Typical series of Khrushchev. Photo planning

Gardening 14.06.2019

Most houses in cities are typical brick buildings, with standard planning apartments.

Series of Stalinsky Houses - Buildings from bright shades of bright shades or mineralized panels. This project is allocated to the presence of excellent planning, significant ceiling height. For external work Often, materials with granite crumbs were used. Such houses are highlighted by the Tower of the Kremlin type.

Construction of Stalinok started in the 30s of the XX century. Such structures were created by individual developmentsbut a lot and typical houses. Such structures have few similarities with the structures of the old fund.

Khrushchevka is panel, brick or block design. N. S. Khrushchev was initiated by N. S. Khrushchev, they are completely devoid of any excesses when designing and construction. They were built until 1972 inclusive, and in some areas - until 1980

Distinctive characteristics of such buildings:

  • ceiling height - 2.5 - 2.6 m;
  • very small kitchens, bathrooms;
  • mostly layout 2 rooms - adjacent.

After 2000, at home in the 5th floors began to demolish. Khrushchev in 8 and 9 floors were not demolished. The first buildings of Khrushchev - at home series 1-335. They were erected in many cities of the USSR. Due to the lack of thermal insulation, such buildings are subject to demolition.

The designs of the series 1-439, 1-439y - 5-storey block type buildings. Such a plan of buildings were built mainly in nordic regions THE USSR. Khrushchevka series 1-447 - a popular appearance of the attack. Such structures were built in 1970 inclusive. The height of the rooms is up to 3 meters.

Panel-type buildings

Buildings of type 1-464 - Popular facilities of the panel plan of the Times of the USSR. They were erected in the first period of the structure of Khrushchev. Only from 1958 to 1964. More than 200 house-building plants in all regions were engaged in building such structures in all regions.

Series brick houses 1-466 - Typical examples of residential facilities in 1 5 floors. The height of the rooms is 3 m. They were built exclusively in Moscow (northern part of it). Walls of brick houses from fragile viberpich. In the end installed up to 6 panels. Such houses are short-lived.

1-467 series at home - the first panel construction that has a step carriers. For the first time, a project of such buildings included a variation of 1,2,3-room apartment layout. Houses in 1-5 floors of this plan were built in the Moscow region and other parts of the country.

1-510 series at home - fairly common block 5-storey houses. Their feature in the thickness of the outer walls, which is up to 40 cm. These are durable buildings, but some of them are demolished during all sorts of reconstructions of the city's neighborhoods.

Buildings type 1-511 - multisective construction, brick Khrushchev Moscow. In such houses there are apartments for 1-2-3 rooms. There are several modifications of buildings that differ in the height of apartments, the quality of building materials, the type of roof.

Types of MG objects

Houses 1mg-300 or MG-300 - panel buildings In 5 floors. Their feature is available square balconieswhose cube is small. On each floor of such a house there are 3 apartments. They were built before 1968 inclusive.

Buildings of the type of 1P-303-2 - a panel 5-storey building, the second frequency of the buildings in Moscow and the region. A distinctive feature of 5-storey objects - beveled balconies, including end. Constructions type 11-07 - Some of the first panel houses In 5 floors on the territory of Moscow (southwestern part of it). Construction period - 1958-1961. These houses are in emergency, most of them have already been demolished.

Buildings 11-07-19 - panel buildings with fragile exterior walls from Viberpich. Often at home are tiled, each of them has 4 narrow windows in the ends. Almost all structures of this format in emergency condition, but their demolition is carried out only in the western parts of Moscow. Houses 11-17 - Modification of the 1-510 series. Have increased areas of one-bedroom apartment and large square 3 bedroom apartment. Such houses were built in the 60s. last century in Izmailovo, Nagatino.

Objects Malossames

This is an example of Khrushchev above 5 floors in Moscow. Most of them are 8-, 9-storey block structures. In each apartment of such a house there is a seating bath; In two-room apartments, the rooms are often adjacent.

A series of houses 11-18-01 / 09 MIC - brick buildings in 9 floors, analog of block structures 11-18-01 / 09.

Building 11-32 - a typical panel house from viberpich, the external walls of which are tiled.

A characteristic feature of such buildings - balconies on pillars-supports. Variation of this series - 11-32-130 - houses with small apartments (mysteries). They are intended for smooth families. The room has an average of 9-13 square meters. m., and the kitchen has a cube not more than 3-3.5 square meters. m.

Buildings 11-34 - Example of 5-storey brick structures with small housekeepers. Such buildings were built in the capital in different places (1-2 at home in the sleeping areas). These are two-bedroom houses that are connected through the one-storey section, in the center of which is the room - the dining room.

Construction of type 11-35 - 5-storey brick houses with two-bedroom and three-bedroom apartments. Their distinctive feature is the presence of a rather big outer panels. Such houses were often built in 1959-1962. Today they are all demolished.

Objects 11-38 and Brezhnev

Constructions 11-38 - the first panel houses from the bulk elements. The rooms of the apartments were collected at the factories, and on construction sites they were only mounted. These were experimental, trial structures, they were erected in 1959-1962. In Lublin, Cheryomushki. There are also such structures in Perm, Minsk. Type K-7 - Krashchevka frame, panel type. These are mass buildings in Moscow, 1958 construction. Their walls are the thinnest among all, because their demolition is priority.

At the change of Khrushchev, who did not meet themselves at all, breech came. At first it is 8-, 9-storey buildings, which were then turned into 12- and 16-storey. These are the first designs with elevators and garbage supplies. The planning of apartments in such buildings has become more perfect and modern. They improved noise and thermal insulation.

The planning of apartments in such houses has become more comfortable. The construction of such houses began in the 70s. last century. Such houses rightly can be called prototypes of modern structures. After Brezhnev, the buildings on typical projects began to build. The most common series of panel modern structures - Copes, Kope-M-sail, 155 and and-155m, P-3M, P-44M.

During the Board of Khrushchev, many innovations began, affected and housing. Citizens, in his opinion, had to move from terrible communal conditions in a more comfortable, individual accommodation.

Active program has begun on building whole microdistricts with the same standard five-story buildings. Such a brick Khrushchevka - the layout of which is now light sarcasm, at that time it seemed for many luxury.

