Typical series of residential buildings. Typical series of Khrushchev

Plant encyclopedia 14.06.2019
Plant encyclopedia

A series of houses is a group of residential properties built at the same time according to the same design. The buildings have practically no differences in terms of number of storeys, building materials used, apartment area and room arrangement. The layout of premises in such houses is considered typical: uniting a series of houses according to common feature... Typical buildings are conventionally divided into several categories, and each has its own distinctive characteristics.

Layout of apartments in typical houses

The era of building communism presented Soviet citizens with three series of houses at once, named after the general secretaries ruling the country. The buildings differed in the number of storeys and the level of comfort of living quarters, but most of the houses built during that period are successfully operated at the present time.


The first stage of typical construction, which began in the early 50s of the last century. The country was actively recovering after the Great Patriotic War, and citizens were in dire need of better housing conditions.

Typical features of typical apartments Stalinist period the boards were considered:

  • durable brick walls;
  • high ceilings - at least 3.5 meters;
  • separate bathrooms;
  • a large number of rooms - 3-4 per apartment on average, one-room and two-room apartments were not provided for by the project, therefore they were extremely rare;
  • large area of ​​living quarters and places common use;
  • large openings of doors and windows: sometimes there were several window openings in one room;
  • convenient demarcation interior space.

Within the series, "Stalinkas" were divided into nomenklatura and privates. The first type of layout was used for the homes of members of the government, prominent figures in the arts and sciences, middle and senior managers. There were specially allocated rooms for an office and premises for domestic servants. Terraced apartments were often used for communal living of several families in the same area.

Communal Stalin era boards have grown significantly in value since the beginning of the 90s, when they began to be resettled, and the vacated area was converted into elite housing.


The construction of panel and then brick 5-storey buildings spanned the period from 1957 to 1962, when there was a peak in the displacement of people from communal apartments and wooden barracks. Nikita Khrushchev believed that everyone Soviet man has the right to a separate, comfortable housing, but the approved building design did not meet these ideals.

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Characteristics of a typical "Khrushchev":

  • thin walls and poor soundproofing;
  • low ceilings: no more than 2.5 m;
  • adjoining rooms;
  • small living area;
  • small sizes of common areas: bathrooms, kitchens, hallways.

Under Khrushchev, 4 series of houses were built:

  • 1-464;
  • 1-335;
  • 1-434;
  • 1-434C.

The number of rooms in apartments varied from 1 to 5, but all typical houses that era was united by one thing - the irrational planning of the internal space. Despite a lot of shortcomings, such houses continued to be built until the early 80s.

Currently "Khrushchevs" are recognized as unfit for habitation, so the houses of these series are being demolished in all major cities of the country.


The massive construction of such apartments took place from 1966 to 1977. "Brezhnevki" are considered an improved version of "Khrushchev". The houses were built from panel blocks and bricks; the bulk of the buildings did not exceed 5 floors in height. With external similarity, standard apartments The Brezhnev era had an improved layout, the first skyscrapers began to appear: nine and twelve-story buildings.

Features of the layout of "Brezhnevok":

  • increased ceiling height - 2.7 meters;
  • spacious kitchens and hallways;
  • built-in furniture: wardrobes, mezzanines;
  • balconies or loggias;
  • different number of apartments on the staircase: 2 or 4;
  • combined or separate bathroom.

Houses with a height of more than 5 floors were equipped with elevator shafts and garbage chutes.

Series typical houses Brezhnev era of rule:

  • 1-464A;
  • 1-335A;
  • MK-5;
  • 1-OPB.

Under Brezhnev, small-family hostels became widespread - standard house designs designed for single citizens and young families who were not entitled to comfortable housing. By their characteristics, small families are considered an intermediate link between a hostel and a separate apartment, differ small area and a low level of comfort.

Transitional stage: from the USSR to Russia

Since the end of the 70s of the last century, the construction market has almost completely switched to multi-storey construction. 9-storey houses are being built from panel blocks and bricks. The first wave of such buildings is considered standard, and the apartment layouts laid down in 1968 were applied until 1999.

