Whether the saucer on the soft roof is allowed. How to calculate the slope of a flat roof

Arrangement of the site 20.06.2020
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Selecting the type of roofing, determining the angle of inclination and other roof parameters is an important and responsible task that requires knowledge of standards and taking into account climatic features in the region. The article describes a flat roof, its advantages and features. It is explained in detail, for which we need and how the slope of a flat roof is made. Information will be useful to all owners of areas planning a residential building, auxiliary or economic buildings.

Source Horoshidom.ru.

Flat roofing structure

A flat roof is a single cloth, not divided into separate areas having a certain tilt to organize water drain. There are buildings of complex architecture consisting of several compartments with different levels of height. Each part usually has its own roof, but the general rules for each individual section are saved.

Flat roofs are traditional for the architecture of southern countries, but in the northern regions are used mainly for non-residential buildings - economic or auxiliary. The reason for this relationship is the abundance of precipitation, which in such quantities does not happen in regions close to the equator.

Source Folksland.net

The traditional device of flat roofs consists of a reference system (rafted) forming an inclined plane with selected parameters. On top of the rafter system, the flooring is created from the board, on which the roofing canvas is mounted. Such a design is simple, it is raised quickly and allows us to ensure moisture output from the underpants.

The disadvantage is the use of wood that has a tendency to warp, rotting and representing fire hazard. In addition, wooden rafters have a limited bearing capacity that requires a thorough calculation to match the snow loads. A considerable danger is the impact of wind, the strong impulses of which are able to rip the roof, causing significant destruction at the same time.

Source odome.kz.

In order to increase the strength and increasing the supporting ability of flat roofs, a construction technique was developed, in which the construction of the rafter system refuses, replacing it with a dense bulk layer - flashes. It places at a certain angle to the horizon, forming an inclined plane on which the roofing coating is stacked. As a result, the overlap of the upper floor becomes the supporting system, and the flat roof is reinforcing it and forms the desired inclination angle, optimal for these conditions and materials.

Source krovlikom.ru.

The advantages of flat roofs

The main advantage of a flat roof is the simplicity and economy of construction. This surface is convenient and safe, allows maintenance or repair work in optimal conditions. The surface area of \u200b\u200bsuch a roof is significantly less than that of shelter structures, which allows to significantly save on the roofing material.

An additional advantage of flat roofs is the convenience and simplicity of installing various technical devices and equipment on them - satellite antennas, solar panels, etc. It is simplified by repair and maintenance of equipment that can be done at any time of the year.

Source ivd.ru.

There are flat roofs, the surface of which is equipped with lawns, swimming pools, corners of recreation and other sites. In these cases, the use of the surface is most effectively, although it requires significant costs for design and maintenance of sites.

Source Archilovers.com

Flat roof slope: a whim or technical need

A bias is the need that the abundance of precipitation causes. Rain or melt water should be able to withdraw from the surface, otherwise the roofing coating will quickly collapse and fail. In the summer, the stagnation of rainwater will provoke the aggressive effect of chemical elements and oxygen dissolved in the mass of precipitation. In winter, the presence of moisture is still more dangerous - when the temperature decreases, it will freeze and start expanding. The smallest cracks of the surface, where moisture penetrates, will increase.

Source blues-dev.ru.
On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most . In the filters, you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.

To organize the operational drain of water, at least a minimum bowl of flat roof, allowing water to be removed from the roof. The optimal solution to solving the problem for the roofs of a large area is the flap of flat roof with a bulk type with the plane with the desired angle and in parallel performing the functions of insulation and sound insulation.

Minimum and maximum slope of flat roofs

The angle of inclination of the roof is the value regulated by the technical regulations. There is a SP on SP 17.13330.2011, or, easier, in the edge of the roof rules. It defines the normative values \u200b\u200bof the roofing inclination angle depending on the roof design, as well as the materials used. The values \u200b\u200bthat have a flap of a flat roof, SNiP determines in accordance with the properties of the surface of various roofing coatings. The degree of roughness of the metal canvas is much smaller than in soft or wavy surfaces.

The magnitude of the slope is measured in various units:

    In percents.

    The ratio of height to the length.

    In degrees.

Source kak-sdelat-kryshu.ru.

Such an abundance of units of measurement is caused by the specifics of construction work - to control the angle with the help of the vehicle on the site is much more complicated than measuring linear dimensions.

The situation is somewhat more complicated when building a roof with a large area. Make a bias in such conditions is not always rational. The solution to the issue of a flat roof with an inner drainage is becoming a flat roof when everything cannon is divided into relatively small sections with drainage funnels. Water, falling into them, is displayed according to the system of pipelines in the storm sewer. Such a roof design is more difficult and requires the creation of a system of drainage communications, but on large buildings this option is optimal.

Source blues-dev.ru.

In practice, the angles of inclination are much less and largely depend on local climatic conditions. The main factorsaffecting the choice, are:

    Number of snow in winter.

    Wind powerprevailing in this region.

Snow weight is a significant load. It is possible to determine it on tables in the SNiP applications, where average annual values \u200b\u200bare indicated in different regions of the country. The lower the angle, the smaller the possibility of independently snowmate. At the same time, the high angle of inclination increases wind loads, dangerous in that the roofing coating can be broken from the support surface. The destruction occurring at the same time can lead to human victims and threaten not only this building, but also to all objects located nearby.

The choice of angle is based on the magnitude of the expected loads and is accepted in accordance with them. If the roof design consists of durable materials capable of withstanding a static load from snow weight, they usually try to minimize windy effects having a dynamic nature and unpredictable direction.


How to calculate the slope of a flat roof

Specialized calculation of the angle of inclination is an extremely complex engineering task. SNiP requirements in this issue have a letter of recommendation and define only permissible limits for each type of roofing. For an unprepared person, the implementation of this calculation is not available and even dangerous. It is necessary that the design is carried out by competent and experienced specialists.

Alternatively, you can use the online calculator that are in excess on the Internet. The obtained value is recommended to duplicate on another resource to compare the data and balance the results. It must be borne in mind that online calculations have only a recommendation value and should not be used in the construction of responsible structures.

Source blues-dev.ru.

Roofing materials for a flat roof depending on the angle of its slope

The choice of roofing material first must be due to the angle of inclination of the roof. There is plenty options:

    Roofing from piece materials and wavy sheets

    Metal roofing.

    Soft roof.

It is possible to form an angle of inclination by creating a reference design of the desired configuration or by backing up the surface with the inclined layer of the insulation. There are also specialized types of materials, for example, a wedge-shaped insulation from the Technonol company, the roof flap with which is created by laying the plates of a specific form.


The choice of the most suitable material is made by comparing local climatic conditions, the parameters of the construction, the possibilities and preferences of the owner. All these factors are equally important, but the priority in decision-making is recommended to give representatives of a construction company with experience and special knowledge.

