The optimal size of a private house. Ideal home: house layout

garden equipment 13.06.2019
garden equipment

A room is the simplest structural unit of a house. The dimensions of the room - the length and width are determined according to the needs of the person (performing functional operations, unhindered movement).

As for the choice of the height of the room, here, in addition to the above points, one should take into account the psychological feeling of "pressure" of low ceilings. The minimum area is calculated for a family of 3-4 people. Height living rooms and kitchens make at least 2.7 m from floor to ceiling, for other rooms this parameter is at least 2.5 m, for the attic the height can be 2.3 m, for corridors - 2.1 m.

In our article, we will dwell in detail on the consideration of the standard dimensions of each of the rooms of a residential building or apartment.

living room dimensions

The amount of furniture and its location in this area is not regulated and depends on the taste and preferences of the owner of the home, so the main parameters that need to be considered when determining the size of the room are the distances in the aisles between the furniture and the TV screen. The width of the passage between permanently installed furniture must be at least 50 cm.

Serial furniture for living rooms has the following standard sizes:

  • at the sofa - depth 74 (90) cm and width 200 cm;
  • at the armchairs - the depth is 60 (74) cm, and the length is 60 (74) cm;
  • cabinets for books and dishes have a depth of 30 cm and a length of 80 or 120 cm;
  • coffee tables are produced with a tabletop width of 40 to 80 cm, and the length is usually 60 - 140 cm.

The TV should be installed in accordance with standards that ensure hygienic comfort. It is recommended to maintain a distance from the screen to the eyes equal to the TV diagonal multiplied by 6-8 units. The installation height is approximately 7-10 degrees from the horizontal beam passing through the pupil.

According to the norms, the living room area should be at least 18 m². For a family of 3-5 people, it should be 25 m².


Dining room and kitchen dimensions

The width of the kitchen must be at least 1.7 m, but optimal value this parameter is in the region of 2.4 m, and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200ba separate kitchen is from 8 m². If the kitchen is combined with the living room, then the area may be smaller. It should be possible to conveniently position the equipment - the length of the front can be up to 7 m. Think about options for installing it - in one row, in two rows, L- or U-shaped arrangement.

If the kitchen is combined with the dining room, then its minimum area is 12 m². Although more convenient option– kitchen with an area of ​​15 m². The minimum area of ​​a separate dining room is 8 m². If you plan to gather 10 people at the table, then the area must be increased to 10-12 m².

Bedroom dimensions

Full conditions for sleep is one of the main functions of the home, so the size of the bedroom should be selected very carefully. Ideally, you should try to place each bed in a separate room.

Standard bedroom furniture has the following dimensions:

  • length bed- 2 m;
  • single bed width - 0.8 m (minimum - 0.7 m, maximum - 0.9 m);
  • the width of a one-and-a-half bed is 1.2 m;
  • the width of a double (double) bed is 1.40-1.60 m.

Additional furniture, which is usually located in the sleeping area, includes: a bedside table or shelf, a bedside table, a chair, a dressing table, a wardrobe.

The area of ​​the bedroom, in which only a single bed, a wardrobe and a table can fit, is approximately 8 m². But according to the norms, this is not enough - at a minimum, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bedroom should be 10 m². It can accommodate a double bed and a wardrobe, if you plan to place an additional dressing table or desk, then the bedroom area must be increased to 14 m² or more.

Bath and toilet dimensions

The width of the bathroom with a washbasin and a toilet must be at least 0.9 m or more, the total area should be from 1.3 m². To accommodate a shower cabin, you need at least 2.7 m², if you plan to install a bathtub, then you will need from 4.25 m², for a bidet you need another 0.75 m² and a total of 5 m². Installing a washing machine and another washbasin will increase the area to 7 m².


Dimensions of the hallway and hall

For the hallway, the minimum width is 1.4 m, and in area - 6-7 m². Although, in order not to feel discomfort, it is better to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room to 10 m². At the entrance to the house a vestibule is arranged. Its depth must be at least 1.2 m and its area from 1.3 m².

Dressing room dimensions

For a two-row dressing room, the minimum width is 2 m, the area depends on your needs, usually 8-10 m² is enough.

Storerooms and other utility rooms

According to the norms, in a house with an area of ​​​​100 m² there should be a pantry with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b2 m², where inventory will be stored. Although, of course, you need to proceed from your needs: you may not need a large pantry.

