Rating of manufacturers of expanded clay concrete blocks. How to choose expanded clay concrete blocks? Expanded clay or sand-cement blocks

Engineering systems 29.08.2019
Engineering systems

The growth in the number of developers and the desire to find an economical, strong, durable and warm material for building a house has led to an increase in the popularity of lightweight concrete blocks. Along with and widely used steel expanded clay concrete blocks, which have excellent thermal insulation qualities, are safe, lightweight and relatively inexpensive. Many private builders call this material one of the best solutions for or giving. Is it really? We deal with the question of the correct choice of expanded clay concrete, the pros and cons of the material, its types and manufacturers.

No. 1. How is claydite concrete made

Expanded clay concrete began to be made in the middle of the last century, then they safely forgot about it, and today it is experiencing new era popularity. The composition of the material, like any lightweight concrete block, includes cement, water and sand, and used as a filler expanded clay– granules different size, obtained by firing low-melting grades of clay. The granules are light due to a large number pores inside, but strong, as they have a strong burnt shell. For the production of expanded clay concrete, granules with a size of 5-40 mm are used. Blocks can be solid or hollow. Moreover, claydite concrete solution can be used for monolithic construction of the walls of the house.

great importance for performance characteristics block has a ratio of expanded clay and cement. The more expanded clay, the lighter, warmer and more expensive the block will be. The quality of cement determines the strength grade of the material. Due to the expanded clay filler, the material acquires unique thermal insulation properties, for which modern developers are so fond of it.

Unscrupulous manufacturers add adhesive additives to the mixture to increase the strength of the material, but environmental safety this affects negatively. Blocks in production are formed under the influence vibration, dried in special chambers, where heating is carried out by streams of hot air or infrared rays.

Today private and country houses, dachas, it is used for monolithic construction of buildings.

No. 2. Expanded clay blocks: pros and cons

The composition of expanded clay concrete determines its numerous positive aspects, which ensure the popularity of the material. Among the main advantages of expanded clay concrete blocks:

  • excellent thermal insulation qualities, so the material was chosen by the inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries. For harsh climatic conditions our country, such blocks are irreplaceable. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of expanded clay concrete grade D500 is 0.17-0.23 W / m * K, grade D1000 - 0.33-0.41 W / m * K;
  • not bad soundproofing;
  • low construction cost. The price of expanded clay concrete is comparable to the cost of other lightweight concrete blocks, but significantly lower than the price of. If we take into account the reduction in the cost of arranging the foundation, fewer seams, then we can say that a house made of expanded clay concrete will cost about a third cheaper than a brick house;
  • fast construction time, which is associated with the large size of the blocks and their relatively low weight;
  • sufficient strength;
  • vapor permeability allows the walls of the house to breathe and removes excess moisture;
  • moisture resistance and frost resistance, resistance to fire (blocks do not melt and do not burn), and rodents;
  • durability, which is achieved due to moisture and frost resistance and is at least 75-100 years;
  • environmental friendliness, because the composition includes only natural materials;
  • no shrinkage;
  • the ability to use both traditional mortar and glue for masonry.

Expanded clay concrete blocks also have disadvantages:

  • difficulties at work with material. If many blocks (for example,) can be cut with a hacksaw and easily attached to them necessary form, then expanded clay concrete will have to be cut with a saw with teeth from Pobedit - the reverse side of strength;
  • mounting complexity cannot be denied, but this problem should not be overestimated either. For example, anchor bolts and dowels normally stay in walls made of expanded clay concrete;
  • although the material has vapor permeability, it is less pronounced than that of a brick, so it is better to provide high-quality in the house;
  • another drawback is often called - the formation of cold bridges, but it is rather far-fetched, since it absolutely always takes place when the walls are built from individual elements. It is possible to get rid of cold bridges if walls are erected from expanded clay concrete using monolithic technology;
  • if it is planned to build a multi-storey massive building from expanded clay concrete, then one cannot do without careful professional calculations;
  • another dubious drawback is the need for facing blocks of expanded clay concrete, as they do not look very aesthetically pleasing. Yes, there is little beauty in them, but today almost all houses are finished, with the only exception being wooden ones. But you can use anything:, plaster with, decorative brick.

