Khrushchev period. Khrushchev Thaw - Dismantling of the Stalin System

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1. Time for which the N.S. was in power. Khrushchev, became the time of cardinal political and economic change within the country, a new international policy. Especially the pace of reforms intensified in the 1960s, called "Thaw".

The main features of the Khrushchev era of steel:

  • criticism of Stalin's time;
  • termination of political repression in the country;
  • forgiveness of the "repressed peoples" - Chechens, Ingush, Kalmykov, Crimean Tatars, etc., completely evicted I.V. Stalin from his lands for supporting German troops during the war years (in 1957, these peoples were returned to their territories and restored in rights);
  • giving socialism in the USSR more human appearance, the policy feedback not only to the national great goals, but also to the interests of a separate person;
  • establishing more democratic relationships in the party;
  • warming international situation;
  • refraction of the spiritual atmosphere within the country.

2. The following large changes occurred in the economy:

  • instead of the usual five-year plans in 1959, the first and only time in the history of the USSR was proclaimed seventels (1959 - 1965);
  • not only the name changed, but also the essence - despite the disputes with Malenkov, was taken a course for the construction of a full-fledged light industry in the USSR;
  • during the first seven years, the construction of numerous light industry enterprises was the production; production was improved;
  • as a result, with N.S. Khrushchev qualitatively changed the household standard of living of Soviet people - after 30 years of the Stalinist primitiveness of life from the Soviet people began to appear televisions, refrigerators, radio receivers, better clothing.

3. The policy of accounting for the interests of a separate person began to be carried out in housing construction:

  • with N.S. Khrushchev had a refusal to the Stalinist monumental and expensive construction style in favor of cheap and practical;
  • in the USSR stopped building skyscrapers and good brick houses;
  • instead, the mass construction of panel 5- and 9-storey;
  • as a result, the majority of ordinary USSR citizens, who were tested with Stalin in communal apartments and barracks, moved to individual apartments.

4. There were positive changes in the field of agriculture:

  • in 1957, the peasants, along with the rest of the citizens, received passports;
  • in 1958, MTS was dissolved - machine-transport stations, from which the collective farms were previously dependent; The technique was transferred directly to the farm;
  • government purchasing prices for agricultural products were elevated, which made it possible to earn the peasants;
  • the distribution of individual treacherous gardening has begun;
  • the development of virgin and extensive fertile non-painted land of Kazakhstan began, which made it possible to increase crops around the country by 40% and, ultimately, it is better to feed the country;
  • in the past, mass hunger went; A cheap bread appeared in the country, which was always in excess.

5. With N.S. Khrushchev occurred a powerful technological breakthrough (Although he was not merit to Khrushchev's policies, but the result of all the former development of the USSR since industrialization):

  • in 1954, the first nuclear power plant in the world was put in the USSR - Obninsk NPP;
  • in 1957 - the world's first atomic icebreaker "Lenin";
  • On October 4, 1957, the world's first satellite was launched into space - the first object created by a person and got from the ground to the outer space;
  • On April 12, 1961, the world's first flight in space (on the East spacecraft, the world's first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin performed 1 turn around the Earth).

6. The following large steps were made in the field of party-state construction:

  • in 1956, at the XX Congress of the CPSU, the cult of the personality of I.V. was convicted. Stalin;
  • in October 1961, the XXII Congress of the CPSU, confirmed by the course taken at the XX Congress;
  • the "cult of personality" was again convicted. Stalin, it was decided to reburied I.V. Stalin - make the body from the mausoleum and bury the Kremlin wall;
  • at the congress, a new party program and a new charter of the party were adopted;
  • the program confirmed the construction of socialism and take a course to build communism in the USSR,
  • it was decided by 1980 to build a material base of communism;
  • the preparation of the draft new Constitution of the USSR began.

7. As a result of the new international policy N.S. Khrushcheva USSR has established relations with many countries:

    there was an improvement in relationship with Yugoslavia - from the former irreconcilable hosts, as well as their leaders - I. Stalin and I. Tito, the USSR and Yugoslavia moved to warm friendship and partnership, regular visits of the leaders; Yugoslavia from yesterday's enemy became one of the closest countries to the USSR in the socialist;

    in 1959 N.S. Khrushchev committed the first visit of the head of the Soviet government in the United States, where he met with US President D. Eisenhower, visited factories and agricultural farms, - after the visit there was some warming of Soviet-American relations, a direct telephone connection was established between the leaders of the USSR and the USA;

    in 1959 N.S. Khrushchev made a visit to China - also the first visit to the Soviet leader's visit to this country, met in Beijing with Mao Zedong and other Chinese leaders, as a result of which the previous Soviet-Chinese enmity began to soften.

At the same time, the international situation was not cloudless. The USSR had to participate in hostilities, several times humanity was on the threshold of the New World War:

    in 1956, the USSR was forced to introduce his troops to Hungary and suppress the anti-Soviet and anti-communist armed uprising in this country;

    in 1961, the Berlin crisis occurred - the GDR authorities decided to escalate from all sides by the wall and barbed wire Western Berlin (the capitalist city-state located in the center of the GDR), which almost led to an armed clash between the US Tank Army and the USSR, located in the western and eastern part of Berlin. The Berlin Wall, passing through the center of Berlin, for 28 years has become a symbol of the split world on the warring blocks;

    in 1962, the Caribbean crisis occurred - the USSR began to place nuclear weapons in Cuba, where the anti-imperialist revolution was defeated headed by F. Castro. In response to this US President John Kennedy declared the full naval blockade of the island (Cuba was surrounded by American military ships from all sides, which were ready to heat the Soviet Military Courts going to Cuba). There was a threat of direct military clash of the USSR and the United States, including nuclear. At the last moment, the crisis was overcome, the USSR agreed to bring nuclear weapons from Cuba under the guarantee of the US nonpays to F. Castro.

8. In the epoch N.S. Khrushchev, especially in the early 1960s, there was a change in the spiritual situation in the country (received the name "Thaw"):

  • the reality was the observance of fundamental rights and freedoms;
  • the fear characteristic of the Stalinist pore disappeared; temporarily tried the freedom of speech;
  • there were bold publications in print, new directions in art appeared;
  • the style of communication with the people has changed - from the closed-remote behavior of Stalin and his environment, the country has moved to the new, Khrushchev style (openness and immediacy of behavior, "prosperity"), who, after Khrushchev, copied other managers.

