Vapor barrier and waterproofing film. What is the difference between vapor barrier and waterproofing? Functions of waterproofing and vapor barrier

The buildings 13.06.2019
The buildings

What is the difference between waterproofing and vapor barrier? This question can be answered by analyzing the structure of both materials.

Structure of vapor barrier films

Vapor barrier differs from waterproofing mainly in that both sides of it are completely waterproof. The vapor barrier should not allow steam or water to pass both outside (into the house) and inside the insulation. Conventional polyethylene can be attributed to a cheap version of such a film. However, it is not recommended to use it as a vapor barrier for a roofing “pie” due to the fact that under the roof, especially in summer, the film will get very hot, which will lead to its stretching and, possibly, damage. And since we cover the roof for more than one year, it is optimal to use a film of several layers with a polymer reinforcing frame, which prevents the film from stretching.

Sheathing the inner surface of the attic roof with a film, covered with foil on one side, it will cost a little more than using various kinds of vapor barrier materials, however, in addition to creating a reliable vapor-tight barrier, it will also be possible to retain heat in the house. The installation of this film is carried out with a foil surface inside the room, which contributes to the reflection of infrared radiation from it, with which the main part of the heat from the dwelling disappears. Thus, the use of such a vapor barrier allows you to kill two birds with one stone, reducing heat loss through the roof of the house to a minimum, which in turn will allow you to save quite a lot on heating.

Before buying any film, be sure to make sure that it is a vapor barrier, as indicated by the inscription on the package.

Structure and types of waterproofing films

It may well seem to an amateur that if the vapor barrier is completely waterproof, then it may well serve as a replacement for the waterproofing layer. It can be assumed even out of ignorance that the vapor barrier better waterproofing which is fundamentally wrong.

Both vapor barrier and waterproof film materials serve a specific purpose, and if you substitute one for the other, this can lead to unpredictable consequences and additional monetary costs.

The main functions of waterproofing are as follows:

  • protection against ingress of external moisture into the insulation layer;
  • removal of accidentally trapped water vapor from the heater.

But how can steam suddenly appear in a heater? The thing is that not a single film in the world, it would seem, hermetically closing the insulation on both sides, does not have absolute vapor tightness. The proportion of water vapor, albeit insignificant, somehow penetrates through the film insulation from the ventilation gap and from the inside of the room into the insulation, which means that it is necessary to ensure that this moisture can escape to the outside. This purpose is served by waterproofing films, otherwise referred to as membranes.

Waterproofing polymer films have a number of useful properties:

  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • high strength properties.

However, this is all secondary. The most important property of a waterproofing film is porous structure of this material . The meaning of the idea is to enable that part of the water vapor, which somehow got into the insulation, to freely exit it into the under-roof space. This is precisely what contributes to the pores, which are very similar in shape to funnels, through the wide part of which steam exits the insulation. The narrow part of the pores at correct installation should be turned outward, which prevents the penetration of moisture into the pores in the form of a liquid from the atmosphere, since the volume of a water molecule is larger than vapor molecules. When using waterproofing membranes, it is important not to confuse and put the film with the correct side to the insulation.

According to the type of porous structure, membrane films can be:

  • diffusion;
  • superdiffusion.

These structures differ from each other in the number of pores. In diffusion membranes, there are fewer pores, and, accordingly, the level of vapor removal is significantly lower. Such a vapor barrier cannot be placed directly on the insulation itself, therefore it is necessary to leave a ventilated gap not only between the roofing and waterproofing, but also between the film and the insulation. Otherwise, the contact of the pores of the diffusion membrane with the insulation material will lead to blockage of the “funnel” of the waterproofing with mineral wool and the loss of its functional properties.

Super diffusion membranes significantly outperform diffusion films in terms of vapor removal, and it is not required to create a ventilation gap between the waterproofing and the insulation.

The organization of a ventilation gap between the roofing and the membrane is mandatory in any case, in order to allow water vapor to escape with the air flow into the atmosphere.

