When it is necessary to make partitions in a frame house. Internal walls of a frame house: how to build them? Installation of frame partitions in the house

reservoirs 29.08.2019

Walls frame structure- this is a rather complex multi-layer structure that requires care and proper operation. Whatever you choose for yourself: buy ready-made panels or do it yourself, you need to know how the walls are made. frame house.

Ceilings, walls, roofs are the building envelope. In cool climates, the level of heat loss is important, and it may differ depending on the materials used in the construction.

The cost of heating and energy supply services is constantly growing, and the issue of saving and maintaining heat is becoming more and more urgent every year. This issue can be resolved if the walls are properly installed, as well as using modern building materials.

The device of the external system of the frame house

Frame construction today is developing in several directions: the installation of a building from modules (according to an individually made plan, from panels made in the factory with a finished internal and exterior trim), house installation according to standard project from modules (panels manufactured at the factory with finishing) and installation of a frame structure according to the project right on the spot.

Ultimately, these options are very different from each other, but in each of them the wall must be made of the same elements. All components of the panels must work in the direction of heat conservation. At the same time, the design must necessarily remain reliable, light, simple and economical. Only then the device of the walls own house will be a pleasant and easy job.

The correct one should be made from:

  • a frame made of timber from 150x50 mm thick;
  • between the racks of the frame there must be a mineral insulation (rolled mineral wool or mineral wool mats);
  • OSB boards from 15 mm thick;
  • horizontal crate;
  • between the horizontal crate should be located insulation;
  • multifunctional membranes (windproofing, vapor barrier);
  • vertical crate;
  • vapor barrier material;
  • exterior finish;
  • inner lining (lining or drywall).

The outer coating is laid on the crate to create a ventilated gap: in this case all condensate will simply evaporate. If the outer lining (or plaster) is applied immediately on top of the membrane, then the insulation may sag and stick to the finish due to condensate.

Communications are made with inside(wiring, heating and water supply pipes). In bathrooms, the inner surface of the wall can be sheathed with moisture-resistant plasterboard, glass-magnesium sheets.

AT wall panels produced in production, expanded polystyrene (SIP panels) is used between OSB boards. In terms of air exchange and steam exchange, they are significantly inferior to other types, but at the same time their level of thermal insulation is very high.

Prefabricated frame houses of a modular system are very beneficial because they have been under warranty service from the manufacturer for quite a long time. The disadvantage of these houses is that the accuracy and quality of workmanship depends only on the manufacturer and only he controls all processes.

There are a huge variety of designs of interior partitions, they can be used regardless of the materials from which your house is built.

It is quite important to make the partitions technologically correct and provide the appropriate requirements that will be necessary for certain rooms.

If we consider the vertical structures inside the house, we can distinguish between load-bearing walls and interior partitions. All floors and roof structures are based on the first, while they themselves are based on. On the plan of the house, the position of the load-bearing walls is strictly fixed.

Interior partitions in this case will not be load-bearing structures. They only divide separate rooms the interior of the whole house. Therefore, they can be performed both from heavy building materials(for example, silicate brick), and from lungs (for example, wood or). The sound insulation of the house, environmental friendliness, beautiful aesthetic appearance, the possibility of future redevelopment of space.

Interior partitions in wooden house must be:

  • durable and reliable so as not to create any danger to the residents of the house;
  • maintain the established period of its operation;
  • not have cracks and crevices on the surface or at the junctions with other structures of the house.

In addition, there are special requirements:

  1. For partitions in the bathroom and laundry rooms, resistance to penetration is quite important. humid air and couple. They must be made from waterproof building materials, but the main thing to consider is to prevent moisture and dampness from entering the structure. This problem will be perfectly solved correct cladding from waterproof building material;
  2. For interior partitions of the second floors and attic rooms in houses with wooden floors, their low weight is important, since they are able to withstand a small load than reinforced concrete;
  3. If you plan to illuminate a room in the depths of the house, then it is better to use a translucent partition made of special glass blocks or structures with glass inserts;
  4. For laying the appropriate engineering communications (, chimney, etc.), a stationary interior partition increased thickness;
  5. Partitions inside the house separating zones with different temperature conditions, must be massive and guarantee good thermal insulation.