9. At the same time, despite all the merits of N.S. Khrushchev, a number of serious mistakes were admitted to his activities.:

  • inconsistency, frequent throwing from side to side;
  • Voluntarism - dullness in decision-making, including erroneous;
  • uncritical attitude to itself and the situation in the country, work;
  • permanent personnel personnel, which caused internal discomfort from the party and a sense of instability;
  • brokes of the management vertical - the weakening and liquidation of sectoral ministries and the creation in the regions of the Council of Sovietozov (Councils of the National Economy), which have taken the functions of ministries;
  • the separation of the CPSU apparatus into two parts is industrial and agricultural (industrial commander of the party and agricultural committees in each area, Raykomy - in areas, etc.).

Specified Czechhard, experiments with the party and the managerial apparatus caused dissatisfaction with the top of the party apparatus, the rejection of N.S. Khrushchev and his politics. In 1964 N.S. Khrushchev was dismissed from all the posts of the Party itself (for the first time in the history of the USSR). New, Brezhnev Era began in the USSR.

On the evening of March 5, 1953, after a few days of sudden illness, I.V. died Stalin. In the last hours of his life, the closest entourage of the leader shared power, seeking to legitimize its position and revise the decisions of the XIX Congress of the CPSU. The head of government became G.M. Malenkov. L.P. Beria received the post of Minister of the Interior, which includes the Ministry of State Security. N.S. Khrushchev remained secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. "Optial" Mikoyan and Molotov returned their positions. To date, there are different versions about the disease and death of Stalin: Natural death, murder, intentional delay with a call to doctors. It is clear that the death of Stalin was beneficial to many of his surroundings.

The struggle for power in the spring-summer of 1953 was associated with the definition of the country's development strategy. Numerous problems required solutions. The country could not contain a huge army, have 2.5 million prisoners, spend money on the "great construction sites", to exploit the peasantry, to develop conflicts worldwide, create new enemies. The instability of the ruling layer, the threat of repression worsened by the state's manageability. All members of political leadership understood the need for transformation. But each time determines the priorities and depth of inevitable change. The first ideologists of reforms were Beria and Malenkov. Since June 1953, Khrushchev became a supporter of reforms. A more conservative position was occupied by Molotov, Kaganovich and Voroshilov.

At the initiative of Beria, on March 27, 1953, a decree on amnesty was adopted, according to which about 1 million people were visible to freedom, sentenced to 5 years: who were late for work and holly, women with children under 10 years old, elderly, etc. Contrary to popular belief, the amnesty did not touch the murderers and bandits, but also did not affect political prisoners. This action (more than a third of the prisoners, who acquired criminal experience in camps and not equipped in a living way) caused a crime wave in cities.

In early April 1953, "doctors" was discontinued. In the official post, first stated on the responsibility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which used "prohibited interrogation methods". Soon convicted on other post-war political processes ("Mingral business", "Aviator's case") were released. In June 1953, Beria contributed to the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the proposal to limit the rights of a special meeting at the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Steps were taken to reform the system of the Gulag "In view of economic inefficiency", a number of enterprises were transferred to the sectoral ministries.

The initiatives of Beria went beyond the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He advocated a change in personnel policy in the republics, offering, in particular, a broad nomination to the leadership of national personnel. Beria insisted on the normalization of relations with Yugoslavia, as well as on the refusal of expensive construction of socialism in the GDR and creating neutral united Germany. The phenomenon of Beria in the history of the USSR is still not fully investigated. He was entrusted with the reputation of the villain and the executioner. It seems that such an assessment suffers with a simplistic.

Of course, Beria is responsible for the crimes committed by the authorities, but in the same extent, as well as his comrades of Malenkov, Molotov, Kaganovich, Voroshilov, Khrushchev and others. Beria due to its position was the most informed person as part of the leadership, the system is better than all knowing the "pain points" of the system, all information was flowed across the security bodies, against which the country's population is first. The activity of Beria caused the fears of other members of the political leadership of his "sworn friends."

Beria was afraid and hated the leadership of the army. The local nomenclature controlled the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was not responsible for anything, but everything intervened. Comraders began to suspect Beria in preparing their own dictatorship. Thus, Beria became a symbol of the threat. He was afraid and hated all the basic political forces. According to the prior agreement, Malenkov, Khrushchev and Minister of Defense Bulganin, June 26, 1953 at a meeting of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers Beria was arrested. In the role of performers "Operations" performed Marshal Zhukov, commander Moskalenko and several officers.

In early July 1953, a Plenum of the Central Committee was held, at which the image of the state criminal, the spy of "International Imperialism", the conspiratorist, "the enemy, who wanted to restore the power for the restoration of capitalism" was held. From now on, Beria becomes, according to the modern researcher R.G. Pihoi, "A kind of creation of a party history of the party, the source of everything that has not answered canonized ideas about the role of the party." Thus, the guilty of everything was announced a specific "political intrigue", and not the system of power, not Stalin. In December 1953, at the closed meeting of the Supreme Court of the USSR Beria and his closest assistants were convicted of betraying the Motherland to the death penalty.

The beginning of the "thaw."

"Beria's business" acquired a powerful public resonance, breeding hopes for changing the political atmosphere in the country. An important result of the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee was the confirmation of the principle of party leadership. The introduction of the post of first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, which Khrushchev received, was a logical result. It was he who began to gradually intercept the initiative of the transformations, named later than the "Khrushchev Thaw".

Time since the end of 1953 to early 1955 It is characterized by the struggle for power between Khrushchev and Malenkov. Their rivalry unfolded against the background of determining the country's economic development strategy. Malenkov assumed to change the priorities in the development of the economy by increasing the specific gravity of the production of consumer goods. Khrushchev insisted on the preservation of the former, Stalinist course on the predominant development of the heavy, defense industry. A particularly acute situation has developed in agriculture, which it was necessary to remove from the state of complete destruction.

In August 1953, at the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Malenkov, announced a decrease in taxes from the peasants and endowed the peasants with elementary social rights (first of all partial issuance of passports). The new agrarian policy was finally formulated in September (1953) Plenum. It was directly said about the hardest position on the village. Khrushchev reported a significant increase in government procurement prices for agricultural products, cancellation of collective farms, the need to increase investment in the agricultural sector of the economy.