Stair dimensions

The width of the stairs must be made at least 0.9 m, the area occupied by it should be an average of 6 m2 (4.4 m2 for marches, 1-1.6 m2 for an intermediate platform). A straight staircase arranged along the wall occupies a minimum of space, the same can be said about stairs with winder steps and spiral ones.

component project documentation, where the location of the main structures, partitions, doors and windows is fixed. Such a document also displays the area and size of all rooms, the material used for construction, the location of plumbing and other technological marks.

Determine the size of the house and the number of its floors

Many decide to build as much as possible spacious house. But such an option may not be rational. Often a standard cottage 10x10 m is the best solution. Having studied the corresponding photos, this is easy to verify.

If the house is high, then moving around it takes a lot of time, heating costs increase. You should also think about the property tax, the amount of which depends on the size of the house.

A two-story house is necessary for a family with several children, and a small one-story house is a universal solution that will suit most. Also, do not forget that when the children grow up, the spacious second floor will become unnecessary.

But two-storey house still has certain advantages over a building with one floor. With the same area, the construction of such a cottage will be cheaper by reducing the cost of arranging the foundation and roof. It is easier to place in a tall house the right rooms and also reduce heat loss. But the layout of a one-story house eliminates the need to build stairs.

How to plan a house?

To private house was convenient, you need to correctly arrange the rooms on the building plan. The second floor is a suitable place for the bedroom, and the first floor is for the living room, kitchen. But if there are elderly people in the family, then one bedroom should be located below.

Estimate which side the sun will be on. Standard option: the bedroom is oriented to the east, the living room - to the west, the kitchen - to the east or south. If the window faces south, then air conditioning is required. The staircase is located on the north side. You also need to consider whether the windows overlook the noisy side of the street. Optimal solution- so that the bedroom window is oriented to a quiet area.

In rooms located on the south side, flowers grow well. But they can be hot in summer time. So on the south side personal plot tall trees are planted to block the path of the sun's rays.

A comfortable residential building is a building where the layout corresponds to the advice of experts tested in practice. What are the common points to consider?

  • At independent creation The project takes into account the thickness of the walls. The total thickness of the outer and internal walls can be 0.5 meters.
  • The optimal shape for any room, whether it is a bathroom or a kitchen, is close to square. Convenient width - at least 3 meters.
  • How fewer corridors in a cottage, the better. If you can’t refuse them, then the corridor must be made at least 1.5 meters wide.
  • Before you determine the size of the future home, make a list of all necessary premises. For example, a nursery for the first child, for the second child, a balcony, a terrace, a basement. Calculate the area of ​​each milestone. How to do it? Draw the room on a scale and arrange the furniture inside it, also taking into account its dimensions. It often turns out that ready plan needs adjustment. For example, there is not enough space in the hall to put a spacious sofa, and there is too much on the balcony.
  • The windows of places where the owners of the house spend a lot of time should be oriented towards the courtyard. It is so convenient to watch the child play on fresh air, for the arrival of guests, etc.
  • A bathroom, a kitchen - places on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich you should not save. Otherwise, being in them will cause discomfort. Each floor should have its own bathroom.
  • The basement is also convenient because, if it is available, thermal insulation of the floor is not required. But building a basement is far from a cheap pleasure, because in this case the foundation is built in a special way.
  • Terrace and porch should be included in the project initially. Otherwise, the risk of erecting incomprehensible structures later increases significantly.
  • A common solution is to equip the attic floor. This cheap option compared to the construction of the second floor with a roof, but less comfortable. Many owners of houses complain that the attic tier is inconvenient to use.
  • The layout of the house must include a separate room for the boiler, the size and area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich must comply with the established requirements. Some boilers are allowed to hang in the kitchen, but the boiler room is a more modern and safer option.

Ceiling height

A common question is how to determine the height of the ceilings? excessive low ceilings, like high ones, will become an irrational solution. Ceilings that are higher than average height increase the cost of heating the house, building walls, stairs, and decoration.

If the floor area is more than 20 sq. m, then the comfortable ceiling height is above 3 m. For an area of ​​16-20 sq. m optimal height ceilings - from 2.7 to 3 m. Therefore, the layout should take into account that within the same floor it is better to make rooms of approximately the same size. If the layout does not allow doing this, then the height of the ceilings is made different. For example, the level is significantly reduced by plasterboarding. After all small room with high ceilings looks disharmonious.

Interesting and modern version, thanks to which the layout will become unique - double or one and a half height ceilings relative to the minimum in the house. For example, this is how the living room is set up. Such a modern plan is a frequent solution in the photo of foreign interiors. But such a decision is associated with certain difficulties.

