Landscape design of a country house. Design of country house landscape design

Landscape design and layout 23.08.2018
Landscape design and layout

Each person has to tire from the monotony of urban bustle, noise and hopeless workers everyday life. The country site is not just a change of working activity, but just the place in which the special atmosphere of comfort, clutch, comfort and pleasure prevails. But so that it really is so, you should work on it and transform the "shapeless breed" in the "gemstone".

The beginning is always not just

In order for your site to look adequately, you should familiarize yourself with the basic principles of landscape design. country house:

  • Design cottage plot Must create a sense of a single whole, harmonious object, competently combining color solutions and geometric shapes.
  • Very good if the design direction will reflect a certain thematic style.
  • Also should not be too fascinated by the tightness of the site with all sorts of exotic vegetation. Observing the principle of simplicity, you can properly combine color gamut And put the priorities in shape and size correctly.
  • It is very important to properly observe proportions. This means that you must consider the parameters of your country area, and on the basis of this, determine how important this or that attribute in your design is. For example, if the parameters of your site are large enough, you can decorate with large sculptures or alpine Gorka or reservoir, etc.
  • The principle of smooth consecutive transition from low, to higher forms, from narrow to wider, allows you to visually expand the site or, on the contrary, complete it smoothly.
  • The principle of harmony of color. It is very important to take into account the combination of tones. To do this, you need to know which colors are combined with each other. For example, there are cold and warm colorswhich visually closer or remove, as well as neutral colors, we include white, gray and black.

So, if certain ideas have already appeared, start planning.

It is necessary to proceed from what territory of the country area is at your disposal. If it is very small, then let it be a little that can be placed on it in perfect condition.

Decide in advance what you want to see in my site

First of all, we create a project project

Proceed to the selection of landing and building materials It follows only after careful design and creation, figuratively speaking, layout or drawing of this section. Competent design project is a guarantee of your success!


  • location of the site and its natural relief;
  • the shape of the site. Typically, areas are rectangular or square shape, but there are also triangular and other non-standard forms;
  • ground soil;
  • the presence of a reservoir;
  • location relative to the parties of the world. For planting trees and shrubs, as well as to plan the lighting, this is of great importance.

After the basic requirements regarding the design were taken into account, go to the next step: we divide the area into zones. Usually, zones are functional and problematic.

Functional zone It can be divided into a residential area, a seating area, a garden and a vegetable garden, a shopping zone, etc.

House, terrace, garage, cuisine (summer) or barbecue area, cellar (if necessary), shower, toilet, etc. can be placed on the territory of the residential area.

The area for recreation most often has a gazebo or tea house with comfortable seats, where you can relax from the fuss and extraneous eyes. This zone is usually located in a secluded place among trees and lush vegetation.

Fruit trees and small beds with fresh greens, never spoil any, even the most "whimsical" cottage

The economic zone may include shopping premises for storing garden and other inventory and tools, as well as animal premises.

Problem zone Includes uneven relief, with large differences, in which it is impossible to place any premises, but due to witty resourcefulness and fantasy, the shortcomings can be paid in advantage.

Plot with a slope

If there are hills or cool hills on the site, then the slopes are fixed, decorated with stamps, msnoks, borincami, and steep smashes smooth out stairs, which are embedded directly in the earth slope. Steps can go down to the mountaineering, pond or home. Deep pitIf it is appropriate, you can turn into a beautiful, decorate that can be, for example, or broad-sized forget-me-not, or plant a wrapper IVI.

Drainage system

Do not forget! Impact groundwater It is the cause of the sediment or destruction of the landscape. To do this, the area creates a drainage system.

Nobody will like it to go for the cost of strength, tools and time to go a scam. For this, the insightful owner will necessarily establish a drainage system in his area so as not to redo all the work. The main functions of the drainage system are to collect and master the tales and rainwater from the site. The drainage installation can be both superficial and underground.