These measures have made it possible to somewhat improving the situation with food, stimulated the development of the private production of meat, milk, vegetables, facilitated the life of millions of USSR citizens. In 1954, the development of virgin and landlord lands in Western Siberia and Kazakhstan began to decide the grain problem.

The next step was the selective rehabilitation of the victims of Stalin's terror. In April 1954, convicts were rehabilitated by the so-called "Leningrad case". During 1953-1955 All major political affairs of post-war times were revised, extrajudicial bodies were abolished, the prosecutor's supervision, etc., was restored and strengthened. But the political processes of the 1930s were practically not revised.

In addition, rehabilitation was very slow. In 1954-1955 Only 88 thousand prisoners were released. Under such rates, it would take several decades for consideration of millions of applications. In the camps themselves began strikes and uprisings. One of the largest rebellion in Kengir (Kazakhstan) in the spring of 1954 under the slogan "Long live a Soviet constitution!". The uprising lasted 42 days and was suppressed only with the help of tanks and infantry.

"Supporting" struggle between Khrushchev and Malenkov ended the victory of the first. In February 1955, the session of the Supreme Council liberated Malenkov from the position of the head of government. At the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, held on the eve of January (1955), its economic and foreign policy views were put in the guilt of Malenkov (for example, reasoning about the possible death of humanity in the conditions of a nuclear war). Weight argument was his involvement in repression.

He was first publicly accused of cooperation with Beria, which is responsible for the "Leningrad business" and a number of other political processes of the 40s of the early 50s. The consequence of this was new rehabilitation. During 1955-1956 The topic of repression and relationships to Stalin gradually becomes the main thing in society. Not only the fate of the party and political leadership, but also the place of the party in the country's political system depended on its decision.

Considering the history of the first postwall decade, it should be especially important XX CPSS Congress.He became a turning point in the development of Soviet society, radically changed the situation in the international communist movement due to the secret report of Khrushchev "On the cult of personality and its consequences", read on February 25, 1956 at a closed meeting.

The decision of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee on the studies of this report at the congress was not unanimous. The report has become a shock for the absolute majority of delegates. Many for the first time learned about the so-called "testament" of Lenin and his proposal to remove Stalin from the post of Secretary General of the Central Committee. The report discussed the cleaning and "illegal methods of the investigation", with which thousands of Communists had completely incredible recognition.

Khrushchev drew the image of Stalin Palach, guilty of the destruction of the "Lenin Guard", which shot the XVII Congress. Thus, Khrushchev sought to impose a blame for everything bad in the past in Stalin, Jesov and Beria and thereby rehabilitate the party, the ideas of socialism and communism. This made it possible to get around the issue of the system of organization of the authorities, in the depths of which they mature and developed the cultivated "cult".

Special Khrushchev stopped at Stalin's fault in the initial period of war. But there was no full picture of the repressions: the exposure did not concern collectivization, the famine of the 1930s, repression against ordinary citizens, and the struggle against Trotskyists, the oppositionists of "all the masters" was recognized as one of the most important achievements of Stalin. In general, the report did not apply for theoretical depth and analysis of such a phenomenon as Stalinism.

The closed meeting of the twentieth congress of the party was not stenked, the debate was not opened. It was decided to familiarize themselves with the "secret report" of the Communists and Komsomol members, as well as the "non-partisan asset", without publishing it in the press. They were already read by the edited version of the Khrushchev report. It caused a huge public resonance. The entire spectrum of opinions was attended: from the disappointment of the incomplete setting of the issue of "cult", the requirements of the party court over Stalin before the rejection of such a quick and sharp refusal of unshakable values \u200b\u200byesterday. In society grew a desire to get answers to numerous questions: about the price of transformations; The fact that from the tragedies of the past was generated personally by Stalin, and which was predetermined by the party itself and the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a "bright future".

The desire to introduce criticism into certain framework was manifested in the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU of June 30, 1956. "On overcoming the cult of the personality and its consequences." It was a step back compared to the "Secret Report" at the XX Congress. Stalin was now characterized as "a person who fought for the case of socialism," and his crimes as "some restrictions of internal Soviet democracy, inevitable in the conditions of fierce struggle with the class enemy." Thus, the activities of Stalin were explained and justified. The use of the principle: on the one hand, an outstanding figure, a dedicated to the case of socialism, with another person who abused the authorities should remove the severity of criticism of the orders of the recent past and the more not to transfer this criticism to modernity.

All subsequent 30th anniversary of Stalin's criticism in Soviet historiography was limited and conjunctural. This manifested that, in return, Stalin's activities were separated from the construction of socialism and thereby, in fact, the administrative conclusion system was justified. Associated, did not open the entire scale of repression and did not rehabilitate the nearest colleagues of Lenin Trotsky, Bukharin, Kamenev, Zinoviev, and others. Wood, was not raised by the question of the personal responsibility of the nearest Stalinist environment and numerous terror performers.

Nevertheless, the value of the criticism of the personality of Stalin is difficult to overestimate. In society there was a turn to democracy and reforms. The total fear system was largely destroyed. The decisions of the XX Congress meant a refusal to use repression and terror in internal party struggle, guaranteed the safety of the highest and middle layers of the partgosniclasture. The rehabilitation process took not only a massive, ubiquitous character, but also embodied in the restoration of the rights of entire peoples affected by Stalin's time.

The Khrushchev policy of the destination, its numerous economic initiatives, not always distinguished by thought and integrity, adventurous statements (the slogan "to catch up and overtake America for the production of meat and milk per capita", nominated in May 1957) caused the growing dissatisfaction with the conservative part of the party State apparatus. The expression of this was the performance of the so-called "anti-party group" inside the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee.

Malenkov, Molotov, Kaganovich, taking advantage of the support of the majority, attended the meeting of the Presidium of the Central Committee in June 1957 to remove Khrushchev from the post of first secretary of the Central Committee (it was assumed to eliminate this post at all) and appoint it to the Minister of Agriculture. A violation of the principles of "collective leadership" was made against him, in the formation of a cult of self-person, in rampant foreign policy actions. However, Khrushchev, having enlisted by the support of the members of the Central Committee, demanded the urgent convocation of Plenum. An important role was played by the support of Khrushchev Minister of Defense G.K. Zhukov.

