Houses in the shape of the letter n projects. The project presents

garden equipment 21.05.2019
garden equipment

Buildings on this type of sites can be erected in several basic options. The house with the letter "G" is suitable for small area oblong shape, where it is impossible to implement the design documentation of a square house. Such a house will be comfortable and practical. Often this building has only one floor. Such projects of corner houses are suitable for those who want everything they need to be always at hand and do not require going up and down the stairs. This option, in particular, is quite suitable for the construction of a country house.

A two-storey building is chosen by those who strive for space and an abundance of rooms, as well as owners of large families. It is also quite possible to build imposing buildings on corner plots. The number of floors, balconies, verandas may vary. Projects of corner houses of considerable size are very popular due to the ability to fully reveal the creative potential of their owners.

How the project is being worked on

Before you go to the architect, it is worth estimating rough plan your future home. Then it will be easier for you to explain to the specialist what you want. At the first stage of cooperation, a technical task is created. It is sent to designers who are working on every detail of the future home. Projects of corner houses provide for the creation of a cost estimate, which, upon completion of work on the documentation, is finally specified.

It should be noted that experienced and qualified designers not only bring your plans to life. They are ready to offer you a solution to any architectural problem that arises during the work. Sometimes this leads to the fact that one or more creative ideas have to be sacrificed. But the result is worth it, because your home should be not only beautiful and status, but also cozy, comfortable and safe. Projects of corner houses can be selected from our catalog of finished projects or ordered individually. But, no matter which way of cooperation you choose, the work of real professionals is always transparent and always consistent with your preferences.

Any architectural and construction project consists of three parts: architectural, design and engineering. This is a document without which the developer will not receive permission to start construction.

The main part of the project is the architectural and design sections. If the customer is sure that the construction team will have intelligent specialists in engineering networks, then the development of this part of the project in a specialized company can be abandoned. But it is necessary to understand that the architect, designer and engineer are working on the project together and such moments as, for example, strobes and openings in the walls for laying pipes and wires are provided for by them in advance.

The engineering part of the project is divided into several parts

  • Water supply and sewerage (VK)
  1. water supply scheme
  2. sewerage scheme
  3. general form systems.

Before proceeding with the design, it is necessary to decide what kind of communication will be - individual or connected to a centralized system.

Individual water supply gives complete independence from external conditions. But it must be remembered that you will need your own sources of water, and drilling a well will cost a decent amount.

Connecting to a centralized system will require design development in accordance with specifications existing network and obtaining permission to tie.

When connecting a sewer to a centralized system, the procedure is the same as when connecting a water supply: making a request to the relevant services, developing a project, obtaining permission to tie into the system. If you decide to organize an individual sewer system, then from time to time you will have to invite a sewer service.

  • Heating and ventilation (HV)
  1. heating scheme: calculation of the required power of the equipment, distribution schemes for heating mains, location of pipes and radiators
  2. ventilation scheme: binding to power electrical equipment, ventilation communications and shafts, passage nodes and, if necessary, the location of stoves and fireplaces
  3. boiler piping (if necessary)
  4. general instructions and recommendations for the section.

If the ventilation system is always an individual design, then heating can be either individual (stove, air, water, electric), or connected to centralized networks.

  • Power supply (ETR)
  1. lighting layout
  2. wiring of power networks
  3. ASU scheme
  4. grounding system
  5. detailed description and characteristics of all elements of the system.

Electrical systems can be divided into mandatory and optional. Mandatory include indoor and outdoor lighting, ventilation, air conditioning and electric heating systems. Additional systems include systems such as "Warm floor" or automated gate control.


  • Each part of the engineering section of the project should contain general and technical descriptions, specifications of materials and necessary equipment.
  • Drawings of elements of all systems and floor electrical wiring are made on a scale of 1:100.

Price: from 100 rubles. per m²

Package "Engineering networks"

Package "Engineering networks"

Project engineering networks will allow you to competently lay communications and make the house truly comfortable and modern.