Video Description

In the video you can see the device of flat roofs:


In completion, it should be noted an increase in the number of buildings with a flat roof. Fashion on similar architectural solutions that came from Europe requires the use of relevant technologies and materials. Approach construction with conventional standards common in Russia is irrational and impractical. For buildings with flat roofs, the creation of a special project that takes into account the characteristics of the climate, the properties of materials, hydrogeological conditions is required.

The flat roof has advantages over the ability to confront the invokes of the weather.

A flat roof sailboat is much smaller, so it can withstand large wind loads.

But on a flat roof weal the roof, which is called flat conditionally, because it necessarily has a slope.

Why on a flat roof make a bias

The roof assumes all environmental impacts and is designed to protect the building from them.

In addition to wind, serious tests bring atmospheric precipitation.

In the roof function, it includes moisture to be delayed, but drained to the drain pipes.

Properly organized water flow significantly contributes to the extension of the service life of the roof.

Flat roofing, from any of the materials it was done, will not withstand moisture if the water will delay on it, especially during the cold months of the year.

The processes of converting water into ice and thawing will destroy the layers of the roof.

In the stagnant puddles on the coating over time, dust deposits, the wind brings plant seeds, which contributes to their germination.

So the roof appears grass, bushes and even trees, which their root system will finally destroy the underfloor material.

To prevent these negative phenomena on a flat coating, a tilt is made, and this process is called a flap.

Minimal roof slope

The slope is the value that denotes where the roof line is in relation to the base, it can be measured by a geodetic tool with a slope.

Each type of roofing materials has the smallest and largest inclination of the roof.

These values \u200b\u200bare collected in a chart, which is easily determined which roofing coatings correspond to what values \u200b\u200bof the roof sludge.

In the same graph, you can translate the amount as a percentage of degrees and back.

There are tables of such a translation.

If it is divided into the height of the roof on the width, divided into two (projection of the skate) and the result is multiplied by a hundred, then the magnitude of the slope is in percent.

The slope is determined by the climatic conditions of the region, the appointment of the building, the type of coating.

The magnitude of the angle to which the roof should be tilted is calculated at the design stage.

Snip II-26-2010 "Roof" determines its minimum value for the roof of rolled materials and from mastic from 1.5% (1 o) and up to 10% (6 o).

For the operated roofs, its minimum value is within 1.5% ÷ 3% or 1 o ÷ 2 o.

The schedule of mutual translation of interest and degrees expressing the bias and correspondence to it the material of roofing coatings is shown below.

Flat roofing structure

The base for a flat roof can serve a reinforced concrete slab overlap or metal sheets.

The plane roof consists of layers:

  • cement-sand screed, if the base is concrete;
  • vaporizolation using rolled materials or bitumen mastics;
  • heater: Matt mineral wool, polystyrene foam plates, fading from crumbs, concrete mixes;
  • waterproofing: Several layers of rolled material.

If for a flat roof, the filtered materials are used, there will be several other components of roofing pie.

In a building where the project is provided in the inner drainage, in the roof device there will be a hurrying funnel.

Materials used for rally

Bulk insulation

Ceramzite, perlite, slag and other bulk insulation are used to plan tilt on a flat roof.

Features of these materials, namely, that they are bulk, create some difficulties.

The minimum bias with time can be disturbed and the insulation will take a horizontal level.

In addition, if large granules are present, then create a small slope will be difficult.

Sometimes when applying a bulk insulation, on top of it they make a screed, which takes the roof.

Glassizol is used as waterproofing.

Concrete mixes

Concrete mixtures with slag, ceramzit, perlite fillers can be used as insulation.

Due to the fact that this material is heavier than other insulation, it is used during construction or if overhaul is made.

For partial repair, concrete mixes are not suitable.

To perform work, qualified workers and special equipment will be required, which will lead to construction.

Polymer materials as filler

Concrete mixtures with polymer filler are a good option to create a slope of flat roofs.

The disadvantage is still the weight of concrete, although lightweight, compared to other insulation, much more.

And, as in the previous case, the involvement of specialists increases the cost of work.

Plastic panels

Modern method - the use of plastic panels with an individually specified angle of inclination.

The panels are harvested on the roof as puzzles, poured with liquid rubber.

The disadvantage of this method is the high value of the material.

Warming materials

One of the most popular ways to ensure a flat-roof linker is the use of insulation: mineral wool and pen-only plates.

Such materials are economical, easily attached to the base of mastic or adhesives.

Creating a minimum slope

The roof bias create at the time of laying insulation.

The method of forming an inclination depends on the type of selected insulation.

If bulk material, pour it, setting the necessary angle.

For fixing is poured with cement milk.

Of the foam concrete, the bias will be performed, without them, without them, do not do.

When using heat-insulating materials to create a given slope or used heat-insulating plates made with a slope or use plastic supports that can be adjusted.

The main task of the rally is to ensure the unimpeded movement of water to the catchment funnel anywhere in the roof.

If you check - pour the water bucket, it should leave without delay.

Qualitatively performed works on the roof glare will significantly extend its service life.

Video about flat roof device.

Sergey Novozhilov - expert on roofing materials with 9 years of practical experience in the field of engineering solutions in construction.

Stagnant puddles with rain or melt water - a merciless enemy of flat roofs. With persistent perseverance, they destroy the coating and the components of the roofing cake. In order for the atmospheric negative to create threats, it is necessary to envisage and conduct protective measures. The most efficient and affordable method is to form slopes that contribute to the rapid outflow of water.

In the name of the long service of the roof and the construction structure located under it, you need to know how the flap of flat roof is performed. In order to create the most efficient protection, you should familiarize yourself with the applicable options for its device.

The slope of the plane is necessary in order to under the influence of the standard forces of gravity, the water is transported to the waterboats. It requires that the surface is released at the highest pace from rain and melt waters, a year round threatening inner and outer components of the roofing structure.

The list of risk factors associated with water stagnation are:

  • Damage and rupture. The phenomenon characteristic of the periods of oscillation of possess and minus temperatures for sharp frosts. Water in the crystallization process is significantly increased in the amount, which leads to the detachment of mineral protective sprinkle on bitumen roofs. Due to the violation of the protective layer, the material becomes vulnerable to UV irradiation. On membrane and bulk roofs, a grid of small cracks appears due to alternation of freezing with water thawing.
  • Excessive voltage of waterproofing carpet. The difference in temperatures outside the building, inside and inside the construction creates an excessive coating voltage. Around the stagnant puddles, the stressful state is amplified, as a result, breaks and cracks occur.
  • Deflection of a thin carrier base. A characteristic example is a roof along a profiled sheet, on which the accumulation of precipitation can cause deformation and the subsequent rupture of the coating.
  • Moisturization of thermal insulation. Unnoticed by the naked eye microscopic cracks will pass water into the body of the roofing system, which may not occur if the water is discharged in a rapid pace. Equimconsful trouble on roofing with poor-quality seams. The wet insulation loses half of the insulation properties and adds in weight. Weighing is very undesirable for roofing systems arranged on a professional floor.
  • The birth of vegetation. Copying on a flat roof dust together with stagnant water - a wonderful environment for rooting and further prosperity of plant seeds in the winds. Not all roofing coatings are able to resist those who invading the protected roots.

