Make a rocking chair from the slats with your own hands. How to make a rocking chair out of wood with your own hands? Dimensional drawing and detailed process description

Water bodies 04.03.2020
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A personal backyard is the best place to relax and work. To have a good rest in nature, mankind has come up with many types of different devices, for example, a swing or a hammock. The best comfortable piece of furniture can be considered an armchair. But one addition can be made to its design that will make it more convenient. This pattern helps to relax all the muscles in the body, and the slow and monotonous swing is conducive to second thoughts.

The design of the rocking chair has gained immense popularity in the world. That is why, since its invention, there has appeared many rocking chair options... Masters say that making a chair with your own hands is quite simple.

What are the rocking chairs for summer cottages

To make a universal model of a rocking chair for a summer residence, a willow vine will be needed. A unique and simple design will look great against the background of a variety of greenery and go well with the decor of a gazebo or a country house. The main disadvantage of such a durable and lightweight interior item is the fear of a large amount of moisture.

Rattan is a very flexible vine. which grows in Asian countries. This plant is also used to make unique and beautiful rocking chairs. Their beauty is not inferior to willow products, but their strength is much worse. Metal fasteners are not used in the manufacture of rattan furniture. It is customary to make connections only with high-quality knitting and wood glue.

When it comes to the durability and durability of the rocking chair, the best examples are models made from metal parts. A unique lace armchair can decorate absolutely any suburban area. Rocking chairs should be used not only as furniture for a country house. The main advantage of a product for office work is considered to be its solidity and representativeness. Now there are models of rocking chairs from famous designers, which are made in various modern styles.

Many modern designs of these pieces of furniture have a special uniqueness... Together with conventional rocking chairs, they can guarantee their owner great comfort and independence from conventional energy sources. A similar piece of furniture, which is equipped with small solar panels, makes it possible to spend your free time with benefit and comfort.

How to make a rocking chair with your own hands

The design of the armchair has a lot in common with the sofa. When a lot of pillows are laid on such a piece of furniture or a blanket is thrown, it is impossible to find anything better for relaxing in a country house. Next, the process of assembling a rocking chair from plywood with your own hands will be described in detail.

DIY rocking chair tools

Making a unique rocking chair is quite simple. Having purchased good materials and having the right tools, you can assemble this piece of furniture yourself in a small amount of time. To assemble a rocking chair you will need the following tools:

A good organization of the assembly process assumes that absolutely all the necessary tools will be located near the workplace.

Diy rocking chair: drawings

Every Responsible Job Must Begin with the execution of a detailed drawing, which is needed in order not to be mistaken in the required amount of building materials. And also a high-quality drawing can be easily found on the net. On a special metric grid with a step of no more than 10 centimeters, there is a template for the side parts of the rocking chair. The best option would be to transfer the drawing to a large sheet of paper and make a template, with which it will be convenient to transfer the contour of the product to plywood.

In this work, you can admit small inaccuracies. But all sidewalls must be the same. There should be no protruding corners on the lower rolling side of the rocking chair.

Manufacturing of blanks for a rocking chair made of wood

To make special side panels and sidewalls, plywood of the highest class with a thickness of at least 3 centimeters will be required. The side elements should be cut out with an electric jigsaw according to the manufactured pattern. Three drawers should be 810 by 125 millimeters in size.

Further, it is worth cutting blanks from wooden blocks, which in the future will form the surface of the back and seat of the unique chair. For this purpose, a wooden bar with dimensions of 50 by 25 millimeters is well suited. From it you need to cut 36 blanks of 1250 millimeters. Before buying the material you need for work, you should find out what the standard length of a wooden beam is at the nearest hardware store.

The total length of the bar, which is needed for the manufacture of a product, is quite simply calculated on a calculator. It is necessary to observe the multiplicity so that when cutting the workpieces, a small amount of the remaining material remains. In this case, the best solution would be to reduce the size of the rocking chair. For example, if the standard length of a wooden bar is 2.5 meters, then one workpiece will be 1240 millimeters, because it is necessary to subtract the thickness of the cut and further processing.

With fastening materials, everything is much easier. To make a wooden rocking chair, you will need:

  • 14 special confirmations measuring 5 by 125 millimeters;
  • 150 self-tapping screws for wood, measuring 4 by 50 millimeters.

In this way, preparatory stage can be considered finished. However, a lot of work still needs to be done to make a unique rocking chair. Additionally, you may need the following materials:

  • high-quality drying oil;
  • wood varnish;
  • liquid putty;
  • antiseptic against a wide variety of pests.

Processing details of the future rocking chair

Next, you can start sanding the fabricated elements of the chair and removing small chamfers from them. When the grinder has a lot of power and has experience with it, then such a process does not take much time. Considering the fact that furniture will often be outdoors, it is worth pay great attention to the ends of the parts to ensure they are protected from moisture that will constantly affect them.

All the ends of the blanks must be well saturated with hot drying oil, and the longitudinal fibers of the tree on them must be flattened a little with a hammer. Thus, moisture will not do much damage to the rocking chair. This procedure for the ends of the product must be carried out several times.

Assembling a homemade chair

This type of country furniture does not have specific standards and assembly rules. Special holes for the drawers should be marked so that it is convenient to assemble the rocking chair. The main elements of a comfortable chair are:

  • headboard;
  • outer arc;
  • sidewalls;
  • foot.

Special drawers are attached to the sidewalls with Euro screws. To do this work, you need to make high-quality markings on the sidewalls, and then combine the two sidewalls. Further, in their planes it is worth drilling a through hole using a wood drill with a diameter of 8 millimeters. To make holes in the end of the drawers, you need to use a wood drill with a diameter of 6 millimeters. Now you need to pull off the frame of the product using confirmations.

Next, you need to make holes in the wooden blocks that will form the back and seat of the rocking chair. The blank should be 35 pieces. It is necessary to make 4 through holes in each bar. As a result, it should get 140 identical holes... To simplify this work, it is worth using a special jig. This is the name of a device for marking a large number of identical products.

It's pretty easy to make. A small piece of wood is taken, but not less than 300 millimeters long. It is necessary to drill through holes in it for the template, the diameter of which must correspond to the size of the construction pencil for marking. From the end and side of such a device, you need to nail small pieces of plywood, which will act as a limiter. This will prevent you from making mistakes when marking holes.