However, it is not recommended to use membrane waterproofing films with any type of roofing, but only with those that are resistant to the damaging effects of condensate accumulating from the back of the roof. So, for example, in the case of roofing with metal tiles, it is necessary to use special anti-condensation films. Such waterproofing does not allow steam to escape from the insulation, but accumulates it through huge amount the smallest villi located on its back surface, from where moisture leaves with air flows through the ventilation gap.

The natural desire of every person is to create comfortable and pleasant home conditions in their home. This can help modern heaters for roofs and walls, and waterproofing materials. Optimal heat and the best microclimate can only be achieved with strict adherence to the technological chain of construction, while having certain knowledge in hydro vapor barrier.

What is the purpose of isolation?

Any building during its operation is regularly exposed to precipitation, including rain and snow. Without properly protecting the structures, there is a risk of losing their qualities and original properties. In this regard, vapor barrier and waterproofing are used to protect against the harmful effects of water. The specificity of the use of these materials is different.

Most precipitation falls on the roof of the house, but the walls and foundation have several better protection. When organizing the roof, one should take into account the impact on it of temperature changes, heavy rains, snowfall, hail, hurricane winds and other weather disasters. In some way, the roof separates the external and internal air flows from interaction with each other. Roofing insulation or universal vapor barrier will help to make the roof really warm.

Traditional matching elements protect attic space from moisture penetration, however, impeccable tightness cannot be achieved. Moreover, water vapor condenses on internal walls kah premises.

In the event that such protection was forgotten during construction for some reason, then the laid mineral wool, as a heater, quickly absorbs water and irrevocably loses its heat-insulating properties.

The vapor barrier is responsible for preventing water vapor from entering the insulation from inside the room.

It is impossible to exclude the possibility of moisture formation, since it is a consequence of human activity. In particular, air humidification occurs during cooking, washing, showering, washing dishes, etc. A poor quality approach to the choice of vapor barrier will lead to steam settling on building materials, creating excessive dampness, mold, etc.

When designing a house, you should take care of the correct construction of the roof, since any miscalculations in waterproofing and vapor barrier can cause moisture to enter both heat insulators and individual parts of the structure, destroying the finish, main elements and rafters.

What is the difference between insulating materials?

We will try to find out how vapor barrier differs from waterproofing, and which is better to prefer. The difference between these components lies in their purpose. The first of them protects the passage of humidified air to the heat-insulating layer. The second - does not allow moisture to get from the outside into the space of the roofing insulation. In the event of a loose vapor barrier, warm and wet air.

In other words, we can say that waterproofing can only let air through, while vapor barrier does not let in absolutely anything. If you take a closer look at the waterproof film, you can easily find special micro-holes through which water vapor is simply transferred.

Insulation installation procedure

  • it is necessary to lay out the film perpendicular or parallel to the location of the roof frame rails;
  • canvases are only overlapped, with a minimum overlap of material by 100 mm, followed by fixation with counter rails;
  • do not allow excessive tension of the film, while connecting and fixing the waterproofing elements with construction tape.

Vapor barrier of walls and roofs begins only after the installation of thermal insulation, and this is done as follows:

  1. the film is applied in an arbitrary way, both horizontally and vertically;
  2. fixing the material is carried out with a construction stapler to the crate;
  3. fastening rails are located at a distance of up to 500 mm, while the film sheets are overlapped with overlapping components from 100 mm.

Video: hydro and vapor barrier


Adhering to these simple rules and methods of insulation, waterproofing and vapor barrier of structures, walls and roofs, you can count on really comfortable conditions stay indoors. In addition, there is every reason to save energy for space heating, as well as to eliminate all forms of dampness and mold in your own home.

