Attic room: design and design features. Efficient and stylish arrangement of the attic floor or attic Large attic design

landscaping 26.06.2020

The design ideas of the attic bedroom are quite an original idea, and this is mainly due to the unconventional shape of the roof.

When creating such an interior, it is important to take into account several important rules in order to get an original and most comfortable environment in the future.

Like any other style, it has its positive and negative qualities.

Benefits include:

  • the use of space under the roof, which helps to significantly increase the total space of the room;
  • due to the considerable space, this style makes it possible to equip a bathroom, a toilet, a dressing room and an office in the sleeping room;
  • it is possible to visually divide into zones by means of an unusual shape of the roof;
  • a wide variety of materials can be used for decoration, regardless of their cost;
  • you can easily use additional lighting by adding windows.

The main disadvantages include:

  • requires additional roof insulation, which will entail spending a considerable amount of money;
  • zoning depends on the shape of the roof, and it is impossible to change this fact in any way;
  • due to the presence of a certain form of the room, the choice of furniture for the bedroom is not diverse, it is mainly selected at the expense of designers' sketches, and their placement is also determined according to the ideas of specialists.

Bedroom layout depending on the type of roof

An attic can have a straight and even ceiling, but this phenomenon is relatively rare, just like the complete absence of a ceiling.

The way the interior design of the attic bedroom depends on the type of roof. In this case, there are:

  • shed - the design includes a variety of options, it does not matter where the bed or cabinets will be located;
  • gable - eliminates the possibility of installing large-sized furniture, especially in height, perfect for a children's room for two children;
  • multi-pitched - with proper use of all the unusual interior details, you can end up with a good interior.

Another fairly popular option is a hipped roof. It has the ability to divide the attic into two almost identical rooms.

Finishing options for the attic bedroom

When creating the design of the attic bedroom, special attention is paid to the surface of the ceiling, since it depends on it how attractive the bedroom will be in the end.

When creating a modern bedroom stylistic option, very often the surface is leveled with drywall.

The same material is used as the design of the walls and ceiling for the bedroom, and the most common are:

  • lining;
  • panels;
  • wallpaper.

Due to this design, there is a significant increase in space.

As for color solutions, it is important to consider several details when choosing:

  • lighting through skylights;
  • in the presence of insufficient natural light, it is better to use light shades in conjunction with some bright accessories;
  • if the windows are large enough, then it is better to use contrasting combinations, but without dark options, the combination of black and white looks good;
  • in the presence of finishes in saturated colors, it is better to use furniture in soothing shades.

Very often, such rooms have insufficient lighting. That is why it is better to decide in advance on additional sources of light.

To improve lighting, some design secrets can be used, for example, the use of mirrors, floor lamps, sconces or table lamps. This is especially evident in the photo of the attic bedroom.

Very often, the so-called spot lighting, false window or LEDs are used.

Stylistic solution for the attic bedroom

First of all, before you start creating the room of your dreams, you should determine the style of the bedroom on the attic floor, taking into account all its features:

  • minimalism - restrained and quite simple, the use of a minimum number of colors;
  • Scandinavian - creating a homely atmosphere through the use of a small amount of funds;
  • marine - is especially popular, a distinctive feature is a striped pattern;
  • loft - suitable for rooms of any size;
  • classic - implies dimensional furniture and large details;
  • country - has several varieties, with the most common being the French version.

In addition to the style decision, it is important to consider several recommendations. First of all, it is important to insulate the common room of an attic-type bedroom.

Do not clutter up the room too much, otherwise the room will resemble an attic space. It is recommended to pay special attention to window spaces and textiles.

Also, if you have a large room, it is better to divide it into several zones to maintain comfort and coziness.

Photo of the attic bedroom

The attic in the country is a completely modern technical solution. The arrangement of the under-roof space gives us the opportunity to use an additional room, and therefore it is worthwhile to carefully consider possible options for the construction and finishing of such structures.

Below we will tell you how to properly assemble the frame of the attic of a country house, and what you need to pay attention to when finishing.

Construction erection

truss system

It is advisable to initially design a country house with an attic with the expectation that under the roof there will be a residential, or at least actively used room.

And one of the most important parameters will be the shape of the roof incorporated in the design:

  • The easiest way is to equip the attic under single-pitched or gable roofs with capital gables. In this case, the gable parts will take on a certain share of the operational loads, and the rafter system will be more reliable.

  • It will be somewhat more difficult with a hip roof. A large number of beveled planes leads to a limitation of the internal space, because the attic part will be quite cramped.
  • Hip roofing for our purposes is practically unsuitable. It is possible to equip a full-fledged room under it only if the dimensions of the building are significant, and country houses are usually made compact.

So, let's say we have chosen the optimal roof design. Next, we need to build a frame of rafters.

The instruction recommends starting work with mounting the Mauerlat - the support beam. We lay thick beams with a cross section of at least 200x200 mm along the perimeter of the house in the upper part, and securely fix it to the load-bearing walls using steel studs with a diameter of 12 mm or more.

Rafter length, mm Rafter pitch, mm
2100 1700 1100 900 600
3000 100x150 75x150 75x150 50x150 40x150
4000 100x200 75x200 75x175 50x200 50x150
5000 100x250 100x200 75x200 75x175 50x200
6000 150x250 100x250 100x200 75x200 50x200
  • At the bottom of each rafter we make a cutout for attaching to the Mauerlat. To fix the parts, we use either large roofing nails or steel plates.
  • In the upper part we connect the rafters with a ridge beam. We attach the edges of the ridge beam to the pediment.

With a long slope, we reinforce the structure with vertical posts and braces, and connect the upper corner with a puff.


The next step is the creation of the roof. One must be sufficiently reliable and well protect the interior from leaks and wind.