Such a jig can be used to mark through holes, but it is absolutely impossible to drill through it, since the drill will break the template holes and the workpieces will have to be re-marked. However, you can use a 4 x 35 mm wood drill with a countersink. In this case, you can make a through hole in the marked part of the size you need.

There must be a gap between the wooden blocks at least 17 millimeters... To avoid distortions, it is necessary to mark on the sidewalls of the product the distance corresponding to 6 bars together with the required intervals, and additionally check the coincidence of the templates in size. When they completely match, then you can continue to assemble the rocking chair. If the dimensions do not match, it is worth making an adjustment to the blanks. A modern self-tapping screw for wood fixes the eurofaner well. However, if we take into account the fact that the fastening frequency is very high, then it is necessary to use a wood drill with a diameter of 3 millimeters.

Rocking chair finishing

It is necessary to carefully fill in the holes from the screws. Further, it is necessary to treat the product with a special antiseptic and cover it with waterproof varnish several times. This work should be done very carefully and carefully. After thoroughly drying the rocking chair, you can start using it.

How to make a metal rocking chair yourself: drawings

The metal is pretty difficult to handle material... When there is no experience in forging or specific equipment for the production of bent products, only simple rocking chairs will be available for self-assembly. However, their design can be quite interesting. First, the product frame is assembled from a metal corner or profile.

Further, all workpieces must be treated with an anti-corrosion compound. Hammer paints are now very popular. The decor of the finish depends on the preferences of the master. For example, the seat can be made of wooden planks or covered with soft cloth. To decorate a rocking chair, it is worth making small cushions for the back and seat, and on top cover everything with a large removable cover... Sometimes a metal frame is braided with a large amount of willow vines. For this work, theoretical skills in weaving from a vine will be required, which are worth learning from numerous videos on the net.

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

Comfortable furniture is one of the most important components of a home interior. Everyone associates a rocking chair with comfort, because it is so nice to sit by the fireplace with a cup of tea and relax. This piece of furniture is able to fit into any style, and also serve as an independent decor. A rocking chair can be made with your own hands from wood, for this we will consider photo examples with drawings and work progress.

Design feature

The chair can be swayed anywhere, calming your nerves and relieving stress. This is one of the easiest and most affordable relaxation tools. You can buy it in furniture stores, order it on the website, or make it yourself in your home workshop.

Why is the rocking chair so popular:

At the same time, you can put the chair anywhere: in the bedroom, and in the home office, and on the terrace of a country house, and even in the office. How to make a rocking chair with your own hands from wood according to photos and drawings, he will tell a video with the progress of work and detailed instructions.

The wooden structure has its advantages:

The main part of the rocking chair is the skis or runners of an arched shape, due to which the rhythmic rocking occurs. If the runners are made long, the amplitude and depth of swing will be large, you can smoothly go from a sitting position to a recumbent one. And if assembled with short runners, the rocking will be slight, soft and smooth. These chairs are more suitable for older people.

Wooden chair on rails

Varieties of armchairs

Today you can find a huge number of models of wooden rocking chairs of various shapes, sizes, breeds, styles and purposes.

Rocking chairs are:

To make a rocking chair for a summer residence with your own hands from plywood, you will need drawings and instructions from experienced craftsmen, as in the video below.

By the type of design of the chair there are:

How does the rocking take place?

Many people assemble rocking chairs according to ready-made drawings, but the products may not always fit a particular person in size. Therefore, before starting production, you should understand the kinematics of this product:

  • If the person is standing upright, the center of gravity (CG) of the trunk is between the lower back and the sacrum within the spinal column. If the person is in a sitting position, the CG moves slightly forward and downward. In rocking units, the total CG is always displaced back and down to its original position. At the same time, there is a small error in the projection of the main center of gravity in relation to the supporting surface (floor, soil, etc.), which can be corrected at the end during balancing.
  • Most of all, the stability of the structure is affected by the displacement of the total CG in relation to the vertical central axis (CG). If the CO coincides with the CG, this is a state of free balance, which cannot be achieved in the rocking chair. If the CG is greater than the CO, the probability of overturning back is high. It is necessary that the central heating be higher than the central heating by 450 mm and more (the recommended excess is 600-700 mm).

In other words, the overall center of gravity of the rocking chair should be shifted from the seat to an angle intermediate between the back and the seat. Support legs - two arched strips, thanks to which smooth swinging is possible. The amplitude in this case depends on the length of the runners.

How to choose material and design

Modern models of rockers are made from various materials, each of which has its own characteristics:

To make a rocking chair from solid wood, it is best to use conifers: larch, pine, alder or spruce. The density and weight of such wood is low, which is very convenient when working with the material.

Tips from the masters:

Assembly stages

Modern furniture manufacturers are ready to offer a huge range of models of various shapes, colors, styles and materials. However, if there is time and desire for self-assembly of a home rocking chair, you need to feel free to purchase all the necessary materials and get to work.

The simplest model

Tools and materials:

  1. Screwdriver or drill.
  2. Measuring tape.
  3. Self-tapping screws.
  4. Special carpentry glue.
  5. Electric jigsaw.
  6. Thick cardboard for the pattern.
  7. Sandpaper for sanding.
  8. Plywood sheet.

Step-by-step instruction:

How to make a rocking chair with your own hands is shown in the video master class with detailed step-by-step instructions.

Rocking chair with curved skis

For assembly you will need:

  1. Measuring tape.
  2. A simple pencil.
  3. Graph paper.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Electric jigsaw for working with wood.
  6. Sander.
  7. Metal confirms.
  8. Board made of wood for cutting skis 300/20/4 centimeters.
  9. Frame board 300/10/2 cm.

Country chair with curved skis

Step-by-step assembly instructions:

In most cases, it will be necessary to perform additional balancing of the product so that the chair does not cause inconvenience when rocking, sitting down and getting up.

How to balance a swinging structure:

A rocking chair will always remain a welcome piece of furniture, because it is so pleasant to sit in it and forget about all the problems. It is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on a purchase; you can make such a product yourself. And ready-made instructions and drawings will help with this.

Secondly, a simple and at the same time effective health trainer. Thirdly, it is surprisingly comfortable to relax in it, read a book or indulge in sweet, addictive and enveloping laziness.

Since the statement that all diseases stem from nerves is largely true, a rocking chair can become a unique pill, a miracle cure for many diseases.

Rhythmic, uniform and calm swaying translates the human nervous system into a kind of trance - the body calms down, relaxes, but the parasympathetic nervous system, on the contrary, is activated.

