What slate is made of: coating properties. What is modern slate made of? What is the correct name for slate

Landscaping and planning 20.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

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Slate is a coating that is well known to everyone. What appears to a person’s gaze at the mention of this word could be seen earlier on almost every roof. But slate is not as simple as it seems. It turns out that it can be different. What is slate made of? What materials can this roofing material be made of?

If you translate the word "slate" from German, then it will sound like "slate". Indeed, it was from this type of rock that the very first version of this roofing material was once made. It was used, by the way, back in the Middle Ages, according to historical sources (some of them report that the material was also used during the time of the Roman Empire). The fact is that slate is quite easily split into thin plastics (up to 4-6 mm thick), which, after a certain processing, could cover the roofs of houses.

Such slate provided excellent sound insulation, served for a long time, did not burn, was not afraid of humidity and temperatures. But he also had his drawbacks - it was a rather fragile material, which also had a lot of weight, which is why the roof frame had to be strong and able to withstand significant loads.

For many centuries, this material was the most popular among those used for roofing. Over time, slate was modernized and began to be made in its usual form - wavy gray sheets were made from an asbestos-cement mixture. Later, products made of plastic and metal appeared, but they all have a certain shape - large sheets with waves.

On a note! Natural slate had to be modernized and changed due to the increased demand for the material, which, unfortunately, was simply not enough to meet the needs of the market due to the increased pace of construction. The craftsmen had to look for a solution to this problem, and therefore new technologies for the manufacture of slate appeared.

Entered the market first asbestos cement slate. It contained Portland cement, as well as about 10-12% of asbestos fibers, which acted as a reinforcing material. To increase the indicators of frost resistance and water resistance, slate began to be coated with special compounds based on silicates or phosphates, which also reduced the release of asbestos dangerous to human health into the atmosphere. Such slate was distinguished by low cost, excellent insulating qualities and incombustibility, but still remained a rather fragile material.

Over time, asbestos-cement slate began to be used little - the reason for this was the information launched into the masses about the dangers of asbestos to health. It was because of this substance that work in factories engaged in the manufacture of slate was considered quite dangerous. Manufacturers were able to reduce risk factors only by replacing asbestos with mineral or synthetic fibers - this is how fiber cement slate.

On a note! The disadvantages of asbestos-cement slate were also its solid weight and the porosity of the surface, due to which dirt quickly collected on it, moss and mold began to grow.

Slate staining - a procedure that can be carried out after installation

Types of slate

Now slate can be called various roofing materials, which are united by the presence of a wavy shape. The most common types are the same asbestos slate, as well as made of metal and euro slate. Let's get to know them better.

On a note! If desired, corrugated board, ondulin, keramoplast can be attributed to varieties of slate.

This type of slate can be found on houses built during the Soviet era. It has always been considered one of the cheapest, albeit unsafe materials, and even now it can often be used in the construction of houses, although it has given way to more convenient and safer materials. As mentioned above, one of the components of such slate is asbestos, a natural substance that provides a fairly high strength of the roofing. Such a slate will not fail, even if an adult person moves along it.

All raw materials are pressed into the mold. This wavy or flat material can be ordinary, reinforced or unified.

On a note! The quality of such slate is significantly affected by the mineral composition of asbestos, its quantity, particle size and storage of the finished product.

Table. Slate dimensions.

The fixing of the material on the roof frame is carried out using roofing nails or screws. All exposed areas will require additional corrosion protection. It is also important to use anti-wind brackets on overhangs. It is not easy to join individual sheets of slate due to the lack of elasticity in the material, so it is important to carefully seal the joints. Sealing cracks can be done using mounting foam or sealants.

Asbestos cement slate production process

The technological cycle is represented by the following stages. First, a pulp is prepared from chrysolite-asbestos, water, cellulose fillers, fiberglass and cement. Raw materials are mixed in special mixers. Then a certain amount of raw material is taken out of them, required for the manufacture of one sheet - it is given a certain shape after part of the liquid is removed.

After that, the future product is subjected to pressure, due to which the remaining liquid leaves (it can be reused in production). Then the product is given the desired size in accordance with GOST 30340-2012. The scraps are sent for recycling. And the finished slate is sent to the warehouse, where it gains additional strength during storage.

GOST 30340-2012. Sheets are chrysotile cement wavy. Specifications. Download file (click on the link to open the PDF file in a new window).

No, natural slate slate has not sunk into oblivion, as it might seem. It is still produced, but is quite expensive due to the difficulty of extracting the material. Now such slate is considered elite, and due to the rich sheen, the coating looks truly royal.

The thickness of such sheets is on average 5 mm, and the shape of the products can be any - trapezoidal, triangular, square, etc. The weight of 1 m 2 of the coating is large - about 28-35 kg. But they can close the roof of any shape and complexity. The roof covered with multi-colored slate tiles, which form a kind of mosaic, looks original.

Prices for various types of slate

Metal slate

A frequently used option for finishing roofs of both residential buildings and industrial premises. In this case, the slate is made from a thin sheet of galvanized steel, and then coated with polymeric protective substances. In general, this is an ordinary profiled sheet.

The use of metal slate began around the 19th century. Due to the corrugation, the material is quite strong and rigid. In general, this is one of the most durable types of slate currently available for sale. The main disadvantages are the low level of sound insulation, which requires the installation of soundproof materials, as well as a high thermal conductivity, which causes the roof to heat up very quickly in the heat.


The material first appeared on the territory of Europe - hence it got its name. European engineers were able to replace asbestos fiber with other types of reinforcing materials. They began to use basalt, cellulose, jute, bitumen, fiberglass, etc. However, outwardly, such slate is not much different from its asbestos-cement ancestor. Now it is customary to call euroslate rather soft, but durable materials that have the ability to deform.