Interroom partitions made of gypsum concrete are several times lighter than brick ones, they have a flat and smooth surface.

The thickness of such a construction from one layer of plates will be only 10 cm. If it is necessary to increase the sound insulation of a room or lay pipelines in an interior partition, it must be made double.

Installation of this system begins with alignment cement-sand mortar ceilings, then a special roofing felt waterproofing is placed under the lower blocks.

The template is made from two racks with a moving rail. Usually, the plates are mounted on top of each other with the long side strictly horizontally, with dressing of all seams. Apply gypsum mortar. Metal reinforcement is laid in all horizontal seams and fastened in the walls that limit the interior partition. The gap between the ceiling and the interior partition is sealed with a special gypsum mixture. It is not necessary to plaster the plates, just puttying is enough.

An important point gypsum mixture must be prepared immediately before use, as it hardens very quickly. And all the metal rods that are installed between the rows of plates must be treated with a special bituminous varnish.

In new houses, before installing partitions, it is advisable to wait a few months after installation. load-bearing structures at home, so that their necessary shrinkage occurs. Interior partitions in the house are mounted before the floor screed is made. When performing a screed or a rough wooden flooring in the future, a gasket of 2 cm thick soundproofing building material is made between the wall and the floor.

The installation of systems begins by marking their location with lines on the floor, walls and ceiling.

Interior structures are firmly connected with the ceiling at the base and the near walls.

Interior partitions made of wood

Currently, two types of partitions are used in frame house using wood - these are solid and frame.

Wooden partitions are used in houses from different materials, no amplification wooden floors, they are perfect for the second floors of houses and attic rooms. Such structures are easy to assemble and dismantle, so they are ideal if you plan redevelopment in the future. In rooms with high humidity wooden partitions need to protect waterproof .

Solid partitions made of wood are released from vertically standing boards. To increase the boards, they are mounted in two rows, distributing soundproofing material or an air gap between them. The disadvantage of this design is the high material consumption and, as a result, the cost, as well as a large specific gravity compared with frame interior partitions.

Do-it-yourself installation of these partitions in the house is carried out as follows: a special beam is laid at the base of the interior partition, which is firmly supported by the floor beams. To form a solid structure on the strapping, it is necessary to fix two horizontal guides, between which the boards are vertically fastened, connecting them in their upper part with a fixing wooden bar.

When installing a frame partition on a strapping rack, they are placed with a certain step, combining them with an upper strapping. Details and elements wooden frame fasten together with nails or self-tapping screws, using metal corners. On the one hand, sheathing is installed, and after that the space between the wooden beams is filled with sound insulation. The wooden frame structures are fixed to the walls with the help of metal crutches, to the sheathing with the help of self-tapping screws.

At the junction of partitions with adjacent structures, a special metal mesh must be fixed. This will protect the entire structure from cracking.

In a wooden frame house, interior structures must be installed one year after the construction of the house, i.e. after significant shrinkage. The distance between the top of the interior partition and the ceiling should be at least 10 cm. It must be filled with tow and closed with triangular bars.

Drywall partitions

Drywall wall partitions

A modern system for the installation of plasterboard frame partitions allows you to perform construction works especially fast.

Lightweight plasterboard partitions in the house can be used from different designs and building materials and in any other premises, even with increased air humidity.

The composition of this system includes metal profiles - horizontal guides and vertical rack-mount and special soundproof building material.

They use structures with different skin layers, as well as on a double metal frame. The level of sound insulation of an interroom partition depends on the total number of sheathing sheets, the total thickness of the inner soundproofing layer, and the presence of an air gap.