Strams from the specified list "are not afraid" flat roofs, built from superproof, but terribly expensive materials. Someday, when the hearts of their producers flutter against sympathy to the ordinary consumer and the price tag will become more humane, the need for the construction of water removal with a flat surface will probably disappear.

However, while the method of preventing damage and premature aging is a deviation device, due to which the currents of melt and rainwater are independently moved to the water intake gutters and funnels or tritely roll off the roof on the ground.

Flat Roof Flashing Options

Spontaneously, without mechanical stimulation, water from the smooth surface will not be. In order not to wait for it to evaporate or destroy the roof, it needs to create conditions for moving - i.e. incline. Manuals on the system with bitumen and polymer coating are recognized as an ideal angle of inclination for a flat roof of 1.5º, 1º- 2º are permissible, which in percentage gradation means from 1.7% to 3.4%, respectively.

Tilt the plane of the roof of a small household object can be in the period of construction. To do this, the calculations are given in advance the difference in the height of the walls to which two responsible parties of the skate will be reeded. This is a separate topic acceptable for buildings with an external organized and unorganized type.

Now we are much more interesting for the formation of a slope equal to all points of the plane of the roof, burned on an equal height bearing walls. Such tasks more often have to solve country owner owners and often incarnate with their own hands.

The flap of a flat roof forms a barely noticeable relief with infants and watersheds resembling skate ridges of pitched roofs. The essence of its formation is to adjust the water current.

The decrease in the relief is always directed from the rumbles of the roof parts, including chimneys, anti-aircraft lights, roofing aerators, etc., towards the waterheadors, to which the gutters with gutters belong. If two or more drain funnels are installed for removal of water with a flat roof, then between them should be a watershed, disperse flow to flowing into different sides of the part.

The wagges along the parapet of flat roofs are excluded by the device cartel. The design of a simple part is akin to floor plinth only without convexities. Along the lines of pairing walls of the parapet or standard wall with a flat roof, a bar is installed with a triangular cross section, which can be made by the longitudinal splitting of the bar into two halves.

Instead of a split bar, a similar device from basalt wool or polystyrene was used. Haller can be arranged directly on the object from the concrete solution.

For a flat-roofing device, the following proven methods are used:

  • The use of bevel insulation: Most often clay or perlite, less often vermiculite. To create a flap of a falling insulation, the roof area is divided into segments. Under the requested angle, the guides are established, between which the material is falling asleep. The backfill is satisfied with a concrete mix with marking M150. Concrete fill must be reinforced by the road grid. The finishing layer of concrete can replace the dry screed of plywood or flat slate sheets. An unambiguously laborious method is not distinguished by accuracy due to the inherent displacement of bulk particles. In addition, in a similar way, it is difficult to form a smooth rise of inclination.
  • Filling light varieties of concrete - mixtures with the inclusion of clay, polystyrene foam crumb, perlite and similar aggregates. It is performed according to the traditional scheme of the screed device, only the guides are installed under the requested angle. Minus method in weather restrictions, because The screed cannot be poured under minus thermometer readings. To dry the concrete flap will be at least 28 days, during which the screed will need to moisten and protect against rains with winds.
  • Installation of metal structures. They are made from the profile of the nomenclature of 75 × 50 × 05 or a similar material according to the size of the increase and decrease. The distances between the structures are calculated depending on the upcoming load. Flat slate sheets are stacked on top of the formated relief. The disadvantages of the method lie in significant material costs and labor investments.
  • Construction of the crate. Used extremely rare, because Application is unprofitable, moreover, it is too difficult to implement such minor slopes, but among other methods is still mentioned.
  • Application of wedge-shaped insulation platesmanufactured from basalt wool, foam glass, polystyrene foam, polyfoam specifically to perform slopes on flat roofing and to create outflow of water from parapet.

The tilt device with the help of wedge-shaped plates is leading due to numerous impressive advantages. They were developed and implemented in the construction scope, they were purposeful for the sake of excluding the shortcomings of all previously listed methods.

Wedge-shaped thermal insulation plates of no accident recognize the optimal way to solve wastewater problems with a flat roof. This is the most convenient, cheap and simple scheme that does not require in-depth skills and fundamental knowledge in roofing.

Wedge-shaped plates are cut in the factory conditions, which guarantees the accuracy of the results of the upcoming work. A set of material is necessarily attached to the instructions of laying.

Pros applying wedge-shaped plates

The polystyrene foam and mineral wool slabs for the formation of slopes have an equalization set of advantages, this is:

  • An insignificant weight, due to which the pelon made from the insulation creates the smallest load on the carrying construction structures.
  • Transportation to the place of installation without the use of lifting construction equipment.
  • Independence of technology from weather conditions. The ability to spend successful stacking, despite the predictions unfavorable for builders.
  • Tangible relief and acceleration of action on the formation of inclined planes. No need for the transfer of finishing work due to the need to withstand technological breaks. For example, wait 28 days so that the cement-sand screed score the necessary parameters of hardness.
  • Significant reduction in the cost of building slopes, necessary and sufficient for the unhindered current of rain and melt water.

Important: Despite the traditional thermal insulation qualities, wedge-shaped plates can not be replaced with a layer of insulation. Different elements in thickness do not possess equal heat engineering properties at all points. Therefore, the layer of real insulation is constructed and is calculated separately. Its thickness is not connected with the upcoming wedge of wedge-shaped plates.

Works on the structure of the finishing of the finishing coating of a flat roof SNIP II-26-76 prescribes after laying the insulation, if the thermal insulation was provided for the project. If there was no need for the roof plane insulation, the wedge-shaped plates are stacked on a steam or waterproof base.

Wedge-shaped thermal insulation is used in the construction of new roofs and when performing repair and restoration work. With the help of light comfortable plates modules, you can create literally any relief to send streams in a given direction.

How to make slabs?

Wedge-shaped plates are supplied in sets that allow elegant and quickly form slopes and contacts on a flat roof. The sequence of laying elements of the defect does not depend on what type of insulation they are made. However, the composition of the plates affects the scheme of constructing inclined planes.

For example, a layer of geotextiles must be laid between the finishing polymer membrane and polystyrene or foam plates. Without a separation layer, the roof is carelessly spreading with plasticizers and will surely come to unsuitability. But on the basalt cotton, the finish coating can be made without fears, without applying the separation layer, due to which expenses will significantly decrease.

The polymer membrane is strictly forbidden to directly contact with bitumen and bitumen-polymer waterproofing. They can only be neighboring if all the same separation layer will be laid between them.

