Practical choice for repair - Painting of walls in the apartment: Design, Photo Examples and types of paint. Painting of walls in the bedroom do it yourself (photo) Beautiful room painting

Decor elements 25.06.2019
Decor elements

The bedroom is a place where a person rests not only by the body, but also to the soul. Therefore, painting of walls in the bedroom requires a creative approach. The entire interior of the bedroom should be aimed at creating peace, harmony and spiritual pacification and at the same time not to be too "fresh" and boring.

Wall plastering and painting pattern.

Before moving to design design Bedrooms, you should find out the general moments in the technology of painting walls.

Color circle scheme for working with color in the interior.


  • painting tape;
  • rollers;
  • brushes and flakes (small brush);
  • malyary tray;
  • for marking patterns: Level, line, pencil.

For residential premises, water paint on an acrylate, latex or polyvinyl acetate basis is commonly used. Acrylate paints No moisture, temperature drops and mechanical impacts are not afraid. That is, wear well and wear-resistant. Polyvinila acetate is less demanding against the wall and perfectly lies even on nonideal surfaces. These paints do not smell, so well suited for bedrooms.

The paint can be bought already ready, the desired shade or dilute by itself by adding a little koller into a white.

It should be brewed immediately all the paint, as it is almost impossible to repeat the resulting shade.

Before proceeding with painting, make sure that the walls are splapted and ground and have no defects. The paint will show all the errors. Walls must be predicted.

Cut the painting tape around the ceiling and floor perimeter, on door shoals and window slopes.

To begin with, paint the places to which it is problematic to get a roller. These are jokes with floor and ceiling, corners, borders near windows and doors.

Start painting the walls with a roller follows from top to bottom and from the window in the course of falling light. Roller Send diagonally by making W-shaped movements or crosswise. If you drive a roller strictly vertically or horizontally, bands can form and remain non-crushed places.

The first layer of paints make a more liquid consistency. Subsequent thicker. The second layer should be applied only after complete drying of the first. Exact time Look on the packaging. Do not panic if the color turned out to be uneven or places are visible spots. After drying, the color is leveled.

Combined painting with "panel" elements

Scheme of warm and cold colors.

At first glance, the painted walls seem to be somewhat dull and unattractive. Therefore, some prefer the wallpaper and thereby drive themselves into the framework, limiting the choice of color, print and combinations. While the painting of the walls gives infinite opportunities for true creativity.

How to paint the walls to look stylish and modern? It is not necessary to paint them into one color. There is an infinite set of painting options. The most common reception is to combine two colors.

This option is familiar to us for a long time. Here part of the wall, ranging from the floor, is painted in one color, the remaining part to the ceiling is covered with others. It can be both related colors of different shades, and completely different (for example, peach with olive). The joint of two colors is usually made up with molding.

The classic of the genre here is considered the border just below the middle of the wall. However, the "lowered" panels or a narrow strip at the ceiling is more creatively.

Staining technique can be different. The easiest way is applied when painting related colors. First, the whole wall is painted in a brighter tone. After drying on it, it is drawn the border, they are covered along the edge of the upper part of the greasy tape and paint the lower part with a darker tone.

If colors are different, you will have to paint both parts separately, starting at the top. First on the wall drawn with a ruler and level stresh lines throughout the perimeter of the bedroom. The level of use is necessary so that the border of the colors on all walls visually seemed one height and did not depend on the slopes of the floor and walls.

After the boundaries are designated, take the construction of the tape the edge of the lower part to protect it from unwanted staining. Color top Walls and let her dry. After that, you get a border with a border on the other side and proceed to the color of the bottom.

Another way to simulate panels is colored inserts throughout the wall. It is performed similarly to the previous one. First, it is painted the whole wall in a brighter tone, then the borders of the inserts are placed, the painted scotch is seized. After that, the middle of the inserts is painted in a darker color.