At the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the actions of opponents of Khrushchev were convicted. The manifestation of some democratization of the party was the fact that for the first time in many decades the role of the decisive instance was made not a narrow circle of members of the Presidium, and the Plenum of the Central Committee. Finally, the opposition themselves remained at freedom and members of the party. They were taken out of the Central Committee and downgraded. Khrushchev was able to continue reform activity. However, it is rational, which was contained in the criticism of Khrushchev, was not for the time being noticed by them himself nor his surroundings.

The role of GK. Zhukov in June 1957 showed the guide the potential possibility of the army intervention in the political life of the country. During the visit of Zhukov to Yugoslavia and Albania in the fall of 1957, Khrushchev turned him out in Bonapartism, the revaluation of his military merit. In blame, he was given a "separation" of the Armed Forces from the party, the creation without coordination with the Central Intelligence Collectants of the Preview of the Future Special Forces. At the end of October 1957, Zhukov was filmed from the post of defense minister. Since March 1958, Khrushchev began to combine the leadership of the party and the state (took the post of chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR), which was the beginning of his sole rule.

With his triumph, he was obliged to the then political elite and, above all, the partEPAR. This largely determined its further political line and a forced adaptation to the interests of this layer. At the same time, the defeat of the "anti-party group", the removal of Zhukov and the transformation of Khrushchev in the sole leader deprived him of all the legal opposition, which would restrain his not always thoughtful steps and warned from errors.

Socio-economic reforms.

The priority of the economic policy of the new leadership was some decentralization of the manual industry, the transfer of enterprises to republican submission. Another area was the course to accelerate technical progress. The result was the emergence of a nuclear power plant and icebreaker, the TU104 reactive civil aircraft, the accelerated development of the chemical industry.

Atomic submarines and aircate the military sphere appeared in the military sphere. Epochemical events that are far beyond the scope of pure scientific achievements were launched on October 4, 1957. The world's first artificial satellite and April 12, 1961 of the spacecraft with a man aboard. The first cosmonaut of the world was Yu.A. Gagarin.

In 1957, the restructuring of the management of the economy was launched, the main purpose of which was the transition from the industry to the territorial principle. In each economic district, the Council of National Economy was created. A total of 105 sovphozov was created and 141 ministry were liquidated. The reform pursued the following objectives: decentralization of management, strengthening territorial, interdepartmental relations, improving the independence of the subjects of production.

Initially, the reform brought tangible results: the path of decision-making was declined, the counter transportation of goods decreased, hundreds of one-type minor industries closed. In the 50s, according to certain researchers, the growth rates of industrial production and national income were the highest for the entire Soviet history. But this did not change in principle the implicit economic system itself. The foundations of the administrative convection system remained unchanged. Displeased, besides, the metropolitan bureaucracy has shown, which has lost part of power.

Reforms in the agricultural sector were even less successful. Here, the impulsiveness, the improvisation of Khrushchev, was particularly pronounced. For example, the introduction of corn was in itself a reasonable step for the development of animal husbandry, but the removal of new varieties in relation to Russian conditions required, at least 10 years, and the return was waiting immediately. In addition, the "queen of fields" was planted until the northern regions of the Arkhangelsk region.

The development of virgin lands turned into another campaign, allegedly able to immediately solve all food problems. But after a short-term growth (in 19561958, the virgin gave more than half of the harvested bread) the yields there dramatically fell due to soil erosion, droughts and other natural phenomena, which scientists warned. It was an extensive path of development.

From the end of 50s. The principles of the material interest of collective farmers in the results of labor began to be violated. Administrative reorganization and campaigns began, inevitable in the existing system. A bright example was the "meat campaign in Ryazan": a promise of tripling meat production for 3 years.

The result was a sharp reduction in the livestock of cows bruised under the knife, and the suicide of the first secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU. Similar, albeit on a smaller scale, happened everywhere. At the same time, under the flag of eliminating the differences between the city and the village, the construction of communism began the restriction and even the elimination of the personal foundation of the peasants. Increased outflow of rural residents and, above all, young people in the city. All this applied an irreplaceable damage.

Social reforms were the most successful. Illiteracy was completely eliminated. The practice of forced (the so-called "voluntary") state loans ceased. Since 1957, industrial housing construction began in the cities of Khrushchev five-story buildings. It began to change the type of housing for millions of people: from communal to individual apartments.

In 1956, pensions were introduced in age in all government industries (before that they were obtained by a limited number of workers), and since 1964 they first began to be issued to collective farmers. Anti-Workers were canceled: criminal liability for absenteeism and systematic dedication to work. Significant salaries, consumption by the population of industrial and food products. There was a reduction in the working day (up to 7 hours) and the working week.

Spiritual life.

The first decade after the death of Stalin was marked by significant changes in spiritual life. "Thaw" (by the name of the story of I.G. Ehrenburg) laid the beginning of the liberation of public consciousness from dogmas and ideological stereotypes. Representatives of literature (works of Dudintseva, Gorbon, Panova, Roshova, and others) responded to the changes that began in society.

The creativity of Babel, Bulgakov, Tynyanov, and others were rehabilitated. After the twentieth congress, the magazines "Moscow", "Neva", "Youth", "Foreign Literature", "Friendship of Peoples", and others played a special role played the magazine "New World", headed Tvardovsky. Here in November 1962 the story of Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich" was published, telling about the life of prisoners.

The decision on its publication was taken at a meeting of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee under the personal pressure of Khrushchev. A feature of "thaw" was the emergence of the so-called "pop" poetry young authors of Voznesensky, Evtushenko, Christmas, Ahmadulin, gathered large audiences in Moscow. Significant success during this period reached the cinema. The best films: "cranes" (dir. Kalatozov), "Ballad about a soldier" (dir. Chukhray), "The Fate of Man" (dir. Bondarchuk) received recognition not only in the USSR, but also in the world. The CPSU Central Committee recognized unfair former assessments of the creativity of the outstanding composers of Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Khachaturian, and others.

However, the "thaw" in spiritual life was also contradictory phenomenon, since there were quite certain boundaries. The government found new techniques for the intelligentsia. Since 1957, they became regular meetings of the heads of the Central Committee of the CPSU with artists and literature. At these meetings, all that did not fit into the official ideology was condemned. At the same time, all that was personally unclear to Khrushchev himself was denied. The personal tastes of the country's head acquired the nature of official estimates.