Do-it-yourself roofing installation begins with the arrangement of waterproofing:

  • We lay a special membrane directly on the rafters, which will prevent blowing and will be a barrier to precipitation. We place the material panels with an overlap of at least 50 mm and fix them to the load-bearing beams using stainless steel brackets.
  • Next, we mount the crate. On the rafters from the outside we fill either wooden slats (for piece roofing material), or sheets of OSB or moisture-resistant plywood (for shingles, ondulin, etc.).

It is better to treat all parts with moisture-proof impregnations and an antiseptic.
The price of such materials is relatively low, but the service life of the roof base will increase at least twice.

  • We fix the roofing material on top of the crate. Since a dwelling will be located under the roof, it is worth choosing the highest quality varieties. Decking, for example, is too "noisy", so it will be uncomfortable to be in such an attic.
  • At the final stage, we fix the ridge pad, install wind strips on the sides, fix drainage and other small details.

This concludes our work on the outside and you can start finishing the attic from the inside.

Interior decoration

thermal insulation

For insulation, it is best to use the following materials:

  • Mineral wool. Possesses low heat conductivity, practically does not burn, is easily mounted. The downside is the rather high cost.
  • extruded polystyrene. Sufficiently dense and durable in itself, retains heat well. Relatively easy to process and install on the frame.
  • Styrofoam. Economy option, which is seriously inferior to the two previous materials in terms of operational properties. In addition, it is often damaged by rodents. The main advantage is low cost.

The process of warming is not difficult:

  • Panels of heat-insulating material are laid between the rafters, avoiding compression.
  • We roll out a vapor barrier film on top of the insulation, which will protect the material from condensation. We fix the vapor barrier to the rafters using a stapler.
  • From above we stuff thin (up to 15 mm) planks of the counter-lattice. This will allow us to create a gap for air circulation between the finish and the heat insulator.
  • Also, do not forget about floor insulation. To do this, we lay heat-insulating mats between the floor beams or fill in granular material (expanded clay, perlite).
  • To minimize heat loss, we seal the hatch cover leading to the attic floor, if such a design is provided for by the project.


  • The design of the attic in the country usually involves the use of natural materials. That is why a lining board is most often used for wall cladding.

  • Among the most popular species are pine, ash, walnut, beech and oak.. The last two options are distinguished by high cost and complexity in processing, but they look just great, and they last much longer than ordinary pine lining.
  • Boards cut to size are fastened to the counter-lattice with nails, hammering them into the groove on the side surface of each part. This mounting technology allows you to hide almost all fasteners.
  • In addition to plank sheathing, a country house with an attic can be finished with drywall. For this, only moisture-resistant slabs are used, since even with the highest quality waterproofing of the roof, the risk of leaks cannot be excluded.

  • From above, we level the drywall with putty and paint with interior compositions based on latex or acrylic.

At the final stages, we equip the floor:

  • We lay a moisture-proof membrane on top of the heat-insulating layer. (See also the article.)
  • Then we mount a rough floor from unedged boards or plywood with a thickness of 15 mm or more.
  • We make the floor itself from a massive board, or we lay a laminate with good waterproofing characteristics.


The above tips on how to equip an attic in a country house will be useful to almost everyone who is planning such an event. The task before us, of course, is quite complex, but at the same time it is quite accessible for independent implementation. And in order to avoid annoying mistakes at the stage of design, construction of the frame and finishing, it is worth revisiting the video in this article before starting work.

Repair of a suburban Houses takes more time and effort than furnishing an apartment. Furnishing this huge space , harder to cover every corner. Therefore, such room like an attic often goes unnoticed.

If your private house has an attic, then it would be strange not to use these square meters for the benefit of the family.

This happens for various reasons: lack of ideas, materials, funds, desire, the idea that the work ahead is hard and will take a long time. We will suggest design ideas, necessary materials, all the nuances of work, and you will see that the arrangement attic interior - pure pleasure.

Living room, bedroom, guest room, dressing room, study or even an additional bathroom - the possibilities for arranging an attic are limited only by your desire, needs and budget for reconstruction.

People often confuse the terms attic ' and 'attic'. However, they have some differences. The attic is non-residential room , often unheated, with one or two small windows. It is intended for storage of various things, placement of communications or technical equipment. Therefore, it may be without adequate ventilation, insulation and design.

We bring to your attention an impressive selection of design projects for the design of attic and attic spaces, due to the needs of their owners.

Attic in turn, it is residential space . It should be well insulated, equipped with high-quality ventilation. As a rule, it has a certain stylization and its own purpose (for children, bedroom , library, etc.). Also in the official docs attic , unlike the attic, is included in the calculation of living space, and is considered additional room along with the rest.

Let modern, practical and visually attractive interiors be the inspiration for your makeover.

These concepts are similar, and indeed one day one evolved into another. Until the middle of the 17th century attic ' did not exist. This concept, like room in its current form, suggested the young architect Francois Mansart. In those days, multi-storey Houses only nobles could afford it. They hired servants who lived in their houses . Mansart proposed use attic, having previously ennobled it, for the residence of servants.

This is how the attic known to everyone at the present time, named after its inventor, appeared.

Design nuances

To date, this room is used for various purposes. Modern masters can pick up an interestingin a wide variety of styles. Given space has its own characteristics, which an experienced designer will turn into advantages, and an inept one into disadvantages.

In the modern realities of life, any piece of living space is priceless and is used to the fullest.

If you decide to carry out repairs yourself home and furnish , it is worth considering these features, leading to some of the nuances of design.

  • Technical

Room located directly below roof . Given its position, it is necessary to take care of high-quality equipment.

Attic interior design can turn these rooms into a standard of style and family comfort, if you approach the design correctly.

  1. Since this room intended for a long stay, it must be well insulated.
  2. The next aspect is lighting. Usually,has few windows. Therefore, you need to either redevelop, bringing in more daylight, or take care of sufficient artificial lighting.
  3. Ventilation. Room , located directly below roof , the most stuffy and hot. Warm air tends to move up. Having no way out of the building, it will accumulate under ceiling . In summer, the air here is especially stuffy and hot.