Very simple and at the same time interesting way Add a "highlight" to the interior is the division of a monochrome wall of a strip of a darker or other color. Usually this technique is used in the hallways or living rooms, but it is appropriate in the bedroom.

Staining technology is similar to those described above. With the only difference that after drying the first color, there is a markup of not one border, and the two, between which the darker strip will be located. Scotch is also covered on both sides of the outer edge, painted between it dark color. For a greater effect, the band bands can be labeled.

Walls of different colors

Fashion trend recent years Stained the walls of the bedroom in different colors. There are also versions of execution. For example, you can make an accented wall, painting three walls in neutral tones (white, beige), and the fourth is made as bright as possible, for example burgundy. However, more relaxed options are possible.

You can paint the walls in the bedroom with a gradient when one wall is painted in a brighter, and the other is in a darker shade of one color. You can make three walls of one shade, one - the other. You can paint the walls of the walls into a lighter tone to each other, the two remaining walls in the darker. You can paint the walls in four different shades, as if flowing into each other.

Walls in the bedroom can be made in a horizontal and vertical strip or rhombus. To do this, after applying the first color there is a markup. Here we have to tinker, since the external boundaries of the strips need to be accumulated by scotch. But it is worth it.

When drawing rhombuses, the walls are drawn by inclined strips first in one direction, then to another. Scotch is glued at the outer edge of those rhombuses that require coloring.

More complex figures draw with the help of globes and without the use of scotch. When painting in the center, the roller uses, the edges can be carried out with a thin brush, clearly drawing borders.

What color to paint the bedroom? There is no clear answer and recommendations for this question. Determining role when making interior, playing right choice Colors including style, personal owner's preferences and room character. The article will prompt, in what color it is better to paint the bedroom.

Tip: When choosing a color for staining walls in the bedroom, it is necessary to take into account that the room is intended for rest, it makes it inappropriate to use aggressive tones.

Having certain skills, pick up the color of the bedroom paint itself, previewed which kind of room should have.

Usually shades are dominated here:

  • Pink colour.
  • Beige.
  • Vanilla.

To highlight furniture and decor, the color in the bedroom must be selected light, in pastel colors. When determining how painting the walls in the bedroom, great importance Have personal preferences of the owners.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the effect of the color on the well-being of a person, which determines how to paint the walls in the bedroom. The optimal combination of shades, the interior of the room will make more harmonious.

For example:

  • Will look annoyingly bright colorsBut they can be perfectly used to emphasize one wall.
  • A sharp surface of the interior can be a red surface at the main background of the room made beige, pleasant light pink or absolutely white.

Choosing the colors of painting walls in the bedroom, you need to take into account the features of the psycho-emotional state of a person depending on the prevailing color in the room.

How to combine the style and color of the walls in the bedroom

What color will be the paint for the bedroom, depends on the style of the room. She should not break his harmony:

  • IN minimalist interior The preference is given to cold shades when staining the walls in the bedroom.

He can be:

  1. pale blue;
  2. nice gray;
  3. pure white.

At the same time, there is simplicity and minimum decor. One option can be a photo inserted into a laconic frame or without it.

In the interior, the sculptures performed in monochrome colors will perfectly fit, but not only gypsum. For minimalism B. finishing materials And the decor is characterized by the presence of metal or glass.

  • Barochko style The design is characterized by multi-layered, which should be taken into account in the design of the bedroom, which should include a minimum of three colors. Walls in such a room are usually painted with noble tones. Such as:
  1. bordeaux;
  2. bright red;
  3. golden;
  4. pleasant nuts;
  5. wonderful emerald;
  6. brown.

This style includes the Royal Decor. For pictures or photos, massive, carved frames are used, the price of which is not small. Ideally fit in the interior gypsum sculptures, such as stucco, bas-reliefs, figurines.

The original frame for the painting of plaster can be made with your own hands.