No. 3. Types of expanded clay concrete blocks for their intended purpose

Based on the presence or absence of voids, expanded clay concrete blocks can be divided into two fundamentally different groups:

  • corpulent;
  • hollow.

solid blocks is a structural material high density and relatively heavy. Load-bearing and non-bearing walls are erected from it, even multi-storey buildings can be built.

Hollow Blocks thanks to the holes inside, they are distinguished by improved thermal insulation qualities, suitable for the construction of partitions and bearing walls one-story buildings.

No. 4. The size of expanded clay concrete blocks

By size, expanded clay concrete blocks are usually divided into:

  • wall;
  • partition walls.

It is clear that the former are used for laying exterior walls. They must have certain indicators of strength and density, about which will be discussed farther. They can be 288*138*138, 288*288*138, 290*190*188, 390*190*188, 190*190*188, 90*190*188 mm in size. By fullness they are full-bodied and hollow.

Partition blocks, as the name suggests, are used for masonry internal partitions. They have less weight, which reduces the load on the foundation. In size, as a rule, partition blocks are produced 590*90*188, 390*90*188, 190*90*188 mm.

Some companies produce blocks that do not match the above dimensions- they are carried out not according to GOST, but according to TU, which the manufacturer himself can determine for himself. As a rule, large-format blocks are produced according to specifications.

It is worth noting separately facing blocks which are produced by some companies. They have dimensions of 600 * 300 * 400 mm, are produced by adding dyes to the solution and have a relief decorative surface.

No. 5. Strength grade of expanded clay concrete blocks

When choosing expanded clay concrete for building a house, garage, partitions, utility rooms and other buildings, it is necessary to take into account a lot of performance indicators of the material: strength, density, frost resistance and thermal conductivity. All of them are interconnected. Let's start with strength.

strength called the ability of a material to withstand loads and resist destruction. Usually, the strength of expanded clay concrete is denoted by the letter M and the number following it. from 25 to 100, which means how many kilograms each cm 2 of the surface of the block can withstand. The M25 block can withstand 25 kg / cm 2, and the M100 - 100 kg / cm 2. In private construction, as a rule, blocks with a strength higher than M100 are not used: blocks M75-M100 are used for the construction of walls, and M35-M50 for partitions. In industrial and high-rise construction, blocks of greater strength can be used.

It is worth noting that the M75 block can withstand both 65 kg / cm 2, as well as 75 or 80 kg / cm 2. Despite the inaccuracies, this method of classifying expanded clay concrete still continues to be used. A much more accurate version is strength classes, which are marked with the letter B. This is strength with guaranteed security. A numerical indicator from 2.5 to 40: the higher it is, the more durable the block will be. M100, for example, corresponds to B7.5.

No. 6. Density of expanded clay concrete

Another important indicator is density. The lower the density, the higher the thermal insulation qualities. On the other hand, the higher the density, the higher the strength and resistance to moisture. The block density is marked with the letter D followed by a coefficient from 350 to 1800. The coefficient is equal to the density, expressed in kg / m 3.

The scope of use of the material depends on the density:

No. 7. Frost resistance and thermal conductivity of expanded clay concrete

Frost resistance called the ability of a material to withstand sudden changes in temperature. This indicator is determined by the number of shock freezing and thawing, marked with the letter F. For expanded clay concrete, this indicator can vary from 25 to 300, but in private construction, the material is used F15-F100. For the northern regions, it is better to take material with frost resistance F50-F75. Blocks with low frost resistance are suitable only for interior work.

Thermal conductivity material directly depends on the density. For the D1000 block, it is 0.33-0.41, D1400 - 0.56-0.65, etc. (see table). Depending on which block is chosen for construction and in which region the house will be located, they carry out calculation of the thickness of expanded clay concrete and analyze the need to use a heater:№9. Top Producers expanded clay concrete

Factories engaged in the production of such a promising building material, today there is a lot, and there is a big risk of stumbling upon defective goods produced in inappropriate conditions. A normal manufacturer is not afraid to show the production process and invite the buyer to the factory, can provide all the necessary quality certificates and test results. Let us dwell on the largest manufacturers of expanded clay concrete blocks:

No. 10. DIY concrete blocks

Independent production of expanded clay concrete can significantly reduce the cost of building a house. As a rule, small batches of material are made with their own hands for the construction of simple small buildings, otherwise the laboriousness of the work will simply be unjustified.