Therefore, be sure to consider the ventilation and air conditioning system.

Best when equipped with this rooms consult with an experienced master, use only quality materials. Well-thought-out technical points make it possible to create further and create a wonderful

In the process of determining the future purpose of the attic space, it is desirable to maintain a natural balance.

  • Designer

Characteristic features of the design also affect the design.

The first thing that matters is the shape premises . It usually has a beveled low ceiling . This determines the choice furniture , lamps and decorations.

Insufficient lighting makes it possible to come up with original window shapes to add more light.

Both factors affect the choice of colors. Here you can use both light and dark colors. But you have to be careful not to room dull or sterile.

In general, doing this work, you will get a lot of positive emotions and great opportunities for revealing your creative abilities. In this topic, there are three aspects that you should pay attention to in order to create a unique.

Careful study of the design of the attic will allow even a small room to be turned into a comfortable room.

window design

Due to the unique design, roof also plays a role walls. through the window embedded in this wall - roof , we will observe the starry sky, fluffy clouds, or we will admire the falling raindrops.

Therefore, the style of the window must also be special.

Let's start with the fact that we are moving away from the usual rectangular shape. Round, triangular, arbitrary shapes are welcome here. It looks interesting opening in the form of a trapezoid. Watching the stars through the window is a pleasure. And to achieve this, the use of a round frame will help.

Speaking of sizes. Since this is the last floor, full wall window will not do harm, and will look original, moreover, adding tomore daylight.

The large dimensions of the connector will only benefit.

The type also matters.The mechanism can be arranged like a standard metal-plastic one, or unusual types that open in an interesting way (rocking chair, accordion, etc.). There is an option window which transforms into a balcony. An original solution, but somewhat impractical, due to the fact that the glass is the floor of the balcony.

It is better that the window opens outward, since it will be inconvenient to open it inward.


This point should also be given special attention due to the technical characteristics rooms , and design considerations. Since we need a sufficient amount of light, and the structure ceiling does not allow the use ordinary chandeliers, we are free to use the most extravagant lamps.

If you want to add a splash of color to the mix, opt for multi-colored lighting fixtures.

So, for the attic interior spotlights are perfect, as well as various types of floor lamps. Often this is a place to implement unusual decor ideas, so find lamps in the form of deer antlers, stars, various built-in LED lighting compositions - this will create a special atmosphere and bring in more light for lack of natural.

Make sure that decorative lamps match the overall style.


About stretch ceilings speech is not. There are also several design options here. So, you can leave the ceiling beams open, treat them well.

Get an original design at no extra cost.

Another option: cover the surface with drywall, covering the beams and the view roofs . Then you can paint it, apply patterns using a stencil, etc. If you plan to apply a drawing, please note that ceiling be at an acute angle to the floor, so consider in advance whether the drawing in this position will look good. Wallpaper for this ceiling in are not appropriate. And in general, this type of decoration is already a thing of the past.

Design Ideas

Considering all the nuances of the work and the design features of the "celestial rooms ', we offer some ideas attic interior design.

How this space can be diversified and what is needed for this.

How to use Colors What you need Special attention
Bedroom Light pastel colors It is better to choose a bed made of pure wood, give preference to natural materials Room should be well insulated
Cabinet Deep dark shades, the presence of blue or red is mandatory Massive oak table use tall furniture Should get a lot of daylight
gaming Bright cheerful colors Warm carpet for games, racks and boxes for toys Window must be childproof
Workshop Any suitable for the master Low shelving, large window openings, furniture can be made of chipboard (not necessarily natural wood) Make a good ventilation system

Let's take a closer look at what work we have to do.


Settling down for the night in the open air, while being warm and comfortable is a feasible idea. To do this, it is enough to arrange bedroom under the roof.

The arrangement of a bedroom in a room whose ceiling is formed by a gable roof is the best option.

A lot here depends on the general mood that you want to create. For a romantic bedrooms good fit big window against the bed. At this time, the bed is represented by a large mattress placed directly on the floor. A bed made of construction pallets is also suitable.

The master bedroom or guest room can become a comfortable extra space in your home.

Rest of the room leave it empty or place a large closet in it that matches the overall style.


For a study, this option is perfect, especially if you live in a noisy family. Then take care of soundproofing. In general, work under roof » away from everyone is a great option in any case.

To design an office, you need only a couple of square meters.

Now about the technical aspects of the arrangement. Better if in room will receive a lot of natural light. To do this, it will be necessary to do some redevelopment in the overall project. Houses , which will allow you to embed in roof large window . We put a large oak table against it - a wonderful workplace is ready.

The next is communications. Make high-quality electrical wiring, and think over the system of sockets. Count the number of electrical appliances needed, the length of their cords and their location.

The workplace should be illuminated by a table lamp.

For the rest premises just a few built-in diode lamps, or a floor lamp at the entrance. The working area should be well lit, the rest of the space can be entrusted to only one lamp, located at the entrance. This will help to concentrate on work, and create a special atmosphere.


This is a great option for creative people. Quiet cozy "under heaven" will lift the dreamers even higher and help to focus on creativity.

Special design attic not needed for the workshop. Its arrangement can occur during operation premises . You can paint walls while working on a new painting. Or apply other techniques for processing, performing the next order.

But the base still needs to be created.

It is better to make the walls white by treating them with a primer, then you can decorate them in accordance with any fantasies.

Take care of the lighting. Sufficient natural or artificial light is required. Arrange racks for work tools along walls . They can be triangular or other non-standard shape due to the peculiar structure. ceiling.

If you are working with paint, glue or other toxic substances, take care of a good hood so as not to get poisoned.

In general, for attic design a workshop is best suited for your author's ideas, which will present you as a master and display your inner world.