  • M-464;
  • M-335;
  • MK-9;
  • 3-OPB.

Standard nine-story buildings were connected to a centralized water supply, therefore hot water the apartments were supplied from the nearest boiler room. The number of rooms in apartments varied from 1 to 3, each apartment had an exit to a balcony or loggia. Bathrooms have always been separate, the entrances are equipped with a passenger elevator and a garbage chute.

A standard series of 9-storey houses is characterized by a small kitchen area, usually not exceeding 6.2 m2.

Since 1976, high-rise buildings with an improved layout began to appear. Such apartments were built until 2006, practically retaining the originally approved layout of the premises. This category includes houses, series:

  • M-4644
  • M-335-BK;
  • M-111-90;
  • 3A-OPB.

Unlike standard ones, improved high-rise buildings could have up to 18 floors, freight elevators appeared in the entrances, and the kitchen area increased to 9 m2.

Typical apartment layouts

The concept of standard construction appeared in the mid-60s. The Soviet government came to the disappointing conclusion that the citizens of the USSR were inferior in terms of living standards to capitalist countries, so a real construction boom began. The main idea behind the implementation of standard projects was maximum amount living space at minimum costs... Thanks to this decision, houses-constructors appeared, which were literally assembled from ready-made structural elements.

In panel houses

The founder of the construction of panel houses was the architect Vitaly Lagutenko, who had the idea to assemble houses from ready-made reinforced concrete panels. The average construction time for one 5-storey building was 12-15 days.

Despite the likely speed of construction, the quality of the housing being built left much to be desired. For the layout of the panel "Khrushchev" are characterized by the following features:

  • small area of ​​living and utility rooms;
  • combined bathroom;
  • low ceilings;
  • almost complete absence of heat and sound insulation;
  • predominance load-bearing walls, which implied the impossibility of self-redevelopment.

The layout of the panel Brezhnevkas has somewhat improved the situation. The ceilings in the apartments have grown, and the footage has increased, garbage chutes have begun to appear in houses.

Determining the series and type of house

Find out which series typical buildings you can own a specific house from the technical passport, which is in the hands of each homeowner. Shown here detailed information about the living space, including the series number.

The information of interest is available in the construction department of the local municipality, documents management company, which is engaged in the maintenance of the building.

Information is provided free of charge and is often found on the official websites of the listed organizations.

What are the advantages of typical layouts?

Despite a number of significant disadvantages, typical projects had advantages:

  1. low cost - houses are stamped according to one template;
  2. speed - the developer does not waste time on drawing up and agreeing on the project, immediately starting to work;
  3. reliability - a series of houses has already been put into operation, therefore, during the construction of the next buildings according to the standard design, the shortcomings that have appeared are immediately eliminated.

Remarkable, but in modern construction market the typical layout has been preserved, however, it is used mainly for the construction of departmental and municipal housing.

Layout of apartments in modern Russia

Today, preference is given to high-rise, monolithic construction. The layout of the apartments is individual for each developer. The main requirement: strict observance of the requirements for the allocation of living space required for comfortable stay one man.

The modern layout assumes a spacious living area and common areas. For apartments on the upper floors, glazed balconies and loggias are provided, lower floor usually reserved for shops or offices. Housing with a free layout is gaining great popularity, where the location, number and area of ​​rooms depend only on the wishes of the residents.

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Project of a 5-storey apartment building. dwg

Sections AR, KZh, EO, VK, OV

Project of a 5-storey residential building. Description of design solutions

Building solutions and structures

The building is 5-storey, monolithic-frame, reinforced concrete. Floor height -3.0 meters.
After excavation of the pit, carry out a soil analysis (if other soils of the base are found, inform the project developers).
Foundations are designed for base soils - Solid loams with the following design characteristics: y = 19kN / m3, U = 19 deg. c = 25 kPa. (fond material "report on engineering and geological surveys at the facility:" Shop on Perova st. "architect No. 930 DSP).
Foundations and monolithic walls technical underground to be performed on sulfate-resistant cement.
Foundations for columns - monolithic reinforced concrete columnar, under the walls of the technical underground and diaphragms of rigidity - tape.
Technical underground walls - monolithic reinforced concrete thickness 300 mm. with thermal insulation with a min-plate 100 mm thick.
Columns are monolithic reinforced concrete with a section of 400x400 mm.
Stiffness diaphragms - monolithic reinforced concrete 200 mm thick.
Ceilings and coverings - monolithic, reinforced concrete with a thickness of 220 mm. The blind area is concrete.

