serving part indoor room. Often it is planned to implement such a project in picturesque zones, beautiful territories. And all through a wide review that helps to accomplish the Erker. A wide review will help and improve the lighting in your chosen room.

In addition, it is not only convenient in a functional plan, but also positively affects the external decor of the house, as well as the room inside. The design of such a project provides for creating an interesting special atmosphere.

Advantages and disadvantages of the combination of a squirrel-plated house

Like any other project of the house, the combination of attic and Erker in one project will have several advantages and disadvantages. Separately, we looked at each of these elements, but what if there is a combination of them.

Consider the main advantages of the combination:

  1. The main advantage in the ability to expand the useful area and space inside the house for residential needs. At the same time, the area of \u200b\u200bthe founding of the building does not increase. Attic is designed to build a two-level construction, while it can significantly save on construction, while the Erker increases the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Thus, you can make a clear functional zoning room in terms of room.
  2. In addition to functional benefits, attic in combination with the Erker will make it very beautiful appearance at home. The main thing is to combine them correctly to create a beautiful combination, giving the atmosphere of the spirit of romanticity and ease.
  3. It is noteworthy that despite the numerous funds that you spend on the erker, the total saving of funds is still observed, because They are covered by the construction of an attic level. Thus, the money saves the combination.
  4. The combination of such techniques in construction will allow to compensate for heat loss that for the most part Will fall out on wide overview windows.

Well, now let's talk about the shortcomings. They are not so much, but they are. The main of them is primarily that the problem of cleaning snow precipitation remains. Do not forget that it will be necessary to clean the roof constantly to reduce the load and eliminating the negative impact of moisture. It will be a little difficult to do this in our case, in connection with which the roof may be damaged.

Of course, it would be wrong to not be noted such a fact. With their own hands, you are unlikely to erect such a house and you will need to hire builders. Not every designer, the foreman and workers will take care of the implementation of such a complex project, so it is possible to pay a lot of money to carry out construction.

Features of the project

We have already decided on the correctness of the decision, it remains only to choose how you can beat the attic that correctly. To do this, you can use the combination chosen by us as a wide field to implement fantasies in design solutions.

The main feature of construction will be based on the choice of the arc. If everything is clear with the attic, then where to carry out the protrusion - it is necessary to decide. What are the options at the same time:

  1. For cottages, built, for example, from a firefoot, it is advisable to choose exactly the erker on the first floor. You can expand your living room and make a wonderful review in it. Also good decision There will be a beautiful dining room expanded. Please note that you can do from your old boring cabinet a beautiful corner for work and creativity.
  2. You can make it on the attic, and on the first floor at the same time. This is a very complex project that is not only very spectacular.
  3. And, of course, the erker on the attic. Making the protrusion at the level of the attic. You can combine this technique with different rooms. For example, combine with a children's room, a bedroom. It will be very interesting to look like a mansard bathroom with an archery protrusion.

The project will embody the most beautiful architectural solutions And allow you not only to reflect the facade of the house, but also to make the zoning of rooms very practical from the functional point of view.

We recommend that you look at the video presentation described above the topic described above:

Driving the suburb of large megacities, many of us had to admire surprisingly beautiful houses with original design and fancy forms: domes, towers, broken roofs, glazed protrusions of a triangular, semicircular or multifaceted form. It is at home with an erker and an attic. Erkery designs give house romanticism and elegance. Exquisite general form Buildings, an increase in the size of the useful area, an increased level of insolation and illumination - characteristics modern houses With the Erker.

Dream House

The neighborhood of large windows with an attic is considered the most successful architectural tandem. As for the aesthetic, beauty, level of lighting, the aircraft windows have a big plus. However, not everyone can afford the house with the Erker and the attic. Considering the aircraft designs from an economical side, their complexity of performance and high costs can be noted. So for those owners who have long dreamed of having beautiful house With a winter garden, but it was not possible to implement a project, we can advise our attention to the options for small planning areas, for example, for projects of houses with an attic 6x8, 5x7, 5x5, etc.