The person relaxes, being distracted from the daily routine and obsessive thoughts. A relaxed mind is "lazy" to control the body, the muscles relax, starting to fully rest and recover, accumulating a reserve of strength.

A rocking chair will help to overcome sleep problems, because measured rocking is the same manipulation that a mother conducts, rocking the child in cradle... Just half an hour in a rocking chair - and deep healthy sleep will take you into its arms.

A rocking chair will help patients with tachycardia - rocking, as it were, sets a certain even pace to which the heart adjusts. It trains the vestibular apparatus - after it, it is easier to endure long trips in a car, train or plane.

Today, rocking chairs are made from different materials, but our most popular products are from rattan and vines.

What to make a rocking chair from: select materials

To make a reliable, strong and durable rocking chair, you need to use high-quality wood - conifers, oak or larch... Often, to simplify the work, plywood is used - its sheets are not only easy to saw to get a part of the required shape, but it is also quite plastic and lends itself well to further processing (sanding, painting).

The choice of material is almost entirely determined by the place where the rocking chair is placed. An outdoor rocking chair should have additional protection and be treated with antiseptic agents that minimize the impact of adverse aggressive natural factors (frost, rain, snow) and allow maintaining its aesthetic appeal for as long as possible.

For a summer residence, a combination of metal and wood looks like the best option - the base (frame) is made of forged metal, and the seats are already made of wood. And in stores, they are increasingly offering plastic rocking chairs, which have two undoubted advantages: low price and high immunity to all natural influences.

How to make a rocking chair with your own hands: the most affordable options

The main part of the design of the rocking chair consists of two runners (skis), which have an arched shape, due to which, in fact, the chair can swing. These runners can be short or long. In chairs with long runners, the depth and amplitude of rolling is quite large, a person from a sitting position goes into a reclining position. Rocking chairs with short runners provide a calm and steady rolling motion, which is why they are especially popular with the elderly.

To make the simplest rocking chair, you don't even need a detailed drawing of the rocking chair. It is enough to take a ready-made, for example, an old chair (1) with wooden legs. We will make two supports (2), for this we make two elements from the bars, which will have the same curved base. We also cut out the cheeks (3), which we will use in the future as the bottom for the chair legs.

For each leg of the original chair, cut out two limit bars (4) - a total of eight. We nail the corresponding stops at the required distance for each support for all legs. We screw in three (6) furniture bolts at both supports from the outside - this will give the chair stability and ensure a safe swing. Prepare a closing plate (7) for each limiting bar... Having inserted the legs of the chair into the prepared grooves with stops, we cover the stops with closing plates and fix them with a puncher. For convenience, a footrest (8) can be added at the front.

Similarly, you can upgrade a chair with metal legs by making special fastening loops from metal

Plywood rocking chair

For plastic modeling, plywood is the most favorable material. Using a jigsaw, you can get a structure that will greatly simplify the process, because structurally it combines the two most important (and most difficult to manufacture) elements of a rocking chair - runners and sidewalls. In addition, the absence of joints significantly increases the strength of the structure.

For manufacturing we need:

  • jigsaw
  • screwdriver
  • plywood - sheet with a thickness of at least 15 mm
  • oak (pine) slats with a section of 10x50 mm - about 20-35 pieces, the length depends on the manufacturing option - a single or double chair. For a single seat, the rail length is 1200 mm.
  • timber (pine, preferably oak) - 30x50 mm, 3 pcs, equal in length to the slats
  • self-tapping screws

We draw a pattern on graph paper, transfer the drawing to plywood and cut out the sidewall with a jigsaw.

After that we sand all the details and remove small chamfers. If the rocking chair is intended for a summer residence, the ends will require special attention - they require maximum protection from dampness. Therefore, the ends of all parts are impregnated with hot linseed oil, after which the wood fibers are slightly flattened with a hammer - this way the moisture will be absorbed much less. Before starting the general assembly, the finishing-varnishing procedure for the ends must be carried out twice.

Holes for connecting bars (tsars) are marked at the foot, middle part and at the head. To achieve maximum accuracy, after preliminary marking, the sidewalls are aligned and a hole is drilled. The drawers are fixed with Euro screws and additionally fixed with wood glue. After that, we evenly fix the rails on the already assembled frame with self-tapping screws. After the assembly is completed, it is necessary to putty the holes above the screws, once again sand all the parts with fine sandpaper, treat with an antiseptic, cover with stain (if you like dark wood tones) and cover the resulting chair with waterproof varnish.

If it is possible to use a grinder and a welding machine, you can assemble a metal frame. To do this, you need a steel corner (20x20x3 mm) and a steel strip (4 mm thick, 40 mm wide). After assembly, the frame is painted, after which, along the entire length of the seat and backrest, holes are drilled for self-tapping screws, which will fasten the wooden facing strips.

Advice! Be sure to treat the metal parts with an anti-corrosion agent before assembly.

The armchair has always been a kind of "equivalent of comfort", since it is sitting in it that a person can relax and unwind after a busy day. The rocking chair enhances the relaxation state, as it creates the effect of weightlessness, when there is no hard support on the legs, and therefore no load on the spine. Such pieces of furniture have long been very popular in many families. And although this is, to a certain extent, a relic of antiquity, many today are not averse to getting one.

However, high-quality finished products of this type are very expensive. Therefore, a do-it-yourself rocking chair is a way out for those who, for one reason or another, cannot purchase such a piece of furniture for a house or apartment, and their head and hands work well.

The last reservation was not made by chance, since the manufacture of such an armchair is not an easy task. The difficulty of creating a rocking chair lies in the correct balancing of the curved elements, since if it is not achieved, the chair will start to overturn or simply will not be able to perform its main function - to swing without the risk of overturning. Moreover, when choosing a ready-made project or creating your own, it is necessary to take into account the different weight of family members.

Varieties of rocking chairs

The main types of rocking chairs by design features

Before deciding on the manufacture of such a product, it is worth delving a little into information about the different types of rocking chairs - this will help determine the choice of the required model. There are several types of such chairs, tailored to specific needs and even user habits.

The table below will help you visually evaluate the different types of rocking chairs, as well as their main characteristics.