Features of buildings

Low (2.5 - 2.6 m) ceilings, adjacent rooms, combined bathroom, seated bath and an entrance hall, where two people are barely disperse. According to these features, you can immediately determine the type of apartment, just entering it. The construction of Khrushchev continued until the mid-80s, and the occasionally met at the same series at the same series, but more prestigious layouts, 8 and even 9 floors.

Now many of them are recognized as emergency and gradually demolished, although there are very well-preserved structures. Some were built from concrete blocks, but the main part is still erected from the brick.

Among this type there were houses with a more prestigious layout. Mainly this is the I-528 series, with well-laid walls, a higher ceiling (2.70 m), thoroughly inserted window frames and parquet floors.

A less respectable is the I-335 series, the carrier walls in them are insulated with mineral wool, but the partition is the thickness of just a few centimeters to pass all noises. The adjacent bathroom and a small balcony, or even its absence, do not add advantages.

Brick houses of other series

  1. Brezhnevka. A little later, in the 70s, during the time of the Brezhnev stagnation, appeared new program And the new planning of apartments in brick houses of 5 floors. Many began to call them "improved crushes", as the kitchen was already a little more, the hallway is slightly wider, and the ceilings are slightly higher, and reached 2.7 m. Many houses have already been equipped with an elevator and garbage chute, which added amenities. Often there were also panel, but brick, nevertheless, remained in priority. Large loggia, often - pantry, separate rooms.
  2. Houses of a later era. This is the buildings, which were erected from the late 80s and so far. Projects have become so diverse that now to meet two similar apartments is quite difficult.

Note! Recently, structures made by individual projectsas well as houses with elite apartments. As a rule, they are not built above five floors, and this, in part adds respectfulness to the owners.

Features and advantages of a brick five-story building

  1. Not heated in summer, as a result of which the apartment retains a sufficiently comfortable temperature, even in the heat. Winter in the house.
  2. Standard layout of a 5-storey brick house implies good thermal insulation and sound insulation. Exception can be at home quite old buildings, where interior partitions very thin.
  3. Often on different floors you can find apartments with an excellent plan plan. Often in Khrushchev even hinged balconies were built, starting from the second floor or not in all apartments.
  4. Often, in five-story buildings, an improved planning apartment is equipped with a balcony and loggia, which is very convenient for the owners.

  1. Bearing walls with a thickness of at least 64 cm and the enhanced foundation give a sense of reliability. The house does not sit down and the likelihood of distillates is minimal, even on moving soils and in the proximity of groundwater.
  2. Ventilation holes are made inside the walls. Therefore, no spoiling interior of boxes. In many old five-story buildings, ventilation is provided even under sex coating, it prevents dampness and mold in the cold season.
  3. Apartments in brick houses are very convenient for almost any redevelopment.

Note! For example, the redevelopment of Khrushchev 2 rooms in a brick house will cost almost two times cheaper and faster than in concrete. There is no need to remove the carriers with a perforator, unnecessary can be carefully removed with chisel and hammer.

  1. Evalnamed and environmental friendliness. As you know, a person feels much better in houses from natural material. Plants and animals grow and develop better, it is confirmed by perennial research.
  2. In the brick structure there is an opportunity to equip a two-level apartment. It is very difficult to do in analogs from concrete.
  3. In regions with increased seismic activity, housing owners can live calmly. The house with a reliable basis and thick walls will be firmly standing, not allowing even cracks (see the article).


The house built of brick is not only appreciated above, to remake the apartment to your liking in such a housing is much easier. For example, redevelopment of a three-room Khrushchev in a brick house will take just a few days. As you know, concrete walls are very difficult to remove, and the supporting structures are completely prohibited.

In brick houses, much less bearing walls, and interroom partitions are quite thin. They are most often cleaned by the owners' repair.

There will be no big harm to the house as a whole, but the owners of the apartments can largely win, converting a non-laying plan. Moreover, it is worth removing the apartment of an old planning, where much is uncomfortable for life.

Most frequent redevelopment cases

What are most often done and how is it more profitable to use even a small useful area?

  1. Often, two or three adjacent rooms are combined into one. This is not only visual, but also will actually increase the area and will expand the space. Interior partitions are cleaned, and the resulting room can be zonied to their taste.
  2. Often, absolutely all the sophisticated, making an apartment-studio from housing. This is a fairly fashionable direction. But it is worth considering that if the house is too old built, the overlap from this will become weaker. This may partly threaten the security as the owners themselves and their neighbors.
  3. If you have a very old layout: 5 storey brick house, most likely, it is not equipped with a good loggia. At best, there may be a small balcony that can be used. It is desirable to glash and warm. Insulation, if possible, make the outside to save and so small space. With competent works, you will get an extra room.

  1. Very often combine the kitchen with the living room. This is a profitable option, especially if the kitchen is small. The resulting room can be simply divided by zones. Often, the role of the border between spaces plays a bar counter stand. It is fashionable, and beautiful, and convenient, especially if friends come to you often.
  2. The kitchen is leaving the balcony or loggia can also be expanded. It is not necessary to remove the fully doorway. You can arrange it in the form of a wide arch, it formally divides the rooms, and at the same time decorate the interior. The cooking area can be placed on the balcony, and the dining room is in the former kitchen space.
  3. Passionate bathroom - often occurring inconvenience in old Khrushchev. At the same time, the user can get into the kitchen, only passing from the hallway through the bathroom. Many solve this problem by applying the usual building brick, and laid a passage. The entrance to the kitchen room is equipped with a living room. Given the lack of other options, it is not optimal, but the output.
  4. Expansion of the hallway or cramped corridor - actual problem. As a rule, the bathroom is adjacent to the corridor. Moreover, it is usually indecent small sizes, and it can hardly fit in it. In this case, at least the instruction and prohibits it, it is possible to combine the toilet with the bathroom, and to push the hallway by removing the extra partitions.
  5. Sitting bath - another sign of the old building. Moreover, the room usually does not allow it to be replaced with a standard design. For those who like to take a shower, there is an option with the installation of the shower. It will give extra square, and will save you from the old non-zeal bath of the 60s.