Another geotextile substrate is required when plates are installed immediately on the rough concrete coating, i.e. If they are used exclusively for the formation of a slope on a laptile roof.

Marking of the elements of the pitch

Within the framework of a single manufacturer, wedge-shaped plates are produced according to the general principle, regardless of the composition of the product. Elements are marked to facilitate the laying procedure, have identical dimensions.

The Russian manufacturer of construction systems Technonikol, for example, offers sets of wedge-shaped spacing of polystyrene foam and minvati. In both cases:

  • Plates marked with lines A and B are intended to assemble slopes of 1.7%.
  • If the material is marked with the lines j and k, then it is used when constructing slopes of 3.4% and 4.2%.
  • Flat insulation plates with alphabetic designation with applied to a height set. Elements with labeling C can be laid down and on top of it.

Read more on the schemes:

In the instructions from the material producer, there is usually a laying scheme with a visual image of the sequence of wedge-shaped plates. The construction of one plane aimed at the catchment chute, or two adjacent planes aimed at the catchment funnel will not be a serious problem for the home master. Stacking should be started from the lowest seat of the roof and continue up to the created watershed.

Somewhat different, if a complex relief with several undershones and waterproof ridges are constructed. We will have to draw a plan and think over the course of action. In the plan, a complex relief usually looks like a set of rhombuses and triangles. Laying in such cases starts from the edge of the rhombus or triangle, finishes the process in the center of conditional figures.

The required height is achieved by a set of plates with the necessary thickness. When the diamond device, it is as it were for a quarter, and a triangle on half. Each segment is assembled separately, after which the trimming is performed.

Rules for installing fasteners

The installation of wedge-shaped plates on the base without prior heat insulation is made by methods commonly used or bituminous coating. In priority, the mechanical method of fastening to the base, according to which the telescopic plates are fastened with self-draws with a telescopic nozzle.

The fixation of wedge-shaped parts from mineral wool is performed simultaneously with the main layer of insulation. It is recommended to put two fasteners on a plate size of 600 × 1200mm. If both linear slabs are more than a meter, fasteners will be required 4.

Wedge-shaped defects must be positioned so that the joints do not coincide with the joints of the underlying heat insulation, i.e. The principle of seam breakdown is also respected with respect to the multi-layer insulation system, and with respect to the insulation layer with a bias-forming material. If the elements of the heat-insulating flap are laid on the basis without insulation, they are glued or simply driven.

Note that polystyrene foam plates cannot be glued using bitumen glue containing a large number of organic solvents. The material is "not friendly" with organic solvents and gasoline. Because their neighborhood should be excluded.

At the time of the production of installation operations, polystyrene foam plates are recommended to glue a bilateral tape among themselves so that they do not shift from careless taps. It is advisable to put the load to the collected segment of the complex linker so that it saves the location.

The type of fastener must correspond to the species of the base to which panels are fixed:

  • For the installation on the professional flooring, Ø 4,8 mm ø 4.8mm will be required.
  • For fastening to concrete ties, the strength of the B-15 and the cement-sandy screed strength M150 is needed pointed roofing screws Ø 4.8 mm together with a polymer anchor sleeve.
  • For fixing on concrete bases of class B-25, it is necessary to stock up the scoring anchors.

The size of the screws is selected taking into account the thickness of the layer so that the screw goes into the concrete at 5cm, and for the back side of the professional flooring, at least 1.5 cm acted. When the device is a balancing of the old repaired roofing with a bitumen coating, a plate of fasteners is used. The age of the repaired bituminous roof should be more than a year.

Using insulation cartoons

The triangular length of a long part from basalt wool is used to redirect atmospheric water from the conjugation of vertical and horizontal surfaces. They put them along the roof dusting line with a parapet, adjacent by the wall, sidelights of anti-aircraft lamps, chimneys, etc.

Sliced \u200b\u200bwith flawless geometric accuracy facilities contributes to an increase in the speed of work on the arrangement of a flat roof. Laying the cartel allows you to quickly create a smooth transition from the vertical surface to the horizontal plane.

Video lesson on the deviation

Those who wish to know how to competently make the perfect flap on the flat roof, to familiarize themselves with the specifics of the work will help:

The list of options for the tilt device on a flat roof is quite reasonable to head the wedge-shaped plates from the insulation. They are invented to facilitate work and significant acceleration of processes. With the entrusted duties, wedge-shaped defects copes excellent.

When creating a roof, all the details are taken into account. It is especially important to determine the slope of the surface, as it depends not only the appearance, but also the durability of the structure. This indicator depends on many factors, including from climatic conditions of the area. In this case, it is taken into account that the roof provides protection against environmental impact, but it itself is exposed to all these negative factors. That is why it is important to calculate the slope of a flat roof before the construction of construction.

Nuances for choosing an alarm angle

To begin with, the impact of wind on the coating is considered. In the regions with strong winds, the roof with a slight bias is preferable. In this case, in the presence of a high roof, the likelihood that the impulses of the wind will be reduced part of the material. To prevent this, it is necessary to make a rafter system more massive, which causes an increase in the cost of installation of the structure, and also negatively affects the weight of the entire structure. In the area where winter sediments fall especially often, it is enough to make a roof slope within 45 °. This will provide free snow slope and will exclude the increase in the load on the roof surface.

In the event that snow falls in the winter time, it is possible to limit the low-key roof, that is, the bias in this case will be minimal. According to SNiP, when creating such a design, it is recommended to use membrane materials to exclude leaks. When creating a flat surface, the value is also paid to the drainage, it is on it that the function of the water removal and the exclusion of its accumulation on the surface is assigned to the surface. To reduce the effects of sun rays, you can use bitumen coverings, green, turf or pebbles.

In the regions where the harsh climate is more often prevailing, it is recommended to combine external and internal drainage. The latter will not be exposed to negative factors of nature.

Selection of materials depending on the corner of the skate

Each material has its own use requirements. A rough surface of the roof will prevent the wedge of the wand, and smoothly contribute to this. The design of the rafter system has an important meaning. When creating a flat roof, it can be easier, but designed for a powerful load from water and snow. From the roof having a bias, the water rolls faster, and the snow is not delayed, but it must be more stronger due to the complexity of the design. The selection of roofing material is affected by the rafter and the selection of the crate.

Select the material for the roof should be dependent on the level of the slope. To create high roofs, the range of roofing coatings is wider, and externally structures are particularly attractive. In order to correctly perform mounting works on the roof, follow the following rules:

Measurement of the angle of the slope

For the right choice of materials and the construction of the rafter system, it is important to calculate the angle of the skate. This action is performed using a teller or by mathematical computing and is expressed in degrees, percentage and ratio of indicators.

The most simple is the mathematical calculation. To do this, you need to know the width of blood and its height. With the help of trigonometric formulas, an angle is calculated as a cosine, sinus or tangent. The result obtained using the table is translated into interest.

