We select the optimal version of the wrist gate. Forged gates

Garden technique 04.06.2019
Garden technique
Details created 10.05.2012 07:07

Currently, the setting of the gate is becoming increasingly distributed and are a practical decision The issue of entry into the territory of the household or industrial enterprise.

Our company "MTA" offers its customers industrial and household Gates Hi-Tech. The gate can be any type depending on the wishes of the customer. The gate is equipped with a reliable and modern radio-controlled and automatic system. Setting these systems facilitates the operation of entry and garage doors, ensuring security and fully controlled access.

Our specialists offer, depending on the wishes of the customer, hi-Tech Gate: Swing, sectional and sliding.

- Swing doors Used for country houses and cottages, public structures. The design system to choose from can open the gate to the outside or inward, depending on the customer's desire in the gate canvas can be embedded in the gate or install it nearby. Due to the presence of an electric drive, the use and reliability of the mechanisms - the remote control is ensured remote control Let you manage the gate, while staying in the car. You can unlock the system using keys. Optionally, it is possible to install a junk, handles, hinged locks. Swing gates can be performed from any canvas and various forging.

- Sectional doors Harmoniously complement the exterior of your home. This type of gate has a light and comfortable design equipped with an insulating seal, as well as pinching protection.

- Sliding gates Due to its design, the space of the site will save because they do not require free space Before entering. Due to the equipping of the cantilever roller system, the gate width can be up to 10 meters and at the same time ensure the ease and smooth operation. The roller system of the gate is made of alloy metals with corrosion protection. Retractable gates do not need to clear in winter from snow, which is their advantage.

All Gate Hi-Tech Performed taking into account the wishes of the customer. The unique design is ensured by using a selection of metal sheets, panel staining and additions to the desired elements of the fittings.

We guarantee individual approach and professionalism when performing your order, as well as the reliability of your protection.

The design of the gate is very important moment in the process of decoration of the fence pricework or private house. After all, the gate, in essence, the "face" of a good owner - on them about the aesthetic taste, practicality and even the well-being of tenants are judged not only guests, but also those who daily run past the street, without the opportunity to get inside the household. For this reason, their appearance should be given no less attention than the landscape design of the site or the arresting of the home of the dwelling.

Basic rules of stylish and practical design

In the arsenal of professional architects and designers there are several generally accepted rules, allowing to unmistakably select the most suitable option Such an important element Registration of the territory adjacent to home as the gate.

Gate - face home

Adhering to these simple recommendationsThe following, even a self-taught master who decided to make the design of the gate with their own hands, will be able to make an entrance group that will not just perform a protective and restrictive function, but also to harmonize with the landscape and exterior of the house, creating a single completed composition with them.

Tree and metal combination

The first thing you need to decorate before decorating the gate is the amount of the amount you are willing to spend on the embodiment of your idea. It directly affects the choice building material, form, decoration method. Some of the most expensive are deaf forged structures with complex ornaments and an unusual configuration. Cheaper products can be created from a professional flooring or metal pipes.

Than unusual form, the more expensive the embodiment of the plan

The following, what designers advise to focus on, - functionality, ease of operation, practicality and protective characteristics of the structure. With these positions, in no case cannot be sacrificed in favor of cordial design, because the initial and most important function of the gate is to protect the home ownership from the unborn guests.

Good Wooden Gate

Another an important rule thing is appearance The input group must strictly fit the overall style concept of the household site and at home. Accordingly, the design of the gate for a private house is distributed by all the same architectural styles that are used in the design of premises and interior design. Moreover, if there is a garage on the territory, it is desirable that the design of the garage gate can also echo in style with the design of the entrance.

Types of input groups and ways of opening

The gates and wickets in the language of professionals are also called input groups, which, depending on the appearance and the opening method, are divided into several types.

Separation of structures for typical types of external design

Entrance groups in their design are divided into several types:

  • deaf gate;
  • lattice (openwork);
  • mixed.

The deaf doors will suit those people who holy protect their privacy from other people's overly curious eyes. Their peculiarity is to use solid cloth without any holes and unnecessary spheres.

This design is practical, has good protective characteristics and ensures a sense of special comfort. As a rule, it is combined with the same deaf fence posted in the form of a solid wall of decorative brick or stone. To give a more aesthetic look, the cloth is made up with overhead decorative elements.

Behind the deaf goal easier to hide privacy

The lattice or openwork doors can be recommended to those who, as they say, has nothing to hide. Their design allows you to completely browse the entire courtyard from the street or the territory of the household site, but, at the same time, protects tenants from penetration into unauthorized households.