For this:

  1. in a blank container for food from plastic, diluted gypsum is poured.
  2. the mixture dries over 24 hours;
  3. decorated with acrylic paints;
  4. opens with varnish;
  5. the picture shape carves the picture and glued with PVA liner or on bilateral scotch;
  • For the color of the bedroom in the ancient style Characterized soft, warm shades.

Tip: When repairing the repair in the bedroom, preference for painting walls should be given to beige, azure, purely white, olive and ivory color.

  • In ampir style The color of the walls in the bedroom should be calm, which does not disturb the atmosphere of rest in the room, in which elegance is traced. The interior of gypsum sculptures in the spirit of Eldla is complemented.
  • In modern style used the very different ideas Painting walls in the bedroom, which depends on the tastes of the owner. The main thing is that in the whole interior there is practicality and novelty.
  • In the style of Provence Preference is given to light, translucent tones. When painting the walls will fit the delicate pink, blue, white colors.

Instructions for choosing a color for walls of a bedroom:

  • The selected color should be tested. This is due to the fact that commercial Hall large sizes and S. good lighting, all the paint looks differently than in a small bedroom. Therefore, you need to start purchasing a small amount of paint and try as it will look at the bedroom walls.
  • Consider the gamma of the remaining colors. In addition to painted walls, there are many interior items in the room:
  1. furniture set;
  2. curtains on the windows;
  3. bedspread;
  4. pillows;
  5. favorite paintings;
  6. lamps and more.

Picking color gamut For the walls of the bedroom, you should imagine how these items will be combined with it.

  • Find balance. Bright colors look beautifully on the walls, but they can cause irritation. If the room is painted with bright pink color, furniture and fabrics should be selected calm shades. And in a pure white room it is desirable to arrange bright accents: Picture with the image of scarlet poppies, a sofa of bright blue, covered with a lemon yellow tint.
  • Expand the borders of the bedroom. For too little room you need to use bright wall color, pastel colors. The room will be visually more.
  • Use texture.If you wish to have bright colors in the bedroom, but I do not want monotonous monotony, you need to purchase materials with different textures:, wallpaper for painting.
  • Combine rooms.With any color of staining of the walls, they must be harmonious with the rest of the housing. The desired effect can be obtained by painting the floor throughout the house of one paint or perform the same edging on the ceiling.
  • Pay attention to the ceiling.Its color should be the same as it was used for painting walls, but the shade is selected somewhat lighter.

What color is suitable for children

Tip: When choosing a color of wall covering for a children's bedroom, you should focus on the age of the child.


  • In bright tones you can paint the bedroom of kids and preschoolers.
  • Green and bright blue tones are better used in a schoolboy bedroom.

Bright shades stimulate to rolling games and development. But you should not take too much, the abundance of such paints can be very tired by the baby, make an imbalance.

The room is better to paint around the zones:

  • Calm beige, pleasant gray and gentle blue, soothing light-green shades stands out a berth.
  • For the game corner, you can safely use bright colors, you can make a bright applique on the walls of pastel colors: a fiery-red fox with a bright yellow bolk.

For high school students, it is worth stopping their choice on calm colors: gray, purely white, light beige and original gray-green.

Whose color paint walls for a married bedroom

When painting the walls in the spouse's room, preference is better to give to light peaceful shades. They should not tire spouses or annoy them.

Use light shades for painting walls, and take the color:

  • Yellow.
  • Green.
  • Blue.

Furniture is chosen neutral natural shades. To change the design of the room, you can repaint the walls and replace bright bedspreads without changing the sleeping set.

How to paint the bedroom bachelor

For a lonely man perfectly fit black. The bedroom in dark colors looks stylish and can emphasize the temperament of its owner.

Eliminate excessive gloomy and create a balance can be:

  • The combination of black with shades of light gray.
  • Choose furniture painted in light beige tones, it helps to balance the room and remove the feeling of gravity.
  • Use a snow-white color that will perfectly complement black.

Passion and desire to enjoy life symbolize red. It is ideal for temperamental lonely girls and energetic boys.