If in the attic rooms, some time after the housewarming party, the ceiling “wept” or wet spots were found in some places, then the first thing to check is whether the integrity of the roofing has been violated. And what to do if during the external examination no defects of the roof were revealed? This means that moisture "hangs" on the ceiling not because it got in from the outside, but because it did not find a way out of the premises. The couple who in large numbers present in every home, will tend upward under the roof. And if roofing cake mounted incorrectly, then moisture will not find a way to escape, but will settle on the ceiling and, when it gets cold, will condensate. And all because during installation the films were mixed up, with the help of which vapor barrier and waterproofing are created.

Today, there are so many film coatings on the market that an inexperienced owner may well confuse their purpose. It happens that even roofers will not pay attention to this, and then the roof will start to get wet during operation. To avoid this, it is necessary to understand the purpose of vapor barrier and waterproofing and make right choice film material before roofing works. If the roof has already leaked, then the only way out is to wait for warm days and dismantle the entire inside of the roofing pie, throw away the wet insulation (it’s no use anymore) and lay out the vapor barrier and waterproofing layers the right materials, laying between them a new insulation. To choose the right film insulation material, you need to understand the difference between vapor barrier and waterproofing.

Universal hydro-vapor barrier film

Waterproofing. The task of the waterproofing layer is to prevent water and moisture from the street from entering the under-roof space. Roofing material (slate, metal tiles, etc.) provides protection against direct precipitation, i.e. creates a barrier to rain and snow. But fog, haze or steam after a summer rain easily seep through these coatings inside. And inside the roof there is a heat-insulating layer, which should hold as much as possible warm air without letting it out. If moisture penetrates the insulation and nourishes it, then thermal insulation characteristics will drop sharply, because in winter all air pores will be “clogged” with ice crystals of frozen steam. This means that the insulation must somehow be protected from moisture coming from outside. And this should be done with a waterproofing film material.

Vapor barrier. The vapor barrier is created from the inside of the roofing pie. Its function is to protect the insulation from vapors from interior spaces. Even if excellent ventilation has been created in the house, steam will still be present, because people breathe, food is cooked, irons, humidifiers are turned on, baths are taken, plants are watered, etc. Naturally, warm steam will accumulate near the ceiling, and through it - make its way into insulation. Therefore, a vapor barrier must be placed in front of the heat-insulating layer.

Foil material is more expensive than other films, but, in addition to protection against steam, it also ensures the safety of heat in the house

How not to mix up insulating materials

Such films have an absolutely waterproof surface on both sides, i.e. They don't let any moisture in and they don't let any out. Most cheap option such a film is ordinary polyethylene, used in vegetable gardens. True, it can be used for roofing only as a last resort, because it is always hot under the roof, and the thin film is destroyed and stretched by temperature. Most best option- a multilayer film with a reinforcing frame made of polymers. The frame prevents it from stretching and sagging, and many layers ensure a long service life.

A more expensive, but very useful type of vapor barrier film is foil, i.e. on one side having a layer of foil. Such a film is spread with the foil side inside the roof to reflect infrared radiation, due to which the main part of the heat leaves the premises. By using such a steam insulation film, you will automatically increase the level of heat retention, which means you will pay less for heating.

On the roll with the film it should be indicated that it is vapor barrier

Waterproofing films

For waterproofing, the films described above are not suitable, because they are absolutely waterproof. They, of course, will not let moisture in from the outside, but this is not enough for the normal functioning of the roofing pie. The fact is that the waterproofing layer performs another task: it removes accidentally trapped vapors from the insulation. The question may arise: where do they come from if there is a film barrier inside and outside too. It turns out that there is no such film in the world that would be 100% waterproof. Some of the steam will still seep out of the rooms or the ventilation layer, so you need to make sure that the moisture finds a way out. For this, special waterproofing films were invented, which are called membranes. They are made of polymers and are characterized by increased strength, resistance to temperature extremes, to ultraviolet radiation. But their most important property lies in the structure: it is porous. This is done so that steam can seep through the pores under the roof.

There are diffusion and superdiffusion membrane films. In both, the pores resemble microscopic funnels. The principle of operation is based on the fact that a water molecule has a larger volume than a vapor molecule. So steam escapes through the wide part of the funnel, and moisture from the outside cannot seep through the narrow “neck”. When using membranes, it is important to put them on the correct side: the wide part of the pores is towards the insulation, the narrow part is towards the roofing.