Deaf design

A large plus of such an input group is that it will cost much cheaper in the manufacturing process, especially if you are not very wiser with a complex decor. Also, she is not terrible strong gusts of the wind, which you can not say about the deaf version of the design.

Mixed gates are something mean between the deaf and lattice design. Often, only the lower or middle part, edging by them with lattble patterns. The solid bottom eliminates the possibility of hitting the territory of homeless or wild animals, and the impermeable mean better protects from the wind and hides from the passersby life of the inhabitants of the house.

Mixed Gate Open Wide Field for Designer Fantasy

Types of gates by way opening

By way opening entrance doors May be swollen or sliding. The design of the swollen gates is less limited by any framework than that of the retractable, but they require an additional area equal to the opening radius. And this is not always possible if the courtyard small or the house is very close to the fence.

Classic swing gate

If there is a need to more rationally use the territory, then the best option There will be retractable design. The principle of their opening is built in such a way that the cloth, fixed on a special console beam, thanks to the attached rollers, is shifted to the right or left, moving in parallel and close to the fence.

In the case of using such a shut-off mechanism, the house design for the house is somewhat limited - it is extremely undesirable to use very protruding embossed elements, which during operation may interfere with the normal opening and adjustment of the cellular panel to the fence.

The principle of closing a retracting gate

Such structures are also often used to overlap very wide opening.

Another gate option is rolled. They can be infrequently seen as an entrance, since basically such a design is used in warehouse or in garages. Roll panels are made of narrow profiled horizontal strips (lamellas) connected to a flexible canvas, winding when opening onto the shaft on the principle of window rollers.

Rolled gates are most often used for garages

Basic style directions in the manufacture of the gate

As for the style in which it is better to make an entrance group, then, as already mentioned, he should not go against landscape design and exterior of buildings. Only at first glance it seems that the choice is so much. In fact, the gate can also be performed in the best traditions of classics, modern or country.

Classic forged products

Most often B. classic style Perform a wrought gate design. And the concept of "classic" in this case quite extensive, because architectural style Each past epoch can be called classic with courage, and this is Gothic, and Baroque, and Ar Deco.

Elegations and reliable protection

The main sign of the product made in a classic style is the rigor combined with the grace. For such a gate, decorations painted under bronze or gold and made in the form of curly plants, fruits, leaves, as well as symmetric repeating ornaments.

Massiveness and strictness

Classical Gothic is characterized by pretty modest decorative elements and forms, all of your own kind of fixed in Vash. Gothic gates may seem slightly dark due to the traditional staining in black and applying as decor and additional protection of metal spikes around the perimeter. But at the same time, they are massive and kindly.

Bright design example in gothic style

Baroque style is also easy to recognize - they look very elegant, even, you can say, festively and always richly decorated with a variety of pure patterns, curls, volume figures animals or mystical beasts.

Baroque retracting design

Modern directions - Modern and High Tech

Popular in more modern architecture Modern style neglects symmetry. For him, intricate free patterns created from smoothly bending lines are characteristic. Moreover, the symmetry may be absent not only in the decor, but also in the forms themselves and sizes of the cloth.

Incredibly beautiful modern gate

But the gate in the style of high-tech is certainly nothing to confuse: simple straightforward forms, the use of chromed elements, modern materials and different varieties of metal, accurately verified rationality of every detail and nothing superfluous.

Sometimes it seems that the inner design of such gates is specifically exhibited. Well, naturally, even speech can not be about any, even minimalistic ornaments and patterns.

Consider drawing, you can quickly change the boring gate design with your own hands. Today, in fashion, realistic volumetric images that are difficult to have been taken from afar for reality. If there are no special talents, it is better to use templates and stencils.

Modern decor

Rustic Country in different versions

This style looks very harmonious in the design of the country gate or design of entrance groups for chalet and country houses. At the same time suitable material For the manufacture of cloth in this case - wood. Sometimes it is complemented by a small amount of metal elements to give a deaf wooden cloth a slightly greasy grain and elegance.

Simple Country Style Gate


Feature Rustic gates are simplicity and non-commodity of forms, which is more than compensated by the quality of the product.

If you want something more open and "breathing", then you should try to try the version of the French country, also known as Provence. The design of such wooden gates is characterized by using thin wooden lamellae cloths, shot down in the form of a grid. You can argue about the strength of such a design, but its grace and the beauty of doubts do not cause.

Oak Gate in Provence style

If we talk about the Russian country, then the wood carving is used as a decor. What makes each product with a real art item.

Traditional Russian carved gates

Simple decoration B. rustic style

The disadvantage of the wooden gate is that they are easy to damage, and they are more demanding in care than their metal counterparts.

In spite of everything, the final choice always remains behind the host of the house, which weigh all the pros and cons of one or another design, as well as decide which gate design is best completed the overall concept of its courtyard or a household site.