The most loud scandal broke out in December 1962, when Khrushchev, during a visit to the exhibition in Manege, was subjected to a detachment difficult for his understanding of the work of young artists of avant-gardeists. One of the bright examples of the training of cultural figures was "Case Pasternak". Publication in the West not missed by censorship to publication in the USSR Roman "Dr. Zhivago" and award B.N. Pasternak Nobel Prize was injuring the writer. It was excluded from the Writers' Union and to avoid expulsion from the country, refused to Nobel Prize. From the intelligentsia, it was still required to be "party soldiers" or adapt to the existing orders.

Foreign policy.

Considering the foreign policy in the Khrushchev decade, it is necessary to note its contradictory character. In the summer of 1953 between the USSR and the United States, a compromise was made, the result of which was the signing of a truce in Korea. In the middle of 50s, Europe was two confrontation blocks. In response to the entry of Western Germany to NATO, in 1955 the countries of the Socialist Block created the organization of the Warsaw Agreement.

But at the same time, the foundations of stabilization in this part of the world began to be laid. The USSR has normalized relations with Yugoslavia. Theses of the peaceful coexistence of two systems were substantiated at the XX Congress of the CPSU, about the peaceful competition, about the possibility of preventing wars in the modern era, about the diversity of forms of transition of various countries to socialism. At the same time, the actions of the Soviet leadership in the international arena were not always carried out in line with these ideas.

The process started by the XX Congress caused a crisis inside the socialist camp. In the countries of Eastern Europe, building socialism in the Stalinsky pattern, a departure has begun from this model. Especially acute character of these processes acquired in Poland and Hungary. In Poland, it was possible to maintain the power of the Communist Party by updating the country's leadership. In October 1956, thousands of anti-Soviet demonstrations began, which were developed into armed actions. Bloody violence has begun on state security workers and a party preparation. Under these conditions, the Soviet Union applied armed force.

The foci of armed resistance was suppressed. On November 7, 1956, the new leader of Hungary Ya. Cadar on Soviet armored person arrived in Budapest. The USSR created a precedent, when disputes in the socialist camp were solved by the forces of Soviet weapons and fulfilled the first half of the first half of the 4th century. The role of Russia as a gendarme who prevailed "order" in Poland and Hungary.

In the USSR, assistance to its ally was considered as an international duty. The power maintenance of the balance between the USSR and the United States, as well as the provision of peace "from the position of force" after the events in Hungary became the main line of foreign policy behavior of the Soviet Union. Hungarian events were reflected in the USSR. They became one of the reasons for the excitement of studentism, riding almost across the country.

One of the hottest points of the world from 1958 to 1961 was Berlin. In August 1961, by decision of the political leadership of the Warsaw Treaty, the Berlin Wall of Strengthening Strength was erected overnight, fully isolated Western Berlin from the rest of the GDR. She became a symbol of the Cold War. The main tool for maintaining the balance of forces was the arms race, which concerned, above all, the production of nuclear charges and their means of delivering to goals. In August 1953, the USSR declared the successful testing of the hydrogen bomb, the release of intercontinental ballistic missiles continued.

At the same time, Moscow understood the danger of further escalation of weapons. The Soviet Union spoke with a whole series of disarmament initiatives, unilaterally reducing the number of army by 3.3 million people. But these measures did not have success. One of the reasons was that peaceful initiatives were accompanied by a permanent "biting weapon." In addition, peace-loving statements were often combined with impulsive improvisations of Khrushchev, such as "We are (i.e. USA) drip!" Or that the USSR makes "rockets like sausages."

His culmination of the "Cold War" reached in the fall of 1962, when the "Caribbean crisis" broke out. In 1959, revolutionary rebels led by F. Castro came to power in Cuba. In April 1961, with the support of the United States, the opponents of Castro tried to land on the island. The landing was destroyed. The rapid convergence of Cuba and the USSR began. In the summer of 1962, Soviet rockets appeared on Cuba, creating a direct threat to the United States. The confrontation has reached a peak at the end of October 1962. For several days, the world was on the verge of nuclear war. It was possible to avoid only thanks to a secret compromise between Kennedy and Khrushchev. Soviet missiles were brought from Cuba instead of the US promise to abandon aggression against this country and dismantling American nuclear missiles in Turkey.

After the Caribbean crisis began a relative discharge band in Soviet relations and international relations in general. The direct link line was installed between the Kremlin and the White House. But after the murder of Kennedy (1963) and the resignation of Khrushchev, this process was interrupted.

The events of 1962 were deepened by the split in the Sovietkaya relations, which began after the XX Congress. The Chinese leader of Mao Zedong believed that the nuclear war was not afraid and accused Khrushchev in the capitulaginity. Much attention was paid to the development of relationships with the states of the Third World (developing countries). During these years, the colonial system collapses. There were the education of dozens of new states, primarily in Africa. The USSR sought to spread his influence on these parts of the world. In 1956, Egyptian leadership nationalized the Suez Canal.

In October 1956, Israel, England and France began fighting against Egypt. Soviet ultimatum played a huge role in their termination. At the same time, economic cooperation with Egypt, India, Indonesia and other countries is developing. The USSR assisted them in the construction of industrial and agricultural facilities, training. The main foreign policy total of this period was proof that, when mutual desire, both superpowers (USSR and the USA) can conduct a dialogue between themselves and overcome international crises.

The crisis "thaw".

High rates of industrial production in the 50th year. served as the basis for optimistic forecasts. In 1959, the XXI COPS Congress said that Socialism in the USSR won a complete and final victory. In the new, third program of the party adopted at the XXII Congress (1961), the task was to create a material and technical base of communism Already by 1980. For this, the task was put forward to "catch up and overtake America for the main types of industrial and agriculture products." The utopism of the program goals of this document is apparent today. From the outlined plans managed to perform only a small part.

At the same time, the propaganda of the Communist Myth became more and more in the separation from real reality. In 1963, the food crisis broke out in the country. In the cities lacked bread, huge queues were built behind him. For the first time in the history of the USSR, the grain was purchased abroad (in the first year there were 12 million tons, which cost the state in 1 billion dollars). After that, the purchases of imported grain became the norm. In 1962, the government announced the increase in prices for meat and making products (in fact, the first after the war and the abolition of the card system officially announced by the state increase in prices).