  • Price: from 100 rubles. per m²

Making changes to the project

Often the customer is faced with the question: to choose standard project at home and save money, while losing on the originality of future housing, or order an individual project, but for a lot of money.

Our company offers a compromise option. You order a standard project, and we make changes to it, taking into account all your wishes as much as possible. Of course, this implies additional costs, but, in any case, such a project will cost much less than work for a specific order. And we will make sure that your house looks original.

The following changes can be made to the project of the house:

move wall partitions. But only if they are not carriers. This operation will allow you to change the size and purpose of the rooms.

moving window and door openings will allow you to change the illumination of the rooms and organize convenient access to the rooms you need

changing the type of floors and walls will allow you to fully realize your own ideas about economical and rational housing

change ceiling heights. Although all our houses are designed with optimal height rooms 2.8 m, some customers believe that high ceilings are additional coziness and comfort

conversion of the attic into a living space will give you the opportunity to expand your own living space

change the angle of inclination of the roof and canopies is taking into account climatic conditions specific region

it is necessary to change the type of foundation, taking into account the engineering and geological parameters of the soil. It is also possible to add or change a basement or basement

add, remove, change a garage or a terrace, you can, in accordance with your ideas about the functionality of housing

change in the structural composition, construction and finishing materials will allow you to manage your own financial resources economically

a mirror image project will allow you to organically fit the house into the surrounding landscape.

The changes made should not affect the safety of the home.

Too much a large number of changes usually do not improve the project. If you could not choose a suitable house in the catalogs, then it may be worth ordering an individual project from an architect.

Price: from 2000 rubles.

Making changes to the project

Making changes to the project

A house built according to a standard project may look original

  • Price: from 2,000 rubles.

Package "Foundation adaptation"

When a typical project of a house is being developed, then some average soil parameters are taken as a basis. But, without having the exact data of the geological expertise, it is difficult to take into account all the nuances in the design. Therefore, often the engineering and geological characteristics of a real site differ significantly from those originally laid down in the project. And this means that the foundation - the basis of the whole house - will need to be finalized in order to make it strong and reliable.

To completely eliminate all problems when laying the foundation, the specialists of our company have developed a package "Adaptation of the foundation". When implementing a package, not only specifications but also the wishes of the customer.

This package includes:

  • choice of foundation type
  • calculation of technical parameters:

Foundation footing depth
- load bearing capacity
- indicators of soil stress under the base of the foundation
- cross-sectional area of ​​the working reinforcement, etc.

  • detailed drawings of the zero cycle
  • cost sheet for building materials.

Adaptation of the foundation gives a full guarantee of its strength, and hence the reliability of the entire building. You are guaranteed to get rid of problems such as shrinkage and cracks during operation already finished house. Moreover, often the adapted foundation turns out to be cheaper than the option originally laid down in the project. And this will help save materials and financial resources.

Price: 14,000 rubles.

Package "Foundation adaptation"

Package "Foundation adaptation"

Carefully prepared foundation project - a strong and reliable home

  • Price 14,000 rubles.

Individual design

If you decide to build a house, then you have your own idea of ​​​​what your dream home should be like. And if none of the standard projects suits you, it makes sense to think about an individual project. In addition, it will take into account all your wishes as much as possible: the level of comfort, family composition, even the view from the window. It is clear that such a project will cost a lot. But you will know for sure that there is no other like it.
Sometimes, however, you have to resort to individual design forcedly. For example, the developer got a plot of land of a non-standard configuration, and not a single standard project simply fits into it. And it also happens that the number of changes made by the customer is such that it is easier and cheaper to design a house from scratch.

Stages of work on an individual project:

  • development terms of reference for house design
  • contract for design work
  • preparation of a draft design: linking the building to the terrain, external and internal views, layouts, sections
  • detailed study of sections of the project.

In addition, you can also order:

  • projects of additional structures - a garage, a workshop, a bathhouse, etc.
  • visualization of the project in 3D format.