Euro slate advantages:

  • light weight;
  • cheapness;
  • environmental friendliness and safety for health;
  • strength;
  • high rates of heat and sound insulation;
  • a wide variety of color variations;
  • the possibility of laying on curved surfaces with a radius of more than 5 m.

For laying euroslate, it is not necessary to make a continuous crate - a regular one is enough. The main thing is that its step should correspond to the angle of inclination of the roof.

Ondulin is also slate

This material just belongs to the category of efroslate and is made on the basis of cellulose fiber and bituminous impregnation with the addition of resins and pigments. Its service life may well exceed 50 years, and the material itself is strong enough to withstand a large snow and wind load, which was achieved due to the multi-layer coating (there can be 14 layers of cellulose thread in ondulin). The coating is not afraid of exposure to chemical and biological substances.

On a note! Previously, ondulin did not act as an independent roofing material, but was used only to repair dilapidated roofs that had lost their performance.

Euroslate prices


Polymer slate

Sheets made on the basis of acrylic or polycarbonate can also be attributed to slate. They are made by extrusion - the raw material is pressed through a special hole that forms this very sheet. It can be completely or partially transparent, depending on the composition of the raw material. It turns out quite elastic, capable of changing shape when heated, an interesting material. However, it can withstand very significant loads. This version of slate is great for creating canopies over pools, solariums.

Video - Truth and myths about working with material

How to work with slate? Roof manufacturing process

Sheathing a roof with slate is not difficult - it is only important to follow certain rules for working with the material. It must not be dropped, as it is quite fragile, and when cutting, if necessary, it is important to protect the respiratory system from asbestos dust.

On a note! When choosing slate, it is worth stopping at wavy variations of the material, since this form contributes to a better removal of water from the roof. Among the wavy variations, preference should be given to one that will have sufficient density.

In Soviet times, asbestos-cement slate was used in the arrangement of the roof. Until today, this type of roofing material is considered one of the most budgetary and easy-to-install options. Since the appearance of the product, almost no one has thought about what slate is made of, whether it is dangerous to human health, and if dangerous, then what exactly. During the installation work, only the reliability of fastening the sheets was taken into account so that the material would not fall from the roof during operation, there would be no cracks and leaks. Later, many began to wonder what the product was made of, and scientists began to be interested in questions regarding the safety of materials for human health. To understand the harm that roofing material brings, you should initially familiarize yourself with the production process and the components included in the composition.

How is the manufacture of slate

Many consumers are interested in questions not only about what harm slate does to health and what it is made of, but also how exactly it is produced. It is important to take into account the fact that during the production process a solution is formed, which necessarily includes asbestos, water and Portland cement.

There are a large number of factors that can have a direct impact on the following final properties of the finished product:

  • mineral and chemical composition of asbestos;
  • specifications;
  • grinding thickness;
  • storage process.

In order to significantly increase the technical characteristics of the finished product, the roofing material is painted using silicate or phosphate-binding coloring compositions for this purpose. As practice shows, in these compositions there are special pigments that are able to create a protective layer on the surface of the product. Due to the presence of this layer, the finished product becomes resistant to low temperature conditions. In addition, this approach can significantly increase the operational life.

Types of slate

The popularity of roofing material originates from the times of the USSR. It is important to take into account the fact that earlier finished products were produced exclusively in gray shades, today the product range is being made more diverse. During production, raw materials are poured into special containers, in which the products reach the required level of reliability and become strong. In the market for goods and services for sale, you can find a large number of varieties.

Semivolnova. In this case, the name speaks for itself - a sheet of asbestos-cement material has 7 waves. Among the parameters, the following points can be noted:

  • length - 1.75 m;
  • thickness - 5.8 mm;
  • width - 0.98 m;
  • weight - 32.2 kg.

During installation work, it is recommended to use special nails or adhesive mortar for fixing on the roof. The step of each wave is about 15 cm, while their height can reach 4 cm. As practice shows, the extreme wave is smaller than the others, but it is worth taking into account the fact that this in no way violates the requirements and norms according to GOST.

Eight-wave. At the moment when the roofing material is made, they adhere to the requirements established by GOST 30340-95. Thus, thanks to the declared details, it is possible to quickly distinguish the original from fiction.

Finished products are made in the following sizes:

  • length - 1.75 m;
  • width - 1.13 m;
  • thickness - 5.8 mm;
  • sheet weight - 26.1 kg.

The pitch of each wave is 15 cm and the height is 4 cm.

Soft. This type of material began to be made relatively recently, as a result of which such slate is a novelty in the market of goods and services. A feature of this product is complete safety and environmental friendliness not only for humans, but also for the environment. This type of roofing material is made from natural mineral components.

The main component that is part of the finished product is mineral fibers, which are pre-impregnated with special compounds based on bitumen. The main advantage is light weight and long service life.

Metal. At the moment when this type of material is made, galvanized steel sheets are used, resulting in a metal corrugated slate. Thanks to the introduction of innovations, the finished product is driven under pressure, as a result of which the material becomes wavy. This type of coating is actively used for arranging the roofs of industrial buildings.

Flat. As practice shows, the composition of this roofing material is not much different from other varieties. The main component is asbestos and cement mixture. This type is actively used in the construction of high-rise buildings, country houses, outbuildings.

As practice shows, almost every consumer at the word slate represents an asbestos-cement mixture, to which the manufacturer gave a wavy shape. It is important to take into account the fact that a large number of varieties of material can be found on sale.

Attention! If we consider the composition of flat slate and harm, then it is worth noting that it is still not known for certain which components are used in the production process of finished products.

What is slate made of?