These structures are assembled during finishing works before installation. A polyurethane soundproofing tape is glued onto horizontal metal profiles, and they are fixed to the floor and ceiling with dowels and screws. Rack metal profiles are installed in increments of 60 cm. The frame sheathing must be fixed on one side with self-tapping screws, and be sure to put between metal profiles soundproof material. After that, the skin is installed on the other side of the partition. All roughness and unevenness of the lining, as well as screw heads, must be repaired with putty.

For more good quality sound insulation, partitions are installed to the supporting structures of the ceiling and only after that drywall is laid. All seams between drywall sheets should be puttied in several steps.

Interior partitions made of glass materials

Glass interior partitions

To create these interior partitions, glass blocks are used, which differ from each other in a huge palette of various colors, a choice of surface textures and initial sizes.

Principles embedded in construction technology frame houses, determine the specifics of all its structural elements. Speaking of internal walls, one cannot help but pay attention to their similarity with external walls. Both in design and materials used. Naturally, the functions of internal and external walls differ from each other, moreover, there are differences among the internal walls themselves. And all this affects them. design features.

The main purpose of the walls inside the frame house is to divide it into zones, that is, rooms. This function is performed by all walls without exception. Other functions, depending on the intention of the architect or wall designer, are implemented differently. Therefore, it can be distinguished Various types interior walls.

  1. Deaf walls or walls with openings. A blank wall is the easiest to manufacture. But in view of the fact that such walls usually separate rooms with a high degree of insulation, they must have increased noise protection. On walls with openings, windows or doors are usually placed. The opening violates the integrity of the wall structure and requires additional measures to strengthen its rigidity. At the same time, since an internal door or window between rooms rarely has high sound insulation, it makes no sense to place high demands on this indicator on the wall.
  2. Free and loaded walls. They differ in that the latter will be hung various items furniture and household appliances. For example, it could be top part kitchen set or heavy TV. Loaded walls are reinforced at the stage of the frame construction. In addition, linings are pre-installed in the places where any objects are supposed to be attached to them. This is necessary so that nails or screws do not fall into the void.
  3. Bearing walls and partitions. This is probably the most significant difference between interior walls. Bearing walls are, in fact, the inner part of the overall frame of the house. They form a single structure and provide it with the required rigidity. The task of partitions is a simple allocation of rooms inside the house. There are no special design requirements for them.

Installation of load-bearing walls

Plan the location of load-bearing walls, unlike partitions, should be at the stage of designing a frame house. After all, too many factors are linked to their location, and also affect it. Firstly, the load from the roof, ceilings, the own weight of the walls and furnishings of the frame house is distributed along its outer walls to the foundation. And not always four external walls can satisfactorily cope with this task.

Secondly, the presence of intermediate supports, which are load-bearing walls, allows for a more rational and economical use of available building materials.

For example, floor beams and floor logs have a certain deflection under load, proportional to the span length and inversely proportional to their thickness.

So, in most cases, it is more economical to arrange additional supports under the beams than to use thicker boards or timber. Usually used for the floor of the second floor (they are also floor beams of the first floor), boards of 200X50 mm in size limit the maximum span to 4 meters. If the room is larger, then there is a need for additional support, which is a load-bearing wall. And a load-bearing wall cannot simply “hang in the air” on the second floor. On it, on the first floor, it is necessary to install the same load-bearing wall, resting it on its own foundation. This implies the third factor, namely the need to design and build a foundation for the load-bearing walls of a frame house.

For the manufacture of the frame of load-bearing walls, the same materials are usually used as for the frame of external walls. If these are boards, then with a section of 200x50 mm. If a bar, then with a section of 200x80 or 250x100 mm. Installed vertical racks for the first crown bottom strapping. Sheathed walls with almost any sheet material: drywall, fibreboard, OSB, plywood, chipboard, and tongue and groove board or lath. A sound-absorbing material is placed inside the wall, usually acoustic mineral wool is used in this capacity. For better sound insulation it is recommended to arrange a so-called acoustic sandwich. It consists of alternating layers of drywall and acoustic mineral wool with a thickness of at least 80 mm. For a tangible effect, there should be 4-5 such layers. Of course, thickening the wall will reduce the useful area of ​​​​the room, but it will significantly increase the comfort of living in it.