In addition to the already known ingredients, you will need special equipment, you can rent it. It will be necessary with a volume of at least 130 liters. You will also need a vibrating machine, it already has molding containers, so you don’t have to bother with their production. Otherwise, you will have to make them out of metal or wood.

The process of making expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands looks like this:

  • mixing components in a concrete mixer. First, 3 parts of sand and 1 part are mixed, then 1-1.2 parts of water are added, and then another 6 parts of expanded clay. Everything is thoroughly mixed, it may be necessary to add a small amount of water if the mixture is too dry. Some add a little liquid soap to provide better viscosity;
  • mixture in portions put into mold machine and include vibration, excess solution is removed;
  • plate with ready block rises, the blanks are dried for 2 days, then the steel plates are removed;
  • without using a machine, the process is somewhat more complicated and longer. It will be necessary to pour the solution into pre-prepared and lubricated forms and carefully tamp. It is better to use blocks no earlier than 28 days later.

If there is no confidence in own forces, it is better to buy ready-made material with well-known performance characteristics. Subject to the production technology (famous manufacturers can be trusted) and the technology of masonry, a house made of expanded clay concrete will stand for a very long time.


Expanded clay blocks should be chosen according to their characteristics. What to look for: strength, voidness, frost resistance, thermal conductivity.

Expanded clay or sand-cement blocks

Before choosing expanded clay concrete blocks according to their characteristics, many people think which is better: sand cement or expanded clay concrete. The advantages of the second material in the construction of walls is that it has the best thermal insulation characteristics, less weight. The variant with blocks mainly from cement and sand is more durable, suitable for structures under constant significant pressure: foundation, load-bearing supports, basement. At the same time, sand-cement blocks have more weight and have worse thermal conductivity.

How many slots should be in the block

Based on what kind of structure is being built, and for what purposes, expanded clay concrete is chosen. Builders advise:

  • The double-slot option is used for light and low structures on one floor: a garage, a barn. The building should not have concrete floors.
  • The three-slot block is a dense option with average thermal conductivity.
  • Four-slot - the most common, durable, suitable for the construction of low houses - two floors, retains heat well. The latter property made this type the most popular. You can not do the thermal insulation of walls with a four-slot block. But builders advise not to neglect additional thermal insulation.

The shape of the voids does not really matter, you need to pay attention to their volume, which affects the strength and thermal conductivity of the block.

Strength grade

The choice of brand also depends on the type of building. M25, 35 - options for non-residential unloaded outbuildings on one floor - a barn, a garage, summer kitchen. M50, 75 are suitable for private houses, summer cottages. These brands will withstand heavy concrete floors and a significant number of storeys - up to 10. If the thickness of the walls is 20 cm in a private house with several floors, it is better to use M75, with a thickness of 40 cm - M50.

What is the optimal weight

A cubic meter weighing 900 kg of expanded clay concrete blocks is considered a lightweight option. This expanded clay concrete is distinguished by its low weight, reducing the load on the foundation, and good thermal conductivity (practically do not let heat through). The surface of such blocks, as a rule, is rough, therefore, it needs a fairly good processing, which means significant costs for finishing. If external wall insulation is assumed, then the difference in thermal conductivity is approximately 1%, compared with blocks with a density of 1000 kg per m 3.

  • have smooth surface- lower costs for finishing with plaster are needed;
  • greater weight - the thermal inertia of the house increases, as a result - temperature drops inside the building are smoothed out, with sharp temperature changes outside.

Selection of partition blocks

Their size is 39x9x18.8 cm. They are used for the construction of all partitions in any building for its intended purpose. They are also divided into corpulent and hollow. If sand-cement blocks are suitable for cellars, basements, inspection pits - rooms with high humidity, then for residential premises the best way- Partitions made of expanded clay concrete. They are lighter and provide better sound insulation.

Solid ones should be used in places where increased strength is needed: during installation doorways, for walls where it is supposed to hang large house equipment, etc. Hollow claydite concrete can be used to build partitions in all other parts of the house without significant loads.

Combining strength and energy saving in one wall material is the cherished goal of every developer.

Unfortunately these two physical properties are directly opposite, so in practice the best option is a compromise between them.

One of good examples The union of reliability and warmth is a house made of expanded clay concrete. This building retains heat better than a traditional one. solid brick. In terms of load resistance, the expanded clay block is superior to brittle gas and foam concrete.