Ultimately, the customer receives the package project documentation, consisting of architectural and constructive sections.

The project features:

  • The general plan of the house with its binding to the boundaries of the site.
  • floor plans, which indicate the thickness of walls, lintels and partitions, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, the specification of windows and doorways.
  • Facade plans with indication of finishing materials and color schemes.
  • Sections of the building and main units.
  • Drawings and sections of the foundation, bill of materials.
  • overlap calculation, truss system roofs, roof insulation and waterproofing units.

You can decide on the style of the future home in the catalog "Individual design".

Price: from 450 rubles. /

Individual design

Individual design

Realize your individuality!

  • Price: from 450 rubles. / m²

Package "Tender offer"

For any developer, a question from a cheerful nursery rhyme"what does it cost us to build a house ...?" far from idle. Moreover, the cost of building a house depends on many factors. Therefore, you should not estimate the costs "by eye". Not possessing complete information, it will not work to calculate everything to the smallest detail and, in the end, it will cost itself more. And besides, a careful calculation of the cost of materials and work affects not only your finances, but also the timing of building a house.

You can calculate the construction costs with the utmost accuracy using the "Tender offer" service developed by our specialists. Essentially, this is a document that full list all building materials and works, indicating their volumes.

The presence of a tender offer allows:

  • get a real picture of the costs of upcoming construction
  • attract a construction company that is able to offer the most profitable terms performance of work
  • not only understand the essence of the construction process, but also competently control the consumption of building materials, independently adjusting prices for each item
  • competently supervise the actions of contractors at all stages of construction

tender offer, supported by information on the cost of materials and construction works- a serious argument for obtaining bank loans.

Package "Tender offer"

Tender offer:

Request a detailed quote. Build for yourself!

  • Price 10 500 rubles.

Package "Anti-ice"

Snowdrifts and ice in winter time on the roof of your house cause a lot of trouble. You can, of course, climb onto the roof and wave a shovel in the cold for 2-3 hours - that's business. But it has long been invented and widely used efficient systems snowmelt and anti-icing. Their basis is heating cables. The system is organized on the same principle as the "warm floor". Only more powerful and the cable laying step is smaller.

The Anti-Ice package is developed taking into account the peculiarities of the power supply of the house:

for roofs and gutters: snowmelt in gutters, at the edge of the roof in order to prevent the formation of icicles and frost in the pipes

for entrance group: heating steps, paths and open areas

for the entrance to the garage: heated driveways

in addition, sometimes the Anti-Ice system is used for heating the soil in greenhouses, and for landscape heating of flower beds, lawns and lawns, as well as for heating sports facilities.

During the design process, the minimum energy consumption is calculated and fire safety is ensured. When creating the Anti-Ice system, it is recommended to use only certified self-heating elements that do not support combustion. In addition, the system is equipped with an overtemperature cut-off device or a differential circuit breaker for automatic shutdown systems when energy losses are detected. If the system is too large, it is divided into smaller sections. This makes it easier to manage her work.


for a multi-pitched roof, the Anti-Ice system will be designed by specialists of our company on an individual order.

Price: 4500 rubles.

Package "Anti-ice"

Package "Anti-ice"

Your comfort and safety in winter

  • Price 4 500 rubles.

Package "Lightning protection"

Often developers do not give of great importance protection of their own homes from lightning: someone saves, someone thinks, someone hopes for "maybe". But 3-4 years after the construction of the house, many people remember about lightning protection. The roofing felts of a neighbor burned down in a thunderstorm Appliances, roofing felts, statistics caught my eye on how many fires occur per year due to lightning.

We propose to resolve the issue immediately: to provide protection already at the design stage of the house. It is worth thinking about this at least for purely aesthetic reasons - it will not be necessary once again to hammer the walls of the house and pull the down conductor along the facade, violating the thoughtful appearance building.

Home lightning protection is a system of devices located both outside the home and indoors. External lightning protection prevents lightning from entering the house, internal - protects the electrical network from sudden voltage surges. And special devices protect electrical engineering from sudden changes. electromagnetic field within the radius of a lightning strike.