It immediately caused mass discontent and indignation, especially in the working environment. His apogee discontent workers reached in Novocherkassk, where a 7 thousand working demonstration took place. With the knowledge of the highest leaders of the CPSU Mikoyan and Kozlov, she was shot by troops. 23 people died, 49 were arrested, the seven were sentenced to death.

Removing N.S. Khrushchev.

All this led to the fall of the Khrushchev authority. The failure of his internal policy was obvious. In army circles, Khrushchev discontent caused large-scale reductions in the armed forces. The officers who served many years were forced to go into civil life without profession, without a sufficient pension, without the possibility of finding the desired job. Workers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs deprived a number of privileges. The party and economic bureaucracy was dissatisfied with countless reorganization of management structures, which brought to frequent shifts of personnel. In addition, the new Charter of the Party adopted at the XXII Congress provided for the rotation (update) of frames, which was especially taught the interests of the nomenclature, which sought to get rid of the "irrepressible reformer."

Khrushchev's vulnerability significantly increased its mistakes in personnel politics and some personal qualities: impulsiveness, a tendency to ill-conceived, speaking solutions, a low level of culture. At the same time, it was in 1962-1963. An ideological campaign for the unlimited praise of Khrushchev ("Great Leninet", "The Great Fighter for Peace", etc.), which, against the background of the economic difficulties and the recent exposition of the cult of Stalin even more undermined his authority.

By the fall of 1964, Khrushchev opponents enlisted support for the leaders of the army, the KGB and the party. On October 13, 1964, Khrushchev, who was on vacation in Pitsunde (Caucasus), was summoned to Moscow to a meeting of the Presidium of the Central Committee, at which he was presented with a long list of accusations. Only Mikoyan spoke in his defense. At the captivity of the Central Committee, Chrushchev, who opened after this captivity, was shifted from all his posts and retired. Officially, this was explained by the state of health of the country's leader. The first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU was elected L.I. Brezhnev, and the post of head of government occupied by A.N. Kosygin. Plenum participants emphasized the need for collective leadership.

Thus, the shift of Khrushchev occurred as a result of a formally legitimate act at the Plenum of the Central Committee, "simple voting". Such resolution of the conflict without arrests and repression can be considered the main result of the last decade. The resignation of Khrushchev, despite the fact that it was the result of the conspiracy, did not cause discontent in the country. And the population and the nomenclature met the decisions of Plenum with approval. Society has so much stability. Few aware that, together with the resignation of Khrushchev, the era of "thaw" was over.

Conditional name that secured over the second half of the 50s - early 60s., Associated with a political course in domestic and foreign policy.

The term was introduced by the Soviet writer I. Ehredburg, published the story "Thaw" in the magazine "New World" in 1954 signs of "thaw" outlined in the life of the country after the death of Stalin: there was relative liberalization in the internal and foreign policy of the USSR.

Report byXX congress. Criticism of the personality.

An iconic event in the political life of the country was the report on the cult of personality and its consequences, read Khrushchev at a closed meeting of the XX CPSU Congress in February 1956 and became an unconditional surprise for the delegates of the congress. The report first stated about the crimes I.V. Stalin against the party, he was opposed to V.I. Lenin. It had not only general reasoning, but also a story about the fate of several arrested. These were members of the Central Committee and Politburo: N. Voskresensky, A. Kuznetsov, N. Posyyshev and others. Khrushchev spoke about torture over them and their letters before execution. Interestingly, in the USSR, the full text of the Khrushchev report was first published in open press only in 1989

In 1957, a decree was released, forbidden to assign the names of state and public figures to the streets and cities. On the other hand, the criticism of the "cult of personality" allowed Khrushchev to deal with his political opponents within the country, as well as to change the leadership in a number of Eastern European countries. The foreign policy effect on the report was also ambiguous and led to a serious cooling of relations with Albania, China, DPRK and Romania. In 1956, large unrest in Poland and Hungary were held.


The rehabilitation of the victims of Stalinism began almost immediately after the death of I.V. Stalin and shooting L.P. Beria, but she received a bigger scope after the report N.S. Khrushchev, when a commission was created led by to investigate the violations of the legality during the cult of personality. By the fall of 1956, the majority of political prisoners came to freedom, among them were party figures, as well as a miraculous surviving esters and Mensheviks. At the same time, rehabilitation did not affect the "decomposed" and a number of prominent party figures: G.E. Zinoviev, L.B. Kamenev, N.I. Bukharin et al. The reform of the legislation was carried out: the "announcement of the people's enemy" was excluded from the list of punishments, the number of responsibility for political crimes was reduced. The number of prisoners of the Gulag declined more than 2 times.

In 1956-1957 The statehood of a number of republics was restored, arbitrarily eliminated under Stalin, and their residents (Chechens, Ingush, Kalmyks, etc.) were allowed to return to their native places. However, here the heads of the CPSU were inconsistent: the Crimean Tatars and the Volga Germans did not have such permission.

At the XXII Congress of the CPSU in October 1961, the words N.S. again sounded Khrushchev, condemned Stalin and his defenders. According to the Congress Decree on the night of October 31, on November 1, Stalin's body was made from Mausoleum and buried in the grave at the Kremlin Wall. Also throughout the country, monuments of Stalin were inacked. The exception was only the monument in his hometown of Gor. On November 30, the Moscow Metro Station, which bears the name of the leader was renamed Semenovskaya. Stalin's nearest comrades sent to retire: Kaganovich, Malenkov and Molotov were excluded from the party.

Economic and social reforms.

In the period of "thaws", the modernization of the Soviet economy took place, the development of space began, in 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person who flew into space. The social obligations of the state expanded, pensions were introduced, the working day was reduced, the fee for education was abolished, the standard of living in the city and the village was significantly increased. However, acute social contradictions were preserved, which led to conflicts, the most famous of which were unrest in

Foreign policy.

Economic successes allowed the USSR to solve wide foreign policy tasks - to maintain their sphere of influence (including a military manner, as when suppressing the Hungarian revolution of 1956) and expand the "socialist camp". One of the first initiatives N.S. Khrushchev was the restoration of Soviet-Yugoslav relations in 1955 in the 50-60s. Communists and their allies came to power in a number of Asia and Africa, and even in the immediate vicinity of the United States in Cuba. The new principles of the USSR's foreign policy were proclaimed: the diversity of forms of transition of various countries to socialism, the need for peaceful coexistence, about the possibility of preventing hostilities.