Another option attic interior - quiet and comfortable library. In that indoors you have the opportunity to create the look of an antique library with all its features. Pick up the appropriate bookshelves, build a fireplace, put a rocking chair covered with a blanket.

These basic elements will help create the perfect atmosphere for a quiet and lonely pastime with a book.

As we see, has many different options.

This room is unusual in its design and suitable for creating interesting and even magical ideas.

VIDEO: Attic floor: 60 tips for a dream interior.

50 original design ideas for the attic in the house:

Did you dream as a child of a tree house where you could climb away from people and equip a nest?

The girls dreamed of a house for playing mother-daughter. The boys are talking about the Viking's home, Mowgli, the pirate's hut.

But now you have your dream home. That's luck! It has an attic space. We remove all the garbage from there, ennoble it and work through it.

With our tips, a photo selection and a video on its arrangement (we will post a link to the video at the end of the article), this will not be difficult to do.

Features of the attic under a gable roof

We have already described many options for transforming the attic in a private house. Therefore, we will not repeat ourselves. We only note that most often the owners of this multifaceted room think about how to use the angles between the roof (aka the ceiling and wall) and the floor to good use.

But we also talked about this - you can put at least a small dressing room there.

In a house with two slopes in different directions, there are more opportunities. Especially if the roof is high. That is, it does not rely on the ceiling, which is the floor for the room, but on the walls. Then the room will seem more spacious and roomy.

But whether the roof is hip, mansard or with gables, you can use the attic to your advantage. And it’s easier to draw projects not on whatman paper, but in one of the special applications or programs for interior design.

In general terms, we previously talked about materials, textiles, attic highlights, how to beat beams and slopes. Now I would like to dwell in more detail on such variations of the attic room - the bedroom and the nursery.

It is assumed that preparatory work on noise and waterproofing, insulation and ventilation has already been carried out.

We make a bedroom from the attic

The bedroom is the most optimal solution for such a room. In it you relax, that is, spend time in a horizontal position. Therefore, the pitched roof will not interfere with a comfortable stay in the room.

It remains to bring the design of the attic with a gable roof to perfection.

  • A double bed can be placed against the window headboard. Look at the photo. Depending on how the roof stands, the bed is placed either against a vertical wall or against a roof slope.

Lying in bed you can admire the stars

Wake up with the first rays of the sun

To prevent the sun from blinding your eyes through the window, curtain it with Roman or roller blinds (we wrote about their choice).

  • Beds can be placed on a dais, then there will be a place to store books, bedding and other things.
  • On the sides of the bed are bedside tables.
  • Take the opposite side of the attic to the beauty zone: a dressing table, a dressing screen, a clothes rack, a chest of drawers or make a false wall with a TV.
  • And if the roof rests on the wall, then in this part of the attic, equip a dressing room of a linear type.

If you already have a bedroom, then an additional guest room can be made from the attic room. The only difference is in the placement of the beds - they are placed under the slopes along the entire roof.

Important! Be aware of the color scheme and its effect on the room. I think that a bedroom with white furniture is a good idea. Having diluted the snow-white interior with bright accents, it will not be boring - read the article about the use of white in the interior again.

Bedroom with bathroom

This option is good for oblong houses.

Part of the room is reserved for the bedroom. Since they only rest and relax under the roof, there should be enough space for a closet, a bed itself, a dressing table, a bedside table.

In the second half, it will be necessary to carry out water and sewer pipes. And the rest: a shower cubicle or a bathtub, a sink, a toilet bowl is already selected in accordance with the size of the resulting hygienic room.

In the same way, you can make a bedroom and a study or library out of the attic room. Only other communications will be required.

Children's room in the attic with a gable roof

It may seem to someone that making a nursery in the attic is a reckless and careless decision. But, if you take care of the safety of children, install a good and reliable ladder, then everything is not so terrible.

Tip: in the attic you can make a children's room for two children of different sexesby applying zoning using different shades.

The advantage of a children's room in the attic is that kids do not need the same height of the room as adults. And the children will be happy if they get a separate room - because it is high up, and stars are visible through the attic window. In addition, they love their own secluded nooks, "chalabudas", closets - here they feel like real owners.

  • Part of the room with the highest height is reserved for the games area.
  • Where the roof drops to the floor, equip various storage areas: shelving, chests, chests of drawers, cabinets.
  • On the wall around the window, you can hang shelves for books and a collection of dolls or cars.
  • Place one or two tables near the window for lessons or creativity.

Beds can be arranged in various ways:

  • opposite each other under the slopes of the roof;
  • one bed where the roof slope goes, the second at the end wall;
  • beds at opposite end walls;
  • put a bunk bed;
  • install a double bed, where the second bed leaves from under the first.

To make the room bright, it is worth replacing medium or small dormer windows with large ones. And use white, light colors in the interior. And bright details: textiles, furniture facades, chairs, shelves, lamps, will add contrast and make the room not so boring.

7 important nuances when designing an attic

The attic is a rather specific room. Therefore, every detail must be carefully considered.

  1. Much attention should be paid to insulation and engineering work. The level of comfort of staying in the room depends on this.
  2. It is desirable to use light colors in the decoration - they add space.
  3. A bright or dark interior can "crush". However, an eco-style attic or loft will look appropriate if you use light colors and a smooth texture.
  4. Standard furniture may not fit in size, so you have to order it.
  5. Use layered lighting.
  6. Large panoramic windows are preferable to small ones. And from excess light, you can hide behind blinds or Roman blinds.
  7. The room upstairs is more closed than downstairs - try not to use synthetic materials.

Recently, more and more often, during the construction of private houses, an attic under a roof is equipped as a residential one. The first such arrangement was proposed by the French architect Francois Mansart, so the room was called the attic.


Due to its non-standard size and shape, the attic brings a lot of difficulties in planning.

The design of the attic floor depends on the functional purpose of the room. Here you can arrange any interiors: a recreation area with a home theater, a nursery, a bedroom, a study. First of all, the project for arranging the attic should take into account the wishes of the owners, the dimensions of the room and the height of the ceiling.

