Finishing flights of stairs: ways of decorating. Decorating a concrete staircase with a tree

Engineering systems 25.06.2019
Engineering systems

First of all, the staircase must fulfill its direct functions - this statement does not cause any contradictions. However, the use of a structure that has not undergone any finishing work is not only unpleasant, but also inconvenient, and even dangerous.

Mandatory finishing work

The staircase structure can be made of concrete, metal, wood, stone and their combinations. But it is clear that none of these materials will be able to perform either the main or the aesthetic function if it is not properly processed.

  • Concrete - without cladding is used on flights of stairs in residential or office buildings. The product, as a rule, is made entirely in the form of a march, and is installed as the building is erected. Before being put into operation, stairs are subjected to minimal finishing work: steps are leveled and polished, welding seams and possible burrs on the metal are cleaned.

In a private building, the work is not limited to this: to give the staircase an aesthetic appearance, it is lined with a suitable material: tiles, wood, stone.

  • Metal is an option more often used for external staircases, both screw and marching. A metal staircase is lighter and easier to install than a concrete one. Primary processing of the product includes cleaning of traces of welding, burrs, smoothing of sharp edges and mandatory treatment with compounds that increase the corrosion resistance of the material.

  • Wood - widely used for private dwellings. The material is inferior in terms of wear resistance to concrete and metal, and exceeds in cost, therefore it is rarely used in areas with heavy traffic. tree in without fail must be treated with antifungal compounds and varnished or other means of protection.
  • Stone - artificial or natural. Solid stone steps can be installed on the march. The processing of the latter is carried out at the time of manufacture and is not subject to correction on the spot.

Cladding material criteria

A flight of stairs is an area subject to a high bearing load, and, therefore, more wear and tear than the floor in the rest of the building. So facing materials must meet certain criteria.

Decorative finishing works

The latter perform not only the task of ennobling the appearance. Often, thanks to the material used, both the safety level of the flight of stairs and the degree of comfort are significantly increased.

  • Ceramic tiles are the most popular way of facing concrete marches. The tiles are very different. high strength and low abrasion, depending on the brand, it can be used for finishing steps both in ordinary rooms and in rooms with high humidity. It is extremely easy to care for, as it is resistant to chemical aggressors and is very unpretentious.

Several ways of processing tiles allows you to get a different surface: from shiny to rough-rough. The latter has the proper anti-slip effect, the first option is recommended to be provided with either rubberized strips or grooves. A significant role is played by the high decorativeness of products: Any color, format, size, gloss can turn a standard flight of stairs into a work of art. The photo shows a sample.

  • Wood is no less popular, although a more demanding option. When cladding on steps, both metal and concrete, an additional substrate should be installed and processed by special means. The surface of a tree, even varnished, as a rule, retains an anti-slip effect, but for reliability, the installation of anti-slip strips is recommended.

Wood has a low thermal conductivity, it always remains warm to the touch, which is the reason for the enduring popularity of this finish.

  • Stone is an expensive material made from natural stone, as well as artificial. The cladding of a flight of stairs can include both the finishing of only the steps, and the design of the plinth or even part of the wall. The latter option creates a wonderful design effect of the harmonious inclusion of stairs in the interior of the room. The video shows the moment of finishing the span with overhead steps.

Such a keen interest of readers, which causes stairs and their decoration, is quite understandable. After all, when building a house with a basement or second floor, which many owners land plots carried out independently, it is impossible to do without this rather complex and responsible design.

If we take into account that different source materials are used to create them, then the decoration of the stairs cannot fit into a strictly defined framework. It is very diverse, and is able to change beyond recognition not only the most plain-looking building, but also make it the main focus in the design of the lobby, living room, hall or corridor.

So, let's figure out what options for finishing the stairs in the house can be implemented, depending on its design and material of manufacture, and how all this can fit into the interior.

Concrete stairs: their types and finishes are the most diverse, so we will start our review with them.

Types of finishes depending on the design

Before you decide how to finish the stairs, you still need to decide on its configuration. We will not go into the constructive strongly - we will only briefly mention the varieties, since the shape of the structure affects both the interior as a whole and the options for finishing the stairs in the house, which can be applied in each specific case.

In buildings built of brick, concrete blocks, or precast concrete, the walls of which are capable of withstanding heavy loads, stairs are most often either mounted either from prefabricated marches or poured in a monolithic way.

In the latter case, it is possible to create a structure of the most unusual shape: screw, or rotary with branching into different sides. Designers sometimes come up with the most incredible forms that cannot be classified under a certain classification.

  • There are also stairs from individual steps, which are supported by concrete or metal stringers. But this option is more often used in the arrangement of the porch. But inside the house often design cantilever stairs.
  • Such designs are in great fashion today, especially when the interior is designed in such styles as minimalism, modern modern, contemporary. Visually, it seems that the steps do not rest on anything, but simply hover in the air. Of course, this is not the case, and they are no less reliable than in mid-flight stairs.
  • The only thing is that some customers do not want to install fences on them, since the above effect disappears with them. The absence of railings is, of course, a certain danger - but everyone decides for himself.

You can build such a staircase only together with the house, since the installation of consoles involves their embedding in the wall.

There are two options cantilever stairs from concrete:

  1. In the first case, a kosour is poured along the wall with vertical outlets of reinforcement, which are then embedded in the body of the steps. This is clearly visible in the photo.