It is also necessary to consider when creating a landscape design of the project country plot Conducting a sewer system, water supply and gas and electricity connection.

Borders should be!

Any territory, be it royal possession or a small summer cottage, should have its borders. How these borders look like - to solve you.

After deciding on the completion of the work on the device and the drainage system, you need to choose the right one. Options for all sorts of abound. It is possible to stop on conditional fences as green plantings, but most often use serious fences that perform both protective function and decorative.

What material will suit

Before proceeding to the construction of fences, think carefully and weigh what material they will be made. Based on the value of the material, its durability, strength, functionality and aesthetic considerations, choose the most suitable.

Wooden fences

The most common fences of the country area from the tree, the so-called. It is a wood planks, thickness from 18 to 22 mm and a width of 7 to 14 cm. The height can be chosen at the discretion of the owners of the cottage. The stakenik is attached to horizontal bars, which are fixed on wooden, metal or concrete columns. If the stake will be fixed at an angle, or in chess order or "Christmas tree", it turns out a very beautiful openwork.

Fencing from a tree

Also conquer the hearts with its uniqueness fence from block house or thin wicker boards. The originality and beauty will surprise the fence from the unedged board. Boxing of unedged boards Vansel makes a fence very durable.

Taking into account! Well-treated wood can serve as more than 30 years, and untreated, ordinary wood - about 15 years.

Metal fences

Metal fences, of course, more expensive wooden, but in such cases you can find acceptable options for yourself.


Properly located lighting devices, can win the beauty of the country area at night, when it is possible to notice this afternoon. Luminaires can be positioned along the paths, they will perform their immediate purpose, lighting the tracks. You can also use the built-in luminaires, placing them along the steps, on the edges of the steps, along the railing. You can also intricate the built-in lamps to decorate the fences columns, arrange them non-standard around the perimeter of the arbor and other premises. For the backlight of flower or shrubs, you can use ground mini spotlights. In order for the backlight to be more fantasy, you can use filters on the glasses. different color. If there is a reservoir or, be sure to install there, reasonably handled all tricks and subtleties. If the area of \u200b\u200byour site is quite large, then you can fantasize, placing the glowing spheres of different colors and diameters on the lawn or install the hidden backlight near the fountain and other landscape elements.

Lighting on the garden plot (video)

Lawn - Mandatory Landscape Design Element

Before choosing the location of the lawn, it is necessary to thoroughly consider the type of lawn plantations. Exist unpretentious varieties Lawn, which do not need to constantly scream and feed. This type of lawn may be suitable for small sites and for large squares. Most often used grade of oatmeal, meal of meadow and wilderness. Gardening lawn is grown for recreation zone. Decorative corners Landscape at home decorate expensive English (parter) lawn. Who is too busy and does not want to mess around with the growing lawn, there are ready-made rolled grass stripes that sell in nurseries straight with the turf.

Lawn serves not only decorative decoration plot, it absorbs dust, moisturizes and clean the air

Remember! Simple teat grass Instead of lawn, it will look very inaccier and can spoil all the harmony of the landscape design of your plot.

Behind the lawn, as for any vegetation of your site, you need care. Make sure that the grass does not grow above the permissible limits. Mow it only in dry weather. Also regularly water, not allowing dryness.

Go to green plantings

Nice when fresh greens please the eyes and soul round year. Therefore, it is important to determine the so-called evergreen plantations. These include Tui, cypress, juniper, tees. You can use these plantations in the form of a living hedge, or if there are wide tracks, then juniper or thua will decorate any of them if they are located along. And the enterprising owner, skillfully owning scissors, will give such aspirations amazing shape. If there is already a spray tree on the site, do not hurry to irrigate it. Think how interesting it can fit into a new landscape!

Trees in the country do not have to be fruit

Should be aware

  • The best landing time at the beginning of spring or autumn;
  • In the soil, peat, derm, sand should be added;
  • Saplings are watered very carefully;
  • The distance between the trees should be at least 1.5 m.
  • Young plants focus with mineral fertilizers;
  • Young trees (less than 5 years old) are hidden for the winter.