You can also calculate another method. To do this, the height of the future roof should be divided into half the width of the room, and the resulting result is multiplied by a hundred. The result is compared by the table to determine the slope and it is also expressed as a percentage.

In the presence of a tall, all actions are to determine the angle and selection of materials to create the roof. Only after that you can make the right choice, be sure to compare it with the requirements of SNiP.

Features of the creation of a small roof

The most often flap of flat roof is carried out using the following methods.:

  • beep insulation, that is, Perlin, Ceramzit and others;
  • concrete mixtures based on insulation;
  • polymeric materials and concrete mixes based on them with the obligatory addition of fillers;
  • use only insulating materials.

Each of the listed methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Ceramzit and Perlin eventually can change the position and disrupt the roof slope. As a result, the minimum skat after a while we can become a flat roof. The size of the material also matters, as large components do not allow the scat to make enough uniform.

For a flat roof, concrete mixes are often used. These materials have the main disadvantage of weight. That is, it is necessary to calculate the additional load when developing the design of the solo system. Given this drawback, it can be concluded that concrete mixes can be used when creating a flat roof at the construction stage or during overhaul. They are not suitable for partial repair of flat roof, as they cause additional load.

According to SNiP, polymeric materials are ideal for such works. Given their wide range, they should be selected not only depending on the corner of the skate, but also take into account the features of the rafter system.

Regardless of the exactly exactly the reassembly, it is important to pay attention to the drainage system. It can be drained gutter, exterior waterborne and other systems. Calculate and select the appropriate option using the assessment of the material used, as well as the requirements for the roof. On the roofs with a slope of less than 10 °, the membrane materials should be used. Due to them, a reliable waterproofing coating is ensured.

In addition to the drain, an important value is given to ventilation when creating flat roofs. There is a dependence of the magnitude of the prodder space from the corner of the skate. The lower the slope, the greater the height of the ventilation gap.

Given all the above requirements, it is possible to create a roof with a minimum angle of a skate, which freely maintains the negative impact of natural factors and will save its qualities as much as possible.

Minimal Flat Roof Blower, Flat Roof

Necessary minimum bias for flat roof. Methods for flap of flat roof and minimal roof slope

Flat roof slope

In a flat roof, which is erected according to the requirements of the construction standards and rules, there is always a small bias. If he is minimal - an inexperienced observer will not notice. But if the slope is not at all - it will be visible immediately. The fact is that in the absence of at least some inclination of the design, rain or thawed water will be made.

Even if the surface of a flat roof is created perfectly smooth, and it would seem that any puddles can not be speech, the reality is different. Under the influence of wind, solar radiation, rain of various acidity, roof temperature drops are deformed by time, zones are formed on it, in which water or dirt that brings winds can be delayed. If there is a minimum bias, the chances for the fact that water or snow will be delayed for a long time, significantly less.

What is the point in a slope

It would seem that sooner or later the snow, delayed on the roof, melts, and water or dried, or the drainage system will cope with it. The experience that eventually resulted in the recommendation of the construction standards and rules, talks about the opposite. Water has a property with a variety of methods to destroy the roof design.

First, the roof water does not completely distilled, its chemical analysis will show the presence of dissolved oxygen and the whole range of substances that will actively destroy the roof material. Secondly, in the cold season, water can change the aggregate state several times a day. Among other things, it is also a change in the volume carrying powerful devastating power.

The slope of a flat roof is also needed so that dust does not accumulate on it. Many saw vegetation on the roofs of residential and industrial buildings. It would seem, where did the grass and trees come from there? But the wind, water and the sun make their business steadily. And the roots of plants, as you know, are able to destroy even very strong materials.

What is measured and what is the definition of a bias

The parameters of the flat roof, the list of which includes the minimum bias, is regulated by the CP Rules 7.13330.2011 by SNiP II-26-76. So complex in the designation document is easier to distinguish with the name. It is called "Around the rules of the roof", or Theroofs in English.

The scope of the document is the design of roofs with the use of rolled, bitumen and other roofing materials, several types of tiles, slate and tiles, steel galvanized and copper sheet, profiled sheet, aluminum, zinc-titanium and other designs.

Before considering the table exhibiting in the rules, it should be clarified that the slope of a flat roof can be measured or in degrees, or in percent. There are also relative units of the form 10/12, but they are rarely applied.

Table regulating a bias

In paragraph 4.3. The above mentioned Code of Rules is posted a table in which the norms that define the slope of a flat roof are prescribed, that is, its minimum size. Values \u200b\u200bdepend on the type of materials used to arrange the roof, as well as on some other factors.

So, if the roof is equipped from rolled materials or bitumen mastic, it should be inclined from 1 ° to 6 ° (1.5-10%), if the gravel or other coarse-gravel substances are bottled. If the top layer is foil, the slope of a flat roof varies from 1 ° to 16 ° (1.5-25%).

When using polymer rolled materials, the slope should not exceed 1 ° (1.5%) without a protective layer and 2 ° (3%) with a protective layer.

Very other values \u200b\u200bare provided for piece materials, metal sheets and concrete structures. For tiles and slate, the slope of a flat roof is minimized from 12 ° (20%) to 22 ° (40%). Metal sheets can be placed at least at 7 ° (12%), trains from reinforced concrete - 3 ° -6 ° (5-10%).

Norms allow the use of significant slopes, but it needs compliance with some additional requirements.

How to create slopes

The process of creating the bias of the roof is customary to be called a flap. In this process, use:

  • bulk materials, in particular, perlite and ceramzite;
  • light concrete compositions based on the same perlite and ceramisit;
  • light concrete compositions based on polymeric materials;
  • insulation materials.

What material will be applied depends on the construction of the building, from the required slope and on some other factors. For example, light concrete in some cases may be too heavy creating a substantial load. On the other hand, when using bulk materials, create a large angle is impossible. In general, different materials have their advantages, disadvantages and scope of application.

The slope of a flat roof will help protect the design from premature destruction, significantly extend its service life and make care easier.

Minimal Flat Roof Bluff

The slope of the flat roof on the side of the flat roof, which was erected according to the requirements of the construction standards and rules, there is always a small bias. If he is minimal - an inexperienced observer is not

What should be a slope of a flat roof + minimal balancing in percent

There are many types of roofs, the most popular is flat. It has a number of its advantages, such as: it will take less materials on its installation, ease and simplicity of mounting and additional useful territory.

Many phrases have a flat roofing in any way associated with a slope. Although this is not so. Even the smoother roof has a biasEven if it is minimal.

At a minimum, it is necessary in order for melt water, and water after the rain can calmly drain in the installed funnels, which are part of the inner catchment, or in the external system.

In addition, it is easy for such a roof and simply install additional equipment. To date, there are several types of flat roofs:

  • Operated roof;
  • Non-exploited roofing;
  • Traditional roofs;
  • Inversion roofs.