The package "Lightning protection" includes

  • plan-scheme of the location of lightning rods that take on direct lightning strikes
  • cross-sectional diagram of a current collector that diverts current from the lightning rod to ground
  • ground loop circuit that distributes lightning energy in the soil, ensuring complete safety
  • averaged resistance calculations
  • detailed list necessary materials
  • recommendations for project implementation.

The package "Lightning protection" from the company Dom4M guarantees you the safety of your home even in the most severe thunderstorm.

Package "Lightning protection"

Package "Lightning protection"

Lightning protection: think about safety in advance

  • Price 3 100 rubles.

Package "Central vacuum cleaner"

"Central vacuum cleaner" is a kind of aspiration system(removal small particles by being sucked into the air stream).

The system consists of:

  • a vacuum cleaner(installed in the technical room);
  • duct system, along which the dust-air mass moves (more often hidden installation is carried out in the preparation of the floor or in the space behind the false ceiling);
  • pneumosockets and pneumosows(connects to the first flexible hose with a telescopic rod and nozzle, as in a conventional vacuum cleaner, the latter are designed for express cleaning, usually in the kitchen).


  • removable dusty no air gets in back into the room, and is “thrown out” after the unit to the street;
  • No noise in clean rooms.
  • Ease of cleaning without "pulling" the vacuum cleaner from room to room, without the use of extension cords.
  • Concealed installation system, there is nothing in the room except a pneumo-socket.

Project price: from 3100 rubles.

Package "Central vacuum cleaner"

Package "Central vacuum cleaner"

"An integral part of modern home- comfort, cleanliness and Fresh air"

  • Project price: from 3,100 rubles.

Package "Comfortable home"

Explanatory dictionaries claim that comfort is a set of household amenities, without which life is unthinkable.
modern man in modern home. Most of these amenities are laid down at the design stage. But we are ready to expand their list and help clients make their own housing as comfortable as possible.

The primary task that the owners face even before building a house is choosing a place for it on the site. There is a basic rule: the corner of the house should be located in the northern part, then it will be possible to organize a cozy patio, protected from the wind.
In the patio, you can build a terrace that visually "completes" the house to a rectangular or square shape.
In the project of L-shaped houses, their wings can be either the same in area and length, or different. By the way, if 2 families or several generations of the same family live in the house, then it would be right to make 2 independent entrances.
The project of the house with the letter G allows you to build a garage as harmoniously as possible, having with it common wall and, accordingly, the input. Imagine how comfortable it is to unload purchases or just come home, bypassing the bad weather on the street. The garage can be connected to the building's heating system, and this will reduce costs compared to if you had to heat a separate garage.
A home design can be designed to separate a noisy area, such as a playroom or children's room, from a quiet area, such as a library or office. Thus, everyone will be able to get along peacefully, and no one will disturb or annoy anyone.
As a rule, the project of a house with the letter G does not provide for the construction of a second floor, so it does not require an impressive foundation. This way you can save money on it. However, if desired, it is possible to design both an attic and a two-story building - on this page you will find such projects.

Competent layout in houses with the letter G

In addition to separating the noisy and quiet zones, it should be remembered that in a private house there should be Technical buildings, for example, for a boiler room or pantry. And wet areas where the bathroom or sauna are located should be isolated. The boiler room should be located on ground floor, thus hot water and heat will be evenly distributed throughout the house. If your house is made of wood or wood-based materials, then the boiler room should be treated with fire retardants.
If you have two-storey house, then a bath with a toilet can be located both on the first and on the second floor. This point should also be taken into account when ordering a typical or individual project of an L-shaped house.

The house project you are considering contains the most heat-efficient ceramic blocks among those produced in Russia Kerakam Kaiman30.

Kerakam Kaiman 30 successfully used in the construction of low-rise and multi-storey housing.