Tip: To create a bright flavor, when painting the walls, you should combine two colors: snow-white and bright red. More extravagantly looks at the shades of red in combination with blue and yellow.

How to paint a room for older people

While creating comfortable conditionswhere grandparents will live or elderly parents in the interior of their bedrooms where they spend most There is one very much an important rule - You can not use any contrasts! Shades should only be natural.

Many older people suffer elevated arterial pressure. This eliminates the use of red and its shades. They are under the strictest ban.

When choosing shades of walls for the bedroom of the elderly, you need to smallerly pay attention to fashion trends. The room should have a feeling of calm and silence at his inhabitants.

How to properly pick up the colors for painting in the bedroom of the walls will tell the video in this article.

Most people in the design of walls during repairs is quite difficult to decide on the choice of color. After all, everyone wants to make housing not only cozy, but also always created good mood.

The choice of paint for walls is to approach carefully, since different colors directly affect emotions, performance and human well-being. And before making a solution to painting the walls, you need to know what properties can have each color.


Depth and mysterious color. It has a special energy. Associated with sophistication, tranquility and refinement. Psychologically has a relaxing effect, stimulates creative thinking.

It is perfect for painting walls in the living room, bedroom, as well as in the nursery or in the kitchen.

But you should not use too much dark purple color, because its excess leads to irritation. nervous systemAnd some people can contribute to the development of depression. It is better to use its shades: lavender, lilac, lilac or violet. And for good combination The interior can be used in black or steel furniture and equipment. You can buckle from Italy in the online store here.

White color

Merrably suitable for small bedrooms or bathroom. It has a calm effect, visually expands the space. But at the same time, the white color can cause psychological discomfort. Associate with the hospital and create a feeling of devastation. Therefore, it is better to dilute it with blue, green or red colors, as well as decorative elements. If you need to paint all the walls in white, then it is better to use the shades of beige, cream, or the color of the ivory instead of it.

Causes different emotions. Can make the room with stylish and universal. But at the same time, this is a rather heavy color that can cause negative emotions, make the room gloomy. If there is a desire to paint the walls in black, then for contrast, you can use light furniture, or replace black on a gray shade. Very popular combination of black color with white.

One of the most common colors, which is actively used in interior design. Causes positive emotions and good mood. Fits practically with any shades. And especially - with red and blue. Yellow color is perfectly suitable for painting children's rooms, or kitchen. The most interesting shades: sunny, light yellow and lemon.

Mysterious and deep color. Associate with harmony, calm and eternity. Suitable for registration of any premises. But especially for the bathroom and bedrooms. The most often used blue shade. He makes space comfortable and relaxes. With prolonged exposure reduces attentiveness. Therefore, it should be combined with other colors, such as white, beige and others.

Associated with nature, contributes to the interior harmony and refresh. Some green color May come for painting walls in the kitchen, since it increases appetite. And also perfectly fit into the bathroom. Especially good will look green in combination with yellow, white and gray shades.

Brown relaxes. It causes a sense of calm, and muffles emotions. Dark brown color Created to give an apartment dullness and gloomy. Conversely, in combination with yellow, red and white will create a cozy atmosphere. And for giving modern style Rooms, you can use popular chocolate and beige shades. They will find it profitably look at the walls of the bathroom and in the hallway and even in the bedroom.

It has a powerful energy. Symbolizes a passion, aggression and victory. And in order not to cause annoying people, it is necessary to dilute with white, blue or yellow shades. Now, especially relevant, the so-called Bungur shade of red, as well as the color of melon. In the pink tint you can paint the children's room, the maiden room.

When buying bright colors, furniture should be purchased in light Tones. And when choosing dark, give preference to bright furniture.

  • The walls of rich colors will be better looking at black and white furniture and also technician.
  • In monophonic shades, the rooms will always look more harmonious.
  • Before painting walls, you must clean them well, and remove the mold.

Following these tips, it is possible to make the interior not easy, but absolutely comfortable and only good mood.