If we consider the composition of slate and harmfulness, then it is worth noting that earlier natural roofing material was made from slate. This product was usually used for roofing, as a result of which the slate protected the living space from snow, rain and strong gusts of wind. Slate slate for quite a long period of time was considered easy to use and durable. Gradually, slate was replaced by a more accessible type - asbestos-cement slate, which in a short period of time conquered not only the Russian, but also the European market.

As you know, slate was invented and patented by the Australian engineer L. Gatchek. Thanks to its development, in 1902 a company was formed that made slate and sold it on an industrial scale. Gradually, the industry began to conquer the market of France, Italy, and the Czech Republic. In 1908, roofing material began to be made in Russia.

The first production of slate in Russia was concentrated in the village of Fokino, which was located near the Bryansk region. As a result of the fact that Russia has the largest mineral reserves in the world, from which roofing material was made, slate began to gain popularity. Thus, before the start of the Second World War, 6 factories were created where slate was made, and they were located in the following cities:

  • Rostov-on-Don;
  • Voskresensk;
  • Kramatorsk;
  • Dry Meadow;
  • Novosibirsk;
  • Volsk.

During the hostilities, it was decided to move some enterprises to the east. Many factories were destroyed during the war, they were not subject to reconstruction in the future. Slate gradually became the main roofing material. It was used not only for roofs, but also as a facing material, for the construction of fences.

As a result of the fact that competition gradually grew, prices for finished products began to fall significantly, and demand only increased, as a result of which slate became in demand in many areas of construction. Slate began to be actively used as a roofing material. In the event that the building had to be dismantled, the asbestos-cement slate was carefully removed and subsequently reused.

During perestroika, the number of manufactured products dropped sharply. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was a reduction in factories, as a result of which only 28 out of 58 continued to work, which significantly reduced the range of finished products.

If we consider the full name of the finished product according to GOST, then it sounds like this - asbestos-cement wave or flat sheets. During production, the following raw materials for slate were used: asbestos fibers, cement, water. It is important to take into account the fact that asbestos fibers are an integral component from which slate is made. Many experts tend to assume that asbestos, from which slate is made, has a negative impact on human health.

Important! Initially, asbestos-cement sheets were called "eternite", which in translation meant eternal.

Is slate harmful to health

Whether slate is harmful or not is a moment that worries many consumers. In this case, opinions differ: some argue that the material is harmful to the human body, others tend to assume that this myth was created by manufacturers of more expensive roofing materials.

During the kneading of the solution from which the slate is made, asbestos fibers are included. This component is considered quite harmful, as a result of which a person can become seriously ill if this element enters the body.

However, it is worth taking into account the fact that asbestos fibers are divided into 2 groups:

  • arizotyl;
  • amphibole.

In this case, the second option is considered harmful, but it is used only in European countries for lack of the first component. That is why we can conclude that slate, which is made from chrysotile asbestos fibers, is the least hazardous to health.


Slate is made from chrysotile asbestos fibers, cement mixture and water. This type of roofing material does not harm the environment and human health, as a result of which slate can be used without fear.

Slate is a roofing material made from clay shale, sheet asbestos cement, and fiber-based cement. Slate is sold mainly in the form of corrugated profiled sheets, but there is also a flat view. The material is used not only as roofing, but also for various finishing works.

History reference:

Slate is marked in the minds of many consumers in the world as a material with the sign "especially dangerous". It is believed that the beginning of this phenomenon lies at the end of the 19th century, when Russian doctors expressed concern that a specific lung disease that developed in workers in the production of asbestos-containing materials was caused by asbestos dust. It was these assumptions, reflected in the works of scientists, that formed a persistent prejudice against slate, which remains relevant today.

Today, in professional circles, they tend to believe that slate is only a victim of a lobby of representatives of the chemical industry interested in ...

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Old slate "dusts" with asbestos. Inhaling the "needles" of asbestos dust today, we risk getting diseases of the respiratory system 10-30 years later. Defenders of slate say that the topic is artificially inflated by manufacturers of other roofing materials. Who is right? And what do we do with the old slate?

Which slate is safe?

Asbestos-cement slate consists of 3 components: water, asbestos fiber and cement. It is asbestos fiber that is considered as a “risk factor” that determines the harmfulness of slate to humans. However, not all asbestos is equally harmful. For the production of slate, two types of asbestos fibers are used - chrysotile and amphibole.

The former are relatively harmless. In domestic industries, they are mainly used for the manufacture of slate. Amphibole fibers are a source of harmful compounds that are released during the operation of even a new material.

Actually, a ban on the production and sale of slate was announced in Europe, because. there...

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To all of us, the familiar name of this roofing material comes from the German word Schiefer, the so-called naturalness of slate, which was formed in the bowels of the Earth about 400 million years ago. A long time ago, slate was used by women even as decorations, but men could not help but pay attention to those qualities that make slate an excellent material for construction.

What is a slate? Natural slate is slate plates of various widths and heights, designed for different types of masonry. Depending on the kind of masonry, a square meter of slate on the roof can weigh from 20 to 40 kg, on the facade about 30 kg. Today, shale is mined both by open and closed methods. The main country engaged in its extraction and export is Spain, since on its territory this material lies at a relatively shallow depth, it is not difficult to extract it, therefore Spanish slate is cheaper than in other European countries.

The surface of natural slate...

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Sew a thick fabric with a double overlay stitch. The strength of the “construction” largely depends on the thickness of the fabric, so choose a thicker material. As for the color, it will not change, therefore, the fabric should be chosen in any desired color.

Install the goats at a small distance from each other, fixing wooden blocks on them, which will form the ridges. Lay polyethylene over the “form” and fix it well.

Spread the fabric on the plastic wrap and secure it (this will keep the fabric from moving, for example, under the influence of wind).

Thoroughly coat the fabric with varnish with a hardener. Make three or four layers.