IllustrationA brief description of the features of rocking chairs
A chair with radius runners can be called traditional, since it was with such models that the development of other rocking chair designs began. E
Its name is explained by the fact that the runners have a bend of the same radius along their entire length. Therefore, making this type of chair is easier than other options. Models with this design are popular today, as they differ not only in the simplicity of the design, but also in the "conscientious" performance of their immediate functions.
A chair equipped with radius runners usually has a low seating position - this factor is associated with its not too high stability when rocking. So, with an increase in the amplitude of oscillations, it may well tip over.
This situation can be avoided by installing closing horizontal arcs on the runners.
A rocking-chair with runners with variable curvature has a different radius of their bend in different sections along the entire length.
This version of the product is more stable and is not in danger of overturning.
Therefore, it is this safe design that is used for baby rocking cots.
The chair with runners made in the form of an ellipse has a soft "move", it is pleasant to rest and relax in it.
As a rule, the rocking chair has a low stance. The overturning of such models rarely happens, but in order to eliminate the risk of their occurrence completely, it is recommended to install a high-quality bump stop on the structure, which will reduce the swing radius.
Spring rocking chairs. For their manufacture, expensive elite wood species or spring steel are used. Therefore, their price is quite high, and it is rather difficult to make such a model at home. Yes, there is no particular need for this, since it has a number of essential
Firstly, such rocking chairs cannot be called completely safe, since the springs can pinch your fingers. V
secondly, dust and dirt are clogged between the runners and the springs, which can be extremely difficult to clean.
Rocking chair "three in one" - includes three functions and can be used as a regular chair or lounger, as well as as a rocking chair.
The chair is equipped with runners with smooth breaks. It is stable in any position and cannot accidentally topple over.
However, such a piece of furniture is still more suitable for apartments with spacious rooms with an area or for use on the site of a private house - the structure has impressive dimensions.
Another unpleasant moment is the transfer from one position to another, since for this it is necessary to make certain efforts in the form of sensitive jolts.
The tumbler chair or "vanka-vstanka" has recently become especially popular for relaxing in a garden. However, its compact version may well be installed in a residential area.
The design feature of such a rocking chair is that, if desired, while in the chair, you can take a recumbent position. Then, when the load is weakened, it takes its original position, and while sitting in it, you can simply sway slightly.
The pendulum structure of the chair performs the swing function due to the articulated joints and the presence of bearings.
Such models can be called an improved version of the usual classic chair, but supplemented by the swing function. The models have a fixed base; when rocking, they work almost silently.
Such a chair is perfect for a young mother for rocking her baby.
However, making this type of chair yourself is very difficult. Therefore, if you are interested in just such an option, then it would be more rational to purchase it ready-made.

Rocking chair material

Having decided on the principle of product design, it is necessary to choose the material from which it is possible to make it. In addition, each of the materials has its own characteristics, so it is selected depending on the conditions in which the rocking chair will be used. The table shows the most used materials for making rocking chairs, but, of course, there are other options:

IllustrationCharacteristic features of materials
Armchair made of metal rods and strips, made by welding or forging.
This material option is an excellent solution for an armchair intended for installation in the yard or garden, as well as on a spacious terrace. Such chairs are characterized by high strength and durability, they are resistant to various external natural influences.
The disadvantage of the products is their large weight and the factor that special equipment is required for their manufacture. (However, even a high-quality wooden chair without special power tools is unlikely to be created).
The frame of the structure is most often made of metal, on top of which a comfortable mattress is laid for the period of operation, and soft armrests are fixed.
A rocking chair made of plywood is the most popular version of products designed for use in an apartment or house.
Any master with the skills of working with carpentry tools can make a model from this material.
The advantages of plywood include the ability to make precise connections, relatively low weight. Due to the large linear dimensions of the sheets and various thicknesses, the material allows you to implement even the most complex product designs.
To make the plywood chair last as long as possible, its parts are treated with one of the protective compounds - polymer emulsion or acrylic varnish.
Wooden rocking chairs are the traditional option.
Wood is an environmentally friendly, easy-to-handle and affordable material with high strength characteristics. Products made from it have a long service life, as well as a pleasant and warm appearance that can bring a sense of comfort and coziness to any interior.
Wooden products with proper processing can be used both indoors and outdoors.
If you have a ready-made or your own, correctly calculated project, the manufacture and assembly of a wooden chair may well be done at home.
An armchair made of a shaped tube, if properly designed and manufactured, will serve for many years. This product is designed for outdoor use, terraces, or large rooms.
Rockers made of this material are made by a welded method. In addition to the welding machine, a pipe bender is required for work. For a chair, it is best to choose pipes that have an elliptical cross section.
After completing the welding work, the product must be coated with anti-corrosion varnish or paint.
As a seat and armrests, boards or plywood covered with fabric or natural or artificial leather can be used.
An armchair made from polypropylene pipes can be called a creative option that is unlikely to be used indoors. It is more likely to be suitable for the conditions of a yard or garden, especially since the material is resistant to external natural influences, if, however, do not take into account severe frosts and direct sunlight.
To give the structure a higher rigidity, it is worth using a large number of connecting elements, so that it consists of small sections of pipes.
However, it should be borne in mind that this option is not suitable for people with a large weight, since even short pipe sections can bend under the influence of a large load.
For the manufacture of products from polypropylene pipes, you will need a special soldering iron.
Vine rocking chair.
To make a product from this material, you must have certain knowledge of its processing and basic weaving techniques.
It should be noted that this work is very laborious and time-consuming, so you will have to be patient to complete it.
But the vine chair will turn out to be light and comfortable, you can, if you wish, take it out into the street, and then bring it into the house.

Recommendations for the selection of material and product manufacturing

Before proceeding to consider the options for making different rocking chairs, I would like to give several recommendations that will help with the selection of material and in the process of work.

  • For the manufacture of armchairs, dense types of wood are used - larch, oak, teak, ash, walnut, etc.
  • If plywood is chosen, then it is better to give preference to "eurofaner", which has a thickness of up to 30 mm and has excellent quality, strength and reliability. The material should be checked for damage, knots or cracks before purchasing it. Quality plywood is easier to mark, cut and process.
  • The more time is spent on processing and impregnating wood blanks with protective compounds, the higher the durability of the products made from them will become.
  • If the chair is planned to be made for outdoor use, then stationary soft upholstery, even of moisture-resistant material, should not be fixed on it. Moisture will still seep under the outer skin into foam rubber or synthetic winterizer, in which mold will eventually appear. The best option would be removable pillows or mattresses, as well as armrests, in which padding polyester is used. Such products can be brought into the house not only for the autumn and winter periods or during rainy weather, but also washed if necessary.
  • If the finished rocking chair falls back strongly or, on the contrary, moves forward, then it should be balanced. How to do this will be discussed in a separate section.