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An important stage of repair - Painting of walls in the apartment (design, photo and useful recommendations You will find in our review). If you do not want to glue the wallpaper, it can be used as a coating or painting. To work with the plaster requires a certain experience, and a professional approach is not required for staining of the walls. In addition, there is special paint, imitating plaster. Before proceeding with the Painting Procedure, it is necessary to delve into the process and take into account all the nuances and subtleties of the finish.

Staining walls can be performed very modern and have stylish view

Now we'll figure it out how beautiful to paint the walls. Special difficulties may occur when using multiple shades.Interesting options you can look at photo walls under painting in the interior. Worth repeated in separate elements furniture headset Or in the interior. Cold shades will give rigor to design and visually expand the room. More warm will make the room pastel shades and natural colors.

For your information! To arrange the borders of colors you need to use mosaic, rails and moldings. With the help of a painting tape, combined shades can be divided.

How to choose paint for walls in the apartment: varieties

Choosing paint for the room, first of all you need to take into account its harmlessness. Also decorative painting walls should be performed taking into account the requirements for resistance sun ray. For some rooms it matters detergent.

Solving than painting the walls in the apartment instead, it is better to choose fast drying options that practically do not smell.

Acrylic water-emulsion

The most popular materials should include water-emulsion paints. They are produced on the basis of polyvinyl acetate. Painting Walls water-emulsion paint has many advantages. Such a composition is easily applied and has good shelterness. The paint is wonderful. In this case, any color can have tens of shades. To the advantages of paint should be attributed low price Paint walls.

Acrylic varieties of paint perfectly thank, do not burn out and easily applied. Such a coating is not so easy to damage. In addition, the acrylic coloring composition is characterized by resistance to moisture.

How to paint the surface of water-mounted paint can be viewed in the video:


Silicone paints began to be used for finishing not so long ago, but quickly began to be popular, as they largely exceed alternative options.Such material is successfully used for rooms with temperature differences and with high humidity. With this paint, you can get smooth surface Even without prior alignment.Silicone paint type refers to water-dispersion compositions. It is made on the basis of silicone resins. This allows you to provide environmental friendliness and lack of smell.

Paints have such features:

  • waterproof, which makes it possible to apply the composition in the premises with high levels humidity. On such surfaces, the mold will not appear;
  • parry permeability provides natural moisture exchange in the room;
  • resistance to exposure ambient, such as temperature differences, frost and solar radiation.

Coatings from such paint do not attract dust, over time they do not lose brightness and they can be used for walls from different material.


Latex paint can paint the walls in the room instead of wallpaper. Photos of some successful solutions are presented at the end of the review. This type paints belong to dyes on water based With the addition of synthetic rubber polymer.

Latex paint has such advantages:

  • moisture resistance. This material can be used in premises with high humidity;
  • strength. When dried, a thin film is formed, which allows you to use even detergents for washing;
  • universality. Latex dye creates excellent adhesion with any type of surface;
  • heat insulation. The base of latex provides the surface with additional thermal insulation qualities;
  • ecology. The material does not contain toxic components, which allows it to be used to design walls of residential premises.


Using textural paints Allows you to get a smoothly scratched surface. Based on such coloring compositions lies acrylic paint with pigments I. different additives. For mineral fibers or sand of different fractions are used. Paint can be distributed using a brush, roller or.

Decorative paint. It can be applied to concrete, or plastered surfaces. At the same time it will be necessary primer.There are options with imitation suede, fabric or with a variety of pearl divorces. In some cases, the paint is applied in three layers.

Preparation of walls under painting: nuances of the procedure

Before painting walls, it is necessary to prepare the surface, as it should be smooth. All previous coatings are carefully removed, and then the surface should be checked for irregularities and cracks.

To choose optimal option Preparations should first decide on the design of painting walls in the house. Photo original options We will help to choose the best solution.