Align the not completely dried fabric according to the “shape” and dry it. Let stand for about two hours (usually this is how long the varnish takes to dry), and then smear with a new layer. In addition to the fabric, spread a thin layer of varnish on the combs as well. Dry within...

4 0 0

Slate is back in fashion now. Asbestos-cement slate can be considered as a roof covering made of thinly reinforced cement stone, the fibers of which have high tensile strength and perceive tensile stresses.

Slate is back in fashion now. Asbestos-cement slate can be considered as a roof covering made of thinly reinforced cement stone, the fibers of which have high tensile strength and perceive tensile stresses. Such material has not only high mechanical strength, but also other valuable properties: fire resistance, low water permeability, durability. Asbestos-cement slate is a very cheap material, but the attitude of consumers towards it is ambiguous. In our country, the controversy over the harmful effects of asbestos has been going on for more than one year: there is an opinion that its use is harmful to health.

But after all, slate is mounted on the outside of the roof, moreover, several layers are located under it ...

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Slate production: technological process

Slate is quite in demand today. Naturally, in connection with this, there was a need to ensure mass production.

It is organized not only at enterprises of a special profile, for example, at factories for the production of slate, but also in some workshops at building materials plants, factories of reinforced concrete products and other similar ones. The production technology of this material is constantly being improved.

What is slate made of: varieties of material ...

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Slate is one of the traditional roofing materials. The use of slate is the creation of a reliable roof that protects the house from precipitation, as well as simple fences. In the last century, the bulk of low-rise buildings under construction, as well as various courtyard buildings, were covered with this material. Yes, it’s a sin to hide it - and now for most citizens this is the most accessible material for creating a roof.

Slate properties

To clarify, the slate is correctly called asbestos-cement slate (asbestos-cement slate), since asbestos is used in its manufacture. The result is a fairly cheap material, strong, durable, but not environmentally friendly. This drawback, perhaps, determines the modern trend that slate is losing its former popularity. Other disadvantages of slate are its excessive fragility and high specific gravity, well, all slate sheets are gray. On the other hand, despite the obvious shortcomings ...

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The term "slate" has historically become synonymous with asbestos-cement roofing materials, primarily corrugated sheets.

As a result, other roofing materials in the form of corrugated sheets often began to be called slate: asbestos-free slate, euroslate (corrugated bitumen sheets).

The quality of slate, like other roofing materials, also depends on the equipment of production (installation of modern production lines) and adherence to technology.

Slate is obtained from a mixture of short-fiber asbestos (15%) and Portland cement (85%). Therefore, the roof of it is durable and fire resistant.

As the base of the slate roof, a crate of bars with a section of 50x50 mm is arranged - for sheets of a regular profile and 75x75 mm - for sheets of a reinforced profile with a pitch of 500-550 and 750-800 mm, respectively. Sheets are laid from the eaves to the ridge. Each...

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Any roofing material should be not only beautiful and durable, but also safe for humans. Using asbestos-cement slate for the roof of their buildings, many people think about the question - is slate harmful? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail, having studied the composition of slate and the features of its production. After all, slate today is one of the most popular and affordable roofing materials for the common man.

Relatively low cost, ease of installation and durability made slate very popular among ordinary people who are not burdened with excess money.


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Coverings, critiqued with slate, took off great breadth in the individual everyday life of past fates. Shards of this material are durable, do not burn, well vitrimuє the squeeze of the snowy slope. And at the same time, if a great number of new covering materials appeared, it was too early to write off slate from rachunkiv. If you have done this victorious work, then you should know that the slate is properly laid on the grounds of your own particularity.

Preparatory work

Vyrobnik releases in sales packaging with sheets of slate, perekladenim polyethylene plivkoy. So the stench and guilt are saved until the moment they are taken to the dachas. Packings with slates are to be taken horizontally and wrapped under a canopy. Slate - finish the material, but with it, finish the crying. You can’t throw yoga, you can walk in the new one with metal pads.

If the scheme of laying the slate transfers the roses of leaves, then you need to get an individual protection. Slate saw to avenge fibers to asbestos, to finish...

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Purpose of products, its properties, consumer qualities

Production method

Finished products

Production in the form of a diagram



Slate as a roofing material has been used for decades (if not a hundred) all over the world: in Ukraine and the former Soviet Union, in India, Thailand, China, Central and Latin America, as well as in the countries of the Middle East and African states. Production volumes are steadily growing. This is due not only to the low price of an excellent roofing material, but also to the ease of its use. If a qualified specialist is required for the construction of a metal or tile roof, then everyone can lay a slate roof on their own, which is important for developing Ukraine with its gigantic summer cottage construction. In addition to the low price, we note a number of advantages of slate roofing: low (by...

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Slate: materials for its manufacture

Initially, slate was called plates, which are split slate. But over time, many roofing materials began to bear the same name. In modern construction, slate is the name given to materials used for roofing of various designs and having a common feature - a sheet form, usually profiled. What is modern slate made of?

Slate roofing has gained great popularity due to its durability and strength.

Slate tiles - the oldest type of slate

Natural slate is tiles chipped from a block of natural stone, which is a type of slate. This material has been used since the Middle Ages. Shales are rocks that are characterized by an almost parallel arrangement of lamellar or elongated minerals, which are easily split with little effort.

Roof material...

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In summer, in summer cottages, many change roofs and fences, most often traditionally choosing slate. In Ukraine, 90 percent of roofs are covered with this popular building material. But not everyone knows that slate contains asbestos, which is harmful to health. Asbestos particles can even penetrate into the lungs, and asbestos dust is not excreted from the body and over time can lead to lung cancer.