Use of ceramic blocks Kerakam Kaiman 30 allows you to build houses that meet all applicable building codes with the lowest cost of construction of one m 2 housing.

Final thermal resistance exterior wall structures made of ceramic blocks Kerakam Kaiman 30 significantly higher than at the wall of the blocks you are considering. I give below thermotechnical calculation for the two structures under consideration.
Despite the fact that the expanded clay concrete block has a lower cost per piece, total costs will be lower when using Kerakam Kaiman 30 blocks.

Below is a comparative calculation of costs, looking ahead I will inform you that the use of a more modern product - ceramic block Kerakam Kaiman 30 allows you to reduce the cost of 223 485 rubles.

Today, the construction of normative residential buildings, from the point of view of energy saving in accordance with SNiP Thermal protection of buildings, from expanded clay concrete blocks (CBC) does not make economic sense.
In fact, this material lost its relevance at the end of the last century, when, in addition to solid brick nothing else was used.
Thermal calculation, as well as a comparison of the costs of building the house you are considering from ceramic blocks Kerakam Kaiman 30 and KBB below.

Undoubtedly, you can build the house you like from expanded clay concrete blocks , but at the same time, you need to understand:

To comply with energy saving standards in accordance with SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings", so as not to heat the street, into the construction of an external wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks you will need to include insulation, for example, mineral wool insulation. Any insulation is a weak link in the design, because. its warranty period of operation does not exceed 30-35 years, after which it is necessary to open the walls and carry out expensive repairs to replace the insulation.

This is due to two reasons:

  1. during interaction with oxygen, the binder (phenol-formaldehyde adhesive) is oxidized / destroyed;
  2. during the operation of the house during the heating period, due to the difference in partial pressures, vapors move from the inside of the house to the outside, in the surface layer of the insulation, steam condenses into water, after freezing which expands and, accordingly, destroys the integrity of the glued insulation fibers, they are simply torn apart from each other.

The use of expanded clay concrete blocks will lead to a significant increase in the cost of the foundation.
This is because when using expanded clay concrete blocks thickness bearing wall will be 400mm, a layer of thermal insulation of 100mm will be added to them, a ventilation gap of 40mm and masonry from slotted facing brick. The total thickness of the outer wall will be 660mm. In case of choosing heat-efficient ceramic blocks Cayman30, insulation is not required. Block thickness Cayman30- 300mm. Between carrier ceramic wall and laying facing bricks, it is necessary to arrange a technological gap of 10 mm, which is filled with mortar during the laying process. The final thickness of the outer ceramic wall will be 430mm.
Under the large thickness of the expanded clay concrete wall, it will also be necessary to bring a large thickness of the foundation tape, the difference in thickness is 0.23 m. Such an increase leads to a significant high costs for concrete, rebar and work.

Masonry from expanded clay concrete blocks will require mandatory reinforcement in order to give the latter the ability to perceive bending loads. This is due to the fact that the basis of strength KBB cement lies, and it works well only for compression and practically does not work for bending. That is why mandatory reinforcement is present in the framework of masonry technology. KBB(see photo below). It is also mandatory to reinforce the lower belt for both monolithic and prefabricated floors.

Ceramic block masonry KerakamKaiman30 reinforced only at the corners of the building, per meter in each direction. For reinforcement, a basalt-plastic mesh is used, which is laid in the masonry joint. Labor-intensive covering of reinforcement in the masonry layer is not required.

Masonry mortar during the installation of ceramic blocks is applied only along the horizontal masonry seam. The bricklayer applies the solution immediately to one and a half to two meters of masonry and starts each next block along the groove-ridge. The laying is very fast.

During installation KBB solution must be applied to side surface blocks. It is obvious that the speed and laboriousness of masonry with this method of installation will only increase.

Also, for professional masons, sawing ceramic blocks is not a problem. For this purpose, it is used reciprocating saw, with the help of the same saw, they are sawn and KBB. In each row of the wall, only one block is required to be cut.

