Paint metal stairs. How to paint the ladder Wooden: types of paints, tips, recommendations

Reservoirs 04.03.2020

Painting the stairs is not such a simple task as it may seem at first glance. This process has many subtleties that only professionals know. It is such employees who work in our company "The World of Stairs". By contacting us for the services, you will get an impeccable result for a relatively low cost.

Options for painting wooden staircase elements

Painting of tree stairs

It's no secret that wood is very popular.

The wooden design in the house is able to serve a long shelf life if it is properly and efficiently processed. Various paints, varnishes and environmentally friendly oils come to the rescue. These chemicals give not only aesthetic beauty, but also play a protective function from the negative impact of the environment.

There is not a small amount of funds that are used for painting wooden structures and each of them has its advantages and cons.

  • Oil paints. Made on the basis of natural and artificial oils. In stores are sold both ready-made oil products and densely, which require dilution. In general, this is a budget decision, but it has cons: dries away for a long time and does not tolerate mechanical impacts;
  • Lucky are divided into two types: water-based and two - component (polyurethane);
  • Enamel. This substance is not suitable for street wooden structures, since enamel does not withstand increased humidity, it also has a sufficiently dense (holling) structure and therefore completely hides the wood texture;
  • Impregnation. Can protect from most malicious effects.

For decoration carried out inside the wooden structure, it is important to carefully select paint products. During the immediate exploitation of the house, the evaporation of the paints will be permanent. It is important that this does not harm people living in it.

Biofa waxes and oil are made of natural ingredients. Without affecting the health of people, Biofa products contribute to the optimal microclimate in the house.

Wood stairs with which such buildings are equipped, also require reinforced protection. In the course of operation, products are subjected to significant loads. Biofa waxes and oil perfectly absorbed wood, creating reliable, elastic, wear-resistant microscopic coating. The surface of wooden structures is obtained by mud and moisture-repellent properties, becomes immunity to low / high temperatures, easy to maintain. If the staircase has been damaged, it will take only its local restoration. Fully the entire design will not be appropriate.

Wood-treated oil Biofa provides optimal humidity and air exchange in the wooden houses.

Applying a means on a tree, regardless of that beech it, ash or pine - it is a long, responsible and thorough study of every detail. There are special knowledge of the properties of dyes, tree breeds. Ignorance of special nuances can lead to cracks, divorce, stains and other marriage on the construction. Therefore, it is better to even pay a little higher than the cost, but contact competent specialists. The price of painting a wooden staircase in any case will seem no higher than the cost of correcting errors.

Coloring forged staircase

Forged structures have many advantages, but they also have disadvantages: metal by nature has a dark tint and has a property quickly rust. These two minuses can be easily eliminated with painting. How to handle the metal correctly?

  • First of all, before starting work it is necessary to treat metal primer;
  • The tool for staining should be high quality, protect a forged product from a detrimental effect of environmental and corrosion;
  • Before applying the required amount of funds to the entire surface, it is necessary to test it, that is, apply to a small area and after drying it is to make sure that the color suits;

Technology of application of powder paint on a metal structure:

Following these rules, you can achieve a successful result.

In many cottages and dacha houses, wooden stairs are installed. Although wood is a very popular and universal material for construction, but it also has shortcomings. If it was incorrectly processed, then the product will last long. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the painting of the wooden staircase brings with their own hands to her not only aesthetics, but also reliability.

What to paint the stairs in the house

Painted wooden staircase


When choosing a way of processing a staircase, you need to take into account the variety of wood from which it is performed, as well as its quality. In the design covered with varnish, attention is focused on the beauty of natural material. But this effect will be achieved if a high-quality array was used.

Many manufacturers and customers put forward long service life and strength of the stairs, and its decorative qualities play not the most important role. If an unpainted staircase has visual flaws, it is best to disguise them with paint.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of types of coatings. You need to choose the most optimal option given the following factors:

  • If the treatment of a wooden ladder ladder has been chosen, then it must be matte or semmat. The glossy varnish loses its shine on the railing and in the center of the steps, because these places are experiencing high loads and will look untidy.
  • If the staircase coated with colorless varnish will be used before coating, then it is worthwhile to take into account that sometimes they strongly darken the natural shade of wood, so you first cover a small plot for sample.
  • If the staircase is covered with paint, then it is worth choosing a composition based on natural oil, but for internal structures it can be synthetic.

After you have decided how to paint the wooden staircase in the house, you need to know whether it will be used in the paint process. It is advisable to not exploit it before drying the composition. If there is no such possibility, then the staircase is painted through the step. Thanks to this method, you can move around the house. But if painting will be performed in two stages, people climbing on the second floor may forget that half the steps have not dried yet.

Work with varnish should occur only in a clean room, otherwise the dust will fall on the treated surface. It is also necessary to take care of the protection of hands and respiratory organs, because the composition allocates toxic compounds.

Also, many are thinking about how to paint a wooden staircase with their own hands: before assembly or in the finished form. In a new house, it is usually painted before installation. This will allow even hard-to-reach places completely.