One of the features of the attic floor in a wooden house is sloping walls. The shape of the attic space is influenced by the slope of the roof. In a private building, it can be single-slope or gable, less often there are options with hipped and sloping roofs.

The following factors can become distinctive features of the attic:

  • low ceiling;
  • rafters and roof beams;
  • a large number of corners;
  • stairs;
  • a small number of windows;
  • difficulty in communication. As a rule, the attic is not heated, especially in the country.

The attic floor allows owners to get real benefits from turning it into a living space, as the usable area increases and heat losses are reduced.

Given all the features, experts advise when arranging this territory to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Roof insulation inside and out.
  • Summing up engineering communications: electricity, ventilation, air conditioning systems.
  • Only specialists can reconstruct the rafters, so if the project provides for this, it is better to use their services.
  • A rational approach to the use of beams, roof slopes, support posts in the interior.

  • Smart lighting scheme. It is necessary to think over the location of the windows, their sizes. Designers offer to take advantage of the possibility of installing vertical windows or in lucarnes (the so-called dormer window).
  • Use moisture resistant materials when finishing.
  • Consider the ability of floors to withstand the weight of all structural additions and furniture.
  • Don't clutter up the space.


Before turning the attic floor of a country house into a functional room, you first need to design the interior. When preparing, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances: the shape of the ceiling and walls, the presence or absence of communications, the possibility of summing up additional engineering systems, the degree of illumination, and the like.

In the simplest case, when global changes are not needed, only cosmetic repairs are carried out, which is aimed at the improvement of non-residential premises.

A lot depends on the shape of the roof., it can be broken, beveled, domed, single-slope and gable. Therefore, inside there are necessarily open rafters and beams. Some designers use these elements in interior design, focus on them, others suggest hiding them, but on condition that the ceiling height allows.

The simplest finish is wood. To do this, use the available material in the form of lining, wood panels or edged boards. The modern construction market also offers wooden wallpaper or a block house.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to bring the communication system. The task will be simplified if the attic is located above the kitchen or bathroom on the first floor. Installation must be done correctly, so if you do not have the skills and permissions necessary for this, it is better to seek help from professionals.

Insulation of the attic is an important process. If the attic will be used regularly, and not only during the summer season, then thermal insulation is necessary. This will prevent condensation, improve the microclimate, and make you feel comfortable in the warmth of your home. Warming is carried out not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Sound insulation of the floor is necessary in some cases, but it also serves as thermal insulation.

The next step in the improvement of the attic is the replacement of old and the installation of new windows.

As a rule, the attic window is initially one. When arranging the attic, it is important to ensure good lighting of the room, so it is better if there are more of them. Experts recommend placing them on different walls for greater efficiency. The level of illumination can be adjusted by the ratio of the area of ​​the glass surface.

A feature of roof windows is the width of the windows, which cannot exceed the distance between the rafters. The length depends on the slope of the roof.

Depending on the method of installation, windows are classified into vertical, inclined and for flat roofs. The last two types should be made of tempered glass to protect them from hail.

Inclined double-glazed windows are installed in the same plane as the roof slope, which increases the light intensity by 30% or more.

To install a vertical window, you must first install a structure in the form of a birdhouse with an individual roof. The throughput is lower than that of inclined ones.

If it is planned to independently replace old windows with modern ones, they plan in advance their dimensions and installation location.

Installation begins with cutting a window opening in the roof slope. If the tie-in occurs between the rafters, then it is better to provide a distance from them to the window of at least 10 cm.

Old houses were equipped with mortise window frames. Modern technologies allow the installation of new double-glazed windows with tempered glass, providing increased strength. The opening mechanisms are being improved, which makes it possible to rotate the frames around any axis, and this can be done not only manually, but also using the remote control.

Skylights solve several functional tasks: they illuminate the room with natural light, provide ventilation and improve the microclimate.

Panoramic structures allow you to increase the luminous flux, introduce an original decor element, and get aesthetic pleasure from the landscape. Modern technologies have made it possible to install different types of windows, for example, transforming into a mini-balcony. The variety of forms that manufacturers produce is amazing. Simple lines are used less and less; windows in the form of a circle, semicircle, angular, asymmetric have become more common.

For the design of attic window structures, it is better to use special blinds or roller shutters. They are available both indoors and outdoors. If the interior is supposed to have textile curtains, then in order to hold them in the desired position, there are various holders, linings, supports and fasteners.

Ceiling finish

When landscaping the attic for finishing the ceiling, you can use any known methods and materials.

Stretch ceiling is advised to use only if there is a sufficient height of the walls otherwise there is a risk of frequent damage. This option is very convenient, because the canvas, due to its light weight, does not have a big effect on the structures, allows you to hide the elements of engineering communications and rafters, and makes it possible to fantasize with lighting using built-in lights.


Drywall is one of the affordable and easy ways to finish. With it, you can get any shape, for example, a multi-level ceiling with various drops and protrusions. Drywall allows surfaces to be leveled before wallpapering or painting.

Wood is a traditional material for finishing the attic space. For the ceiling, lining or wooden panels are used. Wallpaper on the ceiling looks original. It should be remembered that the surface must be leveled before gluing.

Floor cladding

As a rule, special requirements are imposed on the floor on the upper floors.

First of all, it must provide good sound insulation. To do this, it is necessary to mount the crate and fill it with a heat insulator in the form of plates, for example, mineral wool. It also performs the function of waterproofing. From above, cover the structure with pine boards, you can use larch material. It is recommended to treat the resulting flooring with an antiseptic.

The floor covering is very diverse. For these purposes, any finishing material is used: linoleum, parquet board, laminate, carpet, ceramic tiles. Experts advise not to save on the quality of the coating, since low-grade materials will require an early replacement.