To understand the cost of construction from certain materials, you first need to make a heat engineering calculation. It will show the degree of compliance of the selected wall structure with the standard (reduced thermal resistance R r 0 ) for energy saving in accordance with SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" for the development region. Also, this calculation will show the desired final wall thickness, which means the thickness of each layer of the wall with a multilayer structure. Knowing the thickness of each layer, you can calculate its cost, which means you can calculate the cost of 1 m2 of wall. Foundation costs are also determined by the final thickness of the wall. Only having these cost figures can we say exactly which design option would be preferable. When comparing ceramic blocks Kerakam Kaiman30 and expanded clay concrete blocks We will consider the following structures:

1) Kaiman 30(masonry in one layer, thickness 30 cm) with ceramic facing bricks.
2) KBB(block masonry, thickness 39 cm), a layer of mineral wool insulation 100 mm thick, ceramic facing bricks.

Below is a heat engineering calculation performed according to the methodology described in SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings". As well as the economic justification for the use of the Kerakam Kaiman30 ceramic block when comparing the costs of building the house in question from expanded clay concrete blocks.

Looking ahead, I inform you that the replacement of the block Kaiman30, which meets the requirements of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" for the city Tyumen, on the expanded clay concrete blocks will lead to an increase in the cost of building the house in question by 223 485 rubles. You can see the calculation in numbers at the end of this answer.

To begin with, we will determine the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings for the city Tyumen, as well as the thermal resistance created by the structures under consideration.

The ability of a structure to retain heat is determined by such a physical parameter as the thermal resistance of the structure ( R, m 2 *S/W).

Let us determine the degree-day of the heating period, °С ∙ day/year, according to the formula (SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings") for the city Tyumen.

GSOP = (t in - t out)z out,

t in- the design temperature of the internal air of the building, ° С, taken in the calculation of the enclosing structures of the groups of buildings indicated in table 3 (SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings"): according to pos. 1 - by minimum values optimal temperature corresponding buildings in accordance with GOST 30494 (in the range 20 - 22 °С);
t from - average temperature outdoor air, °С during the cold period, for the city of Tyumen meaning -6,9 °C;
z from- duration, days / year, of the heating period, adopted according to the set of rules for the period with an average daily outdoor temperature of not more than 8 ° C, for the city Tyumen meaning 223 days.

GSOP \u003d (20- (-6.9)) * 223 \u003d 5,998.7 ° C * day.

The value of the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings is determined by the formula (SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings)

R tr 0 \u003d a * GSOP + b

R tr 0- required thermal resistance;
a and b- coefficients, the values ​​of which should be taken according to table No. 3 of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" for the corresponding groups of buildings, for residential buildings the value a should be taken equal to 0.00035, the value b - 1,4

R tr 0 \u003d 0.00035 * 5 998.7 + 1.4 \u003d 3.4995 m 2 * C / W

The formula for calculating the conditional thermal resistance of the considered structure:

R0 = Σ δ n n + 0,158

Σ – symbol of summation of layers for multilayer structures;
δ - layer thickness in meters;
λ - coefficient of thermal conductivity of the layer material under the condition of operational humidity;
n- layer number (for multilayer structures);
0.158 is a correction factor, which can be taken as a constant for simplicity.

Formula for calculating the reduced thermal resistance.

R r 0 \u003d R 0 x r

r- coefficient of thermal engineering homogeneity of structures with inhomogeneous sections (joints, heat-conducting inclusions, porches, etc.)

according to standard STO 00044807-001-2006 according to Table No. 8, the value of the coefficient of thermal uniformity r for masonry from large-format hollow porous ceramic stones and gas silicate blocks should be taken equal to 0,98 .