Flat roof slope - why it is needed

A bias that should be on such a type of roofs, is approximately 1-5 degreesIf it is neglected by this, then water, both rain and melting, will accumulate that in turn hurt the roof.

In the summer with such a problem, you may not encounter, because under the rays of the sun, the rain water dries. In winter and autumn, such water can be bought at night, and in the afternoon.

Puddles are formed, which ultimately leads to the fact that moisture gradually penetrates insulation. The essence of the mechanism is that moisture penetrates into the waterproofing layer, which means that inevitable leaks arise.

But this is not the only problem. In addition, the roof puddles may fall as dust, which at one time settles at the bottom. Seeds of different herbs and plants can fall into this puddle and the proportion there.

Often on the streets you can find at home, on the roofs of which there is grass or thin trees. It is logical that it spoils the root, and also spoil the aesthetic look of the entire building.

To avoid such trouble, and thereby extend the life of your roof, it is necessary to carry out the procedure of the roof. Such a complex manipulation is carried out at the time of construction.

The process itself is quite complicated, and includes many different measures in the structure. The purpose of such a procedure is that the roof itself has acquired the necessary slope.

But before starting the roof of the roof, it is necessary to find out from what the plane roof consists.

In essence, it is a cake from several layers:

  • Direct foundationwhich is reinforced concrete plates that have a certain wave height;
  • Vaporizolation that can be made from different materials, such as bitumen, or rolled materials;
  • Next layer -insulation, which can be made of mineral wool or other durable material.

Components of such a cake can be changed if the builder has the desire to make all the roof using new building materials. It is worth understanding that such a procedure as a bias carried out directly at the time of laying insulation.

It is important that besides the main layers of the roof, the waterfronts or gutters should be present there.

The roof rod angle is very important, and it depends on many parameters. The first thing to pay attention is to impact wind. If you live in the area where there are frequent strong winds, then you should make a small angle of inclination.

It is obvious that the steeher of the coat of the roof itself, the faster the outflow of water is carried out.

Liage into percent

Minimum angle and calculation of the roof slope

The minimum angle of the skate can be determined on the basis of the materials of the roof itself:

  • If the roof is made from the professional flooring, then its minimum tilt should be at least 12 degrees (on SNiP). If the roof is made of metal tile, angle increases to 15 degrees. It is important to understand that the grooves of material and other joints should be treated with a special sealant - frost-resistant / waterproof. If the angle of inclination is 15 degrees, then the sheets of the material must be laid by the flashes of about 200mmif the angle is less, then the nest must increase;
  • The minimum angle of the slope may be in cases if the roof of your home is made of artificial materials. These, in turn, include membrane coatings, Ondulin, Bitumen-based materials. It is logical that the magnitude of the angle of the slope, the number of roof layers is affected.. If, for example, the roof is carried out in two layers. it is quite enough angle of inclination at 15 degrees;
  • Covering the roof of soft tiles, it is worth understanding that quite enough and 11 degrees of the angle of inclinationBut at the same time it is necessary to make an increment of solid type.

Such a process as a flat roof flap, make from such materials:

  • Polystyrene extruded (tehnonikol);
  • Wool, both mineral and glass / basalt;
  • Polyurenenitan;
  • Foam concrete;
  • Foam glass;
  • Miscellaneous kind of falling materials.

Each of the materials has its pros and cons. And before starting work, it is worth correctly calculating the angle of inclination. In fact, this calculation is quite easy to implement, for this you need to use a tag, or quite simple mathematical formulas.

In the instructions for using bitumen and polymer coatings for the rally, it is indicated that the optimal angle of inclination should be 1.5 degrees. Permissible inclination of 1-2 degrees.

Everything is very simple here. It is necessary to know the height of the roof and its width. Next, simple trigonometric formulas will help calculate the immediate angle (sinus, cosine, tangent). And on the existing table, which was designed earlier, you can find out the value in percent.

There is another way of calculation - the height value of the roof, it is necessary to divide the half of the width, and the resulting result is multiplied by a hundred, after, in the table, you can find out the percentage value of the future angle of inclination. This option is faster, but exactly they are both true.

Flat roofing flap of bulk type materials

If you decide that the disassembly procedure will be carried out using bulk materials, the first thing that should be noted is a scheme for which such a procedure must be carried out:

  1. First of all, the concrete base itself, it is necessary to lay a layer of glasses. This material has not only a long service life (30-35 years), but also has high waterproofing indicators;
  2. Further, it is necessary to pour the main material - Ceramzit. But at the same time, everyone needs to create the right slope;
  3. Before it is necessary to cover the layer of clay, special polyethylene film. It is important to note that it needs to be laid outlaughter;
  4. Further, it is necessary to apply the cooked sandy cement screedBy doing this exactly, slowly. Its essence is to align a layer of computing clay;
  5. Already after these events, you can start carry out the formation of roofing "cake", on a developed project.

Remember that when laying each layer, you need to ensure that the previously prepared angle of inclination is preserved.

If you want to create a minimum inclination angle, and the roof area is not particularly large, it is quite enough and a sand-cement solution.

Heat insulation materials

Another good material, for the roof flaws are thermal insulation materials. Specialists argue that this is the most accessible option..

The advantage of him is that it is light enough, and quite cheapthat in construction plays a very important role. Mineral wool, best material. The process scheme is quite simple.

It is necessary to attach the material to the base itself., with the help of self-tapping and dupels. Some prefer sheets, such a wool glued to the previously purified base, special glue. Such a process can be performed as during repair and when installing the roof.

Good material that can be used for flat-roofing flare-down concrete. Immediately it is worth noting that such a procedure must be carried out using special equipment..

The base itself is poured a layer of foam concrete, but at the same time the angle of inclination itself is noted, and after make a special screed from Penofibreton. Then it is important to apply waterproofing material.

A huge plus of this option of the pile - high thermal insulation, as well as other mechanical characteristics. For example, strength and durability.

Speaking of minuses, then they are here too, or rather one. This is the price. It is high enough. And again, to carry out such a procedure yourself, it will not work. Therefore, in this case, it is worth contacting professionals.

  • If the roof has a minimum bias, it is important to note that in this case, it is necessary to establish the right drainage systems. The bias itself is made exclusively towards the drain (funnel, it's a porridge);
  • If your roof is a bitumen tile, it is worth making an angle of a slope less than 6 degrees, while the lower layer of waterproofing must be performed from membrane materials.;
  • Many it is important to know that with small indicators of the angle of the slope, it is necessary to perform ventilation of the scenery, with all the rods. The thickness of the gap depends on the value of the angle (greater angle, less thickness and vice versa).

Flat roof slope: minimal roofing in percentage, with technonyc

In this article, you will learn what should be the minimum flap of a flat roof, which is a proper balancing with the TECHNIKOL material on SNiP.