Check out some interesting options from our new article on our portal.

Rocking chair manufacturing options

In order to independently calculate the perfectly correct bend of the seat runners for the specific weight of a certain person, it is necessary to apply physical and mathematical calculations. They must involve some hard data. In general, this process is quite complicated, and not everyone is able to understand its nuances. Therefore, it is recommended to use ready-made proven projects that are transferred to the main production material using the marking grid or the provided dimensions.

Rocking chair prices

rocking chair

Check out how to make chairs for a veranda or terrace, from our new article -

Garden rocking chair

This chair has a simple design and can be made even by a novice craftsman who has the necessary tools and skills to work with them.

Exterior view of a garden rocking chair of the "Vanka-Vstanka" type

For manufacturing, you will need some electric and hand tools - this is an electric jigsaw, a hand-held milling machine for processing the edges of the material, a screwdriver, a metal ruler, a tape measure and a pencil, a rubber spatula.

From the materials you should prepare:

- plywood sheets with a thickness of 30 mm and a size of 1400 × 1200 mm;

- boards 800 × 150 × 20mm - 3 pcs .;

- boards for upholstery of the seat 32 pcs. size 1200 × 30 × 15 mm;

- self-tapping screws;

- water-based protective varnish;

- wood putty.

The first thing to do before starting work is to carefully study the drawing of the parts from which the rocking chair will be assembled.

General scheme. A curved piece that will be cut out of plywood for transferring to plywood sheets is shown in a dimensional grid with cells of 100 × 100 mm

The table below shows step by step the process of making parts and assembling such a rocking chair.

The first step is to make side curved parts, which will become the basis of the structure - both runners and a kind of frame for attaching the seat parts.
To make it easier to transfer curved lines to plywood from the drawing presented above, sheets of 1400 × 1200 mm in size must be drawn into squares 100 × 100 mm. Then, measuring the location of the lines in each of the squares on the project, the values ​​are transferred to the grid, drawn on the plywood. Therefore, in order to make it easier for yourself, it is best to make a small drawing on a scale of 1:10, that is, each cell will have a size of 10 × 10 mm.
After the drawing is transferred to the plywood, the parts are cut in turn using an electric jigsaw.
After cutting the parts, they are folded together, squeezed in clamps, and when ideally fitted to each other using a jigsaw and a router.
The next stage is the processing of the side parts with a milling cutter - chamfers are removed from their end sides.
Well, then the parts are sanded by hand or using a grinder.
At the next stage of work, three jumpers (tsars) are made from the prepared boards, which will fasten the sidewalls of the structure. The size of these side bars should be 800 × 150 × 20 mm.
We assemble a comfortable chair made of wood with our own handsFurther, focusing on the drawing, on the inner surfaces of the side parts, the marking of the installation locations of the fastening jumpers (tsars) is made. The markings should be as accurate as possible, otherwise the chair may turn out to be skewed.
In order for the lintels to be more firmly fastened to the side parts, it is necessary to make a sample of wood from the lined rectangles to a depth of 5 mm.
Then, before installing the jumpers, these cut grooves are filled with PVA or wood glue.
After the side parts are interconnected by the drawers, the structure is turned to one side and twisted with furniture screws or confirmations. Each of the connecting nodes will require two fasteners. To prevent the lintels from cracking, holes are drilled under them before screwing in the confirmations - it is best to use a special cutter for this.
At the next stage, the assembled frame is sheathed with narrow boards. In order for them to be installed evenly, not to stick out to the left or to the right, it is recommended to mark and draw lines along which the fastening screws will be screwed in. To carry out the marking, the slats are laid out evenly on the table, 200 mm are laid from each edge - here the desired line will pass.
Then, starting from the bottom edge of the chair, they begin to trim the frame.
The slats are attached at a distance of 10 mm from each other. To maintain the exact pitch, it will be easiest to make two calibrator templates with a thickness of 10 mm, which will set the width of the lumen on both sides. Once the board is secured, these calibrators are removed and repositioned to attach the next jumper - and so on.
As you can see in the illustration, the edges of the cladding protrude 200 mm from each side of the side bearing parts. The heads of the self-tapping screws must be sunk into the wood 2 ÷ 3 mm below the surface level.
The next step is to tightly fill the holes formed above the caps of the screws with wood putty.
It is best to make the composition yourself, or add small sawdust left over when cutting plywood and boards into the finished putty.
It is recommended to apply the filler with a rubber trowel, which will immediately level its surface.
Further, the putty must be allowed to dry well, after which the places of its application are sanded.
We assemble a comfortable chair made of wood with our own handsBefore carrying out the "grand opening", the rocking chair must be covered with a protective varnish, which is intended for outdoor use.
You can choose from water-based formulations or alkyd options.
Yacht varnish, which is widely used to cover the hulls of yachts and boats, as well as other structures in contact with water, has shown itself well as a resistant coating for wood that is outdoors all year round.

Rocking chair with variable curvature runners

A large assortment of this type of armchair is on sale - models may differ in the configuration of the side parts, as well as in the arrangement and upholstery of the seats. To use a rocking chair at home, the seats are most often made soft, for the outdoors - from well-processed wood.

One of the options for seats equipped with runners with variable curvature

This section will consider a slightly different option from the one shown in the photo above, but made according to the same principle. The chair has compact dimensions, so it can be easily installed in a living room.

Rocking chair prices with footrest

rocking chair with footrest

The demonstrated version of the chair is equipped with armrests, as well as pads on the runners, which will prevent the structure from overturning

To manufacture this model, you will need the same tools that were listed in the previous case. From the materials it will be necessary to prepare:

The spacing between the grid lines is 100 × 100 mm
  • Plywood sheets with a thickness of 16 ÷ 18 mm, having dimensions of 1100 × 700, 1200 × 600 and 1200 × 200 mm - 2 pieces each:

The first is for cutting out side parts;

The second is details for the back and seat;

The third - the larger part is intended for the linings on the runners, the smaller one for the armrests.