Coat all non-specified surfaces of structures in contact with the ground with hot bitumen 2 times, on a primer made of liquefied bitumen.
Concreting at negative temperature environment and temperatures above + 25 degrees. the requirements of SNIP RK 5.03-37-2005 "Bearing and Fencing Structures" must be met.

When performing all types of work, be guided by SNIP RK 1.03-05-2001 "Labor protection and safety in construction.
Steel structures should be painted with PF-115 GOST 6465-76 enamel in 2 layers on primer GF-021 GOST 25129-82 in 1 layer according to SNIP RK 2.01-19-2004.
Fire protection steel structures perform with an intumescent coating VPM-2 (GOST 25131-82) at a consumption of 6 kg / m2 and with a coating thickness after expansion of 4 mm.

Water supply and sewerage

The project adopted the following technical solutions:

Laying distribution networks of cold and hot water supply in the technical underground.
- release of household sewerage to the well of the general network.
- a water metering unit with a cold water meter is installed at the entrance to the building
- hot water supply - central (see section "ОВ")

Heating and ventilation

The project for heating and ventilation of a residential building was developed in accordance with the AC drawings, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP RK 4.02-05-2001, SNiP RK 3.02.01-2001.
The design temperature of the outside air for heating is taken Тн = -31 С.
The heat supply source of the building is the CHPP.
The duration of the heating period is 200 days.
The total estimated heat supply is 580,000 kcal / hour.
Heat carrier parameters 130 - 95 C.
Hot water supply - from the heating unit.
The heating system of a residential building is one-pipe, dead-end with U-shaped risers, distributing the supply and return lines along the technical underground.
As heating devices, cast iron radiators M90-108.
Ventilation of the residential building is provided - exhaust, natural, through the ventilation ducts of the kitchen and bathrooms. Perform ventilation ducts with a box of section. 200x200 from a flat asbestos-cement sheet.
Accepted steel pipes for water and gas in accordance with GOST 3262-75 **
Installation of heating and ventilation systems should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85.

Power supply and lighting

As an input-distributing device, a panel of the VRU type was adopted, which is installed in the technical underground of the house. To supply the apartments with power, supply lines go from the input distribution board, which are suitable for the cabinets of Shche 3300.

ShchE electrical cabinets are installed on the stairwells of the floor. Counters are placed in cabinets apartment registration electricity, automatic machines for the protection of group lines of apartments and distribution boxes for low-current devices.

In the lighting floor boards of the ShchE, reinforce the cabinet doors with a locking device that provides access to them only to the personnel of the power supply organization. Electricity metering for lighting the basement and stairwells is carried out by a meter installed on the ASU panel.

The group lighting lines are made with PUNP wire, laid in the pipe hidden along the ceiling, in the wall bars.

Since 1957, after the adoption of a law that provided for the elimination of excesses in the design of houses, buildings of a new type began to be erected in the USSR. Such houses were popularly called "Khrushchevs" (derived from the name of NS Khrushchev, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee). Such houses received a second name - Khrushchebs, mainly due to the inconvenient and disproportionate layout of rooms, narrow corridors and spans of sites, thin walls and as a result - terrible soundproofing. In this article we will talk about what typical series of Khrushchevs are, we will try to highlight main advantages and the cons of these buildings. We will provide the layout features in the form of descriptions and photos.