Exquisite design of flower beds and flower beds

Of course, the bright variety of amazing flowers will decorate any landscape design of the country house and improve the mood! It is only important to arrange them in the correct sequence and composition.

Taking into account! Before landing plants, learn about each of their individual features and compatibility with other plants, both in color and other characteristics. As well as the frequency of flowering and the thickness of deciduous cover.

Flowerbeds are not only fenced small plots of land planted with flowers, round, oval or rectangular shape. Modern flower beds are amazing structures, with a variety of forms and fillings.


Adorable floral strips, located along the tracks, fences or bordering lawn - are called. Plants for Rabatok should be bright, low, harmoniously combined and constitute a single composition resembling velvet carpet.

Flower bed along the track - Option of Rabatka


Called flower beds in which they can combine various plants, herbs, shrubs and even small trees. It is very difficult to care for the mixtore, because the plants are located very thickly and each plant has its own peculiarities, nutrition, watering, weeding.

And, nevertheless, the requirements for the mixboarder are also available.

  1. Lines and shapes of flower beds have a free direction.
  2. If the review point is one, then high trees and plants are planted in the background to see the beauty of all plants, and if the flower garden can be viewed with of different sideThe tree or other high plants are planted in the center.
  3. Plants may look spectacular and contrast, and can gently combine in one color scheme.


And some more simple advice:

  • to avoid imbalance in a combination of colors, it is better to use no more than five;
  • across the area is also possible with the help of a unique color, which is not recurring anywhere;
  • combine warm shades with warm, and cold with cold is a universal rule;
  • use the combination of soft shades with bright;
  • first learn about the flowering period of plants, if you use perennials, then often replanting the plants will not be needed.

Vertical gardening

Vertical flower beds

Delightful vertical flower beds have gained great popularity at the moment and may surprise even the most avid conservative unusual form, Well, of course, content. With help vertical landscaping You can very beautifully and effectively divide the space on the desired sites. Hide the irregularities or flaws or simply decorate the facade of the house with fancy forms or bright plantings. One of the easiest and most common methods of vertical landscaping is to use containers, drawers and other containers located on a tripod or other vertical mounting, with humus earth. Mine flowers with bright color usually put in them.

Multi-tiered containers can be in the form of a pyramid or flower tower, in which the diameter of the containers does not decrease

In order for the landscape design of the site harmoniously, complex structures of a certain form are created, for example: arches, flat simple designs for, alive hedges, suspended structures, facilities for vertical flower clubs and others. Material for creating these peculiar frames can also be diverse: metal, wood, plastic.


Arches can serve as a kind of inlet or transition from one zone to another, as well as decorate entrance door To the room or decorate the entrance to the gazebo. To decorate the arches is better as curly plants like honeysuckle, ivy, clematis, a curly rose, etc. With the help of the arch, it is possible to emphasize a certain place in landscape design, such as a fountain, reservoir, sculpture. Usually the arches are performed from lightweight material, almost imperceptible, very skillfully veiled vegetation.

Arch with curly roses

Modern country house landscape design

A small pond and a cozy gazebo will decorate even the most modest design of the country house. It is important to correctly calculate everything and plan.

Your plot can turn into a real paradise

If the area is enough for the most unpredictable fantasies, you can equip the zone for a comfortable stay, with a place where the barbecue and kebab will be located for pleasant rest and communication, as well as decorative vegetation and reservoir.

Long stayed last time when the landscape design was presented by a flower bed, beds and several fruit trees. Currently, the creation of the territory harmoniously landscaped and decorated with small architectural solutions- This is real art. However, the main assistants in the implementation of such creative ideas becomes a technical approach that implies the design of the landscape design of the site.