  • Bars-crossbeams (drawers) for fastening the seat parts together - 6 pcs. section 30 × 20 mm, length 600 mm.
  • A bar-crossbar for stiffening the structure, fastened to the lower part of the side parts, with a section of 50 × 20 mm, a length of 600 mm.
  • Metal corners 14 pcs. size 30 × 30 mm.
  • Fiberboard sheets 2 pcs. for a base under a soft seat, size 600 × 700 mm.
  • Foam rubber 100 mm thick, the same size as chipboard.
  • Fabric or leather for upholstery of the seat and backrest - two cuts measuring 700 × 800 mm.
  • Furniture screws for assembling the structure.
IllustrationBrief description of the operations performed
This illustration shows the assembled structure, but on which all the details are visible through and through.
Thanks to this image, it is easier to navigate how it will be possible to make the connections of individual parts into a single structure.
The first step from the design drawing is to transfer the dimensions and shapes of the side parts to plywood sheets. It is recommended to draw them in a cage measuring 100 × 100 mm.
The places of installation of fasteners are immediately determined, and at the designated points, after the parts are cut out, through holes are drilled.
The parts that form the back and seat are transferred and cut in the same way.
It is very important when cutting out both one and the other paired parts, exactly fit to each other - they must be absolutely identical.
Finished curved parts (their edges) must be machined with a milling cutter, making sharp corners slightly rounded.
The next step is to prepare the drawers - six crossbars for the seat and backrest, and one jumper for connecting the side parts. They are made from planks or bars of suitable cross-section.
The wood must be well sanded, free from roughness and burrs.
Next, there is the stage of joining the two parts - the seat-back.
It is very important to correctly mark the attachment points, otherwise the structure will turn out to be skewed.
In this project, the connection is provided using dowels, but it is additionally recommended to strengthen them with metal corners fixed on the back of the structure.
In order for the markup to be perfect, it is necessary not only to make measurements, but also, having laid the parts nearby, to check visually.
Now you can start connecting the side parts with the seat and back. To do this, the latter are also marked with the installation points of the fasteners.
Through the markings, through holes are drilled for screws with nuts and washers installed on both sides of the parts to be fastened.
The next step is to install the lower lintel, which strengthens the structure.
Before installing it, the places of its attachment are also marked. The part is screwed with furniture screws, you will need two of them on each side.
Further, linings are mounted on the runners - their installation location must also be marked. To do this, the chair is turned over with runners up. These parts are fixed using a special technology, which includes several stages:
- the lining blank is well warmed up with a construction hairdryer;
- then it is placed on the marked place on the runner and tied tightly with cotton tape or twine. It is necessary to work carefully so as not to get burned, since the plywood will be still hot;
- in the same way, the second pad is seized;
- after the plywood parts have cooled down and take the exact shape of the runner, the fixing rope is removed;
- the strips are coated with PVA or wood glue, then they are well pressed against the runners; - the edges of the planks are nailed to their entire length until they fully adhere to the runners. Before hammering in nails, washers or pieces of plywood are put on them to make it easier to remove them after the glue dries;
- in this state, the product is left for two or three days;
- then the nails are removed, the surface is cleaned with a grinder;
- blind holes are drilled at the ends of the linings, into which self-tapping screws are screwed, their heads must be sunk into the wood;
- the holes above the heads of the self-tapping screws are overwritten with putty with the addition of sawdust.
It is important to remember that the fastening of the linings with self-tapping screws is carried out only at their ends, otherwise, in the process of abrasion of the wood, the fasteners will scratch the floor covering.
After fixing the strips to the glue, the armrests are fixed in the same way. After the glue has dried, in contrast to the linings on the runners, the armrests are fixed with self-tapping screws along the entire length, they are installed in increments of 80 ÷ 100 mm.
The heads of the fasteners are also sunk into the wood and sealed with putty, after which the linings are sanded.
Further, there is a not so difficult stage of work - fixing the fragments of fiberboard cut to size on the lintels of the seat and back.
They are nailed with furniture nails with wide heads. You can also use short self-tapping screws to fix them.
Now you can do the soft upholstery. For this, foam rubber and upholstery fabric are cut to size.
Then the edges of the fabric are carefully wrapped on the back of the foam rubber and fixed with glue. To fix the upholstery on the fiberboard sheet, it is recommended to use a special foam glue. Such an attachment of the soft part of the chair is shown in this diagram, but it is still better to do it differently.
First, foam rubber should be glued to separate cut-out sheets of fiberboard, then covered with fabric, fixing it on the back of the hard layer with staples. After that, fix the pillows on a rigid base on the lintels of the chair using through fasteners, for example, screws with round caps decorated with fabric or leather.
Another option is to make removable pillows. To do this, you need to sew the covers, fill them with padding polyester, then sew the finished product in five to six places. As attachments to the bottom and top of the pillows, a braid is sewn, which is tied on the back of the back and seat.

Rocking chair from a regular old armchair or chair

To facilitate the task of making a rocking chair, you can use a ready-made chair or a chair that is no longer used in household use. If the upper part of the structure is in a decent, durable condition, then all that remains is to make runners under it and fix them on the legs, having previously adjusted and cut them along the resulting radius.

In order not to bother with complicated calculations, you can go empirically by making a template of runners by selecting the required radius. To do this, you should use the advice of an experienced master.

In this table, one of the ways of making runners will be considered, since it depends on them how well the chair will swing, and because they are the most difficult parts of the structure to manufacture:

IllustrationBrief description of the operations performed
So, to create the necessary bend, you first need a strip of fiberboard with a length of 1200 and a width of 30 ÷ 35 mm and a rail with a saw cut to fix the strip on it, which will become a prototype of future runners.
At the ends of the strip, cuts are made, with the help of which, it can linger on the ledge of the rail, so that you can check how well and with what amplitude the swing will be performed.
Having decided on the bending radius, on the table or on a sheet of plywood according to the pattern learned from the plank and rail, an arc is drawn on which the middle is determined - the top of the bend of the future runners.
When choosing the required bending radius, it must be borne in mind that the selection system allows you to achieve weak, medium or strong rocking of the chair:
- for example, if it is necessary that the chair barely swayed, then you should choose a larger radius of the bar on the rail, that is, push it wider;
- if there is a desire to create a "reactive" swing, then the radius is made smaller, that is, the edges of the strip on the rail move closer to the center;
- in the case shown in the illustration, the middle option is selected, which will not allow the chair to tip over. The distance in the middle from the strip to the folded strip is approximately 150 mm.
Along the planned radius, you can simply cut out runners from plywood with a thickness of 18 to 30 mm. Or they can be made using bent-glued technology.
The second option is more durable in performance, but when using it, stronger runners are obtained, and their width can be increased up to 50 mm. However, to carry out this process, a special device will be required - slipways, which are wooden corners, on which a strip of fiberboard is fixed.
The fixture has a certain amount of flexibility and can be positioned according to the template drawn on the table - this is well shown in the illustration.
The exposed slipways are firmly attached to the base (workbench). Thus, a spatial curvilinear pattern has been set, according to which it is fashionable to produce bent-glued parts of the same radius.
In this case, only the technique of fastening plywood strips with a thickness of 5 mm to the template stocks is shown as an example, therefore, only two strips of this material were used. However, for the manufacture of runners, of course, the thickness of two strips of plywood (or MDF) lamellas with a thickness of 5 mm will not be enough.
You will need at least six strips, which are coated with PVA or other carpentry glue before being installed on the stocks and clamped in clamps.
The installation of the workpiece smeared with glue on the stocks is carried out from the center, that is, first the middle is attracted with a clamp, then the edges of the lamella are hooked, but not finally attracted. Then, starting from the middle with a step of 100 mm, the clamps are installed and tightened through the wooden lining, creating the required radius of the future runner.
The last clamps are tightened.
In this position, the workpiece is left to dry for two to three days.
The finished bent glued runners are shown in this illustration.
In the future, the ends of the runners made in this example will be decorated with decorative details. For their manufacture, pieces of bars are fixed on the blanks.
For connection, grooves are cut in the bars, equal to the thickness of the runners, with a depth of 20 mm. The edges of the workpieces should fit snugly into the cut gaps. The grooves are coated with glue, and then the edges of the runners are inserted into them.
In order to be able to pull off the glued structure, the runners are temporarily fastened together with horizontal bars.
After the parts are completely ready, they are milled and polished.
The master decided to strengthen the bent-glued blanks with wooden plates, which are fastened together with dowels. The overlays are marked and cut out according to the template created already on the inner side of the bent-glued blanks.

Now it remains to fix the runners on the legs of the old chair or chair. For this, the distance between the legs of the product is measured. Then the middle of the runners is determined again, after which ½ of the distance between the legs is laid on each side of the found point.

Prices for a rocking chair "Impex"

rocking chair "Impex"

For example, this or a similar model of a chair is perfect for converting it into a rocking chair.

These markings will help determine where the legs are attached to the runners. Further, each runner is applied to the side of the chair, to the legs of which it will be attached. On the legs, lines for the saw cut are determined, which will repeat the direction of the runner, so that during installation they ideally fit snugly to the surface of the runners.

The next step is to cut holes or grooves in the wooden lining on the bent-glued workpieces. Then grooves are also cut out on the legs, or the ends of the legs are processed so that they take the shape of thorns. The spikes on the chair legs are glued into the grooves cut in the runners. For reliability, it is fashionable to reinforce this connection with a dowel.

Find out with step by step instructions from our new article on our portal.

* * * * * * *

So, it is clear that making a rocking chair or even just runners for an old chair is not an easy task. Therefore, if there is no experience in the art of carpentry or suitable high-quality tools for performing work, then you should think about whether it is worth undertaking an independent implementation of the plan. However, if the material is available, time will allow, the desire to try your hand spurs - why not try? And experience is a real deal! And if even the first time not everything goes smoothly, then the next time, with an analysis of the mistakes made, it will definitely start to work out.

Well, for good craftsmen and lovers of tasks, it is more difficult - an example of creating a metal pendulum-type rocking chair.

Video: pendulum metal rocking chair

A rocking chair made with your own hands or bought ready-made is associated exclusively with a pleasant pastime. Hand-made production is quite accessible to everyone, even without possession of carpentry skills and design inclinations. This type of furniture will add flavor to any interior and will serve as a comfortable place to relax. And step-by-step instructions for novice craftsmen, accompanying drawings and visual photos of possible products will serve as a significant help in the work.


Despite the variety of types of rocking chairs, they all share a number of advantages:

  • positive effect on the musculoskeletal and nervous system;
  • providing a relaxing effect;
  • the ability to use both indoors and outdoors for people of any age category;
  • safety and reliability in operation.

The purpose of these chairs is very different - meaningless and meaningless. For example, this will be a significant help in rocking the baby and at the same time rest for the mother herself.

Mom and baby rocking chairs will be especially appreciated

It is a misconception that rocking chairs are oversized and take up a lot of free space. In fact, modern models are quite compact and convenient. Such chairs are universal, but there are still some aspects of separation, which depend on the place of use - garden or home. For the outdoors, it is recommended to select furniture with removable seats that can be removed when it rains. For them, a more durable and weather-resistant material is chosen from which the chair is made.

On runners

Inertial design with a base in the form of two rounded skids and a weight limit of 100 kg. The model is simple due to the lack of unnecessary details. Designed for use on hard surfaces.

The design has no unnecessary details and is simple to perform


They have a fixed base with a possible pendulum mechanism on hinges for swinging. Thanks to this, there is a uniform and silent swing while maintaining inertia for a long time. Suitable for all floors.

The peculiarity of the mechanism is that it gives inertia, and the chair can swing for a long time.

Spring loaded

They consist of a stationary base on a massive spring and directly a seat. The permissible load is within 150 kg. Most often made from rattan.

These chairs are made primarily of rattan.


An armchair attached with ropes or chains to a vertical support. In fact, this is the same swing.

Isn't it a pleasure to swing in a chair like this

When assembling a rocking chair with your own hands, it is preferable to choose a simpler option - on runners. To do this, it is enough to make a seat and fix it on two curved skis.

Materials (edit)

Knowing what types of rocking chairs are, and choosing the easiest option for your own production, it remains to consider the possible materials for use. It is recommended for beginners to stop at lumber - it is easier to work with them, and everyone has the necessary carpentry tools.

Modern models of rockers differ in design in terms of materials. The options are:

  • wood is the most common material used in the form of lumber and untreated wood. Such furniture always looks fashionable and rich. In addition, it is strong and durable;
  • plywood - it is easy to work with it, as it is able to take any shape. But such chairs are undesirable for outdoor seating. This option is budgetary - it does not require large financial investments. It is only to create reliable and durable furniture that it is important to select thicker plywood sheets;
  • metal - used for the production of runners or the entire structure. Metal rocking chairs are extremely durable and can last for decades. It is recommended to take profile pipes - they are easy to process. The only drawback of the finished product is heaviness;
  • rattan or vine - allow you to create truly exclusive products, but they require certain skills and forces, which is due to the complex weaving technology. As a starting material, willow and grapevines or any woody vines are possible. Rattan refers to the bark of a rattan tree. The advantage of such chairs is in creating shock absorption for the person in it.