Features of building houses with attic and erker

Projects of houses with attic 6x8 and their layout

In such houses on the first floor in 48 squares, the location of the main rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom is envisaged. The hallway can be spacious 3x3 meters, but most often it is limited to dimensions of 2x2 or 2x1.5 meters. There will be 2x2, 3x2, 3x3 m. The living room is usually not offended by a metro station (20-32 sq.m). The kitchen also has a different 9-18 sq.m. Many owners prefer in the kitchen to organize the dining area. In this case, the kitchen should be more. On the second, attic floor, most often equip the bedrooms, office or " winter Garden",. The bedroom depends on the wishes of the owners and the possibilities of architectural execution.


House with dersighted floor and rank windows is good option Compact and economical type of housing. Such a building provides hosts ready view housing right under the roof. Thanks to the console end of the erker, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is expanding at the top. Such a house is beautiful and contemporary structurewhich will be your "brainchild"

What is the difference between the house with the Erker? What are his advantages and disadvantages?

What are the features of such a building? Is it possible to make a project at home and with the erker, and with the attic? Answers to these questions and photos of houses with the Erker - in this article.

What is Erker?

It seems that the German word "Erker" recently entered our language. Nevertheless, houses with the Erker are not so rare on the expanses of the former Soviet Union.

Erker is a protrusion from the facade of the building. Almost the entire area of \u200b\u200bits walls occupy windows, so daylight Rooms with Erker significantly exceeds the lighting of ordinary rooms.

The main distinguishing features of the room with the Erker:

  • panoramic view from the window;
  • an increase in the duration of the natural illumination of the room;
  • the grace of construction;
  • an increase in the useful area.

The history of the Erker Building is deeply in the Middle Ages. The initial purpose of such a protrusion was an overview of the territory adjacent to the structure.

Erkers were made with narrow braces instead of windows in castles and fortresses for the convenience of their defense. The protruding part of the fortress not only provided a large viewing angle, but also allowed shooting in different directions.

The epochs are changing, but Erkers still remain an important link in the architecture of many countries of the world. People drew attention to others useful functions Such a layout.

Erker not only provides panoramic overview, but also contributes to the indoor more Sveta. Unlike the usual window opening in the Erker window, the light falls at once from three sides.

This not only increases the level of illumination of the room, but also increases the duration of light.

A room with an erker located on the south side of the building will be lit from dawn to sunset.

The project of the building in which the Erker is turned on, departs from the usual rectangular shape.

Thanks to this, the structure acquires an exquisite elegant style. The rounded or pronnotal protrusion comes home the original and elegant look.

Erker, in contrast to the balcony, increases residential Square premises. For this reason, the erkers began to be used in the middle of the last century.

In Russia, many houses with protrusions were built in those years. The reason for this was not only the savings of energy resources, but also an increase in the living space.

At the end of the twentieth century, the projects of economical rapid construction began to appride, and the erkers began to be used less and less.

"Khrushchevki" came to replace the beautiful functional homes. The buildness of the buildings significantly accelerated their structure.

Often such houses were built from standard reinforced concrete blocks. There was a small area maximum amount apartments.

By creating a project of a house with one or more erkers, you can not only increase the area and save energy, but also to emphasize individuality. Each such house is unusual and beautiful in its own way.

The project can be created with a combination of various architectural stylesthat expands the scope for a designer look. Making individual project, It is easy to achieve the uniqueness of the structure.

What are the erkers?

Projects of houses with erkers are very diverse. The layout of modern houses allows you to harmoniously enter into the design different kinds protrusions.

The following types are used;

  • rectangular;
  • semicircular;
  • polygonal;

Due to the ease of execution, the rectangular or square shape of the protrusions is the most common.

It is easiest to make such an erker in a wooden house, brick buildings or concrete blocks. The layout of rectangular protrusions does not require any special knowledge.

Despite the simplicity of design and construction, such projections are no less practical and functional than other types.

Number of windows B. this case Depends on the depth of the protrusion. If it has a form of a rectangle with short sides, then one of the front wall is one wide window. On the side walls of the windows may not be, or they can be narrow.

The Venetian Erker is so accepted to call the protrusions of a semicircular or oval form. Without any doubt, it is the most elegant and stylish option.

Such a protrusion can be positioned not only in the center of the wall, but also replace it one of the corners of the structure.

Such a designer moves can transform the entire appearance of the construction, make it a kind and unique.