The structure of both films differs in the number of pores. So, diffusion membranes require that their pores do not come into contact with the insulation, otherwise the funnels will be clogged with mineral wool and will not function. In such roofing pies, the waterproofing layer must be surrounded on both sides by ventilation gaps: one - between the insulation and the membrane, the second - between the membrane and the roofing material. The superdiffusion membrane has a much higher level of steam output, so the ventilation gap between the insulation and the membrane is not needed.

A ventilation gap must be created between the membrane and the roofing so that the released steam can escape with the air flow to the outside

Membrane films are not suitable for all types of roofing, but only for those that are not afraid of condensation on the back side. So, for example, metal tiles require a special waterproofing film, which is called anti-condensate. She does not release steam from the insulation, but accumulates it on her back surface with the help of many tiny villi. And already from there the moisture evaporates with the help of air currents of the ventilation gap.

Only the competent use of vapor barrier and waterproofing films will provide a dry ceiling and warm air in the premises.

Any home, no matter how beautiful it may be, should, among other things, be warm, safe and comfortable. To achieve this, it is not enough just to choose the most acceptable project, build everything and make it on a turnkey basis. It is important not to forget about an important detail: the means of ensuring the best microclimate in the room and maintaining the desired temperature. So, what is the difference between vapor barrier and waterproofing?

What is vapor barrier?

This term refers to a complex of specialized tools, materials and technologies aimed at protecting any building structures and structures, as well as insulating materials from getting inside the steam generated inside the room and absorbing the resulting condensate.

What is used for vapor barrier?

For the installation of such a system, special rolled or sheet geosynthetics, PVC membranes, roofing felt, glassine, roofing material, polymer varnishes are used. If you want to make a vapor barrier behind the batteries or, for example, in saunas or baths, that is, any rooms with high humidity and temperature, foil or thermofoil is used. Films for vapor barrier are a special sheet, equipped with a reinforcing film, made of polymers. There are several types of such films.

  • Standard: a completely vapor-permeable material that is used for roofs in inhabited houses.
  • With reflective layer: on the one hand, such a film is also reinforced, covered with foil or a layer of aluminum. It reduces heat loss, is completely impervious to moisture, and is used in bathrooms, swimming pools, kitchens, the same saunas or baths.
  • Films with limited vapor permeability: made of non-woven fibers, allows you to evenly and easily remove excess moisture from the room without creating condensation under the roof. Best of all, this material is suitable for summer cottages, garden houses, that is, for houses where they live only from time to time.
  • Material with variable vapor permeability: does not pass steam in dry form, but when humidity increases, it does not retain moisture, but brings it out. It is suitable for large-scale roof repairs, as it prevents water from penetrating inside the building and spoiling the finish.

What is waterproofing?

Understanding what is the difference between vapor barrier and waterproofing, it is worth finding out what waterproofing is. This is the name of a set of measures aimed at protecting any structures, houses, structures and building structures from external moisture entering from the outside, or from any contact with washer fluids with a neutral or aggressive composition.

What is the difference?

Water vapor is generated in nature all the time. He rises in the bathroom during water procedures, any washing, cooking almost any food. Even breath is essentially steam. And if there is no special protection from it in the room, then the existing insulation will absorb moisture, which will then condensate and cause the walls to become covered with mold, darken from dampness, and the insulation itself will simply fall off. What is the difference between vapor barrier and waterproofing? Everything is elementary. The first protects the house precisely from internal moisture. And the latter does not allow water to get inside from external environment, protects insulating materials from any condensates, precipitation formed under the roof. These may be the consequences of heavy rain, melted snow, any pipe leaks. It is waterproofing that is designed to extend the durability of the building and enhance its reliability, to ensure convenient and high-quality use of equipment and buildings.