If you look, many of our houses are simply stuffed with materials that include asbestos. This substance is found in overalls, many filters and pipes, and even in the brake pads of old-style cars. City dwellers, idle for hours in traffic jams, along with exhaust gases, also inhale asbestos dust.

Experts told FACTS about where it is better not to go on vacation so as not to inhale the emissions of asbestos production, how to minimize the harmful effects of this mineral and how it can be replaced.

People living near asbestos processing plants are exposed to...

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The question of the dangers of slate made from asbestos for the health of residents of houses in the construction of which it was used is very relevant for the domestic construction industry. After all, in Russia, according to various estimates, from 50 to 70% of the roofs are covered with this particular material.

If earlier domestic specialists successfully fought off attacks on asbestos-cement slate, then recently opponents of its use have taken an increasingly active position. What is the reason for this situation? An attempt by domestic manufacturers of building materials to hide the truth from consumers, or the desire of foreign suppliers of more expensive roofing materials to make it easier for themselves to enter the market? Let's consider different points of view on this issue.

Asbestos (from the Greek asbestos - "inextinguishable") is a generic name for the fibrous form of six different natural minerals of the silicate class. Asbestos is presented in the form of two main groups of minerals: serpentine and amphibole, differing in type ...

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Everyone who decides to do roofing work himself, or simply begins to look for materials for his roof and opts for slate, sooner or later faces one very problematic issue.

In its most general form, this question sounds like this - is slate harmful, and if so, how to minimize this harm.

Slate installation

The actual (or imaginary) harm from slate is the subject of many discussions that take place both on construction sites and on Internet forums.

Without claiming to be the ultimate truth, let's try to figure out what components of slate can harm human health, and how to avoid it. And we will start with an analysis - what is included in the composition of slate.

Slate production technology

Today, slate is still one of the most popular roofing materials.

Asbestos-cement slate

However, there is some confusion in the nomenclature of slate, because slate is called as it is ...

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Asbestos-cement products, or is slate harmful

The unique properties of asbestos are such that even its very small presence in the composition of any substance can transfer these very useful properties to this substance. Even ten or fifteen percent is enough. By mixing asbestos with textiles, we obtain fire-resistant suits for firefighters and metallurgists, thermal insulation for furnaces and heating devices, its mechanical strength increases the wear resistance of brake shoes and friction linings.

Filters of the food, nuclear and pharmaceutical industries, which contain asbestos, prevent the penetration of radiation bacteria and other harmful substances. And due to the stability of the chemical composition, elasticity and strength, asbestos is present even in stamped paper, banknotes and other similar products. According to the National Cancer Institute of the United States of America, up to five thousand items sold in the United States, ...

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In Soviet times, a roof made of asbestos-cement corrugated sheets was the norm. Developers did not crave any other material.


In addition to slate, it was also possible to cover the roof with a metal sheet, but firstly, it was a shortage. And secondly, to work with metal, you had to have a tool and be able to handle it: cut, make folds. In the future, behind the metal roof, labor-intensive maintenance was required: cleaning from rust, painting.

I know firsthand, because even as a girl I helped my father cover the roof with a metal sheet with seam joints and slate.

Many summer residents and private homeowners used to prefer slate for its ease of installation and lack of maintenance for 30-50 years.

Life was so strange that it was difficult to get the material, and then they themselves built it with their own hands, there was no other alternative.

After 30 years, I can state the fact that the roof of asbestos-cement corrugated sheets in the country, moreover, from substandard, which was hardly bought at that time, still does not leak, although it already looks not very presentable. But, despite this, the slate on our roof will quietly serve for another ten years.

Next spring we are going to make repairs to the dacha: wooden doors, wooden planks on the pediment eaves, external stairs, wooden blinds on the veranda have fallen into disrepair. All those elements that were accessible to atmospheric influences. However, the slate itself, the cornice hemming boards, the log cabin, the wooden floor, the attic structures are in good condition. Because the roof was made soundly, with a cornice overhang as much as 1m (father wanted it that way). This width of the cornice protected the entire height of the log house from rainwater.

Any buildings will serve at least 100 years, if they are dry, warm and in demand by man.

Slate roofs are common in construction today. They are relatively cheap and durable, so they are in high enough demand so that this industry develops taking into account new technologies for the manufacture of building materials.

In cottage construction, slate is not often used, probably because the financial investments are such that savings on slate are minuscule, which they do not pay attention to, preferring the design and appearance of more modern types of roofing materials.

The composition of the slate

Composition of slate: Portland cement, asbestos, water. The mixture is kneaded, molded and hardened.

The mechanical properties of slate, its strength and impact strength depend on the qualitative and quantitative content of asbestos fibers in its composition, the uniformity of their distribution, on the chemical and mineralogical composition, the density and fineness of asbestos grinding ....

Talk about the harmfulness of slate because of the asbestos it contains is not entirely correct, due to the fact that in nature there are two types of asbestos.

Amphibole asbestos is prohibited. Amphibole asbestos is a complex hydrosilicate. It is resistant to acidic environments, which prevents its removal from the human lung tissue and can cause serious diseases.

And Russian-made slate is made from chrysotile asbestos (3MgO 2SiO 2 2H 2 O) - magnesium hydrosilicate. It is resistant to alkaline environments, but decomposes in acids with the formation of amorphous silica. This is what differs from the forbidden asbestos.

Asbestos is used in Russia for the production of paper, cardboard, filters, tarpaulins, refractory fabrics from which suits for firefighters are sewn, asbestos-cement pipes, asbestos-cement corrugated sheets, asbestos-cement flat sheets, asbestos cords and sheets, and much more.

In particular, in the bath with an asbestos cord or sheet, it is possible and necessary to isolate the ignition points of wooden structures: the floor by the stove, metal pipes when passing through the ceiling. Flat slate can sheathe wooden walls at the installation site of a metal bath stove. All these measures prevent fires and fires in the bath from heating and smoldering wood from high temperatures.