Redevelopment and law

When going to remake the apartment inside to your liking, do not forget that not everything is not always resolved by the world. No matter what years the construction, and which series is your home, the design is provided by the plan and should not be violated without appropriate permission.

Moreover, the alteration is fraught with the consequences if you interfere in the design of the old fund. The fact is that in most cases, overlaps, as well as interior partitions of Khrushchev and Brezhnev, made of wood.

Over time, the material loses its strength, some fragments may already be disgruntled and pretty deformed. Having demolished additional strengthening walls, you still weaken the main.

Even if a good double silicate brick M 150 was used to build a house, this is not a reason to relax. Agree of repair will have not only with neighbors, but also with the housing inspection.

You will need to provide the organization an architectural project developed in the Design Bureau, as well as the PPM documentation 508 as amended 840-PP. After consideration of your plans and documents and obtaining official permits in writing, you can proceed to reconstruction.

Apartments with arbitrary layout are often found in the homes of the new Fund. On the one hand it is convenient, because you will have to do not redo the old, but only to add the missing.

But with coordination may arise difficulties, as the inspection will be carried out after reconstruction. And the price of such a problem is not always approval and permission from the organization, as a result of which you will have to eliminate some designs.


Typical series of residential buildings

Typical series of residential buildings - Types of houses of mass series, built in the cities of the USSR and in some countries of the Warsaw Treaty, and which are the basis of the architectural appearance of many sleeping areas of these cities. By construction technology, serial houses are divided into panel, block and bricks.


By virtue of political, ideological and demographic reasons, the period of the Khrushchev "thaw" was the first in the history of the Soviet planned economy, when, along with the development of a heavy industry, a significant increase in the production of consumer goods and everything, one way or another associated with the needs of people, and not the military-industrial Complex and resource consuming commodity industries.

However, by the mid-1980s, individual apartments had only 85% of families: in 1986, Mikhail Gorbachev pushed the deadline for 15 years, putting forward the slogan "every Soviet family - a separate apartment by 2000."

The prototype for the first "Khrushchev" was the Block Buildings (Plattenbau), built in Berlin and Dresden since the 1920s. Construction of residential buildings "Khrushchevok" continued from 1959 to 1985. In 1956-1965, more than 13 thousand residential buildings were built in the USSR, and almost all - five-story buildings. This allowed to introduce 110 million annually square meters housing. An appropriate production base and infrastructure was created: house-building plants, ZhBI plants, etc. The first house-building plants were created in 1959 in the Glavnyingrafts system, in 1962 were organized in Moscow and in other cities. In particular, for the period 1966-1970 in Leningrad, 942 thousand people received residential SquareMoreover, 809 thousand settled in new homes and 133 thousand got the square in old houses. Since 1960, residential 9-storey panel houses is maintained, from 1963 - 12-storey.


The components of the panel house made in the factory

The components of the panel house, which are large reinforced concrete plates that are manufactured on the factories. In the factory conditions, the jbby are made according to existing gta stations, therefore it is assumed that their quality should differ in the positive side of the products produced directly on the construction site. But in reality, in some plants, the proper technology is not respected. The construction of a panel house resembles an assembly of a children's design set. The construction site is delivered already ready details Constructions that builders remain only mounted. As a result, labor productivity on such a construction is very high. Area construction site Much less than the one that is needed in the construction of a brick house. Such long and time-consuming processes as the installation of fittings or concreting, which are characteristic of monolithic housekeeping, are completely excluded. Just in this specialists and see the main advantage of panel house-building before other types of construction. The disadvantages of this species is a poor-quality assembly of the design. The patient is interpanel seams, through which, with improper performance, wind and water penetrates. Also for panel houses is characterized by bad sound insulation, unlike houses with wooden floors and some types of monolithic houses.

Sesomestability questions

In the same conditions, panel and monolithic apartment and multi-storey houses in the seismic zone are preferable due to the design features of these houses, in which almost all walls are "carriers", and the overlaps between themselves are rigidly connected. In such houses, individual elements are less flexible than in frame, and they work as a single design. The houses with reinforced concrete frame and brick walls should also withstand the seismic load, but in such houses there must be reinforced concrete walls (hardness diaphragms) to give the stability house, or reinforced concrete "stiffery cores", the role of which is performed by elevator shafts and stairs.

Typical series of houses


Since 1947, a full-blood large-poinner housing has been developed at the USSR Academy of Architecture. Frame-panel and frameless houses are built:

  • 4-5-storey (Moscow, Leningrad, Magnitogorsk)
  • 8-storey with panels for two floors (Moscow)


The height of the 5th floors was chosen because, according to the current standards, it was the greatest flood, at which it was allowed to build houses without elevator (however, at home and in 6 floors were built - with a shop on the first floor).


  • II-01.
  • II-02.
  • II-03.
  • II-04.
  • II-05
  • II-08.

In English

  • en: Category: Urban Studies and Planning Urbanistry


  1. although for very many and the room in publications in the first years of Soviet power was an improvement in housing conditions, allowing them to move from corners and basements;
  2. Implementation of the program of mortgage housing lending to employees of Russian Railways and the prospects for participation in it NPF "Welfare". Abstracts of E. V. Sukhorukova, executive director of the NPF "Welfare": As many know, in Soviet Russia, the authorities first thought about providing citizens housing after the war. In 1955, August 23, a decree of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers of the SSR Union "On measures for further industrialization, quality improvement and a decrease in the cost of construction" was published. Party directives were prescribed: by September 1956 to develop typical projects, allowing you to drastically reduce the construction of housing and make it accessible to workers. The goal of the project was as follows

The project of the 5-storey 3-section residential building was fulfilled in 2011 on the basis of the task of designing and resolution of the head of the rural settlement of the Gabovskoye Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region. A plot intended for construction is a total area of \u200b\u200b0.52 hectares located in the village of Gabovskoe Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region. The project provides for a residential building for 53 apartments with an exploited attic and an exploited plot of technical underground. On the ground floor of the house there are office space with jobs for administrative services of the village of Gabovskoe in the amount of 19 seats. The building was elevated in October 2012.