Round structures are easiest to enter a brick or aerated concrete house. In structures of wood or other materials, such erkers will also look great, but to achieve proper form using wooden bar quite difficult.

The polygonal form of design allows you to use this type when designing buildings from any materials.

A frame house with a marker-polyhedron looks very interesting. In buildings from the bar, this option is also easy to implement.

The protrusion can be made part of not only cottage or one-storey house. The originally look at home with an attic and an erker.

You can use the protruding design and when building a multi-storey house. Two-storey house With two different erkers, the type of real Gothic castle becomes.

Often both combination: a full-fledged terr on the first floor with open terrace or balcony on the upper floors.

In the house with an attic at the site formed by the platform, you can arrange a closed greenhouse. A variant and with a high outdoor terrace is possible.

It is interesting to the project of the house with a protrusion throughout the plane of one of the walls. In this case, the Erker can form as part different roomsand a separate room with outlets in different rooms.

Technically, you can arrange the ledge from either side of the building, but it will be much more practical to use if it is facing south. You can use the stained glass glazing of the second floor of the building.

Features of interior design

Planning small country house Or the capital house with the attic it is important to remember that any protruding design complicates the construction.

More demanding need to be referred to the quality of building materials to avoid weakening the framework of the building.

The protrusion can be attached to the ready-made structure, but it is much better to build from scratch on a general foundation.

In this case, the design will be more reliable. This is especially true for houses in two floors, buildings with an attic, frame structures of any type.

With the second floor special difficulty Represents the creation of monolithic interhesive overlap in the field of protrusion.

All these nuances must be taken into account at the design stage, even if it is planned to build a small country house.

From serving design interior interior Rooms only wins.

This gives not only an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and additional illumination, but also original shape premises. This approach allows you to use any design to design.

The protruding construction is the most convenient to beat the following rooms in the interior:

  • bedroom;
  • living room;
  • children's;
  • kitchen.

Romantic Bedroom with Round panoramic window, Living room S. open balcony Or a children's on the top floor of the tower - there is there, where to raise the designer fantasy. The main thing is to interior with a creative approach.

Even more unique will help to make interior of the room such elements of design as false columns or decorative arched passages.

Such an approach will help not only stylize the interior, but also to distinguish the space of the room.

When making the second floor in modern style It is recommended to use cold shades.

In combination with the abundance of natural light, this will not only emphasize the individuality of the room, but also will give a feeling of infinity of space.

Often, the Erker in two floors is glazed for the entire height. However, this option is not very convenient for the first floor, since the review in this case is not only from the house, but also outside. Not everyone wants to live in such a glass house.

Successful design and construction of a dream house!

If you pay attention to the houses of an old building, you can see that the original ledge was used when they were design. Otherwise, it is also called the Erker. Its main advantage remains the opportunity to skip a lot of sunlight.

In addition, in this deepening you can create a beautiful winter garden or an office. To date, projects of single-storey houses with the Erker are in great demand, because it is unique opportunity To increase the useful area.

Project NO1

This is a single-storey construction, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 165 m2. She has a square base with a slight erker that violates the symmetry of the house. The dimensions of the construction are 14x15 m. Directly from the guest room you can get to the terrace.

The entrance to it is carried out on the side of the rear yard. Where the main entrance is located, there is a porch porch. Everything bearing structures Built from celebrate concrete. For exterior decoration Used plaster. To highlight individual home elements, you need to use a stone.

One-storey house 165 m2 with erker and terrace

The base is represented in the form of one-piece construction. As for the planning, directly at the entrance from the hallway can be reached in a roomy dressing room. It will also be interesting to learn how the projects of the two-storey house of bricks exist, and how construction takes place, it will help to understand this

From the hallway, space flows into the guest room, and then you can find yourself in the kitchen. Residential rooms Here are two bedrooms and one living room. In the large bedroom there is a dressing room. Still in the house focused bathroom and bathroom.

Project NO2.

For those looking for a house that is optimal in terms of value and quality ratio, you need to pay attention to this project. For its construction, a timber is used, and the total area of \u200b\u200bthe construction will be 65 m2. This house has all the rooms necessary for a comfortable stay.