In Europe, where every calorie of heat is saved, this material has already won a place of honor.

It will not hurt us to get to know the features of building from expanded clay concrete blocks in order to make an informed choice from the wall materials offered on the market.

Features of expanded clay concrete blocks, their advantages and disadvantages

Expanded clay concrete is a three-component material consisting of cement, quartz sand and expanded clay gravel(fired and foamed clay). In terms of environmental friendliness, it is impeccable, since no chemicals are used in its production.

Thanks to lightweight expanded clay granules, the weight of the material is reduced, and its energy-saving ability is increased. Due to cement, the structural lattice of expanded clay concrete blocks is strong and stable. An additional reduction in weight is achieved due to the voids created during the molding of the blocks. They are used to reinforce masonry with reinforcement or to install additional connections in frame houses.

Before making a purchase and starting construction, it is necessary to comprehensively evaluate.

In addition to those already mentioned, their advantages include:

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to fire, rodents and insects;
  • durability;
  • low thermal conductivity (0.14 to 0.66 W/mK);
  • frost resistance (for heat-insulating blocks 15-50 cycles; for structural and heat-insulating blocks - 100, for structural blocks up to 200);
  • good vapor permeability (from 3 to 9 mg/m h Pa);
  • high speed and low labor intensity of laying (one bricklayer lays up to 3 m3 of blocks per shift);
  • saving mortar (in comparison with brickwork reaches 50%);
  • reliable fixation of fasteners during the installation of external and internal finishes;
  • low cost.

We also note that the construction of a house from expanded clay concrete blocks has its drawbacks:

  • it is impossible to save on the foundation, since expanded clay concrete walls are heavier than foam and gas-block ones;
  • cold bridges through the masonry seams (walls must be insulated);
  • the house is not recommended to be left without an external protective finish for more than 2 seasons (the strength of the walls decreases).

Construction features

Everyone who wants to build a house from expanded clay blocks should know the intricacies of the technology of such masonry.

First of all , you need to decide on the type of material used. For low-rise construction, structural and heat-insulating blocks are optimal (density from 700 to 1200 kg / m3). Lighter ones are suitable only for insulation, while heavier (structural) ones are used in multi-storey construction.

Secondly , correctly choose the size of the blocks. In order for the costs of insulation of expanded clay walls to be minimal, their thickness must be at least 40 cm (for middle lane Russia). The most popular size used for load-bearing walls is 190x188x390mm. For self-supporting partitions, blocks with a thickness of 90-120 mm are purchased.

Thirdly , keep in mind that the foundation for the walls must be powerful and deep enough. The depth of the trench is chosen based on local soil conditions, but they do not dig it smaller than 1.0 -1.2 meters. A sandy cushion compacted with a rammer (thickness 20 cm), under the foundation is required. In addition, you will have to fill in a reinforced concrete belt (15-20 cm), making a frame for it from 4-6 reinforcing bars with a diameter of 16-20 mm. In case of uneven ground settlement, it will protect the foundation and walls from cracks.

Fourth , it is economically more profitable when the insulation and finishing of the house from expanded clay blocks are performed simultaneously. Therefore, you should decide in advance on the cladding material (siding, face brick, facade plaster, blockhouse) and insulation (basalt or ecowool).

The laying of expanded clay blocks does not fundamentally differ from the technology of erecting walls from block aerated concrete. Here, the seams are also dressed and the deviation of the wall surface from the vertical is controlled (using a plumb line and level). Horizontal evenness is achieved by installing a mooring cord at the corners, marking the line of the row.

When building from expanded clay concrete blocks, there is one important nuance- use of jute insulation tape. It is laid in the middle of the masonry, thereby cutting off access to the cold through the solution inside the premises.

You can save money by refusing such a solution, but in this case, heat will leave the house through thick masonry seams (12-15 mm).

Another significant point of technology is masonry reinforcement.. It should be done after 3-4 rows, laying two reinforcement bars with a diameter of 12-14 mm into special grooves on the block.

Despite the fact that expanded clay concrete is stronger than aerated concrete, for the installation of floor panels, it will also have to make a monolithic reinforced belt for it. It will distribute the load from the plates and prevent them from pushing through certain sections of the walls. Outside, cold reinforced concrete must be insulated with foam inserts 5 cm thick.