Painting the stairs with their own hands will pass more conveniently, if you prepare in advance the necessary tools and materials. For this we need:

  • suitable coloring agent;
  • protective gloves;
  • brush, roller or pulverizer;
  • a painting tape that allows you to paint the staircase carefully; It is also used to create ornaments.

Approaches to the definition of the shade

It is important to determine the color in which it is planned to paint the design. For this use two approaches.


The color of the stairs and flooring on the first or on the second floor is a bit darker design of the room. It is better to avoid very dark shades. The universal color solution for the floor and stairs is considered brown, which can be painted surfaces in any interiors.


Allows you to get away from the usual solutions and create a unique staircase in the house. Here you can safely use various colors and methods of decor, considering examples in the photo.

The order of work when painting the stairs

Before painting the surface must be prepared. To do this, put a putty on the surface defects, grind and treated with a layer of primer, as shown in the video. After grinding, two days are waiting for the fibers, so that they are easily removed during the second grinding. Primer and paint must approach each other. If lacquer is applied, the primer composition is not needed.

To properly paint the wooden staircase on the second floor, you need to work at the following steps.

  • It is advisable to start with the top steps, heading down. Such a convenient solution helps to keep track of quality painting. Staining the design starting from below is rational if the room has a yield at the top level. It can be a staircase in the basement.
  • If the paint has a thick structure, it is more convenient to use a bristled round brush. Diluted liquid paint can be applied using a flat soft object. Get high-quality coating will also allow roller.
  • Painting of the wooden staircase can occur across and along. But the last layer will correctly apply only along the structure of the tree so that the processing quality is high, and the surface has a beautiful view.

After the end of the work, it is enough to wait until the painted staircase dry, and it will be possible to use it. Many argue that it helps to achieve a strong result, an increase in the breakdown time, which indicates the manufacturer. After all, it is influenced by the conditions in the room, for example, temperature, humidity.

If you are the owner of a two-story house, you will have to take care of the presence of a stationary staircase. Such a design may also be needed for attic. Popularity and success are used wooden structures. It is nice to rise - no unpleasant sound, which is present when lifting on metal steps.

Many bribes the environmental safety of the material. It is no secret that such structures have an acceptable cost. If you choose the right composition for processing, you can forget about some disadvantages of wood - fire hazard and wear resistance. In this you will be helped by specialists in painting and the manufacture of wooden stairs for a private house and

Wooden stairs look stylish and cozy, but many scares that the constant mechanical impact will not be better affected on the aesthetic design qualities.

Most problems can be avoided if you correctly choose a staircase coating in the house. Reliable protection will protect the steps from excessive moisture and abundance of sunlight. What means can perform a protective function? It:

  • Paints;
  • Varnishes;
  • Morlogs;
  • Butter;
  • Paste.

Before going to the construction store, it is better to explore the following questions:

Does the ladder, located on the street of precipitation fall (for such steps there will be needed funds endowed with water-repellent properties)?

Whether the straight sun rays fall on the design. For stairs under the influence of ultraviolet, special compositions are required that can protect them from harmful effects.

Is it possible after applying the composition to bring out of the premises of people.


If you are interested in the specified coating for the steps of the stairs in the house, it is worth choosing a means with a loaf on the design of the room and attributes surrounding the construction.

It is better to pay attention to the oil paint: the olifa penetrates the wood deep and protects the tree from the negative impact as much as possible. The paint will become the perfect option if there are cracks and other visual disadvantages on the steps, they can easily "hide" for the composition of an attractive color.


Do not know what to cover the steps of the wooden staircase in the house, not spoiling the natural beauty of the material?

Pay attention to varnishes. They only emphasize the advantages of wood texture and do not hide the beauty of the breed.

To find the perfect remedy, you need to know which wood was used in the production of wood. The stores are widely represented by the following products:

Oil varnishes are manufactured on the basis of vegetable oils, artificial and natural resins are added to the composition. When the natural resin interacts with Sandarak and Shellac, a product with a concentration of 30-45% is obtained. Thanks to the property of alcohol, we get a coating that does not have a negative impact on the lower layers.

Such varnishes have a disadvantage - low exponentially means.

Internal and outer stairs are often treated with alkyd varnishes.

Nitrocellulosic varnishes are suitable for pine structures, characterized by an increased resin content. This varnish quickly turns into a film that protects pine steps from various kinds of contaminants.

Polyester varnishes are often used, forming a shiny film on the surface of the product.

Polyurethane varnishes, distinguished by high cost, are characterized by a long service life.

Do not know what varnish covers a wooden staircase in the house?

How to paint a wooden staircase on the second floor with your own hands?

When choosing this type of protective facilities, wood varieties must be taken into account. From coniferous rocks it is better to cover with opaque lacquer products. Oak, beech, ash better to handle transparent compositions - so you will emphasize the external charm of the material.

  1. It is better to apply the composition for a disassembled object.
  2. It is worth remembering that staircases from parquet fellow are distinguished by a greater dense.
  3. Specialists advise you to choose half-one varieties of varnish - they are less noticeable traces of wear.
  4. If you want to add a shade of a depth tree, it is advisable to use the veil instead of colored varnish.