Waterproofing materials

These are also mesh-reinforced film coatings made from the same polymers. They are of the following types:

  1. universal(not leaking water ever and in any form);
  2. anti-condensate(equipped with a layer of viscose and cellulose fabric, perfectly absorb water and retain it, while drying quickly);
  3. equipped with microperforations(have a small permeability, require special installation);
  4. with membranes(protect from moisture from the atmosphere, but do not release steam from the room).

Very often, various concepts are confused on the building materials market, even sales consultants can give incorrect information. The names waterproofing, vapor barrier, hydro vapor barrier, diffusion membranes, breathable membranes, wind protection, etc. are used.

The confusion also arises because there are traditional materials (roofing felt, polyethylene film, aluminum foil), which are called waterproofing. But they do not fully meet modern membrane waterproofing materials. Both roofing felt, and polyethylene film, and aluminum foil do not let steam and water through, from the point of view of modern coatings they should be called vapor barrier or hydro vapor barrier, which is actually the same thing. And membrane waterproofing allows steam to pass through and allows the thermal insulation of the roofing pie to dry out. Such confusion arose due to the desire of manufacturers to advertise their products by all available methods. Developers are attracted by unfamiliar "scientific" names, they buy the most expensive materials, although there are many times cheaper on the market and with the same physical characteristics.

Types of waterproofing

NameDescriptionapproximate cost

Moderately combustible and hardly flammable material, can operate at temperatures of -60°С +80°С, roll width 1.6 m, length 43.75 m.4600 rub/roll

Equivalent diffusion resistance 0.03 Sd/m, vapor permeability 1300 g/m2/24 h. Roll width 1.5 m, length 50 m.7700 rub/roll

Roll length 50 m, width 1.5 m. Temperature range -40°C +80°C, equivalent diffusion resistance thickness 0.037 Sd/m. Moderately flammable.4000 rub/roll

In a roll 75 m2 of membrane, density 140 g/m2. Highly combustible material, can work at temperatures -40°С +80°С.8400 rub/roll

Types of vapor barrier

NameDescriptionapproximate cost

Vapor permeability 0 sq.m.h.Pa/mg, use at temperatures of -60°С +80°С is allowed. Roll width 1.2 m, length 58 m. Moderately flammable and moderately flammable.3650 rubles/roll

Roll length 50 m, width 1.5 m, density 96 g/m2. Temperature stability -40°С +80°С., tensile strength 210 N. Highly flammable.1300 rub/roll

Equivalent thickness of diffusion resistance 150 Sd/m, highly flammable, moderately flammable. Vapor permeability 3.1 × 10^-6 mg / (m × h × Pa).9500 rub/roll

Vapor permeability 19 g/sq.m/24 h, can be operated at temperatures -55°С +80°С. Density 60 g/m2.1000 rubles/roll

Roll length 50 m, width 1.5 m. Has a reflex layer, diffusion resistance thickness 2000 Sd/m. Can work at temperatures -40°С +80°С.13400 rub/roll

Why do we need hydro and vapor barrier of the roof

Unfortunately, even many professional builders deliberately increase estimated cost works or unknowingly misuse various insulating membranes during roof construction. When, for what and for what purposes should steam and waterproofing protection be used?

Non-insulated roofs

Such roofs can have different coatings, depending on their characteristics, a decision is made on the need for additional insulating materials.

Everything is clear with non-insulated roofs, now we should consider more complex types of roofing pies.

Warm roofs

These are very popular types of roofs, allowing the use of attic space under residential attics. Used as heaters modern materials, depending on their type, certain protective membranes are recommended. How technical specifications Do thermal insulations affect the choice of hydro and vapor protection?


This refers not only to polystyrene, but also to all its derivatives: expanded polystyrene, penozol, etc. There are quite a few varieties of polymer insulation, in terms of their performance they fully meet the requirements of most developers. It is generally accepted that these heaters have two significant drawbacks: flammability and the release of harmful substances into the air. chemical compounds. Is it really? Modern foams do not support open combustion, melt with increasing temperature, start burning when heated to more than + 800 ° C. For your information, wood ignites at a temperature of approximately +400°C. So, this indicator does not have a noticeable effect on the fire safety of the house.