Typical series of Khrushchev: the main pros and cons of houses

Let's look at the main characteristics of the apartments and define the features of each series of Khrushchevs that have been built over the course of 27 years. It is worth noting that initially the Khrushchevs were supposed to be used as temporary housing and operational life the building was 25 to 50 years old. But, as you know, people live in such houses in our time. The disadvantages of Khrushchevs include poor sound insulation and thermal insulation (it's cool in winter, and it's too hot in the apartment in summer), not always good layout apartments and entrance: narrow corridors, small kitchen, no garbage disposal and very often an elevator. The main advantages of such houses include low cost.

The main advantages of such houses include the low cost of housing and the developed infrastructure around the building. As a rule, not far from Khrushchev there are kindergartens, schools, shops and excellent transport links. If Money it is not enough to buy an apartment, then - not the worst option. Moreover, such buildings in Moscow and other cities of Russia are subject to demolition, in which case the owners receive new housing, or reconstruction and redevelopment.

Series 1-464 (1960 - 1967)

General drawing:

One of the most popular series of Khrushchevs in the USSR was 1-464 (1960 - 1967). This panel house with 5 floors, it is rare to find 3 and 4 storey buildings. All apartments have balconies (also additional storage rooms), but elevators are not provided and residents of the building have to go up and down the stairs, which is quite difficult for elderly people, families with small children. The bathrooms in the apartments are combined, there is no common waste chute at the entrance, and the number of apartments on the site is 4. The height of the ceilings in the apartments is 2.5 m2, the kitchens are less than 6 m2, to be more precise - 5.8 m2. Apartments are 1, 2 and 3-roomed.

Picture - drawing:

1 room:

2 rooms:

3 room:

Series 1-335 (1963 - 1967)

From 1963 to 1967 the territory was built up with houses of series 1-335. It is too panel buildings, with a ceiling height of 2.54 m., balconies in each apartment, combined bathrooms, the absence of an elevator and a garbage chute. The kitchen area is slightly larger than in the previous series - 6.2 m2, the ceiling area is 2.5 m2. There are four apartments on the site - from 1 to 3 rooms. Apart from balconies, the apartments have additional storage rooms and built-in wardrobes.

1 room:

2 rooms:

Series 1-434 (1958 - 1964)

This series was built from 1958 to 1964; in different years of construction, the layouts of the apartments were slightly modified. So, for example, in buildings of 1958 in one-room apartments the area of ​​the living room was 18.6 m2, and in 1959 it decreased to 18.2 m2, in 1969 - the area of ​​the room was 17.7 m2. And so in all types of apartments the area of ​​living quarters varied in the direction of decreasing and increasing. But the area of ​​the kitchen has remained unchanged - 5.8 m2, as well as the height of the ceilings - 2.5 m. The houses are brick, combined bathrooms, and each apartment has a balcony, storage room and built-in wardrobes.

Pictures - drawing (by years)

1 room 1958

1 room 1959

1 room 1960

1 room 1961

1 room 1964

2 room 1958

2 room 1959

2 room 1960

2 room 1964

The project of a 5-storey 3-section residential building was completed in 2011 on the basis of the design assignment and the Resolution of the head of the Gabovskoye rural settlement, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region. The plot intended for construction, with a total area of ​​0.52 hectares, is located in the village of Gabovskoye, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region. The project provides for a residential building for 53 apartments with an exploited attic and an exploited technical underground area. On the first floor of the building there are 19 offices with workplaces for the administrative services of the Gabovskoye village. The building was erected in October 2012.

Architectural and planning solutions:

Residential building - 5-storey, 3-section, rectangular, with an exploited attic and an exploited technical underground area. The dimensions of the house in the extreme axes are 15.3 × 53.32 m. The project provides for 3 ordinary rectangular sections. Apartments are located inside the building from the 1st to the 5th floor. On the ground floor there are also offices with separate exits directly outside. Each section of the house has its own staircase to which the doors open. For life support of people with limited mobility and people with disabilities there are ramps with a slope of 1:12 at the entrances to the staircase and inside the building in front of the stairs.