Building your own home has many nuances. Before starting construction, the location of the future cottage, its size and number of storeys are selected. budget and practical option there will be a choice in favor of a one-story house, the plan of which is easier and faster to draw up than. Various sizes and variety design solutions will allow everyone to find a project.

There are a number of advantages of a small house with an attic:

  • high speed of building construction and project preparation;
  • less material costs for the foundation and building materials;
  • it is easier to provide the entire room with the necessary communications;
  • you can order a ready-made project of economy or luxury class;
  • the building can be erected on almost any type of soil, without fear for the destruction or settlement of the house.

The disadvantages include the limited space and layout options, since only 3-4 full-fledged rooms can fit on the ground floor.

Advice! If you want to find the most affordable option, opt for a foam block house.

Among standard projects, allocate dimensions:

  • 8x10 m.

Each design has its own characteristics, and outwardly it can be made in any design, distinguishing your home from others.

Plan of a one-story house 6 by 6 m: interesting photo examples of finished works

For planning one-storey cottage it may take a lot of time, but the construction process itself, with a well-prepared plan, will go much faster. V small house it is important to take into account the correct arrangement of rooms with the maximum rational use the entire living area.

Among the plans of small houses 6x6 m with one floor, you can find very interesting options. Here are some photo examples of schemes and finished buildings:

The living area in such a modest room is only 36 m², but even on such an area you can equip a sleeping room and a living room, and move a nursery to the attic. It is better to make a bathroom combined, freeing up space for a kitchen or hallway. Such designs are often chosen by elderly couples or small young families with one child.

Plan of a one-story house 9 by 9 m: photo examples with options for the distribution of rooms

There are quite a few layouts of a one-story house 9 by 9 m, despite the modest living space. You can make a plan yourself or order ready-made version at the masters. Here are some interesting options for the location of rooms:

A one-story house 9 by 9 m can be built from, stone, timber, or energy-saving panels. The last option is the most affordable. You can add a garage or attic to any design to make the room larger and more functional.

On average, the total living space will be 109 m², and the facades can be very diverse. Here are some finished 9x9 m:

Corner option with stone clad porch

Neat option with an attic floor

wooden house with a porch

Combination of wood and stone cladding

Layout of a one-story house 8 by 10 m with a photo

When planning the construction of a house and drawing up a project, it is worth considering many nuances, ranging from the number of people in the family to the location of the building on the site with the choice of the location of the windows.

Modern technologies allow you to create 3D projects one-story houses 8 by 10 m, taking into account their location on the site. To do this, use special ones, where it is even possible to distribute rooms and arrange furniture.

There are many layouts and options for the distribution of living rooms, you can choose a project for a one-story 8x10 house with an attic or an attached garage, and also consider ground floor. All this makes it possible to maximize usable area in construction.

Here are a few interesting layouts:

Projects of one-story houses up to 150 m²: photo and description of layouts

Single-storey houses with a living area of ​​up to 150 m² are perfect for families of 4-5 people. They can accommodate three bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen, as well as attach a garage, make a basement, where to move all communication wiring. attic also good idea for small buildings.

According to European standards, a house up to 150 m² is classified as small, such constructions have a number of advantages:

  • variability of material for building a house (timber, stone, foam block and others);
  • compactness, which is important for small areas;
  • lower consumption of building materials and physical costs, which reduces the cost of construction;
  • small living area allows you to save on utility bills.

You can design a house yourself or order a ready-made plan with the construction of a turnkey building. There are several standard dimensions cottages up to 150 m²:

  • 10 by 12 m;
  • 12x12 m;
  • 11 by 11 m.

As well as options with a basement, attic and garage.

Plans for a one-story house 10 by 12 and 12 by 12 m with photo examples

On average, the living area in a 10 by 12 house is 140 m² with an attic floor. The distribution of rooms, as well as appearance at home can be varied. When choosing a project, it is worth considering the number of family members who will live under one roof.

In this case, any version of a one-story building will have a number of advantages:

  • the ability to make an attic with gable roof by increasing the area;
  • there is an option to build a garage or an additional room to the side of the house, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site allows.
  • easy operation and maintenance at home: great for children or the elderly, as there is no need to climb stairs;
  • can be implemented in almost any design idea in the facade by mounting arches, or other decorations.

Among finished projects the layout of one-story houses 10x10 or 10x12 m is different. Here are some photo examples to make it easier for you to imagine your future home:

Plan of a one-story house 11 by 11 m from a bar with a photo

Among all the options, a special place is occupied by one-story ones, which can be of any footage, including 11 by 11m. natural material always attracts the attention of consumers, looks beautiful on any site, and with proper construction, the service life of buildings is long.