Look in the question than to cover the wooden staircase in the house without prejudice to the budget? Select the veil, which has antiseptic and fire protection properties. Often it is used in a pair with varnish; In this case, it is necessary to take care that these 2 types of coatings differ in good compatibility (this data is in the instructions of the product, they will be prompted by the consultant of the construction department).

Select the following products:

  • Water-based versions are released in several forms: dry and liquid. Buying a dry veil, you can independently adjust the concentration. Usually after applying a means on the surface by the passage in order to prevent swelling.
  • Alcohol verses are distinguished by rapid drying.
  • Solvent-based simulator has a drawback - an unpleasant smell appears when applied.
  • Morlogs on acrylic and wax basis are valued by professionals and beginner users - they are convenient to apply them, they will simply be dried.
  • Several functions combine medili on an alkyd basis.


The basis of this means wax and the following types of natural ingredients are based on:

  • Sunflower;
  • Linen;
  • Jojoba oil;
  • Beeswax;
  • Canddeline wax;
  • Carnabwax.

To date, the oil successfully competes with varnishes: it penetrates deeply into the wood, the external advantages of the material and copes well with protective functions.

Due to the bactericidal properties of oil on the stairs, fungi does not appear.

Advantages of impregnation:

  • Water repellent characteristics;
  • Simplicity of application;
  • Extends the service life of the steps;
  • It does not have an unpleasant smell.


An unconventional coating option is a paste consisting of bee wax and linseed oil. Depending on the tree of the tree, a paste is used to different density: for solid wood, a larger amount of linseed oil is used.

Did you decide how to cover the wooden stairs?

Now you need to competently plan the upcoming work.

It can be divided into the following steps:

  • Preparatory work;
  • Painting process;
  • Finish coating.

At the initial stage, the tree is grinning, remove all visible flaws. The grinding process takes several days. Then the general cleaning is carried out. Then the product is ground, sometimes in several layers. Well, if you have an electric or pneumatic tool, otherwise it will have to use a brush for painting.

What color to choose? If you have a staircase from pine, the choice is wide, and ranges from milk-white to brown shades.

In this article, we answered the question than to cover the wooden stairs stairs.

As you can see, the choice of coating is due to the set of different factors: features of the design of the structure; Type of wood, financial capabilities, features of the interior of the room. Building stores offer a wide selection of funds in order to emphasize the aesthetic properties and extend the service life. If you are not confrding in the specified manifold and spend the painting procedure in accordance with all the rules, the staircase will delight you for a long time.

Added: 12/20/2016 21:32:44

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concrete Balyasin - Step-by-Step Guide: 1) Processing the seams of bales with a file with a file or sandpaper so that the surface is smooth.

2) Before proceeding with the processing of the material, it always needs to be washed! 3) In order for paint better and longer to hold, it is necessary to predict the surface of the baluster in the primer of deep penetration. 4) Painting Balyasin is better to carry out a pulverizer or kraskopult in 2 layers so that there are no divorces and ilk. 5) a prerequisite - getting pleasure from the process!

How to paint a wooden staircase

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Painting stairs

Do you need to draw wooden stairs after installation, repairing or repairing those who served with faith and truth? The company "Levis" offers its services in Moscow, the region and other cities of Russia.

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Price for painting wooden steps

Painting tree

This is the most common material used on the stairs.

The tree is beautiful, but in its own way bizarre. It must be protected from moisture, all microorganisms, aggressive agents and other effects. There are two options for completion - emphasize the natural structure or order color with a different color.

It all depends on the state of the tree and your desires.

You can use:

  • oil with solid wax, which make shadows deeper and rich, they will retain the ability to breathe and at the same time give surface strength, resistance to moisture, aggressive agents and mechanical effects;
  • transparent varnishes (aqueous polyurethane, waterproof coatings), recommended for stairs with high loads.

    They also emphasize the natural beauty of the tree and have high resistance to wear;

  • spots, colored varnishes, toning, depilation - Methods for changing the natural product of the product. Depending on the composition, the surface can create shades with different effects, including imitation of natural (for example, bleached wood, which is once popular in Moscow).

    The disadvantage of this method is the complexity of reconstruction.

The cost of varnishing wooden stairs depends on the materials used and the complexity of the work.

Painting the stairs to the second floor of the house. You need advice

We also provide wooden lining.


The purpose of the painting of metal structures is the creation of aesthetic appearance and corrosion protection.

It is clear that this is not about stainless steel or chromium elements. Metal steps and skeletons that do not have aesthetic appearance are to be painted. You can order compositions with silicone additives and powder paint. They cover the surface with thin, durable film and protect it from damage. Work prices are also calculated based on the material, its number and complexity of the process.

Useful Pages

We make a choice of color for a wooden staircase

Giving a charm to the interior of any home does not cost without a careful choice of the color gamut of wooden stairs. Their appearance creates a feeling of respectability and luxury, combined with practicality. Often, the color gamma determines the aesthetic effect produced by the lifting structure as a whole, and the interior style is in particular.

How to choose a shade

Stairs of a brown staircase

The combination of white and brown in the classic staircase

The color of the wooden staircase on the second floor within each house directly depends on the following factors:

  • lighting;
  • shades of color variations of the door of the room;
  • wood breed.

It is necessary to solve how to paint the wooden staircase in accordance with some important aspects.

