Let the chest of drawers become an assistant: storage and order. Brilliant ideas for storing clothes in the bedroom Various items under the bed

garden equipment 23.06.2020
garden equipment

The bedroom is the heart of every home, the place where we relax after a tiring day and rejuvenate. Of course, I want it to be cozy, but what kind of comfort can we talk about if there are catastrophically few square meters and they are all terribly cluttered? We offer 12 simple ideas that will prove that your bedroom has more space than you thought.

open hangers

If the bedroom is very small and there is no room for either a wardrobe or a large chest of drawers, store clothes on open hangers. They can be of various formats, including two-tier ones. Hang on them not only clothes, but also hanging shelves and pockets for shoes and underwear.

Everything superfluous - behind the screen

A screen is not just a decorative element or a tool for zoning space. Behind it you can easily hide clothes hangers, stacks of books, small things and even skis. Put it behind the head of the bed, in the corner of the room or near the window.

Linen storage boxes

Today, many beds already have built-in drawers for storing linen. Take a broader approach to their use: store there not only bedding (or instead of them), but also outerwear, extra pillows, blankets or carpets.

Wicker baskets

The most common baskets are much more functional than we used to think. They can hold small items, craft materials, rolled paper or clothes. Large baskets with a lid can serve not only as a container, but also serve as excellent bedside tables.

Grandma's chest

It's time to get the old chest out of the attic and give it a second life! Of course, you can also buy a new one - vintage or modern, depending on the style of your bedroom. Store anything in it, from clothes to shoes, and keep it under or near your bed. By the way, a chest with a flat lid can be used as a coffee table.

The space behind the mirror

Every bedroom should have a mirror, and it's unfair to ignore the storage space it provides. Buy a large full-length mirror and lean it against the wall. Behind it you can hide a hanger with clothes or some separate things. Another option is to drive hooks into the back wall and hang glasses, jewelry or, for example, neckerchiefs on them.

Bedside tables with lower tiers

If your bedroom has enough space for one or two bedside tables, use this opportunity. Buy tables with a lower tier and store books and magazines there, for example. You can put jewelry, magazines or a medicine box in the boxes.

Mini podium

Arrange the bed on a raised platform, and build drawers into the mini-podium. In them, just like in linen, you can store clothes, pillows, blankets, books or seasonal items.

Hanging shelves

The owners of small bedrooms are simply obliged to use all the vertical plane that they have. Nail shelves of different colors and sizes to the walls and store books, decorative items, flowers or decorations on them.

Alternative to boxes

If you are the owner of the most ordinary bed, do not be upset - you are even luckier. Use containers, suitcases or boxes as an alternative to linen boxes. It is convenient to store not only overall items or outerwear, but also small things in them.

open shelving

Instead of massive, half-room cabinets, use light open shelving. They not only save space, but also add some air to the room. If possible, buy a modular shelving unit that you can assemble and customize as you see fit.

Shelves in niches

For very tiny bedrooms, the use of niches is relevant. Mount shelves in them - so they will not take up extra space. Downstairs you can put boxes, baskets, suitcases or containers.

The first step in solving any organizational problem and the bedroom (hereinafter, under the bedroom we will still understand our main adult bedroom, although most of everything that will be said below also applies to children's rooms, but still we will talk about children's bedrooms separately ), like any other room, is to define the functions for that room.

Ha! - you say. Obviously, the function of the bedroom is sleep, of course. Of course, this is the most important and basic function of the bedroom. Therefore, you should try to make the bedroom a space that could allow you to calm down. And only then will sleep be so good when the primary function of the bedroom comes first.

However, many of us don't have enough space, or sometimes we just tend to use our bedrooms for more than just a place to sleep. Along with the main function of our bedroom, quite often we use it for other activities and functions.

Such optional functions include, for example:

  • The main or additional place for storing clothes;
  • A workplace used as a home office;
  • Applying makeup and dressing;
  • Relaxation before bed (here we can watch TV, read, listen to music), etc.
  • And, on the contrary, it is possible to tune in to the working mood and prepare for the working day in the morning, looking through the mail on the Internet or the latest news on TV.

Therefore, before you start organizing your bedroom, decide what additional functions your bedroom space performs or should perform. Remember to also make sure that these additional "duties" do not conflict with the bedroom's primary function as a place to rest and sleep.

So, it is likely that some additional features could potentially conflict with the ability to calm down, relax and fall asleep. Especially if your habits or bedtime do not match between you and your partner. Well, or moving your entire home office into the bedroom instead of relaxing, you continue to work non-stop until you fall asleep hunched over your laptop.