Architectural and planning solutions:

The residential building is a 5-storey, 3-section, rectangular shape, with an exploited attic and an exploited plot of technical underground. The size of the house in the extreme axes of 15.3 × 53.32 m. The project provides 3 ordinary rectangular sections. Inside the building from 1 to 5 floor there are apartments. On the first floor there are also office premises with separate outputs directly out. Each section of the house has its own staircase to which doors come out. For the livelihood of low-breed populations and people with limited features Provided at the entrances to the entrance ramps with a bias 1:12 and inside the building in front of the stairs.

Volume and planning solutions:

Surgical-planning solutions of the building are adopted in accordance with the task of design, technological solutions for residential and office premises, existing construction rules and norms, sanitary standards, technical regulations and the city planning code. Constructive building circuit - frameless wall, consisting of brick walls, hollow plates overlaps, coatings and monolithic reinforced concrete belt Fundament. The carrier elements are foundations, walls and slabs of overlaps. The building provides an operated attic to laying communications and non-exploitable underground.

The walls of the building are external and internal - brick (outer b \u003d 380 mm, internal transverse and longitudinal b \u003d 250,380 mm). The base part of the building is from full-length red brick B \u003d 510 mm. Plates of overlapping and coatings are concrete concrete. Stair Machi. Performed from metal cosomes and precast concrete steps. The platforms are provided by reinforced concrete monolithic in metal beams. Roof - Double. Building foundations - monolithic reinforced concrete belt.

Technical and economic indicators of the designed facility:

flooring of the building: overhead floors - 5; attic - 1;
Building volume of the building: 12680,60 cubic meters. m;
Building area: 748.50 square meters. m;
total area of \u200b\u200bthe building: 663,54 square meters. m;
Living area of \u200b\u200bthe building: 663.54 square meters. m;
Number of apartments: 53 (including one-room: 36, two-room: 14, three-room: 3);
Total area of \u200b\u200bapartments: 2364,54 square meters. m;
Total area of \u200b\u200bbuilt-in premises: 410.50 square meters. m;
area technical premises + attic: 19,0 + 206.40 square meters. m.


Ruins of demolished Khrushchevka in Moscow

The territories of the expandable 5-storey panel houses are built up with 17-25-storey residential buildings, mainly new series of panel houses. Also continuing to build panel houses Series 88-91GG. Since 1995.-2002 began to build brick panels with beige polygonal carbollar triangles


Center of the Novokosino district. Series P-44

  • GMS-1.
  • Individual project monolith-brick
  • And-155
  • And-1723 outer walls - from brick, internal design - from panels.
  • And-1724.
  • Cope The height of residential premises - 2.64 m. The series is houses from layout (catalog) volume and planning elements (abbreviated "CAE") representing a vertical unit into the height of the house and part of the section in the plan. Combined "CAE" form a variety of architecture residential buildings-complexes.
  • Cope-M-sail more than 60 percent of facades area - Glass
  • MES-84.
  • P-3M The height of the residential premises is 2.64 m. Type - panel houses. Floors from 8 to 17.
  • P-44T Modification of the P-44 series, main project DSC-1
  • P-44TM compared to P-44T increased area of \u200b\u200bapartments
  • P111m
  • PB-02 during construction and panels are used, and blocks
  • Series 75.
  • Series 87 (Ukraine)
  • Series 83 (111-83) House of the 83 series were called upon to replace the series 1-468.
  • Series 97 (111-97)
  • Series 121.
  • 135 modified series in 2012 - panel houses. Floors from 3 to 9. Cross-wall structural system with bearing wire walls, with two internal and two outer longitudinal carrier walls (the maximum step of the bearing walls is 6.3 m), internal longitudinal walls Located continuously along the entire length of the building. Working drawings of typical modified projects are designed by block element method. For areas with seismicity, 8 points are used typical projects 135-014С-9M, 135-015С-9M, 135-014С-9M, etc.
  • Series 141 (121-141)
  • Series 182 "Mobile"
  • Series 600.11
  • 90l series and 90l-m
  • "Contact SP"
  • Series "Makarovskaya" or "Optima"

Series of monolithic houses

Most often, monolithic buildings are raised by individual projects, but there are several series of monolithic houses:

  • Ear
  • Unicon
  • Series: III / 17

Types of apartments and their characteristics

There are several classifications of apartments. Common reductions and their decoding:

  • PG or "Stalinki" - full-sized apartments are houses built to Khrushchev housing experiments (Stalinist). They have high ceilings up to 3.5 m, large comfortable kitchens up to 15 sq.m., the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartments: from 110 sq.m. three-room and up to 40 sq.m. one-room. Rooms in these apartments are isolated, bathrooms separate, large staircases. Houses 3-, 5-storey, usually brick.
  • Xp - Khrushchevka are residential 4- or 5-storey houses built during the Khrushchev housing program, when a country needed a massive and inexpensive housing construction in the post-war time. Therefore, apartments of a small square were built, compact enough, as a rule, with adjacent rooms, with low ceilings, with a total area of \u200b\u200b60 sq.m. Three-bedroom, 43 sq.m. Two-room and 30 sq.m. one-bedroom apartment, with small kitchens (5-6 sq.m.), combined bathrooms and balconies in some apartments.