In confirmation of the new foreign policy of the USSR, almost 2 times reduced its armed forces. From 5.8 million people at the beginning of 1955, the number was brought to 3.6 million people by December 1959. Under this, military bases were eliminated worldwide. In the spring of 1958, the tests of thermonuclear weapons ceased.

The first post-war summers at the highest level between the USSR and the United States occur. Despite this, in 1962, the most acute, who set the world in front of the immediate threat of the beginning of the nuclear war broke out. The following year, there was a split of the Socialist Camp, associated with the Soviet-Chinese conflict.


The criticism of the "cult of personality", the beginning of the rehabilitation of repressed, some freedom and success of the Soviet society (in science and technology) caused the enthusiasm of the intelligentsia, especially young people, which later amounted to a whole generation of social movement, known as the Sixtiets. Thus called Article S. Reedar, published in the journal "Youth" in 1960, in which it was about writers and readers of a new generation. In the late 1950s - early 1960s, the genre of the author's song becomes popular. The founder and the most striking representative of this direction became Bulat Okudzhava. Together with talented poets of that time: R.I. Christmas, E.A. Evtushenko, A.A. Voznesensky and B.A. Ahmadulina he performed on the huge popularity of the evenings in the Polytechnic Museum. At the same time, both in society, and in the party went sharp discussions between "physicists" (technocrats) and "lyrics" (humanities), between the Stalinistians and the anti-Stalinists.

Expansion of cultural ties.

Cultural contacts of the USSR are expanding and with the outside world. In 1956, at the initiative of I. Erenburg, the first exhibition of forty works of Picasso took place in Moscow. She immediately revealed a dual attitude towards him - a restrained official response and thousands of queues in the museum of fine arts them. A.C. Pushkin, where she passed. In the summer of 1957, the International Festival of Youth and Students was held in Moscow. In 1959, at the initiative of the Minister of Culture E.A. Furtsev was renewed by the Moscow International Film Festival. The big prize of the festival won the film S. Bondarchuk "The Fate of Man". In 1963, the scandal broke out, since the main prize was given to Frederico Fellini's film fiction "8 ½".

Literary magazines.

For the first time in the history of the USSR, literary magazines have become platforms, on which supporters of various opinions have the opportunity to publish their articles. Conservative authors, who considered "thaw" harmful deviation from the course for the construction of communism, were primarily printed in October and Neva magazines. Antistaline positions were taken by the editorial board "Youth" and "New World", as well as the "literary newspaper" (since 1959). At the same time, supporters of both directions referred to the ideas of Lenin, but in different ways treated Stalin's era. In the 1950s. The films came out that the party ("Communist", director Y. Reyzman), and ridicule the Soviet leaders ("Carnival night", director E.A. Ryazanov). Also appear films that have not worn ideological nature, but in a new way to the topic of war: G.N. Chukhraya "Ballad about Soldier", M.M. Kalatozova "fly cranes", which became the laureate of the Golden Palm Branch of the International Cannes Film Festival of 1958

Participants of legal disputes of that time did not go beyond the ideology of building socialism. Attempts even to famous writers to go out for these scraps were considered unacceptable. So, in 1957 he published in the West Roman "Dr. Zhivago", which described the events of the Civil War from the smallst positions. For this novel in 1958 B.L. Pasternak was awarded the prestigious international Nobel Prize in the field of literature. But in the USSR, the work of Pasternak was convicted as an anti-Soviet, and under pressure from the authorities he was forced to abandon the premium.

Attitude to the church.

At the end of the 50s. In connection with the course for the construction of communism, the policy of the state in relation to the church is renewed, persuasion to the Russian Orthodox Church resumed. Secretary of the Central Committee L.F. Ilyichev in the speech in December 1961 announced: "Religion, which has always been in modern conditions an anachronism, is now becoming an intolerable interference on our path to communism." The achievement of "society without religion" was announced a program goal. Not only atheistic propaganda intensified, but also to reduce the number of religious associations. So in 1958 there were only 18.6 thousand, including Orthodox - 13.4 thousand, in 1961 - 16 and 11 thousand respectively.

The end of the "thaw".

On December 1, 1962, the exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Moscow Union of Artists (MOSC) of the USSR was to be opened in the Moscow Manege. Exposition received approval E.A. Furtseva. Some of the work of the exhibition was represented by the exposition "New Reality", prepared by more than 60 artists representing the artistic directed, organized by the painter EM, organized in the late 1940s. Belutin, who conducted the traditions of the Russian avant-garde of the beginning of the XX century. The Khrushchev came to the exhibition three times bypassed the large hall where the exposition was located. He was rapidly moving away from one picture to another, he returned back, gradually leaving himself, he switched to a square browstick towards artists and their works. The next day, immediately at the exit of the newspaper "True" with an accusatory article, many Muscovites came to the playpen, but the exposition was already removed. However, the persecution of artists did not follow.

On November 29, 1963, Faken "Ocolateral Trouten" appeared in the press, in which the poet Joseph Brodsky was ridiculous. The writer was arrested and sentenced to 5 years of references for the tune. After that, an unprecedented for Soviet society was happening: an open campaign in defending the poet began. For his excuse, about two dozen writers appeared. The letters in defense of Brodsky were signed by D.D. Shostakovich, S.Ya. Marshakom, k.I. Chukovsky, K.G. Powesta, A.T. Tvardovsky, Yu.P. German and others under pressure from a wide public resonance, in 1965 the poet was returned from the link. In 1972, I. Brodsky left the country, and in 1987 he became a laureate of the Nobel Prize.

As part of the campaign for the debate of the "cult of personality" I.V. Stalin, the former prisoner A. Solzhenitsynus allowed to publish the story of "one day Ivan Denisovich", telling about life in Stalin's camps. This story, shocking his fierce truth, was printed in November 1962 in the "New World" to the special resolution of the Presidium of the Central Committee, and brought Solzhenitsyn great fame. The issue of the magazine became a real rarity, many began to rewrite the story from hand, so "samizdat" arose. The duality of the era of "thaw" is evidenced by the fact that permitting the publication of the "one day of Ivan Denisovich", the party leadership at the same time banned the novel in the "Circle of the First", telling about the work of Solzhenitsyn during the years in the "Sharashka" in Marfino.