At the same time, I draw your attention to the fact that this coefficient does not take into account the fact that

  1. We recommend masonry using warm masonry mortar (this significantly eliminates heterogeneity at the joints);
  2. We use not metal, but basalt-plastic ties, which literally conduct heat 100 times less than steel ties, as ties between the bearing wall and the front masonry (this significantly eliminates the inhomogeneities formed due to heat-conducting inclusions);
  3. Slopes of window and doorways, according to our design documentation, they are additionally insulated with extruded polystyrene foam (which eliminates heterogeneity in the places of window and door openings, porches).
From which we can conclude - when following the instructions of our working documentation the masonry uniformity coefficient tends to unity. But in the calculation of the reduced thermal resistance R r 0 we will still use the tabular value of 0.98.

R r 0 must be greater than or equal to R 0 required.

We determine the operating mode of the building in order to understand what thermal conductivity coefficient λ a or λ in taken when calculating the conditional thermal resistance.

The procedure for determining the operating mode is described in detail in SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" . Based on the specified normative document Let's follow the step by step instructions.

1st step. Let's define hon the humidity level of the building region - the city of Tyumen using Appendix B of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings".

According to the city table Tyumen located in zone 3 (dry climate). We accept the value 3 - dry climate.

2nd step. According to Table No. 1 of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" we determine the humidity regime in the room.

At the same time, I draw your attention to the fact that during the heating season, the humidity in the room drops to 15-20%. During the heating season, air humidity must be raised to at least 35-40%. Humidity of 40-50% is considered comfortable for a person.
In order to raise the level of humidity, it is necessary to ventilate the room, you can use humidifiers, installation of an aquarium will help.

According to Table 1, the humidity regime in the room during the heating period at an air temperature of 12 to 24 degrees and a relative humidity of up to 50% - dry.

3rd step. According to Table No. 2 of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" we determine the operating conditions.

To do this, we find the intersection of the line with the value of the humidity regime in the room, in our case it is dry, with humidity column for city Tyumen, as explained earlier, is the value dry.

According to the methodology of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" in the calculation of conditional thermal resistance ( R0) should apply the value under operating conditions BUT, i.e. it is necessary to use the coefficient of thermal conductivity λ a.

Here you can see.
The value of the coefficient of thermal conductivity λ a You can find it at the end of the document.

Consider the masonry of the outer wall, using Kerakam Kaiman30 ceramic blocks, lined with ceramic hollow bricks.

For ceramic block use option Kaiman30 total wall thickness excluding plaster layer 430mm (300mm ceramic block Kerakam Kaiman30+ 10mm technological gap filled with cement-perlite mortar + 120mm face masonry).

1 layer
2 layer(pos.2) - 300mm masonry wall using a block Kaiman30(coefficient of thermal conductivity of masonry in operational condition 0.094 W/m*S).
3 layer(pos.4) - 10mm light cement-perlite mixture between the ceramic block masonry and the front masonry (density 200 kg/m3, thermal conductivity coefficient at operating humidity less than 0.12 W/m*C).
4 layer(pos.5) - 120mm wall masonry using slotted facing bricks (the thermal conductivity of the masonry in the operational state is 0.45 W / m * C.

Pos. 3 - warm masonry mortar
pos. 6 - colored masonry mortar.

Consider the masonry of the outer wall, using KBB with insulation, lined with ceramic hollow bricks.

For use case KBB total wall thickness excluding plaster layer 660mm (400mm KBB+ 100mm thermal insulation + 40mm ventilation gap + 120mm facing masonry).

1 layer(pos.1) - 20mm thermal insulation cement-perlite plaster (thermal conductivity coefficient 0.18 W / m * C).
2 layer(pos.2) - 400mm masonry wall with KBB(the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the masonry in the operational state is 0.36 W / m * C).
3 layer(pos.4) - 100mm thermal insulation layer, for example, CavitiBats (the thermal conductivity of the masonry in the operational state is 0.042 W / m * C).
4 layer(pos.3) - ventilation gap
5 layer(pos.5) - laying facing bricks
* - the layer of facing brick masonry is not taken into account in the calculation of the thermal resistance of the structure, the front masonry is carried out with a ventilation gap device, and ensuring free air circulation in it. This is due to the fact that the vapor permeability of thermal insulation is significantly higher than the vapor permeability of ceramics.
Laying facing bricks without a ventilation gap when using facade thermal insulation is not allowed!