Panel house

  • A type. or Art. - Typical or standard planning of apartments - this is an apartment of the next (after the Khrushchev time) generation: the height of the ceilings from 2.6 m to 2.75 m, the total area of \u200b\u200bapartments from 63 sq.m. three-room up to 33 sq.m. One-bedroom, kitchens 6-7 sq.m., rooms in two-room isolated, in three-room - adjacent, isolated, bathrooms, as a rule, are isolated, there are balconies and loggias. It is 5-, 9-storey houses with the presence of garbage disposal and elevators. The bulk of these houses is built from reinforced concrete panels.
  • U / P. - Apartments improved planning. As a rule, these are panel 9-storey houses with an enlarged area of \u200b\u200bapartments: 69 sq.m. Three-bedroom, 53 sq.m. Two-room and 39 sq.m. One-bedroom apartments, also increased kitchen area up to 9 sq.m., all rooms are isolated, separate bathrooms, there are balconies and loggias. Houses are equipped with elevators and garbage supplies.
  • El. - "Elite" apartments, or new generation apartments. Do not have restrictions on the area, diverse in their layout. Most often, the future owner himself plans his housing. Equipped large quantity The service is underground garages, garbage chutes, elevators both passenger and cargo, storerooms and vegetable stores, large staircases, convenient access roads, are possible gYM's, saunas, etc.
  • 103 Series - One of the very first, built in all republics of the USSR. The houses of this series are built of red bricks and white concrete, the house is 5-storey, the elevator does not usually have, but in some homes there are garbage chutes and 2 entrances, on each floor of 3 apartments (on the first floor there are 2 apartments), on the sides of 2-3 bedrooms and in the middle of 1-1.5 rooms, Total 14 apartments for each entrance. There is a loggia (except those who have 1-1.5 bedroom apartment)
  • 104 series - The high-storey house is spread throughout the USSR, but there are not so many of them. House 16-storey, there is a passenger and cargo elevator, garbage chute. This series is distinguished by the fact that in each apartment there is a large loggia along the room and kitchen (like the "small-sample"), and the usual window.
  • 119 Series - Some of the first 9-storey houses. One of the later projects, along with 602 series there is an elevator and garbage chute. In the apartment where 2 rooms and more, there are 2 loggias - one bigger, the other is smaller.
  • 467 series - 9-storey house, there is a lift and garbage chute. Interested in an entrance project: on each floor there are 4 apartments, there is small premises, separated from the staircase wall, entrance to the floor through the door (Probably to remove the doors of apartments from the smell of the garbage tree), the elevator is installed at the indoors. Total apartments in each entrance - 36. There is a loggia.
  • 602 Series - One of the most recent series of projects of residential buildings of small floors (standard - 9 floors). On the floor 4 apartments. The project is interesting because the elevator and garbage chute are between the floors of the staircase. All the doors of the apartments are near, which in some cases creates problems to neighbors who wish to enter \\ go out at one time. In some old houses, the elevator is located on the very first floor, at the entrance to the entrance, in newer, the elevator is located on half the story above. There is a loggia.
  • Malostema - Houses are built by the type of hostels. There are 5, 9, 12-storey houses. In such apartments there is a very long loggia, stretching into the kitchen and room, most apartments on the floor of 1-bedroom, 2-room apartments on the floor are only two. The entrance in the house is only one. There is a lot of apartments on the floor and they are located by the type of hostel. 9-12-storey houses are equipped with elevator and garbage chute, the 5-storey house has only a garbage chute.
  • Lithuanian project - (Sokr. Lithuanian) at home, according to the name invented in the Lithuanian SSR, are common in the Baltic States. There is only 5, 9-storey houses, a garbage chute and an elevator only in high-rise buildings, on the floor there are 3.4 relatively large apartments on the floor (at the same time the kitchen, bathroom and the corridor in the amount occupy about 14 sq.m.), there is a loggia, a kitchen in All apartments are the same - 6.5 sq.m.

Panels for residential buildings for socialcultum

In the group of architects under the leadership of Valerian Kirchogriani Workshop No. 10 LenProject (now LenNieProekt) developed projects of typical kindergartens using standard DSC products. The development of typical projects of frame-panel kindergartens was carried out since 1964. Project kindergarten Series 1-335A-211 - used panels manufactured for the construction of residential buildings of the series 1-335A. There were two modifications - a single-storey building for 140 and a two-story building on 280 children. Workshop projects No. 4 - Series 2C-04 - were developed by the efforts of architects V. Berezkin and V. Maslov, similar to 140 and 280 children. Projects of these workshops were similar, since all kindergartens in the plan were H-shaped. These types of kindergartens were used in the construction of Leningrad residential neighborhoods in the 1970s. The mass construction of kindergartens in Leningrad from the beginning of the eighth anniversary typical project 212-2-3lg, developed by architect M. Sadovsky.

Elements of panel buildings

  • Engineering systems.

Other countries

In France, for the exhibition "Autumn Salon" of 1922, Eduard Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanner presented the project "Modern city by 3 million residents", in which a new vision of the city of the future was proposed. Subsequently, this project was transformed into a "Voisen Plan" () - a developed proposal for the radical reconstruction of Paris. Woisen plan envisaged the construction of a new business center of Paris on a fully cleared territory. For this, it was proposed to carry 240 hectares of old building. Eighteen of the same skyscrapers and offices in 50 floors on the plan were located freely, at a sufficient distance from each other. The building area was only 5% at the same time, and the remaining 95% of the territory was discharged under highways, parks and pedestrian zones. "Woisen Plan" was widely discussed in the French press and became a kind of sensation.

In 1924, by order of the industrialist, Henri Fries in the village, Pesssak under Bordeaux was erected by the Corbusier project "Modern Houses of Fries" ( Quartiers Modernes Frugès.). This town, consisting of 50 two-three-storey residential buildings, was one of the first experiments of the construction of homes series (in France). Here are four types of buildings, various configuration and layout - tape houses, blocked and separately worthy. In this project, Corbusier tried to find a formula modern house at affordable prices simple forms, uncomplicated in construction and with this modern level of comfort.

At the international exhibition of modern decorative and industrial arts of 1925 in Paris, the Pavilion "Espiri Navo" was built ( L'Esprit Nouveau.). The pavilion included a residential cell of an apartment building in full size - an experimental apartment in two levels. A similar cell of Corbusier used later, in the late 40s, when creating his Marseille residential unit. Marseille block (1947-1952) is an apartment building in Marseille, located mansion on a spacious landscaped area. Corbusier used in this project Standardized Duplex Apartments (in two levels) with loggias, leaving on both sides of the house. Inside the building - in the middle of its height - there is a community range of services: cafeteria, library, mail, grocery stores, etc. On the enclosing walls of the loggia, for the first time on a scale, coloring is applied to bright clean colors - polychromia. Such residential units (partially modified) were erected later in the cities of Nantes-Reshé (1955), MO (1960), Brie-An-Fore (1961), Fernimi (1968) (France), in West Berlin (1957). In these buildings, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "radiant city" was embodied. Corbusier - cities favorable for human existence. In 1950, at the invitation of the Indian authorities, Punjab, Corbusier began to implement the most large-scale project of his life - the draft new capital of the state, the city of Chandigarh. As in the Marseille block, for outdoor decoration A special technology for processing a concrete surface, the so-called "Béton Brut" (Fr. - Unprocessed concrete) is applied. This technique, which has become a feature of the Stylistics Le Corbusier, was picked up later by many architects of Europe and countries of other regions, which made it possible to talk about the emergence of a new course "Brutalism". Brutalism was most common in the UK (especially in the 1960s) and in the USSR (especially in the 1980s) by the beginning of the 1980s. Western Europe overwhelmed the wave of protests against this kind of building. Over time, brutalism began to be perceived as the embodiment of the worst qualities modern architecture (alienation from human needs, sweatlessness, claustrophobicity, etc.), and his demand has come to not. The city of Brazilia, the capital of Brazil, built according to plan, was created as an embodiment of the vision of Le Corbusier, and includes some of the world famous samples of typical residential buildings developed by him in the 20-40s.