  • Finishing the steps of the stairs in this case is carried out either with the help of overhead wooden treads, or by refining the concrete surface by grinding and decorative plastering and / or painting.
  • Given the now fashionable texture of concrete, it is not required to make special efforts for such a finish. It is enough to purchase decorative plaster with the appropriate effect, in the kit for which the seller usually offers a primer and protective compounds. And the instructions on the packaging or a video found on the Internet will help you navigate the stages of work.
  • By the way, for plastering the stairs (its side and back surfaces), you can also take a composition with any other effect. They also perform ordinary whitewashing, which, with a certain design, can also look great.

  1. In the second case, ready-made concrete steps, having a hollow structure, are put on metal consoles, fixed either on a bowstring or on bolts immured in the wall.

Note! Such steps are usually made to order, and they already have a refined surface. Therefore, the main attention in the design of this design is directed to the wall to which such a staircase adjoins. Most often, this is a neutral, plain finish without any decor that would detract from the beauty of the staircase itself.

Combined options

At the combined staircase, only the kosour can be concrete, and the steps can be wooden, or, for example, glass. Finished steps are usually sold in full factory readiness, therefore, finishing the stairs to the second floor comes down to finishing kosour surface. Perform it in the same way as mentioned above.


Huge impact on appearance concrete stairs render and railings. Cantilever structures- the only ones in which fences may be absent. In other cases, they are.

  • According to the material of manufacture, it can be everything possible options from which fences are generally made. This is stainless steel, and forging, mesh, long bolts mounted to the ceiling, glass, or combinations thereof.
  • All these options either do not require finishing at all, or are only varnished, painted, stained, etc.
  • On classic mid-flight stairs, concrete balusters can be installed, which usually have a beautiful smooth surface and are simply painted white.
  • On spiral and rotary concrete stairs, railings can be made in a monolithic version.
  • On straight marches, they are often performed wireframe- by installing racks from a bar or a professional pipe, and subsequent sheathing with drywall.
  • At the same time, the railings and the back of the stairs (if it does not close) are plastered and painted.

Note! For sheathed GKL fences, white water-dispersion paint is the best finishing material. Especially if the hall and the staircase itself have a solid area, and the ceilings are high. White interiors are typical for the main premises of houses with a second light, which is the living room combined with the lobby.

You will also have to pay attention to drywall in the case when you want to not only close the space under the stairs, but use it to organize storage places, a pantry, a bathroom and any other auxiliary area.

Note: Our website has a detailed article on self-assembly stair railings from GKL. There are also articles with interesting selections of photos, where you can get a good idea for using the part of the room that is located under the stairs.

How to finish the steps of concrete stairs

Since concrete is the most durable monolithic base, it can be finished not only by grinding and painting. Concrete steps can be lined with any material that can withstand increased abrasion loads.

For clarity, we present the types of finishing stairs made of concrete in the table:

Finish option Brief list of work performed

In fact, any material used as a floor covering can be used to finish concrete stairs.

Stair steps can be finished not only with parquet boards, but also with laminate - both traditional and polymer.

PVC laminate is a self-adhesive material. It imitates the shape and texture of the board, although, of course, it cannot compete with the board in terms of service life.

A special profile for finishing the stairs with laminate will help to beautifully decorate the edges of the steps and make the cladding without extra time.

Finishing stairs on the second floor can also be done with cork - in the form of tiles or roll coating intended for the floor. Cork, by the way, is an excellent sound insulator, so you definitely won’t have problems with noise and creaking.

It makes sense to use cork for cladding stairs when this material is used either for the floor of a room adjacent to the stairs, or for finishing walls along the flight of stairs.

The most difficult thing is to select materials for finishing stairs when they have custom shape(curvilinear, radius, triangular). In this case, wooden tread plates are made to order.

Ready-made steps can also be purchased for a regular straight flight of stairs - and we can assume that the question: how to finish the stairs to the second floor is closed.

Speaking of finished steps, it would be wrong not to mention the stone. Of course, the decoration of stairs in a private house with granite and marble is used in interiors much less often than with wood.

This is due to the high price of the material. However, it is unlikely that anyone will doubt that such a lining - provided correct installation, will last as long as the house will stand.

Finished steps can also be ceramic (clinker) or porcelain stoneware. This option is also not very often used in interiors, as it is a cold material. It is more often used for the porch.

However, if the floors in the room adjacent to the stairs are tiled, then the tiled decoration of the stairs in the house will look quite harmonious.

One of the most beautiful options for finishing indoor stairs is mosaic tiles. And if you don’t want to install clinker steps, you can use the combined option: wooden treads, and clad the risers with ceramics.

Note: In combination with wrought iron railings, this finish looks just great. Especially when you consider that the ornament on each riser is individual.

In search of an answer to the question: what finishing materials for the stairs are better, you can’t ignore the carpet. Like any other option, it has its pros and cons.

As a matter of fact, there are practically no minuses - except perhaps a shorter service life compared to wood, and even more so with clinker or marble. However, in the house you still want comfort, and carpeting will provide it.

On the concrete base carpet can be mounted on glue. And finishing the edge of the step with such a profile as in the photo will provide protection to the material from rapid abrasion, and will not allow a person walking up the stairs to slip.