Complexity when choosing a specific shade is the definition of the prevailing type of lighting in the room. For example, in the absence of natural illumination, the tree color is not able to completely spread to the walls of the room, so their saturated variations look at this case much darker. Deciding in advance with this moment, you can avoid repeated painting work in the future.

To create the most non-standard visual effect, many other selection subtleties are also used.

The harmonious combination of sample characteristics of stairs and doors is the second prerequisite for creating an elegant and enjoyable interior perception.

Vintage design style involves whitening steps and underscouncing this wooden texture. The color of the stairs in a wooden house, made in the dark oak gamut, gives the elitism to the entire interior of the room, but it is worth considering the impossibility of its further lightening. The verse so deeply impresses the wood that it is almost impossible to remove it.

The toning of stairs from coniferous rocks in most cases is exemplary.

Ideas and ways of painting stairs in the house on the second floor

After all, it hides the already beautiful texture. In bright shades, you can paint staircases, narrow and dark zones. So you can dispel the gloom of the room. Spacious halls require bold, non-standard experimentation. Bright warm tones become most applicable here. They are easily harmonized with an atmosphere of almost any interior nature.

It is also worth considering that a certain breed of wood has its own, suitable for her color:

  1. Pine stairs are painted in "light oak" and "red nut".
  2. Birch products look gorgeous in the "red walnut" and "Mahagon".
  3. Oak texture is similar to pine and can be painted into similar shades.

The colors of wooden stairs in the photo will help each designer to decide on the choice.

White stairs in the interior

In modern cottages, the creation of style with the help of staircases is paid to special attention.

After all, they are a significant part of the interior and are capable of highlighting a certain style.

A win-win version of lifting structures in any house is considered a bright color scheme. The extraordinary airiness of such a lifting design gives it the effect of the guy.

Suitable mainly for minimalist styles, as well as freely used for the "Classic" interior. It is used in fairly bright rooms.

Features white

The predominance of this color in the room is not a prerequisite.

It can be limited to a light design of furniture items. Also, the staircase can act as an emphasis element. The main thing is a successful idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer. The main purpose of light design of lifting structures is to emphasize certain interior style effects. White risters are particularly beautiful, combined with dark decoration of steps, as can be seen in the photo.

Spleency is created by the opposite color option. This option is a non-standard color of a wooden staircase.

White color in the interior is characterized by some advantages over the rest:

  1. It is universal for registration of any stylistic solution.

    Its defined shades can vary from bustling milk and ivory to cream and pearl.

  2. The naturalness of this color is associated with environmental purity and vegetable world.
  3. Paper-pompous and minimalistic styles quietly absorb any shades of white.

A white wooden staircase in the interior on the second floor requires a thorough choice of suitable color for both lower and upper levels.

Features of choice are also hiding in the owner's tastes. Commed by professional designers, it is possible to more accurately decide on a specific shade and paint a certain part of the interior most aesthetically.

This article will be useful. those who want to calculate the ladder from 1 to 2 in townhouse and cottage. It doesn't matter if you yourself will make and install a staircase or order in the company, but it is very important that you can be sure that this is the most perfect and comfortable staircase.

At the end of the article, you will learn how many steps you need, what sizes in steps will be, what will be the height of each stage, you will have an inter-storey platform or running steps. This calculation will be a technical task on the stairs.

By the way, I will answer the question: "Who am I so to learn the calculation of stairs?"

I am the person who for 2017 installed 410 stairs. Of course, I do not do everything with your own hands and I have my own team. But, I think that the fact of manufacture and installation of 410 stairs is enough for you to fulfill this article to the end.

Why did I decide to make this article? When I just started using the stairs on a metal frame, I am a whole Internet in search of useful content for the calculation of stairs, but his damn little. And the one is useful, has a significant minus that it is difficult for an ordinary person and is understandable only for the builder. I did not have a construction formation, so I had to learn from my mistakes. Two years later, when I started writing this article, I again rummaged the entire Internet, well, there may be not all Russian-speaking content in search engines, but exactly the whole content on YouTube on this topic. Making sure that there is really no useful video and articles, so useful so that an ordinary person can take advantage of this, I decided to create it.

Let's go to the point!

All stairs (concrete, wooden, on a metal frame) are calculated equally.

Of course, there are a lot of technical nuances in each form of stairs, but they do not affect the calculation of the stairs.
In order for us to talk to one language and about the same, see photos of those stairs that can be calculated after reading this article.

And now to strengthen your understanding that this calculation is suitable for your home or cottage, Look at the photo of houses where you can install such stairs.

Run ahead and say that not everyone after reading the article will be able to hold calculation of the frame of the stairs. If you already suspect that I'm talking about you now, do not worry, I will have good news for you: if you can calculate the staircase, but you will have doubts about the correctness of the calculation, I will gladly check your calculation and make edits. At the end of the article, I will tell you more about it.

So, we turn directly to the calculation!

We will make calculation on the P-shaped staircase, if you have a M-shaped, then do not hang nose. Actions are the same.

✔ Height✔ Length✔ Width

To easily understand the calculation of the stairs, we will take 1 specific object, where the standard P-shaped staircase will be.