Characteristics of slate

  1. Slate (asbestos-cement corrugated sheets) has several advantages:
  2. Inexpensive building material.
  3. Non-combustible
  4. Durability. The durability of slate has been tested by many years of construction practice, and the durability of modern materials declared by manufacturers has yet to be verified in 30 years.
  5. It is environmentally friendly. It contains no elements that could harm human health, except for asbestos fiber and cement. In Russia, domestic-made slate is made from asbestos, which is not prohibited for use.
  6. Low heating from the sun. Other roofing materials, such as corrugated board or metal tiles, heat up very strongly. And in the heat in the attic space of small volumes it becomes simply unbearably stuffy.
  7. Easily processed with mechanical tools.
  8. It does not corrode, unlike metal roofing. For example, on the inside of a corrugated board or metal tile that has frozen overnight in cold autumn or early spring, when heated by the sun, moisture condenses, which is why rust may appear.
  9. It has good electrical insulating properties. Again, when compared with corrugated board or metal tiles, the installation of which requires a ground loop device. When building roofs of large sizes, the grounding structure results in a decent amount.
  10. Quiet during rain, not to mention hail, again, in comparison with metal roofing.
  11. Asbestos cement has fairly good thermal insulation properties, moisture does not collect under it, so there is no need for vapor barrier. For example, the thermal conductivity coefficient for the following materials is:
      • hollow brick - 0.44 W/m*K
      • slate-0.35 W/m*K
      • wood (pine) -0.15
      • steel (corrugated board, metal chain) -52 W / m * K It turns out that the thermal insulation properties of slate are much better than hollow bricks, a little worse than wood, but IN NO COMPARISON with roofing steel.

12. easy to install. In order to mount a roof from a metal tile, it is advisable to hire professional roofers and have cutting drawings for the entire roof, because the metal tile needs to be cut and laid in only one direction and its installation requires jewelry accuracy. And to put slate it is not necessary to specially study roofing skills, it is enough to have a desire to do it yourself and theoretical knowledge of laying technology.

Slate painting.

Previously, slate was always produced in one color: gray.
Today, with the use of modern new dyes and technologies, painting slate has become an easy process. On sale you will find slate of any color, in accordance with the design decision of your building facade.

A roof made of colored slate will look no worse than roofs with other ultra-modern roofing materials.

Paint for slate

You can buy not painted slate, but paint it yourself. On sale paints for slate in a large assortment, you just need to choose according to your taste:

  1. "AKRYLAKMA-Slate" - water-dispersion acrylic paint for slate ("LAKMA", Ukraine). It is a suspension of pigments and fillers in a mixture of alkyd and acrylic aqueous dispersions with the addition of various excipients. Appearance: smooth uniform matte film. Colour: brown, red-brown. Consumption: for a single layer coating: 140 - 160g/m2. Drying time at a temperature of 18-22 ° C is not more than 1 hour.
  2. "UNISAL" - water-dispersion paint for slate (manufactured by the company "Kvil", Belgorod, according to the technology of the company "HELIOS", Slovenia) The paint is made on the basis of acrylic water dispersions, high-quality pigments, various functional additives. It has high hiding power, weather and light resistance. It is used for industrial and household painting of slate and other asbestos-cement products. The paint is available in several basic colors: white, gray, brown, oxide red, black, green. Drying time: no more than 1 hour. Consumption: depends on absorbency and surface roughness, approx. 150-200 g/m2.
  3. "POLIFAN" brand O. (Company "Polifan-L", Kolomna) The paint provides reliable and long-term protection of reinforced concrete, brick and plastered surfaces, as well as cement and particle boards, asbestos-cement products (slate), curb stone, etc. d. from atmospheric influences. The color scheme is determined by the requirements of consumers and is provided by a wide range of applied pigments, both mineral and organic. Paint consumption is 350-380 g/m2 with two-layer application on a newly painted surface and the thickness of the formed coating is 130-180 microns.
  4. Shikril - acrylic paint for slate and tile roofs. The paint is a weather-resistant acrylic paint in organic solvents. It has high hiding power and light fastness. The covering passes water vapor, protects from atmospheric influences. Paint for slate Shikril prevents the appearance of moss, algae and lichen.
  5. Pinotex Ultra is an antiseptic for outdoor wood surfaces. Forms a transparent semi-matte film with excellent protective and decorative properties. The coating is dirt and water repellent. The composition of Pinotex Ultra also includes active additives against mold, blue stain, rot and algae. Although Pinotex Ultra is designed to protect wood, it is also great for slate. Proven in practice: 12 years ago, they covered the slate roof of Yulia Tymoshenko's house. So far, this cover is in excellent condition.

Any paint for slate forms a protective layer, which protects it from destruction, gives it water-repellent properties and increases its frost resistance.

Wave slate weight

8-wave slate, with a size of 1750 * 1130 * 5.8, weighs approximately 26 kg.
Slate 7-wave 1750x980x5.2, weighs 18.5 kg

Slate calculation

When calculating the required number of slate sheets and its cost, it must be taken into account that the total sheet area is 1.98 sq.m, while its usable area is 1.6 sq.m. Why? Because, part of the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach asbestos-cement sheet during installation will overlap with other sheets. Approximately 0.38 m2 on each sheet goes to overlap.

To calculate the required number of sheets, it is necessary to divide the roof area by 1.60 m2. Or in another way: divide the roof area by the sheet area of ​​1.98 m2 and multiply by a factor of 1.2 (20% of the roofing material area will go to overlaps).

To determine the area of ​​​​your roof, you can use free online service for calculating building materials.