This type of internal walls is distinguished by the fact that it does not bear any significant load, except for its own weight. And also, perhaps, pieces of furniture or other equipment. Therefore, to install partitions, you do not need to arrange your own foundation. The bearing capacity of the floor is usually enough to mount the partitions directly on it or on the logs. In the event that the wall falls between the lags, it is advisable to arrange additional jumpers perpendicular to the boards or timber from which the floor lags are made.

It is recommended to assemble interior partitions in a frame house from a board with a section of 100x50 mm. Or even narrower, if you're doing the aforementioned acoustic sandwich. In this case, your wall thickness can grow up to 400 mm with four-layer sound insulation. The distance between the vertical posts of the internal walls (partitions) usually corresponds to standard size a sheet of mineral wool and is 1.2 m. Otherwise, the installation of interior partitions is carried out in exactly the same way as internal load-bearing walls.

loadable walls

Free walls are assembled "monotonously", that is, by uniform repetition of the same building elements, both horizontally and vertically. Loaded, that is, designed for attaching heavy objects to them, the walls are more complex. In those places where it is supposed to place fasteners (dowels, brackets, etc.), supports from boards of the same standard size that were used to mount the frame itself are additionally installed between the vertical racks of the frame. And it, in turn, is reinforced by braces that prevent the walls from bending from transverse loads.
If sound-reproducing equipment is to be installed on such walls, it is necessary to provide damping of fasteners with special gaskets, washers or sound-absorbing compounds. Otherwise, the inner wall of your frame house can turn into a sound amplifier, which is unlikely to please those in the next room.

Features of walls with openings

Internal walls frame houses are either deaf or with openings. And if there are usually no difficulties during the installation of a blank wall, then the installation of window or doorways requires certain considerations. Firstly, the wall of the frame house is formed by a number of vertical posts installed at an equal distance from each other. And the tie-in of any opening violates this integrity, which requires additional reinforcement of the structure. Secondly, the rupture of the vertical struts causes the weakening of that part of the frame, which is located above the opening. To replace the missing vertical supports, apply various options load distribution, for example, installation of crossbars, that is, additional horizontal strapping boards. Thirdly, in view of the fact that vertical racks are installed periodically, the location of the openings should be chosen so as to minimize the integrity of the structure. Ideally, the opening should have a width that is a multiple of the pitch of the uprights. If this is difficult to achieve, the opening should at least start from the rack (or end at it).

Doors or windows are the weak point in soundproofing. Especially internal doors and decorative windows. Thin single doors are an excellent conductor of any noise, especially low-frequency ones. The same applies to windows, unless they consist of a double glazing unit with a thickness of more than 40 mm. Therefore, it hardly makes sense to seriously soundproof the inner wall with openings.

A few general questions

Often, future owners of frame houses, which they are going to build with their own hands, are wondering about the need for vapor barrier and thermal insulation of internal walls. We believe that thermal insulation is not necessary if you are not going to selectively heat your home. Of course, this option cannot be completely ruled out, but it is rather a temporary measure. And thermal insulation is a fairly constant thing, and it’s also not cheap. Moreover, we highly recommend the use of high-quality sound insulation. And it does a good job with noise reduction.

As far as vapor barrier is concerned, it is useful if acoustic mineral wool is used in the internal walls. The insulating layer must be protected from condensation, which can form when water vapor passes through the wall. Naturally, this is true for walls in rooms with constantly or periodically high humidity, for example, in the kitchen. In addition, the vapor barrier layer, especially with bituminous impregnation, is in itself a good protection against extraneous sounds, especially high-frequency ones.
Sometimes questions arise regarding the laying of communications through the internal walls of a frame house. Usually all wire pipes, hoses, boxes, etc. are laid inside the wall before sheathing it. However, in Russia, unlike many foreign countries, building codes allow only outdoor wiring. These norms are old, developed back when high-quality electrical insulation was not carried out in industrial scale. Therefore, there will be nothing shameful if you lay an electrical wire inside the wall, but only of good quality. Well, if you still intend to comply with the requirements of SNIPs, you will have to hide electric wires in corrugated hoses or in special boxes that are mounted on top of the wall. Naturally, in this case, you will have to select the electrical fittings in such a way that it does not spoil the interior of the room.