Flat roof slope

An ideally flat roof cannot be in its definition. Otherwise, she will sculpt the rain and melting water, which will lead it to the speedy wear. And therefore, according to the generally accepted standards, the flat roof has a bias from 1 to 11.5 degrees. At the same time, the average value ranges in the region of 1-5 degrees, which in practice is 1.5 or more centimeters of the slope per meter.

How to calculate the angle of inclination

In order to find the angle of inclination of the roof, it is necessary:

  • Know the height of the parapet.
  • Know the thickness of roofing pie.
  • Know the accurate location of the waterfront.

As an example, take the height of parapet 500 mm; The thickness of the roofing cake without taking into account the layer of zaming 250 mm, and the 50 mM parapet should remain from above, over the plane of the roof; The water intake funnel is located 5 meters from one of the parapet. Thus, 500-250-50 \u003d 200 is the thickness of the incinerating material in the parapet. The funnel is 5 meters, it means that for these 5 meters we need to go to zero: 200/5 \u003d 40. Thus, the bias of the roof will be 4 centimeters per meter or 4%. With a minimum value of 1.5% is a sufficient level.

If you think such a bias is too big, it can be reduced to the minimum - 1.5%. It means that if there are 5 meters from funnels to a parapet, and we will lift each meter by 1.5 centimeters, then the thickness of the evasive layer in the parapet will be 5 * 1.5 + 2 \u003d 9.5 centimeters.

Subject to the location of the water bridge, it is not outside, and there are two options for the organization of the structure inside the roof:

  1. Education of a circular system. That is, make a tilt so that the water is evenly drained throughout the roof area.
  2. Chosnok formation. Discharge the roof from the funnel like an envelope. So, improvised drainage gutters are created.

Note that at the location of two and more waterfronts, the roof slope is organized exclusively according to the second option..

To conveniently be placed the future screed, you will need a laser level. The laser suggests an acceptable level of parapet thickness, in our case it is 200 mm, and the construction pencil is carried out in the perimeter of the entire roof. Beyond the lack of laser level, you can use the usual, or hydraulic. Then we find the parapet thickness in one place and, attaching the level, draw a line throughout the perimeter. Check that the line does not file up or down can be using a hydraulic level.

Next, the lace is stretched from the parapet to the funnel. On the shoelace you can set beacons, it will be more convenient to work. If the balancing occurs with the formation of the formation of Kosnok - the lace is necessarily tensioned by their boundary.

Polystyrelbeton roof glare

Polystyrevbetone is a type of lightweight concrete manufactured from cement, water, mineral filler and all sorts of additional additives. For weighing purposes, it is permissible to add sand. To produce a polystyrene bapton at home, you will need:

  • Concrete mixer. Experts use a special unit to serve concrete through the hose immediately to the roof.
  • Cement 500 brands.
  • Polystyrene crumb. It is made of polystyrene defined plates.
  • Water.
  • Liquid soap.
  • Sand.

It is manufactured at the rate of: 2 shops of cement, sand shovel, 5 decider vessels of polystyrene okeside, 50 grams of liquid soap, water, until a mixture of the desired consistency is achieved. Concrete should not be liquid and not too dry.

The order of work is as follows:

  • Creating marking on the roof. Use a timber or beams. Please note that the timber is subsequently necessary to get it on time. That is, when one plot is flooded, and the solution is already frozen, the timber is cleaned so that it does not interfere with the neighboring area. Lace in this case is a weak assistant. With concrete, she worsens and wakes up.
  • To create a decomposition of a flat roof, the resulting mixture must be delivered to the top. We advise you to take care of the creation of the winch in advance. So raising the concrete will be easier. Even better, it is originally on the roof all the material, as well as deliver a concrete mixer there. This will greatly simplify the work of work on the pitch.
  • Polystyrevbeton is tightened by beaches using the rule. It is desirable to leave as few irregularities as possible, the insulation will later be laid on concrete. The solution is frozen per day, and it is already possible to move freely.
  • In terms of the incitement layer, the insulation is placed, and then fix everything with a cement-sand tie, for which the reinforcement grid must be placed. Screw thickness of about 6 centimeters.

The benefits of this material include:

  • Inexpensive cost.
  • Completeness of installation subject to independent performance.

Flap of clay

Creating a minimum decomposition of a flat roof is permissible when using clay. It is obtained when burning clay slate. Ceramzite is placed on both the base of reinforced concrete plates or professional flooring and the insulation.

The order of work is as follows:

  • Creating marking on the roof. To do this, you can use a wooden bar, metal profile or just a shoe. It is more convenient to work with a bar and a profile, but closer to the end of the work they need to get them, and the resulting pits to poll. When using the lace, it is not necessary to do this.
  • Crawling of clay. To facilitate this process, you can order a manipulator that will deliver the ceramzite directly to the roof. Otherwise, manually wearing material will have to be very long.
  • Lightness alignment. Align with the rule. For convenience, you can make it possible to make a wooden rule with a handle, according to the principle of rake, only instead of the teeth - smooth, wide timber. Ceramzite is tightened from the parapet towards the funnel. If the material turned out to be too much, it can be stretched to the edges of the parapet to ensure a good water flow.
  • To fix the clamzit in the desired position it is watered with cement milk. They are prepared from cement and water, with a calculation of 200 kg of cement on 1 cubic meter of clay. The conservation of the milk should be sufficient so that it sheds to the base, but at the same time it is impossible to check.

Claiming fixation is not required, but desirable, since in the process of installing the roof it will often have to go, disrupting the level created.

  • Dismantling markup. If the timber is used, or metal photographs are falling asleep.
  • Next, it is necessary to fully fix the slope of the cement-sand tie, with a thickness of about 6 centimeters. Also, as in the previous case, the reinforcement grid must be laid for it.

  • Low cost. Even lower than when using polystyrene bonts.
  • Ease of creating a linker of a flat roof by SNiP. Ceramzite is lightweight, it is convenient to take it comfortably, it is not necessary to remove the surplus from the roof. The only problem is to deliver the material on the roof.
  • Good thermal insulation characteristics.
  • Cement milk, as well as other fixing solutions are not 100% able to ensure the preservation of the level of the ceramisit.
  • If rain goes during the installation - it can become a big problem. From under the grainsite moisture you will not be expensive, it means you will have to wait until everything is dry.

Flap of ceramzitobeton

Another popular material, to create a linker of a flat roof on SNiP - ceramzitobeton.

It will take:

It is manufactured by the proportion: one shovel of cement, two sand shovels, three shovels of clay. Water is added before the solution of the required consistency is achieved.

The order of work is exactly the same as in the case of a polystyrene bontoon:

  • Marking.
  • Delivery of the roof solution.
  • Stretching in terms of level.
  • Laying insulation and fixing a fixing screed.

  • Low cost. Compiled with polystyrene bonts.
  • Good thermal insulation.
  • Very complicated installation with independent work. The main problem is to deliver concrete to the roof.

