Locked houses projects. Country houses in castle style

Garden equipment 13.06.2019
Garden equipment

Private cottage, stylized in the form of a medieval castle - a completely unusual, original and extraordinary solution.

It is believed that the construction of such a building requires a lot of time and money. However, it is not. Professional construction companies today they can offer a number of ready-made and inexpensive design projects or are developing individual plans, based on all the wishes of customers.

Some historical facts

The beginning of the construction of palaces for dignitaries dates back to the 10th century AD. It was at this time that wars broke out in the world between various principalities and states. To protect cities, fortresses were equipped with moats, strong walls, and towers.

The latter were most often made round or polygonal. The larger the fortress was, the more majestic its owner looked. Lived in medieval castles are mostly very influential and rich people.

Subsequently, such structures were often rebuilt not to protect their possessions, but as residences for influential people. Today, castles built in the Gothic, Classical or Renaissance types are considered historical monuments.

Castles in Russia began to be created, starting with the construction of the Kremlin and protective structures. Then they were built as palaces for emperors and persons close to them. The most famous are such domestic buildings as: Mikhailovsky, Vyborgsky, Peterhof architectural ensembles.

There are a number of very interesting facts about castle mansions:

  • as a rule, dressing rooms in them were equipped with an ordinary hole;
  • they were built on a hill so that it would be easier to spot and destroy enemies;
  • natural wood was used to recreate the first buildings - this was necessary so that in the event of a lost battle for territory they could be easily burned;
  • ladders in such structures were always made spiral-shaped - they also performed a protective function (it was more difficult for the enemy to get into the head tower).

The main advantages of castle houses

Specialists in the construction field note a number of advantages that distinguish castle-type cottages from other projects:

  1. they are more monumental, massive and look much more noticeable against the background of other houses of the cottage village;
  2. they organically combine classical architecture and modern design;
  3. if size allows land plot, next to the building you can lay out a beautiful garden;
  4. the facades of such mansions are usually decorated with curly greenery.

Stylistic solutions

There are several design variations in which cottages are being rebuilt in the form of luxurious mansions today.

1. Gothic

One of the most popular is the Gothic one: despite the fact that outwardly such a building may look gloomy, its main decorations are stained glass on the windows, wide arches, beautiful spiers.

2. Renaissance

Another pretty popular design solution among the owners of suburban real estate - castles in the Renaissance style.

In order for the cottage to look sophisticated, when developing such a project, it is worthwhile to clearly think over every detail - from the arrangement of furniture to the territory small garden inside the mansion.

3. Baroque

For those who want to have a home with pretentiousness and many decorative elements, the best option- baroque.

4. Romanesque style

Also, cottages with Romanesque architecture are distinguished by the massiveness and abundance of various columns.

Construction features

Most owners of suburban real estate choose the castle style to make their own cottage more original, to give it a romantic look. True, doing this for an already built house is much more difficult than rebuilding a new one.

For transformation already finished cottages there are several interesting techniques that are willingly used professional designers... One of them is the addition of stairs, gates, balconies and railings with unusual, artificially "aged" forged elements in medieval style... Often, such products are made in the form of bas-reliefs, images of animals.

Windows in castle style make them massive, equip them with stained-glass windows or stucco. In addition, they have arches and they must be made of wood.

They try to make the roof bright and unusual. As a rule, a pitched roof is chosen.

Before starting construction country cottage in the form of a castle, you need to carefully select the site. It is optimal to build such a building on an elevation, a hill. So the construction will acquire additional fundamentality.

To fulfill all necessary work should hire only experienced, highly professional specialists, ideally already experienced in the construction of castle houses. So, definitely, you can't do without a processing wizard natural stone, carpenter, skilled blacksmith. It is advisable to provide them with comfortable living quarters for the duration of the work. Believe me, this way your cottage or summer cottage will be ready even faster.

Materials, style, layouts

When planning the construction of a country residence in the form of a castle, it should be borne in mind that for this it is imperative to use only natural natural building materials. Usually this type of building is constructed from decorative stone or brick. For wall decoration, panels are used natural wood... Marble masonry will cost more.