As we can see, the do-it-yourself installation of the inner wall of a frame house of any type does not present any particular difficulties and can even be done alone. The main thing for obtaining a positive result is to understand the purpose and mechanism of action of all structural elements.

Like any other, the internal walls of a frame house can be divided into load-bearing and partition walls. The first are integral part frame structure and play an important role as stiffeners. The latter are designed to separate the premises, and add only a little rigidity to the structure of the house.

The difference in the layout of load-bearing walls and partitions

The planning of load-bearing walls is carried out even before the construction of the foundation, since they need the same solid foundation, as for the perimeter. Partitions are placed already in the process of construction in arbitrary places, since usually they are not responsible for the frame of the structure.

Installation of partitions in a frame house

Since load-bearing walls are a frame and for the most part they are external, today we will talk about partitions, since they are an internal structure.

In order to properly install the internal walls of a frame house, there are two ways that have the right to exist:

  • In the first option, load-bearing structures are created between the floor lags, on which vertical boards rest, forming the wall frame.
  • The second method is simpler: with it, the wall racks can rest on a board screwed to the floor or on the floor itself.

In any case, it is better to fix the upper ends of the racks to the floor logs or additional structures arranged on them, which will increase reliability. Racks are best placed so that they not only form comfortable contours of rooms, but can also strengthen the frame of the building. Such interior partitions can significantly reduce the fragility of the floor located on the floor above. Knowledgeable builders skillfully use this.

Often builders draw a plan of the room directly on the floor and then arrange the racks along the drawn lines. With this, you can evaluate the spaciousness of future rooms and the convenience of the location of the doors. It should be borne in mind that the visual dimensions of the rooms seem smaller than the real ones.

For the construction of interior partitions in frame houses, boards no thicker than 50x100 mm are usually used, since the thickness of the future wall will increase due to finishing. Its minimum thickness is likely to be at least 17 centimeters.

In interior partitions, the distance between the uprights is usually 1.2 m. This is the width of a standard mineral wool roll. This material or its natural or synthetic counterpart is best used as a heater. Noise insulation and batten boards are mounted according to the principle used for load-bearing frame walls Houses.

Frame partitions in a wooden house, it is recommended to install after the completion of the process of the most intensive shrinkage of the structure. So, for wild log cabins erected from the forest natural humidity, this period can take 1.5-2 years, and for buildings made of timber or round logs - from 5-6 months to a year. Wooden frame or houses from, subject to all the requirements of their construction technologies, practically do not shrink. Therefore, the installation of interior partitions (re-walls) in them can not be put off indefinitely, but proceed to it immediately after laying the roofing.

Requirements for partitions and materials used

Interroom partitions made of wood are used to organize the main interior layout buildings or separation of individual functional areas in the premises. They are lightweight self-supporting structures, as they are not subjected to loads from floors or roofs. Their installation is possible almost anywhere, without preparing the foundation, directly above the ceiling.

Partitions in the house must meet the following requirements:

  • have a small mass so as not to create an excessive load on the floor structure;
  • be characterized by the minimum possible thickness to preserve usable area premises;
  • ensure sufficient strength to hold hanging furniture, household appliances, interior items;
  • provide the required sound insulation of one room from another;
  • be assembled from materials that are well combined with the load-bearing enclosing structures.