"Platanbau" ("panel building")

  • Russia: "panel house", "Block house" or simply "Block"
  • Czech Republic: Panelák (block houses in former Czechoslovakia on Wikisklad)

Term panelák. It is used specifically towards block houses built in former Czechoslovakia. Nevertheless, similar houses were built in others. socialist countries, and even in Western Europe. Equivalents of Panels (Czech term "panel" ("Panelák")) in other languages:

  • french: Maison à Panneaux
  • german: Plattenbau / "Plat'enbau" ("panel building")]
  • Austria: GEMEINDEBAU / "GEMINDEBAU" ("Community Building")
  • bulgarian: panel block, panel
  • croatian: stambeni Blok. ("Tile block")
  • slovak: Panelový DOM. ("Panel House")
  • polish: Blok., Wielka Płyta. ("Welk (Great / Big) Path") (Block houses in Poland on Wikisklad)
  • romanian: BLOC
  • italian: Casa Prefabricata.
  • estonian: Paneelmaja.
  • hungarian: panelház. ("Panel House") or tömbház. ("Block House"), Transylvanian Option;
  • finnish: Elementtitalo., Tornitalo.
  • serbian: stambeni Blok. ("Stample (Tile) block")
  • catalan: bloc Prefabricat.
  • spanish: Torreta Prefabricada. (in the USA often - Panel or Sectional)
  • esperanto: Slabokonstruaĵo.
  • Slovenian language: SK: vežový dom

A project of a 5-storey apartment building. DWG.

Sections ar, kzh, EO, VK, s

A project of a 5-storey residential building. Description of design solutions

Construction solutions and designs

The building is a 5-storey, monolithic frame, reinforced concrete. The height of the floor -3.0 meter.
After the development of the pit for the analysis of the soil. (In the case of the foundation of other primers, inform the project developers).
The foundations are calculated on the base grounds - drums solid with the following calculated characteristics: y \u003d 19kn / m3, u \u003d 19 degrees. C \u003d 25 kPa. (Stock material "Report on engineering and geological surveys at the facility:" Shop on Vperova Store. "Arch. №930 chipboard). Suglinka subsidence of the first type
Foundations and monolithic particulate walls are performed on sulphate-resistant cement.
Foundations under columns - monolithic reinforced concrete, under the walls of technical pulp and diaphragms of rigidity - belt.
The walls of technical-monolithic walls reinforced concrete thickness 300 mm. With warming up 100 mm thickness thickness.
Column monolithic reinforced concrete cross sections 400x400 mm.
The diaphragms of stiffness are monolithic reinforced concrete thickness 200 mm thick.
Overlapping and coatings - monolithic, reinforced concrete thickness of 220 mm. Skostka - concrete.

All non-revised surfaces of structures, with a hot bitumen in contact with the soil 2 times, on a primer from a diluted bitumen.
Concreting for negative temperature ambient and temperatures above + 25 degrees. The requirements of the RK 5.03-37-2005 "Bearing and Fencing Constructions" should be performed.

In the manufacture of all types of work, it is guided by SNIP RK 1.03-05-2001 "Labor protection and safety in construction.
Steel structures to paint the enamel of PF-115 GOST 6465-76 in the 2-layer on the primer of GF-021 GOST 25129-82 in the 1-layer according to Snip RK 2.01-19-2004.
Flame protection of steel structures to perform an IPM-2 intimidating coating (GOST 25131-82) at a flow rate of 6 kg / m2 and with a coating thickness after a 4 mm sweeping.

Water supply and sewage

The project adopted the following technical solutions:

Laying devastating networks of cold and hot water supply on technical.
- the production of domestic sewage to the well of the shared network.
- A waterway assembly with cold water meter is installed on entering the building.
- hot water supply - central (see section "OB")

Heating and ventilation

The project of heating and ventilation of the residential building is designed in accordance with the drawings of the AC, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP of the Republic of Kazakhstan 4.02-05-2001, Snip RK 3.02.01-2001.
The calculated temperature of the outer air for heating is accepted by TN \u003d -31 S.
The source of the heat supply of the building is -tz.
The duration of the heating period is 200 days.
The total settling leave of heat is 580000 kcal / hour.
The parameters of the coolant 130 - 95 C.
Hot water supply - from the thermal node.
The heating system of a residential building is a single-tube, dead-end with p-shaped with a layout of feed and return highways for technical.
As heating devices accepted cast iron radiators M90-108.
Ventilation of the residential building is provided - exhaust, natural, through ventications kitchen and bathrooms. Ventkanals perform a box in a box. 200х200 of flat asbestos-cement sheet.
Pipes accepted-steel water-gas pipes according to GOST 3262-75 **
Installation of heating and ventilation systems lead in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85.

Power supply and lighting

As an introduction and distribution device, a hand type shield is received, which is installed in a techniculous house. For the electricity supply of apartments from the entry and distribution panel, the supply lines are departed, which are suitable for SCE 3300 cabinets.

Power cabinets Shhe are installed on the floor. In the closets there are electricity metering counters, automata to protect group lines of apartments and junction boxes for low-current devices.

In the lighting floor shields, the Shhe increases the cabinet doors with a locking device that provides access to them only by the power supply organization's personnel. Accounting for electricity for basement lighting and staircases Exercised by the counter installed on the hand panel.

Group lighting lines are made by the PUNP brand wire, laid in the pipe is hidden in the ceiling, in the stranges of the walls.