For your information! So that the coating is resistant to care and convenient, you can try to apply acrylic primer. It features an antibacterial composition that protects the walls from the appearance of mold and fungi.


Any preparation of the walls includes mandatory priming. Before the wall procedure must be cleaned of construction dust. This can be done with the help of a vein, vacuum cleaner or brushes with a soft pile.

An acrylic soil is often used for primer, which is ideal for all surfaces. Primer is performed using wide brushes, pulverizer or roller. After that, the solution should dry for 5-6 hours.


Also preparatory stage Includes putty. At the same time, the first layer uses the starting spacure. It can be purchased as ready solution or dry mix.The putty is distributed along with a painting mesh from fiberglass. The putty layer is applied over the grid. After drying, the surface is rubbed using a special tool.It is used and that helps create smooth surfaces. After drying, this coating also need to be lost. Thanks to the grainy consistency, the material fills the cracks and depressions well.

Article on the topic:

We will tell about the various compositions and appointments of solutions, ways to prepare required tools and materials, as well as about the technology of application itself. It will seem like an elementary task after reading the article.

How to paint the walls in the apartment do it yourself

It is necessary not only to choose the right paint type correctly, but also to find out how to work with it. Consider the main stages of paint:

  • removing the old coating. If a old layer Compatible with new, then you can remove only bad parts. If the coatings are incompatible, you will have to delete everything completely;
  • the putty is applied with a spatula. At the same time, irregularities and cracks are embarrassed;
  • then grinding is carried out. For this, a special grid is applied or sandpaper. Circular movements are removed all too much, and walls are leveling;
  • with the help of a vacuum cleaner decision is done surfaces;
  • primer. For each paint option, a certain soil is selected. It is better to buy it with paint;
  • painting is performed in several layers. At the same time, the layers are distributed in different directions. Each layer is applied after drying the previous one.

How to paint the wall right you can look at the video:

If you decide to transfer to professional handsthen you should know that the standard price of painting walls for square meter varies within 100-150 rubles.

Painting of walls in the apartment: design and photo gallery

We suggest you familiarize yourself with different photos of painting walls in the apartment.

Walls in the bedroom

Staining walls can become good decision For bedroom. After all, it is harmless and durable coating. Especially relevant ideas of painting walls in combination with the interior style:

  • for registration of the interior of romantic Provence, gently pink, lavender, lilac or blue tones are suitable;
  • baroque interior is characterized by a combination of three colors. It can be gold, nut and light green shades;
  • to finish, High-tech will fit cream, white and heat-gray tones;
  • the classic bedroom is drawn up in beige, cream, brown and dairy tones;
  • ampire style assumes calm shades - olive, beige and burgundy shades.

Bright accents worth using the head of the bed:

Paint drawings in the children's room

Bright and rainbow shades are suitable for decorating. You can use blue, pink, yellow or orange flower palette. Painted walls are the most practical solution for such a room.

For registration more white, pastel and warm shades are suitable. It is not necessary to use dark brown, mustard or purple tones for the interior.

Red color should not be used to decorate the room too active child.

Orange tint is cheerful and wonderfully suitable for a sluggish child. Yellow symbolizes sunlight And vigor.

Natural color is green. It acts soothing and suitable for children with any temperament. Blue color gamut can slow down activity.

The question of how to paint the walls in the bedroom should be resolved before you start repair and even decide on the choice of furniture and decor. In order not to make a mistake, it is important to understand the principles of selection of shades, as well as take into account your own taste. There are many options suitable for bedroom colors, but there are almost win-win options among them. Precisely about such and will we are talking In this article. In addition, you will get useful informationwhich will help make the interior harmonious.

Basic principles for choosing color

Color from the point of view of psychology

Walls are a bedroom background. And the general mood of the room largely depends on their color. Each color has unique features and certainly affects emotional condition. Based on this, you can highlight a number of options most preferred for the bedroom.

the black wall is beneficial to the rest of the interior details.

white walls with different textures and pattern make a light room interesting

the black wall is harmonized with other black items in the interior.