We consider the conditional thermal resistance R 0 for the structures under consideration.

block Kaiman30

R 0Cayman30 \u003d 0.020 / 0.18 + 0.3 / 0.094 + 0.01 / 0.12 + 0.12 / 0.45 + 0.158 \u003d 3.8106 m 2 *S/W

The structure of the outer wall in which expanded clay concrete block

R 0KBB \u003d 0.020 / 0.18 + 0.4 / 0.36 + 0.100 / 0.042 + 0.158 \u003d 3.7612 m 2 *S/W

We consider the reduced thermal resistance R r 0 of the structures under consideration.


R r 0 Cayman30 =3.81 m 2 *C/W * 0.98 = 3.7344 m 2 *S/W

The structure of the outer wall in which expanded clay concrete block

R r 0 kbb\u003d 3.7612 m 2 * C / W * 0.98 \u003d 3.6860 m 2 *S/W

The reduced thermal resistance of the two structures under consideration is higher than the required thermal resistance for the city Schelkovo(3,4995 m 2 * C / W) , which means that both structures meet the SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" for the city Schelkovo.

Some houses are different unusual shape, which can be dictated by both fashion and the irregular geometric shape of the territory. For example, L-shaped buildings were erected on corner plots in order to reduce the area occupied by the house. If you build an ordinary rectangular house on such a site, then it will take most territory. But over time, thanks design solutions such buildings acquired, in addition to compactness and rationality, a stylish appearance.

Design features

Before you start building a house, you need to choose the optimal location for it and create a project.

When drafting an L-shaped building, you should follow some recommendations:

  • The corner of the house is directed to the north side, and the deaf side should be placed on the leeward side. This arrangement will help protect the patio from the winds and create a favorable climate in it.
  • The wings of the structure can be either the same in length or different. The angle between them can be right, obtuse or acute.
  • At will, they make either one entrance overlooking the patio (it will always be protected from adverse weather conditions), or two, placing them on different gables of the building (at the same time, they can be equipped with a terrace). The second option will be an ideal choice if two families live in the house.
  • It is advisable to build an L-shaped house one-story, if necessary, you can equip the attic. It is not recommended to build such buildings multi-storey.
  • The width of the gables of the wings is made the same or different.
  • Building materials can be bricks, timber or panels. Most often, rounded or glued beams are used.
  • The project can include a garage, veranda or terrace.

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Drawings of L-shaped houses

On the drawing of the house, all the premises of the building are indicated:

  • It is better to place the boiler room at the basement level, which will ensure uniform heating of all rooms. AT wooden houses need to pay Special attention for fire safety.
  • Corner architecture makes it possible to separate the "noisy" zone (living room and game room) from the “quiet” (bedroom and study), placing them in different wings. Between them it is recommended to place the kitchen and dining room.
  • A garage is often built into buildings with the letter G, in which 2 entrances are made: from the street and from the house, which is convenient in winter period. The garage is heated from a single system. Therefore, there is no need to do autonomous heating.
  • If it is planned to equip an attic, then it is recommended to equip a “quiet” zone on the second level, and place a “noisy” zone, a garage and utility rooms on the first level. A bathroom is installed on both levels.
  • It is desirable to include a terrace or veranda among the architectural elements. These rooms will decorate the building and become an additional functional unit.
  • The terrace is located in the southern part of the building on the leeward side, best in inner corner buildings. Thanks to the comfortable microclimate formed in the courtyard, the terrace can be used even in bad weather.
  • You should know that the veranda and terrace are different rooms. The veranda is part of the house and is located under the same roof with it. The terrace is located separately and often does not have a roof. A terrace is often attached to L-shaped structures. In most cases, it is made angular.

An L-shaped house is a great choice for corner plots. It is equipped with a cozy patio, can have a terrace and has a stylish and original facade. In addition, such a house, despite its compactness, is quite spacious.

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