As we have already said, the laying of expanded clay concrete stone is not too complicated, so not only a professional builder, but also any neat beginner, if desired, will be able to complete it. The main condition for quality independent work- careful study of the orders (block layout schemes) and the use of control tools - plumb, level and mooring line.

Since the sizes of the blocks are quite large, it is not difficult to lay out an even row of them. The holes made in them increase the accuracy of splitting with a hammer when it is necessary to make a “half” or “three-four” for dressing seams.

Blocks of expanded clay concrete are well drilled, perfectly hold fasteners and plaster. Therefore, the installation of a ventilated facade on them, finishing with decorative mortar, drywall and other sheet materials presents no particular difficulty.

Having ordered a detailed project of such a house, most home craftsmen will be able to drive out the masonry with their own hands.

Speaking about the reviews of people living in buildings made of expanded clay blocks, it should be noted that most of them are positive. Most often, the owners note the good heat-saving qualities of the material, its strength and comfortable microclimate in the premises (subject to well-executed masonry and decoration).

Counting the number of blocks

In order to accurately determine the volume of purchases, you need to make a preliminary calculation of expanded clay concrete blocks for the house. To do this, sum up the length of all external walls and separately calculate the length of the internal partitions of the building.

The results obtained are multiplied by the height and thickness of the walls and partitions. Then the total volume of masonry is divided by the volume of one standard block - 0.014 m3. So get the amount of material in pieces. As a working margin, 20% is added to the final figure, or when calculating, the volumes of window and door openings are simply not subtracted from it.

Estimated construction cost

It is made up of several components:

  • The cost of work;
  • Rebar prices;
  • The cost of the solution;
  • Block prices;
  • Delivery costs to the object.

With self-laying, the first price factor is zero. If you order a team, then you will have to pay about 1200 rubles / m3 for the work. Approximately the same is the cost of building walls of aerated concrete.

For 1 m3 of masonry, 65 hollow blocks will be required, with an average cost of 40 rubles per 1 piece. Considering the price of rebar, cement, sand and their delivery, we get that the minimum cost of building a wall from expanded clay blocks is about 2900-3100 rubles / m3 (without work).

In order to compare this figure with other types of masonry, let's say that Brick wall costs twice as much on average. The difference with aerated concrete masonry is not so great. However, it also exceeds the cost of expanded clay by 10-15%.

Expanded clay block is considered a building stone, as it is formed using semi-dry vibrocompression. It is given rectangular contours. The main material for the manufacture is expanded clay concrete. This element is made up of cement, which acts as a binder, as well as a filler consisting of three components: water, expanded clay and sand.

features of this material. Reviews

Claydite block has remarkable characteristics, as it is a unique building material that combines the properties of ordinary brick together with the features of foam blocks and aerated concrete. signs brickwork manifest themselves in excellent and undeniable frost resistance finished product. The lightness of concrete is reflected in claydite blocks by the fact that they also have large dimensions, a low thermal conductivity and low weight, which makes it possible to quickly and easily carry out construction work.

Reviews of the owners of houses from expanded clay blocks note the simplicity of masonry. In addition, this material is environmentally friendly. The downside can be considered that in this material it is not always possible to reliably install fasteners.


It is possible to accurately determine the composition of this building material only after determining its specific gravity. We can assume an average figure, which is equal to 1500 kg / m 3. Cement is taken not lower than the M400 grade. Among other components, it occupies 26.7%, which means that its mass is 430 kg. Expanded clay in the mixture is always the most, so it occupies about 34% of the composition, which means it is contained in a mass of 510 kg.

Sand is added about the same amount as cement, but usually it is slightly less, so a value of 420 g is taken, which is 28%. All these elements dissolve and mix in water, however, there should not be a lot of liquid, since the goal is to create a mixture of moderate consistency, and not a liquid composition. 120 kg of water is enough, which will be only 9.3% of the share of all components of the compound.

Differences in composition

If you reduce the percentage of cement together with sand, specific gravity it will immediately become a little lower, therefore, in this parameter, they are guided precisely by these building materials. If a light mixture is made, that is, it weighs up to 1000 kg / m 3, then the need to add sand can be completely ignored. In this case, it is necessary to slightly reduce the percentage of cement and increase the capacity of expanded clay.

The price for a gas block is higher than for expanded clay blocks. It should be remembered that expanded clay products can be purchased for 25 rubles, which cannot be said about gas blocks, since their price threshold is 30-35 rubles.