By purchasing housing, the new owner often wishes to renew him at his discretion. However, to carry out any redevelopment or other changes legally, it is necessary to have enough information about an apartment building. Some of them can be found from the documents received from the previous owner. A lot of houses says a lot.

The projects of residential buildings directly affect the feature of the planning of apartments, as well as the service life of the house. Residential buildings most of them were built during the USSR and have typical standard projects. Each project assigned a certain series that carries certain information. Learn a series of houses in which the apartment is located in several signs.

So, for example, the time of the construction of the property of real estate plays a major role. Previously, during the Time of the USSR, the construction of buildings in five and nine floors was practiced, panel houses were massively erected, which reduces the cost of residential premises, took place the actual transition from communal apartments to individual. To obtain the necessary data, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere to seek them and how to use them.

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Distribution by year

Types of lots of residential buildings have developed from mass single-type buildings. Sleeping areas erected throughout Russia before the collapse of the USSR, consist of precisely such objects. In this case, three versions of the construction method were used: panel, block and brick.

Common types Distinctive features Construction period
Stalinka (Full agenic apartment - PG) Brick buildings, comfortable planning of apartments, high ceilings 1950
Khrushchevka (five-storey) Panel and block structures, thin walls, low ceiling 1957-1961
Brezhnevka (from nine to twelve floors inclusive) With an enlarged area of \u200b\u200bapartments, other characteristics do not differ from previous residential facilities 1963-1970
Late Brezhnevka Improved planning, some projects and today are used in construction 1970-1990
New houses There are no restrictions on the number of floors, a spacious layout of an improved characteristic, where each room highlighted its own target purpose. 1990 days

The most common types of residential buildings are listed here, but there are some other varieties. In particular, they can be determined, knowing, in which year the house was commissioned.

Where to looking for

You can get information about the series of your home by contacting housing and communal services or other controlling company. In addition, the initial projects of residential buildings are displayed in technical passports. If there is no such document for any reason, restore it or get it in the technical inventory bureau. There should also be contacted if the layout was made in a timely, and now it needs to be legalized or to return the accommodation to the same thing to issue a mortgage.

The necessary data is also stored in the city construction department. There should be to contact if the object of the old and developer is impossible to find. In the urban department there is an archive in which the plan of the building is necessarily located. He will be stored there until the structure is eliminated.

If a series of houses need to learn with unfinished construction, the path lies with the development company. In practice, it is not necessary to go there, because according to the rules at the site of construction, a large stand or a poster is hanging on which there is basic information about the future object.

It is worth noting that neglect of such information is further fraught with a weighty fine.

Block and "Brezhnevka"

In the years of the USSR, typical block houses were actively built and the so-called Brezhnev. Each type of storey residential buildings has its own characteristic. distinctive featuresThanks to which you can independently define their belonging:

Common serial numbers of such residential objects are P-42, and-209, as well as 1605am.

Individual and brick-monolithic

Individual type of home is widespread in our time. It is worth noting separately, since the series is assigned even a brick house, which was built by the owner of a typical project. No restrictions have been installed for him, so unlimited fantasy is often going to work. Of course, in this case, the owner is interested in thermal and sound isolation, comfort, external design, high-quality repairs and double-glazed windows. Such buildings are distinguished by the high cost, which consists of a location of the house, environmental situation, infrastructure and other things.

Speaking of brick-monolithic houses, their popularity is about the same as in classic brick buildings. The structure of such buildings is distinguished by a monolithic concrete frame, which will be further brocked further. Thus, the cost of the property is reduced without loss of strength and reliability. The design is able to withstand such disasters like floods and even earthquakes. Inside, all partitions play the role of bearing walls, and substantial repairs will not require a hundred years.

Monolithic and panel

Typical projects of monolithic floors of residential buildings are different in that they are completely made of concrete. In fact, formworks are put on the construction site, where the concrete is after poured. It follows from this that there will be no seams on the walls, and therefore, thermal and noise isolation in such a housing is excellent. Moreover, an additional insulated material is often used, and the walls are thinned brick. However, due to no less durable. Despite rumors that rely on harmful properties Monoliths due to allegedly not breathable walls of apartments, modern materials fully refute this myth. Fears are associated with the old buildings of the Times of the USSR, when it was not particularly high-quality material, but this has long been not.

Panel type is completely divided into several categories with separation over the area. So, for example, the panel houses 137 series are very spacious, but the maximum area is 70 sq. M. (Kitchen 9 mq.). This is followed by the six hundred middle-class series with the apartment metro station not more than 65 square meters. (Kitchen 7 mq.). The third option is the budget houses of 504 series with a kitchen of 6.3 square meters. Also, their distinctive feature are very high windows and the absence of a window sill.

"Stalinki" and "Khrushchevka"

"Stalinki", built in the USSR, still relate to elite. The apartment in such a house is expensive, but the owner gets really prestigious and comfortable accommodation with a large metro station, spacious rooms, a comfortable access and a presentable view of the building. In addition, there are such series in good areas, often in the city center. In this case, the type of series is not one, but divided into two categories depending on the material used. The material here is either a brick or a slag block, later and cheap option with less noise insulation. This type Houses stopped building in 1956.

"Khrushchevka" has a standard five floors. To date, such houses are no longer built and, moreover, demolition is slowly. They do not differ in the inner comfort, have a small metrar with a kitchen at 6 mq. And with the ceilings in 2.5 m. During construction, brick was previously used, and at a later time panels were already used to reduce the cost of apartments. This led to a decrease in thermal insulation. In winter, in such residential buildings is cold, and in the summer, on the contrary, it is hot. In addition, these types of episodes are deprived of the elevator, garbage disposal and have a combined bathroom.

Information in this article is provided for familiarization.
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1957-1962: First portion of the series

Series I- 515 (5th. Panel, 9th. -B 70s.)

Multisective, panel residential building with ordinary and end sections.
In the house 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments.
The height of the ceilings is 2.48 m.
Outdoor walls Cerass concrete panels-blocks with a thickness of 400 mm.
Internal - concrete panels thick. 270 mm.
Partitions Gitzobeton panels 80 mm thick.
Overlapping reinforced concrete multi-back panels with a thickness of 220 mm.