In continuation of the topic of carpet, I would like to mention the carpet paths. The presence of pile is the only thing that unites these two materials.

Carpets have a much richer choice of colors and ornaments, allowing you to create truly chic interiors. Unlike carpet, they are not glued to the base, and are not fixed with a stapler, but are fixed with special grips.

This finish option is equally well suited for wooden stairs, and for concrete - as shown in the photo. The concrete staircase, which is planned to be covered with carpet, is pre-primed and painted.

Everyone knows that paint is the main finishing material for wooden and metal stairs. But with regard to concrete stairs, it should not be discounted either!

Why not. If even industrial concrete floors are painted, then for the stairs there is such a paint that will create a coating resistant to abrasion. These are epoxy, polyurethane, urethane-alkyd coatings, which have extraordinary wear resistance.

If, before finishing the steps of the stairs, the surfaces are thoroughly sanded, dust-free and primed, the paint will lay flat and adhere well to the concrete.

The resulting coating will not only serve for a long time, but also extend the life of the concrete itself. In this case, the edges of the steps are protected with a metal corner before painting.

As you can see, there are quite a few materials that can be used to finish concrete stairs. And if you consider that they can be combined, then there will be even more design options. Perhaps, after reading the material presented and watching the video in this article, it will be easier for you to make a choice.

Frame stairs

Frame stairs are called stairs, which are assembled from separate load-bearing elements, resulting in a light three-dimensional structure.

  • And here there are only two options: wood and metal - glass does not count, since it is not used to form the frame.
  • Such stairs are very popular - and not only because of the lower technological complexity in manufacturing. They are beautiful and compact, and if desired, a metal or wooden staircase can fit into the smallest opening.
  • These materials are often combined, and there are so many design possibilities that you can find your own option for almost any architectural style.

As you can see, wood and / or metal are made completely unusual stairs. But all this, of course, is design developments that are designed for a specific room.

No instruction will help to make such beauty on your own. However, looking at the photo, you can always borrow some idea that is useful for yourself, and decide how to finish the staircase - and at the same time the room in which it is located.

The subtleties of finishing stairs made of metal

Given that the elements of modular metal stairs, mass-produced or custom-made, have an already refined surface, the question is: “How to finish iron ladder?” ask those who decided to design and install it themselves.

Why not? Take at least one such option, which is presented below. This is a structure, the frame of which is welded from profiled pipes, and ready-made wooden steps.

Railings for stairs can be purchased ready-made, complete. And if you build such a staircase, you just have to think about how beautifully and accurately paint the frame, which will be in full view. A lot depends on the concept of finishing the room as a whole.

Some photos showed examples where stringers contrast with other surfaces, being an accent detail in the interior. In the example discussed above, on the contrary, they tried to make them less noticeable. Considering that the walls were finished in yellow tones, the stringers were painted with bronze paint.

However, painting metal requires painstaking surface preparation: degreasing, grinding, possibly removing rust, priming. Therefore, many people prefer to make such a staircase closed - that is, to sew it up on all sides with drywall.

The output might look like this:

Looking at such a ladder, you will not even guess that it is made of metal. Here, both the treads and the vertical surfaces of the steps are lined with wood. But often the risers are also sewn up with drywall - the result is the same as in the photo below:

  • In both cases, the emphasis in finishing is on the contrast that the snow-white painted drywall makes to the dark steps.
  • In principle, plywood can also be used for sheathing, but if you want to get such a snow-white shade as in the picture, it is still better to take drywall.
  • Rather, you need to use GVL (gypsum fiber sheet). Drywall has a greenish cardboard shell that can show through paint and even thin wallpaper, and needs to be either full-surface puttyed or a pigmented primer applied.
  • And GVL itself is white. Therefore, it is easier to paint it, filling only the joints of the skin elements. And the mechanical strength of such sheets is much higher.

This quality is especially valuable if you decide to build a rack, cabinet, shelves, etc. in the space under the stairs.

How can you interestingly finish a wooden staircase

Everything that was said about metal stairs is also relevant for wooden ones. But the tree still gives much more room for creativity, since this material, unlike metal, is easily processed by hand.

  • We are talking again about homemade stairs, since the parts of factory designs already have a finished shape and, at a minimum, surfaces prepared for painting.
  • As for the elite stairs made of valuable breeds wood, they don't even need painting.
  • However, with the help regular paint you can create incredible beautiful interior stairs and adjoining rooms. Moreover, many extraordinary personalities want to see not boring brown shades of wood scale, but cheerful, cheerful tones.

If on concrete stairs it is easiest to focus on the risers with mosaic tiles, then in the case of a tree, only paint remains. And believe me, with its help you can produce an equally beautiful finish.

Techniques can be used in a variety of ways: from plain, changing the color saturation of the risers, to the carpet path, drawn on the entire surface of the stairs. Here, someone, and what will have enough imagination and patience. And for those who do not know how to draw, there are stencils.

From all that has been said above, we can draw the following conclusion: if you show a little imagination and make some efforts, finishing the stairs with your own hands can bear fruit, and the interior of your home will become truly exclusive.

Monolithic concrete stairs are increasingly seen in country house, not always it has an aesthetic appearance. For decorative design of such a design, different materials are used, taking into account the personal preferences of the owner of the house, his material capabilities.