Assembly features and construction materials

When choosing materials for the construction of a partition in a wooden house, one should also take into account their cost, environmental friendliness, fire resistance, resistance to moisture (for rooms with high humidity). For frame elements, you can use wooden beam(section from 50x50 mm) or a board (thickness 40-50 mm and width over the section of the partition), which have undergone appropriate treatment with hydrophobic, antiseptic and flame retardant compounds. The installation of a supporting skeleton from a galvanized profile of plasterboard systems is not excluded. For rails, UW from 50x40 mm is suitable, for CW racks from 50x50 mm. Partition surfaces can be formed from sheets of drywall, plywood, OSB, fiberboard, wooden lining, blockhouse, as well as plastered on an unplaned board and a wooden lath.

Questions of soundproofing partitions I require integrated approach. They are solved depending on the type of enclosing structures and the requirements for the effectiveness of the acoustic barrier. For example, for an interior partition in log house between the kitchen and the dining room (living room) it is enough to lay mineral wool for general construction purposes with a density of 30-35 kg / m 3 with a layer thickness of 50 mm. If the layout of the sleeping room is carried out, then it will require enhanced noise protection. It should be equipped with the use of profile soundproofing varieties of basalt wool such as Acoustic Butts from Rockwool or Technoacoustic from TechnoNIKOL. But in order to create a truly "quiet" room, the thickness of the mineral wool layer in the partition must be at least 100-150 mm.

The diagram below shows an approximate comparison of the acoustic characteristics of partition walls with different internal structures. The effectiveness of sound insulation against airborne noise is determined by the Rw index, the higher it is, the better. It is obvious that the highest noise protection rates can be achieved when assembling double partitions. They are characterized by an internal separating air gap and external sheathing with at least two layers of sheet material.

IMPORTANT! If a frame partition in a wooden house is used to separate a room with high humidity, then prerequisite is a bookmark in its design waterproofing film. The hydrobarrier is mounted from the side of exposure to water vapor. It prevents condensation of moisture in the fibrous layer, which ensures its safety and long-term performance.

Arrangement of compensation gaps

The constituent elements of a building made of wood materials are subject to constant deformation changes throughout the entire period of their operation. They are caused, first of all, by high hygroscopicity of wood. Its fibers, saturated with moisture, swell or shrink, drying out. Neither preliminary chamber drying allows to completely prevent these processes. natural material, nor processing it with special chemical compounds. Therefore, even after the completion of the most active phase of shrinkage of the structure, at which the humidity of its supporting structures reaches its minimum values, compensation gaps should be provided for all embedded elements. Thus, the partition in a wooden house will not be squeezed between opposite walls or between the ceiling and the floor, which means it will not be deformed.

In established buildings

compensation gaps along the perimeter of the partition are left at least 10 mm. After sewing the frame with sheet material, the gaps near the walls and floor can be filled mounting foam. It is able to firmly hold the partition, while simultaneously playing the role of a shock-absorbing pad. But it is recommended to fill the expansion joint above the wall with fibrous material (felt, tow, mineral wool).

In new buildings

If frame partitions in a wooden house must be installed immediately after its construction, then the gaps above them should be increased by 50-80 mm (standard shrinkage value). Consequently, the height of the mounted structure will be less than the height of the overlapped opening between the floor and the ceiling by 60-90 mm. The reserves for compensation of deformations near the walls remain the same - 10 cm from each of the vertical ends of the partition.

Partitions in a wooden house made of hewn wood or round logs can be matched with walls in two ways. The first way is to cut reciprocal grooves in the logs of the walls along the line of the vertical end beams of the partitions. Tow is stuffed into the grooves between the bars and walls or strips of mineral wool are placed for additional heat and noise insulation. The method provides excellent alignment of structures without interfering with their mutual vertical displacement. However, if necessary, unforeseen redevelopment inner space rooms on the wall will remain rectangular samples of wood. Making them invisible can be quite difficult.

The second way is to arrange the frame elements with compensation indents from the walls. At the same time, the mating areas are closed either with curly, cut out for logs, or with straight skirting boards with shelves of 40-50 mm. In a similar way, it is possible to decorate the joints of partitions with the floor and ceiling, choosing the dimensions of the plinths in accordance with the size of the deformation gaps.