Well here will look green, and in particular, its soft, not too rich shades - pale turquoise, olive, gray-green. They have soothing, softening properties. The room with them looks cozy.

Blue and blue colors create an atmosphere of coolness, purity, hill. They have K. good rest and confusion. Accordingly, the walls of the bedroom may well be painted in such a color gamut.

Brown relieves irritation, makes sense of confidence and stability. Therefore, if possible, it should be used in the wall decoration.

Gray and beige neutral in their impact. White color Promotes rest, gives a feeling of calm and eliminates the voltage accumulated per day.

multicolored geometrical print against saturated purple wall

yellow brings warmth and comfort to the room that predisposes to rest

Dependence of color from the bedroom area

Choosing, in what color to paint the walls in the bedroom, first of all pay attention to its size. If the room is small, it is better to choose light paints. Visually expand the space will help white, cream, light gray or beige, pastel shades of blue, green and purple.

In the large bedroom, you can also use all these colors, but be careful because the result is too spacious, cold and uncomfortable. Therefore, the deep shades of brown, gray, beige will be more preferred here. It will also be good to look soft, diluted with white purple. Such solutions make the bedroom very comfortable, with a good rest, cozy.

light interior in calm neutral tones

red and white room design with vegetable print on the wall

Choice between dark and light

On your decision on which color walls in the bedroom will be painted, not only the size of the room, but also other features. First of all, you need to determine which function will perform a bedroom. If it is located only a bed, and you do not plan to engage in this room other things, most of all, you need the most relaxing atmosphere. This can be created with the help of staining of walls in dark tones. But it is important to keep the balance by adding a bright decor.

dark gray wall balances light interior

from pink Walls and window-arch

in pleasant green tones with rounded decorative elements

If the bedroom will combine the bedroom zone and workplaceAnd perhaps something else, it will be better to withstand it in brighter, neutral tones. Also in such a situation, an excellent solution is the selection of the wall in the headboard bed with a darker color.

Among other things, be sure to take into account your own preferences. Try to submit the end result and evaluate how comfortable you will feel in a similar setting.

with monophonic beige walls and white ceiling

pink objects I. light furniture Speeciously look at the background of gentle blue walls

Best Bedroom Options

Dark brown

This color is great for the color of the walls in the large bedroom. But it should be treated carefully because used in large quantities, It can create an overwhelming atmosphere. So try to close some of the walls of furniture and larger shades decor to maintain harmony. If you have doubts, it is best to highlight one zone and paint it into a dark brown color. It can be a separate plot or a whole wall. All other surfaces are best painted in the same color, but lighter tone.

with brown wall

Neutral colors - Gray and beige

Very nice in the bedroom gray and beige colors used in the color of the walls. It is best to choose matte coatings. They will become an excellent background for the decor. different colors. As a result, you can create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere, making a swept of your favorite shades into it.

Both gray and beige, are universal colors. If we consider their middle tones, they can be applied with the same success in the design of the rooms of any sizes.

with gray walls and ceiling

tints of beige color in the interior


Clean and calm white light is well suited for a small bedroom. Its warm shades can be used in indoor rooms natural lighting. So that the walls do not look empty and boring, they can be decorated with concise paintings or panels in minimalist style.

snow-white air interior with gray carpet

Pastel shades

Blue, lilac and green looks in the bedroom. At the same time, they must be sustained in gentle, pastel colors. Then it is possible to create a relaxing atmosphere, ideally places to rest. Do not overload such a bedroom with a color variety. It is better to use textiles and decor of bright colors in tone walls, as well as elements of neutral tones.

interior in pastel colors with light blue walls

The solution in which color to paint the walls in the bedroom is always purely individual. It depends on the set of factors and on personal preferences. Try to adhere to established rules And remember the principle of harmony. The bedroom is a place where a person is resting, so do not overload it with details and do not use screaming bright colors.

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