Look at the photo and video from the object, where we installed such a staircase:

✔ Calculation of the height of the frame of the stairs

We need height from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor.

Please note that the size is not from the floor of the first floor to the ceiling, namely from the floor to the floor. It is very important that this size is from clean floor of 1 floor and first floor 2 floors, if you have a period of construction and the screed has not yet flooded or there is a screed, but there is no fresh coating, then count about how many millimeters you will raise the floor.

It is very important that the size was from the pure floor of the 1st floor and the first floor of 2 floors!

✔ The optimal length of the metal staircase on the second floor

We need length from the wall, where there will be a turn of the stairs, to the edge of the cover of the overlap. Check, measuring this size from two sides. If the dimensions do not converge on both sides, take the minimum.

Use for calculating the minimum size from the wall, where there will be a turn of the staircase to the edge of the cover of the overlap.

✔ Calculation of the width of the metal frame stairs

We need the size of the left wall to the right wall.

Measure this size near the cover of the overlap and near the wall that goes parallel to the overlap. If the dimensions do not agree to take the minimum size.

Mine can be different, but the principle of calculation is the same in all cases

* The photo shows a M-shaky

We got 3 sizes

Fix your sizes in such format

A little later, I will write why it is in such a format that you need to fix these sizes.
Before immersed in the details calculation of the metal staircase on the second floor, I will briefly tell you about what we will do:

Four basic actions when calculating the frame of the stairs

  1. We calculate the approximate number of steps. Simple arithmetic.
  2. Customize the inter-storey platform

☆ If the site does not fit, then we look forward to running steps

and customize the number of steps on march stairs

    We produce a more accurate calculation of the number of steps, but not final

    We make the end of the stairs.

Repeat steps 2, 3, 4, if you need to compare several options.


Now I will explain calculation of metallic frame stairs On the example:

Imagine the road by car from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

We do not need to know the whole road in advance from point A to the point B, we know what you need to go through the Leningrad highway and this is enough to start moving. And after, already during the movement, we correct the path.

Just with the staircase, we do not know what the staircase will end up, but we moving from the most simple calculation of the stairs to complex.

➤ First step

We need to understand an approximate number of steps on your staircase.

To do this, we need your height to divide into standard heights of the steps

In our cases, the height was 2800 mm.

Here is my calculation

Formula: height / risers \u003d number of steps

This action we need to repeat 5 times.
We do!
Before making conclusions, I will comment so that you are not confused:

We take height from the floor of 1 floor to floor 2 floors

2800 Deliver on 5 standard approaches.

The result of the calculation will be an approximate number of steps.

So that you are not drowned in doubt that the standard risers are 150 mm, and I consider the option of a priori uncomfortable staircase, I will immediately say that everything is true. The thing is that according to the standard, the step part (occasion) is 300 mm, and the height of the riser is 150 mm, but in fact it is possible in very rare cases. This is due to the fact that for such dimensions it is necessary 1.5 times more space for the stairs than is usually laid in low-rise construction. In other words, in order for such a comfortable staircase to do, you need to have an opening for the staircase as in the entrance.

When the customer builds a private house, most often he does not think about the stairs at all and, when I come to him on the object, he grabs his head from surprise, what his uncomfortable staircase will be and what is needed to make at least a comfortable option.

Or take another example, the townhouses in the cottage settlements, where at the design stage are already ladder, but, at the same time, it never happens to appear 300 mm and the risers of 150 mm. Most often, the step part 250 mm and the risers are 170-180 mm. And, by the way, it is quite comfortable stairs. But! If the developers will take townhouses so that standard stairs come in,

then for you, as for customers, the price of the house will be 10-15% more expensive from the developer.

Do not bind to sizes of 300 mm and 150 mm, based on advice from the Internet. Read the article to the end and you can make a comfortable staircase!

Let's summarize calculation of the frame of the stairs :

We take the results of calculations from the minimum size to the maximum.
from 14.7 to 18.6 - this is an approximate number of steps that we need to fit into the opening of the stairs to be within the specified parameters for convenient lifting and even more descent from the stairs.
But! We cannot make 14 whole and seven tenths or 18 and 6 tenth steps 18, so these indicators of the number of steps need to round:

✓ A large number of 18,6 rounded in a big way \u003d 19 steps

✓ fewer 14.7 rounded to smaller \u003d 14 steps

In order to get a comfortable staircase, we must accommodate from 14 to 19 steps.

➤There step

Knowing an approximate number of steps, we can go to the approximate placement of the elements of the stairs. We need to place the elements of the stairs in such a way as to get into the range from 14 to 19 steps.
In order to learn how to place the elements of the stairs, you need to understand what generally happen.

There are two options for stairs: straight and swivel.

✔ Direct elements (marches)

✔ Rotary elements

Pay attention to the procedure for placing these elements. When we will customize these elements, we will first go from the most simple (1) to the most complex (5). In other words, if the 1st element does not fit, we substitute the 2nd item if it is not suitable, then the 3rd element, and so on.

How do we know whether the element is suitable or not? This will understand when we reach the end of the calculation of the metal staircase to the second floor.
In order to get the perfect staircase, we will customize these elements of the stairs: add steps, remove the steps, make them wider, make them already. Instead of an inter-storey platform, try other elements of stairs descending the convenience of the element, make them wider and make them already.