Now a little about selection harmful substances. You need to know that absolutely all chemical Construction Materials harmful compounds are released in one quantity or another. Including varnishes used for furniture or floors, plastic elements of decor and wall decoration, etc. But according to these parameters, they are approved for use by state regulatory organizations, and foam plastic has such a tolerance.

Conclusion - use foam for roof insulation without any fear. In comparison with mineral wool, it has a very important advantage - it does not completely absorb moisture. For warm roof with foam plastic, there is no need to use vapor and waterproofing, and this significantly reduces the cost of roofing.

Mineral wool

Very trendy at the moment thermal insulation material for roofing cake. We will not dwell on the advantages, we will point out the main operational disadvantage: mineral wool reacts extremely negatively to an increase in relative humidity. It sharply increases thermal conductivity, heat saving indicators tend to zero. In addition, wet mineral wool accelerates the processes of decay by an order of magnitude. wooden structures truss system.

For such a roofing cake, it is imperative to use hydro and vapor barrier. But this should be done with skill, technology errors lead not only to a deterioration in the microclimate parameters in attic rooms, but also cause the destruction of the truss system, structural elements rot and lose their load-bearing characteristics. The roof has to be not only repaired, but completely blocked. The cost of such work far exceeds the cost of building a new roofing.

Stone wool "TechnoNIKOL": characteristics of the insulation

Negative consequences of improperly installed waterproofing

Waterproofing is installed with inside attic room. Its function is to minimize the amount of steam entering the mineral wool layer. It is impossible even theoretically to make the protection completely sealed.

What consequences incorrect installation waterproofing?

  1. A sharp increase in the thermal conductivity of structures, it is difficult to maintain comfortable temperature values ​​in the room. Due to the fact that the least air circulates in the corners, these areas are considered dead zones. In the corners, the temperature of the wall covering often drops below the dew point, and steam condenses on the surfaces. Prolonged high humidity creates ideal conditions for mold to grow.
  2. On the finish coatings of the ceilings and walls of the attic, stains, dirty spots, etc. can form. This indicates more complex problems with the insulation layer of the roof. The reason for the appearance of unpleasant situations is the wrong choice of hydrovapor barrier or gross violations of the installation technology.

    At best, they do not let water through, and steam freely enters the mineral wool. In winter, the condensate periodically freezes / freezes in the upper part of the insulation, the water goes down and over time, all mineral wool becomes wet. Water conducts heat well (thermal conductivity increases) and gradually penetrates the surface of the upper finishing of the walls of the room. They have to be repaired or completely replaced. But it is not advisable to make repairs without eliminating the cause, after a short time the problem will reappear. Only right exit- completely redo the hydro-vapor barrier and insulation, and this is long and expensive.

  3. Insufficient thickness of the insulation layer. Unfortunately, often the thickness of the thermal insulation layer does not exceed ten centimeters. Building codes recommend a mineral wool thickness of more than 15 cm for the Moscow region, if it is less, then the wool will inevitably freeze through, regardless of the quality of the waterproofing. As a result, the same Negative consequences, as described above.

    Practical advice. A warm roof is exactly the construction of a house, during the construction of which it is better to play it safe than to try to simplify existing technologies.

    There is currently big choice various modern hydrovapor barriers, their characteristics are not much different, but the price fluctuates widely. You can use modern non-woven materials made according to the most innovative technology. But practitioners advise to act smarter - use traditional cheap and very effective materials as a waterproofing.

    Important. Building perspective warm roof should be considered at the design stage of the house. This will help you choose optimal dimensions rafter legs and the step between them, determine the need for installation and the parameters of the rails for interior decoration attic walls. Another plus of this approach is that the truss system is made with a minimum number of various stops and supports, due to which the number of points of probable depressurization of the protective layer is reduced.