Naturally, when creating a design project for a castle cottage, you need to carefully work out its interior. V this case you cannot do without antique decorative elements and, of course, functional components.

In principle, sometimes it is enough to give the house only the appearance of a medieval palace, and to equip the living space in modern style... Of course, do not forget about such essential elements for this style as a fireplace, wrought iron railings for stairs and other details.

Toilets and bathrooms are best placed as close to the stairs as possible. Only natural and environmentally friendly materials should be used to decorate residential premises.

Inner space

It is equally important to pay attention interior decoration cottage in a castle style. First, you should correctly and accurately plan the placement of electrical wiring.

Do not forget about fire safety... In principle, pipes for heating and water supply systems are placed according to a standard layout. As for the light sources, to give the rooms a medieval look, you can place a large number of lamps. For more ambiance, candles can be installed in bedrooms and living rooms.

Experts who have been engaged in the construction of buildings in medieval style for many years give some tips for arranging their interior space:

  1. marble can be used for wall, floor and ceiling decoration, decorative rock or modern products that imitate similar building materials (this option will be much cheaper);
  2. you can also simply plaster the walls and ceilings, and subsequently paint them in any suitable color;
  3. antique furniture will ideally fit into the overall interior of absolutely any room (however, you should not install it in the nursery);
  4. curtains should be made of natural fabric, and fur accessories, tapestries, stuffed animals will complement the interior surroundings.

In addition, it would be nice to decorate the interior with several paintings, decorated with gilded frames.

Another accessory that fits perfectly into the interior of the castle house - massive, original wardrobes for storing books. And the books themselves will obviously not interfere!

Since the project of building your own castle is complex and requires special skills of designers and builders, it is recommended to regularly monitor the actions of the construction company's masters. Be careful when signing the contract, clearly write down all the details and do not be fooled!

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For exotic lovers, our company has developed original projects castles, the plans and design of which differ from other large buildings, built, for example, in the style of a palace. Locks were common in X-XVI centuries when Europe was shaken by internecine wars. Therefore, the dwelling was at the same time a defensive structure, adapted for protection from enemies and a long siege.

Architectural features of the "castle" style

The modern project, which implements a "medieval" house in the style of a castle, provides for towers, massive walls, observation windows. Of course, now it is not surrounded by a moat with water, as was customary in the Middle Ages, and inside they do not equip weapons depots. Historical styling is created using typical architectural elements, and finishing materials under the "old".

  1. Medieval-style cottages are solid stone buildings made of bricks, gas blocks with thick walls without ledges.
  2. An indispensable attribute style - towers and turrets are round, or polygonal with small windows - "loopholes".
  3. The external decor is represented by natural or artificial stone, decorative ceramic bricks of brown, gray color.
  4. The roofs are multi-pitched, with canopies and dormers, covered with dark-colored tiles. Sometimes there are "teeth" that give the building a characteristic look.
  5. The windows are elongated in the vertical direction, high, narrow, almost always arched. The "arch" can be stylized - it is emphasized with a different color, or with a special masonry.

In the 17th century, the castle began to acquire features of the palace style. The walls were laid out with light stone, decorated with ornaments, and decorated with bas-reliefs. In general, any project of a house in the form of a castle provides for the construction of a cottage, which with all its appearance shows: my house is my fortress.

Castle style mansion projects

Fortress project No. 39-08 Palace project №33-19

The photo from the catalog shows different solutions... Among the projects of the castle style there are buildings such as a medieval fortress, and there are houses and cottages that are more reminiscent of a palace, for example, project No. 33-19. it big house with a light plastered facade, balconies and a terrace.

All our projects contain a complete package of documentation required for construction: floor plans, masonry schemes, sections of the roof and foundation. A bill of materials is attached to it, and using a special order form, you can calculate an estimate.

Once upon a time, castles were a real stronghold for noble feudal lords. It is not very convenient to live in such structures, but it was possible to wait out the turmoil and defend against enemies. The era of the Middle Ages has long passed, but interest in the architecture of that time has remained to this day. The Elitnoe.RU portal, together with real estate agencies Penny Lane Realty, Kalinka Group and Knight Frank, has compiled the top 5 houses stylized as castles for sale in the Moscow region.