Therefore, it will not be superfluous to remind yourself (perhaps once again) that the main function of the bedroom is still a dream ;-))

Step #2: Mess up your bedroom

The second step in organizing the Bedroom is, of course, littering all the things that have no place in the bedroom as such, but at the same time those that have no place at all in your house, but they still do something in your bedroom.

I think that when we have a clear goal and an understanding of what functions this or that room will perform, this task is much easier to solve, at least when identifying those things that should not be in this room at all.

Here is a rough list of things to look out for when decluttering your bedroom:

Everything for sleep:

  • Sheets and bed linen;
  • Blankets, blankets, bedspreads;
  • Pillows (including decorative).

Wardrobe with clothes (wardrobe):

  • Clothes that don't fit with your style;
  • Clothes not in size;
  • Clothing that you did not wear in the past, and perhaps the year before (including clothes that do not fit);
  • Hangers;
  • Socks, tights and underwear;
  • T-shirts;
  • Swimwear;
  • Shoes
Bedside tables and tables , as well as hanging shelves or headboard next to the bed, including shelves and drawers.

Place under your bed , including drawers (if available).

Storage area for seasonal clothing:

  • Coats, raincoats;
  • Gloves, scarves and hats;
  • Warm sweaters.


Accessories and decorations:

  • Earrings, rings and other jewelry;
  • Belts;
  • Glasses and sunglasses;
  • Hair ornaments;
  • Bags and wallets.

Step #3: Create Zones for Each Room Function

When zoning a room, answer 3 simple questions: "Where do we store?", "What do we store?" and, finally, "How do we store?".

Once you have got rid of all the excess in your bedroom, start creating zones based on all the functions you have chosen for this room. For clarity, you can even take a few photos of your room, open them in Paint or any other graphic program (well, or print on a printer) and sign each zone with a felt-tip pen.

Then determine for each zone a list of things that you will have in each of the zones. Here it is worth deciding whether you will store bed linen in a wardrobe closet or you have a separate closet. Similarly for each item. Where will the seasonal clothes be, and where will the shoes be. Where are the accessories and jewelry? Think carefully and remember your habits. How you dress, how you undress, what order you do. Do you need handkerchiefs in the bedroom, or is it better to store them in the hallway, and bags, and shoes? Etc.

Having determined what you store or are going to store in a particular place, you will be able to clearly determine the necessary and convenient storage equipment for you. What will be in baskets or containers, or maybe in boxes? On open shelves? Consider if you need dividers or drawers. Or maybe it will be more convenient for you to store something in a chest of drawers. Will there be a home office in the bedroom? Consider every little detail as much as possible.

Only in this way, based on the need, determine a place for each item and organize the space both as a whole (by zones) and within each zone so that frequently used items are easily accessible and conveniently located.

So, if you dress daily in the bedroom, it is useful to have a hook that you can hang your pajamas and clothes on in the morning. This way, pajamas will have their place and these things will not be thrown on the floor or bed every morning.

Similarly, it is worth doing with the bag, unless, of course, it ends up in the bedroom every day.

Then, you will most likely need a large mirror where you can appreciate how you look and make sure everything is in order before you leave the house.

If you also tidy up your bedroom by putting on makeup or painting your nails, you'll need a place to store makeup and nail polish, as well as a mirror and enough light to apply your makeup.

For the "sleeping" area, it's worth making sure you have everything you need to furnish a bed, curtains dark enough on the windows to keep out the light, and maybe anything else you need for a good night's sleep.

Think about all your habits and think about your typical routine for each activity in each zone. This will help you take into account all the necessary needs and the necessary items and accessories for each function.

Along with creating zones for all the functions that your bedroom does or will perform, don't forget about "hot spots" (places in your bedroom) where things tend to accumulate. Make sure you have a laundry basket or similar to put your dirty clothes in when needed, a place to store things that accumulate in open spaces. Remove your nightstand or bedside table, leaving only the book or magazine you are currently reading on it. Leave in the bedroom on open surfaces only those items that you need daily. Clear things that have accumulated on your wardrobe or under your bed.

Many people turn to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui to arrange furniture and other interior items in the house. They are sure that in this way you can not only get a beautiful design, but also influence the course of your own life. What is the peculiarity of this Eastern philosophy? And how does Feng Shui help to change the world and the situation in which a person is?

To deal with these questions, it is necessary to understand the very essence of the doctrine. Also in this article we will consider the correct organization of space in the bedroom, highlight the basic principles of Feng Shui for this room.

What is Feng Shui?

This ancient teaching allows you to properly organize the energy of qi (life energy) in the house. Thus, a harmonious and correct interior from the point of view of this oriental philosophy is created. The main element of the correct placement is bagua octagon. It reflects all the main aspects in human life: love, health, career and others. Compliance with all the rules and the location of each zone in the recommended location will activate success on the chosen front.