The placement of the elements of the stairs begins with the rotary elements. For a start, take an intestine platform.

We have an intestine platform with a size of 2000 mm per 1000 m.

The initial dimensions depend on your opening. Since we have a width of 2,000 mm, then the site width is also 2000 mm. If the width of the opening was 1800 mm, then the site width was 1800 mm.

Now we need to place the straight marches of the stairs. To do this, it is necessary to understand what we have a distance to place the marches of the stairs. To do this, we do the following:

We have 2000 mm (2 m) to accommodate the march of the stairs.

It means that the march length will be 2000mm (2m).
We take the distance of 2000 mm (2 m) divide to the popular step step 250 mm).

I will answer in advance to the question of why we take 250 mm (25 cm) step by step, because it is the most popular step part of the step and it is easier to make calculations from it, because it is divided with equal parts by 1000 mm (1m).

The most convenient and therefore the most popular step part of the stage is 250 mm (25cm)

2000 (Shakhty Length) / 250 (Step Part) \u003d 8 steps

Formula: mines / step part \u003d number of steps

Since we have a width of the mine on both sides of 3000 mm, we place the same marches on both sides. It turns out such a picture:

➤Tretes Step

Now pre- check the ladder indicators:

Calculate how many steps we succeeded. It turned out 17 steps, 16 straight lines and 1 swivel (the inter-storey platform is also considered a step, like all other swivel fragments). Now we calculate the risers.

Formula: Height of the constructive / number of steps \u003d the size of the riser

In our example: 2800/17 \u003d 164.7 mm

164.7 mm is the height of the risk. This is 164 millimeters and seven tenths of a millimeter. Naturally, this figure needs to be rounded (even a ruler that is sold in the store, with divisions of millimeters has its error, like everything in the world)

It will not be possible to make a staircase with a riser 164, 7. Since ordinary machines and ballars do not cut a metal or tree with such an error.

And since we are not building a spacecraft that will fly to Mars, and just a staircase, then we round this parameter to a millimeter.

Summary: The height of the riser is round to 165 mm

Let us summarize all the parametersThrough which we will compare the convenience of the stairs.

You may have a question: " Where the error goes 0.3 mm, if we rounded the numbers 164.7 to 165? "Answer: the deviation will go to the bottom stage, it will differ from all the others. 17 * 0.3 mm \u003d 5.1 mm.

This means that the first step we will have 5.1 mm shorter than the rest.

If you reached this point and everyone understood, it is very cool!

Congratulations, you first calculated the stairs!

Nevertheless, if this is a dark forest for you, nothing terrible, read the article to the end, there will be a calculation on your sizes. But do not push it right away, you at least you need to catch the calculation logic.

➤ hard step

We had a completely comfortable design.

So, we have 17 steps. 16 straight and one inter-storey platform.

The height of the riser is 165 mm, coming 250 mm.

But! There is still one indicator - these are 17 lifts, let's look at it in more detail, I will tell you how it differs from the number of steps.
This indicator differs from the number of steps per unit (add +1 to the number of steps, not more).

The number of lifts may differ from the number of steps!

It depends on the following: whether the second floor is used as a stage or not used.

This is one of the chips, as with a limited space for the stairs, you can reduce the height of each stage at least 1 cm.

We are just doing that the upper step of the staircase will be the floor of the second floor (the right version in the photo above). Therefore, it may turn out that we have 17 steps and 18 lifts.
This additional lift we will display here such a tail from the top of the top

Now for selection we have two options of the stairs:

Other options in this case we will not consider and from these options will choose which staircase to do.

Sure, the most convenient option is the secondSince it turned out the almost perfect height of the riser and the standard step part.
The first version of the staircase will need to be put only in case of some technical nuances on the facility. For example, it became necessary to lengthen the overlap and make the framework occupy less space or on the wall to which the site is adjacent, the window is located (heating radiator, electric shield). In this case, you will have to sacrifice a little comfort, lifting an inter-storey platform, refusing additional lifting, due to the fact that the floor of the second floor would have done the last step.

Now you just finally counted the stairs!

Happened? Let's check!
How to check the correctness of your calculation metal frame staircase:
Take a pencil, and right on the wall starting the bottom, draw the dimensions of the stage. Thus, you can feel a little "touch" what the staircase will look like, whether it will be comfortable. And if on the place where the staircase is the technical nuances (electric shield, pipes, window, door), you can check whether there will be no jam and whether it is not necessary to redo the staircase because of this nuance.

Or throw off information to me (necessarily in the format in which I painted for our calculation) and I will help you.

Also in this calculation is not provided for the presence of steps for opening under the stairs, but this may often be

If you drew the future staircase on the wall with a pencil, then you can see how many more steps can be added to the stairs.


If you read this article to the end, you need my help and rechecking your calculations, send your data to my mail [Email Protected] and approximate calculation if it is.

Little request) Send exactly in such a format to be confident that we understand each other.

✔ Size Send in such format

If the calculation in this format is:

I tried to convey the knowledge base. It should close most difficulties with the calculation of the stairs. But, since each staircase is individual, throw off your calculation of the stairs to check and I will definitely answer.