Strengthening voluntarism in Khrushchev politics, endless reforms and transformations, party reform plans, the introduction of the principle of rotation when appointing as an appointment, as well as the rudeness of the first secretary in communication gradually led him to isolation, undermined the authority of Khrushchev both in the people and in the party leadership. Under these conditions, the nearest environment of Khrushchev decided to remove him from power, which was done on October Plenum 1964. The country quietly met the removal of Khrushchev from the post and the completion of the "thaw". That's what I was written by N.S. Khrushchev in his memoirs about this contradictory period: "Deciding on the arrival of thaw, and going to her consciously, the leadership of the USSR, including me, at the same time they were afraid of her: no matter how the flood did not come from it, which will overlap us, and with whom we It will be difficult to cope ... We wanted to free the creative forces of people, but so that new creations contribute to the strengthening of socialism. It seems that, as they speak in the people, and I want, and ourselves, and Mom does not tell. So it was "

The period of the Khrushchev thaw is the conditional name of the period in history, which has been launched from the mid-1950s in the mid-1960s. The peculiarity of the period was partial retreat from the totalitarian policy of the Stalinist era. Khrushchev Thaw is the first attempt to aware of the consequences of the Stalinist regime, which has disclosed the features of the socio-political policy of the Stalinist era. The main event of this period is the XX Congress of the CPSU, which criticized and condemned the cult of the personality of Stalin, criticized the implementation of repressive policies. February 1956 marked the beginning of a new era, which puts its task a change in socio-political life, a change in the internal and foreign policy of the state.

Events of Khrushchev thaw

The period of Khrushchev thaws is characterized by such events:

  • The process of rehabilitation of victims of repression began, the amnesty was submitted innocently convicted people, the relatives of the "enemies of the people" became innocent.
  • The Republic of USSR received more political and legal rights.
  • 1957 was marked by the return of Chechens and Balkarians to their lands, from which they were evicted in Stalin's time due to the accusation of betrayal. But such a decision did not concern the Volga Germans and the Crimean Tatars.
  • Also, 1957 is famous for the International Festival of Youth and Students, which in turn, talks about the "opening of the iron curtain", softening censorship.
  • The result of these processes is the emergence of new public organizations. Trade union bodies are submitted by reorganization: the state of the top link of the trade union system has been reduced, the rights of primary organizations have been expanded.
  • Passports were issued to people living in the village, collective farm.
  • The rapid development of light industry and agriculture.
  • Active construction of cities.
  • Improving the standard of living of the population.

One of the main achievements of the 1953 - 1964 policy. It was the implementation of social reforms, which included the solution of the issue of pension provision, an increase in the income of the population, the solution of a housing problem, the introduction of a five-day week. The period of Khrushchev thawed was a difficult time in the history of the Soviet state. For such a short time (10 years) there were many transformations and innovations. The most important achievement was the exposition of the crimes of the Stalinist system, the population discovered the consequences of totalitarianism.


So, the policy of Khrushchev thawed was superficially, did not affect the basics of the totalitarian system. The dominant single-party system was preserved using the ideas of Marxism-Leninism. Nikita Khrushchev was not going to fulfill the complete destalinization of Nikita, because it meant the recognition of their own crimes. And since, renounce Stalin's time it did not work completely, then the Khrushchev transformations did not take long for a long time. In 1964, there was a conspiracy against Khrushchev, and from this period a new era begins in the history of the Soviet Union.

Where it was found to start a new stage in the life of the Soviet state. It was at this congress in February 1954 that the report of the new head of state was read, the main theses of which were Stalin's debunk, as well as the diversity of ways to achieve socialism.

Thaw Khrushchev: briefly

Tough measures of time later collectivization,

industrialization, mass repression, indicative processes (such as persecution for doctors) were convicted. Alternatively, peaceful coexistence of countries with a different social device and rejection of repressive measures in the construction of socialism were proposed. In addition, a course was taken to weaken the state control over the ideological life of society. One of the main characteristics of the totalitarian state is just tough and widespread participation in all spheres of public life - cultural, social, political and economic. Such a system initially brings up its own values \u200b\u200band worldview in its own citizens. In this regard, according to a number of researchers, the thaw of Khrushchev laid an end to replacing the system of relations between the power and society on authoritarian. Since the mid-50s, mass rehabilitation of convicts in the processes of the Stalinist era begins, many political prisoners who lived to this time were issued to freedom. Created special commissions on

consideration of cases innocently convicted. Moreover, entire peoples were rehabilitated. So the thaw of Khrushchev allowed to return to the homeland of the Crimean Tatars and the Caucasian ethnic groups deported during the Second World War Stalinist solutions. Many Japanese and German prisoners of war were released to their homeland, which were after in the Soviet captivity. Their number was calculated tens of thousands. provoked large-scale social processes. A direct consequence of the weakening of censorship was the liberation of the cultural sphere from the shackles and the need to sing the diminis-seizable regime. In the 1950s and 1960s accounting for Soviet literature and cinema. At the same time, these processes provoked the first noticeable opposition to the Soviet government. Criticism, which began in a soft form in the literary work of writers and poets, became the subject of public discussion already in the 60s, giving rise to a whole layer of opposition-minded "sixties".

International Discharge

During this period, softening in the USSR foreign policy will occur, one of whose main initiators was also N. S. Khrushchev. Thaw came the Soviet leadership with Yugoslavia Tito. The last time was presented in the Union of Stalin's times, as an apostate, almost a fascist minion for only the fact that independently, without instructions from Moscow, led his state and walked

own way to socialism. In the same period, Khrushchev meets with some Western leaders.

Dark side thaw

But the relationship with China is beginning to deteriorate. The local government of Mao Zedong did not perceive the criticism of the Stalinist regime and counted the Khrushchev softening by apostasy and weakness in front of the West. Yes, and the warming of the Soviet foreign policy in the Western direction did not last long. In 1956, during the Hungarian Spring, the Central Committee of the CPSU demonstrates that it does not intend to produce Eastern Europe from the orbit of his influence, drowned in the blood of the local uprising. Such performances in Poland and GDR are suppressed. In the early 60s, the aggravation of relations with the United States literally puts the world on the threshold of the Third World War. Yes, and in domestic politics, the boundaries of thaw quite quickly marked. The rigidity of the Stalinist era will never return, but arrests for criticizing the regime, exceptions, lowering in position and other similar measures have been fully practiced.

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