Composition features

  1. The cement is of high quality. Fractions of any kind are available, however, the brand of the product must necessarily be higher than M-400.
  2. Expanded clay can be confused with gravel, as its size and shade are similar to this building material. It is made from light clay rocks located in natural environment, by firing the constituent elements. Usually, fractions within 5-10 mm are used for manufacturing, which makes it possible to form optimal expanded clay blocks. Reviews of experts argue that this issue should be approached carefully.
  3. Sand acts as a filler. It is not always required, but in most cases it is present in the composition in the proper amount. It is advisable to take medium and large fractions, excluding small breeds as much as possible. This is the only way to expect excellent bonding of other component elements of the blocks.
  4. Water should be added clean. Do not use liquid after washing any products. If possible, add purified water, which does not contain unnecessary impurities.


For expanded clay blocks, building standards provide for clear dimensions: 88x190x390 mm and 188x90x390 mm. There are permissible deviations, but they should not exceed 1-2 cm from the given indicators. The first size was indicated for blocks that are used for laying load-bearing walls. The second option is intended to create partitions.

Expanded clay block, the pros and cons of which can be determined by the quality of all faces of the product, is classified into front and ordinary elements. Such indicators determine the features of the appearance of all sides of each element. Ordinary ones are used for laying walls, which they definitely plan to veneer with an external finish that completely covers the frame. The front ones help to exclude finishing and put the building into operation without carrying out finishing measures, therefore, as noted in the reviews of experts, such material can only be used if there is really a need to abandon the lining of the building.

Internal structure

The characteristics of expanded clay blocks include the presence or absence of voids. If it can contain both closed and through cavities located in the vertical direction. They can significantly reduce total weight material, also these holes help to purchase material at a reduced price, which often pleases buyers. For expanded clay blocks, the price varies between 25-50 rubles per piece. Solid blocks are more expensive, but at the same time they have greater strength, which is also reflected in weight.

Sometimes such walls made of expanded clay block should not be laid manually, but using special equipment, especially when it comes to performing hazardous work at high altitude. They are often used for laying main walls. It is imperative to choose solid blocks if the building is high or will be subjected to significant loads. For gas blocks, the price is higher than for expanded clay blocks, as they are more durable. Usually it is at least 30 rubles apiece.

Density and strength

These are the most important and decisive characteristics that help you choose a claydite block, the pros and cons of which have crucial in the construction of a particular building. Density determines not only the quality and wear resistance of the claydite block, but also its acoustic properties together with energy saving.

The reliability of the product also plays a role. All these indicators vary depending on the strength, so you should always check it before choosing the right product. When choosing expanded clay blocks or foam blocks, you should focus not only on strength indicators, but also on manufacturers' guarantees. This is important condition, which must be performed when choosing a quality building material.

The fraction of the filler is of decisive importance, it determines the qualities that the expanded clay block has. The pros and cons of this material reflect the density of the product, so you should pay attention to them and control the correct manufacture. The range in which this indicator can vary, very wide. It varies from 500 to 1800 kg / m 3.

It should be remembered that the price of expanded clay blocks cannot be the same, since they differ from each other in terms of strength characteristics. Cannot be determined on appearance precise wear resistance and all the abilities of the material. Strength indicators have a wide range and are B3.5-B20. If we redistribute these indicators by the exact value of the static load, then values ​​​​from 35 to 250 kg / cm 2 can be distinguished. Weight approximately allows you to identify the parameters, as it also ranges from 10 to 23 kg. The material has a service life of up to 60 years, which does not make it completely durable.

Vapor permeability

This parameter has become of interest to people recently, as it characterizes the claydite block, the pros and cons of which correlate with environmental indicators. On the this moment this parameter is guided not only by professional developers, but also by private builders, as well as ordinary buyers. Expanded clay is a "breathable" material, so you should not worry about this.

It should be remembered that the vapor permeability of expanded clay concrete is 2 times greater than this indicator for bricks. You can compare it with wood or drywall, since this indicator for this building material is slightly lower, but is on par with the best elements in environmental terms.

Claydite block rooms never have dry air. This material absorbs moisture from the atmosphere, and if Environment becomes too dry, then immediately gives it away, which allows you to always feel comfortable. Thus, a comfortable and optimal microclimate is created, which cannot be underestimated.

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