Look at the video tutorial to this article by calculating the stairs:

Make the right and comfortable staircase, remember that it should serve you for many years!

By the way, look at the video review of the design staircase in Townhouse and in practice, find out how to use the calculation of the stairs.

The stairs occupy a significant place in the interior and in the exterior of the house. In addition to the fact that they give the highlight of the construction, such structures have a practical purpose, due to which is subject to constant mechanical exposure. One of the best options with which you can improve the technological and aesthetic properties of stairs is their painting. How to do this work with your own hands - read further.

Before painting the steps, you need to choose a suitable coating. It is selected depending on the material from which the staircase is made. You also need to take into account where the design is located you want to give color. So for stairs located indoors and on the street you need to choose completely different compositions.

What makeup you can paint the staircase:

  1. Wooden and metal stairs can be painted. The wooden staircase leading to the second floor inside the house is best painted by alkyd compositions. For lifting structures located outside the existence, paint is suitable for olifa. The metal staircase can be beautifully painted with special varno-colorful means.
  2. Enamel will not only add color stairs, but also protects it from the adverse effects of the world. Such a tool is a mixture of varnish and coloring pigments, so the stronger, it forms a color waterproof film. If you paint the enamel of the indoor staircase, then choose compounds that do not distinguish harmful evaporation.
  3. The veil allows you to give a wooden staircase with a darker shade, while retaining its texture. With it, you can make the design of larch look like an expensive oak or a red tree. In addition to the decorative effect, the simulator has some protective properties.
  4. Varnish, too, you can decorate the staircase. It can be transparent or have a shade, in any case such a coating perfectly protects the tree.

You can paint the stairs in any of the above compositions. Try to choose only high-quality covers that meet all the properties declared on the package and do not distinguish harmful connections.

How to paint the stairs of the metal stairs

Metal stairs are often used on the street, as the metal is a durable and durable material that has resistance to most adverse environmental factors. However, there is still a lack of such structures, because the metal is subject to corrosion, which makes it fragile and destroys it over time. Avoid problems of this kind will help high-quality painting.

With the help of a protective coating, it is possible not only to increase the service life of a new metal structure, but also renovated the already covered rust dacha staircase.

In order for the paint to hold on the stairs for a long time, it looked perfectly and protected the metal from rust. It is necessary not only to choose a quality composition, you still need to properly conduct finishing works. Some will say that for painting metal stairs, you need the help of painters specialists, however, you can easily cope with this task with your own hands.

For painting, you need paint, degreaser and zinc soil. If you are going to renovate the old staircase, then you will need to be stock and two sandwiches of shallow and large fraction.

3 Painting of a metal staircase:

  1. If you want the painted staircase look perfect, use paint in canopy or paint. With the help of such devices, you can distribute the composition to a smooth layer, avoiding the formation of omit.
  2. As a primer, use the means containing zinc. They will not only help stop the rusting process of metal, but also protect the design from further formation of corrosion.
  3. If you want paint to the restored staircase lay down to a smooth layer, be sure to wipe the metal with a rust with a wet cloth.

Given all the nuances and choosing the right equipment, you can beautifully paint the staircase without the help of painters. Also for high-quality work, you need to know the procedure that you need to perform when painting.

Sequence of work when painting:

  • Clean sandpaper shallow and large fractions of the staircase from rust;
  • Declaring the surface of the design;
  • Shake the Bologna with the soil and, holding it at a distance of 25 cm, spray the contents with a smooth layer over the entire surface of the stairs;
  • Color the staircase of paint from the cylinder or spray gun.

Metal stairs can be painted with brush and roller. However, in this case, it will be more complicated to avoid divorce and omit. If you are not sure in your abilities, it is better to get paint in the cylinders.

A little bit about how to paint the stairs of the ladder varnish and the verse

If you are a supporter of preserving the structure of the tree, then the ideal option for your wooden staircase will be lacquer or staple. They not only protect the design from all disrupted factors, but also give it a pleasant shade.

Wooden varnishes can be on a different basis. All of them have a certain toxicity, which is why they can be used only in well-ventilated rooms, putting pre-protective glasses and gloves.

Types of varnishes that can be used for wooden stairs:

  • Alcohol lacquer;
  • Alkyd varnish;
  • Nitrocellulosic composition;
  • Formaldehyde varnish.

Lucky are transparent or with a small touch. The first are applied in two layers to protect wood, and the second are used to hide the material defects.

You can also use the veil. They also retain the texture of the tree, but at the same time give it an interesting shade. Similar colors are considered the most popular, but such means can be absolutely any tone.

You can handle a wooden staircase and varnish and a mourn. In this case, the design will acquire a pleasant shade, and at the same time will be protected from the influence of adverse factors.

Before covering the tree with varnish or verses, it should be processed correctly. Such processing includes grinding of fine-grained and coarse sandpaper.

SECRETS Painting Tree Stairs

Wooden staircase paint will hide the texture of the natural material, but give the product a magnificent shade. Wooden steps can be painted with roller, tassel or paintopult.