    How to properly install waterproofing

    Very important point during the construction of a warm roofing cake. Hydro vapor barrier is designed to limit the penetration of water vapor from the living quarters of the attic into the thickness of the mineral wool. We have already mentioned above that it is better not to insulate the roof at all than to do it wrong. Practice shows that if technology violations are critical, then the truss system will have to be repaired in 7-10 years. What is a hot roof repair? This is the dismantling of roofing, waterproofing (steam-permeable wind protection), removal of thermal insulation. Next, you need to go inside the premises, shoot exterior finish walls and waterproofing. The last stage is the revision of the truss system and the replacement of failed load-bearing elements.

    How should a roofing cake be made so as not to encounter such problems?

    Step 1. Carefully inspect the material, properly stack it. All inscriptions should face the room, and not vice versa. You need to start laying the waterproofing layer of the cake from the ridge part. Roll out the roll so that it is located in the middle of the structure. You need to work on a ladder and with an assistant. Roll out the roll in parts, every 1.5–2.0 m make a preliminary fixation. The final should be performed only after the material is completely leveled, there are no folds or kinks.

    Step 2 Fix the waterproofing with a construction stapler, the distance between the brackets is approximately 25–30 cm.

    Important. There is no need to nail the staples too often, it only increases the number of holes. The material is light, fixed without problems.

    It is advisable to do the laying of thermal insulation after covering the roof. During roofing work, it is imperative to spread the vapor barrier (wind protection) and secure it with planks. Then fill the counter-lattice on the planks, it will provide ventilation of the under-roof space, condensed water will be naturally removed. Roofing materials are laid after the preparation of the vapor barrier layer.

    Some builders do the opposite, first they install hydro-vapor barrier inside the premises, and then they lay the insulation and cover the roof. This order of work cannot be considered optimal. The fact is that if mineral wool gets wet due to precipitation, it will have to be removed and dried. This greatly complicates the construction of a warm roof and degrades its quality.

    Step 3 The second layer is rolled out parallel to the first, you should gradually move down towards the eaves. After alignment, secure the membrane with staples.

    Step 4 Very carefully seal the junction of the hydro-vapor barrier to the chimneys.

    Use special sealed tape for this, never buy low-quality additional materials. If the adhesive tape has insufficient adhesion indicators, then after a short time it will peel off, a large gap will form between the surface of the chimney and the hydro-vapor barriers. It is impossible to notice it in time due to finishing internal walls, and the appearance of visible condensate leaks will already require complex repairs.

    Step 5 The overlap between the rows should be within 10 cm, glue them carefully.

    Experienced builders advise in these places to nail small slats to the rafters first. What for? Firstly, they will create a gap between the mineral wool and the hydro-vapor barrier, which will improve the conditions for removing trapped moisture. Secondly, if there are slats under the overlaps, then you can press the adhesive tape strongly, the sealing will be more reliable.

    Practical advice. During the installation of the insulation, take measures so that it does not rest against the hydrovapor barrier. Mineral wool must be fixed in the space between the rafters. This can be done with a rope synthetic materials, metal profiles or wooden slats. The fact is that mineral wool eventually bends and sags a little under the influence of gravity. Unforeseen forces begin to act on the hydrovapor barrier, it bends, the sealed joints are depressurized.

    The overlap between the sheets of the vapor diffusion membrane is 10-15 cm

    Gluing the joints of the vapor diffusion membrane with self-adhesive tape

    After completing the work, you need to carefully inspect the roof surface again, fix any problem areas found. Pay particular attention to the adjoining of the hydro-vapor barrier to various pipes and other engineering structures. Experienced builders recommend that before fixing the membrane, finish them with any silicone sealants. They will completely fill the seams in masonry building materials and improve the quality of the waterproofing. And this, as already mentioned, plays a decisive role in terms of the durability of operation and the efficiency of heat saving buildings.

    Video - Waterproofing, insulation, waterproofing of the roof

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