Finishing a concrete staircase involves the use of almost all types of coatings that are used to equip the floor. Let's analyze the main options for decorating steps:

  • natural wood;
  • tiles.

How to make laminate stairs

Most often, in country houses, the finishing of a concrete staircase is performed using a laminate. In order for the ladder to become calling card» country house, it is not enough to install it correctly, it is important to correctly lay the floor covering on the steps.

Facing the steps performs two functions at once:

  • decorative (gives the structure a finished look);
  • wear resistance (during operation, the steps withstand loads).

In order for the stairs to have a long service life, finishing stairs made of concrete with wood begins with the selection of material.

Laminate Features

The material has several layers:

  • Fiberboard on a special dense substrate;
  • decorative paper layer coated with acrylate or melamine resin.

Bonding of individual laminate boards is carried out using a locking system. Manufacturers offer material of different classes, depending on the abrasion resistance, water permeability, impact resistance. Currently, you can buy a laminate of six classes, finishing a concrete staircase in a private house, as in the photo, is done with a laminate of 31-33 classes.

Using a Transition Profile

To connect multiple surfaces different levels, special profiles are required. With the help of a similar design, it is possible to dock fragments of the cladding so that the decoration of the concrete staircase, as in the photo, pleases with its aesthetic appearance. In addition, such a profile will evenly distribute the load over the entire board, increase it performance characteristics.

Tools for the job

To veneer the structure with laminate, you will need certain tools.

  • Electric jigsaw;
  • a circular saw;
  • hammer;
  • building level;
  • self-tapping screws.

With the help of the tools and accessories listed above, finishing the stairs with laminate will be done professionally.

Advice! When facing steps with this material, use self-tapping screws. Choose zinc or copper fasteners so that during operation corrosion does not violate the aesthetics of the finished product.

Finishing a wooden staircase

For concrete, wood, metal structure finishing of concrete stairs with wood is equally suitable: beech, larch, oak, mahogany. Such a decoration option is an expensive pleasure; wooden steps are made of noble wood species only by special orders.

Cladding with composite decking board

Decking (terrace composite board) is considered an alternative to natural wood.

High-quality finishing of concrete stairs with wood, as in the photo, looks similar to a composite board, but the difference is significant in price. The composite board has special polymers that give it strength, moisture resistance, elasticity. The decking board has an anti-slip surface, which is important for outdoor options.

Decorative metal stairs terrace board performed similarly to natural wood cladding.

Terrace board advantages:

  • no need for additional processing after cutting;
  • ease of installation;
  • ease;
  • aesthetics;
  • acceptable cost

Mounting specifics

  1. There are ventilation holes inside the board, so the installation is carried out with the slots down.
  2. Decorative decoration of the stairs in the house with decking involves the installation of boards to the frame of a screw or bolt metal system using self-tapping screws for fastening.

Recently, designers have been offering cladding of openings with several materials, giving the design originality and originality.

The sequence of actions for sheathing a concrete staircase

  • Leveling steps with a self-leveling compound;
  • installation of plywood on steps and risers;
  • installation of the lower riser;
  • installation of the lower stage. For installation use "liquid nails", gradually move up, checking building level the quality of the constructed structure;
  • attached to plywood decorative coating: board, parquet, laminate.

Parquet for stairs

It is possible to decorate the steps of a concrete staircase with a parquet board. Since the material is unstable to high humidity, before laying, each parquet board must be carefully treated with a special protective impregnation. A standard parquet board has a width of 20 cm, it is quite suitable for steps as in the photo. Finishing the stairs to the second floor with parquet is more often done in country houses and demonstrates the status of the owner of the house.

Parquet is the most expensive flooring, so today there is a demand for a more democratic finish of a concrete staircase with a tree with your own hands, more precisely, with parquet panels or laminate. Video:

Advantages parquet board:

  • multilayer structure. The board is made from the bottom of inexpensive layers of wood, the top decorative layer is made of expensive veneer, which significantly reduces the cost of the product;
  • the presence of grooves greatly simplifies the procedure for fixing parquet boards (locking system), even a beginner can finish the stairs with wood with their own hands, if everything is available necessary materials and tools.

Advice! To fix the parquet board, use the adhesive mounting option.

Facing the stairs with tiles and natural stone

The noble finishing of the steps of a concrete staircase with tiles or natural stone favorably emphasizes the status of the house, its owner. If concrete structure decorate with granite or marble, solidity and monumentality are provided to the entire structure. Such decoration of concrete stairs is appropriate in spacious, two-story country houses built of brick or cinder blocks. To ensure that the spans lined with natural stone do not turn out to be a bulky structure, designers use several shades, lay out fancy ornaments on the steps.

How are concrete structures lined?

Traditional materials are suitable for facing a concrete staircase structure:

Non-traditional finishes:

  • onyx;
  • travertine.

For each of these materials, certain performance characteristics can be distinguished, but finishing a wooden staircase with mi is unlikely to be appropriate.

About the advantages of decorating stairs with natural stone

Main positive characteristics choosing natural stone as a decorative coating for steps:

Please note that finishing stairs with laminate does not have such advantages, it is considered a budget option.

The elegance of a democratic laminate

Steps made of expensive wood species have an elegant look, but finishing the stairs with laminate fits into the budget, and therefore deserves detailed consideration.