You can not refuse when decorating the attic and such decorative elements as carpets. They serve as a heater, and also decorate any interior, adding comfort. The dimensions of the carpets do not have to be large and cover the entire floor, small models are enough near the bed, sofa, bath.


The most popular when decorating the walls of the attic tree. It improves the microclimate, serves as thermal insulation. Lining is leading in use. It is produced in several versions, is affordable and easy to process. There are several laying methods that allow you to add decorativeness to the walls: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, in a circle, herringbone. The lining is varnished on top to leave a natural wood pattern or painted in different colors.

A more budget option is wood paneling. These can be laminated models, veneered chipboard or MDF.

The modern version is wooden wallpaper, which is a base with softwood planks glued to it. Such material reduces repair time.

The block house is also in demand for wall cladding in country houses, in particular, in the attic. Its rounded front surface imitates a natural log or bar.

Plastic panels are appropriate when decorating bathrooms or kitchens on the attic floor. They protect against dirt and moisture. In addition, their color scheme embodies any design ideas.

Recently, designers often offer unique seamless wall drapery with fabric. The attic made in this way will become unique.

The loft style in the interior of the attic presupposes the presence of raw wood, so you can leave the walls of wooden beams or bricks intact.

Also, one of the oldest methods of processing walls is pasting them with wallpaper. However, it should be noted that before that they must be leveled with drywall, and this will reduce the space. Manufacturers offer a wide range of wallpapers: vinyl, paper, glass, cork, etc. Designers do not recommend pasting all the walls with material with a large pattern. It is better to focus on one of the walls or emphasize architectural ledges, arches, corners, and cover the rest of the surface with plain wallpaper. A small ornament in pastel colors is suitable for the Provence style.

Drywall when decorating walls is used only as a base or for leveling. From above it is always covered with wallpaper, acrylic paint or other finishing materials.

Color solutions

The attic room has a specific shape and lighting. Designers most often suggest using light shades for decoration. You can use different texture and color contrasts to make the space feel deeper.

For example, if the ceiling in the attic is covered with a dark stretch fabric, then it is better if its surface is glossy, then the reflected light will expand the walls. In the case when the floor is made in darkish shades, designers advise dazzling white walls, this will create the illusion of endless distance.

Experts warn that in no case should small attics be overloaded with bulky objects and use a lot of dark colors. Bright rich colors can be used as accents, as their excess will cause an oppressive feeling.

Often the owners of private houses leave wooden floors, covering them with a transparent varnish to emphasize the wood structure.

The nuances of interior design

The improvement of the attic space must be approached very carefully and prudently. It is important to think over in advance all possible ideas for using architectural features: beams, rafters, arches, slopes, unusual angles, racks. Living space can benefit from this.

Experts advise not to get carried away by cluttering up space and try to use natural materials for decoration. Textiles for curtains and furniture are better to choose pastel shades.

Furniture for the attic is always multifunctional. Bulky elements are out of place. It is better to give preference to modular systems. An excellent option are built-in and hinged structures. It may be necessary to make furniture to order in order to fit it to the configuration of a particular roof.

Attic decor is best done depending on the functions that the room performs. To decorate the interior with your own hands, you first need to draw up a design project. If certain experience and skills are not enough, you can use the services of professionals. It should be remembered that the simple option is always the best.

Since the houses in summer cottages and garden plots are small, they either do not imply a second floor, or it is very small. Therefore, in the country attic, they usually organize a bedroom or a workshop.

If a country house is intended for permanent residence, then the attic floor performs various functional tasks. The list of possible interiors includes: a kitchen, a bathroom, a nursery, a library, an office, a recreation area with a cinema, billiards, a dressing room.

The style pleases with a variety of possible options - from light Provence to a modern loft, from classic to avant-garde, from a mountain chalet to a Mediterranean bungalow.

There are certain rules that must be followed when designing attic spaces. Then the interior will be filled with coziness and comfort. For example, a low ceiling surface is not an obstacle, but it should not be tightened with a stretch ceiling, it is better to process it with wood. The staircase, which is always a dangerous place, must be equipped with a fall protection system: railings, doors, fences are required.

The unusual shape of the roof in a small space, as a rule, takes up part of the usable space. But with proper lighting and design, this feature can be interesting to beat.

Equipping a small attic, it is necessary to think over the ergonomics of each element of the interior. Furniture is better to buy built-in and multifunctional. Block storage systems are designed to make this task easier.


Unusual shapes and sizes of the attic are just right for arranging a children's room. Designers use height differences and unexpected wall reliefs to decorate the play area.

The nature of the attic floor involves the organization of a variety of places to store toys, bedding, crafts, books. In addition, it will be better if the nursery provides places not only for recreation and games, but also for classes.

In the presence of small children, the attic should be well insulated, it is better to lay soft flooring, finishing materials are used natural and harmless. It is recommended to equip the window opening mechanism with an “anti-child” element so that the kids cannot accidentally open the sash.

When creating an attic nursery, it is necessary to consider the abundance of natural light, as well as artificial lighting.

The nature of the room allows you to experiment with color, use unusual forms of furniture and lamps, zone the space to create a colorful and bright interior.

When arranging the attic floor, it is important to remember that children love to run, jump and jump, which can create discomfort for those living on the first floor, so it is recommended to soundproof the floor in the nursery.


The owners will appreciate the lack of wardrobes in all rooms and the arrangement of a centralized dressing room on the attic floor. This will save usable living space for more functional things.

The organization of the wardrobe in the attic does not require a large area and will allow you to use any asymmetrical architectural features of the room.

It is better to place wardrobes along high walls, drawers and shelves for shoes, clothes and accessories can be placed in niches, under bevels or built into the space between the beams.

If it is not possible to install hinged doors, it is necessary to consider the possibility of installing sliding and sliding models, as well as in the form of blinds.