1st place - Fortress in Koptsevo

The castle was built in the prestigious direction of the Moscow region - on the Novorizhskoye highway, but quite far from the Moscow Ring Road - almost 100 km. The complex in the village of Koptsevo is completely subordinated to the medieval style: from the appearance of the buildings to the massive wooden furniture indoors, as well huge fireplaces under the ceiling.

Behind the fortress wall there is a garden with rare plants that once grew up in such domains. The exit to the water, the view of it, the height differences of the landscape complete the whole picture. The territory also fully corresponds to the scale - 7.35 hectares under the residence, 8.6 hectares of forest on the river bank (coastline 1 km) and 4.6 hectares with a stable, where horses of rare and valuable breeds: Arab and Akhal-Teke, and specially brought Tibetan mastiffs guard the horses. The cost of the facility is more than $ 10 million.

2nd place - Residence in Shemyakino

The second place in our rating went to the medieval residence in Shemyakino. The house is located 20 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Leningradskoye Highway. The building has a total area of ​​5 thousand square meters. meters there are knights in human height, collections, an art gallery and a library. The size of the plot, surrounded by walls, is 45 ares. The offer price is $ 3 million.

3rd place - Castle on Rublevka

The complex in "Lyubushkin Khutor" (16 km from the Moscow Ring Road along Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway) is more modest in size than the two previous ones. But the building is fully consistent with the Moscow region style. The walls limit the territory of 60 acres (1.2 thousand square meters), made in the form of a castle with battlements and towers with loopholes. In the basement there is a swimming pool with a health complex. In addition, a guest house with a size of 560 sq. meters. The cottage is sold unfinished. Price - $ 6.5 million.

4th place - House-castle on Novorizhskoe highway

The house is also located on Novorizhskoe highway, but only 2 km from the Moscow Ring Road in the village of Myakinino. The structure resembles a castle only with a central tower - a round donjon, as well as a facade decoration "like a stone". There is a wine cellar, a library and a fireplace room.

The cottage is small, its area is 966 sq. meters, and the plot is 17 hectares. But from the Novorizhsky castle to the center of Moscow, you can get to the metro. The Myakinino station was opened back in 2009. The price of the cottage is 468 million rubles (about 7.5 million dollars).

5th place - Fortress in Barvikha

Another castle from the Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway closes the top five. But it is located almost twice as close to the Moscow Ring Road as a cottage in the KP "Lyubushkin Khutor" - in the village of Barvikha. House with an area of ​​almost 1 thousand sq. meters is sold with a plot of 15 acres. The building is more modern, and only the quadrangular main tower reminds of the castle. The mansion was put up for sale for 424 million rubles (approximately $ 6.8 million).

Unusual castles can attract the attention of others, but such a structure is difficult to sell. Penny Lane Realty spokeswoman Svetlana Manzurkina says that now the elite prefers modern comfortable houses with optimal area... This is confirmed by the head of the Kalinka Group department Anna Veprintseva: “Selling such a personalized project is undoubtedly more difficult than a classic cottage without pronounced stylistic features". According to Oleg Mikhailik from Knight Frank: “There are 2 scenarios for such real estate. The first - someday your own, but it is impossible to predict the timing of the exposure. The second option is strong price dumping ”.

In general, castle houses should be built only as a family residence for many generations, since they are clearly not designed for mass demand.

Not all, even the richest people, are lucky enough to settle in a real ancient castle. But many make attempts to turn their ordinary house... Sometimes it looks very stylish, but more often it is funny. And today we will tell you about the 10 most unusual modern buildings in the form of a castle.

Sleeping Beauty Castle is a symbol of Disney Studios and the most famous object of the Disneyland amusement park. There is a fierce debate about which structure was the basis for the appearance of this building. Among the prototypes are the Neuschweinstein Castle in Bavaria, Notre Dame Cathedral and the almost completely destroyed Castle of St. Hilarion in Cyprus.

Of course, no Sleeping Beauty lives in this castle. This building, built in 1955, is purely decorative and is the gateway between two in different parts Disneyland Park.

There are families with a tree house in their backyard. And the social unit from Great Britain has not a house there, but a whole castle, consisting of several towers and bastions, connected by rope bridges.