Specialists of the GC Millennium are ready to take up work, because for this we have everything you need: experience, technology, material and technical base, ideas. Getting started to develop a project, we take into account several key momentscapable of affecting the main concept of territory design:

  • terrain relief (mountainous, with ravine, smooth, terrace-like);
  • soil type (clay, chernozem, sandy);
  • the shape of the site (triangular, rectangular, in the form of a trapezium, rounded);
  • location in relation to the parties of light;
  • the presence of a natural reservoir;
  • the level of groundwater affecting the presence and constructive features drainage system.

Creating a project landscape design

Each such project is a package of technical, architectural and design documentation, consisting of:

  1. General Informationexplanatory note. In essence, this section contains a brief statement with a description of the sequence and scope of work.
  2. Master plan.The main drawing, with the location of all objects of improvement marked on it, and the indication of their size, binding to construction objects.
  3. Dendroplane. Plant location scheme on site, list planting material from detailed description Overall, species and varieties. In some cases, dendroplane is created for individual, especially complex zones.
  4. Vertical layout. This drawing determines the increase in the area relief, with the determination of the direction of movement of the surface drain. The plan allows you to link various heights. It also marks the location of the steps, retaining walls and platforms. Fight attention is paid to calculating the soil balance.
  5. Storm drainage systems. The scheme indicates the location of the receiving trays, as well as the mains of the channels through which water flows to the disposal site.
  6. The plan of the drainage system. This section is taken into account when designing a landscape on localities with high levels Groundwater. In the drawings there is a high-rise binding points of water intake, the necessary binding marks are made.
  7. Watering systems.The scheme includes information about the location on the site of sprinkles, highways, and other elements. The section takes into account the possibility of watering from natural sources in close proximity to home ownership.
  8. Plan lighting the territory. It allocates location locations lighting devicescable. The main structural components, the heating system of the tracks, the supply of electricity to small architectural forms are described in detail.
  9. Coating schemes. Contains information about all coatings with a breakdown on materials, layout plans for paving elements.
  10. Sketches of flower beds.
  11. Water zones circuits.
  12. Drawings small architectural forms (MAF).

It may seem that the project of the country house landscape design is too complicated for impeccable implementation, but we assure you, it is not. We have everything that your eye pleases impeccable in its geometry, color and aesthetic content of the territory. Our main task is to create a place in which you will be pleased to spend free time, enjoy life, enjoy the beauty of nature.

Features and tasks of landscape design

The main rule that are guided by our masters, when creating a landscape design project - etogarmonium of all components:

  • water;
  • air;
  • flora;
  • architecture.

Landscape designers of the HC Millennium with ease unite garden sites With volumetric elements using project instruments. It is important to comply with some patterns that give a sense of visual fullness, balance. The fact is that each site of the landscape is represented by a composition of this or that composition, which itself should be correct, and is also obliged to harmoniously fit into the general ensemble. To achieve the best conjugation, when designing has to take into account the impressive set of factors: dimensions, shapes, textures, geometry, color, etc.

Purchasing a plot outside the city, his owner in most cases wants to additionally equip the territory so that it becomes an ideal place for relax. As a basis, as a rule, photos and videos of similar sites, posted in specialized magazines or on sites. Contrary to emerging opinion, the landscape design of the house will not be an impossible task, even if they do this issue, not attracting specialists.

Dacha Design

To avoid rough mistakes, it is necessary to observe a certain procedure when designing a country house design and a plot adjacent to it. The existing phased plan of work is observed and professionals focusing in their business. The presented steps are supplemented with photos and videos, which show the design of several completed projects.

The design of the house helps to highlight it from among the neighboring and create a cozy atmosphere suitable for life and relax on it. It is desirable to clearly plan all future work on near the house and imagine the result of their implementation. The ideal option It would be a preliminary plan at the stage of buying a country site. In this case, it would be possible to decide on the vegetation on it, the type of soil, size and shape.

If there are no houses on the site yet, its construction is worth leading on the basis of the designer project. Thus, there will be no problems in order to enter it into the design of the adjacent territory. It is recommended to preview typical photos And video materials of projects developed by professionals, and, if possible, consult with them.