Furniture for the attic dressing room is appropriate modular. Storage systems should be multifunctional. Roll-out and retractable elements will help you get to the farthest corners and use all the available space rationally. Curbstones are recommended to be used as storage places and as stools for sitting.

To increase the functionality of the attic, you can install a washing machine and dryer, a clothes steamer, and an ironing board in it. Sometimes the owners also store other household appliances, such as a vacuum cleaner, right there.

If the attic is intended only as a storage system, then built-in lighting or conventional lamps are sufficient. In the case of wider use of the dressing room, the placement of lighting fixtures should take into account the functional features of each section of the room. For example, in the ironing area or near a large mirror, bright light is needed.

In order to prevent the appearance of a musty smell or dampness, it is necessary to think over the ventilation system correctly.


As a rule, a bathroom is rarely located on the attic floor of a small house. In large cottages, the bathroom is organized as an additional bathroom to the bedroom or guest room.

It is best to consider the location of the bathroom already at the design stage of the house., since this will require complex engineering communications: sewerage, ventilation, water supply, electricity. In addition, the attic must be insulated with high quality so that during cold periods being in the bathroom does not bring inconvenience.

It would be nice if there was a kitchen or a bathroom on the first floor under the attic. In this case, it is more convenient to install communications for the attic bathroom.

Architectural asymmetry in the design should be used to your advantage. To do this, under the bevels, it is better to build in storage systems for hygiene products or household chemicals, a washbasin or a toilet bowl. Furniture and plumbing, taking into account the ergonomics of the attic, are advised to choose a compact and multifunctional one. Built-in or hanging cabinets and shelves will save usable space.

The bath is recommended to be installed near a wall or in a corner. If the attic area is limited, then you can limit yourself to a shower cabin.

Any color scheme for the attic bathroom is appropriate, but in the presence of a small area, it must be remembered that the dark color narrows the room. Glass and mirror elements, the presence of chrome parts will add airiness and modernity. The glossy surface of the ceiling or floor will visually expand the walls of the attic.

The main requirement for finishing materials is moisture resistance. Stretch fabric or plastic panels will look great on the ceiling. Flooring is appropriate in the form of ceramic tiles, plastic or parquet boards. Wall cladding involves the use of any waterproof material.

Experts assure that in the bathroom you can abandon the central chandelier, and use only built-in lights. You will need to install additional lighting in the wash area. In other cases, point light sources are decorative.


If the attic floor is spacious enough, then it will be possible to organize a bedroom for 2-3 people. In the case of a limited area, it is possible to equip a recreation area for one tenant.

It is better to install berths in roof slope areas to save usable space. In case of psychological rejection of a low ceiling above your head during sleep, you should place the bed in the center of the attic with gable ceilings.

If there is free space in the bedroom, you can additionally organize a dressing area or a separate bathroom.

The design of the attic sleeping area looks best in a rustic or classic style., however, do not give up on modern trends: loft or modern. Naturally looks in the bedroom decoration with wood or wallpaper. A variety of textile elements will create a cozy atmosphere. The color scheme is best used in soft soothing colors.

Living room

If there is enough space, the attic floor can be turned into a cozy living room or a fireplace room, where all family members will gather and guests will be accommodated.

The fireplace in the attic can play both a practical and a decorative role. When installing it, you must understand that the traditional massive structure is not suitable for the second floor. It is better to give preference to lighter compact models made of heat-resistant steel or cast iron. For the same reason, experts recommend abandoning heavy facing materials such as natural stone. Most often, electric fireplaces or fireplace inserts on pellets are used for heating. Decorative bio-fireplaces will bring a feeling of coziness and spiritual comfort to the interior. If the fireplace area in the attic does not serve as a decoration, but performs a heating function, then it is important to foresee a smoke exhaust system and a place to store fuel.

Furniture in light colors in the living room looks elegant. Glass and mirror partitions, well-built lighting will create a light, relaxed atmosphere.

Bright contrasts are also appropriate in the interior of the attic living room. In this case, it is better not to overload the room with furniture and other elements, since the main focus is color.

Any style will be appropriate, the main thing is that it matches the tastes of the owners, corresponds to their interests, and creates a mood.

Designers advise several styles for the attic living room.

  • Classical- a solid style with its inherent luxury and grace. More often the fireplace becomes the center of the interior. The design does not include bright colors. Everything has order and functional significance.

  • Modern- harmonious minimalism. The whole situation bears the seal of practicality, maximum functionality. Simplicity is present in every detail. Dark details are combined with pastel colors, creating harmony.

  • Retro. For decoration, interior elements left over from great-grandmothers or stylized for them are suitable. The design involves the use of paintings, floor lamps, wooden chairs or tables with wrought iron legs. The installation of a fireplace or a cast-iron potbelly stove is also characteristic.

  • Provence- sophistication and romanticism of the French countryside. Wood trim, bleached by the southern sea sun, is appropriate. Pastel textiles with a small pattern are welcome. Forged furniture elements, crystal lamps, soft cushions for sitting on chairs and benches, light curtains on the windows - all these details will create a cozy soulful atmosphere in the attic living room.

  • High tech- the style of admirers of modern creativity. The decoration uses modern materials: chrome, glass, metal and their variations. The severity of forms and minimalism of color create the illusion of space.

If the attic has a vertical wall on the pediment, then you can equip a home cinema with a large screen, where it is convenient to relax with a large company or retire together to watch your favorite movies.


Designers often offer to organize a billiard room in the attic. For this, of course, a large area is needed, since the playing area is rather big, and even a place for recreation needs to be provided. The table is usually set in the center of the room. Near the wall, you can place a narrow bar counter with several chairs. To store cues, balls and other accessories, you should organize either wall mounts or built-in ones. If the area of ​​the attic floor allows you to zone the space, then in one part you can place a comfort zone for fans with a soft sofa and armchairs.

If the country house has a large attic, then you can organize a mini-gym in it. Experts warn that this is possible subject to strong and reliable floors. Lots of the attic floor with low ceilings are used for storing sports equipment and for recreation. The rest of the space can be filled with simulators or left empty to conduct classes.