Moreover, this is not just a place for children's fun and entertainment, it is a full-fledged living space where the above-mentioned family lives on a permanent basis. There are several bedrooms inside, common rooms, toilets, bathrooms, kitchen and dining room. But all this is not on the ground, but is attached to trees at a height of several meters.

In the village of Akimovka, Zaporozhye region of Ukraine, there is one of the most unusual residential buildings in the whole country. The fact is that this building with a total area of ​​330 square meters looks like a real medieval castle with blank outer walls and defensive towers.

It was originally planned that this modern castle will be for children entertainment center, but the idea could not be coordinated with the local authorities. As a result, the entrepreneur who built it decided to convert the building into his own residential building.

A residential building in the form of a castle in Italy looks much more harmonious, where, unlike the steppes Southern Ukraine, there is a tradition of such structures. But a family from Milan, wanting to live in the castle, decided not to buy one of the many real ancient defensive fortresses, but to rebuild it. Moreover, in such a way that this stylization does not look vulgar and tasteless.

The result is very stylish cottage, one of the volumes of which is very reminiscent of the square tower of an ancient castle. It contains the sleeping rooms for the owners and their guests. And it all stands on the shores of Lake Como, in one of the most picturesque corners of Italy, located 40 kilometers from Milan.

The Californian Napa Valley has very European - Italian or Spanish landscapes. An alternation of hills and flat spaces, endless vineyards and wineries. What is missing is a knight's castle, a centuries-old stronghold that protects local population from the raids of neighboring feudal lords.

But in 2007, a castle appeared there - a complex called Castello di Amorosa, which houses a winery, a tasting room, a hotel and a tourist center. This building with an area of ​​more than 11 thousand square meters is stylized as a European defensive structure.

Moreover, the corresponding style is also indoor spaces- Castello di Amorosa has art galleries, a wine cellar, a Catholic chapel and even a torture room. This pseudo-castle regularly hosts medieval festivals European culture and history.

It is difficult to say what is more in a private residential building with a name located in Piedmont - modernity or history. It would seem that this building clearly looks like a castle. Moreover, two of its towers are original, they were left from a medieval Italian fortress.

But the rest of the towers and premises have absolutely modern look, albeit a little stylized for historical realities. And the pool, arranged in the courtyard of this castle house, completely transports us from the time of the knights to the twenty-first century - safe and comfortable.

Looking at this Gothic building and the green spaces surrounding it, it is easy to believe that it is located somewhere in Britain or Ireland. In any case, outwardly it looks like a centuries-old defensive structure from that region. But, in fact, this castle is located in the village of Khryashchevka, Samara region of Russia.

The Garibaldi Castle Hotel was built in the area in 2012, and the opening inside the VIP Hotel is scheduled for 2014. Despite its appearance, this is a new building - the facing stones that have darkened from time to time were artificially aged.

Surprisingly, the Garibaldi castle does not look tasteless kitsch - it harmoniously blended into the surrounding landscape of the Samara region.

And if the castle-hotel Garibaldi in Khryashchevka looks very dignified, it is clear that good architects worked on it, and expensive materials were used in the decoration, then a similar structure called Excalibur is sheer kitsch.

Anyway, not surprising. After all, this castle is located in Las Vegas - the world capital of kitsch. Inside Excalibur is a hotel, casino and shopping and entertainment center. People go there to spend money in exchange for pleasure and excitement, and not expecting to see something real, historical.

Chinese replica of a French castle

The Chinese managed to copy not only the appearance of this elegant building, but also its interiors. So visitors to the fake castle can admire the same frescoes and paintings that hang in its original, French version.

Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world annually travel to Lapland during the winter holidays to visit Santa Claus. And it is natural that even a castle of this mythical character appeared there, made, of course, of snow and ice.

The Snow Castle houses a twenty-room hotel, a restaurant and a center family vacation... Inside all the rooms of this unusual structure, the temperature froze at around -5 degrees Celsius. So for a comfortable sleep of visitors on a snow bed, they have to cover themselves with several layers of blankets and wild animal skins.

The Snow Castle opens its doors to visitors from December to April.

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