When working with wood, preference is given to conifers, since they have a low density. They also lend themselves more easily to carpentry.

For comfort, the seating position and the backrest are upholstered with something soft or removable pillows are made, which is important for garden furniture. Their inner filling can be made of padding polyester, foam rubber, latex, coconut substance or horsehair.

The upholstery is selected practical. It can be flock, tapestry or jacquard. Natural fabrics are preferred, but they strongly absorb dust. In this sense, it is wiser to stay on the skin - soft and resistant to negative external factors. If it is expensive, then eco-leather will serve as an alternative - no less high-quality material.

How to make a rocking chair with your own hands

You need to be patient and time

Out of the chair

If you are a beginner craftsman, choose a simple wood structure

The easiest and most affordable way to make a rocking chair is to use an old chair, and make the runners yourself.

Plywood or bent pipes are suitable for the base. The main thing in the manufacturing process of the runner is the accuracy of the curvature, which determines the swing amplitude. Therefore, excessive rounding is not recommended. It is more convenient to use thick and wide boards, which are easier to fasten. Drawings and dimensions are standard.

With the drawing, it will be easier for you to make runners.

The process of making plywood runners:

  1. 2 strips 1 meter long are cut out of a plywood sheet 1.5 cm thick based on the pattern. Use a jigsaw.
  2. Holes are made at the ends of the legs of the former chair, where runners will be attached in a thorn-groove type.
  3. The plywood surface is treated with varnish or stain.

You can replace plywood with bent beams. To do this, take wood blanks measuring 45 x 45 mm and soak in boiling water until they become quite elastic. Then it is bent according to the prepared shape and fixed in this position. After drying, attach to the top.

The essence of the spike-groove fastening technology is as follows:

  1. The leg is drilled through and a wide groove is knocked out, corresponding to the size of the runner.
  2. A bent part is attached to the place with the hole, and a mark is made at the contact area. A hole is drilled to insert the tenon.
  3. Both blanks are connected with a tenon.

Blanks are connected without a single nail

All components of the structure are fastened with wood glue and wait for complete drying.

Made of wood

For the manufacture of a wooden chair, oak, ash or beech are suitable.

The tree has a number of significant advantages - reliability, durability and environmental friendliness.... Products from it come out original and exquisite. It is preferable to take larch, pine or spruce as a material. Of the expensive species are: oak, ash, beech.

The wood is pre-dried so that the finished product does not deform during operation.

It is imperative to prepare a drawing with dimensions and explanations.

The drawing should be at hand throughout the entire manufacturing process.

All details should be clearly visible on the diagram.

It is advisable to take into account all angles in the drawing, this will greatly facilitate the work

A do-it-yourself rocking chair, the dimensions and drawings of which can be seen above, is manufactured using the following technology:

  1. The parts prepared according to the pattern are carefully polished before assembly.
  2. All joints are marked with a caliper or ruler.
  3. Grooves are made using a drill or cutter.
  4. The spikes are cleaned so that the installation proceeds without complications.
  5. Gather all the blanks together. To do this, it is convenient to use a rubber hammer, which allows you to firmly drive the spike into the groove.

First of all, they collect the chair. Batting or other filler is attached to the upper component of the structure and cut to create the desired shape. After that, the upholstery fabric (leather) is pulled, for which a construction stapler is used. At the end, it is necessary to grease the joints with glue and give the product time to dry. The finishing touch will be the attachment of the skis with secret bindings.

The final stage is the assembly of all blanks

Made of metal

A metal rocking chair can be built independently using a round profile of 1.5 x 3 cm and pipes with a diameter of 13 and 36 mm.

For work, prepare a welding machine and a device for bending pipes. If there are problems with this, then the blanks are taken to the workshop in advance, where everything will be done in the best possible way.

A detailed assembly process is presented in the video.

Video: making a rocking chair on a pendulum


For a simple model of a rocking chair made of plywood, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • drill;
  • measuring device;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • joiner's glue;
  • Bulgarian (jigsaw);
  • cardboard for making patterns;
  • sandpaper;
  • plywood with a thickness of at least one and a half centimeters.

Plywood is considered one of the easiest materials to process. Oak raw materials are recommended for the armchair, as they are extremely durable and resistant to moisture.

Professional parting words:

  • to cut plywood sheets, you will need to clear a large space;
  • all parts must first be covered with any protective agent;
  • the end sections must be carefully sanded;
  • plywood should be sawn across the grain direction;
  • it is unacceptable to drive nails into the blanks, only pre-drill the holes;
  • if it is necessary to bend the plywood, it is first soaked in hot water and fixed in the required position;
  • glue should be applied only after sanding.

Diagrams and drawings of a rocking chair made of plywood with your own hands are easy to understand even for a novice carpenter. You can take ready-made ones from the Internet or sketch it yourself. The simpler they are, the easier it is to navigate by them.

You can take the simplest design as a basis.

It is better to undertake the manufacture of such a chair if you have some skills.

To make a rocking chair on curved runners, you must prepare the following:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • graph paper;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • sander;
  • metal fasteners;
  • a ski board 3 m long and 20 x 4 cm in size;
  • frame board 10 x 2 cm and the same length.

Step-by-step master class:

Final balancing

When the chair is ready, they carry out a routine check of its functionality - they swing it and observe the smoothness of movement. If there is a roll or uneven roll, it is most likely caused by uneven skis. To stabilize the situation, additional balancing is required:

  • when falling forward, the back is made heavier by attaching the bar to the rear runners;
  • to increase the weight of the product, draw up the required side with a weighting decor;
  • in the case of a backward roll, the counterweight is installed in the front in the form of strips under the legs or a niche.

Many people dream of a rocking chair, as it is an ideal place for relaxation and good rest. Only in it is it possible to move away from everyday problems and plunge into dreams near the fireplace or in the garden. And for this it is not necessary to spend a lot. It is enough to show your creativity and take some personal time to make an exclusive rocking chair with your own hands. And according to ready-made diagrams and drawings, it is easy to do.

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