The use of laminate is justified when restoring the old structure, an exemplary finishing of the stairs with a laminate with your own hands on the video will help to lay it correctly and get the desired result:

Laminate is a fragile material, so it is important to protect the edges of steps from premature failure. For this, a decorative metal corner is suitable. Fixation of the corner is carried out with screws matched to the tone of the panel and the corner. Details from the laminate for steps and risers are cut with a thin file or a jigsaw.

Advice! If you plan to change the natural color of the wood, you need to use a stain before priming.

In order to protect the surface of the wood from moisture, while maintaining the natural structure of the tree, you will need oil-wax to finish the stairs. Such work allows you to create a homely cozy atmosphere inside the room. In order to reduce the cost of such work, a preliminary priming of the wooden elements of the stairwells is carried out.

It is impossible to do without a ladder in a multi-storey country house. In order for it not to spoil the overall interior of the house, the stairs are finished with wood or other decorative material. When choosing a coating option for a ladder system, remember that it must be safe, durable, beautiful, and comfortable.

The staircase in the house is not only an important structural element - its shape, variety and shade of the material from which it is made, type of construction, design decision significantly affect the appearance of the room in which it is installed. And since the ladder is enough massive construction, it should harmoniously fit into the surrounding interior.

In many ways, the success of the implementation of this requirement depends on the finishing of free walls along the staircase structure. About what kind of wall decoration is near the stairs and will be discussed in this article.

The operating conditions of the staircase structure, the style of the surrounding interior and the area of ​​​​the room where it is located affect the configuration of the staircase and the material of its manufacture.

Based on this, there are several options:

  1. In a small hallway, you can install an L-or U-shaped staircase with a turntable. It is most often made from wood;
  2. When placed, an elongated living room or in a room with a free layout of sufficient area, a straight flight staircase is installed. V modern interiors- this is a combined design made of wood, glass and metal, and in a classic setting it is appropriate to use wood of noble shades or natural stone;
  3. If the staircase is installed in the kitchen, then preference is given to structures with transparent or light railings made of glass, artistic forging or wooden balusters.

Important! Regardless of where the staircase is located, it and the walls along it must be in harmony with the surrounding space.

Rules for decorating a room with a staircase

The staircase in the hallway should logically connect the premises on the first and second floors, therefore, when decorating the room where it is located, the following nuances are taken into account:

  1. The color scheme and material of the main surfaces - walls and floor, as well as the material of the stairs are selected in such a way that they are combined with each other;
  2. It is important that the staircase is in harmony with the decor and furniture in the room;
  3. Compatibility should also be guessed in the forms - when arranged or spiral furniture should be made with smooth curves, and in the style of minimalism, the design of the stairs should have strict clear shapes and neutral shades of materials;
  4. Be sure to think carefully - for this they use the illumination of steps and railings, wall sconces and chandeliers.

As for the material for the walls along the stairs, it is selected based on the type of finish of the remaining walls in the room - the material should be similar or combined with the existing finish.

It is worth considering that the same requirements should be imposed on the material of the walls as on the decoration in the corridor or hallway. These are the rooms that perform a communicative function, which means that the movement through them is more intense than in other rooms and the level of pollution is higher.

Mechanical damage is also possible. decorative finishes walls, because large objects and furniture are lifted up the stairs to the second floor - it is easy to touch the wall and scratch the finish if it is fragile.

Wall finishing material must be moisture resistant and withstand wet cleaning, as well as not absorb dirt. The materials that are most often found when decorating a wall along a span, as well as ideas, will be discussed below.


This method of finishing is most common, since wallpapers can be chosen for any interior, they create a homely atmosphere and many modern materials have decent performance.

Wallpaper for a hallway with a staircase should have the following qualities:

  1. decorative. They should not only be in harmony with the style of the interior, but can be used to highlight the area of ​​​​the stairs in the room. To do this, choose contrasting canvases or with a darker saturated shade;

  1. wear resistance. As previously noted, the staircase is a communication link with increased cross-country ability. You can involuntarily touch the walls or outerwear with your hands, especially if there are children and pets in the house, then the risk of wall contamination and mechanical damage to the finish increases;

  1. moisture resistance. In the hallway, not too clean drops of water fall on the walls from clothes, shoes, umbrellas. Moisture should not be absorbed into the wallpaper, and their surface should allow wet cleaning.

Of the most common types of wallpaper, you can use vinyl wallpapers with a durable front surface that can even be washed with a brush, and glass wall papers that can be painted in any color. On the surface of such wallpaper, a relief pattern is applied, which, with repeated staining, does not lose its clarity.

This allows you to change the color scheme of the interior up to 10 times without removing the canvas. To highlight the wall along the stairs, you can use photo wallpaper, but on the condition that other walls in the room have a calm neutral finish.

To extend the life of the wallpaper, you can finish the lower part of the wall with a more durable material - wooden or laminated panels, cork or artificial stone.


To create a luxurious classic interior, you can use linkrust, which is environmentally friendly and has a long service life. It is produced in the form of a rolled material, very durable, but plastic with a pronounced relief, which allows it to be used on uneven surfaces.

Linkrust contains only natural ingredients - wood flour, linseed oil, chalk, rosin, wax. A plastic mass consisting of these components is applied to a paper substrate and a pattern is extruded using special equipment.