Of course, a person must determine the right direction, organize the space in each room and delimit the zones in order to achieve a positive result. And although there is no scientific justification for this theory, many people seek to design their home according to the principles of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui Bedroom: Rules

The bedroom is called the main room in the house for a reason. After all, it is here that a person rests after a hard day, recovers and gains strength. Lovers also spend time in the bedroom, and the sphere of relationships is very important in the life of any person. Feng Shui teaches you how to choose the right colors, arrange furniture and even choose a room for the bedroom. What is the difficulty? And how to comply with all the numerous rules.

The location of the bedroom according to Feng Shui in a house or apartment

To start, of course, is to choose the right room. To do this, you need the most common compass. If it is not at hand, then look into your smartphone, new models are even equipped with a compass. The east and northeast direction should be immediately excluded. The rooms located in this area are completely unsuitable for a night's rest. For young people, experts recommend choosing a south or southeast direction. The same option is also suitable for creative individuals who always have a lot of new ideas and energy.

But it is better for spouses to stay in the north-western direction. Here they will be moderately calm and comfortable. Placing a bedroom in the west is also not recommended. However, people who are solely focused on a career can organize their home this way.

More a few important points:

  • the bedroom should be located as far as possible from the front door;
  • it is not recommended to use the room located opposite the toilet or bathroom,
  • the room must be isolated, the bed must be hidden from prying eyes.

The location of the bed in the bedroom

This point must be given great attention, because the location of the bed in the bedroom in the teachings of Feng Shui is one of the most important foundations.

First of all, you should avoid one position with the terrible name "the position of the coffin." In no case should the bed be installed "legs" to the door. This is how the dead are usually carried out, respectively, by arranging the bed in such a way, you will attract sickness and even death to the house. It is not recommended to turn the bed and “head” to the doorway, but this option is still better than the previous one.

The perfect place for the bed allows you to see the door, but does not intersect with it. So, for example, in a narrow long room, the bed can be placed in the corner farthest from the entrance.

Feng Shui suggests that the bed will have a rigid support. It could be massive headboard but the best lean the bed against the wall. If the bed is located in the center of the room, then life can be unstable and full of small problems.

You need to be very careful about the presence of unclosed beams. If they are located directly above the bed, then it is better to find another place for it. Beams located perpendicularly negatively affect health, and in parallel - on the relationship of spouses or lovers. If you do not have the opportunity to rearrange the bed, then hide the beams with stretch ceilings or drywall sheets.

Another important point is that a bed for two should not be located sidewall to the wall. It is believed that this method is suitable only for bachelors and singles. If a couple lives in the house, then both should have access to the bed from different sides.

feng shui bedroom colors

Choose the color for this room with care. You need to take into account not only personal preferences, but also the recommendations of Feng Shui experts. Of course use bright and saturated colors for the bedroom is not worth it because they do not allow you to relax and unwind.

And yet proceed from the already selected location of the room. For the south and southeast, juicy orange hues associated with the element of fire are preferred. For a romantically restrained western and northwestern bedroom, it is better to use colors associated with metal. Most often, the bedroom is decorated in silver and gray tones.

The east and southeast symbolize shades of green, while the southwest and northeast are suitable for brown and all other tones associated with the earth.

feng shui bedroom furniture

When choosing furniture for the bedroom, follow one simple rule - as few sharp corners as possible. If you can buy a rounded bedside table and a cabinet with smooth curves, then give preference to these particular interior items.

Pay attention to the selection of bedside tables. Their height should not exceed the height of the mattress. Also in the bedroom there is no place for old cracked or worn furniture. It bears traces of past problems, there is no need to store them.

Sources of light

Be sure to get a large chandelier for the bedroom. Not so important style, color and shape. The most important thing is power, because according to the Feng Shui tradition, prosperity and the level of illumination are directly related. Best positioned several powerful light sources. And also buy a chandelier with a dimmer.

Textiles in the bedroom

Of course, the bed should always have clean linen with a pleasant smell. Try to buy linen made from natural materials, they are more comfortable to sleep on. Are there separate rules for choosing textiles? Yes, there are several:

  • give up prints with aggressive animals (tigers, leopards, panthers), hidden danger will not allow you to completely relax;
  • do not use black and blue underwear, they lead to depression and restless sleep;
  • they also do not recommend images of racing cars and other cars, they do not contribute to relaxation;
  • red underwear can only be used for special occasions. This color increases activity and does not allow you to recuperate.

feng shui decorative elements

Primarily remove all mirrors from the bedroom. They reflect and double everything, including the people themselves. If the spouses are reflected in the mirror every night, then this can lead to romance on the side. If the mirror is so necessary, then it can be left. But rotate the object so that the bed does not fall into the reflection zone.