Already a preliminary plan for the construction of the territory around the house should include the following points:

  • Features of the microrelief of the existing site and plan to change it.
  • The drawing of the house and all buildings on the scheme will be placed on the site.
  • Plan for the accommodation of communication and other networks.
  • Landing on the plot.
  • Installation decorative elements, laying tracks, roasting reservoirs.

The more complete the work plan will be drawn up, the less add-ons to it. In this case, the project will not be a meeting of inappropriate elements of the elements of the situation and will look natural and harmoniously. Since accommodation is expected in the house, the plot should be planned not only from the point of view of external beauty, but also in terms of convenience for all living in the house.

For the comfort of residents of the house should be envisaged for waste collection, cooking on fresh air, acting sports sites under open sky. In this case vacation home will become suitable not only for beautiful photo For the magazine, but also as a place of recreation and accommodation.

Depending on the size and shape of the purchased area, the design can be represented by one of the three types of compositions. Photo from each of the points of the site helps the designer to present in the diagram every one of them.

House design

  • On the little plot To create a sensation of a larger space around a diagonal composition is used. It involves breaking the flower and installing other elements at an angle of 45 degrees to the central elements of the landscape (to the house);
  • The smallest difficulties represent a rectangular composition at which the site is divided into several parts. Each zones may have their own features, smoothly passing into each other;
  • The most convenient for creativity is considered a section of a rounded form. In this case, the work plan provides an annular composition. This species requires the most time spent on the design and practical implementation of the plan.

Despite the fact that the design is perceived by the majority, as a change in the microrelief of the area and plant landing, the project must also take into account the materials that will be used when working. First of all, experts offer to make products made of wood: benches, fences, bridges, arbors, etc. The tree treated with decisions may be preserved for years, despite the weather conditions.

Part of the photo and video devoted to the projects of country sites demonstrate the design in the style of high-tech. His distinctive features are the abundance of metal and glass details, a large number of Sources of light and a certain minimalism.

Design in the style of high-tech

Ceramic products, sculptures and decorative plants Apply in gardens classic stylepresented in the photo. The choice of material and stylistic orientation is the basis that should be defined in the formation of the project.

Preparatory work

Preparations for basic work consists primarily in cleaning the territory of the house from elements that do not fit into future project. All existing trees are desirable just to transplant to a new place and enter into an existing project.

It must be remembered that new landings will need for a long time For "addiction" to a new place. For the same reason, it is worth taking weighted solutions regarding local ponds, bridges and different buildings. In some cases, it is only necessary to make a small repair, and old garages and extensions will be indistinguishable from new ones or live.

To stay in the house has become more comfortable, on preparatory Stage Drainage works are carried out. In other words, waste channels are rotated, pipes are laid or other methods are applied on the removal of excess rainwater. All of them should be provided in advance and be inscribed in the design of the house.

Wiring is paved to the location of light sources. If necessary, create an opportunity for a future installation on a plot of additional electrical equipment. Its includes and gaining popularity of video surveillance cameras, and security alarm systems.

The protection protrudes, the height and material of which are determined design project. If it is impossible to immediately put the required fence, the installation is made at this place. temporary fence. Powerful concrete or metal fences (photos) can be installed later in advanced space prepared for them.

Fencing around the site

Improvement of the territory

On the placement of the territory laid lawn and smash flower beds. Along the tracks, if necessary, the illumination is made and planted little shrub. For each of the landed trees, depending on its type, a certain place in the garden is provided. It is recommended not to adhere to certain symmetry, making it more natural outwardly.

The formed design of the country house does not allow anything superfluous. Photos and videos of professionally performed works clearly demonstrate the combination of all elements of the site. The finished species can give small fountains, arbors, artificial reservoirs. If you wish, you can experiment with elements of Eastern and Western style, allocating a separate territory for it.

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