The attic can be used not only as a children's playroom, but also as a gathering place for the whole family and guests. To do this, it is enough to divide the room into several sections. In one, organize a zone for video games, in the other - for desktop. To equip the first, it is important to install a large screen and a sofa opposite it. Systems for storing disks, joysticks and other devices are best built into the walls. Board games require a level surface, so you will need a coffee table. The sofa and ottomans should be placed around it. Game boxes can be stored either on a shelf under the table or inside poufs.

Kitchen-dining room

It is better to provide for the arrangement of a kitchen room in the attic at the design stage and laying the house. The fact is that it will be necessary to bring communications: gas, water, electricity.

Modular kitchen systems will facilitate the design and allow you to create a functional room. Designers offer to take into account and make the most of all the nuances of the attic layout.

The use of multi-level furniture on wheels or skids will ensure its mobility, which will further increase functionality. Materials should be light, shapes not bulky.

Lighting must be provided in advance. The kitchen requires a lot of light, so there should be at least two windows. Recessed lights around the perimeter of the attic kitchen and spotlights above the work surface are the best solution.

The color scheme does not limit the owners in anything. It is optimal to use bright colors for furniture modules, light colors for walls and ceilings, and dark shades for floors.

If the kitchen and dining room are combined into one, then you need to visually zone the space. The best place for a table is by the window. If the shape of the roof is gable or domed, then it is appropriate to place a table in the center of the room. Recently, transparent models of kitchen furniture made of glass and plastic are gaining popularity, which brings an element of airiness into the room.


You can't imagine a better place for privacy than an attic. Therefore, the attic floor is most appropriate for organizing a study, library or workshop.

Arrangement is possible even with a small space. It is difficult to find a place to do needlework, modeling or reading in a small garden house, but an attic space will allow you to get such a cozy corner even on a few square meters.

Under the bookcases it is convenient to use the built-in shelves between the beams, under the bevels of the roof, between the windows. Closed mobile boxes on wheels are suitable for storing tools and stationery. In addition, they can be used as stools.

Often, designers suggest using window sills as a convenient storage area that performs the additional function of a bench. If you decorate it with textile pillows and a blanket, then you can take a nap on it or read a book near the window.

Experts suggest not to sheathe beams and rafters, not to hide them, but to use them for built-in lighting, suspended structures or fastening household appliances.

The working area requires a lot of light, so it is better to place the table near the window. If possible, it is better to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindow structures, embed additional ones. Panoramic double-glazed windows will not only increase the luminous flux, but will also give you the opportunity to rest your eyes and enjoy the landscape after work. Artificial light sources should be installed in the working area and as a backlight around the entire perimeter of the attic.

Ventilation in the office is an important element of comfort, so roof windows are equipped with a ventilation system. If you plan to work in the attic all year round, then you may need to install an air conditioner. In the warm period, it will save you from the heat, since the summer sun heats the roof first. In the cold season, you may need a heater, fortunately, there are a great many of them on the market: infrared, electric, water, oil.

Furniture in the attic office should be at least, and each element is functionally justified. As a rule, its presence is due to the nature of the room. The desk is installed stationary or folding with a small area. If there are more writing zones than one, there will be more tables, respectively. The number of chairs depends on how many workplaces are organized. The minimalist style is the best option for arranging an office or workshop in the attic, since it is characterized by the rational use of space.

If the attic floor is provided for reading your favorite books, in this case a soft sofa, a floor lamp next to it, comfortable pillows, a blanket and a soft rug under your feet will do. Built-in lighting and a cup of hot tea will add coziness to the atmosphere.

To ensure silence, it is necessary to provide soundproofing of the floor. In this case, the noise from below will not penetrate into the attic. Accordingly, if the workshop involves the creation of noise, then soundproofing will provide comfort for the inhabitants of the lower floor.

The color scheme of the office should not distract from concentrated work. Calm pastel shades are appropriate. But, of course, bright accents look better in a creative workshop.


Window structures are the source of natural light flux. If the space of the attic floor is significant, then the number of windows should be more than one. According to generally accepted standards, a glazing area of ​​​​at least a tenth of the rest of the surface of the walls of the room is considered comfortable. The intensity can be adjusted with curtains.

In the case of a small attic with one window, designers suggest using various decorative tricks, for example, a large wall mirror will add light.

Artificial lighting is necessary in any case. Its installation depends on the functionality of the room, the location of furniture, the number and shape of windows, the architecture of the attic. For this, any sources are appropriate: chandeliers, sconces, built-in lamps, floor lamps, table and portable lamps, bedside models, modern fiber-optic lighting threads. Illumination can perform not only practical, but also decorative functions.

With the help of lighting, you can zone the space, focus on individual elements of the interior. In some cases, you can abandon the central chandelier, it is enough just to illuminate the perimeter of the attic and spot rotary or stationary lamps.

The choice of sources of artificial lighting also depends on the style of the interior.

Beautiful examples in the interior

Before you equip the attic floor yourself, you should consider all the options, read the reviews of people who have already carried out this process. The photo gallery will help to avoid other people's mistakes. If you have doubts about your own abilities, then you can turn to the services of professionals for a financial reward who will create an author's project that takes into account all the features of a particular attic space.

The attic has a specific architecture, so it is better to think in advance how to use beams, rafters, recesses under the roof slopes, different wall heights. Proponents of the rational use of living space suggest placing various storage systems under the arches of a shed or gable roof.

The interior can be made in any style at the request of the customer. Someone prefers a more natural country or Provence style, someone likes minimalism or loft. Attic living rooms are elegant in the classics, prim English fireplace rooms are solid.

The staircase to the attic floor is in some way his hallway. Experts advise, if there is space, to install a full-sized flight of stairs. This is the safest option and will be appreciated by families with small children and older residents.

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