When I am asked about the roofing material for a bath, I always, first of all, recommend slate. The bath is a wooden structure with increased fire safety requirements and slate, like no other material, fits these requirements.

If in your country house in one place, very close, there are several baths, then all the more, it is necessary to choose a non-combustible roofing material that has a number of indicators that surpass other materials in their characteristics: asbestos-cement corrugated slate sheets.


The industrial production of the first artificial slate was launched at the beginning of the 20th century. according to the technology patented by the Austrian industrialist Ludwig Gatchek. Innovative products, which are flat gray tiles made of asbestos cement, are called "eternite" - "eternal", translated from Latin. A little later, due to their similarity with slate plates, the German name "schiefer" was attached to them. This slate was flat and small in size.

Thus, asbestos-cement slabs, which are used as roofing and cladding materials, firmly entered the history of construction. Over time, their size and shape changed, technology improved. Wave sheets appeared, and everyone forgot about Gatchek tiles. But flat slate, as a direct descendant of the very "Eternite", is still used in many areas of construction.

Flat slate is flat rectangular sheets made of asbestos cement (chrysotile cement). It contains:

  • portland cement - 80-90% (as a base);
  • chrysotile asbestos - 10-20% (as a binder);
  • additives - 1%.

Chrysotile asbestos is a durable magnesium silicate fiber that is resistant to alkaline cement media. Therefore, asbestos cement, in fact, is fiber cement reinforced with hard chrysotile fibers. This explains the high mechanical strength of asbestos-cement slate, its heat resistance, wear resistance and durability.

An important detail: in the composition of flat slate, chrysotile-asbestos is firmly bound to cement, so it does not evaporate into the environment. Asbestos dust can only enter human lungs when cutting slate. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is necessary to use a respirator during this event.

Scope of use of flat slate

The universal shape and excellent performance properties allow the use of flat slate in many sectors of construction. Compared to corrugated sheets, it is not often used for roofing and then, as a rule, as part of prefabricated screeds. Although quite recently, enterprises produced small-sized flat tiles - especially for covering roofs like tiles. Now their production has been discontinued.

However, some home craftsmen, wanting to get an inexpensive "tiled" roof made of asbestos cement, find a way out of the situation. And they cut the flat slate into small tiles, in order to then cover the roof with them. An interesting way to use, but in the official instructions for slate, it is not recommended.

In accordance with GOST 18124-2012, flat slate is used:

  • when installing prefabricated screeds for roofing systems such as PKS-1, PKS-2, PKS-3, PKS-4;
  • as an element of roofing in prefabricated roofing systems (for example, TN Roof-Titan and TN Roof Universal from TechnoNikol);
  • as a material for interior cladding of walls and partitions;
  • for facing the facades of premises for various purposes (residential, industrial, etc.);
  • for the construction of structures: fences, gazebos, galleries of industrial enterprises, fences for balconies and loggias;
  • for mounting boxes, slopes, window sills;
  • for flooring or suspended ceilings;
  • in the construction of wall panels (blocks) with "sandwich" insulation - in the construction of residential buildings, pavilions, stalls, utility blocks, etc.;
  • as a permanent formwork material for foundations and walls in the construction of low-rise buildings (flat sheets in this case play the role of finishing and external retaining reinforcement for a concrete structure);
  • when constructing structures for landscaping the local area, garden and vegetable garden, that is, as a material for covering paths, assembling the walls of compost pits, fencing beds, etc.;
  • for the device of irrigators in cooling towers.

In addition, it is used in TechnoNikol roofing systems:

Types of flat slate

In accordance with GOST 18124-2012, two types of flat asbestos-cement slate are produced: pressed and unpressed.

Pressed sheets removed from the sizing drum are additionally subjected to pressure compaction. The manufacturing technology of non-pressed products does not provide for such a procedure.

In the symbol of slate sheets, there is always an alphabetic abbreviation of the type of product. Flat non-pressed sheets are designated as LPN. Pressed flat sheets - like BOB.

Unpressed slate is less durable and dense than pressed slate. But it has less weight and is easier to handle. LPN can be cut, sawn, drilled without much physical effort. They are easy to fix on horizontal and vertical surfaces with screws. Accordingly, non-pressed slabs are very convenient for finishing and roofing work. They are used for sheathing walls and partitions inside buildings, for installing ceilings, for mounting fences, as a leveling screed in a roofing prefabricated pie.

Pressed slate, due to the additional compression of its structure under pressure, is characterized by higher strength, density, impact strength and durability. LPP is recommended for use in cladding and assembly of structures exposed to aggressive environments and the risk of fire.

Pressed slate is resistant to corrosion, chemical and biological substances, elevated temperatures. It does not burn, does not evaporate harmful substances. Therefore, its use is popular at gas stations, car washes, service stations, workshops and spray booths.

LPP is also used for cladding facades and interiors of buildings, for creating prefabricated wall panels, enclosing structures, floor surfaces, roofing cakes (as a screed).

The increased strength and load-bearing capacity makes pressed sheets a suitable material for permanent wall and foundation formwork. An additional advantage of LPP is increased wear resistance, which allows the sheets to be reused after dismantling.

Decorative features of the material

In order to provide the consumer with a wide range of material, with the possibility of selecting it for the specific requirements of the design of the structure, flat slate is produced:

  • unpainted;
  • painted;
  • invoiced.

Unpainted sheets are considered ordinary, they remain in the natural color for asbestos cement - gray. To obtain painted sheets, a primer layer is applied to the pressed slate, and then acrylic paint. Mass staining is performed much less often. The color base is selected according to the RAL, Monicolor, Tikkurila, NCS catalogs.