But if doubts are very high in doubt, it is still worth seeking advice to the professionals of your case - designers and architects, or to manufacturers who have great practical experience in such a sphere.

Video: Wooden and metal gates

Forged fences and gates have long been considered a sign of the exquisite taste and consistency of the owner. They were installed in the ownership of the venel, served the fence of parks, cathedrals and palaces. Now forged Products Again become popular and many want to install the gate made by blacksmiths.

The gate according to the opening method is divided into, and, manual and, according to the method of making sash - on open, combined and deaf. Swing gates can be made completely forged, in lifting and retracting sashes, forging elements are located on a carrier frame from a metal rolling.

Open forged gates look light and elegant, the magnificence of the architectural ensemble or the park located on the fenced territory is clearly visible. Open doors Have a relatively small weight and resistant to wind loads.

The deaf doors allow to hide the territory from putting views. Folds are performed from a metal sheet, on which the elements of the forging are fixed. The sheet serves as a background for decorative details and makes their beauty.

In the combined structures, part of the sash is performed open, part is deaf. This allows you to close the territory from the review and make the appearance of the gate even more attractive.

Women styles

Each era is peculiar to their architectural style and blacksmiths masters always created their masterpieces in the spirit of time. Modern artists use the experience of the Kuznetsov accumulated by centuries, and make the gate for every taste.

The gate in the classic style looks simultaneously strictly and elegant. They are decorated with symmetric repeating ornaments in the form of curly plants, leaves and fruits. In the ornament there is often bronze and gilding.

Gothic style assumes the striking spiers, but the German gothic is characterized by the good quality, the massiveness of structures and protruding spikes.

Baroque articles are decorated with a variety of finished ornaments, look festively and elevated. The ornaments are performed by volume, there are forged curls, dragons, horses or dolphins. Baroque forged forging details can be viewed by clock.

Modern style neglects symmetry, patterns are freely located on the surface and when they look at them there is a feeling of space and freedom.

High-tech style is characterized by simple straightforward forms and rationality. The design is demonstratively exhibited, the ornaments are missing, a combination of various metal varieties is applied.

Design options for wrought gates are not exhausted by the styles represented. Each of them has several directions, different styles intertwined with each other. Forging elements are widely used in the manufacture of welded and wooden gates. If you choose the gate with taste, they will become the main decoration of the manor.

Choosing forged gates

Forged gates are expensive and chosen for life, they will be admired grandchildren and great-grandchildren, so you need to come seriously. Freedom of choice is limited only by financial capabilities, but among the cheap gate you can find the appropriate option.

The main selection criterion - the gate must be performed in the same style with the house. If the gate is the luxurious mansion, the Baroque style is appropriate, the fence in the Gothic style will be organically look close to the house, decorated with turrets, in the style of Hi-tech - near the usual cottage.

We should not forget that in the first place is the reliability of the design. If the sash weighing more than halftone is kept on the flip loops, they will not last long, so you need to evaluate the strength of the nodes and the quality of the assembly.

Simple wrought-iron gates can be bought for 45,000 rubles, deaf structures with an impaired pattern - for 65,000 rubles, the gate with artistic forging will cost 120000 rubles, and the forging for individual order is profitable price for contract price. On the russian market sufficient suggestions to choose a beautiful gate at an affordable price.

Please note: some firms make a welded gate and, adding a couple of curved twigs into the design of the rods, give them for wrought. Such products also look good, but must cost much cheaper.

Forged gates will never remain unnoticed - they testify to the sophisticated taste of the owner and are an elegant decoration of entrance groups. The catalog presents all sorts of forged gates created by individual and typical projects. Choose any option, and the wizard adapts to your requirements. If you have a photo of wrought-iron gates that you would like to make, you can provide them with our masters.

We can buy wroughtted gates of the following types:

  • Swing wrought-iron gates
  • Retractable wrought gates.
  • Automatic wrought gate.
  • Worn gates with wickets.

Worn gates from the manufacturer

The specialist will pick up the design that will be combined with other elements of art forging. Suggest various options Forgets forging to arrange accents and give entrance group Special luxury.

Gate of forging

Forged gates, design and manufactures masters high level. Professionals have a subtle artistic taste and create truly exclusive creations. Such gates are winning with different materials, It is convenient to use, reliable and durable. Specialists make deaf forged gates with ornaments and openwork transparent in High-tech styles, modern, classic and others.

Making the gate is carried out in two ways: Cold or hot. The first is used in the manufacture of products according to typical projects. The price depends on the complexity of the design, work volumes. Buy wrought-iron gates from the manufacturer by calling or leaving the application on our website.

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