IMPORTANT! Fastening of corner strips is allowed only to one of the surfaces. For vertical - this is to the wall or to the partition. Forhorizontal - only to the ceiling or floor, since they cannot be attached to the partition!

What tools are required to assemble frame partitions

The device of partitions in a wooden house with their own hands is carried out mainly on the basis of lumber. Therefore, for their processing and installation, you will need the following tools:

  • electric or chainsaw, electric jigsaw, but you can get by with one hand saw;
  • drill, screwdriver;
  • slick;
  • axe;
  • a hammer;
  • tape measure, square, float level, pencil;
  • construction stapler.

It is convenient to mark the location of the structure laser level. You can also get by with a dyeing thread or a simple twine. They are fixed on opposite load-bearing walls, allowing you to mark the lines along which the partition will adjoin the floor and ceiling.

The sequence of installation of a wooden frame partition

Important! Often, partitions do not need to prepare a special base. However, in the case of their installation over significant spans of floors or installation massive construction may need strengthening of its base. In this case, an additional beam is laid with its ends resting on the foundations of the walls.

Frame manufacturing

  1. Ceiling, floor and bearing walls mark the projection lines of the frame partition.
  2. Rigid fastening of the end beam is allowed only to the floor. The horizontal bearing element can be immediately installed on a thick damper pad, for example, from felt; or fix it to steel brackets with a gap, which will subsequently be filled with mounting foam.
  3. Install vertical end bars, securing them with temporary rigid connections with the walls.
  4. In together with the location of the future doorway, two rack beams are also mounted. Their vertical position is controlled by a float level, and temporary fixation is carried out by oblique struts to the floor.
  5. Install the upper horizontal end element. Often it is made up of several parts connected by steel plates. The plates are placed on the upper and lower planes of the bars. It is recommended to pre-calculate the places of such connections so that they are above the vertical racks.
  6. After assembling the frame of the frame partition, the internal vertical posts are mounted with a step of 600 mm. It is optimal for laying mineral wool thermal and sound insulation with a standard slab width of 610 mm.
  7. Horizontal jumpers from short bars inside the formed cells are recommended to be made in checkerboard pattern(taking into account the height of the sheathing material, if it is sheet). This will not only facilitate the fixation of jumpers and sheets, but also give the frame additional rigidity.
  8. At the location of the doors, a horizontal element is mounted to the vertical bars, limiting the top of the opening. It is reinforced with an additional short vertical post to the upper horizontal bar.
  9. Rigid temporary connections with walls are replaced with floating ones. They are made in the same way as for.

Important! Having a certain professional skill, you can avoid establishing temporary connections. The end vertical bars are initially fixed with floating elements, as shown in the figure below.

Filling and sheathing

  1. After the cells are filled with mineral wool, the wooden interior partition is sheathed on both sides with a vapor barrier membrane (it is shot with a stapler). At the same time, it is important not to confuse the direction of vapor diffusion - it must be provided with an exit in the direction from the heater, i.e. partition from inside. The strips of the membrane are fixed with overlaps, and the places of punctures with staples, damage and joints are glued with adhesive tape intended for this purpose.
  2. If the frame is sheathed with drywall, OSB or plywood, then their sheets are fixed with offset joints, which are then puttied. The resulting surfaces can play the role of rough or semi-finish and are subject to further processing according to the chosen technology. If a lining or blockhouse is used as a lining, then they only need to be coated with paints and varnishes.


Interior partitions in a wooden house are not complex engineering structures, so they are quite capable of being installed independently. To carry out the work, it will be enough to have basic carpentry skills, as well as the presence minimum set home tools. However, in this case, you will have to be patient, be careful in performing the operation of marking and fitting the elements of the partition.

Do not forget about the rules of electrical installation and fire safety if electrical communications are laid inside the partition. It is important to remember that hidden wiring in wooden structures allowed only in metal pipes(steel or copper).

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