Flashing insulation

To create the main slope, three main elements are used:

  • Plates of type A creating a small slope.
  • Plates of type B, complementary plates A.
  • Double plates needed to raise height.

The order of work is as follows:

  • Marking is not needed, so after laying a vapor barrier film, you move immediately to the installation of the plates. Start from the bottom of the bottom, the first next to the plates of type A.
  • Behind the first next laid plates of type V.
  • Then stacked fast plates, 40 mm thick and plates A.
  • Running stoves with a thickness of 40 mm and plates V. These operations are repeated until the parapet is reached. In this case, the roof has a slope of 1.7%.
  • If necessary, mechanical fasteners use special dowels "Mushrooms". Average consumption - two dowels on one sheet.
  • Another layer of insulation is stacked on top of this pylon for uniform load distribution.

To create a protoscalon according to the resulting drainage gutter use:

Controugon is performed in the form of a rhombus, with consistent laying of sheets J and toparally its lines.

  • The big cost of a wedge-shaped insulation.

Flat roof slope: which minimum bias has according to generally accepted standards

What is the minimum bias have a flat roof according to generally accepted standards? Flat roof slope in percentage and SNiP. December 27, 2017
Specialization: philological education. The work experience builder is 20 years. Of these, the last 15 years led the brigade as a pro. I know everything about the construction - from the design and zero cycle before interior design. Hobbies: vocals, psychology, quailing.

Greetings to you, kind of my readers.

Although the roof is flat, it does not mean that it must be made absolutely even horizontally. All the roofs should have a slope. It is necessary in order for storm and melt water to flow freely into a funnel with inner water supply or gutter with an external drainage system.

Let's deal with what should be the slope of a flat roof and how to set it out.

Why do you need a tilt on the roof of a flat form?

  1. In the warm season of the year, rainwater with competently equipped waterproofing of the roof quickly or slowly evaporates. However, in the cold period, water puddles are constantly freezing and thawed. As a result, the roof covering begins to collapse, and the liquid begins to penetrate the thermal insulation material.

  1. With a small slope of a flat roof moisture on it, it is stirred and penetrated under the waterproofing layer. It provokes her leaks into the building.
  2. In permanent water puddles, dust and soil particles arrived with the wind accumulate. He also delivers the seeds of different plants. They are successfully rooted in this favorable environment. Therefore, the roofs are often found on which grass and moss grow. Their roots gradually destroy the roof lining.

To stop all these problems and increase the service life of the roofing cake, the roof is necessary. It is formed at the stage of structures of the roof.

The magnitude of the slope for a flat roof

The slope indicates the angle under which the roof plane is located relative to the base.. It is calculated using the geodetic device - the evasometer. All types of roofing coatings have defined standards minimal and maximum roof slope indicators in degrees.

These values \u200b\u200bare collected in the published schedule. It is very easy to find out what material is optimal for the design slope of the roof. Looking at this schedule, it is possible to transfer the percentage parameter to degrees and vice versa.

This can be done manually. To do this, it is necessary to divide the height of the roof to the width, divided by 2 (this is the projection of the skate). If you change the total to 100, then find out the inclination of the roof in percent.

Flat roofing is determined:

  • climatic features of the area;
  • intended construction;
  • type of roofing material.

The angle to which the flat roof must be tilted is determined when it is design. In Sneppa №ii-26/76 "Roofs" indicates its minimum and maximum value:

  • for flat roofs with facing from rolled and membrane coatings, polymeric and bitumen mastics, the angle of inclination should be from 1.5% (1˚) to 10% (6˚).
  • for exploited and inversion facilities, a bias can be from 1.5% (1˚) to 3% (2˚).

Methods for creating minimal slopes on a flat roof

The flap of the roof of the flat form can be done using such materials.:

  • bulk substances (domain slag, clay granules, perlite sand);
  • lung concrete with the above fillers;
  • polymer mixes;
  • heat insulation plates and mats.

It is worth warming that there are several minuses in bulk materials.:

  1. Over time, this layer is shifted. At the same time, the structure of the defects is disturbed. This creates obstacles to water lead.
  2. Excessively large diameter (approximately 1.5-2 cm) particles of claympsit does not make it possible to form a smooth tilt.

There are no such minuses from the mild concrete mix. But it can not always be used. This design has a significant weight.

It creates an excessive resulting effect on the roof. It is possible to use a concrete solution to create slopes on the roof at the stage of its structure or by major repairs.

Such types of thermal insulation materials can be used to arrange flaws:

  • EPPS (extruded polystyrene foam);
  • dense basalt wool in the stoves;
  • sprayed polyurethane;
  • light gas and foam concrete.

Creating slopes with bulk materials

Algorithm for the arrangement of references from the ceramzit such:

Photo Stage of work

Step 1

The rolled waterproofing is placed on the reinforced concrete overlap or carrying a fabric flooring of a flat roof.

It can be hydroisol, glassizole.

These materials reliably moist the roof and have a long service life (about 30 years).

Step 2.

The thickness of the subfolder must minimally be 10 cm. Footage on the roof is formed from this layer.

Step 3.

Then the second layer of waterproofing is then placed on the mound. This can be a film from polyethylene.

Its panels are 10 cm flavored, and the joints are stuck in scotch.

Step 4.

After that, the film is flooded with an aligning screed.

It can consist of concrete or sand-cement mortar.

Step 5.

Lastly, the roofing coating is stacked.

It is done so that the resulting slope is preserved.

In order for the slope from the ceramisite when laying concrete, it is not shifted, it is desirable to fix it with cement milk. But it should be remembered that then the roofing pie will become more hard and load on the base will increase.

When you need to equip the minimum slopes on a flat roof at a small area of \u200b\u200bits surface, they can be made of sandy-cement mortar.

Using insulation materials

Now the use of insulation is the least costly and time-consuming method for forming slopes on a flat roof. The heat insulators are inexpensive and weigh little.

Optimal option - Use polystyrene foam or stone cotton to use

  1. To set the design angle of the slope, the plates of the insulation material are fixed to the roof overlapping screws-screws or dowels.
  2. Sometimes the heat insulator is glued to a bitumen mastic or special glue. It should be borne in mind that the reliability of the clutch of surfaces should exceed the strength of the insulation to the gap.

Formation of foam concrete

Foamed concrete mixes are made on special equipment. Estimated the rally from them should experienced specialists:

  1. First, they are applied to overlapping the roof using the pump layer of the foamybeton solution and the slopes form out of it.
  2. When the screed dry, it is covered with rolled roofing coating.

With this method of forming a pitch, the roof is solid, reliable heat and waterproof.


To give the minimum inclination of a flat roof, you can use different methods. The main thing is to competently select its angle. In this case, water will be without obstacles to go into the drain system.

If you have some questions, you can set x in the comments. We say goodbye to you in your endeavors.

December 27, 2017.

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