  1. Environmental Safety;
  2. Heat resistance and vapor permeability;
  3. Monolithic durable front layer;
  4. Durability measured in tens of years;
  5. Ease of care;
  6. The front surface can be repainted;
  7. Elasticity and resistance to mechanical stress.

Fake diamond

This type of finish allows you to create an expressive decorative coating with excellent performance properties. The variety of this material allows you to decorate any interior of the hallway or living room with stairs. You can choose a solution for classic, country or modern style.

Artificial decorative rock has the following positive properties:

  1. It is the most practical of all materials that can be used for interior decoration;
  2. This is an environmentally friendly and hygienic material that is not subject to the formation of fungus or mold;
  3. Artificial stone is durable and strong;
  4. It is easy to clean - its surface can be wiped with a damp or dry cloth and even vacuumed;

  1. The material does not burn and does not spread fire, which is important when facing walls near the stairs;
  2. A wide selection of textures and shades makes this material versatile in terms of compatibility with other finishes - natural wood, glass, metal. The stone itself can be glossy or matte, rough or smooth;
  3. This material is distinguished from natural stone only by its insignificant weight, outwardly they are indistinguishable.

Important! When finishing the wall along the stairs, it is necessary to choose the right texture and shade of artificial stone, as well as design the surface with a sense of proportion - a wall not always completely finished with masonry looks appropriate, especially in a small room.

When choosing a material, consider the following:

  1. Room area;
  2. Wall height;
  3. The level of natural light;
  4. Orientation of the room to the cardinal points;
  5. The presence or absence of window openings;
  6. The style of the room and other decoration.

Advice. The amount of masonry depends on the level of illumination of the room, the smaller it is, the less stone decor should be. Otherwise, you can use a light artificial stone that has a porous structure.

Usually in the hallway, with the help of an expressive stone texture, a staircase is distinguished, and the rest of the walls are made background with a neutral hue, combined with colors stone.

How to choose a stone for the style of the room

Decorative artificial stone is one of the few finishing materials that organically fit into any style direction in the interior - from classic to ultra-modern.

A minimalist staircase against a masonry background will become the main accent in a room with a laconic design and a minimum of decor. Preference should be given to smooth semi-gloss solid slabs in the form of beige sandstone, dark gray shungite or gray-pink slate;

A stone wall in a loft-style interior is an integral part of the design. Usually stone or brickwork used on one of accent walls. In a room with a staircase, it is better to highlight exactly the one that is located along the march. In addition to brick imitation, gray breccia or light brown limestone can be used;

V classic interior you can use both smooth marble and textured varieties of artificial stone;

In private houses with spacious halls, you can use castle style space decoration. Stairs with wrought iron railings and steps natural wood ideally combined with masonry in the form of pebbles of different fractions with a pronounced grout. You can use light-colored dolomite and warm-colored sandstone;

The stone cladding of the wall along the high-tech staircase will emphasize the organic combination of its metal and glass fragments.

Decorative plaster

Due to the variety of textures and application methods, decorative plaster can decorate the wall along the stairs in any style.

TO positive qualities this material includes the following:

  1. The plaster coating turns out to be monolithic and very durable, resistant to mechanical stress;
  2. Many plastering techniques allow you to create unique textured drawings, images and frescoes;
  3. After processing the plaster layer with a transparent varnish, it becomes moisture resistant, which allows you to remove dirt from its surface with a damp sponge;
  4. Some textures can be created with your own hands without professional skills;
  5. The price of this material is available;
  6. If the instructions for self-cooking solution using fillers and colors, you can get a unique composition of any shade;

  1. A variety of application techniques allows you to finish the wall near the stairs, made in any style;
  2. Plaster is a natural, environmentally friendly, non-combustible material with long term operation;
  3. Provides heat and sound insulation in the room;
  4. Not afraid of moisture and temperature changes.

Decorative plaster can be classified depending on its basis as follows:

Acrylic resins, which are part of the plaster of the same name, ensure its plasticity and moisture resistance;

Silicone plaster is the most expensive, but has improved performance: elasticity, breathability, versatility in use. It can be applied to any surface, it is sold in a ready-to-use form;

Mineral plaster is used on identical surfaces with pre-treatment with a quartz primer. Sold in white and can be tinted in any color;

Plaster based silicate glass is heavy-duty and is more often used for facade work.

Depending on the type of filler, decorative plaster may be as follows:

The composition of textured plaster contains a filler in the form of small pebbles, natural wood fibers or mica, due to which the surface treated with such a composition becomes voluminous. Using a roller or brush, you can create a specific pattern;

Structural plaster contains mineral grains, such as quartz. It is more uniform than textured plaster. When applied to the wall, recesses of various widths and depths are formed, and the pattern can be obtained by applying the composition in different directions;

As part of Venetian plaster as a filler, marble chips are used, painted in different colors by adding pigments. The coating on the wall is smooth, with a pearly sheen. To obtain a beautiful effect, two shades are used;

By adding silk threads to the composition of the flock plaster, a texture is obtained, which is called “wet silk”. Its feature is soft to the touch texture. It is applied in three stages - first, an adhesive base is applied, then flocks, and at the final stage - a varnish composition.