Had a continuation as a massive 9-storey series
and experimentally - 12 -st floor.

As a rule, it is relatively well preserved.
Reconstructed series

During the reconstruction of the 5-storey residential building of the 1-515 series
no separation of residents.

Series II-32 (5th. Panel)

II-32 - series of panel five-storey multi-section residential buildings,
one of the first episodes of industrial house-building, the basis of some areas
mass residential building of the 60s.
Distinctive feature:
balconies are based on backups, coming from the foundation until the last floor.

In the houses there are no elevators, but we usually have garbage disposals.
Heating, cold and hot water supply - centralized.
In homes there are 1, 2 and 3-bedroom apartments with separate and combined bathrooms,
three apartments on the floor.
Ceiling height - 2.60 m.
The outer walls of the facades are made of viberpical panels with a thickness of 320 mm
with insulation from a large-grinding ceramzite concrete.
Internal walls - viberpic panels in one brick.
Calculations showed that the carrier properties of viberpic panels are two times higher,
than a conventional brick wall, however, due to the smaller thickness and more
filling with a solution of emptiness Many positive properties.
Cleansing and external end walls are reinforced concrete panels.

There is also a version of the II-32 series houses with small-sized apartments.
Several such houses can be found on Zelenograd street. in Moscow.
In this case, there are no balconies, the ends of the deaf, consisting of 4 panels,
and in the entrance can be 8-10 apartments on the floor.
Part of the front panels has two narrow vertical windows - it is kitchen windows
at the same time two neighboring apartments.
After the end of the production of panels for the II-32 series was built yet
several dozen houses with small apartments,
but already with purely brick walls.

Demolished series. Interesting relatively large floor height.
As a rule, they are quite significantly worn, the nodes were affected,
support balconies and roofing.

The most massive and most unsuccessful durability series.
Practically demolished. Single instances remained. The link in the title is more.

I-335 series (5th. Panel, incomplete frame)

Most common all over former USSR Series of panel 5-storey residential buildings.
In the form of individual inclusions there are even in Moscow. The first house of this series was built in
Cherepovets. The greatest number houses of this series can be found in St. Petersburg
Leningrad. There they were released by the Pulistrovsky DSC. The series was recognized as the unsuccessful of all
series of residential buildings developed by Khrushchev. At the same time, oddly enough, they did not hit the list
houses demolished in Moscow first. Houses of this series were erected from 1958 to 1966,
after that, they switched to the construction of the modernized series 1-335a, 1-335Ak, 1-335K and 1-335d,
which were produced up to the end of the 1980s.

K7 relative to a constructive solution. It has similar problems.

"On the renovation complexity of reconstruction work of panel housing
mass series willopyparkasic structures with outdoor carrier walls and
internal columns, i.e. Basic I-335 series, widely used
up to 1966 "

Moscow presents in a single copy of the 5th st. Sokolina Mountain

External difference of the series 1-335 from other episodes in Moscow - wide windows
(Double-sided windows look square), iron 4-stranded roof
and the elongated windows are almost all the height of the panel on the staircases.
Face walls consist of 4 panels with windows on extreme.
Usually in one of the ends of the house there is an external fire staircase.
In another modification, including which
Polyustrovsky DSC (it meets in the Moscow region)
may be flat roof Generally without a attic. At the site of 4 apartments.

Apartments 1-2-3-room, ceilings height - 2.55 m. Central room passage.
The bathroom is combined. Water, - and, -EPLAGE, centralized.

- spatial rigidity and stability of frame-panel buildings
provided by collaborating panels of overlaps, columns
and diaphragms of rigidity in the form of prefabricated iron-concrete walls,
interconnected and with metal columns
connections on welding or bolts;

Residential houses of the semi-windshield type I-335 series are almost everywhere
are currently in a pre-emergency condition with almost exhausted reliability
constructive scheme, so, first of all, need to gain
and increasing the rigidity of the system carrier structures Total buildings as a whole.

Series I-464 (5th. Panel)

The beginning of the construction of 464 series of houses began in 1960.
However, these houses did not receive the big scene,
In addition, 464 series had a small step of transverse carriers
the walls of 2.6-3.2 m. The 464-series house was 3rd
section five-storey house. Section consists of 4 apartments
on the floor: one 1-room, one two-room
(with adjacent rooms) and two 3-room
(with adjacent-separate rooms) apartments.
Main characteristics 464-series:

The thickness of the bearing walls: 0.35 m
Material of bearing walls: concrete coated with ceramic tiles
Overlap: reinforced concrete, flat on the room. (Cm adj. Drawings)
Kitchen Square: 5-6 m2

Basic Disadvantages: Impairment Planning,
small kitchens, thin bearing external walls, thin overlaps,
moral and physical aging of the buildings of the series.

Building construction:
Outdoor foam block walls 400 mm.
Internal panel thickness. 200.
Partitions - Gypsum concrete panels 160, 80 mm thick.
Overlap - panels with a thickness of 140 mm.

Very by the way a rare and busy project. Unlike his progenitor 439a, those walls with floor support that we see are now applied here in modern monoliths now. IN
Moscow did not come across ...

And the rest of the setting options at that time ...

Well, using these drawings, you can easily understand the constructive solution of the building.

Well, architectural concepts are presented below.

During the reconstruction of the 5-storey residential building of the 1-511 series without removing residents for mass

II-29 (9th. Brick)

House type - panel
Floors - 5.
Apartments - 1,2,3 bedrooms
Floor height - 250mm
Three-layer outdoor panels
Overlapping on a room with a thickness of 140mm
Manufacturer - up to 1962 Trust hypostroinducture, then DSC-2
Year of construction - 1958-1966
Distribution Cities - Moscow, Dolgoprudny,

Series1605 (5th. Panel)

In the history of large-passenger development of Moscow there are one-day, as already considered II35-I & K7 and long-livers. The long-livers include undoubtedly series 1605, originally developed and produced by the trust of the hypostroinducture. The first versions of the series appeared in 1958, a little late compared to K-7. BUT last version Built in 1985. When already built 44m. Record held long and only in last years It was broken by the series P44 and P3, but at the same time the 1605th kept a record in the conditions of tough competition with the series of other authors and changed sometimes beyond recognition.

to be continued...

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