Avoid anything related to modern technology. Smartphones, TVs, laptops and other items do not allow you to truly take a break from the hustle and bustle. It’s better to fall asleep to conversations with your spouse, and not to another blockbuster.

Living plants are not always appropriate in the interior of the bedroom. To find out whether their energy coincides with the energy of the owners of the house is possible only by experience. So try moving the plant into your bedroom and evaluate how it looks and how you feel after a few days.

You should also avoid any old things: clothes, interior items, accessories.

Pictures depicting fruits and calm landscapes (without water!), Will look appropriate, but they should not be placed above the headboard.

How to decorate the bedroom according to Feng Shui for relationships?

It should be understood that the correct arrangement of objects will not be able to solve all issues and find a way out of a difficult situation. However, organizing space can help both spouses and single people.

  • First of all point order in the room get rid of everything superfluous. Rubbish on the bedside table, an abundance of newspapers and magazines, unnecessary things hidden under the bed - all this interferes with the qi energy.
  • Never sleep on different mattresses, because this position leads to physical and then psychological separation.
  • Make sure that the light from the chandelier does not visually separate the bed, this can also affect the relationship.
  • Buy red bedding to increase sexual activity

The bed can be used not only as a place to sleep, but also as an additional storage system. How? One way is to buy a model with a built-in inner drawer or separate roll-out drawers. Usually only dust accumulates under the bed, we advise you to use the space as efficiently as possible.

4. Hide the little things in the headboard

Pay attention to bed models with a headboard that can be used for storage. It can be built-in shelves or niches - they are perfect for placing personal items, books, blankets. Love to do things with your own hands? Install several drawers or a small shelving unit at the head of the bed.

5. Hang shelves from the ceiling

Usually the space under the ceiling is left empty. However, this is one of the possibilities to increase the usable area of ​​the bedroom. Several shelves will not create discomfort and will not put pressure on the residents, but there will be more space for storing books, albums and rarely used items.

6. Place the rack under the windowsill

The main obstacle to the placement of storage systems under the window in typical apartments is the presence of a heating radiator in this place. If you are lucky and the batteries are transferred to neighboring walls or are completely absent, install several low racks or cabinets with built-in drawers under the window. Extra storage and a cozy reading space all in one.

7. Don't Ignore Dressers

Few bedrooms are complete without a chest of drawers - this is a compact, roomy storage system. Want to make the most of your interior space? Put special dividers in the drawers for different things - it will immediately become more convenient to use such a chest of drawers.

8. Add wall shelves

Shelves are not the most functional storage system, rather decorative. On them you can put your favorite collection of souvenirs, books, paintings. A definite plus - the shelf can be hung in any niche, in any corner, thereby using every centimeter of the bedroom for business.

9. Purchase baskets and boxes

Despite their small size, baskets and boxes are one of the most useful items to improve bedroom storage. Firstly, they can be used in a closet or on a shelf to sort things and make them easier to find. Secondly, it is convenient to put a bedspread and decorative pillows in a basket near the bed - we are sure that you had a lot of questions with their placement.

10. Place a bench at the foot of the bed

Another place to store a blanket and pillows that decorate the bed during the day is a bedside ottoman or bench. Choose models with an internal drawer or open benches that can hold boxes.

Indoors is no easy task. Especially if this question concerns the bedroom. In the bedroom, you should avoid massive furniture elements that visually hide the space and make the atmosphere less comfortable.

Modern cabinets are light and roomy, and the glossy or mirror surface of the facade visually expands the space. When organizing storage space, the main rule should be taken into account - there should be twice as much storage space as things. Clothing tends to accumulate.

The most optimal storage option is the rational use of niches, columns, etc. By installing shelves, rods, hangers, drawers here, you can get a complete one. Moreover, it is quite possible to bring this idea to life even in the smallest bedroom, if there is a niche there. You can even do without a door, close the shelves from prying eyes with a light curtain, or without closing at all. Another option is doors with glass inserts or full glass doors.

If the headboard reclines, then this space can be used for any things that should be at hand - magazines, books, napkins, etc.

Boxes, plastic boxes fit perfectly into. In addition, they contain a lot of large and small items, which helps to organize the storage order.

- a great functional option.

Drawers, baskets and boxes can be hidden in cabinets or under the bed, or vice versa, placed separately. it is rational to use for storing blankets, warm blankets, bed linen, which are rarely used or seasonally, can be hidden there.

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