Decorative plaster, depending on the method of application and composition, allows you to get a variety of effects. Let's consider some of them.

Texture "bark beetle" has a pronounced structure due to the fact that the composition of the solution includes marble chips of various fractions. Thanks to this filler, in the process of applying the plaster, grooves of different volumes and depths are formed. Outwardly, the coating resembles natural wood, eaten away by bark beetles - hence the name;

Technique "sgraffito" allows you to get relief patterns and images on the surface of the walls. Material of different colors is applied in stages. In this case, special stencils are used;

Antique effect obtained when using latex plaster - in the process of friction, a coating that is uneven in color is obtained, imitating an aged surface, and the presence of cracks enhances this effect;

coat effect, like the "bark beetle", was previously used in the decoration of facades, but now such a coating can also be found in the interior. It turns out rough and depending on the application technique, you can get a different pattern. More often it is a spray;

imitates natural rock.

Decorative panels

There are many materials for the manufacture of wall panels that can be used for wall cladding near the stairs:

  1. Natural wood panels are environmentally friendly and easy to process. They have a unique appearance, due to the natural pattern and shade, but their cost is much higher than other types of decorative wall panels;

  1. Panels made of chipboard and fiberboard are cheaper, but outwardly they can successfully imitate natural wood;

  1. Plastic panels are the most affordable, easy to maintain, durable and moisture resistant. Outwardly, they can have any color and style of execution;

  1. Cork panels are characterized by environmental friendliness, durability and lightness;

The video in this article will show you how to finish the walls of the stairs.

In residential buildings with two and three floors, be it country house, cottage or mansion, there must be a staircase. Often, this building does not attract attention and is purely functional. But if the ladder has beautiful cladding, then such a design can become the main decoration of the interior.

A high-quality finish will prevent premature wear of the steps, strengthen the entire structure, and also make movement on it more comfortable and safe. For this, there are many different finishing materials on the market. We will talk in more detail about which one to choose and consider the advantages of each finish option.

The choice of finishing material

Depending on the type of stairs (concrete, metal, wooden), a specific finishing option is selected, and a combination of different materials is also allowed. For example, concrete steps are mostly finished with wood, but railings can be made of forged, steel or glass parts - it all depends on the preferences of the owners and general design premises.

When choosing a material for stairs, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • Safety and practicality. It is recommended to use only durable and wear-resistant materials - the durability of the final finish depends on this. At the exit, the steps must not be too slippery, otherwise there is a risk of falls and injury.

  • Combination with flooring. It is best to choose those materials for cladding that will successfully harmonize with the surrounding space. It is especially important to pay attention to the floor finish not only on the first, but also on the second floor.

  • Stair construction type. Here it is worth focusing on the geometry of the march. For a straight single-flight design, you can select any materials, but for spiral models and stairs with a turn, you need a special approach. So, choosing a tile or stone, you will have to work hard, because such materials need to be adjusted to the shape of the steps, which leads to high costs.

In addition to the above, you need to take into account such a criterion as sound insulation. If the stairs are located next to the bedroom or nursery, it is important to take care that finishing coating it wasn't too "noisy" on the steps. Next, we consider the main types of materials for cladding, their features and advantages of use.


Carpeting is an ideal solution for families with small children and elderly people who are sensitive to excessive noise. Such material can be both woven and pile. The latter option is more preferable, because it gives not only silence, but also pleasant tactile sensations while walking up the stairs.

Some of the main benefits of carpeting include:

  • sound absorption and heat retention;
  • ensuring comfort and safety when walking on stairs;
  • affordable price of the material and its practicality;
  • ease of care and the ability to ennoble the stairs.

Coating is fixed different ways: on glue (in the case of a concrete staircase), using skirting boards, corners, sills or rods. The latter method involves the installation and fixing of carpet holders at the junction of treads and risers.

Before laying the carpet, it is cut to right size. To do this, first measure the flight of stairs - the length and width, taking into account the height of the steps for bending the material.

Linoleum and laminate

These are two more simple and affordable solutions that do not require special installation skills. Linoleum is good because it is elastic, it can be easily laid on the steps and secured with metal strips or corners. On concrete steps, this material is simply fixed with a special glue. At worst, if the staircase is made of wood, the canvas can simply be gently nailed with small carnations.

Linoleum flooring is smooth and therefore does not require much effort to clean. It is enough to periodically subject a staircase with such a finish to wet cleaning.

As for the laminate, this finishing material is also not bad. However, it is only suitable for concrete and wooden stairs. In case you have installed wireframe model, it must first be sheathed with chipboard or OSB boards. It is recommended to choose a durable and moisture resistant laminate, product class - 31 or higher.

Finishing with laminate is easy. The panels are installed on the steps: a solid plank is suitable for the tread, a trimmed part is suitable for the riser. As a completion, the protruding corners of the treads are finished with laminated l-shaped sills or panels.

On the video: finishing the stairs with a laminate with a profile.

MDF panels

MDF panels are also suitable for finishing staircase structures in a private house. It's a good alternative natural wood. Thanks to modern technologies today it is possible to produce durable, but lightweight lining for steps that imitate wood.

The coating of MDF products can have different shades and patterns, often there are options for stone or leather.