Space-planning solutions:

Space-planning decisions of the building were made in accordance with the design assignment, technological solutions for residential and office space acting building regulations and norms, sanitary norms, technical regulations and the town planning code. Structural scheme of the building - frameless wall, consisting of brick walls, hollow core slabs floors, coverings and monolithic reinforced concrete strip foundation... The load-bearing elements are foundations, walls and floor slabs. The building provides for an exploited attic for laying communications and an unexploited underground.

The walls of the building are external and internal - brick (external b = 380 mm, internal transverse and longitudinal b = 250.380 mm). The basement of the building is made of solid red brick b = 510 mm. Prefabricated reinforced concrete floor slabs and coverings. Staircases are made of metal stringers and prefabricated reinforced concrete steps. The sites are provided for reinforced concrete monolithic on metal beams. The roof is gable. The foundations of the building are monolithic reinforced concrete tape.

Technical and economic indicators of the designed facility:

number of storeys of the building: overground floors - 5; attic - 1;
construction volume of the building: 12,680.60 cubic meters m;
building area: 748.50 sq. m;
total building area: 663.54 sq. m;
living area of ​​the building: 663.54 sq. m;
number of apartments: 53 (including one-room: 36, two-room: 14, three-room: 3);
total area of ​​apartments: 2364.54 sq. m;
total built-in area: 410.50 sq. m;
square technical rooms+ attic: 19.0 + 206.40 sq. m.

Don Construction College
Construction and operation of buildings and structures
Course project in the discipline "Architecture of civil buildings"
On the topic: "5-storey residential building
Novocherkassk 2015

The projected 5-storey residential building of rectangular shape in plan with dimensions of sides 34.20x12.00 m, according to the typological criterion belongs to the sectional type.
A residential section (block section) is a cell consisting of several apartments located around one communication node (entrance, vestibule, staircase). The layout of the area of ​​each apartment is made in accordance with the functional diagram of the interconnection of the premises.
In the projected house, the type of staircase is transverse.
According to the operational requirements, the designed residential building belongs to the II-nd degree of durability.
According to SNiP 2.01.07-85 * "Loads and Impacts", the designed residential building belongs to the II-nd level of responsibility.
According to SNiP 2.01.02-85 * " Fire protection standards»The designed residential building belongs to the II-nd degree of fire resistance, since the supporting and enclosing structures are made of artificial stone materials: brick walls, reinforced concrete floors and flights of stairs.
By the decision of the Department of Municipal Economy of the city of Novocherkassk, permission was given for the construction of a 5-storey residential building in the city of Novocherkassk. The shape of the plot is rectangular with an area of ​​3000.00 m 2.
On the site are located: a 5-storey residential building, a gazebo, a parking lot, a playground.
The building is oriented latitudinally, which saves heat in winter. The distance to the nearest building is 24.70 m, which meets the fire and sanitary requirements.
The vertical layout of the site ensures the flow of rain and melt water.
On the site there is a 4.00 m wide road for cars and pedestrian paths covered with asphalt. Around the building, there is a blind area 1.00 m wide. The site also has green spaces: ordinary shrubs and deciduous trees.
A space-planning decision is a decision on the basis of which a particular composition and size of premises is made.
The building has rectangular shape; 5 floors and a basement.
This building is designed:
height of each floor - 2.80 m;
the height of the entire building - 15.60 m;
dimensions in the axes - 34.20 m (1-9) and 12.00 m (A-D).
This residential building consists of 20 apartments: 10 two-room and 10 three-room.
Part two-room apartment includes: corridor, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, pantry, loggia, balcony.
The three-room apartment includes: a corridor, a living room, a bedroom, a nursery, a kitchen, a bathroom, a loggia, a balcony.

Compound: Two sheets and PZ (Facade 1-6 M1: 100; Section 1-1 M1: 100; Plan of the 1st floor M1: 100; Plan of a typical floor M1: 100; Master plan M1: 500; Node 1 M1: 20; Node 2 M2: 10; Foundation plan M1: 100; Floor plan and covering M1: 100; Roof plan M1: 100; Node 3,4.5 M1: 10; node 6 M1: 20l)

Software: KOMPAS-3D 13 SP2

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