Secrets of painting wooden staircase paint:

  1. Before painting the stairs, carefully prepare wood. Get rid of the old coating, cover and polish the product.
  2. If your plans do not include painting walls and floor, then covering the staircase with a color composition, close all the surfaces with the film. This procedure can be avoided if you paint the staircase before you make the finishing of the rest of the house.
  3. The staircase can be painted with a tassel or roller, however, the use of the sponge will allow you to avoid omitting and divorces. Put the sponge into the paint, press it with and neat movements cover the steps and railing.

You can paint the staircase in different ways. The most interesting option can be considered an antique effect, which can be achieved using brash. It is also very attractive as a staircase painted by two colors of paint, for example, the risers can be decorated with white, and the steps are black.

Painting the stairs do it yourself (video)

Painting the stairs do it yourself quite a bit of time. Use all your fantasy, then you will like the process itself, and its result

Ideas painting stairs in two colors (photo examples)

In the process of using the stairs are constantly subjected to various tests. The temperature differences, the effects of sun rays, humidity, all this affects the service life of the product. An excellent option that does not require special skills and knowledge is painting the stairs. She will save your product from problems. The staircase painting procedure can be carried out even with your own hands.

Only at first glance, it seems that the procedure of painting the stairs is simple. In fact, this is a complex process that requires compliance with its technologies and rules. But to achieve the desired result, you need not to regret either the time or strength.

Painting with your own hands the stairs, now, is popular, as the cost of work in the malyarov is very high.

So that the staircase after repair looked like a new one, the owner needs to choose the right tools and materials. It is also necessary to restore the stairs in the house must be consistently and correct.

Sequence of actions you need to know:

  • Choose the paint or varnish correctly;
  • Timely prepare tools and materials for work;
  • Before painting, it is necessary to clean the surface (grinding or spitting);
  • Cover the staircase of the primer;
  • Initially, painting the railing, then the steps;
  • In completion, cover with varnish or polish.

The choice of material depends on the location of the stairs. If the staircase is outside, then you need to choose paint materials based on natural components (olifa). If the surface is subject to frequent washing, we use alkyd paints. Stairs, located inside the house, paint with oil paints.

How to paint the stairs in the house: varnosities of paintwork coatings

Before the staircase, we find out, find out what material it consists of. Basically it will be a tree or metal. Also during the construction of stairs, concrete, glass, stone and other building materials could be used.

How to paint the stairs in the house? To this event it is better to approach creatively. The choice of material will depend on the style of the ladder selected.

For finishing a wooden staircase, the choice must be made in favor of the materials that emphasize and retain the naturalness of the tree. Their various many.

For painting wooden stairs can be used:

  • Oil and alkyd paints;
  • Enamels that attract the attractiveness of the product;
  • Lucky, which emphasize the structure of the wood.

The staircase can be metallic. You can paint such a staircase with various compositions. This is an enamel on an alkyd basis, nitrocracies, as well as oil paints. To paint the staircase, you can release fantasy to the will, and use, with various coatings.

How to paint a varnish staircase: Material secrets

If you want to emphasize all the beauty of the naturalness of the tree, you will need varnish. Lucky, these are solutions that, when applied, form a film on the surface of the product. And she in turn protects the staircase from negative impacts.

How many specialists know how to paint a varnish staircase. You can carry out two types of varnodes: transparent or opaque.

The opaque coating is not applied to one, but in several layers. Therefore, the staircase acquires a dark shade. It is done to eliminate all flaws of wood. Transparent finish, on the contrary, applied to emphasize the beauty of the natural nature of the tree.

There are several types of paints and varnishes that can be used for painting the stairs:

  • Alkyd;
  • Formaldehyde;
  • Alcohol;
  • Nitrocellulose.

On top of the varnish, it is possible to apply a polytemo that will enhance the shine of the tree. However, all varnishes are distinguished by high toxicity, and when they are used, protective glasses, gloves, respirators are required.

What should be paint for the stairs inside the house

One of the important elements of the interior decoration is the staircase to the second floor. Timely care and painting contributes to the duration of the operation of the product.

The paint for the staircase inside the house should be high quality and safe. Colors can be diverse, depending on the design of the room. The staircase is better to paint in such colors that will distinguish it from the walls.

Shades can be the most varied. It can be tones that fully correspond to the tone of the tree, and bright rich tones that highlight the staircase from the entire interior. After you have decided on color, you can move to the selection of its type. Easy paints should be chosen, allowing the tree to breathe, as well as quick-drying, without unpleasant, sharp smell. Oil paints have these qualities.

Varieties of oil paints:

  • Alkyd paints. They have a rich color, and easy to use;
  • Pigmented paints. Helicing wood defects;
  • Uretan alkyd. Such paints can be applied without preliminary surface cleaning.

Also, for painting stairs inside the room, enamel paints use. Enamel dries very quickly, does not have toxic impurities, has excellent protective properties.

Painting the stairs do it yourself (video)

There is not a small variety of paints that can be beautifully painted with a staircase in the house or in the country. They differ in type, color and structure. Which color should be painted by the staircase, depends on the interior style of the house itself. Painting the stairs can be carried out by resorting to services of various construction companies, but in order to save money, you can do it with your own hands.

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