Tiles and porcelain tiles

To improve the stairs both in the house and on the street, there are turnkey solutions- tiles and porcelain tiles. Both options are reliable and durable, resistant to high moisture and temperature extremes. On sale are ceramic tile and tiles specially designed for steps, they can be with a smooth surface or have reflences to prevent slipping.

Finishing with clinker tiles or porcelain stoneware is ideal for outdoor stairs. Porcelain stoneware is an expensive pleasure, but its aesthetic appeal and long service life are worth such costs. Laying tiles is easy to do if its dimensions correspond to the dimensions of the step. Otherwise, you will have to make a concrete screed.

Finishing is best done on straight flights of stairs. For facing screw models, the products will have to be cut, and ugly seams may also turn out.

A natural stone

In a private house or cottage, you can often see the decoration of the stairs with stone. The most commonly used granite, marble, basalt and sandstone. This type of product is suitable for cladding a concrete and metal structure; for a wooden one, it is worth looking at an artificial analogue.

Stone steps look very solid, with their help you can ennoble any interior. But there are also significant disadvantages - the high cost, the noise effect from the steps and the eternally cold surface.

Coloring with paint

This finish is more decorative, but can serve as a protective layer for wooden steps. Stairs made of concrete or metal can also be painted, especially if they do not lead to the second floor, but to the basement or other domestic premises. So you can save on finishing, because the paint is inexpensive.

To choose paint and varnish products need wisely. One composition is suitable for wood, completely different for metal and concrete. If you want to paint wooden elements, you can purchase enamel, tinted varnish, stain or decorative and protective impregnation - compositions designed for wood. The paint must also be water repellent.

If the staircase leads to the second floor, it can be ennobled with unusual painting. Actual solution today is staining in two or more colors.


Staircase in a private house important element interior, the appearance of which must be approached carefully. For structures made of metal, wood and concrete, specific materials and methods of sheathing are suitable. Knowing the right technology, you can perform Finishing work with your own hands.

wooden stairs

Finishing a staircase made of wood is easier to do by painting or coating with decorative and protective compounds. When choosing a coloring product, it is worth considering the type of wood, its operational and external characteristics. So, cheap wood species, such as pine, are best covered with stain or tinted varnish.

When choosing a varnish for processing steps, you need to focus on its composition:

  • Alkyd. By covering the stairs with such a composition, you can not worry about their appearance for a long time. The varnish is resistant to moisture and withstands temperature changes, and the coating is durable and does not wear out for a long time.

  • Acrylic. Creates a dense coating that does not fade in the sun and does not turn yellow over time. The surface acquires a gloss that can be compared with a wet effect.

  • Polyurethane. This is a reliable and durable coating. Lacquer can be used both outside and indoors with high humidity. The best option if you need to paint the stairs in the bath.

To finish a wooden staircase, it is better to first apply a stain, and then apply a layer of varnish on top of it. Often, only steps are painted, and it is enough to open such elements as handrails and balusters with a colorless varnish.

Depending on the type of composition and its consistency, the appropriate tools are selected. So, thick and viscous solutions (lacquer or enamel) should be applied using wide brush with hard bristles, and liquid - with the help of a paint sprayer.

metal stairs

The sheathing method is used to improve metal stairs. The frame is usually lined with wood, you can choose any breed, based on financial capabilities. However, we recommend choosing medium-density lumber.

Step finishing metal stairs both partial and complete are possible. In the first case, only wooden treads are installed, in the second case, the frame is sheathed completely.

The whole process of refining stairs on a metal frame can be divided into several stages:

1. Determined with the future design of the staircase and the way it is finished - partial or full sheathing.

2. Select the type of wood, then prepare the necessary details from it. For partial finishing, only treads are made, for a complete finish, risers, stringers and railings are also needed.

3. Prepared steps are fixed on a metal frame with self-tapping screws. Hats are recommended to be deepened into the tree by 5 mm; these places can be closed with wooden chopsticks.

5. Installation of balusters on already installed steps is in progress. To do this, holes are made in the steps, which are filled with glue, wooden dowels are inserted into them. Balusters sit on the received pins.

6. The last stage involves the installation of a handrail and finishing - staining or varnishing.

Concrete stairs

Finishing a concrete staircase is possible with the use of stone, wood, MDF panels, laminate and tiles. The easiest way is to sheathe the structure with wood. But it is worth noting that the concrete base must be perfectly even, otherwise the differences will have to be eliminated.

The complete finishing process includes the following steps:

1. Foundation preparation. The surface of the monolithic structure must be leveled. With minor distortions (no more than one centimeter), it will be enough to apply a leveling cement mixture.

2. Plywood installation. The so-called underlay is carried out, for this, sheets of plywood 10 mm thick are taken and fragments are cut out in accordance with the size of the treads. Installation is carried out adhesive method- for mastic.

3. Step installation. Ready-made wooden elements are smeared with glue on the back side and stacked on top of the plywood substrate. Additionally, the treads are fixed with screws. Risers are installed, they are fastened to the treads with self-tapping screws, twisted "into the sweat".

Making a staircase with your own hands is quite simple if you choose the right technology and follow the instructions exactly without missing a single step. Based on the content in this article, you can veneer any staircase structure. But just remember that the quality of the result directly depends on the right materials.

Examples of cladding stairs with wood (3 videos)

Stairs with a beautiful and original finish (65 photos)

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