Among all the advantages of timber buildings, there are several main advantages:

  • timber can be ordinary and profiled, so you can choose different ones;
  • the material is durable and environmentally friendly;
  • easy to mount wiring in the house: there is no difficulty in drilling walls;
  • the tree does not let the cold through: houses can be built even in climates with harsh winters.

The disadvantages include the ability of wood to absorb moisture, so an additional layer of waterproofing of the walls is required, and a special composition should also be applied to prevent the formation of rot and mold. Wood is classified as an expensive material, so even cottage difficult to attribute to cheap buildings.

There are many layout options, for example, wooden one-story houses 11 by 11 m with an attic look beautiful. Here are some photo examples of different finished designs:

Plan of a one-story house 12 by 12: options for the distribution of rooms

It is easier to think over the layout of a one-story house 12x12 m, because big square allows you to place rooms in random order, make several large or many small rooms. Attic floor give away for offices and children's rooms or equip non-residential recreation areas, and additional openings can serve as a summer refuge from the heat and scorching sun.

Choosing a suitable arrangement of rooms, you can draw up your project by hand or in a special 3D editor, take a ready-made version as a basis or order a plan from specialists in construction company of your city.

Here are some options for planning houses 12 by 12 m, as well as prefabricated structures:


In this article I will try to consider a few points to find out what is it? I draw your attention to the fact that when planning a house you should not get carried away and you should remember the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe existing land plot and building conditions.

Area of ​​the main rooms

For a standard family of 4 optimal size private house within a hundred squares. This size will allow you to accommodate with sufficient comfort and avoid unnecessary operating costs. Indeed, with an increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, the expenditure of resources for heating and water supply increases in direct proportion, more time is spent on maintaining the cleanliness and normal condition of the home.

I can advise the following dimensions of the main premises, which will be the most optimal:

    living room - it is usually located in the most illuminated part of the house, usually on the south side. It will be enough to allocate 25-30 m2;

    we plan the kitchen in such a way that when all family members eat at the same time, no one will experience discomfort, especially the hostess. For 4 people lay 18-22 m2;

    children's - if the children are of different sexes, you should take care of separate bedrooms in advance. The room should have a place for a bed, a wardrobe with clothes, working area to do homework. As a rule, all this will require at least 12 squares;

    if the nursery is for two, due to the installation bunk bed you will win an additional 2-3 meters, but the room will take at least 16-18 m2 in any case;

    the bathroom should have a minimum space for comfortable use. Taking into account a small cabinet, a bathtub and access routes, 8-10 m2 is obtained;

    of course, the larger the dressing room, the later the time will come to build a new one, so it’s better not to plan less than 2.5-3 meters;

    place a closet for outerwear in the hallway, well, you should not push with guests at the entrance and exit, here we leave at least 6-8 m2;

    if you have one car, then you can get by with an area of ​​​​24-26 m2, and if there are two cars - at least 35-40 m2. Do not forget that it will be necessary to place tires, tools, bicycles and everything else that cannot be left on the street. Therefore, the garage will never be big, no matter how huge it is.

Moving on to utility rooms

An excellent solution would be if all utility rooms will be under the same roof as the house. In the future, you will appreciate all the advantages of such an arrangement more than once. One has only to take good care of the insulation of transitions from the back rooms to the house.

The main utility rooms are, of course, the boiler room and the pantry. The size of the pantry will be determined by the planned amount of food stored and how often you visit the stores. When arranging a sufficient number of racks in it, it will be quite possible to keep within 4-5 meters. The size of the boiler room is limited by the equipment used, type heating system and other conditions. Therefore, it will vary from 4 to 8-10 m2.

If an attic is planned in the house, this is a great option for placing a laundry room or the same dressing room there. Naturally, the size of the attic should allow placing washing machine, a place for drying and, ideally, for ironing clothes. Remember not to place the washing machine above your own bedroom. It is also worth taking care of sufficient ventilation.

Be sure to correlate the dimensions of the resulting house with the size of your site, in order to avoid problems with neighbors. Remember that from the wall of the house with windows it is necessary to withstand at least 4 meters to the neighboring area, and if the wall is deaf - at least 3 meters.

I think that in your new house guests will certainly come, they will be pleased if you take care of the site for their cars. Especially if it is equipped with at least a light canopy.

By the way, after the design is completed, I advise you to ask around your friends who have already built the house. Find out from them what they planned, what they abandoned, what they changed in the process, and what they did not have time to change, but would like to. Such information can be very useful and will allow you to correct errors at the design stage. Also remember - optimal size of a private house depends on your wishes and possibilities.

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