Textured slate is the most decorative option. There are several ways to texture the surface of asbestos-cement sheets:

  • Creation of a layer of stone chips of jasper, marble, serpentine, granites. A primer is applied to the surface of the slab, then an adhesive composition, which is sprinkled with stone chips, followed by a varnish coating.
  • Applying embossed prints to the raw asbestos-cement mass using special stamps, after which the sheets are painted in the usual way. As a result, flat slate gets a new texture and color, imitating wood, stone, silk, etc.
  • Creating a textured polymer layer with marble or quartz filler.
  • The use of iron oxide pigments as a filler, which give the slate a "metallic" color (like titanium, bronze, aluminum, etc.).
  • Covering sheets with colored cement plaster, which allows you to get an unusual texture and various shades with color splashes.

Coatings with paint or stone chips not only increase the decorative properties of slate, but also play the role of a protective layer. Such sheets have increased wear resistance, wear out less and last longer.

Due to the decorative component, they are used for finishing cladding of facades, installation of balcony (loggia) railings, construction of fences and other visible surfaces of structures.

Dimensions and weight

Sheets of flat slate, in contrast to asbestos-cement tiles such as Eternite, are quite large. This explains some narrowing of their scope of use (especially as a finishing roofing).

Sheet sizes are regulated by GOST 18124-2012 or TU of enterprises. According to GOST, the length of products is several specific values ​​\u200b\u200bin the range of 1200-3600 mm, width - within 1120-1570 mm, thickness - 6-8, 10 mm.

The weight of flat sheets, due to the dimensions, is also rather big. A square meter of an unpressed sheet, 10 mm thick, weighs about 19 kg, and a pressed sheet weighs about 21 kg. That is, the weight of a standard pressed sheet with a thickness of 10 mm, a length of 3 m, and a width of 1.5 m will be equal to 96 kg, and unpressed - about 87 kg. These figures may have slight errors, depending on the additives used and the moisture content of the product.

physical and chemical indicators

The most important technical characteristics of flat slate, on which its durability and application possibilities depend, are strength, density, viscosity, and frost resistance.

Flat slabs are characterized by high bending strength, which allows them to be used in the construction of ceilings, floors, roofing, foundation walls. Unpressed products withstand bending forces of 18 MPa, pressed products - 23 MPa.

The density of flat slate is relatively small and is equal to 1600 kg/m3 for LNP and 1800 kg/m3 for LPP. This means that the thermal insulation properties of the material, on the contrary, are quite high.

Impact strength is a value that indicates the ability of a material to resist impact loads. For pressed sheets, this parameter should be at least 2.5 kJ/m2, for non-pressed sheets, at least 2 kJ/m2.

Another important parameter is frost resistance. Unpressed slate withstands 25 freeze-thaw cycles, and pressed slate - 50. As a rule, these figures are very close to the actual service life of asbestos-cement sheets.

Designation and marking of sheets

Sheets of flat slate have their own symbol, characterizing their type and size. It contains the letter abbreviation of the product type (LPN or LPP - non-pressed and pressed sheets, respectively), dimensions (length, width, thickness - in millimeters), designation of the current standard.

For example, pressed sheets with a length of 3000 mm, a width of 1570 mm, a thickness of 10 mm, manufactured in accordance with GOST 18124-2012, are designated as LPP 3000 x 1570 x 10 GOST 18124-2012. And non-pressed products with a length of 1200 mm, a width of 1120 mm, a thickness of 6 mm - as LNP 1200 x 1120 x 6 GOST 18124-2012.

The symbol for sheets is indicated in the accompanying documents for products, in construction drawings, etc. Directly on the sheets you can see another mark for identification - marking.

Usually it is applied to the slate by printing. But it is also allowed to use printed labels that are glued to sheets. A minimum of 1% of the sheets in a lot must be marked with the marking.

The marking contains:

  • manufacturer's name or trademark;
  • lot number;
  • a sign indicating the type of sheet and its thickness (a square with a number in the center is an unpressed sheet, the same square, but symbolically “compressed” by two arrows, is a pressed sheet).

Advantages and disadvantages of slate

To better understand whether flat slate is suitable for use in a particular building situation, it will be useful to outline its pros and cons.

The most significant benefits:

  • Wear resistance and mechanical strength.
  • Durability, which is on average 25-50 years.
  • High bending strength, due to which the sheets are not deformed under the influence of a layer of snow (on the roof) or concrete masses (as formwork walls).
  • High fire resistance. Slate refers to fireproof, refractory and non-combustible materials.
  • Resistance to aggressive environments - chemical and biological. Slate is not subject to corrosion, neutral to alkalis and industrial atmospheric emissions. The material is resistant to microorganisms, it does not rot and is not damaged by insects.
  • Moisture resistance. Sheets of flat slate do not let water through and are an excellent waterproofing material.
  • Resistance to temperature changes.
  • Frost resistance, allowing the use of slate in any climatic zones, even in the Far North.
  • Easy installation, simple repairs.
  • Undemanding in operation.
  • Low price compared to similar materials.

Disadvantages to be aware of:

  • Fragility, which often leads to breaking sheets already at the installation stage. This feature requires laying in the estimate an additional amount of material. At the same time, many manufacturers are trying to deal with the problem by adding special plasticizers to the chrysotile-cement mixture.
  • Low impact strength. Often used as an outdoor finishing material, slate sheets are subject to impact damage from, for example, hail or thrown rocks.
  • The release of asbestos dust during cutting and drilling of slate, which can enter the lungs of a person and adversely affect his health. Therefore, when machining plates, you should use respirators. At enterprises and in enclosed spaces where slate is processed, it is mandatory to install dust collectors with air purification devices.

Despite the shortcomings, flat slate can be safely called a universal building material. Some experts say that you can build a whole city out of it! And this statement is not so far from the truth.

Walls, roofs, and fences are built from flat chrysotile sheets, which are highly durable and retain their properties for many decades.

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