One-storey house 65 m2 with erker

For the base and overlap of the building, a solid railway plate is used. For the construction of walls involve a bar. The peculiarity of this project is that the construction of the house and the final price of him will be much smaller than that of a similar building of the brick.

For external cladding involve plaster. Another house involves the presence cheric roofFor the arrangement of which metal tile is used. Due to the elegant fence of the porch made of wood, the house acquires elegance. You can go to the house only from one entrance - from the main porch. In the center you can see the common hall, passing through which you can get into any room of the first floor.

The layout of the house involves the presence of space for recreation. In the case under consideration, we are talking about two bedrooms. There is still a kitchen combined with a dining room. Its sizes are quite large, so the place is enough for the whole family.

There is also a block of economic and household rooms. Without them, no country house can do without them. There is a storage room, bathroom, vestibule and boiler room. It is the boiler room equipped with a separate entrance, which is located on the side of the street. The convenience of the pantry is that it is between two bedrooms. Often it is used as a dressing room. But what you look like you can see in the photo in the article.

On the video - a house with the Erker:

In the preparation of the project of this house, nothing superfluous was made. Each room has its own functional purpose. Choose this version of one-story design for permanent residence. Designed for a family of 3 people. Since the house has a concise style, it looks great both in the center of the metropolis, and in combination with nature.

It will also be interesting to learn what guilty reviews exist about frame-boiled houses:

Perhaps you will also be inertimically to learn about and how to choose it.

Project NO3

This project of one-story design with the erker is built of brick. Presented. Its total area is 197 m2. Its dimensions - 14x18 m. The small terrace has a small terrace. Here you can install garden furniture. The entrance is equipped with a vestibule, but its size allows you to equip the dressing room here. After that, you can get into the hall, which serves as a unifying element for all rooms in the house.

One-storey brick house 197 m2 with erker

Kitchen-dining room and guest - these are rooms that are quite spacious and are not connected to each other. If you look at opposite side From the living room, there are 3 bedrooms there. Also, the project provides 2 bathrooms and boiler room. Brick house is erected. The foundation is a solid reinforced concrete. The roof is thoughtful, metal tile is used for its coating. But what are there e, you can see in the photo in this article.

Project NO4.

This project offers to build a miniature and cozy house For year-round accommodation. It is built from cellular concrete, equipped with a sauna. Builded in modern Scandinavian style. The dimensions of the design 17x13 m. The total area is 137 m2. Roofing design has an attic type covered with metal tile. Thanks to her, it is advantageous to emphasize scandinavian style all buildings. For external finishing, plaster and artificial stone is used.

In general, the project will build an excellent home for a small family. It is possible to position it within the metropolis or outside. Cause B. style decision At home, so that he will fit perfectly in a country or city landscape.

One-storey brick house 137 m2 with erker and porch

The entrance to the house is carried out from the main porch. From there you can leave immediately into the hallway, and from it in the common hall. There is a bathroom, which will allow you to wash your hands right after the street. From the hall you can go to the living room and kitchen. On the first floor there are 2 bedrooms. Since the house has large windows, then all rooms are filled with sunlight.

The advantage of this house with the Erker is the presence of a sauna. It can be penetrated from the general hall. To do this, just go through the bathroom. On the first floor focused utility roomwhich family members can use for household needs. Living in such a house can a family of 3 people on a permanent basis.

Project NO5

This project suggests one-story wooden house With an attic. It combines simultaneously simplicity, style and functionality. Outdoor finish The facade is made of natural tinted tree. In combination with metal tile vacation home It will look quite unusual. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe house is 140 m2, and its dimensions - 11x9 m. In the house you can enter two inputs: from the porch and through the terrace. On the first floor is located cozy room For guests, which goes into the kitchen-dining room.

140 m2 size

All rooms at the first level are combined with the main hall. The project also provides a canopy for cars. There is still a household unit, which includes boiler room, pantry, dressing room, tambour and bathroom.

At the attic there is a recreation area. We are 2 bedrooms, one of which leads to the balcony. On the second floor there is a bathroom, dressing room and pantry. This project should look at a small family for permanent residence. Unique style features of the construction perfectly fit into the country landscape. But what does the layout look like in american stylecan be seen in the photo

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